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Co to je a k čemu je program Stepmania ?

Stepmania je volně šiřitelný program pro simulátor pro hry z rodiny DDR a jim podobných. Funguje pod Windows, na Linuxu i na Xbox konzoli.

Domácí stránka programu je www.stepmania.com a zde si ji můžete stáhnout. Na adrese najdete i pár bonusů jako songy, fotky, videa, návody a manuály. Samozřejmě nechybí ani odkazy na další stránky a aktuální informace o vývoji programu. Poslední stabilní verze je 3.9, takže doporučujeme začít s ní.

Samotný program Stepmania (dále jen SM) Vám k hraní stačit nebude, potřebujete písničky. Ty označujeme anglickým slovem "songs" a nahrávají se do adresáře /songs. Více o nich, kde je sehnat, vytvořit a nahrát, najdete pod klíčovým slovem "songs".

Doporučuji program nainstalovat do kořenového adresáře, například X:/DDR. Budete mít k SM rychlejší přístup a spousta malých souborů zabere méně místa.

Další informace, rady, instalaci a řešení problémů s programem najdete v této části našeho fóra .

Jaké adresáře v Stepmanii najdete a co do nich můžete nahrát?

Announcers - Tenhle adresář slouží pro nahrání komentátora, co vám bude "kecat" do hry. Říkat jak dobře nebo špatně potvrzujete šipky, jak velké máte combo, a jaké jsou vaše závěrečné výsledky.
Cache - Adresíř pro cache songů, pro příští rychlejší start aplikace. Pokud budete mít pár tisíc songů, stejně si chvilku počkáte, než se SM spustí.
Characters - Řekněme tanečníci. Jedná se o figurky, co se hýbou a tancují za šipkami a před pozadím. Někdy rozptylují, někdy pobaví.
Data - Adresář pro nastavení a statistiky. Najdete zde jak nastavení programu Stepmania (soubor stepmania.ini), tak vaše statistiky (adresář LocalProfiles) i statistiky celé mašiny, SM (MachineProfile). Můžete se podívat na doporučené nastavení souboru Stepmania.ini, nebo si SM můžete nastavit přímo v programu. Náročnější hráči si v souboru stepmania.ini nastaví JudgeWindow nebo PerfectScore, ale to normální hráče zatěžovat nemusí.
Notekins - Adresář pro uložení grafiky - noteskinů - dalších vzhledů šipek. Oni totiž ani šipky nemusí vypadat pořád stejně. Existuje větší množství těchto noteskinů.
Program - Adresář obsahující knihovny a spouštěcí soubor stepmania.exe
Screenshots - Ve Stepmanii můžete kdykoliv stisknout klávesu PrintScreen, a do tohoto adresáře se uloží jpeg s aktuálnám obrázkem v rozlišení 640x480. Dobré na ukládání obrázků z výsledné obrazovky. Plno lidí takto své výsledky porovnává.
Songs - Hlavní adresář pro hudbu. Sem dáváte všechny songy, které chcete v Stepmanii hrát. V adresáři Songs je další adresář s názvem alba, v něm adresáře s názvy jednotlivých songů a v tomto jsou už jednotlivé soubory (hudba ve formátu MP3, soubor se šipkami zvaný stepchart, případné titulky k hudbě označované jako lyric, animace, pozadí, obrázek songu a autora a podobně). Nemůžete sem tedy nakopírovat vaše oblíbené album s MP3, nemáte u nich vytvořené stepcharty. Buď šipky uděláte sami, nebo si seženete požadovanou hudbu jinde.
Themes - Jiný kabát pro vaší Stepmanii. Jako program Winamp můžete i SM převléci a dát jí jiný vzhled. Neliší se jen barvy, ale může jít o kompletní změnu programu k novému obrazu. Každému vyhovuje něco jiného, každý themes může ukazovat více či méně informací o dané skladbě, o výsledcích a může mít u různé zvukové efekty.
BackgroundEffects, BackgroundTransitions, BGAnimations, RandomMovies ...a podobné adresáře jsou pro videa a efekty k nim. Videa mohou být také přímo v adresáři Songs u hudby.

V Stepmanii můžete používat i klávesové zkratky. Uvádím je zde jen pro úplnost, protože běžnému hráči stačí šipky, enter, a esc. Zde je tedy jejich přehled:


  • F1 = vložení mince
  • F2 = zvonunačtení metrik a textur
  • Alt-Enter = přepnutí do nebo z fullscreenu
  • PrintScreen = vytvoří screenshot obrazovky a uloží jej do adresáře Screenshots
  • Držet Tab = zvýší rychlost hry 4x. Používá se pro rychlejší pohyb v menu a výběru songů
  • Držet Tildu (~) = naopak sníží rychlost hry na 1/4x
  • Držet Tab a Tildu (~) = sníží rychlost na 0x

    V menu:

  • Směrové šipky slouží pro pohyb v menu
  • Enter = Start
  • Escape = zpět

    Ještě před vlastním hraním - attract obrazovka:

  • Left nebo Right = další obrazovka
  • F3 = přepnutí CoinMode

    V hlavním menu:

  • Escape = vrácení o obrazovku zpět

    Během hry:

  • F6 = přepnutí AutoSync módu
  • F7 = přepnutí assist tick (tleskání do rytmu hudby)
  • F8 = přepnutí AutoPlay (počítač hraje sám za vás)
  • F9 = sníží offset
  • F10 = zvýší offset
  • F11 = sníží BPM současného segmentu (držte ALT pro větší citlivost)
  • F12 = zvýší BPM současného segmentu (držte ALT pro větší citlivost)
  • Držet Escape = ukončí hraní

    V editoru:

  • Escape = menu
  • Up/Down = předchozí/další řádka
  • Left/Right = změna kroku
  • 1 až 0 = přidá/smaže notu
  • Enter - nastaví počáteční značku pro označení oblasti
  • Space - nastaví značku pro konec výběru oblasti
  • P - přehrání označené oblasti (pokud není nic označeno, přehraje celý song)
  • R - spustí nahrávání do označené oblasti (pokud není nic označeno, přehraje celý song)

    V menu pro výběr songu:

  • F9 = změna překladu názvů (například pro japonské názvy skladeb)

    Během výběru songu můžete zadat určitou sekvenci kláves a provede se příslušná akce. Tyto sekvence jsou sice závislé na tom, jaký themes používáte, nicméně se autoři snaří dodržet tyto zvyklosti:

    Přepnutí na lehčí úrověň:

  • Easier1=Up,Up
  • Easier2=MenuUp,MenuUp

    Přepnutí na těžší úrověň:

  • Harder1=Down,Down
  • Harder2=MenuDown,MenuDown

    Změna seřazení songů na další způsob:

  • NextSort1=MenuLeft-MenuRight-Start
  • NextSort2=MenuLeft+MenuRight
  • NextSort3=Left-Right-Start
  • NextSort4=Left+Right

    Změna seřazení songů:

  • SortMenu1=Up,Down,Up,Down
  • SortMenu2=MenuUp,MenuDown,MenuUp,MenuDown

    Modifikace songu (udělá obvykle hru težší):

  • Mirror=Up,Left,Right,Left,Right
  • Left=Up,Down,Right,Left
  • Right=Up,Down,Left,Right
  • Shuffle=Down,Up,Down,Up
  • SuperShuffle=Down,Up,Left,Right

    Změna rychlosti šipek:

  • NextScrollSpeed=Up,Left,Down,Left,Up
  • PreviousScrollSpeed=Down,Right,Up,Right,Down

    Další modifikace:

  • NextAccel=Left,Right,Down,Up
  • NextEffect=Left,Down,Right
  • NextAppearance=Left,Up,Right
  • Reverse=Down,Left,Right,Left,Right
  • HoldNotes=Right,Left,Down,Up

    Zrušení všech modifikací:

  • CancelAll=Left,Right,Left,Right,Left,Right,Left,Right

    Změna astavení Stepmanie:

  • NextTheme=Left,Left,Left,Right,Right,Right,Left,Right
  • NextTheme2=MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuRight
  • NextAnnouncer=Left,Left,Right,Right,Left,Left,Right,Right
  • NextAnnouncer2=MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight
  • NextGame=Left,Right,Left,Left,Right,Right,Left,Right
  • NextGame2=MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuRight
  • NextBannerGroup=MenuUp,MenuRight,MenuRight
  • NextBannerGroup2=MenuUp,MenuDown,MenuUp,MenuDown

    No a pokud se Vám Stepmania nevlíbí, zkuste podobné simulátory jako DWI, Pydance, Flash Flash Revolution.. .

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'stepmania':
    01.11.2009 00:00
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    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

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    Dance Dance Revolution Extreme (USA Version)
    A FAQ/Walkthrough by CyricZ
    Version 1.2
    E-mail cyricz42 at yahoo.com

    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction
    2. FAQ
    3. Basics
    3A. Controls
    3B. Menus/Displays
    3C. How to Dance
    3D. Dancing Tips for the Beginner
    3E. Dancing Tips for the Intermediate
    3F. Dancing Tips for the Advanced
    3G. Dancing Tips for Doubles
    4. Default New Songs
    4A. A Stupid Barber
    4B. Believe
    4D. Diving
    4E. DO ME (H.I.G.E.O Mix)
    4G. Firefly
    4H. Go West
    4I. HIGHS OFF U (Scorccio XY Mix)
    4M. Kids In America
    4O. Like A Virgin
    4S. Move Your Feet
    4T. Music (Bostik Radio Edit)
    4U. NEVER ENDING STORY (Power Club Vocal Mix)
    4V. ONLY YOU
    4X. Pink Rose
    4Y. Planet Rock (Swordfish Radio Edit)
    4Z. Simply Being Loved "Somnambulist"
    4BB. THEME FROM ENTER THE DRAGON (notorious mix)
    4FF. Y.M.C.A.
    4GG. Your Rain (RAGE MIX)
    5. Default Old Songs
    5A. .59
    5B. Bad Routine
    5C. DROP OUT
    5E. HIGHER
    5F. i feel...
    5G. I'M FOR REAL
    5I. SO IN LOVE
    6. Standard Unlockables
    6A. 321STARS
    6B. A
    6D. B4U
    6G. Frozen Ray (for EXTREME)
    6H. Funk Boogie
    6J. La Senorita
    6N. Scorching Moon
    6P. V (for EXTREME)
    6Q. You're Not Here
    7. Challenge Remixes
    7A. B4U (B4 ZA BEAT MIX)
    7C. ECSTASY (midnight blue mix)
    7D. HIGHER (next morning MIX)
    8. Red Songs
    8B. The legend of MAX
    8C. TRIP MACHINE Survivor
    9. The ??? Song
    10. Nonstop Mode
    11. Challenge Mode (aka Oni Mode)
    12. Party Mode
    12A. EyeToy Games
    12B. Other Games
    13. Mission Mode
    13A. Normal Missions
    13B. Hard Missions
    14. Other Modes
    14A. Endless Mode
    14B. Lesson Mode
    14C. Training Mode
    14D. Edit Mode
    14E. Workout Mode
    15. Secrets
    15A. Characters
    15B. New Songs
    15C. New Courses/Modes
    16. Standard Guide Stuff
    16A. Legal
    16B. E-mail Guidelines
    16C. Credits
    16D. Version Updates
    16E. The Final Word


    Hi and Konnichi wa! Welcome to my FAQ for DDR Extreme USA for the Playstation
    2! I refer to this as a "FAQ/Walkthrough", but there's very little "walking
    through" to be done with this game. Anyone familiar with Konami's most
    famous member of the BEMANI series will know that there are few written tips
    that can be given for the Dance Dance Revolution series. You have to trust
    your own feet and your burning soul. However, I will, in this FAQ, give
    you the heads-up on what the songs are, where they come from, and a few tips
    to get you ready for tackling them.

    2. FAQ

    Q: What is Dance Dance Revolution Extreme?

    A: DDR Extreme is Konami's latest foray into the DDR world as it gradually
    makes its way to American shores.

    Q: How does one play Dance Dance Revolution games?

    A: It's actually pretty simple. Your "controller" has four directions: left,
    down, up, and right, which are shown at the top of your play screen. You
    select a song. As the song plays, arrows will start scrolling up to your top
    line. When an arrow scrolling up reaches the line of arrows at the top, you
    must "step" on the direction matching that arrow's direction. If two arrows
    come up at once, you must press both at once. If a green "freeze" arrow
    appears, you must hold that step at the beginning until the freeze arrow ends.

    Q: How many songs in this mix?

    A: 70. One less than MAX, one more than MAX2. (Well, 71, maybe.)

    Q: Are there any more songs than the ones you have listed?

    A: NO. There is no MAX. (period), no PARANOIA Surivor, no PARANOiA -Respect-,
    no bag, no CARTOON HEROES, no BUTTERFLY, no DAM DARIRAM, no Sandstorm, no
    Sakura, no Dance Dance Revolution. Sorry, but there's always next year.

    Q: EyeToy!? WTF?

    A: Yeah, the EyeToy peripheral has been applied to the DDR scene with this
    release. Using it isn't required for gameplay, but there are a few cute new
    games to play with it, as I will explain in the Party Mode section.

    Q: Is this just like the DDR Extreme in the arcades?

    A: Not really. For licensing reasons, the fact that the USA has missed
    several old songs from previous mixes, and the introduction of brand new
    songs for the American audience, we're given a hodgepodge of DDR material in
    this mix from several different mixes, but mostly from the later mixes in
    the arcades. There is a distinct abscence, however, of DDR Extreme Konami

    Q: Why isn't (insert song here) in this mix or any others?

    A: Usually, it's directly related to the fact that, despite Konami's usage
    of these songs for DDR, the songs are still owned by the songs' artists.
    This means that the contract the artists have with Konami only refers to the
    games they specify, which is generally the arcade mix, and (most of the time)
    the corresponding Japanese Playstation console port. Getting the songs over
    here is a whole other story, and I feel that we're lucky to get the songs that
    we do. Of course, if your beef is why we don't get certain Konami Originals,
    then I dunno what to tell you.

    Q: Does this mix have Oni Mode?

    A: Yes! Challenge Mode (more coloquially known as Oni Mode) makes its
    triumphant return after being absent in the last game. Also, Nonstop Mode
    stays on, and there's Endless Mode, Party Mode, Mission Mode. It's crazy.

    Q: Just who is NAOKI?

    A: Naoki Maeda has been with Konami for many years. He is the leader of
    Konami AM Internal Sound Team, who are in charge of coming up with songs for
    each new DDR release. He's responsible for many songs throughout DDR-dom,
    under lots of artist names. He also has the support of other artists and
    vocalists, such as Paula Terry, Thomas Howard, and Aaron G. His artist names
    include, but are not limited to: Omega (the symbol), 1479, 180, 190, 190',
    200, 270, 290, 8 bit, B3-PROJECT, BIG-O, BLUE DESTROYERS, Crystal Aliens,
    190, NAOKI underground, NM, NO.9, NW260, RE-VENGE, RevenG, Stone Bros.,
    TailBros, THE FINAL BAND, THE SURRENDERS, UZI-LAY, Z, ZZ. Some of these are
    not actually names for Naoki, but sometimes artists he's used for vocals in
    the songs.

    Q: What is Dancemania?

    A: A rather large series of albums, developed by Toshiba-EMI, which showcase
    a lot of dance music from artists all over the world. Konami's BEMANI studio
    has a long-standing partnership, where DDR gets Dancemania licenses (for
    relatively cheap) while DDR plugs Dancemania in its games.

    Q: What is beatmania?

    A: Developed almost concurrently with DDR, BM is a series of games where you
    use your fingers instead of your feet. You have a set of keys, like a piano,
    and you have to tap those to create the music (each key tap adds music to the
    playing score). Also, you have a turntable to "scratch", which also adds
    sound. The original beatmania had 5 keys, beatmania IIDX has 7 keys (and is
    the only one of the series still coming out with new mixes), and beatmania
    III has 5 keys and a foot pedal.

    Q: What are Guitar Freaks and Drummania?

    A: These ongoing series are favorites from BEMANI. Guitar Freaks uses a
    guitar with three neck buttons and a "pick", which allows you to insert
    music into the song. Drummania is similar, using a drum set. A few mixes
    into the series, BEMANI got the wise idea of combining the two series,
    giving each mix the same list, and allowing the machines to link up.

    Q: What is Dance ManiaX?

    A: This is a short-lived series that was made to showcase more Dancemania
    tunes, as well as a bunch of Konami Originals. It's played with light beams,
    and blocking them in time with the music.

    Q: What is Keyboardmania?

    A: This is another short-lived series based around a keyboard. Much like
    Konami's other games, you're required to play the keyboard (composed of two
    octaves) to create the music as the game dictates to you.

    Q: What is pop'n music?

    A: This is a currently ongoing BEMANI series that is similar to beatmania,
    only it just involves a bunch of colored buttons. It has a more cartoonish
    look to it than other BEMANI series, and many of the songs are happy songs,
    or songs from popular anime.

    Q: Hey, did you know that (insert song here) was in (insert game here) first?

    A: Well, please, if I've made mistakes, let me know. I pride myself on a
    healthy knowledge of BEMANI, but no one's perfect. If something's wrong,
    tell me.

    Q: What song plays on the "How To Play" screen?

    A: "DDR Extreme DEMO" by NAOKI.

    Q: What song plays on the Game Mode Select screen?

    A: "DDR Extreme SELECT" by NAOKI.

    Q: What song plays on the EDIT DATA screen in Game Mode?

    A: "To Step" by Supa Fova.

    Q: What song plays on the Lesson Mode main screen?

    A: "DDR Extreme SONG LIST" by NAOKI.

    Q: What song plays on Lesson Mode 1?

    A: "Try 2 Luv. U" by S.F.M.P (featured in DDRMAX2).

    Q: What song plays on Lesson Mode 2?

    A: "A Stupid Barber" by Sho-T.

    Q: What song plays on Lesson Mode 3?

    A: "BABY BABY GIMME YOUR LOVE" by DIVAS (featured in Konamix and DDRMAX).

    Q: What song plays on the Information Screen?

    A: "I Need You (Insideout Door 3Mixes)" by Supa Fova.

    Q: What song plays on the Endless Mode Break Stage?

    A: "SO IN LOVE ~train~" by Caramel S. and The Master

    Q: Why are there no "Dance Play Settings" on the Options screen?

    A: Because Konami hates us, or they just plumb forgot. You'll just have to
    refine your feet to step more properly on the arrows. Alternatively, if you
    have a device to transfer game files from your PC to PS2 (like a MAX drive),
    download the system files from the following link:

    Q: How do I unlock "MEMORIES"?

    A: Through the game? No one knows how to, yet. Check the special section
    on MEMORIES later in the guide for info on this well-hidden song.

    Q: I think a genre you have listed is incorrect.

    A: Tell me what you think it should be, but present a good case, because I've
    asked a lot of people about this subject. However, if you're disputing a
    genre that has a star (*) after it, then I won't bother, because those are
    the official genres as Konami states.

    3. BASICS

    This covers most of the stuff you can find in the instruction booklet, but
    we all know how often people hang onto those.

    3A. Controls =

    Directional Buttons: Moves your selection on all the menus or steps in that
    Circle, X: Confirm selection
    Triangle, Select: Cancel selection
    Start: Start game
    Start and Select at the same time: Return to title screen

    3B. Menus/Displays =

    Main Menu

    Game Mode: Select this to access the main game (see How To Dance for more
    Party Mode: This is a separate aspect of the game, used if you wanna add a
    little more spice to your DDR experience. There are some modes that use the
    EyeToy and some that don't.
    Mission Mode: UNLOCK (Play 45 Songs) In this mode, you can play specific
    challenges that the game creates for you.
    Endless Mode: This needs to be unlocked first. Set your options, pick your
    poison, and dance until you drop!
    Lesson Mode: Tutorial for total beginners.
    Training Mode: Practice any open song in any kind of situation.
    Edit Mode: Create your own step patterns for any open song.
    Workout Mode: A more fitness-oriented way to play.
    Records: View your high scores for Game Mode and Workout Mode.
    Options: Basic option stuff. Check below for more info.
    Credits: Select to view the game credits whenever you wish.
    Information: Whenever you get new stuff, you'll see a big flashing NEW! next
    to this. Check to find out what you got.


    Options Menu

    Sound Options:
    Sound: Select from Stereo, Monaural, or Dolby Pro Logic II.
    Voice: Select to have All voices, No Booing, or no voices.
    Timing: Changes the sync between the steps and music.

    Controller Settings:
    Double Mode Settings: Allows you to adjust the controls for Double Play if
    you use a controller

    Save: Save system data.
    Load: Load system data.
    Auto Save: Will Auto Save whenever you change anything or do anything.
    Edit Folder Load: Will automatically load Edit Data at startup if On.

    Game Options:
    Game Level: If set to a harder difficulty, the Dance Meter will decrease more
    if you miss.
    Max Stage: Set how many stages to a play.
    Game Over: "Arcade" will stop immediately once you fail. "End of Music" will
    game over at the end of the tune if you fail.
    Event Mode: If set to On, then you cannot access the Extra Stage, and whenever
    you finish a play, you immediately go back to the Song Select screen. Also,
    you will not drop out at all if you fail.
    Default Difficulty: Allows you to set where the cursor will be at the "Select
    Music" screen. Useful if you're impatient.

    Graphic Options:
    Dancer Display: Toggle whether or not a dancer will dance in your background.
    Movie: Toggle whether or not the background movie plays.
    BG Brightness: Set how bright the background is if it's distracting you.
    Step Mark Colors: Type1 is the default. Type2 has solid different colors to
    tell between 1/4 notes, 1/8 notes, etc.
    Flicker Free: Adjusts for flickering on your TV.
    Screen Adjustment: Use to center the screen on your TV.

    3C. How To Dance =

    Select Your Style

    Single Mode: This is a 1-player mode using the pad you used to start the game.
    Versus Mode: This is a 2-player mode where each player uses a pad.
    Double Mode: This is a 1-player mode where the player uses both pads. Every
    song has different steps for Double Mode than Single.


    Select Character

    Hey! The characters are back for good (it seems)! From the get-go, you'll
    only be able to select Rhythm or Blues. Once you play songs, you'll unlock
    more characters. Additionally, you can select RANDOM for a random character,
    or OFF to not have characters displayed.


    Select Music

    Use Left and Right to switch songs. Tap Up or Down to change the difficulty.
    Press X or Circle to select.

    Press Start to change the sorting from the standard alphabetical full list, to
    an alphabetical list where you can pick the letter, to by BPM from slowest to
    fastest, and your "favorites", which is measured by the total score from all
    your plays of the song divided by the number of the difficulty each time you

    While your selection's on a song, you'll see a little graphic for the name.
    Above the picture, you'll see which song in your current play this one will
    be (1st, 2nd, Final, etc.) and the BPM for the song (which may be dynamic).
    Below the graphic, in the center of the screen, is the foot rating for the
    each difficulty in the song (the higher number, the harder the song).


    Beginner (BEG): Almost all songs are 1-footers. You also have an on-screen
    dancer stepping the steps along with you.
    Light (LGT): Most songs range from 2 to 5 feet. This is pretty simple if
    you're getting used to DDR.
    Standard (STD): Most songs range from 4 to 7 feet. Largely, you'll find that
    steps reflect how the music goes, as opposed to just being on the beat.
    Heavy (HVY): Most songs range from 6 to 10 feet. These are the tough ones
    where they focus on two things: matching the song's notes exactly, and/or
    kicking up the difficulty to give you pains.
    Challenge (CHA): A special "second Heavy" difficulty. Only certain songs have
    this difficulty, some as the only difficulty.

    If you can't figure out what song you want, you can select ROULETTE. This
    will start the song list rolling. Press X to stop it. It's tough to get it
    to stop on a song you want, though. Once your song's picked, you can still
    adjust the difficulty.

    Also, in this mix, you can select RANDOM. This will automatically pick a
    random song at the current difficulty. You will not be able to adjust
    anything once you hit the RANDOM button.

    Select NONSTOP and you can access the NONSTOP Course screen. Go to the
    pertinent section of the guide for more information. If you decide to play
    a NONSTOP course, it will count as your entire play.

    Select CHALLENGE and you can access the CHALLENGE Course screen. Go to the
    pertinent section of the guide for more information. If you decide to play
    a CHALLENGE course, it will count as your entire play.

    Select EDIT DATA and you pick some of the Edits you've thrown together.


    Select Options

    Hold down X or Circle as you select your songs to bring up the Song Options

    Speed: This is the speed of the arrows on the screen. It doesn't affect the
    speed of the song, just the arrows.
    Boost: If turned on, the arrows will gradually speed up as they move on the
    game screen.
    Appearance: "Visible" is the normal setting. If "Hidden" is on, the arrows
    will vanish about half-way. If "Sudden" is on, the arrows will appear about
    half-way. If "Stealth" is on, you won't see the arrows at all.
    Turn: "Off" is normal. "Mirror" rotates all arrows 180 degrees. "Left"
    rotates them 90 degrees to the left. "Right" in the other direction.
    "Shuffle" randomizes the rotation, but all steps of the same arrow go to the
    same of another arrow, for instance, if one up arrow becomes a left arrow,
    then all up arrows will be left arrows.
    Other: "Off" changes nothing. "Little" will eliminate several steps to make
    it easier. "Flat" makes all arrows the same color, as opposed to the
    grading colors used to distinguish beats. "Solo" will change colors so that
    you can distinguish beats more easily. "Dark" will remove the "Step Zone"
    from the screen.
    Scroll: "Standard" is normal bottom to top scrolling. "Reverse" is, oddly
    enough, scrolling from top to bottom.
    Freeze Arrow: You can turn the Freeze Arrows off.
    Step: Yet another chance to change the difficulty of your song.


    Are You Ready?

    The main field consists of the arrows and the Step Zone, which is a line of
    arrows on the screen. As the song plays, arrows will begin scrolling along
    the screen. As the arrows reach the Step Zone, you need to step on those
    arrows. If you see a green Freeze Arrow, you need to step on that arrow and
    hold it until the Freeze Arrow ends (you don't need to remove your foot when
    it ends, just stay on it until it ends, and move your foot at your leisure).

    On the top of the screen is the Dance Meter. It starts about half full. As
    you step properly, it'll fill more. If you misstep, your Dance Meter will
    start emptying. If it empties completely, game over.

    On the bottom of the screen is the difficulty (in case you forgot), and your
    score as it tallies up.

    Also in the middle of the screen, you'll see words pop up as you step:

    PERFECT: You stepped more or less precisely on the arrow. Combo continues,
    the dance meter increases, and you get the maximum possible score from that
    GREAT: You just about stepped on the arrow. Combo continues, the dance meter
    increases, and you get half the maximum possible score for the step.
    GOOD: You're off on the step by a bit. Combo stops, but the dance meter
    doesn't change. You get no points.
    ALMOST: You're off on the step by quite a bit. Combo stops, and your dance
    meter decreases. You get no points.
    BOO: You completely missed the step. Combo stops, and your dance meter
    decreases. You get no points.

    OK!: You stepped on the whole Freeze Arrow. You get the normal maximum score
    for a step.
    NG: You stepped off the Freeze Arrow before it ended. Combo continues, but
    your Dance Meter will decrease. You get no points.

    Also marked on the screen is your combo, which is how many PERFECTS and GREATS
    you have in a row. The announcer will tell you when you hit 100 combo, 200,



    Once you complete the song, you'll see an Evaluation Screen. You'll receive
    a letter grade, a tally on how many of each step you got, your maximum combo,
    and your score.

    Scoring is measured by the following algorithm:

    X = The total number of standard steps (double steps count as one) +
    (2 * the total number of Freeze Arrows)

    Y = 70,000,000 / X

    Each PERFECT and OK is worth Y points. Each GREAT is worth Y/2 points. All
    other types of steps are worth no points.

    So, your maximum possible score is 7 million, plus however many bonus points
    you've received, which maxes at 10 million, I haven't figured out the bonus
    algorithm, yet.

    The letters are AAA, AA, A, B, C, D, and E.

    The letter grade is determined by tallying up the number of Dance Points you
    scored in the song (see above for how each step gives you Dance Points).

    E is a failing grade.
    D, C, B, and A are progressive grades based on your score (including bonus).
    AA is given for a large score. To get this, you'll have to get a full
    combo, since you get about an extra million bonus points for the full combo.
    AAA is given for all PERFECTs and OKs on Freeze Arrows.

    In addition to the letter, you'll get a star if you have a full combo.


    Extra Stage!

    If you played your last song on Heavy or Challenge difficulty and the rating
    was 8 or more, and you got at least a AA on it, you'll access the Extra Stage.
    Here, you'll be forced to play TRIP MACHINE Survivor on Heavy. The song will
    be played with the options 1.5x and Reverse turned on. Your Dance Meter is
    special here, too. Instead of a normal Dance Meter, you'll have a No Recovery
    Dance Meter, which will start completely full. If you misstep, the Dance
    Meter will go down, and you cannot increase it back up.

    If you pass the Extra Stage, you'll permanently unlock TRIP MACHINE Survivor.
    From then on, if you earn the Extra Stage, you'll play The legend of MAX under
    the same conditions. The same is true if you unlock TRIP MACHINE Survivor
    by playing 95 Songs.

    3D. Dancing Tips for the Beginner =


    So, you've just got into DDR, eh? Good for you! You've become a part of a
    cult sensation that still holds tons of respect in arcades across the country!
    This game will probably seem quite overwhelming to you at first, especially
    if you watch people play it and watch them do 9-footers. Don't sweat it.
    You CAN be as good as them with the proper practice and effort.

    If you really want to get into this, definitely use the Official DDR Pad.
    There's no PS2 controller to use in the arcades, so learn the pad nice and
    early. Most game stores have a few of these tucked away (possibly more, if
    Konami's hyping this game like they should). If you're truly a beginner, you
    may just want to start with a nice cheap pad. That way, if you find it's not
    for you, you're not out a huge investment.

    So, to begin, use the Lesson Mode the game provides you. It will walk you
    through the basics and coach you to be a better dancer.

    Despite the Lesson Mode, here are some tips I can give you as a beginner:

    1. Get a good feeling for the beat. People who have performed with music have
    an advantage. People in marching band have a serious advantage. ~_^ You'll
    be stepping to the beat in these early stages, so get used to it now.

    2. Now that you have the beat, you must "find the arrows". Yeah, sure. I
    know they're right there in front of you, to your sides, and behind you, but
    can you hit them without looking? Early on, you'll find that's your biggest
    problem: taking a step and not landing on the arrow. If you have to look,
    look, but that tactic won't last forever, so before a song takes off, take
    some cursory steps to make sure you're hitting arrows.

    3. Keep your center. Especially on cheap pads with no definition, you'll find
    yourself often taking leave of the center of the pad as you continue stepping.
    If there's a break in the song, look down to make sure you're in the center.

    4. Use the balls of your feet. You may notice, after some days of a lot of
    playing, that your ankles will start hurting. That's normal, and it's
    happened to most everyone I know that DDRs. This is your feet telling you to
    not step with your heels, but with the front of the foot. Get into that

    5. Now that you have these basics, and the Lesson Mode (largely) completed,
    head into Beginner Mode and start tackling songs. In particular, get used to
    the speed of the songs, as well as the speeding-up, slowing-down, and stopping
    some songs do. When that just gets too easy, take a deep breath and head into
    the real DDR world with Light Mode. Try to keep your songs at three feet or
    below, but don't be afraid to venture out into the great unknown.

    3E. Dancing Tips for the Intermediate =


    Well, you're definitely not a n00b anymore (pardon my French). You're at the
    point where you wouldn't completely humiliate yourself at the arcades, but
    you probably won't impress many people there. In fact, you may just bore them
    with your simple steps. It's time to go to the next level.

    At this point in your career, it's time to consider a new pad. For me, this
    meant going to redoctane.com and ordering their standard soft pad. This pad
    has a soft bottom which won't slip or bunch up as much. It's still not a
    serious pad, but you could do worse with fifty bucks.

    So, first tip is to KNOW THE SONGS. You don't necessarily need to memorize
    the steps, but have a basic understanding of the song before you go into it.
    Even memorize the music itself, the lyrics, etc. so you can whistle along.
    Know where the tempo changes may occur, where stops are. Most importantly,
    know where the songs musical notes occur in the melody, because these will
    be mostly what you step.

    Now that we're heading into dangerous territory, there is one big rule that
    I have to stress right away:

    Remember how in the last part I told you to "find your center"? Well, you've
    found it by now, so now it's time to GET OFF IT. That's a crutch that's
    let you into the game, but it will hold you back later on. What you have to
    learn is to return your feet to the center as rarely as possible, if at all.
    Move your feet from one arrow to the next, and don't move them unless you have
    an arrow to go to. This is probably the hardest thing you'll ever have to
    learn as a DDR player. Once you've relinquished your grip on the center, you
    only stand to improve up to the highest reaches of DDR-dom.

    This actually leads to the other major point of going intermediate:

    Eighth notes. Those are those off-colored ones. You'll have to deal with
    a lot of them, so learn to love them now. This is actually a good first step
    to leaving the center, because you are absolutely required to step three or
    more arrows in succession, and you'll have no time to return to the center at
    all. Use groups of three eighth notes to figure how to properly move between
    arrows; combinations such as up-left-down, where your right foot goes on up,
    left foot goes on left, and your right foot is already carrying back towards
    the down arrow, for example. Once you get strings of three down, you'll be
    ready to tackle longer strings, of four, five, seven, even nine if they're
    not too tangly.

    So, for this end, you'll want to go for songs of four to six feet in
    difficulty, as well as treading into the pink pink waters of Standard Mode.
    Just about all songs of this difficulty have at least several eighth notes
    to give you practice. Take these opportunities to develop your step
    combinations for your own style, so you'll be ready to use them when they
    appear again in harder songs.

    Also, it may behoove you to get into Workout Mode or Endless Mode and
    repeatedly hammer some songs, particularly those of a brisk pace. This is a
    good first step to building up all-important stamina.

    3F. Dancing Tips for the Advanced =


    All right. You're through messing around, and through getting condescending
    looks from your peers at the arcade. It's time to show them what you can
    really do and kick it up a notch or three.

    If you're really serious now, it's once again time for a new pad. Although
    7, 8, and even some 9-footers are possible on a soft, flimsy pad, you just
    won't get the high scores you cherish. For this, I turned to RedOctane's
    Ignition 2.0. It's also a soft pad, but the thick foam insert, soft gripping
    bottom, and raised step platforms make it a good pad for aspiring champions,
    all for a paltry 100 clams.

    Of course, if you have the money to blow (approximately $300), you may want
    to take it even further and buy the Cobalt Flux pad, which is a custom-made
    hard metal pad. It's VERY resilient, and much like pads you'll see in the

    Anyway, pads aside, it's time to get down to business:

    First, you better have mastered the stuff from the previous sections. I want
    to be able to yell out a song title and for you to hum it right there so you
    know what it sounds like. I don't wanna see your feet touch that center,
    soldier, or you'll drop and give me fifty. At this point, you should also
    have quick enough eye-foot coordination so that matching arrows on the screen
    with proper steps is second-nature.

    Now, for some new tactics:

    Chaos. You'll soon find as you reach the higher levels, that not all arrows
    are quarter notes and eighth notes. You'll find sixteenths, twelfths, and
    thirty-second notes thrown in to mess you up. Very rarely will they be in
    random. Almost always, they'll match up with how the song goes, so you'll
    at least have that going for you. So, a thorough knowledge of the songs will
    allow you to surmount this hurdle with little difficulty.

    Taps. This is the name I like to give eighth notes all on the same arrow.
    These are always a pain, because you have to train your foot to tap rapidly on
    the same arrow for a possibly long time, and it can really wear you out.
    There's no easy way to get around this, you just have to learn it as you go.

    Gallops. This is the popular name for a series of steps that has two
    sixteenth note steps together, then two sixteen notes of dead space, then two
    note steps together, and so on. When you step these notes, you'll feel like
    a horse gallopping, which derives the name. Oftentimes, these notes will be
    strung so that the last note in one gallop is the first note of the next
    gallop. To properly step these, leave your last-stepping foot in place, so
    it'll be ready to step the next gallop while your other foot moves to the
    next note. This leads to the final tactic.

    Axis of Rotation or "crossovers". Contrary to popular belief, you do not have
    to have your upper body directly facing the screen at all times. A very
    important tactic for the toughest songs is turning your body so that making
    truly difficult steps becomes easier. Using alternating feet on long series'
    of eighth notes is far less taxing than taking two or more eighth notes with
    one foot. The best way to start turning your body is with left-down-right
    eighth note combos. Left foot on the left arrow, right foot on the down, and
    turn so that your left foot hits the right arrow. It'll be very disorienting
    at first, but the hard songs will really take it out of you if you don't
    learn. After learning a basic turn, learn to maintain your body at a 90
    degree angle to the screen for extended periods of time, and then taking it
    further by rotating 180 degrees, or even 270 and 360, if you're brave enough
    to take your eyes off the screen.

    Finally, it's important to be in relatively good shape for this. You have to
    have the proper stamina and leg strength to pull off the toughest ones,
    because rather dexterous and tiring feats will be required of you, so keep
    pounding at it, do hard songs repeatedly to build up strength, and push
    yourself harder and harder to go all the way up to the great green Heavy

    And lastly, never tackle 10-footers without a good insurance plan backing
    you up. ^_^

    3G. Dancing Tips for Doubles =


    Get ready to relearn DDR all over again as you branch out towards the second

    First of all, it'd be best you get good pads for this. Soft flat mats are
    just no good at all, since they'll slide apart and over each other. Even
    Ignition Pads are tough for this, since they can move as well, unless you
    can find some way to lash them together. The best, naturally, is the Cobalt
    Flux dual setup, which you can connect.

    Okay, you probably should begin your Doubles career after at least mastering
    Standard on Single, but it's best on Heavy.

    One of the greatest things to "unlearn" from Single Play is to be able to
    move your entire body. When playing Single, you'll generally maintain your
    upper body in one place spatially, but that definitely won't fly on Doubles.

    Crossovers take on a whole new meaning when playing on higher levels on
    Double Play. In a general sense, you'll be playing with your left foot on
    the right arrow on the left pad, while your right foot will be on the left
    arrow on the right pad. A lot of the stepcharts on Doubles are engineered so
    you dance around that setup.

    After that, it's all pretty much getting used to the new setup. Practice and
    practice some more. Build up your stamina, learn how to read eight arrows,
    and know where to step.


    These songs are available to you by default, and they are brand new to the
    Playstation DDR scene (ie. they've not been in DDR USA, DDR Konamix, DDR
    Disney Mix, DDRMAX USA, or DDRMAX2 USA). DDR Ultramix, while an American
    release, is not counted as a "past release" for Konami's purposes.

    4A. A Stupid Barber =

    Artist: Sho-T
    Genre: Euro House*
    BPM: 132

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 3
    STD: 6 7
    HVY: 7 8

    Heavy Notes: There are a few odd parts to this song, such as a couple of
    sixteenth spots in the main melody. Otherwise, there isn't much but
    short to medium-length streams and a few steps within freeze arrows.



    Bee-da-bama bee-da-bama yabadama bee-da-bama-yeah (Bonjour, bonjour)
    Bee-da-bama bee-da-bama yabadama bee-da-bama-yeah (Awww, yeah)

    I'll be there for you!
    And it makes me wonder!

    Let's start!

    I'll be there for you!
    And it makes me wonder! (Rock the show!)

    Bada-doo-doo-dadoh-da-doh-beep-n-bop-boo-bop! (Come on)
    Bada-doo-doo-dadoh-da-doh-beep-n-bop-boo-bop! (Come on)

    Bee-da-bama bee-da-bama yabadama bee-da-bama-yeah
    Bee-da-bama bee-da-bama yabadama bee-da-bama-yeah
    Rock the show! (Yeah yeah!!)

    Bee-da-bama bee-da-bama yabadama bee-da-bama-yeah (Bonjour, bonjour)
    Bee-da-bama bee-da-bama yabadama bee-da-bama-yeah

    Bada-doo-doo-dadoh-da-doh-beep-n-bop-boo-bop! (Come on)
    Bada-doo-doo-dadoh-da-doh-beep-n-bop-boo-bop! (Come on) (Yeah yeah!!)
    Bada-doo-doo-dadoh-da-doh-beep-n-bop-boo-bop! (Come on)
    Bada-doo-doo-dadoh-da-doh-beep-n-bop-boo-bop! (Come on)



    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR Extreme (PS2 JP)
    Artist Notes: Shoichiro Hirata is a Konami in-house musician. His credits
    include the Groove series and "Share My Love", as well as several beatmania

    4B. Believe =

    Artist: Eddie.J
    Genre: Dance Pop
    BPM: 136

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 4
    STD: 6 7
    HVY: 7 8

    Heavy Notes: There's not much to talk about for this song. Streams that lead
    into and out of freezes, a few eighth-note jumps, and a smidgen of chaos at
    the end.



    No matter how hard I try
    You keep pushing me aside
    And I can't break through
    There's no talking to you
    So sad that you're leaving
    Takes time to believe it
    But after all is said and done
    You're going to be the lonely one, Ohh Oh

    Do you believe in life after love
    I can feel something inside me say
    I really don't think you're strong enough,

    Do you believe in life after love
    I can feel something inside me say
    I really don't think you're strong enough,

    Do you believe in life after love
    I can feel something inside me say
    I really don't think you're strong enough,

    Do you believe in life after love
    I can feel something inside me say
    I really don't think you're strong enough,


    Song Type: Licensed Cover
    First Appearance: Karaoke Revolution
    DDR Debut: BRAND NEW
    Artist Notes: The name's probably a Konami-made placeholder name. Anyone
    with more insight is free to give it.
    Misc. Notes: This is a cover of the popular love song by Cher, released
    in 1998.


    Artist: Jerry
    Genre: 80's New Wave
    BPM: 119

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 3
    STD: 5 7
    HVY: 7 7

    Heavy Notes: Lots of streams, and there are several locations where they'll
    throw a double step or a freeze into the stream to trip you up. Not too
    much more than that, but there's plenty of it.



    Every time i think of you
    I feel shot right through with a bolt of blue
    It's no problem of mine but it's a problem I find
    Living a life that I can't leave behind

    Every time I see you falling
    I get down on my knees and pray
    I'm waiting for that final moment
    You'll say the words that I can't say

    Every time I see you falling
    I get down on my knees and pray
    I'm waiting for that final moment
    You'll say the words that I can't say


    Song Type: Licensed Cover
    First Appearance: Karaoke Revolution
    DDR Debut: BRAND NEW
    Artist Notes: The name's probably a Konami-made placeholder name. Anyone
    with more insight is free to give it.
    Misc. Notes: This is a cover of the original song by New Order, released in
    1986. Sorry, I had this wrong, and originally thought the Frente version
    predated this one.

    4D. Diving =

    Artist: 4 Strings
    Genre: Trance
    BPM: 140

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 2
    STD: 5 5
    HVY: 6 6

    Heavy Notes: Mostly simple streams and simple freeze tricks. There are some
    freezes late in the song that come in off the beat.



    Tell me a secret
    I will tell you mine

    Tell me about desire
    You hide inside

    There is so much that we
    Should have done

    I was insecure, but
    Now I'm strong

    Diving, knowing it was you
    I keep on trying

    Diving into you

    Diving into you

    I'm turning

    How to fly


    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: BRAND NEW
    Artist Notes: 4 Strings is the psuedonym of Carlos Resoort, a Dutch
    DJ-producer. He specializes in trance music. Another of his tunes, "Take
    Me Away" is featured in DDRMAX2 USA. This song was featured on his first
    full-length album "Believe".

    4E. DO ME (H.I.G.E.O Mix) =

    Artist: MUSTACHE MEN
    Genre: Disco House
    BPM: 130

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 5 3
    STD: 7 7
    HVY: 8 8

    Heavy Notes: While not too fast, the Heavy steps are marked with streams with
    double steps, as well as gallops. Pay attention to the music, as you'll get
    some chaos that follows the beats.


    Song Type: Licensed Cover
    First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix Plus (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: MUSTACHE MEN is a Naoki alias.
    Misc. Notes: The original song is licensed by Kenneth Gamble and Leon Huff.

    4F. DON'T CLOCK ME =

    Genre: Hip Hop
    BPM: 124

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 2
    STD: 4 4
    HVY: 6 4

    Heavy Notes: Mostly light streams with some crossovers, but there are two
    nasty spots, both of them are streams composed entirely of double steps.
    That's Air, folks, plain and simple.



    (This DJ cut different ways)
    (This DJ cut different ways)
    (This DJ cut different ways)
    (This DJ cut different ways)

    The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
    Don't wait up and yo, don't clock me
    The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
    Don't wait up and yo, don't clock me

    Crush you like a nutcracker crushes a nut
    This is about a former rival when I'm on the cut
    I stay in, yo' memory like the date of your birth
    I drink you like Gatorade when I'm quenchin' my thirst

    I'm the fact in this matter and you're the fable
    I'll cut you like my DJ cuts a record on the table.

    I wanna rock get off the background
    You know what guys I oughta beat you down
    Like a dog, I'll put you in a muzzle
    I'll break ya in pieces like a jigsaw puzzle
    I'll rape your rhymes and I'll murder your style
    I'm the one doin' the same, yeah your arch rival

    I'm conductin', arrangin', puttin' it all in place
    Form a line sucka, so you'll plead your case
    I wanna rock

    (you can't touch it)

    The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
    Don't wait up and yo, don't clock me
    The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
    And yo, don't try to clock me!


    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: DDR Solo Bass Mix (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: This artist chiefly works for Toshiba-EMI's Dancemania album
    series. This song appeared on the album Dancemania Bass #2.

    4G. Firefly =

    Artist: Be For U
    Genre: J-Pop
    BPM: 150

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 1 2
    STD: 5 5
    HVY: 7 8

    Heavy Notes: The main thing that drives up the difficulty here is the
    recklessness of the way the freezes are thrown in. There's also some offbeat
    steps, and some chaos following the music.



    ima kono ryuute hirogete sorani mukaitte hashirisou
    saa ryuukou hikari no youni

    hitogomini nagasare asu ni nani wo moto meruno
    tsukurareta reeru ayun deikudake

    genshitsuni batsukaru koto ni kizutsuku no osore naide
    nigedashi tai tokidemo akiramenaide

    mada kainu asuni kitaishite iinjanai
    jibun ni makenai tameni soshite shinjiru tameni

    ookiku ryuute hirogete sorani mukaitte habatakou!!
    jibun no tsuyusa itsuka (yosa itaboko) koreruyuuni

    ima kono ryuute hirogete asunini no yume takuserunara
    sao byokou itsukano jubin

    kiminara dekiru
    kitto kagayakeru
    poku niha bai eru
    kimino hikari gazutto


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDRMAX: DDR 6th Mix (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR Ultramix 3
    Artist Notes: Be For U is Noria Shiraishi, Riyu Kosaka, Yoma Komatsu, and
    Shiyuna Maehara. Since DDR 5th Mix, this J-Pop band has put together a whole
    bunch of songs for DDR and other Konami rhythm games. They're most
    well-known, in addition to this song, for the "DIVE" series, "BREAK DOWN!",
    and "GRADUATION". Also, Riyu Kosaka and Yoma Komatsu have done their own
    solo acts for certain songs, such as "true..." and "ever snow".

    4H. Go West =

    Artist: Pet Shop Boys
    Genre: New Age
    BPM: 120

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 3
    STD: 5 5
    HVY: 6 7

    Heavy Notes: Pretty simple for the most part due to its easy speed. Mostly
    simple streams with some double steps in them. There's a small bit of Chaos
    when the steps follow the melody and also some harder Chaos when you have to
    step the percussion bits and the "Come on, come on".



    Come on, come on, come on, come on

    (Together) We will go our way
    (Together) We will leave someday
    (Together) Your hand in my hands
    (Together) We will make our plans

    (Together) We will fly so high
    (Together) Tell all our friends goodbye
    (Together) We will start life new
    (Together) This is what we'll do

    (Go West) Life is peaceful there
    (Go West) In the open air
    (Go West) Where the skies are blue
    (Go West) This is what we're gonna do

    (lyrics continue at fade-out)


    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: BRAND NEW
    Artist Notes: Pet Shop Boys are Chris Lowe (keyboardist) and Neil Tennant
    (singer). They're a British electronic group that's been together since
    1981. This song is part of their 1993 album: "Very".
    Misc. Notes: This song has a music video, which will negate the dancing

    4I. HIGHS OFF U (Scorccio XY Mix) =

    Artist: 4 REEEL
    Genre: Disco
    BPM: 130

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 1 2
    STD: 5 5
    HVY: 7 8

    Heavy Notes: This song's on the high-end of the seven-footers. There are
    several crossovers, and several spots with a few sixteenths thrown in.
    There are also some double steps within streams. Lastly, the last chorus
    of the song is one long stream with some sixteenths inside.



    On, on, then on and on and on
    They go on, on, then on and on and on

    I got the beat in my body
    I got the beat in my body
    (Rock the party
    Rock the party
    Rock the party)

    Higher and higher
    I'm gonna light a fire (whoo!)
    Higher and higher
    Oh, I'll take you higher

    Stop screamin' and tryin' to look hard
    I keep my body raw
    You dig that, who's the star?
    I'm a veteran, which means that I've been
    In the game too long since the days are paper-thin
    Way back when, I've been puttin' it down
    Ask your homie who's the baddest in your midsouth town
    I float like a butterfly, sting like a bee
    Spectacular on the M-I-C
    I know we're both never giving it less than the best
    Lots of years in the game at your request, huh
    You like to rhyme, bark everywhere
    I get the papers so I don't care
    Fly, that's me, the epitome
    Of what a real MC is supposed to be
    Buggin' you up everytime that I drop
    A funky rhythm, baby, I've got a certain spark
    I got the beat in my body
    (Rock the party
    Rock the party
    Rock the party)

    Higher and higher
    I'm gonna light a fire (whoo!)
    Higher and higher
    Come on, I'll take you higher


    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: DDRMAX: DDR 6th Mix (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: Mark Summers is Scorccio, a little known artist, but he's done a
    lot of work for Toshiba-EMI's Dancemania album series, including having his
    own CD in the series. 4 REEEL is Miss Da Mina, a model turned rapper/singer
    who raps the lyrics in this piece (I believe she's the one in little green
    squares in the music video). No clue yet on the blonde lady who sings the
    Misc Notes: This song has a music video that will negate any dancing
    characters. So, apparently, I was incorrect. Someone contacted Konami
    directly and they solemnly swear that there's no swearing in this song,
    else they wouldn't have put it in this game, but it does sound very

    4J. JANEJANA =

    Artist: T.E.M.P.O. feat. Mohammed & Emi
    Genre: Bolly House
    BPM: 125

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 3
    STD: 5 5
    HVY: 7 8

    Heavy Notes: The main feature of this tune are the long streams that carry
    along with the driving music. There are also a few gallops, and the end of
    the song follows the odd beat.


    Lyrics: Haven't got a clue. Help!


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: Dance ManiaX
    DDR Debut: DDR Extreme (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR Ultramix (Song Pack 5)
    Artist Notes: T.E.M.P.O. is Tomosuke Funaki, a BEMANI artist who composes for
    many different series. Mohammad and Emi are the vocalists.

    4K. JET WORLD =

    Artist: Mutsuhiko Izumi
    Genre: Rock'n Country*
    BPM: 138

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 4
    STD: 5 6
    HVY: 8 8

    Heavy Notes: The basic stuff of this song are long streams and a few
    crossovers. There are a few points that focus on the guitar, where you'll
    follow the strums with sixteenths.



    WOW! Yeah!
    WOW! C'mon!
    WOW! Yeah!
    WOW! Good God!

    Yeah! Uhh!
    Yeah! Yyyyyeaaah!

    WOW! Yeah!
    WOW! C'mon!
    WOW! Yeah!
    WOW! Good God!

    Yeah! Uhh!
    Yeah! Yyyyyeaaah!

    WAAAAA!!! Wow wow!
    WAAAAA!!! Wow wow!

    WOW! Yeah!
    WOW! Yeah!
    WOW! Yeah!
    WOW! Yeah!


    WAAAAA!!! Wow wow!
    WAAAAA!!! Wow wow! C'mon!

    WOW! Yeah!
    WOW! Yeah!
    WOW! Yeah!
    WOW! Yeah!



    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix
    DDR Debut: DDR Extreme (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR Ultramix 2 (Song Pack 12)
    Artist Notes: Mustuhiko Izumi is a BEMANI artist who's heavily involved in the
    Guitar Freaks and Drummania series.

    4L. KICK THE CAN =

    Artist: BUS STOP
    Genre: Euro Dance
    BPM: 144

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 3
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 7 8

    Heavy Notes: This is actually a pretty simple Heavy. Mostly medium-length
    streams. There aren't even any crossovers. Good for those breaking into



    Kick it.
    Kick it, Kick it.
    Kick the can, man!

    (here we go, here we go, here we go)
    (kick it)
    (come on and kick the can, man)

    Well hello now here we go,
    To start the party, start the show.
    So get yourself right in the line,
    Bus Stop's here, it's party time.
    Kick your legs high in the air,
    Do it like you just don't care.
    Now every woman, every man, come and kick the can.

    Kick your legs up in the air.
    kick it like you just dont care.
    every woman, every man.

    (get it up, get it up, get it up)
    (come on and kick the can, man)

    (kick it)
    (come on and kick the can - and kick the can, man)


    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: BUS STOP is a UK rap group famous for giving classic songs
    their treatment, and several of their songs have appeared in the realm of DDR,
    one's based off Jacques Offenbach's overture to "Orphe aux Enfers" (Orpheus
    in the Underworld), written in 1858. The song is more commonly known as the

    4M. Kids In America =

    Artist: KIM WILDE
    Genre: 80's New Wave
    BPM: 159

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 3
    STD: 6 7
    HVY: 7 8

    Heavy Notes: The biggest thing to watch out for is the end, where there are a
    few gallops to match the percussion. Beyond that, there are a few weird
    freezes, and some double jumps in streams.



    Looking out a dirty old window
    Down below the cars in the
    City go rushing by
    I sit here alone
    And I wonder why

    Friday night and everyones moving
    I can feel the heat
    But its soothing
    Heading down
    I search for the beat in this dirty town

    Down town the young ones are going
    Down town the young ones are growing

    Were the kids in America (Whoa-oh!)
    Were the kids in America (Whoa-oh!)
    Everybody live for the music-go-round

    (La la la la la la, la la la la la la)
    (La la la la la la, la la la la la la)

    Were the kids
    Were the kids
    Were the kids in America (repeat)


    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: BRAND NEW
    Artist Notes: Kim Wilde is a British pop star most popular for this particular
    song, released in 1981.
    Misc. Notes: This song has a music video, which will negate the dancing


    Artist: Angle R
    Genre: Disco
    BPM: 120

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 3
    STD: 5 6
    HVY: 7 8

    Heavy Notes: In addition to your standard double steps in some streams, and
    freezes, there are also a few gallops in this tune, as well as a few small
    clusters of sixteenths dotted throughout the song.



    Oh yes, it's ladies' night
    And the feeling's right
    Oh yes, it's ladies' night
    Oh what a night (oh what a night)

    Oh yes, it's ladies' night
    And the feeling's right
    Oh yes, it's ladies' night
    Oh what a night (oh what a night)

    Romantic Lady, single baby
    Mmmmmm sophisticated mama
    Come on you disco lady, yeah
    Stay with me tonight, mama, yeah

    If you hear any noise
    It ain't the boys, it's ladies' night, uh huh

    Gonna step out ladies' night
    Steppin' out ladies' night
    Gonna step out ladies' night
    Steppin' out ladies' night

    Oh yes, it's ladies' night
    And the feeling's right
    Oh yes, it's ladies' night
    Oh what a night (oh what a night)

    Oh yes, it's ladies' night
    And the feeling's right
    Oh yes, it's ladies' night
    Oh what a night (oh what a night)

    Oh yes, it's ladies' night
    And the feeling's right
    Oh yes, it's ladies' night
    Oh what a night (oh what a night)

    Oh yes, it's ladies' night
    And the feeling's right
    Oh yes, it's ladies' night
    Oh what a night (oh what a night)


    Song Type: Licensed Cover
    First Appearance: Karaoke Revolution
    Artist Notes: The name's probably a Konami-made placeholder name. Anyone
    with more insight is free to give it.
    Misc. Notes: This is a cover of the popular song by Kool & The Gang,
    released in 1980.

    4O. Like A Virgin =

    Artist: tama_happytone
    Genre: 80's Pop
    BPM: 126

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 3
    STD: 5 5
    HVY: 8 8

    Heavy Notes: Lots of medium-length streams, but few crossovers. The first
    third or so has several clusters of sixteenths, and in the second half,
    you'll find a few small double step streams.



    I made it through the wilderness
    Somehow I made it through
    Didnt know how lost I was
    Until I found you

    I was beat, incomplete
    Id been had, I was sad and blue
    But you made me feel
    Yeah, you made me feel
    Shiny and new

    Youre so fine and youre mine
    Ill be yours till the end of time
    cause you made me feel
    Yeah, you made me feel
    Ive nothing to hide

    Like a virgin (Hey!)
    Touched for the very first time
    Like a virgin
    When your heart beats
    Next to mine

    Good inside


    Song Type: Licensed Cover
    First Appearance: Karaoke Revolution
    Artist Notes: The name's probably a Konami-made placeholder name. Anyone
    with more insight is free to give it.
    Misc. Notes: This is a cover of the popular song by Madonna, released in


    Artist: dj TAKA feat. NORIA
    Genre: Euro Beat*
    BPM: 155

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 3
    STD: 5 5
    HVY: 7 7

    Heavy Notes: There's a lot of offbeat steps in this song, but everything else
    is pretty simple for your average seven-footer.



    Here we go!

    go! go! go! go! go! go! go! go!
    go! go! go! go! go! go! go! go!

    jump! jump! jump! jump! jump! jump! jump! jump!
    jump! jump! jump! jump! jump! jump! jump! jump!

    dokidoki Love Sugar kimi no heart
    chotto misete sugoku lovely
    ukiuki my honey

    happi love! rakki love!
    tanoshii story matteru

    Call my name, take my hand
    Don't close your window nante ne

    You are so cute, you are so nice,
    I love you love you love you so much.

    Pleasure Time sora ga taku waratte
    Just a little skip shite
    itsudatte nandatte dou ni kanaru kara?

    Pleasure Time koe tooku tobashite
    satou mitai na koi tabete

    kimi wa taiyou itsumademo
    What will be done tomorrow!?

    go! go! go! go! go! go! go! go!
    go! go! go! go! go! go! go! go!

    jump! jump! jump! jump! jump! jump! jump! jump!
    jump! jump! jump! jump! jump! jump! jump! jump!


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: pop'n music 8
    DDR Debut: DDR Extreme (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: dj TAKA should be no stranger to Bemani fans. Often considered
    to be just as popular (if not moreso) than Naoki, Takayuki Ishikawa has been
    with Konami since beatmania IIDX. He's done many DDR and beatmania tunes.
    Noria Shiraishi is a member of Be For U (see Firefly).
    Misc Notes: The banner specifically says "Heart Love (squared) shuga (in
    Japanese) Heart", but it's said as "LOVE LOVE SUGAR".

    4Q. MIRACLE =

    Artist: ST. JENNARO
    Genre: Disco House
    BPM: 128

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 2 2
    STD: 5 5
    HVY: 7 8

    Heavy Notes: An odd song on Heavy. One would consider it averages out to be
    a seven-footer, because a lot of it is pretty easy, except for the beginning,
    which has chaotic steps, and a rarity for DDR, sixeenths leading to a
    double step. Just vibrate your feet to get it.



    Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle
    Miracle, miracle, miracle, mi-miracle
    Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle
    Miracle, miracle, mi-mi-mi-mi...

    It's a miracle, it's a miracle
    It's a miracle, it's a miracle
    It's a miracle, it's a miracle
    And dreams are made of emotion...

    It's a miracle, it's a miracle
    It's a miracle, it's a miracle
    It's a miracle, it's a miracle
    It's a miracle, it's a miracle
    Dreams are made of emotion

    It's a miracle, it's a miracle
    Dreams are made of emotion

    It's a miracle, it's a miracle
    And dreams are made of emotion...



    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: DDRMAX: DDR 6th Mix (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: ST. JENNARO produces for Toshiba-EMI'S Dancemania series. This
    song is a rehash of Culture Club's "It's a Miracle", released in the '80's.

    4R. MOBO*MOGA =

    Artist: Orange Lounge
    Genre: French Pop*
    BPM: 172

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 3
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 7 7

    Heavy Notes: Several small streams. Some of them require you to crossover.
    Mostly the steps follow the music, with eighth notes coming in off the beat.



    par la fenetre de ta fiat 500
    tu me regardius et je t'ai vu
    tes gout semblanit parfait

    on s'est compris tout de suite a fond
    et des rendez-vous de la nuit
    parfois on s'attend sous la pluie
    et tout, c'etait miracle

    la musique !
    les yeux dans les yeux
    nos histoires romantiques
    on commence tous les deux

    pres de moi?

    English Translation:

    From the window of your fiat 500
    you were looking at me and I saw you
    Your taste seems perfect

    We understood each other right away completely
    and night-time rendez-vous/meets.
    Sometimes they wait for each other under the rain
    And all of it, it was a miracle.

    The music!
    gazing into each other's eyes
    our romantic stories
    It starts with both of us

    Close to me...

    Credit for the lyrics goes to the DDRMX forums. I'm told these are not
    entirely correct, so any French-speaking people out there who wish to lend a
    hand, please do so.


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: Dance ManiaX
    DDR Debut: DDR Extreme (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR Ultramix (Song Pack 4)
    Artist Notes: Tomosuke Funaki is a Konami Original artist from beatmania.
    Shizue Tokui is the vocalist in this song, and the two of them together are
    Orange Lounge.

    4S. Move Your Feet =

    Artist: Junior Senior
    Genre: Dance Pop
    BPM: 118

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 3
    STD: 5 5
    HVY: 7 7

    Heavy Notes: There are a bunch of ugly looking steps in the beginning and
    not too far from the end. These steps follow the synthy brass. Beyond that,
    there are some crossovers and several standalone gallops.



    Move your feet
    And feel united ohohoh

    Move you're feet
    And feel united ohohoh

    Oh yeah, you got the dance energy
    Oh yeah, you got the dance energy
    Oh yeah, you got the dance energy
    Oh yeah, you got the dance energy

    D-d-don't stop the beat
    I c-c-can't control the feet
    P-p-people in the streets
    C'mon everybody, move you're feet
    Don't stop, (don't stop) don't stop, the beat
    I can't stop, (can't stop) can't stop the beat
    I won't stop, (won't stop) won't stop the beat
    And go

    Move your feet,
    And feel united ohohoh

    Move your feet,
    And feel united ohohoh



    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: BRAND NEW
    Artist Notes: The band's members are Jesper Mortensen (Junior) and Jeppe
    Laursen (Senior). These two Dutchmen started the band in 1998, and truly took
    off in 2002. This particular song is considered to be one of their finest,
    earning high acclaim worldwide.
    Misc. Notes: Clearly, parts of this song are based on the French Folk Song,
    Can-Can. Two Can-Can songs in one game, eh? I think there's a foul,
    somewhere. This song has a music video, which will negate the dancing

    4T. Music (Bostik Radio Edit) =

    Artist: Darude
    Genre: Trance
    BPM: 138

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 2
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 8 7

    Heavy Notes: Ah, good old trance songs. Repeating parts of music means
    repeating steps. The main synth gives you gallops in the first part of
    many measures. Beyond that, there are pretty big streams incorporating
    said gallops, and about a third of the way into the song are "near triplet"
    steps that quickly go to all double steps.


    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: BRAND NEW
    Artist Notes: Still performing today, Ville Virtanen is a Finnish producer
    who made it big with Sandstorm, which was featured in DDRMAX USA. He first
    released Music in 2003.

    4U. NEVER ENDING STORY (Power Club Vocal Mix) =

    Artist: DJ AC-DC
    Genre: Euro Trance
    BPM: 140

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 3
    STD: 6 7
    HVY: 7 8

    Heavy Notes: Mostly long streams in this song, with a few gallops and clusters
    of sixteenths which follow the music.



    Turn around, look at what you see...
    In her face, the mirror of your dreams...

    Make believe I'm everywhere
    Living in your eyes
    Written on the pages

    It's the answer to a never-ending story
    Never-ending story

    Lies that keep their secrets
    When I fall behind the clouds
    There upon a rainbow

    Is the answer to a never-ending story
    Never-ending story


    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: DDR 5th Mix (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: This mix was developed by G.Moroder. The original version,
    based on the popular movie, was made by A New Found Glory.
    Misc. Notes: Yes, this is the exact same NEVER ENDING STORY that was in the
    arcades, only with the added mix name.

    4V. ONLY YOU =

    Artist: CAPTAIN JACK
    Genre: Swing Pop/Euro Dance
    BPM: 93

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 3
    STD: 4 6
    HVY: 7 7

    Heavy Notes: The slow pace of this song makes the large streams in the song
    a small issue. There are sixteenths thrown in, of course. What you need to
    recognize is that, while the song has a swing beat, the sixteenths are all
    completely straight.



    (This is radio station CJ-Boogie, with the brand new world premiere song from
    Captain Jack: Only You)

    Only you, can make me feel so true.
    I'll never, never be so blue, as long as I have you.

    Only you, can make me feel so true.
    Whatever-ever I can do, it's because of you.
    Only you, can make me feel so true.
    I'll never, never be so blue, as long as I have you.

    All the hoochie-mamas, throw your hands up (hands up!)
    All the hoochie-mamas, throw your hands up (hands up!)
    All the hoochie-mamas, throw your hands up (hands up!)
    Gotta let me hear you say yeah (yeah!)

    You like me, I like you,
    So happy, your my boo.
    Would you like, to join my crew,
    Fly up high, to the skies so blue.

    Only you, can make me feel so true.
    Whatever-ever I can do, it's because of you.
    Only you, can make me feel so true.
    I'll never, never be so blue, as long as I have you.


    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: Captain Jack is a band led by Franky Gee, an American who has
    done his time in the military. After leaving the service, he decided to
    leave the country that seemed so pro-war to him, so he settled in Germany,
    where he eventually picked up his music career. Most of his songs are
    militaristic, but he's sure to place his anti-war and pro-unity messages in
    many of his songs. He's the male vocalist for this tune, and Lisa De Soto is
    the female vocalist.
    Misc. Notes: This song has a music video which will negate any dancing
    characters. Other CAPTAIN JACK songs in American mixes are MY GENERATION in


    Artist: STM 200
    Genre: Jungle
    BPM: 200

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 2
    LGT: 5 5
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 9 9

    Heavy Notes: Worthy of the name PARANOiA, even if it wasn't done by Naoki.
    The steps tend to follow the music, and the streams don't get too long,
    which it good because they make you turn and crossover something fierce.
    Also, the end has some freezes mixed in with the streams.



    Sound! (repeated)


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR 5th Mix (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR Extreme USA
    Artist Notes: While most PARANOiAs are composed by Naoki, this is a mix
    created by a fan as part of a contest.
    Misc. Notes: In addition to those in this game, we also have:
    - PARANOiA on DDR USA, DDR Konamix, and DDR Extreme 2
    - PARANOiA MAX (DIRTY MIX) (Club Version Another) on DDRMAX USA
    - PARANOiA KCET (clean mix) on DDR USA and DDRMAX2 USA
    - PARANOiA Rebirth on DDR Konamix and DDR Ultramix
    - PARANOIA survivor on DDR Extreme 2
    - PARANOIA survivor MAX on DDR Extreme 2

    4X. Pink Rose =

    Artist: Kiyommy + Seiya
    Genre: Heart* (J-Pop)
    BPM: 146

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 3
    STD: 5 5
    HVY: 8 7

    Heavy Notes: The first half of the song has plenty of triplets that follow
    the beat of the song, and they switch back and forth between basic streams.
    The latter half has a rather large amount of freeze arrows.



    Ah, sawaranaide
    Atataka nasonotewa
    Watashi no subete kuruwasu

    Ne, yurusanaide
    Kitsuzuchio osaete
    Hohoenderu anataga iru
    Mou, karaenaine

    Ochiteku tokino amai katori
    Kurikae sutabini hidokunaru

    Imadake suki datta furishite
    Datta hitotsunakenara
    Zenbu zenbu iranai

    Hontono kodokumo shiranai
    Mada awai hanabirani
    Namidano tsubu kakaetamama


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: Keyboardmania 3rd Mix
    DDR Debut: DDR Extreme (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: Seiya Murai is the composer of this tune, and Kiyomi Kumano is
    the vocalist. The two tend to do a lot of work on the Keyboardmania and
    pop'n music series.

    4Y. Planet Rock (Swordfish Radio Edit) =

    Artist: Paul Oakenfold vs Afrika Bambaata and The Soul Sonic Force
    Genre: Trance
    BPM: 126

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 2
    STD: 5 5
    HVY: 7 7

    Heavy Notes: Mostly the steps follow the music. You'll have a few streams
    with double steps in them, but the real test of your skill comes from the
    middle. It seems innocent enough, just some small streams and freezes, but
    it tends to twist you around, and surprise you with off-beat steps.



    You gotta rock it, pop it, 'cause it's the century
    There is such a place tht creates such a melody
    Our world is but a land of a master jam, get up and dance
    It's time to chase your dreams
    Up out your seats, make your body sway
    Socialize, get down, let your soul lead the way
    Shake it now, go ladies, it's a livin' dream
    Love Life Live

    Say, Planet Rock!


    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: BRAND NEW
    Artist Notes: Often referred to as the godfather of hip-hop, Afrika Bambaata
    created Planet Rock way back in 1982, and it remains his greatest hit to this
    day, spawning countless remixes and retoolings, including this particular one
    by Paul Oakenfold, which was featured in the movie Swordfish (starring John
    Travolta). Paul Oakenfold is a wildly popular English DJ, who's been in the
    club scene since 1984.

    4Z. Simply Being Loved "Somnambulist" =

    Artist: BT
    Genre: Trance
    BPM: 135

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 3
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 7 7

    Heavy Notes: The only real tricky part is when the song throws some triplet
    steps at you twice to follow the percussion. Other than that, just follow
    the simple streams as they lead into and out of freezes.



    So little joy, so little joy
    It's complicated
    So little time, so little time
    To get acclimated

    So little hope, so little hope
    And I'm praying now for love
    Yeah, yeah yeah

    So little time the pace
    Has changed, but I'm still waiting
    A thousand years of timeless days
    I'm stumbling
    Wounded in the dark
    But I'm praying again for love
    Love, love
    Praying for love

    Love, love, love
    Simply being loved
    Love, love

    Simply being love, love, loved
    Simply being love, love, loved
    Simply being love, love, loved
    Is more than enough, yeah yeah
    Simply being loved, yeah, yeah
    Simply being loved, yeah, yeah

    Simply being loved
    Is more than enough
    Simply being love
    Is more than enough
    Simply being loved
    Is more than enough


    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: BRAND NEW
    Artist Notes: Brian Transeau is considered one of the pioneers of trance
    music. Originally from Washington DC, this artist has been in the business
    for ten years, and has worked closely with *NSYNC's JC Chasez multiple times.


    Artist: DURAN DURAN
    Genre: 80's New Wave
    BPM: 126

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 2 2
    STD: 5 5
    HVY: 8 7

    Heavy Notes: An eight-footer on a slow song means lousy steps, and this song
    doesn't disappoint. In addition to non-eighth steps, there are plenty of
    spots where there are three sixteenths, one after another.




    You've gone too far this time
    But I'm dancing on the valentine
    I tell you somebody's fooling around
    With my chances on the dangerline
    I'll cross that bridge when I find it
    Another day to make my stand oh-whoa
    High time is no time for deciding
    If I should find a helping hand oh-whoa

    Why don't you use it
    Try not to bruise it
    Buy time don't lose it

    Why... why...
    Why don't you use it

    The reflex is a lonely child
    Just waiting by the park
    The reflex is in charge of finding
    A treasure in the dark
    And watching over lucky clover
    Isn't that bizarre
    Every little thing the reflex does
    Leaves you answered with a question mark



    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: DDRMAX2: DDR 7th Mix (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: DURAN DURAN should be no stranger to those who know back a
    couple of decades. This song is one of the British new age group's better

    4BB. THEME FROM ENTER THE DRAGON (notorious mix) =

    Artist: B3-Project
    Genre: World House
    BPM: 142

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 3
    STD: 6 7
    HVY: 8 8

    Heavy Notes: The big word here, besides "HOOOOWAAH!", of course, is
    crossovers. There are a large number of streams with crossovers. Also
    sprinkled throughout is a liberal portion of gallops leading into those
    streams. There are also a few spots (orchestra hits) where the steps follow
    the music.


    Song Type: Licensed Cover
    First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix Plus (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: B3-Project is a Naoki alias.
    Misc. Notes: This was originally called "Revival 2001 Mix". Don't ask me why
    they changed it. This tune was originally written by Lalo Schifrin for the
    movie of the same name, starring the late martial arts superstar, Bruce Lee.


    Artist: DJ SPEEDO feat. ANGELICA
    Genre: Speed Rave
    BPM: 172

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 2
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 8 8

    Heavy Notes: This song's on the low-end of eight footers. There are small to
    medium streams, a few doubles in streams, some crossovers, but no serious
    chaos steps.



    In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky
    In my heart there'll always be a place for you for all my life

    There you'll be... (etc.)

    When I think back on the times
    And the dreams we left behind
    I'll be glad 'cause I was blessed to get to have you in my life
    When I look back on these days
    I'll look and see your face
    You were right there for me

    In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky
    In my heart there'll always be a place for you for all my life

    I'll keep a part of you with me
    And everywhere I am there you'll be

    And everywhere I am there you'll be

    There you'll be... (etc.)


    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: DDRMAX2: DDR 7th Mix (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: This is a speed remix by an artist who works with Toshiba-EMI's
    Dancemania series of albums. The song is a remix of the classic song by
    Faith Hill.


    Artist: P.A.T
    Genre: Dance Pop
    BPM: 125

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 3
    STD: 5 6
    HVY: 7 8

    Heavy Notes: The song doesn't move too fast, but there are issues from several
    odd steps that require crossovers, double jumps in streams, and taps. Also,
    there are a few clusters of sixteenths at the main chorus.



    Waiting for tonight (tonight, tonight)

    Like a movie scene
    In the sweetest dreams
    I've pictured us together
    Now to feel your lips
    On my fingertips
    I have to say is even better
    Then I ever thought it could possibly be
    It's perfect, it's passion, it's setting me free
    From all of my sadness
    The tears that I've cried
    I have spent all of my life

    Waiting for tonight, oh
    When you would be here in my arms
    Waiting for tonight, oh
    I've dreamed of this love for so long

    Waiting for tonight, oh
    When you would be here in my arms
    Waiting for tonight, oh
    I've dreamed of this love for so long

    Waiting for tonight (tonight, tonight)


    Song Type: Licensed Cover
    First Appearance: Karaoke Revolution
    Artist Notes: The name's probably a Konami-made placeholder name. Anyone
    with more insight is free to give it.
    Misc. Notes: This is a cover of the popular song by Jennifer Lopez,
    released in 1999.


    Artist: X-TREME
    Genre: Hip Hop
    BPM: 128

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 5 5
    STD: 5 6
    HVY: 7 7

    Heavy Notes: There are two rather large streams at the beginning and end of
    the tune, and both involve crossovers. The middle is mostly unsurprising.



    All my brothers and sisters
    All in all over ten billion listeners
    Lend me your ear when you want to hear
    The hypest and ripest sound of the year

    Up and kiss the body boy then pucker
    Up and kiss the body boy then pucker
    Up and kiss the body boy then pucker
    Up and kiss the body boy then boy then
    Up and kiss body body boy then pucker
    Up and kiss the body boy then pucker
    Up and kiss the body boy then pucker
    Up and kiss the body boy then boy then
    Up and kiss body body

    Ok, y'all this is it now buff it
    And the mic will sing soon as I touch it
    Do this smooth and easy like
    So we might get high to hear the night.
    Be nice, relax MCs from the back
    If you ain't with that
    I'm a have to attack you with the bad rap
    That could smack this mouth word face jack
    So don't start no crap.
    Give it a little bit of heart and soul,
    As you do it till it's in your ear hole ha,
    I ain't goin' on like a sucker
    And if you think so boy then pucka
    Up and kiss the body this lyricist
    Glow on the mic word up this groove is set
    To sooth move you party people now it's time to.

    That's Boogie Boogie
    That's Boogie Wonderland
    Ha Boogie
    That's Boogie Boogie
    That's Boogie Wonderland
    Ha Boogie
    That's Boogie Boogie
    That's Boogie Wonderland
    Ha Boogie

    boy then boy then boy then
    kiss the body
    boy then boy then boy then
    kiss the body
    boy boy boy boy boy boy boy...


    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: X-TREME is a cover artist. They've also done "MY FIRE" which
    appeared in DDR USA. The original "Boogie Wonderland" is by Earth, Wind &

    4FF. Y.M.C.A. =

    Genre: Disco
    BPM: 130

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 2
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 7 7

    Heavy Notes: You wouldn't think such a popular song would be this difficult.
    There are lots of double steps in the streams, and the streams will
    crossover. The most difficult part is the last couple of measures of the
    verses, which have multiple double steps in the streams.



    Young man, there's no need to feel down
    I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground
    I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town
    There's no need to be unhappy

    Young man, there's a place you can go
    I said, young man, when you're short on your dough
    You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find
    Many ways to have a good time

    It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A
    It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A

    They have everything for you men to enjoy
    You can hang out with all the boys

    It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A
    It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A

    You can get yourself cleaned, you can have a good meal
    You can do whatever you feel




    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: BRAND NEW
    Artist Notes: There really is no need for an introduction, but I'll try
    anyway. Since 1977, this band of costumed men have proven to the world that
    there will always be a place for disco in the music scene. Although the
    members have changed, there have always been six: the Native American, the
    Soldier, the Construction Worker, the Cop, the Cowboy, and the Biker.
    Original members Felipe Rose (Native American), Alex Briley (Soldier), and
    David Hodo (Construction Worker) are still in the band today. The song needs
    even less introduction, first appearing in the 1978 album "Cruisin'". This
    song, plugging the values of the Young Men's Christian Association, has
    easily the #1 most recognizable dance moves in the world.

    4GG. Your Rain (RAGE MIX) =

    Artist: Akira Yamaoka feat. Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
    Genre: Electro R&B*
    BPM: 84

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 2
    STD: 4 5
    HVY: 6 7

    Heavy Notes: Pretty simple. While there are several double steps in the
    streams, and a few crossovers, the slow pace means you can take your time
    picking them up.



    You touched my body once
    It burns me still softly
    Never forgets
    Never again will be
    I cry

    Out of my head and I don't know what I found
    Over and over, I feel it break me down

    Waiting for a gentle rain
    A gentle me
    A gentle you

    On the sidewalk
    Of the city
    Are my screams just a whisper?

    Busy people
    Going nowhere
    See me soak in the rain

    No compassion
    Nothing matters
    My resistance is waning

    Like a flower
    In the basement
    Waiting for a lonely death


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: BRAND NEW
    Artist Notes: Akira Yamaoka is best known as the composer for Konami's horror
    series, Silent Hill. This particular song is a remix of one of the tracks
    from Silent Hill 4: The Room. Mary McGlynn is not only a singer, but a
    voice actress as well.
    Misc. Notes: This song has a music video, which will negate the dancing


    These songs are available to you by default, and they have appeared in
    previous American Playstation mixes (DDR USA, DDR Konamix, DDR Disney Mix,
    DDRMAX USA, and/or DDRMAX2 USA).

    5A. .59 =

    Artist: dj TAKA
    Genre: Chill Out*
    BPM: 135

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 4
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 7 7

    Play Notes: The song carries at a steady pace, until the end, where it slows
    down ever so slightly.

    Heavy Notes: Prepare for lengthy streams during the main melody, with a
    couple of gallops thrown in to match the piano hits. The streams are fairly
    straightforward, though. Also, during the bridge, you'll find some streams
    of sixteenths, but they stay on the same two arrows.


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: beatmania IIDX 2nd Style
    DDR Debut: DDR 4th Mix (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR Ultramix, DDR Konamix
    Artist Notes: See "Love Love Sugar" for info on dj TAKA.
    Misc. Notes: So, what's the significance of ".59"? Well, "point five nine"
    in Japanese is "ten-go-kyu". This is very similar to "tengoku", which is
    Japanese for "heaven" or "paradise". The "Kyd Konamix Mix" of this tune by
    Jesper Kyd is in DDR Ultramix 2.

    5B. Bad Routine =

    Artist: D.J. Spugna
    Genre: Filter House*
    BPM: 130

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 3
    STD: 5 6
    HVY: 6 7

    Play Notes: There are a couple of stops in this song, right before the first
    run of the chorus and right before the last run of the chorus, and it happens
    as the drums stop. There aren't any weird steps put there, so even if you
    don't find the stops as they come, you'd be able to pick it back up.

    Heavy Notes: Little serious stuff to note here. The "I'm movin', I'm movin'"
    parts in the first and third time through the chorus are all followed by
    the steps. Watch for steps coming in on the offbeats, and the same with the
    freeze arrows. There's a little bit of chaos in the middle as you hit two
    gallops, but they're easy to see.



    I'm movin', I'm movin', I'm movin, aw yeah!
    Let's all get together!
    I'm movin', I'm movin', I'm movin, aw yeah!

    I'm movin', I'm movin', I'm movin, aw yeah!
    Let's all get together!
    I'm movin', I'm movin', I'm movin, aw yeah!

    I'm movin', I'm movin', I'm movin, aw yeah!
    Let's all get together!
    I'm movin', I'm movin', I'm movin, aw yeah!


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: beatmania IIDX 7th Style
    DDR Debut: DDRMAX2 USA
    Artist Notes: See "A Stupid Barber" for my small amount of info on Shoichiro
    Hirata, also known as "Sho-T".

    5C. DROP OUT =

    Artist: NW260
    Genre: Hardcore Techno
    BPM: 260

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 3
    LGT: 5 5
    STD: 7 7
    HVY: 9 9

    Heavy Notes: This song of high tempo may seem pretty tame from the
    get-go, but that's before you hit the quarter-note streams of double steps.
    Those hurt. Once you pass those two sets (on the second set, keep one foot
    on the down arrow to ease it), it's smooth sailing for most of the song,
    until you hit the "dropping whistle" sound, where it starts throwing
    eighths at you, then a sixty-four note long stream of eighths. If you're
    still alive here, you have one last set of double steps to close out the
    song with.


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR Solo 2000 (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR Konamix, DDR Ultramix 2
    Artist Notes: NW260 is a psuedonym for Naoki. The "260", of course, refers
    to the BPM.

    5D. ECSTASY =

    Artist: d-complex
    Genre: Euro Trance*
    BPM: 145

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 4
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 7 7

    Play Notes: Despite the BPM's insisting, it does change ever so slightly,
    which is right after the first hold, which lasts about two measures. After
    that section is a second hold, and this one lasts four measures.

    Heavy Notes: The hardest part is accommodating the song's stops and slight
    changes. Take that away and you have a few lengthy streams, several turns,
    but nothing too hairy, and steps that largely follow the music.


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR 5th Mix
    American Appearances: DDRMAX USA
    Artist Notes: d-complex is a psuedonym for Naoki (see the FAQ for info)

    5E. HIGHER =

    Artist: NM feat. SUNNY
    Genre: Dance Pop*
    BPM: 132

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 3
    STD: 5 5
    HVY: 6 7

    Heavy Notes: Nice and easy for the most part. Small streams, mostly, with
    only a tiny bit of turning. Watch out for some quick double steps at the



    Girl, give it up, go and run away
    To the arms of a magic day
    Where you can stay
    Where you can find yourself
    Find yourself

    Lose your fear, 'cause there is no one here
    Do what you want to do
    There's nobody stopping you, no
    Give yourself and let the music take you far
    Then you will know who you are

    Baby, getting higher
    We're getting higher
    Movin' with the vibe
    Let the rhythm make you fly
    You are the one! Baby, isn't this fun

    (Won't you show me how?)
    Whoa-oh oh ohhhh, whoa-oh
    You and I
    I know we can move if we try
    You know this is how it should be

    Baby, getting higher
    We're getting higher
    Open up your eyes
    Everyday is a surprise
    You are the one
    Baby, the only one

    We're getting higher
    We're getting higher
    Start again from here
    And a new you will appear
    You are the one, baby isn't this fun


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR Konamix, DDR Disney Mix
    Artist Notes: NM is short for Naoki Maeda (information in FAQ). Sunny James
    is the song's vocalist.

    5F. i feel... =

    Genre: Trance*
    BPM: 141

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 2
    STD: 6 5
    HVY: 9 9

    Heavy Notes: For a nine-footer, this isn't too bad. Your main problem comes
    from knowing the steps, which don't always follow the rhythm of the song.
    In the beginning, it follows the rhythm all right, but about halfway through,
    you start getting gallops. The steps change so much that trying to go
    through all of them would make these notes really long. Suffice to say that
    it'll probably take a few plays through to get sharp enough to pick up when
    you get eighth notes and when you get sixteenths. There are no turns to deal
    with, though, and no tiring step runs.


    Lyrics: ("ai fiiri" is kana for "i feel")

    ai fiiri...
    ai fiiiiiiiri...
    ai fiiri...
    ai fiiiiiiiri...

    (Japanese lyrics, which, I'm told, are impossible to decipher due to the

    ai fiiri...
    ai fiiiiiiiri...
    ai fiiri...
    ai fiiiiiiiri...
    ai fiiri...
    ai fiiiiiiiri...
    ai fiiri...
    ai fiiiiiiiri...


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: beatmania IIDX 7th Style
    DDR Debut: DDRMAX2: DDR 7th Mix (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDRMAX2 USA
    Artist Notes: See "Your Rain" for more info on Akira Yamaoka. This song
    doesn't have its roots in Silent Hill, but it is a very haunting trance, and
    the background video could seem reminiscent of the graininess that is SH.
    Misc. Notes: Other mixes are the "T.O.Y. Remix" in DDR Ultramix 2, and the
    "Junk Circuit Mix" in DDR Ultramix 2 (Song Pack 7).

    5G. I'M FOR REAL =

    Artist: SLAKE
    Genre: Two Step*
    BPM: 140

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 3
    STD: 5 4
    HVY: 7 6

    Heavy Notes: Chaotic steps are the most prominent here, focused around the
    jazzy off-beat nature of the tune. The streams never get too long, and
    there's no turning involved. Watch for some gallops and sixteenths that
    follow the quick lyrics.



    Look... in...
    To my eyes...

    Look into my eyes and you will see
    Look deep into my eyes and you will see the real me
    Oh, baby reach way down into my soul
    And you will see real love unfold

    Oh, baby
    I'm for real, about the way I feel
    I don't have no doubts
    Just wanna shout out loud
    I'm for real, about the way I feel
    It's just a matter of time
    And you will be all mine

    Na, na na na...
    Na, na na na...
    Na, na na na...
    Na, na na na...
    Na, na na na...
    Na, na na na...
    Na, na na na...
    Na, na na na...

    Look deep into my eyes
    And you will feel the real me
    Oh, baby search deep into my heart
    And you see the fire burnin' from the start

    Oh, baby
    I'm for real, about the way I feel
    I don't have no doubts
    Just wanna shout out loud
    I'm for real, about the way I feel
    It's just a matter of time
    And you will be all mine


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: beatmania IIDX 4th Style
    Artist Notes: SLAKE is Takehiko Fujii, a Konami Original artist who works
    mostly in beatmania. JP miles is the vocalist for this tune.

    5H. PEACE-OUT =

    Artist: dj nagureo
    Genre: Deep House*
    BPM: 133

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 2 3
    STD: 4 5
    HVY: 7 7

    Heavy Notes: There are some simple turns in this song, and during the part
    where the percussion kicks out, you'll have to deal with some weird double
    steps as you connect with the keyboard.



    Peace out... (repeated)

    Don't leave me baby... (repeated)


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: beatmania 4th Mix
    Artist Notes: Reo Nagumo is dj nagureo, a popular Beatmania artist who
    specializes in house and R&B.

    5I. SO IN LOVE =

    Artist: Caramel.S
    Genre: Dance Pop
    BPM: 112

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 4
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 7 7

    Heavy Notes: Some turns and streams aren't very long. There are several
    freeze arrows with eighth note steps sandwiched around them. There are also
    a few chaotic steps, such as a few gallops sprinkled here and there, as well
    as an interesting triplet run near the end.



    I wake at night and I start reaching for you
    Every single time
    I wish you lived a little closer
    There's nothing else can make me feel the way you do
    And phone calls don't provide
    The warm I need when nights are colder

    Missing you is more than I can stand
    I need you here with me, so baby take my hand

    Let's get close again I'm So In Love
    You may be far away, but I need you here today now
    To hold me. Boy, I'll never get enough
    You're the only one for me. Come on over and you'll see
    You and Me, we are So In Love


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDRMAX: DDR 6th Mix (JP PS2)
    American Appearances: DDRMAX USA, DDR Ultramix
    Artist Notes: Atsushi Sato is Caramel.S, yet another Konami Original artist.

    5J. TSUGARU =

    Artist: RevenG vs DE-SIRE
    Genre: Oedo Techno
    BPM: 70-165

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 4
    STD: 6 7
    HVY: 9 9

    Play Notes: Just before the steps begin is a stop in the music. Once you
    get to the end, the music will slow down gradually, so be sure to watch for

    Heavy Notes: In the beginning, you'll be stepping the strings, then a long
    freeze, then a whole bunch of gallops. After the gallops, you'll think you're
    hitting a gallop, then a double step, but YOU'RE NOT. What looks like a
    double step is two THIRTY-SECOND notes, matching up to the music, so stay
    sharp there. In the section with background synthesizers, you'll be facing
    eighths with double steps in the streams, and one long stream that goes more
    than four measures, and which will require you to turn several times. After
    that, more gallops and eighth notes, then, finally, the slowdown, which
    follows the music exactly. A good easy-to-moderate nine-footer.


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDRMAX2: DDR 7th Mix (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDRMAX2 USA, DDR Ultramix
    Artist Notes: It's kinda weird to be "vs" yourself, but both of these artists
    are Naoki psuedonyms. RevenG (formerly known as RE-VENGE) is the name Naoki
    uses for his traditional ethnic style music for tunes such as "AFRONOVA",
    "ORION.78", and "exotic ethnic". DE-SIRE is the name Naoki uses for the
    "TRIP MACHINE" and "Healing Vision" series.

    5K. WILD RUSH =

    Artist: FACTOR-X
    Genre: Ambient Breaks*
    BPM: 80-180

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 2
    LGT: 4 4
    STD: 5 6
    HVY: 6 8

    Play Notes: This song steadily speeds up throughout. It starts at 80bpm,
    then keeps increasing by 20 for the duration of the song, until it hits 180.

    Heavy Notes: The opener has steps on the piano hits, which are sixteenths,
    and they don't start on the beat. The second section has gallops to match
    the percussion. After that, it's pretty simple, until the end, where you
    have some pretty quick streams that go to the end.


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR Solo 2000 (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR Konamix
    Artist Notes: FACTOR-X is another Naoki psuedonym (see the FAQ for info).


    These songs must be unlocked by playing a certain number of songs. They'll
    have a big flashy "NEW!" next to them when you first unlock them.

    6A. 321STARS =

    UNLOCK: Play 20 Songs

    Artist: DJ SIMON
    Genre: Techno Pop*
    BPM: 192

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 2
    LGT: 4 4
    STD: 6 7
    HVY: 8 8

    Play Notes: There is a small pause in this song, just as the lyric "the stars"
    is heard.

    Heavy Notes: For the most part, this song follows the music. There are a
    bunch of streams, but only later in the song do they get difficult. There
    are also plenty of offbeat sections, and some gallops in the second half.



    1! 2! 3, 2, 1, *burp!*

    1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3, 2, 1, uh!

    1! 2! 3, 2, 1, uh!

    1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3-2-1, the stars

    1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3, 2, 1, Hi!!!


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: beatmania COMPLETE MIX 2
    DDR Debut: DDR Extreme (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR Ultramix 2
    Artist Notes: DJ SIMON is Kiyotaka Sugimoto, a BEMANI artist with a healthy
    amount of beatmania and pop'n music tunes.

    6B. A =

    UNLOCK: Play 140 Songs

    Artist: D.J. Amuro
    Genre: Renaissance*
    BPM: 93-191

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 2
    LGT: 4 4
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 8 8
    CHA: 9 9

    Play Notes: The first half of the song is at the 93 bpm, then there's a stop,
    and the rest of the song is at 191.

    Heavy Notes: The opener is pretty simple, only a few sixteenths thrown in to
    add variety. Once the song really gets underway, expect short streams,
    leading into longer streams, but nothing too difficult to step.

    Challenge Notes: Several double steps have been added to the opener. The
    length of the streams in the second half hasn't changed much, but the streams
    are far more difficult, requiring a lot of crossovers, and some streams have
    double steps in them.


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: beatmania IIDX 7th Style
    DDR Debut: DDR Extreme (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR Ultramix 2
    Artist Notes: D.J. Amuro is an alias for the great dj TAKA. More info on him
    is in LOVE LOVE SUGAR.
    Misc. Notes: If you're to say this song title out loud, it's "Ace". This
    makes sense given the card suits and the joker in the background still.

    6C. ABSOLUTE =

    UNLOCK: Play 100 Songs

    Artist: dj TAKA
    Genre: Epic Trance*
    BPM: 60-144

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 3
    STD: 5 6
    HVY: 8 8

    Play Notes: At the very end of this song, the song slows down considerably
    to 60 BPM.

    Heavy Notes: You'll find yourself matching the main melody step-for-step
    while it plays. There are also some lengthy streams, including a 48-long
    stream. Also, be prepared to turn at several points. With some stamina,
    you'll find this to be a relatively easy eight-footer.


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: beatmania IIDX 4th Style
    DDR Debut: DDR 5th Mix (Arcade)
    American Apperances: DDR Konamix
    Artist Notes: See LOVE LOVE SUGAR for info on dj TAKA.
    Misc. Notes: There is a "Cuff-N-Stuff it Mix" of ABSOLUTE on DDR Ultramix and
    DDR Extreme 2.

    6D. B4U =

    UNLOCK: Play 55 Songs

    Artist: NAOKI
    Genre: Speed Rave*
    BPM: 155

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 4
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 8 7

    Heavy Notes: Probably one of the easiest eight-footers in the business.
    You'll face short to medium-length streams, with no turning. There are a
    few gallops to match the music at the chorus, and a few sixteenths just
    before the key change.



    Let's get it on, don't stop us now
    We come on the scene, we came to get down
    Check the moves, you know they can't be dissed
    Ain't too many that can float like this
    We humbling, comin at ya
    And the rhythm is gonna getcha
    Need I, should I not say no more
    Tell me what's the deal, yo check my flow!

    Jump, jump, jump, DDR!
    Yo! Everybody feel the beat with DDR!
    Jam, jam, jam, DDR!
    Everybody dance, let's get down!

    Could it be that you wanna be more like me
    No shame, I bring pain for the year 2G
    Now, we are gonna turn this party out
    Put your hands in the air, move 'em all about
    Can you feel the beat down in your soul
    Don't fight the rhythm, just let it go
    4, 3, 2, 1, let's count it down
    Wanna see you move, let me hear that sound!

    Jump, jump, jump, DDR!
    Yo! Everybody feel the beat with DDR!
    Jam, jam, jam, DDR!
    Everybody dance, let's get down!

    B, B, B, B4U!
    Yo! Everybody feel the beat with DDR!
    Jam, jam, jam, DDR!
    Everybody dance, let's get down!


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR Disney Mix, DDR Konamix, DDR Ultramix 2
    Artist Notes: See FAQ for info on Naoki. Lyrics in this song are by Aaron G.


    UNLOCK: Play 50 Songs

    Artist: NAOKI
    Genre: Speed Rave
    BPM: 170

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 4
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 9 9

    Heavy Notes: Welcome to Flavor Country, ladies and germs. There are a few
    gallops to contend with at the main chorus, and at the bridge, but the
    majority of the entire song is massive waves of streams with crossovers and
    multiple taps, all coming at a nice crisp 170 BPM. This is a very good song
    for practicing your stamina and crossovers.



    My life
    meant nothing to me
    then a guy like you came along

    is moving so fast
    I gotta get my feet on the ground

    Unhappy days are over 'cause I can
    always be with you

    Lying in your arms day by day,
    makes me feel, oh, so brand new

    Can't stop fallin' in love
    Tell me you will be true (forever baby)
    I just can't stop dreaming of you
    everyday (every way)

    Say you love me baby
    Say you will always be mine
    You'll never break my heart

    I just can't stop fallin' in love
    Baby you became
    Makin' love with you
    is all I wanna do (wanna do)

    Can't stop fallin' in love
    Give your heart and soul
    Stay with me this time
    and we'll make history (you and me)


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR 5th Mix (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR Ultramix
    Artist Notes: Info on Naoki is in the FAQ.
    Misc Notes: The original CAN'T STOP FALLIN' IN LOVE is in DDR Konamix and


    UNLOCK: Play 85 Songs

    Artist: Scotty D.
    Genre: Techno Rave*
    BPM: 150

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 4
    STD: 5 5
    HVY: 6 6

    Heavy Notes: You'll be facing short streams with some Chaos, mostly. Once
    you reach the bridge of the song, you'll match the percussion with your steps,
    and then get back into the normal groove for the last chorus, until the end,
    where you'll have to step in time to the synthesizer. It's a string of
    quarter-note length triplets, so follow the music with them, and don't go too



    Sorry, but could I have the music louder?

    Yeah drop the bomb! Just drop the bomb!

    I'm kinda dizzy, 'cause of my dreams...

    Getting sick and tired of the fossil-like system
    Now or never it's the time to resist 'em
    It's easy to blast them all away
    Pull a trigger, push a button, say adios to today
    Don't get me wrong, I'm a pacifist
    The mind can do more than the fist
    Explosives are not what it takes
    (You know, terrorists always make these mistakes)

    What we gotta do is build momentum
    If you need the right tools invent 'em
    Ride the wave of time, come feel the rhythm
    The march to the future has begun, get with 'em
    The brain is the generator of almighty power
    Either do it now or your master plan goes sour
    Yeah! Are you ready to take that fall?
    It's up to you to make that call to drop the bomb!

    Yeah drop the bomb!
    Just drop the bomb!
    Let me see that bomb!


    Learn from the sunken Mu, Atlantis
    And from the beheaded male-praying mantis
    We've all gotta make room for whats to come
    What we gotta do is build momentum
    If you need the right tools invent 'em
    Ride the wave of time, come feel the rhythm
    The march to the future has begun, get with 'em
    The brain is the generator of almighty power
    Either do it now or your master plan goes sour
    Yeah! Are you ready to take that fall?
    It's up to you to make that call!

    (And if it don't work then make the real thing, wipe it out)

    So drop the bomb!
    Yeah drop the bomb!
    Just drop the bomb!
    Let me see that bomb!

    That bomb!
    That bomb!
    That bomb!


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix (JP PS1)
    American Appearances: DDR USA, DDR Konamix
    Artist Notes: Scott Dolph is KCET's guy for public relations with the USA.
    Turns out he's a pretty good vocalist and rapper, too. The actual song was
    composed by U1-ASAMI, sound director for most of the DDR home versions.
    Misc. Notes: The "System SF Mix" of DROP THE BOMB appears on DDRMAX USA and
    DDR Ultramix.

    6G. Frozen Ray (for EXTREME) =

    UNLOCK: Play 155 Songs

    Artist: dj TAKA
    Genre: Trance*
    BPM: 156

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 3
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 9 8

    Heavy Notes: The first section has a bunch of gallops and a few double steps
    leading into streams. Following that, there's a whole bunch of three-step
    streams, then a few four-step streams with crossovers, then a rather long
    stream with lots of crossovers, then some freezes at the end.


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: Keyboardmania 3rd Mix
    DDR Debut: DDR Extreme (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: See LOVE LOVE SUGAR.
    Misc. Notes: This is a shortened version of the original Frozen Ray made for
    DDR Extreme.

    6H. Funk Boogie =

    UNLOCK: Play 80 Songs

    Artist: Funk Kid feat. KOOL BOYS.
    Genre: Funk
    BPM: 127

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 3
    STD: 5 5
    HVY: 6 6

    Heavy Notes: Pretty simple streams, and a few tricks with freezes, but
    nothing worth starting a volume about. Watch the last step, because it's
    neither on nor off the beat.



    So dance!
    While I put you in a trance!
    Freaky, get us started!
    Feel the vibration!
    Action! C'mon!
    I said hey, hey, hey!
    Whatcha got to say?
    Whatcha got to say?
    I said 1, 2, 3, 4!
    Get down!


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: BRAND NEW
    Artist Notes: Funk Kid is Sota Fujimori, artist of such popular tunes as "Look
    To The Sky", "Kind Lady", and "Do It Right". If my ears serve me correctly,
    Scott Dolph is one of the "KOOL BOYS".

    6I. KEEP ON MOVIN' =

    UNLOCK: Play 25 Songs

    Artist: N.M.R
    Genre: Dance Pop*
    BPM: 132

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 4
    STD: 5 6
    HVY: 6 7

    Heavy Notes: This song seems to like streams, and you'll find some of decent
    size, and some that require you to turn, but there's very little excitement
    besides that.



    Keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on doin' it
    All new happy on your own (keep on, keep on, keep on, oh)
    Keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on doin' it (What about my love)
    Hope you feel good, hope you feel better, ooh!

    Oh yeah, that's right, you'll be alone
    Why don't you get out, won't you feel the need
    You got so much of what you like
    You better look at life, cause I've got this for you

    Yeah, we want you to savor day, for you to get away
    Now if you don't care about what I say, then you gotta think about the time
    Because it's on your mind, it got your body goin'
    In the motion, as I'm going through this flowing groove, it's funky

    Keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on doin' it
    All new happy on your own (keep on, keep on, keep on, oh)
    Keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on doin' it (What about my love)
    Hope you feel good, hope you feel better, ooh!

    Keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on doin' it
    (Doin' it, doin' it, doin' it)


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR 2nd Mix (Arcade)
    American Apperances: DDR USA
    Artist Notes: N.M.R is a Naoki psuedonym.
    Misc. Notes: There's a "DMX Mix" on DDR Ultramix and DDR Extreme 2.

    6J. La Senorita =

    UNLOCK: Play 115 Songs

    Artist: CAPTAIN.T
    Genre: Latin Pop
    BPM: 182

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 2
    LGT: 4 4
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 7 9

    Heavy Notes: The main thing you'll notice about this song is that it follows
    the music (on Heavy) pretty well. It's basically short streams that aren't
    always on the beat. Probably the toughest portion of this song is right
    before the second verse, where you'll have to go from a stream into a double



    Sitting in the corner with a coffee cup
    Reading the newspaper, not looking up
    She smiles as she finds something funny there,
    The sunlight shining in her hair

    When she leaves you want to follow her anywhere
    Her dress is too tight but you can't let her see you stare

    And she's a hot one, a jalepena
    Ooh la Senorita
    You'll never get close enough
    To la Senorita

    Hora, sa fuega

    You know she has a mind, she has an attitude
    And she likes her space and her solitude
    She'll tease you or please you, if she's feeling good
    Or burn you like you knew she would

    When she smiles It's like the sun shining on your face
    Pulling and stretching her leather and lace

    And she's a hot one, a jalepena
    Ooh la Senorita
    In Baja, California
    Ooh la Senorita
    Ooh la Senorita



    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR USA, DDR Ultramix 2 (Song Pack 7)
    Artist Notes: CAPTAIN.T is Thomas Howard Lichtenstein, more popular for the
    Silent Hill songs and his work on Guitar Freaks.
    Misc. Notes: A remix of this, called "La Senorita Virtual", is in DDR Konamix
    and DDR Ultramix.


    UNLOCK: Play 40 Songs

    Artist: mitsu-O!
    Genre: Reggae
    BPM: 119

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 5
    STD: 5 7
    HVY: 7 7

    Heavy Notes: Because this song's so slow, they'll try to trip you up by
    overloading steps. In addition to plenty of streams, you'll get doubles
    thrown in, and it gets really evil at the end, where they'll stream up
    doubles together to trip you up.



    Got no money
    Talk to my dream

    Time after time I've tried to walk away
    Uh, uh, uh, and you don't break my heart
    Time after time I've tried to walk away
    Uh, uh, uh
    Time after time I've tried to walk away
    Uh, uh, uh, and you don't break my heart
    Time after time I've tried to walk away
    Uh, uh, uh

    Yeah, yeah, yeah
    Yeah, yeah, yeah

    Time after time I've tried to walk away
    Uh, uh, uh, and you don't break my heart
    Time after time I've tried to walk away
    Uh, uh, uh

    Yeah, yeah, yeah
    Yeah, yeah, yeah


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR 1st Mix (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR USA
    Artist Notes: mitsu-O! is a Naoki psuedonym.
    Misc. Notes: The SO-REAL mix of this song is in DDR Konamix.

    6L. ON THE JAZZ =

    UNLOCK: Play 70 Songs

    Artist: Jonny Dynamite!
    Genre: Jazz Funk
    BPM: 130

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 2 3
    STD: 4 5
    HVY: 7 7

    Heavy Notes: For half of the song, you'll deal with the organ hits, in a
    psuedo-triplet style. For the other half, you'll have lengthy streams with a
    little turning, and in between, you'll have a little bit of chaos as you
    match Jonny's lyrics.




    When I step onto the dance floor
    I gotta pause and thank the Lord
    Thank him for the gifts he gave me
    In addition to the rhythm and jammin' beat
    Anytime that I hear the jazz play
    I gotta tell them half-steppers "Get out my way"
    Trix are for kids and I'm playin' for keeps
    I can buy you and sell you, you can keep the receipt
    'Cause can't nobody move the crowd the way I do
    I feel for any fool that might try to
    Heard the boom boom baby girl never you fear
    I'm Jonny Dynamite let 'em know I'm up in here
    The jazz is on the one, and the music's bumpin'
    DJ's got the whole crowd jumpin'
    Door to door we go for yours
    All we want is more, more jazz

    (Can y'all handle more jazz?
    Yeah all we want is more jazz
    Feel me
    Break it down for me now, yo)

    Aight now, swing it
    Like they used to do
    Put the house beat to it and before I'm through
    You might learn a thing or two you can show your peeps
    And you can catch me on Soul Train late next week
    Don't you know I'm all that and a bucket of wings?
    I'm on the jazz, when I feel the need to shake my groove thing
    When you see me comin' sit back, relax
    Tell your boys, look out step back
    And feel that jazz

    (hot, sexual)

    (here I come again, here I come again
    Yet again... Dynamite's blowin' up the show
    Save my soul)


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR 5th Mix (JP PS1)
    American Appearances: DDR Konamix, DDR Ultramix
    Artist Notes: Jonny Dynamite! is most probably the vocalist. This song was
    put together by U1-ASAMI.


    UNLOCK: Play 130 Songs

    Artist: 190
    Genre: Jungle*
    BPM: 190

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 2
    LGT: 6 7
    STD: 8 8
    HVY: 8 9

    Heavy Notes: At first, this seems much like the original, only a bit faster,
    having slightly longer streams, and more double steps. This all holds until
    you get to the end, where you have a sixty-one note long stream, before going
    for the last stretch to the end.



    Fee-fee-fee-feels so good...
    Feels good!


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR 2nd Mix (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR USA
    Artist Notes: 190 is another Naoki psuedonym, denoting the BPM.
    Misc. Notes: See PARANOiA ETERNAL

    6N. Scorching Moon =

    UNLOCK: Play 5 Songs

    Artist: Shawn the Horny Master
    Genre: House*
    BPM: 125

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 4
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 7 8

    Heavy Notes: A simpler seven-footer than some. There's quite a bit of chaos
    in here, but it's pretty obvious when it follows the music, particularly that
    driving percussion. There are a few doubles-in-streams, but the streams are
    all pretty short. The middle may have the most foot-tangling parts, with
    some odd freeze arrow twists.




    I need it! (repeated)

    Mmm... Good! Makes we wanna sweat! (repeated)


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR Extreme (JP PS2)
    Artist Notes: Shawn the Horny Master is Sho-T (see "A Stupid Barber").


    UNLOCK: Play 10 Songs

    Artist: DE-SIRE
    Genre: Drum'N'Bass
    BPM: 160

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 6 7
    STD: 7 8
    HVY: 8 8

    Heavy Notes: One thing that seems to be common with the TRIP MACHINES is that
    they follow the rhythm of the song pretty well. Of course, the song has
    some pretty weird rhythms. Still, expect nothing more complicated than short
    to medium length streams that require you to turn, and a few double steps
    put in the streams.



    5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Let's start!
    Come on! Yeah, baby!
    Y-Y-Y-You got it! Come on!
    Come on! Do it now!
    Do you love me? Do you?
    Come on! Do it now!
    Do you love me? Do you?
    Ohhhhh yeah!

    Start the show
    Start the show
    Start the show





    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR 1st Mix (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR USA
    Artist Notes: DE-SIRE is the name Naoki uses for the TRIP MACHINE series.
    Misc. Notes: Other featured TRIP MACHINES include SP-TRIP MACHINE (JUNGLE MIX)
    from DDR USA and DDRMAX2 USA, the -luv mix- from DDR Konamix and DDR Ultramix

    6P. V (for EXTREME) =

    UNLOCK: Play 170 Songs

    Artist: TAKA
    Genre: Progressive*
    BPM: 150

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 3
    STD: 6 5
    HVY: 8 8
    CHA: 9 9

    Heavy Notes: There are a lot of steps in this song. There are a few gallops,
    but they pale once the song gets underway. You have sixteenths in the main
    string sections, and a rather long crossover stream in the piano section.

    Challenge Notes: There are a lot of similarities between this and the Heavy
    steps, but the main thing added to these steps is far more sixteenths,
    particularly in the string sections. They also cut out freezes to put more
    streams and gallops in. There are also plenty of sixteenths at the end.


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: beatmania IIDX 5th Style
    DDR Debut: DDR Extreme (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR Ultramix 2
    Artist Notes: See LOVE LOVE SUGAR for my info on dj TAKA.
    Misc. Notes: The "for EXTREME" tag means that this is a shortened version of
    the original IIDX song designed for DDR Extreme. V is short for Vivaldi,
    as in, the famous baroque composer Antonio Vivaldi. The original piece this
    work is based on is from The Four Seasons, Concerto No.4 in F Minor, revision
    297, "Winter".

    6Q. You're Not Here =

    UNLOCK: Play 35 Songs

    Artist: Heather
    Genre: Rock/Alternative
    BPM: 70-138

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 4 4
    STD: 6 6
    HVY: 8 8

    Play Notes: This song slows down to the 70 bpm right near the end.

    Heavy Notes: In the beginning, one foot will be stuck on the up arrow hitting
    quarter notes while the other manages the other three arrows with freezes and
    some eighths. After that, some simple streams and freezes, that gradually
    get more difficult, involving crossovers, double steps in the streams, and
    gallops. It gets more intense, leading to a long stream near the end, that
    goes into the slowdown.



    Blue sky to forever
    Green grass blows in the wind, dancing
    It would be a much better sight
    With you, with me

    If you hadn't met me
    I'd be fine on my own, baby
    Never felt so lonely then you came along

    So, now what can I do?
    I'm strung out, addicted to you
    My body aches, now that you're gone
    My supply fell through

    You gladly gave me everything you had and more
    You craved my happiness
    When you made me feel joy, it made you smile, but now
    I feel your stress
    Love was never meant to be such a crazy affair, no
    And who has time for tears?
    I never thought I'd sit around and cry for your love
    'Til now.


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: BRAND NEW
    Artist Notes: Heather is actually the main character for Silent Hill 3, the
    actual artist is Akira Yamaoka, and the vocals are again by Mary Elizabeth
    Misc. Notes: This is yet another Silent Hill tune, this one from Silent Hill
    3. This song has a music video, which will negate the dancing characters.


    These songs are remixes of popular Konami Originals. They only have one
    difficulty: Challenge. They have to be unlocked just like any other song.

    7A. B4U (B4 ZA BEAT MIX) =

    UNLOCK: Play 65 Songs

    Artist: NAOKI
    Genre: Speed Rave
    BPM: 170

    Sgl Dbl
    CHA: 7 7

    Challenge Notes: Although faster, it's simpler than the original B4U Heavy.
    There are some mid-length streams that are pretty easy. The only real hard
    part is just before the "B-B-B-B4U", where you have four sixteenths in a



    Jam, jam, jam, DDR-R-R-R!

    Let's get it on, don't stop us now
    We come on the scene, we came to get down
    Check the moves, you know they can't be dissed
    Ain't too many that can float like this
    We humbling, comin at ya
    And the rhythm is gonna getcha
    Need I, should I not say no more
    Tell me what's the deal, yo check my flow!

    Jump, jump, jump, DDR!
    Yo! Everybody feel the beat with DDR!
    Jam, jam, jam, DDR!
    Everybody dance, let's get down!

    B, B, B, B4U!
    Yo! Everybody feel the beat with DDR!
    Jam, jam, jam, DDR!
    Everybody dance, let's get down!


    Song Type: License
    First Appearance: Dancing Stage EuroMIX 2 (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: See the FAQ for info on Naoki. B4 ZA BEAT is Shusaku Ichikawa
    and Munehiro Ohtomo.
    Misc. Notes: Believe it or not, this is actually a Dancemania license, a
    remix of B4U owned by Toshiba-EMI. In its original appearance, this song
    had the three normal difficulties (Light, Standard, and Heavy), but then it
    was brought to DDRMAX2 (Arcade) for Oni Mode, where only the Heavy steps
    were kept and made Challenge steps.


    UNLOCK: Play 175 Songs

    Artist: NW260
    Genre: Techno
    BPM: 130

    Sgl Dbl
    CHA: 9 9

    Challenge Notes: This remix may seem like a total cakewalk until you get to
    the end. There, you'll find a giant stream of sixteenth notes, similar to
    how the original DROP OUT did it.


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDRMAX2: DDR 7th Mix (Arcade)
    Misc. Notes: This piece was originally in DDRMAX2 as a secret song only
    playable through an Oni Course. It was first selectable as a song in DDR
    Extreme for the arcade. So, what's a "Nonstop Megamix"? Well, the deal is
    that Konami and Toshiba-EMI release soundtracks for the DDR games in Japan.
    These soundtracks consist of two discs. One has all the new songs to that
    mix, and the other disc has them all in a giant continuous track called a
    "Nonstop Megamix", which basically connects them all through intros and
    outros and throws DDR sound effects and voice in. Sometimes (like in the
    case with DROP OUT), the music is changed a bit to fit the NSMM better, or
    how the composers are feeling that day.

    7C. ECSTASY (midnight blue mix) =

    UNLOCK: Play 160 Songs

    Artist: d-complex
    Genre: Euro Trance
    BPM: 145-150

    Sgl Dbl
    CHA: 8 8

    Play Notes: The tempo change isn't very noticable at all, so don't worry about

    Challenge Notes: Most of the interesting parts of this song boil down to a
    gallop leading to an eighth, following the music. Expect to follow the music
    through much of this song, and there's a spot near the middle that has a
    bit of an odd freeze arrow shuffle.


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDRMAX2: DDR 7th Mix (Arcade)
    Misc. Notes: This piece was originally in DDRMAX2 as a secret song only
    playable through an Oni Course. It was first selectable as a song in DDR
    Extreme for the arcade.

    7D. HIGHER (next morning MIX) =

    UNLOCK: Play 105 Songs

    Artist: NM feat. SUNNY
    Genre: Dance Pop
    BPM: 132

    Sgl Dbl
    CHA: 7 7

    Challenge Notes: Most of the time, this remix will follow the lyrics with
    chaos. There are also some points where you'll get long streams.



    You are the one!
    Oooh hooo!

    Girl, give it up, go and run away
    To the arms of a magic day
    Where you can stay
    Where you can find yourself
    Find yourself

    Lose your fear, 'cause there is no one here
    Do what you want to do
    There's nobody stopping you, no
    Give yourself and let the music take you far
    Then you will know who you are

    We're getting higher
    (Won't you show me how?)

    You and I
    I know we can move if we try
    You know this is how it should be

    Baby, getting higher
    We're getting higher
    Open up your eyes
    Everyday is a surprise
    You are the one
    Baby, the only one

    We're getting higher
    We're getting higher
    Start again from here
    And a new you will appear
    You are the one, baby isn't this fun


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDRMAX2: DDR 7th Mix (Arcade)
    Misc. Notes: This piece was originally in DDRMAX2 as a secret song only
    playable through an Oni Course. It was first selectable as a song in DDR
    Extreme for the arcade.


    UNLOCK: Play 125 Songs

    Artist: RevenG vs DE-SIRE
    Genre: Oedo Techno
    BPM: 70-165

    Sgl Dbl
    CHA: 9 8

    Play Notes: Just like the original, the end slows down to a crawl, but
    there's no stop after the first few measures.

    Challenge Notes: Similar to the original, only it has more gallops, no
    thirty-second note gallops, and fewer normal streams. It's actually a bit
    easier than TSUGARU Heavy.


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDRMAX2: DDR 7th Mix (Arcade)
    Misc. Notes: This piece was originally in DDRMAX2 as a secret song only
    playable through an Oni Course. It was first selectable as a song in DDR
    Extreme for the arcade.


    UNLOCK: Play 145 Songs

    Artist: FACTOR-X
    Genre: Ambient Breaks
    BPM: 125

    Sgl Dbl
    CHA: 7 8

    Challenge Notes: Actually pretty simple. There are no tempo changes and only
    a few gallops to spice up the steps.


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDRMAX2: DDR 7th Mix (Arcade)
    Misc. Notes: This piece was originally in DDRMAX2 as a secret song only
    playable through an Oni Course. It was first selectable as a song in DDR
    Extreme for the arcade. See the DROP OUT remix for info on Nonstop

    8. RED SONGS

    These are the songs specialized for major pain, or the Extra Stages. They're
    red on the song list.


    UNLOCK: Play 185 Songs

    Artist: CLI-MAX S.
    Genre: Happy Hardcore
    BPM: 190

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 2
    LGT: 6 5
    STD: 7 7
    HVY: 8 8

    Play Notes: There are three stops in this song. One right at the beginning,
    one about a third of the way through, and another about halfway through.

    Heavy Notes: There actually isn't too much to talk about concerning this song.
    There are plenty of streams, but only the last one is of any serious length.
    There are several points at which the whole thing goes off-beat, and early
    on, there are a couple of sixteenth note runs. Watch for some doubles in
    some short streams, and be careful of the three stops. Especially on Heavy,
    though, it's pretty obvious where they show up.


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: BRAND NEW
    Artist Notes: CLI-MAX S. is Sota Fujimori. See Funk Boogie for more info.

    8B. The legend of MAX =

    UNLOCK: Play 190 Songs OR access and pass the Extra Stage after you unlock
    TRIP MACHINE Survivor.

    Artist: ZZ
    Genre: Hardcore Techno
    BPM: 83-333

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 3
    LGT: 6 6
    STD: 9 9
    HVY:10 10

    Play Notes: The song tears at a pleasant 333 bpm for some time until about
    halfway, where you hit a freeze. At that point, it actually speeds up to
    666 bpm, but since you're not doing anything, it's pointless to note. After
    the slow to a stop, you'll spend about a measure at 83 bpm (quarter speed)
    before it takes off at the usual 333 bpm for the remainder of the song.

    Standard Notes: Honestly, I feel this is easier than MAX 300 Standard. It's
    mostly quarter notes, some off-beat hits, and more double steps than MAX 300
    Standard, but far fewer eighth notes.

    Heavy Notes: This is considered about the third most difficult ten-footer in
    DDR history. Most of the difficulty in the beginning consists of small
    streams bunched together with double steps. In the second half, you'll have
    several medium-length streams, and one long stream at the end. May not seem
    too complicated, but may I remind you of the blazing speed.



    Can you see?
    THE FLY!
    Do you see your goal?
    Do the right thing
    Trust yourself, and you'll know the way
    Listen to yourself
    You can do this, you can!


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR Extreme (Arcade)
    American Appearances: DDR Ultramix 3
    Artist Notes: ZZ is an alias for Naoki (information in FAQ)
    Misc. Notes: Other MAX songs include MAX 300 in DDRMAX USA and DDR Ultramix,
    MAXX UNLIMITED in DDRMAX2 USA and DDR Ultramix 2, and MAX 300 (Super-Max-Me
    Mix) in DDR Ultramix 2.

    8C. TRIP MACHINE Survivor =

    UNLOCK: Play 95 Songs OR access and pass the Extra Stage.

    Artist: DE-SIRE
    Genre: Drum'N'Bass
    BPM: 170

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 5 5
    STD: 8 8
    HVY: 9 9

    Play Notes: The song begins slow, but right at the very first step, it kicks
    to the standard 170. There's also a stop in the music about two-thirds

    Heavy Notes: Like all TRIP MACHINEs, this song is all about following the
    music with hard-to-predict steps. The newest is no exception, using lots of
    gallops, crossovers, sixteenths, and just a few freezes to give you a decent
    run for your money, although it definitely isn't the hardest 9-footer out



    Mammy, will you sing Trip Machine?

    Let's start!
    1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4!

    Let's start it!
    Give it to me good...

    Start the show!
    Start the show!


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: DDR Extreme (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: DE-SIRE is the alias NAOKI uses for his TRIP MACHINE songs.

    9. THE ??? SONG

    This is the "special unlock" song, that, so far, NO ONE knows how to unlock
    yet. See the Misc. Info for more information about this situation.

    9A. MEMORIES =

    UNLOCK: WE DON'T KNOW (see below)

    Artist: NAOKI Feat. PAULA TERRY
    Genre: Euro Trance
    BPM: 145

    Sgl Dbl
    BEG: 1
    LGT: 3 3
    STD: 6 5
    HVY: 8 8

    Heavy Notes: The steps themselves are relatively simple, and the speed is no
    big deal, but the timing tends to get weird throughout this song. You'll
    step triplets one second, then sixteenths another. Make sure you watch
    closely so you can pick up on where the steps fall.



    Who are you
    Hope we're through
    I just need
    You to know

    Lonely time was passing by
    Who'll think back that this love we share
    What would happen to you and me
    If we only stay together

    Flashing back and you said something and
    Turned away (turned away)
    Off to my God, I rose
    Awake in my bed I'll be letting you go

    I, I'll have to let you go (let you go)
    I just want you to know
    You'll always be the one
    The one I love

    I, I'll have to let you go (let you go)
    And your memories (memories)
    Let me forget you
    The one I love

    If I only have to let you go (oh...)
    I just want you to know
    You'll always be the one I love


    Song Type: Konami Original
    First Appearance: Dancing Stage EuroMIX 2 (Arcade)
    Artist Notes: Info on NAOKI is in the FAQ, and info on PAULA TERRY is in
    Misc. Notes: Okay, first of all, the song IS in the game. This isn't like
    other versions where you can hack the game and find banners and preview
    music for other songs. Everything about MEMORIES is in this game. All we
    need to know is the unlock key. This is definitely some kind of "special
    unlock", because the blurb in the Info section is colored red, whereas all
    the others are colored green. So, since we don't know how to unlock it,
    there's currently only two ways to play this song. First, you'll need a
    device that allows you to download save files off the Internet, such as an
    AR MAX drive. Go online and you can find Edit Data so you can play this
    song in Edit Mode, or you can find a System File with the song completely
    unlocked to play as normally. The only downside to the second option is
    that all your records will be reset. You can find both files at the
    following link: http://www.ddrfreak.com/versions/saves-home.php?version=135


    The basic gist of Nonstop Mode is that you select a course of four songs.
    Each song in the course has a specified difficulty. Each course has two
    difficulties: "Normal", which will involve songs with Light, Standard, and
    Challenge difficulty, and "Difficult", which will boost Light songs to
    Standard, and Standard songs to Heavy. To change difficulty, simply tap Up or
    Down (just like in Game Mode).

    Also available is a "Create Your Own Nonstop". You may create three Nonstop
    courses of your own using the "ORDER" slots. Although each course appears to
    be different for Light, Standard, and Heavy, you can customize the order any
    way you wish.

    The courses are played just like normal songs, only you'll immediately jump
    to the next song after completing one. The only major difference is that as
    you get further in the course, you'll get penalized more severely in your
    Dance Meter if you miss, and it'll take longer to fill back up.

    You may notice a "MARVELLOUS!" popping up when you step. This is a ranking
    for stepping super-exactly on the arrow. For this mode, you don't get any
    more points for stepping on a MARVELLOUS, than you do for a PERFECT.

    Scoring is handled just like Game Mode. Maximum Nonstop Course score is
    400 million, 100 for each song.

    (Note: The #'s listed are for Single Play. Double Play has all the same
    difficulties, but not necessarily the same # of feet.)

    * #1 Everybody's Favorites -Nonstop- *
    Four licensed songs with good feelings all over them, and music vidoes, too.
    Normal Difficult
    1. Go West LGT(4) STD(5)
    2. ONLY YOU LGT(3) STD(4)
    3. Kids In America LGT(4) STD(6)
    4. Move Your Feet LGT(3) STD(5)

    * #2 NEW ARRIVAL -Nonstop- *
    Four licensed songs new to the game.
    Normal Difficult
    3. KICK THE CAN LGT(3) STD(6)
    4. DO ME LGT(5) STD(7)

    * #3 Pop'n Pops *
    Four popular songs from big-time artists.
    Normal Difficult
    1. Y.M.C.A. LGT(4) STD(6)
    2. Believe LGT(4) STD(6)
    3. Like A Virgin LGT(3) STD(5)
    4. THE REFLEX STD(5) HVY(8)

    * #4 In the HOUSE *
    UNLOCK: Complete any one Nonstop Course.
    Four house(ish) tunes.
    Normal Difficult
    1. HIGHS OFF U LGT(1) STD(5)
    2. HIGHER LGT(3) STD(5)
    3. A Stupid Barber LGT(4) STD(6)
    4. MIRACLE STD(5) HVY(7)

    * #5 Trance Formation *
    UNLOCK: Complete any two different Nonstop Courses.
    Four trance tunes.
    Normal Difficult
    1. Music LGT(4) STD(6)
    2. THERE YOU'LL BE LGT(3) STD(6)
    3. Planet Rock STD(5) HVY(7)
    4. Diving STD(5) HVY(6)

    * #6 SOUL BOOGIE *
    UNLOCK: Complete any three different Nonstop Courses.
    Four funky soul-type tunes.
    Normal Difficult
    1. SO IN LOVE LGT(3) STD(6)
    2. I'M FOR REAL LGT(3) STD(5)
    3. Funk Boogie STD(5) HVY(6)
    4. ON THE JAZZ STD(5) HVY(7)

    UNLOCK: Complete any four different Nonstop Courses.
    Despite the name's suggestion, the songs in this course focus more on the
    "hardcore" than the "happy".
    Normal Difficult
    2. WILD RUSH STD(5) HVY(6)
    4. DROP OUT STD(7) HVY(9)

    UNLOCK: Complete any five different Nonstop Courses.
    Songs taken from styles all over the world.
    Normal Difficult
    2. JANEJANA STD(5) HVY(7)
    3. MOBO*MOGA STD(6) HVY(7)
    4. La Senorita STD(6) HVY(7)

    * #9 Original Tracks *
    UNLOCK: Complete any six different Nonstop Courses.
    Four Konami Originals that are secret tracks.
    Normal Difficult
    1. DROP THE BOMB STD(5) HVY(6)
    2. B4U STD(5) HVY(8)
    3. You're Not Here STD(6) HVY(8)
    4. ABSOLUTE STD(5) HVY(8)

    * #10 DJ Battle *
    UNLOCK: Complete any seven different Nonstop Courses.
    The clash of the BEMANI DJs! SIMON, nagureo, Spugna, and TAKA.
    Normal Difficult
    1. 321STARS STD(6) HVY(8)
    2. PEACE-OUT STD(4) HVY(7)
    3. Bad Routine STD(5) HVY(6)
    4. Frozen Ray STD(6) HVY(9)

    * #11 TEMPO CHANGER *
    UNLOCK: Complete any nine different Nonstop Courses.
    Songs with stops and fluctuations in the beat.
    Normal Difficult
    1. WILD RUSH STD(5) HVY(6)
    2. ECSTASY STD(6) HVY(7)
    3. Bad Routine STD(5) HVY(6)
    4. A HVY(8) CHA(9)

    * #12 Japanese pops *
    UNLOCK: Complete any eight different Nonstop Courses.
    From the homeland of BEMANI itself come four "homestyle" songs.
    Normal Difficult
    1. Firefly STD(5) HVY(7)
    3. Pink Rose STD(5) HVY(8)
    4. TSUGARU STD(6) HVY(9)

    * #13 Very COMPETITIVE *
    UNLOCK: Complete any twelve different Nonstop Courses.
    Yes, I believe the game's through pulling punches.
    Normal Difficult
    1. PARANOiA MAX STD(8) HVY(8)
    2. TRIP MACHINE Survivor STD(8) HVY(9)
    3. MAXIMIZER STD(7) HVY(8)
    4. The legend of MAX STD(9) HVY(10)

    * #14 PLAYER'S BEST 1-4 *
    Your top four songs.
    Normal Difficult
    1. #1 Song STD(?) HVY(?)
    2. #2 Song STD(?) HVY(?)
    3. #3 Song STD(?) HVY(?)
    4. #4 Song STD(?) HVY(?)

    * #15 PLAYER'S WORST *
    Your bottom four songs.
    Normal Difficult
    1. #70 Song STD(?) HVY(?)
    2. #69 Song STD(?) HVY(?)
    3. #68 Song STD(?) HVY(?)
    4. #67 Song STD(?) HVY(?)

    * #16 Random -NONSTOP- *
    Four completely random songs, which change every time you access the Nonstop
    Normal Difficult
    1. RANDOM STD(?) HVY(?)
    2. RANDOM STD(?) HVY(?)
    3. RANDOM STD(?) HVY(?)
    4. RANDOM STD(?) HVY(?)


    This super challenging mode was first featured in DDRMAX2 in the arcade, and
    in DDRMAX on this side of the Pacific.

    So, from the get-go, it looks like Nonstop Mode. Just like in that mode,
    you'll select a course of songs. Only one difficulty is available, though,
    and the course isn't limited to four songs.

    The real difficulty is apparent when you get going. Instead of a normal
    Dance Meter, you have a little meter with four ticks inside it. Every time
    you get anything less than a GREAT, you'll lose a tick. Lose them all and the
    game's over.

    So, that's four missteps allowed, but there's a tiny bit of relief. For
    every song you complete, you'll get back all your ticks.

    Scoring is handled a bit differently in this mode:

    MARVELLOUS: 3 points
    PERFECT: 2 points
    GREAT: 1 point
    OK (Freeze Arrow): 3 points
    Everything Else: 0 points

    And once you die or finish the course, that's how your score is tallied.

    Also available is a "Create Your Own Challenge". You may create three
    Challenge courses of your own using the "ORDER" slots. Although each course
    appears to be different for Light, Standard, and Heavy, you can customize the
    order any way you wish.


    Challenge Courses

    * #1 Light & Beginners *
    Three easy KO's to ease you into Oni Mode.
    1. KEEP ON MOVIN' LGT(4)
    2. HIGHER LGT(3)
    3. A Stupid Barber LGT(4)

    * #2 Everybody's Favorites -CHALLENGE- *
    Four licensed songs.
    3. Simply Being Loved LGT(4)

    * #3 AKIRA premium *
    The three songs in this mix by Akira Yamaoka.
    1. i feel... LGT(3)
    2. Your Rain STD(4)
    3. You're Not Here STD(6)

    UNLOCK: Complete any one Challenge Course.
    Four songs new to this mix.
    1. Scorching Moon LGT(4)
    2. Firefly LGT(1)
    3. JET WORLD STD(5)
    4. Funk Boogie STD(5)

    * #5 Slow-Mix *
    UNLOCK: Complete any one Challenge Course.
    Six songs that get nowhere fast.
    1. SO IN LOVE STD(6)
    2. Y.M.C.A. STD(6)
    3. ONLY YOU STD(4)
    4. A Stupid Barber STD(6)
    5. Move Your Feet STD(5)
    6. Go West STD(5)

    * #6 ANGEL's *
    UNLOCK: Complete any one Challenge Course.
    Five pop songs with female vocals.
    1. Like A Virgin STD(5)
    3. Kids In America STD(6)
    4. MOBO*MOGA HVY(7)
    5. HIGHER (nmm) CHA(7)

    * #7 FINE CHOICE *
    UNLOCK: Complete any two Challenge Courses.
    Seven fine songs that really have little in common.
    1. MIRACLE STD(5)
    2. THE REFLEX STD(5)
    3. DO ME HVY(8)
    6. 321STARS STD(6)
    7. KICK THE CAN HVY(7)

    * #8 THE FREEZER *
    UNLOCK: Complete any two Challenge Courses.
    Six songs that have plenty of Freeze Arrows in them.
    1. HIGHS OFF U STD(5)
    2. I'M FOR REAL STD(5)
    3. Firefly STD(5)
    4. Bad Routine HVY(6)
    5. Pink Rose HVY(8)

    * #9 REVERSE *
    UNLOCK: Complete any two Challenge Courses.
    Three songs that you have to play with the Reverse Option on.
    Diff. Options On
    1. DON'T CLOCK ME STD(4) Reverse
    2. V HVY(8) Reverse
    3. JET WORLD HVY(8) Reverse, Boost

    * #10 COOL 7 *
    UNLOCK: Complete any three Challenge Courses.
    Seven songs with some ambient nature to them.
    1. .59 STD(6)
    2. PEACE-OUT HVY(7)
    3. Bad Routine HVY(6)
    4. Music HVY(8)
    5. i feel... STD(6)
    6. Frozen Ray STD(6)
    7. A CHA(9)

    * #11 7 feet *
    UNLOCK: Complete any three Challenge Courses.
    Seven songs that are seven-footers on Heavy.
    1. ECSTASY HVY(7)
    2. JANEJANA HVY(7)
    5. MOBO*MOGA HVY(7)
    6. ON THE JAZZ HVY(7)
    7. PEACE-OUT HVY(7)

    * #12 Speed Star *
    UNLOCK: Complete any three Challenge Courses.
    Seven speedy songs. Careful, because #4 and #7 have options.
    Diff. Options On
    1. DROP OUT STD(7)
    3. 321STARS HVY(8)
    4. PARANOiA MAX STD(8) 1.5X
    5. La Senorita STD(6)

    * #13 DARKNESS *
    UNLOCK: Complete any six Challenge Courses.
    Five songs played without a Step Zone.
    Diff. Options On
    1. WILD RUSH STD(5) Dark
    2. TSUGARU STD(6) Dark
    3. ABSOLUTE HVY(8) Dark
    4. Simply Being Loved HVY(7) Dark
    5. ECSTASY (mbm) CHA(8) Dark

    * #14 TRICK *
    UNLOCK: Complete any six Challenge Courses.
    Four songs played with tricky options on.
    Diff. Options On
    1. HIGHS OFF U LGT(1) 1.5X, Flat, Boost
    2. TRIP MACHINE STD(7) 3X, Solo, Dark, Brake (steps slow down)
    3. MAKE IT BETTER HVY(7) Fuwa Fuwa (steps jump up and down the screen)
    4. The legend of MAX STD(9) 0.25X, Flat

    * #15 RANDOM -CHALLENGE- *
    UNLOCK: Complete any six Challenge Courses.
    Five completely random songs. Their difficulties can be Standard, Heavy, or
    Challenge, and random options are thrown in, as well.
    1. RANDOM ???(?)
    2. RANDOM ???(?)
    3. RANDOM ???(?)
    4. RANDOM ???(?)
    5. RANDOM ???(?)

    * #16 ONI DO *
    UNLOCK: Complete any ten Challenge Courses.
    Six Konami Originals and their six Challenge Remixes make for one long
    course. Oh, and "ONI DO" roughly translates to "Demon Road".
    1. ECSTASY HVY(7)
    2. ECSTASY (mbm) CHA(8)
    3. WILD RUSH HVY(6)
    5. HIGHER HVY(6)
    6. HIGHER (nmm) CHA(7)
    7. DROP OUT HVY(9)
    8. DROP OUT (FNSMM) CHA(9)
    9. TSUGARU HVY(9)
    10. TSUGARU (AM) CHA(9)
    11. B4U HVY(8)
    12. B4U (BZBM) CHA(7)

    * #17 The Way of LEGEND *
    UNLOCK: Complete any fourteen Challenge Courses.
    Legend! You are a Legend! Or, you'll have to be to pass this.
    Diff. Options On
    1. PARANOiA MAX HVY(8) Fuwa Fuwa (steps jump up and down the screen)
    2. TRIP MACHINE Survivor HVY(9) 1.5X, Sudden
    3. PARANOiA ETERNAL HVY(9) Dark, Hidden
    4. MAXIMIZER HVY(8) 3X
    5. V CHA(9) Dark
    6. The legend of MAX HVY(10)Reverse

    12. PARTY MODE

    A brand new addition to the DDR series (we even got this before Japan). This
    mode allows you to play fun little mini-games, most of which include the
    EyeToy peripheral, and a couple which don't.

    For those games that use normal DDR play, you will not be able to play

    12A. EyeToy Games =

    Watch Me Dance

    This game is simply normal DDR, only the background is pretty much what the
    EyeToy sees. For extra fun, if you wish to distract a friend, place pictures
    of bikini girls in front of the EyeToy. Your scores are put into your
    normal records. This game can be played with SINGLE, VERSUS, or DOUBLE.


    Clean the Screen

    This game can only be played with SINGLE. During play, a "foreground" is
    placed in front of your picture on the screen, as well as the Step Zone and
    arrows. What you need to do is create movement with the EyeToy so the
    foreground gets cleaned off. Your scores are put into your normal SINGLE


    Hands and Feet

    This game can only be played with SINGLE. In addition to the normal Step
    Zone, you'll also have two handprints in the upper-left and right corners of
    the screen. Hands will come up on the left and right side during play, and
    you must cause motion in the handprint zone when the hand crosses it. There
    appears to be only one difficulty, but if you hold down X or O as you make
    your selection to access the Options, you can change the difficulty to any
    of the standard difficulties and the hand prints will be thrown into the
    normal steps. Scores are kept in a separate area of the Records.


    Coconut Panic

    This game is only one-player, and doesn't use normal DDR gameplay. Basically,
    what you have to do is stompa-stompa on the Left and Right arrows, which
    will cause coconuts to fall from the trees. Cause motion on the coconuts to
    catch them for points. Sometimes, other stuff besides coconuts will fall
    which will earn you more points. Sometimes it will start to rain. If that
    happens, press Up or Down to put up your umbrella (I haven't quite got the
    timing down on this, yet).


    Magical Ball

    This game only uses the EyeToy. You can knock a ball in the playing field
    with your hands and body. Use it to hit jelly blocks and gems in the area,
    while preventing it from falling off the screen (in any direction). Once you
    clear all jelly blocks and gems, you'll advance to the next level. You start
    the game with three balls, and if you beat a level without losing a ball,
    you'll get a free one in the next level.

    Objects in the game:
    Wall - Cannot be broken at all, but does keep you from falling out.
    Jelly Block - A solid squishy block. Takes one hit.
    Gems - A shiny faceted gem. Takes several hits.
    Gray Brick - Disappears if hit, sometimes prevents you from falling off the
    Brown Brick - Can only be destroyed with Super Ball powerup.
    Red Chest - Makes your ball a Super Ball, which breaks any block in one hit.
    Blue Chest - Divides your ball into four.
    Purple Chest - Messes up the EyeToy signal, making it harder to hit the ball.

    12B. Other Games =

    Hyper Dash

    This game is reminiscent of the old Konami Track & Field. Using the Left and
    Right arrows, you can increase your speed gauge and your onscreen character
    will run faster. If your character falls behind, then running will build up
    "Spirit". Press the Down arrow to release that Spirit and create a pitfall
    in front of your opponent. If you get a pitfall in front of you, you have to
    press the Up arrow to hop over it, or you'll fall in and lose some time.
    The first person to reach the end of the race wins. Playing the normal mode
    puts you against a CPU player, and you can go through ten stages of
    difficulty (getting nothing for winning), while Versus will allow two
    players to play.


    Feeding Time

    In this game, your task is to feed animals. An animal will line up, and you
    must select what to feed it by pressing the proper arrow key. Each time you
    play the game, the arrow keys mean different foods. If you select the proper
    food, the animal will disappear and the next one will come in line (big
    animals will need three food pieces before they disappear). If you don't
    select the right food, the animal will shake for a couple of seconds, slowing
    you down. The proper foods are: Bone -> Dog, Fish -> Cat, Carrot -> Rabbit,
    and Fly -> Frog. Whoever feeds the most animals when time runs out is the


    UNLOCK: Play 45 Songs

    Introduced in the Japanese console versions of 4th Mix and Extra Mix, and
    also featured in DDR Ultramix, this setup gives you specific conditions to
    beat. Once you beat three Missions, you have the option of unlocking a new
    one. After that, for every Mission you beat, you get another unlock or two,
    so you'll always have at least three to choose from. As you progress, you'll
    be able to have more unlocked at once without beating them.

    All missions with a Dance Gauge have a global condition of staying alive. If
    your Dance Gauge empties, you lose, regardless of how you were doing. This is
    important to remember on missions that try to prevent you from stepping well.

    Also, if you wish, you can play Versus Missions with two players. First,
    select how many missions you'll play, then the difficulty. These missions are
    entirely random. Points are awarded based on who wins and loses. The player
    with the most points at the end of the mission set is the big winner.

    Finally, it should be noted that pressing three or four arrows at once in a
    Mission will automatically result as a misstep if on an arrow, so don't try
    to cheat your way out with that.

    13A. Normal Missions =

    Mission 1: *
    Song: ONLY YOU
    Diff.: Light
    Section: First 2/5ths
    Challenge: Pass this without your Dance Gauge depleting. It starts at 1/4th

    Mission 2: *
    Song: Simply Being Love "Somnambulist"
    Diff.: Light
    Section: Third 1/4th
    Challenge: Pass this without your Dance Gauge depleting. It starts at 1/4th

    Mission 3: *
    Song: DO ME (H.I.G.E.O Mix)
    Diff.: Light
    Section: Small section of revolving steps after the beginning.
    Challenge: Score at least 3,500,000 points.

    Mission 4: *
    Song: THEME FROM ENTER THE DRAGON (notorious mix)
    Diff.: Light
    Section: Small section about 2/3rds in.
    Challenge: Your combined total of PERFECTs and GREATs must exceed 20.

    Mission 5: *
    Song: Go West
    Diff.: Light
    Section: Second third (lyrics start).
    Challenge: Pass this without your Dance Gauge depleting. It starts at 1/4th

    Mission 6: *
    Song: Scorching Moon
    Diff.: Light
    Section: Small section just as the melody gets underway.
    Challenge: Don't get more than three total ALMOSTs or BOOs. Basically, it's
    set up similar to Challenge Mode with three bars.

    Mission 7: *
    Song: You're Not Here
    Diff.: Light
    Section: The first 1/4th
    Challenge: Get 20 PERFECTs. You have 42 steps to do it in.

    Mission 8: *
    Song: Music (Bostik Radio Edit)
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: About two-thirds in to the end.
    Challenge: Clear this section with at least a B grade.

    Mission 9: *
    Song: I'M FOR REAL
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: About two-thirds in to the end.
    Challenge: Get OKs on all Freeze Arrows. You don't have to hit them
    precisely, just get OKs at the end. Be careful about two-thirds through as
    there's a freeze that will require you to cross your foot back around the
    pad (if you're hitting all the arrows, that is).

    Mission 10: **
    Song: Like A Virgin
    Diff.: Light
    Section: About 1/4th in to about halfway.
    Options: Dark
    Challenge: Don't get more than three total ALMOSTs or BOOs. Basically, it's
    set up similar to Challenge Mode with three bars.

    Mission 11: *
    Song: KICK THE CAN
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: About 2/3rds in to the end.
    Challenge: Don't step on any Double Steps at all. Your Dance Gauge will still
    decrease for missing them, so you'll need to use the other arrows to stay

    Mission 12: **
    Song: WONDERLAND (UKS Mix)
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: About 1/6th in to about halfway.
    Options: Reverse, Little
    Challenge: Don't get more than three total ALMOSTs or BOOs. Basically, it's
    set up similar to Challenge Mode with three bars. The real problem comes
    from the options turned on.

    Mission 13: **
    Song: .59
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: About 2/3rds in to the end.
    Challenge: Finish the song with less than 10% of your Dance Gauge. Targeting
    your Dance Gauge like this is difficult. Try to get lots of BOOs early to
    get it down and play around alternating PERFECTs and BOOs.

    Mission 14: **
    Song: PEACE-OUT
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: About 1/6th in to the end.
    Challenge: Get N.G. on all Freeze Arrows. You have no Dance Gauge, so you can
    miss everything else, but you must at least HIT the beginning of every Freeze
    Arrow so that you can officially register the N.G., then get immediately off
    it, because Freeze Arrows go for about a split second even after you get
    off them.

    Mission 15: **
    Song: THE REFLEX
    Diff.: Light
    Section: About two-thirds in to the end.
    Options: Hidden
    Challenge: Don't get more than three total ALMOSTs or BOOs. Basically, it's
    set up similar to Challenge Mode with three bars. The real problem comes
    from the options turned on.

    Mission 16: **
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: Halfway to soon before the end.
    Options: 2X, Little
    Challenge: Standard Challenge Rules apply: don't get four GOODs, ALMOSTs,
    or BOOs total. (Don't worry about N.G.'s, there are no Freeze Arrows on

    Mission 17: **
    Song: DON'T CLOCK ME
    Diff.: Light
    Section: About two-thirds to the end.
    Options: "Squish" (All four arrows in the Step Zone are overlapping. You'll
    have to look at the arrow itself to know where to step.)
    Challenge: Don't get TWO total GOODs, ALMOSTs or BOOs. Basically, it's set
    up just like Challenge Mode with TWO bars left. Be extremely careful of the
    "Squish Mod".

    Mission 18: **
    Song: MIRACLE
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: The first quarter or so.
    Options: 2X, Sudden
    Challenge: Standard Challenge Rules apply: don't get four GOODs, ALMOSTs,
    BOOs, or N.G.'s total. This one's tough with the options on.

    Mission 19: **
    Song: 321STARS
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The beginning to about 3/4ths in.
    Options: Solo
    Challenge: With Solo on, the arrows are red and blue. You have three ticks
    on the Challenge Bar. You lose a tick whenever you step on a red arrow at
    all, or when you get anything less than a GREAT on a blue arrow, so aim for
    blue arrows, avoid red. WATCH THE FREEZE ARROWS CLOSELY, because they're not
    colored, and some you must hit, others you must avoid, so follow the off-

    Mission 20: ***
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The opening 1/5th or so.
    Challenge: ONLY step on Double Steps. Stepping on any single arrow, or
    getting less than a GREAT on a Double Step will lose you one of your three
    ticks on the Challenge Bar.

    Mission 21: ***
    Song: Believe
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The last third.
    Challenge: Clear this song with a grade of C. TOUGH, especially since you
    have to stay alive as normal with the Dance Gauge. Try to focus on as many
    GREATs and GOODs as possible, or alternate between lots of PERFECTs and
    about half as many BOOs, your choice.

    Mission 22: **
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: The first third.
    Options: Flat
    Challenge: Don't get more than TWO total GOODs, ALMOSTs or BOOs. Basically,
    it's set up just like Challenge Mode with TWO bars left. The Flat Option
    makes it tough to discern when an arrow's an eighth note or not.

    Mission 23: **
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: The second half.
    Challenge: The Dance Gauge must be below 30% the entire run. It starts at
    about 10%. Basically, play as normal until you see the Dance Gauge turn
    green, then get a couple of BOOs to knock it down, but not so much that you

    Mission 24: **
    Song: MIRACLE
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The first third.
    Options: Boost
    Challenge: Get more than 75 PERFECTs and GREATs total. Sounds easy until
    you remember that MIRACLE has a sucky opener, and the Boost doesn't help,
    either. FYI, there's a total of 91 steps, so you can't miss many.

    Mission 25: ***
    Song: MOBO*MOGA
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: Soon after the beginning to a little past halfway.
    Options: 1.5X
    Challenge: Clear with between 2,500,000 and 3,000,000. When the max is
    7,000,000, you know you're in trouble. Get as many GOODs as you can,
    because they're worth zero points and don't decrease the Dance Gauge.

    Mission 26: ***
    Song: A Stupid Barber
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: Once the melody starts to about halfway through the bridge.
    Options: DLRU
    Challenge: Pass this song. Easy? Hell, no! I've gone with brak2000 and
    will also name the mod "DLRU" because it exchanges the left and down arrows
    and the right and up arrows in their positions in the Step Zone. You have to
    pay attention to the arrows (again) to figure out the steps.

    Mission 27: **
    Song: NEVER ENDING STORY (Power Club Vocal Mix)
    Diff.: Light
    Section: The last 1/4th
    Options: "Squish"
    Challenge: Don't get TWO total GOODs, ALMOSTs or BOOs. Basically, it's set
    up just like Challenge Mode with TWO bars left.

    Mission 28: ***
    Song: HIGHER (next morning mix)
    Diff.: Challenge
    Section: A small section near the beginning.
    Options: "Speed Down"
    Challenge: Don't get TWO total GOODs, ALMOSTs or BOOs. Basically, it's set up
    just like Challenge Mode with TWO bars left. The option activated here slows
    the music and steps down, so stepping all those eighths should be

    Mission 29: ***
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: About a 1/3rd in until soon before the end.
    Challenge: You have three ticks on the Challenge Bar. Stepping on an up
    arrow will lose you a tick, as well as not getting at least a GREAT on any
    other step (including Double steps with an up arrow). Train your eyes so
    that you basically "turn off" the up arrow in your mind. It's not easy to
    forget about an arrow entirely, but practice.

    Mission 30: ***
    Song: Pink Rose
    Diff.: Light
    Section: From the main chorus to the end.
    Options: 5X, Shuffle
    Challenge: Clear with more than 5,000,000 points. Not easy. They're all
    quarter notes, but you have a split second to look at them, and they change
    every time with Shuffle on. The way I pass this is to just double step the
    up and down or left and right arrows. That way there's a 50% chance of
    hitting the right step.

    Mission 31: ***
    Song: JET WORLD
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The very end lick.
    Options: Dark
    Challenge: Get a full combo on this section (all PERFECTs and GREATs).
    Get even one GOOD or below and it's over.

    Mission 32: ***
    Song: KEEP ON MOVIN'
    Diff.: EDIT
    Section: The entire song.
    Challenge: Pass this song. This edit is focused around long streams with
    LOTS of double steps interspersed. I'd say it's about an 8-footer.

    Mission 33: ***
    Song: TSUGARU
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The opening section up to the freeze.
    Options: Speed Down
    Challenge: Standard Challenge Mode rules apply with three ticks on the
    Challenge Bar.

    Mission 34: ***
    Song: Move Your Feet
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: Nearly the entire first half.
    Challenge: Score less than 2,000,000 points. Get as many GOODs as possible.
    This is tough, because the section is pretty long.

    Mission 35: ***
    Song: WONDERLAND (UKS Mix)
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The last several measures after the muffled lyrics.
    Options: Sudden
    Challenge: Stepping on a down arrow will immediately fail you, as well as
    getting anything less than a GREAT on any other step (including Double steps
    with a down arrow). Train your eyes so that you basically "turn off" the
    down arrow in your mind.

    Mission 36: ***
    Song: V (for EXTREME)
    Diff.: Challenge
    Section: The last "chorus" run.
    Challenge: Don't get more than three ALMOSTs or BOOs total. These are not the
    "true" Challenge steps, actually, just several sixteenth note runs.

    Mission 37: ***
    Song: Your Rain (RAGE MIX)
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: First half.
    Options: 0.5X, Dark
    Challenge: Get a full combo on this section. Even though you're on Dark,
    remember where the Step Zone is on the screen, because it's real tough to
    judge where a step comes when you're on 0.5X.

    Mission 38: ****
    Song: ABSOLUTE
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: A little less than the first half.
    Options: "Speed Waver"
    Challenge: Standard Challenge Mode rules apply, with three ticks on the
    Challenge Bar, but OH MY GOD WHAT'S GOING ON?? The speed of the song will
    gradually speed up and slow down. The changes in speed are all in the same
    place every time you play, but that doesn't make it any easier.

    Mission 39: ****
    Song: B4U
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The latter half
    Challenge: Don't step on the same arrow twice in a row or you fail. Stepping
    on a single arrow and then a double arrow count as different steps, and you
    won't be penalized for those. You have a standard Dance Gauge to worry
    about, too.

    Mission 40: ***
    Song: A
    Diff.: Light
    Section: The slow section
    Options: Hidden
    Challenge: Standard Challenge Mode rules apply, with three ticks on the
    Challenge Bar.

    Mission 41: ***
    Diff.: Challenge
    Section: The final section.
    Options: 1.5X, Shuffle
    Challenge: Only step on the 1/4 beats, no other arrows. There's a lot of
    mess in here, but you only need to step on the beat, so check the colors of
    the 1/4 beats and only step those, and you'll find it's not too hard.

    Mission 42: ****
    Song: SO IN LOVE
    Diff.: EDIT
    Section: Entire song.
    Challenge: Pass this edit of SO IN LOVE. Your Dance Gauge will not increase
    at all, and will start at halfway (as normal). This edit is really just
    one giant 284-step stream. It requires a bit of crossover, but not too much,
    and the song is pretty slow. I'd call it an easy 8-footer, and only because
    the stream doesn't let up until the very end.

    Mission 43: ****
    Song: KICK THE CAN
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: From the start of the rap lyrics to just before the chorus.
    Challenge: Get at least 25 PERFECTs, 25 GREATs, and 25 GOODs. Having only 89
    steps, this is REALLY tough. I say, get about 20 PERFECTs to start with,
    then start going off-beat a bit. You'll average about half GREATs and half
    GOODs, and will probably get enough PERFECTs to round it off, hopefully.

    Mission 44: ****
    Song: JANEJANA
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: From the main chorus to the end.
    Options: Reverse, Hidden
    Challenge: Get no more than two ALMOSTs or BOOs. Now, the steps are OFF THE
    BEAT, so exactly an eighth-note after the melody begins is your first step.
    Once you get that down, it's smooth sailing to the end chaos. Use Training
    Mode with this section if you feel you need practice.

    Mission 45: ****
    Diff.: Challenge
    Section: The gallop section.
    Challenge: Get more than 45 PERFECTs. It's all Perfect Attack here. Just
    refine your gallops and hit them as best as you can. You have 63 steps.

    Mission 46: ***
    Diff.: Light
    Section: The first third or so.
    Challenge: Don't get a 4 combo or more. So, basically, hit three arrows
    PERFECT, then BOO the next one. You could try to maintain your Dance Gauge
    by stepping the fourth one GOOD, but it's best to play it safe, because you
    do have enough in your Dance Gauge to hold this pattern.

    Mission 47: *****
    Song: La Senorita
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The second verse.
    Options: 2X
    Challenge: You have three ticks on the Challenge Bar. Step only on 1/8 beat
    arrows with PERFECT or GREAT, or you lose a tick, and if you hit a 1/4 beat,
    you also lose a tick. So not worthy of the five star rating. I'd say three
    stars at best. Once you've determined the colors of 1/8 beat arrows, this
    is a relative snap, especially if you know the song.

    Mission 48: *****
    Song: DROP OUT
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The two double steps sections in the early part of the song.
    Challenge: Clear the section with a grade of A and ONLY A. Don't get carried
    away that you AA or AAA it. Those familiar with these steps will find it a
    snap. Others will probably need practice.

    Mission 49: ****
    Song: The legend of MAX
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The final double step Freeze Arrow.
    Options: 8X, Shuffle
    Challenge: Just hit it PERFECT and stay on it until the OK. Of course, you
    won't know when it's coming unless you listen to the music, and then with the
    Shuffle on, you won't know which arrows they are, so it's a lucky shot, is
    all, so step on two arrows and take the 1 in 6 chance that you're right.
    Scuttlebutt has it that, more often than not, the arrows are down and right.

    Mission 50: *****
    Song: Frozen Ray (for EXTREME)
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: As soon as the synth noises come in.
    Options: Flip
    Challenge: Get a full combo. The Flip mod switches left and right arrows and
    up and down arrows in the Step Zone. Once again, you'll have to pay
    attention to the arrow shapes, because you can't GOOD or worse a single
    arrow. Alternatively, if you feel you can ignore the arrow shapes, just
    turn your pad upside down (if you have room and cord length) and step as
    normal. You have 82 steps to get through.

    Congrats! You've completed your pic of the ladies! You'll now be able to
    view your Mission Mode stats.

    13B. Hard Missions =

    The difficulty counter is "reset", so a one-star here is still pretty dang

    Mission 51: *
    Song: WONDERLAND (UKS Mix)
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The opening stream.
    Challenge: Get at least a AA on this section. Now, that doesn't mean full
    combo, mind you. Your steps have to be good enough that you EARN your AA,
    so seriously cut down on GREATs. I don't imagine you can pass with more
    than ten.

    Mission 52: *
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The main chorus.
    Options: Boost, Reverse, Dark, Flat
    Challenge: Get a full combo on this section. Enough options, ya think?
    Practice on Training if you need it, because the steps haven't changed.

    Mission 53: *
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The final chorus.
    Options: Sudden
    Challenge: ONLY step on Double Steps. Stepping on any single arrow or not
    getting at least a GREAT on any double step will immediately fail you.

    Mission 54: *
    Song: Funk Boogie
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The latter half.
    Options: Squish, Freeze Arrow Off
    Challenge: Get a full combo on this section. Naturally, for the Squish
    mod to work, Freeze Arrows need to be off. Doesn't make this section any
    easier, with the streams in it.

    Mission 55: *
    Song: ECSTASY (mignight blue mix)
    Diff.: Challenge
    Section: A small section about two-thirds through.
    Options: Shuffle, Flat
    Challenge: Get a full combo on this section. At only 47 steps, this isn't
    too bad. The Flat does make it tough to tell that you're dealing with
    both gallops AND eighth notes, and the Shuffle means you can't get
    comfortable with any one way of stepping.

    Mission 56: **
    Song: HIGHS OFF U (Scorccio XY Mix)
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The last chorus.
    Challenge: Don't step on the down arrow at all. Tougher than previous "avoid
    an arrow" missions, since the last section of HIGHS OFF U is so chaotic in
    nature. It may help to use a thin strip of material to put up on your TV to
    complete obscure that arrow.

    Mission 57: **
    Song: DO ME (H.I.G.E.O Mix)
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: A little less than the first third.
    Options: Hidden
    Challenge: Standard Challenge Mode rules apply, only with two ticks on the
    Challenge Bar. Good luck to you with these chaotic steps. Practice on
    Training Mode.

    Mission 58: **
    Song: HIGHER
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The first chorus and the bridge.
    Options: Brake (Arrows slow way down once they get to the Step Zone)
    Challenge: Get a full combo on this section.

    Mission 59: **
    Song: Kids In America
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The section just after the melody.
    Options: Sudden, Reverse
    Challenge: Get an N.G. on all Freeze Arrows. Unlike the first one that did
    this, this time you have a Dance Gauge, so you have to stay alive, too.
    The Freeze Arrows are also pretty short, here, so you'll have to get off them
    instantly. I suggest finding some support using a chair, bar, or bed, so
    you can bounce yourself off the Freezes as soon as you touch them.

    Mission 60: ***
    Song: Frozen Ray (for EXTREME)
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The opening.
    Options: 0.5X, Flat
    Challenge: Standard Challenge Mode rules apply, only with two ticks on the
    Challenge Bar. Definitely better to practice this one on Training first,
    because there are lots of gallops mixed in with normal eighths. With a keen
    eye, you could pick them out, but it'll take several tries.

    Mission 61: **
    Song: ECSTASY
    Diff.: Light
    Section: The opening section to the first stop.
    Options: Sudden, Hidden
    Challenge: Get a full combo on this section. Yes, with both Hidden AND Sudden
    on, you see the arrows for about a split second each. However, the steps are
    pretty simple.

    Mission 62: **
    Song: Move Your Feet
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: The percussion and verse between the two main choruses.
    Options: "Fuwa Fuwa"
    Challenge: Get a full combo on this section, plus OKs on all Freeze Arrows.
    The "Fuwa Fuwa" mod makes the arrows wave back and forth. The steps aren't
    difficult, just difficult to read.

    Mission 63: ***
    Song: You're Not Here
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The opening streams.
    Challenge: Get more than 25 GOODs, plus OKs on all Freeze Arrows. This is a
    true test of your "Good Attack" skills, but you do have plenty of leeway with
    66 Steps total. Just don't fail, because you have a normal Dance Gauge.

    Mission 64: ***
    Song: A
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: Once the piano kicks in, to just about the end.
    Options: 1.5X
    Challenge: Keep the Dance Gauge below 20%. Similar to the other Mission like
    this, only there's less time to react. Also, 20% is below "green" on the
    Dance Gauge, so you're just going to have to trust your luck on this one to
    avoid steps. Personally, I think it's better to try this when exhausted, so
    you'll duck steps without thinking. :-P

    Mission 65: ***
    Song: i feel...
    Diff.: EDIT
    Section: The entire song.
    Challenge: Pass this song. The Dance Gauge will not increase at all, and will
    start a quarter full. I'd put this at about a 7-footer. What they're really
    trying to hit you with is long freezes that require you to hold one foot down
    and move around the pad with the other, so make sure your foot is cemented
    when it's on a freeze, because missing too many will drop you out quick.

    Mission 66: ***
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The opening several measures.
    Challenge: Get a B and ONLY a B on this song. Another instance where being
    bad at the game could actually help. Be very careful due to the Dance Gauge
    being rock bottom once you start, so make sure your several first steps are

    Mission 67: ***
    Song: ONLY YOU
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: The opening up to the male lyrics.
    Options: Squish
    Challenge: PERFECT ATTACK. Nothing but PERFECTs. Not much else to say here,
    because either you can do it or you can't.

    Mission 68: ***
    Song: The legend of MAX
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: Several measures just before the freeze.
    Options: 0.5X, Little
    Challenge: Standard Challenge Mode rules apply with three ticks on the
    Challenge Bar. The Little option does help, but it IS TloM we're talking
    about here, and on one of the harder parts of the song. This may be the
    point of the game where lesser folks buckle and switch to the Controller
    (it was for me).

    Mission 69: ***
    Song: Bad Routine
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The first stop up to the middle.
    Challenge: Get between a score of 4,000,000 and 4,100,000. Nice that they
    gave you a big ol' gap, eh? Well, given the relatively slow pace of this
    song, you have plenty of opportunities to look down at your current score.
    Hit as many GREATs (half-score) as you can during the run, and once you
    near the end, if you find you're past 4 mil, then just stop and hope you
    don't run out of Dance Gauge.

    Mission 70: ***
    Song: B4U (B4 ZA BEAT MIX)
    Diff.: EDIT
    Section: The entire song.
    Challenge: Don't get 4 or more ALMOSTs or BOOs on this Edit. Remember the
    SO IN LOVE Edit that was one big stream? Yeah, it's the same thing here,
    only faster, and you have a Bar instead of a Gauge. Hey, it's only 409
    steps, and you're allowed as many GOODs as you want! Seriously, this Edit
    goes on the level of a 9-footer, because it starts crossing over a LOT at
    the middle to the end.

    Mission 71: ***
    Song: NEVER ENDING STORY (Power Club Vocal Mix)
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: From the beginning of the chorus to the second verse.
    Options: Boost, Reverse, Squish
    Challenge: Pass this with a full combo. Gee, you think Mission Mode has
    taken off the kid gloves? At least the Boost will give you some space to
    distinguish the arrows as they travel. You may just want to memorize this
    section and be done with it.

    Mission 72: ***
    Song: Firefly
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The last third.
    Options: Speed Waver
    Challenge: Just like Mission 38, the speed goes up and down gradually as you
    play. The Dance Gauge starts with only a smidgen full, so a few BOOs will
    end your trip real quick. However, this is the only trick, and the steps
    aren't particularly difficult.

    Mission 73: **
    Diff.: Challenge
    Section: The final sixteenth stream and end.
    Challenge: Don't step on any down arrows. Every other arrow must be stepped
    on with PERFECT or GREAT. This is about as hard as trying to do the
    sixteenths normally, or rather, learning them all over again. By now, you
    must have developed some ability to shut off an arrow in your mind (or at
    least put up a ruler on the screen to block it).

    Mission 74: ***
    Song: JANEJANA
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The main chorus to the end.
    Options: Flat, Hidden
    Challenge: Clear with a full combo. It's a big stream to the end part, but
    the good news is that each two measure block is the same four arrows over
    and over again, so you can keep up the stream for sixteen steps before
    changing. The last part, well, you just have to know.

    Mission 75: ***
    Song: DROP OUT
    Diff.: EDIT
    Section: The double step section that's normally on Heavy.
    Options: Sudden
    Challenge: Clear with a full combo. The double steps have been changed, and
    now they go the WHOLE section, nearly (there's a little break just before
    the second set). Practice, practice, memorize. Don't mind that rhythmic
    thumping, downstairs neighbor.

    Mission 76: ***
    Song: .59
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The opening melody up to the beginning of the bridge.
    Challenge: Score between 1,500,000 and 2,000,000. Good Attack returns.
    Get as many GOODs as you can, because you can always make it up in PERFECTs
    near the end of the run.

    Mission 77: ***
    Diff.: Light
    Section: The last few choruses to the end.
    Options: 8X, Shuffle
    Challenge: Don't get a total of two GOODs, ALMOSTs, and BOOs. Well, 8X was
    ungodly fast on Mission 49, but here, it's a BIT more bearable, to the point
    where you'll have, more or less, just enough time. It's all quarter notes,
    so you have that going for you.

    Mission 78: ***
    Song: A Stupid Barber
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The first chorus to the end of the bridge.
    Options: Reverse, Flip
    Challenge: Don't get a total of two GOODs, ALMOSTs, BOOs, or N.G.s. It's
    Mission 50, all over again. Flip the pad, or get better at reading
    backwards. Those are your only two options.

    Mission 79: **
    Song: V (for EXTREME)
    Diff.: Challenge
    Section: The final chorus.
    Challenge: Don't get a total of two GOODs, ALMOSTs, and BOOs. Remember
    Mission 36? Similar thing, here, only the sixteenth runs are jumbled a bit.
    Once you figure their pattern, this is actually relatively simple.

    Mission 80: ***
    Diff.: EDIT
    Section: The entire song.
    Challenge: Score more than 6,000,000 points in this Edit. I'd say this is an
    easy 8-footer, but having to score at least 6 mil means stepping well. There
    are lots of double steps thrown in the streams, and several freeze arrows,
    but the basic "flow" of the song remains the same, including the chaotic
    steps in the middle and the end.

    Mission 81: ****
    Song: Diving
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: Halfway until just before the end.
    Options: Sudden, Squish, Freeze Off
    Challenge: Step only on the 1/8 beat notes, not the 1/4 beats. The first one
    is the second step, followed by a two together, then a bunch together, but
    separated by on-beat spaces. After which, comes a rather big mess. The
    series is pretty constant for off-beat notes, but with on-beat notes thrown
    in seemingly randomly. Do it in Training so you know what you're dealing
    with, then keep pounding at it. You're allowed one screw-up, but that's it.

    Mission 82: ****
    Song: Music (Bostik Radio Edit)
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: After the bass techno sounds to the end.
    Options: DULR, Boost
    Challenge: The "DULR" means that the arrows are arranged that way.
    Personally, I don't feel it's as hard to read as other messed-up zones, but
    some people may. Here's how I figured out how to do it. Have your left eye
    focus directly on the DU, while you watch the LR out of the corner of your
    eye. The DU is the one that's in an odd place, but the LR is somewhat
    intuitive, so if you focus on fixing those first in your mind, you'll find
    it to be slightly easier. If using a controller, use your right hand for
    the left and right arrows, and your left for the up and down arrows.

    Mission 83: ****
    Song: A
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The slow section.
    Options: Hidden, Sudden
    Challenge: Don't get a total of two GOODs, ALMOSTs, or BOOs. Well, you know
    the drill with this kind of setup, so there's really little to add. Watch
    for the sixteenths halfway through. It's smooth sailing once you get past

    Mission 84: ****
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: The first main chorus to just before the end.
    Options: DULR, Reverse, Dark, Left
    Challenge: Don't step on the left arrow. Step on all other arrows and
    double steps with PERFECT or GREAT. You have two ticks on the Challenge
    Bar. Being able to ignore an arrow does make this lousy arrow setup easier.

    Mission 85: ****
    Song: HIGHER (next morning mix)
    Diff.: Challenge
    Section: Opening verse (Bars 12-18)
    Options: Reverse, Squish
    Challenge: Full combo this section. It's one big stream, so no blinking now!
    I feel this is one of the tougher Missions in the game. I got help by
    just writing down the steps (there are only 48) on a piece of paper, then
    reading that.

    Mission 86: ****
    Song: B4U (B4 ZA BEAT MIX)
    Diff.: Challenge
    Section: Entire song.
    Options: Double Speed, Little
    Challenge: Yes, the song is flying away at twice normal speed, but all the
    eighth notes are gone, reducing the challenge. However, it seems that the
    step windows are halved as well, so it's tougher to get your average

    Mission 87: ***
    Diff.: Challenge
    Section: The last several measures before the slow down.
    Options: Flat
    Challenge: Don't step on any double steps. Hey, even with Flat on, it's not
    too big a deal, right? Wrong! You have a normal Dance Gauge, and there's a
    section with several double steps together, so as you hit the slow down,
    your Dance Gauge will tank and there's nothing you can do about it, except
    hope you built up enough in the previous section to survive.

    Mission 88: ***
    Song: JET WORLD
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The end measures, same as Mission 31.
    Options: Stealth
    Challenge: Clear with a full combo. Ah, we knew there'd be a Stealth mission
    somewhere, right? Fortunately, this is easy compared to some other
    missions recently. It starts on right/down, then left/down, then up/down,
    then left down right down.

    Mission 89: ****
    Song: I'M FOR REAL
    Diff.: Standard
    Section: Halfway to the end.
    Challenge: Get N.G. on all Freeze Arrows. What, no Options? Well, the
    hardest part of this mission is actually NOT getting off all the Freezes in
    time. Oh no no no. The hardest part is staying alive, because the N.G.s
    are going to do a number on your Dance Gauge.

    Mission 90: ****
    Song: Pink Rose
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: Shortly after the beginning to about halfway.
    Options: Brake
    Challenge: Get more than 95 PERFECTs. Only 104 steps, so good freakin'
    luck. The erratic nature of Pink Rose's Heavy steps, of course, doesn't
    help at all. Use the Training Mode's handclap assist to figure out
    exactly where the steps fall.

    Mission 91: ****
    Song: A
    Diff.: Challenge
    Section: Just after the tempo change up to the freeze arrows.
    Options: .5X, Reverse
    Challenge: Clear with a full combo. Just like normal, only with those
    options on, so if you can memorize it, all the better.

    Mission 92: ****
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: About halfway to the end.
    Options: Fuwa Fuwa, Right, Reverse
    Challenge: Clear with a full combo. Do I need to say anything other than
    "memorize"? I didn't think so.

    Mission 93: ****
    Song: KICK THE CAN
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: About two-thirds in to the end.
    Challenge: Get 20 PERFECTs, 20 GREATs, 20 GOODs, and 20 BOOs. Feisty. As
    the last one that was like this, go for GOODs and GREATs first. Once you
    have a healthy number of those, start racking up PERFECTs and letting a few
    BOOs through, trying not to die in the process.

    Mission 94: ****
    Song: TRIP MACHINE Survivor
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The last several measures of the song.
    Options: Flat
    Challenge: Clear with a AA or AAA. Like Mission 51, this means as few GREATs
    as possible, and nothing worse. Don't let the "Flat" make you miss the
    parts that are gallops.

    Mission 95: ****
    Song: The legend of MAX
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: A section about 75% through until just before the end.
    Options: Reverse, Speed Down
    Challenge: Clear with a full combo. The speed has been decreased, but not
    that much, so get good at reading the arrows, or you have no hope. It's
    all the nasty streams at the end, in case you're curious.

    Mission 96: *****
    Diff.: Challenge
    Section: Opening to about a third of the way through.
    Options: Little
    Challenge: Clear with 0 Points. There's only one way to do this: Good Attack.
    Get as many Goods as possible, but NO GREATs, or you fail. Of course, with
    Little on, it's a lot easier than it would be normally.

    Mission 97: *****
    Song: Y.M.C.A.
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: Opening verse to the chorus.
    Options: URLD, Hidden
    Challenge: Standard Challenge Mode rules apply with two ticks on the
    Challenge Bar. Young men! Sorry. I wonder why I have the lyrics stuck in
    my head? Anyhoo, memorize, or here's a trick that got me through it (with
    the controller). Use your left hand on the up and right, and your right
    hand on the left and down, which make a sort-of diagonal line. I found this
    setup made it easy to track the arrows, but you have to mash your fingers on
    both of one set of buttons when there's a double step there.

    Mission 98: *****
    Song: Frozen Ray (for EXTREME)
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: The three-note streams with the synthy noises.
    Options: Reverse, Dark, Flip, Speed Waver
    Challenge: Clear with a full combo. Remember Mission 50 that you hated so
    much? It's back! Only it's on Heavy this time! And while we're ticking
    you off, let's throw in Speed Waver!! All right! *dies* This is a mission
    where memorization is more important than any other ('cept maybe the Stealth
    mission), especially given the changes in the tempo that occur throughout.

    Mission 99: *****
    Song: The legend of MAX
    Diff.: Heavy
    Section: From "THE FLY!" to "Reality!"
    Options: 2X, Little
    Challenge: Clear with a full combo. There's nothing to say here. Just go!

    Mission 100: ****
    Diff.: EDIT
    Section: The entire song.
    Challenge: Clear this edit of MAXIMIZER. These are the rumored "boss steps"
    that exist for this song, and they're not easy. It's a good 9-footer, but
    if you've beat all the Missions up to now, this is a relative cakewalk, so
    consider this your "reward" for getting this far in Mission Mode!

    Completing all 100 Missions will immediately unlock everything in the game:
    all songs, all characters, all courses, and all modes.


    Here are the rest of the game modes:

    14A. Endless Mode =

    UNLOCK: Play 200 Songs

    Ah... Endless Mode. This is meant for the "h4rdc0r3" DDR types.

    On the Endless Mode Options screen, you'll be able to set yourself up on how
    you wish to die:

    First, select whether you'll be playing a NORMAL COURSE or a CUSTOM COURSE.
    If playing on NORMAL, you'll only be able to select Player and Level. On a
    CUSTOM, you can adjust all the following options:

    Player: This is either SINGLE or DOUBLE. The mode can only be played with
    one player.

    Level: You can set this to RANDOM, BEGINNER, LIGHT, STANDARD, HEAVY, or
    CHALLENGE. If selecting a specific difficulty, you'll only play songs from
    that difficulty.

    Speed, Boost, Appearance, Turn, Other, Scroll, Freeze Arrow are all the same
    song options as offered in Game Mode. You can only change these if
    Regulation is set to OFF.

    Break Stage: Set to OFF, or any number between 1 and 10. After the specified
    number of songs, you'll see a little screen and a prompt to press START.
    You have all the time in the world to get a drink, go potty, or let the dog

    Music Order: Normally, it's OFF, but if it's ON, it'll only use the songs
    you specify in the Music Program.

    Music Program: This sends you to a separate screen where you can pick and
    choose which songs and which difficulties you want.

    Okay, so when you set up all your options, get to playing. Like Nonstop
    Mode, you're more heavily penalized on your Dance Meter the further you go.
    Unlike Nonstop Mode, you don't immediately go into the next song, but you
    get about a three second break as it flips to the next song. You'll like
    that it's there as you get further into it.

    Scoring is not based on your song's normal total, but rather you earn more
    points on a step based on the quality of your step, and what step in the
    combo it was. Watch your score skyrocket as you get into the multiple

    Once you finally die, or just give up, you'll get your final score. Scores
    are ranked not based on difficulty, but just on Player (Single or Double).
    You'll retain your top three scores for each Player mode.

    14B. Lesson Mode =

    Select this to learn basic lessons about DDR. The CPU will perform for you,
    and you'll have to match what it's doing. You'll have an onscreen character
    to guide you, as well. Lesson 1 is largely basic steps. Lesson 2 will throw
    in some different kinds of movements. Lesson 3 will throw eighth notes into
    the mix as well as some fancy moves.

    14C. Training Mode =

    Select this to pick songs and tackle them on your own terms. You may select
    the song, the mode (Single, Versus, Double), its difficulty, any song options
    you want (as detailed in the How To Dance section far above), and you may put
    in any Edit Data you wish.

    In addition (unlike other modes of gameplay), you can set Assist, which
    allows you to play with any combination of the music, a metronome (which
    marks standard quarter note beats), and a handclap (which claps whenever
    there's an arrow).

    Finally, you can set what measure the song begins and ends. The "Start"
    function below it will allow you to quickly change between the measures you
    select and the whole song.

    14D. Edit Mode =

    Well, I'm not gonna go through all the possibilities that Edit Mode offers
    here. Honestly, if you're serious about Editing, you'll probably know to
    read the instructions on this one. Seriously, there's too much info about it
    for me to justify making a section for it.

    14E. Workout Mode =

    Workout Mode has changed since the old games. Now, all you can do here is
    turn on Workout Mode, and then it will apply to the Game Mode and Party Mode.


    Workout Setting -
    Workout Mode: Turn on to apply calories burned to your Game Mode and Party
    Mode plays.
    Weight: Set to adjust calories burned according to your weight.
    Workout Step: If on, then steps will be just as if the LITTLE option was on.
    Game Over: If off, then you will not drop out of the game if your Dance
    Gauge empties.

    Today's Workout Results - View the day's progress.
    Workout Results - View your entire workout history.
    Workout Diary - View your day-by-day workout results.

    15. SECRETS

    Here's all the game's unlocks. I'll just say right here and now that if you
    complete all 100 Missions on Mission Mode, you immediately unlock everything
    you see here: all characters, all songs, all modes, and all courses.

    15A. Characters =

    This is just a teeny section hosting the unsung heroes of the DDR world, the
    characters. This particular game has two characters from the beginning
    (Blues and Rhythm), but you can unlock eighteen more. At every unlock, you
    get a random character of alternating gender (starting with male). You get a
    new character for each time you hit the following number of songs played: 15,
    30, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180, 195, 210, then every fifteen
    thereafter until they're all unlocked.

    Additionally, if you unlock some songs using the "Speed Unlocks" (see below),
    then that particular unlock milestone will instead give you a new character.


    The Guys:

    First Appearance: BRAND NEW

    First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix
    Costume: DDR 5th Mix

    First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix

    First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix

    First Appearance: DDR 5th Mix

    First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix

    First Appearance: DDR 5th Mix

    Robo 2001
    First Appearance: DDR 1st Mix
    Costume: DDR 5th Mix

    First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix
    Costume: DDR 4th Mix

    First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix
    Costume: DDR 5th Mix


    The Girls:

    First Appearance: BRAND NEW
    Open by default.

    First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix
    Costume: DDR 5th Mix

    First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix

    First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix

    First Appearance: DDR 2nd Mix
    Costume: DDR 5th Mix

    First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix

    First Appearance: DDR 5th Mix

    First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix

    First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix
    Costume: DDR 4th Mix

    First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix

    15B. New Songs =

    Here are the unlockable songs, and there are two means of unlocking:


    # of Songs:

    All songs can be unlocked by playing a specific number of songs. When I say
    "Play Songs", that means you must either pass them, or have them on in Event
    Mode (where you can't drop out and fail), and you get credit for playing a
    song if you play it in normal Game Mode or Party Mode in Watch Me Dance,
    Clean the Screen, or Hands and Feet.

    5: Scorching Moon by Shawn the Horny Master
    20: 321STARS by DJ SIMON
    25: KEEP ON MOVIN' by N.M.R
    35: You're Not Here by Heather
    40: MAKE IT BETTER by mitsu-O!
    55: B4U by NAOKI
    65: B4U (B4 ZA BEAT MIX) by NAOKI
    70: ON THE JAZZ by Jonny Dynamite!
    80: Funk Boogie by Funk Kid feat. KOOL BOYS.
    85: DROP THE BOMB by Scotty D.
    95: TRIP MACHINE Survivor by DE-SIRE
    100: ABSOLUTE by dj TAKA
    110: HIGHER (next morning mix) by NM feat. SUNNY
    115: La Senorita by CAPTAIN.T
    130: PARANOiA MAX (DIRTY MIX) by 190
    140: A by D.J.Amuro
    155: Frozen Ray (for EXTREME) by dj TAKA
    160: ECSTASY (midnight blue mix) by d-complex
    170: V (for EXTREME) by TAKA
    185: MAXIMIZER by CLI-MAX S.
    190: The legend of MAX by ZZ


    Speed Unlocks:

    There are several songs that can also be unlocked by playing certain courses
    or passing the Extra Stages. Here's a partial list:

    Challenge Course #3 (AKIRA premium): You're Not Here by Heather
    Challenge Course #8 (THE FREEZER): WILD RUSH (FROM NONSTOP MEGAMIX) by NW260

    Pass the Extra Stage with an "A": TRIP MACHINE Survivor by DE-SIRE
    Unlock TMS, then pass the Extra Stage with an "A": The legend of MAX by ZZ

    15C. New Courses/Modes =

    New Nonstop Courses can be unlocked by completing existing Nonstop Courses
    on either difficulty. You must complete a different Nonstop Course every
    time to unlock another course.

    1 Course: Nonstop Course #4: In the HOUSE
    2 Courses: Nonstop Course #5: Trance Formation
    3 Courses: Nonstop Course #6: SOUL BOOGIE
    4 Courses: Nonstop Course #7: HAPPY HARDCORE
    5 Courses: Nonstop Course #8: GLOBETROTTING
    6 Courses: Nonstop Course #9: Original Tracks
    7 Courses: Nonstop Course #10: DJ Battle
    8 Courses: Nonstop Course #12: Japanese pops
    9 Courses: Nonstop Course #11: TEMPO CHANGER
    12 Courses: Nonstop Course #13: Very COMPETITIVE


    New Challenge Courses can also be unlocked by completing existing Challenge

    1 Course:
    Challenge Course #4: NEW ARRIVAL -CHALLENGE-
    Challenge Course #5: Slow-Mix
    Challenge Course #6: ANGEL's

    2 Courses:
    Challenge Course #7: FINE CHOICE
    Challenge Course #8: THE FREEZER
    Challenge Course #9: REVERSE

    3 Courses:
    Challenge Course #10: COOL 7
    Challenge Course #11: 7 feet
    Challenge Course #12: Speed Star

    6 Courses:
    Challenge Course #13: DARKNESS
    Challenge Course #14: TRICK
    Challenge Course #15: RANDOM -CHALLENGE-

    10 Courses:
    Challenge Course #16: ONI DO

    14 Courses:
    Challenge Course #17: The Way of LEGEND


    New Modes are unlocked by playing songs.

    Play 45 Songs: Mission Mode
    Play 200 Songs: Endless Mode

    16A. Legal =

    This FAQ was made 100% by me, and is Copyright 2004 Scott "CyricZ"
    Zdankiewicz. You may not take it in whole or in part and claim it as your
    own. You may not alter it in any way, even if you ask me first, and that
    includes putting it in HTML format. Please dont post this on your site
    unless you have express consent by me. Ive put a lot of time into this.
    Give me some credit.

    All songs and their lyrics are copyright their respective owners. DDR is
    Copyright 1998-2004 Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo.

    Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ:


    I'm not going to allow people with small personal sites to post this FAQ.
    They may post the link on GameFAQs with all the DDREX guides, but, trying to
    keep updates, well, updated, I'll only allow large committed sites that I

    16B. E-mail Guidelines =

    If you wish to e-mail me, be sure to follow these guidelines:

    - Make ABSOLUTELY sure I haven't already answered your question in the guide.
    - Make sure it has something to do with DDR EXTREME. I don't want spam, chain
    letters, offers for friendship. Don't bother me with info on other DDR games,
    really. I keep my ear pretty close to the ground about such things, and I'll
    probably know about it before you. Compliment me on the FAQ all you want,
    - Make sure you say "DDR EXTREME" at one point in your e-mail. I have more
    than one DDR FAQ, and I can't always figure the question out without
    specifying what game you're asking about.
    - Asking how to beat a song will result in a deletion. There really are no
    tips to offer for DDR'ing besides what I have in my section. It has to come
    from your own skill and desire to pass.
    - Spell correctly and use proper grammar, please. If I can't understand
    your e-mail, it'll go to the junk pile.

    16C. Credits =

    CJayC and Al Amaloo for having this on their sites.

    The members of the GameFAQs BEMANI & Rhythm Action board for all their help in
    making this guide as complete as possible.

    tora kun, for his insight into genres.

    www.animelyrics.com, for compiling, catalouging, and translating tons of
    lyrics, including those in the DDR games.

    Konami and the BEMANI studio, for their effort in bringing a superb game to
    the States.

    16D. Version Updates =

    Version 0.5 - 9/22/2004 - All the default songs, and several of the game
    modes. More on the way soon!

    Version 0.7 - 9/23/2004 - I've added all the songs, but not all their
    respective info, plus up to Mission 25, and the fourth Nonstop Course. Past
    75 songs, I don't know how to unlock all the songs, yet, but I assume you
    just keep playing songs and eventually you'll get them all.

    Version 0.8 - 9/26/2004 - Up to Mission 56, plus added genres, a few more
    Nonstop and Challenge Courses, and Funk Boogie info.

    Version 0.9 - 9/29/2004 - Added the last song, MAXIMIZER. I don't imagine
    I'll add info on MEMORIES (except for my blurb in the FAQ), since it's
    thoroughly non-unlockable in the game without hacking. Also added the
    remaining Nonstop and Challenge courses, as well as up to Mission #80.

    Version 1.0 - 9/30/2004 - Finished off the Missions and changed a few genres.

    Version 1.1 - 12/5/04 - Several changes and corrections, and Ultramix 2 info

    Version 1.2 - 4/19/05 - Added MEMORIES, Doubles Tips and a few more genre
    and info.

    16E. The Final Word =

    A great mix, and definitely full of surprises. A lost Solo license, lots of
    cool new modes, a new MAX. This one is definitely worth your time and energy.

    Take care and happy dancing!

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