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DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

Co to je a k čemu je program Stepmania ?

Stepmania je volně šiřitelný program pro simulátor pro hry z rodiny DDR a jim podobných. Funguje pod Windows, na Linuxu i na Xbox konzoli.

Domácí stránka programu je www.stepmania.com a zde si ji můžete stáhnout. Na adrese najdete i pár bonusů jako songy, fotky, videa, návody a manuály. Samozřejmě nechybí ani odkazy na další stránky a aktuální informace o vývoji programu. Poslední stabilní verze je 3.9, takže doporučujeme začít s ní.

Samotný program Stepmania (dále jen SM) Vám k hraní stačit nebude, potřebujete písničky. Ty označujeme anglickým slovem "songs" a nahrávají se do adresáře /songs. Více o nich, kde je sehnat, vytvořit a nahrát, najdete pod klíčovým slovem "songs".

Doporučuji program nainstalovat do kořenového adresáře, například X:/DDR. Budete mít k SM rychlejší přístup a spousta malých souborů zabere méně místa.

Další informace, rady, instalaci a řešení problémů s programem najdete v této části našeho fóra .

Jaké adresáře v Stepmanii najdete a co do nich můžete nahrát?

Announcers - Tenhle adresář slouží pro nahrání komentátora, co vám bude "kecat" do hry. Říkat jak dobře nebo špatně potvrzujete šipky, jak velké máte combo, a jaké jsou vaše závěrečné výsledky.
Cache - Adresíř pro cache songů, pro příští rychlejší start aplikace. Pokud budete mít pár tisíc songů, stejně si chvilku počkáte, než se SM spustí.
Characters - Řekněme tanečníci. Jedná se o figurky, co se hýbou a tancují za šipkami a před pozadím. Někdy rozptylují, někdy pobaví.
Data - Adresář pro nastavení a statistiky. Najdete zde jak nastavení programu Stepmania (soubor stepmania.ini), tak vaše statistiky (adresář LocalProfiles) i statistiky celé mašiny, SM (MachineProfile). Můžete se podívat na doporučené nastavení souboru Stepmania.ini, nebo si SM můžete nastavit přímo v programu. Náročnější hráči si v souboru stepmania.ini nastaví JudgeWindow nebo PerfectScore, ale to normální hráče zatěžovat nemusí.
Notekins - Adresář pro uložení grafiky - noteskinů - dalších vzhledů šipek. Oni totiž ani šipky nemusí vypadat pořád stejně. Existuje větší množství těchto noteskinů.
Program - Adresář obsahující knihovny a spouštěcí soubor stepmania.exe
Screenshots - Ve Stepmanii můžete kdykoliv stisknout klávesu PrintScreen, a do tohoto adresáře se uloží jpeg s aktuálnám obrázkem v rozlišení 640x480. Dobré na ukládání obrázků z výsledné obrazovky. Plno lidí takto své výsledky porovnává.
Songs - Hlavní adresář pro hudbu. Sem dáváte všechny songy, které chcete v Stepmanii hrát. V adresáři Songs je další adresář s názvem alba, v něm adresáře s názvy jednotlivých songů a v tomto jsou už jednotlivé soubory (hudba ve formátu MP3, soubor se šipkami zvaný stepchart, případné titulky k hudbě označované jako lyric, animace, pozadí, obrázek songu a autora a podobně). Nemůžete sem tedy nakopírovat vaše oblíbené album s MP3, nemáte u nich vytvořené stepcharty. Buď šipky uděláte sami, nebo si seženete požadovanou hudbu jinde.
Themes - Jiný kabát pro vaší Stepmanii. Jako program Winamp můžete i SM převléci a dát jí jiný vzhled. Neliší se jen barvy, ale může jít o kompletní změnu programu k novému obrazu. Každému vyhovuje něco jiného, každý themes může ukazovat více či méně informací o dané skladbě, o výsledcích a může mít u různé zvukové efekty.
BackgroundEffects, BackgroundTransitions, BGAnimations, RandomMovies ...a podobné adresáře jsou pro videa a efekty k nim. Videa mohou být také přímo v adresáři Songs u hudby.

V Stepmanii můžete používat i klávesové zkratky. Uvádím je zde jen pro úplnost, protože běžnému hráči stačí šipky, enter, a esc. Zde je tedy jejich přehled:


  • F1 = vložení mince
  • F2 = zvonunačtení metrik a textur
  • Alt-Enter = přepnutí do nebo z fullscreenu
  • PrintScreen = vytvoří screenshot obrazovky a uloží jej do adresáře Screenshots
  • Držet Tab = zvýší rychlost hry 4x. Používá se pro rychlejší pohyb v menu a výběru songů
  • Držet Tildu (~) = naopak sníží rychlost hry na 1/4x
  • Držet Tab a Tildu (~) = sníží rychlost na 0x

    V menu:

  • Směrové šipky slouží pro pohyb v menu
  • Enter = Start
  • Escape = zpět

    Ještě před vlastním hraním - attract obrazovka:

  • Left nebo Right = další obrazovka
  • F3 = přepnutí CoinMode

    V hlavním menu:

  • Escape = vrácení o obrazovku zpět

    Během hry:

  • F6 = přepnutí AutoSync módu
  • F7 = přepnutí assist tick (tleskání do rytmu hudby)
  • F8 = přepnutí AutoPlay (počítač hraje sám za vás)
  • F9 = sníží offset
  • F10 = zvýší offset
  • F11 = sníží BPM současného segmentu (držte ALT pro větší citlivost)
  • F12 = zvýší BPM současného segmentu (držte ALT pro větší citlivost)
  • Držet Escape = ukončí hraní

    V editoru:

  • Escape = menu
  • Up/Down = předchozí/další řádka
  • Left/Right = změna kroku
  • 1 až 0 = přidá/smaže notu
  • Enter - nastaví počáteční značku pro označení oblasti
  • Space - nastaví značku pro konec výběru oblasti
  • P - přehrání označené oblasti (pokud není nic označeno, přehraje celý song)
  • R - spustí nahrávání do označené oblasti (pokud není nic označeno, přehraje celý song)

    V menu pro výběr songu:

  • F9 = změna překladu názvů (například pro japonské názvy skladeb)

    Během výběru songu můžete zadat určitou sekvenci kláves a provede se příslušná akce. Tyto sekvence jsou sice závislé na tom, jaký themes používáte, nicméně se autoři snaří dodržet tyto zvyklosti:

    Přepnutí na lehčí úrověň:

  • Easier1=Up,Up
  • Easier2=MenuUp,MenuUp

    Přepnutí na těžší úrověň:

  • Harder1=Down,Down
  • Harder2=MenuDown,MenuDown

    Změna seřazení songů na další způsob:

  • NextSort1=MenuLeft-MenuRight-Start
  • NextSort2=MenuLeft+MenuRight
  • NextSort3=Left-Right-Start
  • NextSort4=Left+Right

    Změna seřazení songů:

  • SortMenu1=Up,Down,Up,Down
  • SortMenu2=MenuUp,MenuDown,MenuUp,MenuDown

    Modifikace songu (udělá obvykle hru težší):

  • Mirror=Up,Left,Right,Left,Right
  • Left=Up,Down,Right,Left
  • Right=Up,Down,Left,Right
  • Shuffle=Down,Up,Down,Up
  • SuperShuffle=Down,Up,Left,Right

    Změna rychlosti šipek:

  • NextScrollSpeed=Up,Left,Down,Left,Up
  • PreviousScrollSpeed=Down,Right,Up,Right,Down

    Další modifikace:

  • NextAccel=Left,Right,Down,Up
  • NextEffect=Left,Down,Right
  • NextAppearance=Left,Up,Right
  • Reverse=Down,Left,Right,Left,Right
  • HoldNotes=Right,Left,Down,Up

    Zrušení všech modifikací:

  • CancelAll=Left,Right,Left,Right,Left,Right,Left,Right

    Změna astavení Stepmanie:

  • NextTheme=Left,Left,Left,Right,Right,Right,Left,Right
  • NextTheme2=MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuRight
  • NextAnnouncer=Left,Left,Right,Right,Left,Left,Right,Right
  • NextAnnouncer2=MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight
  • NextGame=Left,Right,Left,Left,Right,Right,Left,Right
  • NextGame2=MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuRight
  • NextBannerGroup=MenuUp,MenuRight,MenuRight
  • NextBannerGroup2=MenuUp,MenuDown,MenuUp,MenuDown

    No a pokud se Vám Stepmania nevlíbí, zkuste podobné simulátory jako DWI, Pydance, Flash Flash Revolution.. .

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'stepmania':
    01.11.2009 00:00
  • << zpět na Czech DDR portal

    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

    Dance Dance Revolution Best Hits
    Playstation FAQ
    March 30th 2001, Revision 1.01

    Written By : Crono
    E-mail : bemanifanatic@aol.com
    Real Name : Justin Strauss
    Home Page : www.tows.org

    This document is the intellectual property of the author. It is intended to provide help,
    to fellow gamers, on a title that is both entertaining and difficult at various times.
    Please do not copy or distribute this file in any format without consent of the author.
    This means: on other web pages, as part of another FAQ, in any written or electronic
    publication, etc. And, to be crystal clear, this document is legally copyrighted through
    two or more means. This is including a publishing firm clause, as well as various websites'
    legal setups (such as the one found on GameFAQs). If you have any new tips or info you want
    us to hear, just drop an e-mail. And, just in case this comes up, neither Game Cave nor
    anyone else may distribute this to those who purchase this title or who are somehow
    bringing profit to said party.

    Dance Dance Revolution Best Hits is a trademark of Konami Computer Entertainment, Inc.
    Copyright 1998-2000 by Konami Computer Entertainment, Inc. Copyright Konami Computer
    Entertainment Tokyo, Inc. All related names fall under the same applicable laws. All
    rights reserved.

    You can find the newest version of this FAQ only at the following sites. If you find it
    anywhere else, please let me know as soon as possible. It should not be posted anywhere
    else but at the following sites:

    Game FAQs Videogame Strategies
    http://www.gamefaqs.com/ http://vgstrategies.about.com/

    Table of Contents:

    0.0 Revision History

    1.0 Game Mechanics

    2.0 Options Menu

    3.0 Game Mode

    3.1 Diet Mode

    4.0 Song List and Info

    5.0 Training Mode

    5.1 Lesson Mode

    6.0 Records List

    7.0 Edit Mode

    8.0 Nonstop Mode List

    9.0 Game Secrets and Hidden Options

    10.0 Contributions and Thank-You's

    0.0 Revision History

    V0.9 - 12/01/00 - Pre-Release! Expect typos or grammar problems from it.
    - Complete song list added in, thanks to Konami.

    V1.0 - 01/03/00 - First full release of file.
    - Added new Maniac-Double difficulties and such.
    - Added all songs and descriptions to Nonstop information.
    - Added full list and info for new Diet Mode.

    Coming Soon:

    -more detailed listings, if needed.
    -whatever might be left out.

    1.0 Game Mechanics

    The basic gameplay is very simple to learn, despite the difficulty of the hardest
    songs. The game is played with four primary buttons, one representing each direction on a
    control pad (up, down, left, and right). By default, these four directions are represented
    by a dance floor (and there is a special dance controller which acts as this). Otherwise,
    you can simply use the directions on your control pad to play (as well as the four face
    buttons, which also represent these same four directions). On your side of the game screen,
    you will see these four arrows indicated at the top in gray. During gameplay, flashing
    arrows (called "steps") will move slowly from the bottom of that "column" up to the top
    where your arrows are. The basic premise is to hit the correct direction's button whenever
    the flashing arrows meet with the arrows at the top.

    You must listen to the rhythm of the song as well, because the simple sight of the
    arrows can't always tell you exactly when to hit each step. You have a "dance meter" which
    increases as you do well in the song. It will decrease as you miss steps. If it empties,
    you lose. The steps of the song will generally follow the bassline that can be heard. In
    the tougher variants of a song, however, the steps may follow the song's lyrics or other
    sound effects. Either way, knowing and listening to a song will help you greatly with
    performing the steps. There are also common patterns of steps that are very important to
    identify and learn. There will never be more than two arrows to press at the exact same
    time (since you only have two feet), but the notes can go extremely quickly (to as small as
    sixteenth notes).

    -Step Rank. Each time you press a directional button, the game will keep track of how
    close to the exact step you were. They are listed in order from best to worst. "Perfect" is
    right on the beat, and "Great" is extremely close. "Good" is close to the beat, and "Boo"
    is far off. "Miss" is what you get when you totally miss the beat or just don't even input
    anything at all for it. Each of these five possibilities yields more points than the one
    before it. At the end of the song, you see how many of each rank you received when
    executing the song's steps. These are tabulated towards your score. The possible step
    ranks, along with their associated color, are as follows:

    Perfect : Yellow
    Great : Green
    Good : Blue
    Boo : Pink
    Miss : Red

    -Combo. When you achieve a streak of terrific steps, the game will display the combo
    counter on your screen. This basically tells you how many "greats" or "perfects" you have
    gotten in a row. Additionally, getting a higher combo results in higher points for each
    step you make within it. If you mess up, and get a "good" or worse for any arrow... the
    combo ends. Getting a combo throughout a full stage will get you the best letter grades and
    score. Additionally, the arrows on top will indicate whether a step was added as part of a
    combo (the arrows will disappear after you hit them if they were great or perfect, while
    they will simply pass above the top of the gray arrows if they were worse than that).

    -Grade and Score. You receive a score at the end of the level, depending on how well
    you did. Better step ranks get you more points per step, and longer combos will multiply
    your score for each step, depending on the length. Along with your score, you receive a
    letter grade which tells you how well you did. These range from "E" (worst) to "A" (best),
    and then to "S" and beyond. You get an "SS" if you did a combo for the entire level, from
    start to finish. It takes coordination as well as a sense of rhythm to play this game well,
    especially for the later levels. You can set high scores for each of the game's songs, and
    for each variant of the song. These are kept (along with your letter grade for each) in the
    records section. This also gives an incentive to play again, to earn an "SS" on every level
    variant. The possible level grades in this game are as follows:

    E : Failed
    D : Poor
    C : Fair
    B : Good
    A : Great
    S : Excellent
    SS : Flawless
    SSS : Perfect

    -Song Difficulty. Each song in the game has a difficulty level associated with it. In
    addition, there are multiple variants of each song (each with more steps and difficulty,
    see other sections). Each song has a different difficulty for each of its variants. You can
    see the difficulty level below each song disc that you can select. The difficulty level
    itself is indicated by how many "feet" markers you will see, as well as a title for that
    difficulty level (each level of difficulty has a title that indicates how tough it is).
    These difficulty levels are in relation to the other levels in the particular game, and a
    specific level's difficulty number can always change if it appears again in a later DDR
    title. The difficulty levels, along with how many footmarks each represents, are as

    1: Simple
    2: Moderate
    3: Ordinary
    4: Superior
    5: Marvelous
    6: Genuine
    7: Paramount
    8: Exorbitant
    9: Catastrophic

    2.0 Options Menu

    The Options Menu in Dance Dance Revolution is completely in English, and therefore it
    should be self-explanatory in most any case. However, certain options may be earned through
    fulfilling certain objectives or might be difficult to understand. Various options will
    change the way that the gameplay operates, while others will be cosmetic changes. Any
    option choices that show up in a shade of Green are the "default" setting, while any other
    choices will show up in White just like the options themselves. The full set of menu
    options is as follows:

    -Sound Option
    -Sound: Stereo/Monaural
    -Voice: No Booing/All/Off

    -Key Configuration
    -Vibration: Button/Miss/No Use
    -Double Play: On/Off
    -Double Mode Setting
    -Type: A-D
    -Type: I-III
    -Dance Play Setting
    -Controller 1: On/Off
    -Controller 2: On/Off

    -Memory Card
    -Want to Save: Yes/No
    -Overwrite Old Data: Yes/No
    -Want to Load: Yes/No
    -Auto Save: On/Off
    -Edit Data: Use/No Use

    -Game Option
    -Game Level: 1-8
    -Max Stage (Beginner): 1-5
    -Max Stage (Normal): 1-5
    -Game Over: On/Off

    -Music Select
    -Music Cursor: Fix/Keep

    -Graphic Option
    -BG Effect: On/Off
    -BG Bright: 25%-100%
    -Danger Display: Still/Blink/Off
    -Step Mark Color: Arcade/Note

    -Diet Option
    -Measurement: Free/Regulation
    -Calorie Display: On/Off
    -Exercise Display: Time/Stage/Off

    -Shortcut Option
    -Shortcut: On/Off
    -Character 1P
    -Character 2P
    -Game Mode: Normal/Nonstop


    3.0 Game Mode

    This is the primary mode of the game, and it's the place where you will spend most of
    your time. To choose the "Play Option" (how many players will play the game) you must hold
    down the "X" button while you press a button to select Arcade mode at the title screen's
    main menu. You then must choose the game's "difficulty." You can also choose which
    "variant" of the levels you will play. And finally, you can decide which "effects" you want
    to take place on the level. The variant can be chosen on the stage select screen. Press the
    "down" button twice to change Basic to Another. Press it twice again to move to Maniac (the
    variant level will be indicated on the bottom of the screen). You can choose the effects
    that you wish to use by pressing the "select" button at the screen where you choose the
    stage to play as well. This takes you to the "Effects Menu" where you input the codes and
    exit the menu in here by pressing "start." This menu also lets you change the variant at
    any point before you choose a stage (and better yet, when playing a 2-player game, both
    people can choose different sets of variants and effects for themselves).

    -Play Option: Four choices "Single," "Unison," "Versus," or "Double." Single mode is
    the standard one-player game. Unison mode lets two players join the game, but they are
    working together to beat levels and set high scores. Unison uses a single set of four
    arrows in the center which is shared. Yellow arrows must be pressed by both player, blue
    ones by player one, and reds by player two. Versus mode is where the two players compete to
    earn the highest score (and become winner through that). Double mode is described below,
    and has the usual Three difficulties on which it can be played.

    -Difficulty: Three choices "Beginner," "Normal," or "Nonstop." Normal mode has the full
    set of the game's levels. You play a set of Three stages in whichever you choose, and you
    choose which song you will play for each new stage. All of the game's songs/levels are
    found within this main mode. If you choose Beginner mode, you will play Three stages as
    well. Beginner mode has the same song list as Medium, but has much easier versions of each
    song. It is more for practice or beginners. Nonstop mode is a special setup, and it lets
    you play Four stages in a row (without any pauses between stages, just as with the former
    Nonstop Revolution). See the special section "Nonstop Mode" for more information.

    -Variant: Three choices "Basic," "Another," or "Maniac." Basic is the default set of
    steps (arrows) for a level. This is the easiest choice of the bunch. Another is a bit
    harder and has more steps in it. Maniac is the hardest and has the most steps of all. Think
    of those as the easy, medium, and hard variants of each level. Double mode lets one person
    play with both controllers (yes, so they have to do double duty, worrying about eight
    arrows). In addition, there are these same three variants in use for "Double" mode, and it
    gets its own three extra spots in the records table (making a total of six scores for each

    -Character: Twenty-six choices of characters. Each team has a male and female character
    (one for each player). In this game, however, either player can select anybody from the
    full character set (male or female characters) right from the start. The character list is
    the fuller assortment from the previous three DDR games (the ones from which the songs are
    taken in this title). This will have no baring on what happens in your game, it's just for
    style. The main teams, along with their two characters, are as follows:

    Team Player 1 Player 2

    Euro Dance Johnny Jenny
    Soul Express Boldo Tracy
    Burning Rage Emi
    Future Patrol Astro Charmy
    Puppets:03 Konsento:03 Devil-Zukin
    Dread&Janet Dread-Snake Janet
    Afro&Lady Afro Lady
    Puppets:02 Konsento:02 Kaeru-Zukin
    Uma Mameo Cow-Ko
    Origins Afro Lady
    Puppets:01 Konsento:01 Oshare-Zukin
    Disk-Being Disk:A Disk:B
    Creatures Space-Man Tamako

    -Effects: Nine effects in separate sets "Flat." "Little." "Left," "Right," "Mirror," or
    "Shuffle." "Hidden," "Sudden," or "Stealth." Little mode and Flat mode are both in their
    own separate category and can be turned "On or Off." The middle four choices are "turn"
    choices, and can be used one at a time. The last three are "hidden" choices, and can also
    be only one at a time. It goes as follows:

    -Flat: Off/Flat
    -Little: Off/Little
    -Turn: Off/Left/Mirror/Right/Shuffle
    -Hidden: Off/Hidden/Sudden/Stealth

    For all of the Turn choices, this will change the directions of all the "steps"
    (flashing arrows that come from the bottom) in the level. The gameplay remains unchanged.
    In Mirror mode, the steps in the level will be reversed to their opposite. In other words,
    for the arrows, left and right get switched, and up and down will get reversed as well.
    Left mode will rotate the position of the arrows 90 Degrees counter-clockwise (for the
    arrows, left becomes down, down becomes right, up becomes left, and right becomes up).
    Right mode will rotate the position of the arrows 90 Degrees clockwise (for the arrows,
    left becomes up, down becomes left, up becomes right, and right becomes down). Shuffle mode
    will randomly change all the steps in the level to a different direction.

    Little mode eliminates any steps that make a half-beat or smaller (in other words,
    the level will only have single-beat steps and therefore be much easier. However, this also
    obviously lowers the maximum score that you can get). Flat mode changes those multi-colored
    arrows that you usually see into arrows of all the same color (like they were in the older
    DDR games). It makes them tougher to follow, and an added challenge, which is why the
    option remains.

    Hidden options will mask the arrows (make them disappear) for a particular amount
    of time when shown. Hidden mode will cause the arrows to slowly disappear once they reach
    the top half of the screen (so you must follow the lower part, as well as the beat, to stay
    alive) while Sudden causes them to diappear when on the bottom half of the screen (so they
    seem to appear more suddenly). The Stealth mode causes the arrows to disappear completely
    (so you must know what they are in advance, as the game does not tell you). Also, as a
    note, neither the Left, Right, nor Shuffle modes can be used with "Double."

    3.1 Diet Mode

    This is one of the very cool new modes in the home release of this game. In here, you
    play songs as you normally would in arcade mode. However, while you do this, the game will
    count how many calories you have burned by playing the game. After each stage, your total
    overall calories will be shown, and then it will show you the food equivalent of what you
    have burned (in little symbols, such as oranges). Your character for this mode can be one
    of three female characters from the game. Each of these three characters offers a different
    difficulty of play (marked by stars). In the "course difficulty" offerings, the "normal"
    course uses the steps from the normal game. "Diet" course is slightly easier, while
    "Rakuraku" is beginner mode:

    -Rakuraku Course * Charmy
    -Diet Course ** Emi
    -Normal Course *** Jenny

    There are various options to adjust for this mode, and they can be done in the game's
    option menu. You can restart the calorie counter at any point in there, or adjust how it
    counts in the first place. "Regulation" means that it only counts the proper steps as
    calories, while "Free" means that it counts any steps you press down as burnt calories.
    Then, while within this mode, you are given these settings to adjust before starting:

    -Weight: 10-200 KG

    -Menu: Free/KCal/Min

    -Goal Amount (for menu)
    -Free: Nashi
    -KCal: 10-1000 KCal
    -Mins: 1-120 Minutes


    In this newly expanded Diet mode, you can now choose from a "program" type to workout
    to. Choosing "Standard" will take you to the full song list as usual. In there, you play
    song by song, and choose when to continue or stop. Otherwise, you can choose one of the two
    programs. In either one of the these, you must only choose your first song. After that, you
    will play a consistent string of the remaining songs, in order, beginning from the one you
    chose. In this way, it's like the classic "Endless" mode from the normal DDR games.
    "Program One" contains only the seventeen songs which have a speed rank of half a bar or
    less, for low intensity. "Program Two" contains all the songs in the game's songlist. The
    shortened songlist for Program One, in order, is as follows:

    -Have You Never Been Mellow
    -That's the Way (I Like It)
    -Kung Fu Fighting
    -Boom Boom Dollar
    -Let's Get Down
    -Put Your Faith In Me
    -Make It Better
    -My Fire
    -Stomp To My Beat
    -Get Up 'N Move
    -I Believe In Miracles
    -Silent Hill
    -Dam Dariram
    -After the Game Of Love

    4.0 Song List and Info

    Song Title Artist

    Have You Never Been Mellow The Olivia Project
    B/ 1 A/ 2 M/ 4
    B/ 2 A/ 3 M/ 6 (Double)

    That's the Way (I Like It) KC & The Sunshine Band
    B/ 1 A/ 3 M/ 4
    B/ 2 A/ 4 M/ 5 (Double)

    Kung Fu Fighting Bus Stop feat. Carl Douglas
    B/ 2 A/ 3 M/ 4
    B/ 3 A/ 4 M/ 6 (Double)

    Boom Boom Dollar King Kong & D. Jungle Girls
    B/ 2 A/ 5 M/ 6
    B/ 3 A/ 5 M/ 7 (Double)

    Let's Get Down JT Playaz
    B/ 3 A/ 4 M/ 5
    B/ 3 A/ 4 M/ 7 (Double)

    Butterfly Smile.dk
    B/ 3 A/ 4 M/ 5
    B/ 4 A/ 5 M/ 6 (Double)

    Put Your Faith In Me Uzi-Lay
    B/ 3 A/ 4 M/ 6
    B/ 4 A/ 5 M/ 6 (Double)

    Brilliant 2U Naoki
    B/ 4 A/ 5 M/ 6
    B/ 4 A/ 5 M/ 7 (Double)

    Make It Better mitsu-O!
    B/ 4 A/ 5 M/ 7
    B/ 5 A/ 7 M/ 7 (Double)

    My Fire X-Treme
    B/ 4 A/ 5 M/ 6
    B/ 4 A/ 5 M/ 7 (Double)

    If You Were Here Jennifer
    B/ 5 A/ 6 M/ 7
    B/ 6 A/ 7 M/ 7 (Double)

    Dub I Dub Me & My
    B/ 4 A/ 6 M/ 8
    B/ 5 A/ 7 M/ 7 (Double)

    Little Bitch The Specials
    B/ 4 A/ 5 M/ 6
    B/ 5 A/ 6 M/ 7 (Double)

    Stomp to My Beat JS16
    B/ 5 A/ 6 M/ 7
    B/ 5 A/ 6 M/ 7 (Double)

    Get Up 'N Move S&K
    B/ 5 A/ 7 M/ 8
    B/ 6 A/ 7 M/ 7 (Double)

    I Believe in Miracles Hi-Rise
    B/ 5 A/ 6 M/ 8
    B/ 6 A/ 7 M/ 8 (Double)

    SP-Trip Machine ~Jungle Mix~ De-Sire
    B/ 6 A/ 7 M/ 8
    B/ 7 A/ 8 M/ 8 (Double)

    Paranoia 180
    B/ 6 A/ 7 M/ 8
    B/ 7 A/ 8 M/ 9 (Double)

    Paranoia MAX ~dirty mix~ 190
    B/ 6 A/ 8 M/ 8
    B/ 7 A/ 8 M/ 9 (Double)

    Silent Hill Thomas Howard
    B/ 2 A/ 6 M/ 7
    B/ 4 A/ 5 M/ 7 (Double)

    Wonderland (UKS Mix) X-Treme
    B/ 4 A/ 6 M/ 7
    B/ 5 A/ 6 M/ 7 (Double)

    Dam Dariram Joga
    B/ 4 A/ 6 M/ 8
    B/ 4 A/ 5 M/ 8 (Double)

    La Senorita Captain T
    B/ 4 A/ 6 M/ 7
    B/ 4 A/ 6 M/ 9 (Double)

    Captain Jack (Grandale Remix) Captain Jack
    B/ 4 A/ 7 M/ 9
    B/ 5 A/ 7 M/ 9 (Double)

    End Of the Century No. 9
    B/ 4 A/ 7 M/ 8
    B/ 5 A/ 6 M/ 9 (Double)

    Turn Me On (Heavenly Mix) E-Rotic
    B/ 4 A/ 6 M/ 7
    B/ 5 A/ 7 M/ 9 (Double)

    Dynamite Rave Naoki
    B/ 5 A/ 7 M/ 9
    B/ 5 A/ 6 M/ 8 (Double)

    After the Game Of Love NPD3
    B/ 1 A/ 4 M/ 5
    B/ 2 A/ 4 M/ 6 (Double)

    Drop the Bomb Scotty D.
    B/ 4 A/ 5 M/ 6
    B/ 4 A/ 5 M/ 6 (Double)

    5.0 Training Mode

    "Training" mode is the place to sharpen your skills on any level that you have
    accessed, without fear of losing. At any time during the menu, you may press the "select"
    button to move the menu to the other side of the screen, or the "X" button to Exit. After
    each level you play, you get a menu, where you can choose from: "Check/Again/Menu." The
    "Check" option lets you review the song you just played, bar by bar, and shows you how well
    you did for each step (arrow-press) in the level. Each arrow will be colored in a specific
    shade to indicate how each was ranked (yellow=perfect, green=great, blue=good, pink=boo,
    red=miss). Pressing "select" here changes the arrows to "timing" colors (yellow=just,
    blue=early, pink=late, red=miss). "Again" lets you repeat the level, and "Menu" takes you
    back to the main menu. The menu options are as follows:

    -Music Select

    -Player: Single/Unison/Versus/Double

    -Level: Basic/Another/Maniac

    -Little: On/Off

    -Turn: Left/Right/Mirror/Shuffle/Off

    -Hidden: Hidden/Sudden/Stealth/Off

    -Assist: Type 1-6/Off

    -Speed: 1-5

    -Bar Start: 01-73

    -Bar End: 02-74

    -Start: Full/Segment



    5.1 Lesson Mode

    "Lesson" mode is a way to learn how to perform some of the more common or tricky steps
    that appear in the game. Rather than simple "training," this mode goes through certain
    types and segments of steps, separately (and not just full songs). To the right of the
    screen will be an assistant graphic which resembles the dance mats. This graphic indicates
    what your feet should do (and where they should go) to pull off these types of steps as the
    song plays. There will also be a "click" played for every step you are supposed to hit, to
    help with timing. This moving guide is an invaluable resource for beginners on the dance

    There are Three levels of lessons, each with Eight sections. You will see a crown next
    to each lesson segment you have already completed on the main menu. On the eighth and final
    part of each lesson, you will perform a lesson on a full song; and this will test the
    skills which you have learned in the previous seven segments. You may not attempt the
    eighth section of a lesson until you have completed completed the other seven beforehand,
    however. The lessons, with their final song, are as follows:

    -Lesson 1: Let Them Move
    -Lesson 2: Keep On Movin'
    -Lesson 3: After the Game of Love

    6.0 Records List

    This menu keeps a list of your high scores for all of the game's stages (Music High
    Score). You can view high scores for each variant of each song (six variants per song). It
    keeps track of your letter and number high score for each one, as well as your maximum
    combo achieved while earning that score. As a bonus, pressing the "triangle" button while
    on a song in the records table will "Play" the song (like a sound test, it plays in the
    background). Pressing the "square" button, while above any one score, will delete that
    specific score. In this game, your highest overall scores (Total Ranking) may be viewed
    during the "demo reel" that runs from the main menu (whenever a button is not being
    pressed). At any time during the below menus, you may press the "select" button to "change"
    the pictures to plain text. On Diet Records, the "select" button will change from the first
    three measurements to the last three. The "left" and "right" buttons, when pressed on Best
    Ranking, will switch between the different "Nonstop" tracks. The menu options are as

    -Music Records
    -All Game Songs

    -Best Ranking
    -All Nonstop Courses

    -Diet Records
    -Calories Total (kcal)
    -Songs Total (number)
    -Calories Average (kcal)
    -Jogging Equivalent (kilometers)
    -Jumprope Equivalent (times)
    -Swimming Equivalent (meters)


    7.0 Edit Mode

    This mode is one of the cooler features of the game, as it lets you create your own
    sets of steps for any of the game's levels. From here, you create your steps and then save
    them to a memory card. At any time in the process, if you attempt to start a "new data" or
    "load" data without having "saved" your current data, the game will ask you "Do you wish to
    continue without saving: Yes/No." The menu options are as follows:

    -New Data
    -Choose Song
    -Player: Single/Couple/Double
    -Load Official Data: Yes/No

    -Directionl Pad: move one beat distance up/down
    -Circle: create/delete right arrow
    -Triangle: create/delete up arrow
    -X button: create/delete down arrow
    -Square: create/delete left arrow
    -L1: change beat distance (Full/Half/Fourth)
    -R1: hold down and press up/down to move in full bars
    -L2: create an area (press once for start, once for end)
    -R2: Area Menu (effects contents of created area)
    -Analog L: press up/down to move quickly in full bars
    -Analog R: press up/down to zoom
    -Select: Sequence Menu (press again to exit)
    -Player: Single/Couple/Double
    -Zoom: X2/X4/Off
    -Triple: Off/On
    -Work Area: Normal/Double
    -Arrow: Type1/Type2/Type3
    -Start: Test Play

    -Memory Card

    -Quick Save

    -Play Type: Watch/OverInput/SaveInput/Judge1/Judge2
    -Repeat: Off/On
    -Speed: 1-5
    -Input SE: Off/On
    -Judge Type: 0-100

    -Input Type: Keep/Next
    -BGM: Off/On
    -Icon EXP: On/Off
    -Language: Japanese/English

    -Music Name
    -Bar End
    -Note Number (1P and 2P)
    -Data Name
    -BGM Data



    8.0 Nonstop Mode List

    "Nonstop" is the alternate difficulty choice when playing "arcade" mode. In this mode,
    you play from a list of "courses" that are set up by Konami. Each course consists of Four
    stages, which are played straight in a row with no breaks. Playing one course makes up a
    full game in Nonstop. There are Seven default Nonstop courses, and the one "Roulette"
    course (which chooses the four songs randomly, two each of Basic and Another). There are
    also eight "level two" versions of these courses, where you are offered the same set of
    courses; except that they will now have the next-higher difficulty for all four songs. For
    example, a song that was Basic becomes Another, and a song that was Another goes to Maniac.
    The same applies to the Roulette. The default courses are as follows (with difficulty
    before each stage, abbreviated for "Basic" and "Another"):

    -(B) That's the Way (I Like It)
    -(B) Kung Fu Fighting
    -(B) Boom Boom Dollar
    -(B) Butterfly

    -(B) Silent Hill
    -(A) After the Game Of Love
    -(A) Put Your Faith In Me
    -(A) Get Up 'N Move

    -(B) Stomp To My Beat
    -(B) Paranoia
    -(A) Little Bitch
    -(A) SP-Trip Machine ~Jungle Mix~

    -(A) Have You Never Been Mellow
    -(B) If You Were Here
    -(B) Dam Dariram
    -(B) I Believe In Miracles

    -(B) Drop the Bomb
    -(B) Dynamite Rave
    -(A) My Fire
    -(A) Brilliant 2U

    -(A) Let's Get Down
    -(A) Make It Better
    -(A) Dub-I-Dub
    -(A) La Senorita

    -(B) Captain Jack (Grandale Mix)
    -(A) Turn Me On (Heavenly Mix)
    -(A) End Of the Century
    -(A) Paranoia MAX ~dirty mix~

    -(B) *Random Hidden
    -(B) *Random Hidden
    -(A) *Random Hidden
    -(A) *Random Hidden

    9.0 Game Secrets and Hidden Options

    -Questions. Since this game is really a compilation of the best things from the three
    previous games, there's nothing that needs to be earned in the usual fashion. All the
    songs, modes, and other things are opened up from the start in this particular game. It is
    more of a "definitive party game" version of DDR. You can set Records, make Edit Data, and
    setup Options. But other than that, just have fun with this game. It's handy to have a lot
    of the best songs on one disc, anyhow. Aside from the conglomeration, here are the main
    additions to this new title:

    -Maniac Double variants for 2nd Mix songs.
    -Diet Mode version two. Many more options.
    -Beginner Mode shows dancefloor under dancers.
    -Edit Mode has some new commands.
    -Johnny and Jenny from 4th Mix selectable.
    -Improved loading and smoothness, memory.
    -Variants and such generalized, to Maniac.

    -Link Version. When you save your data to the memory card, you can then use your memory
    card for the Arcade version of DDR 3rd Mix or beyond. This compatible machine, the "Link
    Version," has a slot for the Playstation memory card on it. I'd assume that the "Edit Data"
    from here is compatible with the Arcade, as it was in all past games. Edit data from modern
    titles seems universally compatible.

    10.0 Contributions and Thank-You's

    GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) for hosting this FAQ, along with more great gaming info
    than most any site out there. Keep up the good work, man. Without GameFAQs... where would
    we all go for detailed game help? Sure, lotsa places have great code archives, and some TRY
    to keep all the best FAQs. But who succeeds? Only one, my friend ^_^ Jeff "CJayC" Veasey
    does an astounding, daily job of organizing these entries (and he writes his own wonderful
    FAQs). I must also give a hearty thanks to Al Amaloo, the maintainer of Videogame
    Strategies (vgstrategies.about.com). He has completed perhaps the best and most extensive
    archive of codes and tricks (www.gamewinners.com) and written extensive guides for games
    that would go otherwise un-covered. And what makes these two men (Jeff Veasey and Al
    Amaloo) so special... is that they provide an invaluable service to the gaming community
    out of the goodness of their heart. They work hard, every day, without the help of any
    major affiliate. Bravo to both of you!

    The wonderful patrons of my own message board, the OtherWorlds Shrine (www.tows.org)
    which is sometimes the only refuge for the true gamer. Along with my friend SineSwiper, we
    keep the shrine alive as a place for gamers to respectfully speak and get together while
    online. The friends that I have made there have meant the world to me, despite how my "real
    life" sometimes drags me offline for days at a time. Either way, here's to ya'll... and I
    won't mention any names (as there are too many of you to possibly remember them all now.
    And you'll kill me if I miss any, hehe). The place has been around for years, and I
    guarantee that it will always exist as long as there is an Internet.

    The select few of my OFF-line friends who love gaming almost as much as myself, and
    keep me inspired to keep on playing. Tacchi, you're as obsessed over games as me. We've
    been gaming for well near two decades. We're getting old, dude. And Crystal, well you can
    kick most of our sorry arses ^_^ Steffannee... you introduced me to Will in Rival Schools!
    Scott, you've been a pal through it all, despite how you suck at games ^_^ Kathryn, your
    love and understanding will always be cherished (yes, call me sappy). And Alex, you've been
    there since we were infants, when the NES was only a dream in the semi-near future. Chris,
    you're one of my dearest friends (as well as one of the most eerily unique). Your love for
    the Butterfly song and the goofy dance you do... will always bring a smile to my face.

    And of course, thanks go out to Lynn and Donna! You two are a few of the only people
    who love Pop 'n Music (and Bust a Move of course) as much as I do. Every time we meet is a
    cherished moment. And, speaking of music games, I owe a world of thanks to Malcolm. His
    friendship has meant a ton to me, and he's one of those few folks who plays and works hard
    at ALL the music game series just like I do (Beatmania, Dance Dance Revolution, Pop 'n
    Music, Bust a Move, and the countless other Bemani titles as well). And to the fans of
    music games, worldwide, i offer the greatest thanks of all. Our demand is what keeps this
    amazing genre of games coming back to us every month.

    Konami, Sony, Sega, and all the great companies and people who made the game possible.
    Without them, we'd never have been introduced to this wonderous world, beautiful
    characters, and a style of gaming that changed our lives. These Bemani games, like Dance
    Dance Revolution, are perhaps my favorite genre out there right now. It gives those folks
    with a "rhythmical sense" a way to convey that sense through gaming. And besides, it beats
    having another cookie-cutter RPG or fighter to deal with.

    ~End of File~

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