Tato stranka by vapadalo mnohem lepe v prohlizeci, ktery podporuje webove standardy, nicmene prohlizet ji muzete v jakemkoliv prohlizeci, nebo zarizeni s pristupem na Internet.

DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

Czech DDR v mediích


TV Prima
20ti minutovy zaznam z akce Pragocon 2005 televize Prima, kde je i ceske DDR. Více info na foru. Zázam najdete například na stránkách Google video.


Casopis 21. stoleti
Kdo si koupi casopis 21. stoleti ted aktuakne k cervnu 2005, ma moznost si schovat peknou tristrankovou reportaz o ceskem DDR.
Na techto lincich se muzete podivat na cernobilou nascanovanou verzi

Prvni strana Dvoustrana

Reportaz psal Marek Kucharik
Fotodokumentace je vzata z techto stranek a od Xsofta


Large gallery update
Thanks to Xsoft for a large submission of pictures. Samples from his galleries have been added to the StepMania picture gallery.


You can find links to his complete galleries from the StepMania gallery. Also, be sure to check out his sites:


If you have pictures of StepMania from an event or photos of your StepMania setup, follow the link at the top of the gallery to submit your images.


Další informace o nás najdete například na: www.avalcon.cz, www.festival-fantazie.cz, www.ff.pocitac.com.

www.laser-game.cz (sekce DDR a Klany).

Datum poslední modifikace definice 'media':
01.11.2009 00:00
<< zpět na Czech DDR portal

DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG


D A N C E D A N C E R E V O L U T I O N E X T R E M E 2

Online Play Guide

Version 1.1

Contact Luna: dj_lunasol at lycos.com


1. Introduction / About This Guide
2. Online Basics
3. Walkthrough of Prompts
4. Online Play
a. Head To Head
b. Ranking Challenge
c. Practice
d. Data
e. Options
f. Logout
5. Questions And Answers
6. Credits and Legal Stuff


1. Introduction / About This Guide

Hey to all my fellow online Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 Online players
and to all the ones who are interested in what playing online has to offer!
I'll try to cover as much as possible, so bear with me.

A lot of what went into this guide came from just playing online, so much of
the focus is going to be on the online experience. While I could type
endlessly about game play and the songs, there's another FAQ for that. I'm not
saying that I WON'T include song information, but since there's no difference
between the songs online and the songs offline, there's really no reason to
"reinvent the wheel."

While I'd love to include everyone's scores, I'd rather include anyone's
scores who has a lesson to teach everyone. I happen to have such a lesson, and
I'm writing the guide, so I apologize up front if it sounds like I'm bragging.
If you send me your scores and anything you learned from playing, I'll add it
to the next version of this guide! Please, no 1337 comments about how you will
pwn the n00bs. The last time I checked, this was DDR and not a MMORPG.

Which reminds me - I've shortened Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 to DDREx2
in this guide. It's also used in the game, so as much as I want to coin the
abbreviation, it's commonly used.

Version History

1.1 (April 19, 2006)
- Added version history to guide
- Added Neoseeker.com to allowed sites list
- Corrected typos... don't ask where they were
- Improved appearance, because aesthetics rock my socks

1.0 (April 2006)
- Finished guide (my first!)


2. Online Basics

Although I'd love to dance against everyone in the world, there are a few
requirements which must be met before you can play online.

- Kids Need Adults
If you're under the age of 18, you'll either need your parents to configure
your online settings or just to be aware of you playing online. Also, parents
make good cheerleaders.

You'll read that on the front of the game's case. It simply means that you
can't connect if you have a dial-up internet connection. Everyone else can
hook up a broadband cable into the port on the back of the slim Playstation 2
labeled "NETWORK." If you have the older PS2, you may need to purchase a
network adapter if you haven't done so already.

- Set Up Your Network Configuration
Another "if you haven't done so already" kind of thing. If this is your first
PS2 game played online, you'll probably need to use the Network Configuration
disc which came with your PS2 or the Network Adapter. Some games will set up
an online configuration for you without the use of the configuration disc.

- Make Sure You're All Set
You have broadband, the cables are connected, the system is configured, the
power cord is inserted into the PS2, the controller or dance pad is connected
to the front of the PS2, the AV cables are hooked up to your television or
other device (VCR or DVD player), the lights are on, the television is on, the
PS2 is on, the game disc is in your PS2, a memory card is also in the PS2, you
have a bottle of water nearby or a comfortable seat on the sofa,...

I'm just making sure everything is taken care of! Trust me, you can't bring
your AAA* game if you're not comfortable and if something isn't working.

Once everything is set, you can select Online Play from the main menu.


3. Walkthrough of Prompts

I have a cable internet connection, and I don't know if it's just me, but all
the authentication processes take longer than the introduction screens when
you start up the game. The following is what I get when signing on, and I
can't guarantee that you'll have the same experience but I'm sure it'll be
pretty close to it!

Here is what you can expect to see (if you haven't already):

((select Online Play from the main menu))

- Rules and Regulations: This is a user agreement between you and Konami, or
you and your family and Konami. It's not to be taken lightly, so before you
play for the first time, I highly suggest reading the entire thing (it's also
in small print in the back of the user guide included with the game, so you
have a copy in print.)

((if you accept the agreement, say AGREE))

- Login, Rules and Regulations, Exit - This screen explains itself. Rules and
Regulations takes you back to the previous screen. Login takes you onward,
a step closer to the fun stuff.

((select Login))

(Setting up)

- Configuration - If you've already set up an online configuration, you'll see
it listed on this screen. If you have more than one, select one which says
"SCE/Ethernet (Network Adaptor)" above the dark box in the bottom half of the

((select your internet service provider setting))

(Network setting up)

(DNAS setting up and authentication)

- Information: Inappropriate Player Names - You'll see this screen even after
registering a player name. If you had a name in mind, make sure it doesn't
reveal too much about you.

((select Next))

(checking UDP port)

- DDRex2 ID - Now for the fun part! This ID has no meaning in the online
portion of the game, but it's still a unique ID.

- Password - Your fingers will get a warm-up, since you can't plug in a USB
keyboard and type. Since you can't retrieve your password, you might want to
make it something you can easily remember, or write your password down (which
I don't recommend to anyone who lives with other DDR players). Pressing the
Start button brings up the Quick Menu, which gives you the option to change
your password.

- Authentication - Once your ID and password are entered, select
Authentication and press the X button.

(authenticating... authenticated)

You're in! But... one more thing has to be done.

- User File - This is where you select and create a dancer. "But I thought I
just did that!" Nope, you created login information. More on your User File in
a moment.

- Information - Remember those screens you previously had to read? If you
want, you can read them again.

- Logout - Leaving so soon? If you want to disconnect, this is where you go.

((select User File))

- Name Entry - As a new member, you'll read New Entry twice. Select either
slot to create your dancer.

((select New Entry))

- Select Dancer - Choose wisely, for your chosen character is permanent! You
will always be represented by whichever dancer you choose, so pick your
favorite one. If you've played Dance Master Mode long enough, you may have
unlocked some of the other outfits which can also be used. I have a thing for
Akira, so you'll always see me as Akira.

((confirm your selection))

- Name Entry - This is the name which is seen by everyone, so enter something
which isn't obvious that it's you, but something you want to reveal about
yourself. Luna means moon, and I like all things celestial, so I'm named Luna.
For the purpose of this guide, I created Lunakira.

((confirm name))

- Name Entry - Now you're back to the screen with the two user slots. You'll
see your current statistics (a lot of 0's, since you haven't played). Choose
the dancer you created, then press the X button.

((select user file))

((select Play from the menu)) - You can select Delete if you want, if you
made a mistake or for whatever reason you have. Choosing Play brings you to
the Lobby.

- Select Lobby - Drum typically has more players than Bass. The more
players, the better chance you'll have of finding someone to play against.

((select a lobby, either Drum or Bass))

You are now a user of DDREx2 Online! Most of the work is behind you now,
but you still have to enter your password every time you enter (you
won't need to re-enter your user ID unless someone else has played just
before you).


4. Online Play

You're now at the heart of the DDREx2 online experience, assuming you just
finished all the previous steps. If not, log in and go to the Online Play

At the top, you'll see the number of weeks since the beginning. No, history
didn't begin 20+ weeks ago, but the online playing has been going on since
then. Below that, you'll read (time) until the end. It's how much time is left
for the week, and part of your ranking is based on a span of one week.

When Head-To-Head is bouncing, you can use the left and right arrows to choose
another section if you desire, or you can Logout.

You can also press the Start button to see who else is in the lobby with you,
and even view their statistics by selecting them and pressing X. If their name
is white with a green circle to the left of their dancer, they're most likely
idle. If their name is purple, with a blue circle to the left of their name,
they want to dance! Press the triangle button to return to the previous

While on a particular screen, you don't have to back out to the bouncing
header to select another section. L1 and R1 will move you to another section,
but you won't be able to logout unless you press the triangle button.

a. Head-To-Head

This is where you'll want to spend the most time. You'll earn points online,
as well as points for the in-game shop.

To begin, select a difficulty, then select Player Search.

You can't choose your song, so choose a difficulty which is comfortable for

You might have to wait a while after selecting Player Search, so don't press
Cancel unless you're going to leave the room. Earlier, I mentioned the people
whose names were in purple were people who want to dance. They've started the
player search, and are just waiting for another player.

Once another player has been found, their name will be listed on your screen
along with their current winning streak. You have the option to Cancel at this
time, but you'll need to start the Player Search again if you do so. After the
countdown, you'll be shown their statistics for the week, as well as the song
to be played.

Once the song starts, there's a few things you'll notice. One is that your
arrows are set to what you purchased in the Shop (you may have the default
arrows, or you could have butterflies, space ships, or deco art arrows). Also,
any other settings you have will be in effect, such as arrow color and so

Another mentionable thing is the difficulty. You might be playing against
someone with the same difficulty as you, or they might be playing Heavy while
you're in Light. Don't panic! The winner of the match is inevitably the better

- A full combo does NOT guarantee victory
- A higher difficulty does NOT mean more points

I have actually won against people who played on Heavy while I play in
Standard. I have won against people who got an A* while my score was an A.
Impossible, you say? Actually, it's not. Accuracy counts, and the more
Perfects you score out of all your steps, the better chance you'll have of

Once the song is over, you'll be able to view your score for the song, as well
as your opponent's score. The announcer will also tell you if you're the
winner or not. Once you're done with the review, press X to go back to the

b. Ranking Challenge

For those of you who like playing courses as opposed to individual songs, this
is your time to shine. Each week, you'll be presented with two different
courses which you can attempt. At the bottom of the screen, check to see that
you meet the qualifications. Beginners courses are open to anyone who's played
for less than 10 hours, while Challenge courses are open to everyone (and only
the best will be able to complete the Challenge courses).

If you're waiting for another player in a Player Search for Head-To-Head, you
won't be able to attempt a Ranking Challenge. You will, however, be able to
view the rankings.

c. Practice

This is very free play! If you want to put in some extra time on the songs you
can't seem to win, this is how to do it! Choose a song, difficulty, options
(Speed, Boost, et cetera), then play the song. You won't have the background
movie or your dancer to distract you, so just concentrate on your steps. Also,
your score won't be displayed at the end, and you can't earn points for

If you start a Player Search in Head-To-Head, press the R1 button twice to
enter the Practice section. Playing a favorite song is a good way to pass the
time while waiting. When another player is found, the song will end.

You can end a song in Practice at any time by pressing the Start button.

d. Data

If you want to know how you're doing in comparison to all the other DDREx2
players out there, visit the Data section from time to time.

Head-To-Head Data shows the number of matches, wins, losses and ties against
your opponents, as well as your percentage of wins. You are ranked in order by
the number of wins, then by your percentage of wins. For example, as I type
this, I am ranked at 4 for the week, behind eGGRoLL. We both have 107 wins,
but since I have 60 more losses for the week, I'm one place behind. You can
change the page by pressing the left or right directional button, to change
from This Week, Last Week, and Total ranking listings.

Ranking Challenge data displays all the courses given, along with the songs in
the course and the qualifications when highlighted. After highlighting a
course, press the X button to view the ranking for that course.

Point data lists your points, similar to Head-To-Head data.
You receive:
- 1 point per Head-to-Head loss
- 3 points per Head-to-Head win (Light)
- 4 points per Head-to-Head win (Standard)
- 5 points per Head-to-Head win (Heavy)

Personal data is all you! The first screen shows your name, points, and
overall matches/wins/losses/ties. The second page shows how well you played
each week by listing your matches/wins/losses/ties per week. The third page is
your Ranking Challenge data, with your ranking, score, time and max combo for
each course you've attempted. Lastly, your point data per week is listed.

You can view your data at any time, even while waiting for another player to
be found in a Player Search.

e. Options

At the Options screen, you'll read Controller Type (1P Side) and Controller
Type (2P Side). If the Controller Type is set to Dance Mat while you have a
regular controller plugged in, you'll only be able to use the directional
buttons and not the X, Circle, Triangle and Square buttons.

Help On/Off refers to the on-screen help bubbles that, in my opinion, get in
the way. After playing a while, you'll know your way around and won't need the
Help turned on.

If you want to adjust any other options, you'll only be able to do so from the
main menu of the game itself.

f. Logout

When Logout bounces, press the X button if you really want to log out! You'll
be asked if you're sure you want to disconnect.

After you log out, you'll be returned to the first screen after accepting the
user agreement.

What next? Press the triangle button to return back to the main menu. With a
memory card in, you'll be asked if you want to allow autosaves. You don't have
to say yes, but the game will be saved if you do.

"But... I was playing online! What does saving the game have to do with the
online game?"

Go to the Shop, and you'll notice you have a few more points to spend. Also,
you might even have more songs unlocked for purchase. Believe it or not,
you're rewarded for playing online just as you're rewarded for playing


5. Questions And Answers

If you have any questions related to playing DDREx2 Online, send me an e-mail
at dj_lunasol at lycos.com (and please type DDREx2 Online Guide or
something like that in the Subject line, or I may not answer it)

Otherwise, I'm going to put up a few things that I've read online, and giving
my opinions and observations for anything else I can think of.

My opponent is playing at a higher difficulty - it's not fair!

While your opponent has more arrows, it doesn't mean they'll have a better
score. If they manage to get a higher ratio of Greats than your ratio of
Perfects, you will easily win over them!

Also, ignore your grade at the end. It's possible for an A to beat an A*, just
based on how many Perfects you get. Full combos don't guarantee a win!

You can also end a game in a draw, where you both scored the same. If you have
Marvelous turned on in your game settings (offline), you'll see who was more
accurate, but a Marvelous counts the same as a Perfect so it won't affect the

Error Messages

You or your opponent won't always be connected to the network. Sometimes,
you'll disconnect in a song. It's not a frequent occurrence, so don't let it
keep you from playing. However, if your opponent disconnects, you'll probably
win the match (it's treated like a forfeit).


6. Credits and Legal Stuff

I'd like to thank the Academy... wait, what academy?

A major thanks goes out to Konami for adding Online Play to DDR.

I'd like to thank the people at GameFAQS.com for taking the time to look over
this guide and for posting it on their site. I'd also like to thank anyone
else who's ever posted a guide at GameFAQS - you guys and gals have been so

Thanks to Neoseeker for scouting me!

If you want to post this elsewhere, send me an e-mail and let me know where
it's going, and I'll add your name here for helping out!

See you in the DDR Online lobby!

This guide is Copyright 2006 Marybeth Domurat (Luna on DDREx2 Online)
and may not be reproduced or distributed without first contacting me
and receiving my permission. You are forbidden to place it on any website
without my permission, as it is a violation of copyright laws. If you fail to
comply with this, you had better be able to get a full combo on a 10-footer
song in my presence, or I shall see you in court.

The current list of allowed websites to find this guide is as follows:
http://www.gamefaqs.com - GameFAQS
http://www.neoseeker.com - Neoseeker
All other websites and publications are forbidden to post this guide, unless
the GameFAQS version lists their URL. GameFAQS is the primary location for
this guide, and will be the most recent version.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders (Konami et al.)

This guide is based on the United States version of Dance Dance Revolution
Extreme 2 and may or may not differ from your experience.

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Další informace ti poskytne Czech DDR, nebo Czech DDR forum.