Tato stranka by vapadalo mnohem lepe v prohlizeci, ktery podporuje webove standardy, nicmene prohlizet ji muzete v jakemkoliv prohlizeci, nebo zarizeni s pristupem na Internet.

DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

Chcete si koupit redukci ?

Když máte softpad nebo hardpad s koncovou na PS2 a chcete jej používat v PC, pak budete potřebovat redukci. Existuje plno redukcí, ale pozor, ne všechny jsou stejně kvalitní. Některé vám nemusí brát najednou dvojskok - šipky nahoru a dolů nebo levá a pravá současně. My už tyto problémy řešili, tak vám můžeme doporučit redukci nazývanou Dual Shooter. Připojíte k ní dokonce 2 pady současně, takže můžete hrát DDR ve dvou.

V případě XboX padu existuje jiné řešení. Koncovka na XboX a PC - USB je víceméně podobná. Stačí původní odštípnout a maličko přepájet pár drátů a máte USB řešení v řádu jednotek až děsítek korun. Existují pady co mají přímo USB koncovku, pak máte štěstí a bude Vám stačit už jen ovladač na PC zvaný XBCD driver, nebo bude pad tak chytrý, že bude po připojení ihned fungovat bez další pomoci.

Odkazy na internetové obchody

PositiveGamming - www.positivegaming.com (promo kód "czechddr")
název redukce - Trio Linker Plus

Play-Asia - www.play-asia.com (pouzijte vzdy tento odkaz)
název redukce - Dual Shooter (EMS USB2)

dual-shooter.jpg, 6 kB triolinker.jpg, 29 kB

Datum poslední modifikace definice 'koupit_redukci':
01.11.2009 00:00
<< zpět na Czech DDR portal

DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

"Why do you need Konami original songs?"
- Ancient Bemani Proverb


-+dance dance revolution: extreme+-

Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME (C) Konami
for Sony PlayStation2 (TM)
Unofficial FAQ v0.65 [26 OCT 2003]


(For quick viewing, simply copy the chapter prefix, push CTRL+F in Internet
Explorer, and paste it in.)

SECTION 1-----------+
100EX...............+ About the Author
101EX...............+ FAQ Introduction
102EX...............+ Revisions History
103EX...............+ "Copyright Information"

SECTION 2-----------+
ddrex information---+
200EX...............+ About DDR EXTREME
201EX...............+ How to Play
202EX...............+ Gameplay Strategies
203EX...............+ The Do-Nots List

SECTION 3-----------+
ddr extreme 8th mix-+
300EX...............+ Gameplay Options
301EX...............+ Difficulty Ratings
302EX...............+ Unlocked Song List & Descriptions
303EX...............+ Dancer List
304EX...............+ Nonstop Course List & Descriptions
305EX...............+ Oni Courses & Descriptions

SECTION 4-----------+
400EX...............+ Thanks

SECTION 1--------------------------+

100EX |
About the Author |

First of all, thank you for reading this FAQ!!! I kiss you!! I liek milk!!

My name is Eric, I'm 20 years old, and I've been playing Dance Dance
Revolution since early 2000. I started with Dance Dance Revolution 2nd
ReMix on the Sega Dreamcast, yet I didn't take the game very seriously.
"Heavy mode" as it is now known was ridiculous to me, the word
"catastrophic" was synonymous with "impossible." I lost interest in the
game, and along with the Dreamcast, dust began to collect.

In February of 2003, I stopped by the local bowling alley with a
group of friends for a night of what is expected to be done at a bowling
alley. However, upon noticing a DDRMAX2 7th Mix machine located in the
pool hall area of the establishment, I recalled the awkward fun that was
had on the Dreamcast, and decided to give it a go. Considering I had
never played a game of DDR on an actual dance pad before, my reflexes
were way off, and I quickly failed my first song.

The interest stayed put in my head, though, and I felt compelled to
come back for a second session, and a third session, and a fourth, and
many more. I was amazed to see what some of the regulars could do, and
after being taken under their collective wing, I progressed. These days,
there really aren't any songs that give me any trouble. Not only have I
become a self-proclaimed "dancin' master" in eight months' time, but I've
also gone from somewhat-anorexic to disgustingly-anorexic. And that's all
I have to say about that.

Speaking of looking sickly...


Playing Dance Dance Revolution regularly will force you to lose weight,
whether you have weight to lose or not. Once you proceed into the higher
difficulties, DDR becomes an extreme cardiovascular workout. It's comparable
to sprinting for 90 seconds and coming to a complete stop numerous times.
While it's more expensive than simply sprinting up and down the sidewalk, it's
definitely more fun and enjoyable. A friend of mine has lost NINETY-FIVE
pounds to this date solely from DDR exercise, and he's still going. I lost
around 25 pounds in my first six months, from 175 to 150. I'm 6'3" and I look
just plain horrible.


101EX |
FAQ Introduction |

Simply put, this is a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Konami's
Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME 8th Mix (or DDREX for short) which was
released in Japan for the Sony PlayStation2 on October 8th, 2003. The game
is currently only available in Japan, for use on Japanese PlayStation2
consoles. It is currently unknown if Konami of America plans on creating an
American version of the game.

In this FAQ, you can find plenty of information regarding DDREX exclusively,
for both the arcade release and the console release.

102EX |
Revisions History |

15 OCT 2003 03:53: v0.20 created.
17 OCT 2003 13:25: v0.35 created.
-- Complete song list added.
-- Incomplete dancer list added.
20 OCT 2003 03:00: v0.50 created.
-- Updated "Gameplay Techniques."
-- Complete Nonstop list added.
26 OCT 2003 12:12: v0.65 created.
-- Complete dancer list added.
-- Edited e-mail address: ericiidx [at] h o t m a i l [dot] com
-- fixed a few typographical errors.

103EX |
"Copyright Information" |

This FAQ was created entirely by me, Eric
, unless otherwise noted (by
contributing persons.) STEAL IT, IT'S FREE! HOWEVER, I've only authorized
the following websites to publish this FAQ in it's entirety:


If you happen to notice this FAQ posted on any other websites, feel free
to e-mail me and I'll scoff at the offending publisher. I probably won't
even contact them, but hey, it's the thought that counts. CheatCC.com is a
repeat offender for stuff like this.

SECTION 2--------------------------+
ddrex information------------------+

200EX |

DDR EXTREME, also known as 8th Mix, is not really the 8th coming of
Dance Dance Revolution. A handful of "Konami side projects" have released
bearing the Dance Dance Revolution name, such as DDR Solo (a version of DDR
containing 6 directional arrows,) club mixes, "plus" mixes that were released
for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Mix, and a plethora of "remixes" made for home consoles
(including but not limited to DDR Konamix, 2nd ReMix, etc.) Disney has even
allowed Konami to release some versions of DDR bearing many Disney trademark
songs (Disney's Rave, etc.)

DDR EXTREME boasts the highest song count of any DDR release - both in the
arcade and on all consoles - at 230 and 111, respectively. Konami has also
included songs from various other Bemani games (Bemani is the name for
Konami's music-related games) including Beatmania, Para Para Paradise, Dance
Maniax, Keyboard Mania, Pop'n Music, Guitar Freaks, Drum Mania, and Mambo A
Go-Go (Gamelan de Couple!!!)

201EX |
How To Play |

The concept is simple; directional arrows will scroll from the bottom of
the screen to the top, in the format of LEFT-DOWN-UP-RIGHT, choreographed
to the steady beat of the music. Your job is to step on the arrow as it
rises and reaches a stationary set of translucent arrows, found just before
the top edge of the screen. For each step you are given, a judging scale
is applied to your accuracy. Hitting the arrow dead-on with the beat
results in a "PERFECT!!" (or "MARVELOUS!!!" if you're playing a Nonstop or
Oni course.) Closely hitting the step on beat results in a "GREAT!,"
slightly off-beat steps will receive a "GOOD," and steps that aren't quite
on time will receive either an "ALMOST" or a "BOO!"

If you see two arrows scrolling on the same level, this means you will
have to jump and hit both arrows at the same time with your two feet. This
technique can only be explained so well, as it takes simple practice to hone
your reflexes to the point of successfully landing multiple complex jumps in
a row.


As you progress into higher difficulties, some songs may include half-beat
notes, or 8th steps (whose name derives from counting the measures in each
beat of any given song.) In most Light mode songs, the overall step pattern
will be composed of entirely 4th note steps, which mean a step will land on
one of the four counts in each measure of the beat. With 8th steps, you'll
find yourself putting in twice the effort to hit the arrows, as they will
require you to step twice as fast.

16th notes are also included, and are commonly referred to as "gallops."
Songs such as "Cowgirl" and "Frozen Ray" have these steps in them, and
literally require you to gallop into the steps to successfully hit them
(unless you'd prefer to quickly step into them, which isn't recommended.
See the "Gameplay Strategies" section.) One song, called Tsugaru, even
has 32nd steps! With 8th, 16th, and 32nd steps, you'll notice that the
steps become progressively harder to read, as well as execute.


A new addition that first appeared in Para Para Paradise and DDRMAX are
freeze arrows. These steps, which are depicted by a green and yellow
outline, require you to execute and hold any given step for a predetermined
amount of time. Naturally, two freeze arrows scrolling on the same line
require you to jump into them. If two jumping freeze arrows end prematurely
on one arrow, you are allowed to remove your foot from this step and use
it to hit progressing arrows without receiving an "N.G." grade on the
overall freeze. Properly executed freeze arrows receive a grade of "OK!"
It should also be noted that missing and/or failing a freeze step penalizes
you much more than missing an ordinary step.

202EX |
Gameplay Strategies |

In some of the harder songs, you will notice that the steps will become
increasingly difficult to hit without failing or becoming tired. There are
a few strategies involved to preserving your stamina and honing your sight-
reading skills.


"Crossovers" or "pivots" are arguably an essential technique to learn and
master in DDREX. While some of the best players I know tend to avoid them
like the plague, I find some songs to be insanely difficult and tiring
without this staple move. As the name suggests, some strings of steps may
require you to "crossover" or "pivot" your body in either direction in order
to hit them. An example:

In Can't Stop Fallin' In Love (Speed Mix) Heavy, the first run begins as
LEFT-DOWN-RIGHT-DOWN-LEFT-DOWN-RIGHT-DOWN, in 8th step format. You have two
1.) tire yourself out while facing forward the entire time, hitting the
arrows with whichever foot you deem best, or,
2.) cross your body over so you are facing right, using your left foot to
hit "left," right foot to hit "down," and bringing your left foot
forwards to hit "right," while the right foot stays above the down
arrow, ready to hit it. Repeat this process for the next string of

Once you improve upon this technique, you'll find it much easier to
detect and nail crossover steps by rotating your body to the left and to the
right. Expect to see variants of the LDRDLDRD step pattern using the up
arrow as well.



To "gallop" is to skip into a 16th note that appears directly after a 4th or
8th note, in order to maintain your composure and to preserve stamina. Many
of the steps in the song "Tsugaru" are gallops (the segment following the long
freeze near the beginning, for example.) Galloping isn't as difficult as many
people make it out to be, however, detecting oddly-placed gallops in some songs
can be a hassle without Solo mode on. To gallop, firmly tap your foot used
to hit the first step down into the arrow and levitate off of it quickly, in
order to shift your weight to the opposite side of your body, and to land your
second foot into the next step.

The timing that is necessary to gallop is very similar to skipping - imagine
your first step into a skip to be a common 4th note, where as the following
two steps - your first foot skipping across the ground and your second foot
landing - to be the 4th note following by a 16th note (or in terms, a gallop.)



In most Heavy songs, it is entirely necessary to pace yourself. The Heavy
difficulty can be very exerting. Pay close attention to the arrows, and try
to relax yourself as much as possible during the entire song. Playing on the
ball of each foot is one of the best ways to play as far as endurance goes.
Try to avoid playing entirely flat-footed, if necessary; roll your foot
downward in order to meet the pad with your heels.

Any time a song has constant 4th notes, use this time to breathe and relax.
Heavy songs do not stay calm for long, and in new songs, you'll never know
what is coming next.



Be sure to stay as confident as possible while playing. This will work wonders
for your concentration and accuracy. Don't worry about how you look while
playing, or what others think of your performance. It's important to stay
focused, but not overly attentive. If you miss a step or two, let it slide.
Don't worry about failing, and in most cases, you won't.

203EX |
The Do-Nots List |

DO NOT STAND IN THE MIDDLE! Despite what the Beginner mode example
dancer may encourage, standing in the middle of the pad is "extremely"
unrecommended. You are not penalized for standing on an arrow or hitting
an arrow which does not currently correspond to a required step, so
don't be afraid to let loose and run your legs all over the pad.

DO NOT BE AFRAID TO USE THE BAR! continued in the next Do-Not...

...DO NOT USE THE BAR! "bar-raping," as it is commonly put in my area,
is utilizing the red bar located at the very rear of the dance pad to
support your weight and supply extra upper-body strength to your legs,
allowing you to "float" over the pad and decrease stamina usage. This
method of gameplay is actually recommended to beginning players, but ONLY
to get a feel for the gameplay itself. DDR veterans frown upon excessive
"bar-raping," claiming that you haven't truly conquered a song until
you've passed it without touching the bar. Experienced players may find
themselves needing to support their weight on the bar for some of the
harder songs, but I suggest to only use this technique to build your
stamina to the dependency of the song. Once you can beat a hard song
using the bar, try it without touching the thing.

DO NOT STOP "DANCING"! You haven't failed until you've failed. Don't
think you've failed, keep going. If you don't think your legs can do it,
keep going anyway. It is the only way to increase your overall skill
level, so do NOT stop dancing.

DO NOT LAUGH! Seriously, to many people, there is at least ONE song
that may encourage you to laugh at how ridiculous it is. For me, this
song is Gamelan de Couple. Depicted in the background are a bunch of
drowsy-looking cacti with human features, shaking maracas in their
"hands." Once I catch a glimpse of these things in my peripheral vision,
it never fails to make me laugh and screw up to some extent. Keep focused
on the scrolling arrows and take the game seriously (up to a point - please
do not damage any equipment or yourself in a fit of rage!)

SECTION 3--------------------------+
ddr extreme 8th mix----------------+

300EX |
Gameplay Options |

GAME MODE: Play the original arcade-version of DDREX. Single, Versus (2-
player,) and Doubles (one player using all eight arrows) play are available.
Difficulty settings include Beginner, Light, Standard, and Heavy mode,
whereas Nonstop (play four songs without stopping) and Oni mode (play a
series of songs with a limited lifebar) are available as well. Getting 4
non-Marvelous/non-Perfect/non-Great/non-OK steps in Oni mode per song
results in failure of the course.

DIET MODE: DDREX will estimate how many calories you have burned while
playing songs from the game.

LESSON MODE: Three sections of instructions will help you gain a better
feel of the game, while letting you interact with the lessons by dancing on
the pad.

TRAINING MODE: Play any currently-unlocked song in the game using the
modifiers of your choice. Each measure is divided up in the song, and you
can let DDREX assist your timing by adding in claps per beat. Every song
can also be slowed down to one fifth its original speed.

EDIT MODE: Edit or create entirely new steps to any currently-unlocked
song in the game.

OPTIONS: Adjust sound, controller settings, memory card settings, game
options, graphic options, diet mode options, and dancer options.

RECORDS: Check your personal records set on any song in the game, for
any difficulty.

INFORMATION: A vault of accomplishments that you have to unlock that
describes each song, each nonstop course, each dancer, and each oni course,
amongst other things.

ENDLESS MODE: Play DDREX in a literally endless fashion. Gameplay is
similar to Nonstop mode, except the music really doesn't stop this time
(until you fail.) Breaks can be taken after playing x amount of songs, at
your discretion. For every next song, the judging difficulty increases
(meaning a missed step will hurt you more than the previous song.)

CREDITS: A special unlock that lets you watch the "true" ending video

301EX |
Difficulty Ratings |

THE FOOT SCALE: Songs are rated on a scale of feet, with one being the
easiest, and ten being the hardest. The first ten-foot song appeared in
DDRMAX, and is called MAX 300. Ten flashing feet means a particular song
has surpassed the ten-foot ranking, and the first song to adopt this
difficulty was Paranoia Survivor Max in DDREX.

THE GROOVE RADAR: five factors determine the shape of the groove radar,
which is a pentagon enclosed in a circle. Voltage, Stream, Chaos, Freeze,
and Air are the determining factors. The closer each of the five points
are to the edge of the circle, the harder the factor is in the song for that
difficulty rating.

VOLTAGE: the overall amount of steps in the song.
STREAM: how often the song's steps are interlaced.
CHAOS: how often the steps in the song branch into 8th/16th/32nd steps.
FREEZE: speaks for itself; determines the amount of freeze arrows.
AIR: determines the amount of jumps in the song.

BEGINNER MODE (light blue): Beginner Mode is a recent addition. It's
made for genuine beginners to the game, and most songs fall under a
one-foot rating.

LIGHT MODE (yellow): Also called "Basic" in earlier DDR releases, this
is for most players who have either already experimented with Beginner
Mode, or feel comfortable enough to skip over Beginner Mode altogether.
Most songs rate between two and five feet.

STANDARD MODE (red): Also called "Trick" in earlier DDR releases.
This is a step up from Light Mode, and is also the first difficulty in
which you'll encounter 8th steps in many of the songs. Most songs rate
between four and eight feet.

HEAVY MODE (green): Also called "Maniac" in earlier DDR releases.
This is the hardest difficulty you can select in Game Mode, and many of
the songs are somewhat challenging. A handful of songs are downright
brutal, and you will encounter plenty of 8-10+ songs on the foot scale.

CHALLENGE MODE (purple-blue): Some songs are given "Challenge" steps,
which tend to expand upon the song's given Heavy Mode steps. Some songs
receive steps which are arguably easier than their Heavy counterparts,
while other songs' steps are obviously more difficult.

302EX |
Unlocked Song List & Descriptions |

There are a total of 111 songs in DDREX for the PlayStation2. They are listed
below in alphabetical order, accompanied by their various levels of
difficulty and a word or two about the song. They are NOT listed in the order
that they are unlocked! (A numbered list of the 25 unlockable songs can be
found further below.)

All foot-based difficulties for each song are listed in the following order:


a "0" for "CHALLENGE" difficulty indicates that the song has no CHALLENGE

a "10!" (the number ten followed by an exclamation point) indicates that the
song is rated a "flashing ten," which means that it is actually higher than
10 feet (but the foot scale can't depict it.)

1. 1998
Artist: Naoki
Speed: 150 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 1/3/5/7/0

2. 321 STARS
Artist: DJ SiMON
Speed: 192 bpm
Source: Beatmania
Difficulties: 2/4/6/8/0

3. A
Artist: D.J.Amuro
Speed: 93 - 188 bpm
Source: Beatmania IIDX
Difficulties: 2/4/6/8/9
Comments: A great Heavy song for intermediate players who are used to Standard.
The song starts out slowly at 93 bpm, and speeds up to 188 bpm after a brief
pause. The Challenge steps are arguably a harder take on the Heavy steps,
including many more jumps and a higher Chaos rating.

4. A Stupid Barber
Artist: Sho-T
Speed: 132 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme (HOME VERSION)
Difficulties: 1/4/6/7/0
Comments: One of the many new songs to appear exclusively in the PlayStation2
version of DDREX. It's hard to tell this is the same Sho-T who wrote "Groove."

5. Across the nightmare
Artist: Jimmy Weckl
Speed: 300 bpm
Source: Guitar Freaks
Difficulties: 3/5/6/8/9

Artist: RE-VENGE (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 200 bpm
Source: DDR 3rd Mix
Difficulties: 2/5/7/9/0
Comments: A typically fun song for beginners on Light and Standard mode, is
known for its many jumping steps. The song turns into quite the beast on
Heavy mode, however, especially in the final 20 seconds.

Artist: NPD3
Speed: 105 bpm
Source: DDR 3rd Mix Plus
Difficulties: 1/1/4/5/0
Comments: Due to the subject matter in the lyrics ("After the game of love,
baby/all I wanna do is be lazy") this song has actually been rejected from US-
based DDR mixes to meet the "Everyone" ESRB rating.

8. air
Artist: DJ SiMON
Speed: 130 bpm
Source: Beatmania
Difficulties: 1/3/5/7/0

9. Aoi Shoudou (for EXTREME)
Artist: NAOKI feat. YUKI
Speed: 145 bpm
Source: Beatmania IIDX
Difficulties: 1/3/5/8/0

Artist: DIVAS (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 96 bpm
Source: DDR 4th Mix
Difficulties: 1/1/3/6/0
Comments: In the video for this song, the infamous "Jewely Box" from Dam
Dariram fame makes an appearance. I suppose this is only notable to us
Engrish types.

11. Bad Routine
Artist: D.J. Spugna
Speed: 130 bpm
Source: Beatmania IIDX
Difficulties: 1/4/5/6/0

12. bag
Artist: RevenG (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 65 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 1/4/7/10/0
Comments: The infamous "10-footer that shouldn't be a 10-footer." The fact is,
this song can only be treated as such if left at its original speed. Passing
bag on 1x requires honed sight-reading skills, as it is the second slowest
song to ever grace a DDR release. A seasoned player should have no trouble
with bag at 3x, or even 5x. In my opinion, the faster you make the steps
scroll, the lower the foot rating goes. Heavy plays like a 7-footer at 3x.

Artist: D-Crew
Speed: 185 bpm
Source: Beatmania
Difficulties: 2/3/6/9

Artist: Naoki
Speed: 150 bpm
Source: DDR 2nd Mix
Difficulties: 1/4/5/6/7

15. BRILLIANT 2U (Orchestra-Groove)
Artist: Naoki
Speed: 150 bpm
Source: DDR 2nd Mix
Difficulties: 1/5/6/7/8

Artist: Naoki
Speed: 170 bpm
Source: Beatmania Speed9
Difficulties: 1/4/6/8/0
Comments: Just watch out for the undocumented speed change near the
beginning. A down freeze arrow will scroll at ~250 bpm, along with a left
arrow that lands right on beat. The song slows back down after the left arrow.

Artist: Naoki
Speed: 170 bpm
Source: DDR 5th Mix
Difficulties: 1/4/6/9/0
Comments: Recall the "crossovers" section (Chapter 202EX) and attempt this
song on Heavy once you feel you are ready.

18. CARTOON HEROES (Speedy Mix)
Artist: Barbie Young
Speed: 170 bpm
Source: Beatmania Speed9
Difficulties: 1/4/7/9/0

19. Colors (for EXTREME)
Artist: dj TAKA (Naoki Maeda) (JUST KIDDING!)
Speed: 150 bpm
Source: Beatmania IIDX
Difficulties: 1/3/5/7/9
Comments: I really have to ditch the DDR humor. I doubt anyone's finding it

20. CRASH!
Artist: mr. Brian & The Final Band
Speed: 200 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 2/4/5/8/0

Artist: Des-ROW feat. TSUBOI for ALPHA
Speed: 143 - 172 bpm
Source: Pop'n Music
Difficulties: 1/3/6/8/8

22. Dance Dance Revolution
Artist: DDR ALL STARS (Naoki Maeda, Paula Terry, et al.)
Speed: ??? bpm (around 150 bpm)
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 3/4/7/9/9
Comments: This song isn't as difficult as the foot rating makes it out to be.
This song serves as the "One More Extra Stage" (OMES) track as default, and
cannot be changed. The forced modifiers include reverse, 3x, and sudden
death (meaning getting one good/almost/boo/N.G. results in failure.)
Challenge steps contain step segments from Dynamite Rave (Heavy) and B4U

23. Destiny Lovers
Artist: Kunitake Miyuki
Speed: 170 bpm
Source: Guitar Freaks
Difficulties: 1/3/5/9/0

Artist: Scotty D.
Speed: 150 bpm
Source: DDR 3rd Mix Plus
Difficulties: 1/4/5/6/0

Artist: Naoki
Speed: 150 bpm
Source: DDR 3rd Mix
Difficulties: 1/5/7/9/9

Artist: d-complex (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 145 bpm
Source: DDR 5th Mix
Difficulties: 1/4/6/7/0
Comments: This song stops twice. Watch for it, and count the beat in your
head if necessary, as the second stop is somewhat long (around six seconds.)

27. feeling of love
Artist: youhei shimizu
Speed: 136 bpm
Source: Beatmania III
Difficulties: 1/4/5/7/0

28. Forever Sunshine
Artist: Chel Y.
Speed: 128 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme (HOME VERSION)
Difficulties: 1/3/5/5/0

29. Frozen Ray (for EXTREME)
Artist: dj TAKA
Speed: 156 bpm
Source: Keyboard Mania
Difficulties: 1/4/6/9/0
Comments: For those of you who enjoy showing off, there is a segment in this
song during which it turns into off-beat 8th steps separated into triplets.
You can spin clockwise to these steps (left-down-left, down-right-down,
right-up-right, up-left-up, etc.)

30. Gamelan de Couple
Speed: 150 bpm
Source: Mambo A Go-Go
Difficulties: 1/3/5/8/0
Comments: GAMELAN DE COUPLE!!!!!

Artist: Be For U
Speed: 125 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 1/2/5/7/0

32. Happy Wedding
Artist: ASKA
Speed: 126 bpm
Source: Beatmania IIDX
Difficulties: 1/3/5/7/0

33. Healing Vision
Artist: De-Sire (Naoki)
Speed: 49 - 196 bpm
Source: DDR 5th Mix
Difficulties: 2/3/6/8/0
Comments: The song's first 20 seconds or so are at 49 bpm. Afterwards, it
speeds up to a full 196 bpm, and doesn't slow down again until the last five
steps (Heavy). Nothing to worry about.

34. Healing Vision (Angelic Mix)
Artist: 2MB
Speed: 49 - 196 bpm
Source: DDRMAX
Difficulties: 2/5/7/9/0
Comments: This is Healing Vision's much harder little brother. The first step
in the song scrolls at 49 bpm, and then the speed increases to its full 196
bpm. While the song doesn't change its speed afterwards, it does stop for a
moment! It actually pauses in-between 8th notes, a short while after the
midway mark, and only holds this pause for an 8th measure. After the surprise
misleading pause, you're treated to one of the hardest midspeed runs in any
DDR song thus far. Enjoy!

35. Heaven is a '57 metallic gray (gimmix)
Artist: Hiro feat. Sweet little 30's
Speed: 190 bpm
Source: Dance Maniax
Difficulties: 2/4/6/8/0
Comments: This song slows down twice, to a pretty slow speed (more than likely
around 70 bpm.)

Artist: NM (Naoki Maeda) feat. SUNNY
Speed: 132 bpm
Source: DDR 4th Mix
Difficulties: 1/3/5/6/0

Artist: tiger YAMATO
Speed: 152 bpm
Source: Para Para Paradise
Difficulties: 1/3/5/6/0

Artist: Naoki feat. DDR ALL STARS (Naoki Maeda, Paula Terry, et al.)
Speed: 152 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 1/3/4/7/0
Comments: The steps to this song have evidently been edited on the PlayStation2
release compared to the arcade release, due to syncing problems.

39. I DO I DO I DO
Artist: CREAMY
Speed: 134 bpm
Source: Dance Maniax EX1
Difficulties: 1/2/5/8/0

40. I Need You
Artist: Supa Fova feat. Jenny F.
Speed: 114 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme (HOME VERSION)
Difficulties: 1/3/4/5/0

41. I'm Gonna Get You!
Artist: Kelly Cosmo
Speed: 160 bpm
Source: Guitar Freaks
Difficulties: 1/3/5/7/0

Artist: WILDSIDE (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 166 bpm
Source: Beatmania Speed9
Difficulties: 1/3/6/9/0

Artist: T.E.M.P.O. feaet. Mohammed & Emi
Speed: 125 bpm
Source: Dance Maniax
Difficulties: 1/3/5/7/0

Artist: Mutsuhiko Isumi
Speed: 138 bpm
Source: Guitar Freaks
Difficulties: 1/3/5/8/0

45. KAKUMEI (Revolution)
Artist: dj TAKA with NAOKI
Speed: 83 - 148 bpm
Source: DDRMAX2
Difficulties: 1/4/6/9/8
Comments: Notice that the challenge steps in this song are moderately easier
than their Heavy counterparts, although both step sets feel similar.

46. Keep On Liftin'
Artist: dj nagureo
Speed: 100 bpm
Source: Beatmania III
Difficulties: 1/3/5/5/0
Comments: A nice new slow song for those who are still learning the ropes. I
never suspected dj nagureo to make a song I'd actually enjoy listening to, but
"Keep On Liftin'" is a smooth jazzy track with decent hip-hop vocals.

Artist: N.M.R (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 132 bpm
Source: DDR 2nd Mix
Difficulties: 1/4/5/6/0

Artist: Naoki feat. SHANTI
Speed: 150 bpm
Source: Dance Maniax
Difficulties: 1/4/5/8/0

Artist: NAOKI J-STYLE feat. Miu
Speed: 155 bpm
Source: Dance Maniax
Difficulties: 1/3/5/8/0
Comments: This song stops for a moment near the middle. Nothing to worry

50. L'amour et la libert (DDR ver.)
Artist: NAOKI underground
Speed: 145 bpm
Source: Beatmania IIDX
Difficulties: 1/4/6/8/0

Artist: Mexican Folk Song
Speed: 179 bpm
Source: Mambo A Go-Go
Difficulties: 1/3/5/8/0

Artist: Patrick Victorio
Speed: 134 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 1/3/5/7/0

53. La Senorita
Artist: Captain.T
Speed: 182 bpm
Source: DDR 3rd Mix
Difficulties: 2/4/6/7/0

54. La Senorita Virtual
Artist: 2MB
Speed: 182 bpm
Source: DDR 3rd Mix Plus
Difficulties: 2/7/8/8/0

55. Last Message
Artist: good-cool feat. Meg
Speed: 155 bpm
Source: Beatmania IIDX
Difficulties: 1/3/6/7/0

Artist: Kosaka Riyu
Speed: 177 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 1/4/4/7/0

Artist: dj TAKA feat. Noria
Speed: 155 bpm
Source: Pop'n Music
Difficulties: 1/4/5/7/0

Artist: Chang Ma (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 95 - 190 bpm
Source: DDR 3rd Mix Plus
Difficulties: 2/5/7/8/0
Comments: Personally, I think the syncing of the steps to this song found in
DDREX are the most accurate yet. This song first appeared in 3rd Mix Plus,
and also in various future home mixes. The song starts slowly at 95 bpm, and
speeds up to 190 bpm during a blank section in the step chart. You'll notice

59. LUV TO ME (disco mix)
Artist: tiger YAMATO
Speed: 160 bpm
Source: DDR Club Mix
Difficulties: 1/4/7/9/0

60. Mahou no Tobira (Theme Song to Space Maco)
Artist: a.s.a.
Speed: 184 bpm
Source: Pop'n Music
Difficulties: 2/4/5/8/0

Artist: mitsu-O! (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 119 bpm
Source: DDR 1st Mix
Difficulties: 1/4/5/7/0

62. MAX 300
Artist: [OMEGA] (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 300 bpm
Source: DDRMAX
Difficulties: 3/6/8/10/0
Comments: The original bad boy himself, and the first 10-footer to ever appear
in a DDR game. Prior to DDRMAX (6th mix,) the foot rating scale stopped at 9.
Compared to some of the latest challenges to be presented (mainly from Naoki,)
MAX 300 is beginning to show its age. The steps aren't ridiculously difficult;
playing this song last is probably your best bet if you want to fail. The
song slows down at the midway mark to a complete halt during a freeze jump,
and begins again after one measure. Other than that, dissect the runs. These
are the easiest pattern-forming runs out of all of the MAX series.

63. MAX. (period)
Artist: 2MB
Speed: ??? bpm (150 - 600 bpm)
Source: DDR Extreme (HOME VERSION)
Difficulties: 3/9/9/10!/10!
Comments: Rumor had it that a new MAX song would be coming out soon, and here
it is. However, it wasn't made by Naoki, and it's more of a MAX 300 remix
than anything else. Traces of MaxX Unlimited and The Legend of MAX can be
heard at times, and the unmistakable slowdown during the middle section of the
song is none other than Paranoia by 180 (Naoki Maeda.) Amongst those who have
played it, this song is known for its furious jumps and runs, which are all
intertwined into one huge jug of drain-o for your stamina. Most of the song
is composed at around 300 bpm, which shouldn't be too daunting to most
experts. The song will stop near the middle, and continue on at 150 bpm with
two original segments of steps from the original Paranoia mix (Heavy only.)
The song then continues its pace of 300 bpm for a short while. About 15
seconds later, the drum kick in the background picks up to twice its speed,
and the unthinkable happens - the song speeds up to 600 bpm!!! This is
disgustingly fast, and very difficult to sight read. Your only real hope to
passing this song on a pad is a lot of memorization; especially the final
segment. Otherwise (and I don't mean to be sounding like a prude here) the
steps AREN'T that harsh. The runs are fast, but not overly chaotic. This is
the fourth song in the MAX series.

Artist: Z (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 140 - 320 bpm
Source: DDRMAX2
Difficulties: 3/6/8/10/0
Comments: The sequel to MAX 300. The song's steps display a lot of similar
characteristics to its little brother, with the addition of jumps and MANY
freeze arrows. Most of the freeze arrows are composed an 8th note ahead of
the previous step. Keep this in mind if your speed/sight reading isn't top
notch, otherwise, you'll have a pretty hard time passing this monster on heavy.
The song slows down about 1/3 into it to 140 bpm, and all of the freezes
should be hit on mark with the beat for this part. The song will come to what
most have become accustomed to calling the "MAX stop." The song stops after
the 140 bpm segment for one measure, and continues on at full force afterwards.
Additionally, whoever is responsible for creating the step chart to MAXX
UNLIMITED should be sacked. The freeze leading into the full stop DOESN'T
terminate until after the song picks back up! This means you have to hold your
foot on the freeze during the stop, and not only lift it once the song picks
up, but actually hit the same arrow right away. It's terribly frustrating,
and it doesn't help that the song has already done a number on your stamina.
It's all downhill from there.

Speed: 145 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 1/3/6/8/0

Artist: Anettai Maji-Ska Bakudan
Speed: 246 bpm
Source: Guitar Freaks
Difficulties: 2/3/5/8/0

67. Miracle Moon ~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~
Artist: Togo Project feat. Sana
Speed: 138 bpm
Source: Beatmania
Difficulties: 1/3/5/7/0

Artist: Orange Lounge
Speed: 172 bpm
Source: Dance Maniax
Difficulties: 1/3/6/7/0

69. more deep (ver.2.1)
Artist: Togo Project feat. Sana
Speed: 133 bpm
Source: Beatmania IIDX
Difficulties: 1/3/5/6/0
Comments: As much as I was hoping "Insertion" would be #69, it isn't even in
this mix. Moving on...

Artist: MITSU-O! (Naoki Maeda) with GEILA
Speed: 100 bpm
Source: DDR 4th Mix
Difficulties: 1/3/6/9/0

71. ORION.78 (civilization mix)
Artist: 2MB
Speed: 200 bpm
Source: DDRMAX
Difficulties: 2/6/8/9/0

Artist: 180 (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 180 bpm
Source: DDR 1st Mix
Difficulties: 2/6/7/8/0

Artist: STM 200
Speed: 200 bpm
Source: DDR 5th Mix
Difficulties: 2/5/6/9/0
Comments: The first and only gamer-made remix of a DDR song to appear in an
actual mix. STM are the contributor's initials. This is why there are two
"different" versions of PARANOiA ETERNAL; one set of steps created by the
player who remixed the song, and another set created by Konami. The steps
appearing in DDREX are the Konami steps.

Artist: 200
Speed: 200 bpm
Source: DDR Solo
Difficulties: 2/6/7/8/0

75. PARANOiA KCET ~clean mix~
Artist: 2MB
Speed: 180 bpm
Source: DDR 2nd Mix
Difficulties: 2/5/7/9/0
Comments: Regarded as "one of the best mixes of the song." Allow me to
digress. 2MB's remixes seem to be hit-and-miss. This one can be chalked up
to the latter. KCET stands for Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo, and yes,
it is sheer coincidence that it spells "TECK" backwards (most people seem to
think this is what the song name's origin is supposed to be.)

Artist: 190 (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 190 bpm
Source: DDR 2nd Mix
Difficulties: 2/6/8/8/0
Comments: My personal favorite PARANOiA mix. Like you care!

77. PARANOiA Rebirth
Artist: 190' (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 190 bpm
Source: DDR 3rd Mix
Difficulties: Arguably the hardest PARANOiA mix to date, excluding the two
survivors which first appeared in DDREX. This one is simply an issue of
stamina; as the Stream rating for this song is quite high.

78. PARANOiA survivor
Artist: 270 (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 135 - 270 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 3/5/8/10/0
Comments: The slower and easier little brother of PARANOiA survivor MAX,
although calling it slow and easy is a huge lie. The song slows down in
measured intervals a total of three times. Passing PARANOiA survivor is more
an issue of patterns than it is stamina, since once you feel confident enough
to try it for the first time, you're more likely to fail (and you will fail)
due to confusion than you will because of endurance problems. You truly have
to drill the song and its steps into your head hundreds of times to be able to
perfect it (and by "perfect," I mean at LEAST a full combo.) Be careful of
the coveted "four runs from hell" in the song's finale; while the crossover
points aren't anywhere near as hard to recognize as they are in PARANOiA
survivor MAX Challenge steps, they will still easily take you out if you don't
know they are coming. The run begins with LEFT-DOWN-LEFT-DOWN-RIGHT-DOWN-
RIGHT-DOWN, and for those of you who have been paying attention to my crossover
techniques, you should know what to do from here.

79. PARANOiA survivor MAX
Artist: 290 (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 145 - 290 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 3/5/8/10!/10!
Comments: The Challenge steps for this song are more than likely the most
brutal 90 seconds you'll ever attempt in a game of DDR. There really isn't
much I can tell you, except good luck and don't die. The song itself is simply
a mirrored version of PARANOiA survivor (Heavy) at 290 bpm instead of 270 bpm.
Instead of ending where PARANOiA survivor ends, it continues on through a
fourth slowdown (to 145 bpm) and speeds back up to 290 bpm. Beating this song
on Heavy is hard enough. The Challenge steps are just ridiculous.

80. Pink Rose
Artist: Kiyommy + Seiya
Speed: 146 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 1/3/5/8/0

Artist: UZI-LAY (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 120 bpm
Source: DDR 2nd Mix
Difficulties: 1/3/4/6/0

82. R3
Artist: tiger YAMATO
Speed: 157 bpm
Source: DDR Club Mix
Difficulties: 1/5/6/7/0

Artist: RevenG (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 14 - 300 bpm
Source: Beatmania IIDX
Difficulties: 3/5/8/10/0
Comments: Not a difficult 10-footer no matter which way you slice it. The
song blazes along at 300 bpm with a heavy-hitting bass drum to make your timing
that much easier. The only part to watch out for is the slow segment, which
begins in an immediate fashion (directly from 300 bpm to around 120 bpm.) In
Heavy difficulty, this segment is composed entirely of gallops and triplets.
The song then speeds back up once the music intensifies to 300 bpm, and
doesn't really throw any more curveballs your way. For most newer players,
this will be the first 10 footer you'll want to attempt. After that, it's
right on to MAX 300.

84. Scorching Moon
Artist: Shawn the Horny Master
Speed: 125 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme (HOME VERSION)
Difficulties: 1/4/6/7/0
Comments: Another DDREX exclusive to the PlayStation2. Artist wins "best name
ever" award.

Artist: Crystal Aliens (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 180 bpm
Source: DDR Solo
Difficulties: 2/5/6/7/0

86. Silent Hill
Speed: 125 bpm
Source: DDR 3rd Mix
Difficulties: 1/2/6/7/0
Comments: Okay... I respect Thomas Howard Lichenstein as a musician, and I hear
he's a tremendously nice guy. But, why is it necessary to have this song in
EVERY home release of DDR since 3rd Mix? Very few people like this song.
You'd think Konami signed a contract or something.

Artist: DE-SIRE (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 160 bpm
Source: DDR 2nd Mix
Difficulties: 1/6/7/8/0
Comments: My personal favorite Trip Machine remix, followed closely by Trip
Machine survivor.

Artist: ROSE
Speed: 169 bpm
Source: Beatmania Speed9
Difficulties: 1/3/6/8/0
Comments: Listen to Beethoven...

89. STAY (Organic house Version)
Artist: emi
Speed: 125 bpm
Source: Dance Maniax
Difficulties: 1/3/6/7/0

90. stoic (EXTREME version)
Artist: TaQ
Speed: 155 bpm
Source: Beatmania IIDX
Difficulties: 1/4/7/9/0
Comments: The steps to this song have been resynched to match the song more
closely. For those who are familiar with DXY! Heavy, you'll feel right at home
playing stoic. 8th step jumps increase as the song progresses, and prove to
be the failing point to even the best DDR player if you aren't ready for them.

Artist: D.J.RICH feat. Tailbros. (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 128 bpm
Source: DDR Solo
Difficulties: 1/5/6/8/0

92. sync (EXTREME version)
Artist: OutPhase (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 167 bpm
Source: Beatmania IIDX
Difficulties: 1/4/7/8/9

Artist: NAOKI underground feat. EK
Speed: 143 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 1/5/7/9/0

94. The Least 100sec
Artist: Hirofumi Sasaki
Speed: 200 - 263 bpm
Source: Guitar Freaks
Difficulties: 3/5/7/8/0

95. The Legend of MAX
Artist: ZZ (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: ??? bpm (around 320 bpm)
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 3/6/9/10!/0
Comments: The third song in the MAX series. This is arguably the best mix to
date, known for its hectic steps/jumps and phrases such as "THE FLY!" The
Legend of MAX comes to a complete "MAX stop" 1/3 into the song, followed by a
slow section of 16th steps, then directly back into its full speed. The final
steps in the song are a rough set of jumps intertwined with 8th step "gallops"
that fly by at 320 bpm. Appears as your default "Extra Stage" selection in
both the arcade mix of Extreme and the PlayStation2 version, with modifiers
1.5x, reverse, and no recover. Beating it will unlock it (in the PlayStation2
version only) for free play. This song is very difficult, and the steps seem
to seamlessly merge those of MAX 300 and MAXX UNLIMITED (only with less
freezes.) As with the other three MAX songs, pattern recognition and
memorization is the key. Contrary to popular belief, The Legend of MAX does
NOT receive brand new Challenge steps for the PlayStation2 version of Extreme.

96. think ya better D
Artist: sAmi
Speed: 136 bpm
Source: DDR 3rd Mix Plus
Difficulties: 1/3/4/5/0

97. Tomorrow Perfume
Artist: dj TAKA
Speed: 144 bpm
Source: Beatmania IIDX
Difficulties: 1/3/5/7/0

Artist: DE-SIRE (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 160 bpm
Source: DDR 1st Mix
Difficulties: 1/6/7/8/0

Artist: DE-SIRE (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 180 bpm
Source: DDR 4th Mix
Difficulties: 2/5/7/9/0
Comments: By far the toughest of its brethren, TRIP MACHINE CLIMAX is a nice
but difficult mix of all the recognizable TRIP MACHINE sounds and steps.

100. TRIP MACHINE survivor
Artist: DE-SIRE (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 170 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 1/5/8/9/0
Comments: Not as difficult as the name and foot rating imply. Very fun song
that contains plenty of crossovers (Heavy.)

Artist: 2MB
Speed: 160 bpm
Source: DDR 3rd Mix Plus
Difficulties: 1/6/7/8/0

102. Try 2 Luv. U
Artist: S.F.M.P.
Speed: 115 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme (HOME VERSION)
Difficulties: 1/3/4/5/0

103. TwinBee ~Generation X~
Artist: FinalOffset
Speed: 169 bpm
Source: Beatmania III
Difficulties: 1/4/6/8/0

104. un deux trois
Artist: SDMS
Speed: 140 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme (HOME VERSION)
Difficulties: 1/4/6/7/0
Comments: This song stops 1/4th of the way through the song, and continues at
a slower pace for the following 10 seconds.

105. V (for EXTREME)
Artist: TAKA
Speed: 150 bpm
Source: Beatmania IIDX
Difficulties: 1/4/6/8/9
Comments: The Challenge steps to this song are comparable to the Heavy steps,
yet the triplet 16th notes turn into sextuples, and more gallops are added to
the song. The ending is also arguably much harder, but the song in its
entirety is not very difficult.

Artist: FIXX (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 140 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 1/3/6/8/0

107. WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS (Factory Team Remix)
Artist: LIVE 2 LOVE
Speed: 136 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 1/3/5/7/0

Speed: 90 bpm
Source: DDR Extreme
Difficulties: 1/3/5/7/0
Comments: Whoever is responsible for the previous two songs needs to be sacked.
Butchering Queen this badly should be a crime punishable by sacking. I watch
too much Monty Python.

109. White Lovers
Artist: Sana Shintani
Speed: 125 bpm
Source: Pop'n Music
Difficulties: 1/2/4/7/0

Artist: FACTOR-X (Naoki Maeda)
Speed: 80 - 180 bpm
Source: DDR Solo
Difficulties: 2/4/5/6/0
Comments: A fun song that progresses from 80 bpm to 180 bpm in measured
increments. Nothing too difficult to watch out for.

111. xenon
Artist: Mr.T
Speed: 158 bpm
Source: Beatmania IIDX
Difficulties: 1/4/6/9/0

There are 25 songs in the above list that need to be unlocked before you can
play them. They are listed in numerical order below:

1. more deep (ver.2.1)
2. TwinBee (Generation X)
3. A Stupid Barber
4. Scorching Moon
5. Bad Routine
6. Forever Sunshine
7. Heaven is a '57 metallic gray (gimmix)
8. I Need You
10. Try 2 Luv. U
12. sync (EXTREME version)
13. Across the nightmare
14. The Least 100sec
15. xenon
16. Tomorrow Perfume
17. Keep On Liftin'
18. un deux trois
19. Last Message
20. TRIP MACHINE survivor
21. PARANOiA survivor
22. PARANOiA survivor MAX
23. The Legend of MAX
24. Dance Dance Revolution
25. MAX. (period)

303EX |
Dancer List |

Almost all of the dancers are obtained by playing Nonstop mode (not Endless
mode.) There are 58 confirmed dancers to this date. There are Rumors that
"Bus" and "Train" (from the Long Train Runnin' video) are numbers #59 and #60,
but no one has been able to confirm this as of yet. The confirmed 58 are
listed below.

1. AFRO (1st)
2. KONSENTO:01 (1st)
3. SPACE MAN (CS1st)
4. DISK:A (1st)
5. AFRO (2nd)
6. DREAD (2nd)
7. KONSENTO:02 (2nd)
8. MAMEO (CS2nd)
9. ASTRO (3rd)
10. BOLDO (3rd)
11. RAGE (3rd)
12. KONSENTO:03 (3rd)
13. BOLDO (4th)
14. AKIRA (4th)
15. ASTRO (4th)
16. IZAM (4th)
17. JOHNNY (4th)
18. RAGE (4th)
19. ROBO2000 (4th)
20. KONSENTO:03 (4th)
21. AFRO (5th)
22. BABY-LON (5th)
23. JOHNNY (5th)
24. NAOKI (5th)
25. NMR (5th)
26. RAGE (5th)
27. ROBO2001 (5th)
28. SPIKE (5th)
29. U1 (CS5th)
30. 2MB (CS5th)
31. LADY (1st)
32. DISK:B (1st)
33. TAMAKO (CS1st)
34. OSHARE-ZUKIN (1st)
35. JANET (2nd)
36. KAERU-ZUKIN (2nd)
37. LADY (2nd)
38. COWKO (CS2nd) ((moos not included))
39. CHARMY (3rd)
40. EMI (3rd)
41. DEVIL-ZUKIN (3rd)
42. TRACY (3rd)
43. CHARMY (4th)
44. DEVIL-ZUKIN (3rd)
45. EMI (1) (4th)
46. EMI (2) (4th)
48. JENNY (4th)
49. MAID-ZUKIN (4th)
50. NI-NA (4th)
51. TRACY (4th)
52. YUNI (4th)
53. ALICE (5th)
54. CHARMY (5th)
55. EMI (5th)
56. JANET (5th)
57. MAHO (5th)


304EX |
Nonstop Course List & Descriptions |

In DDREX, all Nonstop courses are 4 songs and only 4 songs. There are two
different difficulties at your disposal - Normal and Difficult. You are given
a standard life bar, yet the life difficulty increases with each passing song
(missed steps hurt more than in the last song.) The point value for each song
increases by 10,000,000 as you go along, starting at 10,000,000 on the first
song. The highest possible score to get on any of the Nonstop courses is

10,000,000 + 20,000,000 + 30,000,000 + 40,000,000 = 100,000,000

The standard "Song Options" menu applies to these, as well.

LGT: Light Mode
STD: Standard Mode
HVY: Heavy Mode
CHL: Challenge Mode

1. POP 4
1. IRRESISTIBLEMENT. Normal: LGT, Difficult: STD
2. CARTOON HEROES (Speedy Mix). Normal: LGT, Difficult: STD
3. I'm gonna get you!. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
4. I DO I DO I DO. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

1. WE WILL ROCK YOU. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
2. SUPER STAR. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
3. CRASH!. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
4. AFRONOVA. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

1. HIGHER. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
2. think ya better D. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
3. Bad Routine. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
4. feeling of love. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

1. (LOVE) LOVE MAGIC. Normal: LGT, Difficult: HVY
2. LOVE (LOVE) SHINE. Normal: LGT, Difficult: HVY
3. Mahou no Tobira. Normal: LGT, Difficult: HVY

5-10. PLAYER'S BEST 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20, WORST.
4 songs judged on how often you've played them, and how well you've done.
Normal difficulty receives all Standard steps, while Difficult receives all
Heavy steps.

4 songs chosen completely at random. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

4 songs chosen randomly each game, in which the songs are revealed to you
before choosing the course. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

1. TRIP MACHINE. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
2. BRILLIANT 2U. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
3. La Senorita. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
4. PARANOiA. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

14. REMiX
1. TRIP MACHINE (LuvMIX). Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
2. BRILLIANT 2U (Orchestra Groove). Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
3. La Senorita Virtual. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
4. PARANOiA KCET (clean mix). Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

1. R3. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
2. Happy Wedding. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
3. LA COPA DE LA VIDA. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
4. Destiny lovers. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

1. JET WORLD. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
2. TwinBee ~Generation X~. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
3. KEEP ON MOVIN'. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
4. 321 STARS. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

1. DROP THE BOMB. Normal: LGT, Difficult: STD
2. KISS ME ALL NIGHT LONG. Normal: LGT, Difficult: STD
3. Frozen Ray (for EXTREME). Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
4. LUV TO ME (disco mix). Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

18. FROM Dance Maniax
1. MOBO*MOGA. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
2. STAY (Organic house Version). Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
3. KISS KISS KISS. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
4. Heaven Is a '57 metallic gray (gimmix). Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

2. MY SUMMER LOVE. Normal: LGT, Difficult: STD
4. White Lovers. Normal: LGT, Difficult: STD

20. FROM beatmania
1. Miracle Moon ~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
2. air. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
3. BE LOVIN. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
4. 321 STARS. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

1. HOLD ON ME. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
2. BURNIN' THE FLOOR (MOMO MIX). Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
3. HYPER EUROBEAT. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
4. Last Message. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

22. FROM pop'n music
1. (LOVE) LOVE MAGIC. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
2. White Lovers. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
3. Mahou no Tobira. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
4. Daikenkai. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

1. Scorching Moon. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
2. A Stupid Barber. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
3. Dance Dance Revolution. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
4. ORION.78 (civilization mix). Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

24. Brand-New Songs NONSTOP
1. A Stupid Barber. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
2. un deux trois. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
3. Try 2 Luv. U. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
4. I Need You. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

1. MAX 300. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
2. MAXX UNLIMITED. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
3. The legend of MAX. Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY
4. MAX. (period). Normal: STD, Difficult: HVY

26-28. ORDER 1, 2, 3
These three nonstop courses are fully customizable. Any four unlocked songs
can be chosen to compose the course, and each song can have any modifiers
that you prefer. NOTE: Accessing the "Song Options" menu by holding
(circle) after choosing one of the three courses automatically negates any
modifiers you have preset for the four songs, and applies your new modifiers
to all four.


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Oni Courses & Descriptions |


SECTION 4--------------------------+

400EX |
Thanks |

As of this revision, I don't have very many people to thank for their
contributions. However, I would like to collectively thank the forum users
on the websites DDRFREAK.COM and AARONINJAPAN.COM (Aaron himself and
Crackoon, specifically,) for the information and conversation they have
provided regarding the release of DDREX and the timeframe leading up to it.

END - Copyleftdownupright 2003
Dance Dance Revolution is a registered trademark of Konami.
(C) 1998,2003 KONAMI & Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo
Thank you for playing!

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