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Doporučovaný postup pro získání softpadu:

  • Podívejte se na fórum, jestli někdo softpady právě neprodává, nebo se nechystá nějaká skupinka hráčů k hromadnému nákupu. To by pak ulehčilo peněžence.

  • Softpady na Internetu můžete koupit u firmy PositiveGaming. Jděte na stránky www.positivegaming.com, klikněte na Shop a softpad si vyberte. Mívají akce kdy za 1 pad nakoupíte 2... Na této stránce si můžete koupit i redukci. Při registraci použijte promote kód "czechddr". Získáte alespoň pětiprocentní slevu na první nákup.

  • Další softpady můžete koupit v e-shopu Play-Asia . U tohoto obchodu nemusíte používat promokód, stačí na shop přijít a následně realizovat objednávku před odkaz dole na stránce. Ten odkaz použijte prosím i v případě, že si zboží chce koupit nějaký vás známý.

    Další zkušenosti najdete na fóru - Tam najdete vše od údržby, zátěže, výdrže, vzhledu, až po rady jak docílit toho, aby se softpad moc nehýbal a naklouzal po podlaze při rychlejším hraní.

    Odkazy na internetové obchody

    PositiveGamming - www.positivegaming.com (promo kód "czechddr")
    název redukce - Trio Linker Plus

    Play-Asia - www.play-asia.com (pouzijte vzdy tento odkaz)
    název redukce - Dual Shooter (EMS USB2)

    soft1.jpg, 92 kB
    soft2.jpg, 91 kB

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'koupit_softpad':
    01.11.2009 00:00
  • << zpět na Czech DDR portal

    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

    Dance Dance Revolution 2nd ReMix Append Club Vol. 2
    PSX FAQ (and Beginner's FAQ)
    Version 1.4

    Dance Simulation
    One-Two players

    Dance pad optional
    Dance Dance Revolution 2nd ReMix is required.
    Copyright 2000 by JuneHa Kim/BakaOrochi
    All Rights Reserved.
    Unauthorized reproduction of this FAQ in any shape or form is prohibited.

    Come on, it's not like it's HARD to e-mail me if you want to use any part
    of this FAQ, is it?

    If you want to use ANYTHING, even codes or whatnot from this, CONTACT ME
    FIRST. This is my work, and not one bit of this is to be reproduced in any
    way, shape, or form. Copyright laws protect this FAQ. This is
    purely my own work, any other similarities to other FAQs are purely

    I do respect all other copyrights and if I have inadvertently infringed on
    any, please contact me immediately so that I may remedy the problem.
    FAQ History:

    -First release

    -Corrections, editing, spacing fixes

    -More general additions to the general FAQ
    -Added lyrics

    -Some spelling corrections with artists and song titles...
    -Added some more difference with the Vol.2 and Vol.1 songs
    -Redid the e-mail section, READ BEFORE E-MAILING ME!

    1. What's the point of this FAQ?
    2. What the heck is "Dance Dance Revolution?"
    3. How to play
    4. Modes of play
    5. Can you give me some tips/secrets?
    6. Songs in this version
    6a. Information about each song
    6b. Differences in Club Vol. 2
    8. Lyrics
    9. Closing notes/Thanks/Contact Information

    1. What's the point of this FAQ?
    I played this game in an arcade, and I looked for a FAQ on it. But there wasn't
    one so...

    Also, I just wanted to throw in some suggestions for those who are struggling
    with DDR, and how I picked up the game. For further help, I'd read some of
    the other DDR FAQs from gamefaqs.com.

    Some tips on this FAQ may not work with you, but this is how I've found it to
    work with me, and some others of my friends. Some things on this FAQ I've based
    from watching others as well. IMHO, it's best that you develop your own style
    to play this game, but if you can't, try using some tips I've put on this FAQ.
    2. What the heck is "Dance Dance Revolution?"
    Dance Dance Revolution (aka DDR) is a unique dancing simulation game.
    It's made by the same company and development team who brought Beatmania and
    Guitar Freaks, Konami's Bemani team. You'll find that several songs are from
    Beatmania in fact.

    The basic point is to "dance to the music." Easily said than done though.
    Most people rather call it a stepping game however (in my brother's words, step
    aerobics). If you think that you cannot dance to this game, look on the
    internet for some dancing clips. An excellent dancing group located in Korea
    is called the A-Team, who does performances with DDR songs. You can also try
    looking for C-Squad (I believe they're located somewhere in North America).

    Dance Dance Revolution Append Club discs are basically Dance Dance Revolution
    with Beatmania songs. However, in order to play these append discs, you must
    have the Dance Dance Revolution 2nd ReMix game. The discs are purely optional.
    3. How to play
    The main point of the game:
    Hit the arrows at the right time. As long as you have at least one point in
    your Dance Gauge (the meter at the top of the screen), you will pass the level.
    If you're not playing in Beginner Mode, if your gauge hits Zero (or you have no
    dance gauge points), game is over. Game is also over when you clear all the
    songs for the mode.

    The arrows:

    How I'm going to refer to the arrows (to avoid further confusion)-

    Fixed arrows:The white set of arrows that don't move located at the top of the
    screen. They're always there.

    Scrolling arrows:The colored arrows that will scroll up from the bottom of the
    screen and tells you which direction you want to hit when they align with the
    fixed arrows.

    Pad arrows:The arrows on your dance pad, the ones you stomp on.

    DDR has four pad arrows: Up, down, left, and right.

    You will have a fixed set of arrows on the top of the screen. As music plays,
    colored arrows will scroll up towards the fixed arrows, and the point of the
    game is to hit the corresponding arrow on your dance pad when the scrolling
    arrow(s) is aligned to the fixed arrow(s).

    Sometimes, you'll be thrown two arrows to hit at the same time (I call them
    double steps). This usually intimidates lots of beginners, and most don't know
    what to hit. It really isn't that hard, just be prepared to jump to hit those
    arrows at the same time (that's what baffles me: most beginners don't expect to
    be jumping around at all when they play. To hit those simultaneous arrows, the
    only way to hit them is to jump (or even hop) on them. Once you get more
    advanced, there are many other ways you can do it...

    A nice tip for those struggling to hit the arrows on time:
    Each song is in a 4/4 beat. Which means you can count with the beat of a song.
    Even though some songs may have irregular beats, you'll notice that the fixed
    arrows will flash every fourth beat. When you have to hit the arrows, it will
    be on the beat or on the flash. But you have to make sure you're not too hasty
    to hit the buttons. What I usually do is count outloud (whispering at most, not
    screaming, please you'll scare the rest of the arcade patrons ^_^)
    1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,etc. and that way I can keep up with the beat. Bouncing with
    the beat works as well (may look ridiculous, but I've seen sillier looking
    things). So you can be thinking "1,2,3,step,step,2,step" etc. Basically, just
    keep a beat. Also, the steps are not random. Once you get the rhythm of a
    song, you should be able to figure out when the steps will come out.

    What you have to start worrying about is when you move up in difficulty levels,
    especially when you turn off "little" mode or choose expert mode. You'll be
    treated to the green/blue "offbeat" arrows (also known as 1/8, 1/16, and 1/32
    steps). Those are a bit more difficult to hit since they don't align with the
    fixed arrows on the beat or the flash, but when the fixed arrows aren't
    flashing. Those take some practice to get used to. If you can, keep "little"
    mode on, otherwise, you'll be given these extra steps (unless of course you
    don't mind them).

    Beginner flaws/problems:

    Something first-time players do: try to ALWAYS center their feet in the middle
    panel after each step (results in a lot of scrambling around). For beginners,
    it's not always a good idea; you'll find youself panicking to reach the pad
    arrows, and jumping around a lot, and especially when you get to the hard
    parts, you'll be missing a lot. Also, I find that it's harder to establish a
    center of balance sometimes. It's not necessary to continually center yourself
    on the center panel. Sometimes, the best way to maintain your center of balance
    is to keep your foot on the panel that you last stepped on. Unless you'll be
    jumping around a lot for the double-steps, trying to always keep a foot on the
    center panel will be unnecessary movement, and thus will add something extra to
    your steps that you don't need. If you want, keep both feet on an arrow (i.e.
    left foot left arrow, right foot, right arrow). This is great especially for
    the left-right-left-right patterns or the left-right double steps. You don't
    have to move anywhere, just lift you foot and step without losing your balance
    (looks silly, but trust me, until you can find a better looking way to do this,
    it's easy and it works the best). In this case, you'll also need to continually
    shift your center of balance. Try not to shift all your weight on one side of
    your body.

    One problem I've found to throw off a lot of players: The background colors can
    be so colorful that you can't see the arrows easily (especially during
    Paranoia). The only thing I can say is, learn to ignore it.

    Game modes:

    When you play with Versus, you'll be playing side-by-side against an opponent,
    same song, same steps, and be judged against each other (and who scored higher).

    Couple is similar to versus, except 1)you're not competing and 2)you and a
    partner will be given different sets of steps. It's like BeatMania. Sometimes,
    both players will get arrows, other times, one player will be getting arrows,
    but the other will be watching. Sometimes, each have to fill in the moves for
    each other; basically it's a co-op effort.

    Double mode is different. It's a one player mode, but one player uses both 1P
    and 2P pads.


    On the top of the screen during gameplay, you'll have colored meter. This is
    your Dance Gauge. The point is to have at least one line in your dance gauge;
    once you run out of points on your Dance Gauge, the game is over. You can earn
    points by performing large combos. Once you hit zero, you cannot gain anymore.
    If you're playing in Beginner Mode, the Dance Gauge does not matter (even if you
    hit zero, you can still gain points, but even with a zero Dance Gauge, the game
    will go on without a game over). If your Dance Gauge is full, your background
    dancer will be flashing.

    Everytime an arrow passes, you'll be judged on how accurately you stepped on the
    -If you've hit it dead on, you'll get Perfect!
    -If you hit it a bit off, you'll get Great!
    -If you hit it about 1/8 of a beat off, you'll get a Good, and your combo will
    -If you hit it more than 1/8 of a beat off, you'll get Boo! And one gauge point
    will be lowered in half.
    -If you miss completely, you'll get a MISS, and you'll lose some points in your
    Dance Gauge.


    Scores are basically multiplied by combos (like most DDR games). The higher the
    combo, the more points and the higher the point multiplier. For example, if you
    have a 2 combo, you'll get 4000 points. The third will be 8000, fourth combo
    16000, and so on (I'm not sure exactly how it's measured however). You also
    get more points if you get more Perfect! points than Great! In the end, all
    your points earned from all the stages are accumulated. If you score high
    enough, you'll be able to enter your initials (this does not apply to Beginner


    At the end of your song, you get a letter grade for your performance. The
    higher combos and higher scores you earn, the higher the grade. Also, it
    reflects how high of a combo you have ratio-wise to how high of a combo that is
    possible. For example, if song A is 210-combo possible, and song B is 110-combo
    possible, and you earn a 100-combo on both songs, you'll get a lower grade with
    song A, but a very high grade with song B.

    Grades are as follows:

    SS-Perfect performance, nothing less than a "Great!"
    S-Near perfect, a few mistakes, and a high combo ratio.
    A-Excellent, several mistakes, mostly "Perfect!" and "Great!" ratings, few
    misses, good combo ratio.
    B-Very good, enough to get by, a lot of "Perfect!" and "Great!" ratings, but a
    lot of "Boo!" and "Miss" ratings too. A decent combo ratio.
    C-Average. Low combo number, decent amount of dance gauge left.
    D-Bad, Very low combo number, very low or zero dance gauge left, lots of "Miss"
    and "Boo!" ratings.
    E-Horrible. Mostly misses, zero combo gauge usually. At this point, you would
    normally fail a song.
    4. Modes of play
    You can choose Arcade, Event, Training, Endless (needs to be unlocked), Edit,
    Records, Option, Information.

    Arcade: What it is, arcade mode, 1 player by default, 2nd player can join in
    for couple mode.
    Event: You can choose to play solo, versus, couple, or double.
    Training: If you're having problems with a certain song, here's the place to
    practice. You can also modify the arrows for a song here.
    Endless: Songs will be thrown at you continuously until you fail. You will have
    the option of taking a break after every 5 songs.
    Edit: Edit your own dance!
    Records: Um, records. Records the best scores/steps for each song.
    Option: Change the gameplay
    -Sound: Stereo or Mono, choose your flavor
    -Music effect: Still haven't figured out what this does...
    -Vibration: For Dual Shock controllers...
    -Double Play: I don't have a Dual Shock, but I can never choose this option, so
    I'm assuming that this is for the analog sticks.
    -Key Config: Choose your Double Play method, and turn off your keys during the
    song (you only need to turn the controller off if you have a dance pad).
    -Memory Card: Save/Load your options/game edit data/records.
    -Game level: How easily you gain/lose your dance gauge
    -Max Stage: How many songs you want to do in Arcade mode
    -Game Over: Choose Arcade if you want to end a song by getting a zero dance
    gauge immediately. Choose End Of Music to wait until the end of the song to
    know that you failed.
    -Ending: Choose which ending you want to see in arcade mode after you've completed
    all songs.
    -Character: Choose which model character you want to see in the background.
    -Step Mark Color: Note option will have all arrows the same color (including
    -BG Effect: The background effects annoying for you? You can turn them off!
    -BG Bright: If the background effects/images are too bright and distracting,
    you can change the brightness of them for easier arrow visibility.
    -Danger Display: You can have the word "DANGER!" blink, stay on the screen, or
    just not have it on at all when you get too low on your dance gauge.

    You'll be first given a choice of game modes:

    If you have two players, you'll have additional choices:

    Then you can choose from there
    Maniac (Not available in double mode)

    And high scores will come up with each different variable.

    It is possible to change difficulties after you've chosen a gameplay mode with
    a certain difficulty level and change the gameplay (read section 5).

    New modes and songs will be unlocked as you achieve certain requirements (new
    Information will be added to tell you what you've earned).
    5. Can you give me some tips/secrets?
    To change anything, you can bring up a menu that can change difficulty modes,
    turn on little mode, right shift, left shift, or flip the steps, etc. All
    you have to hit is Select during music select.

    To change to Beginner mode, hit select during game mode select. You'll see
    the words "beginner" at the top of the screen.

    More information can be unlocked after either beating the game, or finishing
    a certain amount of songs.

    Paranoia Dirty Mix Club Ver.1 and 2 can be unlocked after finishing a certain
    amount of songs.

    Change the background dancer:
    Before choosing arcade mode, highlight Arcade Mode, and hold the following
    arrow + circle to choose from the following models:

    Model 1-Konsento:01 (Guy with plug)
    Model 2-Mameo (Big stomach alien)

    Model 1-Afro (Afro & Lady)
    Model 2-Afro (Origins, DDR 1st model)

    Model 1-Kaeru-Zukin (Girl with wings)
    Model 2-Cow-Ko (Cow girl)

    Model 1-Lady (Girl with short red hair)
    Model 2-Lady (Girl with short blue hair)
    6. Songs in this version
    I don't know what this "Club Another" or "Club 2P" stuff is. If anyone knows,
    please e-mail me.

    FYI-Random plays these in order:
    20 november, R3, Earth Light, Keep On Movin, Deep In You, Gentle Stress,
    Brilliant 2U, PARANOiA MAX Dirty Mix, You Make Me, Love So Groovy

    Artist/song title/type

    Normal songs:
    Monday Michiru-You Make Me (House Label)
    m-flo-Been So Long (R&B Label)
    m-flo-The Rhyme Brokers (HipHop)
    Quadra-Into the world (House Label)
    N.M.R.-Keep On Movin' (Beatmania Classics) Club Version
    Symphonic Defoggers-Rugged Ash (Beatmania Classics)
    DJ Swan-Gentle Stress (Techno Label)
    Naoki-Brilliant 2U (House Label) Club Version
    D.J. Nagureo-Deep In You (Disco Classic Label)
    D.J. Nagureo-patsenner (Techno Label)
    Macho Gang-Anal Spyder (House Label)
    190-PARANOiA MAX Dirty Mix (House Label) Club Version
    L.E.D. Light-The Earth Light (Techno Label)
    L.E.D. Light-Genom Screams (Techno Label)
    Crunky Boy featuring Muhammad-Queen's Jamaica (astria mix) (HipHop)
    Mirak-Overdoser (Beatmania Classics) Club 2P
    Lovemints-Love So Groovy (Beatmania Classics) Club 2P
    D.J. Nagureo-20, november (Beatmania Classics) Club 2P
    Quadra-Deep clear eyes (Beatmania Classics) Club Another
    Slake-22DUNK (Techno Label) Club Another
    D.J. F.X.-Special Energy (Techno Label) Club Another
    Taka-Gradiusic Cyber (Techno Label) Club Another
    The Bald Head-ska a go go (Beatmania Classics) Club Another
    Tiger Yamato-R3 (Techno Label) Club Another

    Hidden songs:
    190-PARANOiA MAX Dirty Mix CLUB ANOTHER Ver. 1
    190-PARANOiA MAX Dirty Mix CLUB ANOTHER Ver. 2

    6a. Information about each song

    These are the amounts of steps and difficulty ratings for each song:

    You Make Me
    Basic: 3
    -Steps: 130
    Another: 4
    -Steps: 167
    Maniac: 5
    -Steps: 178

    Been So Long
    Basic: 3
    -Steps: 143
    Another: 5
    -Steps: 145
    Maniac: 6
    -Steps: 164

    The Rhyme Brokers
    Basic: 3
    -Steps: 94
    Another: 5
    -Steps: 106
    Maniac: 7
    -Steps: 179

    Into the World
    Basic: 3
    -Steps: 118
    Another: 4
    -Steps: 128
    Maniac: 6
    -Steps: 156

    Keep On Movin'
    Basic: 4
    -Steps: 110
    Another: 5
    -Steps: 140
    Maniac: 6
    -Steps: 183

    Rugged Ash
    Basic: 5
    -Steps: 142
    Another: 7
    -Steps: 161
    Maniac: 8
    -Steps: 181

    Gentle Stress
    Basic: 6
    -Steps: 207
    Another: 8
    -Steps: 290
    Maniac: 9
    -Steps: 333

    Brilliant 2U
    Basic: 5
    -Steps: 154
    Another: 6
    -Steps: 183
    Maniac: 8
    -Steps: 218

    Deep In You
    Basic: 5
    -Steps: 168
    Another: 7
    -Steps: 194
    Maniac: 8
    -Steps: 221

    Basic: 4
    -Steps: 127
    Another: 5
    -Steps: 176
    Maniac: 6
    -Steps: 205

    Macho Gang
    Basic: 5
    -Steps: 167
    Another: 7
    -Steps: 237
    Maniac: 8
    -Steps: 261

    PARANOiA MAX ~Dirty Mix~
    Basic: 6
    -Steps: 275
    Another: 7
    -Steps: 291
    Maniac: 8
    -Steps: 320

    The Earth Light
    Basic: 5
    -Steps: 180
    Another: 6
    -Steps: 205
    Maniac: 8
    -Steps: 256

    Genom Screams
    Basic: 5
    -Steps: 169
    Another: 6
    -Steps: 205
    Maniac: 8
    -Steps: 238

    Queen's Jamaica (astria mix)
    Basic: 3
    -Steps: 125
    Another: 5
    -Steps: 122
    Maniac: 7
    -Steps: 140

    Basic: 3
    -Steps: 105
    Another: 5
    -Steps: 123
    Maniac: 7
    -Steps: 147

    Love So Groovy
    Basic: 3
    -Steps: 108
    Another: 4
    -Steps: 137
    Maniac: 7
    -Steps: 187

    Basic: 3
    -Steps: 108
    Another: 4
    -Steps: 117
    Maniac: 7
    -Steps: 195

    Deep Clear Eyes
    Basic: 6
    -Steps: 189
    Another: 7
    -Steps: 228
    Maniac: 8
    -Steps: 232

    Basic: 5
    -Steps: 136
    Another: 7
    -Steps: 135
    Maniac: 8
    -Steps: 140

    Special Energy
    Basic: 5
    -Steps: 142
    Another: 6
    -Steps: 151
    Maniac: 7
    -Steps: 200

    Gradiusic Cyber
    Basic: 7
    -Steps: 236
    Another: 8
    -Steps: 304
    Maniac: 9
    -Steps: 346

    Ska a go go
    Basic: 6
    -Steps: 203
    Another: 8
    -Steps: 337
    Maniac: 9
    -Steps: 383

    Basic: 5
    -Steps: 161
    Another: 6
    -Steps: 180
    Maniac: 7
    -Steps: 271

    PARANOiA MAX ~Dirty Mix~ Club Ver.1
    Basic: 6
    -Steps: 275
    Another: 7
    -Steps: 291
    Maniac: 8
    -Steps: 320

    PARANOiA MAX ~Dirty Mix~ Club Ver.2
    Basic: 6
    -Steps: 249
    Another: 7
    -Steps: 269
    Maniac: 8
    -Steps: 324

    6b. Differences in Club Vol. 2

    If you don't know what the difference is between DDR and DDR Append Club, read
    my FAQ on Dance Dance Revolution Append Club Vol. 1. One thing that you might
    notice that the most of the songs are much more upbeat and faster. You'll also
    notice that the lowest difficulty for a song is 3 (ordinary), in addition to
    these sets of songs are also harder.
    There are some other differences between vol. 1 and vol. 2. Basically, the
    game plays the same, and there are small differences like the colors. The main
    difference lies in the music. Not only are the songs obviously different, but
    the songs that were in Club Vol. 1 that are in Vol. 2 are somewhat remixed.

    The minute you start this song, it sounds very different. The melody and
    the beat has been drastically changed, and has more of a musical value rather
    than more beats.

    Taka-Graduistic Cyber
    Well, this song so crazy, in terms of the music, it's a bit more, shall we say,
    melodic. The ending is also shortened (Thank goodness).

    This also is very different. It doesn't sound like the Vol. 1 version much,
    just shares the same beat.

    Lovemints-Love So Groovy
    This song is basically the same, except the ending is shorter, there's an added
    "GOT TO HAVE IT!" voice track. The ending is also cut off short.

    The Bald Head-ska a go go
    This hasn't changed at all except the end. For some reason, they decided to
    extend that last part into repeating itself. Unfortunately, it's the hardest
    part of the song and Konami just made it harder...

    D.J. F.X.-Special Energy
    It's now more melodic, not as strange sounding either.

    Quadra-Deep clear eyes
    It's just another remix...

    N.M.R Feat. DJ Nagureo-20,november
    It sounds "dance" like rather than pop. Plus the arrangement of the song is

    Tiger Yamamoto-R3
    A few differences, for example, the elimination of a out-of-place "electric" noise
    that Vol. 1 had was taken out, and a few changes were made to the music, but the steps
    are basically the same.

    Naoki-Brilliant 2U
    The only difference is that the steps are noticeably harder. My guess is that
    the only reason this song exists is an incentive to buy this append disc...

    190-PARANOiA Max Dirty Mix
    190-PARANOiA Max Dirty Mix Club ver. 1
    190-PARANOiA Max Dirty Mix Club ver. 2
    The differences aren't much. The different Club versions just have
    sound slightly different from each other (and one of them end differently).
    Also, the steps are changed quite a bit as well.
    However, this version is longer than the Beatmania version.
    Before song:
    "Break it down!"

    During game play:
    If you have a high gauge-
    "You're the best!"
    "Stay Cool!"

    If you have a low gauge:
    "Not good!"
    "Come on!"
    "Stay Cool!"

    Stage finish:
    "That wasn't your real dance, you can do better!"
    "Yow! That was the best dance ever! Are you a professional dancer?"
    "Wow, how could you make up a dance like this?"
    "Perfect! I can't wait to see your next dance!"

    "Go home! You don't belong here!"
    "Oh, too bad, get outta here!"
    8. About these lyrics
    Most of these lyrics were done by ear (and I realize that it may not be
    accurate), and also, this is my first time doing this, so give me some slack...

    You Make Me
    -Monday Michiru


    You make me wanna get up in the morning
    You make me wanna stay up all night long
    You make me wanna get up to the dancing
    You make me wanna reach up to the sky
    I feel so high!

    When I first met you, I already knew
    Something special happened I never know before (?)
    Was it in your eyes? Feelings you can't disguise
    Something's tellin me that destiny knocked on my front door

    It's better to believe than to live right (?)
    The happiness I feel inside, don't let go
    I know that you feel the same, the passion grows
    and it gets better day...by day

    You make me wanna get up in the morning
    (get up in the morning)
    You make me wanna stay up all night long
    (all night long)
    You make me wanna get up to the dancing
    (get up to the dancing)
    You make me wanna reach up to the sky
    I feel so high!

    Love so Groovy

    You're everything my love for you
    Everyday I'm watchin you
    You're everything I think of you
    You make me feel so dream, love so groovy
    Always I want to be with you
    You know I fall in love with you

    (Push your body closer baby)
    Got to have it
    Got to have it
    Got to have it
    Got to have it yeah

    You know always I wanna be with you
    You know always I wanna be with you

    I wanna be with you
    I wanna be with you

    9. Closing notes/Thanks/Contact Information
    This FAQ is strictly based on my observations and my techniques. It may not
    work for you, and in which case, you can find other great beginner's FAQs out
    there that may work for you. (Myself, I'm learning new techniques, so my own
    playing is not too great right now...) ^_^

    Thanks to...
    Konami for making such a kick arse game
    Nekoneko at DDRer's Stompin' Ground, excellent resource for any DDR game out
    there (some information from this FAQ came from their site, with permission
    of course); http://www.ddr.sh. This FAQ wouldn't be complete without that
    Gameworks (in Schaumburg, Streets of Woodfield), and to all the people there for
    showing me how to do some of the funky stuff...that and if GameWorks didn't
    bring this game to ACEN2K, this game would have forever sat on my shelf...

    Copyrights...(every game I mentioned thus far, just to be safe)
    Beatmania, Guitar Freaks, and Dance Dance Revolution is trademark of Konami
    and the Bemani team.
    PlayStation is trademark and copyright of Sony Entertainment.

    You want to contact me? Read this FIRST, because you NEVER know what will happen to
    you or your E-Mail otherwise:

    1)I'm providing my e-mail for COMMENTS, ADDITIONS, CORRECTIONS, and QUESTIONS ABOUT

    2)Make sure you put what SPECIFIC game you're e-mailing me about. I have 3 other
    DDR FAQs, and asking a question about a "DDR FAQ" isn't going to go anywhere.

    3)DO NOT ASK ME QUESTIONS LIKE "HOW DO I DO _your problem here_???"


    5)I do NOT answer questions about PlayStation, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, modifications,
    copy protection, buying the dance pad/mat, or ANYTHING of the sort. THERE ARE OTHER
    AUTHORITIES! I'm getting REALLY sick of this. I don't condone piracy in any manner,
    and my name is not Konami/Sony/Sega Technical Help.

    -Modifications break your Sony/Sega warranty, so I don't encourage it.
    -Copy protection EXISTS FOR A REASON. I'm NOT going to tell you how to break the law.
    -Same goes for modification protection.
    -You can buy a dance pad or mat ANYWHERE. Obviously, if you still don't know where,
    you're not trying hard enough. (Hint: eBay, Yahoo!)
    -If something breaks or is lost, TOUGH. It's not my problem. Just because I write
    FAQs, doesn't mean I know how to fix your game, pad, PSX, whatever. So don't bother.

    6)I'm not a girl, so don't think about sending love letter. Also spam will
    be ignored and taken up with your ISP or mail server (yes, there are laws
    against that too).


    8)Yes, Dance Dance Revolution IS COMING TO THE U.S. PlayStation, in January 2001.
    I'm not Konami of America, so don't ask me anymore than that. Ask them, they
    make the game.

    I know I'm being harsh but this is getting ridiculous, constantly getting e-mailed on
    how to break Konami's copy protection, how to play the games illegally, and so forth.
    People, understand that FAQ writers don't exist to tell you how to solve your personal
    problems (Yes, trying to jack up your PlayStation is you own personal problem). We (at
    least myself) are just here about the game. Not to cater to your piracy habits, or your
    inabilities to find accessories. I've got my own problems to worry about.

    Understand? Good! I'm always open to a good e-mail! ^_^

    You can e-mail me at BakaOrochi@hotmail.com
    If you'd like to reuse this FAQ in ANYWAY, SHAPE OR FORM, YOU MUST contact me FIRST!
    So please save yourself the legal trouble. I won't bite you head off or anything ^_^
    This FAQ can be located http://www.geocities.com/bakaorochi

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    Další informace ti poskytne Czech DDR, nebo Czech DDR forum.