Tato stranka by vapadalo mnohem lepe v prohlizeci, ktery podporuje webove standardy, nicmene prohlizet ji muzete v jakemkoliv prohlizeci, nebo zarizeni s pristupem na Internet.

DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

Chcete si koupit softpad ?

Existuje calá řada softpadů - levnější, dražší, s výplní, bez výplně, pro různé platformy. Mají různou výdrž, jiný potisk a barvy šipek a tlačítek a různou koncovku. Nejčastěji jsou pro PS2, XboX nebo na PC (USB). Hlavně na koncovku si dejte při koupi pozor. Pokud to není právě ta co potřebujete, je nutné si k padu koupit i redukci.

Doporučovaný postup pro získání softpadu:

  • Podívejte se na fórum, jestli někdo softpady právě neprodává, nebo se nechystá nějaká skupinka hráčů k hromadnému nákupu. To by pak ulehčilo peněžence.

  • Softpady na Internetu můžete koupit u firmy PositiveGaming. Jděte na stránky www.positivegaming.com, klikněte na Shop a softpad si vyberte. Mívají akce kdy za 1 pad nakoupíte 2... Na této stránce si můžete koupit i redukci. Při registraci použijte promote kód "czechddr". Získáte alespoň pětiprocentní slevu na první nákup.

  • Další softpady můžete koupit v e-shopu Play-Asia . U tohoto obchodu nemusíte používat promokód, stačí na shop přijít a následně realizovat objednávku před odkaz dole na stránce. Ten odkaz použijte prosím i v případě, že si zboží chce koupit nějaký vás známý.

    Další zkušenosti najdete na fóru - Tam najdete vše od údržby, zátěže, výdrže, vzhledu, až po rady jak docílit toho, aby se softpad moc nehýbal a naklouzal po podlaze při rychlejším hraní.

    Odkazy na internetové obchody

    PositiveGamming - www.positivegaming.com (promo kód "czechddr")
    název redukce - Trio Linker Plus

    Play-Asia - www.play-asia.com (pouzijte vzdy tento odkaz)
    název redukce - Dual Shooter (EMS USB2)

    soft1.jpg, 92 kB
    soft2.jpg, 91 kB

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'koupit_softpad':
    01.11.2009 00:00
  • << zpět na Czech DDR portal

    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG


    This FAQ is copyright by me, Tracy Smith 2000-2004. Feel free to copy this
    document and read it on your own time. Do not copy this document and claim it
    as your own. Do not copy this document and sell it. This document was NOT
    meant to be seen in any sort of paper media! If you really, really want this
    on your site, e-mail me (cherriebomber@yahoo.com) and ask nicely (and please
    specify that you want to use my DDR FAQ, because I've written more than one).
    Oh, and leave this copyright in if this FAQ appears on your site. Song titles
    copyright by their artists. Dance Dance Revolution, its sequels, Beatmania
    IIDX and ITS sequels, and Hip Hop Mania (2) copyright Konami. That is all.

    E-mail: Look at the copyright information. If that is too much for you, go to
    the bottom of this FAQ. But don't just scroll down. Read the FAQ, please!

    If you see this FAQ on a site not listed below, please notify me! Chances are,
    they've probably asked. But if they didn't, laugh, because they ripped an FAQ
    from someone that nearly flunked English!

    You can find this FAQ at:

    Gamefaqs.com (the most up-to-date version is here)
    www2.hawaii.edu/~hioki (my homepage, which is actually a mini FF3/6 shrine)

    ***Are you in a hurry? If you're looking for information regarding a specific
    mix, use the mix numbers (up to 5th) to find what you are looking for (with the
    exception of the original mix, which has no mix number. . .use uzi as your
    search string, capitalize the first letter, and do Match Case). I refer to 8th
    Mix as EXTREME, 7th Mix as either 7th Mix or MAX2 or DDRMAX2 (the MAX2 search
    string should do it), and 6th Mix as either 6th Mix or DDRMAX. If you want a
    specific section, use the roman numerals next to the section to find it. If
    you want a specific song/artist, do a search by song title/artist name. If you
    can't find it, e-mail me about it.***

    I. Really, really basic introduction
    II. Version info...I think
    III. I'm supposed to play this game with my WHAT?
    IV. The FAQ's FAQ
    V. Music terms and other terms
    VI. I wanna dance NOW! (or The Commandments, for short)
    VII. The songs
    VIII. SOME secrets
    IX. Are you having a bad day?
    X. Credits


    I. Really, really basic introduction

    Left, right, left, right, hit both pads at once. Welcome to the world of Dance
    Dance Revolution. For the duration of the game, you are a dancer. You will be
    performing for a live audience within the game, and some spectators waiting for
    their turn to show off their moves. There will also be a very annoying MC who
    will make some extremely dimwitted comments. Now, onto the basics...


    II. Version info...I think

    1.0-While this FAQ has been around much longer than the date of this version
    (started 1/26/00), I needed to make some MAJOR changes to certain vital parts
    of this FAQ (like the songs section). Finally got around to releasing it.

    1.1-Oops, forgot my e-mail address (cherriebomber@yahoo.com). Updated songs
    section and streak. Ah, well. (3/16/00)

    1.2-Someone brought a Playstation, a Dance Pad, and a copy of Dance Dance
    Revolution-2nd Mix to a nice little party. I will include strategies to what
    songs I remember seeing. Uptated song and streak section. . .again. (3/19/00)

    1.3-After reviewing the previous version, I found a HUGE error. I forgot to
    fill in my thought for the Playstation cheat! Note to self: Don't use Save As
    command unless absolutely necessary. Did a bit of tweaking (Commandments,
    songs, streak), and added the quotes in the beginning. (3/20/00)

    1.35-Not a real update (well, at least not the one I was planning for). Put in
    a note about injuries. After all, it's hard to dance when. . .read for
    yourself. I stuck it in the Commandments section (geez, the number of
    commandments just keeps rising). (3/28/00)

    1.4-Sheesh. . .trying to copy text off an e-mail is a major pain in the rear.
    Fortunately, Nickel's e-mail (deloura@halcycon.net) wasn't ridiculously long.
    He gave me advice on just about everything. Someone was nice enough to sell me
    a CD containing the songs from Dance Dance Revolution: 3rd Mix Nonstop Megamix,
    so I've just included the few titles I could decipher from that. Feel free to
    add or correct me if I'm wrong. Updated the Commandments section. . .again.

    1.41-The only reason why I'm commenting on such a minor update is because I got
    a 44 streak for Trip Machine Trick Mode. You'll see why this is important in
    the streak section. This not an April Fool's joke! (4/1/00)

    1.47-Added a new section. I hope you like it! Also added another commandment.
    Did some Nonstop nonsense. About the e-mails: I may not be able to get back
    to you for a few days, especially if you mail me on a Friday. Sorry! (4/6/00)

    1.5-One of my friends happens to have the legal copy of Dance Dance Revolution:
    3rd Mix Nonstop Megamix, so I bummed off some song titles and groups from him.
    Since he also has a copy of the lyrics, I'll be using what I remember to screen
    the songs (geez. . .a group called E-rotic. . .wonder what kind of music they
    play). In the credits section, I credit two people because someone borrowed
    the CD from someone, and I don't know who did what. Added some tempos. I'm
    adding the tempos to give you, the reader, an idea on just how much difference
    there is between songs like My Fire and Butterfly. This is for those who want
    to try a more difficult song with a similar tempo. It's easier to make the
    transition from Boom Boom Dollar to Brilliant 2 U than from Make It Better to
    Paranoia. Are your eyes tired yet? (4/9/00)

    1.6-Oops, forgot to change the version number! Since that nice friend of mine
    was nice enough to let me see the song titles, groups, and lyrics, I was able
    to update a good portion of the 3rd Mix section. Sorry, but I haven't danced
    since the last update :(. (4/10/00)

    1.7-Hi, good to see you all back again. My life, being dormant for a while,
    woke up all of a sudden. Now that I have a bit more time, I can fix a really
    major error. Skywalker (one of my friends) told me that the Nonstop Megamix is
    a combination of two different mixes, and that IT'S FOR LISTENING PLEASURE
    ONLY!!! Therefore, I will take the ratings off some of the songs in that
    section. Meanwhile, Jonath8436@aol.com gave me a few ULTIMATE streaks (some
    which I never would have gotten on my own). Updated the strategy,
    Commandments, both streak sections, and the credits. (5/4/00)

    1.8-I wish I could access the Internet on my personal computer. Since I can't,
    I haven't been able to update for a LONG time (there is a use for school). Now
    I'm dancing in Maniac Mode. I've updated the songs section (that section that
    I have been neglecting). Added a few more general rules, a.k.a. commandment,
    and updated my personal streak section (laugh away, experts). (7/26/00)

    1.81-Deathlok the Demolisher was, ahem, nice enough to point out some lyrical
    errors. Props to him!! (9/2000)

    1.9-Dance Dance Revolution USA has hit our shores!!! I'll try my best to put
    everything I know about this song into this FAQ!!! This means an update in the
    song list section and songs strategy sections (and maybe, just maybe, something
    more in the introduction!!!) BTW, I never got around to releasing this
    version. (11/12/00)

    2.0-Added a lot of tidbits to just about every song. Check it out! Still
    writing strategy (this may take a long time. . .) WARNING: THIS VERSION WILL
    LOOK VERY STRANGE. OH, WELL!! (11/19/00)

    2.1-More DDR USA stuff-including Flat Mode, a few more strategies, and various
    streaks (and one mynah bird in one papaya tree!). (12/8/00)

    2.11-I want my brain back NOW!! Forgot to change version number. . .added a
    bit more info (guess where). (12/13/00)

    2.2-Mele Kalikimaka!! Did some corrections (what was a Marvelous song doing in
    the Superior section?). Again added info in the usual areas, and put in an
    IMPORTANT note about cheats. More scenery added, too. (12/22/00)

    2.3-After all sorts of nasty things from school have been somewhat resolved, I
    have time to update (sort of). Added quite a bit of stuff (next section,
    commandments, song info, streaks, and cheats, of all places). (1/12/01)

    2.4-Another update. . .almost. This time, double ratings (only ratings) were
    added. Ugh. Driver's ed is doing bad things to me schedules! For the very
    first time. . .I shall be participating in a tournament. Check out the credits
    section for more info. (3/5/01)

    2.41-Highly minor, but still warrants another update. While surfing the web, I
    found something very interesting. It's in the credits section. Oh, yes, and
    this FAQ can now be viewed at neoseeker.com. Excuse me while I recover from my
    second cold in as many months. (3/10/01)

    2.5-Man, that tournament gave me a lot of info! My results are in the credits
    section. . .look if you dare (but I didn't win first. . .sorry!). So many AAA
    grades! Most were on Beginner mode. Anyway, song section, and various streaks
    updated!! (4/8/01)

    2.6-Back from Narshe. . .anyway, to honor the fact that DDR 4th Mix is out in
    arcades (well, at least in my area), I shall enter in the 4th Mix info for
    Playstation (and we can all thank Growlie for that). Unfortunately, I was
    sick, so I got to see 4th Mix for arcades for about two weeks. So a few
    reviews are stuck in. Missing a couple songs for 4th Mix arcade. . .but
    otherwise done with that song list (compile type: One Day Tourney Jam!). Added
    a section on stuff NOT to do. Oh, yes, and I finally passed all the
    Catastrophic songs in DDR USA. On to End of the Century! And Alex was nice
    enough to explain the 3rd Mix and 4th Mix system to me (it made perfect sense).
    Also redid the top part and the copyright (um, please read). P.S. Happy
    Belated Birthday Growlie!! (6/27/01)

    2.7-Mucho stuff added, in terms of 4th and 5th Mix songs. What? 5th Mix?
    Yep, I got to play it. Song list and strategy will now reflect it. So will a
    couple of my streaks. Not released.

    2.8-Just when I thought everything was okay. . .DDR 4th Mix Plus comes to my
    arcade. I'm gonna be busy. . .lots of stuff added, so check it out!! Slight
    format changes as well. One "minor" thing changed. . .it's in the glossary
    (those at the gamefaqs.com board. . .you win). (3/8/02)

    2.9-AACK!! My arcade received 6th Mix and replaced it with 7th Mix two months
    later!! I'm up to my ears in updates!! This is really, really incomplete, but
    I'm gonna have to update NOW. Follow-up coming very, very soon! Happy belated
    birthday to me!! (8/13/02)

    3.0-I can't get the info for EXTREME for a LONG time (say, three months).
    Until then, I'll be updating the individual song strategies (this is going to
    take the better part of a year). I'll also be noting which songs go on which
    course (within the individual song strategies). Half of MAX is done, and some
    of MAX2 is also done (but I'm far from finished). Fixed some errors. Wiped
    out three sections. . .not that they'll be missed. . . (3/20/03)

    3.05-Well, I was bored. I played eight rounds of DDR yesterday, and I had a
    lot to talk about. Finished the MAX song list. Still working on individual
    song strategies (ever snow fans, your wish has come true). Added search
    strings as well (for those who are in a hurry). (3/23/03)

    3.1-Since I'm the writer, I think it's only fair that you know just how *ahem*
    good I am. Therefore, I've added another section-the author's FAQ. I'm still
    working on those song strategies. . .(not released)

    3.2-Well, added a bunch of song strategies (including stuff from Extreme), as
    well as the changes from DDRMAX2 to DDR EXTREME. I'm missing a good chunk of
    songs, but I've been working on this thingamabob for the past two and then some
    hours, so give me a break. I'm updating this because I have finally achieved
    one of my DDR goals - that AAA on something. Want to know what? Keep reading!

    3.3-Finished off ALL songs on DDRMAX (though many still need more detail).
    Almost finished with DDRMAX2. Still have a long way to go on EXTREME. One of
    my DDRMAX descriptions is as detailed as I want to get on any song; read
    further to find out which song I pretty much did from memory. (6/11/04)

    III. I'm supposed to play this game with my WHAT?

    Welcome, O Newbie Dancer. If you know the answer to the question above, skip
    this section. For those of you who don't know. . .you play this game with your
    feet. There's no joystick. At the beginning of every song, you will notice
    four arrows at the top of the screen. Arrows will be rising from the bottom of
    the screen. As soon as they match up to one of the arrows on the top of the
    screen (the gray ones), step on the appropriate direction pad. There will be
    times when two arrows will need to be stepped on. Jump on both correct pads.
    For the more difficult songs, you will be stepping on the arrows between beats.

    When you sucessfully step on four or more arrows correctly (get a Perfect!!! or
    Great!! message), a Combo will start. The more arrows you combo, the more
    points you'll get, and the higher your overall grade will be. Above the arrows
    is a gauge. To clear a round, there must be at least one bar left in that
    gauge. Miss the arrows repeatedly, and your gauge will decrease. A "DANGER"
    message will flash across the screen. You know you have utterly failed when
    the background turns orange, and stays that way. Don't be embarassed; try
    again when you feel rested. Regardless of whether you pass or fail a round,
    you will be graded. The grade ranges from from SS (meaning that we all bow
    down to you...for now) to E (meaning that there is room for improvement,
    because you'll only see this rating when you fail a stage).

    The messages in Dance Dance Revolution USA (or whatever it's called elsewhere)
    are almost the same. The "Perfect", "Great", and "Good" messages remain.
    "Almost" replaces "Boo!", and "Boo" replaces "Miss" (which means "Almost" is in
    purple and "Boo" is in red). This time around, it's fairly easy to get an A.
    I've also managed to get an AAA-with nothing by "Perfect" and "Great" messages
    (and a really long streak). Do mediocre on a song (don't streak too much) and
    you'll get a B. If you somehow manage to get nothing but "Great" and "Good"
    (and don't streak that much) messages, you'll probably get a C. Get nothing
    but "Good" messages (well, a lot) and keep your streak to below 5, and you'll
    probably end up with a D. Fail a stage completely and you'll receive an E.
    There is another downside to failing. You stop earning points the instant you
    fail (junk, isn't it?).

    If you somehow make it through all three stages, you'll see your score and a
    nice long string of numbers below it. To brag to the world, follow the
    on-screen instructions (don't bother with the prize, because the high score at
    last check was 98 million). The machine will also keep high scores (only the
    top 5, and it's really hard to get in!!). If you do manage to get in, watch
    the scrolling letters. Press the left arrow when you want to stop the leftmost
    letter, the down arrow to stop the middle letter, and the up arrow to stop the
    right letter. The right arrow is just to slow the scrolling letters down.
    Press the start button to end it all, or just wait for the timer to stop.

    Thank Alex154527 for the next two sections of info (it's pretty much him
    speaking, with a few comments by me). 3rd Mix is harder than 2nd Mix.
    Consider it the Japanese version of DDR USA. . .except that there is a mode
    where you can't fail. In the DDR USA version, it IS possible to fail Beginner.
    Difficulties on 3rd Mix are Soft, Medium, and SSR. In Soft, all songs are 3
    feet or less. But there is a Trick Mode within which makes the songs 3 or 4 (?)
    (maybe 5 max) feet. In Medium, songs are 1 to 5 feet. In the trick mode within
    that, songs are, I believe, 5 to 7 feet. Then there is the SSR mode, where all
    songs are 7 to 9 feet. 3rd Mix also is very strict about letting you pass
    songs. It takes like 3 bars per miss on the last stage! Plus, it is HARD to get
    an A. One or two mistakes max. B is several mistakes, C is a step below, D is
    near-fail, E is fail. Plus the announcer is MEAN!!! He says, "You need to push
    yourself harder" when you get a B! Now compare him to the nice, nice DDR USA
    announcer. . .

    Now for my 4th mix info. . . When ya start playing, you choose the mode
    (single, versus, double), then the set of songs you want to play (they are
    sorted into groups, and you cannot change the group when you start playing.
    However, there is an All Music mode on 4th mix PLUS that lets you access every
    song). Each set has its own characters (for example, the Pops, Side A features
    Rage and Emi). There is a roulette of them if you choose All Music. Anyway,
    after that, you choose your song. Your difficulty is chosen after the song, but
    it lists the number of feet (in yellow, red, and green all seperately) at the
    top. Of course, this game uses Basic/Trick/Maniac difficulty, according to the
    color of the feet. There is a DDR USA-style dance meter, and combo numbers that
    are also like DDR USA. The only things that arent are the stage number and the
    score counter. Plus, the grading is different. An AA is completely perfect. An
    A is all perfect/great. B is great, C is decent, and you have to screw up a lot
    to get a D. An E of course is a fail. Wait. . .me again. . .those that I saw
    failing got a D! Considering the fact that it's possible to regain meter, I
    don't think there is an E grade in 4th Mix.

    A few more interesting things I found out. . .in Versus Mode, it is possible to
    regain your meter. I do this ALL the time in Ninzaburo. The first stage is
    the easiest to pass. Some songs are more forgiving than others. Gradiusic
    Cyber is the ONLY Catastrophic I know of where I can get 21 Boo! judgements and
    17 Miss. . . judgements and still pass. Oh, Battle? Arrows start from the
    center. Each side has a different color (blue for 1P and red for 2P). The
    arrows migrate over to the appropriate side about two beats before they should
    be stepped on. Green arrows are arrows that both players must step on. Good

    Now 5th Mix. . .first, choose whether you want to dance to Single (one credit),
    Versus or Double (two credits for these modes). Now pick a character. The
    characters have been reduced to eye candy again. . .anyway, once you choose
    someone, the song select screen will come up. Select song and difficulty, and
    dance your heart out! The meter is very different from any other mix; it's a
    blue bar that will occasionally turn orange. To get the latter color, that
    meter needs to be full. Note that it's impossible to get the orange meter if
    you're playing Versus and your partner is failing. If you lose everything in
    that meter, it's Game Over (on Single or Double). If your meter disappears on
    Versus, it is again possible to regain meter. If both players fail, the
    machine will slam you. Bummer. Once again, the grading system has been
    tweaked. AAA is supposed to appear if a song is passed with ALL Perfect!!
    judgements. To achieve an AA, full combo the song (nothing but Perfect!! and
    Great! judgements). To get an A, either get two AA judgements and one B, or
    get ONE Good judgement. To get a B, do fairly well on a song (get some Good,
    Boo, and Miss judgements). To get a C, do a bit worse. To get a D, keep
    yourself in the danger zone for most of the song. To get an E, fail the song.
    5th Mix also changed the scoring. . .sort of. Bonus points are given based on
    the number of Perfects you've managed to get. These will show up after you've
    passed a song. Sweet!!! There are hidden songs (9, to be exact) that are not
    time-released. To get them, go to bemanix.com, and read, then urge whoever
    runs your arcade to do it. You'll also get two hidden characters (ugh. . .).
    Wait, wait, wait, one more thing. DDR 5th Mix contains two endings. To see
    the hidden one, get a final grade of A or higher. I've pulled it off. So can

    Along came 6th Mix. . .like 5th Mix, it's possible to display the list in a
    variety of ways, the meter looks like a squiggly line, the machine slams all
    failures, it's possible to regain meter after failing in a versus game, and the
    letter grade is determined by Perfect percentage. As for the differences. .
    .first off, the modes have been renamed to Light (yellow), Standard (red), and
    Heavy (green). The foot rating system is gone. It has been replaced by an
    awful-looking graph somewhere near the bottom left corner. The graph is
    supposed to measure the Stream, Chaos, Freeze, Air, and Voltage of a song.
    Think of Stream as the amount of arrows on the screen at any given time. Chaos
    is Konami's way of saying rhythm. The higher the Freeze part, the more freeze
    arrows there are in the song. The Air part of the graph shows how many double
    steps a song has (side note: the kanji below the word Air translates to jump
    something. See, I was right!). Voltage is how tired the player should feel
    after the song
    is over. The graph overall is more or less accurate on everything except for
    Voltage (as this one is determined by personal taste). Oh, the freeze arrow.
    I knew I should have mentioned this earlier. These little green arrows require
    the unlucky person who gets them to step on the arrow and KEEP THEIR WEIGHT ON
    THE PAD. Depending on the machine, this can be anywhere from a piece of cake
    to a nightmare. I'll go more into detail about freeze arrows in the next two
    sections. After a song is cleared, the usual numbers and grades will appear. .
    .along with a bar graph. This shows the player how he/she measured up to the
    graph in the lower left corner (that silly-looking star thingy on the Song
    Select screen). I have no clue as to how the machine measures Voltage. It
    seems the letter grades were changed (or I am very, very confused. . .probably
    both). AAA constitute nothing but Perfect!! judgements. AA requires 93%
    Perfect!! judgements, and not necessarily a full combo. If someone pulls of
    the AA on a Heavy song on their final stage, something happens. . .be prepared.
    A requires something like 80% Perfect!! judgements (not sure 'bout the exact
    percentages). The other letter grades (B, C, and D) have varying Perfect!!
    percentages. E indicates a failure, no matter the Perfect!! percentage. The
    characters are more or less gone in 6th Mix. . .drat. They do appear in some
    of the songs (and the CG videos are neat!). Most of the exclusive songs on the
    home versions of 4th Mix and 5th Mix are on this mix.

    Then came 7th Mix. The interface is the same (including the
    AA-on-Heavy-on-final-stage deal), but Konami brought back the foot rating
    system. Unfortunately, most of the 6th/7th songs are severely underrated (Waka
    Laka is NOT an Exorbitant song!). Some of the older songs got a rating change
    as well (Burnin' the Floor Heavy is a 9?! I don't think so!). The machine
    comes with a point system and 30 empty spots. Each of the points represents
    one passed song. Whenever a song is passed on Single, one point is subtracted.
    Whenever a song is passed on Versus or Double, two points are subtracted.
    Getting a grade of AAA multiplies however many points should be knocked off the
    machine (because the song was passed) by 10. . .with the exception of Versus
    mode. If one player manages a AAA and the other player gets any passing grade,
    the machine subtracts 11 points. If they both pull it off, it's 20 points.
    A grade of D or E means no points (er, unlock points) for that song. . .unless
    we're talkin' Versus, again. If one player gets one of the aforementionted
    grades on the song, that person gets no points, and the other player gets
    however many points they're entitled to. Whenever the points hit 0, a spot is
    revealed. Odd spots hold songs. Even
    spots hold Oni courses.

    Oh, the Oni courses. When asked to choose a difficulty, go beyond the Heavy
    setting. There will be a very, ah, nice picture of Devil-Zukin, and the
    announcer will say, "This mode is challenging!" Those poor souls that pick
    this mode are in for the ultimate combo attack. First off, choose a course.
    Some of the ratings will be in blue. Those are the Oni edits, and most of them
    aren't combo-friendly! The select music is awful, so select your mode of
    death, I mean, your course in the shortest amount of time possible. The
    squiggly meter will be replaced by a battery with three segments. Break a
    combo or miss a freeze, and one of the segments goes bye-bye. The fourth such
    blunder and the course is over. It's possible to regain that battery, though.
    MOST Standard songs and Paranoia on Kidou yield one bar when passed, Heavy/Oni
    songs yield two, and certain songs on certain courses (like D2R on Kidou) yield
    three. Why? Probably because the next song will kill you. If you get no bars
    back. . .pray. A lot.

    The final installment of DDR (for now) is EXTREME. The print on the judgements
    is slightly different, and Beginner mode (which makes most songs a 1) is now
    available for your AAA pleasure. The announcer says more stupid things, and
    the songs have variable Perfect windows (from the ultra-strict Mikeneko Rock to
    Mahou no Tobira, and just about everything in between). Several of the songs
    have. . .strange timing windows (Stay (Organic House Mix) and Healing Vision
    come to mind). The mode select, as well as most of the gameplay is the same. .
    .except Nonstop mode has been revived! Yahoo!!!! Nonstop Mode features
    several sets of songs, usually on Standard (but a few are on Light). Press the
    down arrow twice, and it changes to Heavy (with a few on Standard). There's
    also quite a selection of Random courses, as well as Random Caprice (four
    random songs which you can see. . .and cry, because one is probably going to be
    an old Extra stage, and the other three will be totally awesome). The other
    Random courses feature question marks, and those question marks in purple are
    Oni mixes. Keep in mind that the machine can spit out anything from Be In My
    Paradise to MaxX Unlimited (and The Legend of Max, if it's unlocked), so
    playing Nonstop is a calculated risk. The Oni courses are harder, and there's
    an Oni glitch, which deals with the song difficulty selection, which I will not
    cover. On both Nonstop and Oni, there's a new judgement called Marvelous! that
    shows up white. This is simply a narrower version of the Perfect!! window, so
    don't worry overly much about it on Nonstop. On Oni, those white judgements
    are worth three points, Perfects are worth two, Greats are worth one, O.K.s are
    worth three (I think), and anything else is worth one of your battery bars.
    This time, there will be a score kept for Oni (and the point breakdown was just
    outlined). Other than that. . .have fun.

    One more song select mode has been added-Random. Random on a non-Nonstop
    course (heh, that sounded neat) will choose a song stored within the machine's
    memory. If you'd like a preview of this song, hold down the Start button
    (provided it's not Extra stage). The Random song select will occasionally
    choose the same song twice. Oh, speaking of Extra stage. . .you are now free
    to choose your Extra stage. . .but only a AA on The Legend of Max will get you
    One More Extra Stage (and this time, it's rough).

    Although it's a bit early, I recommend dancing to something like Boom Boom
    Dollar with a friend (Dance Dance Revolution people) or Silent Hill on Beginner
    (everyone else). Not all Beginner songs are equal. I DO NOT recommend
    dancing to Afronova on Beginner.


    IV. The FAQ's (and author's) FAQ

    Before you read any further, I think it's fair that I say something about
    myself. I'll post bits about myself (and this FAQ) in question and answer form.

    Q: Is Tracy Smith your real name?

    A: No!

    Q: So what is your REAL name?

    A: I'm not answering that until I meet you in person.

    Q: How long have you been playing DDR?

    A: If memory serves me right. . .four and a half years and going strong!

    Q: How good are you?

    A: I've placed in both freestyle and tech tourneys. . .which isn't saying much.
    I'd like to think I'm better than average. And I refuse to touch the backbar
    (unless I am in grave danger of falling on my rear).

    Q: Can you pass (insert any song 300 BPM or over)?

    A: Max 300 once. Have yet to fail Sakura and Across The Nightmare (extra stage
    doesn't count). I'm eight seconds shy of passing MaxX Unlimited, and won't
    pass The Legend of Max anytime soon.

    Q: You can't pass all the songs? You suck!

    A: Then write your own FAQ.

    Q: What is this FAQ about?

    A: DDR, silly. I've included as much song info as my limited memory allows me

    Q: Can you give me some freestyle tips?

    A: E-mail me, and we'll talk.

    Q: Do you know where to get freestyle vids?

    A: I have ONE site on my homepage. . .it was a local tournament. I don't know
    about any others.

    Q: What about that Hawaii one on G4. Were you in that tournament?

    A: Sadly, yes.

    Q: Do you have DDR at home?

    A: No, and unless someone gives me a working PS2 with all pertinent DDR, a
    metal pad, a IIDX controller, and every single version of Beatmania IIDX that
    has come out for the PS2, I never will.

    Q: How many songs have you gotten a AA on?

    A: Basic and Standard - I have no idea. Heavy - 59 or so.

    Q: How many songs have you gotten a AAA on?

    A: Just one - 5.1.1. Light. *cries* It took me a LONG time to get that, too.

    Q: Can I play your Extra stage?

    A: Not unless I get something like Max 300 on the Random song select.

    Want your question here? E-mail me at cherriebomber@yahoo.com. If your
    question is valid AND in good taste, I'll post it (along with your name).

    V. Music terms and other terms

    Since this game deals with music, I will be spewing out quite a bit of musical
    terms, as well as a few of my own made-up ones (for the arrows). To help sort
    out the confusion, this section will deal primarily with various words and
    phrases that will appear in Section VI. For this, I am assuming that you know
    NOTHING about music. If you already know some of these terms, don't feel

    DOWN BEAT/UP BEAT-To figure out what this means, tap your foot in time to AM-3P
    or Butterfly. You'll notice that you foot hits the ground with the beat.
    There will also be times when your foot is in the air. The time when your foot
    hits the ground is called the down beat. When your foot is in the air, it's
    called the up beat (I may refer to an up beat as an eighth note).

    MEASURE-In just about all of the songs, one measure contains four beats.
    Unless Konami brings Rislim to DDR, it will stay that way. Certain songs will
    go into cut time (two beats per measure. . .think Era).

    SIXTEENTH NOTE-I know you're trying to dance, but I can't think of any other
    way to express this. Divide every beat into four parts (yes, this will be
    fast). Each part is a sixteenth note.

    TRIPLET-For every beat, cram in three even notes. The basis for Burning Heat!

    QUARTER NOTE TRIPLET-For every two beats, step three times evenly. I'll
    mention the songs that have this weird rhythm.

    HALF NOTE TRIPLET-For every four beats, sluggishly stomp three times evenly.
    If you can do this, congratulations. You'll notice that the stomps will have
    an interval longer than one beat. Appears in quite a few songs (though most of
    them are short, thank goodness).

    PAD-Now, now, let's all be mature. This refers to the pink/blue arrow you step
    on whenever an arrow scrolls up on the screen.

    DOUBLE STEP-Press up on the joystick twice. Only kidding. Jump on two pads at

    VERSE/CHORUS-The easiest way to illustrate these terms is to use Boom Boom
    Dollar. In this case, the verse starts after the music starts. The chours
    starts when the artist starts singing the title of the selection. This may not
    be true for all songs.

    FOOT ROLL-Imagine, for a moment, five arrows. They can be in any two
    directions (I'll use up and down for this example). Now arrange it so that the
    first arrow is in Direction 1 (in my case, up), the second arrow is one-fourth
    of a beat after arrow 1 and is in Direction 2. Put the third arrow one-fourth
    of a beat after arrow 2 in Direction 1. Put the fourth arrow one-foruth of a
    beat after arrow 3 in Direction 2. Put the fifth arrow one-fourth of a beat
    after arrow 4 in Direction 1. So you'll end up with a count of 1 ^ * ^ 2
    (numbers being the beats, * being the up-beat, and ^ being somewhere
    in-between) with arrows alternating directions. Foot rolls don't necessarily
    have to be five arrows long; they can be anywhere from three arrows to four
    measure's worth (but are usually between five and seven arrows long).

    FREEZE ARROW (6th and up)-It's silly. It's annoying. It takes off a huge
    chunk of meter if it's not hit correctly. It's. . .the freeze arrow. These
    horrid green arrows look like some kid got a green marker and smeared it all
    over the arrow. Step on the arrow as if it were a normal arrow. Keep stepping
    on the arrow. Ignore those twitching calf muscles and keep on stepping! The
    arrow will either resolve with a nice O.K., or it will go dark somewhere in the
    middle, scroll on, and an ugly N.G. will grace the screen. The O.K. judgements
    help both score and meter. The N.G. judgements are notorious for making people
    fail songs (especially that stupid freeze arrow in the middle of Max 300). If
    you're attempting to get the Extra stage, do NOT miss any of these (the only
    thing worse than not holding out a freeze arrow is missing an arrow). For more
    on the freeze arrow, refer to the next section.

    SLIDE-Hit two arrows (eighth note or faster) with the same foot. This
    technique is useful for certain arrow patterns. Overuse of this technique is
    darned tiring.

    VI. I wanna dance NOW!!! (or The Commandments, for short)

    So you don't have the patience to read through the whole FAQ? Well, hothead,
    here are a few general tips before you make a complete idiot of yourself (or
    you can call this the Twenty Eight and two Halves Commandments of Dancing).

    0.5. Make sure that the shoes you're wearing have treads on them and are
    comfortable. I've already slipped twice because I wore non-tread shoes. Also,
    you're not supposed to have blisters by the time you're done dancing.
    Nickel also sent this note in about socks: "Make sure you wear socks that
    aren't wearing thin on the bottoms or sides, as they may give you blister
    problems." Girls, if you really want to be good at this game, wear regular
    running shoes with treads on them. Platform sneakers don't count, as it takes
    more effort to lift than a regular sneaker (and yes, I wear running shoes when
    I dance). But if it comes down to a choice between slippers/high
    heels/slippery shoes/sandals or bare feet, use your bare feet (it's better to
    bruise your foot than to slip). At least bruised feet aren't an automatic

    1. Watch what others do. It's a great way to learn how to feel the beat. I
    could ramble on and on about why it's important to watch others. But for your
    sake, I won't.

    2. If there is any room BEHIND you, dance along to the songs while someone else
    is playing. People may give you funny looks, but don't worry. Life's too
    short to worry about such things.

    3. Drag a friend along. Couple (two player) mode is easier than one player
    mode. Or, if your friend happens to be good, Versus mode can give you some
    valuable practice (because Versus mode has both players dancing to the same set
    of arrows as the one player game. . .but this doesn't apply to 4th Mix and
    later. . .read the third section to find out why). Just remember that ONE of
    you has to have something left in the dance meter. On the same token, if you
    really want to prove that you're good, dance alone.

    4. Start off simple. Trying to show off will only make you look like a fool
    when you fail the round.

    5. Dance to your personal favorite songs. I always do best on the songs I
    like. Dancing to songs you really dislike is a good way to fail (which is why
    I'll never pass My Fire). Just don't fall in love with Paranoia right away,

    6. Keep your left foot on the left arrow. Use your right foot to step on the
    other three arrows. Don't forget to shift your weight whenever a left arrow
    scrolls onscreen. Do this for songs you're not too familiar with. For the
    songs you're fairly familiar with, use your left foot for whatever arrows show
    up (but don't lose your balance). Oh, yes, and you can just leave your foot at
    whatever arrow you last stepped on. It makes life so much easier on Boom Boom
    Dollar. Keeping your feet in neutral will make dancing to any song higher than
    two feet downright impossible (someone tried this). Either that, or you'll end
    up stepping on your own foot.

    6a. I dance like a drunken Spinda (and if that makes no sense, do some Pokemon
    research). Someone else (I'll find your e-mail later, provided that Yahoo!
    didn't do anything weird with my account AGAIN) suggested to try alternating
    feet (hit the left arrow with the left foot, the next arrow that isn't a left
    arrow with the right foot, etc.) This will work so long as the machine doesn't
    spit out a left-down-right-up combo (or some rotation thereof). If you think
    your balance is better than mine (and it probably is), try it, once you can hit
    the up and down arrows without falling over.

    7. Step to the beat. Very simple concept, yet very hard to do. If you know
    how to march, you have an advantage. If you're in a marching band, you have a
    bigger advantage, because you'll also know the fundamentals of music (which is
    extremely important in harder songs).

    8. Always look at your final grade, along with the graph at the top. You'll
    either feel extremely depressed or surprised. And if you're angry, no kicking
    the machine!

    9. Remember that NOT ALL SONGS ARE EQUAL. If you can dance to a song with a
    Superior rating, you may not be able to dance to ALL songs with a Superior
    rating. Some songs really should have gotten half-ratings (like three and a
    half feet).

    10. If thou art tired, thou shalt take a long rest, because thou may end up
    collapsing (been there, done that, quite humiliating). This means that if
    you've just played Maniac Mode 5 times in a row, take a nice long break. The
    machine isn't going anywhere (at least I don't think it's going anywhere). As
    an add-on, if you suffer from any health problems that are triggered by
    exertion (like asthma), make sure you're rested before you dance. Remember,
    THIS IS ONLY A GAME!!!!! If you start to feel strange (I got a stomach cramp
    after dancing to Paranoia Rebirth), rest, drink lots of fluids (water or some
    sports drink is best), eat something small (like a char siu bao, manapua, or
    meat bun, whatever you call it, 'cause it all describes the same thing), and,
    if possible, get some sleep. And whatever you do, DON'T EVER, EVER DANCE WHEN
    YOU'VE SKIPPED A MEAL OR MORE!!! I got VERY sick when I did this (I nearly
    ended up with a bad case of dry heaves).

    11. I sincerely hope this commandment doesn't apply to you. If you're
    recovering from some type of leg injury (sprained ankle, newly-healed broken
    leg, etc.), don't dance for long periods of time. You may end up injuring
    yourself again. For that matter, if you have back problems (slipped disc,
    etc.), don't dance for too long. DDR requires some odd back movements
    (especially the harder songs), and such twisting/jarring is not good for a bad
    back (trust me).

    12. Unless you are in grave danger of falling down, don't lean on the back bar
    as you dance. First, it messes up your balance (it does nasty things to my
    balance). Second, someone else may be leaning on it. Third, you may slip and
    fall down. Fourth, it looks more impressive when you do Paranoia without
    gripping the back bar. Lastly, the bar may be missing its black covering, and
    if you happen to grab the gray stuffing, you may slip anyway. Oh, yes, and if
    you're, um, heavy, and you're dancing with another heavy friend (no insult
    intended), and both of you lean on the back bar while you jump, the stage might
    move (always bad). Did I mention all the sweat that has no doubt dripped down
    off of all the other people who use the backbar? I didn't? My bad.

    13. Sheesh, I thought I wouldn't need to include this, but here it is. WAIT
    YOUR TURN! In one day alone, five different people cut in front of me (and I
    can't stay at the arcades for very long). Ask before you challenge. If you
    are better than the person who challenged you (this shouldn't happen too
    often), don't be a show off. In short, be courteous to others.

    14. Dancing style: Whatever feels comfortable to you. Some people play like
    they're sleepwalking, others stomp on the arrows and occasionally jump (me),
    some spin around (experts and related show-offs only), some lurch around trying
    to get to the next arrow (me again), some actually have a shuffle-step they've
    perfected (another expert trick, one which I usually use to make my shoes look
    scruffier), and a few will be constantly jumping. Do the last one only if you
    think you can handle the strain.

    15. If someone else is dancing, don't step on their arrows to mess them up.
    You may hurt that other person, and just maybe yourself. If someone does this
    to you (and you lose because of this), my opinion is that you have the right to
    ask the offending person to pay you a dollar (or however much a game of DDR

    16. Girls, don't be afraid to improve. Who cares if a guy can dance really
    well on Maniac/Expert/Heavy Mode? With practice, you should be able to
    challenge any
    guy! I don't want to be the only girl who can dance ALONE in any mode other
    than normal (and as I found out, I wasn't. Keep it up!).

    17. If there's a DDR USA in your favorite arcade, and you don't think you're
    all that good, play Beginner (the one with the blue feet). You'll have to miss
    a LOT of arrows to fail (but please, don't start off with a Paranoia mix).

    18. Don't be afraid to show off a little (but make sure you know the song well.
    I accidentally did this while dancing to Brilliant 2 U (Orchestral Groov)).
    Just a little. Too much and you'll start missing arrows/getting dizzy/falling
    down, etc. Yes, I know it sounds a bit contradictory, but if you actually show
    off, make sure you know where the fine line is between showing off and being

    19. Watch out for walking dance stages. Nearly got a foot squashed because the
    stage MOVES! It's worse if the stage is on a waxed floor!! Please refer to
    #12 for a specific situation.

    20. Stuck with asthma? Don't exert yourself too much. Lying on the ground and
    gasping for air is not good. Especially in a smoky arcade. And while dancing,
    remember to BREATHE (this applies to everyone).

    21. If you fall off, jump back on. Standing there and giggling like you're on
    laughing gas is a sure way to fail. Yes, I fell off the machine more than
    once, and getting back on is essential to passing. Difficulty does not matter.
    I once slipped off in the middle of Afronova (the Catastrophic one). Somehow,
    I passed. Most recent fall-off-the-machine-incident: Candy Heavy. My left
    hand was the only thing left on the platform. . .and it was on the 2P right
    arrow. I still passed.

    22. Show-offs only. If you use your knees/elbows/hands/butt/face to hit
    arrows, wait until they heal before re-attempting that stunt. Rebruising
    yourself is painful, and it ain't all that pretty, either.

    23. How to alternate feet: First, remember that the left foot will ALWAYS hit a
    left arrow, and the right foot will ALWAYS hit the right arrow. The up/down
    arrows can be hit by either foot. So if you've got a left-down-up-right
    string, use the left foot for the left arrow, the right foot for the down
    arrow, the left foot for the up arrow, and the right foot for the right arrow.
    That is one example. There are many more; find them! Of course, exceptions
    abound. Two prominent ones also happen to be Catastrophic songs; I'll point
    them out. If there are any interesting exceptions, I'll also point them out.
    If two songs have similar techniques (example: Holic and Dead End, both on
    Maniac), I'll point that out, too.

    24. Don't stop in the middle of the song, unless you've got a foot cramp or
    problems breathing. Just looking at the arrows and saying, "I suck" is always
    a great way to make a fool of yourself. Try, try, try!

    25. Freeze arrows. . .what a pain. There's two ways of attacking this problem.
    One is to bounce up and down on the given arrow (not recommended unless you're
    really, really light, and/or you like calf cramps). The other way is to step
    on the center of the pad and pray. The heavier you are, the easier it is to
    get those silly freezes. If you can time the arrows correctly, it's possible
    to jump off the arrows a fraction of a second before they're over, and still
    get the O.K. judgement. I'm 117 pounds (about 51 kg), and I can get most of
    the freeze arrows (including those stupid left-right arrows in Max 300 AND Maxx

    26. Freeze arrows, part 2. Some people simply refuse to bounce, even if
    they're really light (like me and my crazy 90 lb. friend). When the freeze
    arrow comes up, put about 70% of your weight on your toes, and make sure that
    your toes are on the center of the pad. Bend your knees slightly. Pray. If
    you've got a freeze arrow in one direction, and there's no other arrow in
    sight, see if you can balance on one foot. If you're stuck with those icky
    double-step arrows, watch them carefully. More often than not, you'll favor
    one foot, and the resulting weight difference will mess up the whole freeze.
    Pay attention to which foot you favor and adjust accordingly. If you've got a
    freeze arrow in one direction and a bunch of other arrows you have to hit
    during the freeze, learn to "toe the pad", or hit the pad with the toe of your
    other foot *just* hard enough for it to register. Sometimes, Konami will do
    something like a long up arrow freeze with a regular left arrow a beat later
    and a regular right arrow a beat after that. This requires a LOT of practice.
    Good luck!

    27. This also should have been said earlier, but. . .DO NOT WALK ON THE
    SCREEN!! How would you like it if someone walked on your face? Matrix
    walking, as its known, will damage the inner workings of DDR, which may cause
    the machine to be out of order for several weeks. The worst case scenario is
    the glass on the screen shattering. DDR machines are not cheap, so DON'T DO IT.

    28. Last of all, HAVE FUN!


    VI. The songs

    This is a listing of all the songs you will find in the arcades (I live
    somewhere in that country called America). . .with the exception of 4th Mix.
    These ratings are for normal mode only.

    A not-so-quick note about the ratings: The songs listed here are in order of
    difficulty, from simplest (one foot) to hardest (in this case, six feet). The
    ratings can go as high as eight feet (Exorbitant). To find the Trick Mode
    ratings, add one to the number of feet shown here (unless I make some other
    note in the strategy section). For Maniac Mode ratings, add two feet (again, I
    may make some comment about the rating in the strategy section).

    Konami made names for their ratings. Here they are. . .
    1 foot=SIMPLE
    2 feet=MODERATE
    3 feet=ORDINARY
    4 feet=SUPERIOR
    5 feet=MARVELOUS
    6 feet=GENUINE
    7 feet=PARAMOUNT
    8 feet=EXORBITANT
    10 feet=?????

    Title-Artist; Basic; Trick; Nut. . .er, Maniac

    Have You Never Been Mellow-The Olivia Project; 1; 2; 4
    Boom Boom Dollar-King Kong and D Jungle Girls; 2; 5; 6
    Butterfly-Smile-dk; 3; 4; 5
    Put Your Faith In Me-Uzi-Lay; 3; 4; 6 (first stage only)
    Put Your Faith In Me (Jazz Groov)-Uzi-Lay; 4; 5; 6
    Brilliant 2 U-Naoki; 4; 5; 6
    Make It Better-Mitsu-o; 4; 5; 7
    My Fire-X-treme; 4; 5; 6
    AM-3P-kTz; 5; 6; 8
    Brilliant 2 U (Orchestral Groov)-Naoki; 5; 6; 7 (last stage only)
    Make It Better (So Real Mix)-Mitsu-o Summer; 5; 6; 8 (last stage only)
    Trip Machine-De-Sire; 6; 7; 8
    Paranoia-180; 6; 7; 8 (last stage only)

    2nd Mix songs (those that I remember) (I don't think this was released in

    Bad Girls-Julia Roberts; 2; 5; 6
    Boom Boom Dollar-King Kong and D Jungle Girls; 2; 5; 6
    20, November-N.M.R.; 3; 5; 7
    Boys-Smile-dk; 3; 4; 6
    El Ritmo Tropical-Dixie's Gang; 3; 5; 7
    Tubthumpin'-Chumbawumba; 4; 5; 6
    Hero-Papaya; 4; 5; 6
    Dub I Dub-Me & My; 4; 6; 8
    Stomp to my Beat-JS16; 5; 6; 7
    If You Were Here-Jennifer; 5; 6; 7
    Love This Feeling-Chang Ma; 5; 7; 8
    Paranoia (Dirty Mix)-190; 6; 7; 8
    Paranoia MAX (Dirty Mix)-KCET; 7; 8; 8
    Paranoia (Clean Mix)-2MB; 6; 7; 8
    SP Trip Machine (Jungle Mix)-De-Sire; 6; 7; 8
    Trip Machine (Luv Mix)-2MB; 6; 7; 8(secret song!)
    Get Up And Move-S & K; (?); (?); 8
    think ya better D-sAmi (?) (someone has a shift key problem)
    In The Navy-Captain Jack PRACTICE MODE ONLY (appears in 3rd Mix as a playable
    The Race-Captain Jack PRACTICE MODE ONLY (appears in 3rd Mix as a playable

    Those arcade songs that weren't replaced are in this mix, too. A little bit on
    replacements: I used this term because those songs that "replaced" an arcade
    song have similar step patterns or (in the case of Boys), were done by the same
    artist. If there is a question mark next to anything, that means I'm relying
    on what I remember, and I may be wrong.


    To heck with the ratings. . .they all appear in 4th Mix, anyway. . .except for
    So Many Men, which appears in DDR USA.

    Afronova: Re-Venge (I could get to like these guys) MARVELOUS
    The Race (Formula One Mix): Captain Jack ORDINARY (?)
    Dam Dariram: Joga SUPERIOR (?)
    Mr. Wonderful: Smile-dk (them again) SUPERIOR (?)
    Operator: Papaya ORDINARY (?) (good for annoying people)
    El Ritmo Tropical (El Bimbo) (!): Dixie's Gang ORDINARY (Oh dear. . .)
    In The Navy '99 (XXL Disaster Remix): Captain Jack ORDINARY (?)
    Do it all Night: E-rotic (um. . .no) MODERATE (?)
    Dynamite Rave: Naoki (whoopie!) MARVELOUS
    Rock Beat: Loud Force MARVELOUS (?)
    Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix): Big-O featuring DJ Taka (here we go with the DJ
    thing) GENUINE (?)
    Captain Jack (Grandale Mix): Captain Jack MARVELOUS (?)
    Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G. G3 Mix): King Kong and D Jungle Girls SUPERIOR (?)
    End of the Century: No. 9 SUPERIOR (Beethoven's 9th, techno style)
    Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix): Mr. Dog featuring DJ Swan GENUINE (?) (before
    I get tons of hate mail, THIS IS AN INSTRUMENTAL!)
    Jam Jam Reggae (AMD Swing Mix): Rice C. featuring jam master '73 MODERATE
    Tubthumpin': Chumbawumba SUPERIOR (?) (*burp*)
    Get Up And Dance: Freedom SIMPLE (?)
    So Many Men: Me & My MODERATE (?) (someone is in desperate need of a life)
    Make A Jam!: U1 (not U2)
    It Only Takes A Minute (Extended Remix): Tavares MODERATE (?) (so why is the
    time listed as 2:19?)
    Get Up (Before The Night Is Over): Technotronic featuring Ya Kid K SUPERIOR
    Upside Down: Coo Coo MODERATE (?)
    Silent Hill: Thomas Howard MODERATE (I call it the Christmas song. WTH?)
    Xanadu: The Olivia Project SIMPLE (?) (Another Olivia Newtown-John song. Are
    these guys bent on remaking every single one of her songs? I hope they didn't
    remake that song called Physical!)
    Love: Sonic Dream
    Holiday: Who's That Girl! (why me, of course) ORDINARY (?)
    Wonderland (UKS Mix): X-treme (not them again!) SUPERIOR (?)
    Oh Nick Please Not So Quick: E-rotic (There goes my lunch) ORDINARY (?)
    If You Can Say Goodbye: Kate Project (huh?) ORDNIARY (?)
    Luv To Me (AMD Mix): DJ Kazu featuring tiger Yamato SUPERIOR
    Flashdance (What a Feeling): M.A.G.I.K.A featuring Stixman MARVELOUS (?)
    Volume 4: Raver's Choice MARVELOUS (?)
    Follow the Sun (90 Degrees in the Shade Remix): Triple J SUPERIOR
    Turn Me On (Heavenly Mix): E-rotic (what do I look like, a light switch?)
    Butterfly (Upswing remix): Smile-dk SUPERIOR (?) (about time!)
    Paranoia Rebirth: 190' (hmm. . .does this remind you of any SNK characters you
    happen to know of?) GENUINE
    Paranoia KCET-Clean Mix-2MB GENUINE
    La Senorita: Captain.T SUPERIOR (really bad Ricky Martin wannabe. Or is it
    the other way around?)
    Dead End: N & S MARVELOUS

    Oh, yes, and pointed out that most of these songs are from 3rd Mix, but some
    are from 2nd Mix (like Tubthimpin').

    I'm missing a lot of information, in the form of ratings. HELP!

    As for the song censor, you figure it out (really big hint: look at my comments
    about the songs and/or the name of the group that performed the song. If I
    make sarcastic/otherwise stupid comments, that song isn't meant for the younger
    generation (the really, really, younger generation), with the exception of the
    Paranoia remix).


    El Ritmo Tropical (El Bimbo) (!): Dixie's Gang MODERATE (Oh dear. . .)
    Jam Jam Reggae (AMD Swing Mix): Rice C. featuring jam master '73 MODERATE
    Silent Hill: Thomas Howard MODERATE (I call it the Christmas song. WTH?)
    20, November (DDR version): N.M.R. featuring DJ nagureo ORDINARY
    Boys: Smile-dk ORDINARY
    Let Them Move: N.M.R. ORDINARY
    Make A Jam!: U1 (not U2) ORDINARY
    Put Your Faith in Me: Uzi-Lay ORDINARY
    So Many Men: Me & My ORDINARY (someone is in desperate need of a life)
    Brilliant 2 U: Naoki SUPERIOR (all right!)
    Dub I Dub: Me & My SUPERIOR
    End of the Century: No. 9 SUPERIOR (Beethoven's 9th, techno style)
    Keep On Movin': N.M.R. SUPERIOR (HHM 2 song!!)
    La Senorita: Captain.T SUPERIOR
    Luv To Me (AMD Mix): DJ Kazu featuring tiger Yamato SUPERIOR
    Make It Better: Mitsu-o SUPERIOR
    Afronova: Re-Venge (I could get to like these guys) MARVELOUS
    Dead End: N & S MARVELOUS
    Dynamite Rave: Naoki (whoopie!) MARVELOUS
    I Believe in Miracles: Hi-Rise MARVELOUS
    Love This Feeling: Chang Ma MAREVELOUS
    Stomp to my Beat: JS16 MARVELOUS
    Paranoia (KCET Clean Mix): 2MB GENUINE (enough with the Paranoia mixes!)
    Paranoia Rebirth: 190' GENUINE
    Trip Machine: De-sire GENUINE
    Trip Machine (Luv Mix): 2MB GENUINE

    These are only the ratings for the songs on Double Mode. Convince me, and I
    might just start playing Double.

    Song title: Standard; Difficult; Expert

    El Ritmo Tropical: 4; (?); (?)
    Jam Jam Reggae: 3; 5; 8
    Boys: 4; 6; 7
    Brilliant 2 U: 5; 6; 7
    Dub I Dub: 4; 6; 7 (yes, this is correct)
    End of the Century: 5 (?); 7 (?); 9
    La Senorita: 6(?); (?); 9
    Luv To Me: 5; 6; (?)
    Afronova: 6; (?); 9
    Dynamite Rave: 5 (?); 7 (?); 8
    Love This Feelin': (?); (?); 8 (?)
    Stomp to my Beat: 5; 6; 7 (?)
    Paranoia (KCET Clean Mix): 6; 7; 9
    Paranoia Rebirth: 6; 8 ; 9
    Trip Machine: 7; 8; (?)
    Trip Machine (Luv Mix): 7; 8; 9

    I know this list is incomplete. More if I ever learn of it.

    And one more thing. . .


    Song title (stupid comment)-Artist (artist comment); Standard; Trick; Maniac

    .59-dj Taka; 4; 6; 7; 1; 3; 6
    B4U-Naoki; 4; 5; 8
    Baby Baby Gimmie Your Love-Divas; 1; 3; 6
    Boys (Euro Mix)-Smile.dk; 4; 6; 8
    Bumble Bee-bambee; 3; 5; 7
    Burnin' the Floor-Naoki; 4; 6; 7
    Dam Dariram (KCP Mix)-Joga; 4; 6; 7
    Dancing All Alone-Smile.dk; 2; 1; 1 (this is correct. I promise)
    Don't Stop (AMD 2nd Mix)-Dr. Vibe feat. JP miles; 3; 5; 7
    Dream a Dream-Captain Jack; 4; 6; 7
    Eat You Up (no you won't)-Angie Gold; 2; 5; 6
    Era (Nostal Mix)-TaQ (bow down to the mighty TaQ); 3; 6; 8
    Follow the Sun-Triple J; 4; 6; 8
    Furuhata's Theme (a.k.a. Ninzaburo)-CJ crew feat. Sedge; 4; 7; 9
    Get Me In Your Sight (AMD Cancun Mix)-Symphonic Defoggers with 1479; 6; 8; 9
    Gimmie-Gimmie-Gimmie (some duct tape)-E-rotic; 2; 4; 6
    Gotcha (Theme from Starsky and Hutch)-Andy G's Magic Disco Machine; 2; 5; 7
    Groove-Sho-T feat. Blearda
    Have You Never Been Mellow (MM Groovin Mix)-The Olivia Project; 3; 5; 7
    Hero (Happy Grandale Mix) (the fast one)-Papaya; 4; 6; 7
    Hero (HCP Discotique Mix) (the slow one)-Papaya; 3; 4; 6
    Higher-NM feat. Sunny; 3; 5; 6
    Holic-TaQ; 4; 6; 8
    Hypnotic Crisis (zzzzz)-Blue Destroyers; 5; 6; 9
    If You Were Here With Me (B4 ZA Mix)-Jennifer; 4; 6; 8
    In The Heat Of The Night (I sweat)-E-rotic; 3; 5; 7
    It Only Takes A Minute (Extended Remix) (3rd Mix!)-Tavares; 3; 5; 6
    Kick The Can (all right!!)-Bus Stop; 3; 6; 7
    Leading Cyber (WHAT? No Logical Dash?)-dj Taka; 5; 7; 9
    Let's Talk It Over-SHIN Murayama feat. Argie Phine; 2; 5; 6
    Love Again Tonight (For Melissa Mix)-Naoki feat. Paula Terry; 4; 6; 7
    Make Your Move-Good Cool feat. JP miles; 3; 5; 7
    Midnight Blaze-U1 Jewel style; 4; 5; 7
    Music-Habe Gale; 4; 6; 7
    My Summer Love-Mitsu-o! with Geila; 3; 6; 9
    Never Gonna Make (Factory Dance Team Mix)-Morgana (I think); 3; 4; 7
    Never Let You Down-(stupid me forgot the artist); 3; 5; 7
    Night In Motion-Cubic 22; 3; 6; 7
    One Two (Little Bitch) (*thwock*)-Bus Stop (bad Bus Stop); 4; 6; 7
    Only You (get your earplugs ready)-Captain Jack; 2; 4; 7
    Orion.78 (AMeuro-Mix)-Re-venge; 3; 5; 9
    Orion.78 (Civilization Mix) (hai! yai!)-2MB; 6; 8; 9
    Pink Dinosaur-Papaya; 4; 5; 7
    Saints Go Marching (Remix)-The Saint; 3; 5; 9
    Shake Your Booty-KC and the Sunshine Band (sunshine. . .indeed); 3; 4; 7
    Share My Love-Julie Frost; 3; 4; 5
    Shooting Star (compare with a pop song and. . .)-BANG; 4; 5; 7
    Synchornized Love (Red Monster Mix) (this can get bad)-Joe Rinoie; 4; 5; 8
    The 7 Jump-Ken D; 2; 4; 6
    Trip Machine Climax-De-Sire; 5; 7; 9
    Walkie Talkie-King Kong and D Jungle Girls; 3; 5; 7
    Xanadu-The Olivia Project; 1; 4; 8
    Young Forever-Rebecca; 3; 4; 7

    Now excuse me while I collapse.

    Want the 4th Mix Arcade list? Here's most of it. I'm missing a few songs in
    just about everything except for Pops Side B and Covers & Classics. As for
    ratings. . .if the song is listed in another mix, I will not bother with a
    rating (use the Find feature for Internet Explorer. I think Netscape has
    something similar. For that matter, most browsers have it). If this is the
    FIRST time I list the song (for example, Drop Out), I shall put a rating down.

    Konami Originals, Side A. . .Songs missing: 1 or 2
    After The Game Of Love-(?)
    Baby Baby Gimmie Your Love-Divas
    Burnin' The Floor-Naoki
    Can't Stop Falling In Love-Naoki; 3; 5; 8
    Don't Stop (AMD 2nd Mix)-Dr. Vibe feat. JP miles
    Drop The Bomb-(um. . .) Scotty D; 3, 5, 6
    Dynamite Rave-Naoki
    Higher-NM feat. Sunny
    Hysteria-Naoki 190; 4; 6; 8
    Jam Jam Reggae (AMD Swing Mix)-Rice C. featuring jam master '73
    Keep On Movin'-N.M.R.
    La Senorita-Captain.T
    La Senorita Virtual-2MB; 7; 8; 8
    Let the Beat Hit 'Em-Stone Bros.; (?); (?); (?)
    Let Them Move-N.M.R. (I think. . .)
    Let's Talk It Over-SHIN Maruyama feat. Argie Phine
    Love Again Tonight (For Melissa Mix)-Naoki feat. Paula Terry
    Luv To Me (AMD Mix)-DJ Kazu feat. tiger Yamato
    Make A Jam!-U1
    Make It Better-Mitsu-O!
    Make It Better (So Real Mix)-Mitsu-O! Summer
    Make Your Move-Good Cool feat. JP miles
    My Summer Love-Mitsu-O! with Geila
    Never Let You Down-(?)
    Orion.78 (AMeuro Mix)-Re-Venge
    Put Your Faith In Me-Uzi-Lay
    Put Your Faith In Me (Jazz Groov)-Uzi-Lay
    Silent Hill-Thomas Howard
    think ya better D-sAmi

    Konami Originals, Side B. . .Songs missing: 0
    .59-dj Taka
    20, November (DDR version)-N.M.R.
    Brilliant 2 U-Naoki
    Brilliant 2 U (Orchestral Groov)-Naoki
    B4U-(it's Brilliant 4 U, in case you're wondering) Naoki
    Cutie Chaser-Club Spice; 3; 5; 7
    Dead End-N & S
    Drop Out-NW 260; 5; 7; 8
    End of the Century-No. 9
    Era (Nostal Mix)-TaQ
    Get Me In Your Sight (AMD Cancun Mix)-Symphonic Defoggers with 1479
    Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix): Mr. Dog featuring DJ Swan; 5; 6 (?); 8
    Gradiusic Cyber-dj Taka
    Hypnotic Crisis-Blue Destroyers
    Leading Cyber-dj Taka
    Love This Feeling-Chang Ma (I can't believe I forgot THIS song)
    Paranoia (Clean Mix)-2MB
    Paranoia Evolution-200; 6; 7; 8
    Paranoia MAX (Dirty Mix)-190
    Paranoia Rebirth-190'
    SP Trip Machine (Jungle Mix)-De-Sire
    Super Star-DJ Rich feat. Tails Bros.; 5; 6; 8
    Trip Machine-De-Sire
    Trip Machine (Luv Mix)-2MB
    Trip Machine Climax-De-Sire
    Wild Rush-Factor-X; 4; 5; 6

    Euro & Rave & Speed. . .Songs missing: 1
    Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G. G3 Mix)-King Kong and D Jungle Girls; 5; 7; 8
    Boys (Euro Mix)-Smile.dk
    Burnin' The Floor-Naoki
    Butterfly (Upswing Mix)-Smile.dk; 5; 6; 8
    Can't Stop Falling In Love-Naoki
    Captain Jack (Grandale Mix)-Captain Jack; 5; 7; 9
    Dam Dariram (KCP Mix)-Joga
    Do it all Night-E-rotic
    Dynamite Rave-Naoki
    Follow the Sun (90 Degrees in the Shade Remix)-Triple J
    Have You Never Been Mellow (MM Groovin Mix)-The Olivia Project
    Hero (Happy Grandale Mix) (the fast one)-Papaya
    If You Were Here With Me (B4 ZA Beat Mix)-Jennifer
    In The Navy '99 (XXL Disaster Remix)-Captain Jack; 4; 5; 8
    Music-Habe Gale
    Night In Motion-Cubic 22
    Ninzaburo-CJ Crew feat. Sedge (this is the same as Furuhata's Theme)
    Oh Nick Please Not So Quick-E-rotic
    Saints Go Marching (Remix)-The Saint
    Shooting Star-BANG
    The Race (Formula One Mix)-Captain Jack; 3; (?); 7
    Turn Me On (Heavenly Mix)-E-rotic
    Wonderland (UKS Mix)-X-treme

    Pops, Side A. . .Songs missing: possibly 2
    Bu Dam-Lee Jung Hyun; 3; 4; 7
    Bumble Bee-Bambee
    Dub-I-Dub-Me & My
    Have You Never Been Mellow-The Olivia Project
    Higher-NM feat. Sunny
    In The Heat Of The Night-E-rotic
    Love-Sonic Dream; 3; 5; 6
    Luv To Me (AMD Mix)-DJ Kazu feat. tiger Yamato
    Mr. Wonderful-Smile.dk; 4; 6; 7
    My Summer Love-Mitsu-O! with Geila
    Never Gonna Make (Factory Dance Team Mix)-Morgana
    Operator-Papaya; 3; 5; 7
    Pink Dinosaur-Papaya
    Sung Suk-Space A; 3; 5; 7
    Tell Me-S#arp; 3; (?); 8
    Xanadu-The Olivia Project
    Young Forever-Rebecca

    Pops, Side B. . .Songs missing: As far as I can tell, none
    Ba Kkwo-Lee Jung Hyun; 3; 5; 7
    Baby Baby Gimmie Your Love-Divas
    Burnin' The Floor-Naoki
    Byul-Team; 1; 3; 6
    Can't Stop Falling In Love-Naoki
    Dam Dariram-Joga; 4; 6; 8
    Don't Stop (AMD 2nd Mix)-Dr. Vibe feat. JP miles
    Dream a Dream-Captain Jack
    Face-N.R.G.; 4; 6; 8
    Get Me In Your Sight (AMD Cancun Mix)-Symphonic Defoggers with 1479
    Get Up And Move-S & K; 5; 7; 8
    Hypnotic Crisis-Blue Destroyers
    If You Were Here With Me-Jennifer; 5; 6; 7
    Keep On Movin'-N.M.R.
    La Senorita Virtual-2MB
    Love Again Tonight (For Melissa Mix)-Naoki feat. Paula Terry
    Rock Beat-Loud Force
    Silent Hill-Thomas Howard
    Stomp To My Beat-JS16
    Vol. 4-Raver's Choice (is this in the right place?)
    Wa-Lee Jung Hyun; 3; 5; 6

    Covers & Classics. . .Songs missing: If I did this right, none

    Bad Girls-Julia Robert
    Boom Boom Dollar-King Kong and D Jungle Girls
    Eat You Up-Angie Gold
    El Ritmo Tropical (El Bimbo)-Dixie's Gang
    Flashdance (What a Feeling): M.A.G.I.K.A featuring Stixman
    Get Up (Before The Night Is Over): Technotronic featuring Ya Kid K; (?)
    Get Up And Dance-Freedom; (?); (?); (?)
    Gotcha (Theme from Starsky and Hutch)-Andy G's Magic Disco Machine
    Hero (HCP Discotique Mix) (the slow one)-Papaya
    Holiday-Who's That Girl!
    I Believe in Miracles-Hi-Rise
    It Only Takes A Minute (Extended Remix)-Tavares; 3; 5; 7
    Kick The Can-Bus Stop
    Kung Fu Fighting-Bus Stop; 1; 2; 4
    Let's Get Down-JT Playaz; (?); (?); (?)
    Little Bitch-The Specials; 4; 5; 6
    My Fire-X-Treme
    Ninzaburo-CJ Crew feat. Sedge
    One Two (Little Bitch) (*thwock*)-Bus Stop
    Only You-Captain Jack
    Saints Go Marching (Remix)-The Saint
    Shake Your Booty-KC and the Sunshine Band
    Smoke-Mr. Ed Jumps The Gun; 4; 5; 6
    That's The Way-KC and the Sunshine Band; 1; 3; 4
    The 7 Jump-Ken D
    Upside Down-Coo Coo; 1; 3; 4
    Vol. 4-Raver's Choice; 5; 6; 8
    Walkie Talkie-King Kong and D Jungle Girls

    Special Selection. . .Songs missing: 3
    Boom Boom Dollar-King Kong and D Jungle Girls
    Boys (Euro Mix)-Smile.dk
    Brilliant 2 U (Orchestral Groov)-Naoki
    Dream a Dream-Captain Jack
    El Ritmo Tropical (El Bimbo)-Dixie's Gang
    Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix): Mr. Dog featuring DJ Swan
    Get Up (Before The Night Is Over): Technotronic featuring Ya Kid K (I think)
    Gotcha (Theme from Starsky and Hutch)-Andy G's Magic Disco Machine
    Higher-NM feat. Sunny
    Holiday-Who's That Girl!
    I Believe in Miracles-Hi-Rise
    In The Heat Of The Night-E-rotic
    Kick The Can-Bus Stop
    Let's Get Down-JT Playaz
    Love Again Tonight (For Melissa Mix)-Naoki feat. Paula Terry
    Make A Jam!-U1
    Music-Habe Gale
    My Summer Love-Mitsu-O! with Geila
    One Two (Little Bitch)-Bus Stop
    Only You-Captain Jack
    Stomp To My Beat-JS16
    The 7 Jump-Ken D
    Walkie Talkie-King Kong and D Jungle Girls
    Young Forever-Rebecca

    Player's Best
    Whatever's popular. . .due to the fact that some of the settings were messed
    with, the Player's Best list is not a reflection of the overplayed songs in the
    arcade I frequent.

    Just when I thought it was all over. . .DDR 4th Mix Plus comes into town. The
    various categories have been shuffled, switched, and otherwise messed with.
    Some songs have changed difficulties; if I relist a rating, that means that the
    song has new Maniac steps. To get the old ones back, play the Maniac-S edit.
    If there is no Maniac-S edit, then the song is from DDR Extra Mix.

    Konami Originals, Side A. . .Songs missing: Two too many
    After The Game Of Love-(?)
    Baby Baby Gimmie Your Love-Divas
    Burnin' The Floor-Naoki
    Can't Stop Falling In Love-Naoki
    Celebrate Nite-N.M.R.; 4; 6; 7
    Don't Stop (AMD 2nd Mix)-Dr. Vibe feat. JP miles
    Drop The Bomb-(um. . .) Scotty D
    Dynamite Rave-Naoki
    Higher-NM feat. Sunny
    Hysteria-Naoki 190
    Jam Jam Reggae (AMD Swing Mix)-Rice C. featuring jam master '73
    Keep On Movin'-N.M.R.
    La Senorita-Captain.T
    La Senorita Virtual-2MB
    Let the Beat Hit 'Em-Stone Bros.
    Let Them Move-N.M.R. (I think. . .)
    Let's Talk It Over-SHIN Maruyama feat. Argie Phine
    Love Again Tonight (For Melissa Mix)-Naoki feat. Paula Terry
    Luv To Me (AMD Mix)-DJ Kazu feat. tiger Yamato
    Make It Better-Mitsu-O!
    Make It Better (So Real Mix)-Mitsu-O! Summer
    Make Your Move-Good Cool feat. JP miles
    My Summer Love-Mitsu-O! with Geila
    Never Let You Down-(?)
    Orion.78 (AMeuro Mix)-Re-Venge
    Put Your Faith In Me-Uzi-Lay
    Put Your Faith In Me (Jazz Groov)-Uzi-Lay
    Silent Hill-Thomas Howard
    think ya better D-sAmi

    Konami Originals, Side B. . .Songs missing: One too many
    .59-dj Taka
    Brilliant 2 U-Naoki; 4; 5; 7
    Brilliant 2 U (Orchestral Groov)-Naoki
    B4U-(it's Brilliant 4 U, in case you're wondering) Naoki
    Dead End-N & S
    Do Me (h.i.g.e.o. mix)-mustache men; 3; 6; 9
    Drop Out-NW 260
    End of the Century-No. 9
    Era (Nostal Mix)-TaQ
    Get Me In Your Sight (AMD Cancun Mix)-Symphonic Defoggers with 1479
    Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix): Mr. Dog featuring DJ Swan
    Gradiusic Cyber-dj Taka
    Hypnotic Crisis-Blue Destroyers
    Leading Cyber-dj Taka
    Love This Feeling-Chang Ma
    Paranoia (Clean Mix)-2MB
    Paranoia Evolution-200
    Paranoia MAX (Dirty Mix)-190
    Paranoia Rebirth-190'
    Sexy Planet-Crystal Aliens; 5; 6; 7
    SP Trip Machine (Jungle Mix)-De-Sire
    Super Star-DJ Rich feat. Tails Bros.
    Theme From Enter The Dragon (Revival 2000 Mix)-(?); 4; 6; 8
    Trip Machine-De-Sire
    Trip Machine (Luv Mix)-2MB
    Trip Machine Climax-De-Sire
    Wild Rush-Factor-X

    Euro & Rave & Speed. . .Songs missing: 1
    Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G. G3 Mix)-King Kong and D Jungle Girls
    Boys (Euro Mix)-Smile.dk
    Burnin' The Floor-Naoki
    Butterfly (Upswing Mix)-Smile.dk; 5; 6; 9
    Can't Stop Falling In Love-Naoki
    Captain Jack (Grandale Mix)-Captain Jack
    Cat's Eye-E-rotic; 3; 5; 8
    Dam Dariram (KCP Mix)-Joga
    Do it all Night-E-rotic
    Dynamite Rave-Naoki
    Follow the Sun (90 Degrees in the Shade Remix)-Triple J; 4; 6; 8
    Have You Never Been Mellow (MM Groovin Mix)-The Olivia Project
    Hero (Happy Grandale Mix) (the fast one)-Papaya
    If You Were Here With Me (B4 ZA Beat Mix)-Jennifer
    In The Navy '99 (XXL Disaster Remix)-Captain Jack
    Lupin the 3rd '78-Ventura; 3; 6; 9
    Music-Habe Gale
    Night In Motion-Cubic 22
    Ninzaburo-CJ Crew feat. Sedge (this is the same as Furuhata's Theme)
    Oh Nick Please Not So Quick-E-rotic
    Saints Go Marching (Remix)-The Saint
    Shooting Star-BANG
    Sky High-Lucyfer; 4; 6; 8
    Synchronized Love (Red Monster Mix)-Joe Rinoie; 4; 5; 8
    The Race (Formula One Mix)-Captain Jack
    Turn Me On (Heavenly Mix)-E-rotic
    Wonda (Speed K Mix)-MM; 4; 7; 9
    Wonderland (UKS Mix)-X-treme

    Pops, Side A. . .Songs missing: 1
    20, November (DDR Version)-N.M.R.
    Boys-Smile.dk; 3; 4; 9
    Bu Dam-Lee Jung Hyun
    Bumble Bee-Bambee
    Cutie Chaser-Club Spice
    Dub-I-Dub-Me & My; 4; 6; 8
    Have You Never Been Mellow-The Olivia Project
    Higher-NM feat. Sunny
    In The Heat Of The Night-E-rotic
    Love-Sonic Dream; 3; 5; 9
    Luv To Me (AMD Mix)-DJ Kazu feat. tiger Yamato
    Make a Jam!-U1
    Mr. Wonderful-Smile.dk
    My Summer Love-Mitsu-O! with Geila
    Never Gonna Make (Factory Dance Team Mix)-Morgana
    Operator-Papaya; 3; 5; 8
    Petit Love-Smile.dk; 3; 6; 7
    Pink Dinosaur-Papaya
    Sung Suk-Space A
    Tell Me-S#arp
    Xanadu-The Olivia Project; 1; 3; 8
    Young Forever-Rebecca

    Pops, Side B. . .Songs missing: As far as I can tell, none
    Ba Kkwo-Lee Jung Hyun
    Baby Baby Gimmie Your Love-Divas
    Burnin' The Floor-Naoki
    Can't Stop Falling In Love-Naoki
    Dam Dariram-Joga
    Don't Stop (AMD 2nd Mix)-Dr. Vibe feat. JP miles
    Dream a Dream-Captain Jack
    Get Me In Your Sight (AMD Cancun Mix)-Symphonic Defoggers with 1479
    Get Up And Move-S & K
    Hypnotic Crisis-Blue Destroyers
    If You Were Here With Me-Jennifer
    Keep On Movin'-N.M.R.
    La Senorita-Captain T.
    La Senorita Virtual-2MB
    Love Again Tonight (For Melissa Mix)-Naoki feat. Paula Terry
    Na-Na-Bus Stop; 3; 5; 8
    Oh Nick Please Not So Quick-E-Rotic
    Rock Beat-Loud Force
    Silent Hill-Thomas Howard
    Stomp To My Beat-JS16
    Vol. 4-Raver's Choice; 5; 6; 8
    Wonderland (UKS Mix)-X-Treme

    Covers & Classics. . .Songs missing: If I did this right, none

    Bad Girls-Julia Robert
    Boom Boom Dollar-King Kong and D Jungle Girls
    Cafe-D.D. Sound; 3; 5; 7
    Eat You Up-Angie Gold
    El Ritmo Tropical (El Bimbo)-Dixie's Gang
    Flashdance (What a Feeling): M.A.G.I.K.A featuring Stixman
    Get Up (Before The Night Is Over): Technotronic featuring Ya Kid K; (?)
    Get Up And Dance-Freedom
    Gotcha (Theme from Starsky and Hutch)-Andy G's Magic Disco Machine
    Hero (HCP Discotique Mix) (the slow one)-Papaya
    Holiday-Who's That Girl!
    I Believe in Miracles-Hi-Rise
    It Only Takes A Minute (Extended Remix)-Tavares
    Kick The Can-Bus Stop
    Kung Fu Fighting-Bus Stop
    Let's Get Down-JT Playaz; 3; 4; 8
    Little Bitch-The Specials
    My Fire-X-Treme; 4; 5; 9
    Ninzaburo-CJ Crew feat. Sedge
    One Two (Little Bitch) (*thwock*)-Bus Stop
    Only You-Captain Jack
    Saints Go Marching (Remix)-The Saint
    Shake Your Booty-KC and the Sunshine Band
    Smoke-Mr. Ed Jumps the Gun
    That's The Way-KC and the Sunshine Band
    Upside Down-Coo Coo
    Vol. 4-Raver's Choice; 5; 6; 8
    Walkie Talkie-King Kong and D Jungle Girls

    Special Selection. . .Songs missing: 2
    Boom Boom Dollar-King Kong and D Jungle Girls
    Boys (Euro Mix)-Smile.dk
    Brilliant 2 U (Orchestral Groov)-Naoki
    Dream a Dream-Captain Jack
    El Ritmo Tropical (El Bimbo)-Dixie's Gang
    Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix): Mr. Dog featuring DJ Swan
    Get Up (Before The Night Is Over): Technotronic featuring Ya Kid K (I think)
    Gotcha (Theme from Starsky and Hutch)-Andy G's Magic Disco Machine
    Higher-NM feat. Sunny
    Holiday-Who's That Girl!
    I Believe in Miracles-Hi-Rise
    In The Heat Of The Night-E-rotic
    Kick The Can-Bus Stop
    Let's Get Down-JT Playaz
    Love Again Tonight (For Melissa Mix)-Naoki feat. Paula Terry
    Make A Jam!-U1
    Music-Habe Gale
    My Summer Love-Mitsu-O! with Geila
    One Two (Little Bitch)-Bus Stop
    Only You-Captain Jack
    Stomp To My Beat-JS16
    The 7 Jump-Ken D
    Walkie Talkie-King Kong and D Jungle Girls
    Young Forever-Rebecca

    Player's Best

    Whatever's popular. . .

    DDR 5th Mix Song List. . .it's gonna be a bit difficult to record these songs,
    due to the fact that some of the song titles contain Japanese. I'll mark these
    with an asterisk. If you really wanna know which song is which, check out the
    Name That Tune section. Oh, and if I relist the ratings to a song in a
    previous mix (Dub-I-Dub), that means the steps have changed.

    .59-dj Taka
    17Sai-Bambee; 2; (?); 7 *
    Absolute-dj Taka; 3; 5; 8
    Abyss-dj Taka; 2; 5; 7
    Afronova Primeval-8-bit; 4; 6; 9
    Against All Odds-Deja Vu feat. Tasmin; 3; 5; 8
    B4U Glorious Style-Naoki; 4; 7; 9 (LONG version of B4U)
    Be Together-Ni-Ni; 3; 5; 7
    Brilliant 2 U-Naoki; 4; 5; 6
    Broken My Heart-Naoki; 4; 5; 9
    Bumble Bee-Bambee
    Cafe-D.D. Sound; 3; 5; 7
    Can't Stop Falling In Love-Naoki
    Can't Stop Falling In Love (Speed Mix)-Naoki; 4; 6; 9
    Captain Jack (Grandale Mix)-Captain Jack
    Cat's Eye (Ventura Mix)-E-rotic (it's an E-rotic song I like!!!); 3; 5; 8
    Celebrate Nite-N.M.R.; 4; 6; 7
    Conga Feeling-Vivian; 3; 5; 8
    Dam Dariram-Joga
    Dancing All Alone-Smile.dk; 2; 5; 7 (the ratings changed)
    Dead End-N&S
    Dive-Be For You; 4; 6; 8
    Do Me (h.i.g.e.o. mix)-mustache men; 3; 6; 9
    Don't Stop (AMD 2nd Mix)-Dr. Vibe feat. JP miles
    Dub-I-Dub-Me & My; 4; 6; 8
    DXY!-TaQ; 4; 6; 8
    Dynamite Rave-Naoki
    Dynamite Rave (Long Version)-Naoki; 6; 7; 8
    Ecstasy-d-complex; 4; 5; 7
    Electro Tuned (The SubS Mix)-TaQ; 5; 6; 9
    Era (Nostal Mix)-TaQ
    Furuhata's Theme-CJ Crew feat. Sedge (think Ninzaburo)
    Gotcha (Theme from Starsky and Hutch)-Andy G's Magic Disco Machine
    Healing Vision-De-Sire; 3; 6; 8
    Hero (Happy Grandale Mix)-Papaya
    Hero (HCP Discotique Mix)-Papaya
    Hot Limit-John Desire; 3; 6; 8 (LONG version)
    I Was The One-good-cool; 3; 5; 7
    In The Heat Of The Night-E-rotic
    Insertion-Naoki Underground (!); 4; 6; 9
    Kick the Can-Bus Stop
    La Senorita-Captain T
    Leading Cyber-dj Taka
    Lupin the 3rd '78-Ventura; 3; 6; 9
    Matsuri Japan-Re-Venge; 5; 6; 9 *
    Moonlight Shadow (New Vocal Version)-Missing Heart (?); 4; 5; 6
    Movin On (Extended Moon Mix)-Ellen Gee; 3 (?); 5 (?); 7 (?)
    Mr. T (Take Me Higher)-Risky Men feat. Asuka M.; 3; 5; 7
    My Generation-Captain Jack; 4; (?); 7
    Na-Na-Bus Stop; 3; 5; 8
    Never-Ending Story-DJ AC DC; 3; 6; 7
    No Limit (AM Mix)-RM Unlimited; 4; 6; 9
    Odoru Ponpokorin-Captain Jack; 1; 4; 7 *
    Only You-Captain Jack
    Orion.78 (AMeuro Mix)-Re-Venge
    Oops I Did It Again (Fired-up Mix)-Rochelle; 2; (?); 7 (long, torture version)
    Paranoia Eternal-STM 200; 6; 7; 9
    Paranoia Evolution-200
    Petit Love-Smile.dk; 4; 6; 7
    Pink Dinosaur-Papaya
    Radical Faith-TaQ; 4; 6; 8
    Remember You-NM feat. Julie; 1; 3; 5
    Rhythm and Police (K.O.G. G3 Mix)-CJ Crew feat. Christian D; 4; 7; 9
    Right Now-Atomic Kitten; 3; 5; 6
    Romansu no Kamisama (God of Romance)-Judy Crystal; 3; 6; 9 *
    Sana Molette Ne Ente-Togo Project feat. Sana; 2; 5; 8 *
    Sexy Planet-Crystal Aliens (nani?); 5; 6; 7
    Shake Your Booty-KC and the Sunshine Band
    Shooting Star-BANG
    Sky High-Lucyfer; 4; 6; 8
    Still In My Heart-Naoki; 4; 6; 7
    Stomp To My Beat-JS16; 5; 6; 8
    Super Star-DJ Rich feat. Tails Bros.
    Swing It-Bus Stop; 3; 5; 7 (tequila!!!)
    Synchornized Love (Red Monster Mix)-Joe Rinoie
    Test My Best-E-rotic; 3; (?); 7 (well. . .)
    The Cube-DJ Suwami; 3; (?); 7
    The Twist (Double Pump Version)-Liberty All Starz; 3; 5; 7
    Theme From Enter The Dragon (Revival 2001 Mix)-(?); 4; 6; 8
    Walkie Talkie-King Kong and D Jungle Girls
    Wild Rush-Factor X
    Wonda (Speed K Mix)-MM; 4; 7; 9
    Xanadu-The Olivia Project; 1; 3; 8
    Young Forever-Rebecca

    I remembered everything (I think)! And now, with no furhter ado, 6th Mix!!

    Bye Bye Baby Balloon-Joga
    Candy-Luv Unlimited (note: if this does not display correctly, blame Konami)
    Dive (more deeper and deeper mix)-BeForU
    Do it Right-SOTA feat. Ebony
    Do You Remember Me-Jenny
    Exotic Ethnic-RevenG
    Flash in the Night-Flashman
    Follow Me-Lady Baby
    Ghosts (Vincent de Moor Mix)-Tenth Planet
    Groove-Sho-T feat. Blerda
    Groove 2001-Sho-T feat. Blerda
    Healing Vision (Angelic Mix)-2MB
    Highs Off U (Scorroco Mix)-4 REEEL (that is NOT a typo)
    I'm In The Mood For Dancing-Sharon
    Justify My Love-Tess
    Let the Beat Hit 'Em (Classic R&B Style)-Stonebridge Bros.
    Let's Groove-Wisdom vs. Tips & Tricks
    Look To The Sky-System SF feat. Anna
    Lovin' You (Rob Searle Club Mix)-Vinyl Baby
    Max 300-W (note: if this does not display correctly, don't stress)
    Midnight Blaze-U1 Jewel Style
    Miracle-St. Jannero
    My Sweet Darlin'-Wildside
    Nori Nori Nori-Judy Crystal
    On The Jazz-Johnny Dynamite!
    Ordinary World-Aurora
    Orion.78 (Civilization Mix)-2MB
    Share My Love-Julie Frost
    Sobakasu (Freckles) (KCP Re-edit)-Tiggy (I can't STAND this song) *
    So Deep (Perfect Sphere Remix)-Silvertear
    Somewhere Over The Rainbow-Cosmic Gate
    Telephone Operator (Club Mix)-Shelley Peters
    The Center Of The Heart (something mix)-Rochelle
    true. . .(radio edit)-Riyu Kosaka (her name is in Japanese)
    true. . .(trance sunrise mix)-Riyu Kosaka (her name is in Japanese)
    Twilight Zone (RC Extended Mix)-2 Unlimited
    Witch Doctor (Giant Toons Mix)-Cartoons
    www.BlondeGirl.com (Momo Mix) (close enough)-Jenny ROM
    Yozora no Muko-Eurobeat Lovers *

    And now I mutilate. . .7th Mix. For the most part, I do NOT pay attention to
    the ratings (as they are a mess), so I won't mention them at all. So what to
    do if you've just started? If possible, find a 4th+ machine. If not, stick
    with the older songs (the ones in yellow, and most of the ones in purple). I
    will list the new songs (no ratings) and the old songs (along with their new
    Heavy rating).

    A Minute (Extended Mix)-X-Treme
    Baby Baby Love Me-Judy Crystal
    BreAk Down!-BeForU
    Burnin' the Floor-Naoki; 9 (whatever, Konami)
    Burning Heat! (3 option mix)-Mr. T w/Motoaki F.
    Candy (I'm not gonna bother with the heart)-Riyu Kosaka
    Destiny-Naoki feat. Paula Terry
    Dive Into the Night-Riyu Kosaka
    Drifting Away-Lange feat. Skye
    Drop Out-NW260; 9
    End of the Century-NO. 9; 9 (IT'S ABOUT TIME)
    ever snow-Yoma Komatsu
    Fantasy-Lockout (very different from the other Fantasy)
    i feel. . .-Akira Yamaoka (WHY couldn't they have ported 250BPM?)
    It's Raining Men (Almighty Mix)-Geri Hallewell
    Kakumei-dj taka with Naoki *
    Little Boy (Boy on Boy Mix)-Captain Jack
    Living in America-Johnny Desire
    Long Train Runnin'-Bus Stop
    Look At Us (DJ Daddy Remix)-Sarina Paris
    Maximum Overdrive-2 Unlimited
    Maxx Unlimited-Z
    More Than I Needed To Know-Scooth
    Paranoia (Clean Mix)-190; 9
    rain of sorrow-NM feat. Ebony
    Secret Rendevous-Divas
    So Fabulous, So Fierce-Thunderpass feat. Jocelyn Enriquez
    Spin the Disc-good-cool
    Sweet Sweet Love Magic-jun
    The Reflex-Duran Duran
    The Whistle Song (Konami messed this part up)-DJ Alligator
    There You'll Be-DJ Speedo feat. Angela
    Tsugaru-RevenG vs. De-Sire
    Trance de Janeiro (long mix name which no one really cares about)-Bellini
    Waka Laka-Jenny ROM vs. Zippers

    EXTREME song list. . .er. . .is on Konami's website. If it displays on my
    cruddy version of IE 4.0, it will display on just about anything. Go to
    http://www.konami.co.jp/am, click on Bemani (look for it), and search away.
    Certain songs must be unlocked (everything from Twin Bee ~Generation X~ to
    Paranoia Survivor Max), as well as many Oni courses and several Nonstop
    courses. I won't provide the lists for the Oni courses, because I don't play
    Oni. The Nonstop courses are a lot easier to look at, and there's always the
    Random selections to spice things up.


    Where to find stuff. . .I have my opinions stuck in wherever the song is listed
    in the song listing section (except for DDR 3rd Nonstop Mix). So if you wanted
    to find. . .oh, La Senorita, check out the USA section (since Nonstop is
    non-playable). If you can't find the song in either the original (short) OR
    USA (seems to be 3rd Mix in Japan) section, chances are it's in the 4th or 5th
    Mix section. Still can't find it? I probably didn't write anything for it.

    (Before you decide that I'm a control freak, I'm putting in my comments about
    the lyrics as a service to those who have younger siblings to watch. Some
    parents may not appreciate their children being exposed to some of the subject
    matter that is sung about)

    Here are the songs-with my opinions:

    Have You Never Been Mellow-Originaly by Olivia Newton-John. This song is only
    for those who can't take the speed of Boom Boom Dollar. The biggest problem in
    the song is the speed-up in the chorus. The steps go from one step per measure
    to two steps per measure to one step per beat. There will be a long break
    right before the chorus kicks in. During the chorus, one section will go
    left/right/up/down. Remember that there is no break between the first two
    arrows. Watch your balance. Tempo: too slow (112)

    TRICK MODE-Still easy. However, the arrows now come once every two beats in
    the verse, and will come once every beat sooner than you'd like to think.

    MANIAC MODE-The only time I saw someone dance to this was when his "friend"
    accidentally hit the song select buttons, thus selecting Have You Never Been
    Mellow. If you can dance to AM-3P in single player mode and clear that stage
    easily, passing this song should be fairly easy. Yes, there are eighth notes
    thrown in (a whole string of 'em, in fact). The rating goes up to Superior for
    some odd reason. . .oh yeah, this is Maniac Mode.

    Boom Boom Dollar-Some people might object to the lyrics. IMHO, this should
    have been the beginning song. The step rate is pretty constant. The chorus
    stepping is also fairly easy to figure out. When dancing to this song, do not
    put your feet back at neutral. Tempo: 124

    TRICK MODE-The rating goes up to Marvelous. It's not as bad as it looks. Just
    keep a clear head (and remember that most of those bunched-up arrows are UP
    BEATS). Somewhere in the verse, a string of eighth notes (seven of them,
    according to Nickel) will appear. Memorize this string, as it will be repeated
    in Maniac Mode.

    MANIAC MODE-What did they do to this song? The Genuine rating should be taken
    very seriously, especially when the singer starts to hold out his words.
    Sixteen arrows will race up to the top of the screen (did you memorize the
    string of arrows in Trick Mode? The sequence is the same, but the timing is
    not). If you can pull this stunt off while the aforementioned arrow string is
    going, it's impressive (from Nickel). Practice this slowly, because there is a
    very good possibility that you'll trip. Use your right foot for the up and
    down arrows. Use your left foot for the left and right arrows. The sequence
    goes up/left/down/right/down/left, and will repeat itself until sixteen arrows
    are stepped on. The chorus is also a pain in the rear, but the last time the
    chorus is sung is really nasty. If you don't believe me, try it yourself.

    Butterfly-Many people like this song. Again, the beat is fairly constant, but
    the concept of double steping is what messes people up. In the one player
    game, the two pads will always be left and right. In the Couple game (normal),
    the double step on the up and down pads will show up. Moral of the story: try
    this song out in one player mode or Versus mode first. Tempo: 127.

    TRICK MODE-Easier than the original, the only real change is the up-down double
    step before the left-right double step, and a surprise in the chorus. Sort of
    reminds me of hopscotch.

    MANIAC MODE-Although it's supposed to be easier than Boom Boom Dollar on Maniac
    Mode, I find it harder. The up beat steps are very hard to predict. The
    beginning is, well, shifted (try this to find out what I mean). The ending is
    the same, though.

    Put Your Faith In Me-The trick to this song is timing. Since this is one of
    the slower songs, make sure that you step exactly on the beat. There will be
    times where the arrows come on the up beat, but they are rare. Not too many
    people dance to this song on normal mode. Tempo: 121 (?) (my metronome is doing
    some odd things. . .)

    TRICK MODE-If you can pass the normal mode without difficulty, then you should
    be able to pass this mode (with a little bit of difficulty). When the verse is
    being sung, the extra arrows show up.

    MANIAC MODE-About a third of the arrows in this song are stepped on the up
    beat. There's a pattern to the verse of the song (with the exception of the
    seven-arrow string that shows up here and there). Have fun with the chorus!
    This is a typical, slow Genuine piece.

    Put Your Faith In Me (Jazz Groov)-DON'T DO THIS SONG ON THE LAST STAGE, UNLESS
    YOU HAVE LOTS OF ENDURANCE! This time, the up beats aren't in nice sets of
    three. One in particular comes in a set of two. If you're not dead on your
    feet when doing this song, you have a chance of passing. Tempo: forget it (jazz
    and my metronome don't like each other).

    TRICK MODE-The beginning is confusing. If the verse is no problem for you,
    then the rest of this song should be a breeze. Please note that you'll be
    dancing to a few too many up-beats.

    MANIAC MODE-There's a reason why this is the Jazz Mix. The rhythm may feel
    weird, but that's the essence of jazz (up beats). Hence, some of those weird
    strings start on the up beat.

    Brilliant 2 U-My personal favorite song. This song will only show up in the
    first two stages. The beat is fast if you're new to this song. If you find
    Butterfly too slow, try this song. The double step pattern is again used, but
    this time, the arrows are up and down (along with the left and right arrows).
    The ending requires some very fast stepping. Some eighth notes will pop up in
    the beginning. Learn to recognize them, as songs with the Superior rating and
    higher will incorporate them (in some cases, way too often). Are you up to it?

    TRICK MODE-Prepare for a lot of steping. Much more double steping than in the
    original. During the middle double-steps, there is a pattern to the steps.
    The first two have the left arrow in common. The second group has the up
    arrow. The third is the right arrow, and the last two have the down arrow. The
    ending is jazzed up a little (but the rhythm is the same). This is the first
    song on the Naoki Standard Course.

    MANIAC MODE-The thing that makes this song a pain on Maniac mode is the fast
    stepping during the synthesizer melody (because you are literally stepping to
    the melody). Just note that some patterns are used more than once (okay, okay,
    it's two patterns used seven times). For these patterns, don't be afraid to
    shift your feet around (start off the first string with your right foot on the
    up arrow, and your left foot on the down arrow. Once you step on the up arrow,
    step on the up arrow with your rightt foot again. After stepping on the up
    arrow, quickly stomp on the left arrow with your left foot. Immediately after
    the previous step, step on the right arrow with your right foot, and the down
    arrow with your left foot. Figure out the rest on your own). You may find
    just a trace of the Normal Mode steps. . .

    ONI MODE-This song is the first song on Naoki Platinum. . .which no one plays.

    Make It Better-The programmers put in every double step pattern in this song.
    After the annoying double step section, the song will go into various eighth
    note patterns of monumental annoyance. The half note triplet is introduced,
    and it is SLOW (you know, those steps that just don't feel right? Those are
    the half note triplets)! Do this song as a bridge between the Superior and
    Marvelous ratings (only because AM-3P is slightly faster than this). Don't be
    heartbroken if you can't pass this song on your first try. Tempo: 117, or a
    little slower than two beats per second.

    TRICK MODE-There was only one really hard spot, and that was at the end.
    Besides the obligatory extra steps, the timing has been changed ever so
    slightly. You'll know what I mean when you play this. Some slightly
    sleep-deprived programmer put a certain something in the beginning, and if you
    find THAT hard, you'll find the rest of the song extremely difficult. If you
    find that you can't dance to this, don't even consider Maniac Mode.

    MANIAC MODE-Before you play this, make sure you are familiar with Trick Mode.
    Life will be much easier if you are. If you aren't, you're in for a nightmare
    (unless your reactions are FAST). Most of those eighth note strings end in a
    double step. One string of six arrows is in a pattern of one, two, one, two
    (the numbers represent how many arrows you have to step on at once). IMHO,
    there is WAY too much up-beat stepping. Before you try the remixed version,
    try this first. If you can clear the ending to this song without scrambling,
    you have a chance of doing the So Real Mix. The ending requires either careful
    dissection or three feet. This song wasn't rated Paramount for nothing. It is

    My Fire-No offense to all of you who like this song, but I find it to be a Put
    Your Faith in Me wannabe with Butterfly dance steps and more questionable
    lyrics (you can prove me wrong by e-mailing me the lyrics to this song). Not
    too many people dance to this song. The beginning is easy enough. Use the
    relatively simplistic down arrows to build a streak. The bunched-up arrows
    call for three very fast steps on the same arrow. You will know the song has
    ended by the last two down arrows, very close together. Pace yourself. This
    song really feels like a hop-scotch game.

    TRICK MODE-More arrows. That is all I remember.

    MANIAC MODE-It's not the up-beats that make this song hard. It's where the
    up-beats are placed. Hmm. . .maybe Konami should have retitled this My Fire
    (Trip Machine Mix) :P..

    AM-3P-I have no idea what the title is supposed to mean. I do know that this
    song is much harder than it seems. The beginning has a nice hopscotch pattern.
    When you hear the "melody" to this song, get ready for a musician's nightmare.
    I call it a musician's nightmare because it's very hard to play a quarter note
    triplet correctly (especially at the speed of this song). Step carefully, and
    don't fall over. Tempo: 130.

    TRICK MODE-This is what AM-3P will be like in Maniac Mode-sort of. The hardest
    part is trying to figure out the rhythm. If you don't flunk out on the
    beginning, you may make it through the whole song. Oh, yes, and a note about
    the beginning. The programmers put some strange things in the beginning of
    this song (like a bunch of eighth notes where they don't belong). . .

    MANIAC MODE-This is the second-most popular song on Maniac Mode (next to Trip
    Machine). In the beginning, there will be a constant stream of down arrows,
    with arrows in other directions on the up beat (although many people, like me,
    leave one foot on the down arrow, I've seen someone do it with one foot on the
    left arrow. I'm not quite sure how, but he passed with an S rating). Next
    will be a string of right arrows, with more annoying arrows on the up beat.
    After that, you'll have to deal with a string of left arrows. Streak here if
    possible. When the "melody" plays for a second time, there will be two notes
    that look very close together. Welcome to the sixteenth note. For more info
    on how to deal with these things, please refer to the Brilliant 2 U (Orchestral
    Groov) Maniac Mode section. After the second long eighth note string (the one
    where it's easy to get a 16 combo), there will be a very confusing mass of
    eighth notes (show-off alert, show-off alert!). If you really want to dance to
    this song, do so before you use the bathroom.:) For a real challenge, do this
    song on either Hidden or Shuffle mode.

    ONI MODE-This remix sounds SO cool! It's slow, and the rhythm is rather
    awkward. Appears on the Midnight Blue course. Also appears on Trick (Extreme)
    as the song with the Bouncy Arrows. The arrows will come up a short ways, go
    back down, come up, go back down, etc. Your job is to hit the arrows when
    you're supposed to.

    Brilliant 2 U (Orchestral Groov)-There's no melody in this mix.:( There are
    more eighth notes thrown in (with one eighth note in a really weird spot),
    along with a frustrating number of double step patterns. Some demented
    programmer put a surprise in the beginning. Do not try Trip Machine before
    this song.

    TRICK MODE-Want to know the meaning of syncopation? Play this song. It ain't
    easy, though. You'll know when the syncopation hits (the part where you're
    lurching, trying your best not to fall over). At one point, the arrows will
    look a bit weird. When this happens, stomp to the beat of the music
    (literally). This is passable (and if you think this one is hard. . .)

    MANIAC MODE-Don't take this rating lightly. There are sixteenth notes galore
    in this song. If the arrows look close together (and are in the middle of a
    "melody"), those arrows are probably sixteenth notes. Don't even attempt to
    step on the sixteenth notes with the same foot. You'll NEVER make it in time
    (or you may, but you'll have a nasty leg cramp). Something that Nickel
    suggested (and I am guilty of it too) is to step in the air and land in such a
    way that you land on the first arrow with one foot, and your other foot lands
    on the second arrow as fast as you can (but not at the same time). However,
    this rule doens't always apply.

    Make It Better (So Real Mix)-Not very popular. More annoying than the
    original. Still the double step patterns like crazy. Go figure. This
    wouldn't be a Make it Better song without it. Tempo: too slow!

    TRICK MODE-Don't EVER dance this song right after playing something like Trip
    Machine or Brilliant 2 U. This song goes very slowly, and the timing is
    something else. If you don't believe me, try it for yourself.

    MANIAC MODE-This is the hardest song to do on Maniac Mode, hands down (the
    Exorbitant rating should tell you something). If you see a nice, on-the-beat
    step, your eyes are deceiving you. Those steps are probably half note
    triplets! All the double step patterns are there, but they are dispersed
    through the song. Some parts are going to feel strange, because you won't be
    stepping in time to anything (the background music or the singer). The ending
    requires careful dissection or three feet (for best results, leave left foot on
    left arrow, and use right foot to stomp on other arrows, until the last two or
    three beats, when you're on your own). If you're confident you can pass it,
    this is a great finisher.

    Trip Machine-Take the title of this song literally. Make sure that your shoe
    laces are tied tight, unless you really like tripping in front of many people
    (especially after the "singer" says something about "returning to the show").
    The rhythm is synchopated (you'll know what I mean after you try to dance to
    some of the oddly-placed eighth notes). This song is very popular in Maniac
    Mode. I'm not sure why. Tempo: 160!

    TRICK MODE-The middle is so very different from Maniac Mode. The ending is
    also a bit different. . .thank goodness the beginning is fairly easy.
    Otherwise, I'd never have lasted through this song!

    MANIAC MODE-VERY tiring (yes, I've tried it). A note about the beginning-you
    can position yourself so that one foot is on the down arrow. It makes the
    beginning easier. . .until a left-up-right pattern shows up. After that
    pattern shows up, go back to your regular position. Don't ask me how to do the
    nine-arrows-in-four-and-a-half-beats section, because I ususally miss a few
    arrows in that section. There is a three-beat break in the middle of the song.
    After the three-beat break, things start getting very weird (like eighth notes
    where they don't belong). For all of you who like to show off, try to turn
    around in the middle of the song (the easiest part of this song besides the
    beginning). One word best describes the middle and end of this song: cycle
    (this will make sense to those who have seen/danced to this song often). If
    you thought normal mode was hard. . .

    Paranoia-Finally, the grand daddy of all songs (in speed, not necessarily
    timing). Missed steps will result in having plenty of your dance meter taken
    away. The song will slow down in the middle (for the whole of three measures).
    After that, there will be plenty of arrows for you to step on. If you're
    going for score, get the streak in the beginning. Tempo: 180, or three beats
    per second!!

    TRICK MODE-Not as bad as certain other songs that are played in Trick Mode
    (like AM-3P). Remember to keep stomping on the bunched-up arrows until all
    arrows are gone. If you really want to know the secret of passing this finale
    song, your reactions must be up to par. . .

    MANIAC MODE-The nightmare never ends. There are an alarming amount of people
    who dance to this song in Maniac Mode. Trust me, this song goes twice as fast
    on Maniac Mode (especially the beginning). The timing is also strange (if each
    down beat had a number, and each up beat is represented by *, then the
    beginning would look like: one, two, three, *, four, five, six, *, seven, *,
    eight, etc.). This pattern will repeat in the middle (sort of). This song
    appears on the Paraonia Brothers course (as the "oldest" brother) and Kidou
    (with an increase of only one battery bar).


    Boys-Much like Butterfly. If there's been any changes, I haven't noticed
    (except the lyrics change, which now makes this song sound something like a bad
    cross between Butterfly and Boom Boom Dollar).
    BEST FOR: Read the DDR USA section.
    HARDEST PART: Read the DDR USA section.

    El Ritmo Tropical-Lousy rhyming, tricky timing (this is why I'm writing an FAQ
    and not a song). This is what triplets are all about. They're bound to feel
    weird, but it's correct. Just be glad that there are no old English marches
    included in these games (as everyone who tried to dance to them would DIE!).
    BEST FOR: Read the DDR USA section.
    HARDEST PART: Read the DDR USA section.

    Tubthumpin'-The only thing I remember is that this song is SLOW! (This song is
    about drinking. And drinking. And drinking. Some people may not like this
    BEST FOR: Make it Better fans.
    HARDEST PART: Not turning this song into a drinking game.

    Hero-Much like My Fire. Unfortunately, I don't remember anything significant
    about this song (other than the ugly green background, and a few eighth notes).
    BEST FOR: My Fire fans.
    HARDEST PART: Said eighth notes.

    Stomp to my Beat-Take the song title literally. That is, stomp to the artist's
    beat. Here's a Deathlok-corrects-Tracy-on-lyrics song.
    BEST FOR: Read the DDR USA section.
    HARDEST PART: Read the DDR USA section.

    MANIAC MODE-Instead of stomping only to the artist's beat, stomp to the
    drummer's beat, too. Don't slip on the extremely fast section in the middle.

    Love This Feeling-This is the only song with a tempo change. It starts out
    very, very, very slow. To give you an idea how slow it goes, look at a watch
    with a second hand. For every two seconds that go by, evenly tap three times.
    Go slightly faster (and I do mean slightly) and you have the tempo for the
    beginning (which, for all of you who know how to read a metronome, is 95).
    Somewhere in the middle, this song will speed up past Paranoia speed (to 190,
    while Paranoia speed is 180. To give you an idea on how fast the latter is,
    evenly tap three times in one second). The step pattern, however, is the same
    (which isn't saying much).
    BEST FOR: Read the DDR USA section.
    HARDEST PART: Read the DDR USA section.

    MANIAC MODE-Well, all I can say is have fun on the fast section!

    Paranoia (Dirty Mix)-Consider it a faster version of Paranoia (and if the group
    name has anything to do with tempo, then the tempo is probably 190).
    BEST FOR: Show-offs who miss the original Paranoia.
    HARDEST PART: Not slipping on the dance mat.

    MANIAC MODE-Same steps as original Paranoia.

    Paranoia MAX (Dirty Mix)-Not too sure about this song, since my slightly insane
    friends played it on Maniac Mode.

    MANIAC MODE-Gulp. Too many arrows. I have yet to see anyone go more than
    halfway through this song. To give you an idea of the arrow format, combine
    the significant feature of Make It Better with the beginning of Maniac Mode
    Paranoia, and set it to this song's speed (which is about as fast as you'll
    fail this song on the first try. I'm not insulting you. I'm being a realist.
    Think you can pass it on the first try?). This song is the second oldest
    Paranoia Brother.

    Paranoia (Clean Mix)-My friends played this song on Maniac Mode. Crazy, huh?
    BEST FOR: Read the DDR USA section.
    HARDEST PART: Read the DDR USA section.

    MANIAC MODE-Just like the previous song. Count yourself a champion if you can
    pass this song without panting. This song is a cata on MAX 2, and is the third
    oldest Paranoia Brother.

    SP Trip Machine (Jungle Mix)-The faster version of Trip Machine. That's all I

    Trip Machine (Luv Mix)-Imagine someone playing Trip Machine backwards. Now
    imagine the timing is trickier. Welcome to the remix.
    BEST FOR: Read the DDR USA section.
    HARDEST PART: Read the DDR USA section.

    MANIAC MODE-How many superlatives can I cram into this FAQ? Another pain to
    dance to (literally). This time, there's more rest (and some nasty little
    things between rests).

    Dub I Dub-I only played this song in Maniac Mode.

    *Tracy sticks her tongue out at Leviathan, who just HAD to try this song on
    Maniac Mode*

    MANIAC MODE-Hey, who put the dance steps to Trip Machine and Butterfly in here?
    Like Trip Machine, the beginning is easy (for a Maniac Mode song). The chorus
    is another matter entirely.
    BEST FOR: Read the DDR USA section.
    HARDEST PART: Read the DDR USA section.

    I am not going to bother with Bad Girls and 20, November. I seem to have a
    case of amnesia concerning those two songs.

    In The Navy-This is a practice mode song. Find out yourself. Just remember
    that when the Village People sang this song, some people were offended (it had
    to do with the Navy and a sensitive issue that is usually associated with
    another branch of the military. If you can't figure out what this is supposed
    to mean, fine by me. Don't e-mail me about this).

    The Race-Okay, Deathlok, here's a tribute to you. The lyrics aren't TOO bad
    (but I still think they're junk). Find out yourself, as this is a practice
    mode song.

    For Brilliant 2 U, Make It Better, Put Your Faith in Me, and Trip Machine, just
    look at the original Dance Dance Revolution synopsis ('cause I'm lazy). It's
    the same. For other mixes, I'll elaborate a bit more.
    A note about difficulty ratings: See the next section for details.

    El Ritmo Tropical-Why is this song in this game? Not too bad for a Moderate
    song. The notes in the beginning come once every two beats. Then it speeds up
    to one note per beat. There are double steps, so be prepared. Not the easiest
    song (IMHO, it's Silent Hill). It's party time on the ship whose name I will
    not mention, because it's not right!!

    DIFFICULT MODE-Follow the singer. Or, figure out the rhythm on your own (it's
    strange) and dance along. Survive that and you should get past everything
    else. A Genuine pain.

    EXPERT MODE-Paramount, and that rhythm thing is now a nightmare. The small
    section in Difficult Mode now makes up the whole song. The beginning is eighth
    notes. Left-right double steps thrown in all over the place. The rest. .
    .good luck!

    Jam Jam Reggae-Slow, slow, slow!! So slow that someone decided to put in a few
    eighth notes to throw off the unwary beginner. The best way to view these
    notes is to listen to something like Put Your Faith In Me or Make It Better (I
    think Silent Hill works). Note how fast each quarter note in above songs take.
    Now imagine the scary eighth notes as those quarter notes. See, that wasn't
    so bad. Other than that, count to yourself, because the slow speed will throw

    DIFFICULT MODE-Genuine. Imagine Expert Mode with half of the eighth
    note-double step strings and no sixteenth notes. Welcome to this mode. Try
    getting the remaining strings down. The only truly confusing part is the
    eighth note string which consists of left-up and left-down double steps. It
    repeats itself, but this time, the string is right-up and right-down double
    steps. It's great preparation for this song on Expert Mode. The rest is
    either eighth notes or overly slow quarter notes.

    EXPERT MODE-It's just safer to step on two pads for the beginning. There will
    be a part right after the beginning where you'll need to step on alternating
    arrows (the up/down arrows, to be exact). The really, really bunched up arrows
    are to be stepped on twice as fast as you've been stomping up until now
    (they're sixteenth notes). From then on, good luck!! This song is divided
    into two parts: the eighth-note double steps, and the footrolls. Step to
    whatever the singer sings in the end, and you should pass (if you're still
    alive, that is). I can pass this (on Versus Mode). Exorbitant, indeed!

    Silent Hill-My friends think it's sappy. I think it's sweet. Regardless of
    anyone's opinion of this song, it's slow (everyone can agree on this one). The
    notes start out as being one note every four beats (slow enough for ya?).
    Unfortunately, said notes come on the fourth beat of every measure (which is
    sure to throw a few). Then the notes come once every two beats. One section
    (I think it's the chours) features notes once a beat (with a couple of other
    short exceptions).

    DIFFICULT MODE-Marvelous, just marvelous. This song looks deceptively easy in
    the beginning. However, things start getting ugly when a picture of a jewelry
    box appears. It looks like a left-up-right-up-left-down-right-down-left. .
    .pattern. Your best bet would be to alternate feet (use left foot for left
    arrow, right foot for up arrow, left foot for right arrow (your back will be to
    the screen, but dont' freak out), right foot for up arrow, left foot for left
    arrow, etc.). Some of the eighth note groups will lead into a double step.
    There are at least two parts that have an up-down double step expressed as
    eighth notes. Don't fall.

    EXPERT MODE-Watch first. Memorize the arrows in the beginning. From there,
    let your reflexes take over. Chances are, you'll pass (yes, there is a part
    where there is a string of three notes that end with a double step. Your eyes
    work just fine!). Don't lose it on the long string of eighth notes that you'll
    have to step on with the same foot! Paramount!!

    ONI MODE-Now it's a hold song. The first part is NOTHING but holds (including
    a spin hold). Unfortunately, that's as far as I got. Appears on Pop 8 (second

    20, November-Eighth note alert! Now that I've got your attention, this song
    goes fairly slow (except for said eighth notes). Don't get mixed up on the
    three measures (yes-three measures, or twelve counts) of up arrows. Other than
    the eighth notes and the occasional double step (exactly one left-right double
    step at the end), shouldn't be too hard. Steps should come once a beat (or
    something close to it).

    DIFFICULT MODE-Mostly on-the-beat stepping-except for one part, where it's
    follow the melody (almost). Don't be scared by the eighth notes in the end.
    It's possible to alternate feet (left foot on left arrow, right foot on down
    arrow, left foot on up arrow, right foot on right arrow, etc.). Other than
    that and a bunch of double-steps, fairly easy. Marvelous.

    EXPERT MODE-First, go to your favorite Hip Hop Mania 2 machine and play this
    song on Hard Mode. Now go and play this song on Expert Mode. The stepping is
    just like the buttons!! Paramount, I think.

    Boys-No, not another Butterfly wannabe! Oh, well. This song feels like
    Butterfly, and it's a good deal more forgiving than Butterfly. The only
    problem is that there are more double steps (the left-right one). I suggest
    you find your own way to have a "little fun". Theirs is, well. . .

    DIFFICULT MODE-Now comes a slightly tricky timing part. Just follow the singer
    on those weird-looking arrows. Few more double steps mixed in, some which
    deviate from the left-right and up-down double steps that normally appear in
    the song. Steps just about every beat. Still feels like Butterfly (same
    rating too, superior).

    EXPERT MODE-It's a double-step into something. General rule of thumb, even
    with the eighth notes. Don't know why. It's possible. Reminds me of the end
    of Dub I Dub, Difficult mode. Paramount.

    Let Them Move-. . .right past this song.

    DIFFICULT MODE-Marvelous. Regular steps, with some eighth notes. The only
    section that stuck out in my mind was composed of a group of three eighth
    notes. One of those groups started off with an up arrow, had another up arrow,
    and ended with an up-down double step. For those sections, just step on both
    arrows until all three go away. Other than that, not too bad.

    EXPERT MODE-Those bells are going to throw you! The ugly bunches of notes that
    appear (they look like two or three double steps close together) are actually
    footrolls. Follow the bells. Sometimes, they may come together, in which
    case, follow the bells. When the lady starts singing, the sequence is left,
    right, up, down (I think), and is repeated for quite a while. Then the bells
    interfere. Get past these two problems, and you've got yourself another
    Paramount song. In short, this is the result of combining Stomp to my Beat,
    Expert, and Luv To Me, Expert.

    Make A Jam!-Eighth note alert! There are eighth notes AND double-steps here.
    Those parts that look like they're double steps are actually an alternating
    sequence of left and right arrows. Sort of tricky.

    DIFFICULT MODE-Marvelous.

    EXPERT MODE-Not as bad as I thought. Bells aside, this song goes at a speed
    slow enough for me to assimilate, but fast enough for me to keep awake.
    Alternates between double steps and eighth notes. There's even a tribute to
    Boom Boom Dollar in the middle (just kidding!!). Some eighth note strings end
    on a double step. Go figure. Paramount.

    So Many Men-Double steps and steps every beat. Almost. The only thing that
    may cause problems is the up-down double step seen a couple of times. Other
    than that, it shouldn't be too difficult. Please don't do one of the double
    steps and return your feet to neutral. It does bad things to your meter.

    DIFFICULT MODE-Marvelous. The chorus is bound to throw some people off
    (up-down-up-double step). Just keep doing the up-down double step until all
    the nasty arrows are gone. Then you can resume normal steps.

    EXPERT MODE-Genuine. Eighth notes not necessarily in groups of three. Same
    problem as Difficult. More when I learn it!

    Dub I Dub-A step and a half above Boys. There are a couple of eighth notes
    (literally). If this song is failed, it's because of all the double umps
    (which threw my mom for a loop). The combos that seem to appear the most are
    the left-up and right-down ones (the ones that have a space between them).
    Memorize them well. The left-down and right-up also appear, but not as much.
    Other than that, it's just stepping to the surprisingly slow beat.

    DIFFICULT MODE-A Genuine pain in the rear. Please don't get the eighth notes
    and the double steps mixed up. That section in the middle is a string of
    EIGHTH NOTES (so many people mess that part up). If you're really having
    trouble with the bridge, look for the odd-colored arrow, and let your reflexes
    take over. While it is possible to spin in that section, I wouldn't recommend
    it (I got dizzy).

    EXPERT MODE-Definintely exorbitant. First, note that the nice familiar groups
    of three may have a double step or three mixed in. This happens quite often in
    the verse and chorus. Use the arrow colors to help you figure out whether it's
    a double step or eighth notes (sometimes they're mixed together), especially in
    the chorus. During the bridge (the "I. . .don't. . .need. . .your. . .love",
    sung in the background), the notes turn into something other than eighth notes.
    Watch this to see what I mean. I'll try to figure out the ending (it's
    weird). . .

    End of the Century-Okay, so it didn't happen like they said it would. Instead,
    all they have are an annoying amount of left-right double steps (like towards
    the end, where you're better off just doing the left-right double step until
    the arrows aren't left or right). Other than that, it's just good old
    on-the-beat stepping (I convinced my mother to play this and she passed!!)
    This song goes pretty fast, so be careful!

    DIFFICULT MODE-Now the chorus is a double step festival. Eighth notes are
    added in. Don't get confused on the right-left-right sequence followed
    immediately by a left-right double step. Most of them are the familiar groups
    of three (with the first of every group on the very first and third beats of
    every measure, with a few exceptions), except for a few (which are either a
    group of two or a group of five). The last six arrows are up-beats (except for
    the very last one). Quite a few people seem to have trouble with this
    particular song. Paramount.

    EXPERT MODE-Someone tried this and couldn't pass. At two points, there were
    double steps mixed in with the eighth notes (and it was mighty confusing), one
    halfway through the middle of the first verse and the second halfway through
    the second verse (it's really sudden). All I remember was that the chorus
    became next to impossible, and there were a long strings of eighth notes for
    the verse. Tiring like I couldn't believe! The bridge is also a long string
    of eighth notes with ONE double-step thrown in there to confuse you (ignore
    it). Exorbitant, but many think it should have been Catastrophic. This song
    is now a cata on MAX 2 (about time, Konami!). On EXTREME, this song is on the
    Classical course (as the first song, no less).

    Keep on Movin'-On-the-beat steps with some double steps. Not that bad (at
    least that's what the little voice in my he-, er, my memory is telling me).
    More when I learn it!

    DIFFICULT MODE-Marvelously full of double steps (the second-to-the-last time
    the chorus is repeated). There is a pattern to the eighth notes (a very lame
    pattern, but a pattern nonetheless).

    EXPERT MODE-Genuine, and a timing song. Eighth notes may start on the up-beat
    (which is always fun). Follow the singer in the end. Groups shouldn't be too
    long (as in, less than 15, I think). Don't be thrown by the string of up
    arrows that have a few eighth note down arrows mixed in. It follows the music.
    The speed is extremely slow, and this song isn't quite as easy as it appears
    (still trying to figure it out).

    La Senorita-Fast, on-the-beat steps. Sometime before the chorus is sung (first
    time only), there will be a nice long section where you can get away with doing
    the left-right double-step until all the left and right arrows are gone.
    Patterns usually repeat themselves (a set of four notes will scroll, and the
    exact same four notes will scroll on right after the first set). About the
    only place that breaks this rule is the second chorus (only a few measures).

    DIFFICULT MODE-Geniune. Mostly on-the-beat stepping, with two eighth notes
    that appear in the chorus. The chorus and the second verse follow the bass.
    The bass rhythm starts on the first beat of every measure, then goes to the
    up-beat of the second beat, and on to the third beat. Double steps quite
    rampant. If anything kills you, it will be the speed.

    EXPERT MODE-Some Konami programmer carelessly put eighth notes all over the
    song. Eighth notes will come in various groups (from two to eleven, if my
    memory serves me right). Only one part actually follows the trumpet. If I
    recollect correctly, the pattern repeats itself. Between the chorus and the
    second verse, the longest string of eighth notes in this song will appear.
    Stay sharp! It is stuck in the middle of a flash. No fair! It starts and
    ends with a left-right double step. It also alternates between the up arrow
    and the right arrow. Good luck!

    Luv To Me-Finally, a song which people dance to! This time, the left-right
    double step is repeated-four times in a row, at one point. All steps are on
    the beat, you lucky person you! That double step shouldn't be to much of a
    problem. Personally, I'd just dump that guy and get over it. FYI, this is a
    song about some girl who's remembering all of the "good times" she had with her
    boyfriend. Major sappy alert!

    DIFFICULT MODE-First song I played, first song I passed, first time I felt like
    actually killing my dancing partner (next time, Skywalker). The rating has
    been bumped up to Paramount. The beginning is a string of eighth notes that
    should be slow enough to follow (it's a 7-4-4 pattern). Follow the singer
    through the chorus. The bridge may be difficult (it switches from duple to
    triple and back, if you know what I mean), but it's possible.

    EXPERT MODE-This song goes from a speed song to a timing song. First, some of
    those arrow strings in the verse start on up-beats (like the up-right string).
    A good deal of this song isn't straight eighth notes. Those arrows that look
    like double-steps in the chorus aren't. It's a drumroll done with the feet
    (alternate your feet, or else. . .). If you've played the Disco Mix on Hip Hop
    Mania 2, the rolls will feel familiar. The bridge is just there to frustrate
    you (I'm trying to figure out the timing). The final footroll follows the
    music. The rest are something else altogether. Right before the chorus is
    repeated a second time (as in, a measure or so before the chours is repeated),
    the "footroll" is actually two left-right double steps and a few too many
    down-right double steps. Only the very last strings are straight eighth notes.
    Don't ask how, but I can make it through all those dang sixteenth notes and
    fail HERE, of all places. It's now Exorbitant, whatever it is.

    Afronova-Don't let that bald man scare you (younger kids may find him scary. I
    do). Basic on-the-beat steps. The beginning has quite a few double steps.
    Lots of double steps. Show off during the chorus, if you want. Follow the
    drum beats in the end, and you'll be just fine.

    DIFFICULT MODE-Strange paramount song. More double-steps, more fun to show off
    during the chorus. Eighth notes added during one part. They're kind of fast,
    so be careful (hint: ALTERNATE FEET!!). If you really want to show off (and
    have no qualms about a broken ankle), try getting in at least 5 half-turns in
    the "chorus", a.k.a. seven beats of double-steping). Show offs, there are at
    least four distinct sections where you can show off, and look good. Find them
    on your own. I abuse one. Again, follow that drum.

    EXPERT MODE-Now there's eighth notes all over the place. The very first
    pattern (after the AM-3P tribute, don't rush) is a combination of the
    left-up-right eighth note string and the left-down-right string (all stuck
    together). This little pattern will go on for eight beats. Alternate feet, if
    you're coordinated enough (hint: Use left foot for left arrow, right foot for
    down arrow, etc.). If not, look down, and don't forget to look back up in
    eight beats. After that comes the chorus (if you can't figure that out, just
    watch). Once the chourus is out of the way (and you have a 28+ streak going),
    the song will give you two eighth note patterns, then squish them together, and
    add in an extra note (so it's a 3-3-7 pattern). Meanwhile, you'll have to
    contend with an up-left-up-down-up-right-up pattern that always sneaks its way
    into the ruckus (six times). I find it easiest to use my right foot for the up
    arrows). At one point, the song will shift to an up-left-up, up-right-up
    pattern (in groups of three). Use that time to switch feet (so the foot
    pattern would be right-left-right, followed by left-right-left). Really fun to
    show off, really hard to pass. The ending is the same-it's just all
    double-steps, that's all (yep, that's all, indeed), starting with an up-down
    double-step, a left-right double-step, a left-down double-step, and going
    counterclockwise (that means that the next double-step is going to be a
    donw-right double-step), and a final left-right double-step (so you can face
    the audience). This song is extremely tiring-play at your own risk (I got two
    nasty cramps from this song, AND I had to rest, which is a rarity for me).
    Catastrophic, and deserving it!

    ONI MODE-NO ONE I see plays the Love RevenG course. . .sorry.

    Dead End-Slightly slower than Afronova, but it compensates with timing. The
    beginning should be self-explanatory. After that, notes should come every
    beat. The arrows will take a short break (one and a half beats), and two
    up-beat arrows will show up (so the rhythm is something like 1, * (up-beat of
    2), * (up-beat of 3), 4 or 1, depending on where in the song you are).
    Everything else is either one step per beat, or that strange pattern I
    mentioned earlier. That is, until the siren goes off (maybe a bit earlier).
    Don't panic at the group of three eighth notes. They're just like steps on the
    beat-twice as fast. The ending requires knowledge of double-steps. It is
    nearly impossible to pass this song if your feet always find their way onto the
    little silver island in the middle of the arrows after you step on every beat.

    DIFFICULT MODE-Timing, timing!! The speed won't kill you, but the timing will.
    Try to ignore the odd things that are happening in the music, 'cause it will
    throw you off! No!!! Bad upbeats!!! Threw me for a loop!!! After the fairly
    easy beginning (as in, all those nice easy notes), the song will break into
    groups of three eighth notes. These follow the music. The occasional group of
    five may sneak in. After that, a section featuring the left arrow will appear.
    Follow the music. Then, two on-the-beat steps will come, followed by a group
    of three eighth notes that will come on the same foot. A "breather" section
    will come next. The three eighth note groups will restart. When the music
    starts sounding funky, be prepared for a fairly repetitive group of five eighth
    notes. Once the siren goes off, the eighth notes will be in groups of two.
    The ending chords will come in the form of three double steps with strange
    timing. The same group will repeat itself, and then the song will finish!
    This song is best played as a last stage, because it is TIRING!!

    EXPERT MODE-Now there's eighth notes with breaks in strange places. The
    beginning is once again simple. The next part will look something like
    Difficult Mode. Somewhere in the middle, the arrows will become groups of 15.
    Yes, 15. If I were to take each group in eight counts, the rhythm would look
    something like this: * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * * 2 . . . etc. (where the *
    are the up-beats). The next section pretty much follows the Difficult Mode
    format (except the arrows with the strange rhythm are now dispersed throughout
    the arrows). The next part reverts to the groups of 15 thing. Can't quite
    remember what happens in the next section, but after that's over, the eighth
    notes come in groups of 4. The ending is almost the same (with a few notes
    added in). Miss the breaks mentioned earlier and you may be on your way to
    failing this song! This seems to be the ultimate timing song (well, maybe one
    other can beat it). The rhythm gets weird in the double-step section. Wish
    yourself luck, and you may just pass (I did. Once. I'm still not sure how I
    walked out of the arcade). Again, catastrophic.

    Dynamite Rave-Nice on-the-beat stepping with double steps all over the place.
    I'm beginning to sound very repetitive. Goes kinda slow. Follow the singer

    DIFFICULT MODE: Sort of like Put Your Faith In Me, Expert Mode. The beginning
    is just there to throw you. The first eight counts of arrows are double steps.
    What occurs after that is a group of three eighth notes followed by a group of
    seven (I hope my counting is correct!). From there, it breaks down into the
    familiar groups of three with strange stuff in the middle. Final group of
    eighth notes end with a left-right double step. The eighth notes come in
    groups of three. Follow the singer during the chorus (sound familiar?).
    Familiarity with double steps extrememly helpful. Paramount. This song is on
    the Naoki Standard course.

    EXPERT MODE-Yep, notes that are made to make you think that they are eighth
    notes and a Catastrophic rating. Said weird notes occur sometime after the
    third beat of every measure (so the rhythm looks something like 1, *, 2, *, 3,
    ^, *, 4, *, repeat, with * being up-beats and ^ being the lone sixteenth note,
    I think). Don't rush it (my biggest problem). That is, after the first little
    pattern, wait for the first beat of the next measure (if you listen closely
    enough, you should hear it). The beginning sets the pace for the rest of the
    song (rhythm-wise). During the verses, there are NO double-steps. If it looks
    like a double-step, it's a group of sixteenth notes. The double steps occur
    about two beats into the chorus. The double-steps are also seen throughout the
    chorus. Good luck on the bridge-didn't quite catch everything there. The
    ending isn't as hard as it seems. Some think it's the easiest Catastrophic
    song. I disagree, 'cause it was the last one I passed.

    ONI MODE-From what I hear, it's one of the easier Oni songs. Appears on the
    Naoki Platinum course and the Happy Hardcore course (?!).

    I Believe in Miracles-Mostly stepping to the beat. I say mostly because there
    is ONE part that requires intelligence to figure out (that trumpet thing.
    Follow that trumpet). Get past that (which becomes repetitive in the end) and
    you should be able to get past this song.

    DIFFICULT MODE-Every four measures, an eighth note pattern will pop up. The
    ending becomes a double step thing (twelve of 'em, to be exact). Trumpet
    melody is once again present (and the same, thank whatever). Other than that,
    notes every beat or so. Genuine.

    EXPERT MODE-Every four measures, some weird sixteenth note thing will come into
    play. Other than that and the continuning chorus, it is passable. Exorbitant.

    Love This Feeling-For details on what happens in the middle, go check out the
    DDR 2nd Mix stratey on this same song. It's fun. Follow the singer as she
    sings, "Love this-feeling".

    DIFFICULT MODE-The slow part, not the fast part, will kill you. The six notes
    in the slow section that look like three left-right double steps are actually a
    nice little group of sixteenth notes that started with the right side. I was
    barely hanging on when the song sped up. Be light on your feet at the end.
    Them double steps come FAST. Not quite as tiring as Expert Mode.

    EXPERT MODE-The beginning isn't quite what it seems. Follow the bass guitar to
    catch my drift. Don't let the bunched-up arrows in the beginning scare you.
    Find the very first arrow and step from there (for the first group, it should
    be an up arrow. Use the infamous right foot to step on it). Those arrows are
    probably sixteenth notes. If you somehow survive all the way to the fast part,
    you just might make it through the rest of this song. The largest group of
    eighth notes in this song ends with a left-right double step. You'll know it's
    the end when you step on arrows that resemble a Stomp to my Beat Expert Mode
    pattern. Exorbitant.

    Stomp to my Beat-Great if there are bugs on the dance pads. Nice, tame,
    on-the-beat stepping that scares the heck out of people. Some eighth notes.
    Double steps all over the place. Kinda slow. Don't worry.

    DIFFICULT MODE-Still not that bad for a Genuine piece. More double-steps.
    Though I have seen this piece countless times, I still can't think up of
    anything outstanding. Sheesh.

    EXPERT MODE-YES, I CAN PASS THIS!!!! The drum part may throw you. There are
    also two eighth-note strings that end in double-steps. Let your feet do the
    middle, not your mind. I suspect one part in the middle (right before the two
    eighth notes that need to be stomped on with the same foot) isn't straight
    eighth notes. Probably some strange variant on the sixteenth note. There are
    two ridiculously long strings-the first is the easiest to figure out. The
    second is a left-right-up-down pattern repeated for two measures (four times).
    In my opinion, the ending is the hardest part (because of all the eighth note
    strings that end in double steps). Paramount.

    Paranoia (Clean Mix)-You'll know this song by the fact that it won't feel like
    it's over (it ends abruptly). This is the song with the eighth notes in the
    beginning. But I remember this much-those clumps of three in the middle are
    EIGHTH NOTES. The one-beat rests are bound to throw all but the most skilled
    of Paranoia addicts. IMHO, harder than the next song.

    DIFFICULT MODE: Paramount, same eighth note spin-thingy in the middle (it
    appears in all modes of this song), can't remember anything overly special.

    EXPERT MODE: ALMOST like the next song (except that it doesn't seem to go quite
    as fast. Might be an illusion). The very beginning is an up-right-down,
    up-left-down, up-down-right, right-down-left pattern (the rhythm is 1 * 2, 3 *
    4, repeat, with the * standing for up-beats). Sometime after that, an
    on-the-beat arrow, followed by a group of five eighth notes (now the rhythm
    looks like 1 2 * 3 * 4) will appear. The rest shouldn't be too difficult (if
    you're lost, just watch someone else play this). The only difference is
    timing, and the fact that you don't need to be wheeled off on a stretcher after
    you're done (most groups are 3-7 eight notes). Exorbitant. As mentioned in
    the DDR 2nd Mix section. . .ah, I'm too lazy to type it out again.

    Paranoia Rebirth-Double steps like crazy at the end. Like the original
    Paranoia, keep stomping on those eighth notes until they all disappear. Not as
    hard as it seems.

    DIFFICULT MODE-Combine this song on Standard mode with AM-3P on Maniac Mode,
    and you have some idea on what this song is like. The string that always gives
    me trouble is the down-left-down-right-down-left-down-right-. . . Don't trip
    up on the ending (which is just a mild taste of what Expert Mode is like), and
    you should be able to pass. Paramount.

    EXPERT MODE-Tons of eighth notes, and someone passed this with a FULL METER!!
    If that wasn't enough, there are at least two people I know who can pass this
    song with AAA!!! Props to you, whoever you are! Tiring as heck (I got tired
    by just watching them arrows). There are strings of 35 eighth notes (and
    probably more) punctuated by a few breaks. If you make it past the halfway
    point (right before the easy part), congratulate yourself. Be wary of up-beats
    and simple groups of three that will throw you. Get past one more tricky part
    (requires some torso-twisting) and you should be able to make it through the
    rest. Catastrophic. The last song on the Paranoia Brothers course.

    Trip Machine (Luv Mix)-The grand daddy of all timing songs. The rhythm is
    weird (it doesn't follow anything in particular). Most of those eighth notes
    consist of only a down beat and an up beat. Can be passed.

    DIFFICULT MODE-More eighth notes. Trickier timing. Nearly fell down. Don't
    let the little sixteenth note section throw you. My challenge to all dancers:
    Play this song on Expert. Now play this. Confusing? Paramount.

    EXPERT MODE-Exorbitant. The beginning is deceptively easy. As the song goes
    on, it gets harder. The ending looks like an AM-3P reject. At one point, the
    arrows will follow the melody. Meanwhile, the eighth note strings will end in
    a double step (always fun). The eighth notes turn into a constant stream at
    the end (67 total, I think). I highly recommend that you DO NOT leave the left
    foot on the left pad and use the right foot to stomp on everything else,
    because the right leg will get extremely sore (I speak from experience).
    Instead, use the right foot for the up arrow and the left foot for the left
    arrow for the first four arrows (up-left-up-left). Then get the left foot to
    the up arrow in a hurry, because the next string is up-right-up-right. Figure
    out the rest for yourself. The whole string is one long pattern of notes used
    twice (or maybe three times). Don't get turned around. Good luck trying to
    follow the beat!!

    Do I feel like putting in a bit of 4th Mix strategy? Of course. Just a
    reminder that a song strategy will appear in the first group I see it in. For
    example, Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix) is in the Konami Originals Side B amd
    the Special Selection. Therefore, the strategy for this song shall appear in
    the Konami Originals Side B section.

    Konami Originals, Side A

    Baby Baby Give Me Your Love-Give me some earplugs first. Anyway, this song
    goes quite slow. Arrows will be spaced fairly far apart. The hardest part is
    not going deaf from the singer.

    Burnin' The Floor-This song was better on IIDX.

    MANIAC MODE-Most of the song is eighth notes. The only exception to this rule
    comes during the second verse. Then the steps follow the background music
    (which is louder than the singer). Paramount until MAX2; a cata (?!) on MAX2;
    Exorbitant on EXTREME (personally, I think this song should be a Paramount
    song). On Naoki Standard.

    ONI MODE-What did Naoki DO to this song? On Naoki Platinum.

    Can't Stop Fallin' In Love-It sounded good. . .for five seconds.

    TRICK MODE-On Naoki feat. Paula Terry.

    MANIAC MODE-The first part follows the synthesizer. Then, it's fairly simple
    eighth note work. Keep the eighth notes constant, and they should pose no
    problem. Pay attention to the first arrow in every group; a few of those runs
    start on the up beat. The ending mirrors the beginning.

    Drop The Bomb-Disco bombing anyone? Regardless, all the notes are on the beat.
    Some nasty double-steps show up IN THE MIDDLE of the song for no apparant
    reason. Keep up!

    TRICK MODE-This time, the programmers threw in some eighth notes in the chorus.
    The left-down-left chains shouldn't be too bad. When the bass drum becomes
    the instrument of focus, step to that beat. Resume on the beat steps.

    Higher-Don't remember anything.

    ONI MODE-By far the hardest song on Nearly 130 (and the third hardest on Pop
    8). The first few steps follow the music. If the steps look particularly
    messy, then you're looking at double steps that follow the music. Once the
    singer starts singing seriously ("Girl, give it up. . ." Thanks for the
    encouragement, Konami), the eighth note run begins. The hardest part here is
    twisting (which you'll have to do). Do NOT move your torso when you hit the
    sixth to the last arrow in the run. Why? The next five require you to be
    facing whatever direction you're facing. Once the run ends, the rhythm goes
    nuts. When the singer starts on "Do what you want to. . ." section, watch for
    three sixteenth notes (don't rush them). When the chorus starts, you'll be
    faced with LONG holds. . .and regular arrows in between. I don't remember what
    happens during the bridge (because I've hit the bridge twice). When the chorus
    restarts, time the eighth notes carefully (Konami gave you the hardest eighth
    note pattern in the game-two eighth notes on the same arrow). Finish up this
    section, get the last few double steps, and take a breather. On Nearly 130
    (where I die. . .a lot) and Pop 8 (which I can't get to, because I have yet to
    get past Silent Hill).

    Love Again Tonight-I thought this would be a sweet song. . .not this!

    MANIAC MODE-Konami's at it again! This time, you'll be forced to dance to this
    one on Oni Mode. . .on Naoki feat. Paula Terry, to be exact (right before

    My Summer Love-To make up for its lack of speed, Konami put in double steps.
    Such steps usually have a beat between them (for you to relax).

    MANIAC MODE-If your meter is dropping dangerously low on the opening eighth
    notes, you may have serious problems with the rest of the song. The beginning
    is slow enough to decipher. Streak here. Once the chorus comes on, the
    sixteenth notes begin. After the chorus, more eighth notes. For that one part
    right before the footrolls, follow the music. Don't rush the footrolls; that
    will probably account for many of your misses. It may take practice to read
    it, but if you can pass Orion.78, this should be easier. Get past the second
    chorus (similar to the first), and end it on your knees, if you like.

    ONI MODE-It's SLOW! If Oni Mode were about getting Goods, I'd pass this song
    in no time. Appears on the Fine Choices course.

    Orion.78 (AMeuro Mix)-Nice on-the-ridiculously-slow-beat notes. Not to bad.
    Just don't stomp on the same pad a lot, trying to figure out why you didn't hit
    THAT note! Count quitely to yourself, and this little problem should go away.
    Oh, and most steps are single steps.

    TRICK MODE-It starts off with arrows which can be great training for twisting,
    provided you actually twist. The up-right-up-left-up combo can be twisted.
    From there, it's a combination of slow quarter notes and slightly bearable
    eighth notes. . .but if you survived the beginning, this shouldn't kill you.
    The final group of eighth notes may, though. Use this group for training on
    alternating feet.

    MANIAC MODE-Aargh! The beginning is a sixteenth note mess, and immediately
    following that are two sets of double steps (as eighth notes). Then it's off
    to the sixteenth-note-with-one-double-step-hidden-somewhere deal. After that,
    there are several eighth notes on the left side for your streaking convenience,
    followed by 16 eighth notes on the down arrow (again, for your streaking
    convenience). After that. . .I'm not going to think about that. Once the
    Unthinkable section is over, two foot rolls follow (a la Luv To Me, Expert).
    It ends with a left-right double step. Catastrophic. Some sadist put this
    song on the Love RevenG course, and if memory serves me right, on the World
    Tour course. Go Okinawa!!

    Konami Originals, Side B

    .59-No one plays it on Standard. . .that I have seen.

    TRICK MODE-Groups of five are there just to tick you off. They shouldn't be
    that hard to hit (since this song goes so slow). Watch out for the slowdown at
    the very end.

    EXPERT MODE-Again, not that bad. . .if you don't freak out. The first few
    notes are timing. When the sixteenth notes are thrown in, don't rush them.
    The eighth notes afterwards are notorious for breaking streaks; remember to hit
    both notes in any given direction. Lots of left-down-up-right combinations. .
    .practice alternating feet (remember that left foot always goes on left arrow
    and right foot always goes on right arrow if you try this). The two footrolls
    shouldn't be all that bad. The double-steps. . .spin, anyone? The ending?
    Don't forget the slowdown, or you'll break a streak. Easier than Hero (Happy
    Grandale Mix) on Maniac, harder than Dream A Dream.

    Cutie Chaser-Maniac only. . .

    MANIAC MODE-Rhythm, rhythm. Double-steps in the beginning are a pain to spot.
    . .and even harder to do! The rhythm itself sorta follows the music. When the
    arrows look like they're on the beat. . .think again! The arrows are on the
    up-beats! The ending is also a double-step festival. Good luck trying to
    streak; it's hard to maintain a decent streak!

    Drop Out-This song has THE fastest arrow-scrolling speed I've ever seen. It
    makes Afronova look like it's on permanent pause. Although most of the notes
    are a beat or two apart, the fast scrolling speed makes you feel like you're
    dancing to some nasty Paranoia remix. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS SONG UNLESS YOU ARE
    should be Paramount.

    TRICK MODE-The arrows are closer together (1-2 beats apart) with a few more
    eighth notes stuck in. More tiring. Paramount.

    MANIAC MODE-Ouch. If the two sections of double steps don't kill you, the
    eighth notes at the end will. During the second section of aforementioned
    double steps, keep one foot on the down arrow and use the other foot to hit
    everything else. Don't get too dizzy. Once the eighth notes start (and more
    than just a scattered group of five), keep at it, as it is a sign that the song
    will end shortly. Again, be fully rested, or you will regret it (and I don't
    want see anyone on the floor with a fit of dry heaves). This song is a MAX 2
    cata. This is also the first song on Kidou.

    ONI MODE-Cut time! This mix goes 130 BPM. What does that mean? The ending is
    a total mess! Appears on Kidou2.

    Era (Nostal Mix)-Hard to believe, but this song is actually a timing song. The
    notes before the first slow part are no less than one beat apart. There are
    quite a few times where the notes are one and a half beats apart. Some are
    even two and a half. . .maybe not. Then the arrows slow down a lot. Don't
    rush this part, and be ready for the arrows to return to their former speed in
    about eight measures. The second fast section is pretty much like the first.
    Don't forget the lone left arrow at the end.

    TRICK MODE: Genuine, and not much to say.

    MANIAC MODE: The beginning starts off a bit strange (a group of six, if I'm not
    mistaken). Then, eighth notes will come in groups of three for a bit. A whole
    lotta arrows, Dead End-style will attempt to mess you up (but it's not as long
    as Dead End). By the time that section is over, you'll have to deal with the
    slowdown. Imagine the eighth notes as regular on-the-beat arrows and the
    sixteenth notes as eighth notes. I'll see if I can get more. Don't be caught
    by the speed-up. The strings get longer in this section. The fourth time you
    hit two up arrows, be prepared for the longest string in the song. Once you
    get past that, do anything you want for that down arrow at the end. Appears on
    the Tempo Changer course. Also appears on The Road of TaQ on EXTREME.

    Get Me In Your Sight (AMD Cancun Mix)-As much as I can't stand this song, I'll
    put something for it.

    MANIAC MODE-Good luck on those footrolls. . .why they appear so early in the
    song is a mystery to me. Figure out what the beginning is made of, and the
    rest of the song should be cake (espcially the "Get me in your sight" part).

    Gradiusic Cyber-This song is kewl. Marvelous.

    TRICK MODE-Now Paramount. Still timing. Strange.

    MANIAC MODE-The first Catastrophic I beat the first time I tried (and I was
    alone). But it wasn't all that pretty. If anything, this song is a timing
    song. The notes can be spaced three-quarters of a beat apart (it's really
    awkward). Eighth notes appear in pairs. There are several spots where you'll
    have to do footrolls. Such rolls always contain five notes (with the exception
    of the last three. . .the last one is the hardest to find). That's all I
    remember, because I was too busy trying to pass! It's also lurking somewhere
    on an EXTREME course whose name escapes me at the moment.

    Holic-The beginning looks nice and tame. . .for the first four arrows. Get the
    beat. Get it fast. After arrow #4, you'll have to step on that left arrow
    twice as fast as you did for the first four arrows (I think the left arrows are
    up-beats). After arrow #8, get back to the down beat on the down arrow (so the
    rhythm for the first 12 arrows is 1, 2, 3, 4, *, *, *, *, 1, 2, 3, 4, with the
    * representing the up-beats). The right arrows should be on the up-beat. Then
    it's regular steps. . .with that nasty pattern in the beginning somewhere else.
    After that, it simmers down into a regular on-the-beat song. The left-right
    double step will appear close to the end. Be careful.

    TRICK MODE-I don't remember what the beginning looks like. When the bass drum
    cuts out, follow the loudest part of the music (hope your ears work). Get a
    feel for the speed of the eighth notes. . .because they'll pop up all over the
    song. Don't freak out on the "melody" of this song (yeah, what melody?). The
    break part requires a bit of intelligence to figure out. Keep this in mind,
    becaus the same four steps appear in Maniac Mode. Repeat the "melody" section.
    Follow the loudest part of the music during the ending.

    MANIAC MODE-Ooh, fun! The rhythm isn't the easiest to figure out in the
    beginning. The beginning consists of three to five eighth notes that end with
    a DOUBLE step! At one point, it's one lone note followed by three eighth
    notes. Then things get stranger. The strings get longer. It will begin to
    feel like a slow Era (Nostal Mix). Then a few double steps with odd timing
    will show up (they're about one and a half beats apart). The strings will
    start again. The ending will feel like Dead End. This song ends abruptly
    (with a left-down-up-double step ending). This is my favorite song!! This
    song is on two courses; Cool 7 and From IIDX. Also on The Road of TaQ on

    Leading Cyber-Thank Growlie for this one. The beginning should be
    self-explanatory. Take note of the pattern, though. When the two eighth notes
    come on, don't hit them too slowly. From there, it's Spin City. . .until the
    ugly string of eighth notes come on. Use your left foot for the left/right
    arrows, and your right foot for the up/down arrows (does this pattern look
    familiar?). After that, spin away!

    MANIAC MODE-The beginning isn't all that bad (except for the sixteenth notes
    hidden in a place or two). When the notes turn into right, right, right, down,
    left, streak for all you're worth. After that, it'll slowly turn into a
    pattern (can't remember it off the top of my head). Then the nightmare will
    start. . .more info on that later.

    Super Star-Sheesh, and I'm not too sure about the rating!

    MANIAC MODE-This song goes fairly slow. To compensate, eighth notes are thrown
    in all over the place. The beginning isn't all that hard. . .until the eighth
    note string that starts and ends with a left-right double step is seen. Then
    things start getting interesting. The LONG section of eighth notes are
    actually a pattern (two different patterns repeated three times). Sometime
    after that, a nice long string of sixteenth notes appear. Don't be
    intimidated; many people choose this time to streak. You'll know when this
    song ends when a second set of sixteenth notes appear.

    ONI MODE-This is the first Oni song I passed. The sixteenth notes are the most
    troublesome. From Solo.

    Wild Rush-This song speeds up about five times. Good luck!

    MANIAC MODE-DO NOT rush the beginning. WAIT for the sixteenth notes to get to
    the arrows. THEN hit them. The arrows that follow the drum are NOT on the
    beat. Be prepared. The sixteenth notes disappear by the second speed-up. The
    arrows between speed changes 2 and 3 are all UP BEATS! It's mostly an
    on-the-beat thing by the time the song hits its highest speed (with the
    exception of those seven eighth notes). The last two speed changes are the
    ones that usually break any significant streaks.

    ONI MODE-No speed change, but I died on this song nonetheless. From Solo.

    Euro & Rave & Speed

    Boys (Euro Mix)-Faster. That's all I remember.

    MANIAC MODE-If passing the original wasn't too bad, this might be a bit
    difficult (again, due to speed). First, there's a bunch of sixteenth notes
    that need to be stepped on. Then, a nasty eighth note section will appear.
    From what I can tell, it's impossible to alternate feet on this one without
    inadvertently spinning. Miss one note in that eighth note section, and you
    risk failure (those notes come fast). The rest should be cakewalk. . .except
    when the above two sections repeat.
    BEST FOR: AM-3P Maniac graduates.
    HARDEST PART: That long eighth note section.

    Dam Dariram (KCP Mix)-All the steps should be on the beat. Goes kind of fast,

    MANIAC MODE-I can't remember how the very beginning goes. Once the lyrics
    start, one arrow will be used for the down beats (in this case, the left arrow)
    and the other three arrows will be used for the up beats. Concentrate on
    hitting the up beats perfectly, and the down beats should take care of
    themselves. The arrow used for the down beat will change, so be careful.
    After that arrow change, the string of eighth notes after that should be
    vaguely remeniscent of Hero (Happy Grandale Mix) Maniac. Unfortunately, I'm
    getting the section before the chorus mixed up with another song (guess). Once
    the chorus hits, follow the,
    "Daririram-dariram-dariram-darirarirariram-darira-raram". After that comes a
    nasty section of syncopation. This is during the, "Falling in love, falling in
    love" part before the verse is repeated. Most of those notes are up beats.
    When the, "I-I-I-I" part comes up, relax. The arrows will pretty much repeat
    themselves. Repeat what happened earlier. And that should be it.

    Captain Jack-What is this song. . .oh, well.

    MANIAC MODE-The beginning follows the loudest part of the music. Once the
    actual lyrics start, the arrows become eighth notes. Now, if my memory serves
    me right, some demented programmer put in double steps here. Feels like
    Ninzaburo to me. It's probably different for you. On the Dance Mania course

    Do it All Night-Yuck. The things I have to endure to write this. Anyway, just
    about all the steps are single and on the beat. I remember seeing some
    left-right double steps. Wouldn't surprise me if there was an up-down one
    thrown in somewhere. Follow the singer's voice.

    TRICK MODE-Groups of three eighth notes with huge gaps between. Gets worse as
    the song progresses (the arrows in general, not the groups).

    Hero (Happy Grandale Mix)-This song goes fairly fast. The good news is that a
    break or two DOES exist. The bad. . .well, it IS fast. . .

    TRICK MODE-What a royal pain! The introduction isn't too bad. As soon as that
    synthesizer goes. . .watch out! Start steping! This section reminds me of
    Orion.78 Maniac. Once the steping's over, the song breaks into eighth notes!
    Argh!! The eighth notes themselves shouldn't be too hard to read. That is,
    until the chorus comes. Discerning eighth notes from steps is of the utmost

    MANIAC MODE-Supposedly very easy to streak. . .yeah, right. Anyway, eighth
    notes all over the place! The string that starts off with the synthesizer in
    the beginning is the worst. . .and the longest. . .and the most tiring.
    Alternating feet isn't as difficult as it seems. Remember to hit both eighth
    notes going in the same direction. Time the part before the chorus well,
    because the rhythm starts to get a bit unusual. When the synthesizer comes on.
    . .do the same thing as before. Then take a breather. . .

    In the Navy-Oh, the things I have to endure to get a song strategy!

    MANIAC MODE: Mess up on the beginning quarter notes and you are in major
    trouble. Don't rush the sixteenth notes. Step in the air and have your feet
    land in the order of the arrows. Repeat until the eighth note double steps.
    Don't step too high for these; you just might throw yourself off. The eighth
    note section after that can be spun. Or just used for streak. The sixteenth
    note section will reappear, so don't be thrown. Then the song ends. That was

    Ninzaburo or Furuhata's Theme-Why two song titles? 'Cause they both describe
    the same song. This little blurb is just here to clear that up. Oh, song
    strategy? It goes fast, so if you're not watching (or paying attention),
    you'll fail. Spin? Maybe.

    TRICK MODE-The songs starts out with a mulititude of off-color arrows. Listen
    to the melody for the first set of arrows. Listen to the trumpets for the
    second rhythm. Repeat. Then listen to the most prominent sound in the song
    and follow that rhythm. During the parts with words, groups of three eighth
    notes and five eighth notes will appear. Alternate feet. When the melody
    repeats, follow the melody and the trumpets again. The final part shouldn't be
    too much of a hassle to figure out.

    MANIAC MODE-First, you get lots of hard rhythms (and that's only the
    beginning). Get past the Saints Go Marching (Remix) part, and you get lots of
    eighth notes that always make you hit two or three on the same foot (don't ask
    me for the sequence. . .I'm usually fighting to stay alive). From there. . .it
    looks sort of like the beginning again! What kind of nightmare is this? It
    ends with a footroll.

    Saints Go Marching (Remix)-Umm. . .

    MANIAC MODE-Argh! If the beginning eighth notes are giving you trouble, I can
    gurantee that things will only get harder. It is possible to alternate feet
    throughout the beginning (I do it all the time). For the sixteenth note
    section. . .thank DarkTemplar for this one. . .use the right foot for all the
    left and right arrows, and the left foot for all the up and down arrows, until
    you get to a point where you hit a left-right combination. From there, return
    to normal double-steping (which will also work, but is not recommended). Is
    this section still giving you trouble? Practice on Luv To Me or In The Navy
    (as both contain almost the same rhythm, but not necessarily the same steps).
    Once the arrows slow down, work on a streak. When a left-down-right
    combination appears, look sharp. It will repeat itself several times (and a
    few right-down-left combos are thrown in just to tick you off). Eventually, it
    will degrade into left-down-right-down-left. . .keep the right foot on the down
    arrow and use the left foot to hit everything else. Oh, and pay attention only
    to the left and right arrows (as in, concentrate on hitting those). It helps
    for me. Once that little section is over, you're on your own. It's not too
    hard to figure out. On the Classic course (EXTREME)

    Wonderland (UKS Mix)-Sounds like something I've gotta translate!

    MANIAC MODE: First, find out which arrow in the ridiculously long eighth note
    strings is repeated. Then, ignore that arrow. Concentrate instead on the
    arrows that change. The first string goes something like up, left, up, down,
    up, right, up, down, up. . .so ignore the up arrow and concentrate on hitting
    the left arrow, then the down arrow, then the right arrow, etc. Repeat for
    pretty much the whole song. This song goes slow enough where you should be
    able to find the repeating/changing arrows without too much difficulty. Oh,
    yes, and it is possible to pass this song without stepping on two arrows with
    the same foot. You just have to twist in new and slightly painful ways. For
    me, about as hard as .59.

    Pops, Side A notes will have a space of 2-4 beats between them. Only one
    group of two will be on consecutive beats. Goes fairly slow. Count, dang it!
    Easier than Have You Never Been Mellow, IMHO.
    BEST FOR: Those just getting started.
    HARDEST PART: Keeping track of where you are.

    Never Gonna Make (Factory Dance Team Mix)-Not a bad song. . .

    MANIAC MODE-The runs can go away. Everything else. . .well. . .

    Young Forever-In order to play it, you gotta be able to stand it. Can't pass
    if you're in a ball on the ground!

    TRICK MODE-Most eight notes are in groups of three, and most of those are the
    right-left-right type (read: the second-easiest to read). One section is
    up-beats. . .don't fail at that point. A few of those eighth notes will be in
    groups of five. These groups shouldn't be too hard to handle. The worst
    problem I can forsee is the fact that the arrows are pretty much a constant

    MANIAC MODE-Now it involves sixteenth notes. Follow the music for that. Don't
    remember much else.

    Pops, Side B

    Ba Kkwo-What the. . .never mind.

    TRICK MODE-Ugh. . .I don't like those seven left-right arrows!! Jump like
    you've gotta use the bathroom.

    MANIAC MODE-This one is a nice up-down workout. That is, there seems to be a
    lot of up and down arrows. It requires some torso twisting, so be careful.
    The eighth note groups are long, but managable. . .barely. The off-color
    arrows follow the music.

    Tubthumpin'-Whee. . .the room is spinning. . .

    MANIAC MODE-This is a spin song. Don't get too dizzy. . .made that mistake
    once. . .never again. Fortunately, this song is riduculously slow, so reading
    the eighth notes shouldn't be too hard. Stepping to the eighth notes in time.
    . .that's another story.

    Vol. 4-My mom calls it the popcorn piece.

    TRICK MODE-Eighth notes are scattered throughout the song. Watch for them.
    The very first chain will require sliding or spinning (I recommend the former).
    So will most of the other chains in the beginning. The final up-down chain at
    the end shouldn't be too bad after all the eighth notes the stupid song threw
    at you.

    Covers & Classics

    Flashdance-The arrows scroll fast, and there isn't much in terms of break. Oh,
    and that left-right double step is quite present!

    MANIAC MODE-This song goes! The worst parts involve eighth notes and double
    steps (a la Hysteria).

    Gotcha (Theme from Starsky and Hutch-A nice trumpet piece, for one. The
    scrolling speed is fairly slow. . .a bit too slow. It's slow enough to mess up
    those raised on Boom Boom Dollar. Arrows come every other beat. . .or once
    every three beats. That stupid left-right double step makes an apperance. .
    .stay sharp. Growlie freestyled to this song, and won second place in the
    freestyle tourney he was in!

    One Two (Little Bitch)-Maniac Mode only. . .for obvious reasons.

    MANIAC MODE-Don't freak out. Follow the first few words, then start
    double-stepin' like there's no tomorrow. It's possible to freak during the
    up-down double steps, but it ain't recommended. The eighth note strings can
    all be hit with alternating feet. DO NOT end this song on your knees ('cause I
    have a nasty scar on my knee from my attempt). Follow the words. It should
    work. The beginning double-steps will repeat in the end. Spin, but don't fall
    off the machine!

    Shake Your Booty-What the? Well, Trick Mode only.

    TRICK MODE-It starts off nice and easy. . .almost like a Simple song. Then the
    "Shake shake shake" part comes, and you hafta remember how to do a left-down
    double step. . .and a right-up double step. . .fairly slow, but I KNOW someone
    will mess up that section and consequently fail. Simple, really. Just step up
    and down on either the left and down arrows, or the right and up arrows during
    the chorus. Shouldn't be too bad after that. Just remember that this is a
    fairly slow song, so don't rush.

    Special Selection

    This sorta seems like the Konami Player's Best. No new songs here.


    This is very, very incomplete. Now I gotta finish up TWO games at the same
    time! Wish me luck!! Wanna help? E-mail me; HELP!!

    Abyss-Yeah, and the moron who made it a 2 should be fired. It's a constant
    stream of arrows on the beat, and that makes for some serious arrow-stomping.
    This song is easily as hard as a typical 3.

    TRICK MODE-Don't worry. . .the arrows aren't going overly fast. Eighth note
    groups do appear, but if my memory serves me correctly, they are not that hard
    to decipher. Be wary of the nice stop in the middle.

    MANIAC MODE-This song becomes a royal pain if the music in your arcade is
    turned way down. Follow the drums in the beginning. The rhythm repeats itself
    later in the song, so keep sharp. When the piano comes on, start alternating
    feet on the eighth notes. Don't rush the eighth notes (it's very tempting. .
    .). The song will stop somewhere in the middle. . .again, keep the eighth
    notes steady. The tricky rhythm will reappear, followed by another eighth note
    pattern. . .and a few arrows that are actually on the beat will scroll by. .
    .and that's the end of the song. From IIDX. . .the second easiest song on that
    blasted course!

    Broken My Heart-It's more like Broken My Eardrums.

    TRICK MODE-I don't know anything about this song. . .probably because I haven't
    gotten past Still in my Heart (Momo Mix) on Naoki feat. Paula Terry.

    MANIAC MODE-The beginning is reminiscent of Dynamite Rave. . .on Maniac. After
    Paula Terry starts off the song (in a hushed voice, thank goodness), the rhythm
    turns into a predictable variety of eighth notes with a sixteenth note mixed in
    there for foot cramps (1 * 2 * 3 ^ * 4 *, repeat until your legs fall off).
    One of these patterns require a slide/spin/lots of preparation. When you can
    hear Paula's voice again (ow), the song eases into groups of three eighth
    notes. Double steps (on the beat) will be stuck in there for your cramping
    pleasure. When you see a string of sixth eighth notes, that means that the
    next few groups of eighth notes you see will start on the up beat. The chorus
    isn't too hard. . .until you get to the double step that starts off a group of
    eighth notes. Be prepared for more double steps starting/ending groups of
    eighth notes. Once Naoki tells Paula to shut up (in his own way), the arrows
    will be on the up beat. When the sythesizer starts going off the lam, the
    eighth notes will resume (no spinning required). This LONG group will end in a
    double step. The bridge is THE hardest part of this song. The rhythm is
    syncopated, and double steps are again mixed up in the eighth notes. Jump on
    the two arrows that make up the double step if you want. The chorus will take
    its hint from the bridge and mix up double steps with eighth notes. As soon as
    Paula belts out the chorus' death cry ("I'm telling you. . ."), watch for TWO
    double steps in that group of eighth notes. Nail the last few eighth note
    groups (the last three start on the up beat) and breathe. In case you were
    wondering. . .I like this song. I don't like Paula Terry's voice.

    Cat's Eye (Ventura Mix)-PIKA! PIKA! PIKACHU!! Well, it's the Pikachu song.
    Yep, Pokemon made it into DDR (well, sort of. . .)! Regardless, arrows will
    come on the beat and in fairly long strings. Don't freak out. The double
    steps aren't that bad. . .a la E-rotic and Basic songs, in general. Now, if
    only I could show off in it. . .

    MANIAC MODE-Rhythm, rhythm. I have the dangdest time trying to hold a streak
    through this song.

    Can't Stop Fallin' In Love (Speed Mix)-Unfortunately, I can't stop screaming
    when I hear this song. . .ugh!

    TRICK MODE-The steps start off on the beat. When the off-beat steps show up,
    follow the melody of the song. Eighth note groups of three and occasionally
    five will show up during the part between the introduction and the chorus.
    Follow the singer's voice through the chorus. Good luck on the up, up,
    up-down-up, up-down-up, up-down-up portion! Any sort of streak I carry breaks
    here. Sometime during the repeat of the chorus, a short syncopated section
    scrolls up. Watch for it.

    MANIAC MODE-And if you can't nail that first left-right double step, you are in
    trouble. Regardless of what happens with the first arrow, be prepared to
    twist. A lot. The first few arrows remind me of AM-3P on Maniac. . .and on a
    mad sugar rush. Pay attention to the arrows that switch direction, not the
    down arrow. When the "constant" arrow turns into an up arrow, twist. If this
    twist feels unusual, remember that it's sorta like a mirror image of the first
    run. Once that part runs out, alternate feet. The verse sorta felt like a
    slower version of Dead End. Once the chorus starts, be wary of the sixteenth
    notes before the left-down double steps. . .and later, the right-down double
    steps. The jam-on-one-arrow section is a prime spot for calf cramps. Take it
    easy. When the bridge starts ("Say you love me baby. . ."), follow the
    singer's voice. . .and make sure she doesn't break anyone's ears. The chorus
    will repeat. . .same deal, just about. Get past that instrumental run (which I
    don't remember), and end the song with a left-down step. Then get something to
    drink and maybe a stretcher.

    Conga Feeling-Yow! The severe lack of speed shows!

    TRICK MODE-Just because this song is slow does NOT mean that it has the right
    to contain rhythm a few cuts lower than Sana Mollete Ne Ente Maniac.

    MANIAC MODE-What a royal pain to read! Get used to the speed of the first
    three arrows. . .now quadruple it. . .and that's about how fast the rest of the
    song will go, from the perspective of the player. Mess up the very beginning
    and there will be bad things in store! Mess up the eighth notes that come
    shortly after and watch that squiggly blue line disappear very quickly! One
    particular string requires either a strange shuffle-step or a spin (your
    choice). Then the footrolls appear. That is, two eighth notes and a footroll
    appear. The worst of the rolls starts off with a double-step. Time these
    rolls well, or that meter is gonna disappear real fast! Then comes the
    pseudo-skipping part. Why pseudo-skipping? The tempo is too slow to allow
    skipping. . .but it's the same principle. Rush the skips, and watch the song
    end early. Get past the skipping. . .and the song is over.

    Electro Tuned (the SubS Mix)-Whoa. . .don't let the bass kill ya!

    MANIAC MODE-If a IIDX machine with this song is available, play it there.
    Listen to the strange rhythms there. On the Road of TaQ. . .curse you, Konami!

    Healing Vision-The good news is that the arrows are usually a beat or two
    apart. The bad news is that the song changes speed four times. The really bad
    news is that this song goes at 196 beats per minute for the most part. Not
    quite my idea of an Ordinary song.

    MANIAC MODE-Before attempting the beginning, play Love This Feeling on Maniac.
    From what I can tell, the rhythm in the beginning is 1 * 2 ^ * 3 * 4 ^ *, etc.,
    with the numbers being the beats, the * being the up beats, and the ^
    indicating a sixteenth note. The rhythm might change at one point, but I'm not
    sure. Watch for the speed to double about 16 beats after the arrows start
    (another guess). When the arrows start going fast, the rhythm starts going
    strange. Arrows with a certain rhythm will scroll by. This rhythm will be
    repeated a few times, and another rhythm will flash by. That rhythm will
    repeat a few times, and the cycle will repeat itself. When three up arrows
    with odd colors appear, prepare for the speed to be quartered. Nailing those
    slow arrows requires patience, the ability to hear the music, and a general
    idea of when the song will quadruple in speed. This section is shorter than
    the first section. Again, the same rhythm will be repeated. When the down
    arrow becomes overused, watch out for the final speed change. Hit the last few
    arrows, and the song will finish.

    INSERTiON-Just the song title itself is enough to make me wanna choose another

    TRICK MODE-This song doesn't go all that fast. . .for the most part. The
    beginning should be fairly easy to read. Count to yourself if the rhythm
    doesn't quite make sense. Various rhythm patterns repeat. Of the several
    groups of five eighth notes that appear throughout the song, approximately half
    of these groups are (arrow 1), (arrow 2), (arrow 1), (arrow 2), (arrow 3). The
    other half consist of groups that can easily be hit with alternating feet (like
    down-up-right-down-up). The trickiest rhythm comes shortly after the freeze.
    Follow the loudest part of the song (should not be piano). Good luck on the

    MANIAC MODE-This is like Dynamite Rave on sugar. Before choosing this song,
    take note of the highest and lowest numbers that the BPM meter hits. The song
    goes at about 139 beats per minute. . .for the most part. To make
    visualization a bit easier, the arrows go just a bit faster than Orion.78. .
    .usually. For the part before the freeze, follow the music. Get accustomed to
    the sixteenth notes. Some programmer stuck in a footroll. . .and this footroll
    is very easy to rush. Once past that, listen carefully to the music. If this
    rhythm seems impossible, try Cat's Eye Maniac or Lupin the 3rd '78 Maniac.
    Once that rhythm feels like second nature. . .the arrows freeze. Be warned
    that when they restart, they will be scrolling a good deal slower than before.
    Remember the lowest number on that BPM meter? That's how slow the arrows are
    going. It will gradually return to its original speed. Then the rhythm gets
    funky. This is another situation where the music is a big help. The rhythm
    will then degenerate into something that looks like it came straight out of
    Orion.78 Maniac. Keep following the music. The song will then become very,
    very soft, and the arrows will look a little too good to be true. Once that
    happens, be prepared for a massive speed change right before the end (the songs
    ENDS at 225 BPM). Get past that, and the song will finally end. On the Tempo
    Changer course.

    Lupin the 3rd '78-Don't get this mixed up with Lipton's onion soup mix!
    Anyway, arrows for the beat, on the beat, with a few left-right double steps
    mixed in. I'll be more specific. . .later. . .

    TRICK MODE-Feel the up-beats. Why? You'll need to know them like the back of
    your hand. A good deal of the notes are syncopated. Yuck.

    MANIAC MODE-It starts off innocently enough with a footroll, followed by three
    eighth notes, then another footroll, then three more eighth notes, then two
    footrolls, then some strange rhythm. Once the "theme" starts, the footrolls
    will hide inside of a string of eighth notes. The rhythm will repeat itself a
    few times, and switch. This time, there will be a double step hidden in there
    somewhere. From there, follow the easiest thing to hear. After that, the
    rhythm will get truly strange. A string of eighth notes with two eighth notes
    that are in the same direction appear. After those two eighth notes, a
    sixteenth note will show itself, followed by a note on the beat. Get that
    rhythm down. The ending will look scary, but follow the easiest thing to hear.
    Spin the ending if you so desire. This song isn't too bad for a cata; one of
    my friends (who has a problem with some of the Paramount songs) passed it on
    her first try.

    Matsuri Japan-Watch the arrows whiz by! Anyway, all the steps are on the
    beat-but that's like saying all the steps in Drop Out are on the beat. From
    what I remember, that is. There's also the problem of double-jupms. . .but I
    won't go into that yet. Rant time. Do not call this song Japan. It's Matsuri
    Japan. MATSURI Japan. Got it?

    TRICK MODE-This song does not match its rating. The beginning steps look easy
    enough (if you ignore the double steps). The first eighth note pattern
    (right-down-left) repeats four times. Ditto for the next eighth note pattern
    (right-left-down). When the flute comes in, the timing changes (I'd best get
    this right. . .). Most of the arrows in this section are on the up beat (have
    fun). After the flute cuts out (thank goodness), the single hardest section of
    the whole song goes by (and I really don't remember what goes on. . .sad, ain't
    it?). The rest of the song is a nice jumble of steps that occur on the beat
    and the occasional eighth step.

    MANIAC MODE-What? Sixteenth notes? Yep, and every up/down chain, along with a
    left-right chain, a left-down chain, and a right-up chain are sixteenth notes.
    The first note is on the beat. The second note is the off-beat one. Figure
    out the sixteenth note mess in the beginning (it's easier than Saints), and
    don't get the eighth notes and the sixteenth notes that appear together mixed
    up. Sixteenths come first. The eighth notes shouldn't be all too bad. Take
    the breather in the middle. . .you'll need it. When a
    left-down-right-down-left combination appears in a string, it's a sure sign of
    the end of the song. When the title screen is displayed for a long, long time,
    the song has ended. . .finally.

    ONI MODE-The sixteenth notes are as mixed up as the song! On Fine Choices and
    Love RevenG.

    Moonlight Shadow-Had I been doing doubles, I would have a strategy for this
    song on Maniac. It's nuts!

    TRICK MODE-Don't be scared! First, the eighth notes are slow, albeit kinda
    close together. Second, they always come in groups of three (except for that
    one group that comes in five). Third, the double steps are fairly far apart
    (except for the "Moonlight shadow shadow" steps). Lastly, the most crowded
    sections in this song usually have a 1 * 2 3 * 4 rhythm (with * being an
    up-beat). So this song ain't that bad, right?

    MANIAC MODE-This song is NOT a Genuine song. Twists all over the place. If
    you're willing to attempt the twists, be warned that the timing threw me
    (badly). I wanna spin! Regardless, watch for the sixteenth notes whenever the
    singer says, "Moonlight shadow (shadow)".

    Never-Ending Story-I'll dance to this one on Basic, I promise!

    MANIAC MODE-Timing, timing, timing. The first six notes will not be covered
    here. If they give you trouble, then you are in for one long song. Get the
    sixteenth notes sometime after arrow 7 comes on (it follows the melody). That
    nasty down-left-down-left-down-left. . .part gets some people. The sequence of
    notes that come before that part are down, right, and left. The sixteenth note
    is the right arrow. Once you nail those eighth notes (long section-good to
    streak), proceed to the next part that gives many more people difficulty: the
    eighth note double step. That is, the first note of this series is on the down
    beat (easy), and the second note is an up beat AND a double step. The third
    note is a single up arrow on the up beat (easy to remember), and the second
    note is a down-right double step on the down beat (again, easy to remember).
    From there, enjoy the "echo": a group of three eighth notes followed by six
    notes that mimic the previous combo, all in tempo (1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5). One
    example would be the right, up, left, right, right, up, up, left, left combo.
    More later.

    Paranoia Eternal-Fast, fast, fast! The arrows aren't a continuous stream, but
    that makes it all that much harder. The rests make this song a royal pain.

    MANIAC MODE-Now it's groups of eighth notes with rests in the middle. These
    groups are nowhere near as long as the nightmarish groups in Ninzaburo. The
    worst one involves ramming on the up arrow. This place is also a prime place
    to get a calf cramp. Some nutcase put this one on the EXTREME Paranoia
    Brothers course.

    Rhythm and Police-Umm. . .

    MANIAC MODE-This song gave me lots of trouble! The beginning eighth notes
    require some twisting. Please refer to Moolight Shadow Maniac for lessons on
    how to twist. Then, the sixteenth notes appear. The first arrow in every
    "skip" is on the beat. Remember that, for it will serve you well. Face right
    for best results. The song will switch back to those diabolical twisting
    eighth notes. Keep going, until a Wonderland-like string appears. Focus on
    the arrows that change, not the static down arrow (and later, the up arrow).
    The twisting string will restart, and then the skipping. This time, face left.
    If you make it out of those sections alive, dance to the final few arrows, and
    congratulate yourself! On the Dance Mania course (EXTREME).

    Romansu no Kamisama-I'll see if I remember Trick. . .

    TRICK MODE-Eighth notes, but the song goes fairly slow. Shouldn't be too bad.
    . .I hope. . .

    MANIAC MODE-Whoa! Footrolls in the beginning!! Said footrolls are in groups
    of five. Try to pick the order out. Good luck. Then the song breaks down
    into eighth notes. The eighth notes aren't too bad for a Cata. . .until those
    darned footrolls come back! Then the nightmare restarts! Good luck!!

    Sky High-This is the Lucyfer version.

    MANIAC MODE-Wha? This song is somewhat like a slower version of Wonda. Both
    songs feature strange eighth note arrow combinations that require a bit of
    twisting, foresight, and thought (especially six arrows that look like they
    were taken straight out of Afronova Maniac). The runs stop in unexpected
    places. Both songs are catchy. Worst of all, both have that nasty combination
    a la Can't Stop Fallin' In Love (Speed Mix) Maniac. . .the one in which the up
    arrow is the one that doesn't change.

    Still In My Heart-Can't stand this song.

    ONI MODE-The song moves at a nice clip. . .until the bridge. Then it slows
    down Era-style, and your battery won't thank you for it. On Naoki feat. Paula
    Terry (first song, for cryin' out loud) and Happy Hardcore (?!).

    The Twist (Double Pump Version)-This song doesn't really match its title in
    Basic. Maniac, however. . .

    MANIAC MODE-While the singer is rapping, follow the drums. During the chorus,
    a chain of five arrows will appear. These arrows shouldn't be too bad. Then a
    longer chain of arrows will appear. Focus on the arrows on the up-beat, not
    the arrows on the down-beat. Good luck on the up arrow! When the trumpets
    come in, be prepared for a long, long endurance test!

    6th Mix. . .or what I remember of it.

    Bye Bye Baby Ballon-Believe me, if I could remember what this song looked like,
    I'd put something here.

    Candy (to heck with that star)-This song annoys me.

    STANDARD MODE-The most interesting part comes in the form of two eighth note
    groups. Fortunately for you, they follow the music. Hope you did well on
    Silent Hill Oni on Pop 8. . .'cause you go right into this song and mode with
    NO gain in battery!

    HEAVY MODE-The eighth note patterns behave themselves half the time. The rest
    of said patterns are spin patterns. The hold arrows require more than a little
    thought (or you'll end up backwards/hitting two eighth notes with one
    foot/confused). If you don't like twisting while holding an arrow, you're not
    going to like the arrow pattern in this song much.

    Cowgirl-My mom got an A on this song on her first try. It's not too fast, and
    there's only two of those left-right double steps, and about four holds. This
    song is best for those who find Highs Off U too easy.

    HEAVY MODE-Skips make up the beginning. The SECOND "skip" arrow is on the
    beat. The first one is a sixteenth of a beat in front of it (the arrows follow
    the background music). Watch for the change from sixteenth skips to eighth
    runs. Towards the end, you'll have to hold one arrow direction while hitting
    three eighth notes with the other foot (they're in the same direction, so don't
    worry). Put all your weight on the hold arrow and TAP the three eighth notes.
    The section after that follows the music (1, 2, ^, *, 3, *, 4). From there,
    the skips repeat themselves. Hit the last few arrows (left-right double steps)
    and breathe.

    Dive (more deeper and deeper style)-Those with the home version of 5th Mix will
    remember this song.

    STANDARD MODE-This was the first song I played on DDRMAX, AND I DON'T REMEMBER
    A THING! This song is on the BeForU course. Of all the songs on that course,
    this one is probably the easiest.

    HEAVY MODE-It's much easier than the original Dive. All the arrows are on the
    up/down beat. The worst thing that you'll encounter are the eighth note groups
    that start/end in a double step (like the first three arrows you encounter).
    The rest of it is stuff that shouldn't kill you (but it may lower your score a

    Do It Right-The song starts out with three arrows on the beat. If this little
    trio gives you problems, you're in for a rough ride. The arrow strings get
    rather long in the middle. Left-right double steps are stuck within the longer
    strings. Good luck.

    STANDARD MODE-I was busy trying to keep myself out of the danger zone! All I
    remember are those groups of three eighth notes. . .lots of them! On the Soul
    6 course.

    Do You Remember Me-Apparantly, I don't. Ah, I'm lost. . .

    STANDARD MODE-The hardest part about this song is the beginning of the verse.
    Most of those notes are on the up beat. The rest should be fairly easy.

    HEAVY MODE-The arrows follow the synthesizer. Fortunately, the rhythm isn't
    too complex. When Jenny starts to sing, the arrows become eighth notes. I
    don't remember anything else that was overly difficult. On the Pop 8 course.

    Exotic Ethnic-This song goes FAST. Very fast.

    STANDARD MODE-Steps occur on the beat. . .sort of. Eighth notes are
    introduced, but not overused.

    HEAVY MODE-Eighth notes are overused (the second-longest run has 53 notes; the
    final run has 69!). The eighth note patterns are reminiscent of Rhythm &
    Police (tricky, but do not require you to hit two consecutive arrows with the
    same foot). To make life miserable, Konami also put in some demonic holds (of
    the double step variety). This is an endurance song (one of many) on MAX.
    This song appears on the Love RevenG course (yeah. . .gotta love the tempo
    range of that crazy course).

    Fantasy-Didn't play it on Light.

    STANDARD MODE-The beginning is made up of holds. The holds themselves are a
    bit off beat at times, but they follow the background organ (or whatever that
    thing is). Once the synthesizer music breaks out, the arrows come on the beat.
    The arrows will continue to come on the beat when the singer starts doing her
    job. Somewhere in the middle is a nice hold section. Once the chorus begins,
    the arrows will continue to come once a beat. . .except arrows 1 and 3 are now
    hold arrows. The end is the same as the beginning sythesizer part. If you
    want some free Oridnary World practice, put this on Shuffle.

    HEAVY MODE-Play this song on Standard first, or the mass of arrows that count
    for a beginning won't make any sense. These arrows (double steps included)
    follow the music, more or less, but the music's rhythm is a mess. After the
    singer starts singing, the arrows turn into eighth notes. Double steps lurk
    within the eighth notes close to the chorus. Within the chorus, the singer
    will pause, and the synthesizer will blare out a run. During these times, the
    arrows will follow the synthesizer. Most people fail during the synthesizer
    runs. If you can make it past the chorus. . .the beginning pattern repeats
    itself. Oh well.

    Firefly-I'll ask my mom about it.

    STANDARD MODE-Some holds (but not enough to seriously hurt you unless you miss
    more than two in a row). Several eighth note groups appear throughout. If
    memory serves me right, one particularly long one is close to the end of the
    song. Everything else is on the beat steps (double steps included). On the
    BeForU course.

    HEAVY MODE-If it looks like a double step. . .it's a sixteenth note pattern
    (usually). The rhythm will follow the drums more often than not. Up beat
    arrows pepper the beginning. During the first few measure of Riyu Kosaka's
    singing ("deku dake", or something like that. It's near-inaudible), two eighth
    notes will appear. Problem is, arrow #2 is a hold arrow. Don't freak out.
    After that part ("Kedo shitsu ni") it's a run of eighth notes (which are slow
    enough to muddle out). The arrows during the holds at the end are on the beat.
    The last run begins on an up beat.

    Flash in the Night-Unfortunately, this song didn't make it past this mix. In
    terms of music, it's cheesy. In terms of steps. . .the steps themselves occur
    once every two beats. There's a rather nasty hold in the middle; good luck
    getting that. Watch for those left-right double steps.

    STANDARD MODE-This is the home of the smelliest hold on MAX. Steps are on
    every beat, and occasionally between beats! Said hold is a left-right double
    step that lasts for four measures. At least that hold in Ghosts is an up
    arrow. . .

    HEAVY MODE-Whose idea of a joke is this? The beginning arrows follow the
    synthesizer, which is rattling off sixteenth notes like there's no tomorrow.
    Once you get past that part (hopefully without a leg cramp), the arrows turn
    into nice eighth note patters with a double step mixed in occasionally. That
    stupid hold from Standard Mode is still there. Once the chorus starts, the
    eighth notes have more double steps mixed in. . .joy. After the chorus (which
    is supposed to be your chance to catch a breather), the synthesizer goes wild.
    Unfortunately, so do the arrows. The song ends with a double step. Have fun.

    Follow Me-Since NO ONE has played this song on Light, you won't see anything

    HEAVY MODE-In terms of tech, this song is relatively easy. The eighth notes
    don't do anything strange until the end (and even that's not too bad). Missed
    an AA on this song by 3 blinkin' Perfects!

    Ghosts-Do you know what a hold is? If you don't, play something else. This
    song features a four measure hold, and if you miss it, your meter will DROP.
    Other than that, the arrows are once every two beats (approximately).

    HEAVY MODE-Hear the synthesizer? That's what the arrows follow. Be careful of
    the hold arrows with three regular arrows during the hold-miss more than three
    of those holds and you'll be on your way to the Danger/Fail screen (depending
    on how well you did in the beginning). After those holds, it's back to the
    synthesizer. Repeat until the song is over.

    Groove-The lyrics are lame.

    HEAVY MODE-The hardest part, hands down, is the group of five eighth notes,
    with arrows 3 and 5 being double steps. If in doubt, jump on left-down until
    you hit left-down, the jump on right-down until you hit right-down. Then go
    back to the rest of the song. The pattern mentioned above is the predominant
    pattern. All variations of this pattern follow the same group pattern (arrow,
    arrow, double step, arrow, arrow). While that pattern is not in use, eighth
    notes (regular ones) will scroll by. Compared to what the beginning threw at
    you, these are really easy. When that pattern does not show up for a LONG
    time, the song is about to end. Fans of D2R will recognize the pattern; three
    sixteenth notes followed by a double step (1 ^ * 2, 2 is a double step). Don't
    rush these; I saw someone FAIL the Soul 6 course on those last four steps.

    Groove 2001-The lyrics are even lamer.

    TRICK MODE-Don't let the eighth note clusters mess you up. On the Cool 7

    Healing Vision (Angelic Mix)-Noise, anyone? The arrows creep up at 49 BPM.
    Once the first arrow hits the top, the speed changes to 196 BPM. Somewhere in
    the middle, the song pauses. The last two arrows (two right arrows) are at 49
    BPM. These arrows are like the eighth notes that go by at 196 BPM. Since
    there is very little eighth notes in this mode, you're going to have an
    interesting time with them. One section will have a LONG rest; don't worry,
    that's perfectly normal. You'll know when the mini-breather arrives when you
    have to hit five left-right eighth ntoes. The arrows will resume. .
    .eventually. But then, you won't want them to resume. Why? You WILL become
    familiar with the left-down-right pattern, because it appears throughout the
    end! The rest of the arrows are on the beat (with the exception of two in the
    beginning, and they aren't that hard to figure out) with no pattern whatsoever.
    Double steps are stuck in wherever Konami felt like putting them. Folks, this
    is CHAOS!

    STANDARD MODE-Fun! Not too many eighth notes, but the arrows don't really
    stop. That long pause in the middle is replaced by syncopated arrows. They
    follow the bass line (which 2MB conveniently blasts in this section).

    HEAVY MODE-Not fun if you get a cramp in the middle of the song. The first
    couple clusters are nice enough, but the following eighth note groups require
    spinning/sliding/excellent timing (hey, that rhymed). Once the "melody" starts
    (look for the floating woman), the arrows revert to on-the-beat arrows. . .but
    not for long! You'll have eighth note cluster after eighth note cluster. When
    the blast section comes on, you'll have an arrow followed by a double step a
    half beat later. When the arrows stop, take a short breather. The eighth
    notes will resume, and they WON'T STOP until the song is over. On Kidou (8th
    song, mucho tiring).

    I'm In The Mood For Dancing-Long title. . .lousy title picture!

    STANDARD MODE-It's really messed up! There are eighth notes aplenty! It
    wasn't what I was expecting.

    HEAVY MODE-The synthesizer behaves somewhat. Following the synthesizer
    shouldn't be too hard, unless the music is near-inaudible. When the singer
    starts, the eighth notes will start to follow a pattern, but you'll need to
    slide somewhere in the middle of it all. The eighth notes will stick around,
    more or less (but there will be breaks, thank goodness). About halfway through
    the song ("I'm in the mood/I'm in the mood"), the arrows will follow the
    singer's voice. When the singer is absent, the arrows will follow the
    synthesizer. The ending is very abrupt (it felt like I ran into a brick wall).

    Justify My Love-Sorry folks, but I don't like this song.

    STANDARD MODE-Some eighth notes, none that require spinning. On the Cool 7
    course (PLEASE don't fail this!).

    HEAVY MODE-What a pain. It starts off easily enough. When the arrows start
    turning into holds, watch carefully ("I need to know, I need to know"). Right
    after the hold section, the arrows don't seem to follow much of anything
    (except for chaos). The clusters of arrows are actually groups of five
    sixteenth notes, for the most part. This pattern will repeat, and then the
    song will end. Best read on 1.5x.

    Let The Beat Hit 'Em (Stonebridge Club Mix)-The person in the background
    disturbs me. This song is one of the slowest songs you'll encounter. Don't
    rush, listen to the music, and have fun.

    HEAVY MODE-Be wary of the double steps placed within eighth arrow groups.
    While you're at it, be very aware of the beat, because you don't get many
    second chances on the From Solo course (and this is the first thing you

    Let's Groove-I apologize to all Afro fans. The scenes with Afro in them are
    AWFUL! Pictoral rant aside, this song is slow. It will also drill the
    left-right double step into your head. You get a whole lot of them in the
    beginning. I'm not sure if the same holds true for the up-down pattern,
    though. Steps occur about once every two beats. Be prepared for a tempo
    change (a la Era) when the woman/falsetto comes in. After the "stand up" part,
    the arrows will return to their original speed (which wasn't that fast to begin
    with) and their original pattern (more or less). This song is deceptively
    tiring. . .or, at least I found it that way.

    HEAVY MODE-It starts off with a hold. Two eighth notes follow the hold. The
    pattern repeats itself until the beat turns into a 260 BPM metronome (no, the
    arrow speed won't change). From there, it's eighth note city; the patterns
    aren't too bad. There will be little time to prepare for that slow part; be
    careful. The song will speed up shortly after the up-right-up-right sixteenth
    note group. Step to them as if they were eighth notes going at regular speed.
    The arrows aren't that bad once the song speeds up again. Hit that last hold,
    and you're done. The hardest part about this song is its lack of speed. Found
    on the Tempo Changer and Soul 6 courses (the latter was an. . .interesting
    experience. . .one I hope I never have to repeat).

    Look To The Sky-This song is sad, but that movie clip in the middle is neat!
    Steps are on the beat, most of the time. Be familiar with the left-right and
    up-down double steps; they appear somewhere in the middle and at the end. I
    call it neo-Butterfly. Trivia bit: Ask someone to name at least two of the DDR
    characters show in the movie. The first, and most obvious one, is Alice (her
    dance mates don't have a name, if memory serves me right). Those who are
    observant will name the second one: Johnny (he appears briefly durning the

    STANDARD MODE-More double steps and the occasional eighth note. The end is
    close when a group of five eighth notes scroll by. On the Cool 7 course. If
    you lose more than one bar during this song, you aren't going to make it past
    this course. If you lose more than one bar intentionally. . .blah to you.

    HEAVY MODE-This time, those cursed eighth notes have a double step mixed in.
    The few measures before the synthesized voice comes in contain sixteenth notes
    that follow the music. The arrows during Anna's singing are mostly long groups
    of eighth notes. If you're comfortable with strings of five or more, you'll be
    fine. Spin the end, if you wish.

    Lovin' You (Rob Searle Mix)-I hate the original song, and I hate this song,
    too. Sorry, but you're not going to see anything here unless I get this song
    in a tournament.

    HEAVY MODE-Two hard parts, both of which require a bit of So Deep-esque
    reading. It's not too hard to recover from them.

    Max 300-Yes, it's fast, and yes, it sounds like noise, and yes, it's way harder
    on IIDX. Arrows come once every two beats, with some arrows coming in on even
    beats. Keep sharp, and it isn't that bad.

    STANDARD MODE-Well, it gets worse. Be wary of the run before the end-it's a
    small sample of what Heavy Mode holds. Most of the arrows are on a beat.

    HEAVY MODE-Eww. . .just. . .eww. . . In the beginning, pay attention to the
    LAST arrow of those rolls. Then, work on not falling off the stage, because
    those 1 * 2 clusters aren't that hard (until the pattern looks like
    up-left-down, or something like that). Then, make sure your legs don't cramp.
    Then. . .hit that freeze arrow in the middle of the song, and make sure that
    nice O.K. pops up. Then. . .continue with the mad arrow mashing. Again, focus
    on the last arrow of those rolls. The rhythmic changes are somewhat subtle, so
    don't hit the upbeat arrows too early. Get to the final freeze arrow, and
    breathe. Simply, breathe. Final stage on Kidou. Knock someone else out.

    Midnight Blaze-Those with 5th Mix home version can remember this song and sigh.
    The arrows come on the beat, every beat, with very little exception. If this
    song is hard, it's because those darned arrows don't stop. Think Drop The
    Bomb, with different music.

    STANDARD MODE-Well, this time, there's those off-beat eighth arrows to mess you
    up. There's quite a few of them, so don't fall over.

    HEAVY MODE-I still can't AA this song. Follow the loudest part of the
    synthesizers in the beginning, and that should be the rhythm of those awful
    notes. The rhythm during the rapping is fairly basic stuff. . .except for one
    nasty upbeat section (which is fairly short). The chorus gets tricky. Hum
    along to the song, and you'll get the rhythm to the chorus. Overall, it
    shouldn't be hard, but. . .

    Miracle-Zzzz. . .er, what? The song itself is slow, and if the music is turned
    down, it's harder to get Perfects on it. Arrows come slowly every two beats or
    so. It would be a great beginner song if I didn't cringe every time I heard it.

    HEAVY MODE-Those Electro Tuned notes are back with a vegeance. For those that
    think Electro Tuned is the name of a blender, those arrows are two sixteenth
    arrows in the same direction. They're slower than they appear, though, so
    don't rush. The rest doesn't require an explanation.

    My Sweet Darlin'-Gotta love the original Japanese version of this song.

    HEAVY MODE-If the first four arrows give you problems (and it's not the
    machine's fault), you're in for a rough ride. Sing along with me: "Got to have
    lots of beautiful things/Because I'm scard to lose them, but/I want you, I want
    you, I want you/Even if you love someone else." You just sang the rhythm for
    that entire section (watch out for those double steps). During the "I want
    you" part, don't rush those up arrows. When the singer's voice gets caught in
    the sythesizer, it's roll time! Don't rush that, either. The arrows will
    briefly shy away from the singer and follow the synthesizer. Then. . ."Darling
    darling/Just call me my baby. . ." The arrows will again follow the singer's
    voice. When "Please look at me" blares out, that will signal a five-arrow
    roll, with the last arrow being a hold arrow. Focus on the first arrow and the
    hold arrow, and the roll will fall nicely in between. From there, it follows
    the background beat, then the synthesizer. See, it isn't that bad. . .except
    as the final song on the Pop 8 course.

    Nori Nori Nori-No, it's not a discussion about seaweed or bumming a ride. It's
    about hitting arrows on the beat.

    HEAVY MODE-It's been ages since I've played this song, and I don't remember
    anything except for a couple of hold arrows.

    On The Jazz-Hmm, what's a billiards table doing in this video? This song goes
    nice and slow, which is good, because it's one of the more inaudible songs in
    the game.

    HEAVY MODE-Like all jazz songs, this song doesn't have the easiest rhythm in
    the world to decipher. Take very careful note as to where those darned
    sixteenths are. Take an even closer note of those double steps. Can you tell
    the difference? Good. Now, keep the number of non-combo notes down, because
    this song is on Cool 7.

    Ordinary World-Well, Duran Duran didn't go on a killing spree when they found
    out that one of their songs was remixed and sung by a woman, so life may
    continue. This song has a fairly slow beat, and the arrows come rather
    infrequently (once every two beats or so). It makes for a great song for

    HEAVY MODE-Somewhat easy to pass, very hard to do well on. First, the
    difference between an eighth note and a dotted eighth note is about one-tenth
    of a second, so going too slow on the former or rushing the latter will happen
    the first few times. The notes in the beginning are eighth notes; the notes
    following those are dotted eighth notes. But timing is only half of what makes
    this song a royal pain to tech. Those hold arrows are arranged in that awful
    up-left-down-right (or some rotation thereof) pattern. . .which equals a spin.
    If you've played this song often, then spinning should be no problem. If
    spinning is out of the question, you'll need to shift feet in the middle of a
    hold arrow (it's possible, since the hold arrow will continue to "hold" for a
    short while after pressure has been released), but the timing of that has to be
    very precise. There's also a step technique to get out of spinning, but I
    can't do it to save my life. Or. . .you can cheat and turn off the freeze
    arrows (and make the song boring). Regardless, pay attention to that spin,
    because it comes up again, in the chorus. After the final hold arrow in the
    spin sequence (left or right), a string of eighth notes appear, and if you miss
    them all, you lose. The spin will repeat, but in the opposite direction. I
    can't say the same for the group of eighth arrows that appear later. The
    ending is also a spin, but one that is easily memorized. I find it easier to
    do that last part with my back to the machine, because it allows me to
    concentrate on the bass, which is what those last few arrows follow. Good luck.

    Orion.78 (Civilization Mix)-I can't seem to time this song at all.

    STANDARD MODE-Pass this, and you're probably ready for Heavy mode. This song
    moves, and a good chunk of it is on the up beat. The middle section
    (Da-Da-Dance!) follows the music (which means that the notes are somewhere
    between up beat and down beat). After that section, it's just more eighth note
    mashing (don't mix up eighth notes and double steps, both of which occur far
    too often in this song). This song will require stamina to pass.

    HEAVY MODE-This step chart can kiss my rear. It's a broken-up version of
    Healing Vision (Angelic Mix) without the stop and with several more double
    steps. One section (Da-Da-Dance!) is actually made of Matsuri Japan-like
    arrows, so watch carefully (or so it appears). Another stamina buster. On The
    Road of 2MB.

    Share My Love-The only tricky part occurs during the singing of the song title.
    The rest is on the beat.

    STANDARD MODE-Same tricky part, but with several eighth arrows throughout the
    song. On Soul 6, first song.

    Sobakasu (Freckles) (KCP Re-Edit)-I hated this song on Rurouni Kenshin, and I
    hate this song on DDR. Grr. . .

    STANDARD MODE-Looks more similar to Heavy mode than to Light mode. If those
    blasted groups of eighth notes don't scare you, then you just might be ready to
    tackle this song on Heavy.

    HEAVY MODE-The first AA for many people. . .but I wasn't one of them. The
    notes are either on the up beat or down beat, and the hold arrows aren't THAT
    hard to hold down. The hardest part is to hit all the arrows while holding
    said hold arrow down. There's a twist or two, but nothing that can't be easily
    fixed. On Pop 8.

    So Deep (Perfect Sphere Remix)-It's an awesome song, but don't get too caught
    up in the sheer beauty of the music, or you'll start missing arrows. Be
    prepared for a few double steps.

    STANDARD MODE-Okay, so those double steps are more prolific, and some of them
    have been turned into holds (three or four in a row, to be exact). It's
    nothing that can't be overcome. Those eighth notes, on the other hand. . .

    HEAVY MODE-This was the first song that forced me to use a speed mod to pass
    it. First, play Twilight Zone. Got a feel for a bunch of sixteenth notes put
    together? It's a similar principal, but you don't get the luxury of jumping
    around like that. The first measure of notes, in count form, looks like 1 ^
    (*) ^ 2 (^) * ^ (3) ^ * (^) 4 (^) * (^). . .but don't step on the counts in
    parenthesis. Repeat seven more times. The next pattern is a two-measure
    pattern. The first measure is a repeat of the above. The second measure looks
    like 1 ^ (*) ^ 2 (^) * ^ (3) ^ * (^) 4 ^ * (^). Repeat that pattern three more
    times. The first measure in the next set looks like 1 ^ * ^ 2 (^) * ^ 3 ^ *
    (^) 4 ^ * (^). The second measure is the same rhythm as the first measure of
    the song. Repeat this pattern three more times. The first measure of the next
    set looks like the first measure of the previous set. The second measure of
    this set looks like the tenth measure of notes (it's the second rhythm
    diagram). Repeat that pattern three more times. The first measure of the next
    pattern is (1) ^ (*) ^ 2 (^) * (^) 3 ^ (*) ^ 4 (^) * (^). The second measure
    is 1 ^ (*) ^ 2 (^) * (^) 3 ^ * (^) 4 ^ * (^). It repeates. . .three more
    times. What a surprise. The final two-measure pattern is 1 ^ (*) ^ 2 (^) *
    (^) 3 ^ (*) ^ 4 (^) * (^) 1 ^ (*) ^ 2 (^) * (^) 3 ^ * (^) 4 ^ * ^. The last
    part of the pattern runs into the first part of the next pattern, thus creating
    a group of three sixteenth notes, followed by a group of six sixteenth notes,
    but the last two arrows of that group are really the first two arrows of the
    next pattern. Repeat that pattern two and a half times. The final measure and
    count looks like 1 (^) ! (^) 2 (^) * (^) 3 ^ * ^ 4 ^ * ^ #. The ! is the first
    double step in the song (left-right). The # is the final double step of the
    song (left-right hold arrow). The above rhythms were all done from memory, so
    if they're wrong, that's my fault. On Shin Kidou, with good reason.

    Somewhere Over The Rainbow-See that tempo range? Well, the song slows down to
    the lowest speed on the BPM gauge at about the third or fourth measure of
    arrows. If possible, memorize the arrows in this section, close your eyes, and
    step in time to the singer's voice. When the singer asks the rhetorical
    question of the song, listen for the final "I", and then prepare for the arrows
    to speed up to 120 BPM, and stay there. That's all, really.

    HEAVY MODE-The beginning is just there to tick you off. Ignore the screen
    during the slow section, if possible. Your goal is to be able to follow the
    singer's voice entirely, because that's what the arrows follow (including that
    hold arrow). Once the song speeds up again, nothing tricky happens, until
    those double steps start appearing on counts 2 and 4 in those eighth note runs
    towards the end of the song. On the Tempo Changer course.

    Telephone Operator(Club Mix)-The hardest part of this song is enduring the
    singer's voice. The song will stop momentarily, but it follows the music.

    STANDARD MODE-Eighth notes are introduced, and it can be a rude awakening for
    some. The song will still spaz, but it will follows the music.

    HEAVY MODE-This time, the eighth notes are all on the same arrow, so do NOT
    rush them. Those eighth arrows in the stop-go section follow the cymbal
    crashes. Soem twisting will be involved, but if this is too hard, go back to
    Freckles or something.

    The Center of the Heart-Go get 5th Mix, then go look at the notes. They're the

    HEAVY MODE-The only parts of note are those pesky double steps in the middle of
    three eighth notes, and that middle section, which follows the background bass
    exactly. So long as you make 60% or so of the notes in that section, you'll

    true...(radio edit)-Yep, that's Riyu Kosaka.

    HEAVY MODE-I find the rhythm in the chorus to be a pain. I also don't play
    this song much, so I can't tell you what that rhythm is.

    true...(trance sunrise mix)-This mix title makes no sense. Neither does Ms.

    STANDARD MODE-On the BeForU course (and WHY didn't they put the radio edit
    version of this song on Heavy on that course instead of this song and mode?)

    HEAVY MODE-The rhythm isn't all too bad, until the chorus rolls around. For
    lessons on how to gallop, please play Cowgirl. The gallops are slightly slower
    than Cowgirl, and it will be broken once by three dotted eighth arrows and a
    hold arrow. After that, the rhythm is dictated by Riyu's voice. Don't mess up
    those last two hold arrows.

    Twilight Zone (RC Club Edit)-Hey, it's a MAX demo song.

    HEAVY MODE-The melody is loud and annoying, and the arrows follow it perfectly.
    Once the melody changes pitch, the rhythm is 1 # 2 3 * 4, where # is a hold
    arrow (a short hold arrow), and * is a regular off beat arrow. PLEASE don't
    mess up that run in the middle. When the female singers kick in, the rhythm
    changes to (# * 2 *) 3 * 4, where the # is the hold arrow, and the parenthesis
    are the arrows that appear during the hold. Don't get tied up in this section.
    After the left-right hold, the beginning rhythm repeats itself. It makes for
    good So Deep practice.

    Witch Doctor (Giant Toons Mix)-Instead of the arrows coming on beats 1 and 3,
    they come on 2 and 4. This minor change will mess up many people.

    STANDARD MODE-By far one of the easiest songs made on Standard. . .so long as
    those double steps don't get mangled. First, identify the double step. Then,
    lean on the hold arrow. On the next count, step on the regular step. Lather,
    rinse, repeat. During the verse of this song, a few eighth notes will appear,
    but if the beginning is easy for you, then this part won't be too much of a
    threat. Appears on Fine Choices, I think.

    HEAVY MODE-INSERTiON, meet Rhythm & Police. The beginning has a rhythm similar
    to INSERTiON, but at a much faster tempo. No double steps occur during that
    messy part. . .or anything similar during the song. During the verse, don't
    trip up on those seemingly-easy eighth notes. Reading this song is very hard;
    it should've been a 9. This song will also drain your stamina.

    www.BlondeGirl.com-Gah, that voice! The arrows come once every measure, with a
    few coming once every two beats. If it weren't for the singer. . .

    HEAVY MODE-Another common first AA. The harderst part is not rushing those
    double steps (and anyone who has played this song knows what I mean).
    Otherwise, it isn't overly hard. On par with Freckles. . .for irritation.

    Yozora no Mukou-Steps come once every two beats, with a few on the even beats.
    I have a black flag on this song. Grr. . .

    HEAVY MODE-What the. . .The arrows in the beginning follow the synthesizer.
    That mess in the middle won't kill you unless you're on an Oni course (and I
    don't remember what course this song appeared on). If you can manage to hit
    the first three arrows and the last two, you'll be fine. After that scary
    part, the song transforms into a relativly simple eighth note exercise (with a
    twist). Build up your meter while you can; the ending mirrors the beginning.

    Before I forget. . .MAX 2 stuff. . .

    A Minute (Extended Mix)-Contrary to its name, A Minute is longer than a minute.
    I usually RUN when I hear this song.

    STANDARD MODE-Steps are on the beat (not too bad, since the beat is slow).
    There are some double steps, and a nice little hold section that is good
    training for Silent Hill Oni and Ordinary World Maniac (if you put it on
    Shuffle). The final song on Nearly 130 (and this is the easiest song on the

    BreAk Down!-So I can't get the A upside-down. Sue me. Arrows will whiz by
    once every two beats, with occasional arrows on beats 2 and 4. Double steps
    (especially those left-right ones) come in groups. During the bridge, several
    long hold arrows will do bad things to your meter if you miss more than 2 of
    them. Don't forget the arrow at the end; if you're low on meter, it may be the
    difference between passing and failing!

    STANDARD MODE-Want fast, double step practice? As in, single step, double
    step, single step, double step, repeat ad infinitum until the chorus? Play

    HEAVY MODE-Konami kindly put this song on BeForU and Kidou 2 (curse them). The
    intro arrow patterns are good for twist practice (and for putting yourself in
    the Danger zone, if you miss that last arrow in every group). I recommend
    sliding the last two arrows of those groups (because getting the torque for the
    first and third groups is a lot more difficult than it seems). If these arrow
    patterns seem too hard. . .you're in trouble. Once the verse begins, the arrow
    patterns behave themselves. . .for a little while. The strange-looking
    patterns that appear after the nice patterns require spinning or sliding. Once
    the chorus begins, all sorts of bad things start to happen. All the groups are
    either eighth note groups (which require a little bit of twisting) or double
    steps (thank goodness they aren't mixed in with the eighth notes). The four
    notes that occur right before the bridge start on the up-beat. Use your right
    foot to hit the left arrow. Use your left foot to hit the down arrow. Dance
    from there. The bridge is made up of eight count hold arrows with regular
    arrows during the hold. Don't miss those hold arrows (but if you do, make sure
    to combo the regular arrows). Slide the arrow groups that appear once the
    chorus resumes until you're comfortable enough with the song to anticipate them
    (and twist accordingly. . .start the whole thing off by hitting the left arrow
    with the right foot. Be warned that these twists are difficult to pull off; if
    you consistently miss that last arrow, your meter will plummet faster than the
    stock market did during the Great Depression). If you choose to twist, DON'T
    change your orientation after a given twist. You're already aligned for the
    next twist. Spinning isn't the best idea here (since there's several of these
    groups, and half a chorus after that). Hit the last few groups of arrows (that
    really remind me of Sky High), and breathe. If you insist on style, then hit
    the VERY last arrow with your heel and air guitar (and don't lose that hold!).
    This is one of the easier combo songs, provided you can keep your wind.

    Burning Heat! (3 Option Mix)-This mix of Burning Heat! is a merciful 20 seconds
    shorter than its IIDX counterpart. Instead of the usual 4/4 time signature,
    Mr. T set the time signature to 12/8. Like 4/4, 12/8 has 4 beats per measure.
    Instead of eighth notes, 12/8 is counted off in triplets (or three equally
    spaced notes per beat). A 12/8 song will feel faster than a 4/4 song with the
    same tempo. However, the time signature is irrelevant in Light mode. Arrows
    will usually occur once ever two beats. These arrows are usually single steps,
    but groups of double steps will appear on occasion. The arrows will stop once
    in the beginning and once in the end. These stops are VERY short, so keep

    STANDARD MODE-Arrows come on the beat, and occasionally with the music. The
    latter arrows will be spaced slightly less than a beat apart. They're also a
    different color.

    HEAVY MODE-Half the time, the arrows follow the music (and it is a royal pain
    in the rear). The rest of the arrows go with the background bass (so if the
    song's volume is too low, these arrows won't seem to go with anything).
    Remember the time signature, and the arrows won't look quite so chaotic. This
    song is a lot more tiring than it appears. Masochists can play this song on
    the From IIDX course AND Kidou 2.

    Candy (with the heart)-This song gives me cavities.

    STANDARD MODE-Surprisingly, this song matches its rating (5). . .barely. I
    suggest that you play Witch Doctor on Standard before you attempt this song.
    There's plenty of double steps (a la Witch Doctor), and many of them require
    that you hit other arrows during the hold. When you here the "theme" of Candy
    (as the background music), be prepared for a double step. One of the double
    step arrows is a hold arrow that lasts for four beats. On each beat, a regular
    arrow will whiz by. Use ONE foot to hit all the regular arrows. Once you've
    hit the hold arrow, keep your weight on that leg, but IGNORE THE ON-SCREEN
    ARROW. Hopefully, the hold arrow will scroll to the end with no problems from
    you. Meanwhile, concentrate on the regular arrows. The end result should be a
    little more meter. During the little guitar break, double steps are mixed in
    with regular arrows. If you're confused, just jump on the direction of the
    next double step, and you should get most of the arrows. Good luck.

    HEAVY MODE-Just like the original. . .almost. I don't think there's as many
    holds as the original (whew). The end is a string of eighth notes. On the
    BeForU course (right after BreAk Down!, no less).

    D2R-HELP! This song is WAY better on IIDX (video-wise, that is. . .then again,
    I'm a Q-Jack fan). It's supposed to be a continuation of the Brilliant series.

    MANIAC MODE-The first two arrows are on the up beat! To make matters worse,
    double steps are stuck in a half beat behind regular steps!! The beginning is
    made up of eighth notes. Once the chorus starts ("Everybody dance with me. .
    ."), the rhythm mutates into three sixteenth notes (which look like a mini foot
    roll) followed by a double step (rhythmically, it's 1 ^ * 2, with 2 being the
    double step). I KNOW there's other nasty things happening in the chorus, but I
    don't remember them off the top of my head. Once the instruments kick in, the
    screen turns into a minor mess. The arrows follow the music, and the music is
    LOUD! The chorus will repeat again (same deal), and the song will attempt to
    do bad things to your meter by throwing in a bunch of hold arrows towards the
    end. No thanks to Konami, this song is on Naoki Standard (final song, not too
    bad) and Kidou (right after Drop Out).

    Destiny-Konami put this song second on the song list for a reason. It's
    supposedly the second easiest song.

    HEAVY MODE-Who wants eighth notes? You're getting them, like it or not.
    Somewhere in the middle, the double steps and the sixteenth notes appear close
    together (a la Can't Stop Fallin' In Love (Speed Mix)). On Naoki feat. Paula
    Terry (final song).

    Drifting Away-Some songs are destined to be loved by one person and hated by
    one. As usual, I'm on the wrong side of things.

    HEAVY MODE-It would be simple to say that the arrows follow the music. Too
    simple. Patterns of the left-down-left, down-up-down, etc. make up a good deal
    of the song. Do not confuse them with the double steps (which are quite
    apparant). The rhythm is downright messy! Worse yet, this song is the sixth
    song on the Cool 7 course. Something tells me that I'm NEVER going to get past
    that course (current record: 23 Goods, 4 Boos, 8 Misses).

    ever snow-Yoma Komatsu followed Riyu Kosaka's example and made a song of her
    own. Fortunately, we are spared the sight of seeing another BeForU member
    dressed up as a schoolgirl (then again, I'm a girl, and I LIKE the video for So
    Deep). Okay, enough BeForU bashing. . .this song is relatively slow. Arrows
    come once every two beats (joy), and the holds are relatively isolated (which
    means you can concentrate on the hold arrow alone). And concentrate you shall,
    for those arrows aren't exactly short. You'll need some knowledge of the
    left-right double step, if my foggy memory serves me right.

    HEAVY MODE-Enjoy the picture of Alice while you can. The first arrow you are
    required to hit is a hold arrow (up, to be exact). Two more regular arrows
    will scroll up during the hold (left). Right before the bells come in, you'll
    be faced with a footroll. The first three arrows you see after you hear the
    silver bells follow said bells. The next bunch of arrows are eighth notes.
    When the bells re-enter the song, the arrows follow the bells. The next bunch
    of arrows are-you guessed it-eighth notes. As soon as Yoma-chan starts
    singing, the arrows follow the bass drum (which means this song's difficulty
    goes up a notch if you can't hear the bass very well). Prepare for eighth
    notes (complete with double steps) as soon as Yoma-chan belts out, "Uchi deru
    ni," if you can hear it (her singing isn't very loud at this point). Three
    double jumps will be perfectly in time with three guitar chords right before
    the chorus. The chorus itself is mostly eighth notes (with those cursed double
    steps mixed in for fun). Watch out for the five note roll somewhere in the
    middle of it all. The eighth note runs should be fairly easy by now (you DID
    make it past the beginning, right?). However, you will need to do some
    twisting/sliding to get past some of those notes. Don't forget the lovely hold
    arrows (always). Once the chorus lets up, the arrows follow the bells. If
    memory serves me right, there's one more section of double steps that follow
    the same rhythm as those guitar rips earlier. If you're on Oni, make sure you
    hit the last five or so notes perfectly-the BeForU course gets rather
    unforgiving after this song (and I've made it past this song twice).

    i feel...-Fortunately, this song on Heavy is far harder than its IIDX Another
    equivalent. Don't remember anything overly special about this mode. And Akira
    Yamaoka is NOT another alias for Naoki. He does the sound for the Silent Hill
    series (and a good chunk of the IIDX series AND Love This Feeling). The lyrics
    to this song are as disturbing as they are nonsensical. Is that going to stop
    me from liking this song? Not a chance! I LOVE this song!!

    HEAVY MODE-Someone once told me that this song has no beat. On the contrary,
    this song has quite a bit of a beat. The arrows never follow it, of course. I
    strongly suggest that you listen to this song at least once before playing it.
    The beginning arrows follow the music nicely (but I'm willing to bet that your
    feet won't). Right before the singer starts, the arrows will follow the snare
    drum. When the song title is sung, and subsequently repeated to death, the
    arrows will follow the violin or piano (whichever one is playing). As soon as
    the music drops, watch the rhythm carefully. See those arrows? These arrows
    are deceptively easy to hit. Many streaks die at this point (I usually have no
    streak to speak of at this point). I'm not sure what the arrows follow during
    the "lyrics" of this song (if I've jotted them down correctly, it's one
    broken-up phrase that's just a tad unsettling). After the final line of
    "lyrics" ("yuu kara"), you'll encounter the first hold in the whole song! Then
    you are re-introduced to straight eighth notes! Joy!! Frankly, I can't quite
    pinpoint the exact location of the first few eighth notes. . .but I know
    they're there! Anyway, the final hold of this song occurs at the very end.
    Konami must've been feeling merciful when they released 7th Mix. Why? This
    song didn't appear on an Oni course until EXTREME. . .and the Sorrow course.

    It's Raining Men-Believe it or not, people play this song. . .too much. The
    only noteworthy part is the rather long hold, and the five arrows that you must
    somehow step on during that hold. Rather cruel for a Light song, if you ask
    me. Not that you would, but. . .

    Kakumei-The Revolution has begun! This is one of the titles in Japanese, and
    in terms of IIDX, this song is a royal pain in the forearms.

    STANDARD MODE-Timing is everything, and the timing on this song isn't quite as
    scary as it seems. However, I do not remember the specifics.

    HEAVY MODE-The title screen for this song is so nice. . .anyway, the arrows
    follow the predominant sound about half the time. The beginning is one of
    those times. Be prepared for lots and lots of sixteenth notes. Once the music
    quiets down (you'll have to listen to the song itself to understand me), you'll
    be faced with a hold arrows and two other arrows that should be hit during the
    hold. If you got rid of the hold, you'd see that it's a familiar rhythm.
    During the "build-up" sections, you'll face lots of eighth notes (and the
    occasional sixteenth note skip). The arrows will repeat themselves along with
    the beginning theme. The ending isn't that hard to figure out. . .that is,
    until the last two arrows show up. They're a half beat apart, and very hard
    for me to hold. Good luck. On Kidou 2.

    ONI MODE-Yeah, like I can AA MaxX Unlimited as an extra stage. Thanks for the
    vote of confidence, but I have yet to PASS MaxX Unlimited as an extra stage.

    Little Boy (Boy on Boy Mix)-Someone mentioned that this was supposed to by Boy
    OH Boy Mix, but the title was somehow mangled, and. . .

    HEAVY MODE-Those double steps appear on the up beat of those awful three note
    clumps. Well, they appear anywhere they want. Good practice for Stoic ~for
    Extreme~. I don't remember where this song appears, but it does appear
    somewhere. . .maybe on Kidou.

    Living in America-It's a nice, peppy song that got an artist change in EXTREME.
    Arrows come once every two beats, and nothing overly tricky (except for a
    smattering of hold arrows) appears anywyere.

    STANDARD MODE-Now the arrows come every beat. . .until the verse starts. Then.
    . .sing along! When the arrows aren't following Rose's voice, they're on the
    beat (with the exception of those 1 * 2 clusters, which aren't hard to hit at

    HEAVY MODE-World Tour, anybody? We start in America!!

    Long Train Runnin'-It's one of the demo songs. The animation is nice.

    STANDARD MODE-Those weird arrows follow the music. Then they follow the
    singer's voice. This sounds elementary, but it isn't, on Nearly 130.

    HEAVY MODE-What a pain. A rhythmic pain. Air guitar to the background music,
    and you've got the arrow rhythm. The arrows follow the singer's voice more
    closely. Easy to pass, impossible to score on.

    Look At Us (DJ Daddy Mix)-Appears only on this mix. What a shame.

    STANDARD MODE-The eighth arrows are few and far between. Almost all of it is
    on the beat. It's good, because it's the third song on Nearly 130.

    Maximum Overdrive (KC Drive Mix)-It's a 2, somehow. I don't remember how.

    HEAVY MODE-The arrows in the beginning mystify me. Then again, I last played
    this song on a machine with the volume turned down. The trickier rhythms are
    actually, "Join me for the ride." The end is a minor mess, but nothing that's

    Maxx Unlimited-This remix of Max 300 came out sounding so much better! Watch
    out for the slow sections.

    STANDARD MODE-Are you absolutely confident about double steps? If not, go
    away. This song features many double steps, and a couple of sections are made
    up of hold arrows that are double steps. Miss them, and you'll get warped to
    the Game Over screen. Otherwise. . .good luck.

    HEAVY MODE-I've played this song as an Extra stage plenty of times, and I still
    can't pass it. The beginning follows the easiest thing to hear. Don't rush
    the double steps that occur after that. The next part looks like it was edited
    from Max 300 (three eighth notes, but the third one is now a hold). Double
    steps mark the end of this section, too. I can't really describe how to do the
    next section, except to listen well. The section after that looks like it was
    straight from Max 300 (same ripped section, but without the hold). When the
    up-left-down, up-left-right patter appears, be prepared for another jam. . .and
    another slowdown. Follow the loudest thing again, and DON'T release that hold
    arrow too early. I can't tell you what happens at the end.

    More Than I Needed To Know-No,I'm not describing my opinion about the above
    song. The ending slows down a bit; be careful.

    HEAVY MODE-The rhythm is easy to pass and very hard to tech. Pay attention to
    those groups of three at the beginning; you'll see that pattern in a certain
    EXTREME song a lot. The slowdown is still quite deadly. On Tempo Changer.

    And now, the moment that no one really cares about. . .EXTREME songs! To save
    my fingers, I'm only going to mention the songs that have made a DEBUT on this
    mix (including new Oni steps). Second. . .I'm doing this by memory, so don't
    be angry if a song you want to see isn't here.

    5.1.1.-My one and only AAA, to date. Arrows are literally once every other
    beat, with the exception of one or two parts. Don't worry, the arrows go SLOW,
    so reading shouldn't be too hard. No double steps, to my knowledge.

    HEAVY MODE-Go play this on Another on Beatmania IIDX 7th Style or later. This
    song's extreme lack of speed shows, and it's not funny. Play something that's
    about 200 BPM (Crash!. . .just kidding), and pay attention to those eighth
    arrows. Use that same speed on these skips, and life should be wonderful.
    You're not going to fail this if you've passed a couple of other songs on

    A-This song has been cut (the last part of the slow part should repeat one more
    time). The slow part is for reading practice and tech destroying. The speed
    change is 98 BPM, so be on your guard. IIDX players who hear this for the
    first time will probably be a bit startled by the location of the speed change
    (which is marked by an ascending scale).

    HEAVY MODE-Nowhere near as hard as A on 7 Key. Speaking of IIDX, the beginning
    is downright simple if you have some IIDX experience. The ending is simpler,
    too. For the remainder of the population, think of the faster part as Holic at
    191 BPM, and the slower part as reading practice.

    ONI MODE-The faster part is now Irresisitblement at 191 BPM. Again, don't
    panic, and life will be good. This is MUCH easier than A Another. On IIDX
    Boss course.

    Across the Nightmare-It just doesn't sound the same on DDR.

    HEAVY MODE-And may you never see this as an Extra stage. Since I get this song
    mixed up with its Oni counterpart, I won't write anything specific to this
    setting. The arrows go VERY fast. Don't rush those rolls (I think both of
    them have rolls), and don't fall off the machine (it hurts).

    ONI MODE-I don't remember which Oni course it appears on. Curse me and my
    lousy memory.

    air-Elevator music, anyone?

    HEAVY MODE-My last encounter with this song was on Extra stage. Those stupid
    hold arrows will be the death of someone. The occur on the up beat of what
    should be a normal 1 * 2 pattern, and nothing short of memorization will help
    you to remember what foot goes where. Don't be surprised to find yourself
    sliding the first few times you play this song. Turning the hold arrows off on
    this song is LAME.

    AM-3P (303 Bass Mix)-Guess how many people know this song exists?

    HEAVY MODE-All I wanted was this song to end. Then again, that was because it
    was on Extra stage. Not hard to combo.

    Aoi Shoudou ~for Extreme~-I won't forgive Konami for cutting out the middle
    section of this song. There should be a very nice piano interlude after the
    singer stops singing the first time (on Heavy Mode, something happens here).
    Ah, well, what can we do? During the quiet section of this song, hold arrows
    will appear. Nothing to panic about, really. This song's title is in
    Japanese, and it is the last song to begin with the letter "A". The
    translation of the title is actually Youthful Urges, not Blue Impulse (the
    kanji used for blue is different than what is used in the title of this song).

    STANDARD MODE-Double steps aplenty. On the Naoki Neo-Standard course.

    HEAVY MODE-Well, well, well, gotta love the way this song starts off. If the
    section before the three hold arrows is troublesome, the rest of this song is
    gonna be a blast. Ignore the singer; the arrows follow the synthesizer/IIDX
    notes. Once Yuki cuts out, the rhythm gets downright weird. Those double
    steps are a pain to get to. The piano interlude should be between where the
    chorus ends and where the strange rhythm begins. Who ever thought playing IIDX
    with your feet could be fun?

    bag-Listen to ten off-key bagpipers in an enclosed parking lot, then listen to
    this song. It will be a major improvement. The hardest part of this song is
    its severe lack of speed. Memorize two or three arrows (which will be on the
    beat), close your eyes, count, then step. It helps if you count "1-2-3-4-5-6"
    (in one beat), because anything harder than Light has that kind of rhythm.

    STANDARD MODE-Yeah, what a pain. Of all the modes, some consider this one to
    be the hardest. Some of those steps are double steps; others are two parts of
    a six-figure rhythm pattern (one with six notes in a beat). I don't know where
    everything occurs. It's a mental workout, and it's on the new RevenG course.

    HEAVY MODE-The beginning on normal speed looks darned scary. However, that
    mess of arrows follows the bagpipe, and will pretty much do that throughout the
    song. The only double step is at the end of this hellish little arrow set. On
    the Road of Slow.

    Be In My Paradise-THE slowest song in the game (beats out bag by 2 BPM).
    However, it doesn't have the crazy bag step set.

    HEAVY MODE-Good reading practice. The scariest section in the middle goes
    quite slow (think Make it Better tweak section speed). Remember that speed,
    for those creepy sixteenth notes appear throughout the chorus as rolls (short
    ones, thank goodness). The song's ending is abrupt. On The Road of Slow

    Be Lovin-Everyone's hypnotized! This song goes FAST, and if you're not paying
    attention, you'll fail, plain and simple.

    HEAVY MODE-It's an eighth note stomp fest, with one hard part (the tweaking
    towards the end). I'd give advice on that, but I still can't hit it
    consistently. Not for the easily tired.

    Burnin' The Floor (Momo Mix)-As if Blue Fire Mix wasn't enough. There's a very
    nasty speed-up in the beginning, which affects NONE of the arrows. The rest is
    simple on-the-beat stomping.

    Cartoon Heroes (Speedy Mix)-This song is irritating. Don't overdo it.

    HEAVY MODE-It's a pain, and passing it nets some serious bragging rights. I
    still haven't figured out what half those arrows follow. The skips will more
    likely than not end in double steps. The Be Lovin tweak section occurs twice.
    The Vanity Angel ending looks like this ending-except the former is a lot
    slower. Don't miss the holds. If Be Lovin is too much, stamina-wise, don't
    even consider this song.

    Colors ~for Extreme~-The song that got mangled the second-most is this one.
    It's not quite as bad as Colors ~Y&Co. Eurobeat Mix~, but it comes close. I'm
    not sure what was cut, but the ending is repeated for no good reason. IIDX
    players, yank out the hankies.

    HEAVY MODE-The rhythm is tricky, but readable. The rest is simple eighth notes.

    ONI MODE-I know it wasn't very hard on regular mode, but it was a PAIN on the
    IIDX boss course.

    Jet World-Nope, the Drummania 3rd Mix video is NOT playing in the background.
    What a pity.

    STANDARD MODE-The hardest part is *gasp* the BEGINNING! Make it past that
    section, and the rest should be passable.

    HEAVY MODE-It's fun! There's two ways of getting past this song: sliding and
    twisting. I recommed the latter (and play AM-3P if twisting on this song is
    too hard). Go ahead and sing to the guitar riffs-that's the rhythm of the mess
    of arrows that appear during said riffs.

    L'amour et la Liberte ~for Extreme~-Whoever redid this song must die slowly and
    painfully. This song bears little resemblence to the original. Some
    synthesizer has taken over most of the piano parts, and the lyrics have been
    cut, rearranged, and mashed together into something awful. The figure in the
    background is probably crying because of what has happened to a beautiful IIDX
    song. I strongly recommend listening to the original version of this song at
    least once. The arrows are on the beat, every beat, with little exception.

    HEAVY MODE-Who wants to cry? The rhythm to this song is a mess. It attempts
    to follow the synthesizer melody. The Perfect window on this song is narrow,
    and the rhythms get VERY messy after a while (to the point where I can tell you
    nothing about it). Easily the hardest song on the Sorrow course.

    sync ~for Extreme~-This is sadly, one of the better mixes. Go listen to the
    original anyway. Another song with arrows on the beat, but with a fairly large
    Perfect window.

    HEAVY MODE-The beginning is a 1 * 2 3 4 rhythm. When the introduction is over,
    the 1 * 2 rhythm will appear more often. It's possible to twist to the
    left-up-right combination, because the next one in the sequence is
    right-up-left. The same holds true for the left-down-right combinations, too.
    When the melody of the song starts, four regular arrows on the beat will
    appear, followed by a double step hold arrow (but hold down the correct side!),
    with other arrows on the beat. Once the hold section is over, the rhythm will
    degenerate into a 1 * 2 3 4 pattern for a while, then loop back to the same
    pattern as the beginning of the melody. After that section, the 1 * 2 pattern
    will be quite prevalent. See the note on the twisting, because it still
    applies here. The last few arrows in the song will be all on beat, and will
    consist of a single step and a double step (repeat three more times). The
    final arrow set is a hold left-right arrow.

    VIII. SOME Secrets

    Alternate Characters

    Stand on either the left or right arrow when you hit START, and keep standing
    on it until the Song Select screen pops up.

    Trick Mode

    At Song Select screen, down, down, down, left, left, right, right. Ratings
    will appear in red. Works on the first stage only.

    Maniac Mode

    At Song Select screen, down, down, down, right, up, up, left. Ratings will
    appear in green. For true maniacs only. Works on the first stage only.

    Mirror Mode

    This mode scrambles arrows somewhat. At Song Select screen, left, right, left,
    right, left, right, left, right. The word Mirror should appear in the lower
    left or right corner of the screen (depending on whether or not you are 1P or

    Left/Right Mode

    More arrow scrambling. At song select screen continually stomp on EITHER the
    left or right arrow. Please reread the previous sentence aloud to yourself 10
    times. Now that we are all on the same track, the word Left or Right will
    appear over your score (keep in mind that the cheat is related to what
    direction you were stomping on. Thus Left means that you were stomping on the
    left arrow, and vice versa).

    Shuffle Mode

    The ultimate arrow scrambler. At song select screen, up, down, left, right,
    down, up, right, left. This may not work, in which case, go to Gamesages.com.

    Note that you can have only ONE of the previous arrow-scrambling cheats on at a

    Hidden Mode

    Arrows will disappear four beats before they need to be stepped on. At Song
    Select screen, up, down, up, down, etc. (keep alternating) until you hear a
    sound. The word Hidden should appear in the lower left or right corner of the
    screen (depending on whether you are 1P or 2P).

    Little Mode

    If you're in this mode, there had better be a VERY GOOD reason why! All arrows
    are down beats. Won't help that much on anything rated below Superior.
    Anyway, the code is left, down, right, down, left, down, right, up. DON'T USE

    Versus and Double Mode

    Before you hit start, hold down the two yellow arrows that appear on either
    side of the start button. Versus Mode will repeat the 1P arrows for both
    players (in a 2P game), and will show who won at the end of every song. Double
    Mode will let one player dance on ALL the arrows (this is very tiring).
    If you put in enough money for one player, Versus, Double, and Couple (why
    would anyone choose this?) will only last for one stage. If you put in enough
    money for two players, those modes will last for three stages.

    Cheat cancel

    Keep stepping on the Up arrow on the Song Select screen. Note that Trick,
    Maniac, Versus, and Double Modes will not disappear.

    I-don't-wanna-play-in-Maniac-Mode Cheat

    On the very first Song Select screen, keep stepping on the Down arrow to cancel
    any Mode changes, and set the mode to Normal.

    For more cheats, go to gamesages.com, click on Arcade, and look for Dance Dance

    The Playstation cheat:

    All songs

    On stage select, keep pressing the Song Select right arrow until you hear the
    infamous "You've successfully entered a cheat" sound.

    DDR USA cheats:

    If you want to turn off any of the cheats, you'll have to enter the same code
    again (so if I want to turn off Shuffle Mode, I'd have to enter the whole thing
    in again. No fair!!). However, when you enter a cheat determines how
    permanent the cheat is. If I decide to play Boys on Mirror Mode, I have two
    opportunities to enter the code. The first is on the song select screen (the
    one with all the CDs on it). Entering a cheat on this screen will make it last
    through all the songs. ALL the songs. If I enter the code on the Mode Select
    screen (the one with the various ratings on it), that cheat will be effective
    ONLY FOR THAT SONG. That means that if I enter the Mirror Mode code on the
    Boys Mode Select screen, the cheat will only be effective for Boys, and not
    Dead End (my next song). Confusing, isn't it?

    Hidden/Sudden/Stealth/Off mode

    Start with up-down-up-down-up-down-up-down. . . The machine will yell out
    whatever cheat you've entered. First it will yell out, "Hidden", which means
    that notes disappear before they need to be stepped on. Then it will yell out,
    "Sudden", which will make the notes appear right before you need to step on
    them (no color, either). Keep up with that up-down thing, and the machine will
    yell out, "Stealth", or NO NOTES!!! Do more of those up-down things and it
    will turn off this Hidden/Sudden/Stealth thing.

    Mode Select

    This is now done right before you dance to the song. Colors are the same,
    except that blue feet mean one and only one thing-Beginner Mode, where you have
    to work to fail ('cause it's in some strange Little Mode version).

    Character Select

    Seems to be random. It's weird!! All the characters from THE DDR are in there
    (in some variation or another), and there are some new ones (like the dude in
    the bulletproof vest and the girl in a bright yellow trenchcoat, probably an
    escapee from my newspaper), and one that SOMEONE is bound to complain about
    (the 1P character with purple wings and clothes). If you really want to know
    who's who, check out Crono's FAQ at gamefaqs.com. It should be under the Dance
    Dance Revolution section. . .somewhere.

    Flat Mode

    Strange arrow colors getting to you? Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right,
    Left, Right. Should work (I hope) (Skywalker, my readers are depending on

    There is also a mode that is supposed to shut the announcer up. I'll see if I
    can find it. At the rate I'm going, I might end up begging people to spill.


    DDR 4th Mix cheats:

    Difficulty select: You do this before you choose the song.

    Character select: You do this before you start choosing songs.


    Left, Up, Right. Once for Hidden (arrows disappear a couple of beats before
    you need to step on them), twice for Sudden (arrows appear a couple of beats
    before you need to step on them), thrice for Stealth (arrows disappear, and
    don't reappear).


    Left, Down, Right. Once for Little (all steps are now on the beat), twice for
    Flat (arrows are all the same color).


    Left, Down, Up, Right, Up, Down. May be wrong (switch the final Up/Down).

    5th Mix cheats:

    Konami really wants to torture me. Here goes. . .

    Character select: This is done before you choose songs. Once you choose a
    character, a little animation will play of the character doing something.
    Here's the whole list. . .
    Afro: Sees something more interesting behind him, and looks away from you.
    Rage: He'll attempt to give himself a bloody nose. It doesn't appear to be
    working. . .
    Johnny: Ugh! He'll blow a kiss at you, and a little heart will float from him.
    Excuse me while I empty the contents of my stomach.
    Robo2001: Its eyes will light up, and its engines (or whatever's behind its
    back) will ignite.
    Spike: He'll put his hands on the front of his shirt and lean forward. Not as
    bad as Johnny. . .but pretty close.
    Baby-Lon: Hard to describe. . .eyes close, big grin appears on his face, rattle
    shakes. Kinda cute.
    Naoki: He's a hidden character. Go bug your local arcade about it. Anyway,
    he'll turn to the side and tip his hat.
    Janet: Sorta like Rage. . .but she knows better than to bloody her own nose.
    Emi: She'll wave and smile.
    Charmy: Yuck. Two words: Grin *bounce*.
    Princess-Zukin: Someone apparently forgot to tell her that drinking tea before
    dancing is not a good idea. Or if that someone did, she forgot.
    Mako: She'll run a hand through her hair and smile.
    Alice: She'll look up, then go back to playing Pokemon. . .oops, did I say
    that? She just looks down again.
    N.M.R.: For some odd reason, she looks like Naoki in different clothes.
    Freaky. She'll flash you. . .a grin! The other secret character.

    I have yet to see U1 and 2MB in my arcade. . .but from what I saw, they're
    available on the home version. Enjoy!

    Difficulty select: The default is Basic. To get to Trick, hit the down arrow
    twice on the song select screen. To get to Maniac, hit the down arrow twice
    more. To get from Maniac to Trick, hit the up arrow twice. To get from Trick
    to Basic, hit the up arrow twice more.

    Edit data: Hit the right arrow twice on the song select screen. To get out of
    it, hit the left arrow twice.

    Song sort: Hit the right and left SONG SELECT arrows (the yellow ones) at the
    same time. I'm not sure of the cycles. . .

    Little/Flat Mode

    Unchanged from 4th Mix.


    Unchanged from 4th Mix.


    Up, down, up, down

    6th Mix on. . .hold down the Start button when you select a song. A whole list
    of things to do pop up. If you want to go up an item, hold down the SONG
    SELECT arrows and press the Start button.

    Song sort, edit data, difficulty select-unchanged from 5th Mix.


    IX. Are you having a bad day?

    Face it, some days will be better than others. Songs that come as easily as
    breathing on one day may seem impossible to pass on another day. I generally
    have three types of days--those that find me happy, happy, happy (a good deal
    of the time), those that make me extremely tense (not as often), and those that
    show the worst of me (several occasions). I find that on certain days, some
    songs come easier than others. For example, I can pass Holic on Maniac with
    ease. . .but my streaks go from 23 to 305. Can't seem to pass those
    "comfortable" songs? Try a different set. . .it may just work. These findings
    are based on my own experiences. Your experiences had best be different!

    Happy, happy, happy days

    Afronova Primeval
    BreAk Down!
    Brilliant 2 U (Orchestral Groov)
    Cat's Eye (Ventura Mix)
    Love This Feeling
    Make a Jam!
    Matsuri Japan
    Moonlight Shadow (New Vocal Version)
    Paranoia Rebirth
    Trip Machine (all but Climax)
    Saints Go Marching (Remix)
    Young Forever

    Tense days

    Can't Stop Fallin' In Love (Speed Mix)
    Dead End
    Era (Nostal Mix)
    Follow Me
    Jet World
    La Senorita
    Lupin The 3rd '78
    Make It Better (both mixes)
    Rhythm and Police (K.O.G. G3 Mix)
    Ska a Go Go
    Stomp To My Beat
    Synchronized Love (Red Monster Mix)
    Twin Bee (Generation X)
    Vol. 4
    Wonderland (UKS Mix)

    Keep-away-from-me-if-you-value-your-face days

    Broken My Heart
    Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix)
    Happy Wedding (DON'T ask me why)
    La Senorita Virtual
    More Than I Needed To Know (DON'T ASK)
    Orion.78 (AMeuro Mix)
    So Deep (Perfect Sphere Remix)
    Waka Laka

    I've been angry a bit more these days. . .not your fault.


    X. Credits

    This FAQ was supposed to be very boring. Because of everyone here, it's not
    quite so boring.

    Gamefaqs.com, Gameadvice.com and Neoseeker.com

    For actually posting my FAQ, and for being cool sites overall (did you take the
    poll of the day at Gamefaqs.com?)


    The makers of the game. They got me addicted.

    All the video arcades who carry these games

    This one is obvious...

    My Music Teachers

    It takes someone who is familiar with music to figure out what the heck Konami
    threw in their game. Go figure.

    All my friends (if you know my other name, this is for you)...I think

    You were the nuts who supplied most of my song info, without realizing it. All
    your bass are belong to me.

    K', and whoever you borrowed that dance mat from

    Needless to say, you provided me with pretty much all the information for Dance
    Dance Revolution: 2nd Mix. Can you dye your hair silver?


    THE site for codes!

    Nickel (deloura@halcyon.com)

    For LOTS of game info (especially on Third Mix). Really, I thought Exorbitant
    was the highest rating.

    Editor-in-Chief at KHS

    Thanks for selling me the Dance Dance Revolution: 3rd Mix Nonstop Megamix CD.
    Now I can really annoy people with Mr. Wonderful.

    Skywalker, Leviathan, and Mattxima

    For all those 3rd Mix titles, groups, and lyrics and for dancing and putting up
    with me. I sing higher than you!

    Jon I. (Jonath8436@aol.com)

    For putting up with me and my lame jokes, getting those ultimate streaks, and
    somehow getting a SS on AM-3P and a bunch of other songs on Trick Mode (my
    grade average for AM-3P is a C, give or take a grade).

    My Mom

    She pointed out the relationship between The Olivia Project and their songs.
    She also got a SS on Boomb Boom Dollar. This proves that anyone can dance,
    regardless of gender or age (you can TRY to figure out how old she is. . .but
    don't ask me about it, because she will kill me if she finds out about this!)

    Deathlok the Demolisher (deathlok@thefiresauce.com)

    For correcting me. Okay, okay, stop grinning like that!

    DJ Lee and DJ Taka (this is an inside joke)

    For dancing to the darndest songs (still). Now get DJ Kazu addicted.

    Team Kiken (greenbeans.virtualave.net/DDR)

    For showing the world what DDR is SUPPOSED to look like, and for also hosting a
    tournament which I can actually go to! Check out their site for the winner of
    the Men's tech competition (his score will blow you away). They also have a
    link to a bulletin board I frequent A LOT (hint, hint). Besides, most of them
    are really nice people (the rest I don't know too well).

    Really, really cool site?

    http://www2.hawaii.edu/~hioki (yes, it's my personal homepage)

    Growlie (growlie@growlithe.zzn.net)
    For the 4th Mix song list (PSX), all the steps (I might have to make a couple
    of corrections. . .), and for being a great friend. He's also the only guy I
    know of who transitioned from Bumble Bee (three feet) to Jam Jam Reggae (eight
    feet) in two weeks. Please don't e-mail him chain letters, as he will not be

    Alex (Alex154572@aol.com)
    For 3rd and 4th Mix gameplay info. It's a tad different in my arcade. . .who


    For taking the time to read this thing.

    So you REALLY want to know who I am? I play IIDX on Mirror/Random a LOT, I
    like one or eight, Cradle, and TWO Days of Love, and I can't stand
    Reincarnation, Love Shine, and Your Body (the song, not you). In DDR terms,
    I'm the girl who will NOT touch the back bar during MaxX Unlimited, and is
    trying to get Ska a Go Go on Top 20 lists everywhere. If you think you saw me,
    drop me a line. . .you just might have!

    Do you have any questions, comments, or CLEAN jokes? E-mail me

    "Here, in the place where we first met, so long ago. . ." -- Remember You, by
    NM feat. Juile. Thank you for all the memories, Konami.

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