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DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

Co to je a k čemu je program Stepmania ?

Stepmania je volně šiřitelný program pro simulátor pro hry z rodiny DDR a jim podobných. Funguje pod Windows, na Linuxu i na Xbox konzoli.

Domácí stránka programu je www.stepmania.com a zde si ji můžete stáhnout. Na adrese najdete i pár bonusů jako songy, fotky, videa, návody a manuály. Samozřejmě nechybí ani odkazy na další stránky a aktuální informace o vývoji programu. Poslední stabilní verze je 3.9, takže doporučujeme začít s ní.

Samotný program Stepmania (dále jen SM) Vám k hraní stačit nebude, potřebujete písničky. Ty označujeme anglickým slovem "songs" a nahrávají se do adresáře /songs. Více o nich, kde je sehnat, vytvořit a nahrát, najdete pod klíčovým slovem "songs".

Doporučuji program nainstalovat do kořenového adresáře, například X:/DDR. Budete mít k SM rychlejší přístup a spousta malých souborů zabere méně místa.

Další informace, rady, instalaci a řešení problémů s programem najdete v této části našeho fóra .

Jaké adresáře v Stepmanii najdete a co do nich můžete nahrát?

Announcers - Tenhle adresář slouží pro nahrání komentátora, co vám bude "kecat" do hry. Říkat jak dobře nebo špatně potvrzujete šipky, jak velké máte combo, a jaké jsou vaše závěrečné výsledky.
Cache - Adresíř pro cache songů, pro příští rychlejší start aplikace. Pokud budete mít pár tisíc songů, stejně si chvilku počkáte, než se SM spustí.
Characters - Řekněme tanečníci. Jedná se o figurky, co se hýbou a tancují za šipkami a před pozadím. Někdy rozptylují, někdy pobaví.
Data - Adresář pro nastavení a statistiky. Najdete zde jak nastavení programu Stepmania (soubor stepmania.ini), tak vaše statistiky (adresář LocalProfiles) i statistiky celé mašiny, SM (MachineProfile). Můžete se podívat na doporučené nastavení souboru Stepmania.ini, nebo si SM můžete nastavit přímo v programu. Náročnější hráči si v souboru stepmania.ini nastaví JudgeWindow nebo PerfectScore, ale to normální hráče zatěžovat nemusí.
Notekins - Adresář pro uložení grafiky - noteskinů - dalších vzhledů šipek. Oni totiž ani šipky nemusí vypadat pořád stejně. Existuje větší množství těchto noteskinů.
Program - Adresář obsahující knihovny a spouštěcí soubor stepmania.exe
Screenshots - Ve Stepmanii můžete kdykoliv stisknout klávesu PrintScreen, a do tohoto adresáře se uloží jpeg s aktuálnám obrázkem v rozlišení 640x480. Dobré na ukládání obrázků z výsledné obrazovky. Plno lidí takto své výsledky porovnává.
Songs - Hlavní adresář pro hudbu. Sem dáváte všechny songy, které chcete v Stepmanii hrát. V adresáři Songs je další adresář s názvem alba, v něm adresáře s názvy jednotlivých songů a v tomto jsou už jednotlivé soubory (hudba ve formátu MP3, soubor se šipkami zvaný stepchart, případné titulky k hudbě označované jako lyric, animace, pozadí, obrázek songu a autora a podobně). Nemůžete sem tedy nakopírovat vaše oblíbené album s MP3, nemáte u nich vytvořené stepcharty. Buď šipky uděláte sami, nebo si seženete požadovanou hudbu jinde.
Themes - Jiný kabát pro vaší Stepmanii. Jako program Winamp můžete i SM převléci a dát jí jiný vzhled. Neliší se jen barvy, ale může jít o kompletní změnu programu k novému obrazu. Každému vyhovuje něco jiného, každý themes může ukazovat více či méně informací o dané skladbě, o výsledcích a může mít u různé zvukové efekty.
BackgroundEffects, BackgroundTransitions, BGAnimations, RandomMovies ...a podobné adresáře jsou pro videa a efekty k nim. Videa mohou být také přímo v adresáři Songs u hudby.

V Stepmanii můžete používat i klávesové zkratky. Uvádím je zde jen pro úplnost, protože běžnému hráči stačí šipky, enter, a esc. Zde je tedy jejich přehled:


  • F1 = vložení mince
  • F2 = zvonunačtení metrik a textur
  • Alt-Enter = přepnutí do nebo z fullscreenu
  • PrintScreen = vytvoří screenshot obrazovky a uloží jej do adresáře Screenshots
  • Držet Tab = zvýší rychlost hry 4x. Používá se pro rychlejší pohyb v menu a výběru songů
  • Držet Tildu (~) = naopak sníží rychlost hry na 1/4x
  • Držet Tab a Tildu (~) = sníží rychlost na 0x

    V menu:

  • Směrové šipky slouží pro pohyb v menu
  • Enter = Start
  • Escape = zpět

    Ještě před vlastním hraním - attract obrazovka:

  • Left nebo Right = další obrazovka
  • F3 = přepnutí CoinMode

    V hlavním menu:

  • Escape = vrácení o obrazovku zpět

    Během hry:

  • F6 = přepnutí AutoSync módu
  • F7 = přepnutí assist tick (tleskání do rytmu hudby)
  • F8 = přepnutí AutoPlay (počítač hraje sám za vás)
  • F9 = sníží offset
  • F10 = zvýší offset
  • F11 = sníží BPM současného segmentu (držte ALT pro větší citlivost)
  • F12 = zvýší BPM současného segmentu (držte ALT pro větší citlivost)
  • Držet Escape = ukončí hraní

    V editoru:

  • Escape = menu
  • Up/Down = předchozí/další řádka
  • Left/Right = změna kroku
  • 1 až 0 = přidá/smaže notu
  • Enter - nastaví počáteční značku pro označení oblasti
  • Space - nastaví značku pro konec výběru oblasti
  • P - přehrání označené oblasti (pokud není nic označeno, přehraje celý song)
  • R - spustí nahrávání do označené oblasti (pokud není nic označeno, přehraje celý song)

    V menu pro výběr songu:

  • F9 = změna překladu názvů (například pro japonské názvy skladeb)

    Během výběru songu můžete zadat určitou sekvenci kláves a provede se příslušná akce. Tyto sekvence jsou sice závislé na tom, jaký themes používáte, nicméně se autoři snaří dodržet tyto zvyklosti:

    Přepnutí na lehčí úrověň:

  • Easier1=Up,Up
  • Easier2=MenuUp,MenuUp

    Přepnutí na těžší úrověň:

  • Harder1=Down,Down
  • Harder2=MenuDown,MenuDown

    Změna seřazení songů na další způsob:

  • NextSort1=MenuLeft-MenuRight-Start
  • NextSort2=MenuLeft+MenuRight
  • NextSort3=Left-Right-Start
  • NextSort4=Left+Right

    Změna seřazení songů:

  • SortMenu1=Up,Down,Up,Down
  • SortMenu2=MenuUp,MenuDown,MenuUp,MenuDown

    Modifikace songu (udělá obvykle hru težší):

  • Mirror=Up,Left,Right,Left,Right
  • Left=Up,Down,Right,Left
  • Right=Up,Down,Left,Right
  • Shuffle=Down,Up,Down,Up
  • SuperShuffle=Down,Up,Left,Right

    Změna rychlosti šipek:

  • NextScrollSpeed=Up,Left,Down,Left,Up
  • PreviousScrollSpeed=Down,Right,Up,Right,Down

    Další modifikace:

  • NextAccel=Left,Right,Down,Up
  • NextEffect=Left,Down,Right
  • NextAppearance=Left,Up,Right
  • Reverse=Down,Left,Right,Left,Right
  • HoldNotes=Right,Left,Down,Up

    Zrušení všech modifikací:

  • CancelAll=Left,Right,Left,Right,Left,Right,Left,Right

    Změna astavení Stepmanie:

  • NextTheme=Left,Left,Left,Right,Right,Right,Left,Right
  • NextTheme2=MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuRight
  • NextAnnouncer=Left,Left,Right,Right,Left,Left,Right,Right
  • NextAnnouncer2=MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight
  • NextGame=Left,Right,Left,Left,Right,Right,Left,Right
  • NextGame2=MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuRight
  • NextBannerGroup=MenuUp,MenuRight,MenuRight
  • NextBannerGroup2=MenuUp,MenuDown,MenuUp,MenuDown

    No a pokud se Vám Stepmania nevlíbí, zkuste podobné simulátory jako DWI, Pydance, Flash Flash Revolution.. .

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'stepmania':
    01.11.2009 00:00
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    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

    DDRMAX 2 Lyric FAQ [Dance Dance Revolution 7th Mix]
    (c)2002 NMR (nmr@teamgwailo.com)

    v1.0 (26th April 2002) (41 songs)

    "Below the hip, here's another hit" - Aaron G, D2R

    Intro :
    Well, DDR 7th Mix is here, and even though I thought I'd already typed up the
    lyrics to every DDR tune, Konami throw out over FIFTY new songs in the latest
    mix. Of course, I've been busy with Teamgwailo, and wasn't really planning on
    any more lyric guides, but a large number of Emails is a good way to convince
    me to do anything, and the result is one hell of a late night, trying to

    Spoiler Warning :
    Ok, this is going to sound REALLY dumb, but if you plan on playing DDRMAX2 for
    the first time, it might not be a good idea to look at the songlist below, as
    it contains all of the hidden songs. One of the coolest things about MAX2 is
    the sheer ammount of remixes hidden within the game, most of which require a
    fair bit of time and skill to uncover.

    Personal note :
    Dedicated to Shdwrlm3, Reo, Jetgirl, Ted, and everyone from #DDRmaniaX,
    Teamgwailo and DDRSpot - Dedicated DDR fans without whom the modern DDR scene
    (and this FAQ) wouldn't be possible.
    Special Thanks to Neil, Sarah, James, Jon, Aaron, Variation, Randy (Cyan), CJO,
    Pete, Esqulax and everyone at Fun Harbour, for keeping me interested in this
    damn game.

    Blatant Plug :
    http://www.teamgwailo.com <- Wholesome Bemani Goodness

    Songlist At A Glance

    A Minute
    Afronova (remix)
    AM-3P (remix)
    B4U (B4 Za Beat Mix)
    Baby, Love Me
    Brilliant 2U (KOG G3 Mix)
    Burnin' The Floor (Remix)
    Celebrate Nite (remix)
    Dive Into The Night [Japanese]
    Dive Into The Night [English Translation]
    Drifting Away
    Drop Out (remix)
    Dynamite Rave (B4 Za Beat Mix)
    Higher (remix)
    Hysteria 2001
    I Feel..
    It's Raining Men
    Little Boy
    Living In America
    Long Train Runnin'
    Look At Us
    Maximum Overdrive
    More Than I Needed To Know
    My Summer Love (remix)
    Nothing Gonna Stop
    Rain Of Sorrow
    Secret Rednez-vous
    Sexy Planet (Momo Mix)
    Silent Hill / Tell Me You Love Me For Christmas (remix)
    So Fabulous, So Fierce
    Spin The Disc
    Still In My Heart (Momo Mix)
    Superstar (Two-B-Free Mix)
    The Reflex
    The Whistle Song / Blow My Whistle, Bitch!
    There You'll Be
    Trance De Janeiro
    Waka Laka

    Songs Without Lyrics

    Break Down
    Burning Heat
    Candy (Vocal)
    Ecstasy (remix)
    Ever Snow
    I Feel..
    Kakumei / Revolution
    Matsuri Japan (KOG G3 Remix)
    Maxx Unlimited
    Spin The Disc
    Sweet Sweet Magic
    Tsugaru (remix)
    Wild Rush (PCM Mix)


    A Minute (extended mix)

    128 BPM

    Don't stop the music..
    It only takes a minute, girl
    To fall in love, to fall in love
    It only takes a minute, girl
    To fall in love, let's fall in love

    Let's take it from the top, keep moving (move over)
    The beat is so swift, it's grooving
    From us here, put it in gear - lend your ear
    Cause the beat is real funky, fear
    Let's rock and roll with soul
    I hold the mic, and go
    This rhyme is in full control
    Maintain the game - the fame
    and I see from my point - a fine beat, let it play

    It only takes a minute, girl
    To fall in love, to fall in love
    It only takes a minute, girl
    (don't stop the music, don't stop the music, don't stop the music don't stop
    the dancing)
    To fall in love, let's fall in love
    It only takes a minute, girl
    To fall in love, to fall in love
    It only takes a minute, girl
    (don't stop the music, don't stop the music, keep it going - stop the dancing)
    To fall in love, let's fall in love
    It only takes a minute, girl
    To fall in love, let's fall in love
    (don't stop music, don't stop the dancing)
    (don't stop the dance)


    Afronova (remix)

    Naoki Maeda
    200 BPM


    Feel the vibe
    Fe-feel the vibe (wa!)
    Fe-feel the vibe (can you feel it?)
    Fe-feel the vibe (wa!)

    Shaba! Shaba-la-ba-la-Shaba-haba-HEEEE!
    Shaba! Shaba-la-ba-la-Shaba-haba-HEEEE!
    Shaba! Shaba-la-ba-la-Shaba-haba-HEEEE!
    Shaba! Shaba-la-ba-la-Shaba-haba-HEEEE!


    Feel the vibe
    Fe-feel the vibe (wa!)
    Fe-feel the vibe (can you feel it?)
    Fe-feel the vibe (wa!)

    Shaba! Shaba-la-ba-la-Shaba-haba-HEEEE!
    Shaba! Shaba-la-ba-la-Shaba-haba-HEEEE!
    Shaba! Shaba-la-ba-la-Shaba-haba-HEEEE!
    Shaba! Shaba-la-ba-la-Shaba-haba-HEEEE!

    (can you feel it?)


    AM-3P (remix)

    Naoki Maeda / AM Sound Team
    140 BPM

    Dance Revolution!
    Dance Revolution!


    Dance with your feet
    Dance with your feet

    Dance Revolution!
    The revolution!

    Dance with your feet
    Dance with your feet


    B4U (B4 Za Beat Mix)

    Aaron G / Naoki Meada / B4 Za Beat
    170 BPM

    Jam Jam Jam - DDR!
    Go (x1000)

    Lets get it on, don't stop us now.
    We step up on the scene, we came to get down
    Check the moves you know they can't be dissed,
    Ain't too many that can float like this.
    We humbling, comin at ya,
    And the rhythm is gonna get cha.
    Need I, should I not say no more
    Tell me what the deal, yo check my flow!

    Jump, jump, jump, DDR,
    Yo! Everybody come compete with DDR
    Jam, jam, jam, DDR,
    Everybody just get jiggy.

    Be-Be-Be-Be for you.

    Yo! Everybody come compete with DDR
    Jam, jam, jam, DDR,
    Everybody dance, let's get down


    Baby Love Me
    Judy Crystal

    160 BPM

    In true, my feelings - love me baby
    Plenishing my heart - forever
    You know the meaning baby
    Time is running - I - run to you

    Into the night, you are burning a fire
    In all my life, you will be my desire
    I want your love every day
    I want your sex every night
    If your mine, I'll be in my true paradise

    Baby, baby love me
    Kiss me, kiss me baby
    I will never let you down in my life
    Love me, love me baby
    Now my heart is crazy
    I will never make you cry..

    Baby, baby love me
    Kiss me, kiss me baby
    I will never let you down in my life
    Love me, love me baby
    Now my heart is crazy
    We can fly across the sky..


    Brilliant 2U (KOG G3 Mix)

    Naoki / KOG
    170 BPM

    Let's go!
    Let-let-let-let-let-let's go!

    Go (x1000)
    Let's go!

    C'mon, let's go, here we go,
    Jump jump jump everybody.
    Jump up and have a hell of a time, get down.

    Get involved, c'mon 'cmon.
    Jump jump jump, let go.
    Everybody knows how to get down.

    Jump jump jump, get involved.
    Jump jump jump, get involved. (c'mon)
    Jump jump jump everybody.
    Get involved - c'mon, c'mon

    Go (x1000)
    Let's go!


    Burning The Floor (KCP Mix)

    Aaron G / Robbie Danzie / Naoki Maeda / KCP
    155 BPM

    Burn, burn burn, the world - ignore
    Set up a big fire,
    I just don't care anymore!

    Let's make it special, on a dance floor.
    I can read the signs, but I can't use the lore.
    Let's get it up, 'cause now's the time,
    I really wanna make you mine,
    Tonight. Let's put in the fight.
    You and me, on a fantasy.
    And if you really wanna learn, I'm gonna show you how to burn.

    burn, burn, burn's the fix
    and tell me, do you really wanna roll with this
    the heat is on, it's time to move
    so where you know just what to do
    the temperatures rising, no way out
    going too far, can't stop now
    So let me know if you feel it, too
    when the fire gets inside of you

    Where have - you been all of my life
    I've been - looking for you
    I wanna dance through - dark into the daylight with you
    I wanna burn!

    (Look out on the dancefloor)
    (It's waiting for you)

    It's time to burn..

    Burn, burn, burn, you burn me
    You body's talking to mine (you burn me)
    Sizzling sensation, our bodies like it in time (oh yeah!)
    You know we gonna burn, burn, burn the fire
    They don't make it anymore (talk to me)
    Fire in big waves, yeah. I've got you burning the floor,
    Burning the floor - Burning the floor
    Were burning the floor


    Celebrate Nite (remix)

    Naoki Maeda
    144 BPM

    Come on baby, it's party time
    (I like it, I like it)
    Come on baby, it's party time
    (Come on and have a party)
    Celebrate the night
    (Give me one more night)
    Won't somebody please, save my life tonight?

    Gotta get down with my sound
    Give you the run around, like run you right outa'
    All alone am I, without giving love to this rhinestone
    From my mind, to pen to the paper
    Back to the mind,
    This beat is hard as crack,
    Without tact, it's a mismatch

    Come on baby, it's party time
    (I like it, I like it)
    Come on baby, it's party time
    (Come on and have a party)
    Celebrate the nite (give me one more night)
    Won't somebody please, save my life tonight?



    Aaron G / Scotty D / Robbie Danza / Naoki Maeda
    160 BPM

    Everyone, dance with me, everyone
    And this is your last chance for a dance, tonight

    Ready, set, go - come on, take a chance.
    Move away 'till forever, dance!
    There's plenty more, but we've got to go
    DDR won't start until we hit the floor.
    So come everybody, from left to right
    D2R is here to get your party hyped.
    I said come on, romance - I kicked the shit and now I'm profiling there
    forever more

    Everybody dance with me, let the music move your feet. (c'mon, c'mon)
    Everybody dance with me, dance with me, let the music move your feet for me.
    Come on, baby - Work that body
    Were gonna dance-dance-dance all dance all night long..

    Aaron G back for the rhymes I spin.
    Below the hip, here's another hit.
    Quicker to the steps, as far as I can see.
    Let your body jack, until you hear the beat.
    All I wanna say is on the count of three
    Put your arms in there air where my eye can see.
    '99, bring it to the floor.
    Pit - floor - make it whatever - move!

    Listen as the DJ plays (the DJ plays)
    Dance - they make you wanna sway
    So come on and baby, take my hand
    Make some man feel like romance is here to stay
    Throw your hands up in the air (throw your hands up in the air)
    Get em up, get em up!
    Wave them like you haven't got a care (wave those hands, and dance)
    I want you to advance with me - dance with me
    Help the music set your body free (to set your body free, yeah.. whoa..)



    Naoki feat. Paula Terry

    Paula 'Stalker Terry / Naoki Maeda
    155 BPM

    Falling, my whole world is falling
    Without you in my life, so hard to keep from dying
    When your love was mine - everything seemed fine
    Always making love with you (with you)
    Say that you love me - always be with me for ever and ever

    But on that day, when I awoke - and I found I was alone
    I just go deep, down in my heart - no more 'with you'

    You are my destiny (my destiny)
    That's how it's s'posed to be
    That's the way it's really meant to be
    I knew I just had to set you free

    (You are next to me)
    (You are my red slipper)

    I could keep on following you - never letting you go (oh..)
    Following you for the rest of my life (yeah..)
    Following you, and never letting you go (oh..)
    Following you, but you'd run

    You - you are my destiny (my destiny)
    I was clearly for eternity
    Something came and took you away from me
    Baby you - you are my destiny
    You are the only man in this world for me - meant to be
    That's how you've thrown away destiny


    Dive Into The Night (Japanese)
    Riyu Kosaku

    Riyu Kosaku / Naoki Maeda (romanized by Shdwrlm3)
    155 BPM

    dive into the night
    tareyorimo itsumademo aisu koto kime takara
    ima futari dakeno sokuihe
    dive into the night

    motto shiritano
    anata deke mite taino
    atsui omoi mou tommerarenai
    sobani isasete

    kotoba tsutaeni kui koto datte
    attarisuru kara
    nani mo iwo nai
    wakatte ne
    konna watashi mitete

    tareyorimo naniyorimo anata ni aitaikara
    ima yamiwo kirisaku youni
    dive into the night

    Can't stop falling in wuv
    Tell me you will be twoo (folever, baby)
    I just can't stop dweaming of you
    Evee-day, evee-way


    Dive Into The Night (English)
    Riyu Kosaku

    Riyu Kosaku / Naoki Maeda (translated by NMR)
    155 BPM

    Dive into the Night
    You see me as someone to love for eternity
    A chosen treasure
    But even if we were the only people in this world
    You would still only understand meaningless sex
    This has to stop, whore - we are no longer close

    My mind keeps telling me to stop this
    I think I know how to tell you
    But the words are hard to say
    I never told myself that we were done
    Somehow, I just know it just has to end

    I need to find someone better
    So let's go our own ways, and date
    I cry invisible tears
    And so, I dive into the night

    Can't stop falling in love
    Tell me you will true (forever, baby)
    I just can't stop dreaming about you
    Every day, every way


    Drifting Away
    Lange feat. Skye

    Lange / Kirsch / Marne
    136 BPM

    Everytime I lose my self contrlol
    It feels like I can't let you go
    I'm at the point of no return

    Don't ever wanna come back down
    I'm up so high above the ground
    This feeling I will always yearn

    Drifting away - I'm flying
    I'm gonna head for paradise
    Nothing to say - I'm climbing
    I wanna stay right here tonight

    Drifting away..
    Drifting away..
    Drifting away


    Drop Out (remix)

    Naoki Maeda
    130 BPM

    Raise flag, Kobe
    Five seven five, by magazine



    Hey DJ!

    Th-thi-think you'd better dance, now
    Th-th-think you'd better dance, now

    Uh! Uh! Uh!
    Uh! Uh!
    Uh! Uh!
    Uh! Uh!


    Dynamite Rave (B4 Za Beat Mix)

    Argie Phine / Terry / Naoki Maeda / B4 Za Beat
    170 BPM

    Go (x1000)

    Come on everybody!
    and get on the floor

    Techno, rave
    Its time to make a stand
    And pave the way some might say
    Letting it go, stay with the flow
    Stay on beat, move your feet
    On concrete, or on the dance floor
    You want more than I'll give you more
    If its too hard core, Let me know
    I stop the show
    Then bring it back
    To be exact
    At 12 o'clock rock the spot
    Its to damn hot
    They told me so
    Dynamite Rave
    Its on the down low
    Use your inner glow
    To make a move show n prove
    The man with the lisp
    Sounds so crisp
    When you can see me on TV
    On the radio
    Here me blow

    I - I don't wanna give up
    We're gonna have a party
    Have a really great time
    Yeah Yeah, feel that heat
    Listen to the music and Feel that beat

    Jump jump do your thing
    This be the bomb
    Try to sing
    Narrator king
    Spread your wings
    Make your head ring
    To this song
    All night long
    Jack your body
    To this party
    Feel the pain
    When you strain
    Don't re-frame
    Please don't stop
    Until you drop

    I don't wanna give up
    We're gonna have a party
    Have a really great time
    Yeah Yeah, just feel the beat
    Listen to the music and feel that beat



    140 BPM


    I think about you almost every day
    My mind is made up - I need you night and day
    You're my obsession, but I'll wait in line
    I'll pretend, until then, that I'm doing fine

    I know - that my feelings show
    But I guess that's the way just to let you know
    I need..
    What else can I do

    You are my fantasy
    You are my energy
    Baby, can't you see
    That you belong to me



    Higher (remix)
    NM feat. Sunny

    Sunny James / Naoki Maeda
    132 BPM

    You are the one

    Girl, give it up and run away
    To the arms of magic day
    Where you can say, where you can find yourself (find yourself)
    Move your feet
    'Cause there is no-one here.
    Do what you want to, there is no-one stopping you
    Now, give yourself, and let the music take you far
    Then you will know who you are

    Higher, Were getting higher. (dont you feel how?)
    You and I, I know we can move if we try,
    You know this is how it should be

    Baby, getting higher.
    Were getting higher.
    Open up your eyes, every day is a surprise
    You are the one, baby, the only one - tonight..
    Were getting higher, were getting higher
    Stars are getting near, and I knew you will appear

    You are the one, baby, isn't this fun?


    Hysteria 2001

    Naoki Maeda / DJ Chaos
    190 BPM

    Picture me, I'm on top of the world now
    Picture me, I'm ahead of my game
    Never stop, not for anyone, not now

    I was the teacher and I made you learn
    I was the flame, and you just got burnt
    By me, the one and only - Chaos is here
    To preach havoc and destruction and to strike fear

    Demolishing my foes, just like that
    I see the fools, and they want to combat
    So I pull out the same rhyme, don't waste no time
    Brushin' them off with the freshest of lines

    Picture me, I'm on top of the world now
    Picture me, I'm ahead of my game
    Never stop, not for anyone, not now
    Gonna take you on all the same

    On top of the..

    Who is the better of the best
    Well I've won - but they flunked the test
    Stopping for no one, just like the shogun
    My blade is my rhymes, using it, then I'm done

    I.. I'm on top - I'm on top of the world

    Picture me, I'm on top of the world now
    Picture me, I'm ahead of my game
    Never stop, not for anyone, not now
    Gonna take you on all the same

    Picture me, I'm on top of the world now
    Picture me, I'm ahead of my game
    Never stop, not for anyone, not now
    Gonna take you on all the same
    All the same
    All the same


    It's Raining Men (Almighty Mix)
    Geri Halliwell

    Paul Jabara / Paul Schaffer / Gerri Haliwell Almighty
    136 BPM

    Humidity's rising
    Barometer's getting low
    According to all sources
    The street's the place to go

    'Cause tonight for the first time (first time)
    At just about half past ten (half past ten)
    For the first time in history
    It's gonna start raining men (start raining men)

    It's raining men - Hallelujah, it's raining men - Amen
    It's raining men - Hallelujah, it's raining men - Amen
    It's raining men - Hallelujah, it's raining men - Amen
    It's raining men - Hallelujah, it's raining men - Amen

    It's raining men
    It's raining men
    It's raining men
    It's raining men..


    Little boy - Boy Oh Boy mix
    Captain Jack

    Udo Niebergall / Eric Sneo / Richard White / Liza Da Costa
    150 BPM

    Dream on my little boy, dream on my little boy,
    Dream on my little boy, go out and have some joy!
    Little boy, dream on my little boy,
    Dream on my little boy, go out and have some joy!

    Du-du-bi-ra-ra-ra-ra-ru, ba-ra-ri-ra-ra-ra,
    Du-du-bi-ra-ra-ra-ra-ru, ba-ra-ri-ra-ra-ra,

    Dream on, dream on, make my day,
    You won't find a better way,
    Dream on and you realize
    That one day you'll pay the price.
    Keep on going to tomorrow,
    You will find there is no sorrow,
    Keep on dreaming of this toy
    You can use, my little boy.

    Little boy, dream on my little boy,
    Dream on my little boy, go out and have some joy!
    Little boy, dream on my little boy,
    Dream on my little boy, go out and have some joy!

    Du-du-bi-ra-ra-ra-ra-ru, ba-ra-ri-ra-ra-ra,
    Du-du-bi-ra-ra-ra-ra-ru, ba-ra-ri-ra-ra-ra,
    Du-du-bi-ra-ra-ra-ra-ru, ba-ra-ri-ra-ra-ra,
    Du-du-bi-ra-ra-ra-ra-ru, ba-ra-ri-ra-ra-ra,


    Living In America
    John Desire

    John Desire / Priscilla Rose
    169 BPM

    Living in America (America)
    Living in America (What did you tell them?)

    New York City life (We love America)
    San Francisco climb (It's an hysteria)
    Boom Las Vegas night (Casino superstar)
    Love Miami Vice (Forever in my life)

    Shine, San Diego sun (I gotta see your light)
    Dallas with J.R. (You're gonna break my heart)
    Bang, bang, bang - oh baby give me your dollars in my hand
    I met your children

    Living in America (America)
    Living in America (What did you tell them?)
    Living in America
    Living in America (I met your children)

    Living in America (America)
    Living in America (What did you tell them?)
    Living in America
    Living in America (I met your children)


    Long Train Runnin'
    Bus Stop

    Bus Stop / The Doobie Brothers
    126 BPM

    DJ, bring the beats on (beats on..)
    And here we go

    Down around the corner
    A half a mile from here
    You see them old trains running
    And you watch them disappear

    Without love - where would you be now
    Without love..
    Oh.. where would you be right now

    The finesse, and the lyrical master
    Scream if you wanna go faster
    Taking a train to the a-next station
    On the dance floor rocking the nation
    The sound - is coming out now
    So DJ - play the song loud
    Dancing - I'll make your body rock
    Long train runnin' and it won't stop

    Like a piston, I keep on turning
    Like a fire, I keep on burning
    Dance around in the place
    And let my DJ rock the place

    Well, pistons keep on turning
    And the wheels go round and round
    And the steel rail bed holding hard
    And the miles that they go down

    Without love, without love
    Where would you be right now
    Where would you be right now
    Without love..

    And here we go..


    Look At Us (DJ Daddy Remix)
    Sarina Paris

    135 BPM

    For all the times I knew
    We ever were to be
    Look at us, baby
    Look at us now

    For everyday that I
    Should have you by my side
    We'll make it baby
    Look at us now

    For every night I pray
    I know that you will say
    Look at us, baby
    Look at us now

    Remembering the time
    Our love was made so fine
    We made it baby
    Look at us now

    Baby, look at us
    Everybody believed we would never be (Baby, look at us)
    Look at us up above, we are so in love (Baby, look at us)
    Everyday in your arms, baby can't go wrong (Baby, look at us)
    We are strong, look at us now (Baby, look at us)
    Baby, look at us
    Baby, look at us
    Baby, look at us

    For every night I dream
    Together you and me
    Look at us, baby
    Look at us now
    And like a flower blooms
    The glowing of the moon
    We'll make it baby
    Look at us now

    For everyone believed
    That we could never be
    Look at us, baby
    Look at us now
    Now all the hurt is gone
    I knew it all along
    We made it, baby
    Look at us now
    Baby, look at us


    Maximum Overdrive (KC Club Mix)
    2 Unlimited

    P.Wilde / J.P.De Coster / A.Dels / R.L.Slijngaard
    140 BPM

    Take it up into the maximum
    Maximum overdrive

    Join me for a ride, speed up the music
    Join me for a ride, maximum overdrive
    Join me for a ride, speed up the music
    Join me for a ride, maximum overdrive

    Join me for a ride

    Put some pressure upon the gas
    I don't know how long I'm gonna last
    Feel the force - of the main source
    The power is strong with the strength of a horse
    The ultimate ride that takes you to the overdrive
    Remember this - Only the strong survive
    Take you down into the maximum

    Join me for a ride, speed up the music
    Join me for a ride, maximum overdrive
    Join me for a ride, speed up the music
    Join me for a ride, maximum overdrive

    C'mon, c'mon now (C'mon, c'mon now)
    C'mon, c'mon now - Maximum overdrive


    More Than I Needed To Know

    Mike Stock / Matt Aitken / Steve Crosby
    136 BPM

    You can tell me
    I won't fall apart
    So just be honest
    And straight from the start
    And it's so plain to me
    Although the world may not see
    Your smile's - a - disguise for
    The truth that's written in your heart

    Every now and then
    I catch a glimpse of confusion within
    And what I can't believe, you think that I'm so naive
    To fall for that innocent look upon your face and
    You don't let your feelings show..
    But your eyes told me (told me)
    More than I needed to know
    Take those lies and let them go
    'Cause your eyes told me
    More than I needed to know..


    My Summer Love (remix)
    Mitsu-O feat. Geila

    Naokia Maeda / Geila Zilkha
    100 BPM

    mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm mmm-mmm-mmm

    Who's that boy standing there
    I think I wanna get to know him

    Started as boys and girls
    One day making moves
    He spoke and then we knew
    Something very new

    Sodas to tropical juice
    I knew it was true
    Tonight, the perfect moon
    Will shine our

    Summer love, a-la
    I can feel my heart beating
    Summer love, a-la
    Ther temperature is uprising
    Summer love, a-la-la
    Tell me what we are feeling
    Summer love, a-la,
    I know I'm in love with you, boy

    (Now high in the air, jump)
    (No need to fear, jump)
    (Jump into his love, no need to stop now)
    (Feel the carnival)
    (Join the festival)
    (Jump, and stomp the beat to the rythm, now)

    Now high in the air, jump
    No need to fear, jump
    Jump into his love, no need to stop now
    Feel the carnival
    Join the festival
    Jump, and stomp the beat to the rythm, now

    Summer love, a-la
    Can you feel my heart beating
    Summer love, a-la
    A rythm is highly beating
    Summer love, a-la
    tell me your love is reaching
    Summer love, a-la
    I know I'm in love with you..


    Nothing Gonna Stop (Dancemania Mix)

    145 BPM

    My heart is laying full of strangers saying
    Tonight I need to play a brand new game
    How will I find you? Just look around you (c'mon)
    I feel tonight that all my dreams came true
    You never gave a feeling from me to
    You are the light - in this dark night..

    While the night is passing by
    I'm gonna make you fly
    I want you to stay by my side (yeah!)

    Nothing's gonna stop me now tonight
    Nothing's gonna stop me now
    How's life for you?
    I'm dreaming of you

    Noghing's gonna stop me now tonight
    Nothing's gonna stop me now
    How's life for you?
    I'm dreaming always of you..

    Nothing's gonna stop me now


    Rain Of Sorrow
    NM feat. Ebony Faye

    Ebony Faye / Naoki Maeda / Thomas Howard Lichtenstein

    Come look at me
    It's raining
    Saying it will eventualy be my fault

    Look at me - can't you see the tears I cry for you?
    If you should ever leave
    I'd be here with nothing left to do
    But to think of the days
    And believe them agreed
    All the love so careless and free
    Make the moment last
    Don't re-live in the past
    Just remember - weep that it can taunt you..

    Got to hold on
    Got to keep it strong
    It's the only thing that we can do
    Got to keep the love alive
    Only the strong survive
    It's the least that you and I can do

    Look into my eyes
    And free her terrible lies
    My love is waiting here for you
    If you reach out for my hand
    I'm sure you'll understand - how to make all our dreams come true


    Secret Rendezvous

    Robbie Danza / Naoki Maeda
    98 BPM

    Oh baby don't worry
    I've been waiting a long, long time

    Late at night, when your all alone
    Har-boo-tay, pick up the phone
    But he belongs to someone else
    You want to keep his lumber for yourself
    But shake the feelings deep inside
    This kind of love is so hard to find
    Got to keep it all for myself
    Don't wanna share it with somebody else
    No-one knows what goes on, when we are all alone
    I know what I feel - it's oh so real

    We are secret lovers
    Hope no-one discovers
    I see you everyday - secret hide-away
    Just around the way
    It feels so good to me 'cause
    No-one will ever see us
    What we have - taboo
    A secret reddezvous

    Sleeping with my baby
    Weeping, don't say maybe
    We throw away the key
    It's our fantasy
    Only you and me
    I hope no-one discovers
    That we are undercover lovers
    What we have - taboo
    A secret rendezvous


    Sexy Planet (remix)
    Crystal Aliens

    Naoki Maeda
    180 BPM

    Dance floor
    I need you - uh!
    Party time - uh!

    Dance floor
    Feel the groove
    Dan-dan-dan-dan-dance floor
    Dance floor
    Feel the groove
    Dance floor

    I need you - uh!
    Party time
    Dance floor
    Dance floor
    Dan-dan-dan-dan-dance floor


    Silent Hill / Tell Me You Love Me For Christmas (remix)
    Thomas Howard

    Thomas Howard Lichtenstein / Naoki Maeda
    125 BPM


    Lights on the avenue
    All seem so far away
    I'm up here drinking a toast to you
    It's such a special day

    Tonight is the night for 'I love you's
    Wish we could have this feeling
    Throughout the year
    Christmas is here
    Christmas is here


    Tonight is the night for I love you's
    And if you hold me near you
    You'll feel my heart
    Beating for two

    Tonight is the night for 'I loooove youuuu's
    Up above the snow is falling
    And stars disappear
    My heart is calling
    Christmas is here


    So Fabulous, So Fierce
    Thunderpuss feat. Jocelyn Enriquez

    Bernard Edwards / Nile Rodgers
    128 BPM

    Freak out
    Le freak, so chic
    Freak out
    Le freak, So chic

    Here I am - gonna stand my ground
    Nothing in the world's gonna bring me down
    Hear me yell and hear me roar
    I am something that you can't ignore
    I am here for all of us
    I am fierce and we're all fabulous

    Freak out (so fabulous - so fierce)
    Freak out (so beautiful - So Beautiful - so freaky)
    Freak out (so fabulous - so fabulous - so fierce)
    Freak out (so freaky..)

    Here I am, so you'd better beware - gonna get ya, catch ya
    Run for cover 'cause I'm like no other - gonna get ya, catch ya
    Here I am, so you'd better beware - gonna get ya, catch ya
    Run for cover 'cause I'm like no other - gonna get ya, catch ya

    I'm an original, baby
    No carbon copies, or fake furs for me
    No way

    Freak out (so fabulous)
    I'm fabulous (so fierce)
    Freak out (so beautiful)
    I'm beautiful (so freaky)
    Freak out (so fabulous)
    So fabulous (so fierce)
    Feak out (so beautiful)
    No one's like me (so freaky)



    140 BPM

    Stay with me, don't walk away
    Take my hand, I want you to stay - by my side
    Night and day..
    Night and day..

    Every time I feel temptation (temptation)
    I close my eyes and I wonder where you are
    Can you make me feel completely safe from harm
    Oh.. (oh..)

    If you long for someone - if you need anyone
    Then just show me the way to your heart

    Stay with - me don't walk away
    Take my hand I want you to stay - by my side
    Night and day
    Night and day

    Night and day..


    Still In My Heart (Momo Mix)
    Naoki feat. Paula Terry

    Paula Terry / Naoki Maeda

    Fill me with ecstacy..
    (still, still in my heat)

    Still, still in my heart
    Here in my heart
    Oh, Still in my heart
    Deep in my heart

    Why, why did you have to go away
    Always hard to stay
    Kiss before going over, over you

    Tell me, was this really true romance
    Or just a fantasy
    I can't believe what we've been through
    You're hanging out with someone new

    Still, you're in my heart
    Baby, in my heart
    Always, in my heart
    You'll never leave my heart

    Still, still you're in my heart
    Deep down in my heart
    Fill me with ecstasy

    Oh, baby
    No, baby
    Can't let you go

    Or was it just a fantasy
    Of what I thought could be reality?
    Oh baby, can't you just see (can't you just see)
    That I can't go on - living without you

    Still, you're in my heart
    Baby, in my heart
    Always, in my heart
    You'll never leave my heart

    Still - still, you're in my heart
    Always, in my heart
    When will I ever break free
    In my heart..


    Superstar (Two-B-Free Mix)
    DJ Rich feat. Tailbros

    DJ Chaos / Naoki Maeda
    128 BPM

    DDR Bass - DDR Bass
    DDR Bass - DDR Bass

    Dance Dance..

    I am here, and my name is chaos
    Rap is to me like music is to Amadeus
    Wolfgang, the famous composer
    When I stepped in I told him to move over

    I am the new kid on the block
    And the mission - to make your body rock
    And to all the fools that think they're tough
    You'll never beat me, cuz I'm just too rough

    For my nature, my habitat, and even my environment
    Don't try me now, just go into retirement
    And think about what you have done
    You got beat, cuz you tried to move on

    Dance Dance..

    You meet your fate when your lines ain't straight
    They're in your lyrical debatin' when your styles ain't great
    You got boogie-old rhymes to the point of no return
    You switch, you discern, but when will you learn
    That my rhymes burn, my brain waves melt
    Who gives a damn how you fall, overturned black belts
    I show you no remorse, I break off, I get divorced
    Could I be the source of this regenerative force
    Rejuvinated, I escalate it
    Now you're underrated cuz your homeboys played it
    Your weak appearances are only doing me the favor
    While I'm kickin' butt and flavor showin' off on your behavior

    DDR Bass - DDR Bass

    Brother be beefing like a source that's protecting all people
    put your hands up in the pulpit, coz it is drippin' like water
    from a leaky faucet
    Hand me the mic and I would rock it
    To you, sometimes you got to stop it - To make it rhyme
    It will earn full work and yo the final jam
    is the freakin' bad bone, man take much and stand it
    And, yo, to beat us right now is the chance
    So everybody, yo, get on the floor
    I wanna see your dance


    The Reflex
    Duran Duran

    126 BPM


    You've gone too far this time
    But I'm dancing on the valentine
    I tell you somebody's fooling around
    With my chances on the dangerline
    I'll cross that bridge when I find it
    Another day to make my stand - oh-whoa
    High time is no time for deciding
    If I should find a helping hand - oh-whoa

    Why don't you use it
    Try not to bruise it
    Buy time, don't lose it

    Wh-wh-why.. (yeah)
    Why.. don't you use it

    The reflex - is a lonely child
    Just waiting by the park
    The reflex - is in charge of finding
    A treasure in the dark
    And watching - over lucky clover
    Isn't that bizarre
    Every little thing the reflex does
    Leaves you answered with a question mark..


    The Whistle Song -Blow My Whistle, Bitch-
    DJ Aligator Project

    140 BPM

    Blow my whistle, baby
    Blow my whistle, baby
    Open up, put it in
    Let's begin

    Blow it like you mean it, blow
    La-la-let me hear you say (whoo-hoo)
    Louder! (whoo-hoo)
    Let me hear you say (whoo-hoo)
    Louder! (whoo-hoo)
    It that what you call loud?
    'Cmon, let me hear you say (whoo-hoo)
    Let me hear you say (whoo-hoo)
    Louder! (whoo-hoo)
    I said louder!

    You need to bring the beat back

    Blow my whistle, baby


    There You'll Be
    DJ Speedo feat. Angelica

    172 BPM

    In my dreams, I'll always see you soar above the sky
    In my heart, there'll always be a place for you
    For all my life

    (there you'll be - there you'll be)
    (there you'll be - there you'll be)

    When I think back on those times
    And the dreams we left behind
    I'll be glad 'cause I was blessed a gift - to have you in my life
    When I look back on those days
    I'll look and see your face
    You were right there for me

    In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky
    In my heart there'll always be a place for you
    For all my life
    I'll keep a part of you with me

    And everywhere I am - there you'll be
    And everywhere I am - there you'll be

    (there you'll be - there you'll be)
    (there you'll be - there you'll be)
    (there you'll be - there you'll be)
    (there you'll be - there you'll be)


    Trance De Janeiro

    145 BPM

    Samba De Janeiro

    Sempre assim
    Em cima, em cima, em cima, em cima
    Sempre assim
    Em baixo, em baixo, em baixo, em baixo

    Sempre assim
    Em cima, em cima, em cima, em cima
    Sempre assim
    Em baixo, em baixo, em baixo, em baixo

    Sempre assim
    Em cima, em cima, em cima, em cima
    Sempre assim
    Em baixo, em baixo, em baixo, em baixo

    Samba, de Janeiro
    Samba, de Janeiro


    Waka Laka
    Jenny ROM vs Zippers

    170 BPM

    Wakka Laka!

    Waka Laka's a thing to play forever
    Just to be together (Just to be together)
    Waka Laka's a place to be forever
    Waka Laka love and fantasy

    (Waka-laka - Waka-laka - Waka-laka)
    (Waka-laka - Waka-laka - Waka-laka - Waka-waka-waka)

    See Waka Laka when you need a flight of fantasy (fantasy)
    Ecstasy (ecstasy)
    Rhapsody (rhapsody)
    See Waka Laka when you want a love so tenderness (tenderness)
    Waka Laka, make you fly

    See Waka Laka when you're going to feel so sad and blue (eh)
    Just for you (oh yeah)
    Never blue
    See Waka Laka and a funny bunny'll free your life
    Now it's Waka Laka time

    I wanna live (I wanna live)
    A brand new day (A brand new day)
    So far away (So far away)
    To Waka Laka place
    A Waka time (A Waka time)
    To feel so fine (To feel so fine)
    A Waka Laka flight..

    Waka Laka's a thing to play forever
    Just to be together (Just to be together)
    Waka Laka's so magical and tender
    Musical and wonder fantasy

    Waka Laka's a never ending story
    Glory glory glory (Glory glory glory)
    Waka Laka's a place to be forever
    Waka Laka love and - Waka Laka love and - Waka Laka love - and fantasy


    Q. Can you send me MP3 files?
    A. Nope - but the soundtrack (availible from Toshiba EMI), or at LEAST buy one
    of those Ever Anime bootleg copies or something.

    Q. Is DDRMAX2 availible in America
    A. Yes

    Q. Is Little Boy the 'Boy oH Boy Mix' or 'Boy oN Boy Mix'
    A. Ok, this is all *my* fault, ok? :(
    May back when DDRMAX2 was first announced, I had the joyous task of
    translating and releasing the songlist, on Teamgwailo.com. Quite simply, the
    song is called Little Boy (Boy Oh Boy Mix), on the single, Captain Jack's
    album, and in early versions of DDRMAX2. Accidently, through the wonders of
    the QWERTY keyboard (where N is under H), the very first songlist appeared
    with a very humorous typo in it. Since this is the internet, the songlist
    (complete with typo) was copied from Teamgwailo.com, and soon appeared on
    every DDR site on the internet, typo intact. From there, it kind of became a
    cult injoke for about a month, with people coming up with possible (lewd)
    backgrounds for the song, and an infinate number of alternative lyrics, with
    gay undertones. In the end, Konami played along, changing the H to an N on
    the song selection screen.

    Q. Why is The Whistle Song censored?
    A. No idea, especialy since you consider it's in the same game as an uncensored
    version of Highs Off You, and that the profanity in question appears in the
    title of the song, on the song selection screen. Note that the song appears
    uncensored on DanceMania Super Trance Best

    Q. Why is The Whistle Song listed on the song select screen as 'Blow My
    Whistle, Bitch'?
    A. See the Little Boy question - when Teamgwailo.com originaly unveiled the
    songlist, this song was at the top of the UK singles chart. Of course, back
    then, we had no idea that the song would be censored, so we printed it under
    the name is was most universaly known as 'DJ Aligator - Blow My Whistle,
    Bitch!'. Since then, the Teamgwailo songlist spread all over the world, and
    even though Konami used the MTV edit of the song (which is called 'The
    Whistle Song'), Konami put the original name on the song select screen, so
    as not to confuse people unaware of the change.

    Q. Why is Silent Hill written as 'Tell Me You Love Me For Christmas' on the
    song select screen
    A. Tell Me You Love Me For Christmas is the original name of the song. For some
    reason, it was changed to 'Silent Hill' in DDR 3rd Mix. Don't confuse it
    with the remix on the Naoki Premium Tracks CD, which also uses the same
    subtitle - it's a completely different remix.

    Q. What song is Burning Heat from?
    A. Gradius / Nemesis (and beatmania IIDX 7th Style, obviously ^_^)

    Q. What's the deal with Rain Of Sorrow and Ballad 4U
    A. A few months before DDRMAX2's unveiling, Naoki and Thomas Howard teamed up
    to write a ballad for Beatmania IIDX 6th Style. The song was called 'Look
    What You Did To Me Now', but had it's name changed to 'Ballad 4U - Rain Of
    Sorrow' (that latter part of which was written in japanese on the song
    select screen). In MAX2, Naoki teamed up with Ebony Faye to produce a new
    song, which is also called 'Rain Of Sorrow'. The official word from Naoki is
    that the name reflects the fact that both songs are the meant to reflect the
    same message, and elicit the same emotions. Indeed, if you put the lyrics to
    both songs together, you'll see they share a lot of similarities.
    Chronologicaly, the Thomas Howard song was written first, and the Ebony Faye
    song was based upon it, which is why Thomas' name appears in the writing

    Q. Is Tsugaru (remix) even a remix?
    A. Err.. technicaly it's 5 seconds longer, and has a clicking noise in it, so I

    Q. Do all the new remixes have the same lyrics they did before?
    A. Not necessarily. It goes without saying that they all have new music, so
    most of them are resampled as well, meaning a few have some new lines that
    weren't there before, and almost all of them have certain lines and verses
    re-arranged, to fit the new music.

    Q. "-insert song here- isn't in the game!"
    A. I assure you it is. Most of the songs are hidden to begin with, and are
    gradualy unlocked over time. Even when unlocked, some of them are also
    rather well hidden, and only playable in certain Hell Mode courses.

    Q. "The names of the songs are wrong!"
    A. The names of the remixes are the official names, according to Dancemania.
    while most people have already made up stupid names to account for the lack
    of in-game titles, there isn't actualy such a thing as Matsuri Japan 'spring
    mix', or Silent Hill 'fast mix'. Any song here that hasn't been given an
    official name by Dancemania is simply labeled 'remix'

    Q. What's the deal with Paula Terry?
    A. I'm not sure.. Who exactly is she stalking in these songs?.. And WHY?

    Q. I found a typo - why don't you use a spellchecker?
    A. Because this document consists mostly of words like "Wakka, Cheero and


    This document and every individual lyrical interperitation therein are
    (c)2000-2001 neil hughes / Team Gwailo

    The purpose of this document is to make the lyrics clear to anyone who reads
    it, and to spread recognition of them. You may pass these lyrics on via spoken,
    written or electronic form, but you may *NEVER* suggest that they are your
    property. When passing them on, include mention of my name and my EMail
    address, and if you place more than one of them on a website, please EMail me
    and let me know. I'm cool with anyone doing anything with these lyrics, as long
    as my name and EMail is mentioned with the lyrics to every song (each song is
    an individual work, this document is a compilation of my works)

    Written for www.teamgwailo.com - licensed to www.gamefaqs.com


    "When I think back on those times, and the dreams we left behind. I'll be glad
    'cause I was blessed a gift - to have you in my life"

    Decicated to Jeremy, who introduced me to Dance Dance Revolution, happiness and
    laughter, and who taught me the values I live by, every day of my life.
    Jeremy Butcher : 1983 - 2002 (RIP)

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