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Existuje calá řada softpadů - levnější, dražší, s výplní, bez výplně, pro různé platformy. Mají různou výdrž, jiný potisk a barvy šipek a tlačítek a různou koncovku. Nejčastěji jsou pro PS2, XboX nebo na PC (USB). Hlavně na koncovku si dejte při koupi pozor. Pokud to není právě ta co potřebujete, je nutné si k padu koupit i redukci.

Doporučovaný postup pro získání softpadu:

  • Podívejte se na fórum, jestli někdo softpady právě neprodává, nebo se nechystá nějaká skupinka hráčů k hromadnému nákupu. To by pak ulehčilo peněžence.

  • Softpady na Internetu můžete koupit u firmy PositiveGaming. Jděte na stránky www.positivegaming.com, klikněte na Shop a softpad si vyberte. Mívají akce kdy za 1 pad nakoupíte 2... Na této stránce si můžete koupit i redukci. Při registraci použijte promote kód "czechddr". Získáte alespoň pětiprocentní slevu na první nákup.

  • Další softpady můžete koupit v e-shopu Play-Asia . U tohoto obchodu nemusíte používat promokód, stačí na shop přijít a následně realizovat objednávku před odkaz dole na stránce. Ten odkaz použijte prosím i v případě, že si zboží chce koupit nějaký vás známý.

    Další zkušenosti najdete na fóru - Tam najdete vše od údržby, zátěže, výdrže, vzhledu, až po rady jak docílit toho, aby se softpad moc nehýbal a naklouzal po podlaze při rychlejším hraní.

    Odkazy na internetové obchody

    PositiveGamming - www.positivegaming.com (promo kód "czechddr")
    název redukce - Trio Linker Plus

    Play-Asia - www.play-asia.com (pouzijte vzdy tento odkaz)
    název redukce - Dual Shooter (EMS USB2)

    soft1.jpg, 92 kB
    soft2.jpg, 91 kB

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'koupit_softpad':
    01.11.2009 00:00
  • << zpět na Czech DDR portal

    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

    Mission Mode FAQ

    Created by: James "brak2000" Morgan
    EMail: braktheman (AT) gmail (DOT) com

    Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2005
    Version: 1.2
    Status: New cheap strategy for Mission 98 submitted by Engy
    It can be found in the strategy for mission 98 as it only
    applies to that mission.




    Table of Contents
    A) Introduction
    B) The Basic Missions (1-25)
    C) The Normal Missions (26-50)
    D) The Hard Missions (51-100)
    E) Mission Quick List
    F) Cheap Strategies
    G) FAQ
    H) Credits
    I) Contact
    J) Legal Stuff


    Hello! Welcome to my Mission Mode FAQ. If you are having troubles
    with a certain mission or just want to see what this game has to
    offer, you've come to the right place. There's no unlock list or
    codes or anything in here, so if you are looking for that you better
    go elsewhere. This just has a listing of missions available in
    mission mode and strategies for beating even the hardest of them.
    I have been a DDR enthusiast for year and I am happy to finally
    write my first DDR related FAQ.


    Mission 01
    Song: Only You - Captain Jack
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: Around 35%-40%
    Difficulty: Light
    Mission Difficulty: 1 Star
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: If your Dance Gauge runs out then it's game over!

    This is a real basic beginner stage to get you in to mission mode.
    You have a moderately filled dance gauge so even a few missed arrows
    will lead to a cleared on this one.

    Mission 02
    Song: Simply Being Loved "Somnambulist" - BT
    Section Start: Around 50%
    Section End: Around 80%
    Difficulty: Light
    Mission Difficulty: 1 Star
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: If your Dance Gauge runs out then it's game over!

    Much like the last challenge, this one is another basic beginner stage.
    The life gauge is on the brink of DANGER, but don't let that worry you.
    This is the first mission to contain jumps, but they come fairly slow.
    Clearing this should not be a problem.

    Mission 03
    Song: Do Me (H.I.G.E.O Mix) - Mustache Men
    Section Start: Around 10%
    Section End: Around 25%
    Difficulty: Light
    Mission Difficulty: 1 Star
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Clear with more than 3,500,000 points.

    The trick of getting high scores is nailing perfects and keeping your
    combo going. This mission has a very simple clear goal considering a
    perfect combo will nail you 7 million points. There are only 32 steps
    in this one, so do your best to work with what you have.

    Mission 04
    Song: Theme From Enter The Dragon (Notorious Mix) - B3-Project
    Section Start: Around 65%
    Section End: Around 75%
    Difficulty: Light
    Mission Difficulty: 1 Star
    Modifiers: Left
    Goal: Get the following results more than 20 times in total:

    The first mission with a modifier and it really doesn't even make a
    difference. You have 28 steps in this one. Just keep 20 of them
    accurate enough for even a great, and you'll get it. No problem.

    Mission 05
    Song: Go West - Pet Shop Boys
    Section Start: Around 35%
    Section End: Around 75%
    Difficulty: Light
    Mission Difficulty: 1 Star
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: If your Dance Gauge runs out then it's game over!

    Another real simple opener. You have 52 steps and a decently filled
    meter. If for some reason you fail, practice is the only thing to help.

    Mission 06
    Song: Scorching Moon - Shawn the Horny Master
    Section Start: Around 10%
    Section End: Around 20%
    Difficulty: Light
    Mission Difficulty: 1 Star
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 3 times in total:

    Only 28 onbeat steps make this challenge incredibly easy. There isn't
    much of a strategy to it, just stay as accurate as possible.

    Mission 07
    Song: You're Not Here - Heather
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: Around 20%
    Difficulty: Light
    Mission Difficulty: 1 Star
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Get more than 20 PERFECT results.

    The first mission requiring you to perfect attack isn't all too difficult.
    With 42 steps total, you only need perfects on less than half of them.
    Even if you are no good at getting perfects, this one should be simple.

    Mission 08
    Song: Music (Bosck Radio Edit) - Darude
    Section Start: Around 65%
    Section End: Around 95%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 1 Star
    Modifiers: Little
    Goal: Clear the song with a Letter Grade of AAA, AA, A or B.

    Don't let the standard difficulty fool you. With the little modifier
    on this plays more like a light challenge. Even if you break your
    combo, an A or B should be simple enough to get.

    Mission 09
    Song: I'm For Real - Slake
    Section Start: Around 65%
    Section End: Around 97%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 1 Star
    Modifiers: Little
    Goal: Get O.K. on all freeze arrows.

    Much like the last mission, the standard difficulty doesn't mean much
    here. Since the only goal is to get OK on freeze arrows, the other
    steps aren't quite as much of a necessity. Just make sure you hit
    enough so you don't fail the song. This song has 19 freezes, so be
    ready for them.

    And just for some lovely trivia, I can't stand this song.

    Mission 10
    Song: Like A Virgin - tama_happytone
    Section Start: Around 15%
    Section End: Around 50%
    Difficulty: Light
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: Dark
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 3 times in total:

    We're movin' up now! 2 stars difficulty here we come. Why the 2 stars
    you ask? Well because there is no place for our steps! The grid where
    you line up the steps is gone and you'll have to rely on your ears for
    the most part. The steps for this are pretty simple so it shouldn't be
    much of a problem. If you are having problems, try turning up the
    volume and just stepping by sound instead of the arrows.

    Mission 11
    Song: Kick the Can - Bus Stop
    Section Start: Around 70%
    Section End: End of song
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 1 Star
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Don't step on any arrows simultaneously.

    So what does this goal mean, you ask? Skip any two foot steps or jumps
    you have to do in this mission. There are 21 jumps and all of them
    should be skipped. Yes, missing them does affect your meter so it is
    necessary to make up for it by nailing as many regular steps as
    possible. In this mission it won't be a big deal, but in future
    missions it is essential.

    Mission 12
    Song: Wonderland (UKS Mix) - X-Treme
    Section Start: Around 15%
    Section End: Around 55%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: Little, Reverse
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 3 times in total:

    A simple enough stream for this mission. It's a 2 star difficulty
    because it brings in the wonders of reverse scroll! *APPLAUSE* I for
    one hate reverse scroll, but it's just something we're going to have to
    learn sooner or later. The trick is to realize that when scrolling
    opposite, the mind likes to play tricks and get location of arrows
    mixed up. With practice, this becomes less each time. For this
    mission, reverse shouldn't screw you up much. Simple and easy
    introduction to the modifier.

    Mission 13
    Song: .59 - dj TAKA
    Section Start: Around 50%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: Little
    Goal: Play so that the Dance Gauge is below 10% when you finish.

    Don't you love games where the goal is to play poorly? Surprisingly,
    it takes a lot of skill to play so horribly. Just skip a bunch of
    steps at the beginning until you are close to failing. How close you
    want to be probably is figured by your skill level. Just keep it down
    as low as you can without failing. If it seems to great near the end,
    just start skipping steps as you hear the end of the song starting.

    Mission 14
    Song: Peace-Out - dj nagureo
    Section Start: Around 20%
    Section End: Around 97%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Get N.G. on all freeze arrows.

    Don't let the heavy difficulty fool you. This song isn't too
    difficult. The key to getting a N.G. on a freeze arrow is to play the
    arrow like a regular step. It is crucial to at least hit the start of
    every freeze or it will be instant game over. Treat freezes like a
    regular step and you have this in the bag.

    Mission 15
    Song: The Reflex - Duran Duran
    Section Start: Around 70%
    Section End: Around 98%
    Difficulty: Light
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: Hidden
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 3 times in total:

    Ooooh...This modifier is ugly. Lucky for us, The Reflex has some simple
    patterns on light. The key to this is watching the arrows in the
    middle and then listening to the music for your timing. Since this
    isn't exactly a difficult song, it is perfect for learning this. Try
    to master this skill as it will become essential in missions to come.

    Mission 16
    Song: There You'll Be - DJ Speedo feat. Angelica
    Section Start: Around 50%
    Section End: Around 80%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: x2, Little
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 4 times in total: GOOD,

    It's time to pick up the pace! Not only does this song have a faster
    BPM, but the arrows have a double scroll speed. What this means is you
    will have less time to react to arrows, but they will also be further
    spread apart. The thing about speed modifiers is they don't actually
    change the arrows. They just separate them far enough so they are
    easier to read, but require a greater reaction time. The steps in this
    mission are still pretty quick and there are a few jumps and freeze
    arrows to catch too. Overall it isn't too difficult though.

    Mission 17
    Song: Don't Clock Me - Popula Demand feat. The Get Fresh Girls
    Section Start: Around 75%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Light
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: Column
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 2 times in total: GOOD,

    As far as I know the odd modifier used for this stage doesn't have an
    official name. For purposes of this FAQ, I will call it column. In
    this modifier, the arrows are all toppled on top of each other so
    instead of hitting arrows based on a knowledge of location, you are
    hitting arrows based on the direction it points. It requires some
    quick reaction times since you will have to think about what arrow to
    hit instead of just the column it is in. This song is real easy though
    for using this modifier, so you shouldn't have any problems.

    Mission 18
    Song: Miracle - St. Jennario
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: Around 25%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: x2, Sudden
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 4 times in total: N.G.,

    The sudden modifier. Also a feared modifier in the DDR world, it
    causes arrows to scroll from the center of the screen instead of the
    bottom. This requires much faster reflex times. To top it off, in
    this mission the arrows are also scrolling at double speed. Thanks
    Konami! Luckily, the difficulty of this song is not very great, so it
    will be more of an introduction than a challenge.

    Mission 19
    Song: 321 Stars - DJ Simon
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: Around 80%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Step on 1/8 beat unit arrows with the following results: PERFECT,
    GREAT. Don't step on other arrows.

    1/8th arrows? What are these?! Luckily Konami has color coded these
    for us. You might want to learn what they are though, because in
    future levels they won't be color coded. Step on the blues, ignore the
    reds...simple as that. As for the Heavy difficulty, it's more like a
    Standard level when you have to ignore all the other arrows.

    Mission 20
    Song: Love Love Sugar - dj TAKA feat. NORIA
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: Around 15%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: You can only step on arrows simultaneously. Step on two arrows
    simultaneously with the following results: PERFECT, GREAT.

    3 Stars? Don't get discouraged. This mission requires you to skip all
    non jumping arrows. This means all those regular steps mean nothing.
    The key is to realize that most of the double step arrows are offbeat.
    Once you get how they go, it's a very simple mission.

    Mission 21
    Song: Believe - Eddie.J
    Section Start: Around 70%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Clear the song with a Letter Grade of C.

    While this may seem simple by looks, it means you have to get exactly a
    C. AAA, AA, A, B and D all mean nothing in this mission. You're going
    to have to throw a lot of steps while still keeping your meter alive
    and not falling down to a D level. To give you an idea of the stats
    you'll need, I passed this mission with 36 Perfects, 27 Greats, 11
    Goods, 12 Almosts and 8 Boos. Obviously this is not the only solution
    and there are probably hundreds of combinations that would still give
    you a C. Just try to be crappy, but not too crappy.

    Mission 22
    Song: Make It Better - Mitsu-O!
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: Around 30%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: Flat
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 2 times in total: GOOD,

    The flat modifier takes away all color coding. This means that all
    steps look exactly the same. This song has quite a few quick step
    combinations that can be difficult to read for some. If you have
    problems reading it, just learn the song in the regular game mode with
    colors and it will be a lot easier fresh in your mind. For this song,
    arrow location is probably sufficient.

    Mission 23
    Song: Drop the Bomb - Scotty D.
    Section Start: Around 55%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Keep the Dance Gauge below 30%.

    Being bad is fun! Hit a few steps, miss a few steps. Just keep the
    meter low in the red without failing and this mission should be over.
    If you have any problems, just try it again. Once you have a feel for
    how many steps it takes to fail it becomes much simpler. Usually I just
    skip 4 or 5 and then hit 10 or 15 and repeat. It depends how well you
    are scoring though, so keep an eye on the meter.

    Mission 24
    Song: Miracle - St. Jennaro
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: Around 25%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: Boost
    Goal: Get the following results more than 75 times in total: PERFECT,

    While I don't think this modifier has an official name either, we will
    call it boost. What it does is starts the arrows off slow at the bottom
    and then accelerates them as they reach the top of the screen. It
    gives it almost a reverse Star Wars opening credits effect (NERD
    ALERT!!). Since there are 91 steps here, getting 75 of them should not
    be a problem. Once again, if you are having problems reading take a
    shot at the song without any modifiers and then come back to it
    immediately while it is fresh in your mind. Pattern recognition is a
    good way to get past tough missions.

    Mission 25
    Song: Mobo Moga - Orange Lounge
    Section Start: Around 15%
    Section End: Around 60%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Clear with between 2,500,000 and 3,000,000 points.

    The first mission that took me a fair amount of tries. Falling within
    a low scoring target is not a simple task. My statistics were 15
    Perfects, 33 Greats, 16 Goods, 10 Almosts, 9 Boos, 2 OKs. I found it
    easiest to miss steps until I was about to lose and then great attack
    arrows until my meter was back up to miss a few more. This strategy
    got me about 2.6 million. I wouldn't worry too much about
    undershooting the target, just try not to get too many perfects.

    Congratulations! You have completed missions 1-25! Once all of these
    are unlocked, you will have access to another 25 missions! Hooray!

    Well, you've made it to the stage 26. Can you keep it up?

    Mission 26
    Song: A Stupid Barber - Sho-T
    Section Start: Around 30%
    Section End: Around 60%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: DLRU
    Goal: If your Dance Gauge runs out then it's game over!

    Ohno! What is going on? The DLRU modifier, as I am going to call it,
    changes the order of the arrow columns. Instead of your usual left
    down up right pattern we get down left right up. This is extremely
    disorienting as you have to focus on the direction of the arrows instead
    of their physical location on the screen. Once again, this is a good
    introduction because you can make a lot of mistakes and still pass this
    mission. If you are having problems, there isn't much you can do in
    this case except practice.

    Mission 27
    Song: Never Ending Story (Power Club Vocal Mix) - DJ AC-DC
    Section Start: Around 85%
    Section End: Around 98%
    Difficulty: Light
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Star
    Modifiers: Column
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 3 times in total: GOOD,

    Remember that crazy modifier back on the Don't Clock Me mission? It has
    made its return. In this one, the arrows come a lot faster and you can
    only miss 3 of them. Just concentrate on the top of the arrows and stay
    ahead of them enough so you aren't rushing to figure out what they are.
    I like to concentrate on the center of the screen with minimal
    memorization so I can be ready for them when they finally arrive at the
    top. This requires you to pay attention to the music a little closer,
    but it makes things a whole lot easier, especially later on.

    Mission 28
    Song: Higher (Next Morning Mix) - NM feat. Sunny
    Section Start: Around 20%
    Section End: Around 30%
    Difficulty: Challenge
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: Slow
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 2 times in total: GOOD,

    New modifier! What the heck is going on with that music? It appears
    our vocalist has turned in to a man. Either that, or the music has
    slowed down. This can actually be used to our advantage as the stream
    is slow enough to bring it down to about a standard difficulty. Just
    pound out the 48 step stream only making a mistake or two and this
    mission is yours.

    Mission 29
    Song: Can't Stop Fallin' In Love (Speed Mix) - Naoki
    Section Start: Around 35%
    Section End: Around 87%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: LUDR
    Goal: Don't step on the up arrow. Step on other arrows, or two arrows
    simultaneously with the following results: PERFECT, GREAT.

    I don't know about you, but to me this mission is a pain. there are a few
    ways to look at missions like this. You can either:

    A) do your best to ignore the column of arrows which works fine for
    some people.
    B) do something physically to your mat/controller to prevent yourself
    from hitting the up arrow.
    C) be a big fat cheater and head over to the cheap strategies section
    and check out the "Paper Trick".

    The choice is up to you. If you are one of the many that can simply
    ignore the arrows, doing it the legit way is very satisfying. The LUDR
    modifier really doesn't affect it too much, pending you are
    concentrating so much on direction the arrows are in anyways.

    Mission 30
    Song: Pink Rose - Kiyommy + Seiya
    Section Start: Around 65%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Light
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: x5, Shuffle
    Goal: Clear with more than 5,000,000 points.

    x5 is pretty fast. Be prepared for some fast flying arrows. The fact
    that they are on shuffle means they have been reorganized to not the
    default pattern, but one of a few select patterns. This means either
    you can bother to learn all the shuffle patterns or simply just
    concentrate on the fast scrolling arrows. They may be coming at x5, but
    if you have any experience with the faster of DDR songs, this shouldn't
    be to much of a problem. 5,000,000 is still pretty generous for missing
    quite a few arrows. If you really have a problem reading arrows go play
    The Legend of Max on light or try songs you know well with speed
    modifiers to get used to quick scrolling.

    Mission 31
    Song: Jet World - Mutsuhiko Izumi
    Section Start: Around 92%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: Dark
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo. A Full Combo is achieved by stepping on
    all arrows with PERFECT or GREAT results.

    Yikes, its time to full combo a technical section of a heavy song. This
    section goes with the music extremely well so use your ears and hit the
    arrows with the melody of the music. A lot easier than it may first
    appear. Keep this mission in the back of your mind too because later
    you're going to have to do the exact same thing in a much more difficult

    Mission 32
    Song: Keep on Movin' - N.M.R.
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Edit Steps
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: If your Dance Gauge runs out then it's game over!

    This is just like passing a regular ol' song in the normal game mode.
    The only trick is, the steps are custom made for this mission. It is a
    fairly draining stepchart, so I hope you have your stamina built up by
    now. Be ready for a lot of constant stepping with many jumps thrown in.
    Don't be fooled by some of the jumps as the steps keep coming
    immediately after a majority of them.

    Mission 33
    Song: Tsugaru - RevenG and DE-SIRE
    Section Start: Around 2%
    Section End: Around 25%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: Slow
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 3 times in total: GOOD,

    Much like the Higher (Next Morning Mix) mission a while back, this is
    a Heavy pattern slowed down for you. This one is much longer but goes
    with the music so well it shouldn't be a difficulty. 108 steps total,
    go for a max combo!

    Mission 34
    Song: Move Your Feet - Junior Senior
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: Around 40%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: Little
    Goal: Clear with less than 2,000,000 points.

    Here comes another mission where you have to be horrible. 2,000,000
    points is not much to work with, so do your best to hit many goods and
    stay away from the perfects. Keep your energy bar low, or those points
    are going to start adding up.

    Mission 35
    Song: Wonderland (UKS Mix) - X-Treme
    Section Start: Around 80%
    Section End: Around 98%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: Sudden
    Goal: Don't step on the down arrow. Step on other arrows with the
    following results: PERFECT, GREAT.

    Once again, this is going to require some concentration. If you need
    serious help, check out the cheap strategies section for the paper trick
    again. It really can help if you're having problems. This one is going
    to be more difficult than the last as you need to keep Perfects and
    Greats going and can't miss any arrows. Also, step on a single down
    arrow and it's instant loss for you. The sudden modifier as always will
    make things much more difficult since the arrows are coming from the
    middle instead of the bottom of the screen. This song has such a
    constant pattern that much of it could come from memory even. Practice
    makes perfect!

    Mission 36
    Song: V (For Extreme) - dj Taka
    Section Start: Around 80%
    Section End: Around 97%
    Difficulty: Challenge
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 3 times in total:

    While this song doesn't have modifiers, it appears to be a simplified
    version of the V steps. This will test your skills as the combinations
    it gives you are extremely close arrows. This is more practice than
    difficult as you should get it in a few tries. There isn't any trick to
    this other than practicing.

    Mission 37
    Song: Your Rain (Rage Mix) - Akira Yamaoka feat Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
    Section Start: Around 5%
    Section End: Around 50%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: Dark
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo. A Full Combo is achieved by stepping on
    all arrows with PERFECT or GREAT results.

    I found this mission to be the most challenging so far. It gives you a
    close together pattern, and then turns on Dark. To top it off, you need
    a full combo to pass this one. Focus most of your energy on first
    learning the pattern. It really isn't too difficult of a pattern once
    you know it, even though the steps don't go exactly with the music.
    Once you have that down, focus on the colors of the arrows. It will
    help you to tell what beat the arrow is on so you don't accidentally
    step off beat and lose your combo. I had to try this one a good 25
    times, so don't get discouraged.

    Mission 38
    Song: Absolute - dj TAKA
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: Around 40%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: Change
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 3 times in total: GOOD,

    Alright. 4 stars. I hope you are ready. The first thing you may
    notice is the insane speeding up and slowing down of music. I am going
    to name this Change for lack of a better term and because the speed is
    constantly changing. The good news is the steps aren't extremely hard.
    The other good news is the changing of the speed isn't random. If you
    fail, the speed changes will remain the same each time. Use this to
    your advantage if you are having difficulties and figure out where each
    one is and remember it in the back of your mind.

    Mission 39
    Song: B4U - Naoki
    Section Start: Around 50%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Don't step on the same direction twice in a row. (Stepping with
    one foot and stepping with both feet count as different

    Ack. You're going to have to deal with this one as there are no little
    tricks to it. It's easy to get caught up in the wonders of hitting each
    step twice in a row subconsciously. Keep in mind that as the goal states
    doing an arrow and then a jump containing that same arrow are not the
    same direction apparently. This means if you see a right arrow and then
    a right down jump, this is not two in a row. If you skip the jump
    section, you will most likely fail the song so remember this rule. B4U
    has a repetitive enough pattern that remembering where the two in a row
    arrows are won't be too difficult. All the runs don't have this, so you
    shouldn't have to worry about hitting the same arrow twice on a run.

    Mission 40
    Song: A - D.J. Amuro
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: Around 25%
    Difficulty: Light
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: Hidden
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 3 times in total:

    While this mission was a huge problem for me, some other people that I
    was playing it with found it to be not a big deal. The key is to
    realize exactly how the pattern works. If you have problems with it
    like me, go in to training mode and get it down. Once you know where
    the steps go with the song, this becomes a cakewalk. The steps
    themselves are very simplistic because of the light difficulty. This
    can also be a problem as you may find yourself going offbeat because of
    the big gaps between arrows. Tap your feet to the music to help prevent

    Mission 41
    Song: Drop Out (From Nonstop Megamix) - NW260
    Section Start: Around 85%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Challenge
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: x1.5, Shuffle
    Goal: Step on 1/4 beat unit arrows with the following results: PERFECT,
    GREAT. Don't step on other arrows.

    The key to this mission is knowing what arrows to step on. I'll help
    you out with that part. Shuffle mode does make it a little more
    difficult, but when you know the trick, a few tries should do it. First
    of all, the 1/4th beats are at the start of each run. For example, if
    your pattern looks like -> ^ -> ^ <- v <- v, you'd want to hit the first
    right arrow and the first left arrow. At one point it will try to trick
    you and give you the same run twice in a row and your brain will want to
    switch to a different arrow. Don't fall for it! Also, focusing on the
    color of the arrows can sometimes help you. This can also be risky
    because the color of the arrows change as the song goes on by default.
    Either way, this is a mission that is much easier with practice and once
    you get it you'll realize exactly how easy it is. If you are better as
    a foot tapper, as you tap each beat that is the arrow you want to hit.

    Mission 42
    Song: So In Love - Caramel.S
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Edit Steps
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: If your Dance Gauge runs out then it's game over! The Dance Gauge
    will not increase.

    Stamina! If you don't have it, this is going to be a nightmare. The
    custom steps turn this song in to one giant run of over 300 steps.
    If you haven't built up much stamina, this could be difficult as there
    are zero breaks in it. To top it all off, your dance gauge starts half
    full and never increases. Every time you miss a step, you are closer to
    failing with zero chance of redeeming your mistake. The runs are fairly
    repetitive so they shouldn't be hard to read at least. Its all just a
    matter of practice and stamina.

    Mission 43
    Song: Kick The Can - Bus Stop
    Section Start: Around 30%
    Section End: Around 50%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Get the following results more than 25 times each: PERFECT, GREAT,

    At first appearance, this may seem to be a standard max combo mission.
    The trick is, it's not. This is a very hard mission which requires you
    to get at least 25 of each PERFECT, GREAT and GOOD. The real challenge
    comes in getting the 25 Goods as they are the most difficult to achieve.
    Because of this, you will probably have an easier time if you just try
    to get as many goods as possible throughout the entire song. If you
    find yourself lacking Perfects or Greats after you seem to have enough
    Goods just switch gears. This one required around 20 attempts for me,
    so just keep giving it a try.

    Draco Legend from GameFAQs says:
    Nice Mission mode faqs, but though I'd just say something about the
    mission 43, the Kick the Can mission where you're to obtain at least 25
    Goods, Greats, and Perfects. I found it way easier just PAing the first
    part for a 25-27 combo to get the perfects and then good attacking
    after. That way I could ignore the perfects for the rest of the song
    and concentrate on the goods. Wasn't really concerned with greats as I
    would always be getting those while trying to get goods. When trying
    goods first, I always lost count of how many of each step I had. Just
    saying. Might be helpful for others...=/

    Mission 44
    Song: JaneJana - T.E.M.P.O. feat Mohammed&Emi
    Section Start: Around 77%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: Hidden, Reverse
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 2 times in total:

    Like all Hidden missions, if you are having problems, you should resort
    to practicing the song in training mode until you get the pattern down.
    For this song, the steps are offbeat at times which is one of the
    reasons it appears to be very difficult at first. The song actually has
    an easy to remember pattern that can be played by ear, so learn it well.
    Nothing more than practice to nail this mission.

    Mission 45
    Song: Tsugaru (Apple Mix) - RevenG and DE-SIRE
    Section Start: Around 40%
    Section End: Around 45%
    Difficulty: Challenge
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Get more than 45 PERFECT results.

    Perfect attack time! This one teaches you the skill of galloping.
    Galloping is a technique many heavy/challenge songs use in which you
    plant one foot immediately before the other. It gives off an appearance
    of a gallop and is a lot of fun to do. Take the song and look at it as
    a bunch of two step combinations one after another. Each gallop goes
    from one arrow to another and are separated by about a beat. If you are
    still having problems after my explanation, go in to training mode and
    pick regular Tsugaru on Heavy. Keep going down until you find the
    section that looks similar to this mission and try it over and over
    until you understand how it works. Getting 45 Perfects should be much
    easier when the gallop has been learned.

    Mission 46
    Song: Maximizer - Cli-Max S
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: 45%
    Difficulty: Light
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: x2, Reverse
    Goal: Don't get a 4 Combo or above.

    Many peoples first look at Maximizer is an odd one. The goal of this
    mission is to stay below a combo of 4. You can't just skip all the
    steps as you must keep your dance gauge alive. In order to do this, it
    is best to do a combo of 3 and then skip a step. Some people may find
    themselves hitting combos of 4 when they do this, so feel free to skip
    extra steps if necessary. The dance gauge is very generous so you can
    skip a lot of steps and still pass. Because this mission is on light
    difficulty, the reverse scroll should not be a problem. Remember that
    in DDR Extreme a simultaneous arrow step only counts towards a combo of

    Mission 47
    Song: La Senorita - Captain.T
    Section Start: Around 60%
    Section End: Around 80%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 5 Stars
    Modifiers: x1.5
    Goal: Step on 1/8 beat unit arrows with the following results: PERFECT,
    GREAT. Don't step on other arrows.

    Because of the length of this segment, I won't be able to explain the
    whole thing. The key is to know you are stepping on the offbeat arrows
    starting with the first arrow on the left. Use this to keep following
    the pattern throughout the song. You can always follow the colors of
    the arrows, but remember that they change as the song progresses so it
    could come back to trip you up. Trial and error is a good strategy for
    this also. You can miss a few steps, so use that to your advantage if
    need be. This is the first 5 star mission and one of the hardest ones
    on the first page.

    Mission 48
    Song: Drop Out
    Section Start: Around 15%
    Section End: Around 25%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 5 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Clear the song with a Letter Grade of A.

    The good news is getting an A is not too difficult. The bad news is
    this is the fast section of Drop Out with lots of jumping. If you can't
    do quick jumps, this will be a nightmare. Once you have mastered quick
    jumping, just miss one step to break your combo and get an A. When
    having troubles jumping, missing a few could still get you an A so keep
    that in mind. Another mission where there are no tricks, just practice
    makes perfect.

    Mission 49
    Song: The Legend of Max - ZZ
    Section Start: Around 95%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: x8, Shuffle
    Goal: Step on all arrows with PERFECT results. Get O.K. on all freeze

    Guy #1: Let's do some ridiculous challenge involving x8 speed on the
    hardest song in the game!
    Guy #2: OK.

    Ah yes, wasn't that an excellent story? Now back to the mission. In
    this insane challenge, you must hit the final freeze arrow in Legend of
    Max on x8 Shuffle. You are going to have to play this by ear as the
    arrows are virtually invisible. The freeze will appear in one of four
    spots.... Down+Right, Down+Left, Up+Right and Up+Left. Pick one and
    hope for a pass. The good news is this mission is an instant AAA so you
    can tell all your friends you AAA'd Legend of Max on Heavy 8x Shuffle!

    Mission 50
    Song: Frozen Ray (For Extreme) - dj TAKA
    Section Start: Around 50%
    Section End: Around 70%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 5 Stars
    Modifiers: RUDL
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo. A Full Combo is achieved by stepping on
    all arrows with PERFECT or GREAT results.

    Doesn't this combination work out perfectly? Either practice until you
    get it down perfect or just be cheap and use the turn trick down in the
    cheap strategies section. Both will get you the same results, its all
    up to you now.

    Congrats! You have completed missions 26-50 unlocking the final missions
    (dun dun dunnnnn) Now its time to really show the world what you've
    got. There are tough missions ahead so be prepared.


    It's time for real legends to be made. The missions from here on out
    are no easy feat and only the best players can finish them all. On
    another note, all difficulties have been reset meaning 1s in here are
    much more difficult than 1s in the earlier missions.

    Mission 51
    Song: Wonderland (UKS Mix) - X-Treme
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: Around 15%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 1 Star
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Clear the song with a Letter Grade of AAA or AA.

    AA means you not only will have to full combo this song, but get a large
    amount of perfects. Too many greats will mean failure and if you get a
    good or worse, just start over as its impossible to get an AA. The song
    itself is a simplistic stream, so as long as you are accurate, this one
    should come easy.

    Mission 52
    Song: Love Love Sugar - dj TAKA feat. Noria
    Section Start: Around 50%
    Section End: Around 80%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 1 Star
    Modifiers: Flat, Boost
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo.

    Flat and Boost is not the best combination, but the patterns go enough
    with the music that a full combo will come after a few tries. As
    always, if flat is giving you a problem you can check in to training
    mode and practice the section out. The boost status is not too much of
    a threat, but can mix with the flat to mess with your mind sometimes.

    Mission 53
    Song: Make It Better - mitsu-O!
    Section Start: Around 80%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 1 Star
    Modifiers: Sudden
    Goal: You can only step on arrows simultaneously. Step on two arrows
    simultaneously with the following results: PERFECT, GREAT.

    The jumps in this song come really close and can sneak up on you due
    to the sudden modifier. The jump patterns begin as simple alternating
    with single steps, but after a few jumps you will find that there are
    extra jumps thrown in between. The pattern usually goes 1 jump, 1
    single, 3 jumps. Just keep an eye on the tricks it throws you.
    Practice the ending to be sure the awkward jumps don't make you lose
    seconds before victory. All of the steps are onbeat, so timing should
    not be a problem.

    Mission 54
    Song: Funk Boogie - Funk Kid feat. Kool Boys
    Section Start: Around 65%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 1 Star
    Modifiers: Column
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo.

    Yuck, the difficulties of the column modifier begin here. There is not
    much to this one except practicing it and getting it down. I failed it
    10 times before finally passing it as some of the quick patterns can
    stop you dead in your tracks. If you keep your mind on the game, this
    mission can be a lot easier than it seems. Sadly, if you want to be
    cheap you will have to dig real deep to find a stepchart as this game
    just came out and these things take time.

    Mission 55
    Song: Ecstasy (Midnight Blue Mix) - d-complex
    Section Start: Around 65%
    Section End: Around 80%
    Difficulty: Challenge
    Mission Difficulty: 1 Star
    Modifiers: Shuffle, Flat
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo.

    The key to this is practicing in training mode. The flat arrows are a
    pain to read if you don't know the patterns and shuffle mixed in to it
    makes it a lot harder as theres more to think about. Most of the steps
    are offbeat and tend to go in a "triplet" fashion. Even with flat on,
    I managed this one on my first try, but everyone has a different style
    so what is easy for me may be difficult for you.

    Mission 56
    Song: Highs Off U (Scorccio XY Mix) - 4 Reeel
    Section Start: Around 80%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Don't step on the down arrow. Step on other arrows with the
    following results: PERFECT, GREAT.

    The whole missing arrows thing gets extremely tricky starting with this
    mission. In fact, this is where I invented the paper trick that can be
    found in the cheap strategies section. After 30 tries, I simply could
    not concentrate enough to do this mission and decided to just cover the
    column on the tv physically. One try later, I had it passed. If you
    have the concentration required to ignore the down arrows on your own,
    then you most likely don't need a strategy as the rest is a fairly
    simple stream. Everyone else who is having difficulties, I suggest
    covering the column on the TV with paper. It really does wonders.

    Mission 57
    Song: Do Me (H.I.G.E.O Mix) - Mustache Men
    Section Start: Around 3%
    Section End: Around 20%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: Hidden
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 2 times in total: GOOD,

    This one originally had me pulling out my hair. A whopping 35 tries I
    recorded until I learned my fault... The steps change beat after a
    while. After studying a stepchart, I played the song once in game mode
    and it became obvious how the pattern went. Much like the last song,
    it is instant relief and I finished it immediately after. If you know
    how the song goes, this becomes simple. Just remember when practicing
    that this mission is not on Heavy, but Standard.

    Mission 58
    Song: Higher - NM feat. Sunny
    Section Start: Around 30%
    Section End: Around 60%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: Brake
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo.

    This modifier is something that is painful to watch as you find
    yourself constantly rushing arrows. The most important thing to do
    on this one is to either A) use a stepchart, B) practice in training
    mode and learn the patterns or C) sightread it and play by ear/color.
    The A method can be found in the cheap strategies section. The B
    method is self explanatory and the C method is a bit more difficult.
    The C method is hard because it is very easy to rush arrows. If you
    look at them by a color pattern and then play them by ear, you will
    find yourself having a much easier time comboing, pending you can
    remember the order the arrows belong in. If you are playing by sight
    as well, be sure to not rush the arrows as it is very easy to do when
    they are so tight together. This mission will take practice, so do
    your best to learn your method of choice.

    Mission 59
    Song: Kids In America - Kim Wilde
    Section Start: Around 50%
    Section End: Around 80%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: Reverse, Sudden
    Goal: Get N.G. on all freeze arrows.

    Practice your skills on reading sudden arrows and stay light on your
    feet. The easiest way to get N.G.s is to pretend they are regular
    steps. Be sure to hit all the arrows or you will fail and be sure
    to not have them go to the point of an OK. The patterns in this
    song are not too difficult to follow, so reverse and sudden will
    only be a threat the first few times when you don't know precise

    Mission 60
    Song: Frozen Ray (for Extreme) - dj TAKA
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: Around 20%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: x0.5, Flat
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 2 times in total: GOOD,

    PRACTICE THIS SONG FIRST. Flat is extremely difficult on this song
    and learning the patterns is crucial. Many points use either gallops
    or streams and it is impossible to tell the difference at x0.5 speed
    with the arrows being flat. Once you have the stuff memorized, it
    still tends to be a difficult mission. If you don't want to take the
    time to do that, a stepchart will do you wonders here.

    Mission 61
    Song: Ecstasy - d-complex
    Section Start: Around 10%
    Section End: Around 30%
    Difficulty: Light
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: Sudden, Hidden
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo.

    The trick to this mission is that the arrows will only appear in the
    middle of the screen because they are hidden from the bottom and
    suddenly disappear on the top. Lucky for you, the difficulty on this
    song is only light and all the steps go on the thumpin bass beat
    easily. This mission should be no problem, just make sure to watch out
    for the few beats that are skipped. If you continue having problems
    with this mission, just practice it in training or game mode. Real
    simple patterns to understand.

    Mission 62
    Song: Move Your Feet - Junior Senior
    Section Start: Around 15%
    Section End: Around 60%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: Boomerang
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo. Get O.K. on all freeze arrows.

    I like to call this modifier the boomerang effect. The arrows will
    bounce up and down along the screen as they go to the top. This is
    very disorienting and can be extremely difficult to read without
    practice. Learn the song. Know it. Whatever it takes just know
    exactly what the pattern matches in relation to the song. This mission
    is much easier if you go in to it knowing the material. I also would
    like to say I love this modifier and wish it would be in game mode.

    Mission 63
    Song: You're Not Here - Heather
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: Around 20%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Get more than 25 GOOD results. Get O.K. on all freeze arrows.

    Depending on how your good attacking skills are, this mission can
    either be very simple or a killer. The problem is while you are good
    attacking the single arrows, the freeze arrows have to be all OKed so
    you can't stay off beat for them. Once you have your offbeat pattern
    down, this becomes a lot easier since the section is just the same
    arrows over and over with an extra step thrown in occasionally. If you
    have huge problems, sometimes turning the sound off or down can make it
    easier to get goods. Just experiment with your best way to get goods
    and stick with it...theres still another mission like this ahead so
    this will be good practice.

    Mission 64
    Song: A - D.J. Amuro
    Section Start: Around 70%
    Section End: Around 95%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: x1.5
    Goal: Keep the Dance Gauge below 20%.

    Theres a couple different strategies for this one that may help you.
    Either you can perfect attack, miss some arrows until your gauge falls
    and then repeat or you can try good attacking the whole thing. Neither
    are easy as this section is the fast stream at the end of A. I found
    it best to mix the two strategies and good attack and when I got too
    many perfects miss a few steps to let my meter fall. The stream itself
    is fairly easy to follow as the modifier can actually help you in this
    situation, so practice more on being bad then learning the song.

    Mission 65
    Song: i feel... - Akira Yamaoka
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Edit Steps
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: If your Dance Gauge runs out then it's game over! The Dance Gauge
    will not increase.

    Yuck Yuck Yuck. I for one hate these steps. The key to this song is
    that most the steps are in fact freeze arrows. Missing a freeze arrow
    really packs a punch to your Dance Gauge so you can only miss a few the
    whole time. The steps themselves are not very difficult. The mission
    difficulty is because they make you hold awkward freezes while throwing
    regular steps at you. There is no trick to this but practice, unless
    you want to cheat so much to find another person to take two arrows for
    you. That is a bit disturbing and not going to help you a whole lot
    though. Oh yeah, and to top it all off your dance gauge doesn't start
    very high. GOOD LUCK!

    Mission 66
    Song: PARANOiA MAX ~Dirty Mix~ - 190
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: Around 20%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Clear the song with a Letter Grade of B. The starting level of
    the Dance Gauge is lower.

    I did not have many problems with this mission. The strategy I went
    with was Perfect Attacking until my meter was around 20% and then
    letting it fall and repeat. My ending stats were 43 perfects,
    25 greats, 6 goods, 0 almosts and 12 boos. My max combo was a 20 and
    my score was around the 4.5 million mark. Use these numbers as a basis
    but as with all letter grades you have a large gap to fall into.

    Mission 67
    Song: Only You - Captain Jack
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: Around 30%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: Column
    Goal: Step on all arrows with PERFECT results.

    Don't let the column modifier scare you away. The steps for this song
    are not difficult at all and consist of basic patterns. The difficult
    part is that you have to get an AAA on this section. The key is to not
    rush steps as it can be very nerve racking trying to get all perfects.
    With practice, this mission becomes simple.

    Mission 68
    Song: The Legend of Max - ZZ
    Section Start: Around 40%
    Section End: Around 65%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: x0.5, Little
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 3 times in total: GOOD,

    Intimidating? Yes! Difficult? Not too bad. In the first of a series
    of heavy difficulty Legend of Max missions, this one is the easiest.
    First of all, the little modifier gives us some breathing room for this
    mission. It also makes all the steps onbeat. The x0.5 modifier is a
    little bit trickier as the arrows tend to be so jammed together they
    can be difficult to read at parts. Play this in practice mode if you
    are having difficulties and it will be much easier. Just make sure you
    practice it in little mode so you don't practice things that aren't
    actually in the mission.

    Mission 69
    Song: Bad Routine - D.J. Spugna
    Section Start: Around 10%
    Section End: Around 35%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Clear with between 4,000,000 and 4,100,000 points.

    Another one of those missions that will be easy or impossible, this
    mission forces you to have your score fall between two tight scores.
    I found it easiest to do my worst without failing and then at the
    end if my score was too low I would perfect attack. This is another
    one of those "practice until you get a feel of the score boundary"
    missions. There isn't much else you can do.

    Mission 70
    Song: B4U (B4 ZA Beat Mix) - Naoki
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Edit Steps
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 4 times in total:

    STREAM! STREAM STREAM STREAM!!! If you still don't have good stamina,
    you are screwed now buddy! This is a long and tiring stream that I
    wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. You get no breaks. The only break
    you get is the ability to hit goods and not mess with your goal. If
    you feel like you are going to die when playing this on a mat and
    really want to get past it, just use a controller. Your legs will
    thank you. If you insist to use a mat, practice makes perfect and if
    your stamina is already good, you have this one in the bag.

    Mission 71
    Song: Never Ending Story (Power Club Vocal Mix) - DJ AC-DC
    Section Start: Around 40%
    Section End: Around 60%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: Column, Reverse, Boost
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo.

    Hi. My name is Mission 71. I like to pile ridiculous modifiers on top
    of each other to make a difficult mission. This mission is not much
    fun and I resorted to using a step chart to pass it (see cheap
    strategies section). Either way, if you memorize the patterns, you'll
    get the same effect without being cheap so practice until you know it.
    Site reading all these modifiers at once is not easy at all so you need
    to come in knowing the steps. Theres still another column mission to
    come, so don't think you are out of the water quite yet.

    Mission 72
    Song: FireFly - BeForU
    Section Start: Around 50%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: Change
    Goal: If your Dance Gauge runs out then it's game over! The Dance
    Gauge will not increase.

    This mission amuses me to no end. Something about the way the vocals
    change when they're randomly speeding up and slowing down is hilarious.
    If you are having problems with this mission, learn where the speed
    changes happen so you can anticipate them. This mission is not quite
    as difficult as the ones around it, so if you are trying to pick a
    mission to do, this is a good one.

    Mission 73
    Song: Drop Out (From Nonstop Megamix) - NW260
    Section Start: Around 85%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Challenge
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Don't step on the down arrow. Step on other arrows with the
    following results: PERFECT, GREAT.

    Depending on your skill level, this is another simple or difficult
    mission. This mission is in fact where the paper trick was invented so
    feel free to use it. It can be found in the cheap strategies section.
    Even with that trick, this mission can still be difficult as the steps
    are extremely fast and you can not miss a single one. Yet again,
    learning the steps and getting your stamina up to hit them is the best
    strategy for this.

    Mission 74
    Song: JaneJana - T.E.M.P.O. feat Mohammed & Emi
    Section Start: Around 75%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: Hidden, Flat
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo.

    The good news is, this song has many repeating patterns. The bad news
    is, the end is pretty complicated on flat at times. The stepchart
    trick works extremely well on this mission if you want to check out
    some cheap strategies, but if you want to play it legit you are going
    to have to learn the patterns to heart. For the most part, this
    mission is not as difficult as it seems. Most of the patterns do
    repeat and the end part matches the music almost perfectly. Guess
    what? Practice makes perfect yet again.

    Mission 75
    Song: Drop Out - NW260
    Section Start: Around 15%
    Section End: Around 30%
    Difficulty: Edit Steps
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: Sudden
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo.

    62 quick jumps at your disposal. Definitely not an easy mission and
    you can't practice the steps because they are edit steps. Learn the
    patterns by trial and error as it is your only true option. The jumps
    have an easy enough pattern that memorizing them isn't too difficult.
    Good luck.

    Mission 76
    Song: .59 - dj TAKA
    Section Start: Around 5%
    Section End: Around 30%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Clear with between 1,500,000 and 2,000,000 points.

    So we begin the second half of our hard mission journey. This is not
    a good start mission. Getting a low score on this song is extremely
    difficult and will require you to do very poorly while not failing.
    Do not worry about doing too poorly as it is near impossible. You're
    going to have to good attack it seeing as perfects and then boos will
    not work in this case. Too many perfects and greats will usually end
    you 500,000 points too high or so. Practice being crappy, and this
    mission will be yours.

    Mission 77
    Song: Ladies Night - Section Start: Around 70%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Light
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: x8, Shuffle
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 2 times in total: GOOD,

    This is one of those missions where speed reading will help you out a
    lot. The arrows are going to come real fast and due to shuffle you
    can not really memorize them unless you memorize all the shuffle
    patterns. Focus on the very bottom of the screen and this mission will
    be a little bit easier. After 15 tries I passed this one just fine, so
    practice will do you good. If you are having a lot of difficulties,
    play faster songs using speed modifiers so you can develop faster arrow
    reading skills.

    Mission 78
    Song: A Stupid Barber - Sho-T
    Section Start: Around 30%
    Section End: Around 65%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: RDUL, Reverse
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 2 times in total: N.G.,

    There aren't any real tricks to this pattern of modifiers. If you
    really want to turn your mat over though, the Right and Left arrows
    will be in their regular spots and you will only have to deal with up
    and down. Whichever you find easiest, its all a matter of learning the
    steps so you don't have to concentrate on the arrows themselves so
    much. A step chart may also help in this situation, but it really is
    not necessary.

    Mission 79
    Song: V (For Extreme) - dj TAKA
    Section Start: Around 85%
    Section End: Around 95%
    Difficulty: Challenge
    Mission Difficulty: 2 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 2 times in total: GOOD,

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but these are not the normal challenge steps
    for V. This mission is all about quick feetwork and reading tight
    arrows. They come in clumps so you have time to react and then just
    pound them out. Not a very difficult mission at all, this one should
    simply be a little bit of practice and an easy pass.

    Mission 80
    Song: Drop The Bomb - Scotty D.
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Edit Steps
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Clear with more than 6,000,000 points.

    This mission is not all too difficult. It's all about perfect
    attacking and making minimal mistakes. I ended with 5 goods, 1 almost
    and 2 boos and still managed 6.3 million points. This missions doesn't
    have terribly difficult steps and once you learn them, it is simple.
    Please note that this mission does use edit steps so practicing in
    other modes is not an option.

    Mission 81
    Song: Diving - 4 Strings
    Section Start: Around 50%
    Section End: Around 85%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: Column, Sudden
    Goal: Step on 1/8 beat unit arrows with the following results: PERFECT,
    GREAT. Don't step on other arrows.

    This is one of those pain missions. Finding the 1/8 steps with sudden
    on is mostly trial and error. You can't use a stepchart as of when
    this FAQ was written as the song is still relatively new. I only
    passed this on trial and error and trying to type out the whole thing
    would be a very difficult process. Sorry if you need help, but you are
    going to have to just see what steps to hit and what not to.

    Mission 82
    Song: Music (Bosck Radio Edit) - Darude
    Section Start: Around 65%
    Section End: Around 98%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: DULR, Boost
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo.

    This is one of the worst arrow combinations possible, but you are going
    to have to work with what you have. I found it easiest when using a
    controller to use your left hand on the up and down arrows while having
    your right hand on the left and right buttons. On a mat, there are no
    real tricks to this and you are going to have to suck it up and learn
    how to read the pattern. Practicing is always possible, but highly
    unlikely you will find a stepchart to use for this song.

    Mission 83
    Song: A - D.J. Amuro
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: Around 20%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: Sudden, Hidden
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 2 times in total: GOOD,

    You are going to have to practice this one as the arrows patterns are
    not what they seem. Many steps are offbeat with it varying on and off.
    Learning this pattern is really your only choice. Luckily, the step
    combinations are not too difficult. Just the beat they fall on is.
    Play the section of the song in practice mode until you understand all
    of the patterns.

    Mission 84
    Song: Can't Stop Fallin' In Love (Speed Mix) - Naoki
    Section Start: Around 30%
    Section End: Around 85%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: Reverse, Left, DULR, Dark
    Goal: Don't step on the left arrow. Step on other arrows, or two
    arrows simultaneously with the following results: PERFECT, GREAT.

    No! This is the first mission that I hate with a passion. Not only do
    you have to do a very awkward arrow combination, but you have dark,
    left and reverse all to deal with on top of it. The icing on the cake
    is the long section of the song you are required to do. First of all,
    use the paper trick in the cheap strategies section to cancel out the
    "don't step on the left arrow" stipulation. There is enough else to
    deal with that you don't have to worry about this too. I would suggest
    either using a stepchart, practically memorizing this in practice mode,
    or just play it over and over until you have the entire thing down.
    With practice, it does become easier...but theres so much junk to deal
    with, it isn't much fun.

    Mission 85
    Song: Higher (Next Morning Mix) - NM feat. Sunny
    Section Start: Around 20%
    Section End: Around 30%
    Difficulty: Challenge
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: Column, Reverse
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo.

    You knew it was coming. The nightmare of column modifier and the
    grand finale of it also. This is a long stream of arrows using column.
    I'm not going to lie to you folks, the only way I could pass this was
    by using a step chart. It is no easy feat, but near impossible to
    read. I don't know what else you can do unless you memorize it first,
    but whichever way you choose just practice. The stream is very simple
    and onbeat, so it should not be the problem.

    Mission 86
    Song: B4U (B4 ZA Beat Mix) - Naoki
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Challenge
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: Speed, Little
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 3 times in total: N.G.,

    Probably at around 2 or 3 times the original song speed, this challenge
    can be easy or difficult. The little modifier gives you a huge break
    and allows many long breaks and simple steps. The steps of course will
    be coming a lot faster and with the speed modifier, sometimes it is
    easy to fall behind and get goods. This one only took me about five
    or six tries, so practice really does make this one an easy mission.

    Mission 87
    Song: Tsugaru (Apple Mix) - RevenG and DE-SIRE
    Section Start: Around 85%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Challenge
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: Flat
    Goal: Don't step on any arrows simultaneously.

    This mission may sound easy, but it can be pretty difficult. As always
    Tsugaru uses gallops so remember this when looking at the flat arrows.
    The trick is, with the gallops are mixed in some simultaneous steps
    that can be extremely hard to read with the flat modifier turned on.
    Make sure your gallops do not turn in to jumps, and you should have
    this mission won.

    Mission 88
    Song: Jet World - Mutsuhiko Izumi
    Section Start: Around 95%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 3 Stars
    Modifiers: Stealth
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo. STEALTH MODE is on.

    What is stealth mode you ask? Just picture it as having no arrows.
    They never scroll. You are going to have to do this from memory. Lucky
    for you, Jet World does not have a very difficult pattern. Just turn
    the page back to 31 and play that mission over and over until you have
    it locked in your brain. It is the exact same pattern. Memorize this
    and the mission is yours. If you don't want to memorize, you can trial
    and error this mission as when you miss an arrow you can usually tell
    which it is. Either way, 10 or so tries should be enough for you to
    complete it.

    Mission 89
    Song: I'm For Real - Slake
    Section Start: Around 50%
    Section End: Around 98%
    Difficulty: Standard
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Get N.G. on all freeze arrows.

    As with all the other missions like this one, the key is to treat the
    arrows like a regular step and get your foot off immediately. Some of
    the freezes in this song are very short so getting a N.G. can be very
    difficult. Don't be afraid to miss some regular arrows if it means
    getting a N.G.

    Mission 90
    Song: Pink Rose - Kiyommy + Seiya
    Section Start: Around 10%
    Section End: Around 40%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: Brake
    Goal: Get more than 95 PERFECT results.

    This mission was one of the most difficult in the game for me. The
    patterns are very awkward and unnatural. I still am not 100% sure what
    they follow exactly. You are going to have to practice this in
    practice mode to learn it. Even if you want to cheat and use a step
    chart, you still need to know where the arrows fall in relation to the
    music. Practice this over and over until you can do it in your sleep.
    The ridiculous modifier makes it near impossible to sight read.

    Mission 91
    Song: A - D.J. Amuro
    Section Start: Around 35%
    Section End: Around 60%
    Difficulty: Challenge
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: x0.5, Reverse
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo.

    Use the colors to your advantage. They really do help noticing what
    beat the arrows fall on. Practice this in whatever mode you wish and
    it will become probably the easiest mission in the final 10.

    Mission 92
    Song: Trip Machine - DE-SIRE
    Section Start: Around 75%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: Boomerang, Reverse, Right
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo.

    Using the exact same strategy as the last mission, use the colors to
    your advantage. They will help to tell you what beat the step is on
    and keep you accelerating towards the finish line. This mission is
    fairly easy with practice also, but still much harder than the last.
    The right modifier will make it a bit more difficult to practice in
    other modes.

    Mission 93
    Song: Kick The Can - Bus Stop
    Section Start: Around 70%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Get the following results more than 20 times each: PERFECT,

    Mission 43 is back, but this time its a pain in the neck. A different
    portion of the song, this mission requires you to also get boos. This
    is not an easy task considering boos greatly decrease your dance gauge.
    I found it easiest to get as many boos as possibly right off the start,
    then perfect/great attack, then get more boos, then get the goods done
    and then more boos if possible. This is an extremely hard mission and
    you need to balance the amount of steps so you get proper amounts of
    each result. This will take a lot of practice and a lot of tries, but
    luckily the steps themselves are not too difficult. There are probably
    many different ways to go at this, so if my strategy does not work, try
    to come up with your own.

    Mission 94
    Song: Trip Machine Survivor - DE-SIRE
    Section Start: Around 85%
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: Flat
    Goal: Clear the song with a Letter Grade of AAA or AA.

    Not only are you going to need a max combo, but you are also going to
    need a large percentage of perfects to grab that AA. This song has
    many offbeat steps and learning the patterns is essential to your
    success. The flat modifier is going to make this much harder to sight
    read, so you are better off practicing it a few times in game or
    practice mode.

    Mission 95
    Song: The Legend Of Max - ZZ
    Section Start: Around 80%
    Section End: Around 95%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: Reverse
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo.

    Now THIS is a stream. Stamina is an essential for this and learning
    the complicated patterns at the end is probably a good idea on top of
    that. Find a step chart online and look at it so you can memorize the
    order of the arrows, because this is no simply task. If you can sight
    read this, the mission will be no problem and probably ditto for the
    next 5.

    Mission 96
    Song: Wild Rush (From Nonstop Megamix) - Factor-X
    Section Start: Around 5%
    Section End: Around 25%
    Difficulty: Challenge
    Mission Difficulty: 5 Stars
    Modifiers: Little
    Goal: Clear with 0 points.

    If this song was a face, it would be :(. Scoring 0 points is not a
    cakewalk as it means you can't get a single perfect or great. The
    section may not be long, but the difficulty is ridiculous. Try not
    to get too many boos or you won't make it to the end of the section.
    Practicing your good attack is the only way you are going to
    successfully complete this difficult mission. You could also try
    turning off the sound, but I think that makes it more difficult.

    Mission 97
    Song: Y.M.C.A. - Village People
    Section Start: Around 5%
    Section End: Around 40%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 5 Stars
    Modifiers: URLD, Hidden
    Goal: Don't get the following results more than 2 times in total: GOOD,

    Probably the hardest modifier this game has to offer for arrow
    location, URLD is an insane one that causes every single column to be
    in an awkward position. To top it off, the arrows become blocked off
    at about halfway and hide from you. If you can sight read this, that
    is wonderful. For everyone else, I suggest finding a stepchart because
    this is just crazy. If you want to completely memorize the pattern, it
    will work and might be required.

    Mission 98
    Song: Frozen Ray (For Extreme) - dj TAKA
    Section Start: Around 50%
    Section End: Around 70%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 5 Stars
    Modifiers: RUDL, Dark, Accel
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo.

    Without a doubt, this mission is the hardest in the game and gives most
    people heart attacks just thinking about it. I have read many reports
    of this taking people hundreds of tries to complete. First of all, if
    you are using a controller, turn that thing upside down to cancel out
    the RUDL modifier. Now, as this song proceeds, it is going to speed up
    making it harder to keep your combo and concentration going. You could
    use a stepchart for this song, but playing it by ear is pretty hard
    when the music speed starts changing. Luckily, this section isn't too
    long. It's just all about concentration and not getting so anxious you
    make stupid mistakes as you go on. Good luck with this one. It is
    most likely the last you will complete.

    If you are using a controller, here is a VERY CHEAP strategy submitted
    by Engy. If this mission gives you as many headaches as it did to me,
    you might find yourself using this strat:

    "If you call all L/R arrows a 1 and all U/D arrows a 2, the entire song
    goes like this:


    Except for the very end, which goes 1212, but that's still not much of
    a stretch. If you position your index and middle finger from each hand
    such that one hand touches both 1 buttons and the other touches both 2
    buttons (which is kinda tricky without getting them to slam into one
    another), you can just alternate between hitting both 1 buttons and both
    2 buttons through the entire song. And then you only have to concentrate
    on the increasing speed, because you don't have to worry about memorizing
    the song or reading the arrows. Got it on my 3rd try like that."

    Mission 99
    Song: The Legend Of Max - ZZ
    Section Start: Around 10%
    Section End: Around 30%
    Difficulty: Heavy
    Mission Difficulty: 5 Stars
    Modifiers: x2, Little
    Goal: Clear with a Full Combo.

    While I haven't seen many reports of this being a very hard mission, I
    find it to be one of the most challenging in mission mode. The arrows
    come at you at a very fast pace so I suggest either learning the song
    or using a stepchart to complete it. Practice it and memorize it and
    this becomes much easier.

    Mission 100
    Song: Maximizer - Cli-Max S.
    Section Start: Beginning
    Section End: End
    Difficulty: Edit Steps
    Mission Difficulty: 4 Stars
    Modifiers: None
    Goal: Clear with more than 6,500,000 points.

    More of a reward than a mission, the final mission gives you some new
    and challenging steps to the Maximizer song. It plays like a difficult
    9 or an easy 10, but if you made it this far in mission mode, getting
    the required points should not be much of a problem. If you do have
    issues, just practice and learn the steps. You should know that by
    now! Watch out for the strange freezes. They can throw you off!


    Your reward is awaiting as you have unlocked everything in the game.
    Congratulations! If you were a cheater and used a controller, go back
    and do it with a mat!


    If you're asking yourself what challenge to unlock next or just want a
    list, here it is.

    | # | Song | Difficulty | Modifiers |
    | 01 | Only You | One Star | None |
    | 02 | Simply Being Loved | One Star | None |
    | 03 | Do Me (H.I.G.E.O Mix) | One Star | None |
    | 04 | Theme From Enter The Dragon | One Star | Left |
    | 05 | Go West | One Star | None |
    | 06 | Scorching Moon | One Star | None |
    | 07 | You're Not Here | One Star | None |
    | 08 | Music (Bosck Radio Edit) | One Star | Little |
    | 09 | I'm For Real | One Star | Little |
    | 10 | Like A Virgin | Two Stars | Dark |
    | 11 | Kick The Can | One Star | None |
    | 12 | Wonderland (UKS Mix) | Two Stars | Little,Reverse |
    | 13 | .59 | Two Stars | Little |
    | 14 | Peace-Out | Two Stars | None |
    | 15 | The Reflex | Two Stars | Hidden |
    | 16 | There You'll Be | Two Stars | x2,Little |
    | 17 | Don't Clock Me | Two Stars | Column |
    | 18 | Miracle | Two Stars | x2,Sudden |
    | 19 | 321 Stars | Two Stars | None |
    | 20 | Love Love Sugar | Three Stars | None |
    | 21 | Believe | Three Stars | None |
    | 22 | Make It Better | Two Stars | Flat |
    | 23 | Drop the Bomb | Two Stars | None |
    | 24 | Miracle | Two Stars | Boost |
    | 25 | Mobo Moga | Three Stars | None |
    | 26 | A Stupid Barber | Three Stars | DRLU |
    | 27 | Never Ending Story | Two Stars | Column |
    | 28 | Higher (Next Morning Mix) | Three Stars | Slow |
    | 29 | CSFIL (Speed Mix) | Three Stars | LUDR |
    | 30 | Pink Rose | Three Stars | x5,Shuffle |
    | 31 | Jet World | Three Stars | Dark |
    | 32 | Keep on Movin' | Three Stars | None |
    | 33 | Tsugaru | Three Stars | Slow |
    | 34 | Move Your Feet | Three Stars | Little |
    | 35 | Wonderland (UKS Mix) | Three Stars | Sudden |
    | 36 | V (For Extreme) | Three Stars | None |
    | 37 | Your Rain (Rage Mix) | Three Stars | Dark |
    | 38 | Absolute | Four Stars | Change |
    | 39 | B4U | Four Stars | None |
    | 40 | A | Three Stars | Hidden |
    | 41 | Drop Out (From Nonstop) | Three Stars | x1.5,Shuffle |
    | 42 | So In Love | Four Stars | None |
    | 43 | Kick The Can | Four Stars | None |
    | 44 | JaneJana | Four Stars | Hidden,Reverse |
    | 45 | Tsugaru (Apple Mix) | Four Stars | None |
    | 46 | Maximizer | Three Stars | x2,Reverse |
    | 47 | La Senorita | Five Stars | x1.5 |
    | 48 | Drop Out | Five Stars | None |
    | 49 | The Legend of Max | Four Stars | x8,Shuffle |
    | 50 | Frozen Ray (For Extreme) | Five Stars | RUDL |
    | 51 | Wonderland (UKS Mix) | One Star | None |
    | 52 | Love Love Sugar | One Star | Flat,Boost |
    | 53 | Make It Better | One Star | Sudden |
    | 54 | Funk Boogie | One Star | Column |
    | 55 | Ecstasy (Midnight Blue Mix) | One Star | Shuffle,Flat |
    | 56 | Highs Off U(Scorccio XY Mix)| Two Stars | None |
    | 57 | Do Me (H.I.G.E.O Mix) | Two Stars | Hidden |
    | 58 | Higher | Two Stars | Brake |
    | 59 | Kids In America | Two Stars | Reverse,Sudden |
    | 60 | Frozen Ray (For Extreme) | Three Stars | x0.5,Flat |
    | 61 | Ecstasy | Two Stars | Sudden,Hidden |
    | 62 | Move Your Feet | Two Stars | Boomerang |
    | 63 | You're Not Here | Three Stars | None |
    | 64 | A | Three Stars | x1.5 |
    | 65 | i feel... | Three Stars | None |
    | 66 | PARANOiA MAX ~Dirty Mix~ | Two Stars | None |
    | 67 | Only You | Three Stars | Column |
    | 68 | The Legend of Max | Three Stars | x0.5,Little |
    | 69 | Bad Routine | Three Stars | None |
    | 70 | B4U (B4 ZA Beat Mix) | Three Stars | None |
    | 71 | Never Ending Story | Three Stars | Column,Reverse,|
    | | | | Boost |
    | 72 | FireFly | Two Stars | Change |
    | 73 | Drop Out (Nonstop Megamix) | Two Stars | None |
    | 74 | JaneJana | Three Stars | Hidden,Flat |
    | 75 | Drop Out | Three Stars | Sudden |
    | 76 | .59 | Three Stars | None |
    | 77 | Ladies Night | Three Stars | x8,Shuffle |
    | 78 | A Stupid Barber | Three Stars | RDUL, Reverse |
    | 79 | V (For Extreme) | Two Stars | None |
    | 80 | Drop The Bomb | Three Stars | None |
    | 81 | Diving | Four Stars | Column,Sudden |
    | 82 | Music (Bosck Radio Edit) | Four Stars | DULR,Boost |
    | 83 | A | Four Stars | Sudden,Hidden |
    | 84 | CSFIL (Speed Mix) | Four Stars | Reverse,Left, |
    | | | | DULR,Dark |
    | 85 | Higher (Next Morning Mix) | Four Stars | Column,Reverse |
    | 86 | B4U (B4 ZA Beat Mix) | Four Stars | Speed,Little |
    | 87 | Tsugaru (Apple Mix) | Three Stars | Flat |
    | 88 | Jet World | Three Stars | Stealth |
    | 89 | I'm For Real | Four Stars | None |
    | 90 | Pink Rose | Four Stars | Brake |
    | 91 | A | Four Stars | x0.5,Reverse |
    | 92 | Trip Machine | Four Stars | Boomerang, |
    | | | | Reverse,Right |
    | 93 | Kick The Can | Four Stars | None |
    | 94 | Trip Machine Survivor | Four Stars | Flat |
    | 95 | The Legend of Max | Four Stars | Reverse |
    | 96 | Wild Rush (Nonstop Megamix) | Five Stars | Little |
    | 97 | Y.M.C.A. | Five Stars | URLD,Hidden |
    | 98 | Frozen Ray (For Extreme) | Five Stars | RUDL,Dark,Accel|
    | 99 | The Legend of Max | Five Stars | x2,Little |
    |100 | Maximizer | Four Stars | None |


    Accel - Music speed increases as the song goes on.

    Boomerang - Arrows start off fast and then bounce back to the bottom
    and then back up to the top, like a boomerang coming back.

    Boost - Arrows start off slow and then accelerate as they reach the top
    of the screen.

    Brake - The opposite of Boost, this causes the arrows to start off fast
    and slow down as they reach the top of the screen.

    Change - The pace of music is constantly changing from fast to normal to

    Column - Interesting new modifier where all the arrows are place in to
    one column instead of the traditional 4 causing you to focus
    on the arrows themselves instead of just the position.

    Dark - Removes the arrow legends on the top of the screen requiring you
    to step on beat without the help of lining up the arrows with the

    DRLU - Columns are ordered Down, Right, Left, Up instead of the

    DULR - Columns are ordered Down, Up, Left, Right instead of the

    Flat - All arrows are the same color.

    Hidden - Arrows disappear at middle of the screen forcing you to step
    with the music from memory.

    Left - This modifier rotates the arrows 90 degrees changing them from
    their native state.

    Little - Removes many arrows simplifying the song on harder

    LUDR - Columns are ordered Left, Up, Down, Right instead of the

    RDUL - Columns are ordered Right, Down, Up, Left instead of the

    Reverse - Changes the direction the arrows scroll so they go top to
    bottom instead of the traditional bottom to top.

    Right - This modifier rotates the arrows 90 degrees changing them from
    their native state.

    RUDL - Columns are ordered Right, Up, Down, Left instead of the

    Shuffle - Arrows continue using the same patterns, but the changed from
    the standard and use a configuration of arrows not like the
    default steps.

    Slow - Music is played at a slower pace.

    Speed - Music is played at a much faster pace.

    Stealth - Arrows do not scroll or appear. The song must be played from

    Sudden - Arrows begin scrolling from the center of the screen instead of
    the bottom. This requires quicker reaction time.

    URLD - Columns are ordered Up, Right, Left, Down instead of the

    x0.5 - Arrows scroll at half the speed.

    x1.5 - Arrows scroll at one and a half times the speed.

    x2 - Arrows scroll at double the speed.

    x5 - Arrows scroll at five times the speed.

    x8 - Arrows scroll at eight times the speed.

    The rest coming soon...


    This is a sneaky little trick I came up with to help you on those "Don't
    step on the X arrow" missions. All you need is a pair of scissors, tape
    and a piece of paper. The thicker the paper the better. Now, cut the
    paper in to thin strips about the size of the arrow column and then tape
    them together to about the height of your tv. Now tape one side to the
    top of your tv and one to the bottom so they cover the column of arrows
    you are trying to avoid and like magic the arrows are no more. If your
    paper is to thin or transparent, you will see a little bit of the
    arrows. I found computer printer paper to be adequate.

    Have some crazy switched around column pattern that you can't figure
    out? You could always try turning your pad or turning your controller
    upside down and just reading the arrows based on columns instead of
    appearance! If you flip your pad/controller, suddenly LDUR becomes
    RUDL... Also try rotating your pad 90 degrees for different effects.
    Play around with it!

    Is there some insane effects added to your arrows you cant read? Maybe
    its time to stop looking at your screen and instead looking at a
    stepchart and playing the whole song by ear! What is a stepchart you
    ask? Many online sites have stepcharts that show the entire arrow
    pattern for a song. It gives you an easy nonscrolling alternative to
    reading difficult patterns or studying/memorizing ones you need to know.
    My favorite site for step patterns can be found on DDRFreak at this
    address: http://www.ddrfreak.com/stepcharts/stepcharts.php Not only
    does this give you many stepcharts for a majority of the songs, but it
    also lets you add effects such as turns and little to them to make them
    even more compatible with what you may need.

    If you are playing with a pad, switch over to a controller to finish a
    mission. Sure, you may not be quite as accomplished, but at least you
    finished the mission.

    Aaron "yyr" Teplitsky suggests:
    On the few missions that use a different Step Zone arrangement, but can
    be "corrected" by flipping/turning the pad/controller (such as mission
    98), you'll quickly notice that even though the arrows appear in the
    correct positions, they're not pointing in the correct direction. This
    threw me off completely. I got around this by covering the entire
    screen with a piece of paper. This covered up the arrows just enough
    that I couldn't see what direction they were pointing, but could
    easily see where they all were. On a mission as difficult as 98, this
    helped a lot--and I figured I'd need all the help I could get!

    dfb2886 says:
    I found a little 'cheat' to make some of the missions easier. On any
    where you have to do bad( get 0 points, 2,500,000-3,000,000 points) you
    can use what i call the "Shift Cheat". You just have to go to options,
    then sound. The last option below Exit will change the timing between
    the notes and arrows. When it is set to +/- 16, it becomes much easier
    to get goods if you dance to the music. Just something that I thought
    would help some people.

    G) FAQ

    A) Mission Mode will be unlocked after 45 song completions in the
    regular game. Every 5 songs something becomes unlocked and 45 is the
    magic number for Mission Mode.

    Q) If I have played a song in mission mode how come I don't have it in
    the regular game?
    A) Mission Mode doesn't count towards unlocks. Think of it as a
    preview of songs you'll unlock in regular mode.

    Q) What do the stars/flashing crowns mean on the statistics screen?
    A) I am only assuming that they mean you got a max combo, or at least
    hit every arrow you were supposed to.

    Q) What do I get for completing Mission Mode?
    A) While there are still a mission or two I have not completed, from
    what I have heard from various message boards is mission mode unlocks
    everything. I can not confirm or deny this information until I
    finish my last few missions. What I do know is that by completing
    the first page, you unlock a statistics button which allows you to
    look at statistics whenever you want.

    I can now confirm the above is true. Mission Mode is like a power
    unlock that unlocks everything upon finish. This includes songs,
    characters and courses.

    Q) I finished missions 1-5, but it says the rest of the missions can be
    A) You actually get to choose what missions you unlock. When you see
    flashing blocks that say the mission can be unlocked, just put the
    cursor over the block and select it. Now it is available for

    Q) I can't unlock the first missions on the second page! How do I?
    A) Keep playing the ones on the first page you haven't completed.
    Eventually, the second page ones will start unlocking when you have
    either A) finished another mission or two or B) failed missions
    enough times to trigger another unlock.

    Have a question? braktheman (AT) gmail (DOT) com


    Thanks to Konami for another US Mix. Now bring over beatmania already!
    Thanks to the DDR Extreme board on GameFAQs for the entertainment.
    Thanks to BURGEY T. for being such a competitor ;D
    Thanks to andrewtabach from the GameFAQs DDR Extreme board for pointing
    an error in the song for Mission 52.
    Thanks to yyr for pointing out the mission 87/88 numbering error.
    Thanks to Engy for the controller strat for mission 98.


    I'm online a lot and there are plenty ways to contact me!

    Website - http://adultswim.vandaliersheart.com
    Email - braktheman (AT) gmail (DOT) com
    MSN - brak2000 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com
    AIM - braktheman (closed list..but sometimes I open it up)

    When It Comes To EMAILING me I will Accept/Ignore the following

    I WILL Accept:

    Questions not covered in the FAQ
    Email Saying my FAQ sucks/rocks (yes, I do also enjoy critique... but
    please don't go with the obvious "my FAQ sucks rocks" joke.)
    Emails with good grammar and spelling (I accept crappy ones if I can
    read it)
    Emails asking to post my FAQ on their site

    I WILL NOT Accept:

    Questions covered in the FAQ
    Hate Mail
    Spam Mail
    Emails saying to respond if I would not like my FAQ on their site.
    That's just rude and an insult to anyone who writes FAQs!

    You know the deal. Please do not use this FAQ without my permission!
    If you email me with a request, I will usually say yes so PLEASE email
    me before posting this on your site or problems will occur! You may not
    sell this FAQ. It may be distributed as long as nothing is changed and
    it is not being sold in any shape, way, or form. I am in no way
    affiliated with Konami. They get complete credit for making this
    wonderful game.

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    Další informace ti poskytne Czech DDR, nebo Czech DDR forum.