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DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

Dance Dance Revolution Konamix
A FAQ/Walkthrough by CyricZ
Version 1.2
E-mail cyricz42 at yahoo.com

1. Introduction
2. FAQ
3. Basics
3A. Controls
3B. Menus/Displays
3C. How to Dance
3D. Dancing Tips for the Beginner
3E. Dancing Tips for the Intermediate
3F. Dancing Tips for the Advanced
4. Default Songs
4A. .59
4D. B4U
4K. diving money
4L. Don't Stop! (AMD 2nd MIX)
4P. Groove
4T. Look To The Sky
4X. Make Your Move
4AA. patsenner
4CC. Salamander (Beat Crush Mix)
4EE. think ya better D
5. Secret Songs
5B. AM-3P (303 BASS MIX)
5E. Do It Right
5G. DXY!
5H. era (nostalmix)
5J. Healing Vision
5K. Holic
5L. La Se�orita Virtual
5N. Let the beat hit em! (CLASSIC R&B STYLE)
5P. ORION.78 (AMeuro-MIX)
5Q. PARANOiA Rebirth
5R. R3
5T. TRIP MACHINE (luv mix)
6. Nonstop Mode
7. Other Modes
7A. Workout Mode
7B. Lesson Mode
7C. Training Mode
7D. Edit Mode
8. Unlocks
9. Standard Guide Stuff
9A. Legal
9B. E-mail Guidelines
9C. Credits
9D. Version Updates
9E. The Final Word


Hi and Konnichi wa! Welcome to my FAQ for Dance Dance Revolution for the
Playstation 1! I refer to this as a "FAQ/Walkthrough", but there's very
little "walking through" to be done with this game. Anyone familiar with
Konami's most famous member of the BEMANI series will know that there are few
written tips that can be given for the Dance Dance Revolution series. You
have to trust your own feet and your burning soul. However, I will, in this
FAQ, give you the heads-up on what the songs are, where they come from, and a
few tips to get you ready for tackling them...

This FAQ was made following the release of DDRMAX2 for the Playstation 2.
Mention is given if songs appear on future mixes. Also, since all songs in
this mix are Konami Originals, I've decided not to bring up the Song Type for
each song.

2. FAQ

Q: What is Dance Dance Revolution?

A: DDR is Konami's first release into the DDR world as it gradually makes
its way to American shores.

Q: How does one play Dance Dance Revolution games?

A: It's actually pretty simple. Your "controller" has four directions: left,
down, up, and right, which are shown at the top of your play screen. You
select a song. As the song plays, arrows will start scrolling up to your top
line. When an arrow scrolling up reaches the line of arrows at the top, you
must "step" on the direction matching that arrow's direction. If two arrows
come up at once, you must press both at once.

Q: Is this like any DDR from the arcades?

A: Not at all. For licensing reasons, and the fact that the USA has to catch
up on songs from missed mixes, we're given a hodgepodge of DDR material in
this mix from the arcade mixes. Also, there are no licensed songs in this

Q: Why isn't (insert song here) in this mix or any others?

A: Usually, it's directly related to the fact that, despite Konami's usage
of these songs for DDR, the songs are still owned by the songs' artists.
This means that the contract the artists have with Konami only refers to the
games they specify, which is generally the arcade mix, and (most of the time)
the corresponding Japanese Playstation console port. Getting the songs over
here is a whole other story, and I feel that we're lucky to get the songs that
we do.

Q: I hate the genre system. Can I just play any songs?

A: Yeah. Go to Game Options and turn on "All Music Mode".

Q: Just who is NAOKI?

A: Naoki Maeda has been with Konami for many years. He is the leader of
Konami AM Internal Sound Team, who are in charge of coming up with songs for
each new DDR release. He's responsible for many songs throughout DDR-dom,
under lots of artist names. He also has the support of other artists and
vocalists, such as Paula Terry, Thomas Howard, and Aaron G. His artist names
include, but are not limited to: Omega (the symbol), 1479, 180, 190, 190',
200, 270, 290, 8 bit, B3-PROJECT, BIG-O, BLUE DESTROYERS, Crystal Aliens,
190, NAOKI underground, NM, NO.9, NW260, RE-VENGE, RevenG, Stone Bros.,
TailBros, THE FINAL BAND, THE SURRENDERS, UZI-LAY, Z, ZZ. Some of these are
not actually names for Naoki, but sometimes artists he's used for vocals in
the songs.

Q: What is beatmania?

A: Developed almost concurrently with DDR, BM is a series of games where you
use your fingers instead of your feet. You have a set of keys, like a piano,
and you have to tap those to create the music (each key tap adds music to the
playing score). Also, you have a turntable to "scratch", which also adds
sound. The original beatmania had 5 keys, beatmania IIDX has 7 keys (and is
the only one of the series still coming out with new mixes), and beatmania
III has 5 keys and a foot pedal.

Q: I think a genre you have listed is incorrect.

A: Tell me what you think it should be, but present a good case, because I've
asked a lot of people about this subject. However, if you're disputing a
genre that has a star (*) after it, then I won't bother, because those are
the official genres as Konami states.


This covers most of the stuff you can find in the instruction booklet, but
we all know how often people hang onto these...

3A. Controls =

Directional Buttons: Moves your selection on all the menus or steps in that
Circle, X: Confirm selection
Triangle, Select: Cancel selection
Start: Start game
Start and Select at the same time: Return to title screen
L and R Buttons: These are used for Solo Mode, if playing with the Controller.
They step in the upper left/upper right steps respectively.

If DANCE PLAY is ON on the Options Menu, the face buttons (Triangle, Square,
Circle, X) will also step in that direction relative to its position on the

3B. Menus/Displays =

Main Menu

Game Mode: Select this to access the main game (see How To Dance for more
Solo Mode: Select this to start playing Solo Mode. (Info on this is also in
How to Dance)
Workout Mode: A more fitness-oriented way to play.
Lesson Mode: Tutorial for total beginners.
Training Mode: Practice any open song in any kind of situation.
Edit Mode: Create your own step patterns for any open song.
Nonstop Order: Create your own Nonstop courses in this section (explained in
Nonstop Mode).
Records: View your high scores for Game Mode and Workout Mode.
Options: Basic option stuff. Check below for more info.


Options Menu

Sound Options:
Sound: Select from Stereo or Monaural.
Voice: Select to have All voices, No Booing, or no voices.
Timing: Change the sync between the steps and the music.

Controller Settings:
Vibration: Allows you to set vibration to occur whenever you step, whenever
you miss, or not at all.
Double Play: If Vibration is on, allows you to set it for Double Mode or not.
Double Mode Settings: Allows you to adjust the controls for Double Play if
you use a controller
Dance Play Settings: If set to "Off" for a controller, face buttons will not
register steps. Turn Off if you have a pad.

Memory Card:
Save: Save system data.
Load: Load system data.
Auto Save: Will Auto Save whenever you change anything or do anything.

Game Options:
Game Level: If set to a harder difficulty, the Dance Meter will decrease more
if you miss.
Number of Stages: Sets how many stages you'll play in the normal game.
Number of Stages (Nonstop): Sets how many stages you'll play if you select
Nonstop Mode.
Time Limit: If set to On, you'll have a time limit counting down in the
Game Over: Default is Arcade. If on, then you'll drop out as soon as you fail
the song. If End of Music is selected, you'll drop out at the end of the
song if you fail.
Event Mode: If On, then you will not fail or Game Over at all on songs, and
whenever you finish a play, you'll automatically return to the song select
All Music Mode: Default is Off. If On, you'll skip selecting your genre and
will have all songs available for your play.

Graphics Options:
BG Effect: Turn the background effects on or off.
BG Brightness: Set how bright the background is if it's distracting you.
Danger Display: "Blink" will flash the Danger Display during the song.
"Still" will just have a constant Danger Display. "Off" will have none.
Stepmark Colors: Type1 is the default. Type2 has solid different colors to
tell between 1/4 notes, 1/8 notes, etc.
Character Display: Turn off and you won't see dancers while you play.

Workout Options:
Measurement: If set on "Free", all steps will add to your Calorie Count. If
set on "Regulation", only proper steps will be added.
Calorie Display: Toggle between displaying your Calories Burned and your
standard Score.
Time/Stage Display: Displays (at the top of the screen) nothing, your stage,
or your time.
Consecutive Play: Default is Off. If turned on, then when in Workout, you'll
immediately jump to the next song in the list after finishing one.
Weight Unit: Toggle between pounds and kilograms.

3C. How To Dance =

Select Style: Game Mode

Single Mode: This is a 1-player mode using the pad you used to start the game.
Versus Mode: This is a 2-player mode where each player uses a pad, and each
player plays as if it was Single Mode.
Double Mode: This is a 1-player mode where the player uses both pads. Every
song has different steps for Double Mode than Single.

Pressing twice to the right will select Link Mode, instead of Main Mode, which
I'll explain later on.


Select Style: Solo Mode

4 Panels: Play Solo Mode just like it were Single Mode.
6 Panels: Play Solo Mode with six panels using a pad, so X and O are the
upper-left/upper-right arrows.
6 Panels: Play Solo Mode with six panels using a controller, so the L and R
buttons are the upper-left/upper-right arrows.

Solo mode also has Link Mode.


Select Genre/Character

In Konamix, the song list is separated into genres, with characters going
with each genre. If you have All Music Mode turned on, then you'll just
select your characters.

Titles marked with stars have to be unlocked before they're accessible in
the genres.

COLLECTION 1: This is the first half of all the songs in Konamix
Characters: BOLDO and TRACY (3rd Mix)
*DIVE*, diving money, *Do It Right*, Don't Stop! (AMD 2nd MIX), *DROP OUT*,
*GENOM SCREAMS*, Groove, *Healing Vision*

CLASSICS: Classic DDR tunes (at least, according to KOA)
Characters: RAGE and EMI (4th Mix outfits)
CENTURY, *era (nostalmix)*, *Holic*, *La Se�orita Virtual*, LET THEM MOVE,
*PARANOiA Rebirth*, think ya better D, *TRIP MACHINE (luv mix)

CLUB STYLE: Songs that fit well in the club scene
Characters: JOHNNY and JENNY (2nd Mix)
NITE, DEAD END, diving money, *Do It Right*, Don't Stop (AMD 2nd MIX), DROP
*Holic*, *Let the beat hit em! (CLASSIC R&B STYLE)*, Look To The Sky,

BEATMANIA: Songs that have been featured in the beatmania series (may or may
not have originated there)
Characters: ASTRO and CHARMY (4th Mix outfits)
FALLIN' IN LOVE*, diving money, Don't Stop! (AMD 2nd MIX), *DXY!*, DYNAMITE
*Holic*, HYSTERIA, *LEADING CYBER*, *Let the beat hit em! (CLASSIC R&B
STYLE)*, LUV TO ME (AMD MIX), Make Your Move, PARANOiA, patsenner,
PERFECT FREE, *R3*, Salamander (Beat Crush Mix), THE EARTH LIGHT, *TRIP
MACHINE (luv mix)*

CALORIE BURNER: Songs with brisk tempos, or that require plenty of fancy
footwork, or both...
Characters: ROBO2000 and MAID-ZUKIN (4th Mix)
(nostalmix)*, *Healing Vision*, *Holic*, HYSTERIA, *La Se�orita Virtual*,

COLLECTION 2: This is the second half of all the songs in Konamix
Characters: KONSENTO:03/2 and EVIL-ZUKIN (3rd Mix)
Songs: HIGHER, *Holic*, HYSTERIA, *La Se�orita Virtual*, *LEADING CYBER*,
*Let the beat hit em! (CLASSIC R&B STYLE)*, LET THEM MOVE, Look To The Sky,
*PARANOiA Rebirth*, patsenner, PERFECT FREE, *R3*, Salamander (Beat Crush
Mix), *SUPER STAR*, THE EARTH LIGHT, think ya better D, *TRIP MACHINE (luv
mix)*, WILD RUSH

DOWNTEMPO JAMZ: These are the slower songs in the mix
Characters: IZAM and NI-NA (4th Mix)
Don't Stop (AMD 2nd MIX), Groove, HIGHER, HYSTERIA, *Let the beat hit em!
(AMeuro-MIX)*, patsenner, *SUPER STAR*

HIDDEN COLLECTION: These are all the secret songs in the game. This won't
be available until you get eight secret songs.
Characters: AKIRA and YUNI (4th Mix)
Do It Right, DROP OUT, DXY!, era (nostalmix), GENOM SCREAMS, Healing Vision,
Holic, La Se�orita Virtual, LEADING CYBER, Let the beat hit em! (CLASSIC R&B


Select a Song

Use Left and Right to switch songs. Press X or O to make your selection.

Once you select your song, you can press Up or Down to change the difficulty.
There are three available difficulties for every song:

BASIC (yellow): Very simple steps. More often than not BSC difficulty has
just quarter notes.
TRICK (pink): More complicated steps. Often, the steps will try to match
how the song goes in TRK.
MANIAC (green): The hardest difficulty. These are tough ones where they focus
on one of two things: matching the notes exactly or kicking up the difficulty
to give you pains.

Press Start while selecting your difficulty to bring up a little Options
window on your side of the screen. Each of the three options are default to

1st Option: This allows you to select FLAT, which will make all arrows the
same color, as opposed to the grading colors used to distinguish beats, or
LITTLE, which will eliminate all non-quarter notes in the song, making it
really easy.
2nd Option: This is the "Turn" option.
MIRROR rotates all arrows 180 degrees.
LEFT rotates them 90 degrees to the left. (Single and Versus Only)
RIGHT in the other direction. (Single and Versus Only)
SHUFFLE randomizes the steps.
L-SHIFT rotates arrows 90 degrees to the left. (Solo Only)
R-SHIFT in the other direction. (Solo Only)
LR-FLIP flips the arrows from left to right. (Solo Only)
UD-FLIP flips the arrows from up to down. (Solo Only)
3rd Option: This is the "Appearance" option. If HIDDEN is on, the arrows
will vanish about half-way. If SUDDEN is on, the arrows will appear about
half-way. If STEALTH is on, you won't see the arrows at all.


Are You Ready?

The main field consists of the arrows and the Step Zone, which is a line of
arrows on the screen. As the song plays, arrows will begin scrolling along
the screen. As the arrows reach the Step Zone, you need to step on those

On the top of the screen is the Dance Meter. It starts about half full. As
you step properly, it'll fill more. If you misstep, your Dance Meter will
start emptying. If it empties completely, game over.

On the bottom of the screen is the difficulty (in case you forgot), and your
score as it tallies up.

Also in the middle of the screen, you'll see words pop up as you step:

PERFECT: You stepped precisely on the arrow. Combo continues, the dance meter
increases, and you get the maximum possible score from that step.
GREAT: You just about stepped on the arrow. Combo continues, the dance meter
increases, but you don't get the full score for the step.
GOOD: You're off on the step by a bit. Combo stops, but the dance meter
doesn't change.
ALMOST: You're off on the step by quite a bit. Combo stops, and your dance
meter decreases.
BOO: You completely missed the step. Combo stops, and your dance meter

Also marked on the screen is your combo, which is how many PERFECTS and GREATS
you have in a row. The announcer will tell you when you hit 100 combo, 200,



Once you complete the song, you'll see an Evaluation Screen. You'll receive
a letter grade, a tally on how many of each step you got, your maximum combo,
and your score. Your maximum possible score is a weird number based on your

The letters are AA, A, B, C, D.

I don't know how the score relates to each letter grade. I'm sure it's an
algorithm relating to Dance Points, like the newest PS2 games, but so far, I
don't know the algorithm

D is a failing grade, or a pretty low score.

C and B are progressive grades you get for scores on the song, without
having a full combo.

A is given for scores with a full combo.

AA is given for all PERFECTs.

It's also worth pointing out the misplacement of MISS and ALMOST. MISS is
actually the ALMOSTs you got, and ALMOST is the BOOs you got.


Solo Play (6 Panel Mode)

This is similar to normal Dance Play, except you're only playing by yourself
and have two extra arrows to worry about. Many songs have specific Solo
steps that utilize these arrows. Some don't. If songs have specific Solo
charts, I have them marked as such song by song.


Battle Mode (Versus Play)

When playing in Versus Mode, in addition to selecting normal difficulties,
each song also has a Battle Mode, which plays similar to Unison of DDR USA.
Instead of going normally through the song, the arrows move from one spot and
horizontally track towards each player's Step Zones. Green arrows go to both
Step Zones. Red arrows only go to Player 1's Step Zone, and blue arrows only
go to Player 2's Step Zone. Score is based on how many of your arrows you
can hit. Many songs have their own setup of Battle Steps, but some are just
the regular steps.

3D. Dancing Tips for the Beginner =


So, you've just got into DDR, eh? Good for you! You've become a part of a
cult sensation that still holds tons of respect in arcades across the country!
This game will probably seem quite overwhelming to you at first, especially
if you watch people play it and watch them do 9-footers. Don't sweat it.
You CAN be as good as them with the proper practice and effort.

If you really want to get into this, definitely use the Official DDR Pad.
There's no PS2 controller to use in the arcades, so learn the pad nice and
early. Most game stores have a few of these tucked away (possibly more, if
Konami's hyping this game like they should). If you're truly a beginner, you
may just want to start with a nice cheap pad. That way, if you find it's not
for you, you're not out a huge investment.

So, to begin, use the Lesson Mode the game provides you. It will walk you
through the basics and coach you to be a better dancer.

Despite the Lesson Mode, here are some tips I can give you as a beginner:

1. Get a good feeling for the beat. People who have performed with music have
an advantage. People in marching band have a serious advantage. ~_^ You'll
be stepping to the beat in these early stages, so get used to it now.

2. Now that you have the beat, you must "find the arrows". Yeah, sure. I
know they're right there in front of you, to your sides, and behind you, but
can you hit them without looking? Early on, you'll find that's your biggest
problem: taking a step and not landing on the arrow. If you have to look,
look, but that tactic won't last forever, so before a song takes off, take
some cursory steps to make sure you're hitting arrows.

3. Keep your center. Especially on cheap pads with no definition, you'll find
yourself often taking leave of the center of the pad as you continue stepping.
If there's a break in the song, look down to make sure you're in the center.

4. Use the balls of your feet. You may notice, after some days of a lot of
playing, that your ankles will start hurting. That's normal, and it's
happened to most everyone I know that DDRs. This is your feet telling you to
not step with your heels, but with the front of the foot. Get into that

5. Now that you have these basics, and the Lesson Mode (largely) completed,
head into Beginner Mode and start tackling songs. In particular, get used to
the speed of the songs, as well as the speeding-up, slowing-down, and stopping
some songs do. When that just gets too easy, take a deep breath and head into
the real DDR world with Basic Mode. Try to keep your songs at three feet or
below, but don't be afraid to venture out into the great unknown.

3E. Dancing Tips for the Intermediate =


Well, you're definitely not a n00b anymore (pardon my French). You're at the
point where you wouldn't completely humiliate yourself at the arcades, but
you probably won't impress many people there. In fact, you may just bore them
with your simple steps. It's time to go to the next level.

At this point in your career, it's time to consider a new pad. For me, this
meant going to redoctane.com and ordering their standard soft pad. This pad
has a soft bottom which won't slip or bunch up as much. It's still not a
serious pad, but you could do worse with fifty bucks...

So, first tip is to KNOW THE SONGS. You don't necessarily need to memorize
the steps, but have a basic understanding of the song before you go into it.
Even memorize the music itself, the lyrics, etc. so you can whistle along.
Know where the tempo changes may occur, where stops are. Most importantly,
know where the songs musical notes occur in the melody, because these will
be mostly what you step.

Now that we're heading into dangerous territory, there is one big rule that
I have to stress right away:

Remember how in the last part I told you to "find your center"? Well, you've
found it by now, so now it's time to GET OFF IT. That's a crutch that's
let you into the game, but it will hold you back later on. What you have to
learn is to return your feet to the center as rarely as possible, if at all.
Move your feet from one arrow to the next, and don't move them unless you have
an arrow to go to. This is probably the hardest thing you'll ever have to
learn as a DDR player. Once you've relinquished your grip on the center, you
only stand to improve up to the highest reaches of DDR-dom.

This actually leads to the other major point of going intermediate:

Eighth notes. Those are those off-colored ones. You'll have to deal with
a lot of them, so learn to love them now. This is actually a good first step
to leaving the center, because you are absolutely required to step three or
more arrows in succession, and you'll have no time to return to the center at
all. Use groups of three eighth notes to figure how to properly move between
arrows; combinations such as up-left-down, where your right foot goes on up,
left foot goes on left, and your right foot is already carrying back towards
the down arrow, for example. Once you get strings of three down, you'll be
ready to tackle longer strings, of four, five, seven, even nine if they're
not too tangly...

So, for this end, you'll want to go for songs of four to six feet in
difficulty, as well as treading into the pink pink waters of Trick Mode.
Just about all songs of this difficulty have at least several eighth notes
to give you practice. Take these opportunities to develop your step
combinations for your own style, so you'll be ready to use them when they
appear again in harder songs.

Also, it may behoove you to get into Workout Mode or Nonstop Mode and
repeatedly hammer some songs, particularly those of a brisk pace. This is a
good first step to building up all-important stamina.

3F. Dancing Tips for the Advanced =


All right. You're through messing around, and through getting condescending
looks from your peers at the arcade. It's time to show them what you can
really do and kick it up a notch or three.

If you're really serious now, it's once again time for a new pad. Although
7, 8, and even some 9-footers are possible on a soft, flimsy pad, you just
won't get the high scores you cherish. For this, I turned to RedOctane's
Ignition 2.0. It's also a soft pad, but the thick foam insert, soft gripping
bottom, and raised step platforms make it a good pad for aspiring champions,
all for a paltry 100 clams.

Of course, if you have the money to blow (approximately $200), you may want
to take it even further and buy the Cobalt Flux pad, which is a custom-made
hard metal pad. It's VERY resilient, and much like pads you'll see in the

Anyway, pads aside, it's time to get down to business:

First, you better have mastered the stuff from the previous sections. I want
to be able to yell out a song title and for you to hum it right there so you
know what it sounds like. I don't wanna see your feet touch that center,
soldier, or you'll drop and give me fifty. At this point, you should also
have quick enough eye-foot coordination so that matching arrows on the screen
with proper steps is second-nature.

Now, for some new tactics:

Chaos. You'll soon find as you reach the higher levels, that not all arrows
are quarter notes and eighth notes. You'll find sixteenths, twelfths, and
thirty-second notes thrown in to mess you up. Very rarely will they be in
random. Almost always, they'll match up with how the song goes, so you'll
at least have that going for you. So, a thorough knowledge of the songs will
allow you to surmount this hurdle with little difficulty.

Gallops. This is the popular name for a series of steps that has two
sixteenth note steps together, then two sixteen notes of dead space, then two
note steps together, and so on. When you step these notes, you'll feel like
a horse gallopping, which derives the name. Oftentimes, these notes will be
strung so that the last note in one gallop is the first note of the next
gallop. To properly step these, leave your last-stepping foot in place, so
it'll be ready to step the next gallop while your other foot moves to the
next note. This leads to the final tactic.

Axis of Rotation. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to have your
upper body directly facing the screen at all times. A very important tactic
for the toughest songs is turning your body so that making truly difficult
steps becomes easier. Using alternating feet on long series' of eighth notes
is far less taxing than taking two or more eighth notes with one foot. The
best way to start turning your body is with left-down-right eighth note
combos. Left foot on the left arrow, right foot on the down, and turn so that
your left foot hits the right arrow. It'll be very disorienting at first,
but the hard songs will really take it out of you if you don't learn. After
learning a basic turn, learn to maintain your body at a 90 degree angle to
the screen for extended periods of time, and then taking it further by
rotating 180 degrees, or even 270 and 360, if you're brave enough to take
your eyes off the screen.

Finally, it's important to be in relatively good shape for this. You have to
have the proper stamina and leg strength to pull off the toughest ones,
because rather dexterous and tiring feats will be required of you, so keep
pounding at it, do hard songs repeatedly to build up strength, and push
yourself harder and harder to go all the way up to the great green Maniac


These songs are open to you by default.

4A. .59 =

Artist: dj TAKA
Genre: Chill Out*
BPM: 135

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 4 4
TRK: 6 6 6
MNC: 7 7 7
Battle: 4

Play Notes: The song carries at a steady pace, until the end, where it slows
down ever so slightly.

Maniac Notes: Prepare for lengthy streams during the main melody, with a
couple of gallops thrown in to match the piano hits. The streams are fairly
straightforward, though. Also, during the bridge, you'll find some streams
of sixteenths, but they stay on the same two arrows.


First Appearance: beatmania IIDX 2nd Style
DDR Debut: DDR 4th Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR Ultramix, DDR Extreme USA
Artist Notes: dj TAKA should be no stranger to Bemani fans. Often considered
to be just as popular (if not moreso) than Naoki, Takayuki Ishikawa has been
with Konami since beatmania IIDX. He's done many DDR and beatmania tunes.
Misc. Notes: So, what's the significance of ".59"? Well, "point five nine"
in Japanese is "ten-go-kyu". This is very similar to "tengoku", which is
Japanese for "heaven" or "paradise". The "Kyd Konamix Mix" of this tune by
Jesper Kyd is in DDR Ultramix 2.


Artist: 8bit
Genre: Tribal*
BPM: 200

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 4 3
TRK: 6 6 5
MNC: 9 9 8
Battle: 4

Maniac Notes: One pain of a nine-footer. The streams can get pretty long (up
to sixteen notes long), and they'll include turning regularly, including
full spins. Nothing truly special, just a lot of it, and at a fast tempo,



(Hai aleelokuwala beeyaka Haiaiaiai)
(Jawa bala Jawa bala)
(Hai aleelokuwala beeyaka Haiaiaiai)

Hey, vibe! Hey, hey, vibe! Ha! Brrrrah!
Hey, vibe! (Heyleypolay!) Hey, hey, vibe! Ha! Brr...

Jawa obalabala shomoba HEY!
Jawa obalabala shomoba HEY!
Jawa obalabala shomoba HEY!
Jawa obalabala shomoba HEY!

Hey, vibe!

Da! Daaaah!

Eylay, ohlay, ohlay, ohlay


Ha! Brrrrah!


First Appearance: Dance Maniax (a series that requires you to place your
hands over lights, very short-lived)
DDR Debut: DDR 5th Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR Ultramix (Song Pack 2), DDR Extreme 2
Artist Notes: 8bit is a psuedonym for Naoki (info in the FAQ).
Misc. Notes: The original to this remix, "AFRONOVA", is in DDR USA and
DDRMAX2 USA. The "FROM NONSTOP MEGAMIX" version of this song is in DDR
Extreme 2.


Artist: NPD3
Genre: Jazz
BPM: 105

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 1 2 2
TRK: 4 4 4
MNC: 5 6 6
Battle: 2

Maniac Notes: Small streams, and some double steps inserted into the streams,
but very little. With the nice easy tempo, you'll find that this is probably
the easiest Maniac in the game.



Let me sing it to you

Why are we here like this?
I don't know, too many drinks and a kiss?
Male and female, what is there to do?
That's right, the beasty rendezvous
You wanna go Greco-Roman style?
To meet your needs I'll even run a mile
Be prepared, we're gonna have some fun
And the time has come
Round one

(Come on)
(Here we go, here we go)

After the game of love baby
All I wanna do is be lazy
Stay in bed like we don't care
What's up outside
After the game of love baby
You know you're drivin' me crazy
Between the sheets
Just you and me

Hey baby, what did ya think of that?
You want some more?
Hey ref, if there is one, that is
Ring that bell for us
Round Two!


First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix (JP PS1)
American Appearances: DDR Ultramix (as GAME OF LOVE)
Artist Notes: NPD3 is an alias for U1-ASAMI, a Konami Original artist who's
had his hands in several DDR tunes for home mixes.
Misc. Notes: What's AFTER THE GAME OF LOVE, you say? Well, technically, this
tune originally had lyrics (see above). Reading the words, you can see why
there'd be some "problems". So, the idea had at that point was to just
remove the lyrics, since the song can stand pretty well on just the jazzy
music, and the name was also truncated, so there you go.

4D. B4U =

Artist: NAOKI
Genre: Speed Rave*
BPM: 155

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 4 4
TRK: 6 6 6
MNC: 8 7 8
Battle: 6

Maniac Notes: Probably one of the easiest eight-footers in the business.
You'll face short to medium-length streams, with no turning. There are a
few gallops to match the music at the chorus, and a few sixteenths just
before the key change.



Let's get it on, don't stop us now
We come on the scene, we came to get down
Check the moves, you know they can't be dissed
Ain't too many that can float like this
We humbling, comin at ya
And the rhythm is gonna get cha
Need I, should I not say no more
Tell me what's the deal, yo check my flow!

Jump, jump, jump, DDR!
Yo! Everybody feel the beat with DDR!
Jam, jam, jam, DDR!
Everybody dance let's get down!

Could it be that you wanna be more like me
No shame, I bring pain for the year 2G
Now we are gonna turn this party out
Put your hands in the air, move 'em all about
Can you feel the beat down in your soul
Don't fight the rhythm just let it go
4, 3, 2, 1, lets count it down
Wanna see you move, let me hear that sound!

Jump, jump, jump, DDR!
Yo! Everybody feel the beat with DDR!
Jam, jam, jam, DDR!
Everybody dance let's get down!

B, B, B, B4U!
Yo! Everybody feel the beat with DDR!
Jam, jam, jam, DDR!
Everybody dance let's get down!


First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR Disney Mix, DDR Extreme USA, DDR Ultramix 2
Artist Notes: See FAQ for info on Naoki. Lyrics in this song are by AaronG.
Misc. Notes: The B4 ZA BEAT MIX Challenge Remix of this song is in DDR Extreme


Artist: DIVAS
Genre: R&B
BPM: 96

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 1 2 1
TRK: 3 4 3
MNC: 6 6 5
Battle: 4

Maniac Notes: Quite simple, really. Short streams, and only a little bit of
turning. Watch at the end for a couple of off-beat notes.



Take a look into this bedroom, my love
Can't you clearly see, I'd give you more than time
You call me friend, but you can best believe
I want to reveal, there is more to me
When late at night, you phone, I need, to groan, about someone else
Done you wrong, and left you low

I said, don't worry love (don't you worry, baby)
I'm here, for you (Don't you fret)
But what I'm gonna say is I'm the one you should pursue

Give into love, give into me, give me that good love
Baby, gimme your love, I'm the one you should give your love to
Baby, gimme your love, give me your love, give me your love
Sweet, sweet love
Gimmee your love, I'm the one you should give your love to

Why is it you can't see, what is right here, right here in front of you
I'm the one, and this is where you should be
I'm the one you should give your love to

Baby, baby, give me your lovin'
I'm the one who ought to get your good love
Gimme your love, gimme you love
Baby, baby, give me your love

(Give me love)


First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDRMAX USA
Artist Notes: DIVAS is a psuedonym for Naoki, specifically those R&B tunes
that use the vocalist Robbie Danzie.
Misc. Notes: The remix of this song, BABY BABY GIMME YOUR LOVE 2002, is in
DDR Ultramix (Song Pack 3).


Artist: NAOKI
Genre: Euro Groove*
BPM: 150

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 4 4
TRK: 5 5 6
MNC: 6 7 7
Battle: 6

Maniac Notes: For the most part, you'll find small streams and quarters.
There are a few tough spots, such as a couple of streams of three double
steps, and during the bridge, you'll step two eighths, three sixteenths, then
another eighth, then a quarter, and do that for a while. You may think it
follows the music, but it doesn't.



C'mon, let's go, here we go,
Jump jump jump everybody.
Jump up and have a hell of a time, get down.

Get involved, c'mon 'cmon.
Jump jump jump, let go.
Everybody knows how to get down.

Jump jump jump, get involved.
Jump jump jump, get involved.
Jump jump jump, get involved.
Everybody knows how to get down.

C'mon, let's go, here we go,
Jump jump jump everybody.
Jump up and have a hell of a time, get down.

Get involved, c'mon 'cmon.
Jump jump jump, let go.
Everybody knows how to get down

Jump jump jump, get involved.
Jump jump jump, get involved.
Jump jump jump, get involved.
Everybody knows how to get down.


First Appearance: DDR 2nd Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR USA, DDR Extreme 2
Artist Notes: Information on Naoki is in the FAQ.
Misc. Notes: The "Orchestra Groove" of this song is in DDR USA and DDRMAX USA.
There is also a "K.O.G G3 MIX" of this song in DDR Extreme 2.


Artist: NAOKI
Genre: Euro Groove*
BPM: 155

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 4 4
TRK: 6 6 6
MNC: 7 8 8
Battle: 8

Maniac Notes: The streams don't get very long, and there's no turning
involved. Probably the only tricky part is the bridge, where the steps
follow the synthesizer hits.



(Look out on the dancefloor)
(It's waiting for you)
It's time to burn

Burn, burn, burn's the fix
And tell me, do you really wanna roll with this
The heat is on, it's time to move
So where you know just what to do
The temperatures rising, no way out
Going too far, can't stop now
So let me know if you feel it, too
When the fire gets inside of you

Where have, you been all of my life
I've been, looking for you
I wanna dance through, dark into the daylight with you
I wanna burn!
Burn, burn burn, the world right
The rhythm's hard to ignore
Set up a big fire
I just don't care anymore!

Let's make it special, on a dance floor
I can read the signs, but I can't use the lore
Let's get it up, 'cause now's the time
I really wanna make you mine tonight
Let's put in the fight
You and me, on a fantasy
And if you really wanna learn, I'm gonna show you how to burn

Burn, burn, burn, you burn me
You body's talking to mine (you burn me)
Sizzling sensation, our bodies like it in time (oh yeah!)
You know we gonna burn, burn, burn the fire, they don't make it anymore (talk
to me)
Fire in big waves, yeah. I've got you burning the floor
Burnin' the floor!
Burnin' the floor!


First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR Ultramix (Song Pack 1), DDR Extreme 2
Artist Notes: See the FAQ for info on Naoki. Vocals are by Robbie Danzie and
Aaron G.
Misc. Notes: The "BLUE FIRE mix" of this song is in DDR Extreme 2.


Artist: N.M.R
Genre: Euro Groove*
BPM: 144

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 4 4
TRK: 6 6 6
MNC: 7 7 8
Battle: 5

Maniac Notes: Several difficulties in this song. There are small eighth note
streams with double steps. There are small clusters of clearly visible
sixteenth notes in the song. The biggest problem is that several streams
go all the way around the pad, making you spin around if you want to
alternate your feet (which you probably don't want to do).



Gotta get down with my sound
Give you the run around, like run you right outa'
All alone am I, I put my nose to the grindstone
From my mind, to pen to the paper
Back to the mind,
This beat is hard as crack,
Without tact, it's a mismatch

Come on baby, it's party time
(I like it, I like it)
Come on baby, it's party time
(Come on and have a party)
Celebrate the night
(Give me one more night)
Won't somebody please, save my life tonight?

Gotta get down with my sound
Give you the run around, like run you right outa'
All alone am I, I put my nose to the grindstone
From my mind, to pen to the paper
Back to the mind,
This beat is hard as crack,
Without tact, it's a mismatch

Come on baby, it's party time
(I like it, I like it)
Let's get together, come on and have a party
Who do you think you are?
(Give me one more night)
Won't somebody please, save my life tonight?


First Appearance: Dancing Stage feat. True Kiss Destination (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDRMAX2 USA
Artist Notes: N.M.R is a Naoki psuedonym.
Misc. Notes: The "EURO TRANCE STYLE" Challenge Remix is featured in DDRMAX2
USA and DDR Ultramix 3.


Genre: Happy House
BPM: 126

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 3 3 4
TRK: 4 5 6
MNC: 7 7 8
Battle: 3

Maniac Notes: Pretty tricky. There are a few turns, and some long streams,
along with plenty of double steps. Also, there are gallops regularly thrown
in during percussion runs, and you'll gallop along with the main melody a
few times.


First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix (JP PS1)
Artist Notes: CLUB SPICE is a psuedonym for U1-ASAMI (see AFTER THE GAME)
Misc. Notes: The remix of this song (MORNING MIX) is in DDRMAX USA. In the
original, there were spots of blood on both the banner and the background
graphic, and the furry cop was holding a gun. These have all been removed
for this mix and all future mixes featuring this song.


Artist: N&S
Genre: Street Noise
BPM: 190

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 5 6 5
TRK: 7 7 7
MNC: 9 8 9
Battle: 8

Maniac Notes: Ouch. There isn't much turning going on here, and there's only
a little bit of chaos in the middle and the end, where you step the notes.
The biggest problem is the quick tempo, and the long streams. Also, there
are parts near the end that require you to tap the same arrow quickly several


First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR Ultramix 2
Artist Notes: N&S is a Naoki psuedonym (see FAQ for info)

4K. diving money =

Artist: QUADRA
Genre: Drum'N'Bass*
BPM: 150

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 5 3
TRK: 5 8 4
MNC: 7 8 6
Battle: 4

Maniac Notes: Basic streams for the most part, with a little chaos in the
beginning. In the second half of the song, prepare to deal with small
streams with double steps in the middle. Also, at the end are some gallops
closing off the song.


First Appearance: beatmania IIDX
DDR Debut: DDR Club Mix
Artist Notes: QUADRA is Hiroshi Watanabe, a Konami Original artist with
several tunes, rooted in beatmania.
Misc. Notes: There are only two difficulties of Double. The Trick and Maniac
difficulties are the same.

4L. Don't Stop! (AMD 2nd MIX) =

Artist: Dr. VIBE feat. JP miles
Genre: House Handbag
BPM: 130

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 3 4 3
TRK: 5 5 5
MNC: 7 7 6
Battle: 7

Maniac Notes: Most of the first half of the song follows the piano hits, then
it settles into your average seven-footer, with modest streams, some turns,
and offbeat steps.



Don't ever stop, don't ever quit
Don't ever
Don't ever
Don't ever
Don't ever, ever, ever, ever
Yes, if I win
Then you are my friend
You are the best thing that ever happened to me

Don't ever
Don't ever
Don't ever, ever, ever
Yes, if I win
Win, win
Win, win
Win, win

Don't ever stop, don't ever quit
Don't ever quit your love for me
Yes, if I win
Then you are my friend
You are the best thing that ever happened to me
No one could ever come between you and me, baby
Because we know what friends should be

Don't ever stop, don't ever quit
Don't ever quit your love on me
Yes, if I win
Then you are my friend
You are the best thing that ever happened to me


First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDRMAX2 USA
Artist Notes: DR. VIBE is Naoki, who remixed this song from its original
beatmania version, written by dj TAKA (see .59). JP miles is the vocalist.


Artist: Scotty D.
Genre: Techno Rave*
BPM: 150

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 4 4
TRK: 5 5 5
MNC: 6 6 7
Battle: 7

Maniac Notes: You'll be facing short streams with some Chaos, mostly. Once
you reach the bridge of the song, you'll match the percussion with your steps,
and then get back into the normal groove for the last chorus, until the end,
where you'll have to step in time to the synthesizer. It's a string of
quarter-note length triplets, so follow the music with them, and don't go too



Sorry, but could I have the music louder?

Yeah drop the bomb! Just drop the bomb!

I'm kinda dizzy, 'cause of my dreams...

Getting sick and tired of the fossil-like system
Now or never it's the time to resist 'em
It's easy to blast them all away
Pull a trigger, push a button, say adios to today
Don't get me wrong, I'm a pacifist
The mind can do more than the fist
Explosives are not what it takes
(You know, terrorists always make these mistakes)

What we gotta do is build momentum
If you need the right tools invent 'em
Ride the wave of time, come feel the rhythm
The march to the future has begun, get with 'em
The brain is the generator of almighty power
Either do it now or your master plan goes sour
Yeah! Are you ready to take that fall?
It's up to you to make that call to drop the bomb!

Yeah drop the bomb!
Just drop the bomb!
Let me see that bomb!


Learn from the sunken Mu, Atlantis
And from the beheaded male-praying mantis
We've all gotta make room for whats to come
What we gotta do is build momentum
If you need the right tools invent 'em
Ride the wave of time, come feel the rhythm
The march to the future has begun, get with 'em
The brain is the generator of almighty power
Either do it now or your master plan goes sour
Yeah! Are you ready to take that fall?
It's up to you to make that call!

(And if it don't work then make the real thing, wipe it out)

So drop the bomb!
Yeah drop the bomb!
Just drop the bomb!
Let me see that bomb!

That bomb!
That bomb!
That bomb!


First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix (JP PS1)
American Appearances: DDR USA, DDR Extreme USA
Artist Notes: Scott Dolph is KCET's guy for public relations with the USA.
Turns out he's a pretty good vocalist and rapper, too. The actual composer
of this song is U1-ASAMI.
Misc. Notes: The "System SF Mix" of DROP THE BOMB appears on DDRMAX USA and
DDR Ultramix.


Artist: NAOKI
Genre: Speed Rave*
BPM: 150

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 5 5 4
TRK: 7 6 7
MNC: 9 8 9
Battle: 6

Maniac Notes: This song will definitely wear you down if you're not used to
catas. It has everything a good cata should, though: long streams,
sixteenths thrown in, double steps on some of the shorter streams, and
chaos. At the beginning, you'll have to deal with some syncopation, as the
first four notes are on the eighth-note beat, the next three are off, and the
last two aren't, and that keeps up for several measures. Once the verse
starts, you'll have eighths with groups of three sixteenths regularly thrown
in. You'll get a bit of a respite from sixteenths once you get to the
chorus, but those are replaced with doubles-in-streams, and long streams,
then back to the second verse for more sixteenths, and then back to the
chorus for more long streams and doubles. Good luck to you.



1, 2, 3, 4
Dynamite Rave!

Come on everybody!
(go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go)
And get on the floor, yeah

Techno, rave
It's time to make a stand
and pave the way
Some might say
Let it go
Stay with the flow
Stay on beat
Move your feet
On concrete
Or on the dance floor
You want more
Then I'll give you more
If it's too hardcore
Let me know
I'll stop the show
Then bring it back
To be exact
At 12 o'clock
Rock the spot
It's too damn hot
They told me so
Dynamite rave
It's on the down low
Use your inner glow
To make a move
Show and prove
The man with the lisp
Sounds so crisp
When you can see me
On the radio
Here me blow

I don't wanna give up
We're gonna have a party
Have a really great time
Yeah Yeah!
Just feel the heat
Listen to the music
and feel that beat

C'mon, get up
C'mon, c'mon
Let me hear ya
Let me hear ya

C'mon, get up
C'mon, c'mon
Let me hear ya
Let me hear ya

Jump jump
Do your thing
This be the bomb
Try to sing
Narrator king
Spread your wings
Make your head ring
To this song
All night long
Jack your body
To this party
Feel the pain
When you strain
Don't refrain
Please don't stop
Until you drop

I don't wanna give up
We're gonna have a party
Have a really great time
Yeah Yeah!
Just feel the heat
Listen to the music
and feel that beat, yeah!


First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR USA, DDR Ultramix (Song Pack 3), DDR Extreme 2
Artist Notes: Information on NAOKI is in the FAQ.
Misc. Notes: You can find the "Down Bird SOTA Mix" of this song on DDRMAX USA,
and the "B4 ZA BEAT MIX" of this song in DDR Extreme 2.


Artist: NO.9
Genre: Dance Speed*
BPM: 170

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 5 4
TRK: 7 6 6
MNC: 8 9 8
Battle: 8

Maniac Notes: This will end up being bumped to a nine-footer by the time of
DDRMAX2 USA. It probably deserves it, too. The hardest parts are during the
rap lyrics, that involves streams that aren't too long, but are very tough
to step, with multiple turns, and then those streams start throwing in double
steps, which requires you to make some quick leaps at this speed. During the
chorus, it's a little bit easier, with double steps on quarters and some
small streams.



End of the century
Misery, can it be chaos who's the boss
Suffer a great loss
Man woman child
No longer exist
Only the good ones will be missed
Life, love, cherish it all
Who will be left to conquer it all
The end is coming
Don't start running
There's nowhere to run
Don't grab a gun
All over the land hear this roar
No one know what's in store
Look for the star, he's on his way
No one knows what to do today
Love your self and all around
In a blink of an eye
You won't hear a sound
Your heart is pounding at rapid speed
Man will always feel the need for greed

Let's go for it
Now you can't miss
Beware because the end is here

The sky is falling
Eyes are bawling
You had your chance
To make your stance
Love is a must
Life don't lust
Not time to fuss
People start to cuss
Cry out who's going to care
Have no doubt have no fear
Believe in me I'll show you the way

Some people think the year 2G is so scary
Let's wait and see
The world will shot down most won't admit
People go crazy
People catch fits
Fire breaks out
One way to stop
Play hip hop, non-stop-stop
Remember these words
And what I said
You just might wake up brain dead

The feeling (feeling)
Is amazing (amazing)
Oh boy, I want you (come on and get me)

Some just say the world is changing
Many people will agree
Many changes we are seeing
I just say...
It's the end...
It's the end...
It's the end of the century

End of the century!


First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDRMAX2 USA, DDR Ultramix 2 (Song Pack 7)
Artist Notes: NO. 9 is yet another psuedonym for Naoki Maeda. Both Paula
Terry and Argie Phine supply the lyrics.
Misc. Notes: The artist name is a reference to Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, and
the song's tune is based off Beethoven's "Ode to Joy".

4P. Groove =

Artist: Sho-T feat. Brenda
Genre: Garage
BPM: 130

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 3 3
TRK: 6 6 6
MNC: 8 8 8
Battle: 6

Maniac Notes: You'll find streams and a few turns here, but the biggest issue
is the fact that double steps are regularly thrown into the streams, making
for some big jumping feats as you bounce around. Also, watch out at the end,
as there are three sixteenths leading to the last double step.



The night is hot
I think I�m going to have some fun
It�s 12 o�clock
But it looks like the party�s just begun
Walked in the club
Tonight I�m gonna make my move
When I saw you
I knew exactly what to do

I go up, I go down
Spins my head all around
It�s your eyes, it�s your style
I wanna make you mine!
There�s one thing I must know
On the floor this will show
So feel the rhythm and let it flow!

Groove! Boy Groove!
Can�t all that booty be all yours!
Move! Let�s move!
Ev�body get down on the floor!
Dance! Let�s dance!
Can�t all that booty be all yours!
Move! Let�s move!
So boogie some more!

Groove! Boy Groove!
Can�t all that booty be all yours!
Move! Let�s move!
Ev�body get down on the floor!
Dance! Let�s dance!
Can�t all that booty be all yours!
Move! Let�s move!
So boogie some more!
Baby, let�s groove!


First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix (JP PS1)
American Appearances: DDRMAX2 USA
Artist Notes: Shoichiro Hirata is another Konami in-house musician. His
credits include the Groove series and "Share My Love".
Misc. Notes: The remix of Groove, "Groove 2001", appears in DDRMAX USA.


Artist: NM feat. SUNNY
Genre: Dance Pop*
BPM: 132

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 3 3 3
TRK: 5 5 5
MNC: 6 7 7
Battle: 7

Maniac Notes: Nice and easy for the most part. Small streams, mostly, with
only a tiny bit of turning. Watch out for some quick double steps at the



Girl, give it up, go and run away
To the arms of a magic day
Where you can stay
Where you can find yourself
Find yourself

Lose your fear, 'cause there is no one here
Do what you want to do
There's nobody stopping you, no
Give yourself and let the music take you far
Then you will know who you are

Baby, getting higher
We're getting higher
Movin' with the vibe
Let the rhythm make you fly
You are the one! Baby, isn't this fun

(Won't you show me how?)
Whoa-oh oh ohhhh, whoa-oh
You and I
I know we can move if we try
You know this is how it should be

Baby, getting higher
We're getting higher
Open up your eyes
Everyday is a surprise
You are the one
Baby, the only one

We're getting higher
We're getting higher
Start again from here
And a new you will appear
You are the one, baby isn't this fun


First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR Disney Mix, DDR Extreme USA
Artist Notes: NM is short for Naoki Maeda (information in FAQ). Sunny James
is the song's vocalist.
Misc. Notes: The "next morning mix" Challenge Remix of this song is in DDR
Extreme USA.


Artist: NAOKI 190
Genre: R&B
BPM: 190

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 3 5
TRK: 6 5 6
MNC: 8 7 8
Battle: 7

Maniac Notes: The tempo is definitely your biggest enemy. Besides the great
speed, there isn't much to point out, besides the common occurence of the
step pattern "left-right, up, down, left-right", which you'll learn to do
quite well.



I was the teacher and I made you learn
I was the flame, and you just got burnt
By me the one and only, Chaos is here
To preach havoc and destruction and to strike fear

Demolishin' my foes just like that
I see the fools and they want to combat
So I pull out the same rhyme, don't waste no time
Brushin' them off with the freshest of lines
So we could see who is the better of the best
Well I've won but they've flunked the test

Stoppin' for no one just like the shogun
My blade is my rhymes, usin' it, then I'm done

Picture me, I'm on top of my world now
Picture me, I'm ahead of my game
Never stop, not for anyone, not now
Gonna take you up all the same

(ah, on top of, ahhh I'm on top, oh on top of the world oh world)

Picture me, I'm on top of my world now
Picture me, I'm ahead of my game
Never stop, not for anyone, not now
Gonna take you up all the same

Picture me, I'm on top of my world now
Picture me, I'm ahead of my game
Never stop, not for anyone, not now
Gonna take you up all the same
All the same
All the same


First Appearance: DDR Solo Bass Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDRMAX2 USA, DDR Ultramix
Artist Notes: See the FAQ for info on Naoki Maeda. The 190 is simply a
reference to the BPM this song clips along at. The Challenge Remix of this
song, "HYSTERIA 2001" is in DDRMAX2 USA.


Artist: N.M.R
Genre: House
BPM: 115

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 3 3 3
TRK: 6 6 6
MNC: 7 7 7
Battle: 2

Maniac Notes: A tricky seven-footer. Whenever you hear orchestra bells,
you'll be stepping them in a sixteenth note pattern, mostly in clusters of
five. Once the main verse begins, you'll be facing long streams. They won't
require much turning, but they're pretty long. Whenever the lyrics say
"Sweet, sweet" etc., you'll be gallopping, starting on the note.



The party's jacked, and something was sidelined
The mics are dead, Maeda takes the rewind, and use them as guidelines
I hit them, but Maeda breaks too think, within a mix
Cant think, I break him like a toothpick
Can't get with the instrumental record's power
Maeda's hunking me, like ring around a collar
So don't screw up

Let them move
Let them move, oh!
Let them move
sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet
Let them move

Let them move
Let them move, babe!
Let them move
sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet
Let them move, oh!


First Appearance: DDR 2nd Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR USA
Artist Notes: N.M.R is a Naoki psuedonym.

4T. Look To The Sky =

Artist: System SF feat. Anna
Genre: Trance
BPM: 140

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 3 2 2
TRK: 4 5 3
MNC: 6 7 5
Battle: 3

Maniac Notes: Small streams with turning, mostly. There's a little bit of
chaos before the lyrics begin, and the worst part is that it doesn't quite
follow the music...




Feeling sad and lonely
Cause I can't find you
Call your telephone
And there's never no answer
Said you love me
Kissed me
We were in heaven
Said I'm sorry
Love you, want you forever

Every night I look at the sky
Call your name
And wonder where you are
Every night I look at the sky
Baby, miss you
Won't you come back


First Appearance: DDR 5th Mix (JP PS1)
American Appearances: DDRMAX USA
Artist Notes: Sota Fujimori is a Konami Original artist, and uses the name
System SF in some of his works. Anna Quinn is the vocalist.
Misc. Notes: The "True Color" mix of this song has also appeared in DDRMAX USA,
DDR Ultramix, and DDR Extreme 2. The "Trance Mix" of this song is in DDR
Extreme 2.


Artist: DJ KAZU feat. tiger YAMATO
Genre: Euro Beat
BPM: 154

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 5 4
TRK: 7 6 6
MNC: 8 8 8
Battle: 7

Maniac Notes: Nasty. It starts with streams (which start OFF the beat, mind
you), then quickly evolves into a bunch of gallops together. After that,
you'll have to deal with strings of five sixteenths repeatedly, then there's
a bit of chaos that follows the music, then streams with double steps in
them. Good workout.



Neon signs were shining bright
And in the street lights (the street lights)
I saw your shadow was fading away
Well, I lost you all of a sudden

Good-bye my love, I love you too so
Before you went away, I didn't know
Memories awake, only in my dream
When I think I lost them, they all come back to me

You said that you love me
Looked at me softly
You kissed me and held me all night so tight
I know what you're feeling
I know what you're dreaming
All that you feel and everything in your mind

The memories are so clear (so clear, so clear...)
(So-so many...) So many good years (good years...)
The sweet ones I hold dear (hold dear, hold dear...)

Good-bye my love, I love you too so
Before you went away, I didn't know
Memories awake, only in my dream
When I think I lost them, they all come back to me

The memories are so clear
So many good years
Sweet ones I hold dear
Can't hold back the tears
I need you by my side
These feelings I can't hide
So don't walk away, boy
Baby won't you bring back


First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix (Arcade)
Artist Notes: DJ KAZU is a Naoki alias for this mix, and tiger YAMATO is Reo
Nagumo, the original author of this song, and a noted beatmania artist, who's
done many tunes, including "Keep On Liftin'" and "5.1.1."
Misc. Notes: The "Disco Mix" of this song appears on DDR Ultramix. The
"UCCHIE'S EDITION" of this song appears in DDR Ultramix 2.


Artist: U1
Genre: Reggae
BPM: 124

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 3 4 3
TRK: 5 5 6
MNC: 7 8 7
Battle: 4

Maniac Notes: It's mostly just small streams with a few double steps thrown
in, and at a relatively easy tempo, you'll find this song won't give you too
many pains if you're experienced enough.



Dreamin', dreamin', groovin',
If you know what I mean, it's movin' on the scene, alright?

*Make the bumping, quit the whining,
Make the moving with the dance hall king.

Wadadadekodo wadadanding,
Churip pip pip pip pip pipiboskin,

Trinda yo, she's a friend of mine,
Catch up your own, if your body's of size.

Know every size and ship on stamina,
To make it all look cool and bubbly wine,
Rational ma boy.



First Appearance: DDR 2nd Mix Link Version (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR Ultramix 2
Artist Notes: See "AFTER THE GAME" for info on U1-ASAMI.
Misc Notes: The "Dub/House" mix of this tune by Big Idea is in DDR Ultramix


Artist: mitsu-O! SUMMER
Genre: Reggae
BPM: 118

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 5 5 5
TRK: 6 7 6
MNC: 8 8 8
Battle: 5

Maniac Notes: If you've played the original MAKE IT BETTER, you'll still find
this one to be a pain, because they've loaded up even more steps and chunks
of double steps in streams that are truly designed to make you fall over.
Watch out for the super-intense double stream at the end.



Got no money
Talk to my dream

Time after time I've tried to walk away
Uh, uh, uh, and you don't break my heart
Time after time I've tried to walk away
Uh, uh, uh
Time after time I've tried to walk away
Uh, uh, uh, and you don't break my heart
Time after time I've tried to walk away
Uh, uh, uh

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Time after time I've tried to walk away
Uh, uh, uh, and you don't break my heart
Time after time I've tried to walk away
Uh, uh, uh

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah


First Appearance: DDR 2nd Mix (Arcade)
Artist Notes: mitsu-O! is a Naoki psuedonym (check the FAQ for info).
Misc. Notes: The original MAKE IT BETTER is in DDR USA and DDR Extreme USA.

4X. Make Your Move =

Artist: good-cool feat. JP miles
Genre: Funk*
BPM: 120

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 3 4 3
TRK: 5 5 5
MNC: 7 7 6
Battle: 7

Maniac Notes: Well, I hope you like long streams. At the beginning, you'll
face some shorties with sixteenths thrown in to spice it up, and then come
two of the longer streams in DDR history. Fortunately, there's almost no
turning and it's at a relatively slow pace.



(ohh.. yeah, make your move)
(ohh.. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Make your move
C'mon now baby, make your move
Don't be a fool
The move I make depends on you
Yeah, you see
I give it every single part of me
And somehow
You've got to show me some kind of action, now

Go make your move, baby
Go make your move, somehow
Go make your move, on me
I need to see some action, now

Go make your move, baby
Go make your move, somehow
Go make your move, on me
I need to see some action, now

(ohh.. yeah, make your move)


First Appearance: beatmania IIDX 3rd Style
DDR Debut: DDR 4th Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR Ultramix 2
Artist Notes: good-cool is Tatsuya Furukawa, a Konami Original artist who does
a lot of house and R&B style tunes. JP miles is the vocalist for this song.


Artist: Jonny Dynamite!
Genre: Jazz
BPM: 130

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 2 3 1
TRK: 4 5 3
MNC: 7 7 6
Battle: 2

Maniac Notes: For half of the song, you'll deal with the organ hits, in a
psuedo-triplet style. For the other half, you'll have lengthy streams with a
little turning, and in between, you'll have a little bit of chaos as you
match Jonny's lyrics.




When I step onto the dance floor
I gotta pause and thank the Lord
Thank him for the gifts he gave me
An addiction to the rhythm and jammin' feet
Anytime that I hear the jazz play
I gotta tell them half-steppers "Get out my way"
Trix are for kids and I'm playin' for keeps
I can buy you and sell you, you can keep the receipt
'Cause can't nobody move the crowd the way I do
I feel for any fool that might try to
Heard the boom boom baby girl never you fear
I'm Jonny Dynamite let 'em know I'm up in here
The jazz is on the one, and the music's bumpin'
DJ's got the whole crowd jumpin'
Door to door we go for yours
All we want is more, more jazz

(Can y'all handle more jazz?
Yeah all we want is more jazz
Feel me
Break it down for me now, yo)

Aight now, swing it
Like they used to do
Put the house beat to it and before I'm through
You might learn a thing or two you can show your peeps
And you can catch me on Soul Train late next week
Don't you know I'm all that and a bucket of wings?
I'm on the jazz, when I feel the need to shake my groove thing
When you see me comin' sit back, relax
Tell your boys, look out step back
And feel that jazz

(hot, sexual)

(here I come again, here I come again
Yet again... Dynamite's blowin' up the show
Save my soul)


First Appearance: DDR 5th Mix (JP PS1)
American Appearances: DDR Ultramix, DDR Extreme USA
Artist Notes: Jonny Dynamite! is most probably the vocalist. This song was
put together by U1-ASAMI.


Artist: 180
Genre: Jungle
BPM: 180

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 6 7 6
TRK: 7 8 7
MNC: 8 9 8
Battle: 7

Maniac Notes: Like the TRIP MACHINES, the PARANOiAs tend to follow the music
closely. Also, you'll find much of the same stepwise. Short streams, turns,
wacky rhythms, but nothing truly chaotic, only faster than the TRIP MACHINES.
The original also has some repeated taps on the same arrow during a stream
that are designed to wear your feet out at that speed. These show up near the
end, so watch out.



Fee-fee-fee-feels so good...
Feels good!


First Appearance: DDR 1st Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR USA, DDR Extreme 2
Artist Notes: 180 is a Naoki psuedonym, which obviously denotes the BPM,
something Naoki likes to do with his PARANOiA mixes...
Misc. Notes: In addition to those in this game, we also have:
- PARANOiA MAX (DIRTY MIX) (Club Version Another) on DDRMAX USA
- PARANOiA KCET (clean mix) on DDR USA and DDRMAX2 USA
- PARANOiA ETERNAL on DDR Ultramix and DDR Extreme USA
- PARANOIA survivor on DDR Extreme 2
- PARANOIA survivor MAX on DDR Extreme 2

4AA. patsenner =

Artist: dj nagureo
Genre: Ambient Techno*
BPM: 108

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 5 3
TRK: 5 7 4
MNC: 6 7 5
Battle: 4

Maniac Notes: Don't get tripped up by the chaos at the beginning. After that,
it's mostly smooth, with short streams, a few doubles thrown into them,
and a small string of sixteenths near the halfway point.


First Appearance: beatmania IIDX
DDR Debut: DDR Club Mix
Artist Notes: See LUV TO ME for info on Reo Nagumo aka dj nagureo.
Misc. Notes: There are only two difficulties for Double on this song. Trick
and Maniac are the same.


Artist: nite system
Genre: House*
BPM: 130

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 5 6 4
TRK: 6 7 5
MNC: 7 7 6
Battle: 5

Maniac Notes: Seems like it's easy from the beginning, doesn't it? Tiny
streams with double steps. About halfway, you'll get a larger stream leading
into the song's main organ hits, which you'll match just about exactly for
the rest of the song, using doubles, streams, and turning, and a nasty
double-laden stream at the end.


First Appearance: beatmania IIDX
DDR Debut: DDR Club Mix
Artist Notes: nite system is a psuedonym for QUADRA. See diving money.
Misc. Notes: There are only two difficulties for Double on this song. Trick
and Maniac are the same.

4CC. Salamander (Beat Crush Mix) =

Artist: nite system
Genre: Konamix*
BPM: 134

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 4 3
TRK: 5 6 4
MNC: 7 6 6
Battle: 4

Maniac Notes: Well, some basic streams throughout the beginning, until the
organ hits start (what is it with organ hits in this mix that compels you
to hit them all the time?) Anyway, about a third of the way through, your
efforts will almost be solely on the organs, which will include double
steps. About three-quarters of the way through is a medium-size stream
that leads into some bouncing to the organs and out, and a little chaos at
the end.


First Appearance: beatmania 2nd Mix
DDR Debut: DDR Club Mix
Artist Notes: nite system is a psuedonym for QUADRA. See diving money.
Misc. Notes: The opening for this tune is a bit of old Gradius. There are
only two difficulties for Double on this song. Trick and Maniac are the


Artist: L.E.D. LIGHT
Genre: Trance*
BPM: 145

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 5 6 4
TRK: 6 8 5
MNC: 8 8 7
Battle: 5

Maniac Notes: Smooth sailing for the first half of the song, with small to
medium streams and double steps with some turning, which leads into the
halfway point, which has triplet steps to match the percussion (and what
should be voice), and then one long stream with lots of turns, which shows
how this song got its rating...


First Appearance: beatmania IIDX
DDR Debut: DDR Club Mix
American Appearances: DDR Ultramix
Artist Notes: Toshiyuki Kakuta is L.E.D., a Konami Original artist who does a
lot of beatmania.
Misc. Notes: In the original version, there were some orgasmic female voices
over the track. That didn't sit well with Konami of America at the time, so
they decided to remove them for this version. Also, the original background
art had some sketches of (clothed) ladies around the planet. There are only
two difficulties for Double on this song. Trick and Maniac are the same.

4EE. think ya better D =

Artist: sAmi
Genre: House
BPM: 136

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 3 3 3
TRK: 4 4 4
MNC: 5 7 6
Battle: 4

Maniac Notes: Probably the easiest Heavy in the game. There are some lengthy
streams, but very few that require you to turn, and you get plenty of rest in
between the potentially nasty stuff.



Peace and equality
Let�s be together, let�s live in harmony
Lookin� to the sky, keep your head on the rise
Think things on rockin� so well
Come on, girl, let me ring your bell
Feelin� the fire with burning desire
All alone and I�m bad to the bone
You gotta feel the pain, if you wanna gain

Dance with the funk and get loose
Now hit the floor directly through the roof
You can jump when the beat gets rough
Dance burnin� like the rising sun
Cool kick the nation with the groove
Till we rock the place when the biz gets moved
Roll from the head top case education while we say Grace
Yeah a magical mystery theme
Check it out, yeah hit the house scene
Time the new astrology
Magical things combine history
This one, the house transmission
Everybody write your decision
Time the new astrology
Magical things combine history

Listen up, sister

Come on, baby won�t ya be my girl
Come on, girl let me rock your world
Come on, baby won�t ya be my girl
Come on, girl let me rock your world
Look around, look around, look around now
Jump up, jump up, and get down

Peace and equality
Let�s be together, let�s live in harmony
Lookin� to the sky, keep your head on the rise
Think things on rockin� so well
Come on, girl, let me ring your bell
Feelin� the fire with burning desire
All alone and I�m bad to the bone
You gotta feel the pain if you wanna gain
Work that body, work that body
Make sure you don�t hurt nobody
Girl, be my lady
Come on, girl, I wanna rock your baby
Yeah get up off of that thing
Dancing let�s swing!


First Appearance: DDR 2nd Mix (JP PS1)
American Appearances: DDRMAX2 USA
Artist Notes: sAmi is short for U1-ASAMI, a noted Konami Original artist.


Artist: FACTOR-X
Genre: Ambient Breaks*
BPM: 80-180

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 4 4
TRK: 5 6 5
MNC: 6 8 7
Battle: 4

Play Notes: This song steadily speeds up throughout. It starts at 80bpm,
then keeps increasing by 20 for the duration of the song, until it hits 180.

Maniac Notes: The opener has steps on the piano hits, which are sixteenths,
and they don't start on the beat. The second section has gallops to match
the percussion. After that, it's pretty simple, until the end, where you
have some pretty quick streams that go to the end.


First Appearance: DDR Solo 2000 (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR Extreme USA
Artist Notes: FACTOR-X is another Naoki psuedonym (see the FAQ for info).
Misc. Notes: The Challenge Remix of this song appears in DDR Extreme USA.


These songs are unlocked through gameplay. You get a new song for every five
songs you play.


UNLOCK #3 (15 Songs)

Artist: dj TAKA
Genre: Epic Trance*
BPM: 60-144

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 3 3 2
TRK: 5 6 4
MNC: 8 8 7
Battle: 3

Play Notes: At the very end of this song, the song slows down considerably
to 60 BPM.

Maniac Notes: You'll find yourself matching the main melody step-for-step
while it plays. There are also some lengthy streams, including a 48-long
stream. Also, be prepared to turn at several points. With some stamina,
you'll find this to be a relatively easy eight-footer.


First Appearance: beatmania IIDX 4th Style
DDR Debut: DDR 5th Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR Extreme USA
Artist Notes: See .59 for info on dj TAKA.
Misc. Notes: There is a "Cuff-N-Stuff it Mix" of ABSOLUTE on DDR Ultramix and
DDR Extreme 2.

5B. AM-3P (303 BASS MIX) =

UNLOCK #20 (100 Songs)

Artist: KTz (remixed by U1)
Genre: Techno Bass
BPM: 130

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 3 4 2
TRK: 5 6 4
MNC: 7 7 6
Battle: 3

Maniac Notes: Much of the beginning of this song, and some of the end, has
you following the rhythm with triplets followed by two eighths. Near the
middle, you'll take on seven-note-long streams, and later the same streams,
only with double steps in the beginning of them. Watch carefully near the
end for some lousy off-beats thrown into the streams.



Start the revolution!

Kansai steppu!
Kansai steppu!
Nagoya steppu!
Nagoya steppu!
Nagoya steppu!
Nagoya steppu!
Nagoya steppu!
Kyushu steppu!

The revolution!
Oh, baby!
The revolution!

Nagoya steppu!
Nagoya steppu!
Nagoya steppu!
Nagoya steppu!
Nagoya steppu!
Nagoya steppu!


First Appearance: BRAND NEW
American Appearances: DDR Ultramix (Song Pack 4)
Artist Notes: KTz is a Naoki psuedonym specifically used for AM-3P. See
"AFTER THE GAME" for info on U1.
Misc. Notes: WHAT'S THIS? A brand new song in this mix?? Yep. Don't ask
why, and don't ask why there aren't more, unless they figure AFTER THE
GAME and THE EARTH LIGHT as brand new, where they removed some sound from
the originals. The original AM-3P is featured in DDR USA, DDRMAX USA, and
DDRMAX2 USA, and the "AM EAST" Challenge Remix is in DDRMAX2 USA.


UNLOCK #1 (5 Songs)

Artist: NAOKI
Genre: Hyper Euro Beat*
BPM: 155

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 3 3 3
TRK: 5 4 4
MNC: 8 8 8
Battle: 8

Maniac Notes: The hardest part of this song is the beginning and end, where
you gallop along with the rhythm and the synthesizer hits. The main part of
the song is just some streams, with a long 40-step stream at the key change.
Be sure to watch for the song to switch to offbeats at certain points.



My life
meant nothing to me
then a guy like you came along

is moving so fast,
I gotta get my feet on the ground

Unhappy days are over 'cause I can
always be with you

Lying in your arms day by day,
makes me feel Ohh... so brand new

Can't stop fallin' in love
Tell me you will be true (forever baby)
I just can't stop dreaming of you
everyday (every way)

Say you love me baby
Say you will always be mine
You'll never break my heart

I just can't stop fallin' in love
Baby you became
Makin' love with you
is all I wanna do, (wanna do)

Can't stop fallin' in love
Give your heart and soul
Stay with me this time
and we'll make history, (you and me)


First Appearance: DDR Solo 2000 (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDRMAX2 USA
Artist Notes: See the FAQ for info on Naoki Maeda. The vocalist is Paula
Misc. Notes: The SPEED MIX of this song is in DDR Ultramix and DDR Extreme

5D. DIVE =

UNLOCK #9 (45 Songs)

Artist: Be For U
Genre: J-Pop
BPM: 155

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 4 3
TRK: 5 6 4
MNC: 8 7 7
Battle: 4

Maniac Notes: Well, the good news is that there's very little turning. The
bad news is that about every other hard element is in this song. Double
steps at the beginning of streams, gallops in the beginning, middle, and end,
and a chaotic ending, following the music. Also, there are several double
and triple taps on single arrows throughout.


Lyrics: (English words are capitalized)

sekai o tomete... o tomete... tomete...


kakushi kirenai afureru kono omoi
mou himitsu ni ha dekinai hitomi sorasenai

dakishimeru omoi no Tension anata e to Reflect
suhada o terasu Passion mo sono mama Evolution

sekai o tomete mou watashi ga tomaranai
kono yoru ni tobikonde yuku Dive To The Night

jikan o tomete dakedo ai ha tomaranai
kono umi ni tobikonde yuku takaku anata ni ima
Keep On Lovin'. Can't Stop My Heart mou watashi ga tomaranai
kono ai ni tobikonde yuku Dive To The Night

Dive To The Night

English Translation:

Stop the World....

Every city is overflowing with these feelings
A secret can't be kept by unwavering eyes

Embracing this feeling of tension..you reflect
Naked, shining passion just as we are...evolution

stop the world again I won't stop
This night is jumping....Dive to the night

Time stops but love won't stop
This jumping ocean is now fighting with you
Keep on Lovin..Can't stop my heart, I won't stop
This love is jumping...Dive to the night

Dive to the night


First Appearance: DDR 5th Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR Ultramix, DDR Extreme 2
Artist Notes: Be For U is Noria Shiraishi, Riyu Kosaka, Yoma Komatsu, and
Shiyuna Maehara. Since DDR 5th Mix, this J-Pop band has put together a whole
bunch of songs for DDR and other Konami rhythm games. They're most
well-known, in addition to this series, for "Firefly", "BREAK DOWN!", and
"GRADUATION". Also, Riyu Kosaka and Yoma Komatsu have done their own solo
acts for certain songs, such as "true..." and "ever snow".
Misc. Notes: The remix of this song "more deep & deeper style" is featured

5E. Do It Right =

UNLOCK # 7 (35 Songs)

Artist: SOTA feat. Ebony Fay
Genre: House
BPM: 135

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 4 3
TRK: 5 5 4
MNC: 7 8 6
Battle: 4

Maniac Notes: The seasoned veteran should have few troubles with this song.
There are some medium-length streams, a few turns, a few doubles sandwiched
in the streams, and a few times when you have to match Ebony's lyrics.
That's it.



Know what you wanna do, get into the groove
Well you just gotta move
And soon you'll know just what you really gotta do
So take it easy now, I can show you how
Just feel the beat inside, let the rhythm take hold and do it right

You can't give up, you can't give in
When things are looking like your world is tumbling down, you fight
You make the cut, you play to win
It's guaranteed to be alright
Just do your best, just give your all
Dance to your rhythm, you can make forever start tonight
Don't let it rest, you'll never fall
Believe me

Know what you do
Ain't nobody holdin' the future back
Gotta go 'cause you know you'll leave it in your tracks
And when all is said and done, and looking back now
Is it all how you dreamed it would be way back then?
Love is just a game
Play to see if we can get it right
God above sends his love to those who see his light
Even if you don't know, he's been there for you too
Did you think you'd get this far without his love?
I tell you what

Know what you wanna do, get into the groove
Well you just got to move
And then you'll know just what to do
So take it easy now, I can show you how
Just feel the love inside
Let the rhythm take hold and do it right, yeah


First Appearance: DDR 5th Mix (JP PS1)
American Appearances: DDRMAX2 USA
Artist Notes: Sota Fujimori is the SOTA half. He's an in-house Konami artist
and is responsible for this song series, as well as anything by "System
S.F.", which includes the "Look To The Sky" series. Ebony Fay is a singer
who's very hard to find info on, but she performs this song, as well as "rain
of sorrow".
Misc. Notes: The Challenge Remix "80's Electro Mix" is featured in DDRMAX2


UNLOCK #13 (65 Songs)

Artist: NW260
Genre: Hardcore Techno
BPM: 260

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 5 5 6
TRK: 7 7 7
MNC: 8 9 8
Battle: 9

Maniac Notes: This has recently been bumped up to a nine-footer, and with
good cause. The fastest song in this mix may seem pretty tame from the
get-go, but that's before you hit the quarter-note streams of double steps.
Those hurt. Once you pass those two sets (on the second set, keep one foot
on the down arrow to ease it), it's smooth sailing for most of the song,
until you hit the "dropping whistle" sound, where it starts throwing
eighths at you, then a sixty-four note long stream of eighths. If you're
still alive here, you have one last set of double steps to close out the
song with.


First Appearance: DDR Solo 2000 (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR Extreme USA, DDR Ultramix 2
Artist Notes: NW260 is a psuedonym for Naoki. The "260", of course, refers
to the BPM.
Misc. Notes: The Challenge Remix of this song appears in DDR Extreme USA.

5G. DXY! =

UNLOCK #19: (95 Songs)

Artist: TaQ
Genre: Techno*
BPM: 148

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 4 3
TRK: 6 6 5
MNC: 8 8 7
Battle: 4

Maniac Notes: Looks pretty simple from the beginning, with small streams, then
it breaks into three-note streams with a double at the end for a while.
Then it goes into a soft part with a few steps to match the percussion.
Then, it breaks into seven-note streams with a double at the end, then a long
stream, then another stream, with doubles thrown in every four steps.


First Appearance: beatmania IIDX 4th Style
DDR Debut: DDR 5th Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR Ultramix
Artist Notes: TaQ is a popular Konami Original artist, who's done many
beatmania tunes.

5H. era (nostalmix) =

UNLOCK #14 (70 Songs)

Artist: TaQ
Genre: Drum'N'Bass*
BPM: 90-180

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 3 4 3
TRK: 6 6 6
MNC: 8 8 8
Battle: 7

Play Notes: About halfway through the song, it slows from 180 BPM to 90, then
speeds back up after eight measures, then goes at 180 until the end, where
it slows back down to 90 as you approach the last step.

Maniac Notes: The first 180 section starts with short streams, which increase
in length and difficulty as you progress in the song. Nothing too manic.
Once you hit the slowdown, you'll face arrows that match the percussion hits.
Once you speed back up, you'll face long streams, with triple taps on one
arrow linking some of the shorter streams together. It's a drainer.


First Appearance: beatmania IIDX 3rd Style
DDR Debut: DDR 4th Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDRMAX USA, DDR Ultramix 2 (Song Pack 7)
Artist Notes: See DXY! for info on TaQ


UNLOCK #8 (40 Songs)

Artist: L.E.D. LIGHT
Genre: Trance*
BPM: 150

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 5 6 4
TRK: 6 8 5
MNC: 8 8 7
Battle: 5

Maniac Notes: One of the things this song likes to do is throw double steps
into short streams, and it will do it a lot. Not much to expect besides
that, though, except that just after the "chili been some nasty" or whatever
it is they're saying, you'll face a long stream that will hold one foot to
the down arrow, so be aware of that.


First Appearance: beatmania 4th Mix
DDR Debut: DDR Club Mix
Artist Notes: See THE EARTH LIGHT
Misc. Notes: There are only two difficulties for Double on this song. Trick
and Maniac are the same.

5J. Healing Vision =

UNLOCK #18 (90 Songs)

Artist: DE-SIRE
Genre: Drum'N'Bass
BPM: 49-196

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 3 3 2
TRK: 6 6 5
MNC: 8 9 7
Battle: 3

Play Notes: The songs starts at 98 BPM for eight measures, then speeds up to
the standard 196 for much of the song. A little after halfway through,
you'll come upon the super slowdown, which will lower the BPM to 49 as you
hear heartbeats, then a speed up back to 196 until the end, which drops back
down to 98.

Maniac Notes: The opener is hard, requiring you to follow the opening
percussion, which includes sixteenth notes, and it's not a steady pattern,
either. Once the song gets going, you'll face several streams, short at
first, then getting longer as you get into the song. At the major slowdown,
you'll be tapping the heartbeats, which aren't all spaced apart the same
way. Then, you'll go back up to speed, where you'll find it's relatively
easy to the end.


First Appearance: DDR 5th Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDRMAX USA, DDR Ultramix
Artist Notes: DE-SIRE is Naoki's psuedonym for Healing Vision and the TRIP
MACHINE series.
Misc. Notes: The "Angelic Mix" of this song is featured in DDRMAX USA and
DDR Ultramix.

5K. Holic =

UNLOCK #6 (30 Songs)

Artist: TaQ
Genre: Hard Techno*
BPM: 155

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 4 4
TRK: 6 6 6
MNC: 8 8 8
Battle: 6

Play Notes: Much of this song is in 7/8 time, which means you'll be stepping
seven beats to a measure.

Maniac Notes: The hardest part of this song is keeping up with the time
signature, and knowing how the song goes. Once that's accomplished, you'll
realize that's it's just some long streams, and several streams with a few
double steps thrown in.


First Appearance: beatmania IIDX 3rd Style
DDR Debut: DDR 4th Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDRMAX USA
Artist Notes: See DXY!

5L. La Se�orita Virtual =

UNLOCK #10 (50 Songs)

Artist: 2MB
Genre: Speed Latin
BPM: 182

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 7 6 5
TRK: 8 7 6
MNC: 8 8 9
Battle: 9

Maniac Notes: Well, this song is hard on all difficulties, so knowing the
notes here can pretty much help you across the board. First, ouch. There
are a lot of short streams, some that follow the music, others that don't.
There are a few points in the song that throw doubles in the streams, but
they aren't too frequent. However, there are a LOT of turning spots here.
In some cases, you're better off stepping two arrows with one foot as
opposed to just turning. This one's a big stamina drainer.



Oooo, la senorita! (repeated)

Wanna kiss you all over (repeated)

Sitting in the corner with a coffee cup
Reading the newspaper, not looking up
She smiles as she finds something funny there,
The sunlight shining in her hair

You know she has a mind, she has an attitude
And she likes her space and her solitude
She'll tease you or please you, if she's feeling good
Or burn you like you knew she would


First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix (JP PS1)
American Appearances: DDR Ultramix
Artist Notes: 2MB is an alias for U1-ASAMI (see AFTER THE GAME). The lyrics
in this song are by Thomas Howard Lichtenstein. The original song appears in
DDR USA, DDR Extreme USA, and in Song Pack 7 for DDR Ultramix 2.


UNLOCK #17 (85 Songs)

Artist: dj TAKA
Genre: Digi-Rock*
BPM: 150

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 5 4 5
TRK: 7 7 7
MNC: 9 9 8
Battle: 8

Maniac Notes: Owwie... You've got streams with medium length. You've got
plenty of turning. You've got sixteenths thrown in at the beginning in
unlikely places. At the last third of the song, you've got lots of sixteenths
following the voice, which are really tough to follow. Have fun...


First Appearance: beatmania IIDX 3rd Style
DDR Debut: DDR 4th Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR Ultramix 2
Artist Notes: See .59

5N. Let the beat hit em! (CLASSIC R&B STYLE) =

UNLOCK #11 (55 Songs)

Artist: Stone Bros.
Genre: R&B
BPM: 102

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 3 3 3
TRK: 5 5 5
MNC: 6 6 6
Battle: 3

Maniac Notes: This song would be pretty hard if it were any faster. Lots of
turning and double steps in the streams. Fortunately, it's pretty slow, so
if you want to practice these techniques, here's the place.



Turn me on
Let's see who's better (let's see)
If you wanna play a tune
I wanna groove with you
So turn me on

Hey yo, I'm like this, so watch the moves that I make
How I take over the floor, throw the grooves that I shake
I'm number one, how'd you figure that I'm losing my place
If you're the joker, player, then who's the ace
Hey, yo, it's me, the player to beat, I'm playin' for keeps
I got some special moves, so homey don't sleep
You learn and I teach controllin' the game
You can brag all you want, but you kids don't be rollin' the same
I'm bringin' the pain...

The game is done, you might as well run
My time is come and I'm gonna shine like the sun
No surprise, I'll bust a flip on you guys
The dance moves I do, I'm keepin' it live
Keepin' the vibe, fly-guy style express
Competition is none, player, and I jam like death
I'm the best, can't be beat, you know it's me, keep up the pace
and you'll advance with me, c'mon

Let's see who's better
You wanna play a tune
I wanna groove with you
So turn me on


First Appearance: DDR Extra Mix (JP PS1)
American Appearances: DDRMAX USA, DDR Ultramix
Artist Notes: Stone Bros. is a Naoki psuedonym (see the FAQ for info)
Misc. Notes: The original mix of this tune is in DDR Disney Mix, and there's
a BM IIDX remix of this tune is in DDRMAX USA.


UNLOCK #12 (60 Songs)

Artist: RE-VENGE
Genre: Festival
BPM: 180

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 4 4 3
TRK: 5 6 4
MNC: 9 8 8
Battle: 4

Maniac Notes: Here's an old favorite. It's definitely a challenging nine-
footer if you don't have stamina or the concept of gallops down. There are a
LOT of gallops in this song. The whole first several measures is all
gallops. Once the music gets going, you have normal streams followed by a
couple of gallops, and that goes on for a while. Once the whistling picks
up, then you'll have eight-note streams followed by six-note streams for a
long time, then more gallops, then the break (huff, huff), then pretty much
gallops followed by a long stream repeatedly for the remainder of the song.


First Appearance: DDR 5th Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDRMAX USA, DDR Ultramix (Song Pack 4)
Artist Notes: RE-VENGE is a Naoki psuedonym dedicated to producing songs from
styles of all over the world.
Misc. Notes: The normal way to write this song is with the kanji for
"matsuri", which a generic word meaning "festival". There is a "J-SUMMER
MIX" of this song in DDR Ultramix (Song Pack 4).

5P. ORION.78 (AMeuro-MIX) =

UNLOCK #2 (10 Songs)

Artist: RE-VENGE
Genre: Spiritual
BPM: 105

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 3 3 3
TRK: 5 5 5
MNC: 9 7 8
Battle: 7

Maniac Notes: Considered a nine-footer mainly because of the large
concentration of notes. If you can't read notes closely packed together,
you're in trouble. For the most part, this is just eighths and strings of
three sixteenths. You have to watch, though, because they don't follow
any specific pattern. Sometimes the strings of sixteenths will be longer
than three, but those moments aren't very often. Eyes open, and you can do
this one.


First Appearance: DDR 4th Mix (Arcade)
Artist Notes: See MATSURI JAPAN
Misc. Notes: The remix of this song "civilization mix" is in DDRMAX USA and
DDR Ultramix.

5Q. PARANOiA Rebirth =

UNLOCK #5 (25 Songs)

Artist: 190'
Genre: Jungle
BPM: 190

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 6 6 6
TRK: 7 8 7
MNC: 9 9 9
Battle: 8

Maniac Notes: Well, right away, they start throwing long streams at you, and
they won't let up for the remainder of the song. About the only thing that
changes throughout this whole song is that the streams will start requiring
you to turn and/or keep one foot on one arrow. Couple this with the
standard PARANOiA tendency to go with weird rhythms, and you'll have a
great time...



Re-re-rebirth (repeated)

Fee-Fee-Fee-feels so good...
Hey, baby...
Feels good!


First Appearance: DDR 3rd Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDR Ultramix
Artist Notes: 190' is a Naoki psuedonym, denoting the BPM.
Misc. Notes: See PARANOiA

5R. R3 =

UNLOCK #16 (80 Songs)

Artist: tiger YAMATO
Genre: Rave*
BPM: 157

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 5 6 4
TRK: 6 8 5
MNC: 7 8 6
Battle: 5

Maniac Notes: One of the more interesting points about R3 is the fact that
certain sections like to repeat themselves over and over. You'll find
really nothing more complicated than some somewhat lengthy streams and
series of double taps on single arrows. For this reason, one of my friends
decided to make this his "Stealth Song"...


First Appearance: beatmania 5th Mix
DDR Debut: DDR Club Mix
Artist Notes: See LUV TO ME for info on Reo Nagumo, who's famous for his "R"
series, including songs such as "R5", "R10k", and "R2".
Misc. Notes: There are only two difficulties for Double on this song. Trick
and Maniac are the same.


UNLOCK #4 (20 Songs)

Artist: D.J.RICH feat. TailBros
Genre: Rap
BPM: 128

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 5 4 6
TRK: 6 6 7
MNC: 8 8 8
Battle: 6

Maniac Notes: I love doing this one on Maniac. It's not all that fast, so
you can pick it up pretty well. There are a few small streams with double
steps in the early parts, then the record scratches, then a really large 79
step stream in the middle which leads into the section scratch section. At
the end of that section are 18 sixteenth notes sandwiched together (but
they're just alternating up and left). In the last area are some more long
streams and three clusters of five sixteenth notes.



DDR Bass! (Revolution)
DDR Bass!

DDR Bass! (Revolution)
DDR Bass!

I am here, and my name is Chaos
Rap is to me like music is to Amadeus
Wolfgang, the famous composer
When I stepped in I told him to move over

I am the new kid on the block
And the mission - to make your body rock
And to all the fools that think they're tough
You'll never beat me, cuz I'm just too rough

For my nature, my habitat, and even my environment
Don't try me now, just go into retirement
And think about what you have done
You got beat, cuz you tried to move on

You meet your fate when your lines ain't straight
They're in your lyrical debatin' when your styles ain't great
You got boogie-old rhymes to the point of no return
You switch, you discern, but when will you learn
That my rhymes burn, my brain waves melt
Who gives a damn how you fall, overturned black belts
I show you no remorse, I break off, I get divorced
Could I be the source of this regenerative force
Rejuvinated, I escalate it, you're underrated
Now you're underrated cuz your homeboys played it
Your weak appearances are only doing me the favor
While I'm kickin' butt and flavor showin' off on your behavior

Brother be beefing like a source that's protecting all people
Put your hands up in the pulpit, coz it is drippin' like water
From a leaky faucet
Hand me the mic and I would rock it
To you, sometimes you got to stop it - To make it rhyme
It will earn full work and yo the final jam
Is the freakin' bad bone, man take much and stand it
And, yo, to beat us right now is the chance
So everybody, yo, get on the floor
I wanna see your dance


First Appearance: DDR Solo Bass Mix (Arcade)
American Appearances: DDRMAX2 USA, DDR Ultramix
Artist Notes: DJ Rich does provide the vocals for this tune, although this
song was written by Naoki Maeda (see the FAQ for more info on him).
Misc. Notes: The Challenge Remix of this song "FROM NONSTOP MEGAMIX" is in

5T. TRIP MACHINE (luv mix) =

UNLOCK #15 (75 Songs)

Artist: 2MB
Genre: Drum'N'Bass
BPM: 160

Sgl Dbl Sol
BSC: 6 7 6
TRK: 7 8 7
MNC: 8 9 8
Battle: 7

Maniac Notes: Short streams that follow the song, for the most part. There's
some turning to worry about. The hardest part is probably the end, which is
a long stream that requires a lot of turning and/or jumping around.



Mammy... Will you sing Trip Machine?


First Appearance: DDR 2nd Mix (JP PS1)
American Appearances: DDR Ultramix
Artist Notes: See La Se�orita Virtual
Misc. Notes: You can find the original TRIP MACHINE in DDR USA and DDR Extreme


To access Nonstop Mode, double tap Right on the Style Select screen. This
will take you to Link Mode. Select style from there and you'll be able to
select Nonstop Mode.

The basic gist of Nonstop Mode is that you select a course of songs.
Each song in the course has a specified difficulty.

The courses are played just like normal songs, only you'll immediately jump
to the next song after completing one. The only major difference is that as
you get further in the course, you'll get penalized more severely in your
Dance Meter if you miss, and it'll take longer to fill back up.

(Note: The #'s listed are for Single Play. Double Play and Solo Play have all
the same difficulties, but not necessarily the same # of feet.)


Nonstop Courses

You can adjust the # of songs you play in a Nonstop Course in the Options
(from two to five). Depending on the number you selected, the course will
stop after that many songs.

* OFFICIAL 1 * Diff.
3. Salamander BSC(4)
5. B4U BSC(4)

* OFFICIAL 2 * Diff.
2. Groove BSC(4)
3. Make Your Move TRK(5)
4. Do It Right TRK(5)
5. Let the beat hit 'em! MNC(6)

* OFFICIAL 3 * Diff.
3. R3 MNC(7)
4. Holic MNC(8)
5. DXY! MNC(8)

* OFFICIAL 4 * Diff.
1. .59 MNC(7)
3. Look To The Sky TRK(4)
4. La Se�orita Virtual MNC(8)

* OFFICIAL 5 * Diff.
1. Healing Vision MNC(8)
3. diving money MNC(7)
5. era MNC(8)

* OFFICIAL 6 * Diff.
2. Don't Stop! BSC(3)
4. think ya better D BSC(3)


Nonstop Order

Select this to access three Nonstop Courses that you can customize yourself.
To use Edit Data, you'll have to load it. To use these custom nonstops in
Nonstop Mode, you'll have to turn MUSIC ORDER on.

Select any of the three orders and you'll be able to customize the courses
to your liking. You can pick the music for each play, and apply Edit Data
if you have some for the song. Also, you can set the difficulty and options
for each player.

Once you have your course all set up, be sure MUSIC ORDER is on in the main
screen, access Link Mode as normal, and you'll find your Orders available to


These are the other modes in the game.

7A. Workout Mode =

This mode allows you to observe the calories melting away as you dance.


Workout Setting

Weight: Set this and the amount of calories burned will be slightly changed
to reflect your weight.

Menu: Set to "Play Time" to play a specific amount of time. Set to "Calories
Burned" and you'll play until you reach that number of calories. Set to
"Program" and you can set your own workout course (like a Nonstop). "No
Setting" will let you have no restrictions.

Goal: Set to minutes if "Play Time" is on Menu, and to a calorie amount if
"Calories Burned is on Menu.

Workout Step: Has three levels. Level one is a Beginner course, which is
very dumbed down. Level two is a Workout course, that just has most of the
eighth notes removed. Level three is the Normal course, where you'll play
songs normally.

Date: Use to keep track of your workouts.

Also, press O at any time on this screen and you can turn on Consecutive
Play. With it on, you'll automatically go to the next song in the song list
after you finish the one you're on.

Once you're all set, you can get going, select a genre/character as normal,
and pick your song.


Workout Results

After every song (or at the end of your program), you'll see a Workout Results
screen where you can see your calorie-related results. Press Circle to see
them charted in relation to other day's workouts.

7B. Lesson Mode =

Select this to learn basic lessons about DDR. The CPU will perform for you,
and you'll have to match what it's doing. You'll have an onscreen character
to guide you, as well. Lesson 1 is largely basic steps. Lesson 2 will throw
in some different kinds of movements. Lesson 3 will throw eighth notes into
the mix as well as some fancy moves.

7C. Training Mode =

Select this to pick songs and tackle them on your own terms. You may select
the song, the mode (Single, Versus, Double, 6Panels), its difficulty, and any
arrow options you want (as detailed in the How To Dance section far above).

The Controller option is for 6Panels. Controller 1 is a pad (X and O are the
diagonals) and Controller 2 is a normal controller (L and R are the

In addition (unlike other modes of gameplay), you can set Assist, which
allows you to play with any combination of the music, a metronome (which
marks standard quarter note beats), and a handclap (which claps whenever
there's an arrow).

Also, you can set the song's speed. Unlike the song option called Speed,
this actually changes how fast the song goes. It's good for taking fast
songs at speeds you can manage.

Finally, you can set what measure the song begins and ends. The "Start"
function below it will allow you to quickly change between the measures you
select and the whole song.

7D. Edit Mode =

Well, I'm not gonna go through all the possibilities that Edit Mode offers
here. Honestly, if you're serious about Editing, you'll probably know to
read the instructions on this one. Seriously, there's too much info about it
for me to justify making a section for it.

I will say that, if you want to use your Edit Data during play, you have to
press Right twice on the Style Select screen to access Link Mode, which
allows you to choose Edit Data to play.


Here are each of the unlockable songs in the game. You get a new song every
five songs you play.

10 Songs: ORION.78 (AMeuro-MIX) by RE-VENGE
15 Songs: ABSOLUTE by dj TAKA
20 Songs: SUPER STAR by D.J. RICH feat. TailBros.
25 Songs: PARANOiA Rebirth by 190'
30 Songs: Holic by TaQ
35 Songs: Do It Right by SOTA feat. Ebony Fay
The 40th song also opens the "Hidden Collection" genre, with AKIRA and YUNI.
45 Songs: DIVE by Be For U
50 Songs: La Se�orita Virtual by 2MB
55 Songs: Let the beat hit em! (CLASSIC R&B STYLE) by Stone Bros.
65 Songs: DROP OUT by NW260
70 Songs: era (nostalmix) by TaQ
75 Songs: TRIP MACHINE (luv mix) by 2MB
80 Songs: R3 by tiger YAMATO
85 Songs: LEADING CYBER by dj TAKA
90 Songs: Healing Vision by DE-SIRE
95 Songs: DXY! by TaQ
100 Songs: AM-3P (303 BASS MIX) by KTz (remixed by U1)

9A. Legal =

This FAQ was made 100% by me, and is Copyright � 2004 Scott "CyricZ"
Zdankiewicz. You may not take it in whole or in part and claim it as your
own. You may not alter it in any way, even if you ask me first, and that
includes putting it in HTML format. Please don�t post this on your site
unless you have express consent by me. I�ve put a lot of time into this.
Give me some credit...

All songs and their lyrics are copyright their respective owners. DDR is
Copyright � 1998-2004 Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo.

Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ:


I'm not going to allow people with small personal sites to post this FAQ.
They may post the link on GameFAQs with all the DDRMAX2 guides, but, trying to
keep updates, well, updated, I'll only allow large committed sites that I

9B. E-mail Guidelines =

If you wish to e-mail me, be sure to follow these guidelines...

- Make ABSOLUTELY sure I haven't already answered your question in the guide.
- Make sure it has something to do with DDR. I don't want spam, chain
letters, offers for friendship. Don't bother me with info on other DDR games,
really. I keep my ear pretty close to the ground about such things, and I'll
probably know about it before you. Compliment me on the FAQ all you want,
- Make sure you say "DDR" at one point in your e-mail. I have more than one
FAQ, and I can't always figure the question out without specifying what game
you're asking about.
- Asking how to beat a song will result in a deletion. There really are no
tips to offer for DDR'ing besides what I have in my section. It has to come
from your own skill and desire to pass.
- Spell correctly and use proper grammar, please. If I can't understand
your e-mail, it'll go to the junk pile...

9C. Credits =

CJayC and Al Amaloo for having this on their sites.

rageandemi and Sage of Dharma for helpful nitpicky info.

www.animelyrics.com, for compiling, catalouging, and translating tons of
lyrics, including those in the DDR games.

The GameFAQs B&RA board, for help with the genres.

Konami and the Bemani studio, for their effort in bringing DDR to the States.

9D. Version Updates =

Version 1.0 - 2/22/04 - Well, that oughtta do it. Lemme know if I need more
info or got some incorrect.

Version 1.1 - 9/24/04 - Genres added.

Version 1.2 - 12/5/04 - Updated with Ultramix 2 info.

9E. The Final Word =

DDR's second USA mix has plenty of good KOs, but a lack of licenses caused
some fans to despair about the USA future of DDR. Also, it's not as easy as
the original, and no Beginner difficulty means this is a better mix for
experienced players.

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