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DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

Chcete si koupit softpad ?

Existuje calá řada softpadů - levnější, dražší, s výplní, bez výplně, pro různé platformy. Mají různou výdrž, jiný potisk a barvy šipek a tlačítek a různou koncovku. Nejčastěji jsou pro PS2, XboX nebo na PC (USB). Hlavně na koncovku si dejte při koupi pozor. Pokud to není právě ta co potřebujete, je nutné si k padu koupit i redukci.

Doporučovaný postup pro získání softpadu:

  • Podívejte se na fórum, jestli někdo softpady právě neprodává, nebo se nechystá nějaká skupinka hráčů k hromadnému nákupu. To by pak ulehčilo peněžence.

  • Softpady na Internetu můžete koupit u firmy PositiveGaming. Jděte na stránky www.positivegaming.com, klikněte na Shop a softpad si vyberte. Mívají akce kdy za 1 pad nakoupíte 2... Na této stránce si můžete koupit i redukci. Při registraci použijte promote kód "czechddr". Získáte alespoň pětiprocentní slevu na první nákup.

  • Další softpady můžete koupit v e-shopu Play-Asia . U tohoto obchodu nemusíte používat promokód, stačí na shop přijít a následně realizovat objednávku před odkaz dole na stránce. Ten odkaz použijte prosím i v případě, že si zboží chce koupit nějaký vás známý.

    Další zkušenosti najdete na fóru - Tam najdete vše od údržby, zátěže, výdrže, vzhledu, až po rady jak docílit toho, aby se softpad moc nehýbal a naklouzal po podlaze při rychlejším hraní.

    Odkazy na internetové obchody

    PositiveGamming - www.positivegaming.com (promo kód "czechddr")
    název redukce - Trio Linker Plus

    Play-Asia - www.play-asia.com (pouzijte vzdy tento odkaz)
    název redukce - Dual Shooter (EMS USB2)

    soft1.jpg, 92 kB
    soft2.jpg, 91 kB

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'koupit_softpad':
    01.11.2009 00:00
  • << zpět na Czech DDR portal

    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

    _____ __ __ _____ _____
    / __ |/ | /| / // __/ / ___/
    / / / // | / |/ // / / /_
    / / / // /| | / // / / __/
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    ____/ / / / / // // /| /| | _/ /_ //||
    /_____/ /_/ /_//_//_/ |/ |_|/____/ // ||

    Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix (this ASCII art only uses about 2KB)
    FAQ by: Xeno Lynx
    Version 1.05

    The Inside
    1. Fundementals
    2. Game Mode
    3. Diet Mode
    4. Lesson Mode
    5. Training
    6. Edit
    7. The Other Menus
    8. The Misc. Section
    9. Credits

    Version History
    - Initial
    - Added Volcabulary
    - Added Specific Controls
    - Redid some areas
    - Added Rankings
    - Added more information to Diet and Edit modes
    - Confirmed Double Play difficulty on all of the songs
    - Confirmed most of the reward table
    - Minor layout change
    (you know, I should really use that notebook more often n.n;)
    - Got rid of marginal stuff, otherwise, you didn't need them and they
    were pointless anyways.
    - Distribution notice added (please read if you don't plan to read it
    where ever you are right now)
    - Moved around somethings from the Things To Know
    - I actually started playing again and got some things in that were
    before obvious, so, I got them in.
    - Made a new layout for songs
    - Put in the original Kana for some songs that had them (along with the
    Romanji) Problem with Sana Morette Ne Ente during HTML testing, don't
    - Some trivia so you won't get bored, again.
    - Changed "Things to know" to "The Misc. Section" obviously, you didn't
    need to know somethings.
    1. Fundementals
    Not during gameplay


    D-pad: Move cursor
    O: Accept
    X: Cancel
    []: No use
    /\: No use
    L1: No use
    R1: No use
    L2: No use
    R2: No use
    Start: Accecpt
    Select: None

    Dance Pad

    Arrows: Move Cursor
    O: Accept
    X: Cancel
    Start: Accept
    Select: None

    During gameplay

    D-Pad: Arrows (Same direction as key)
    O: Right arrow
    X: Down arrow
    []: Left arrow
    /\: Up arrow
    L1: (Double play only) Arrow
    L2: (Double play only) Arrow
    R1: (Double play only) Arrow
    R2: (Double play only) Arrow
    Start: None
    Select: None

    Dance Pad

    Arrows: Arrows (Same direction as key)
    O: Right arrow
    X: Down arrow
    Start: None
    Select: None


    A bar in DDR is the same as four beats in the arrow setup. Every four beats,
    another bar starts.

    Beats per minute (BPM)
    How many beats accomplished per minute. Determines how fast the song goes.
    is slow, 200 is fast)

    1/4 Beat
    This is basically 1 beat on the bar, or the same as going as fast as the
    song's current BPM.

    1/8 Beat
    This is basically called a half-beat, or the same as going twice as fast as
    song's current BPM.

    1/16 Beat
    This is basically called the quater-beat, or the same as going four times as
    fast as the song's current BPM.

    How To Play Dance Dance Revolution
    < V ^ >


    Kinda corny but it helps. On the top is your dance gauge. You will not get
    game over until the gauge empties out. Below that are a set of four gray
    arrows that stay put. These are to say when you're supposed to hit the
    They also flash according to the beats per minute. (BPM) The arrows come
    the bottom to the top, the speed depends on BPM. On the bottom is your
    which is just for kicks, no real reason.

    Time hitting the arrows just at the gray ones. Continue to hit them until
    end of the song.

    Tips for begginers
    It's fairly easy to play this game as long as you just pay attention. And
    don't be afraid either, doing good attracts crowds. (well at the arcade,
    this FAQ is for the console game) Most of the time, you'll just memorize
    that, otherwise you'll have to react. Don't worry if you have to look all
    way at the bottom just to see the next set of arrows, you'll get used to
    them and memorizing them for just a split second.Here are some tips for
    the easy songs. Your skill will progress if you play progressively harder
    later, but don't jump from a 1 foot to a 5 foot.

    1/4 Beat steps (one arrow every beat)
    Just follow the beats per minute of the music and hit the arrows at that

    Jumps (two arrows simultaneously)
    This what gets most people. Just jump to the two arrows you're trying to hit
    at the same time. Like if you're hitting the left and right arrows at the
    same time, jump with your legs spread out. What maybe the most odd thing is,
    you tend to jump exactly right when you see it!

    Song's too fast/slow!
    There's a thing I call a speed optical illusion, and it really helps.
    "Too Fast"
    Start playing faster songs, eventually your eyes even out the speed so it
    appears to be moving a bit slower
    "Too Slow"
    Start playing slower songs, eventually your eyes even out the speed so it
    appears to be moving a bit faster.
    In short, continue to play fast or slow songs until your eyes are so used to
    you can see the arrows clearly. (worked with PARANOiA Max for me)

    Practice without the game!
    Look at people as they do it. Try to play without a pad, whatever. It helps
    somewhat if you practice without the use of a pad or the game. If you want
    to warm up, try doing the song the person is doing at the arcade. (or

    Innovations Of The Game (Why should you get it?)

    - The graphics are way improved. Everything moves smoothly, dancers, arrows,

    - New feature, pausing. The arrows stop and resume

    - New feature, sorting of songs. Pressing start will arrange the songs

    - New feature, long version. Long versions of songs will now be playable,
    at the cost of two stages.

    - Added feature, BPM change. They added more songs that change BPM

    Should I Play If...

    I want to work on my arcade skills?
    Yes, it's free, obviously, but you need the pad.

    I only have a controller?
    That's up to you. The game is VERY easy with the controller even if you
    suck on the pad.

    I recently ate and play with the pad?
    It's highly recommended you don't play on a full stomach. Sometimes,
    however, your stomach tolerance can withstand motion on certain foods.
    Try jumping around to test out if you should play. However, it's not
    recommended either way if you have a full stomach.

    I have a US Playstation? (no mod)
    A mod chip is required to play any imported game. There's a trick, so
    look way below for how to really play this game.

    Health Warnings
    Obviously, if you're sick, injuries, or have any physical disorder, try not
    play this game. You'll find yourself using nearly every body part and moving
    around a lot. After all, I find it funner if I threw in some arm motions.

    If you do happen to play on the pad, be advised of the following:
    After a while, you'll fatigue. If you really feel like you can't stand up,
    take a break. It's better to rest than continue on playing straight after
    Once in a while, you may end up rubbing your feet against the pad. Rubbing
    constantly builds up a blister. Try to avoid rubbing, and should you get
    stop playing.
    You have to keep balance much throughout the songs, starting upon some
    Moderate levels. If you have trouble keeping balance, practice doing so by
    trying another form of balancing. You might end up injuring yourself if you
    lose balance during gameplay.
    Obviously, if you practice dancing moves, the same as above applies.

    2. Game Mode
    Before The Game
    In the console version, there are only three modes to choose from: Single,
    Versus, and Double. There is no Non-Stop or Solo Play (six panels) in this

    Single Play: Play by yourself, one player only, etc.
    Versus: Play with another person, two player, etc.
    Double: What most people do is get two people for this mode. This mode was
    strictly meant for one person to deal with two pads at the same
    Which is why one side gets most of the arrows during the course of

    After that, you can pick characters. Each one doesn't matter now, since they
    all dance in the same fashion. But I just like ones who look good for that

    Characters *
    1 Player's Side
    Afro (from 1st mix) Johnny (From 4th mix) Spike Naoki (Naoki Maeda)
    Rage (from 3rd mix) Robo2001 Baby-Lon U1 (U1-aSami)

    2 Player's Side
    Janet (from 2nd mix) Charmy (from 3rd mix) Maho N.M.R.
    Emi (from 3rd mix) Princess-Zukin Alice 2MB

    *This column, all the characters must be obtained.

    Arrow Misc (Top)
    Little: Any 1/8 or 1/16 arrow is gone
    Flat: If you notice, the arrow colors rotate differently depending on the
    beat that arrow is at. Flat makes all the arrows the same color
    Arrow Arrangement (Middle)
    (The gray arrows are always going to be left, down, up, right)
    Left: All arrow positions are moved left. So it's like down, up, right left
    Right: All arrow posistions are moved right. So it's like right, left, down,
    Mirror: All arrow posistions are inverted. So it's like right, up, down,
    Shuffle: All arrow posistions are random
    Arrow Visibility (Bottom)
    Hidden: All arrows dissapear at 2/3 from the top
    Sudden: All arrows reappear at 2/3 from the top
    Stealth: Arrows are invisible

    How tough is it?
    Simple (1): Generally, the song is mostly a step every two beats, then
    encounter a few 1/4 beat songs. Jumps are rare
    Ordinary (2): Generally, most of the song is 1/4 beat and you may have
    Moderate (3): Almost all the song is 1/4 beat and you'll run into jumps
    Superior (4): All the song is 1/4 beat* and you may even encoutner a 1/8
    Marvelous (5): 1/8 beats are ocasional in three bursts and/or numerous jumps
    Genuine (6): 1/8 beats are more common in three bursts
    Paramount (7): 1/8 beats are common in three bursts and sometimes eight in a
    (with a arrow pattern of two or more) 1/16 beats maybe
    Exorbitant (8): 1/4 beats don't practically exist. The song is mainly 1/8
    1/8 jumps are rare. 1/16 beats are present in slow songs.
    Catastrophic (9): 1/4 beats only appear if necassary. 1/8 beats are
    with 1/8 jumps. 1/16 beats are present in slow songs

    *- Fast songs are an exception. Like Furuhata's Theme and Afronova Primeval

    At the end of the song, you'll recieve a ranking on how well you performed.
    As well as score, bonus, and total score.

    Perfect!! - Perfect timing, increases dance gauge with most effect, points
    increased full amount. Adds 1 combo
    Great! - A bit off, half the worth of Perfect!! Adds 1 combo
    Good - Off by a slight beat, no value, stops combo
    Boo! - Off majorly, half the worth of Miss, stops combo
    Miss - Didn't attempt, decreases dance gauge with most effect, stops combo


    E - Failed (Judgment doesn't matter)
    D - Barely Passed (30%+ total Boos/Misses or your gauge was below 50% most
    of the song)
    Probable Score Percent: 40%
    C - Did alright (20%- total Boos/Misses, 40%-50% Perfects or you gauge was
    averaging 75% through the whole song)
    Probable Score Percent: 50%-64%
    B - Good performance (10%- total Boos/Misses, 50%-59% Perfects)
    Probable Score Percent: 65%-79%
    A - Great performance (3%- total Boos/Misses, 5%- Goods, 60%+ Perfects)
    Probable Score Percent: 80%+
    AA - Excellent performance (Perfect combo, 0% Goods/Boos/Misses, 1+ Greats)
    Probable Score Percent: 90%-99%
    AAA - Perfect performance (Perfect combo, 100% Perfects)
    Probable Score Percent: 100%

    Bonus (for higher)
    - Gameplay (Double play is best (NOT CONFIRMED))
    - Harder difficulty (Maniac is best)
    - Modes on (Flat, Shuffle, and Stealth are best)
    - Evalutaed Score (higher the better (NOT CONFIRMED))
    - Evalutated Judgement (More Perfects the better)
    - In a row (Doing the same will decrease it)

    Left/Right: Select Song (left is up, right is down) Move Cursor
    Up/Down: Press twice to switch difficulties/Move Cursor
    O: Select Song
    X: Use edit data/Hold during selection to go back to main menu
    Start: Re-arrange songs
    - Difficulty: By basic and categorized by music type
    - Green: DDR Arcade songs
    - Blue: PSX Specific (released for PSX but not appearing in Arcade)
    - Yellow: Beat Mania Append
    - Alphabetical order: Press O on the letter to select it
    - BPM order: Slowest to fastest
    - Player's Best: This order I can't figure out. No, it's not who your
    character is. (I used Naoki and it was Ectasy first,
    switched off to Rage and it was still Ectasy)
    Select: Mode menu

    Song List (In Alphabetical Order)
    Since I happen to use a computer that's not in my home, I cannot lug my
    Playstation over there and play DDR. Though songs I do know I will write
    but generally, slow songs or anything else I don't usually play won't show.
    Usually the easy songs are boring to write about about anyways. If you see a
    song with a yellow/green triangle thing, that means it's a begginer's song.
    (more on that a little later)

    Title - Artist
    BPM - How fast the song is Bars - How long the song is

    Single - Single Play
    Basic : Basic mode difficulty, along with tips underneath
    Trick : Trick mode difficulty, along with tips underneath
    Maniac : Maniac mode difficulty, along with tips underneath

    Double - Double Play
    Basic : Basic mode difficulty, along with tips underneath
    Trick : Trick mode difficulty, along with tips underneath
    Maniac : Maniac mode difficulty, along with tips underneath

    Description (if any)

    KEY- (for Difficulty Tips)
    M - Follow the music: certain intruments that stand out or sounds)
    L - Follow the lyrics: the patterns is when the artist is saying the words)
    P - Regular: No real pattern
    E - Erratic pattern: the pattern is oddly arranged, supposed to follow

    Arrow Beats
    1/2 - Arrows too far apart (easy)
    1/4 - 1/4 beats mainly
    1/8 - 1/8 beats mainly/warning
    1/16 - 1/16 beat warning

    *Before I say anything, Trick is always going to have 1/8 beat arrows on
    songs in three at a time along with more jumps. Just saying this because
    be a waste to say that for a majority of the songs here. If there is
    I might comment about, you know it's there.

    17/Nanajyuu Sai (17 Years Old)- Bambee
    BPM - 142 Bars - 50 Genre - Eurobeat

    Basic : 2
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    The song is easy, just a bunch of 1/4 beats and a few jumps.
    Trick : 5
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    Maniac : 6
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/8
    It's 1/8 but it goes in a good pattern that's easy to follow

    Basic : 2
    Trick : 4
    Maniac : 6

    Overall, this song's not too hard. Just be aware of 1/8 beats in this
    in Trick and Maniac.

    Absolute - DJ TAKA
    BPM - 144 - 80 Bars - 62 Genre - ??

    Basic : 3
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/2 and 1/4
    Plain easy, there's just a bunch of 1/4 clustered together then a break.
    Trick : 5
    Pattern - P/M Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    Maniac : 8
    Pattern - M Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    It's partly easy, but follow the main sound with the arrows later on

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 8

    This song is fun on Maniac as it follows the music. It's probably what
    guys would call "happy music"

    Abyss - DJ TAKA
    BPM - 142 Bars - 52 Genre - ??

    Basic : 2
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    Has a lot of 1/4 beats for a moderate song
    Trick : 5
    Pattern - P/M Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    Maniac : 7
    Pattern - M Arrow - 1/8
    Follow the drum in the back for the first part, then follow the sound.

    Basic : 2
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    PAUSE NOTICE - Bar 33 at beat 1/4, stops for six beats

    One of the four songs that features the pause. It's seems like something
    that could be used in credits of a movie or something.

    Afronova Primeval - 2MB
    BPM - 200 Bars - 82 Genre - Rave
    Trivia Q - Is this song a Konami Original?

    Basic : 4
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    Fairly easy, but the hard part about this song is keeping up
    Trick : 6
    Pattern - M Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    There is parts that get tough. Generally the arrows are in 6-7 at a time and
    since this song is going fast, it makes it hard.
    Maniac : 9
    Pattern - M Arrow - 1/8
    Again, just listen to the music. There's always a beat you can use for
    the arrows just right

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 9

    A remix of the third fastest (more like second) song, Afronova from DDR
    3rd. It's a fun song to do and it's somewhat easy to do for a 200 BPM
    song. Even easier than PARANOiA and it was 180 BPM.

    Against All Odds (Definite Mix) - Deja Vu featuring TASMIN
    BPM - 139 Bars - 57 Genre - ??

    Basic : 3
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    Just another Ordinary song. (why bother putting in something we see
    Trick : 5
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    Maniac : 7

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    I haven't played this song much, so I can't say much about it.

    B4U Glorious Style - Naoki (LONG VERSION)
    BPM - 155 Bars - 119 Genre - Techno

    Basic : 4
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    Luckily, 1/8 only appears when the vocalist says "Everybody go compete with
    Trick : 6
    Pattern - P/L Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    There some arrows that come in 5-8 at a time.
    Maniac : 9
    Pattern - M Arrow - 1/8 and 1/16
    Listen to the music, there's a sound that goes in a pattern with the arrows.

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 9

    This song is also a fun one to do, but hard to keep up with if you can
    outlast a three minute song. Thankfully, that's only equilvilant to two

    Be Together - Ni Ni
    BPM - 142 Bars - 46 Genre - ??

    Basic : 3
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    Another fairly easy song. A mix of 1/4 and jumps.
    Trick : 5
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    Maniac : 7

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    One of the songs I don't play much either.

    Broken My Heart - Naoki featuring Paula Terry
    BPM - 168 Bars - 66

    Basic : 4
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    Like your average Superior song, 1/4 beat arrows and a mess of jumps
    Trick : 5
    Pattern - P/M Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    Maniac : 9
    Pattern - M Arrow - 18 and 1/16
    There's a few 1/16 beats mixed in so just be sure to watch out for those

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 9

    I started playing this when I realized it was a castrophic. Acutally the
    only time I play this is the edited version found in the Data Base.

    Can't Stop Falling In Love (Speed Mix) - Naoki
    BPM - 170 Bars - 66 Genre - Eurobeat

    Basic : 4
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    Jumping pattern similar to Dive but it's more of a variation
    Trick : 6
    Pattern - P/M Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    Maniac : 9
    Pattern - M Arrow - 1/8 and 1/16
    Follow the song, especially the beginning part.

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 9

    This is a fun song to do. It gets progresive with the 1/8 on Trick and
    Maniac, so just be sure to watch out for those, it's easy to miss them
    a fast song.

    Dancing All Alone - SMiLE.dk
    BPM - 140 Bars - 43 Genre - Eurobeat
    Trivia Q - What mixes before 5th has this song appeared in?

    Basic : 2
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/2 and 1/4
    It's not really that hard. It's a basic patter of > > or > > >
    Trick : 5
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    Maniac : 7

    Basic : 2
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    From the same people who did Butterly, this song is just as good.
    you won't encounter many jumps in this song.

    Dive - Be For U
    BPM - 155 Bars - 60 Genre - J-Pop
    Trivia Q - This isn't really when Dive was orignally released, what mix was

    Basic : 4
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    There's a lot of jump patters, but they are easy at this speed.
    Trick : 5
    Pattern - M/L Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    Maniac : 8
    Pattern - M/L Arrow - 1/8 and 1/16
    Part way, follow the lyrics when they come up. Then follow the music.

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 7

    This song introduces Konami's new artist for DDR: Be For U. Although I
    don't know why they have that name. (a short history is in the
    book) This is more likely a J-Pop song, so if you like J-Pop you'll be
    this one for a while.

    Dive -More Deep & Deeper Style- - Be For U
    BPM - 155 Bars - 60 Genre - J-Pop

    Basic : 3
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    You can expect a few jumps, otherwise it's 1/4 arrows
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7
    Pattern - M/L Arrow - 1/8 and 1/16
    Same as Dive

    Basic : 3?
    Trick : 5?
    Maniac : 7?

    Consider it, the easier version of Dive. It's exactly the same BPM and
    bars. You know, how different is it from the original is beyond me.

    Do It Right - SOTA featuring Ebony Fay
    BPM - 135 Bars - 49 Genre - ??

    Basic : 4
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    Nothing much to worry about. Just a few more jumps
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 8

    It's the credits theme song, enjoy.

    DXY! - TaQ
    BPM - 148 Bars - 65 Genre - Gabbah, Trance, one of those
    Trivia Q - For this song, what's odd about it? (Hint: you need to assume)

    Basic : 4
    Pattern - P/M Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    There is 1/8 beats, but it's kept moderate. It's a medium speed so that
    be a problem. The main worry, a ton of jumps
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 8
    Pattern - E Arrow - 1/16
    The pattern is something I can't figure out how it relates with the song.
    the pattern is erratic, you're on your own.

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 8

    Well, I got better on this so it's not so hard. But TaQ does make some
    pretty hard songs.

    Dynamite Rave (LONG VERSION) - NAOKI
    BPM - 150 Bars - 108 Genre - Rave

    Basic : 4
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    1/8 beat arrows are kept moderate.
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 8
    Pattern - M/P Arrow - 1/8 and 1/16
    Mainly it's 1/8 beats but the mixed in the 1/16 beats from the original.

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 9

    They mixed the arrow placement around, but it should be similar

    Ecstasy - D-Complex
    BPM - 145 Bars - Genre - Techno

    Basic : 4
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    There's hardly any jumps in the song.
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 7
    Pattern - P? Arrow - 1/8
    Bunch of 1/8 beats.

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 7

    PAUSE NOTICE - Bar 25 1/4 beat, stops for 8 beats. Bar 47 3/4 beat, stops
    for 16 beats

    The one thing I love about this song is that it pauses twice. One is
    "normal", the other is longer. Actually, you might even notice a second
    pause is coming up.

    Electro Tuned (The Subs Mix) - TaQ
    BPM - 125 Bars - 51 Genre - Gabbah, Trance, one of those

    Basic : 5
    Pattern - P/M Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    This song has more 1/8 beats than DXY! but the song is slower which is why
    are more. It shouldn't be a panic.
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 9
    Pattern - E Arrow - 1/16
    Can't figure out the pattern either.

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 9

    I thought this song was hard on Maniac because of the arrow placement.
    Otherwise the other modes are just about what you'd expect out of DXY!

    Healing Vision - De-Sire
    BPM - 90 - 196 - 49 - 190 - 90 Bars - 70 Genre - Drum & Bass
    Trivia Q - De-Sire's only song that wasn't Drum & Bass was...

    Basic : 3
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/2 and 1/4
    Nothing to worry about during the 49 BPM part. There's only one note.
    Trick : 6
    Pattern - M/P Arrow - 1/4
    During the 49 BPM part, you'll have to start off the heartbeats
    Maniac : 8
    Pattern - M Arrow - 1/8 and 1/16
    Not only do you have to follow the drums in the beginning, you also got
    to tackle the heartbeats comepletely.

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 9

    That's right, this song switches BPM five times throughout the song.
    the 49 BPM, it won't matter on Basic or Trick, but listen to the heart
    in Maniac to get the arrows just right.

    Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~ - 2MB
    BPM - 46 - 196 - 46 Bars - 75 Genre - Drum & Bass

    Basic : 5
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16
    Yup, all three are seen here. Most of the song is mainly 1/4, but then it
    going onto 1/8 in a few bursts. The end is the only part with 1/16 beats.
    Trick : 7
    Maniac : 9
    Pattern - M Arrow - 1/8 and 1/16
    1/8 plus a bunch of jumps. There's about as much arrows as in PARANOiA
    which is why it makes it so hard.

    Basic : 5
    Trick : 7
    Maniac : 9

    PAUSE NOTICE : Bar 57, 5/8 beat, stops for one beat

    This song is a combonation of BPM changing and pausing, plus it's
    hard. It starts off slow, but the first note is when it shoots up to
    During the pause, it'll stop then go in a beat, which may screw you up.
    (this pause is supposed to happen, by the way)

    Hot Limit - John Desire (LONG VERSION)
    BPM - 156 Bars - 121 Genre - ??

    Basic : 3
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    Seriously, how many Ordinary songs are here that have the same pattern? Well
    if you want it, it's a 1/4 arrow pattern then a break of 1/2 arrows.
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 8

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 8

    This song isn't all to bad, but considering its difficulty, you might
    to settle for some others before-hand.

    Insertion - NAOKI underground
    BPM - 140 - 110 - 120 - 140 - 220 Bars - 58 Genre - Techno
    Trivia Q - When does that whack BPM change (110-120-140) occur?

    Basic : 4
    Pattern - P/M Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    There's 1/8 beats, but not as bad. Just make sure to adjust your speed when
    the song kicks in at the end
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 9
    Pattern - M Arrow - 1/8 and 1/16
    There's 1/16 beats that go with the drum and sound of the music. Obviously
    just listen to the music. The pattern somewhere before the pause goes in
    a 1/16 form. It looks like ^> (or a similar way)

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 8

    PAUSE NOTICE: Bar 25, 1/4 beat. Stops for three beats

    This is the first song I tried out and realized there was pausing. This
    song is still a bit hard because even on basic you encounter 1/8 steps.
    Just listen to the music to know when to hit the arrows just right

    I Was The One - Goo Cool
    BPM - 125 Bars - 50 Genre- ??

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    Basic : 2
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    One of the songs I don't play much.

    Look To The Sky - System SF featuring Anna
    BPM - 149 Bars - 52 Genre - ??

    Basic : 3
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    Another ordinary song. A few breaks between the 1/4 parts
    Trick : 4
    Maniac : 6

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 4
    Maniac : 6

    I like this song, just for the song. But otherwise, it's fairly easy to
    complete. It just goes with the song on Maniac in parts.

    Japan/Matsuri Japan (Festival Japan) - Re-Venge
    BPM - 180 Bars - 180

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 9
    Pattern - M/L Arrow - 1/8 and 1/16
    The 1/16 beat parts can be done by a skipping (you know, that form of

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 9

    I play this song a lot as well. Though I haven't tried Basic or Trick
    (because I didn't get there yet) it's fun to do on Maniac. Just follow
    song as you go.

    Moonlight Shadow (New Vocal Version) - Missing Heart
    BPM - 140 Bars - 51 Genre - Soft

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 6

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    One of the songs I don't play much.

    Moving On (Extended Moon Mix) - Ellen Gee
    BPM - 142 Bars - 52 Genre - ??

    Basic : 3
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    Do I have to go over this again? Basically just 1/4 and a few breaks
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 8

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    One of the songs I don't play much.

    Mr. T (Take Me Higher) - Risky Men featuring Asuka M.
    BPM - 128 Bars - 54 Genre - ??

    Basic : 3
    You know the score, 1/4 and breaks.
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    I played this on Maniac, still haven't on Basic and Trick. Again, it's
    another follow the music arrangement.

    My Generation (Fat Beat Mix) - Captain Jack (I'm sure they meant phat)
    BPM - 140 Bars - 51

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 6

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 6

    One of the songs I don't play much.

    Never Ending Story - DJ - AC - DC (what the?)
    BPM - 140 Bars - 54 Genre - ??

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 7

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 7

    One of the songs I don't play much.

    No - Limit - 2 Unlimited
    BPM - 141 Bars - 55 Genre - ??

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 9
    Pattern - L Arrow - 1/8 and 1/16
    Follow the lyrics

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 8

    One of the songs I don't play much.

    Nori Nori Nori - Judy Crystal
    BPM - 160 Bars - 49 Genre - Eurobeat

    Basic : 3
    The song seems to be a bit fast but it's not too hard.
    Trick : 2
    Maniac : 2

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 2
    Maniac : 2

    This is a trial version of a song that might come out in DDR MAX (6th
    It's fast and fun song with a catchy beat.

    ɤ ||R/Odoru Ponpokolin (Dancing Ponpokolin) - Captain Jack
    BPM - 142 Bars - 57 Genre -
    Trivia Q - Was this Chibi Maruko-Chan's opening or ending theme?

    Basic : 2
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/2 and 1/4
    Not too hard, until the chorus picks up it's a long 1/2
    Trick : 4
    Maniac : 7
    Pattern - M/L Arrow - 1/8
    Follow the music then the lyrics during the chorus

    Basic : 2
    Trick : 4
    Maniac : 7

    Though easy, I like this song. Why? It's the theme song to a popular
    Japanese anime: Chibi Maruko-chan in English. Chorus is kinda fun to
    to. On maniac, just follow the music like the numerous other songs.

    On The Jazz - Johnny Dynamite!
    BPM - 130 Bars - 52 Genre - Jazz

    Basic : 2
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    Yes, there is a 1/8 beat, but it only shows once.
    Trick : 4
    Maniac : 7
    Pattern - E/M? Arrow - 1/8 1/16

    Basic : 2
    Trick : 4
    Maniac : 7

    Slow songs tend to get on me. The arrow placement in them tends to
    something else in the music than beats, so listen.

    Oops!... I Did It Again (All Fired Up Mix) - Rochelle (LONG VERSION)
    BPM - 132 Bars - 102 Genre - ??

    Basic : 2
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/2 and 1/4
    It's a bunch of sideways (< >) jumps for a while
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7
    Pattern - M Arrow - 1/16
    Just follow a certain beat, it should be easy.

    Basic : 2
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 8

    Shdwrlm3@yahoo.com and my brother says the voice isn't right. Must be
    synthesized or whatever.

    PARANOiA Eternal - STM 200
    BPM - 200 Bars - 78 Genre - Jungle
    Trivia Q - Look at all the PARANOiA guys! What other PARANOiA song featured
    than one "PARANOiA man" in the BG?

    Basic : 5
    Pattern - M Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    After the middle, there will be 1/8 beats, so watch out. (I always can't get
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 9
    Pattern - M Arrow - 1/8
    Follow the music, goes like < < < <<< < <<< < < < <<< < or something

    Basic : 5
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 9

    PARANOiA has been a long favorite of mine, and this song is one I
    pick. The thing that gets on me is on Maniac, there's a spot where it's
    1/8 beats in one arrow for two bars, which is VERY hard to do.

    Radical Faith - TaQ
    BPM - 114 Bars - 49 Genre - Metal

    Basic : 4
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4 and 1/8
    This is where you worry. There's a lot of 1/8 beats for a song this hard.
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 8
    Pattern - E Arrow - 1/16

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 8

    One of the songs I don't play much. TaQ song's get frustrating easily.

    Remember You - NM Featuring Julie
    BPM - 105 - 50 Bars - 42 Genre - Alternative

    Basic : 1
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/2
    Arrow every two beats, then a few 1/4 beats
    Trick : 3
    Maniac : 5

    Basic : 1
    Trick : 3
    Maniac : 5

    One funny thing is, on Basic, this song doesn't have enough notes to
    up your gauge even if you get an AA ranking. Otherwise, this song is a
    slow calm one, or for an idea, the Titanic song. It slows down at the
    this could catch a beginner easily, but play it cool.

    Right Now - Atomic Kitten
    BPM - 130 Bars - 52 Genre - ??

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 6

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    One of the songs I don't play much.

    ޥ /Romance No Kamisama (God of Romance) - Judy Crystal
    BPM - 157 Bars - 52 Genre - Eurobeat

    Basic : 3
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    There's not much to say
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 9
    Pattern - M Arrow - 1/16
    Follow the music.

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 8

    I play this song a lot, on Maniac, because the way the notes are
    It's in a 1/16 beat sync and it goes with the song.

    Ti be l Ge/Sana Morette Ne Ente - Togo Project featuring Sana
    BPM - 90 Bars - 36 Genre - ??

    Basic : 2
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    Yup, easy enough to comeplete. No help? Well you'll be getting 1/4 beats and
    the occasional jump
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 8
    Pattern - E Arrow - 1/16
    Erratic pattern, I can't really figure if it's the song or lyrics

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 8

    This song annoyed me on Maniac, it's very hard to earn yourself an A
    It's about as hard as Jam Jam Reggea in 3rd mix.

    Still In My Heart - NAOKI
    BPM - Bars - Genre - ??

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 7

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    One of the songs I don't play much.

    Swing It - Bus Stop
    BPM - 178 Bars - 50 Genre - 50's

    Basic : 3
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    It's fast, but fun. I almost scored a AAA. (1 great)
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    A fun song to do, and it's easy for a fast song. Try it out.

    Test My Best - E-Rotic
    BPM - 147 Bars - 55 Genre - Eurobeat

    Basic : 3
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    This is getting old. (1/4, breaks, jumps)
    Trick : 4
    Maniac : 7

    Basic : 3
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    I tend to like E-Rotic songs in DDR, but outside of DDR, they are not
    you might think.

    The Centre Of My Heart (Stone Dub Mix) - Rexette
    BPM - 128 Bars - 49 Genre - Country
    Trivia Q - More than 1/3 of the last part of the song, they keep saying

    Basic : 2
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/2
    No really THAT hard, mainly a arrow every two beats
    Trick : 1
    Maniac : 1

    Basic : 2
    Trick : 1
    Maniac : 1

    Another trial song for 6th mix.

    The Cube - DJ Suwani
    BPM - 178 Bars - 71 Genre - Drum & Bass
    Triva Q - What does that pattern (the six boxes) supposed to represent?

    Basic : 4
    Pattern - M Arrow - 1/4 (or 1/16, but not extreme)
    Follow the music, which is pretty noticable.
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 7

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 7

    One of the songs I don't play much.

    The Twist (Double Pump Mix) - Celebraty All Staz
    BPM - 158 Bars - 57 Genre - 50's

    Basic : 3
    Pattern - P Arrow - 1/4
    You know the score.
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    Basic : 2
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    One of the songs I don't play much

    Tribal Dance (Almighty Mix)- 2 Unlimited
    BPM - 136 Bars - 50 Genre - ??

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 6
    Maniac : 8

    Basic : 4
    Trick : 5
    Maniac : 7

    One of the songs I don't play much
    3. Diet Mode
    Diet mode monitors how much you excercise when you play DDR. You can
    the features by putting your weight (in Kg) and how much Kcals you eaten.
    Remember, US standard 1 calorie is 1Kcal.* On the options menu you can
    it more. To review your workout, go to Records and Diet Dairy to see how
    you did in a day.

    *Factoid of science
    A Kcal is 1000 calories. No, you're not fat. A calorie is a measurement of
    energy needed to heat up one mL of water one degree. (celcius I think) And
    think, is a 50 calorie (not Kcal) bar going to keep your body, which is 70%
    water at a constant 35C/98.6F for at least 30 minutes? I think not.

    In short, *Food* Calorie is another word for Kilocalorie.

    Menu Options
    Weight - How much you weight in Kg (2.2lbs=1Kg)
    Playtime/Kcal - Sets for either goal time or Kcal.
    Time - How long you want to excercise (must surpass it)
    Kcal - How much Kcal you want to burn off (must surpass it)
    Course - General difficulty of songs
    Easy Course - The songs are reduced to very simple
    Diet Course - The songs are reduced to 1/4 beats
    Normal Course - The songs are all normal

    < V ^ >


    Basically, it's all the same, except the score has been replaced with a Kcal
    read out and there's a timer. The Kcal meter will start going as soon as you
    press an arrow at most times. (not just before or right after the song) So
    your excercise will be measured even if you're not hitting anything.
    4. Lesson Mode
    They picked on Alice a lot in this game, she's everywhere. (it used to be
    There are three lessons to do and each one is progressively harder, but it's
    easy enough.

    Lesson 1 (Baby-Lon)
    1. Basics
    2. 1/4 beats
    3. Left/right every 2/4 beat
    4. Up/down
    5. Up/down, another way
    6. Up/down, feet aligned with up/down arrows
    7. Up/right/down and up/left/down drill
    8. Song - Let Them Move (N.M.R)

    Lesson 2 (Princess-Zukin)
    1. Left/right drill
    2. Left/right drill
    3. Clockwise arrange
    4. Jumps
    5. Jumps 2
    6. Clockwise arrange + Jumps
    7. 1/4 then Jump
    8. Song - Higher (NM featuring SUNNY)

    Lesson 3 (Robo2001)
    1. 1/8 step drill
    2. Left/Up/Right and vice versa pattern
    3. Same as above but with bottom
    4. Right/Up/Down/Left and vice versa pattern
    5. 1/4 then 1/8 steps
    6. 1/4 then 1/8 steps
    7. Body moving Technique(spinning)
    8. Song - Baby Baby Gimme Your Love (DIVAS)

    5. Training
    Basically, this allows you to practice any song you have with some
    There is no game over here either.


    Music Select
    Type of Play: Single, Versus, Double
    Difficulty: Basic, Trick, Maniac
    Mode: Little, Flat, Arrangement, Visibility
    Speed: 1-5, I believe it's by 1 digit equals 20% but can't really tell.
    Help : 2 (yes they skip 1) Metronome; 3. Song + metronome; 4. Arrow Clap;
    5. Song + arrow clap; Metronome + arrow clap; 7. Everything
    Metronome is beeps. Clap is when the game makes a clap when you're
    supposed to hit the arrow for a "Perfect!"
    Bar Start: Which bar you want to start at, you cannot start at the end
    Bar End: Which bar you want to end at, you cannot end at the beginning
    Start: Starts song
    Edit: Loads edit data

    End Options
    Again - Do song again
    Check - Checks judging and timing
    Yellow - Perfect!!
    Green - Great!
    Blue - Good
    Purple - Boo!
    Miss - Red

    If you press select you'll see your timing scale
    Yellow - Perfect timing
    Blue - Timing is too soon
    Purple - Timing is too late
    Red - Missed

    Menu - Goes back to the menu
    6. Edit
    You can make your own arrow arrangement with this. Have a little fun, make
    a challenge.

    Pad: Move cursor
    O: Accept/Place arrow (right)
    X: Cancel/Get out of editing field/Place arrow (down)
    /\: Place arrow (up)
    []: Place arrow (down)
    L1: Change BPM arrow placement
    L2: Area start/end
    R1: Scroll faster
    R2: Area menu
    Start: Test song
    Select: No use

    Main Menu
    New Data - Start from stratch or use an official data for a starter
    - Select Song
    - Use official Data?
    - Yes
    - Basic, Trick, Maniac
    - No: Start from scratch
    Memory Card - Load from Memory Card
    Guide - Gives instructions (in Japanese)

    Memory Card Menu
    Save - Save data
    Load - Load data
    Rename - Rename data (you need to give it a name and maybe difficulty)

    In The Editing Field
    (names don't appear)
    | || |
    []New |1P's||2P's|
    []Mem. Card |side||side|
    []Quick Save | || |
    []Recording | || |
    []Options | || |
    []Status | || |
    []Guide | || |
    []Exit | || |

    New - Start a new data
    Memory Card - Goes to Memory Card menu
    Quick Save - You have to have saved it first, automatically updates it.
    Recording - Serval more options...
    - Type: How you want the preview done
    - Judge 1: You can play the song on the editing field.
    - Judge 2: Actual DDR style
    - Over Input: Plays the song and you can place arrows as you go.
    arrows if you press the same arrow
    - Save Input: Plays the song and you can place arrows as you go.
    delete arrows
    - Watch: Just watches how it goes
    - Repeat: Repeats song
    - Speed: Adjusts how fast the song is going
    - Input SE: Turns on/off those sound effects when doing Input recording.
    - Filter Br: Works only with Judge 2. If at 0%, you'll see the editing
    field. If at 100%, you'll have a blank background.
    Options - More options to choose from...
    - Input type: How you want to input the arrows
    - Keep: Stays at current position
    - Next: Moves to the next beat once an arrow is placed
    - BGM: Plays current song while editing
    - Icon Exp: Names the left icons for you
    - Language: Japanese or English
    Status - Explains everything about the song currently
    Guide - Explaination of buttons, in Japanese

    How To's
    Place an arrow
    Make sure you have a line in either 1P or 2P's side with a box at either
    Press any of the right button keys to place an arrow and press the same key
    to delete it.

    Place 1/8 or 1/16 beat arrows
    Press L/R2 and the arrows in the box will change from red, to blue, then
    yellow. Red is 1/4, blue is 1/8, and yellow is 1/16. Then just normall edit
    as you would.

    Preview Song Before Actual Launch
    Press start, to customize the way you want it, look at "Recording".

    Go to the Memory Card option. (the menu help is above)

    Area Editing (press R2)
    Copy - Copys the current area
    Paste - Pastes the copied/cut arrows to where you want it
    Cut - Copies but deletes the arrows with it
    Delete - Deletes all the arrows
    Arrange - Fixes the posistion of arrows for you
    - Left: all arrows go left once
    - Right: all arrows go right once
    - Mirror: reverses all the arrow positions
    Quantize - Not sure exactly what this does
    - Fourth: All arrows in that area will become a 1/4 beat arrow
    - Eighth: All arrows in that area will become 1/4 and 1/8 beat arrows
    - Twelfth: All arrows in that area will become 1/16 beats or similar
    - Little: Gets rid of all 1/8 and 1/16 arrows.

    Something About Edit
    If you edit something, the VERY last possible note is odd. I used Healing
    Vision -Angelic Mix- and followed the heartbeats at the end, and sometimes I
    cannot hit the last note (becuase the game cuts off the controls) and
    I can. But oddly enough, that last note doesn't count! I ranked AA on it but
    I couldn't touch the last note!

    Tibits on song editing
    I tend to make hard songs, but I usually know how to create some easy ones.
    you want to make either...

    Making C Ranking songs (7-9 foot)
    - Choose a fast song, this'll make the arrows harder to see (something like
    Afronova Primeval, PARANOiA Eternal, or Healing Vision -Angelic Mix-
    Song of Choice: HV -AM- because it's slow, fast, and stops. (slow and
    stops for like a fraction of the song, but it's fun)
    - Use 1/8 arrows most of the song. This really is hard to do if the song is
    - Jumps are killer, if you can't hit them at all (for some odd reason),
    made the song too hard or it's your little Combo "stopper".
    - 1/8 beats work best on a single foot. But it's boring if the whole song is
    just one arrow. Maybe a whole bar or two tops.
    - If you want a slow song, make it the slower songs.
    Song of Choice: Sona Morette Ne Ente
    - Use 1/16 arrows most of the song. This really hard to see.
    - Jumps are killer, again
    - The beat works best for a single foot. But make sure it's not the whole
    - What works best is the way TaQ arrangements work. Make it go with the song
    but hard to figure out which part. Otherwise following a sound or lyrics
    works fine.

    Making B Ranking songs (4-6 foot)
    - Any song works
    - 1/8 arrows kept moderately for fast songs, maybe okay for most of a slow
    - 1/16 are not to be in a fast song, slow songs are kept moderate.
    - Jumps are okay 1/4, rarely 1/8
    - If you want, make the arrows follow an obvious sound of the music, but if
    it's 1/16 or 1/8 mostly, don't use it all the way through

    Making A Ranking songs (1-3 foot)
    - Any song works
    - 1/8 are virutally forbidden. Slow songs are kept rarely
    - 1/16 are never to be seen.
    - Jumps are light
    - If you want, make the arrows follow an obvious sound of the music. Kept
    lightly if mostly 1/8 or 1/16 (means trim it down)
    7. Other Menus
    Holds most, if not all, the custom arrow arrangements made by the DDR staff.
    There are over 2000 and you get more as you comeplete more songs. You need
    block to save the edit data and the appropriate game which it will highlight
    for you to play.

    The games being:
    Dance Dance Revolution
    Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix
    Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix Club Version
    Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix Beat Mania Append
    Dance Dance Revolutoin 3rd Mix
    Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix
    Dance Dance Revolution Best Hits
    Dance Dance Revolution Extra Mix
    Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix
    You can create an Arcade Link data in this option. Arcade link will allow
    to use your DDR 5th mix data to support the arcade version. I'm guessing the
    only reason is to open up more options or play your edit data.

    Music Records - Best Record for all the songs
    Diet Rankings - Highest Kcal, time, whatever
    Diet Diary - Information on what you did day-by-day

    Several Options to choose from.

    - Stereo: If you have two speakers
    - Mono: If you have one speaker
    - No Booing: The crowd does not boo, so you won't feel discouraged.
    - Off: Turns off announcer and crowd during the song
    - On: Everything is on
    - |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
    - I'm not even sure how this works. From what I hear, it's supposed to
    make the arrows go slightly faster/slower. This doesn't help on

    Vibration (Requires Daul Shock)
    - No use: Doesn't vibrate
    - Button: Same like clapping in training, but not recommended (since
    it's lengthly, it's not helpful as it just creates a pure
    vibration throughout harder songs)
    - Miss: Only vibrates if you miss
    Double Play Use
    - Yes: Use vibration on Double Play
    - No: Doesn't vibrate on Double Play
    Double Play Settings
    - A: R1 - Down L1 - Right R2 - Left L2 - Up
    - B: R1 - Down L1 - Left R2 - Up L2 - Right
    - C: R1 - Down L1 - Up R2 - Left L2 - Right
    - D: R1 - Left L1 - Down R2 - Right L2 - Up
    - 1: Each player has their own side (1P is 1P, 2P is 2P)
    - 2: Allows single player Double Mode (C-pad: 1P Side, Buttons: 2P)
    - 3: 2P's O, X, /\, [] are reversed
    Controller Settings
    - 1P: Will disable certain controls for 1P
    - 2P: Will disable certain controls for 2P

    MEMORY CARD (Requires PSX Memory Card (PS2 Memory Cardincompatible)
    and 1 block)
    - Saves Data
    - Loads Data
    Edit Use
    - Scans memory card for edit data
    Auto Save
    - Saves automatically when updated
    DDR 4th Mix Support
    - Supposed to open options
    DDR Extra Mix Support
    - Supposed to open options

    - 1/Easiest: Miss decreases 10%-30%, Perfects initially increases .25%
    - 2/Very Easy: Miss decreases 15%-35%, Perfects initially increases .25%
    - 3/Easy : Miss decreases 15%-40%, Perfect initially increaeses .2%
    - 4/Medium: Miss decreases 20%-40%, Perfect initially increases .15%
    - 5/Medium-Hard: Miss decreases 25%-40%, Perfect initially increases .1%
    - 6/Hard: Miss decreases 30%-55%, Perfect initially increases .05%
    - 7/Very Hard: Miss decreases 35%-60%, Perfect initially increases .025%
    - 8/Hardest: Miss decreases 40%-75%, Prefect initially increases .025%
    - 3: Three songs before total evaluation
    - 4: Four songs before total evaluation
    - 5: Five songs before total evaluation
    - On: You'll have 20 seconds to choose whatever
    - Off: You have infinite time
    Game over
    - Arcade: Game stops as soon as your dance gauge reaches 0%
    - End of music: Like Beat Mania somewhat. If your dance gauge ever
    0% during the song by the time of your ranking, it's
    Event Mode
    - On: You have access to all songs. Long Versions take one stage. You
    right after total evaluation. Press X anytime during your ranking
    get out.
    - Off: You play the number of songs current. You will not have access to
    long versions until the second to the last stage.

    BG Animation
    - On: Turns on the animations in the background
    - Off: The background stays the same
    BG Bright
    - 25%-100%: Brightness level of the background
    Danger (when you dance gauge is 20% or lower)
    - Blinking: DANGER! flashes
    - Still: DANGER! stays
    - None: No DANGER! display
    - Arcade: Normal rainbow color rotation
    - Note: Red (1/4 beat steps) Blue (1/8 beat steps) Yellow (1/16 beat
    Character Use
    - Yes: Allows character selection and character to dance
    - No: You will skip character selection and no character will dance

    - Regulation:
    - Free:
    - I have not seen any signifigance to this option. It could be with the
    weight/time/Kcal thing but I'm not sure yet.
    Calorie Display
    - Yes: Displays Kcals burned
    - No: Doesn't display Kcals burned
    Consecutive Play
    - Yes: Choose one song and you'll go to the next one right after the
    - No: You can choose songs

    This mode allows you to see the collected pictures from the game. You get
    new one every two songs and there is a total of 227 pictures. You need to
    454 songs just to get every one of them! Don't be bored now, I'm only a

    Updates you with the lastest things you've gotten.
    8. The Misc. Section
    Triva Q Monsters
    What was the only mix that featured lyrics? (so you can kareoke to it!)
    What was the only mix that had append discs? (like Beat Mania)
    What was the only mix not on PSX?
    There's a song out there that's supposedly faster than Drop Out, what is it?
    The "PARANOiA man" is seen only in one other outfit, which is?
    What song was also in Drum Mania and Guitar Freaks? What is the difference
    between the two songs? (besides the obvious)
    There are three songs in Bemani that appear in DDR, Guitar Freaks, and Drum
    Mania. Their only similarities are the sound effects they share and the
    What are they?
    Luv To Me was also in another game besides Beat Mania, what is it? (and full
    name of the song)
    What is so significant about TaQ's and DJ Taka's genre now?

    How To Play If Imported
    Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix has a notorious PS gadget in it's CD, Modchip
    testing. This means you cannot play if you have a mod. However:

    First you need a modchip. You may also need a spring or something to keep
    button you see in the top right (facing the controller ports) held.

    Well, no one's really enforcing these tricks as far as I'm concerned. (If
    you want
    it off, gotta tell me)
    - GS modchip test skip code.
    1. Place a US or compatible version PSX game that's not copied into the
    2. Turn on the console, leaving the cover open, wait for the original game
    3. Take out the game and put in DDR5th Mix in
    4. Enter this code
    5. Run with the cheat on

    - Swap Trick for PSX only(follow exactly and you'll get out with minimal
    1. Place a US or compatible version PSX game that's not copied into the
    2. Turn on the console, leaving the cover open, wait for the original game
    3. Take out the game and put in DDR5h Mix in
    Normally, if you just let it run, after about five seconds in the game,
    you get
    a message "Program Terminated. This console maybe modified, please call
    long phone number) for support"
    4. Press start game (without cheats or whatever that option is)
    5. Play brave this time, as soon as the "Checking Memory Card" message
    you HAVE TO STOP the disc and quickly put in the US or compatible in. Let
    compatible disc run until the normal warning appears, then switch back.
    You have
    under five seconds to do this process. If the motor starts before you can
    it in and it scratches the middle, no biggy. (the only part that's not
    6. Enjoy.

    DAMAGE THE CD. You're in a bad spot either way. Like niether? Just buy a
    PSX off of E-bay or something.

    I had a problem with the file I used. Not only did I have to restart from 50
    the game also lost track of Gallery Mode pictures. (I use that as a song
    There maybe a fault, but I'm not sure.
    Every 2 Songs: Gallery Mode picture unlocked
    5 Songs: Nori Nori Nori
    10 Songs: The Centre Of My Heart
    15 Songs: Abyss
    20 Songs: Sana Morette Ne Ente
    25 Songs: Mr. T (Take Me Higher)
    30 Songs: On the Jazz
    40 Songs: Absolute
    45 Songs: The Cube
    50 Songs: Look Into the Sky
    55 Songs: DXY!
    60 Songs: Radical Faith
    65 Songs: Electrotuned
    70 Songs: Naoki, N.M.R.
    75 Songs: Do it Right
    80 Songs: Total score
    85 Songs: Dive -More Deep and Deeper Style- And Be For You members'
    90 Songs: Healing Vision -Angelic Mix-
    100 Songs: U-1, 2MB
    150 Songs: Total game types played
    454 Songs: All Gallery Mode pictures aquired
    All songs on Basic complete: Dance Master S-Basic
    All songs on Trick complete: Dance Master S-Trick
    All songs on Maniac complete: Dance Master S-Maniac
    (records how many A's, AA's, and AAA's you got on that mode)

    That Little Yellow/Green Thing
    In Japan, you place a sticker or something to your car and it tells everyone
    you're a rookie driver. Or a begginer, so this marks all songs for

    Graphic Problem
    Did you know there's a graphic problem in the game? (Could be my Playstation
    since it's five years old) The resolution in the arcade game was widescreen
    and the Playstation's resolution is 320X240, which cannot support that. To
    conpensate, the BG had to be squared and they had to cut off the top and
    to fit in the game. As you notice, you cannot see the gauge completely or
    "Stage" either. I'm guess PS2 fixes this.

    Naoki, U1, N.M.R. and 2MB
    You've seen their names, so where do they come from?

    Naoki Maeda - Sound programmer, makes most of the songs that don't come from
    DanceMania. (More likely, most of the "Konami Original"
    U1 - aSami - Playstation DDR Staff
    N.M.R. - Shdwrlm3@yahoo.com confirmed it's Naoki
    2MB - Shdwrlm3@yahoo.com confirmed it's U1

    Songs like PARANOiA Evil, Crafty, Millenium, Revolution, Red and Massive
    are all made by those outside of DDR. The only variations of Butterfly in
    are normal and Upswing. Don't expect any of those remixes outside of DDR or
    Dancemania to be on DDR.
    How would you know?
    Take PARANOiA for example. Crafty (which is a mix of all the PARANOiAs),
    (Drum & Bass version) Revolution (PARANOiA Rebirth on speed) and Massive
    (Drum & Bass version 2) still use the original or Max versions and flip them
    PARANOiA Evil is a real good version, but barely, could still tell that the
    was put in, just the artist flipped it around and the beat makes it sound
    like an
    authentic Naoki song. (otherwise, it is one, but I don't care right now)

    Getting AA or AAA
    A few pointers on getting either of these hard (or not) to get rankings.
    Tips for AA
    - Practice the song
    - Know every keen trick they try to pull. (like a jump in a 1/16 arrow song)
    - PARANOiA Eternal's trick: Use one hand (your best) and use it on the
    arrows or
    just hit both the up and /\ in a 1/4 ryhthm
    Tips for AAA
    - DON'T TRY A MANIAC SONG. Though I got 4 greats doing Healing Vision
    Mix- before, it's a waste of time doing Maniac songs, or Trick for that
    - Easier = better. Well it's obvious
    - Faster = better. You don't have to worry about timing that much. As I
    I got 1 great on Swing It but 2 greats (best) on Remember You.
    - Try the beat trick. Hit the arrow that comes next on the beat. Though it's
    recommended because it led me to more greats than just doing it.
    - Practice.

    The Useless To Know (This could be some challenges)

    5th Mix
    The Most -
    Fastest (achieved) - Insertion (220)
    Fastest (averaged) - Afronova Primeval, PARANOiA Eternal (200)
    Bars - B4U Glorious Style (119)
    BPM Changes (including stops) - Insertion (6)
    BPM Changes (excluding stops) - Insertion, Healing Vision (5)
    Song Played By author - Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~
    Highest Single Score by author - 53000000's AA ranking Healing Vision
    -Angelic Mix-
    Accumulated Score by author - 2700000000's last time checked
    Combo by author - AA ranking Healing ~Angelic Mix~ Edited version with a 587
    (or around) combo
    1/8 Beat Arrows In A Row - PARANOiA Eternal (2 bars)
    Total Difficulty Foots - Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~ (20) (5/6/9
    Slowest (achieved) - Insertion, Ecstasy, Abyss, Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~
    Slowest (achieved but still going) - Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~ (46)
    Slowest (averaged) - Sana Morette Ne Ente (90)
    Shortest - Sana Morette Ne Ente (39)
    Lowest single score by author* - 10000000's AA ranking The Centre Of My
    Least Total Difficulty Foots - The Centre Of My Heart (4)
    Awards given - Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~ (no brainer)

    *- I mean I passed it as well, but it'd be too long to fit.

    Favorite songs- PARANOiA Eteneral, Afronova Primeval, Ecstasy, Abyss,
    Insertion, Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~
    Favorite Characters - Rage, Naoki, U1, Emi, Alice, 2MB
    Top Three played- Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~, PARANOiA Eternal,
    Afronova Primeval

    All the DDR
    The Most -
    Fastest (achieved) - Drop Out (260)
    Fastest (averaged) - Drop Out (260)
    Bars - B4U Glorious Style (119)
    Oldest Group (since DDR)- SMiLE.dk, Bus Stop, Naoki (all variations)
    BPM Changes (including stops) - Insertion (6)
    BPM Changes (excluding stops) - Insertion, Healing Vision (5)
    Song Played by author - PARANOia Rebirth
    Highest Single Score By author - 53000000's AA ranking Healing Vision
    ~Angelic Mix~
    Highest Accumulated score by author - 200,000,000,000,000,000,000's Playing
    Mix Endless Mode
    Highest Combo by author - 700's Playing 3rd Mix Endless Mode
    1/8 Beat Arrows in a Row - PARANOiA Eternal (two bars worth)
    Total Difficulty Foots - La Seniorita Virtual (24) (7/8/9 difficulties)
    Slowest (achieved) - Insertion, Ecstasy, Abyss, Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~
    Slowest (achieved but still going) - Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~ (46)
    Slowest (averaged) - Sana Morette Ne Ente (90)
    Shortest (bars) - Sana Morette Ne Ente (39)
    Lowest score by author - 0 (who hasn't?)
    Lowest ranking by author and TRIED - Captain Jack ~Grandale Mix~ Double
    (C, equilvilant to C)
    Awards Given - Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~

    Author's Challenges
    Highest Single Score - 53000000's AA ranking Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~
    Highest Accumulated score - Dan (Redchoco99@aol.com)
    Highest Combo - Dan (Redchoco99@aol.com) 1012

    5th Only
    Highest Single Score - 53000000's AA ranking Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~
    Highest Combo - AA ranking Healing ~Angelic Mix~ Edited version with a 587
    (or around) combo

    600+ Note song using a maximum of 50 bars and is POSSIBLE on controller -
    Not attanined yet
    600+ Note song using a minimum BPM of 190 and is POSSIBLE on controller -
    Almost (look at 5th mix Highest Combo)

    Favorite Songs - All PARANOiA's, Afronova, Afronova Primeval, Inserstion,
    Abyss, Ecstasy, Healing Vision, Healing Vision ~Angelic
    Dead End, Drop Out, Dam Dariram KCP Mix, Furuhata's Theme
    Era (Nostal Mix), Orion .78 AMEuro Mix, Orion .78
    Mix, Holic, DXY!
    Favorite Characters - Rage, Naoki, U1, Emi, Alice, 2MB, Disc Being (A and
    Devil Zukin (Diet version)

    I'm Bored!
    Well... This game has good replay value. This game also is still fun
    but if you're absolutely sick of DDR: Play Something Else.

    Is this song a Konami Original? (Afronova Primeval)
    It's quite clear that the logo of origin says "dance" and the rest is
    Strange, its original was a Konami Original.

    This isn't really when Dive was orignally released, what mix was it? (Dive)
    Extra Mix originally released Dive in the game.

    De-Sire's only song that wasn't Drum & Bass was... (Healing Vision)
    Trip Machine Climax, a fun song to do. It's probably my mistake if it is a

    When does that whack BPM change (110-120-140) occur? (INSERTiON)
    Right after the pause, you'll notice the arrows are going funny after

    Look at all the PARANOiA guys! What other PARANOiA song featured more than
    "PARANOiA man" in the BG? (PARANOiA Eternal)
    PARANOiA KCET ~Clean mix~ had at least three in the background.

    More than 1/3 of the last part of the song, they keep saying what? (Centre
    the Heart)
    It gets me crazy... "Na-nana-nana-na"

    What was the only mix that featured lyrics? (so you can kareoke to it!)
    3rd Mix, they took it out because I'm guessing it was totally distracting.

    What was the only mix that had append discs? (like Beat Mania)
    2nd Mix had a total of two append discs as seen in the Data Bank. Beat Mania
    Append and Club Version.

    What was the only mix not on PSX?
    Solo2000 is the only mix on the arcade version. That Drop Out song would've
    been nice.

    There's a song out there that's supposedly faster than Drop Out, what is it?
    MAX300 by Omega, supposed to be in DDRMAX. It's what it says, 300. (It's
    really 150-300-0-300)

    The "PARANOiA man" is seen only in one other outfit, which is?
    A bicycle helmet in PARANOiA Rebirth.

    What song was also in Drum Mania and Guitar Freaks? What is the difference
    between the two songs? (besides the obvious)
    Love This Feelin' was not only a unique song becuase of that, it was the
    BPM changing song. The only difference is that the GF/DM version doesn't
    that intro ("Check one, check one" part) and is a straight 180 BPM.

    There are three songs in Bemani that appear in DDR, Guitar Freaks, and Drum
    Mania. Their only similarities are the sound effects they share and the
    What are they?
    Hypnotic Crisis (DDR 4th Mix), Hypnotica (GF 1st mix), and Hypnotieque (DM

    Luv To Me was also in another game besides Beat Mania, what is it? (and full
    name of the song)
    Luv To Me ~Super EuroBeat~ (Not sure) version was released in Para Para

    What is so significant about TaQ's and DJ Taka's genre now?
    They switched off. TaQ was the calm guy, DJ Taka was the hardcore mixer.
    9. Credits
    Dance Dance Revolution and all related characters, music, etc are copyrights
    Konami Of Japan, Intercord Japan, and their respected owners 1998-2001.

    This guide is copyrighted 2001, no other information maybe taken from

    Distribution Notice
    I'm the kind of guy who doesn't like answering to a lot of things. If you
    to use this guide anywhere besides the places of origin, be aware of the

    1. If you notify me beforehand what you are going to use, my answer
    will always be yes. Not doing so is grounds for whatever legal actions.
    I will be severe with consequences.
    2. Don't edit anything, even the smallest smudge. I constantly like to
    so I might've found it then. (that's what e-mail is for anyways)
    3. Direct link may not be approved on some sites, but otherwise, a direct
    quote without notification is also not approved
    4. You may print out without permission, but only for private use
    5. This guide is NOT FOR PUBLIC USE
    6. This guide is NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE
    I will be severe with consequences.
    8. Thank you and have a nice day

    God - God gave us everything, why not?
    My friend - for getting me interested in DDR
    The Arcade - for having DDR to play
    My Bro - for getting the Playstation
    Konami (KCET) - The game, what else?
    Almighty X (Gamefaqs.com board user) - Finding out how to play this game
    Shdwrlm3@yahoo.com - Lending a helping hand with information

    About The Author
    Alias: Xeno Lynx
    Real Name: Prefers not to disclose
    Gender: Male
    DOB: 5/15
    Location: Okinawa...Japan
    Interests: Bemani, other video games

    Missing Something? Got Something to say? Comment? Whatever? E-mail me at

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