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Chcete si postavit hardpad ?

Hardpad si můžete nechat i postavit. Koupit ho v obchodě není jediná věc jak jej získat. A protože jsme Czech DDR a češi mají zlaté ruce, není to problém.

U nás se stavba padů rozjela hlavně rokem 2004. Pár nadšenců i dříve. Mezi naše přední Hardpad buildery patří Trin, Filip-san a Bee_Boo. Na fóru se můžete podívat po jejich dílech, a dát s nimy řeč. Domluvíte se na počtu kusů, ceně, typu připojení nebo třeba barvě. Většina padů je stavěna pro PC, protože si do Stepmanie nahrajete plno songů a pad není problém pod ní zprovoznit.

A jestliže se na stavbu padu necítíte, nevadí. Můžete si ho i nechat postavit přímo od členů Czech DDR, nebo si hardpad prostě koupit v internetovém obchodě.

Datum poslední modifikace definice 'hardpad_postavit':
01.11.2009 00:00
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Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix PSX
Challenge Mode: [Extra]

Author : Don Goertzen
Date : June 30, 2001
Revision: 0.1

After completing the Maniac challenges, I took a break from
challenge mode for a while. But when I came back to finally
try the Extra mode challenges, I couldn't find any
translations for them! So with my trusty Kanji dictionary
in hand and my limited but satisfactory Japanese knowledge
ready for usage, I decided to complete the job myself.

Here is all the information you will need to finish up
those pesky challenges. The translations might be slightly
modified from the literal meaning for easier understanding.

(1) .59
Mode: 4-panel
Lev : Maniac
Bar : All

do not hit steps in the same direction twice in a row

(2) Have You Never Been Mellow
Mode: 4-panel
Lev : Original
Bar : All

get 350 or more PERFECT
series of 16th-note steps

(3) Furuhata's Theme
Mode: 4-panel
Lev : Maniac
Bar : 35-51

hard part of the song
Full Combo
Variation: HIDDEN

(4) Baby Baby Gimme Your Love
Mode: 4-panel
Lev : Maniac
Bar : 20-38

clear the stage with 0 points
Good is 0 points
the key is concentrating one-by-one and decreasing MISSes
as much as possible

(5) Get Me In Your Sight
Mode: 4-panel
Lev : Maniac
Bar : All

get 60 or more each of PERFECT, GREAT, and GOOD
the key is getting GOODs at the beginning

(6) Leading Cyber
Mode: 4-panel
Lev : Maniac
Bar : 32-40

hard part of the song
Full Combo
Variation: SUDDEN

(7) Trip Machine Climax
Mode: 4-panel
Lev : Maniac
Bar : 12-13

get all GOODs
the key is to get a GOOD on the first arrow, then hit the
next step with the rhythm

(8) Shooting Star
Mode: 6-panel
Lev : Maniac
Bar : All

get 90% or more PERFECT
Full Combo
concentrate on the steps one-by-one

(9) My Summer Love
Mode: 4-panel
Lev : Maniac
Bar : 23-27

get all PERFECTs
Variation: Slow
concentrate with both eyes and ears

(10) Love Again Tonight
Mode: 4-panel
Lev : Maniac
Bar : All

do not hit Left or Right arrows 50 or more times
get a Combo of 220 or higher
hitting Left and Right arrows doesn't count in doubles


Thanks for reading

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