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Doporučovaný postup pro získání softpadu:

  • Podívejte se na fórum, jestli někdo softpady právě neprodává, nebo se nechystá nějaká skupinka hráčů k hromadnému nákupu. To by pak ulehčilo peněžence.

  • Softpady na Internetu můžete koupit u firmy PositiveGaming. Jděte na stránky www.positivegaming.com, klikněte na Shop a softpad si vyberte. Mívají akce kdy za 1 pad nakoupíte 2... Na této stránce si můžete koupit i redukci. Při registraci použijte promote kód "czechddr". Získáte alespoň pětiprocentní slevu na první nákup.

  • Další softpady můžete koupit v e-shopu Play-Asia . U tohoto obchodu nemusíte používat promokód, stačí na shop přijít a následně realizovat objednávku před odkaz dole na stránce. Ten odkaz použijte prosím i v případě, že si zboží chce koupit nějaký vás známý.

    Další zkušenosti najdete na fóru - Tam najdete vše od údržby, zátěže, výdrže, vzhledu, až po rady jak docílit toho, aby se softpad moc nehýbal a naklouzal po podlaze při rychlejším hraní.

    Odkazy na internetové obchody

    PositiveGamming - www.positivegaming.com (promo kód "czechddr")
    název redukce - Trio Linker Plus

    Play-Asia - www.play-asia.com (pouzijte vzdy tento odkaz)
    název redukce - Dual Shooter (EMS USB2)

    soft1.jpg, 92 kB
    soft2.jpg, 91 kB

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'koupit_softpad':
    01.11.2009 00:00
  • << zpět na Czech DDR portal

    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

    < Dance Dance Revolution 5th MIX PlayStation Mini-FAQ >
    Version: 0.1 (First Release)

    By: Midnite Blaze
    E-Mail: Midnite_Blaze@hotmail.com
    Website: http://www.geocities.com/tssguk
    Last Updated: 19/9/2001



    19/9/2001 - Everything!


    Contents: 1. Introduction
    2. What is DDR?
    3. Song List
    4. Song Difficulties
    4.1 Single Mode
    4.2 Double Mode
    5. Game Modes
    6. Characters
    7. Review
    8. Game Secrets
    9. Q&A
    10. Gallery Mode Pictures
    11. Website Links
    12. Credits


    * 1 *

    Hi fellow DDR lovers, and welcome to my DDR 5th MIX PlayStation
    Mini-FAQ! This guide is intended to give a rough idea of the various
    modes and songs in the PlayStation version of DDR 5th MIX, as well as a
    list of the secrets, song difficulty levels and other information
    regarding the game. This Mini-FAQ should only appear on GameFAQs, as
    well as my website. Please note that this document is the intellectual
    property of the author and reproduction of all or any part of this
    document without the authors permission is prohibited.

    Dance Dance Revolution 5th MIX is a trademark of Konami Computer
    Entertainment, Inc. Copyright 1998-2001 by Konami Computer
    Entertainment, Inc. Copyright Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo,
    Inc. All related names fall under the same applicable laws.
    All rights reserved.


    * 2 *
    < WHAT IS DDR ? >

    Dance Dance Revolution, (or DDR for short), is Konami's best selling
    series in which the player controls the game with their feet. A dance
    mat can be purchased for use with the PlayStation games, but it's more
    fun to play in your local arcade. The concept is that you step on the
    arrows of the dance mat when the corresponding arrows displayed on-
    screen reach a grid at the top of the screen. Arrows scroll vertically
    up the screen and vary in speed depending upon the chosen song. There
    are a number of different songs to choose from, with each genre of music
    well represented. Half of the music is composed by Konami's internal
    sound teams, with the other half taken from Toshiba EMI's dance
    compilation series, Dancemania.

    DDR is now up to the 5th main instalment in the series, and is still on
    top form. Improvements to this version include a totally re-designed
    game interface, a new cast of characters, smooth graphics running at 60
    frames per second as well as a totally new collection of songs.


    * 3 *
    < SONG LIST >

    PLEASE NOTE: The following songlist contains all of the songs confirmed
    for the PlayStation version so far. There may be changes, and there'll
    probably be more songs added for the final release. Also, songs marked
    with an * will have to be unlocked before they are available for play.
    See section 8 on how to do this.

    *Abyss - dj TAKA
    *Sana Molette Na Ente - Togo Project feat. Sana
    *Mr. T. (Take Me Higher) - Risky Men feat. Asuka M
    *I Was The One - Good-Cool
    *Absolute - dj TAKA
    *The Cube - DJ Suwami
    *DXY! - TaQ
    *Radical Faith - TaQ
    *Electro Tuned (The SubS Mix) - TaQ

    Remember You - NM feat. Julie
    Dancing Pompokolin - Captain Jack
    17 - Bambee
    Dancing All Alone - Smile.dk
    Swing It - Bus Stop
    Test My Best - E-Rotic
    Right Now - Atomic Kitten
    The Twist (Double Pump Mix) - Liberty All Staz
    Be Together - Ni-Ni
    Against All Odds (Definitive Mix) - Dejavu featuring Tasmin
    Movin' On (Extended Moon Mix) - Ellen Gee
    God Of Romance - Judy Crystal
    Never Ending Story - DJ-AC-DC
    Healing Vision - De-Sire
    My Generation (Fat Beat Mix) - Captain Jack
    Moonlight Shadow (New Vocal Version) - Missing Heart
    Dive - Be For U
    Broken My Heart - Naoki feat. Paula Terry
    Matsuri Japan - Re-Venge
    Still In My Heart - Naoki
    Ecstasy - D-Complex
    Tribal Dance (Almighty Mix) - 2 Unlimited
    No Limit (RM Remix) - 2 Unlimited
    Afronova Primeval - 8 Bit
    Insertion - Naoki Underground
    Can't Stop Fallin' In Love (Speed Mix) - Naoki
    Paranoia Eternal - STM 200

    Oops! I Did It Again (Fired Up Mix) - Rochelle
    Hot Limit - John Desire
    Dynamite Rave (Long Ver.) - Naoki
    B4U Glorious Style - Naoki


    * 4 *

    The songs in DDR 5th MIX are graded from 1 foot all the way up to nine
    feet. Here are the foot numbers and their respective names:

    1 foot : Simple
    2 feet : Moderate
    3 feet : Ordinary
    4 feet : Superior
    5 feet : Marvellous
    6 feet : Genuine
    7 feet : Paramount
    8 feet : Exorbitant
    9 feet : Catastrophic

    * 4.1 *

    This is the regular mode of play, using just one dance mat.

    / Song Title / Basic / Trick / Maniac /
    Abyss 2 5 7
    Sana Molette Na Ente 2 5 8
    Mr. T. (Take Me Higher) 3 5 7
    I Was The One 3 5 7
    Absolute 3 5 8
    The Cube 4 6 7
    DXY! 4 6 8
    Radical Faith 4 6 8
    Electro Tuned (The SubS Mix) 5 6 9
    Remember You 1 3 5
    Dancing Pompokolin 1 4 7
    17 2 5 6
    Dancing All Alone 2 5 7
    Swing It 3 4 6
    Test My Best 3 4 7
    Right Now 3 5 6
    The Twist (Double Pump Mix) 3 5 7
    Be Together 3 5 7
    Against All Odds (Definitive Mix) 3 5 7
    Movin' On (Extended Moon Mix) 3 5 8
    God Of Romance 3 5 9
    Never Ending Story 3 6 7
    Healing Vision 3 6 8
    My Generation (Fat Beat Mix) 4 5 6
    Moonlight Shadow (New Vocal Version) 4 5 6
    Dive 4 5 8
    Broken My Heart 4 5 9
    Matsuri Japan 4 5 9
    Still In My Heart 4 6 7
    Ecstasy 4 6 7
    Tribal Dance (Almighty Mix) 4 6 7
    No Limit (RM Remix) 4 6 9
    Afronova Primeval 4 6 9
    Insertion 4 6 9
    Can't Stop Fallin' In Love (Speed Mix) 4 6 9
    Paranoia Eternal 5 6 9
    Oops! I Did It Again (Fired Up Mix) 2 5 7
    Hot Limit 3 6 8
    Dynamite Rave (Long Ver.) 4 5 8
    B4U Glorious Style 4 6 9

    * 4.2 *

    This is the mode that requires you to dance on both dance mats at the
    same time. Therefor, the game becomes much harder.

    / Song Title / Basic / Trick / Maniac /
    Abyss 3 5 7
    Sana Molette Na Ente 2 5 8
    Mr. T. (Take Me Higher) 3 5 7
    I Was The One 3 5 6
    Absolute 3 5 8
    The Cube 4 6 7
    DXY! 4 6 8
    Radical Faith 3 6 8
    Electro Tuned (The SubS Mix) 4 6 8
    Remember You 1 3 5
    Dancing Pompokolin 1 4 7
    17 2 4 6
    Dancing All Alone 2 5 7
    Swing It 3 4 6
    Test My Best 3 5 7
    Right Now 4 5 7
    The Twist (Double Pump Mix) 2 5 7
    Be Together 3 5 7
    Against All Odds (Definitive Mix) 3 5 7
    Movin' On (Extended Moon Mix) 3 5 7
    God Of Romance 3 6 8
    Never Ending Story 3 6 7
    Healing Vision 3 6 9
    My Generation (Fat Beat Mix) 3 5 6
    Moonlight Shadow (New Vocal Version) 4 5 6
    Dive 4 6 7
    Broken My Heart 4 6 9
    Matsuri Japan 4 6 8
    Still In My Heart 4 5 7
    Ecstasy 4 6 7
    Tribal Dance (Almighty Mix) 4 5 7
    No Limit (RM Remix) 4 6 8
    Afronova Primeval 4 6 9
    Insertion 4 6 8
    Can't Stop Fallin' In Love (Speed Mix) 4 6 9
    Paranoia Eternal 5 6 9
    Oops! I Did It Again (Fired Up Mix) 2 5 8
    Hot Limit 3 6 8
    Dynamite Rave (Long Ver.) 4 6 9
    B4U Glorious Style 5 6 9


    * 5 *
    < GAME MODES >

    PLEASE NOTE: The information in this section is based upon past releases
    as well as official information straight from Konami. The information
    will change once further details are released. Also, modes marked with
    an * will probably have to be unlocked.

    GAME MODE: This the regular game mode. This time around, there is no
    link mode meaning that you can select your edit data in the normal mode,
    without having to change to a different mode in order to play the
    original steps. The possible styles of play are: Single, Versus and
    Double Modes.

    DIET MODE: Enter your weight as well as the date, and the amount of
    weight you've lost will be calculated and recorded in your diet diary,
    which can be viewed in records mode.

    LESSON MODE: If you've never played before, this is where to go. There
    are three lessons, each with 8 sections. Once you complete the first 7
    sections of a lesson, you must play a certain song. Completing a section
    is easy, just get as many perfects and greats as is possible.

    TRAINING MODE: This mode is useful if you're having trouble with a
    particular song. It is possible to slow songs down, have the game make a
    'clap' sound whenever there's a note, beat or full bar.

    *CHALLENGE MODE: Are you the DDR king? Then prove it! In this mode you
    must complete a set of 50 challenges ranging from simply getting a full
    combo on an easy song to getting a perfect on the hardest edit data
    imaginable. Be warned: This mode can get very frustrating!

    *ENDLESS MODE: Summon all of your energy to play as many songs as you
    can non-stop. You can play as any character featured in the game, male
    or female, and there's an option to take a break every few songs.

    EDIT MODE: Tired of playing the same steps over and over? Edit mode
    allows you to create your own steps to any song in the game. You can
    then save your edit data to memory card and play it in the regular game
    mode or on the arcade version. To change edit mode into English
    language, simply choose 'option' then highlight the 4th word down and
    press either left or right on the directional pad.

    OPTION MODE: This mode allows you to configure the game settings such as
    game level, number of songs etc. It's all in English, so it's all pretty
    self explanatory.

    *GALLERY MODE: This mode contains a collection of extra background
    pictures which can be displayed during gameplay. Each background must be
    unlocked individually.

    DATA BANK MODE: Can't be bothered with edit mode? Well don't worry,
    Konami has kindly included an extra 260 sets of edit data for your
    playing pleasure. Simply download the selected data to memory card and
    it will be available for use in the regular game mode or even the arcade
    version of DDR 5th MIX.

    RECORDS MODE: Want to keep track of your high scores, or how much weight
    you've lost through diet mode? Well then, this mode's for you.

    ARCADE LINK: Are you a regular 5th MIX arcade player? If so, I highly
    recommend making a memory card file to take with you. With the arcade
    link data you can save your high scores from the arcade and view them at
    home, as well as your internet ranking top scores.

    NONSTOP ORDER: If your fed up of playing the same set of songs, nonstop
    order can be very handy. Choose which songs you want to play (up to 5),
    what levels they should be on and which variants will be used. Edit mode
    is also supported.

    INFORMATION: This mode does what is says, giving you information of
    which songs you've unlocked as well as details on the various features
    of the game (in Japanese).

    * 6 *

    PLEASE NOTE: These are the characters from the arcade version of DDR 5th
    MIX. They will all be included, but there may be other characters
    included as well.

    Age: 27
    Height: 177cm

    Age: 42
    Height: 180cm

    Age: 17
    Height: 153cm

    Age: 19
    Height: 175cm

    Age: 168cm
    Height: 21

    Age: 17
    Height: 185cm

    Age: Unknown
    Height: 152cm

    ROBO 2001
    Age: Unknown
    Height: 198cm

    Age: 26
    Height: 170cm

    Age: 25
    Height: 179cm

    Age: 15
    Height: 156cm

    Age: 0
    Height: 58cm

    Age: Unknown
    Height: Unknown

    Age: Unknown
    Height: Unknown


    * 7 *
    < REVIEW >

    DDR 5th MIX is released on the 20th September. Expect a review a few
    days after.


    * 8 *

    PLEASE NOTE: It is currently unknown how the secrets listed below are
    acquired. After the game is released I will list all of the other
    secrets in the game and the methods of earning them.

    / Secret / Method To Unlock /
    Song - Abyss ???
    Song - Sana Molette Na Ente ???
    Song - Mr. T. (Take Me Higher) ???
    Song - I Was The One ???
    Song - Absolute ???
    Song - The Cube ???
    Song - DXY! ???
    Song - Radical Faith ???
    Song - Electro Tuned (The SubS Mix) ???
    Game Mode - Challenge Mode ???
    Game Mode - Endless Mode ???
    Game Mode - Gallery Mode ???
    Gallery Picture - Background 1 ???
    Gallery Picture - Background 2 ???
    Gallery Picture - Background 3 ???
    Gallery Picture - Background 4 ???
    Gallery Picture - Background 5 ???
    Gallery Picture - Background 6 ???
    Gallery Picture - Background 7 ???
    Gallery Picture - Background 8 ???
    Gallery Picture - Background 9 ???
    Gallery Picture - Background 10 ???
    Gallery Picture - Background 11 ???
    Gallery Picture - Background 12 ???


    * 9 *
    < Q&A >

    If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, E-Mail me at:
    Midnite_Blaze@hotmail.com don't worry, I won't bite!

    Q: Is Naoki a man or a woman?
    A: Naoki is a man. He produces and writes most of the 'Konami Original'
    songs in the Bemani series. Naoki does not sing in any of his songs.

    Q: The song 'Petit Love' by Smile.dk was strangely missing from DDR
    Extra MIX, will it be in 5th MIX?
    A: It's very likely, so keep your fingers crossed!

    Q: Do you know of any extra songs exclusive to the PlayStation version
    of DDR 5th MIX?
    A: There will definitely be a remix of 'Dive' by Be For U, as well as a
    few trial songs from DDR MAX.


    * 10 *

    PLEASE NOTE: Gallery mode and the background pictures must first be
    unlocked before they are available for use.

    Gallery Picture - Background 1 (description coming soon)
    Gallery Picture - Background 2 (description coming soon)
    Gallery Picture - Background 3 (description coming soon)
    Gallery Picture - Background 4 (description coming soon)
    Gallery Picture - Background 5 (description coming soon)
    Gallery Picture - Background 6 (description coming soon)
    Gallery Picture - Background 7 (description coming soon)
    Gallery Picture - Background 8 (description coming soon)
    Gallery Picture - Background 9 (description coming soon)
    Gallery Picture - Background 10 (description coming soon)
    Gallery Picture - Background 11 (description coming soon)
    Gallery Picture - Background 12 (description coming soon)


    * 11 *

    http://www.dancegames.com - Based in the UK, has a very friendly BBS
    http://www.ddrfreak.com - Cool site with a step chart generator system
    http://www.konamityo.com - Official Japanese Konami Page
    http://www.geocities.com/tssguk - My website!


    * 12 *
    < CREDITS >

    I'd just like to thank Konami for making the best videogame series on
    the planet, daring to be different in the first place, and choosing an
    excellent selection of songs.


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