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DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

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Existuje calá řada softpadů - levnější, dražší, s výplní, bez výplně, pro různé platformy. Mají různou výdrž, jiný potisk a barvy šipek a tlačítek a různou koncovku. Nejčastěji jsou pro PS2, XboX nebo na PC (USB). Hlavně na koncovku si dejte při koupi pozor. Pokud to není právě ta co potřebujete, je nutné si k padu koupit i redukci.

Doporučovaný postup pro získání softpadu:

  • Podívejte se na fórum, jestli někdo softpady právě neprodává, nebo se nechystá nějaká skupinka hráčů k hromadnému nákupu. To by pak ulehčilo peněžence.

  • Softpady na Internetu můžete koupit u firmy PositiveGaming. Jděte na stránky www.positivegaming.com, klikněte na Shop a softpad si vyberte. Mívají akce kdy za 1 pad nakoupíte 2... Na této stránce si můžete koupit i redukci. Při registraci použijte promote kód "czechddr". Získáte alespoň pětiprocentní slevu na první nákup.

  • Další softpady můžete koupit v e-shopu Play-Asia . U tohoto obchodu nemusíte používat promokód, stačí na shop přijít a následně realizovat objednávku před odkaz dole na stránce. Ten odkaz použijte prosím i v případě, že si zboží chce koupit nějaký vás známý.

    Další zkušenosti najdete na fóru - Tam najdete vše od údržby, zátěže, výdrže, vzhledu, až po rady jak docílit toho, aby se softpad moc nehýbal a naklouzal po podlaze při rychlejším hraní.

    Odkazy na internetové obchody

    PositiveGamming - www.positivegaming.com (promo kód "czechddr")
    název redukce - Trio Linker Plus

    Play-Asia - www.play-asia.com (pouzijte vzdy tento odkaz)
    název redukce - Dual Shooter (EMS USB2)

    soft1.jpg, 92 kB
    soft2.jpg, 91 kB

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'koupit_softpad':
    01.11.2009 00:00
  • << zpět na Czech DDR portal

    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

    i) Top DDR_001




    Take It To The MAX!


    North American Version
    FAQ Version 0.95
    Written By: Knight of Fire


    ii) Revision History DDR_002

    November 8th, 2002

    0.95 - Well, I added a few more unlocks, more edit mode stuff and I'm near
    completion. Changed a few stuff around, that's about it.

    October 31st, 2002

    0.91 - Well added a few unlocks, almost near completion. Also, for the
    average Joe, this is not a DDR MAX (Japanese) FAQ, but for the North
    American version, as stated at the top of my FAQ. I'll probably do a
    what's the difference between the two section.

    October 29th, 2002
    0.90 - Well, I'm near completion, thanks to DDR Freak posting the official
    songlist today with the Oni courses ^.^ I just need to do some stuff on
    edit mode and stuff like that, then I think I'll be almost done, just need
    the game for the full unlock sequence.

    October 25th, 2002
    0.75 - Well a few days before the game ships out to the stores and I'm here
    updating the FAQ once again. It seems that we're now getting ONI MODE! YAY!
    Other than that, I'm just tinkering around with the song list, I'll finish
    that once I have a confirmed full songlist posted somewhere like DDRFreak.

    October 2nd, 2002
    0.5 - Whee! Well this is my first FAQ, I felt kinda bored so I decided to
    try a hand at writing a Dance Dance Revolution FAQ, and since DDR MAX is
    coming out in a month or so, might as well start. I'll probably be adding
    the basic stuff for now, I'll hopefully have a partial song list available
    as well since Konami has already posted a few songs which will indeed be on
    DDR MAX.


    iii) Sections DDR_003

    i) Top 001
    ii) Revision History 002
    iii) Sections 003
    1) What is DDR? 004
    2) How to Play 005
    3) Game Modes 006
    - Game Mode 007
    - Workout Mode 008
    - Training Mode 009
    - Edit Mode 010
    - Options 011
    - Records 012
    - Information 013
    4) Changes in DDR MAX 014
    - What's the difference between the 015
    Japanese and North American release?
    - Groove Radar 016
    - New Game Modifiers 017
    - Freeze Arrows 018
    - Wahhooo!!!! Oni Mode! 019
    - Where's Emi and Rage!!??! 020
    - OMG! Extra Stage! 021
    5) Song List and Difficulties 022
    6) Oni Track List 023
    7) Unlock List 024
    8) FAQ within a FAQ 025
    9) Allow List 026
    10) Credits & Thanks 027
    11) Copyright Information 028
    12) Contact Details 029
    iv) Bottom 030

    1) What is DDR? DDR_004

    Dance Dance Revolution, is a music game where you use your feet to play.
    The game is quite hard at first, but once you get the hang of it, will
    get easier. You have 4 arrows, up, down, left and right which represent
    the control pad of your controller. Yes, you can play DDR on a controller
    but going out to purchase a pad is a wise investment if you want to
    experience the full fun factor of the game.

    2) How to Play DDR_005

    To play, you must first select your song, but I will cover that later on
    in the FAQ in the Game Modes section. Once you have selected your song,
    you will see a bar up at the top of the screen, that represents your
    "health". Once your bar is empty, you fail the song. Below that are four
    stationary arrows. Once the song begins, arrows will start to scroll up
    the screen. Once the moving arrows nears the stationary arrows, get
    ready to move your feet to hit the arrow, to get a Perfect, you must hit
    the arrow as it overlaps the stationary arrow. Sounds hard, but it really
    isn't. Some problems new players have is that they step on the arrow as
    it passes the stationary arrow, which causes them to get a Good, Boo or
    Miss. Having a good sense of rhythm is a key to becoming a better player
    in DDR. Even if you don't have a good sense of rhyhtm, try different
    techniques which will allow you to try and stay on beat, like counting
    1,2,3,4 along to the beat of the music. (It helped me when I first
    started out ^_^)

    3) Game Modes DDR_006

    Game Mode DDR_007

    This is the main section of DDR MAX where you will most certainly be playing
    on. When you select this option from the main menu, you will be taken to the
    Select Play Mode screen where you are given a choice of playing your usual
    Single (One Player), Versus (2 Player) or Double (1 player playing on both
    dance pads). After there, you will be asked to Select Difficulty (Light,
    Standard, Heavy and Oni). You can access Oni Mode by pressing right one more
    time after the selection arrow is highlighted over Heavy mode. You can still
    go from any mode while selecting a song to play, but this is primarily there
    as a way to lessen your time hitting the down arrow on your dance mat. As you
    may have noticed there are no more Character Selection screens, that is
    talked about later on in the FAQ.

    After all that is completed, you are taken to the Song Selection screen. There,
    scroll through the song list using the left or right arrows. When you find the
    song you wish to play, press the X button. If you want to have a little more fun,
    hold down X to go to the Modifier Screen.

    On the Song Selection screen, if you wish to go from one mode to the next, just
    hit the up or down arrow, in which way you want the difficulty to go, up being
    easier and down being harder.

    There you can adjust the speed of which the arrows scroll, to playing on Reverse
    mode where the arrows scroll from up to down, just like in Beatmania. To tinker
    with your modifiers, scroll left to right to select the modifier on that row.
    To change rows, hit the X button, to go back, press the Triangle button. When
    you're satisfied with all your modifers, go to Exit and then have fun playing! =)

    After the song, hoping that you'll pass the song, you will be taken to the score
    section of the game, and it will show you how many perfects, greats, goods, almost,
    boos and Ok's you've got in that song. The more perfects you get, the higher your
    grade will be. You can have a maximum total score of 50 million in one song.
    Grades can vary from AAA to E and Bonus is calculated by two methods:

    - Maximum combo in the song and the total OK's for the freeze steps
    - How well you perform in the 5 different attributes (Voltage, stream, chaos, air
    and freeze)

    To find your rank, each song is given a certain amount of 'Dance Points'. It is
    calculated by finding out the number of Normal arrows in the song, multiplied by
    two. Then take the number of freeze steps and multiply it by 6. Then add those
    two values up to give your max total score. The equation for this is:

    (2 * Amount of Normal Arrows) + (6 * Amount of Freeze Arrows)

    To figure out how many dance points you've received, use this little info guide

    Perfect = 2 points
    Great = 1 points
    Good = 0 points
    Almost = -4 points
    Boo = -8 points
    OK (Successful Freeze step) = 6 points
    NG (Unsuccessful Freeze step) = 0 points

    Your grade rank will be determined by how many dance points you accumulate based
    on the amount of Dance Points achieved over the maximum total score.
    (Amount of Dance Points) / (Maximum Total Score) = Your rank (must be equal to or
    higher than the percentage listed below)

    The grades are divided up into:

    AAA - 100%
    AA - 93% to 100%
    A - 80% to 93%
    B - 60% to 80%
    C - 60% to 45%
    D - Less than 45%
    E - Failed

    Workout Mode DDR_008

    *coming soon*

    Training Mode DDR_009

    Training mode is where you get to brush up on your DDR skills without a fear of
    failing the song in the middle (yea, you could always turn autofail off in the
    main game). The Menu sort of looks like this below:

    Music Select
    Player: Single, Versus, Double
    Difficulty: Light, Standard, Heavy
    Speed: 1-5, 1 being the slowest and 5 which is at default speed
    Assist:2. Metronome
    3. Song + metronome
    4. Arrow Clap
    5. Song + arrow clap
    6. Metronome + arrow clap
    7. Everything

    Metronome is when a tick sound is heard after every measure of the song.
    Arrow clap is when there is a clapping sound on every arrow. Which helps
    in perfect attack. (credits to soulgenesis)

    Select Option:

    Speed Modifier: 1x, 2x, 3x, 5x or 8x speed
    Boost: On or Off
    Appearance: Visible, Hidden, Sudden, or Stealth
    Turn: Off, left, mirror, Right or Shuffle
    Other: Off, Little, Flat or Solo
    Scroll: Standard (bottom to top) or Reverse (top to bottom)
    Freeze Arrows: On or Off

    Bar Start: Which bar of the song you want to start at. I believe you can't start
    from the end of the song.
    Bar End: Which bar you of the song you want to end at. You can't start at the
    beginning of the song.
    Start: Starts song
    Edit: Loads edit data

    End Options
    Again - Try the song over again
    Check - Checks judging and timing
    Yellow - Perfect!!
    Green - Great!
    Blue - Good
    Purple - Almost!
    Red - Boo!

    By pressing select, you get to see the timing scale.
    Yellow - Perfect timing
    Blue - Timing is too soon
    Purple - Timing is too late
    Red - Missed

    Menu - Goes back to the menu

    Edit Mode DDR_010

    Controls for Edit Mode:

    L1: Change cursor moving units
    Red - 1/4th
    Blue - 1/8th
    Yellow - 1/16th
    *Green - 1/12th (Must be in Sequence Menu)
    L2: Area mark. Placing two marks on different sections make those sections
    in between the editable area.
    R1: Quickly scroll through the sequence.
    R2: Displays the Area Menu.
    Up/Down Directional Buttons: Scroll the data/Changes items in the Select
    Left/Right Directional Buttons: Switch between 1P and 2P side/ Switch Menu
    Changes the menu select content/ Places or
    deletes corresponding arrows during recording
    Select: Access Sequence Menu
    Start: Begins recording. Hold down to stop the recording process.
    Triangle: Places/Deletes Up arrows / Cancels command selection
    Square: Places/Deletes Left arrows
    Circle: Places/Deletes Right arrows/ Confirms command selection
    X: Places/Deletes Down arrows/ Confirms command selection
    Analog mode: Enables usage of the left and/or right analog sticks.

    Main Menu

    New Data: Creates a new edit
    Load Data: Loads edit data into the Edit Library
    Library Manager: Manages your edit data saved in the Library
    Outside Manager: Manages dat that is saved out of the Library
    (ie. DDR KonamiX song edits)
    Guide: View a tutorial about the controls in Edit Mode.
    Exit: End Edit mode session and return to the Main Menu.

    Edit Library

    An Edit Library is a management system of all your edits stored on
    the PS2 Memory card. Only one Library can be made on a memory card. In
    the Library, you can store up to five different folders which can contain
    a maximum of 30 songs, giving you 150 different edit files. Also, the data
    can be transferred and exported using an Input/Output function.

    Edit Menu

    New Data: Creates a new edit.
    Save & Load: Opens the menu to save, load or rename edit files
    Quick Save: Quickly saves the edit. Useful for saving then continuing
    working on the same edit.
    Recording: Access the Recording Option Menu. While in the work area, press
    Start to begin recording.

    (These following settings can be changed in the Recording Option Menu)

    Play type: Watch, Over Input, Save Input, Judge 1 and Judge 2
    Repeat: Loop on or off
    Speed: Choose the desired playback of your edit file from 1-5.
    Input SE: Turn the sound effect for entering or erasing arrows during
    the recording session
    Filter Bright: Adjusts how much of the screen is shown in playback mode.


    Input type: Cursor staying still in pace (Keep).Arrow moves to the next
    line when you place an arrow (Next)

    Icon Expl: Turns Icon Explaination On or off.
    Status: Views info about the current file like the song name, total # of steps.
    Library Manager: Manage the edit data in the Library Manager
    Outside Manager: Manage edit data svaed outside of the Edit Library like the
    KonamiX edit files.
    Guide: View a tutorial about the controls in Edit Mode.
    Exit: End Edit mode session and return to the Main Menu.

    Area Menu (R2 button)
    (Most commands can't be used unless two area marks are set)

    Copy: Copies the selected area of the edit file to the clipboard temporarily.
    Cut: Deletes the selected area to the clipboard's memory
    Undo: Up to three operations can be undone to correct your mistakes.
    Delete: All the arrows in the selected area will be deleted. The stuff on the
    clipboard will not be deleted unless new data is put in there.
    Reverse: All the arrows in the selected area will be reversed by the following
    - Mirror: All arrows will be reversed
    - Up/Down: Only the up and down arrows will be reversed.
    - Left/Right: Only the left and right arrows will be reversed.

    Quantize: Arrows automatically matched to fit 4th, 8th or 12th notes.

    Sequence Menu (Select Button)

    Player: Single, Double or Couple
    Zoom: Off, 2x, or 4x
    Triple: Record arrows in the 12th position.
    *Note: 12th notes can't be put in tempos outside of the 12th note timing.
    Freeze Arrow: Off or On
    *Note: When turned on, you cannot place regular arrows in the edit.
    To input freeze arrows, align the cursor the the start of the freeze and hold
    down the corresponding arrow input button when pressing the up/down directional

    To delete freeze arrows, the cursor the the start of the freeze and hold down the
    corresponding arrow input button when pressing the up/down directional button.

    To input freeze arrows when you aren't recording, hold down the desired arrow
    input button and wait for the arrow to turn to a bright green colour. Continue
    holding down the desired input button and press the up/down directional button to
    change the length of the freeze arrow.

    Work Area: Normal (1P and 2P sides are divided) or Double (1P and 2P sides are
    combined together)
    Arrow: Change the type of arrow shown.

    Options DDR_011

    *coming soon*

    Records DDR_012

    *coming soon*

    Information DDR_013

    *coming soon*

    4) Changes in DDR MAX DDR_014

    What's the difference between the
    Japanese and North American release?

    - Different Songs
    - Oni Mode
    - Feet Ratings are still there
    - 2 DDR MAX 2 songs on DDR MAX (US) [Spin the Disc and Secret Rendezvous]
    - One is in English, the other in Japanese, duh!

    Groove Radar DDR_016

    It is a new thing that they've put out on the DDR MAX series, along with
    the regular 1-10 (10 because of Max 300) foot ratings it is a graphical
    representation on how hard a song is according to 5 attributes: Voltage,
    Stream, Chaos, Air and Freeze.

    Voltage - Density of the steps at its peak in the song
    Air - Amount of jumps in the song
    Chaos - Irregularity of steps
    Freeze - Number of freeze steps
    Stream - Overall density of the steps

    New Game Modifiers DDR_017

    To access the Game Modifier screen, highlight the song you want to play, then
    hold down the X or O button.

    In DDR MAX, you have the ablility to tinker around with the speed of how fast
    the arrows scroll up your screen. In DDR MAX, you have an option of 1x, 1.5x, 2x,
    3x, 5x and 8x the normal speed.

    You can now also play with the DDR Solo 6 panel arrows as well. If you aren't
    familiar with 6 panel, the extra two panels are located beside the up arrow, one
    going up and to the left and the other going up to the right.

    If you're up for a challenge, try playing songs on Reverse mode! It's quite the
    shock if your not used to the arrows scrolling from the top to the bottom. The
    last two rows of modifiers are if you want to play with Freeze arrows and which
    difficulty you want to play on, if you made a mistake.

    Freeze Arrows DDR_018

    These are a new type of arrows presented in the MAX series. The freeze
    arrows add a whole new challenge for players, where you have to hold
    down the arrows as they scroll. These freeze arrows will give a player
    an OK if succesful, if not, a mark of N.G. is given.

    Wahhooo!!!! Oni Mode! DDR_019

    Oni mode is originally a new mode in DDR MAX 2, but KoA (Konami of
    America) was pretty good and decided to give us some DDR MAX 2 stuff on
    the US release of DDR MAX. Oni Mode is a variation of DDR 3rd Mix's
    Nonstop Challenge where you have a set number of songs and you try and
    passing it. This time, you only have 4 lives and with every Good, Almost,
    Boo, or N.G grade, you lose a life. Once you have 0, game over for you. So
    in essence, you have to try and full combo each and every song to the best
    to your potential. Though some courses will give you back some lives, it
    just depends on the difficulty of the song. To access Oni mode, press right
    one more time after the selection arrow is highlighted over Heavy mode.

    Where's Emi and Rage!?! DDR_020

    As you may have noticed in Game Mode, you don't get to select a character
    to play as. They are replaced by the FMV videos where you get to see your
    favourite characters dance along in the video.


    If you're good enough, as you play DDR on Game Mode, as your final stage
    you get a grade of AA (or higher) while hitting 85% of the steps with
    PERFECT. You can also get MAX 300 by get 90% PERFECTS if you don't full
    combo the stage. In order to get Candy, the second extra stage, you must
    pass MAX 300 with an AA rating.

    5) Song List and Difficulties DDR_022

    Artist - Song
    Single Difficulty, Double Difficulty

    Slake - 22 Dunk
    Single - 5, 7, 8 Double - 5, 8, 8

    DJ Nagureo - 5.1.1.
    Single - 1, 5, 7 Double - 2, 5, 5

    dj Taka - Abyss
    Single - 2, 5, 7 Double - 3, 5, 7

    kTz - AM-3P
    Single - 5, 6, 8 Double - 5, 6, 7

    Divas - Baby Baby Gimmie Your Love
    Single - 1, 3, 6 Double - 2, 4, 6

    Naoki - Brilliant 2U (Orchestra Groove)
    Single - 5, 6, 7 Double - 4, 5, 7

    Naoki (feat. Paula Terry) - Broken My Heart
    Single 4, 5, 9 Double - 4, 6, 9

    Luv Unlimited - Candy
    Single - 4, 5, 8 Double - 4, 6, 9

    JJ Company - Celebrate BM
    Single - 4, 5, 8 Double - 5, 8, 8

    Club Space - Cutie Chaser (Morning Mix)
    Single - 3, 3, 5 Double - 4, 4, 4

    Steve Rhyner - Dark Black Forest (Short Trip)
    Single - 3, 6, 7 Double - 4, 5, 7

    DJ Nagureo - Deep In You
    Single - 5, 7, 8 Double - 5, 8, 8

    SOTA (feat. Ebony Fay) - Do It Right (Harmonized 2 Step Mix)
    Single - 4, 6, 7 Double - 3, 5, 7

    Scotty D. - Drop the Bomb -System S.F. Mix-
    Single - 3, 5, 7 Double - 3, 5, 8

    Naoki - Dynamite Rave -Down Bird Sota Mix-
    Single - 4, 5, 7 Double - 3, 5, 7

    D-Complex - Ecstasy
    Single - 4, 6, 7 Double - 4, 6, 7

    TaQ - Electro Tuned (the SubS mix)
    Single - 5, 6, 9 Double - 4, 6, 8

    TaQ - Era (Nostalmix)
    Single - 3, 6, 8 Double - 4, 6, 8

    RevenG - Exotic Ethnic
    Single - 4, 5, 9 Double - 4, 6, 9

    Slake - Gambol
    Single - 1, 5, 8 Double - 4, 7, 7

    Mr. Dog (feat. DJ Swan) - Gentle Stress (AMD Sexual Mix)
    Single - 5, 7, 8 Double - 5, 7, 9

    Symphonic Defoggers with 1479 - Get Me In Your Sight (AMD Cancun Mix)
    Single - 3, 6, 8 Double - 3, 4, 7

    Big-O (feat. Taka) - Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix)
    Single 5, 7, 8 Double - 5, 7, 9

    Sho-T (feat. Brenda) - Groove 2001
    Single 4, 6, 7 Double - 4, 6, 7

    De-Sire - Healing Vision
    Single - 3, 6, 8 Double - 3, 5, 9

    2MB - Healing Vision (Angelic Mix)
    Single 5, 7, 9 Double 5, 7, 9

    TaQ - Holic
    Single - 4, 6, 8 Double - 4, 6, 8

    Reel 2 Real - I Like To Move It
    Single 4, 6, 7 Double 3, 5, 7

    Good-Cool - I Was The One
    3, 5, 7 Double - 3, 5, 6

    Slake - I'm For Real
    Single - 3, 5, 7 Double - 3, 4, 6

    Naoki - Insertion
    Single - 4, 6, 9 Double - 4, 6, 8

    Final Offset - Jam & Marmalade
    Single - 3, 5, 8 Double - 4, 6, 7

    Okuyatos - Kind Lady
    Single - 4, 6, 7 Double - 4, 5, 8

    Stone Bros. - Let the Beat Hit Em! (BM IIDX Version)
    Single - 3,6,7 Double - 3,5,7

    Stone Bros. - Let the Beat Hit Em! (Classic R&B Style)
    Single - 3,5,6 Double - 3,5,6

    Shin Murayama (feat. Argie Phine) - Let's Talk It Over
    Single -2,5,6 Double - 2,4,7

    L.E.D. Light - Overblast!!
    Single - 3,6,7 Double - 3,5,8

    DJ Taka - Logical Dash
    Single - 3,6,8 Double - 3, 5, 7

    System S.F. (feat. Anna) - Look To The Sky
    Single - 3, 4, 6 Double - 2, 5, 7

    System S.F. (feat. Anna) - Look To The Sky (True Color Mix)
    Single - 4,5,7 Double - 3,5,7

    Naoki (feat. Paula Terry) - Love Again Tonight (For Melissa Mix)
    Single - 4,6,7 Double - 4,6,7

    Chang Ma - Love This Feelin'
    Single - 6,7,8 Double - 7,8,9

    RE-VENGE - Matsuri Japan
    Single - 4,5,9 Double - 4,6,8

    Omega - Max 300
    Single - 6,8,10 Double - 6,8,10

    U1 Jewel Style - Midnite Blaze
    Single - 4,5,8 Double - 4,5,8

    Captain Jack - My Generation (Fat Beat Mix)
    Single - 4,5,6 Double - 3,5,6

    Mitsu-O! with Geila - My Summer Love
    Single - 3,6,9 Double - 3,5,9

    Good-Cool (feat. JP Miles) - Never Let You Down
    Single - 3, 5, 7 Double - 4,5,7

    Aurora (feat. Naimee Coleman) - Ordinary World
    Single - 1,4,7 Double 4,5,7

    2MB - Orion.78 (Civilization Mix)
    Single - 6,8,9 Double - 6,8,9

    200 - Paranoia Evolution
    Single - 6,7,8 Double 5,7,9

    190 - Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) -Club Another Ver.-
    Single - 6,7,8 Double - 7,9,9

    dj Nagureo - Peace Out
    Single - 2,4,7 Double - 3,5,7

    NM (feat. Julie) - Remember You
    Single - 1,3,5 Double - 1,3,5

    CJ Crew (feat. Christian D) - Rhythm and Police (K.O.G.G3 Mix)
    Single -4,6,9 Double - 4,7,8

    Symphonic Defoggers - Rugged Ash
    Single - 5,7,8 Double - 5,8,8

    Togo Project (feat. Sana) - Sana Morette Ne Ente
    Single - 2,5,8 Double - 2,5,8

    Darude - Sand Storm
    Single - 4,6,8 Double - 4,6,8

    Divas - Secret Rendez-vous
    Single - 2,5,7 Double - 2,5,7

    Julie Frost - Share My Love
    Single - 3,5,7 Double - 3,4,5

    Thomas Howard - Silent Hill
    Single - 2,6,7 Double - 4,5,7

    Caramel S. - So In Love
    Single - 3,6,7 Double - 4,6,7

    Good-Cool - Spin the Disc
    Single - 2,5,8 Double - 2,5,8

    JS-16 - Stomp to My Beat
    Single - 5,6,7 Double - 5,6,7

    Joe Rinoie - Synchronized Love (Red Monster Hyper Mix)
    Single - 4,5,8 Double - 4,6,8

    Golden Gate - Take It to the Morning Light (Extended Vocal)
    Single - 5,6,7 Double - 3,6,8

    DJ Suwami - The Cube
    Single 4,6,7 Double - 4,6,7

    L.E.D. (feat. Sana) - The Shining Polaris
    Single - 3,5,7 Double - 3,5,7

    De-Sire - Trip Machine Climax
    Single - 5,7,9 Double - 5,7,9

    Kosaka Riyu - True... (Trance Sunrise Mix)
    Single - 3,5,8 Double - 3,6,8

    Venus - You Leave Me Alone
    Single - 3,6,7 Double - 4,6,8

    6) Oni Track List DDR_023

    Oni Course Name (# of songs)

    Lesson Oni 5

    Baby Baby Gimmie Your Love - Standard
    Peace Out - Light
    AM-3P - Standard
    The Cube - Standard
    Ecstasy - Heavy

    Club Trax 8

    I Like To Move It - Maniac
    Take It to the Morning Light - Light
    Ordinary World - Standard
    My Generation - Standard
    Stomp to My Beat - Heavy
    Sandstorm - Heavy
    Dark Black Forest - Standard
    You Leave Me Alone - Heavy

    Variety 7

    Insertion - Standard
    Let's Talk it Over - Standard
    Deep In You - Light
    Exotic Ethnic - Standard
    22 Dunk - Standard
    Never Let You Down - Standard
    Paranoia Evolution - Heavy

    Adrenaline 8

    I Was the One - Heavy
    Logical Dash - Heavy
    Jam & Marmalade - Standard
    Shining Polaris - Heavy
    Holic - Standard
    Rhythm and Police - Heavy
    Trip Machine Climax - Standard
    Max 300 - Standard

    Home Bass 17

    Cutie Chaser - Standard
    Look to the Sky - Heavy
    Groove 2001 - Heavy
    Love This Feelin' - Standard
    Shining Polaris - Heavy
    Midnite Blaze - Heavy
    Dynamite Rave (Down Bird Sota Mix) - Standard
    Kind Lady - Heavy
    Look to the Sky (True Color Mix) - Heavy
    Sana Morette Ne Ente - Standard
    Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~ - Standard
    So In Love - Heavy
    Do It Right (Harmonized 2 Step Mix) - Heavy
    Orion.78 (Civilization Mix) - Standard
    Overblast - Heavy
    Drop the Bomb -System S.F. Mix- - Heavy

    Hardcore 21

    Ordinary World - Heavy
    The Cube - Heavy
    Jam & Marmalade - Heavy
    Love This Feelin' - Standard
    True... (Trance Sunrise Mix) - Light
    Sandstorm - Heavy
    Era (Nostalmix) - Heavy
    I'm For Real - Heavy
    Secret Rendezvous - Light
    Exotic Ethnic - Standard
    Rhythm and Police (K.O.G.G3 Mix) - Heavy
    Electro Tuned (the SubS mix) - Heavy
    My Summer Love - Heavy
    Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) -Club Another Ver.- - Standard
    Healing Vision - Heavy
    Stomp to My Beat - Light
    Matsuri Japan - Heavy
    Spin the Disc - Heavy
    Abyss - Trick
    Synchronied Love - Standard
    Candy - Heavy

    7) Unlock List DDR_024

    Normal Unlocking (Passing 5 songs method)

    5 songs - Love This Feelin'
    10 songs - Rhythm and Police (K.O.G. G3 Mix)
    15 songs - Get me in your sight ~AMD CANCUN MIX~";
    20 songs - So In Love
    25 songs - Look to the Sky (True Color Mix)
    30 songs - Healing Vision
    35 songs - Let the beat hit em! BM IIDX Ver
    40 songs - Kind Lady
    45 songs - I'm For Real
    50 songs - Secret Rendezvous
    55 songs - Sana Morette Ne Ente
    60 songs - True (Trance Sunrise Mix)
    65 songs - Dynamite Rave (Down Bird SOTA Mix)
    70 songs - Abyss
    75 songs -Holic
    80 songs - Gambol
    85 songs - Jam & Marmalade, if you haven't beat Variety yet
    90 songs - My Summer Love
    95 songs - Electro-Tuned (the subs mix)
    100 songs - Max300
    110 songs - Logical Dash
    115 songs - 5.1.1.
    120 songs - Trip Machine Climax
    125 songs - The Shining Polaris
    175 songs - Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) -Club Another Ver.-
    200 songs - Candy
    225 songs - Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix)
    250 songs - Hardcore (Oni Course) and Spin the Disc
    500 songs - Drop the Bomb (System S.F Mix) <-- +/- a few songs

    Songs Unlocked via Oni Courses

    Beating Lesson Oni - Dynamite Rave (Down Bird SOTA Mix)
    Beating Club Trax - Shining Polaris
    Beating Variety - Jam & Marmalade
    Beating Adrenaline - Home Bass, and Spin the Disc
    Beating Home Bass - Hardcore, and Do It Right (Harmonized 2 Step Mix)
    Beating Hardcore - Drop the Bomb System SF Mix
    Failing an Oni course - gentle stress(SENSUAL MIX)

    Other Unlock Methods

    After AA your final song and unlocking EXTRA STAGE - Silent Hill
    Failing first normal song - Celebrate
    Getting a grade on every stage - I Was the One
    Clearing the unlocked Gambol - I'm For Real
    Watching the Lesson Movie - So In Love
    AA Never Let You Down - I Was the One
    AA So In Love - Kind Lady
    AA Look to the Sky - Look to the Sky True Color Mix
    AA Healing Vision Angelic Mix - Healing Vision

    8) FAQ within a FAQ DDR_025

    These are some emails I usually get so I'll just post the answers here.
    If I ever get another email from anyone with a question that is stated
    in here, they will automatically get blocked.

    Q. How do you get Drop The Bomb -System S.F. Mix- ?
    A. Pass 500 songs or beat Hard Core oni

    Q. How do you access Oni mode?
    A. To access Oni mode, press right one more time after the selection
    arrow is highlighted over Heavy mode.

    9) Credit and Thanks DDR_026

    I'd like to thank you, the reader for taking the time in reading
    my DDR MAX FAQ for the PS2. I hope that you found this useful and
    will recommend this to any other people who are interested in DDR.

    Secondly, I'd like to thank Konami for making this extremely fun
    game! I don't know what my life would be obsessed about if there
    wasn't such thing as DDR. Toshiba Emi, thanks for the cool music
    which is found on DDR ^_^

    Third, to the people at DDR Freak who kept me up to date on the
    latest news and tidbits about the game, props go out to Cryptic,
    dancer-x, Spike, blue^ and the entire Sneak Crew there.

    Fourth, to Aaron from Aaron In Japan.com for information I picked up
    about the DDR MAX scoring system. His site (along with all the AAA
    pictures can be viewed in the DDR section of www.aaroninjapan.com)

    Fifth, I'd like to give a big thank you to dahak2001, Sarcasticmofo
    gob126, sheppyboy2000 and regnsta for posting the songs that are
    unlocked in the game.

    10)Allow List DDR_027

    These sites are allowed to use my FAQ:

    GameFAQs (recent updates will be on there)
    Cheat Code Central

    If you see that this FAQ is located on another website other than the
    sites listed above, please email me about it stating where my FAQ is
    illegally hosted on. I will deal with the matter after that.

    11) Copyright Information DDR_028

    Copyright 2001 by Andrew Mariano/Knight of Fire
    All Rights Reserved.
    Unauthorized reproduction of this FAQ in any shape or form is prohibited.

    This FAQ was intended to be hosted on GameFAQs.com, but if you wish to use
    my FAQ on your site, please send me an email with your name and website and
    I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you plan on using ANY of the
    information in this document, please CONTACT ME FIRST. I cannot stress that
    enough since the internet is filled with people who scam other people's
    work. Not to say that all work is scammed, but there are a few people that
    do. So if I ever catch anyone who used information taken directly from here
    without permission, they will be notified immediately and also will be asked
    to remove the info.

    If I have done anything wrong, please contact me and I will remedy this
    problem if it is within good reason.

    All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
    respective trademark and copyright holders.

    12) Contact Details DDR_029

    Well please if you wish to contact me feel free. I usually check my
    email 3 times a week, so I may not reply to your email asap. I will
    not tolerate any: Hate Mail, Pornography, Racist Material, Spam or
    other garbage emails. Questions are okay, but if they get too
    repetitive, I'll probably post them up here.

    Email: miraisquall@hotmail.com
    MSN: Same as above
    AIM: Legend Of MaxX

    Please contact me if...

    - There's a mistake in my FAQ
    - You want to talk about DDR


    - Your answer can be found in this FAQ
    - Begging for mp3s, ROMs, pics, etc.
    - Asking for codes
    - Modding your console
    - Flames/Rants/Raves about anything other than my FAQ
    - Random stupidity

    End DDR_030

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