Tato stranka by vapadalo mnohem lepe v prohlizeci, ktery podporuje webove standardy, nicmene prohlizet ji muzete v jakemkoliv prohlizeci, nebo zarizeni s pristupem na Internet.

DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

Chcete si koupit softpad ?

Existuje calá řada softpadů - levnější, dražší, s výplní, bez výplně, pro různé platformy. Mají různou výdrž, jiný potisk a barvy šipek a tlačítek a různou koncovku. Nejčastěji jsou pro PS2, XboX nebo na PC (USB). Hlavně na koncovku si dejte při koupi pozor. Pokud to není právě ta co potřebujete, je nutné si k padu koupit i redukci.

Doporučovaný postup pro získání softpadu:

  • Podívejte se na fórum, jestli někdo softpady právě neprodává, nebo se nechystá nějaká skupinka hráčů k hromadnému nákupu. To by pak ulehčilo peněžence.

  • Softpady na Internetu můžete koupit u firmy PositiveGaming. Jděte na stránky www.positivegaming.com, klikněte na Shop a softpad si vyberte. Mívají akce kdy za 1 pad nakoupíte 2... Na této stránce si můžete koupit i redukci. Při registraci použijte promote kód "czechddr". Získáte alespoň pětiprocentní slevu na první nákup.

  • Další softpady můžete koupit v e-shopu Play-Asia . U tohoto obchodu nemusíte používat promokód, stačí na shop přijít a následně realizovat objednávku před odkaz dole na stránce. Ten odkaz použijte prosím i v případě, že si zboží chce koupit nějaký vás známý.

    Další zkušenosti najdete na fóru - Tam najdete vše od údržby, zátěže, výdrže, vzhledu, až po rady jak docílit toho, aby se softpad moc nehýbal a naklouzal po podlaze při rychlejším hraní.

    Odkazy na internetové obchody

    PositiveGamming - www.positivegaming.com (promo kód "czechddr")
    název redukce - Trio Linker Plus

    Play-Asia - www.play-asia.com (pouzijte vzdy tento odkaz)
    název redukce - Dual Shooter (EMS USB2)

    soft1.jpg, 92 kB
    soft2.jpg, 91 kB

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'koupit_softpad':
    01.11.2009 00:00
  • << zpět na Czech DDR portal

    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG


    D a n c e D a n c e R e v o l u t i o n 5 t h M i x
    - = S e c r e t s = -

    Originally conceived and started Written by Jeremy (tri-emplem) Lim
    September 27th, 2001 http://www.geocities.com/triemplem/
    Version FINAL / Archive triemplem@hotmail.com


    Considering the fact that I have recently purchased [ Notes From Author ]
    this miracle work from Konami; I have decided that I
    will go ahead and drop my tedious writings on the NES game, "Deadly Towers".
    I am hoping to have time to write a "C o m p l e t e" guide to 5th Mix in
    time. For now, I am logging all the songs I complete and what they open up.

    Find any mistakes or errors?
    Just send me an e-mail to
    Enjoy! triemplem@hotmail.com
    - Jeremy


    [ Version FINAL ] : 12 / 29 / 01 "Life calls." [ Update Log

    (sighs deeply) I'm sorry guys, this FAQ is no-longer going to go anywhere.
    I have considered many paterns that these secrets may reveal themselves in,
    however none of them seem to work. So either I'm not looking deep enough,
    or the unlocking method truly is random. This renders this FAQ obsolete,
    except to those who may find it of some use. Maybe someone will continue
    my work in the near future. If you're interested, please feel free to
    e-mail me at the address listed above. Hopefully CJayC will be kind
    enough to leave this FAQ up for refference.

    So, I'll leave you with this. Life's short, go have fun. Be it with
    Dance Dance Revolution, or some harsh euro-rave (that's the stuff),
    just get out there and go.

    Take care, and happy new year to those who read this before the turn of
    2001 ...

    Been a great year! Enjoy!

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    [ Version 1.31 ] : 10 / 3 / 01 "I can't feel my legs."

    Psh, just finished some 4th Mix down at Playdium. Ouch. Okay, so here's
    what's up. As realised ... say, when I first got fourth mix, I noticed
    that songs are unlocked in fairly generic or obvious numbers. Fives and
    tens, more or less. So I'm rounding the songs down to the nearest five
    or zero. Bleh.

    Oh, yeah. A very sexy "MogKnight" [ godhand45@yahoo.com ] approached me
    about the unlocking certain galeries. Apparently, he's right. So I
    re-formated the layout for the "List By Galleries". Oh well, sounds good!

    And I'm trying to determine if it's songs complete, or the actual song and
    difficulty level. It's really tricky, but I swear it can't be random as
    some predict.

    Oh yeah! I've been really stressed lately, so I stopped logging and made
    a save on a second memory card so I could at least take vague guesses at
    requirements of unlocked songs. However, I will not assume findings for
    the Gallery and the Information modes as they require more 'precise'
    calculations; Gallery more than Information.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    [ Version 1.2 ] : 10 / 3 / 01 "Alignment is fishy."

    It's sometimes funny how no matter how many times you re-align something,
    it always deciudes to wrap when uploaded. Ugh. Oh well, that's all this
    update, just fixing that. Looks like I might get that file save to you
    guys sooner than I thought, I've decided to play through with a controller.
    Maybe I can learn why Konami brought out that funny looking Doubles pad.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    [ Version 1.1 ] : 09 / 29 / 01 "I'm Working On It"

    - Just some more stuff. That's all. Personal Notes Log

    "Sometimes you have to be
    curious as to why Konami uses such generic numbers like "10", "20" and
    other multiples of ten. Oh well, maybe they do it so I have to correct
    some numbers. Bah, here goes! Hey, if this goes well I'll make the
    "C o m p l e t e" guide to 5th Mix.

    Oh yeah. Don't do Hot Limit and B4U (Maniac) without a jug of water, huh?
    I made Hot Limit, but ended up leg-twisted for B4U. Oh well, practice!
    I mean, they're really fun ... they're just really tiring.

    Oh yeah, embarasing little error.
    I forgot to change a heading in the Song List. Oops? I Did It Again?"

    PS. Don't do Sana Molette Na Ente unless you're a big fan of ORION.78
    (AMeuro Mix). That doesn't include Civilization Mix. This thing is
    so slow I can't read it. Bah. Maybe I should have taken a look
    at that BPM meter? Oh well.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    [ Version 1.0 ] : 09 / 29 / 01 "The Beginning"

    - Everything comes the first update. Personal Notes Log:

    - List By Number of Songs Completed "I wish I was in Japan so I
    - List By Gallery Entries could get my hands on the
    - List By Information arcade port ... Topway
    - List By Songs mats are nice, but the
    stage is always better.
    I'm lagging behind on my homework though, so I best get off the computer
    some time soon. Yeah, there is a life outside of video games; contrary
    to what you may believe. Oh well, enjoy!

    Atleast you're not getting fat doing Dance Dance Revolution."

    PS "I also had an ACII image ready for you guys, but ... I decided to
    keep it out of the FAQ in the end. Just too big and there is enough
    stuff in here. "

    PPS "I'll try to get a DexDrive save out some time soon too. "

    - Decided to add the following

    - Rough Log
    - List By Characters


    [ List By Number Of Songs Completed ]

    Songs Completed Unlocked Items
    --------------- --------------

    0 .................. Gallery #001 Unlocked
    .................. Information on "General Game Play" Unlocked
    .................. Information on "Gallery Mode" Unlocked
    .................. Information on "BeForU" (1) Unlocked
    .................. Information on "BeForU" (2) Unlocked

    3 .................. Gallery #020 Unlocked
    .................. Gallery #075 Unlocked
    .................. Song; "Nori Nori Nori" Unlocked

    6 .................. Gallery #117 Unlocked
    .................. Information on "Nori Nori Nori" Unlocked

    9 .................. Gallery #173 Unlocked
    .................. Song; "Centre Of The Heart" Unlocked
    .................. Information on "Centre Of The Heart" Unlocked

    12 .................. Gallery #101 Unlocked

    15 .................. Gallery #022 Unlocked
    .................. Song; "Abyss" Unlocked
    .................. Information on "Abyss" Unlocked

    18 .................. Gallery #058 Unlocked

    21 .................. Gallery #038 Unlocked
    .................. Song; "Sana Molette Na Ente" Unlocked
    .................. Information on "Sana Molette Na Ente" Unlocked

    24 .................. Gallery #156 Unlocked


    [ List By Gallery Entries ]

    * = Memory Card Save From Specific Dance Dance Revolution Title
    #### = Number of Song Complete

    Gallery Entry Method or by Songs Complete
    ------------- ---------------------------

    #001 ......................................................... ????
    #002 ......................................................... ????
    #003 ......................................................... ????
    #004 ......................................................... ????
    #005 ......................................................... ????
    #006 ......................................................... ????
    #007 ......................................................... ????
    #008 ......................................................... ????
    #009 ......................................................... ????
    #010 ......................................................... ????
    #011 ......................................................... ????
    #012 ......................................................... ????
    #013 ......................................................... ????
    #014 ......................................................... ????
    #015 ......................................................... ????
    #016 ......................................................... ????
    #017 ......................................................... *BESTHITS
    #018 ......................................................... ????
    #019 ......................................................... * 4thMIX
    #020 ......................................................... *EXTRAMIX
    #021 ......................................................... ????
    #022 ......................................................... ????
    #023 ......................................................... ????
    #024 ......................................................... ????
    #025 ......................................................... ????
    #026 ......................................................... ????
    #027 ......................................................... ????
    #028 ......................................................... ????
    #029 ......................................................... ????
    #030 ......................................................... ????
    #031 ......................................................... ????
    #032 ......................................................... ????
    #033 ......................................................... ????
    #034 ......................................................... ????
    #035 ......................................................... ????
    #036 ......................................................... ????
    #037 ......................................................... ????
    #038 ......................................................... 0021
    #039 ......................................................... ????
    #040 ......................................................... ????
    #041 ......................................................... ????
    #042 ......................................................... ????
    #043 ......................................................... ????
    #044 ......................................................... ????
    #045 ......................................................... ????
    #046 ......................................................... ????
    #047 ......................................................... ????
    #048 ......................................................... ????
    #049 ......................................................... ????
    #050 ......................................................... ????
    #051 ......................................................... ????
    #052 ......................................................... ????
    #053 ......................................................... ????
    #054 ......................................................... ????
    #055 ......................................................... ????
    #056 ......................................................... ????
    #057 ......................................................... ????
    #058 ......................................................... 0018
    #059 ......................................................... ????
    #060 ......................................................... ????
    #061 ......................................................... ????
    #062 ......................................................... ????
    #063 ......................................................... ????
    #064 ......................................................... ????
    #065 ......................................................... ????
    #066 ......................................................... ????
    #067 ......................................................... ????
    #068 ......................................................... ????
    #069 ......................................................... ????
    #070 ......................................................... ????
    #071 ......................................................... ????
    #072 ......................................................... ????
    #073 ......................................................... ????
    #074 ......................................................... ????
    #075 ......................................................... 0003
    #076 ......................................................... ????
    #077 ......................................................... ????
    #078 ......................................................... ????
    #079 ......................................................... ????
    #080 ......................................................... ????
    #081 ......................................................... ????
    #082 ......................................................... ????
    #083 ......................................................... ????
    #084 ......................................................... ????
    #085 ......................................................... ????
    #086 ......................................................... ????
    #087 ......................................................... ????
    #088 ......................................................... ????
    #089 ......................................................... ????
    #090 ......................................................... ????
    #091 ......................................................... ????
    #092 ......................................................... ????
    #093 ......................................................... ????
    #094 ......................................................... ????
    #095 ......................................................... ????
    #096 ......................................................... ????
    #097 ......................................................... ????
    #098 ......................................................... ????
    #099 ......................................................... ????
    #100 ......................................................... ????
    #101 ......................................................... 0012
    #102 ........................................................, ????
    #103 ......................................................... ????
    #104 ......................................................... ????
    #105 ......................................................... ????
    #106 ......................................................... ????
    #107 ......................................................... ????
    #108 ......................................................... ????
    #109 ......................................................... ????
    #110 ......................................................... ????
    #111 ......................................................... ????
    #112 ......................................................... ????
    #113 ......................................................... ????
    #114 ......................................................... ????
    #115 ......................................................... ????
    #116 ......................................................... ????
    #117 ......................................................... 0006
    #118 ......................................................... ????
    #119 ......................................................... ????
    #120 ......................................................... ????
    #121 ......................................................... ????
    #122 ......................................................... ????
    #123 ......................................................... ????
    #124 ......................................................... ????
    #125 ......................................................... ????
    #126 ......................................................... ????
    #127 ......................................................... ????
    #128 ......................................................... ????
    #129 ......................................................... ????
    #130 ......................................................... ????
    #131 ......................................................... ????
    #132 ......................................................... ????
    #133 ......................................................... ????
    #134 ......................................................... ????
    #135 ......................................................... ????
    #136 ......................................................... ????
    #137 ......................................................... ????
    #138 ......................................................... ????
    #139 ......................................................... ????
    #140 ......................................................... ????
    #141 ......................................................... ????
    #142 ......................................................... ????
    #143 ......................................................... ????
    #144 ......................................................... ????
    #145 ......................................................... ????
    #146 ......................................................... ????
    #147 ......................................................... ????
    #148 ......................................................... ????
    #149 ......................................................... ????
    #150 ......................................................... ????
    #151 ......................................................... ????
    #152 ......................................................... ????
    #153 ......................................................... ????
    #154 ......................................................... ????
    #155 ......................................................... ????
    #156 ......................................................... ????
    #157 ......................................................... ????
    #158 ......................................................... ????
    #159 ......................................................... ????
    #160 ......................................................... ????
    #161 ......................................................... ????
    #162 ......................................................... ????
    #163 ......................................................... ????
    #164 ......................................................... ????
    #165 ......................................................... ????
    #166 ......................................................... ????
    #167 ......................................................... ????
    #168 ......................................................... ????
    #169 ......................................................... ????
    #170 ......................................................... ????
    #171 ......................................................... ????
    #172 ......................................................... ????
    #173 ......................................................... 0009


    [ List By Information ]

    Information Description Ammount of Songs Complete
    ----------------------- -------------------------

    "General Game Play and Welcome" ............................... 0000
    "Gallery Mode" ............................... 0000
    "BeForU" (1) ............................... 0000
    "BeForU" (1) ............................... 0000
    "Nori Nori Nori" ............................... 0006
    "Centre Of The Heart" ............................... 0009
    "Abyss" ............................... 0015


    [ List By Songs ]

    Song Name Ammount of Songs Complete
    --------- -------------------------

    Abyss - DJ Taka ............................ 0015
    Absolute - DJ Taka ............................ 0040
    Dive (MD&D Style Remix) - BeForU ............................. ????
    Do It Right - Sota featuring Ebony Fay ........... 0075
    DXY! - TaQ ................................ 0055
    Electro Tuned (The SubS Mix) - TaQ ................................ 0065
    Healing Vision (Angel Remix) - De-sire ............................ ????
    I Was The One - Good-Cool .......................... 0035
    Look To The Sky - system s.f. featuring Anna ......... 0055
    Nori Nori Nori - Judy Crystal ....................... 0005
    On The Jazz - Jonny Dynamite ..................... 0035
    Radical Faith - TaQ ................................ 0060
    Sana Molette Na Ente - Togo Project featuring Sana ........ 0025
    The Cube - DJ Suwami .......................... 0045
    The Centre Of The Heart - Roxette ........................... 0010


    [ List By Characters ]

    Character Unlocked Ammount of Songs Complete
    ------------------ -------------------------

    Naoki Maeda ...................................................... 70
    N.M.R ...................................................... 70


    [ Copy of Rough Log ]

    Songs Complete

    1 - Insertion trick
    2 - healing vision basic
    3 - healing vision trick
    - b4u glorious style
    - unlocked gallery 75 / 20
    - nori nori nori unlocked
    4 - b4u glorious style trick
    5 - healing vision trick
    6 - b4u glorious style trick
    - gallery 117 unlocked
    - information nori nori nori
    7 - insertion trick
    8 - dynamite rave trick
    9 - moonlight shadow maniac
    - unlock gallery 173
    - unlock information centre of the heart info #4
    - unlock centre of the heart
    10 - oops I did it again maniac
    11 - my generation maniac
    12 - b4u gloriuous style trick
    - unlocked gallery 101
    13 - paranoia eternal trick
    14 - ecstacy maniac
    15 - healing vision maniac
    - unlock gallery 22
    - unlock information #3 abyss
    - abyss
    16 - abyss maniac
    17 - can't stop falling in love trick
    18 - never ending story maniac
    - unlock gallery 58
    19 - still in my heart maniac
    20 - paranoia eternal trick
    21 - hot limit maniac
    - unlock Sana Molette Na Ente
    22 - ecstacy maniac
    23 - oops I did it again maniac
    - unlock gallery 156

    ... endless dribble ...
    ... mostly consisting of ...
    ... more numbers, that's all ...

    Author's Note: This is the actual log I keep; please don't tell me there
    are any typos in it. There are plenty, I assure you.
    (smiles weakly) Oh well, all my hard work. Yeah.

    Also at a point I got really stressed in my life, so I made
    a new save file and just danced away. Some information may
    be present without the additional length of log.


    / ___ ___\_______________________________________
    / /__ J e r e m y L i m _________________ __\
    | |___________ is __ ___ __ _____________ triemplem@hotmail.com __|
    | |________ ____/ /___ _ /_/ ________ __________________|
    | |________ /___ ___/_ __ _______ Copyright 2001 _________________|
    | |___________ / / / __/ / ___ __________ of ______________________|\
    | |__________ / / / / / / /__/ ______________________________________| |
    | |_________ /__/ /_/ /_/ ______ __ ___ _____ _ _____ ___ ___ _| |
    | |_____________________ / _ / |/ | / _ / / / _ / / |/ | _| |
    | |____________________ / ____/ /| /| |/ ___/ / / ___/ / /| /| | _| |
    | |___________________ / /__ / / | / | | / / /_/_/__ / / | / | | _| |
    \|__________________ /_____/_/ |_/ /|_|/ /_____/___//_/ |_/ |_| _| |
    |___ ___| |
    |__ t r i - e m p l e m : i d l e n e s s o f t h e v o i d __| |
    |_______________ http://www.geocities.com/triemplem/ _______________| |
    / \_________________________________________________________________/ /
    | \___________________________/
    | Copyright and Usage Documentation \
    | |
    | It's real easy, don't use this document for any website, e-zine, |
    | article, magazine; whatever. Unless an arangement is set up, you |
    | will be infringing upon this Copyright and will be teased, |
    | ridiculed, mocked, and made fun of until you cry. Not to mention |
    | sued and brought to court. No one makes money off of my FAQs |
    | but CJayC and me. Straight out. |


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