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Existuje calá řada softpadů - levnější, dražší, s výplní, bez výplně, pro různé platformy. Mají různou výdrž, jiný potisk a barvy šipek a tlačítek a různou koncovku. Nejčastěji jsou pro PS2, XboX nebo na PC (USB). Hlavně na koncovku si dejte při koupi pozor. Pokud to není právě ta co potřebujete, je nutné si k padu koupit i redukci.

Doporučovaný postup pro získání softpadu:

  • Podívejte se na fórum, jestli někdo softpady právě neprodává, nebo se nechystá nějaká skupinka hráčů k hromadnému nákupu. To by pak ulehčilo peněžence.

  • Softpady na Internetu můžete koupit u firmy PositiveGaming. Jděte na stránky www.positivegaming.com, klikněte na Shop a softpad si vyberte. Mívají akce kdy za 1 pad nakoupíte 2... Na této stránce si můžete koupit i redukci. Při registraci použijte promote kód "czechddr". Získáte alespoň pětiprocentní slevu na první nákup.

  • Další softpady můžete koupit v e-shopu Play-Asia . U tohoto obchodu nemusíte používat promokód, stačí na shop přijít a následně realizovat objednávku před odkaz dole na stránce. Ten odkaz použijte prosím i v případě, že si zboží chce koupit nějaký vás známý.

    Další zkušenosti najdete na fóru - Tam najdete vše od údržby, zátěže, výdrže, vzhledu, až po rady jak docílit toho, aby se softpad moc nehýbal a naklouzal po podlaze při rychlejším hraní.

    Odkazy na internetové obchody

    PositiveGamming - www.positivegaming.com (promo kód "czechddr")
    název redukce - Trio Linker Plus

    Play-Asia - www.play-asia.com (pouzijte vzdy tento odkaz)
    název redukce - Dual Shooter (EMS USB2)

    soft1.jpg, 92 kB
    soft2.jpg, 91 kB

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'koupit_softpad':
    01.11.2009 00:00
  • << zpět na Czech DDR portal

    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

    Dance Dance Revolution: Disney Dancing Museum (N64)
    General Information FAQ
    Created by Josh Miller (aka Ramen Junkie)

    Created Saturday May 1st, 2004
    Updated Friday June 27th, 2004

    Table of Contents

    1) General Information
    2) Menu Translations
    3) Controls and Gameplay
    4) Song List and Information

    1) General Information

    System: Nintendo 64
    Language: Japanese Only
    Commpany: Konami (Bemani), Disney Interactive

    Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) is a popular rhythm based arcade game.
    Unlike other games that use a joystick or controller, DDR is played
    with the feet. The object is to step on pressure sensitive pads that
    match up with arrows scrolling across the screen. These arrows are
    timed to music, hence the "dance" aspect. The console versions of
    DDR however can be played with a controller. The basic gameplay is
    the same except now you press buttons instead of stepping on a pad.

    You can purchase home versions of DDR and pads for PC, N64, X-Box,
    Game Boy, and Playstation, though the N64 and Game Boy versions have
    not been released outside of Japan (to my knowledge). Also obviously
    there isn't a pad available for the Game Boy versions, though it does
    include a custom clip on controller piece that resembles a tiny
    version of the standard pad. If you are interested in the series,
    the Playstation is probably the easiest system to find pads and games
    for. You can choose from DDR (PC), DDR (PS1), Konamix (PS1), Disney
    Rave (PS1), DDRMax (PS2), DDRMax2 (Ps2), DDR Ultramix (X-Box), DDR
    (PC), and sometime in the fall of 2004, DDR Extreme (Ps2). Or you
    could always check your local arcade or the machine locator on
    http://www.ddrfreak.com for the machine nearest you.

    As far as which to choose, The PS2 or X-Box versions are probably the
    best way to go. DDRMax is one of my personal favorites of the
    series. The PS1 versions suffer from poor frame rates and the PC
    version is extremely buggy. You'll probably have to check eBay for
    the PS1 versions anyway. the PC version is exclusive to Fry's
    Electronics but can also be found at their online outlet
    Outpost.com. There are however a TON of DDR games exclusive to
    Japan, likely many more than I know about. For the most part, there
    is the main series, 1st Mix through 8th Mix (Extreme), plus a several
    spin offs such as Disney Dancing Museum, Game Boy versions, Party
    Collection, etc.

    This FAQ covers Disney Dancing Museum of course. It should be notes
    that this game is different from the Disney's Rave released in the
    states. It has different songs for starters. Really that's the only
    difference between any of the DDR games, the songs. Over the years
    there have been a few cosmetic changes to the interface plus other
    "modifiers" that allow you to speed up the arrow scroll or jumble the
    steps around a bit, but the core concepts have always remained the
    same. This is a Japanese only release DDR game for the Nintendo 64
    game system. If you happen to pick up a copy off of eBay or in an
    import shop, you will either need a Japanese N64 to play it or you'll
    need to modify a US N64, or the cartridge. The only difference
    between a Japanese N64 and a US 64 is the shape of the carts. There
    is no software protection to bypass with a mod chip, only the
    physical barrier.

    2) Menu Translations

    Note: these are not all exact translations, some are just a
    description of what the choice does.

    Menu Tree Listing

    Title Screen
    -Main Menu
    - Game Start (Red)
    - Single Player *
    - Two Player (Versus) *
    - Session (Goofy w/ Controller) *
    - Training (Green)
    - Single Player *
    - Two Player (Versus) *
    - Session (Goofy w/ Controller) *
    - Password & Puzzle Pieces (Orange)
    - Password
    - Puzzle Pieces
    - Main Menu
    - Options (Blue)
    - Sound
    - Stereo (Green)
    - Mono (Red)
    - Vibration (Rumble Pak)
    - On Perfect, Great Good
    - On Miss, Boo
    - Off (seems to be, I can't read Kanji at all)

    * - These are all followed by the following difficulty options
    - Easy
    - Normal
    - Hard


    Game Start will begin the regular game. This is probably the option
    you'll use the most. Single players lets one person play a regular
    game of DDR, Two player mode has two players playing at once, each
    player gets half the screen (left and right). The third mode is sort
    of this game's version of "Doubles". It's essentially the same as
    single player except now there will be a bar occasionally on the
    right side that is hit using the Z button on the controller.

    Training Mode is identical to the regular game except that you can
    adjust the speed of the song a bit and select start end ending points
    (so you don't have to play the whole song).

    Password and Puzzle mode let you check how much you've unlocked
    (Puzzles) or enter codes. The codes are a sequence of 8 arrows in a
    row. There are also 10 puzzles to complete to unlock additional
    songs. Each puzzle has 12 pieces, when a puzzle is complete it will
    reveal a "CD cover" image of the new song's character. See Gameplay
    for more details on collecting Puzzle pieces.

    Option Menu lets you change various options..

    3) Controls and Gameplay

    The Screen Set Up and General Information

    The in game screen has the following set up.
    Top colored bar - Life
    Static Arrows - What you're trying to line up with.
    Moving Arrows - Time your actions to these when they match the top.
    Top Center - Stage Number
    Bottom Center - Mode and Difficulty (in Japanese).
    Background - Each stage has it's own animated background image
    of a Disney character. These do not affect gameplay
    at all, mostly they are there to entertain and
    otherwise fill space.

    As you play you'll see the following things pop up as you hit arrows.

    Timing Rating - This is how well you've matched your timing. You can
    receive the following ratings: Perfect, Great, Good,
    Boo, Miss.
    Combo - This is the number of arrows you've hit in a row with either
    a Perfect or Great rating. To hit all of the arrows in a
    song is also called a "Full Combo".

    At the end of a song you will receive a letter grade based on how
    well you played. The following grades are possible: S, A, B, C, D,
    E. It's also possible there is a rating of SS (all perfects) but I
    have not managed to get this myself to confirm it.

    Grading is a bit iffy as well, I've hit 0 arrows in a song before and
    still received a D or an E, missing arrows SHOULD cause you to fail
    and receive a game over. It's likely in Easy mode you can't fail.

    Game Mode

    This is where everything important happens. Don't be too worried
    though, if you've played any DDR you'll breeze through this no sweat.
    I would go into extensive details on the types of steps available in
    DDR but this game barely knows the meaning of the term "8th step"
    much less "16th" or "32nd", or worse.

    So for the most part what you get is a lot of streaming 4th steps.
    The most complex move this game has is jumps, and even those pretty
    much only involve left+right and up+down jumps.

    It's probably a good thing this game doesn't get too complex in it's
    step patterns, all of the arrows are the same color, things could get

    Anyway, basic gameplay is to hit the moving arrows as the match with
    the static arrows near the top. On the controller you may use either
    the control pad or the directional C buttons, up matched with up,
    down with down, etc.

    Two players can play using two controllers, player one on the left,
    player two on the right.

    In Session Mode you must also hit the long bar arrows on the right
    half of the screen. You accomplish this by pressing Any button not
    already used to pick up arrows (not the D-Pad or C, Start) Most of
    the time (not always) you'll hear a tambourine cling (or other noise)
    signaling the hit.

    Session Mode is also where you unlock new songs. As you play, some
    arrows will be replaced with puzzle shaped arrows. As you collect
    these arrows (by hitting them), you will unlock parts of the new
    song's cover. Each cover has 16 pieces to collect. Though any song
    can be played in Session Mode (once unlocked), only the original
    songs will unlock new songs. These are indicated by a glowing Puzzle
    Arrow in the upper right corner.

    Training Mode

    This works the same as regular Game Mode except you can't lose. It's
    meant to get you familiar with the music and steps. There are
    several options you can adjust. First pick your music, no images or
    anything this time so you'll have to guess if you can't read
    Japanese. They are in the same order as single player mode.

    Next you can adjust the speed. This is sort of misleading actually.
    5 is "Normal" speed, 1-4 are slower. You will only hear music at
    speed 5, otherwise it's just clicks to the beat. Kind of a shame
    really, it's a lot harder to play without music.

    Bar Start picks where in the song you'll start. If you're having
    trouble with a certain part you can set the position to start there
    instead of having to replay the entire song over and over.

    Likewise, Bar end is where to stop, you can practice one section over
    and over real easily this way. If you need to know the bar numbers
    simply play the entire song once in training, the bars are numbered.

    Training start begins the training session.

    Training End takes you back to the title screen.

    4) Song List and Information

    Songs are listed in order of Difficulty. Formatting is a follows:

    Track title

    This game uses little Mickey heads inplace of the standard "feet"
    ratings. The hardest possible song is a 5, though a "5 Mouse" song
    is still considerably easier than a "5 Foot" song. Also the game
    does not list the BPM of the songs. They were found using a set of
    Stepmania files I have on my PC. They are approximate, but likely
    very close.

    Initial Songs

    Turkey in the Straw
    1 Mouse
    90 BPM

    Taiyo No Rakuen
    1 Mouse
    85 BPM
    Rastafarian Cow Thing (I have no idea)

    Electrical Parade
    2 Mice
    120 BPM
    Minnie Mouse

    Chip'N'Dale's Vacation
    2 Mice
    200 BPM

    Mickey Mouse March
    3 Mice
    140 BPM
    Mickey Mouse

    It's a Small World
    3 Mice
    132 BPM
    Huey, Dewy, and Louie

    Russian Dance
    4 Mice
    157 BPM
    Scroge McDuck

    Irish River
    4 Mice
    125 BPM

    Para-Para Venus
    5 Mice
    300 BPM
    Daisy Duck

    Go Go Go
    5 Mice
    158 BPM
    Donald Duck

    Unlocked Songs

    Waltz of the Flowers
    1 Mouse
    188 BPM
    Daisy Duck

    Mickey Mouse Ondo
    1 Mouse
    117 BPM
    Mickey Mouse

    Minnie's Yoo Hoo!
    2 Mice
    98 BPM
    Minnie Mouse

    The Tiki Tiki Tiki Room
    2 Mice
    165 BPM

    Mickey Motion
    3 Mice
    133 BPM
    Minnie Mouse

    Miwaku No Tango
    3 Mice
    135 BPM
    Female Cow (I have no idea)

    Tap! Tap! Tap!
    3 Mice
    173 BPM
    Grandma Duck

    Savanna No Mukou
    3 Mice
    120 BPM
    Donald Duck

    Disco Magic
    3 Mice
    112 BPM
    Minnie Mouse

    Morty & Ferdy's Carnival
    4 Mice
    109 BPM
    Two Mice Children (Morty and Ferdy?)

    Mickey Fever
    4 Mice
    133 BPM
    Mickey Mouse

    Goofy's Rock'n'Roll Show
    5 Mice
    190 BPM

    FAQ is copywrite 2004 Josh Miller. FAQ may not be used for any sort
    of reselling purposes. If you want you can post this FAQ elsewhere,
    just be sure to let me know where you're posting it. I like to keep
    track of these things. Also give credit where credit is due etc.

    Pokud hledáte další FAQ, zkuste se podívat na stránku Game FAQs.
    Další informace ti poskytne Czech DDR, nebo Czech DDR forum.