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DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

Co to je a k čemu je program Stepmania ?

Stepmania je volně šiřitelný program pro simulátor pro hry z rodiny DDR a jim podobných. Funguje pod Windows, na Linuxu i na Xbox konzoli.

Domácí stránka programu je www.stepmania.com a zde si ji můžete stáhnout. Na adrese najdete i pár bonusů jako songy, fotky, videa, návody a manuály. Samozřejmě nechybí ani odkazy na další stránky a aktuální informace o vývoji programu. Poslední stabilní verze je 3.9, takže doporučujeme začít s ní.

Samotný program Stepmania (dále jen SM) Vám k hraní stačit nebude, potřebujete písničky. Ty označujeme anglickým slovem "songs" a nahrávají se do adresáře /songs. Více o nich, kde je sehnat, vytvořit a nahrát, najdete pod klíčovým slovem "songs".

Doporučuji program nainstalovat do kořenového adresáře, například X:/DDR. Budete mít k SM rychlejší přístup a spousta malých souborů zabere méně místa.

Další informace, rady, instalaci a řešení problémů s programem najdete v této části našeho fóra .

Jaké adresáře v Stepmanii najdete a co do nich můžete nahrát?

Announcers - Tenhle adresář slouží pro nahrání komentátora, co vám bude "kecat" do hry. Říkat jak dobře nebo špatně potvrzujete šipky, jak velké máte combo, a jaké jsou vaše závěrečné výsledky.
Cache - Adresíř pro cache songů, pro příští rychlejší start aplikace. Pokud budete mít pár tisíc songů, stejně si chvilku počkáte, než se SM spustí.
Characters - Řekněme tanečníci. Jedná se o figurky, co se hýbou a tancují za šipkami a před pozadím. Někdy rozptylují, někdy pobaví.
Data - Adresář pro nastavení a statistiky. Najdete zde jak nastavení programu Stepmania (soubor stepmania.ini), tak vaše statistiky (adresář LocalProfiles) i statistiky celé mašiny, SM (MachineProfile). Můžete se podívat na doporučené nastavení souboru Stepmania.ini, nebo si SM můžete nastavit přímo v programu. Náročnější hráči si v souboru stepmania.ini nastaví JudgeWindow nebo PerfectScore, ale to normální hráče zatěžovat nemusí.
Notekins - Adresář pro uložení grafiky - noteskinů - dalších vzhledů šipek. Oni totiž ani šipky nemusí vypadat pořád stejně. Existuje větší množství těchto noteskinů.
Program - Adresář obsahující knihovny a spouštěcí soubor stepmania.exe
Screenshots - Ve Stepmanii můžete kdykoliv stisknout klávesu PrintScreen, a do tohoto adresáře se uloží jpeg s aktuálnám obrázkem v rozlišení 640x480. Dobré na ukládání obrázků z výsledné obrazovky. Plno lidí takto své výsledky porovnává.
Songs - Hlavní adresář pro hudbu. Sem dáváte všechny songy, které chcete v Stepmanii hrát. V adresáři Songs je další adresář s názvem alba, v něm adresáře s názvy jednotlivých songů a v tomto jsou už jednotlivé soubory (hudba ve formátu MP3, soubor se šipkami zvaný stepchart, případné titulky k hudbě označované jako lyric, animace, pozadí, obrázek songu a autora a podobně). Nemůžete sem tedy nakopírovat vaše oblíbené album s MP3, nemáte u nich vytvořené stepcharty. Buď šipky uděláte sami, nebo si seženete požadovanou hudbu jinde.
Themes - Jiný kabát pro vaší Stepmanii. Jako program Winamp můžete i SM převléci a dát jí jiný vzhled. Neliší se jen barvy, ale může jít o kompletní změnu programu k novému obrazu. Každému vyhovuje něco jiného, každý themes může ukazovat více či méně informací o dané skladbě, o výsledcích a může mít u různé zvukové efekty.
BackgroundEffects, BackgroundTransitions, BGAnimations, RandomMovies ...a podobné adresáře jsou pro videa a efekty k nim. Videa mohou být také přímo v adresáři Songs u hudby.

V Stepmanii můžete používat i klávesové zkratky. Uvádím je zde jen pro úplnost, protože běžnému hráči stačí šipky, enter, a esc. Zde je tedy jejich přehled:


  • F1 = vložení mince
  • F2 = zvonunačtení metrik a textur
  • Alt-Enter = přepnutí do nebo z fullscreenu
  • PrintScreen = vytvoří screenshot obrazovky a uloží jej do adresáře Screenshots
  • Držet Tab = zvýší rychlost hry 4x. Používá se pro rychlejší pohyb v menu a výběru songů
  • Držet Tildu (~) = naopak sníží rychlost hry na 1/4x
  • Držet Tab a Tildu (~) = sníží rychlost na 0x

    V menu:

  • Směrové šipky slouží pro pohyb v menu
  • Enter = Start
  • Escape = zpět

    Ještě před vlastním hraním - attract obrazovka:

  • Left nebo Right = další obrazovka
  • F3 = přepnutí CoinMode

    V hlavním menu:

  • Escape = vrácení o obrazovku zpět

    Během hry:

  • F6 = přepnutí AutoSync módu
  • F7 = přepnutí assist tick (tleskání do rytmu hudby)
  • F8 = přepnutí AutoPlay (počítač hraje sám za vás)
  • F9 = sníží offset
  • F10 = zvýší offset
  • F11 = sníží BPM současného segmentu (držte ALT pro větší citlivost)
  • F12 = zvýší BPM současného segmentu (držte ALT pro větší citlivost)
  • Držet Escape = ukončí hraní

    V editoru:

  • Escape = menu
  • Up/Down = předchozí/další řádka
  • Left/Right = změna kroku
  • 1 až 0 = přidá/smaže notu
  • Enter - nastaví počáteční značku pro označení oblasti
  • Space - nastaví značku pro konec výběru oblasti
  • P - přehrání označené oblasti (pokud není nic označeno, přehraje celý song)
  • R - spustí nahrávání do označené oblasti (pokud není nic označeno, přehraje celý song)

    V menu pro výběr songu:

  • F9 = změna překladu názvů (například pro japonské názvy skladeb)

    Během výběru songu můžete zadat určitou sekvenci kláves a provede se příslušná akce. Tyto sekvence jsou sice závislé na tom, jaký themes používáte, nicméně se autoři snaří dodržet tyto zvyklosti:

    Přepnutí na lehčí úrověň:

  • Easier1=Up,Up
  • Easier2=MenuUp,MenuUp

    Přepnutí na těžší úrověň:

  • Harder1=Down,Down
  • Harder2=MenuDown,MenuDown

    Změna seřazení songů na další způsob:

  • NextSort1=MenuLeft-MenuRight-Start
  • NextSort2=MenuLeft+MenuRight
  • NextSort3=Left-Right-Start
  • NextSort4=Left+Right

    Změna seřazení songů:

  • SortMenu1=Up,Down,Up,Down
  • SortMenu2=MenuUp,MenuDown,MenuUp,MenuDown

    Modifikace songu (udělá obvykle hru težší):

  • Mirror=Up,Left,Right,Left,Right
  • Left=Up,Down,Right,Left
  • Right=Up,Down,Left,Right
  • Shuffle=Down,Up,Down,Up
  • SuperShuffle=Down,Up,Left,Right

    Změna rychlosti šipek:

  • NextScrollSpeed=Up,Left,Down,Left,Up
  • PreviousScrollSpeed=Down,Right,Up,Right,Down

    Další modifikace:

  • NextAccel=Left,Right,Down,Up
  • NextEffect=Left,Down,Right
  • NextAppearance=Left,Up,Right
  • Reverse=Down,Left,Right,Left,Right
  • HoldNotes=Right,Left,Down,Up

    Zrušení všech modifikací:

  • CancelAll=Left,Right,Left,Right,Left,Right,Left,Right

    Změna astavení Stepmanie:

  • NextTheme=Left,Left,Left,Right,Right,Right,Left,Right
  • NextTheme2=MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuRight
  • NextAnnouncer=Left,Left,Right,Right,Left,Left,Right,Right
  • NextAnnouncer2=MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight
  • NextGame=Left,Right,Left,Left,Right,Right,Left,Right
  • NextGame2=MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuRight
  • NextBannerGroup=MenuUp,MenuRight,MenuRight
  • NextBannerGroup2=MenuUp,MenuDown,MenuUp,MenuDown

    No a pokud se Vám Stepmania nevlíbí, zkuste podobné simulátory jako DWI, Pydance, Flash Flash Revolution.. .

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'stepmania':
    01.11.2009 00:00
  • << zpět na Czech DDR portal

    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

    Dance Dance Revolution 3rd Mix
    Playstation FAQ Revision 0.8
    Last revision date: June 22nd, 2000

    Author: Sang Hong
    e-mail: sanger@acm.org

    Table of Contents

    1. Revision History
    2. What is Dance Dance Revoltion?
    3. Songs
    3.1 Titles/Artist/Album
    3.2 Difficulty
    3.2.1 Soft Mode
    3.2.2 Medium Mode
    3.3 Max Combo
    3.3.1 Soft Mode (Single/Versus/Double)
    3.3.2 Soft Mode (Unison)
    3.3.3 Medium Mode (Single/Versus/Double)
    3.3.4 Medium Mode (Unison)
    3.3.5 Nonstop
    3.4 Lyrics
    3.5 Description
    4. Characters
    4.1 Description
    4.2 Availability
    4.3 Hidden Songs
    5. Modes
    5.1 General Description
    5.2 Modes for the PSX version
    5.3 Nonstop Order Courses
    6. Secrets/Codes
    7. Misc
    7.1 Scoring
    7.2 Announcer Says
    7.3 Game Shark / Action Replay Codes
    8. Conclusion
    9. Contributions/Thank you's
    10. Disclaimer

    1. Revision History
    0.1 First version. Preliminary info before official release.
    0.2 Song difficulties, Characters, Codes section added.
    Information, Contributions section updated.
    0.3 I got the game. A lot of sections updated.
    0.4 Keep on Updatin'
    0.5 Make it Better (Lyrics sections almost completed, *ENDLESS*
    mode discovered!)
    0.6 Song difficulty section completed.
    Some more Max Combos
    0.7 Misc Section Added.
    Max Combo Section done.
    0.8 Secrets/Codes section more or less finished.
    Scoring section added.

    2. What is Dance Dance Revoltion?
    Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) is the game that started the dance game craze in
    Japan/Asia. Konami has created this simple to learn, fun game. The game is played
    using your feet. If you have played other Bemani games, just think of it as
    Beatmania played by stepping on arrows instead of hitting the notes. The screen
    shows 4 directional arrows that you must step on when it overlaps at the top of
    the screen. At the time of this writing, 3rd Mix is the latest version.

    3rd Mix improves on 2nd Mix by adding more than 30 songs. Adding some new modes
    like, Nonstop Remix, Step Step Revolution, Stealth, Sudden. As well as some
    new characters.

    3. Songs

    3.1 Titles/Artist/Album
    Title Artist Album
    Get Up and Dance Freedom Dancemania Club
    Silent Hill Thomas Howard Konami Original
    Upside Down Coo Coo Dancemania Super
    Classics 1
    So Many Men Me & My Zip Mania II
    20, November (D.D.R. Version) N.M.R Feat. DJ Nagureo Konami Original
    Let Them Move N.M.R Konami Original
    Do It All Night E-rotic Dancemania X4
    The Race Captain Jack Dancemania X4
    Operator (Two Gees Mix) Papaya Dancemania X3
    Holiday Who's That Girl ZIP Mania II
    Oh Nick Please Not So Quick E-rotic Dancemania X2
    Keep On Movin' N.M.R Konami Original
    If You Can Say Goodbye Kate Project Dancemania X2
    Mr. Wonderful Smile.DK Dancemania X2
    Wonderland (UKS Mix) X-tream Dancemania Summers 2
    Get Up (Before the Night is Over) Technotronic Dancemania Super
    Feat. Ya Kid K Classics 2
    Butterfly (Upswing Mix) Smile.DK Dancemania Speed 2
    Dam Dariram Joga Dancemania X3
    In the Navy '99 (XXL Disaster Remix) Captain Jack Dancemania X3
    La Senorita Captain T Konami Original
    Vol. 4 Ravers Choice Dancemania Speed 2
    Rock Beat Loud Force Dancemania X4
    Captain Jack (Grandale Remix) Captain Jack Dancemania Speed 2
    End of the Century No. 9 Konami Original
    Flashdance (What a Feeling) Magika Dancemania Speed 3
    Turn Me On (Heavenly Mix) E-rotic Dancemania Speed 2
    Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G G3 Mix) King Kong & Dancemania Speed 3
    D. Jungle Girls
    Dynamite Rave Naoki Konami Original
    Afronova RE-VENGE Konami Original
    Dead End N & S Konami Original
    Paranoia Rebirth 190' Konami Original
    Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix) Mr. Dog Feat. DJ Swan Beatmania
    Luv To Me (AMD Mix) DJ Kazu Beatmania
    Feat. Tiger Yamato
    Jam Jam Reggae (AMD Swing Mix) Rice.C Beatmania
    Feat. jam master '73
    Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix) BIG-O Feat. TAKA Beatmania

    Put Your Faith in Me Uzi-Lay Konami Original
    Put Your Faith in Me (Jazzy Groove) Uzi-Lay Konami Original
    Brilliant 2U Naoki Konami Original
    Brilliant 2U (Orchestra Groove) Naoki Konami Original
    Make it Better Mitsu-O! Konami Original
    Make it Better (So-Real Mix) Mitsu-O! SUMMER Konami Original
    AM3P KTz Konami Original
    Trip Machine DE-SIRE Konami Original
    SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix) DE-SIRE Konami Original
    Paranoia 180 Konami Original
    Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) 190 Konami Original
    Make a Jam U1 Konami Original
    Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) 2MB Konami Original
    Think Ya Better D sAmi Konami Original
    Trip Machine (Luv Mix) 2MB Konami Original
    Love This Feelin' Chang Ma Konami Original

    After the Game of Love NPD3 Konami Original
    Cutie Chaser Club Spice Konami Original
    Drop the Bomb Scotty D. Konami Original
    La Senorita Virtual 2MB Konami Original

    "Xanadu", "Follow the Sun", and "It Only Takes a Minute" are missing from the
    Playstation version of 3rd Mix, due to undisclosed reasons.

    3.2 Difficulty

    3.2.1 Soft Mode

    B = Basic, A = Another, S = SSR
    D = Basic Double, AD = Another Double, SD = SSR Double

    Title B A S D AD SD
    Get Up and Dance 2 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 4
    Silent Hill 2 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4
    Upside Down 2 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 4
    So Many Men 2 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 4
    20, November (DDR Version) 2 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 4
    Let Them Move 2 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 4
    Do it All Night 2 | 3 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 5
    The Race 2 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4
    Operator (Two Gees Mix) 2 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 5
    Holiday 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4
    Oh Nick Please Not So Quick 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4
    Keep On Movin' 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4
    If You Can Say Goodbye 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4
    Mr. Wonderful 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4
    Wonderland (UKS Mix) 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4
    Get Up (Before the Night is Over) 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4
    Butterfly (Upswing Mix) 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 5
    Dam Dariram 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 5
    In the Navy '99 (XXL Disaster Remix) 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 5
    La Senorita 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 5
    Vol. 4 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 5
    Rock Beat 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4
    Captain Jack (Grandale Remix) 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 5
    End of the Century 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 5
    Flashdance (What a Feeling) 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4
    Turn Me On (Heavenly Mix) 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 5
    Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G. G3 Mix) 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 5
    Dynamite Rave 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 5
    Afronova 3 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 5
    Dead End 3 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 5
    Paranoia Rebirth 3 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 5
    Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix) 4 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 5
    Luv To Me (AMD Mix) 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 5
    Jam Jam Reggae (AMD Swing Mix) 2 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 5
    Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix) 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 5
    Put Your Faith in Me 2 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | -
    Put Your Faith in Me (Jazzy Groove) 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 4 | -
    Brilliant 2U 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | -
    Brilliant 2U (Orchestra Groove) 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | -
    Make it Better 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 4 | -
    Make it Better (So-Real Mix) 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | -
    AM-3P 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | -
    Trip Machine 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 5 | -
    SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix) 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 5 | -
    Paranoia 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 5 | -
    Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) 4 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 5 | -
    Make a Jam! 2 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | -
    Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 5 | -
    Think ya Better D 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | -
    Trip Machine (Luv Mix) 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 5 | -
    Love This Feelin' 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 5 | -
    After the Game of Love 1 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 4
    Cutie Chaser 2 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 4
    Drop the Bomb 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4
    La Senorita Virtual 4 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 5

    3.2.2 Medium Mode
    B = Basic, A = Another, S = SSR
    D = Basic Double, AD = Another Double, SD = SSR Double

    Title B A S D AD SD
    Get Up and Dance 2 | 4 | 7 | 1 | 4 | 6
    Silent Hill 2 | 6 | 7 | 4 | 5 | 7
    Upside Down 3 | 5 | 7 | 3 | 5 | 6
    So Many Men 3 | 5 | 6 | 3 | 4 | 7
    20, November (DDR Version) 3 | 5 | 7 | 3 | 5 | 7
    Let Them Move 3 | 6 | 7 | 3 | 6 | 7
    Do it All Night 3 | 5 | 8 | 3 | 6 | 8
    The Race 3 | 5 | 7 | 4 | 6 | 7
    Operator (Two Gees Mix) 3 | 5 | 7 | 4 | 5 | 8
    Holiday 4 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 7
    Oh Nick Please Not So Quick 4 | 5 | 7 | 4 | 5 | 7
    Keep On Movin' 4 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 6 | 7
    If You Can Say Goodbye 4 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 7
    Mr. Wonderful 4 | 6 | 7 | 4 | 5 | 7
    Wonderland (UKS Mix) 4 | 6 | 7 | 5 | 6 | 7
    Get Up (Before the Night is Over) 4 | 6 | 7 | 4 | 5 | 7
    Butterfly (Upswing Mix) 4 | 6 | 8 | 5 | 7 | 8
    Dam Dariram 4 | 6 | 8 | 4 | 5 | 8
    In the Navy '99 (XXL Disaster Remix) 4 | 6 | 8 | 4 | 5 | 8
    La Senorita 4 | 6 | 7 | 4 | 6 | 9
    Vol. 4 4 | 6 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 8
    Rock Beat 4 | 7 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 7
    Captain Jack (Grandale Remix) 4 | 7 | 9 | 5 | 7 | 9
    End of the Century 4 | 7 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 9
    Flashdance (What a Feeling) 4 | 7 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 7
    Turn Me On (Heavenly Mix) 4 | 6 | 7 | 5 | 7 | 9
    Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G. G3 Mix) 5 | 7 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 9
    Dynamite Rave 5 | 7 | 9 | 5 | 6 | 8
    Afronova 5 | 7 | 9 | 6 | 7 | 9
    Dead End 5 | 7 | 9 | 6 | 7 | 8
    Paranoia Rebirth 6 | 7 | 9 | 6 | 8 | 9
    Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix) 5 | 7 | 8 | 5 | 7 | 9
    Luv To Me (AMD Mix) 4 | 7 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 8
    Jam Jam Reggae (AMD Swing Mix) 2 | 7 | 8 | 3 | 5 | 8
    Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix) 5 | 7 | 9 | 5 | 8 | 9
    Put Your Faith in Me 3 | 4 | 6 | 4 | 5 | -
    Put Your Faith in Me (Jazzy Groove) 4 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 6 | -
    Brilliant 2U 4 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 5 | -
    Brilliant 2U (Orchestra Groove) 5 | 6 | 7 | 4 | 5 | -
    Make it Better 4 | 5 | 7 | 5 | 7 | -
    Make it Better (So-Real Mix) 5 | 6 | 8 | 5 | 7 | -
    AM-3P 5 | 6 | 8 | 5 | 6 | -
    Trip Machine 6 | 7 | 8 | 7 | 8 | -
    SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix) 6 | 7 | 8 | 7 | 8 | -
    Paranoia 6 | 7 | 8 | 7 | 8 | -
    Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) 6 | 8 | 8 | 7 | 8 | -
    Make a Jam! 3 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 5 | -
    Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) 6 | 7 | 8 | 7 | 8 | -
    Think ya Better D 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | -
    Trip Machine (Luv Mix) 6 | 7 | 8 | 7 | 8 | -
    Love This Feelin' 6 | 7 | 8 | 7 | 8 | -
    After the Game of Love 1 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 6
    Cutie Chaser 3 | 4 | 7 | 3 | 5 | 7
    Drop the Bomb 4 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 6
    La Senorita Virtual 7 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 7 | 8
    Gimme Gimme Gimme 4 | - | - | 4 | - | -
    Bumble Bee 3 | - | - | 3 | - | -

    3.3 Max Combo

    3.2.1 Soft Mode (Single/Versus/Double)

    B = Basic, A = Another, S = SSR
    D = Basic Double, AD = Another Double, SD = SSR Double

    Title B A S D AD SD
    Get Up and Dance 79 | 83 | 83 | 71 | 88 | 88
    Silent Hill 113 | 135 | 135 | 129 | 134 | 134
    Upside Down 108 | 110 | 110 | 109 | 105 | 105
    So Many Men 91 | 103 | 103 | 103 | 107 | 107
    20, November (DDR Version) 79 | 79 | 79 | 80 | 82 | 78
    Let Them Move 77 | 81 | 79 | 80 | 83 | 78
    Do it All Night 127 | 135 | 135 | 109 | 144 | 144
    The Race 139 | 150 | 150 | 143 | 150 | 150
    Operator (Two Gees Mix) 128 | 130 | 130 | 124 | 128 | 128
    Holiday 142 | 145 | 145 | 131 | 148 | 148
    Oh Nick Please Not So Quick 105 | 113 | 113 | 104 | 118 | 118
    Keep On Movin' 84 | 80 | 81 | 83 | 80 | 77
    If You Can Say Goodbye 119 | 122 | 122 | 127 | 125 | 125
    Mr. Wonderful 123 | 130 | 130 | 135 | 131 | 131
    Wonderland (UKS Mix) 122 | 124 | 124 | 123 | 117 | 117
    Get Up (Before the Night is Over) 121 | 111 | 111 | 118 | 113 | 113
    Butterfly (Upswing Mix) 173 | 183 | 192 | 182 | 189 | 189
    Dam Dariram 105 | 137 | 137 | 148 | 151 | 151
    In the Navy '99 (XXL Disaster Remix) 151 | 165 | 165 | 153 | 157 | 157
    La Senorita 221 | 207 | 207 | 167 | 234 | 234
    Vol. 4 135 | 150 | 150 | 132 | 153 | 153
    Rock Beat 147 | 160 | 160 | 140 | 144 | 144
    Captain Jack (Grandale Remix) 189 | 188 | 188 | 157 | 174 | 174
    End of the Century 191 | 209 | 209 | 201 | 203 | 203
    Flashdance (What a Feeling) 154 | 160 | 160 | 161 | 167 | 167
    Turn Me On (Heavenly Mix) 137 | 200 | 200 | 189 | 214 | 214
    Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G. G3 Mix) 148 | 151 | 148 | 144 | 149 | 150
    Dynamite Rave 148 | 161 | 161 | 173 | 185 | 185
    Afronova 194 | 224 | 224 | 213 | 225 | 225
    Dead End 198 | 251 | 251 | 236 | 246 | 246
    Paranoia Rebirth 235 | 244 | 244 | 243 | 247 | 247
    Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix) 139 | 164 | 164 | 161 | 169 | 169
    Luv To Me (AMD Mix) 161 | 182 | 182 | 181 | 183 | 183
    Jam Jam Reggae (AMD Swing Mix) 68 | 65 | 65 | 68 | 64 | 64
    Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix) 207 | 199 | 199 | 208 | 199 | 199
    Put Your Faith in Me 95 | 92 | 92 | 93 | 92 | -
    Put Your Faith in Me (Jazzy Groove) 93 | 87 | 98 | 93 | 89 | -
    Brilliant 2U 133 | 133 | 132 | 130 | 132 | -
    Brilliant 2U (Orchestra Groove) 128 | 130 | 130 | 131 | 130 | -
    Make it Better 104 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 101 | -
    Make it Better (So-Real Mix) 108 | 105 | 105 | 104 | 104 | -
    AM-3P 104 | 102 | 102 | 105 | 102 | -
    Trip Machine 155 | 157 | 157 | 157 | 158 | -
    SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix) 157 | 155 | 155 | 151 | 155 | -
    Paranoia 221 | 221 | 221 | 218 | 229 | -
    Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) 219 | 219 | 232 | 218 | 237 | -
    Make a Jam! 123 | 129 | 129 | 123 | 129 | -
    Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) 220 | 224 | 224 | 225 | 225 | -
    Think ya Better D 129 | 138 | 152 | 139 | 141 | -
    Trip Machine (Luv Mix) 170 | 167 | 169 | 170 | 167 | -
    Love This Feelin' 157 | 162 | 168 | 156 | 167 | -
    After the Game of Love 70 | 97 | 95 | 103 | 98 | 95
    Cutie Chaser 119 | 126 | 121 | 119 | 126 | 121
    Drop the Bomb 157 | 172 | 168 | 157 | 170 | 170
    La Senorita Virtual 215 | 222 | 213 | 196 | 212 | 215

    3.2.2 Soft Mode (Unison)

    1B = Basic (1P), 1A = Another (1P), 1S = SSR (1P)
    2B = Basic (2P), 2A = Another (2P), 2S = SSR (2P)

    Title 1B 1A 1S 2B 2A 2S
    Get Up and Dance 71 | 75 | 75 | 70 | 73 | 73
    Silent Hill 102 | 117 | 117 | 99 | 117 | 117
    Upside Down 97 | 98 | 98 | 96 | 97 | 97
    So Many Men 85 | 95 | 95 | 84 | 94 | 94
    20, November (DDR Version) 72 | 71 | 71 | 70 | 71 | 71
    Let Them Move 68 | 73 | 70 | 67 | 73 | 70
    Do it All Night 111 | 119 | 119 | 111 | 117 | 117
    The Race 121 | 127 | 127 | 117 | 125 | 125
    Operator (Two Gees Mix) 113 | 113 | 113 | 110 | 113 | 113
    Holiday 124 | 122 | 122 | 120 | 126 | 126
    Oh Nick Please Not So Quick 88 | 96 | 96 | 91 | 98 | 98
    Keep On Movin' 75 | 72 | 74 | 76 | 72 | 71
    If You Can Say Goodbye 103 | 104 | 104 | 103 | 104 | 104
    Mr. Wonderful 106 | 114 | 114 | 109 | 112 | 112
    Wonderland (UKS Mix) 105 | 107 | 107 | 105 | 107 | 107
    Get Up (Before the Night is Over) 106 | 96 | 96 | 103 | 95 | 95
    Butterfly (Upswing Mix) 155 | 160 | 165 | 151 | 159 | 166
    Dam Dariram 90 | 112 | 112 | 86 | 112 | 112
    In the Navy '99 (XXL Disaster Remix) 127 | 136 | 136 | 127 | 137 | 137
    La Senorita 197 | 187 | 187 | 199 | 183 | 183
    Vol. 4 111 | 122 | 122 | 114 | 126 | 126
    Rock Beat 122 | 133 | 133 | 126 | 134 | 134
    Captain Jack (Grandale Remix) 161 | 159 | 159 | 167 | 163 | 163
    End of the Century 167 | 183 | 183 | 167 | 181 | 181
    Flashdance (What a Feeling) 130 | 135 | 135 | 130 | 135 | 135
    Turn Me On (Heavenly Mix) 119 | 174 | 174 | 120 | 176 | 176
    Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G. G3 Mix) 124 | 126 | 122 | 124 | 126 | 123
    Dynamite Rave 126 | 136 | 136 | 127 | 136 | 136
    Afronova 170 | 198 | 198 | 174 | 196 | 196
    Dead End 171 | 222 | 222 | 171 | 220 | 220
    Paranoia Rebirth 209 | 217 | 217 | 209 | 218 | 218
    Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix) 117 | 136 | 136 | 120 | 137 | 137
    Luv To Me (AMD Mix) 137 | 157 | 157 | 141 | 160 | 160
    Jam Jam Reggae (AMD Swing Mix) 61 | 57 | 57 | 59 | 57 | 57
    Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix) 181 | 171 | 171 | 186 | 178 | 178
    Put Your Faith in Me 86 | 84 | 84 | 87 | 84 | 84
    Put Your Faith in Me (Jazzy Groove) 85 | 79 | 79 | 85 | 79 | 79
    Brilliant 2U 118 | 117 | 115 | 113 | 117 | 116
    Brilliant 2U (Orchestra Groove) 112 | 116 | 116 | 111 | 111 | 111
    Make it Better 91 | 90 | 92 | 90 | 87 | 88
    Make it Better (So-Real Mix) 95 | 93 | 93 | 93 | 93 | 93
    AM-3P 91 | 89 | 89 | 94 | 92 | 92
    Trip Machine 129 | 132 | 132 | 131 | 133 | 133
    SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix) 127 | 129 | 129 | 134 | 129 | 129
    Paranoia 199 | 199 | 199 | 197 | 198 | 198
    Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) 196 | 193 | 204 | 196 | 197 | 208
    Make a Jam! 106 | 112 | 112 | 108 | 113 | 113
    Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) 195 | 199 | 199 | 196 | 200 | 200
    Think ya Better D 108 | 118 | 129 | 105 | 114 | 126
    Trip Machine (Luv Mix) 150 | 146 | 145 | 147 | 143 | 145
    Love This Feelin' 133 | 137 | 143 | 133 | 138 | 144
    After the Game of Love 66 | 89 | 87 | 61 | 89 | 87
    Cutie Chaser 101 | 107 | 104 | 102 | 108 | 104
    Drop the Bomb 133 | 145 | 143 | 133 | 146 | 141
    La Senorita Virtual 193 | 200 | 190 | 187 | 196 | 189

    3.2.3 Medium Mode (Single/Versus/Double)

    B = Basic, A = Another, S = SSR
    D = Basic Double, AD = Another Double, SD = SSR Double

    Title B A S D AD SD
    Get Up and Dance 87 | 120 | 217 | 71 | 124 | 176
    Silent Hill 117 | 202 | 265 | 165 | 206 | 268
    Upside Down 152 | 184 | 259 | 147 | 185 | 186
    So Many Men 115 | 150 | 193 | 115 | 139 | 220
    20, November (DDR Version) 103 | 150 | 175 | 98 | 132 | 167
    Let Them Move 107 | 150 | 198 | 110 | 126 | 165
    Do it All Night 145 | 155 | 278 | 127 | 196 | 286
    The Race 151 | 222 | 294 | 153 | 223 | 255
    Operator (Two Gees Mix) 146 | 182 | 272 | 144 | 208 | 243
    Holiday 154 | 216 | 230 | 165 | 200 | 254
    Oh Nick Please Not So Quick 127 | 153 | 201 | 122 | 170 | 220
    Keep On Movin' 110 | 140 | 183 | 113 | 162 | 164
    If You Can Say Goodbye 165 | 187 | 250 | 163 | 217 | 262
    Mr. Wonderful 143 | 179 | 267 | 141 | 173 | 235
    Wonderland (UKS Mix) 168 | 184 | 243 | 180 | 203 | 231
    Get Up (Before the Night is Over) 147 | 186 | 256 | 144 | 186 | 237
    Butterfly (Upswing Mix) 201 | 271 | 322 | 216 | 285 | 323
    Dam Dariram 133 | 219 | 298 | 192 | 195 | 282
    In the Navy '99 (XXL Disaster Remix) 199 | 249 | 307 | 203 | 214 | 331
    La Senorita 241 | 255 | 294 | 181 | 293 | 420
    Vol. 4 149 | 201 | 258 | 152 | 210 | 250
    Rock Beat 179 | 227 | 277 | 164 | 187 | 286
    Captain Jack (Grandale Remix) 217 | 299 | 360 | 179 | 239 | 360
    End of the Century 231 | 307 | 349 | 231 | 245 | 390
    Flashdance (What a Feeling) 194 | 259 | 285 | 207 | 224 | 231
    Turn Me On (Heavenly Mix) 165 | 276 | 299 | 216 | 276 | 325
    Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G. G3 Mix) 188 | 246 | 298 | 184 | 209 | 298
    Dynamite Rave 188 | 269 | 398 | 217 | 250 | 331
    Afronova 214 | 244 | 370 | 233 | 245 | 357
    Dead End 216 | 337 | 410 | 274 | 298 | 455
    Paranoia Rebirth 280 | 322 | 433 | 281 | 321 | 423
    Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix) 171 | 234 | 293 | 193 | 241 | 328
    Luv To Me (AMD Mix) 203 | 270 | 353 | 217 | 228 | 352
    Jam Jam Reggae (AMD Swing Mix) 123 | 189 | 252 | 112 | 137 | 223
    Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix) 265 | 310 | 370 | 266 | 308 | 368
    Put Your Faith in Me 128 | 145 | 92 | 135 | 147 | -
    Put Your Faith in Me (Jazzy Groove) 149 | 167 | 208 | 149 | 180 | -
    Brilliant 2U 162 | 176 | 225 | 165 | 180 | -
    Brilliant 2U (Orchestra Groove) 166 | 187 | 226 | 171 | 187 | -
    Make it Better 143 | 188 | 102 | 130 | 181 | -
    Make it Better (So-Real Mix) 159 | 191 | 208 | 135 | 185 | -
    AM-3P 164 | 195 | 244 | 166 | 194 | -
    Trip Machine 191 | 211 | 230 | 201 | 215 | -
    SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix) 194 | 217 | 245 | 198 | 227 | -
    Paranoia 264 | 275 | 319 | 254 | 309 | -
    Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) 268 | 288 | 340 | 274 | 311 | -
    Make a Jam! 155 | 193 | 129 | 155 | 200 | -
    Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) 262 | 278 | 237 | 261 | 289 | -
    Think ya Better D 148 | 177 | 351 | 172 | 194 | -
    Trip Machine (Luv Mix) 209 | 251 | 293 | 209 | 251 | -
    Love This Feelin' 210 | 225 | 242 | 214 | 227 | -
    After the Game of Love 72 | 168 | 207 | 114 | 167 | 207
    Cutie Chaser 148 | 185 | 256 | 148 | 186 | 254
    Drop the Bomb 199 | 238 | 304 | 199 | 237 | 299
    La Senorita Virtual 270 | 334 | 359 | 240 | 298 | 358
    Gimme Gimme Gimme 194 | - | - | 199 | - | -
    Bumble Bee 133 | - | - | 135 | - | -

    3.2.4 Medium Mode (Unison)

    1B = Basic (1P), 1A = Another (1P), 1S = SSR (1P)
    2B = Basic (2P), 2A = Another (2P), 2S = SSR (2P)

    Title 1B 1A 1S 2B 2A 2S
    Get Up and Dance 79 | 108 | 185 | 78 | 106 | 183
    Silent Hill 106 | 168 | 228 | 103 | 171 | 224
    Upside Down 133 | 162 | 227 | 132 | 161 | 226
    So Many Men 105 | 134 | 175 | 104 | 137 | 175
    20, November (DDR Version) 90 | 130 | 150 | 90 | 130 | 150
    Let Them Move 92 | 131 | 176 | 93 | 131 | 171
    Do it All Night 125 | 137 | 238 | 125 | 135 | 239
    The Race 129 | 188 | 246 | 129 | 190 | 250
    Operator (Two Gees Mix) 129 | 157 | 240 | 124 | 156 | 233
    Holiday 134 | 186 | 201 | 132 | 179 | 196
    Oh Nick Please Not So Quick 106 | 130 | 169 | 107 | 130 | 177
    Keep On Movin' 97 | 124 | 159 | 98 | 125 | 162
    If You Can Say Goodbye 141 | 157 | 214 | 140 | 157 | 214
    Mr. Wonderful 124 | 160 | 209 | 125 | 152 | 203
    Wonderland (UKS Mix) 143 | 159 | 223 | 143 | 158 | 221
    Get Up (Before the Night is Over) 126 | 161 | 222 | 124 | 153 | 214
    Butterfly (Upswing Mix) 179 | 240 | 283 | 173 | 237 | 281
    Dam Dariram 110 | 184 | 246 | 108 | 184 | 248
    In the Navy '99 (XXL Disaster Remix) 165 | 204 | 248 | 167 | 212 | 253
    La Senorita 213 | 227 | 259 | 215 | 221 | 255
    Vol. 4 121 | 162 | 214 | 126 | 168 | 218
    Rock Beat 150 | 190 | 230 | 152 | 189 | 236
    Captain Jack (Grandale Remix) 185 | 257 | 307 | 187 | 256 | 310
    End of the Century 199 | 265 | 299 | 199 | 262 | 299
    Flashdance (What a Feeling) 164 | 215 | 237 | 164 | 214 | 245
    Turn Me On (Heavenly Mix) 143 | 240 | 258 | 144 | 238 | 258
    Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G. G3 Mix) 157 | 203 | 245 | 158 | 205 | 247
    Dynamite Rave 158 | 228 | 342 | 161 | 225 | 339
    Afronova 186 | 214 | 322 | 190 | 212 | 321
    Dead End 188 | 291 | 351 | 182 | 287 | 346
    Paranoia Rebirth 246 | 279 | 387 | 246 | 286 | 388
    Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix) 145 | 198 | 247 | 144 | 195 | 249
    Luv To Me (AMD Mix) 171 | 233 | 309 | 177 | 237 | 306
    Jam Jam Reggae (AMD Swing Mix) 107 | 161 | 210 | 110 | 164 | 217
    Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix) 226 | 268 | 316 | 236 | 277 | 320
    Put Your Faith in Me 115 | 128 | 180 | 112 | 128 | 175
    Put Your Faith in Me (Jazzy Groove) 130 | 151 | 183 | 133 | 146 | 183
    Brilliant 2U 143 | 152 | 198 | 139 | 151 | 199
    Brilliant 2U (Orchestra Groove) 141 | 160 | 196 | 145 | 162 | 195
    Make it Better 125 | 161 | 181 | 124 | 164 | 187
    Make it Better (So-Real Mix) 140 | 170 | 180 | 137 | 163 | 181
    AM-3P 142 | 169 | 208 | 144 | 171 | 208
    Trip Machine 160 | 176 | 187 | 162 | 175 | 189
    SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix) 162 | 184 | 204 | 161 | 178 | 202
    Paranoia 233 | 244 | 279 | 235 | 245 | 280
    Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) 236 | 253 | 294 | 236 | 254 | 303
    Make a Jam! 133 | 169 | 204 | 133 | 163 | 208
    Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) 231 | 244 | 306 | 232 | 245 | 310
    Think ya Better D 125 | 151 | 204 | 124 | 153 | 202
    Trip Machine (Luv Mix) 181 | 218 | 252 | 181 | 217 | 254
    Love This Feelin' 174 | 188 | 202 | 177 | 192 | 207
    After the Game of Love 66 | 153 | 186 | 63 | 150 | 182
    Cutie Chaser 126 | 161 | 216 | 129 | 164 | 216
    Drop the Bomb 167 | 200 | 256 | 167 | 202 | 263
    La Senorita Virtual 239 | 298 | 320 | 233 | 286 | 312
    Gimme Gimme Gimme 164 | - | - | 164 | - | -
    Bumble Bee 109 | - | - | 114 | - | -

    3.2.5 Nonstop Mode

    S = Single, U = Unison, D = Double
    SS = SSR Single, SU = SSR Unison, SD = SSR Double

    Title S U D SS SU SD
    Favorite Song 587 | | | | |
    Speedway 752 | | | | |
    Beatmania 1009 | | | | |
    Captain | | | | |
    Konami Original | | | | |
    Special | | | | |
    Paranoias | | | | |
    Other Side | | | | |
    Trinity | | | | |

    3.4 Lyrics
    Get Up and Dance
    Come on get up and dance to the music
    Get up get up and dance
    If you feel it in your bones, yeah
    I suggest you get it on girl
    Yeah you better not blow this chance now
    Here's the music get up and dance yeah
    Yeah yeah
    Move move move to the funky beat
    And we're groovin
    Groovin groovin groovin
    Till you're hot as heat
    And we're move
    Move move move to the funky beat
    And we're groovin
    Groovin groovin groovin
    Till you're hot as heat
    Come on get up and dance to the music
    Get up get up and dance to the music
    Come on get up and dance to the music
    Get up get up and dance

    Silent Hill
    Thomas Howard Lichtenstein
    Lights on the avenue
    All seem so far away
    I'm up here drinking a toast to you
    On such a special day
    Tonight is the night for I love you's
    Wish we could have this feeling
    Throughout the year
    Christmas is here
    Christmas is here
    Tonight is the night for I love you's
    And if you hold me near you
    You'll feel my heart beating for two
    Tonight is the night for I love you's
    Up above the snow is falling
    And stars disappear
    My heart is calling
    Christmas is here

    Upside Down
    M. Farina / G. Crivellente
    Upside down
    If you fall into the ground
    Coo Coo is the movie
    Coo Coo is the city
    Upside down
    Now we are running all around
    Coo Coo, are you dancing?
    Coo Coo, are you feeling?
    Picking up together
    Growing up your fever
    So you're never feeling blue
    Oh, come and get it, baby
    Hear the people saying
    Everybody take your hand
    Rolling on the ceiling
    Rolling by your feeling
    Rolling on the ceiling again
    Oh, Juju told me Clover,
    He could be your lover
    All this thought for losing your head
    Oh, I want to see your body tossing again
    Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

    So Many Men
    Lan Levine / Fiachra Trench
    So many men
    So little time
    So many men
    For Me & My
    So many men,
    So little time
    So many men
    For Me & My
    So many men,
    So little time
    So many men
    For Me & My
    So many men,
    So little time
    So many men
    For Me & My
    It's morning, I open my eyes and everything's still the same
    I turn to the guy who stayed last night
    And ask him: What's your name?
    This seems to happen more and more
    I love those men one and all
    Each new one I meet
    Makes my heart beat fast
    When I see them
    So strong and tall
    So many men,
    So little time
    How can I lose
    So many men,
    So little time
    How can I choose?
    So many men,
    So little time
    How can I lose
    So many men,
    So little time
    How can I choose?

    Do It All Night
    David Brandes/John O'Flynn
    Oh do it all night
    Do it with me
    I'll take take you to heaven if you make me feel free
    Baby do it tonight
    Do it all right
    Just take me and shake me till I burn up inside
    Oh do it all night
    Do it with me
    I'll take you to heaven if you make me feel free
    Baby do it tonight
    Do it all right
    Just take me and shake me till I burn up inside
    Oh do it all night
    Do it with me
    As hot as a fire and as strong as a tree
    Do it tonight
    Do it all right
    You got it - I knew it - you can do it tonight
    (As hot as a fire)
    (And as strong as a tree)

    The Race
    Udo Niebergall / Eric Sneo / Max Orwell
    Are you ready?
    Ready for the race?
    Are you ready?
    Oh oh oh ejo,
    Are you ready?
    Oh oh oh ejo,
    Are you ready?
    The wheels go round and round
    You hear the scream - you hear the sound
    You're fast - you're on the run
    You give the best to be the one
    Come on and join the journey
    This is a journey into sound
    As long the wheels are turning
    The race is all around
    Are you ready?
    Ready for the race?
    Are you ready?
    Are you ready?
    Ready for the race?
    Are you ready?
    Oh oh oh ejo,
    Are you ready?
    Oh oh oh ejo,
    Are you ready?
    Are you ready?
    Ready for the race?
    Are you ready?
    Are you ready?
    Ready for the race?
    Are you ready?

    Operator, operator,
    Please hook me up to my lover at the end of the line
    Operator, operator,
    Please hook me up to my lover gotta know he's mine
    Operator, operator,
    Please hook me up to my lover at the end of the line
    Operator, operator,
    Please hook me up to my lover gotta know that he's mine
    When darkness falls and I'm all alone
    I need you to call me on the telephone
    When night time comes and I don't have a choice
    Once again I need to hear your sweet voice
    I heard a song on the radio
    I'll call you up to sing it for you
    So if you turn on the radio
    You will feel the magic too
    Operator, operator,
    Please hook me up to my lover at the end of the line
    Operator, operator,
    Please hook me up to my lover gotta know he's mine
    Please hook me up to my lover
    Please hook me up to my lover

    Stevens / Hudson
    If we took a holiday
    It would be
    It would be so nice
    If we took a holiday
    Took some time to celebrate
    Just one day out of life
    It would be
    It would be so nice
    Everybody spread the word
    We're gonna have a celebration
    All across the world
    In every nation
    It's time for the good times
    Forget about the bad times
    One day to come together
    To release the pressure
    We need a holiday
    If we took a holiday
    (Yeah, Yeah)
    Took some time to celebrate
    (Come on the celebrate)
    Just one day out of life
    (Just one day out of life)
    It would be
    It would be so nice
    Come on the celebrate

    Oh Nick Please Not So Quick
    David Brandes / John O'Flynn
    Oh Nick please not so quick
    You know I want it big
    I wanna feel like in heaven
    Just like in heaven
    Oh Nickie not so quick
    You know that makes me sick
    I wanna feel you forever
    Aah Aah Aah Aah
    Baby let's come together
    I wanna feel you as long as I can
    You're so sweet - and I feel the heat
    You are the one you're the one that I need
    Oh yeah yeah baby do it to me
    I wanna feel you deep wanna feel you so deep
    Baby hold me tight baby, hold me just tight
    I can't stand stand stand it all night
    I want you - and you know it's high noon
    I'm come - come - coming real soon
    Oh Nick please not so quick
    You know I want it big
    I wanna feel like in heaven
    Just like in heaven
    Oh Nickie not so quick
    You know that makes me sick
    I wanna feel you forever
    Aah Aah Aah Aah
    Baby let's come together
    Cos I wanna feel you as long as I can

    If You Can Say Goodbye
    M. Farina / G. Crivellente / A. Bindella / F. Serra
    If you can say goodbye
    Baby tell me why
    You say that love's not a possession
    You say that love needs fantasy
    You say we must give it devotion
    But you don't say that you love me
    Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing
    Sometimes I am cold and serious
    But when you touch my body and close your eyes
    My little bady I don't realize
    If you can say goodbye
    Baby tell me why
    You don't wanna love me
    Just like I do
    You can say goodbye
    Tell me what I've got to do
    If you can say goodbye
    Baby tell me why
    You don't wanna love me
    Just like I do
    You can say goodbye
    Tell me what I've got to do

    Mr. Wonderful
    Robert Uhlmann/Robin Rex
    Hey Mr. Wonderful,
    Oh you're so incredible
    Hey Mr. Wonderful,
    Wonderful to me
    Hey Mr. Wonderful,
    Oh you're irresistible
    Hey Mr. Wonderful,
    A miracle to me
    Hold me
    I wanna feel your arms around me
    Oh na na Oh na na
    Kiss me
    Cos only you can make me happy
    Oh na na na
    Oh na na heya heya,
    Oh! Mr Wonderful
    Oh na na heya heya,
    Are you for real
    Oh na na heya heya,
    It's not impossible
    Oh na na heya heya
    Oha aha ah
    Hey Mr. Wonderful,
    Oh you're so incredible
    Hey Mr. Wonderful,
    Wonderful to me
    Hey Mr. Wonderful,
    Oh you're irresistible
    Hey Mr. Wonderful,
    A miracle to me
    Hey Mr. Wonderful,
    Oh you're so incredible
    Hey Mr. Wonderful,
    Wonderful to me
    Hey Mr. Wonderful,
    Oh you're irresistible
    Hey Mr. Wonderful,
    A miracle to me...
    Oh na na heya heya,
    Oh na na oh na na
    A miracle to me...
    Oh na na heya heya,
    Oh na na oh na na
    A miracle to me...
    Oh na na heya heya,
    Oh na na na
    A miracle to me...
    Oh na na heya heya,
    Oh na na na
    A miracle to me...

    Wonderland (UKS Mix)
    Jon Lind / Allee Willis / Agostino Carollo
    All my brothers and sisters
    All in all over ten billion listeners
    Lend me your ears when you want to hear
    The hypest and ripest sound of the year
    Up and kiss the body
    boy then pucka
    Up and kiss the body
    boy then pucka
    Up and kiss the body
    boy then pucka
    Up and kiss the body
    boy then
    boy then
    Up and kiss
    body body
    boy then pucka
    Up and kiss the body
    boy then pucka
    Up and kiss the body
    boy then pucka
    Up and kiss the body
    boy then
    boy then
    Up and kiss
    body body
    Ok, jo this is it now bust it
    And the mic will sing soon as I touch it
    Do this smoothin', easy, light
    So we might get high to hear the night.
    Be nice relax and see by the back
    If you ain't with that I'm a have to attack you with the bad rap
    That could smack this mouth word face jack
    So it'll start no crap.
    Givin' a little bit of hearty so as you do to you
    It in your ear hole ha,
    I ain't goin' on like a sucker
    And if you think so boy then pucka
    Up and kiss the body this lyricist
    Glow on the mic word up this groove is set
    To sooth move you party people now it's time to.
    Boogie Boogie
    Boogie Wonderland
    Boogie Boogie
    Boogie Wonderland
    Boogie Boogie
    Boogie Wonderland
    boy then boy then boy then
    kiss the body
    boy then boy then boy then
    kiss the body
    boy boy boy boy
    boy boy boy...

    Get Up (Before the Night is Over)
    M. Kamosi/Jo Bogaert
    Get up on your feet
    Before the night is through for you want miss
    Get down to the beat
    Pump it, stomp it, jam, trip on this!
    Get the party started
    Get it on, get a move on, kids
    Rock to the beat
    Pump it, stomp it, jam, trip on this!
    Get up, get up, get busy do it
    Get up and move that body
    Get up people now get down to it before the night is over
    Get up, get up, get busy do it
    I wanna see you party
    Get up people now get down to it before the night is over
    Get down
    Get up
    Get down
    Get up
    One, two,
    I'll party you
    Three, four,
    So get your butt on the floor
    Five, six,
    Know you dig the mix
    Seven, eight
    Let it shake
    Get down
    We got to take a stand
    Now that we're in demand
    Party all night, cut the fight
    Do what's right and you just might
    Win a battle you never fought
    Just by checkin' this record you bought
    Over and on and on again
    Get with it and do that thing
    Get up, get up, get busy do it
    Get up and move that body
    Get up people now get down to it before the night is over
    Get up, get up, get busy do it
    I wanna see you party
    Get up people now get down to it before the night is over

    Butterfly (Upswing Mix)
    R. Uhlmann & R. Rex
    Ay, iyaiyai, Ay, iyaiyai
    A-a-a iyaiyai, Where's my samurai
    Ay, ay, ay, I'm your little butterfly
    Green, black and blue make the colours in the sky
    Ay, ay, ay, I'm your little butterfly
    Green, black and blue make the colours in the sky
    Where's my samurai
    Where's my samurai
    I've been searching for a man
    All across Japan
    Just to find, to find my samurai
    Someone who is strong
    But still a little shy
    Yes I need, I need my samurai
    Ay, ay, ay, I'm your little butterfly
    Green, black and blue make the colours in the sky
    Ay, ay, ay, I'm your little butterfly
    Green, black and blue make the colours in the sky
    Where's my samurai
    Where's my samurai
    I've been searching in the woods and high upon the hills
    Just to find, to find my samurai
    Someone who won't regret
    To keep me in his net
    Yes I need, I need my samurai
    Ay, ay, ay, I'm your little butterfly
    Green, black and blue make the colours in the sky
    Ay, ay, ay, I'm your little butterfly
    Green, black and blue make the colours in the sky

    Dam Dariram
    Fall in love...
    Fall in love...
    I need your love in every way
    And I feel this everyday
    Cause I have too many tears
    To fall in love again
    Now I am walking around in this side of town
    I just can't hideaway
    How can I look in your eyes
    When I feel like to die
    I have to runaway
    Dariri Ram dariram dariram
    Darirari rariram
    Daririram dam
    Dariri Ram dariram dariram
    Darirari rariram
    Daririram dam
    And fall in love again
    And fall in love again
    Fall in love...

    In the Navy '99 (XXL Disaster Remix)
    J. Morali / H. Belolo / V. Willis
    In the navy
    We want you
    In the navy
    We want you as a captain's crew
    In the navy
    Yes you can sail the seven seas
    In the navy
    Yes you can put your mind at ease
    In the navy
    Come on people and make a stand
    In the navy, in the navy
    We want you,
    We want you,
    We want you as a captain's crew
    We want you,
    We want you,
    We want you as a captain's crew
    Where can you find pleasure
    Search the world for treasure
    Learn science technology
    Where can you begin to make
    Your dreams all come true
    On the land or on the sea
    Where can you learn to fly
    Play in sports or skindive
    Study oceanography
    Sign up for the big band
    or sit in the grandstand
    When your team and others meet
    Yes you can sail the seven seas
    In the navy
    Yes you can put your mind at ease
    In the navy
    Come on now people and make a stand
    In the navy, in the navy
    In the navy
    Come on protect your mother land
    In the navy
    Come on and join your fellow man
    In the navy
    Come on people and make a stand
    In the navy, in the navy

    La Senorita
    Thomas Howard Lichtenstein
    Sitting in the corner
    With a coffee cup
    Reading the newspaper
    Not looking up
    She smiles as she finds
    Something funny there
    The sunlight
    Shining in her hair
    When she leaves you want to
    Follow her anywhere
    Her dress is too tight
    But you can't let her see you stare
    And she's a...
    Hot one, a halepena
    Ooh la Senorita
    You'll never get close enough
    To la Senorita
    You know she has a mind
    She has an attitude
    And she likes her space
    And her solitude
    She'll tease you or please you
    If she's feeling good
    Or burn you
    Like you knew she would
    When she smiles
    It's like the sun shining on your face
    Pulling and stretching
    Her leather and lace
    And she's a...
    Hot one, a halepena
    Ooh la Senorita
    In Baha, California
    Ooh la Senorita
    Ooh la Senorita

    Vol. 4
    S. Lavan & G. Nelson
    I feel it
    I feel it
    I feel it
    You're the only one who makes me feel this way
    I feel it
    I feel it
    I feel it
    You're the only one who makes me feel this way

    Rock Beat
    (One, Two, Three!)
    (Come on!!)
    No other situations, motivations, situations
    No other motivations, situations, motivations
    Are you ready to rock?
    Are you ready to roll?
    Are you ready to rock?
    Are you ready to roll?
    Dance so gimme a chance
    Get your feet and dance to the beat and move
    So feel the groove
    (Come on dance!)
    Jump come on let's jump
    Let's get the beat,
    Let's move your feet and jump!
    Are you ready to rock?
    Are you ready to roll?
    Are you ready to rock?
    Are you ready to roll?
    (Are you feeling baby!!)

    Captain Jack (Grandale Remix)
    U. Niebergall / R. Witte / L. Da Costa / V. Weber
    Left, go right
    Go pick up the step,
    Go left, go right, go left
    Forward march
    Ejo Captain Jack
    Ejo Captain Jack
    Bring me back to the railroad track
    Bring me back to the railroad track
    Give me a gun in my hand,
    Give me a gun in my hand,
    I want to be a shooting man
    I want to be a shooting man
    Left, right, left
    Left, right, left
    The military step,
    The military step,
    The airforce rap,
    The airforce rap,
    The seventeen is the best
    The seventeen is the best
    Left, go right
    Go pick up the step,
    Go left, go right, go left
    Left, go right
    Go pick up the step,
    Go left, go right, go left
    We're running to the railroad track
    Run along with Captain Jack
    Run along with Captain Jack
    Run into the peacecamp back
    Run along with Captain Jack
    Badadadideido, badideido, Badideidideidideido
    Left, right, right, left
    Run along with Captain Jack
    Left, go right
    Go pick up the step,
    Go left, go right, go left

    End of the Century
    Konami Presents
    End of the century
    Misery, can it be chaos who's the boss
    Suffer a great loss
    Man woman child
    No longer exist
    Only the good ones will be missed
    Life love cherish it all
    Who will be left to conquer
    The end is coming
    Don't start running
    There's nowhere to run
    Don't grab a gun
    All over the land her this roar
    No one know what's in store
    Look for the star, he's on his way
    No one knows what's in store
    Love your self and all around
    In a blink of an eyes
    You won't hear a sound
    Your heart is pounding at raided speed
    Man will always feel the need for greed
    Let's go for it
    Now you can't miss
    Beware because the end is here
    The sky is falling
    Eyes are balling
    You had your chance
    To make your stance
    Love is a must life don't lust
    Not time to fuss
    People start to cuss
    cry out who's going to care
    Have no doubt have no fear
    Believe in me I'll show you the way
    Some people think the year 2G is so scaring, let wait and see
    The world will shot down most won't admit
    People go crazy people catch fits
    Fire breaks out
    One way to stop
    Play hip hop non stop stop
    Remember these words
    And what I said
    You just might wake up brain dead
    The Feeling - is Amazing
    (Ohh boy!)
    I want you
    (Come on and Get me!)
    Some just say the world is changing
    Many people will agree
    Many changes we are seeing
    I just say...
    It's the end...
    It's the end...
    It's the end of the century

    Flashdance (What a Feeling)
    Forsev / Cara / Moroder
    What a feeling
    Here's believing
    I can have it all now
    I'm dancing for my life
    Take your passion
    and make it happen
    You just come alive
    You can dance right through your life
    What a feeling
    Here's believing
    I can have it all now
    I'm dancing for my life
    Take your passion
    and make it happen
    You just come alive
    You can dance right through your life
    What a feeling

    Turn Me On
    David Brandes/John O'Flynn
    Turn me on turn me on
    Just do it right - you can't go wrong
    I'm the radio that plays your favorite song
    You turn me on turn me on
    You sure know how - so turn me on
    Baby don't you wait until the night has gone
    Just turn me on
    Turn me on
    Oh babe turn me on
    Turn me on
    Turn me on
    You are so cool - don't know what to do
    Oh babe I can't come close to you
    I want you to just feel good
    Hey can't you see I'm in the mood
    Want you touchin' mine
    I'm just waiting for a sign
    I wanna make you feel so hot
    I wanna find your tender spot
    Turn me on turn me on
    Just do it right - you can't go wrong
    I'm the radio that plays your favorite song
    You turn me on turn me on
    You sure know how - so turn me on
    Baby don't you wait until the night has gone
    Just turn me on
    Turn me on
    Oh babe turn me on
    Turn me on
    Turn me on
    Oh babe turn me on
    Turn me on
    Turn me on
    Turn me on

    Boom Boom Dollar KOG G3 Mix
    M.Farina/G. Crivellente/C.Accatino
    It's thriller, darling
    You're a wonderful lover, baby
    (Ay, iyaiyai)
    July, December
    Always deep inside of my mind
    Tell me why (Ay, iyaiyai)
    You keep a pocketful of green green dollars
    I love you though it's the time
    You're very hard
    You sound like a young fella
    Take me on the night
    Boom boom boom boom
    Shoot you like a bambar
    Boom boom boom boom
    At your order
    Boom boom boom boom
    Pushing all the buttons
    More time
    Boom boom boom boom
    (Money funny in dollar)
    Boom boom boom boom
    (Dollar, money funny)
    Boom boom boom boom
    (Da, da, da, da, da, dollar)

    Dynamite Rave
    Konami Presents
    Come on everbody!
    and Get on the floor
    Techno, rave
    It's time to make a stand
    N pave the way
    Some might say
    Let it go,
    Stay with the flow
    Stay on bead,
    Move your feet
    On concrete
    Or on the dance floor
    You want more
    Then I'll give you more
    If it's too hard core
    Let me know
    I stop the show
    Then bring it back
    To be exact
    At 12 o'clock
    Rock the spot
    It's too damn hot
    They told me so
    To make a move
    It's on the down low
    Use your inner glow
    To make a move
    Show n prove
    The man with the lisp
    Sounds so crisp
    When you can see me on TV
    On the radio
    Here me blow
    I don't wanna give up
    We're gonna have a party
    Have a really great time
    Yeah yeah!
    Just feel the beat
    Listen to the music
    and feel that beat
    Jump jump
    Do your thing
    This be the bomb
    Try to sing
    Narrator king
    Spread your wings
    Make your head ring to this song
    All night long
    Jack your body
    To this party
    Feel the pain
    When you strain
    Don't refrain
    Please don't stop until you drop
    I don't wanna give up
    We're gonna have a party
    Have a really great time
    Yeah Yeah!
    Just feel the beat
    Listen to the music and feel that beat

    After the Game of Love
    Konami Presents
    Let me sing it to you
    Why are we here like this?
    I don't know, too many drinks and a kiss
    Male and female, what is there to do?
    That's right, the beasty rendezvous
    You wanna go Greco-Roman style?
    To meet your needs I'll even run a mile
    Be prepared, we're gonna have some fun
    And the time has come
    Round One!
    Come on
    Here we go, here we go
    After the game of love baby
    All I wanna do is be lazy
    Stay in bed like we don't care
    What's up outside
    After the game of love baby
    You know you're drivin' me crazy
    Between the sheets
    Just you and me
    Hey baby, what did ya think of that?
    You want some more?
    Hey ref, if there is one, that is
    Ring that bell for us
    Round Two!

    Drop the Bomb
    Konami Presents
    Yeah drop the bomb!
    Just drop the bomb!
    Getting sick and tired of the fossil-like system
    Now or never's the time to resist 'em
    It's easy to blast 'em all away
    Pull a trigger, press a button, say ADIOS to today
    Don't get me wrong, I'm a pacifist
    The mind can do more than your fist
    Explosives are NOT what it takes, you know
    The terrorists always make these mistakes
    What we gotta do is build momentum
    If you need the right tools, invent 'em
    Ride the wave of time!
    Come feel the rhythm!
    The march to the future has begun
    Get with 'em
    Your brain is the generator of all mighty power
    Either do it now or your master plan goes sour
    Yeah, it's all ready to take that fall
    It's up to you to make that call to drop the bomb
    Yeah drop the bomb!
    Just drop the bomb!
    Let me see that bomb!
    Learn from the sunken MU, ATLANTIS
    And from the beheaded male praying mantis
    The old gotta make room for what's now to come
    What we gotta do is build momentum
    If you need the right tools, invent 'em
    Ride the wave of time!
    Come feel the rhythm!
    The march to the future has begun
    Get with 'em
    Your brain is the generator of all mighty power
    Either do it now or your master plan goes sour
    Yeah, it's all ready to take that fall
    It's up to you to make that call to drop the bomb
    And if it don't work, make the real thang wipe it out
    So drop the bomb!
    Yeah drop the bomb!
    Just drop the bomb!
    Let me see you drop that bomb!
    That bomb!
    That bomb!
    That bomb!

    La Senorita Virtual
    Thomas Howard Lichtenstein
    Sitting in the corner
    With a coffee cup
    Reading the newspaper
    Not looking up
    She smiles as she finds
    Something funny there
    The sunlight
    Shining in her hair
    You know she has a mind
    She has an attitude
    And she likes her space
    And her solitude
    She'll tease you or please you
    If she's feeling good
    Or burn you
    Like you knew she would

    3.5 Description
    These descriptions are from Konami's official page. (My japanese is not very good.
    So this is a rough translation, and maybe incorrect. If anyone can help me out,
    please e-mail me at sanger@acm.org. Thank you.)

    After the Game of Love / NPD3
    A new song for the Playstation 3rd Mix. It's a mellow number with male vocal.
    This song has a difficulty of 1 step on Basic. This song is easy to dance to and fun to

    Drop the Bomb / Scotty. D
    A new song for the Playstation 3rd Mix. Lyrics are also done by Scotty. D. Check out
    the catchy tune and the meaningful lyrics.

    Cutie Chaser / Club Spice
    A new song for the Playstation 3rd Mix. Created in-house at Konami, it is filled
    with a playful image. Even though the title brings up cute thoughts, it is totally
    opposite and has a different feeling that we have never felt before.

    ??? / ???
    A new song for the Playstation 3rd Mix. At least one more song will be revealed.
    It is most likely a song we will recognize, that we have never seen before for
    the DDR games.

    Bumble Bee / Bambee / Dancemania X5
    Cute pop song lyrics makes for a great feeling dance experience.

    Gimme Gimme Gimme / E-rotic / Dancemania X5
    The popular artist E-rotic from the 3rd Mix is back with a new one. Enter the world
    of E-rotic!

    4. Characters

    4.1 Description

    4.2 Availability
    [TODO: Check modes and characters]

    [Legend: A: Arcade S: SSR R: Remix
    D: Diet 1: 1st Mix 2: 2nd Mix]

    Category Male Female A S R D 1 2
    Soul Express Boldo Tracy Y Y Y
    Afro & Lady Afro Lady Y Y Y
    Origins Afro Lady Y
    Dance Factory Tracy Y Y
    Burning Rage Emi Y Y Y
    Dread & Janet Dread-Snake Janet Y Y Y
    Uma Mameo Cow-ko Y
    Emi Style Emi Y Y
    Future Patrol Astro Charmy Y Y Y
    Disk-Being Disk:A Disk:B Y Y Y
    Creatures Space-man Tamako Y
    Native Heroine Charmy Y Y
    Puppets:03 Konsento:03 Devil-Zukin Y Y Y
    Puppets:01 Konsento:01 Oshare-Zukin Y Y Y
    Puppets:02 Konsento:02 Kaeru-Zukin Y
    2-Zukins Devil Zukin Y Y

    4.3 Hidden Songs
    In Arcade and SSR mode, not all songs are always playable. Depending on which
    character you choose, one of four songs will be available for play.

    Character Song
    Future Patrol (Astro/Charmy) Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix)
    Burning (Rage/Emi) Luv To Me (AMD Mix)
    Soul Express (Boldo/Tracy) Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix)
    Puppets:03 (Konsento:03/Devil-Zukin) Jam Jam Reggae (AMD Swing Mix)

    5. Modes

    5.1 General Description
    Game Modes:
    Easy: Steps are easier. If the meter runs out in the middle of the game. Your
    dancing days are over.
    Medium: Main mode. If the meters runs out in the middle of the game, it's time
    to get off the dance floor.
    Tough: Main mode of Step Step Revolution (SSR). You will only be able to play on
    SSR difficulty. Just like Medium mode, if the meters runs out, game is over.
    Nonstop Remix: You will play 4 songs nonstop with one meter. (2 songs if playing
    1 credit double, couple, versus) There are predefined song order,
    or you can create one yourself.

    3rd Remix: This is a new mode for the Playstation. You may switch from Basic,
    Another, SSR at any stage while selecting your song. Also,
    you may play as any character (1P & 2P can even be the *same* character)

    Diet: In this mode, calorie that you burn up while dancing to a certain song is
    calculated and shown on the screen.

    Bonus Track: The mode that was very popular in 2nd Remix is back. Now with
    two songs from the arcade version of Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix.

    Song Modes:
    Hidden: Arrows disappear 3/4 mark.
    Sudden: Arrows appear at 3/4 mark.
    Stealth: No arrows are shown.
    Little: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 steps are removed.
    Vivid: (in SSR mode only) 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 steps are shown in different colors.
    Flat: (in non-SSR mode) All steps become same color.
    Shuffle: Random steps.
    Left: All steps are shifted 90 degrees to the left.
    Right: All steps are shifted 90 degrees to the right.
    Mirror: All steps are mirrored. (eg: Up becomes down, Left becomes right, etc)

    Step Difficulty:
    Basic: Regular steps.
    Another: Little harder.
    SSR: This is what used to be known as the Maniac mode. This is extremely difficult.

    5.2 Modes for the PSX version
    Arcade Mode Diet Mode
    Training Lesson
    Edit ?????
    Nonstop Order ???????
    Records ????? ?????
    Option PocketStation
    Disc Change Information

    Arcade Mode: This is the main game mode. After unlocking SSR Mode, pressing
    select will change this to SSR Mode. If you have also unlocked
    3rd Remix Mode, pressing select again will change this to
    3rd Remix Mode. Press select one more time to go back to normal
    3rd Mix Mode.

    Music Select Use Left & Right on the pad to select a song.
    Player Single <-> Unison <-> Versus <-> Double
    Level Basic <-> Another <-> SSR
    Mode Medium <-> Soft
    Little Off <-> On
    Turn Off <-> Left <-> Mirror <-> Right <-> Shuffle
    Hidden Off <-> On
    Assist Off: No assistance
    Type 1: Metrononme
    Type 2: Song + Metronome
    Type 3: Handclap
    Type 4: Song + Handclap
    Type 5: Metronome + Handclap
    Type 6: Song + Metronome + Handclap
    Speed 1 - 5
    Bar Start The bar from which to begin training
    Bar End The bar at which to end training
    Start Part of Song <-> Whole Song
    [Toggle by pushing Left & Right on pad]
    [Left = Whole Song, Right = Part of Song]

    Edit: This mode is used to edit the steps to your liking.
    New Data Create new data
    Memory Card Load a data from memory card
    [TODO: Add details]
    L1 Change the movement amount of cursor
    Red: 4th notes
    Blue: 8th notes
    Yellow: 16th notes
    L2 Place area marks. Hold to remove all
    area marks
    R1 Hold while scrolling for fast scroll
    R2 Bring up area options menu
    Up, Down Scroll through sequence data.
    Also used to go through selections in menu
    Left, Right Menu <-> 1P work area <-> 2P work area
    Also used to change settings in menu
    Select Bring up sequence menu
    Start Start playback. Hold while playback to stop.
    (Can be set up in recording option)
    O Place right arrow. Push again to remove.
    Also used to confirm commands. (?)
    X Place down arrow. Push again to remove.
    Also used to cancel commands. (?)
    Triangle Place left arrow. Push again to remove.
    Square Place up arrow. Push again to remove.
    Analog Stick Use left/right analog sticks.
    Right Stick Change sequence display gap
    (When analog mode switch is turned on)
    Left Stick Fast scroll through sequence
    (When analog mode switch is turned on)
    New Data Create new edit data. One edit data requires
    one block of memory.
    Memory Card Bring up memory card menu
    Save Save the created edit data. You can set
    difficulty when inputting data name.
    Load Load the saved edit data from memory card.
    Rename Change the data name of edit data in memory
    Quick Save Current edit data can be quick saved with
    current data name. (?)
    Recording Option
    Play Type
    Over Input
    Save Input
    Input Se
    Input Type
    Icon Exp
    Music Name
    Player (Status)
    Bar End
    Note Num
    Data Name
    BGM Data
    Area Mark
    Area Menu
    Sequence Menu
    Work Area
    Konami Sample Data

    Nonstop Order: Pick and choose the order of songs for the nonstop mode.

    Music High Scores: Highest ranking for each song and modes
    Up, Down, Left, Right: To move around the ranking board
    Select: Switch from Banners to Text for song title
    Square: Delete a record
    Triangle: Play the selected song
    X: exit
    Best Ranking

    Sound Option
    Sound Stereo <-> Monaural
    Voice All <-> Off <-> No Booing
    Key Configuration
    Vibration No Use <-> Button <-> Miss
    Double Play Off <-> On
    Double Mode Setting

    [Legend: U: 1P Side Up D: 1P Side Down
    L: 1P Side Left R: 1P Side Right
    u: 2P Side Up d: 2P Side Down
    l: 2P Side Left r: 2P Side Right
    T: Triangle button X: X button
    S: square button O: O button ]

    Controller 1 Controller 2
    L1 L2 R1 R2 L1 L2 R1 R2
    Type A: D U L R D U L R
    Type B: U D R L U D R L
    Type C: D L U R D L U R
    Type D: D L R U D L R U

    U D L R T X S O u d l r T X S O
    Type 1: U D L R U D L R u d l r u d l r
    Type 2: U D L R u d l r U D L R u d l r
    Type 3: U D L R U D L R u d l r d u r l

    Dance Play Setting
    Controller 1 On <-> Off
    Controller 2 On <-> Off
    Memory Card
    Save Are you sure you want to save? Yes/No
    Load Are you sure you want to load? Yes/No
    User Support
    Check memory card for other DDR game data? Yes/No
    If you have DDR 1st Mix, DDR 2nd Remix, DDR 2nd Remix
    Append Club Vol 1 or 2 save data on this memory card,
    they will appear. If you have not yet enabled user
    support for it, you are now allowed to select it and
    enable user support.

    1st Mix: Enabling user support unlocks all the hidden
    songs. (Cannot find anything else... if you
    know more, please e-mail me.)
    2nd Remix: Enabling user support allows you to create
    3rd mix nonstop order from Nonstop Order menu
    in 2nd Remix. Now you can create nonstop order
    with all the songs from the arcade version of
    3rd Mix use in arcade 3rd mix machine.
    (Are all the hidden songs unlocked if the user
    support is enabled here too? I had a saved game
    with all songs/modes unlocked.)
    [TODO: Try this with a clean save]
    2nd Remix Append Club Vol 1: Enabling user support unlocks
    all the hidden songs, modes and information.
    2nd Remix Append Club Vol 2: Enabling user support unlocks
    all the hidden songs, modes and information.
    Auto Save On <-> Off
    Paint Load Are you sure you want to load? Yes/No
    Game Option
    Game Level 1 - 8
    Default Level Soft <-> Medium <-> Nonstop
    Max Stage (Soft) 1 - 5
    Max Stage (Medium) 1 - 5
    Time Limit Off <-> On
    Game Over Arcade <-> End of Music
    Music Select
    Music Select
    Konami Edit Data Off On Off On Off
    Your Edit Data Off Off On On Off
    Auto Music Select Off Off Off Off On
    [NOTE: Allows the use of Konami Edit Data, Your Edit Data.
    Auto Music Select will make song selection automatic
    in Diet Mode. ]
    Music Cursor Fix <-> Keep
    Graphic Option
    BG Effect On <-> Off
    BG Bright 25 - 100%
    Danger Display Blink <-> Off <-> Still
    Step Mark Color Arcade <-> Note
    Diet Option
    Measurement Free <-> Regulation
    Calorie Display Off <-> On
    Exercise Display Time <-> Stage <-> Off
    Character Select Picture (2D) <-> Model (3D)
    Clear Calorie (1P) Are you sure you wanna reset? Yes/No
    Clear Calorie (2P) Are you sure you wanna reset? Yes/No
    BG Collection
    Directional pad to move your cursor around.
    Press Triangle to select the BG for use.
    Press O to view the BG.
    Press X to exit.

    Disc Change:
    To disc change, choose the disc you wish to change to. Answer yes.
    After 3rd Mix data is loaded into memory, it will ask you to insert
    the new disc. Do so at this time.

    The 3 available discs are:
    Dance Dance Revolution
    Dance Dance Revolution Append Disc
    Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Remix

    You can play the songs from each disc using 3rd mix look and feel.
    The characters displayed on screen are from each corresponding disc,
    but the modes menu, arrows, announcer, scoring system are 3rd mix-ish.

    Dance Dance Revolution:
    This is 3rd Mix, 1st Mix songs. When you start you are allowed to
    choose from Soft, Medium and Nonstop. Soft, Medium allows you to go
    back and forth between Basic, Another, Maniac modes during song selection
    by pressing Up, Up or Down, Down. Nonstop songs are as follows.

    Have You Never Been Mellow (Basic)
    That's the Way (I Like It) (Basic)
    Butterfly (Basic)
    My Fire (UKS Remix) (Basic)
    Have You Never Been Mellow (Maniac)
    That's the Way (I Like It) (Maniac)
    Make it Better (Maniac)
    My Fire (UKS Remix) (Maniac)
    Kung-Fu Fighting (Basic)
    Let's Get Down (Basic)
    Strictly Business (Basic)
    Butterfly (Another)
    Kung-Fu Fighting (Maniac)
    Let's Get Down (Maniac)
    Strictly Business (Maniac)
    Butterfly (Maniac)
    I Believe in Miracle (Basic)
    Let's Get Down (Another)
    Strictly Business (Another)
    Little Bitch (Another)
    I Believe in Miracle (Maniac)
    Let's Get Down (Maniac)
    Strictly Business (Maniac)
    Little Bitch (Maniac)
    Make a Jam! (Basic)
    Make it Better (Basic)
    Trip Machine (Basic)
    Paranoia (Basic)
    Make a Jam! (Maniac)
    Make it Better (Maniac)
    Trip Machine (Maniac)
    Paranoia (Maniac)
    Boys (Basic)
    Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) (Basic)
    I Believe in Miracle (Another)
    Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) (Another)
    Top Secret
    Boys (Maniac)
    Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) (Maniac)
    I Believe in Miracle (Maniac)
    Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) (Maniac)
    Ranking 7
    Paranoia (Basic)
    Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) (Basic)
    Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) (Basic)
    Trip Machine (Another)
    Exorbitant Step
    Paranoia (Maniac)
    Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) (Maniac)
    Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) (Maniac)
    Trip Machine (Maniac)
    Caprice: Random. Song titles are displayed.
    First two songs are Basic. Last two songs are Another.
    Roulette: Random. Song titles are *not* displayed.
    First two songs are Basic. Last two songs are Another.

    Dance Dance Revolution Append Disc:
    This seems to be an option for feature append discs. This section
    will be updated when Konami releases append discs for 3rd Mix.

    Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Remix
    This is almost like going to arcade and switching to 2nd mix mode.
    When you start you are allowed to choose from Soft, Medium and Nonstop.
    Soft, Medium allows you to go back and forth between Basic, Another,
    Maniac modes during song selection by pressing Up, Up or Down, Down.
    Nonstop songs are as follows.

    Sunny Step
    Tubthumping (Basic)
    Love (Basic)
    Boom Boom Dollar (Basic)
    If You Were Here (Basic)
    Lunatic Step
    Tubthumping (Maniac)
    Love (Maniac)
    Boom Boom Dollar (Maniac)
    If You Were Here (Maniac)
    Bad Girls (Basic)
    Dub-I-Dub (Basic)
    Boys (Another)
    Hero (Another)
    Bad Girls (Maniac)
    Dub-I-Dub (Maniac)
    Boys (Maniac)
    Hero (Maniac)
    I believe in Miracles (Basic)
    Stomp to My Beat (Basic)
    AM-3P (Basic)
    Get Up'N Move (Basic)
    I believe in Miracles (Maniac)
    Stomp to My Beat (Maniac)
    AM-3P (Maniac)
    Get Up'N Move (Maniac)
    Front Side
    Make It Better (Basic)
    Brilliant 2U (Basic)
    Put Your Faith in Me (Another)
    Trip Machine (Another)
    Maniac Side
    Make It Better (Maniac)
    Brilliant 2U (Maniac)
    Put Your Faith in Me (Maniac)
    Trip Machine (Maniac)
    Ranking 8
    Make It Better (So Real Mix) (Basic)
    Brilliant 2U (Orchestra) (Basic)
    Put Your Faith in Me (Jazzy) (Another)
    SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix) (Another)
    Freaks Side
    Make It Better (So Real Mix) (Maniac)
    Brilliant 2U (Orchestra) (Maniac)
    Put Your Faith in Me (Jazzy) (Maniac)
    SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix) (Maniac)
    From 3rd Mix
    Let the Move (Basic)
    Keep on Movin' (Basic)
    In the Navy '99 (Another)
    The Race (Another)
    Let them Move (SSR)
    Keep on Movin' (SSR)
    In the Navy '99 (SSR)
    The Race (SSR)
    Caprice: Random. Song titles are displayed.
    First two songs are Basic. Last two songs are Another.
    Roulette: Random. Song titles are *not* displayed.
    First two songs are Basic. Last two songs are Another.

    Diet Mode:
    Diet Setting
    Weight: Your weight in Kilograms.
    Menu: No Goal <-> Goal in Kcal <-> Goal in Time
    Goal: Kcal: Starting from 10 Kcal in increase of 10 Kcal.
    Time: Starting from 1 minute, in increase of 1 minute.
    Exit Setup

    Now choose your character.
    Native Heroine Rakuraku Course Level 1
    Emi Style Diet Course Level 2
    Dance Factory Soft Mode Level 2
    2-Zukins Medium Mode Level 3

    The character you choose determines the amount of steps displayed
    on screen. If you wanna take it easy, choose Native Heroine, and
    only about 1 out of every 4 steps will be displayed. Emi Style gets
    you about 1 out of every 2 steps. Dance Factory will play as
    if you are playing in Soft Mode. Likewise 2-Zukins will play
    as if you are playing in Medium Mode.

    Now you may choose your first song. After this song is over,
    if you have auto music select enabled, next song is chosen
    for you. Otherwise, you may select the next song.

    On the bottom of the screen, you will see the amount of calorie
    you have burned for this song. (You can turn it off in the options)

    If you have chosen free measurement, the calorie goes up whenever
    you step on an arrow, even if it has nothing to do with the song.
    If you have chosen regulation measurement, the calorie only goes up
    if you step to the beat of the music.

    Lesson: Beginners can take lessons to learn some simple DDR moves. There
    are 3 lessons in all. First lesson teaches you various steps needed
    to clear Let Them Move. Second lesson is all about Keep on Movin'.
    The last lesson will help you complete After the Game of Love.

    Lesson #1: [TODO]
    Session 8: Let Them Move
    Lesson #2: [TODO]
    Session 8: Keep On Movin'
    Lesson #3: [TODO]
    Session 1: 8th Notes.
    Session 8: After the Game of Love.

    ?????: This becomes Paint Mode. In this mode, you can draw arrows to use
    when playing the game.
    [TODO: More detailed description]

    ???????: This becomes Endless Mode.
    Player Single <-> Double <-> Random
    Level Basic <-> Another <-> SSR <-> Random
    Turn Off <-> Left <-> Mirror <-> Right <-> Shuffle <-> Random
    Hidden Off <-> Hidden <-> Sudden <-> Stealth <-> Random
    Little Off <-> On <-> Random
    Music Order Off: All Songs in random order
    On: [TODO]
    Course: [TODO]
    [NOTE: I do not understand the information for this option,
    please e-mail me if you know how it works]
    Break Stage Off <-> 1 - 5
    You can take a 5, 15 or 30 minute break after some number of
    Start Game Use Left and Right on the pad to select your character.
    If you set it to Off, no character will be displayed.
    Exit Exit from Endless Mode back to Mode Selection Screen.

    The score is color coded. The first 8 digit are shown in normal red color.
    Score Color
    Over 100,000,000 Yellow
    Over 1,000,000,000,000 Green
    Over 10,000,000,000,000,000 Blue
    [TODO: Higher scores]

    Also a kanji character is displayed in the bottom center of the screen
    showing you what unit your score is in. Japanese units are increased by
    four 0's, rather than three 0's. (ie: In US it's thousand - million -
    billion, in Japan it is 10 thousand - 100 million - 1 trillion)

    ????? ?????: This becomes Bonus Track Mode. You can play two songs from 4th Mix
    in this mode on Trial difficulty only.

    PocketStation: Sorry, I do not have a PocketStation to check this mode out.

    Information: When something new that is worthwhile for you to know about has
    happened, there will be a new information for you to read.
    1. This is DDR 3rd Mix
    2. SSR Mode Added
    3. 3rd Remix Mode Added
    4. Bonus Track Mode Added
    5. New Ending Added
    - Arcade
    - Home
    - Home 2
    6. BG Collection Option Added
    - You can change the background to some BG you unlocked in this mode.
    7. Character Select Option Added
    - Option -> Diet Option -> Character Select
    - Picture 2D: During character selection screen still 2D image is shown.
    - Model 3D: During character selection screen moving 3D model is shown.
    8. Nonstop Course #1 Added
    9. Nonstop Course #2 Added
    10. Nonstop Course #3 Added
    11. BG Collection
    - 01: Home 2 Ending Picture.
    - 02: Four dancers with "Soul Dancer" lettering.
    - 03: Sheeps in a circle with a "Dance Dance Revolution 3rd Mix"
    - 04: Dancer from intro movie with "Are you Ready?" lettering.
    - 05: Silhouette of dancers from the intro movie with "Dance
    Dance Revolution 3rd Mix" lettering.
    - 06: Close up of dancing guy from intro (?)
    - 07: Collage of pictures from DDR 3rd Mix.
    - 08: DDR 3rd Mix Playstation Front Cover
    - 09: Dancer from the intro moving pointing towards the sky.
    - 10: Four male characters
    - 11: Four female characters
    - 12: Dance Dance Revolution: All Dancers
    - Your BG collection is complete
    - Thank you for playing!!
    12. About characters
    - New characters added in Remix Mode
    - Diet Mode characters selectable in Remix Mode
    13. Diet Mode History
    14. About new songs
    15. Great Songs Added #1
    - Put Your Faith in Me
    - Put Your Faith in Me (Jazzy Groove)
    - Brilliant 2U
    - Brilliant 2U (Orchestra Groove)
    16. Great Songs Added #2
    - Make It Better
    - Make It Better (So-Real Mix)
    - AM-3P
    - Trip Machine
    17. Great Songs Added #3
    - SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix)
    - Paranoia
    - Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix)
    - Make a Jam!
    18. Great Songs Added #4
    - Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix)
    - Think ya Better D
    - Trip Machine (Luv Mix)
    - Love This Feelin'
    19. New Song Added
    - After the Game of Love
    - Cutie Chaser
    - Drop the Bomb
    - La Senorita Virtual
    20. Introduction to Great Song #01 (Put Your Faith in Me)
    21. Introduction to Great Song #02 (Put Your Faith in Me (Jazzy Groove))
    22. Introduction to Great Song #03 (Brillian 2U)
    23. Introduction to Great Song #04 (Brillian 2U (Orchestra Groove))
    24. Introduction to Great Song #05 (Make it Better)
    25. Introduction to Great Song #06 (Make it Better (So-Real Mix))
    26. Introduction to Great Song #07 (AM-3P)
    27. Introduction to Great Song #08 (Trip Machine)
    28. Introduction to Great Song #09 (SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix))
    29. Introduction to Great Song #10 (Paranoia)
    30. Introduction to Great Song #10 (Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix))
    31. Introduction to Great Song #12 (Make a Jam!)
    32. Introduction to Great Song #13 (Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix))
    33. Introduction to Great Song #14 (Think ya Better D)
    34. Introduction to Great Song #15 (Trip Machine (Luv Mix))
    35. Introduction to Great Song #16 (Love This Feelin')
    36. Paint Mode Added
    37. Paint Mode Description Page 1
    38. Paint Mode Description Page 2
    39. Paint Mode Description Page 3
    40. Paint Mode Description Page 4
    41. Disc Change Used
    - Dance Dance Revolution
    - Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Remix
    42. Ranking Courses added
    - Ranking Courses 4, 5, and 6
    - Ranking Course 7
    - Ranking Course 8
    43. Endless Mode Added
    44. How to play Endless Mode
    Keep playing songs thrown at you until your gauge runs out.
    You can think of it as a random nonstop revolution course with
    infinite stages.
    45. Setting up Endless Mode #1
    46. Setting up Endless Mode #1
    47. Setting up Endless Mode #1
    48. Konami Edit Data
    49. User Edit Data
    50. Auto Select Music
    51. User Support
    52. Difference between Arcade and PSX versions
    - Some songs have been changed.
    - Nonstop Courses are a bit changed.
    - Method for inputting Song Modes (ie. mirror) is changed.
    - Default Game Level is 2 (Changeable in Options)
    - Default Game Mode is Soft (Changeable in Options)
    53. About saving games
    [TODO: Describe each information more in detail.]

    5.3 Nonstop Order Courses
    Arcade Mode:
    Ranking 1
    Holiday (Basic)
    So Many Men (Basic)
    Rock Beat (Basic)
    Dam Dariram (Basic)
    Butterfly (Upswing Mix) (Basic)
    Turn Me On (Basic)
    Flashdance (What a Feeling) (Basic)
    Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G. G3 Mix) (Basic)
    Jam Jam Reggae (AMD Swing Mix) (Another)
    Luv to Me (AMD Mix) (Another)
    Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix) (Another)
    Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix) (Another)
    The Race (Basic)
    End of the Century (Basic)
    In the Navy '99 (Another)
    Captain Jack (Another)
    Ranking 2
    Silent Hill (Another)
    Keep on Movin' (Another)
    La Senorita (Another)
    Paranoia Rebirth (Another)
    Ranking 3
    Afronova (Another)
    Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G. G3 Mix) (Another)
    Vol. 4 (Another)
    Dead End (Another)
    Caprice: Random. Song titles are displayed.
    First two songs are Basic. Last two songs are Another.
    Paranoia (Basic)
    Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) (Basic)
    Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) (Basic)
    Paranoia Rebirth (Another)
    Other Side
    Make It Better (So Real Mix) (Basic)
    Brilliant 2U (Orchestra) (Basic)
    Put Your Faith in Me (Jazzy) (Another)
    SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix) (Another)
    Think ya Better D (Basic)
    Cutie Chaser (Basic)
    Make a Jam! (Another)
    After the Game of Love (Another)
    Roulette: Random. Song titles are *not* displayed.
    First two songs are Basic. Last two songs are Another.
    Your Order #1
    Your Order #2
    Your Order #3

    SSR Mode:
    Ranking 4
    Holiday (SSR)
    So Many Men (SSR)
    Rock Beat (SSR)
    Dam Dariram (SSR)
    Butterfly (Upswing Mix) (SSR)
    Turn Me On (SSR)
    Flashdance (What a Feeling) (SSR)
    Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G. G3 Mix) (SSR)
    Jam Jam Reggae (AMD Swing Mix) (SSR)
    Luv to Me (AMD Mix) (SSR)
    Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix) (SSR)
    Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix) (SSR)
    The Race (SSR)
    End of the Century (SSR)
    In the Navy '99 (SSR)
    Captain Jack (SSR)
    Ranking 5
    Silent Hill (SSR)
    Keep on Movin' (SSR)
    La Senorita (SSR)
    Paranoia Rebirth (SSR)
    Ranking 6
    Afronova (SSR)
    Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G. G3 Mix) (SSR)
    Vol. 4 (SSR)
    Dead End (SSR)
    Caprice: Random. Song titles are displayed.
    Paranoia (Maniac)
    Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) (Maniac)
    Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) (Maniac)
    Paranoia Rebirth (SSR)
    Other Side
    Make It Better (So Real Mix) (Maniac)
    Brilliant 2U (Orchestra) (Maniac)
    Put Your Faith in Me (Jazzy) (Maniac)
    SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix) (Maniac)
    Think ya Better D (Maniac)
    Cutie Chaser (SSR)
    Make a Jam! (Maniac)
    After the Game of Love (SSR)
    Roulette: Random. Song titles are *not* displayed.
    Your Order #1
    Your Order #2
    Your Order #3

    3rd Remix Mode:
    Favorite Song
    Holiday (Basic)
    So Many Men (Basic)
    Rock Beat (Basic)
    Dam Dariram (Basic)
    Butterfly (Upswing Mix) (Basic)
    Turn Me On (Basic)
    Flashdance (What a Feeling) (Basic)
    Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G. G3 Mix) (Basic)
    Jam Jam Reggae (AMD Swing Mix) (Another)
    Luv to Me (AMD Mix) (Another)
    Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix) (Another)
    Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix) (Another)
    The Race (Basic)
    End of the Century (Basic)
    In the Navy '99 (Another)
    Captain Jack (Another)
    Konami Original
    Silent Hill (Another)
    Keep on Movin' (Another)
    La Senorita (Another)
    Paranoia Rebirth (Another)
    Afronova (Another)
    Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G. G3 Mix) (Another)
    Vol. 4 (Another)
    Dead End (Another)
    Caprice: Random. Song titles are displayed.
    First two songs are Basic. Last two songs are Another.
    Paranoia (Basic)
    Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) (Basic)
    Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) (Basic)
    Paranoia Rebirth (Another)
    Other Side
    Make It Better (So Real Mix) (Basic)
    Brilliant 2U (Orchestra) (Basic)
    Put Your Faith in Me (Jazzy) (Another)
    SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix) (Another)
    Think ya Better D (Basic)
    Cutie Chaser (Basic)
    Make a Jam! (Another)
    After the Game of Love (Another)
    Roulette: Random. Song titles are *not* displayed.
    First two songs are Basic. Last two songs are Another.
    Your Order #1
    Your Order #2
    Your Order #3

    6. Codes / Secrets
    Press Select at any time during song selection to get to a menu to change
    song modes. Press up & down to move between the menu, press left & right
    to change stuff. Pressing select again makes the menu disappear. From top
    to bottom, possible choices are:
    Off <-> Flat (in 3rd Mix Mode) Off <-> Vivid (in SSR Mode)
    Off <-> Little
    Off <-> Left <-> Right <-> Mirror <-> Shuffle
    Off <-> Hidden <-> Sudden <-> Stealth

    Press Down, Down during song selection to change mode from Basic to Another.
    Press Up, Up during song selection to change mode from Another to Basic.

    To unlock SSR Mode
    Method 1: Unlock ReMix Mode
    Method 2: At the title screen, press L, L, L, R, R, R, L, R
    (This is what you would press in the arcade)
    Method 3: Clear 1 song.
    Method 4: In arcade mode, you do not get Game Over (?)

    To unlock ReMix Mode
    Method 1: At the title screen, press L, L, R, R
    Method 2: Clear 5 songs.
    Method 3: In arcade mode, you do not get Game Over (?)

    To unlock new song (After the Game of Love)
    Method 1: Clear 10 songs.
    Method 2: In arcade mode, you do not get Game Over (?)

    To unlock Bonus Track Mode
    Clear 15 songs

    To unlock Home 1 Ending
    Method 1: Clear 20 songs
    Method 2: Watch the Arcade Ending
    You can change the endings in Options -> Game Options -> Ending.

    To unlock Paint Mode
    Method 1: Clear 30 songs
    Method 2: Load a paint data from 2nd Remix

    To unlock new song (Make a Jam!)
    Clear 35 songs.

    To unlock new song (Make it Better)
    Clear 40 songs.

    To unlock new song (Put Your Faith in Me)
    Clear 45 songs.

    To unlock new song (Put Your Faith in Me (Jazzy Groove))
    Clear 50 songs.

    To unlock Nonstop Secret Course #2
    Method 1: Clear 50 songs
    Method 2: Disc Change to DDR 2nd Remix

    To unlock new song (Think ya Better D)
    Clear 55 songs.

    To unlock new song (Cutie Chaser)
    Clear 60 songs.

    To unlock new song (Brilliant 2U)
    Clear 65 songs.

    To unlock new characters for ReMix Mode
    Clear 70 songs.

    To unlock new song (Trip Machine)
    Clear 75 songs.

    To unlock new song (Paranoia)
    Clear 80 songs.

    To unlock Nonstop Secret Course #1
    Method 1: Clear 80 songs
    Method 2: Disc Change to DDR

    To unlock new song (Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix))
    Clear 85 songs.

    To unlock new song (AM-3P)
    Clear 90 songs.

    To unlock new song (Make it Better (So-Real Mix))
    Clear 95 songs.

    To unlock new song (Brilliant 2U (Orchestra Groove))
    Clear 100 songs.

    To unlock new song (SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix))
    Clear 105 songs.

    To unlock new song (Trip Machine (Luv Mix))
    Clear 110 songs.

    To unlock new song (Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix))
    Clear 115 songs.

    To unlock new song (Luv This Feelin')
    Clear 120 songs.

    To unlock Nonstop Secret Course #3
    Method 1: Clear 120 songs
    Method 2: Disc Change to both DDR 2nd Remix & DDR

    To unlock new song (Drop the Bomb)
    Clear 130 songs.

    To unlock Home 2 Ending
    Clear 140 songs
    You can change the endings in Options -> Game Options -> Ending.

    To make Diet Mode characters available for selection in ReMix Mode
    Method 1: Clear 70 songs, and 1P or 2P's total kcal is over 200kcal.
    Method 2: Clear 140 songs.

    To unlock new song (La Senorita Virtual)
    Method 1: Watch Home 2 Ending
    Method 2: Clear 160 songs.

    To unlock BG Collection
    Method 1: Watch Home 2 Ending.
    Method 2: Clear 160 songs.

    To unlock Endless Mode
    BG Counter exceeds 10.

    To get Option -> Diet Option -> Character Select
    Collect all BG's BG Collection

    To get BG Collection #1
    Available when BG collection becomes available.

    To get BG Collection #2
    Method 1: Finish Lesson Mode (?), and BG Counter exceeds 5.
    Method 2: BG Counter exceeds 150

    To get BG Collection #3
    Method 1: Endless Mode Music Order (Course) Clear, and BG Counter exceeds 5.
    Method 2: BG Counter exceeds 45

    To get BG Collection #4
    Method 1: At least 20 e-mails in Mail Box, and BG Counter exceeds 10.
    Method 2: BG Counter exceeds 20

    To get BG Collection #5
    Method 1: Watch Home 1 Ending when Total Level is at least S, and BG Counter
    exceeds 12.
    Method 2: BG Counter exceeds 150

    To get BG Collection #6
    BG Counter exceeds 30

    To get BG Collection #7
    BG Counter exceeds 40

    To get BG Collection #8
    Method 1: Clear 50 songs in Diet Mode, and BG Counter exceeds 35
    Method 2: BG Counter exceeds 55

    To get BG Collection #9
    Method 1: In Endless Mode Music Order (Off or On), get over 1,000,000,000,000
    points, and BG Counter Exceeds 8
    Method 2: BG Counter exceeds 15

    To get BG Collection #10
    Method 1: Total number of SS's and SSS's are over 50, and BG Counter exceeds 50
    Method 2: BG Counter exceeds 150

    To get BG Collection #11
    Method 1: At least one SSS, and BG Counter exceeds 25
    Method 2: BG Counter exceeds 70

    To get BG Collection #12
    Method 1: Have used all 32 characters, and BG Counter exceeds 100.
    Method 2: BG Counter exceeds 150

    [These are from the official Konami web site, so they are correct]
    [I do not know what Konami means by Counter for BG? Also I've put (?) where I'm not
    so sure... if you know for sure e-mail me.]

    7. Misc

    7.1 Scoring

    Scoring has changed a bit from 2nd Mix. In 2nd Mix, the score depended a lot
    on the combo, as it was (Combo * Multiplier * (Points for Perfect, Great, Good,
    Boo, Poor)). So higher the combo, the higher the score you would get. The highest
    possible score was all perfects of course and it was different for every song.

    In 3rd Mix, the highest possible score is always 10,000,000 for all modes except
    for nonstop mode. This of course is gotten by getting all perfects. In nonstop mode,
    1st Stage is worth 10,000,000, 2nd is 20,000,000, 3rd is 30,000,000 and last stage
    is 40,000,000 for a total of 100 million points. So, it is no longer a necessity
    to get a high number of combos in order to get big points. Some people like this
    change, some people do not. Being a performer myself, I don't really care how
    scoring is done :) However, it was a lot more fun to see great big staggering
    numbers when playing on Maniac Mode and getting S or SS on it.

    [TODO: Actual formula]

    After each stage, a score report will be displayed showing how well you did.
    The rank is determined by how well you did. The following is a break down.

    SSS All Perfects, almost impossible to do.
    SS All Perfects and Greats. Score is above 8,900,000.
    S All Perfects and Greats. Score is below 8,900,000.
    (ie: You got too many greats)
    A No Misses or Boo's, with some Good's.
    B No Misses. Maybe one or two Boo's.
    C One or two Misses.
    D Barely cleared, with many Misses.
    E Failed to clear the song.

    7.2 Announcer Says
    Score Report
    Rank SSS Oh god! Oh god!
    Rank D You got lucky.
    Rank E Oh, you need to push yourself harder.

    During Play
    Beginning Are you ready?
    Give it your best shot!
    This is the last one. Keep going.
    Encouragement Amigo!
    You've got the rhythm.
    The crowd loves you!
    Everybody is cheering!
    Yeah! Do it!
    I'm getting excited!
    This is it. Keep moving!
    Take my heart away!
    Don't be careless.
    Doing poorly Are you a monkey?
    Are you a mummy? [unconfirmed]
    Danger! Danger!
    Too many misses!
    Be careful.
    Are you having trouble with your feet?
    Did you have breakfast today? [unconfirmed]
    Are you looking at the screen? [unconfirmed]
    Doing great Amigo!
    You're stylish.
    What a cool guy you are.
    I was moved!
    What technique!
    Combos continue.
    You are a dance animal.
    You surprised us all.
    This is the best show I've ever seen.
    Wow! You are too cool!
    Nice moves!
    During Big Combo Are you an alien?
    Streak (At least 30,
    maybe more)
    When Big Combo Streak Oh no, your combo has stopped!

    Song Selection
    Selection Prompt Show me your performance
    Selected Song You have good taste in music.
    This is the cool Konami sound.


    7.3 Game Shark / Action Replay Codes
    [NOTE: I have not personally verified these codes. Use them at your own risk.]

    Unlock protect D00C1998 FF52
    800C19A2 1000
    New features 800BC008 FFFF
    800BC00A FFFF
    800BC00C FFFF
    800BC00E FFFF
    800BC010 FFFF
    800BC012 FFFF
    800BC198 FFFF
    800BC1A0 FFFF
    800BC1A8 FFFF
    800BC1B6 FFFF
    Auto play D0069530 0063
    80069530 0001
    D006963C 00A0
    80069548 FFFF
    D006963C 00A0
    8006954A 2403
    D006963C 00A0
    800695EC 0000
    D006963C 00A0
    800695EE 2403
    D0069648 00CF
    80069648 0001
    80069530 0001
    80069548 FFFF
    8006954A 2403
    800695EC 0000
    800695EE 2403
    80069648 0001
    D005E49C 0063
    8005E49C 0001
    D005E5A8 00A0
    8005E4B4 FFFF
    D005E5A8 00A0
    8005E4B6 2403
    D005E5A8 00A0
    8005E55A 2403
    D005E5A8 00A0
    8005E558 0000
    D005E5B4 00CF
    8005E5B4 0001
    D005E3E0 0063
    8005E3E0 0001
    D005E4EC 00A0
    8005E3F8 FFFF
    D005E4EC 00A0
    8005E3FA 2403
    D005E4EC 00A0
    8005E49C 0000
    D005E4EC 00A0
    8005E49E 2403
    D005E4F8 00CF
    8005E4F8 0001

    Gauge always full (Endless Mode) D006B894 03E9
    8006B898 0001
    D00CE90E 03E9
    800CE910 0001

    Combo does not reset (Unison Mode) D006A0DC 0020
    8006A0DE 1400
    D006A570 0020
    8006A572 1400
    D006A8EC 0020
    8006A8EA 1400

    Always get SSS rank 8006A11E 8EA2
    8006A12A AEA2
    8006A874 008C
    8006A884 008C

    Never miss D006A858 00A5
    8006A85A 10C6

    Lesson Mode all cleared 800BD584 0202
    800BD586 0202
    800BD588 0202
    800BD58A 0202
    800BD58C 0202
    800BD58E 0202
    800BD590 0202
    800BD592 0202
    800BD594 0202
    800BD596 0202
    800BD598 0202
    800BD59A 0202

    All information B0370004 00000000
    800BC078 FFFF

    One step = Calorie max in Diet Mode D006AD98 0002
    8006AD98 0001
    D0083C18 0030
    80083C1A AC60

    Clear one song in diet mode to max D0072224 0002
    out total burned calories 80072224 0001

    Clear one song in diet mode to D0083C84 0034
    reach your time goal 80083C86 AC60

    Song speed 800A04E8 xxxx
    (xxxx = 0400 (Very fast) - 1000 (Normal) - 1A00 (Very slow))

    Step speed extremely fast 800A04E8 FFFF

    Dancer size (1P) 800A48F0 yyyy
    800A48F8 yyyy
    800A4900 yyyy
    (yyyy = 0500 (Dwarf) - 1000 (Normal) - 4000 (Giant))

    Dancer size (2P) 800AAA8C yyyy
    800AAA94 yyyy
    800AAA9C yyyy
    (yyyy = 0500 (Dwarf) - 1000 (Normal) - 4000 (Giant))

    Dancer has no head (1P) 800A4D74 0000
    800A4D76 0000

    Dancer has no head (2P) 800AA1F0 0000
    800AA1F2 0000

    Very fast step speed, D0028154 0038
    normal song speed 80028158 FFFF
    D0028154 0038
    8002815A 2402

    Giant dancers during mode select D019AD84 5570
    8019AD7C 0001
    D019AD84 5570
    8019AD8C 00B0
    D019AD84 5570
    8019AD8E 2403
    D019AD84 5570
    8019AD92 1000

    Change dancers (1P) 300A4821 00zz
    Change dancers (2P) 300AA9BD 00zz
    (zz = 00BOLDO
    08AFRO (New Version)
    09LADY (New Version)
    10AFRO (Old Version)
    11LADY (Old Version)

    8. Conclusion
    This is my first FAQ, so it is kind of rusty. I wanted to give something back to
    the gaming community as I have enjoyed many, many FAQs written by countless others
    that share the information that they have gathered/discovered, at no cost to us.
    You may e-mail me with your comments, information at the address at the top
    of this FAQ.

    9. Contributions/Thank you's
    For making this game, and providing information on Playstation specific stuff.

    For making this guide available to all the DDRer's around the world.

    Timely information on Bemani games.

    One of the best sources for information on anything DDR.

    Some corrections. Some max combos.

    Announcer's saying.

    Asian Game Shark Code Centre
    Game Shark Codes

    Gaipul from Nownuri
    Game Shark Codes

    This document is the intellectual property of the author. It is intended to
    provide help, to fellow gamers, on a title that is both entertaining and
    difficult at various times. Please do not copy or distribute this file in any
    format without consent of the author. This means: on other web pages, as part of
    another FAQ, in any written or electronic publication, etc. And, to be crystal
    clear, this document is legally copyrighted through two or more means. This is
    including a publishing firm clause, as well as various websites' legal setups
    (such as the one found on GameFAQs). If you have any new tips or info you want
    us to hear, just drop an e-mail. And, just in case this comes up, neither Game
    Cave nor anyone else may not distribute this to those who purchase this title or
    who are somehow bringing profit to said party.

    Beatmania, BEMANI, Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Freaks, Pop'n'Music,
    Drummania, Rap Freaks, Keyboard Mania, Dance!Dance!Dance!, Goo Goo Soundy,
    and all versions/mixes are copyright/trademarked by Konami Computer
    Entertainment Japan. All other copyrights are properties of their
    respective owners.

    This document Copyright 2000 Sang Hong

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