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  • Softpady na Internetu můžete koupit u firmy PositiveGaming. Jděte na stránky www.positivegaming.com, klikněte na Shop a softpad si vyberte. Mívají akce kdy za 1 pad nakoupíte 2... Na této stránce si můžete koupit i redukci. Při registraci použijte promote kód "czechddr". Získáte alespoň pětiprocentní slevu na první nákup.

  • Další softpady můžete koupit v e-shopu Play-Asia . U tohoto obchodu nemusíte používat promokód, stačí na shop přijít a následně realizovat objednávku před odkaz dole na stránce. Ten odkaz použijte prosím i v případě, že si zboží chce koupit nějaký vás známý.

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    Odkazy na internetové obchody

    PositiveGamming - www.positivegaming.com (promo kód "czechddr")
    název redukce - Trio Linker Plus

    Play-Asia - www.play-asia.com (pouzijte vzdy tento odkaz)
    název redukce - Dual Shooter (EMS USB2)

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    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

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    Dance Dance Revolution Extra Mix - Challenge Mode Guide
    v.1.5 by Sailor Bacon
    26 June 2001



    Warning: Please do not post this FAQ without my permission. Please do not email me asking
    me to send you updates because I've got better things to do with my life. Do NOT use this
    FAQ for any profit making use at all, this is MY work, not yours. If you post this FAQ it
    cannot be altered in any way and cannot be displayed alongside any types of advertisements.
    Dance Dance Revolution Extra Mix is copyright 2001 Konami. This FAQ is copyright Allen
    "Sailor Bacon" Tyner

    The newest version of this FAQ can always be found at:

    Revision History

    v.1.5 Added the Extra Difficulty info
    v.1.0 Um... everything.

    Table of Contents

    -A quick word...
    -Practice Difficulty
    -Basic Difficulty
    -Trick Difficulty
    -Maniac Difficulty
    -Final Words

    A quick word...

    Let me state the obvious here first off, this Challenge Mode is much much more difficult
    than the Challenge Mode in 4th Mix. This one is at many times frustrating and annoying,
    with some of the later challenges being based more off of dumb luck or supreme playing
    ability that just really takes the overall fun out of the mode that it had in 4th Mix. At
    the same time, the insane challenge just drives you.. making you really want to finish
    the damn thing just to rub it in the game's face. Or maybe that's just me, heheh.. at any
    rate, if you plan to just breeze through this mode, think again. Buckle up and enjoy the

    Finally made it to Extra Mode. Apparently, Konami didn't want anyone to clear this mode
    because I seriously don't see myself ever beating all 10 of these challenges... well, it
    was a blast playing up through Maniac mode and I feel special for getting this far.

    Practice Difficulty

    Song: Kung Fu Fighting (Miami Booty Mix)
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Basic
    Bar : 01-17

    Goal: Full combo.
    Tips: This one's a piece of cake.

    Song: Typical Tropical
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Basic
    Bar : 01-18

    Goal: Full combo. Sudden Mode.
    Tips: Another pretty easy one..

    Song: Super Star
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 01-15

    Goal: Finish the stage. Don't hit any two steps at the same time.
    Tips: Lots of steps here, but don't let that get to you. The double steps are all easy to
    spot in this one.

    Song: Paranoia Evolution
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Trick
    Bar : All

    Goal: Get a 50 combo.
    Tips: The steps are pretty easy for this, despite the Trick difficulty.

    Song: Wonda (Speed K Mix)
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Basic
    Bar : 01-26

    Goal: No more than a 10 combo. (ie don't get a 11 combo). Dance Gauge doesn't go up.
    Tips: Try to keep getting 10 combos with only one miss in between since the bar doesn't rise
    during the stage.

    Song: Theme From Enter the Dragon - Revival 2001 Mix -
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 49-54

    Goal: Great or higher on only the double steps.
    Tips: Watch out for steps that look like double steps but really aren't... be careful.

    Song: Rhythm and Police (K.O.G. G3 Mix)
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 11-19

    Goal: Good or higher on the up and down steps.
    Tips: Only look in the center of the arrows and ignore the mess on the sides.

    Song: Freaky
    Mode: 6 panels
    Lv. : Basic
    Bar : 01-06

    Goal: Full combo.
    Tips: Really easy, just an intro into the 6 panel challenges.

    Song: Sky High (DJ Miko version)
    Mode: 6 panels
    Lv. : Basic
    Bar : 01-34

    Goal: Full combo. "Guide" steps at the top of the screen are missing.
    Tips: This song has a really easy beat to follow so you shouldn't have problems hitting the
    steps at the right time.

    Song: Sexy Planet
    Mode: 6 panels
    Lv. : Basic
    Bar : All

    Goal: Good or better on everything except for left and right.
    Tips: Just look at the inner four rows of arrows and ignore the edges.

    Basic Difficulty

    Song: Conga Feeling
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 24-30

    Goal: Full combo.
    Tips: Those 16th note steps are pretty tricky until you get the hang of them.

    Song: Synchronized Love (Red Monster Hyper Mix)
    Mode: 6 panels
    Lv. : Trick
    Bar : All

    Goal: Great or higher on all steps except the 8th note steps.
    Tips: The 8th note steps are the bluish-purple ones. Don't hit 'em.

    Song: Kung Fu Fighting (Miami Booty Mix)
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Basic
    Bar : 01-13

    Goal: Full combo. Hidden mode
    Tips: No biggie...

    Song: Wild Rush
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Basic
    Bar : 01-09

    Goal: 15 or more Perfects.
    Tips: Only 20 steps here so you gotta be accurate..

    Song: Rhythm and Police (K.O.G. G3 Mix)
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Trick
    Bar : 01-19

    Goal: Good or better on everything except the double steps.
    Tips: Not much to say here, you've done it before.

    Do Me (H.I.G.E.O. Mix)
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Trick
    Bar : 01-17

    Goal: Finish with a dance gauge below 5%
    Tips: Keep your gauge within the last little oval the entire time.

    Song: Samba de Janeiro
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Trick
    Bar : 01-19

    Goal: Finish with a score between 30000 and 40000. Can't get any Goods before 25000 points.
    Tips: This one is hard. What I did was get two great/perfects then a miss pattern for the
    first little bit of the song, then I switched to one between each miss, making sure
    that I didn't fail out of the stage. Once reaching 25000 (with hopefully not much
    stage left to go), start trying to get as many Goods as you can to keep your dance
    gauge happy and to not fail out of the stage.

    Song: Kiss Me (KCP Remix)
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 19-25

    Goal: Never have more Greats + Goods + Boos than Perfects. Missing is okay.
    Tips: Hope you can get lots of Perfects early...

    Song: Temple of Love
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : All

    Goal: Finish the stage. Don't push the same direction twice in a row. Dance gauge starts
    completely full but doesn't rise when you get great/perfect steps.
    Tips: Do your best to only miss the steps you're supposed to miss. If a direction comes up
    three times in a row, you can hit it the first and third time.

    Song: Sky High (Lucyfer version)
    Mode: 6 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : All

    Goal: 130 combo.
    Tips: Not much I can say, either you can or you can't..

    Trick Difficulty

    Song: Afronova Primeval
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Original
    Bar : All

    Goal: Good or better on all except don't hit the double steps. Sudden mode.
    Tips: It's an original set of steps. If you need to practice it, it's available from the
    Data Bank.

    Song: Kiss Me (KCP Remix)
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Trick
    Bar : All

    Goal: Keep the dance gauge between 25% and 75% the entire song. Gauge starts at 50%.
    Tips: Not too hard. Just try to keep the gauge in the middle oval. Whenever it gets past it,
    miss a few steps on purpose. If it drops below it, be sure not to miss.

    Song: Cafe
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 09-11

    Goal: Only get Goods or Boos.
    Tips: For this song, I personally turned off the music on my TV and tried it a whole bunch
    of times that way until I finally lucked out and got it. This one is really a huge
    frustrating experience...

    Song: Don't Clock Me
    Mode: 6 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 01-18

    Goal: Don't press the same direction twice in a row. Dance gauge doesn't go up. No more
    than two Misses or Boos in a row.
    Tips: Just takes a bit of practice, not as terrible as it may sound.

    Song: Temple of Love
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Trick
    Bar : All

    Goal: Finish the stage with the dance gauge below 50%. Don't Miss or Boo more than 4 times
    in a row. Gauge starts at 50% and rises constantly the entire song.
    Tips: This one is actually easy. Just miss 4 times, get a Great/Perfect, miss 4 times, etc.

    Song: Wild Rush
    Mode: 6 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : All

    Goal: Get a Great or higher on all the 8th note steps.
    Tips: Again, they are the bluish-purple steps. Focus only on those.

    Song: Together & Forever (Captain Jack version)
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 01-15

    Goal: Full combo. Controls are reversed.
    Tips: Easy enough, reverse your dance pad or turn your controller upside-down!

    Song: Dream A Dream (Miami Booty Mix)
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Original
    Bar : All

    Goal: Full combo.
    Tips: This is another song that I did with the music turned off. It was a lot easier that
    way for me.

    Song: That's the Way '98
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Trick
    Bar : All

    Goal: 95% or more Perfects. Sudden mode. No "guide" arrows at the top of the screen.
    Tips: Pray. Seriously, this one is incredibly hard. It took me countless tries to finally do
    it. The more you play the song and get the hang of the beat, the better. You can have
    up to 9 non-Perfects out of 192 steps, so you have to get at least 182 Perfects.

    Song: Sexy Planet
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : All

    Goal: Full combo. The steps move in a wave pattern as they come onto the screen.
    Tips: This one is more show than anything. If you practice this song on Maniac long enough,
    the wave motion shouldn't mess you up too much. It does take getting used to though
    so expect to play this one a lot.

    Maniac Difficulty

    Song: I'm Alive (Cut N' Move version)
    Mode: 6 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : All

    Goal: Don't press the same step twice in a row.
    Tips: A nice easy way to start Maniac difficulty...

    Song: Super Star
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 15-44

    Goal: Don't get more than a 2 combo. Don't Miss/Boo more than 2 in a row.
    Tips: Gah, this one is unpleasent. The part in the middle is very uncool...

    Song: Conga Feeling
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 35-48

    Goal: Great or higher on all the 16th steps. Ignore the others.
    Tips: 16th steps are hard to pick out from the others and it's hard to pick them out
    listening to the music. Thus, this one is... hard.

    Song: Paranoia Evolution
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 03-72

    Goal: Clear the stage. The dance gauge goes down constantly.
    Tips: Don't miss. No Goods or anything. Full combo the bad boy. Well, at least the first
    half. After that things pick up enough to where you can afford a miss or two.

    Song: Can't Stop Fallin' in Love
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 55-59

    Goal: Finish with between 100000 and 110000 points.
    Tips: Uh.. hope for luck? That's what I did. ^_^

    Song: Typical Tropical
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : All

    Goal: Get Great or higher on everything except don't hit Up. Sudden Mode.
    Tips: This one is deceptively difficult..

    Song: Drill Instructor (C-Jah Happy Mix)
    Mode: 4 panel
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : All

    Goal: Don't get more Greats than Goods. Don't get more Perfects than Greats.
    Tips: Are you good at getting Goods? I certainly hope so. Try to push everything after the
    arrow passes the top so you either get a Good or a Miss. Once you have a lot of Goods
    under your belt, attempt to get a safety blanket of Greats in case you accidently get
    some Perfects. Oh, and don't fail out of the stage. Heheh.

    Song: Freaky
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : All

    Goal: Get Great or higher on everything except don't press double steps. Hidden mode.
    Tips: This is another one of those you just have to practice.

    Song: Celebrate Nite
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 31-49

    Goal: Get 50 or more Greats and 50 or more Perfects.
    Tips: This is just pure evil. There are exactly 107 steps in this set. You have to be very
    good or incredibly lucky to pass this one...

    Song: Love Machine
    Mode: 6 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 48-58

    Goal: Get all Perfects. Song plays at roughly half the normal speed.
    Tips: Another evil one. Good luck!

    Extra Difficulty

    No tips in this section. If you made it this far, you don't need them...

    Song: Drop Out
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Original
    Bar : All

    Goal: Full combo.

    Song: Cat's Eye (Ventura Mix)
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 31-51

    Goal: Don't get two Greats and/or Perfects in a row or two Boos and/or Misses in a row.

    Song: Rhythm and Police (K.O.G. G3 Mix)
    Mode: 6 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : All

    Goal: Full combo. 90% or more Perfects.

    Song: Let the beat him em
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 19-35

    Goal: Finish with 0 points. Goods count for 0 points. Keep the dance gauge above 20%.

    Song: Lupin the 3rd '78
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : All

    Goal: Get a Great or better on all steps except the 4th note steps.

    Song: Theme from Enter the Dragon ~ Revival 2001 Mix ~
    Mode: 6 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 25-54

    Goal: Full Combo. 90% or more Perfects. Sudden mode. No "guide" arrows at the top of the

    Song: Strut Your Funky Stuff
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 01-24

    Goal: All Perfects. Hidden mode.

    Song: Get Off
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 09-19

    Goal: Get a 50 combo or higher. No more than 1 Boo/Miss at a time. Stealth Mode.

    Song: I Don't Want to Miss a Thing (Planet Lution Mix)
    Mode: 4 panels
    Lv. : Maniac
    Bar : 20-53

    Goal: Keep dance gauge below 10%. Finish with below 50000 points.

    Song: Together & Forever (Nineball feat Atomic Gun & Julia version)
    Mode: 6 panels
    Lv. : Original
    Bar : All

    Goal: Full Combo.

    Final Words

    I'd like to thank the following:

    -CJayC: Hosting the best website for game information and for hosting all of my FAQs.

    -Konami: Creating the best game series ever.

    -Myself: Typing up this FAQ while not dancing my life away.

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