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Hardpad si můžete nechat i postavit. Koupit ho v obchodě není jediná věc jak jej získat. A protože jsme Czech DDR a češi mají zlaté ruce, není to problém.

U nás se stavba padů rozjela hlavně rokem 2004. Pár nadšenců i dříve. Mezi naše přední Hardpad buildery patří Trin, Filip-san a Bee_Boo. Na fóru se můžete podívat po jejich dílech, a dát s nimy řeč. Domluvíte se na počtu kusů, ceně, typu připojení nebo třeba barvě. Většina padů je stavěna pro PC, protože si do Stepmanie nahrajete plno songů a pad není problém pod ní zprovoznit.

A jestliže se na stavbu padu necítíte, nevadí. Můžete si ho i nechat postavit přímo od členů Czech DDR, nebo si hardpad prostě koupit v internetovém obchodě.

Datum poslední modifikace definice 'hardpad_postavit':
01.11.2009 00:00
<< zpět na Czech DDR portal

DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

Oni Glitch FAQ

Table of Contents.............1.0

1) Table of Contents
2) Version History
3) What is the Oni Glitch?
3.1 - Definition
3.2 - How does the bug benefit me?
3.3 - Why is the bug important to know about?
4) Execution
4.1 - Overview
4.2 - Basic technique
4.3 - Advanced technique
4.4 - Nonstops
a) "Glitchable" courses
b) Getting the song you want
c) Mods
4.5 - Oni courses
a) "Glitchable" courses
b) Mods
5) Song Checklist [removed 12/04]
6) The Hidden Stepcharts
6.1 - Single
a) Love <3 Shine Challenge
b) Dam Dariram Challenge
c) Last Message Challenge
d) Drop Out (from Nonstop Megamix) Heavy
e) Higher (next morning mix) Standard/Heavy
f) My Summer Love (Tommy's Smile Mix) Heavy
6.2 - Double
a) Dam Dariram Challenge
b) Aoi Shoudou (for Extreme) Challenge
c) Drop Out (from Nonstop Megamix) Heavy
7) FAQs
8) Contact Information
9) Credits/Legal Stuff

Version History...............2.0

12/22/04 - v0.31
- Discovered that Higher oni doesn't exist on Light.

12/04/04 - v0.3
- My god, I actually updated this thing!
- Many minor grammatical and layout changes.
- Section 5 was removed.
- Several stepchart confirmations added.

1/21/04 - v0.1
- First version completed.

- Stepcharts/Edit data : I need hosting space first.

What is the Oni Glitch?.......3.0

3.1 - Definition

First discovered in early to mid-2003, the "oni glitch", as it's commonly
referred to, is a way to set the songs on DDR EXTREME to difficulty levels
that aren't normally accessable for that song. There are 5 difficulties in
Extreme - Beginner, Light, Standard, Heavy, and Challenge (also known as Oni).
The majority of the many songs in EX have four difficulties on Single mode -
Beginner, Light, Standard, and Heavy. (Doubles is the same, without a
Beginner difficulty.) Some songs, however, have stepcharts for all five
difficulties, including Challenge. The main purpose for these more difficult
stepcharts is to compensate for an easy Heavy chart (Let's Get Down,
Butterfly, etc. Some of these charts are the S-MANIAC charts from DDR 4th
Mix). Some of them are used in Oni courses for additional difficulty (V, A,
and Colors in IIDX Boss are good examples). All of these Challenge
difficulties, though, are selectable in normal gameplay, by simply hitting
Down twice at Heavy, like you normally would to change a difficulty. Some
songs, though, have Challenge difficulty steps that /aren't/ normally
selectable. This is where the glitch comes in.

By carefully manipulating the Nonstop and Oni course selection screens
(see section 4.2), it's possible to force a difficulty onto a song that
isn't normally allowed to go to that difficulty. Early hacks of the game
disc showed full stepcharts for certain songs on Challenge (usually), but
weren't on the song's normal list of difficulties. After the glitch was
accidentally discovered, the known charts were quickly revealed, and all the
songs in the game are currently being tested for more of these easter eggs.

[UPDATE 12/04] More recent disc hacks have saved us from hours of testing. :)

3.2 - How does the bug benefit me?

The glitch can work in three ways. First, it can help players that want to
play Nonstop or Oni modes but can't handle the large quantities of Heavy songs
by changing those songs to Light or Standard. Secondly, it can function in
just the opposite way, by making otherwise easy courses much more difficult.
(A good example is the BeForU oni, whose three Standard songs are much more
fun on Heavy.) The last benefit is, of course, being able to play the
otherwise inaccessable stepcharts. Many of these hidden charts are highly
entertaining (Love Shine single, Dam Dariram double), and it's worthwhile to
play the others just so you can say you have. ;)

3.3 - Why is the bug important to know about?

While many people don't care about how a DDR machine works, the oni glitch
is a good example of something everyone should know - it doesn't take much
devotion to grasp. Not only does it help you manipulate the Nonstop and Oni
modes much more thoroughly, but it's a cool trick for your friends and a fun
way to freshen DDR when the stepcharts get a little stale.


4.1 - Overview

First of all, if it hasn't been made clear, the bug only works for Nonstops
do anything with it in normal gameplay! Get it? Got it?

...good. Or "MARVELOUS!!", if you will. :)

Anyway, to make a long explanation short, here's how it works. Extreme
basically stores two sets of variables for each nonstop/oni - the songs
themselves and their difficulties. For example, Legend Road would store one
set of variables as Max 300, Maxx Unlimited, Sakura, The legend of MAX, PSM.
The other set would be Heavy, Heavy, Heavy, Heavy, Challenge. Put them
together and you get the hardest oni in the game, 4 10-footers on Heavy and
one on Challenge (fig. 1).

fig. 1: Legend Road

Songs Difficulties
--------------------- -------
Max 300 (Heavy)
MaxX Unlimited (Heavy)
Sakura (Heavy)
The legend of MAX (Heavy)
Paranoia Survivor Max (Oni)

The glitch involves taking the second set of variables, the difficulties, and
applying them to a different course's songs. Let's refer to the previous
example, and say that I wanted to "glitch" Legend Road onto Naoki
Neo-standard. (Putting one course's difficulties onto another is often
referred to like this.) Normally, Neo-standard goes Standard, Standard,
Heavy, Heavy, Heavy (fig. 2).

fig. 2: Naoki Neo-Standard

Songs Difficulties
------------------------------- ----------
Aoi Shoudou (for EXTREME) (Standard)
Hyper Eurobeat (Standard)
Brilliant 2U (orchestra groove) (Heavy)
Memories (Heavy)
Burnin' the Floor (Momo Mix) (Heavy)

As you can see, these two oni courses are hugely different. There is one
interesting (and important) thing about them, though. They're next to each
other on the oni course select wheel. This makes it possible to perform the
glitch, moving one of the course's difficulties to the other's songs. If we
successfully glitched Legend Road onto Naoki Neo-standard, we'd end up
playing fig. 3.

fig. 3: Glitched Naoki Neo-Standard

Songs Difficulties
------------------------------- ----------
Aoi Shoudou (for EXTREME) (Heavy)
Hyper Eurobeat (Heavy)
Brilliant 2U (orchestra groove) (Heavy)
Memories (Heavy)
Burnin' the Floor (Momo Mix) (Oni*)

*(This song doesn't have oni steps - more on this in a bit.)

Note that this gives you a much higher maximum possible Dance Points than
would normally be achievable. This is especially important with Neo-standard,
since - yes - it applies to the high score table. Using the glitch, much
higher high scores can be achieved for Neo-standard, both Single and Double.
(Unfortunately, Dancemania oni is already all Heavy, and nonstop scoring
remains the same regardless of difficulty.) Also note that this example
could have worked in reverse, and we could have made Legend Road's first two
songs Standard instead of Heavy.

Well, obviously every normal song has Light, Standard, and Heavy steps
(except the MAX2 remixes). But what happens when you use the glitch to set a
song to Challenge that doesn't have Challenge steps? That's where things get
interesting. MOST of the time, the song will roll back to the Heavy stepchart.
It'll show "Challenge" on-screen, but you'll simply be playing the Heavy
steps. Sometimes, though, you'll play an entirely different stepchart that's
not normally selectable! A "hidden" or "secret" stepchart, if you will. The
glitch works in a similar matter for the MAX2 oni remixes, except that they're
glitched to Heavy or whatever instead of Challenge. Be careful, though...while
a few oni-only songs DO have Heavy stepcharts, the ones that don't will crash
your machine and reboot it if you try to glitch them.

Here's a summary of the main points:

- Use the glitch to set one course's difficulties onto another course's songs.
- If a song is "glitched" onto Challenge, one of four things will happen:
*The machine will play the Heavy steps with a Challenge marquee. (most
*The machine will play the normal Challenge steps. (V, A, Let's Get Down,
*The machine will play a secret, unaccessible Challenge stepchart. (see
section 6)
*The machine will crash and reboot. (VERY RARE - so far only reported on
- If a song is "glitched" to Light/Heavy/etc, one of three things will happen:
*The machine will play that song's normal stepchart for that difficulty.
(most songs)
*The machine will play a secret, unaccessible stepchart. (some MAX2 oni
remixes - see section 6)
*The machine will crash and reboot. (most of the MAX2 oni remixes)


- If a "target" oni has more songs than the one you're glitching onto it,
remaining songs keep their normal difficulties.
- There is no way to glitch something to Beginner. Light can be done with
some Nonstops only.
- The glitch cannot permanently damage your machine.

4.2 - Basic technique


Nonstop Mode
1. Insert your credit, etc. and go to Nonstop Mode.

2. Select the Nonstop whose DIFFICULTIES you want, but don't press the green

- Reminder: It has be to be directly next to (the one right before/after)
the Nonstop whose SONGS you want.

Here's some lovely ASCII of where you should be right now.

fig. 4: Starting position

(Nonstop/w songs you need)*
------------------ ---------------------------------
| | /
|BANNER 1 | (Nonstop/w difficulties you need)
| | \
|----------------| ---------------------------------
|Song #1a Diff1| -----------------------------
|----------------| /
|Song #2a Diff1| (Nonstop/w songs you need)*
|----------------| \
|Song #3a Diff1| -----------------------------
|----------------| -------------------------
|Song #4a Diff1| /
------------------ ...

*Either one of these courses can be the one with the songs you want.

3. Here's the tricky part.

a) Press the appropriate arrow button once to select the course with the
SONGS you need.

b) The machine will collapse the song titles, and it will temporarily
look something like fig.5. By temporarily, I mean a REALLY short time
span, only half a second or so.


(Nonstop/w difficulties)
------------------ ---------------------------------
| | /
|BANNER 2 | (Nonstop/w songs you need)
| | \
|----------------| ---------------------------------
|Song #1a Diff1| -----------------------------
|----------------| /

Before changing into:

fig. 6: Too late

(Nonstop/w difficulties)
------------------ ---------------------------------
| | /
|BANNER 2 | (Nonstop/w songs you need)
| | \
|----------------| ---------------------------------
|Song #1b Diff2| -----------------------------
|----------------| /

BANNER 1 - The first course's banner.
BANNER 2 - The second course's banner.
Song #1a: The song visible in the collapsed songlist of the first course.
Song #2b: The song visible in the collapsed singlist of the second course.

c) You have to press the button AFTER THE BANNER CHANGES, BUT BEFORE THE
SONGLIST CHANGES! This can be very difficult. If you press it too late,
you'll play the second course normally, with its normal difficulties.
If you press it too early, nothing will happen. The actual window you
have for pressing the button 'correctly' is VERY slim.

d) If you succeeded, the collapsed songlist will continue to display the
first course's song/difficulty as it flies off the screen. DO *NOT* HOLD
DOWN THE BUTTON FOR THE OPTIONS MENU!!! If you do, it won't work!
Otherwise, you'll play the glitched course. Good job!

Challenge (Oni) Mode
Works exactly like Nonstops do, but with Oni courses. No options menu to worry

4.3 - Advanced technique

Here are some tips to increase your success rate.

- Don't rush! EX gives you plenty of time to get the job done with. Just take
it easy and focus on precision.

- Start by pressing select immediately after choosing the second course, and
then slow down incrementally. This gives you the highest chance of
eventually landing your press in the small window that is required.

- Watch the songlist very carefully. After a while, you'll notice that it
gives a tiny flicker JUST before changing to the new song. I think this
flicker is exactly where you need to hit the button, but it's right on the
edge, so be careful!

- Make sure your buttons are in good repair and aren't sticking. Delayed
button response is one of the leading reasons this trick fails.

- Don't get discouraged! It takes a while to get this down perfectly, and even
then it simply doesn't work sometimes. If you have any tips you'd like to
share, send them to me at the email address at the bottom of the document.

4.4 - Nonstops

a) "Glitchable" courses

Song title [possible difficulty 1] [possible difficulty 2] [etc]

L = Light
S = Standard
H = Heavy
O = Oni (Challenge)

(Normally selectable difficulties aren't listed.)

POP 4 a b
Irresistiblement [S] [H]
Cartoon Heroes (Speedy Mix) [S] [H]
I'm gonna get you! [S] [H]
I Do I Do I Do [S] [H]

a/b: From Home Ver., Normal/Difficult.

COMMENT: Very fun course when all-Heavy!

Butterfly [S] [H]
If You Were Here [S] [H]
Sky High [S] [H]
Dam Dariram [S] [H]

a/b: Macho, Normal/Difficult.

We Will Rock You [L] [S]
Telephone Operator (Club Mix) [L] [S]
Crash! [S] [H]
Captain Jack (Grandale Mix) [S] [H]

a/b: Dancemania or House, Normal/Difficult.

HOUSE a b c
I Was The One [L] [S] [H]
Don't Stop! (AMD 2nd Mix) [L] [S] [H]
Mr. T (take me higher) [L] [S] [H]
Feeling of Love [L] [S] [H]

a: Love Heart, Normal.
b: Love Heart or Macho, Difficult or Normal(respectively).
c: Macho, Difficult.

LOVE HEART a b c d
Love <3 Sugar [L] [S] [S/O] [H/O]
Love <3 Shine [L] [S] [S/O] [H/O]
Candy <3 [S] [H] [S/O] [H/O]
Sweet Sweet <3 Magic [S] [H] [S/O] [H/O]

a: House, Normal.
b: House, Difficult.
c: Player's Best 1-4, Normal.
d: Player's Best 1-4, Difficult.

COMMENT: Also a very fun Nonstop on all-Heavy.

???? [L] [O*]
???? [L] [O*]
???? [L] [O*]
???? [L] [O*]

a: Love Heart, normal.
b: Player's Best 5-8.
*Only available if an Oni remix is in an adjacent Player's Best.

COMMENT: The best way to get whatever song you want. See section 4.4b.

???? [O*]
???? [O*]
???? [O*]
???? [O*]

a: Player's Best 1-4 or Player's Best 9-12.
*Only available if an Oni remix is in an adjacent Player's Best.

COMMENT: See Player's Best 1-4.

???? [O*]
???? [O*]
???? [O*]
???? [O*]

a: Player's Best 5-8 or Player's Best 13-16.
*Only available if an Oni remix is in an adjacent Player's Best.

COMMENT: See Player's Best 1-4.

???? [O*]
???? [O*]
???? [O*]
???? [O*]

a: Player's Best 9-12 or Player's Best 17-20.
*Only available if an Oni remix is in an adjacent Player's Best.

COMMENT: See Player's Best 1-4.

???? [O*]
???? [O*]
???? [O*]
???? [O*]

a: Player's Best 13-16 or Player's Worst.
*Only available if an Oni remix is in an adjacent Player's Best/Worst.

COMMENT: See Player's Best 1-4.

???? [O*]
???? [O*]
???? [O*]
???? [O*]

a: Player's Best 17-20 or Random Dancemania.
*Only available if an Oni remix is in an adjacent course.

COMMENT: See Player's Best 1-4.

???? [O*]
???? [O*]
???? [O*]
???? [O*]

a: Player's Worst or Random Bemani.
*Only available if an Oni remix is in an adjacent course.

COMMENT: Player's Worst often has a lot of Oni remixes in it...

???? [O*]
???? [O*]
???? [O*]
???? [O*]

a: Random Dancemania or Random All.
*Only available if an Oni remix is in an adjacent course.

???? [O*]
???? [O*]
???? [O*]
???? [O*]

a: Random Bemani or Random Caprice.
*Only available if an Oni remix is in an adjacent course.

???? [L] [O*]
???? [L] [O*]
???? [L] [O*]
???? [L] [O*]

a: The First, Normal.
b: Random All.
*Only available if an Oni remix is in an adjacent course.

COMMENT: The only way to get an all-Light Random course.

Butterfly [H]
Let's Get Down [H]
Little Bitch [H]
Paranoia [H]

a: Fine Choice Nonstop, Difficult.

I'm In The Mood For Dancing [L]
Happy Wedding [L]
Senorita (Speedy Mix) [L]
Destiny lovers [L]

a: The First, Normal.

Twin Bee (Generation X)
Witch Doctor (Giants Toons Version)
321 Stars

COMMENT: Hop Step cannot be glitched.

Mobo*Moga [L]
Stay (Organic House Version) [L]
Kiss Kiss Kiss [L]
Heaven is a '57 Metallic Gray (gimmix) [L]

a: Four Seasons, Normal.

Graduation (each tomorrow) [H]
My Summer Love [H]
Firefly [H]
White Lovers [H]

a: From Dancemaniax or From Beatmania, Difficult.

Miracle Moon (LED Light Style) [L]
air [L]
Be Lovin [L]
321 Stars [L]

a: Four Seasons, Normal.

Hold On Me
Nori Nori Nori
Hyper Eurobeat
Last Message

COMMENT: Eurobeat cannot be glitched.

Love <3 Sugar
White Lovers
Magic Door (Theme of Space Maco)

COMMENT: From Pop'n Music cannot be glitched.

Let's Groove
Long Train Runnin'
Get Up'N Move

COMMENT: Funky Groove cannot be glitched.

Drop the Bomb (System SF Mix) [L] [S]
Do It Right (Harmonized 2Step Mix) [L] [S]
Look to the Sky (True Color Mix) [S] [H]
Dynamite Rave (Down Bird SOTA Mix) [S] [H]

a: Pop4 Normal.
b: Pop4 Difficult.

BIG NOTICE: All of this information is based on a fully unlocked machine. In
other words, different combinations of courses are possible if your machine
hasn't been, or is partially, unlocked. I may strive to post these possible
combinations in a future update, but no promises. :p

b) Getting the song you want

The entire point of the glitch is to make ANY song in the game Challenge. But
not everything is possible with the built-in Nonstops, right? This is where it
REALLY gets tricky. There are two ways to get any song you want to Challenge.

The first is rather limited, and doesn't actually let you glitch any song in
the game - just Dancemania songs. This method is to glitch Player's Worst onto
Random Dancemania. Why does it work? Player's Worst is frequently filled with
the Oni remixes (few play them), so you'll usually get at least 2 Challenge'd
songs every time you try it. It's possible to get the secret Dam Dariram steps
this way (see section 6), but unlikely.

The second is more accurate but requires much more time and effort. Player's
Best courses are the only ones that can support Oni songs, so the only way to
get a consistent glitch of a certain song is to use them. In simpler terms:
get your song into Player's Best 17-20. Player's Worst can then be glitched
onto it, getting your song onto Challenge. Alternately, if the song is higher
up in Player's Best, get a Challenge-only song 4 slots away from it. This can
take a while, and if you're able to go into the operator's menu to "Clear
Player's Tendency", it'll be a lot easier.

So, basically, use Player's Worst to your advantage. ;)

c) Mods

First, let me restate the ever-important fact:

You CANNOT use the options menu at ANY TIME while doing the glitch! It will
foil your attempt. OK?

With that said, you can still use mods while glitching, but NOT speed mods.
Why? They're only accessible through the options menu. Which you CAN'T USE.
Got it? Heh. Anyway, all of the other mods have special arrow codes you put
in on the Nonstop Select screen, which will apply that mod to the course.
Just like normal gameplay, for those who know about the codes. Here they are:

Boost...................left, right, down, up
Hidden/Sudden/Stealth...left, up, right (repeat to cycle)
Mirror..................up, left, right, left, right
Right...................up, down, left, right
Left....................up, down, right, left
Shuffle.................up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down
Reverse.................down, left, right, left, right
Little/Flat/Solo/Dark...left, down, right (repeat to cycle)
(Cancel mods)...........left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right

Entering any code a second time will remove it (or cycle to the next option in
that "series").

4.5 - Oni courses

a) "Glitchable" courses

Song title [poss. difficulty 1] [poss. difficulty 2]

S = Standard
H = Heavy
O = Oni

(The normal difficulty setting isn't listed.)

Aoi Shoudou (for EXTREME) [H] [H]
Hyper Eurobeat [H] [H]
Brilliant 2U (orchestra groove) [H] [H]
Memories [H] [H]
Burnin' the Floor (Momo Mix) [O] [H]

a: Legend Road.
b: Dancemania Oni.

COMMENT: Glitching this gives you a MUCH higher high score possibility!

Get Up'N Move [S]
I believe in miracles [S]
Captain Jack (Grandale Mix) [H]
Synchronized Love (RHM Mix) [H]
Rhythm and Police (KOGG3 Mix) [H]
Butterfly [O]

a: Naoki Neo-Standard.

COMMENT: Glitching this yields a *lower* highest possible score. So don't. ;)

Paranoia Eternal
Paranoia Survivor
Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix)
Paranoia Survivor Max

COMMENT: Paranoia Brothers is not glitchable.

Trip Machine
SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix)
Trip Machine (luv mix)
Trip Machine Climax
Trip Machine Survivor

COMMENT: Trip Five is not glitchable.

End of the Century
Speed Over Beethoven
Saint Goes Marching (Remix)
V (for Extreme)

COMMENT: Classic is not glitchable.

Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix)
Trip Machine (luv mix)
La Senorita Virtual
Orion.78 (civilization mix)
Healing Vision (Angelic Mix)

COMMENT: Road of 2MB is not glitchable.

Living in America [O]
La Bamba [O]
La Copa De La Vida [O]
Mobo*Moga [O]
Afronova [H]
Janejana [H]
Gamelan de Couple [H]
Orion.78 (AM-euro mix) [H]
Matsuri Japan [H]

a: Trick.

COMMENT: This glitched course is identical to the original.

Matsuri Japan (from Nonstop Megamix) [H]
Sexy Planet (from Nonstop Megamix) [H]
Ecstasy (Midnight Blue mix) [H]
AM-3P (AM East Mix) [H]
Max 300 [H]

a: World Tour/Club ver.

WARNING: Glitching this course will crash the machine on Matsuri Japan.

celebrate [O]
Jam Jam Reggae [O]
R3 [O]
luv to me (disco mix) [O]
Genom Screams [H]
ska a go go [H]

a: Trick.

COMMENT: This glitched course is identical to the original.

i feel...
rain of sorrow
L'amour et la Liberte
Vanity Angel

COMMENT: Sorrow is not glitchable.

Holic [H]
era (nostalmix) [H]
DXY! [H]
Electro Tuned (the SubS Mix) [H]
stoic (for Extreme) [O]
sync (for Extreme) [O]

a: From GF&DM.

COMMENT: This glitched course is identical to the original.

Jet World [H] [H]
Mikeneko Rock [H] [H]
Destiny lovers [H] [H]
The Least 100 Sec [H] [S]
Across the nightmare [H] [O]

a: Road of TaQ.
b: RevenG New-Revenge.

Afronova [H] [H]
Matsuri Japan [H] [H]
Tsugaru [H] [H]
bag [H] [O]
Sakura [O] [H]

a: From GF&DM.
b: Naoki Premium.

COMMENT: In option b, Sakura is (still) on 0.5x speed, but on Heavy!

1998 [H] [S]
Hyper Eurobeat [H] [S]
Burnin' the Floor (Momo Mix) [H] [S]
Dynamite Rave [S] [S]
Dance Dance Revolution [O] [H]

a: RevenG New-Revenge.
b: Naoki Standard.

COMMENT: For a while, this glitch was the only way to see Dance Dance
Revolution's oni steps outside of One More Extra Stage.

Brilliant 2U [H] [H]
Dynamite Rave [H] [H]
Celebrate Nite [H] [H]
B4U [O] [H]
Burnin' the Floor [H] [H]
D2R [H] [H]

a: Naoki Premium.
b: Paranoia Brothers.

COMMENT: Both of these glitched versions are effectively the same.

Paranoia [S] [O]
Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) [S] [S]
Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) [S] [S]
Paranoia Evolution [S] [H]
Paranoia Rebirth [H] [H]

a: Naoki Standard.
b: Naoki feat. Paula Terry

Still in my Heart (Momo Mix) [H] [S]
Can't Stop Fallin' In Love [H] [S]
Broken My Heart [H] [S]
Love Again Tonight (for Melissa Mix) [H] [H]
Destiny [H] [O]

a: Paranoia Brothers.
b: Soul6.

SOUL6 a b
Share My Love [O] [S]
Do It Right [S] [S]
Secret Rendes-vous [S] [S]
Let's Groove [H] [H]
Hysteria 2001 [H] [H]
Groove [H] [H]

a: Naoki feat. Paula Terry
b: BeForU.

WARNING: Both of these glitches will crash the machine @ Hysteria 2001.

True... (trance sunrise mix) [S] [H]
dive ~more deep & deeper style~ [S] [O]
Firefly [S] [O]
ever snow [H] [H]
Break Down! [O] [H]
Candy <3 [H] [H]

a: Soul6.
b: Happy Hardcore.

COMMENT: The all-Heavy/Oni glitched version of this is very fun!

WWW.Blonde Girl (Momo Mix) [S] [O]
Still in my Heart (Momo Mix) [S] [O]
Dynamite Rave (B4 Za Beat Mix) [S] [O]
Waka Laka [H] [H]
Sweet Sweet <3 Magic [H] [H]

a: BeForU.
b: Love RevenG.

WARNING: Option a crashes the machine at Still in my Heart.

Matsuri Japan (from Nonstop Megamix) [H] [H]
Afronova (from Nonstop Megamix) [O] [O]
Tsugaru (Apple Mix) [O] [O]
Orion.78 (AM-euro mix) [H] [O]
exotic ethnic [H] [H]

a: Happy Hardcore.
b: From Solo.

WARNING: Both of these glitches will crash the machine at Matsuri Japan.

Let the beat hit 'em! (Classic R&B Style) [O]
Superstar (from Nonstop Megamix) [O]
Wild Rush (from Nonstop Megamix) [O]
Hysteria 2001 [H]
Can't Stop Fallin' In Love [H]

a: Love RevenG/Midnight Blue.

WARNING: Both glitches will crash the machine @ Hysteria 2001.

AM-3P (AM East Mix) [H] [S]
Ecstasy (Midnight Blue Mix) [O] [H]
Sexy Planet (from Nonstop Megamix) [O] [H]
Secret Rendes-vous [O] [H]
Insertion [H] [H]

a: From Solo.
b: From IIDX.

WARNING: Both of these glitches will crash the machine at AM-3P.

Absolute [O] [O]
Holic [O] [O]
Abyss [O] [O]
DXY! [H] [O]
Burning Heat! (3 Option Mix) [H] [O]

a: Midnight Blue.
b: Naoki Platinum.

Brilliant 2U (KOGG3 Mix) [S] [O]
Dynamite Rave (B4 Za Beat Mix) [H] [O]
Celebrate Nite (Euro Trance Style) [H] [H]
B4U (B4 Za Beat Mix) [H] [O]
Burnin' the Floor (Blue Fire Mix) [H] [H]
D2R [H] [H]

a: From IIDX.
b: Demon Road 2.

WARNING: Both of these will crash the machine - the first at B2U, the second
at Celebrate Nite.

Drop Out (from Nonstop Megamix) [O] [H]
Sexy Planet (from Nonstop Megamix) [O] [O]
Break Down! [O] [O]
Tsugaru (Apple Mix) [O] [O]
Burning Heat! (3 Option Mix) [O] [H]
Kakumei [H] [H]

a: Naoki Platinum.
b: IIDX Boss.

COMMENT: The second glitch will NOT crash the machine - it's the best way to
see Drop Out's hidden Heavy steps. Kakumei, on all modes, is Reverse Dark.

DXY! [O] [H]
V (for Extreme) [O] [H]
Colors (for Extreme) [H] [H]
A [O] [H]
xenon [H] [H]

a: Demon Road 2.
b: Road of Slow.

Make it Better [H] [O]
We Will Rock You [O] [H]
Jam Jam Reggae (AMD Club Mix) [O] [H]
Be in my paradise [O] [H]
bag [H] [H]

a: IIDX Boss.
b: True Demon Road.

Little Bitch [H] [H]
Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix) [H] [H]
Drop Out [H] [H]
Leading Cyber [H] [H]
So Deep (Perfect Sphere Mix) [H] [O]
Daikenkai [O] [O]
Cartoon Heroes (Speedy Mix) [H] [H]

a: Road of Slow.
b: Legend Road.

Max 300 [O] [S]
MaxX Unlimited [H] [S]
Sakura [H] [H]
The legend of MAX [H] [H]
Paranoia Survivor Max [H] [H]

a: True Demon Road.
b: Naoki Neo-Standard.

COMMENT: During Konami's Internet Ranking for this oni course, many Americans
cheated and used the second glitch to get farther into this course than they
would normally be able to. It was based on how long you lasted, not how well
you did, so it caused a minor controversy.

BIG NOTICE: Once again, this information is based on a fully unlocked machine,
not any other intermediate version. If your machine isn't fully unlocked, your
results will vary.

b) Mods

An important note: mods do not transfer through the glitch like difficulties
do. Sorry, you can't apply Fuwa Fuwa and Brake to other songs. ;)

Unlike Nonstops, you can't apply mods to Oni courses. Only three Onis in
Extreme have built-in mods: Trick, RevenG New-Revenge, and Demon Road 2. Trick
crashes the machine if glitched, and Kakumei in DR2 can only be Heavy. So,
basically, the only *different* chart you can apply mods to is:

Sakura Heavy 0.5x (Naoki Premium -> RevenG New-Revenge)

...which is actually pretty cool, since it's the only place you can get 0.5x.

Song Checklist................5.0

(section removed)

Previously, we were going through each song in the game to check for hidden
stepcharts. Since the first version of this FAQ was released, hacks of the
arcade disc have since confirmed which stepcharts exist and which don't.
Because of that, there's no need for this section anymore. Sorry if it was
your favorite, or something. <3

The Hidden Stepcharts.........6.0

6.1 - Single

a) Love <3 Shine Challenge

Stepchart image and downloadable edit data coming soon.

METHOD OF ACCESS: Player's Best, Random All, Random Dancemania

This stepchart was among the first to be discovered, and is arguably the most
entertaining. It's very similar to Break Down, but also shares many elements
with Trip Machine Climax. Hey, well, it does! It follows the music like the
Heavy steps do, but the long chunk of jumps is replaced by difficult turning
chains and there's lots of jump-step chains scattered through the song. In any
case, this is the most "normal" of all the secret stepcharts. It seems like it
was actually planned to be real Oni steps, and that it was just left out of
the final production.

b) Dam Dariram Challenge

Stepchart image and downloadable edit data coming soon.

METHOD OF ACCESS: Player's Best, Random All, Random Dancemania

A little stranger. This stepchart...*sort* of makes sense to the music, except
that it follows the beginning gallops all the way through the song. In some
places it works well, but in others you'll be straining to be on-beat. It
seems that this chart is off by a few measures, or needs a mesaure or two
inserted somewhere. Anyway, it's not really that hard. Dam's normal Heavy
steps are a lot harder than this. The main novelty factor is that you get
freeze arrows on a 3rd mix song. :D It's speculated that this was originally
to be used in Dancemania Oni instead of Butterfly's new Oni steps.

c) Last Message Challenge

Stepchart image and downloadable edit data coming soon.

METHOD OF ACCESS: Player's Best, Random All, Random Bemani(?)

This chart is messed up. Literally. It starts the song with 30-45 seconds of
absolutely nothing, and then there's about one measure of jumbled steps.
"Jumbled" is the best word for them. It's some wacky combination of sixteenth
note jumps and normal steps, and it doesn't follow anything at all. After a
bit more blank space, it starts a chain of left arrows to the melody of the
song. Yes, *all* left. Very odd. Could this have been something they used to
test the stepcharts, or a way to have a new stepchart creator learn to make
arrows match the melody of a song?

d) Drop Out (from Nonstop Megamix) Heavy

Stepchart image and downloadable edit data coming soon.

METHOD OF ACCESS: (IIDX Boss -> Demon Road 2), Player's Best, Random All

Simple - this chart is the same as the normal Challenge stepchart, but without
any sixteenth notes at the end of the song. This reduces its max combo by 30
and removes any shred of difficulty the song had, really. Seemingly pointless,
unless Konami had planned to make easier versions of all of the Oni remixes
to fill in their missing stepcharts. This chart's interesting in that you can
access it easily, without going through the hassle of setting up Player's
Best - just glitch IIDX Boss onto Demon Road 2.

e) Higher (next morning mix) Standard/Heavy

Stepchart image and downloadable edit data coming soon.

METHOD OF ACCESS: Player's Best, Random All, Random Bemani

[UPDATED 12/22]
This doesn't exist on Light - just Standard and Heavy. Weird, huh?

[UPDATED 12/04]
This stepchart was formerly unconfirmed, but has since been sighted on many
occasions on both Standard and Heavy. Light confirmation still in the works.

One of the odder hidden stepcharts, Higher's remix on Standard and Heavy is
just a constant run of left arrows, on the quarter note (1/4) beat. Yes, for
the entire song. Weird, huh? The arrows start at the same time that the real
Challenge steps start, and end on the same beat as well.

f) My Summer Love (Tommy's Smile Mix) Heavy

Stepchart image and downloadable edit data coming soon.

METHOD OF ACCESS: Player's Best, Random All, Random Bemani(?)

[UPDATED 12/04]
Another previously unconfirmed stepchart, that I have personally seen in the
time since the first update.

This chart, which may possibly also exist on Standard (unconfirmed), is very
similar to Drop Out (from Nonstop) on Heavy. The middle of the Challenge
chart is host to several short runs of sixteenth notes. All of the actual 1/16
notes themselves have been removed from a certain portion of the middle in
this chart, making it stupidly easy.

6.2 - Double

a) Dam Dariram Challenge

Stepchart image and downloadable edit data coming soon.

METHOD OF ACCESS: Player's Best, Random All, Random Dancemania

Unlike the Single version of this stepchart, Dam Challenge Double is hugely
fun. It has several odd cross-pad freeze arrow chains that require careful
turning, much like Hyper Eurobeat Standard or any number of similar charts.
If you play Double a lot, I would highly recommend checking this one out.
Note that this is the only song which had both Single and Double oni steps,
backing up the theory that it was intended to be used with Dancemania Oni.

b) Aoi Shoudou (for Extreme) Challenge

METHOD OF ACCESS: Player's Best, Random All, Random Bemani

Stepchart image and downloadable edit data coming soon.

Huzzah! It's the easiest stepchart to AAA ever!...sort of. It's only 1 step.
Yeah, that's right, one step - 2P's Down arrow, and it's a freeze that lasts
for about 2 beats. This one has a reason for being where it is, though (the
end of the song) - if you play the Double Heavy chart, it seems to be missing
one arrow right at the end, and this freeze is positioned in such a way that
it fits the spot perfectly. A case of accidentally split stepcharts? Whatever
it is, it's a great way to get a "AAAA". :)

c) Drop Out (from Nonstop Megamix) Heavy

METHOD OF ACCESS: (IIDX Boss -> Demon Road 2), Player's Best, Random All

Easy to describe - it's the same glitched steps as Single Heavy, all on the
1P side. Just as if you had played Single on that side and done the glitch.
Nothing to get excited about.

If you discover any new stepcharts, contact me! (Information at the bottom
of the FAQ.)


Q: So, what's this "glitch" again?
A: It lets you set songs to normally unaccessible difficulties in Nonstop and
Challenge modes. Go read the guide already.

Q: Waahh! It won't work! What am I doing wrong?
A: If you're just having trouble hitting the button before the songlist
changes, practice. ;) It takes a while to get used to. If you're actually
doing it right and it's still not working for you, then stop using the options
menu! If you're not and it still doesn't work, looks like your machine isn't
glitchable. Sorry. Usually, when it seems like it should work and it's not,
you're using the options menu.

Q: Can I use mods while using the glitch?
A: Not with the options menu, you can't. See section 4 for details.

Q: Can I play these stepcharts outside of Nonstop/Oni?
A: If you have access to a machine with memory card slots, yes. Some future
update will include downloadable Edit data for these stepcharts.

Q: Will you give me a cookie?
A: No.

Q: Please? :<
A: No.

(Send in any questions you have, and they'll be included in a future update.

Contact Information...........8.0

If you have a question, a flame, a new "checked" song, or even a new chart(!),
send it over to me at:

pkmnx (-at-) sugarshock [dot] net

All flames will just be deleted, though. After I laugh at you. Hahaha.

You can also reach me on AIM: username 'pkmnx'

Credits/Legal Stuff...........9.0

Wow, my first FAQ. And it's done. There was much rejoicing...

Thanks a lot to:

Konami - for a great game.
tarenn - for lots of theories, song testing, and actually caring about this!
seishinbyou - for the AaronInJapan forums, where this project was started.
DDRFreak - for stepcharts and some of the more obscure modifier codes.
Putt-Putt Golf and Games - without you I would have no DDR. ;_;
The community at IndyDDR - for existing. :)
The AIJ community - for preliminary song testing. Thanks, guys!
The GameFAQs crew - for hosting this! I don't know how you do it all.

and you - for reading this boring and pointless FAQ. ;)

This document was made by ME! Andy Sage, pkmnx, what have you...it's my
intellectual property, and I don't like it when my stuff is stolen. >< I
don't mind if you use it on your site or whatever, but please ASK me first!
In other words:

This document (C) 2004 Andy Sage. Use with author's permission only.


"The hardest thing I have ever had to do...is to clear the mind."

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