Tato stranka by vapadalo mnohem lepe v prohlizeci, ktery podporuje webove standardy, nicmene prohlizet ji muzete v jakemkoliv prohlizeci, nebo zarizeni s pristupem na Internet.

DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

Chcete si koupit softpad ?

Existuje calá řada softpadů - levnější, dražší, s výplní, bez výplně, pro různé platformy. Mají různou výdrž, jiný potisk a barvy šipek a tlačítek a různou koncovku. Nejčastěji jsou pro PS2, XboX nebo na PC (USB). Hlavně na koncovku si dejte při koupi pozor. Pokud to není právě ta co potřebujete, je nutné si k padu koupit i redukci.

Doporučovaný postup pro získání softpadu:

  • Podívejte se na fórum, jestli někdo softpady právě neprodává, nebo se nechystá nějaká skupinka hráčů k hromadnému nákupu. To by pak ulehčilo peněžence.

  • Softpady na Internetu můžete koupit u firmy PositiveGaming. Jděte na stránky www.positivegaming.com, klikněte na Shop a softpad si vyberte. Mívají akce kdy za 1 pad nakoupíte 2... Na této stránce si můžete koupit i redukci. Při registraci použijte promote kód "czechddr". Získáte alespoň pětiprocentní slevu na první nákup.

  • Další softpady můžete koupit v e-shopu Play-Asia . U tohoto obchodu nemusíte používat promokód, stačí na shop přijít a následně realizovat objednávku před odkaz dole na stránce. Ten odkaz použijte prosím i v případě, že si zboží chce koupit nějaký vás známý.

    Další zkušenosti najdete na fóru - Tam najdete vše od údržby, zátěže, výdrže, vzhledu, až po rady jak docílit toho, aby se softpad moc nehýbal a naklouzal po podlaze při rychlejším hraní.

    Odkazy na internetové obchody

    PositiveGamming - www.positivegaming.com (promo kód "czechddr")
    název redukce - Trio Linker Plus

    Play-Asia - www.play-asia.com (pouzijte vzdy tento odkaz)
    název redukce - Dual Shooter (EMS USB2)

    soft1.jpg, 92 kB
    soft2.jpg, 91 kB

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'koupit_softpad':
    01.11.2009 00:00
  • << zpět na Czech DDR portal

    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

    | | ___
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    B E M A N I |\__/ |
    s o n g l i s t | /
    [h o m e ] | /
    faq \_____/


    DJ Syndrome: BEMANI songlist [home] FAQ
    by J.T.Kauffman

    0.01: Intro
    0.02: Song Lists
    _____Beatmania Arcade Disc:
    _____Beatmania Append Disc (Yebisu Mix):
    _____Beatmania Append 3rd Mix Disc:
    _____Beatmania Append Gottamix Disc:
    _____Beatmania Append 4th Mix ~the beat goes on~ Disc:
    _____Beatmania GB:
    _____Beatmania GB2: Gacchamix:
    _____Beatmania for WonderSwan:
    _____Dance Dance Revolution:
    _____Dance Dance Revolution 2nd ReMix:
    _____Guitar Freaks:
    _____Pop'n Music (PSX):
    _____Pop'n Music (DC):
    0.03: Remixed Lists:
    _____Beatmania Songs; Order of Difficulty:
    0.04: Outro

    0.01: Intro_________________________________________________

    'DJ Syndrome' is the main tagline of the marketing campaign for
    Beatmania 4th Mix ~The Beat Goes On~. It's also now a series of guides
    to Beatmania, Dance Dance Revolution and the rest of the BEMANI series
    of rhythm games by Konami. While not comprehensive, it should begin to
    answer some of the questions that you might have about the games.

    Please note that this document only covers the song lists for the home
    (Playstation, Dreamcast, GameBoy, and WonderSwan) releases of the BEMANI
    games. For a more comprehensive look at the BEMANI series, including
    things like how to get the hidden songs, overviews of the games,
    Soundtracks (audio CDs), strategy guides, portable LCD games (like
    Beatmania Pocket), and much much more, please check out my longer work
    titled DJ Syndrome: The BEMANI Series FAQ.

    All of the information contained in this FAQ is also available in the
    longer, more comprehensive work titled "DJ Syndrome: The BEMANI Series
    FAQ". This document is merely a scaled down version that only pertains
    to the song lists for the home releases in the BEMANI series (the arcade
    releases are _not_ covered, although much of the information will also
    pertain - arcade releases will be covered in a different document at a
    later date).

    0.02: Song Lists___________________________________________

    The songs are grouped by series title (ie. Beatmania, DDR, etc), and
    then by disc, and are in the order that they appear in Free mode when
    they are all opened up, which also puts them in order of difficulty. As
    for the categories, Song Title, Artist, and Genre kind of speak for
    themselves. Diff. is the difficulty, shown in the game as stars, and
    ranges from one (* or 1) to nine (********* or 9), or ??? (which is how
    it is listed in the game). After that comes BPM, or beats per minute. If
    multiple BPMs are shown in the list(example: 100/94/96), then the song
    starts at 100 BPM, then changes to 94 BPM, and finally changes to 96
    BPM. Notes are the number of notes contained in the song (example:
    80/99) - the first number (in this case 80) is the number of notes in
    one player mode, the second number (99) is the number in two player
    mode. If there is a dash (ex:79/-) then the song is only available in 1P
    or 2P mode, and is marked as such after the genre. If there is only one
    number, the number of notes is the same in both 1P and 2P modes... In
    DDR, the different notes and difficulties are for the different versions
    (ie. Normal, Another, Maniac, etc.). Also in DDR (and probably GF as
    well), the number of notes is the a bit deceiving - two steps (or neck
    presses) that occur at the same time count as a single note, as you
    cannot get one of the steps or presses right and the other wrong - if
    you miss one, the entire 'note' is counted as wrong. In all of the
    titles, if there is a difficulty of ???, then that is how it appears in
    the game - a difficulty that is unknown by me is simply left blank.

    _____Beatmania Arcade Disc:

    Song Title Artist Genre Diff. BPM Notes
    u gotta groove dj nagureo hip-hop * 100/94/96 80/99
    jam jam reggae jam master'73 reggae * 90 62/78
    Beginning of life quadra ambient ** 110 80/115
    jam jam reggae crunky boy reggae funky ** 90 157/178
    (Funky jam Cookie mix) mix
    2 gorgeous 4 U prophet-31 break~bts (1P) ** 150 79/-
    greed eater dust fathers break~bts (2P) ** 112 -/74
    Do you love me? reo-magumo ballade ** 100 149/244
    OVERDOSER(romo mix)mirak techno (1P) *** 132 164/-
    OVERDOSER mirak techno (2P) *** 132 -/224
    (ambient mix)
    u gotta groove dj mazinger hip~hop street *** 94 143/359
    (Triple Mazin Dub) mix
    tokai dj mazinger japanese hip~hop**** 97 139/206
    (performed by co-key)
    Salamander Beat nite system konamix **** 134 171/177
    Crush mix
    LOVE SO GROOVY lovemints soul (1P) **** 141 169/-
    LOVE SO GROOVY lovemints soul (2P) **** 141 -/227
    (12inch version)
    e-motion e.o.s rave **** 145/140 96/125
    LOVE SO GROOVY nite system house spiritual **** 131 249/430
    (Nite's After Love mix) mix
    20.november dj nagureo house (1P) ***** 130 301/-
    (single mix)
    20.november dj nagureo house (2P) ***** 130 -/352
    (radio edit)
    OVERDOSER quadra minimal techno ***** 138 340/656
    (Driving Dub mix) mix
    SKA a go go the bald heads ska ****** 160/144/160 359/514
    Deep Clear Eyes quadra drum'n bass mix ****** 155 276/307
    Acid Bomb dj fx hardtekno ****** 140 334/569
    e-motion (2nd MIX) e.o.s rave ??? 145/140 148/241
    dj battle * dj battle ??? 93 changes

    _____Beatmania Append Disc (Yebisu Mix):

    Song Title Artist Genre Diff. BPM Notes
    Cat Song UPA&NORA funk * 127 154/258
    - Theme of UPA
    Body tomoki hirata styl garage * 134 87/162
    PAPAYAPA BOSSA staccato two-J bossa groove ** 143 143/310
    -remixed by r24bm
    Changing the ASIA cheap forest asian ** 95 140/181
    Ain't it Good tomoki hirata spd garage *** 134 119/191
    -remixed by r24bm
    Stop Violence! Herbie Hammock funky jazz **** 113 123/191
    & His Band groove
    I.C.B. tomoki hirata hard house **** 140 197/367
    -remixed by r24bm
    METAL GEAR SOLID ESPACIO bigbeat mix ***** 140 175/176
    ~Main Theme BROTHERS
    La Bossanova staccato two-F bossa groove ***** 143 213/341
    de Fabienne french version

    _____Beatmania Append 3rd Mix Disc:

    Title Artist Genre Diff. BPM Notes
    life goes on Quadra ambient * 124 86/86
    find out nouvo nude soul * 100 95/95
    Do you love me? reo-nagumo ballad (classic)** 100 149/246
    believe again dj nagureo j-dance pop ** 130 216/344
    HYPER MEGA MIX featuring miryam
    s.d.z DJ mazinger hiphop ** 100 168/175
    featuring Muhammad
    Stop Violence! Herbie Hammock funky jazz *** 113 123/175
    & His Band groove (classic)
    wild I/O nouvo nude house *** 130 226/211
    La Bossanova staccato two-F bossa groove *** 143 213/341
    de Fabienne (classic)
    Believe Again Emotion of 80's j-pop **** 130 158/289
    Sound featuring Miryam
    Queen's Jamaica Crunky Boy reggae **** 94 189/278
    featuring Muhammad
    LOVE SO GROOVY LOVEMINTS soul(classic)1P **** 141 169/-
    LOVE SO GROOVY LOVEMINTS soul(classic)2P **** 141 -/227
    (12 inch mix)
    METAL GEAR SOLID ESPACIO bigbeat mix **** 140 179/182
    -main theme BROTHERS (classic)
    20.november DJ nagureo house (classic) ***** 130 301/-
    (single mix) (1P)
    20.november DJ nagureo house (classic) ***** 130 -/352
    (radio edit) (2P)
    Deep Clear Eyes QUADRA drum'n bass mix ***** 155 276/307
    nine seconds nouvo nude digital funk ***** 97 192/191
    tribe groove nite system world groove ****** 126 275/257
    LUV TO ME miryam reo euro beat ****** 154 312/384
    THIRD-MIX yoshinori
    Attack the music DJ FX hard techno ****** 140 323/452
    super highway nouvo nude drum'n bass ****** 160 395/452
    area code nouvo nude digi~rock ***** 112 215/218

    _____Beatmania Append Gottamix Disc:

    Song Title Artist Genre Diff. BPM Notes
    Winter Fantasy LUV 2 SHY real garage * 120 169/250
    ~Sample Battler's featuring SONOMI
    House Mix~
    Yellow,Black COZY KUBO hip and soul * 96 131/194
    and Blues
    dancing Percussion Mikio Endo raga rock * 123 141/246
    with SKI Rockers
    RVTK-1 DUB-GB bigbeat ** 92 179/215
    E-Girlia DJ Patch hiphop ** 90 135/160
    luv foundation Mikio Endo crossover ** 106 130/189
    NaHaNaHa vs. DJ Senda & dj battle ***124/152/163 190/223
    Gattchoon Battle Tiny-K
    Hunting for You Togo Project r&b *** 105 ?/338
    feat. Megu & Scotty D.
    CLUB 115 COZY KUBO rock'n techno *** 150 196/307
    Miracle Moon Togo Project j-garage pop *** 128 274/385
    featuring Sana
    SODA SLAKE drum'n bass *** 180 153/153
    more deep Togo Project free soul **** 120 196/394
    featuring Sana & T/Decay
    Lovegirl In Summer LUV 2 SHY break beats **** 095/190 275/281
    ~GUHROOVY featuring SONOMI
    JAUNTY BOUNTY Kimitaka collage techno ***** 150 209/466
    BEMANI HIT TRACKS K.M.D.J.team nonstop megamix **** 137/143/137
    featuring Seigo "M" Takei 468/902
    Manmachine plays Mikio Endo jazz electro ***** 114 377/492
    GENOM SCREAMS L.E.D. LIGHT trance ****** 150 582/745
    LUV TO ME tiger YAMATO eurobeat ****** 154 453/503
    (disco mix) version GOTTA
    HELL SCRAPER L.E.D. LIGHT-G gabbah ****** 577/666
    Hunting for You Togo Project r&b (hard ***** 105 340/437
    featuring Megu version)
    & Scotty D.

    _____Beatmania Append 4th Mix ~the beat goes on~ Disc:

    (B='basic mode' version, H='hard mode' version, @='another' version)

    Song Title Artist Genre Diff. BPM Notes
    Take Control Larry Dunn 70's soul B **** 112 174/221
    H ***** 112 221/221
    Take A Ride Larry Dunn soul hiphop B *** 117 127/172
    H **** 117 131/180
    Rugged Ash Symphonic future jazz B/H *** 168 193/201
    Jazz A Pump Up Takumi jazzy hiphop H ***** 100 173/183
    @ ***** 100
    I LiVe just 4U MPM r&b B * 90 98/142
    H ** 90 132/144
    @ ** 90 155/155
    Destruction MPM big beat B *** 131 125/134
    H ****** 131 244/244
    Kakattekonkai Bebe cube beat B *** 103 153/153
    H **** 103 163/163
    Build-Up Forward techno B **** 135 248/288
    H ***** 135 286/293
    Brand New World GTS featuring house H **** 128 247/308
    Melodie Sexton @ **** 128 308/308
    Weighted Action Deep Emotion hard house B *** 130 307/351
    H ****** 130 351/351
    Drunk Monky DJ Oddball minimal H *******145 409/445
    @ *******145 681/678
    Spaced Out Enola Quintet lounge H ??? 88 152/148
    Chain Ram rave B ***** 152 206/247
    H ****** 152 247/247
    Soda Slake drum'n bass B **** 160 124/153
    H ***** 160 153/153
    Logical Dash DJ Taka happy H *******144 433/507
    @ *******144 467/507
    Genom Screams L.E.D. Light trance H *******150 404/533
    Hunting For You Togo Project r&b B ** 105 151/237
    featuring Megu & Scotty D. H *** 105 181/178
    Paranoia MAX 190 jungle B/H *** 190 150/200
    ~dirty mix~
    Keep on Movin' N.M.R. dance pop B ** 132 100/100
    H *** 132 119/119
    You Make Me Monday Michiru jazz house B * 110 105/197
    H ** 110 186/350
    Popcorn DJ Watarai hiphop B/H ** 93 148/175
    @ ** 93 167/173
    peace out DJ nagureo deep house H ??? 133 341/341
    deep in you DJ nagureo dance pop H ??? 126 323/357
    @ ??? 126 354/363

    __Bonus Edit Mode:
    20.november DJ nagureo house~nagureo ***** 130 332/-
    (single mix) kidding style~
    20.november DJ nagureo house~nagureo ***** 130 -/404
    (radio edit) kidding style~
    attack the music DJ FX hardtechno~crack****** 140 376/378
    acid bomb DJ FX hard tekno ****** 140 405/647
    quick master Yohei Shimizu j-techno *** 145 178/225
    (reform version)
    20.november DJ nagureo hard house ***** 130 247/257
    20.november DJ nagureo hard house ***** 130 268/257
    LUV TO ME(english third mix euro beat ****** 154 312/384
    LUV TO ME(english third mix euro beat ****** 154 331/392
    version) (another)
    Believe again e.o.s remixed dance pop ** 130 216/345
    (english version) by DJ nagureo featuring miryam

    _____Beatmania GB:

    Song Title Artist Genre Diff. BPM Notes
    2 gorgeous 4 U * break-bts * 150 80
    cat song * funk * 127 155
    ~theme of upa
    overdoser (romo * techno *** 132 155
    believe again * j-dance pop *** 130 209
    papayapa bossa * bossa groove ** 143 134
    metalgear solid * bigbeatmix *** 140 191
    ~main theme
    Salamander Beat * konamix **** 134 153
    Crush mix
    overdoser (driving * minimal techno **** 138 331
    dub mix)
    luv to me * eurobeat ***** 164 272
    It's your funky * reggae * 60 147
    kiiroi kabin * jazz ** 128 187
    theme of rakuga * rakuga kids ** 140 183
    Feel the Beat! * latin *** 110 244
    Amadeus Mania * classic 1 *** 120 226
    The Nutcracker * classic 2 *** 140 209
    Cow Boy Star * country **** 140 158
    mirrorball * disco ** 140 226
    okkasan no uta * e.n.k. ***** 93 178
    suite no.3 air * classic 3 * 68 60
    dj battle * dj battle * 93 58

    [notes: In Beatmania GB, no artists are listed in the game itself, and
    there is no song list in the instruction book. Also, in DJ Battle, the
    number of stars is listed as one, but instead of saying 'EASY' under the
    record like it should, it says '????'.]

    _____Beatmania GB2 Gacchamix:

    [note: The songs are in the order that they appear in Free Mode (which
    is the same as in the separate stages) - press down so that they flow in
    the right order. Past that, if you're trying to match songs and names
    and know _no_ Japanese, your best bet here is to match up difficulties
    and use the course translations above...]

    [note2: I hope you guys appreciate this, as many of the songs/artists
    have kanji in their names, and I have the kanji-reading ability of a
    Norwiegian cat, which meant that I spent a few hours looking all (but
    one) of these kanji up. OK, maybe I'm not _that_ bad (as a Norwiegian
    cat, that is), but still... ;) Anyway, some of the kanji readings may be
    off, due to my lack of knowledge... Finally, any katakana that I can't
    figure out the Romanization for, or names that are in katakana, will be
    in all caps.]

    Song Title Artist Genre Diff. BPM Notes
    Automatic Utada HIKARU J-Girl Pop ** 94 216
    Yumemiru Shoujyo Oda Tetsuro J-Girl Pop *** 159 268
    Time Goes By Igarashi Mitsuru J-Girl Pop *** 84 188
    Makenaide Oda Tetsuro J-Girl Pop ***** 126 297
    Friends Dobashi Yasukifu J-Girl Pop *** 158 225
    Robinson Kusano Masamune Band * 111 108
    Sasurai Okuda Minsei Band * 119 115
    Over Drive Takuya Band *** 148 230
    Believe Luna Sea Band **** 150 221
    Rydeen TakahashiYUKIHIRO Band ***** 144 270
    Yozora NOMUKOU Kawamura Yuuka Idol ** 106 173
    Nagisa Nimatsuwaru Okuda Minsei Idol ** 129 173
    Catch You Catch Me Hiroshige Kami Idol *** 128 217
    Daite Hold On Me! Tsunku Idol *** 125 264
    Watashiga OBAsanni Saitou Hideo Idol **** 126 312
    Uchuusenkan Yamato Miyagawa Yutaka Anison ** 141 218
    Sutekinakun Miki Hiraji Anison ** 161 247
    Shouba! Gundam Watanabe Takeo Anison *** 144 224
    Tenshino Kyuuseku Yabuki Toshiro Anison ***** 148 248
    Ultraman no Uta Miyauchi Kokurou Anison *** 132 214
    RVTK-1 Dub-GB Gotta/BigBeat* 91 151
    Miracle Moon Hiroyuki Togo Gotta/ ** 128 236
    J-Garage Pop
    Hunting For You Hiroyuki Togo Gotta/R&B *** 105 177
    Luv To Me tiger YAMATO Gotta/ **** 154 289
    (disco mix) Eurobeat
    Genom Screams L.E.D.Light Gotta/Trance ***** 150 422

    _____Beatmania for WonderSwan:

    Song Title Artist Genre Diff. BPM Notes
    Cat Song UPA&NORA funk * 127 154
    - Theme of UPA
    find out nouvo nude soul * 100 95
    beginning of life Quadra ambient ** 110 80
    believe again DJ nagureo j-dance pop ** 130 216
    La Bossanova staccato two-F bossa groove *** 143 213
    de Fabienne
    Stop Violence! Herbie Hammock funky jazz *** 113 123
    & His Band groove
    METAL GEAR SOLID ESPACIO bigbeat mix **** 140 179
    -main theme BROTHERS
    Queen's Jamaica Crunky Boy reggae **** 94 189
    featuring Muhammad
    20.november DJ nagureo house ***** 130 301
    (single mix)
    Deep Clear Eyes QUADRA drum'n bass mix ***** 155 276
    Attack the Music DJ FX hard techno ****** 140 323
    All songs for various medley ???? var. var.

    [note: Medley, one of the two hidden songs, is actually clips from all
    eleven of the other songs (hence the name and genre). There are two
    different sections from each song, each a few seconds long, that will
    play randomly. 16 segments will play total, and sometimes the same
    segment will repeat - it's totally random. It's also not judged - after
    the 16th segment, it returns to the Free mode selection (it's only
    available in free mode).]

    _____Dance Dance Revolution:

    Song Title Artist Diff. (N/A/M/D/AD) Steps
    have you never the olivia 1/2/5/3/4 68/118/171/95/145
    been mellow? project
    that's the way kc & the 2/3/5/4/5 98/124/148/128/144
    (i like it) sunshine band
    kung fu fighting bus stop 2/3/5/4/5 82/118/150/113/136
    (normal) featuring carl douglas
    kung fu fighting bus stop 3/3/5/4/5 96/118/150/113/136
    (hard) featuring carl douglas
    butterfly (normal) smile.dk 3/4/6/4/6 138/163/213/164/191
    butterfly (hard) smile.dk 3/4/6/4/6 160/160/213/164/191
    let's get down jt playaz 3/4/7/4/7 117/151/182/130/152
    my fire x-treme 4/5/6/5/6 126/144/170/117/136
    little bitch the specials 4/6/7/5/6 170/187/206/166/186
    strictly business mantronik vs. 4/5/6/5/6 167/177/192/165/185
    make it better mitsu-o! 5/6/8/5/6 143/188/212/130/181
    paranoia 180 6/7/8/7/8 264/211/230/254/309
    trip machine de-sire 6/7/8/6/8 197/275/289/201/215
    make a jam! u1 2/4/5/3/5 155/193/240/155/200
    boys smile.dk
    i believe in hi-rise
    paranoia kcet 2mb 6/7/8/7/8 258/274/347/257/285
    ~clean mix~
    paranoia max 190
    ~dirty mix~

    [note: both difficulty and steps are presented in the following format:
    N/A/M/D/AD, where N=normal, A=another, M=maniac, D=double, A=another

    [note2: mirror is not listed as it has the same number of steps as the
    non-mirror version - they're just mirrored [ie. left and right steps are
    switched, etc.]. also, maniac double does not exist]

    _____Dance Dance Revolution 2nd ReMix:

    Song Title Artist Diff. (N/A/M/D/AD) Steps
    Paranoia 180 6/7/8/7/8
    Make it Better Mitsu-O 4/5/7/5/7
    Trip Machine De-sire 6/7/8/7/8
    Bad Girls Juliet Roberts 2/4/5/3/4
    Boom Boom Dollar King Kong 2/5/6/3/5
    & D. Jungle Girls
    Boys Smile.dk 3/4/7/4/5
    Smoke Mr.ED jumps 3/4/6/4/5
    the gun
    put your faith UZI-LAY 3/4/6/4/5
    in me
    If You Were Here Jennifer 5/6/7/6/7
    put your faith UZI-LAY 4/5/6/5/6
    in me -Jazzy Groove-
    SP-Trip machine De-sire 6/7/8/7/8
    -jungle mix-
    Hero Papaya 4/5/6/5/6
    Brilliant 2U Naoki 4/5/6/4/5
    Dub I Dub Me & My 4/6/8/5/7
    Stomp to My Beat JS-16 5/6/7/5/6
    I Believe in Hi-Rise 5/6/8/6/7
    AM-3P KTz 5/6/8/5/6
    Get Up'n Move S & K 5/7/8/6/7
    Brilliant 2U Naoki 5/6/7/4/5
    -Orchestra Groove-
    Make it Better Mitsu-O!Summer 5/6/8/5/7
    -So Real mix-
    Paranoia max 190 6/8/8/7/8
    -dirty mix-
    Keep on Movin' Step Battle 9/9/9/9/-
    Let them Move Step battle #2 9/9/9/9/-
    20, November Step battle #3 9/9/9/9/-
    -DDR version- N.M.R. feat. DJ nagureo
    El Ritmo Tropical Dixies Gang 2/6/7/4/5
    Love Sonic Dream 3/5/7/3/5
    tubthumping chumbawamba 4/5/6/4/6
    Make a Jam! U1 3/5/7/3/5
    Paranoia KCET 2MB 6/7/8/7/8
    -clean mix-
    Keep on Movin' N.M.R. 3/4/5/3/4
    Let them Move N.M.R 1/2/4/2/3
    20, November N.M.R. 1/3/4/2/4
    -DDR version- feat. DJ nagureo
    Think ya Better D sAmi 3/4/5/3/4
    Trip Machine 2MB 6/7/8/7/8
    -luv mix-
    Love this Feelin' Chang Ma 6/7/8/7/8

    [note: both difficulty and steps are presented in the following format:
    N/A/M/D/AD, where N=normal, A=another, M=maniac, D=double, A=another

    [note2: mirror is not listed as it has the same number of steps as the
    non-mirror version - they're just mirrored [ie. left and right steps are
    switched]. also, maniac double does not exist.]

    _____Dance Dance Revolution 2nd ReMix Append Club Version Vol.2:

    [note: this is a partial list based on an advance copy that was reviewed
    in Weekly Famitsu, so it may not be the final songlist...]

    Song Title Artist Diff. (N/A/M/D/AD) Steps
    been so long
    The rhyme brokers
    Into the world
    Keep On Movin'
    Rugged Ash
    gentle stress
    Brilliant 2U
    Deep In You
    Macho Gang
    ~dirty mix~
    The Earth Light
    Genom Screams
    Queen's Jamaica
    (astria mix)
    Love So Groovy
    Deep clear eyes
    special energy
    Gradiusic Cyber
    ska a go go

    _____Guitar Freaks:

    [note: nearly all of the additional info in this section is thanks to

    Song Title Artist Genre Diff. BPM Notes
    Cutie Pie 0 105 134/?

    Cutie Pie Motown * 105 134/?
    Chicago Blue Blues ** 85 86/?
    The Endless Summer 60's Style *** 160 213/?
    Fire Heavy Rock *** 105 239/?
    Happy Man Punk **** 180 179/?
    Cool Joe Funk **** 92 297/?
    Evil Eye* Solo Rock **** 82 139/?
    Jet World* ????? ****** 276 374/593
    Magic Music Magic* ????? ******* 165 280/565
    Hypnotica Digital Rock ****** 135 288/?

    Jazzy Cat Jazz **** 94 187/343
    Happy Man Punk ***** 180 196/?
    L.A. Rider Heavy Metal ***** 172 337/?
    DryMartini Light Jazz ****** 110 179/?
    Shake It Up Thrash Metal ****** 202 259/?
    Mickey's Boogie* Funk ****** 90 244/397
    Hypnotica Digital Rock ******** 135 309/?
    King G* ????? ******** 100 261/383
    Lucky?Staff Speed Metal ******** 237 417/775
    J-Staff* Ballad **

    __High Speed Edition*
    Chicago Blue Blues ******** ??? 86/?
    The Endless Summer 60's Style ******** ??? 213/?
    Jazzy Cat Jazz ******** ??? 187/?
    Cutie Pie Rock ******** ??? 134/?
    Happy Man Punk ******** ??? 196/?

    *hidden song/mode

    _____Pop'n Music (PSX&DC):

    __Dance Stage
    Song Title Artist Genre Char. Diff.Notes-B/N/H
    I REALLY WANY TO SGI&REO pops RIE*chan 10 /111/
    YOUNG DREAM LITTLE FINGERS rap Uncle Jam 8 /102/
    EL Pais del sol Senorita Rica latin Don Mommy 7 /117/
    Quick Master act deft j-tekno Sholl Kee 7 98/104/104
    monde des songe Bikke fantasy Dino 5 /117/
    Electronic Fill Windslope techno pop Kraft 13 139/204/204
    Hi-Tekno Hi-Tekno dance Judy 11 /121/121
    Baby, I'm yours LISA-T reggae Olivia 12 /173/
    The theme of words:RYO anime hero Toru 15 -/177/
    GAMBLER Z song:NARAMCHA Kamikaze
    what i want THE RICHIE disco Chamel 16 -/187/
    SISTERS queen
    spicy piece ORIGINAL spy Charly 20 -/226/
    FUNKY TOWN'75 JV&THE SEXY disco king Bamboo 19 -/241/

    __Secret Stage
    Song Title Artist Genre Char. Diff. Notes
    Water Melon Woman NAKATEK
    Life Haya-p & Maru j-pop Pretty 13 201
    e-motion e.o.s
    surechigau2hito apresmidi
    CROSSOVER 12 319
    Chaos Age Waldeus von classical Hamanov 19 294
    Con te sabl 2119 Hamba Un Aa

    _____Pop'n Music 2 (PSX&DC):

    Song Title Artist Genre Char. Diff.Notes-B/N/H
    __Stage 1:
    Idol Girl 12
    Masara 5
    Neo Aco 16
    Mellow 8
    Pops 10
    Rap 8
    J-Tekno 6
    Fantasy 5
    Urban Pop 8
    New Wave 7
    Cute 5
    Akiba 12
    __Stage 2:
    Digirock 16
    Visual 8
    Enka 18
    J-Pop 14
    Fusion 16
    Africa 19
    Latin 7
    Dance 12
    Reggae 13
    Disco Queen 18
    Bonus Track 14
    Rave 20
    Candy Pop 13
    New Folk 15
    Classic2 18
    Live 11
    __Stage 3:
    Heavy Metal 23
    Girly 22
    Anime Hero R 16
    Pop Rap 20
    Lounge 14
    J.R&B 13
    Techno'80 19
    Classic 22
    Techno Pop 14
    Anime Hero 16
    Spy 23
    Disco King 22
    Sexy Girls 21
    Carib 16
    Funny 14
    J-Garage Pop 17
    Avante Garde 23

    0.03: Remixed Lists________________________________________

    This section will have lists that I have re-organised for different
    purposes. All of the basic info will remain above - this is just a
    different way to look at the information...

    _____Beatmania Songs; Order of Difficulty:

    All of the Beatmania songs in grouped by the difficulty (number of
    stars). The info presented is all the same, with one small addition;
    directly before the Genre is a letter or number - this signifies which
    release the song is from. The releases are: A=Arcade disc, Y=Append
    Yebisu, 3=Append 3rd Mix, G=Append Gottamix, 4=Append 4th Mix,
    GB=Beatmania GB, G2=Beatmania GB2, and WS=Beatmania for Wonderswan.

    Song Title Artist Genre Diff. BPM Notes
    u gotta groove dj nagureo Ahip-hop * 100/94/96 80/99
    jam jam reggae jam master'73 Areggae * 90 62/78
    Cat Song UPA&NORA Yfunk * 127 154/258
    - Theme of UPA
    Body tomoki hirata Ystyl garage * 134 87/162
    life goes on Quadra 3ambient * 124 86/86
    find out nouvo nude 3soul * 100 95/95
    Winter Fantasy LUV 2 SHY Greal garage * 120 169/250
    ~Sample Battler's featuring SONOMI
    House Mix~
    Yellow,Black COZY KUBO Ghip and soul * 96 131/194
    and Blues
    dancing Percussion Mikio Endo Graga rock * 123 141/246
    with SKI Rockers
    I LiVe just 4U MPM 4r&b B * 90 98/142
    You Make Me Monday Michiru4jazz house B * 110 105/197
    2 gorgeous 4 U * GBbreak-bts * 150 80
    cat song * GBfunk * 127 155
    ~theme of upa
    It's your funky * GBreggae * 60 147
    suite no.3 air * GBclassic 3 * 68 60
    dj battle * GBdj battle * 93 58
    Cat Song UPA&NORA WSfunk * 127 154
    - Theme of UPA
    find out nouvo nude WSsoul * 100 95
    Robinson Kusano G2Band * 111 108
    Sasurai Okuda Minsei G2Band * 119 115
    RVTK-1 Dub-GB G2Gotta/BigBeat * 91 151
    Beginning of life quadra Aambient ** 110 80/115
    jam jam reggae crunky boy Areggae funky ** 90 157/178
    (Funky jam Cookie mix) mix
    2 gorgeous 4 U prophet-31 Abreak~bts (1P) ** 150 79/-
    greed eater dust fathers Abreak~bts (2P) ** 112 -/74
    Do you love me? reo-magumo Aballade ** 100 149/244
    PAPAYAPA BOSSA staccato two-JYbossa groove ** 143 143/310
    -remixed by r24bm
    Changing the ASIA cheap forest Yasian ** 95 140/181
    Do you love me? reo-nagumo 3ballad (classic)** 100 149/246
    believe again dj nagureo 3j-dance pop ** 130 216/344
    HYPER MEGA MIX featuring miryam
    s.d.z DJ mazinger 3hiphop ** 100 168/175
    featuring Muhammad
    RVTK-1 DUB-GB Gbigbeat ** 92 179/215
    E-Girlia DJ Patch Ghiphop ** 90 135/160
    luv foundation Mikio Endo Gcrossover ** 106 130/189
    I LiVe just 4U MPM 4r&b H ** 90 132/144
    I LiVe just 4U MPM 4r&b @ ** 90 155/155
    Hunting For You Togo Project 4r&b B ** 105 151/237
    featuring Megu & Scotty D.
    You Make Me Monday Michiru4jazz house H ** 110 186/350
    Popcorn DJ Watarai 4hiphop B/H ** 93 148/175
    Popcorn DJ Watarai 4hiphop @ ** 93 167/173
    Keep on Movin' N.M.R. 4dance pop B ** 132 100/100
    Believe again e.o.s remixed 4dance pop ** 130 216/345
    (english version) by DJ nagureo featuring miryam
    papayapa bossa * GBbossa groove ** 143 134
    kiiroi kabin * GBjazz ** 128 187
    theme of rakuga * GBrakuga kids ** 140 183
    mirrorball * GBdisco ** 140 226
    beginning of life Quadra WSambient ** 110 80
    believe again DJ nagureo WSj-dance pop ** 130 216
    Automatic Utada HIKARU G2J-Girl Pop ** 94 216
    Yozora NOMUKOU KawamuraYuukaG2Idol ** 106 173
    Nagisa Nimatsuwaru Okuda Minsei G2Idol ** 129 173
    Uchuusenkan Yamato MiyagawYutakaG2Anison ** 141 218
    Sutekinakun Miki Hiraji G2Anison ** 161 247
    Miracle Moon Hiroyuki TogoG2Gotta/ ** 128 236
    J-Garage Pop
    OVERDOSER(romo mix)mirak Atechno (1P) *** 132 164/-
    OVERDOSER mirak Atechno (2P) *** 132 -/224
    (ambient mix)
    u gotta groove dj mazinger Ahip~hop street *** 94 143/359
    (Triple Mazin Dub) mix
    Ain't it Good tomoki hirata Yspd garage *** 134 119/191
    -remixed by r24bm
    Stop Violence! Herbie Hammock3funky jazz *** 113 123/175
    & His Band groove (classic)
    wild I/O nouvo nude 3house *** 130 226/211
    La Bossanova staccato two-F3bossa groove *** 143 213/341
    de Fabienne (classic)
    NaHaNaHa vs. DJ Senda & Gdj battle ***124/152/163 190/223
    Gattchoon Battle Tiny-K
    Hunting for You Togo Project Gr&b *** 105 ?/338
    feat. Megu & Scotty D.
    CLUB 115 COZY KUBO Grock'n techno *** 150 196/307
    Miracle Moon Togo Project Gj-garage pop *** 128 274/385
    featuring Sana
    SODA SLAKE Gdrum'n bass *** 180 153/153
    Destruction MPM 4big beat B *** 131 125/134
    Take A Ride Larry Dunn 4soul hiphop B *** 117 127/172
    Rugged Ash Symphonic 4future jazz B/H *** 168 193/201
    Kakattekonkai Bebe 4cube beat B *** 103 153/153
    Weighted Action Deep Emotion 4hard house B *** 130 307/351
    Hunting For You Togo Project 4r&b H *** 105 181/178
    featuring Megu & Scotty D.
    Paranoia MAX 190 4jungle B/H *** 190 150/200
    ~dirty mix~
    Keep on Movin' N.M.R. 4dance pop H *** 132 119/119
    quick master Yohei Shimizu 4j-techno *** 145 178/225
    (reform version)
    overdoser (romo * GBtechno *** 132 155
    believe again * GBj-dance pop *** 130 209
    metalgear solid * GBbigbeatmix *** 140 191
    ~main theme
    Feel the Beat! * GBlatin *** 110 244
    Amadeus Mania * GBclassic 1 *** 120 226
    The Nutcracker * GBclassic 2 *** 140 209
    La Bossanova staccato WSbossa groove *** 143 213
    de Fabienne two-F
    Stop Violence! HerbieHammockWSfunky jazz *** 113 123
    & His Band groove
    Yumemiru Shoujyo Oda Tetsuro G2J-Girl Pop *** 159 268
    Time Goes By Igarashi G2J-Girl Pop *** 84 188
    Friends Dobashi G2J-Girl Pop *** 158 225
    Over Drive Takuya G2Band *** 148 230
    Catch You Catch Me HiroshigeKamiG2Idol *** 128 217
    Daite Hold On Me! Tsunku G2Idol *** 125 264
    Hunting For You Hiroyuki TogoG2Gotta/R&B *** 105 177
    Shouba! Gundam WatanabeTakeoG2Anison *** 144 224
    Ultraman no Uta Miyauchi G2Anison *** 132 214
    tokai dj mazinger Ajapanese hip~hop**** 97 139/206
    (performed by co-key)
    Salamander Beat nite system Akonamix **** 134 171/177
    Crush mix
    LOVE SO GROOVY lovemints Asoul (1P) **** 141 169/-
    LOVE SO GROOVY lovemints Asoul (2P) **** 141 -/227
    (12inch version)
    e-motion e.o.s Arave **** 145/140 96/125
    LOVE SO GROOVY nite system Ahouse spiritual **** 131 249/430
    (Nite's After Love mix) mix
    Stop Violence! Herbie HammockYfunky jazz **** 113 123/191
    & His Band groove
    I.C.B. tomoki hirata Yhard house **** 140 197/367
    -remixed by r24bm
    Believe Again Emotion of 380's j-pop **** 130 158/289
    Sound featuring Miryam
    Queen's Jamaica Crunky Boy 3reggae **** 94 189/278
    featuring Muhammad
    LOVE SO GROOVY LOVEMINTS 3soul(classic)1P **** 141 169/-
    LOVE SO GROOVY LOVEMINTS 3soul(classic)2P **** 141 -/227
    (12 inch mix)
    METAL GEAR SOLID ESPACIO 3bigbeat mix **** 140 179/182
    -main theme BROTHERS (classic)
    more deep Togo Project Gfree soul **** 120 196/394
    featuring Sana & T/Decay
    Lovegirl In Summer LUV 2 SHY Gbreak beats **** 095/190 275/281
    ~GUHROOVY featuring SONOMI
    BEMANI HIT TRACKS K.M.D.J.team Gnonstop megamix **** 137/143/137
    featuring Seigo "M" Takei 468/902
    Take Control Larry Dunn 470's soul B **** 112 174/221
    Take A Ride Larry Dunn 4soul hiphop H **** 117 131/180
    Kakattekonkai Bebe 4cube beat H **** 103 163/163
    Build-Up Forward 4techno B **** 135 248/288
    Brand New World GTS featuring 4house H **** 128 247/308
    Melodie Sexton
    Brand New World GTS featuring 4house @ **** 128 308/308
    Melodie Sexton
    Soda Slake 4drum'n bass B **** 160 124/153
    Salamander Beat * GBkonamix **** 134 153
    Crush mix
    overdoser (driving * GBminimal techno **** 138 331
    dub mix)
    Cow Boy Star * GBcountry **** 140 158
    METAL GEAR SOLID ESPACIO WSbigbeat mix **** 140 179
    -main theme BROTHERS
    Queen's Jamaica Crunky Boy WSreggae **** 94 189
    featuring Muhammad
    Believe Luna Sea G2Band **** 150 221
    Watashiga OBAsanni Saitou Hideo G2Idol **** 126 312
    Luv To Me tiger YAMATO G2Gotta/ **** 154 289
    (disco mix) Eurobeat
    20.november dj nagureo Ahouse (1P) ***** 130 301/-
    (single mix)
    20.november dj nagureo Ahouse (2P) ***** 130 -/352
    (radio edit)
    OVERDOSER quadra Aminimal techno ***** 138 340/656
    (Driving Dub mix) mix
    METAL GEAR SOLID ESPACIO Ybigbeat mix ***** 140 175/176
    ~Main Theme BROTHERS
    La Bossanova staccato two-FYbossa groove ***** 143 213/341
    de Fabienne french version
    20.november DJ nagureo 3house (classic) ***** 130 301/-
    (single mix) (1P)
    20.november DJ nagureo 3house (classic) ***** 130 -/352
    (radio edit) (2P)
    Deep Clear Eyes QUADRA 3drum'n bass mix ***** 155 276/307
    nine seconds nouvo nude 3digital funk ***** 97 192/191
    area code nouvo nude 3digi~rock ***** 112 215/218
    JAUNTY BOUNTY Kimitaka Gcollage techno ***** 150 209/466
    Manmachine plays Mikio Endo Gjazz electro ***** 114 377/492
    Hunting for You Togo Project Gr&b (hard ***** 105 340/437
    featuring Megu version)
    & Scotty D.
    Take Control Larry Dunn 470's soul H ***** 112 221/221
    Jazz A Pump Up Takumi 4jazzy hiphop H ***** 100 173/183
    Jazz A Pump Up Takumi 4jazzy hiphop @ ***** 100
    Build-Up Forward 4techno H ***** 135 286/293
    Chain Ram 4rave B ***** 152 206/247
    Soda Slake 4drum'n bass H ***** 160 153/153
    20.november DJ nagureo 4house~nagureo ***** 130 332/-
    (single mix) kidding style~
    20.november DJ nagureo 4house~nagureo ***** 130 -/404
    (radio edit) kidding style~
    20.november DJ nagureo 4hard house ***** 130 247/257
    20.november DJ nagureo 4hard house ***** 130 268/257
    luv to me * GBeurobeat ***** 164 272
    okkasan no uta * GBe.n.k. ***** 93 178
    20.november DJ nagureo WShouse ***** 130 301
    (single mix)
    Deep Clear Eyes QUADRA WSdrum'n bass mix ***** 155 276
    Makenaide Oda Tetsuro G2J-Girl Pop ***** 126 297
    Rydeen Takahashi G2Band ***** 144 270
    Tenshino Kyuuseku YabukiToshiroG2Anison ***** 148 248
    Genom Screams L.E.D.Light G2Gotta/Trance ***** 150 422
    SKA a go go the bald headsAska ****** 160/144/160 359/514
    Deep Clear Eyes quadra Adrum'n bass mix ****** 155 276/307
    Acid Bomb dj fx Ahardtekno ****** 140 334/569
    tribe groove nite system 3world groove ****** 126 275/257
    LUV TO ME miryam reo 3euro beat ****** 154 312/384
    THIRD-MIX yoshinori
    Attack the music DJ FX 3hard techno ****** 140 323/452
    super highway nouvo nude 3drum'n bass ****** 160 395/452
    GENOM SCREAMS L.E.D. LIGHT Gtrance ****** 150 582/745
    LUV TO ME tiger YAMATO Geurobeat ****** 154 453/503
    (disco mix) version GOTTA
    HELL SCRAPER L.E.D. LIGHT-GGgabbah ****** 577/666
    Destruction MPM 4big beat H ****** 131 244/244
    Weighted Action Deep Emotion 4hard house H ****** 130 351/351
    Chain Ram 4rave H ****** 152 247/247
    attack the music DJ FX 4hardtechno~crack****** 140 376/378
    acid bomb DJ FX 4hard tekno ****** 140 405/647
    LUV TO ME(english third mix 4euro beat ****** 154 312/384
    LUV TO ME(english third mix 4euro beat ****** 154 331/392
    version) (another)
    Attack the Music DJ FX WShard techno ****** 140 323
    Drunk Monky DJ Oddball 4minimal H *******145 409/445
    Drunk Monky DJ Oddball 4minimal @ *******145 681/678
    Logical Dash DJ Taka 4happy H *******144 433/507
    Logical Dash DJ Taka 4happy @ *******144 467/507
    Genom Screams L.E.D. Light 4trance H *******150 404/533
    e-motion (2nd MIX) e.o.s Arave ??? 145/140 148/241
    dj battle * Adj battle ??? 93 changes
    Spaced Out Enola Quintet 4lounge H ??? 88 152/148
    peace out DJ nagureo 4deep house H ??? 133 341/341
    deep in you DJ nagureo 4dance pop H ??? 126 323/357
    All songs for various WSmedley ???? var. var.

    0.04: Outro________________________________________________


    ver.1.00 25nov99: full release
    added Beatmania GB2 coverage. added the rest of the Beatmania
    songs/info, as well as info on PnM 2, DDR2nd, and more... added
    the first re-mixed list: Beatmania songs in order of

    ver.0.87 14sept99: still technically pre-release
    Cut and pasted the song lists from my BEMANI Series FAQ to
    create this document, which deals only with the home song lists.

    _____Trademark/Copyright Info:

    Beatmania, BEMANI, Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Freaks, Pop'n'Music,
    Drummania, Dance!Dance!Dance!, GooGooSoundy, and all versions/mixes are
    copyright/trademarked by Konami Computer Entertainment Japan. All other
    copyrights are properties of their respective owners.

    This document is copyright J.T.Kauffman 1999 and cannot be reproduced
    for profit in any form. It can be freely distributed over the internet
    as long as it is unaltered and is only distributed on free (i.e. non-
    subscription) sites. If you do choose to post this document on your
    site, please email me to let me know.



    since 14sept99
    Shibata, Miyagi, Japan

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