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DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

Chcete si postavit hardpad ?

Hardpad si můžete nechat i postavit. Koupit ho v obchodě není jediná věc jak jej získat. A protože jsme Czech DDR a češi mají zlaté ruce, není to problém.

U nás se stavba padů rozjela hlavně rokem 2004. Pár nadšenců i dříve. Mezi naše přední Hardpad buildery patří Trin, Filip-san a Bee_Boo. Na fóru se můžete podívat po jejich dílech, a dát s nimy řeč. Domluvíte se na počtu kusů, ceně, typu připojení nebo třeba barvě. Většina padů je stavěna pro PC, protože si do Stepmanie nahrajete plno songů a pad není problém pod ní zprovoznit.

A jestliže se na stavbu padu necítíte, nevadí. Můžete si ho i nechat postavit přímo od členů Czech DDR, nebo si hardpad prostě koupit v internetovém obchodě.

Datum poslední modifikace definice 'hardpad_postavit':
01.11.2009 00:00
<< zpět na Czech DDR portal

DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

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# Dance Dance Revolution Max 2 Songlist/FAQ 22222 #

This FAQ/Songlist of Dance Dance Revolution Max 2 has been written by Daryl
"$DJcream$" Bunao.

Copyright 2003 Daryl Bunao

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Websites with my permission to post my DDR Extreme FAQ/Song List document are
as follows:
Table of Contents

1) Introduction
2) How to play
3) Game modes introduction
a) Normal modes
b) Nonstop mode
c) Workout mode
d) Lesson mode
e) Training mode
f) Edit mode
4) Option
5) Choosing a song
6) Song modifiers
7) Song list
8) Nonstop song lists
9) Cheats and unlockables
a) Dancing characters
10) In Depth Workout Mode
11) In Depth Lesson Mode
12) In Depth Training Mode
13) In Depth Edit Mode
14) In Depth Endless Mode
15) FAQs
16) FAQ history and update section
17) Contact me
18) Recognitions
19) Unfinished business
20) Extra copyright stuff
1) Introduction

Hey this is Daryl, DJcream, here to bring you all the info you need about
DDRMAX2 for your Playstation 2 console. It's been a year since the first DDRMAX
came out and there have been drastic updates since then. There are a lot of
things noticeable even before you press the START button for the first time.
There are actual streaming videos in the background of almost all the licensed
songs. Well there is some other stuff to attend to besides reading this so
let's get the show on the road.

(PS: If you want to know the improvements check out my review of the game via
the following link: )
2) How to play

On the screen there will be a set of arrows that scroll upwards. In addition,
there's a set of gray arrow outlines on the top of the screen. Now, here's the
dancing part. In order to score points and stay alive, the person playing must
step on the same arrow on the metal pad in unison when the colorful arrow
aligns with its gray outline counterpart. There's a health gauge on the top of
the screen, when your doing bad they will be a warning sign popping up in the
background telling you so. If your health gauge empties out, it's game over. If
you happen to endure the entire song, it's time to choose another stage. Keep
on repeating this process until you hit game over or you finished your final

3) Game modes introductions

Now that you have open the box, plugged in your dance mat, and load up the
screen, then you're ready to play. There is a verity of different modes,
whether you're new to the game or a season veteran there are modes to suit your
needs. Here's a rundown of all the modes in the game done in their own cool
3a) Normal modes

There will be 6 skill modes to choose from: Beginner, Light, Standard, Heavy,
Challenge, and Nonstop. Nonstop mode are cleverly hidden and will be unveiled
in the next part of my FAQ. This leaves Beginner, Light, Standard, Heavy, and
Challenge Modes to be dealt with. Beginner is the starting block of all the new
DDR players. In this mode, there will be a character dancing on screen on a
metal pad just like you! When it's the right time to step on an arrow, the
character on the screen steps on it whether if stepped on the right arrow at
the right time or not. It's wise to notice the character and the arrows at the
same time to understand the flow of the song. One cooler thing about Beginner
Mode is the fact that you can't fail on your first stage. In Light, Standard,
and Heavy Modes, The dancing character is removed and replaced with colorful
backgrounds and your responsible to pass the song on all stages to if you don't
want to fail causing a game over. Light Mode is a bit harder than Beginner
Mode. Standard Mode is a bit harder than Light Mode. Finally, Heavy Mode is
slightly harder than Standard Mode. Challenge Mode is only available to some
songs, so don't trip. Basically, it's like this below:
Hardest Easiest
Heavy > Standard > Light > Beginner
3b) Nonstop mode

On the skill select screen there are four skill modes. None, which includes
Nonstop mode. Well, if you press right when you highlight Heavy Mode, you are
instantly guided to Nonstop mode. Here you are faced with a list of songs that
you must conquer WITHOUT BREAKS! Needless to say, your going to need a lot of
stamina with some of the long lists. If you need some help I suggest using some
of the song modifiers (if available). Speed mods will be covered later in the
3c) Workout mode

Are you getting fat? Do you own this game and a dance pad to go with it? Are
you willing to dedicate yourself to lose some weight? Well here you can
accurately note how much calories you burned playing this mode. Here you can
choose a program, burn the calories, and document it all in a digital diary.
More on this stuff later.
3d) Lesson mode

Are you new the Konami franchise? You've seen people play this game all the
time but were too frightened to play this game, huh? Well, with the help of the
DDR Dancers and a 3 class program, prepare to learn the basics. More later.
3e) Training mode

Having trouble with a song? Perhaps "Maxx Unlimited?" Well here you can polish
your routine and eventually learn the steps to the song. More later.
3f) Edit mode

Think the steps to some of the songs are bad? Now you can make your own and
even transfer the date to other DDR console games? Plus, if the arcade got a
machine, you can place those new steps and place them in public. It's great for
freestyle competitions. More on this later.
4) Option

Here we have a quick rundown of all of the things that might effect your
gameplay and other stuff.

Sound Option: Alters the way the sound is presented in the game
- Sound
- Stereo (default)
- Monaural
- Voice
- All (default)
- Off
- No booing
- Timing
- Ranges from -16 - 16 (zero is default)

Controller Settings: Alters the way you play on a PS2 Controller
- Vibration
- None (default)
- Button
- Miss
- Double Play
- On
- Off (default)
- Double Mode Settings
- Upon selection, you get to configure the way you can play doubles on two
- Dance Play Settings
- Upon selection, you can choose whether or not Player 1 or Player 2's
controller respond

Save/Load: You want to load new data?
- Save
- Load
- Auto Save
- On
- Off (default)
- Edit Folder Load
- On
- Off (default)

Game Options: Want to change the way you play?
- Game Level
- 1)Easiest
- 2)Very easy
- 3)Easy
- 4)Medium (default)
- 5)Medium hard
- 6)Hard
- 7)Very hard
- 8)Hardest
- Max Stages
- Ranges between 1 - 5 (three is default)
- Game Over
- Arcade (default)
- End of music
- Event Mode
- On
- Off
- Default Difficulty
- Light (default)
- Standard
- Heavy
- Nonstop
- Beginner

Graphic Options: Ewww...look at the background!
- Movie
- On (default)
- Off
- Danger Display
- Blink (default)
- Off
- Still
- BG Brightness
- Ranges from 25% - 100% going up by increments of 5% (100% is default)
- Step Mark Colors
- Type 1 (default)
- Type 2
- Screen Adjustment
- Upon selection, use the D-Pad to position the screen to desired location.
- Flicker Free
- On (default)
- Off

Workout Options: Let's get those legs burning!
- Measurement
- Free (default)
- Regulation
- Calorie Display
- Calorie (default)
- Score
- Weight Unit
- Pounds: (lbs)
- Kilograms: (kg)

Exit: Let's leave then!
5) Choosing a song

Choosing a song is crucial to understand. It makes a world of difference if
you're going to waste your tokens or have a great time with this machine. First
thing you might notice besides the songs to the right is the Groove Radar. The
following clearly defines what each category means:

Air: The amount of steps that involves stepping on two different arrows within
a song

Stream: How long and often a stream of arrows flow throughout the song in an
organized pattern

Chaos: How long and often streams of arrows flow throughout the song in an
unorganized and random patterns

Freeze: The amount of green freeze arrows that shows up through out the song.

Voltage: The peak of the song that shows the most amount of arrows in one
screenshot. Speed is a factor.

Aside from the groove radar, there are other things to look out for. The Foot
Ratings are back for the 7th out of 8 times throughout the series. Basically it
depicts the overall difficulty of songs by showing an amount of feet in the
small box. The easiest songs are represented with a score of 1 foot, while the
hardest songs are depicted with a 10 feet rating. One more factor in choosing a
song is the tempo shown above the cool song picture. (The picture thingy next
to the rotating Songlist) Each song's speed is shown by its tempo. Obviously,
the higher the tempo the faster the song (your music teacher should of taught
you that) will be played. Now if there is a particular song you want to find,
there are several ways to organize the song listings. If you can't find it in
the default list press the START button for another way to organize the songs.
In other this is how pressing the START button go: default, ABC order, BPM,
Player's best, then finally to the default list once again. If you don't give a
care of what song to pick, you can pick Roulette. Roulette spins the Songlist
round and round really fast. Press the X button to stop the spinning. The song
list will slowly stop and the song in the song select box is the one that
you're going to play. The song Max Unlimited is also visible as the only song
in red font. Out of the times that I've been trying to get this song off
roulette, I've failed. I think it's impossible. Well, time to set your stuff.
6) Song modifiers

Now let's choose the song. Just press the X button to play the song. HOLD THE
PHONE! You might want to change the gameplay of the game using some song
modifiers. To activate this nifty feature, hold the X or Circle button
immediately after choosing the song. If the "code" is done right, a list of
ways to change the way to play the song is presented. Here's the breakdown on
the stuff.

Speed Mods (1x, 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 5x, and 8x): This helps space out the arrows if
they happen to be to close to tell (like Secret Rendezvous). Know the arrows
will still hit the gray outline at the same time even without the speed mods.

Boost: This affects the way your arrows scrolls. It starts out slow then around
the 1/5th mark, it scrolls up faster. It's really handy for songs like So Deep.
On: Turns boost on
Off: Turns boost off

Appearance (Visible, Hidden, Sudden, and Stealth): This affects the way the
arrows can be seen.
Visible: The arrows can be seen normally
Hidden: The arrows loses visibility around 2/3 of the way up screen. You better
have some really good short-term memory to play this.
Sudden: It's the exact opposite of Hidden Mode. The arrows are hidden until 2/3
up the screen. You got to have some quick toes to play this.
Stealth: The arrows will not show up completely so you better have the song
memorized like your phone-number.

Turn (Off, Left, Right, Mirror, and Shuffle): You want to reorganize the
direction of the arrows? This is where you can do that. By the way, you can't
choose left and right in doubles mode.
Off: This is the default step pattern
Left: The steps will rotate to the left
Right: The steps will rotate to the right
Mirror: The steps are completely opposite of the default step patterns.

Other (Off, Little, Flat, Solo, Dark): These are some other ways to affect the
Off: Leaves the steps be.
Little: It takes out all of the arrows except the 1/4 arrow. (Learn some basic
music knowledge if you don't know what a 1/4 note is)
Flat: The colors of the arrows are all the same no matter the type of note.
Doesn't apply to freeze arrows.
Solo: Changes the colors of the arrows to what was used in the DDR Solo
machines. 1/4 beat steps are red/orange. 1/8 beat steps are blue. 1/16 beat
steps are purple.
Dark: The gray outline will be taken away so you got to guess when to step at
the right time.

Scroll (Standard, Reverse): What to control the direction the arrows scroll?
Standard: Arrows scroll from the bottom to top
Reverse: Arrows scroll from the top to bottom

Freeze (On, Off): Don't like freeze arrows? No problem.
On: Keep the green freeze arrows
Off: Turns the freeze arrows into normal arrows

Step (Beginner, Light, Standard, Heavy, Challenge): Want to change the
difficulty of the steps?
Beginner, Light, Standard, and Heavy: See Section 3a: Normal Game Modes
Challenge: Some songs may only have this mode so it's a gimme.

Time to Begin!
7) Song list

First off before I begin to list the songs, I believe it would be vital if you
can understand how I list them. I will be listing the songs in the following

Song: Tempo:
Artist: Heavy # of steps:
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles x x x x x
Doubles x x x x x

Now I will progress down the song list via the Default song list.

Song: A Little Bit of Ecstasy Tempo: 56 - 135 BPM
Artist: Jocelyn Ecriquez Heavy # of steps: 282
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 5 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 5 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #1) "A Little Bit of Ecstasy" by Jocelyn
Enriquez is a massive dance hit from the late 1990's. The single climbed to the
top of the charts and dominated the radio airwaves with its perfect combination
of club vocals and old skool' urban sounds. "A Little Bit of Ecstasy" is one of
the first dace hits from the Northern California native singer. For more
information, check out www.rhino.com

Song: Break Down! Tempo: 190 BPM
Artist: BeForU Heavy # of steps: 403
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 2 4 6 9 N/A
Doubles N/A 4 6 9 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #5) "Break Down" by BeForU is the latest
song from the same group behind "Dive." Fans of Japanese pop will surely be
getting down with "Break Down." Check out the other song from BeForU in this
game as well.

Song: Busy Child Tempo: 125 BPM
Artist: The Crystal Method Heavy # of steps: 269
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 5 7 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 6 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #3) "Busy Child" by The Crystal Method is
one of their hit singles from this Los Angeles duo's, album "Vegas." For more
information on The Crystal Method, check out www.thecrystalmethod.com

Song: Conga Feeling Tempo: 130 BPM
Artist: Vivian Heavy # of steps: 311
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 5 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 4 7 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #6) "Conga Feeling" by Vivan is one of the
most popular singles from the beautiful and talented singer. From the tropics
of Latin America, "Conga Feeling" combines Latin rhythms with European dance to
ignite the dancefloor. For more information on Vivian, check out

Song: D2R Tempo: 160 BPM
Artist: Naoki Heavy # of steps: 227
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 5 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 5 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #7) "D2R" by Naoki is the latest energetic
masterpiece from the same artist behind hit Dance Dance Revolution songs like
"Dynamite Rave," "Brilliant 2U," and "B4U." Packed with high-energy rhythms,
ultra-fast rap vocals and soulful female vocals, "D2R" will have you tearing up
the dance floor.

Song: Days Go By Tempo: 127 BPM
Artist: Dirty Vegas Heavy # of steps: 197
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 5 6 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 5 6 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #8) "Days Go By" by Dirty Vegas was the
first break-out single from 2002's New Dance Artist of the Year. "Days Go By"
features deep "after-hours" house grooves combined with soothing vocals and the
perfect atmosphere to keep you dancing all nigh long. For more information on
Dirty Vegas, check out www.dirtyvegas.com

Song: Destiny Tempo: 155 BPM
Artist: Naoki ft/ Paula Terry Heavy # of steps: 322
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 2 5 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 6 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #9) "Destiny" by Naoki ft/ Paula Terry is
the latest song from the same group behind "Broken My Heart." Unlike "Broken My
Heart" which focuses on themes of betrayal and relationships ending, "Destiny
is more optimistic by pointing out that your destiny to find love may also
evolve into your destiny to want to be alone.

Song: Dream a Dream Tempo: 141 BPM
Artist: Captain Jack Heavy # of steps: 251
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 6 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 4 6 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #11) "Dream a Dream" by Captain Jack is an
awesome dance remake of Edvard Grieg's classical piece "In the Hall of the
Mountain King" which was originally written by the famous Norwegian composer in
1875. For more information on Captain Jack, check out www.captain-jack.com

Song: Drifting Away Tempo: 136 BPM
Artist: Lange ft/Skye Heavy # of steps: 356
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 2 5 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 5 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #12) "Drifting Away" by Lange ft/ Skye is
beautiful uplifting trance straight from the club scene. Reaching the top of
the charts across Europe and the UK, "Drifting Away" has also become an
underground club hit in the United States. For more information on Lange ft/
Skye, check out www.radikal.com

Song: Get Down Tonight Tempo: 106 - 120 BPM
Artist: K.C. & The Sunshine Band Heavy # of steps: 205
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 5 6 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 5 6 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #13) "Get Dwn Tonight" by KC & The Sunshine
Band is one of the most recognized songs of the 70's. Reaching the #1 spot when
it was originally released, "Get Down Tonight" is still popular today with
people from all over getting down to its timeless disco grooves. For more
information on KC & The Sunshine Band, check out www.rhino.com

Song: Ghosts (Vincent De Moor Remix) Tempo: 138 BPM
Artist: Tenth Planet Heavy # of steps: 279
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 6 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 5 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #14) "Ghosts (Vincent De Moor Remix)" by
Tenth Planet is a huge uplifting trance remake of the song "Ghosts" by the
artist Japan. For more information, check out www.rhino.com

Song: Heaven Tempo: 138 BPM
Artist: DJ Sammu $ Yanou ft/ Do Heavy # of steps: 260
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 6 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 6 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #16) "Heaven" by DJ Sammy $ Yanou ft/ DO is
the top 10 smash-hit trance remake of the lovely ballad by Bryan Adams. Already
awarded "Best Hi NRG/Euro Track" and dominating every airwave around the world,
"Heaven" is undoubtedly one of the hottest dance tracks. "Heaven" is one of the
hit singles off DJ Sammy's full-length album "Heaven." For more information on
DJ Sammy, check out www.robbinsent.com

Song: I feel... Tempo: 141 BPM
Artist: Akira Yamaoka Heavy # of steps: 331
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 6 9 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 5 9 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #18) "I feel..." by Akira Yamaoka is the
first Dance Dance Revolution song to be fully created by the same talented
musician who composed the original music soudtracks to Konami's Silent Hill
series of games. Don't worry, "I feel..." won't try to scare you with monsters.

Song: In the Navy '99 (XXL Disaster Remix) Tempo: 135 BPM
Artist: Captain Jack Heavy # of steps: 307
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 6 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 4 5 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #20) "In the Navy '99 (XXL Disaster Remix)"
by Captain Jack is a dance remake of the 70's classic "In the Navy" by the
Village People. For more information on Captain Jack, check out

Song: Keep On Liftin' Tempo: 100 BPM
Artist: DJ Nagureo Heavy # of steps: 180
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 5 5 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 5 6 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #22) "Keep On Liftin'" by DJ Nagureo picks
up energy from the very beginning with hip-hop styled beats and basslines
combined with in your face raps. This powerful song also features a softer side
with jazzy piano overlays, R&B synths, and diva-quality female vocals. "Keep On
Liftin'" will really lift your spirits up.

Song: Let's Groove Tempo: 65 - 130 BPM
Artist: Tips & Tricks vs. Wisdome Heavy # of steps: 207
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 2 5 6 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 4 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #24) "Let's Groove" by Tips & Tricks vs.
Wisdome is a dance remake of the super popular disco hit by Earth, Wind, &

Song: Long Train Runnin' Tempo: 126 BPM
Artist: Bus Stop Heavy # of steps: 234
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 2 5 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 5 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #25) "Long Train Runnin'" by Bus Stop is a
dance remake of the very popular song by the Doobie Brothers.

Song: Love at First Sight Tempo: 125 BPM
Artist: Kylie Minogue Heavy # of steps: 235
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 5 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 4 6 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #26) "Love at First Sight" by Kylie Minogue
is a massive pop hit from the Australian-native singer. Already dominating the
US airwaves with great songs and innovative music videos, "Love at First Sight"
is one of Kylie Minogue's latest singles and was also nominated for a Grammy
for "Bet Dance Recording." The single appears on her platinum-selling album
"Fever." For more information on Kylie Minogue, check out

Song: Lovin' You (Rob Searle Club Mix) Tempo: 139 BPM
Artist: Vinyl Baby Heavy # of steps: 314
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 2 6 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 5 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #27) "Lovin' You (Rob Searle Club Mix)" by
Vinyl Baby is a high-energy trance remake of the very famous song.

Song: Rain of Sorrow Tempo: 140 BPM
Artist: NM ft/ Ebony Fay Heavy # of steps: 315
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 2 5 9 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 5 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #28) "rain of sorrow" by NM ft/ Ebony Fay
combines elements of UK house, soulful vocals and euro-trance. The lyrics are
about how love is a very powerful force - just like the storms of mother
nature. Can you feel the rain storm brewing in your heart?

Song: So Deep (Perfect Sphere Remix) Tempo: 140 BPM
Artist: SILVERTEAR Heavy # of steps: 598
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 5 9 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 6 9 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #31) "So Deep (Perfect Sphere Remix)" by
SILVERTEAR is a very deep and atmospheric trance song. The song is very hard to
find and was released in limited numbers. Watch your timing and accuracy,
especially on the Heavy difficulty.

Song: Still In My Heart Tempo: 150 BPM
Artist: Naoki Heavy # of steps: 290
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 6 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 4 5 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #33) "Still In My Heart" by Naoki is a song
about holding onto the ones that you love. Once you hear the song, it will also
stay in your head too!

Song: Take Me Away (into the night)(radio vocal) Tempo: 138 BPM
Artist: 4 Strings Heavy # of steps: 250
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 6 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 5 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #35) "Take Me Away (into the night)(radio
vocal)" by 4 Strings is a monster trance track that has dominated the
underground club and radio charts across the world. With its beautiful vocals
and atmospheric trance, you will be dancing away into the night over and over
again. This hit single and many other great tracks can be found on 4 Strings'
first full-length album "Believe." For more information on 4 Strings, check out

Song: The Whistle Song (Blow My Whistle Baby) Tempo: 140 BPM
Artist: DJ Aligator Project Heavy # of steps: 308
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 4 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 4 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #37) "The Whistle Song (Blow My Whistle
Baby)" by DJ Aligator Project is an underground dance hit from Europe. In the
United States, the song was very popular in the clubs and has built up a fan
base of whistle blowers across the country. The hard hitting beats and driving
rhythms will definitely get you on the dancefloor. For more information on DJ
Aligator Project, check out www.radikal.com

Song: Tsugaru Tempo: 165 BPM
Artist: RevenG vs. De-Sire Heavy # of steps: 366
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 6 9 N/A
Doubles N/A 4 7 9 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #38) "Tsugaru" by RevenG vs. De-Sire is a
new collaboration between RevenG (MATSURI Japan / Exotic Ethnic) and De-Sire
(TRIP MACHINE / Healing Vision). This duo combines their strengths to deliver a
completely new tribal song that is organic and electronic at the same time. The
dance steps are tricky, your watch your timing!

Song: Twilight Zone (R-G Extended Club Mix) Tempo: 138 BPM
Artist: 2Unlimited Heavy # of steps: 325
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 5 9 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 5 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #39) "Twilight Zone (R-C Extended Club Mix)"
by 2Unlimited is a supercharged remix of the original 90's techno hit.
2Unlimited dominated the dance world with multiple #1 singles and smash-hit
albums. Songs like "Twilight Zone" are unforgettable and this new remix takes
you to the twilight zone like never before.

Song: Will I? Tempo: 140 BPM
Artist: Ian Van Dahl Heavy # of steps: 261
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 6 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 5 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information 40) "Will I?" by Ian Van Dahl is an
atmospheric trance masterpiece. The beautiful vocals, the majestiv synths, and
the lush atmosphere combine with the driving beats to deliver one of the best
club hits. "Will I?" is one of the hit dingles of Ian Van Dahl's full-length
album "Ace." For more information on Ian Van Dahl, check out www.robbinsent.com

Song: AM-3P Tempo: 130 BPM
Artist: KTz Heavy # of steps: 244
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 5 6 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 5 6 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #2) "AM-3P" by KTz is one of the most
popular Konami original songs in the Dance Dance Revolution series. Combining
driving techno-house beats, mechanical voice effects, and 90's rave synths,
this song blends modern and old skool techno to create an instant classic.
Check out the new "AM East mix" in the Nonstop game mode and a different remix
in Dance Dance Revolution Konamix

Song: Celebrate Nite Tempo: 144 BPM
Artist: N.M.R. Heavy # of steps: 277
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 6 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 4 6 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #4) "Celebrate Nite" by N.M.R. debuted on
Dance Dance Revolution Konamix and is one of the first club style songs from
this artist. Featuring rap lyrics, catchy female vocals like "Come on baby, its
party time" and smooth club beats, "Celebrate Nite" will have you celebrating
the night away in no time. Check out the new "Euro Trance Style" remix in the
Nonstop game mode.

Song: Do it Right Tempo: 135 BPM
Artist: Sota ft/ Ebony Fay Heavy # of steps: 285
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 5 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 4 5 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #10) "Do it Right" by Sota ft/ Ebony Fay
debuted on Dance Dance Revolution Konamix and gets you into the groove as soon
as you hear the vocals. Check out the new "80's Electro Mix" in the Nonstop
game mode and a different remix in DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution.

Song: Groove Tempo: 130 BPM
Artist: Sho-T ft/ Brenda Heavy # of steps: 264
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 6 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 6 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #15) Groove By Sho-T ft/ Brenda is an
awesome blend of disco, house, and R&B. Debuting on Dance Dance Revolution
Konamix, "Groove" features all the right elements to get your body grooving on
the dancefloor. Check out a different remix of "Groove" in DDRMAX: Dance Dance

Song: Hysteria Tempo: 190 BPM
Artist: Naoki 190 Heavy # of steps: 293
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 6 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 5 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #17) "Hysteria" by Naoki 190 is a fast-paced
R&B song with rap lyrics and strong female vocals. Debuting on Dance Dance
Revolution Konamix, "Hysteria" offers a combination of speed and tricky dance
steps = difficult enough to throw every dancer into mass hysteria! Check out
the new "2001" mix in the Nonstop game mode.

Song: I Was the One Tempo: 125 BPM
Artist: Good-Cool Heavy # of steps: 291
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 5 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 5 6 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #19) "I was the One" by Good-Cool combines
deep soul and emotion with the energy of house rhythms. Debuting on DDRMAX:
Dance Dance Revolution, "I was the One" is guaranteed to get people movin' on
the dancefloor.

Song: Jam & Marmalade Tempo: 145 BPM
Artist: Final Offset Heavy # of steps: 212
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 5 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 4 6 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #21) "Jam & Maramalade" by Final Offset is
the perfect song if you're looking for some hard driving house. Debuting on
DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution, "Jam & Marmalade" is jam packed with dancing

Song: Kind Lady Tempo: 135 BPM
Artist: Okuyatos Heavy # of steps: 231
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 6 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 4 5 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #23) "Kind Lady" by Okuyatos debuted on
Dance Dance Revolution Konamix and features the cool sounds of disco house with
catchy lyrics. Check out the new "interlude" version in the Nonstop game mode.
(Note: There's a typo here. "Kind Lady" was never on DDR Konamix. Instead, it
debuted on DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution.)

Song: Secret Rendezvous Tempo: 98 BPM
Artist: Divas Heavy # of steps: 238
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 2 5 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 5 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #29) "Secret Rendezvous" by Divas is the
latest R&B track from the same group behind "Baby Baby Gimme Your Love."
Debuting on DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution, "Secret Rendezvous" pours with
soulful emotion and excellent female vocals.

Song: Silent Hill Tempo: 125 BPM
Artist: Thomas Howard Heavy # of steps: 265
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 2 6 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 4 5 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #30) "Silent Hill" by Thomas Howard is a
very happy 80's-styled pop song about the holiday season. Debuting on DDRMAX:
Dance Dance Revolution, "Silent Hill" will keep you dancing through the
holidays. Check out the new "3rd Christmas Mix" in the Nonstop game mode.

Song: Spin The Disc Tempo: 130 BPM
Artist: good-cool Heavy # of steps: 292
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 2 5 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 5 8 N/A
Information: "Spin the Disc" by good-cool is straight get up and get down
house. Debuting on DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution, "Spin the Disc" will keep on
spinning because house music lives forever!

Song: Super Star Tempo: 128 BPM
Artist: DJ. Rich ft/ Tail Bros. Heavy # of steps: 289
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 5 6 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 4 6 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #34) "Super Star" by DJ Rich ft/ Tail Bros.
Combines complex rap vocals about playing Dance Dance Revolution with chemical
beats. Debuting on Dance Dance Revolution Konamix, this song is very popular
with top players. You might be considered a superstar, but can you honestly rap
as fast as this guy? Check out the new remix in the Nonstop game mode.

Song: The Shining Polaris Tempo: 147 BPM
Artist: L.E.D. ft/ Sana Heavy # of steps: 234
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 5 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 5 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #26) "The Shining Polaris" by L.E.D. Ft/
Sana is an excellent trance song. Debuting on DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution,
if you love trance music, "The Shining Polaris" is packed with beautiful
vocals, uplifting melodies and an awesome atmospheric build-up/breakdown.

The other songs are covered in the unlocked category.
8) Nonstop song lists
So, have you built up enough stamina to take this mode on? Alright, here's a
tip before moving on. You can use the song modifiers on most of the courses so
use them to your advantage. The only thing different is the difficult mode.
Here, it bumps all of the song's difficulty up one. That's really cool to mess

The courses are broken down like this...

Course Name: Comments
1) Song Name - normal/difficult mode
2) Song Name - normal/difficult mode

Here we go.

Light Naoki: Really easy DDR songs in a row
1) Still In My Heart - Light/Standard
2) Can't Stop Fallin' In Love - Light/Standard
3) D2R - Light/Standard

Hit Station: Really easy licensed songs in a row
1) Heaven - Light/Standard
2) Busy Child - Light/Standard
3) Will I? - Standard/Heavy

Feel Emotion: Some more easy licensed songs in a row
1) Days Go By - Light/Standard
2) Take Me Away - Light/Standard
3) Love At First Sight - Light/Standard

In Motion: Wow, look at the backgrounds of these songs.
1) Conga Feeling - Light/Standard
2) In The Navy '99 - Light/Standard
3) Dream A Dream - Standard/Heavy
4) The Whistle Song - Standard/Heavy

Say Yeah!: Easy on normal, hard on difficult
1) Ghosts - Light/Standard
2) Long Train Runnin' - Light/Standard
3) Drifting Away - Standard/Heavy
4) Twilight Zone - Standard/Heavy

Globetrotting: The watered down version of World Tour on DDR Extreme
1) Conga Feeling - Light/Standard
2) Afronova - Light/Standard
3) Break Down! - Light/Standard
4) Tsugaru - Standard/Heavy
5) more deep (ver.2.1) - Standard/Heavy

DJ Battle: All of the artists here are DJs...where's me?
1) The Whistle Song - Standard/Heavy
2) Heaven - Standard/Heavy
3) Super Star (From the Nonstop Megamix) - Challenging
4) Bad Routine - Standard/Heavy
5) Tomorrow Perfume - Standard/Heavy
6) Keep On Liftin' - Standard/Heavy

Mega Dance Hits: I believe that these are all the licensed songs in a row.
1) Heaven - Standard/Heavy
2) Days Go By - Standard/Heavy
3) Busy Child - Standard/Heavy
4) Love At First Sight - Standard/Heavy
5) Twilight Zone (KC Extended Club Mix) - Standard/Heavy
6) Take Me Away (into the night)(radio vocal) - Standard/Heavy
7) Drifting Away - Standard/Heavy
8) Ghosts (Vincent De Moore Remix) - Standard/Heavy
9) Will I? - Standard/Heavy

Boogie Dance: Welcome to the soothing sounds of the Boogie Dance Nonstop mix!
1) Groove - Standard/Heavy
2) Get Down Tonight - Standard/Heavy
3) Let's Groove - Light/Standard
4) Do It Right - Standard/Heavy
5) Kind Lady - Standard/Heavy
6) Spin the Disc - Light/Standard
7) Long Train Runnin' - Standard/Heavy
8) In the Navy (XXL Disaster Remix) - Standard/Heavy

Rap Mania: This is not considered RAP!
1) Long Train Runnin' - Light/Standard
2) D2R - Light/Standard
3) Super Star (From the Nonstop Megamix) - Challenging
4) Keep on Liftin' - Standard/Heavy
5) Try 2 Luv. U - Standard/Heavy
6) Hysteria 2001 - Challenging
7) think ya better D - Light/Standard
8) End of the Century - Light/Standard
9) Dream a Dream - Standard/Heavy

Trance Dance: The second longest nonstop course in the game.
1) I feel... - Light/Standard
2) Tomorrow Perfume - Standard/Heavy
3) The Shining Polaris - Standard/Heavy
4) Will I? - Standard/Heavy
5) Heaven - Standard/Heavy
6) Ghosts (Vincent De Moore Remix) - Standard/Heavy
7) Drifting Away - Standard/Heavy
8) Take Me Away (into the night)(radio vocal) - Standard/Heavy
9) So Deep (Perfect Sphere Mix) - Standard/Heavy
10) Lovin' You (Rob Searle Club Mix) - Standard/Heavy

House Nights: A mix great for a house party!
1) Let's Groove - Light/Standard
2) Spin the Disc - Light/Standard
3) Kind Lady (Interlude) - Challenging
4) think ya better D - Standard/Heavy
5) Don't Stop (AMP 2nd Mix) - Light/Standard
6) Bad Routine - Standard/Heavy
7) AM-3P - Light/Standard
8) I Was the One - Light/Standard
9) Days Go By - Standard/Heavy

Player's Best 1-4: Your top 4 favorite songs in a row!
1) (Most played song) Light/Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
2) (2nd most played song) Light/Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
3) (3rd most played song) Standard/Heavy (or Challenging depending on the song)
4) (4th most played song) Standard/Heavy (or Challenging depending on the song)

Player's Best 5-8: Continuing the chain to the eight link.
1) (5th most played song) Light/Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
2) (6th most played song) Light/Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
3) (7th most played song) Standard/Heavy (or Challenging depending on the song)
4) (8th most played song) Standard/Heavy (or Challenging depending on the song)

Random Caprice: Songs are chosen at random every time you access this mode. At
least you get a glimpse of the songs to come.
1) (Random song) - Light/Standard
2) (Random song) - Light/Standard
3) (Random song) - Standard/Heavy
4) (Random song) - Standard/Heavy

Random: Everything is completely random...including the song mods. You better
be lucky you don't get stuck with 8x Maxx Unlimited heavy!
1) (Random song) - (Random difficulty) (Random song mods)
2) (Random song) - (Random difficulty) (Random song mods)
3) (Random song) - (Random difficulty) (Random song mods)
4) (Random song) - (Random difficulty) (Random song mods)
5) (Random song) - (Random difficulty) (Random song mods)
6) (Random song) - (Random difficulty) (Random song mods)

Order 1: The light endurance test. Cheat by pressing O to select the songs and
song modifiers.
1-20) (Random Song) - Light

Order 2: The standard endurance test. Cheat by pressing O to select the songs
and song modifiers.
1-20) (Random Song) - Standard

Order 3: The heavy endurance test. Cheat by pressing O to select the songs and
song modifiers.
1-20) (Random Song) - Heavy

Upon completing any Nonstop Course, you are greeted with the following new

(Nonstop Course ? - Completed)
You have completed the "(Course name)" course in Nonstop Mode

There are three hidden courses, try to find them.
9) Cheats and Unlockables

As you play through the game you may notice at the end, there is a screen
saying you need a certain number of points. Well, these points allow you to
unlock various songs. Here's a break down:

Earn 5 points -
Song: Try 2 Luv. U Tempo: 115 BPM
Artist: S.F.M.P Heavy # of steps: 150
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 4 5 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 4 6 N/A
Information: (New Song Unlocked #27) You have unlocked the song "Try 2 Luv. U"
by S.F.M.P. Featuring a comination of 90's dance, female vocals and rap lyrics,
"Try 2 Luv. U" has a unique sound that is unlike other Dance Dance Revolution

Earn 10 points -
Song: Put Your Faith in Me Tempo: 120 BPM
Artist: Uzi-Lay Heavy # of steps: 203
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 4 6 N/A
Doubles N/A 4 5 6 N/A
Information: (New Song Unlocked #20) You have unlocked the songs "Put Your
Faith in Me" by Uzi-Lay. Debuting on Dance Dance Revolution, "Put Your Faith in
Me" was one of the first songs to incorporate more vocals. The song features a
male rapper, female chorus and funky groove bass line which gives the song more
of an R&B feel.

Earn 15 points - (Dancer Options Unlocked) You have unlocked Dancer Options.
Now you can display the dance characters in Game Mode. You can find this option
in Option -> Dancer Options. (See next section for more information)

Earn 20 points -
Song: think ya better D Tempo: 136 BPM
Artist: sAmi Heavy # of steps: 237
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 4 5 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 4 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Unlocked #25) You have unlocked the song "think ya
better D" by sAmi. Debuting on Dance Dance Revolution Konamix, "think ya better
D" has a great dance rhthm combined with cool rap vocals. Everybody thins ya
better dance to this one!

Earn 25 points -
Song: Dive (More Deep & Deeper Style) Tempo: 155 BPM
Artist: Be For U Heavy # of steps: 322
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 5 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 5 6 N/A
Information: (New Song Unlocked #7) You have unlocked the song "Dive (more deep
& deeper style)" by Be For U. The original "Dive" debuted on Dance Dance
Revolution Konamix and was a favorite among fans of Japanese pop. This new
version has a deeper club sound, so if you want to keep up on the dancefloor,
get ready to dive deeper than ever before. Check out the other song from Be For
U in this game as well.

Earn 30 points -
Song: Can't Stop Fallin' in Love Tempo: 155 BPM
Artist: Naoki Heavy # of steps: 328
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 5 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 4 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Unlocked #5) You have unlocked the song "Can't Stop
Fallin' in Love" by Naoki. Debuting on Dance Dance Revolution Konamix, "Can't
Stop Fallin' In Love" is a lovely classic from Naoki that will have you falling
head over heels on the dancefloor.

Earn 35 points - (Nonstop Course 7 - Unlocked) You have unlocked the secret
"RMX of Love" course in Nonstop Mode.
RMX of Love: Gotta love those challenging remixes
1) Do It Right - Standard/Heavy
2) Silent Hill - Standard/Heavy
3) Kind Lady - Standard/Heavy
4) Do It Right (80's Electro Mix) - Challenging
5) Silent Hill (3rd Christmas Mix) - Challenging
6) Kind Lady (interlude) - Challenging

Earn 40 points -
Song: Silent Hill (3rd Christmas Mix) Tempo: 125 BPM
Artist: Thomas Howard Heavy # of steps: 233
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles N/A N/A N/A N/A 7
Doubles N/A N/A N/A N/A 7
Information: (New Song Unlocked #22) You have unlocked the song "Silent Hill
(3rd Christmas Mix)" by Thomas Howard. The original "Silent Hill" debuted on
DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution and this mix is a new arrangement of the tune.
Be careful, the steps are more challenging than the original.

Earn 45 points -
Song: Don't Stop! (AMD 2nd Mix) Tempo: 130 BPM
Artist: Dr. Vibe ft/ JP Miles Heavy # of steps: 214
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 5 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 4 6 N/A
Information: (New Song Unlocked #9) You have unlocked the song "Don't Stop!
(AMD 2nd Mix)" by Dr. Vibe ft JP Miles. Debuting on Dance Dance Revolution
Konamix, "Don't Stop! (AMD 2nd Mix)" is a great soulful house tune with
positive lyrics. Once you start dancing to this tune, don't ever stop and don't
ever quit.

Earn 50 points -
Song: Tomorrow Perfume Tempo: 144 BPM
Artist: DJ Taka Heavy # of steps: 258
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 5 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 6 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Unlocked #26) You have unlocked the song "Tomorrow
Perfume" by DJ Taka. Combining sounds straight from the underground with a
driving beat and awesome buildup, "Tomorrow Perfume" is an excellent
atmospheric trance track that sure smells great today! Check out DDRMAX: Dance
Dance Revolution and Dance Dance Revolution Konamix for more songs from this

Earn 55 points -
Song: Kind Lady (Interlude) Tempo: 135 BPM
Artist: Okuyatos Heavy # of steps: 248
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles N/A N/A N/A N/A 8
Doubles N/A N/A N/A N/A 8
Information: (New Song Unlocked #16) You have unlocked the song "Kind Lady
(interlude)" by Okuyatos. The original "Kind Lady" debuted on DDRMAX: Dance
Dance Revolution and this new "interlude" version expands on the great disco
house and jazz fusion sounds. Be careful, the steps are more challenging than
the original.

Earn 60 points -
Song: Burning Heat (3 Option Mix) Tempo: 160 BPM
Artist: Mr. T with Motoaki F. Heavy # of steps: 403
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 2 5 9 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 6 9 N/A
Information: (New Song Unlocked #4) You have unlocked the song "Burning Heat!
(3 Option Mix)" by Mr. T with Motoaki F. Konami's legendary Gradius shooting
games live on in this new arrangement of one of the original theme songs.
Unfortunately the difficulty and intense reflexes required to pass Gradius
lives on in this song as well! Check out another song from the Gradius series
in DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution

Earn 65 points -
Song: AM-3P (AM East Mix) Tempo: 140 BPM
Artist: KTz Heavy # of steps: 289
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles N/A N/A N/A N/A 7
Doubles N/A N/A N/A N/A 7
Information: (New Song Unlocked #2) You Have unlocked the song "AM-3P (AM East
Mix)" by KTz. Building on the popularity of the original, the song is now
remixed with a faster beat and euro-trance sounds. Check out a different remix
of "AM-3P" in Dance Dance Revolution Konamix. Be careful, the steps are more
challenging than the original.

Earn 70 points -
Song: End of the Century Tempo: 170 BPM
Artist: No. 9 Heavy # of steps: 349
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 7 9 N/A
Doubles N/A 5 6 9 N/A
Information: (New Song Unlocked #10) You have unlocked the song "End of the
Century" by No. 9. Debuting on Dance Dance Revolution Konamix, "End of the
Century" is a speed rave remake of Ludwig Van Beethoven's final symphony
"Symphony No.9 in D Minor" which was originally written and completed by the
famous German composer in 1824.

Earn 75 points - (Nonstop course 18) You have unlocked the secret "Player's
Best Long" course in Nonstop Mode.
Player's Best Long: All of your top 8 songs in a row!
1) (Most played song) - Light/Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
2) (2nd most played song) Light/Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
3) (3rd most played song) Standard/Heavy (or Challenging depending on the song)
4) (4th most played song) Standard/Heavy (or Challenging depending on the song)
5) (5th most played song) Standard/Heavy (or Challenging depending on the song)
6) (6th most played song) Standard/Heavy (or Challenging depending on the song)
7) (7th most played song) Standard/Heavy (or Challenging depending on the song)
8) (8th most played song) Standard/Heavy (or Challenging depending on the song)

Earn 80 points -
Song: more deep (ver.2.1) Tempo: 133 BPM
Artist: Togo Project ft/ Sana Heavy # of steps: 195
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 5 6 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 5 6 N/A
Information: (New Song Unlocked #18) You have unlocked the song "more deep
(ver.2.1)" by Togo project ft/ Sana. Featuring 2-step souds and beautiful
vocals, this is the latest track from the same group behind "Sana Mollete Ne
Ente." Check out "Sana Mollete Ne Ente" in DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution.

Earn 85 points -
Song: Vanity Angel Tempo: 140 BPM
Artist: Fixx Heavy # of steps: 325
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 6 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 5 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Unlocked #28) You have unlocked the song "Vanity Angel"
by Fixx. Combining atmospheric euro-trance with pulsating beats, you will
definitely want t get your fix of "Vanity Angel." Watch your timing closely and
be prepared to practice the tricky dance steps.

Earn 90 points -
Song: Do It Right (80's Electro Mix) Tempo: 135 BPM
Artist: Sota ft/ Ebony Fay Heavy # of steps: 278
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles N/A N/A N/A N/A 7
Doubles N/A N/A N/A N/A 7
Information: (New Song Unlocked #8) You have unlocked the song "Do It Right
(80's Electro Mix)" by Sota Ft/ Ebony Fay. "Do It Right" gets done right again
- this time the song is stripped down and remixed 80's style. Be careful, the
steps are more challenging than the original. Check out a different remix of
"Do It Right" in DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution.

Earn 95 points -
Song: SP-TRIP MACHINE (Jungle Mix) Tempo: 160 BPM
Artist: De-Sire Heavy # of steps: 245
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 6 7 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 7 8 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Unlocked #23) You have unlocked the song "SP-TRIP
MACHINE (Jungle Mix)" by De-Sire. Debuting on dance Dance Revolution, this
remix is for fans of jungle. Watch your timing on the irregular beats,
otherwise, the word "trip" in "Trip Machine" may have a cruel secondary
meaning. Check out other versions of the song in Dance Dance Revolution Konamix
and DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution.

Earn 100 points! -
Song: I Need You Tempo: 114 BPM
Artist: Supa Fova ft/ Jenny F. Heavy # of steps: 186
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 4 5 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 5 6 N/A
Information: (New Song Unlocked #14) You have unlocked the song "I Need You" by
Supa Fova ft/ Jenny F. Featuring soothing souds and relaxing vocals, "I Need
You" is a sweet and catchy pop song that will easily get stuck in your head for

Earn 110 points! -
Song: Maxx Unlimited Tempo: 140 - 320 BPM
Artist: Z Heavy # of steps: 561
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 3 6 8 10 N/A
Doubles N/A 6 8 10 N/A
Information: (New Song Unlocked #17) You have overcome many obstacles to unlock
the song "Maxx Unlimited" by z. Clocking in at a blazing fast BPM, this is one
of the hardest and fastest songs you will ever encounter. For additional
challenge, check out this song's predecessor, "Max 300", in DDRMAX: Dance Dance

Earn 120 points! - (Nonstop Course 9 Unlocked) You have unlocked the secret
"RMX of Truth" course in Nonstop Mode.
RMX of Truth: Some more remixed fun!
1) AM-3P - Standard/Heavy
2) AM-3P (AM EAST Mix) - Challenging
3) Celebrate Nite - Standard/Heavy
4) Celebrate Nite (Euro Trance Style) - Challenging
5) Hysteria - Standard/Heavy
6) Hysteria 2001 - Challenging
7) Super Star - Standard/Heavy
8) Super Star (From the Nonstop Megamix) - Challenging

Earn 130 points! -
Song: Super Star (From Nonstop Megamix) Tempo: 128 BPM
Artist: DJ Rich ft/ Tail Bros. Heavy # of steps: 561
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles N/A N/A N/A N/A 7
Doubles N/A N/A N/A N/A 7
Information: (New Song Unlocked #24) You have unlocked the song "Super Star
(From the Nonstop Megamix)" by DJ Rich ft/ Tailbros. The original "Super Star"
debuted on Dance Dance Revolution Konamix and this new version strips down the
music - leaving the cool rap vocals and a more chill out feel. De careful, the
steps are challenging than th3e original.

Earn 140 points!
Song: Paranoia KCET ~clean mix~ Tempo: 180 BPM
Artist: 2MB Heavy # of steps: 351
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 2 5 7 9 N/A
Doubles N/A 5 7 9 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #19) You have unlocked the song "Paranoia
KCET (clean mix)" by 2MB. Debuting on Dance Dance Revolution, "Paranoia KCET
(clean mix)" is one of the bet remixes of the song. The "Paranoia" series is
one of "the" songs that conveys the essence of Dance Dance Revolution. Check
out other versions of the song in DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution and Dance
Dance Revolution Konamix.

Earn 150 points!
Song: Bad Routine Tempo: 130 BPM
Artist: DJ Spugna Heavy # of steps: 208
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 5 6 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 6 7 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #3) You have unlocked the song "Bad Routine"
by DJ Spugna. Don't let the song title jinx you during your performance,
because "Bad routine" is an awesome house song that is screaming for a good
routine to go with it.

Earn 160 points!
Song: Radical Faith Tempo: 114 BPM
Artist: TaQ Heavy # of steps: 360
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 6 8 N/A
Doubles N/A 3 6 8 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #21) You have unlocked the song "Radical
Faith" by TaQ. Get ready for more breakbeat action in this radical tune. Check
out DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution and Dance Dance Revolution Konamix for more
songs from this artist.

Earn 170 points!
Song: Hysteria 2001 Tempo: 190 BPM
Artist: NM Heavy # of steps: 279
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles N/A N/A N/A N/A 7
Doubles N/A N/A N/A N/A 7
Information: (New Song Information #13) You have unlocked the song "Hysteria
2001" by NM. The original "Hysteria" debuted on Dance Dance Revolution Konamix
and the "2001" remix has a faster beat and more R&B influences. Be careful, the
steps are more challenging that the original.

Earn 180 points!
Song: Afronova Tempo: 200 BPM
Artist: Re-Venge Heavy # of steps: 370
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 2 5 7 9 N/A
Doubles N/A 6 7 9 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #1) You have unlocked the song "Afronova" by
Re-Venge. Debuting on Dance Dance Revolution, "Afronova" was the first tribal
song to appear in the game and has remained a fan favorite throughtout the
series. Now you can experience the song that started the tribal inspiration.
Check out a different remix of "Afronova" in Dance Dance Revolution Konamix.

Earn 190 points!
Song: Forever Sunshine Tempo: 128 BPM
Artist: Chel Y. Heavy # of steps: 181
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 3 5 5 N/A
Doubles N/A 2 5 6 N/A
Information: (New Song Information #12) You have unlocked the song "Forever
Sunshine" by Chel Y. With music and lyrics that sound like they just stepped
out of a musical and wound up in Dance Dance Revolution, "Forever Sunshine" is
a soft, warm and fuzzy pop song. The warmth feeling in the song comes from the
sun of course!

Earn 200 points!
Song: feeling of love Tempo: 136 BPM
Artist: youhei shimizu Heavy # of steps: 307
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 5 7 N/A
Doubles N/A 4 5 7 N/A
Information: You have unlocked the song "feeling of love" by youhei shimizu.
Combining the feelings of love songs with pop and house music, "feeling of
love" actually features mixed feelings all in one song. Be careful, it is not
easy to overcome the feelings of love.

Earn 210 points!
Song: Celebrate Nite (Euro Trance Style) Tempo: 144 BPM
Artist: N.M.R. Heavy # of steps: 288
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles N/A N/A N/A N/A 8
Doubles N/A N/A N/A N/A 8
Information: You have unlocked the song "Celebrate Nite (Euro Trance Style)" by
N.M.R. Get ready to celebrate with this all-new euro-trance remix of the
original song. Be careful, the stops are more challenging than the original.

Earn 220 points! - (Nonstop Course #15 - Unlocked) You unlocked the secret
"Ultimate 12" course in Nonstop Mode.
Ultimate 12: Pure evil! 1x and no solo on most of the songs are hard. Where's
"So Deep (Perfect Sphere Mix)" in that list?
1) Radical Faith - Standard/Heavy
2) Vanity Angel - Standard/Heavy
3) SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix) - Standard/Heavy
4) Tsugaru - Standard/Heavy
5) Afronova - Standard/Heavy
6) Paranoia KCET - Standard/Heavy
7) kakumei - Challenging/Heavy (Dark, Reverse-Scroll) (Comment: PURE EVIL!)
8) Hysteria - Standard/Heavy
9) I feel... - Standard/Heavy
10) Burning Heat (3 Option Mix) - Standard/Heavy
11) Xenon - Standard/Heavy
12) Maxx Unlimited - Standard/Heavy (Dark, Reverse-Scroll) (see # seven!)

Earn 230 points!
Song: Xenon Tempo: 158 BPM
Artist: Mr. T Heavy # of steps: 375
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 6 9 N/A
Doubles N/A 5 6 9 N/A
Information: You have unlocked the song "xenon" by Mr. T. Invisible like the
air, "xenon" is a special element that can create intense light without a lot
of energy. Difficult to extract and rare in the atmosphere, the song "xenon" is
much like the gas - intense but minimal, one of a kind and hidden in its own
atmosphere. Be sure to breathe deeply while playing.

Earn 240 points!
Song: kakumei Tempo: 83 - 148 BPM
Artist: DJ Taka ft/ Naoki Heavy # of steps: 372
Mode Beginner Light Standard Heavy Oni
Singles 1 4 6 9 8
Doubles N/A 3 5 9 8
Information: (New Song Information #15) You have unlocked the song "kakumei" by
DJ Taka with Naoki. "kakumei is a dance remake of Frederic Chopin's enchanting
musical piece "Revolutionary" which was originally written by the famous Polish
composer in 1831. Coincidentally, "kakumei" in English means "Revolution."

Earn 250 points! - (Endless Mode Unlocked) You have unlocked Endless Mode. Now
you can play all of the songs as one long continuous mix. Can you make it all
the way until the end?

-Extra Stage-
Another thing that takes skill to unlock is the Extra Stage. To achieve the
Extra Stage, you have to earn a double A (AA) or a triple A (AAA) grade on your
final stage. Upon acquiring the grade, there will be a screen saying something
like, "Try the Extra Stage!" The song to play will be "Max Unlimited" by Z. You
cannot pick another song, let alone the modifiers to play! Your stuck to play
this hard song with the modifiers: 1.5 speed mod, dark, reverse scroll. If that
isn't enough, you get a special gauge that goes down but never up! Have fun.

-Encore Extra Stage-
Well, I have yet to acquire this stage yet, but I know it exist. All you have
to do is win the Extra Stage and get a grade of AA or AAA. Sounds hard, huh?
Judging from the arcade version, I figure it's "kakumei" by DJ Taka ft/ Naoki.
I don't know the modifiers but I bet this is going to be hard. I'll try to get
some more info soon!
9a) Dancing characters

If you happened to play the earlier DDR games like DDR Konamix or DDR 1st-5th
Mix in the arcades, then you'll probably noticed those cute dancers busting a
move while you play. Until recently, they have taken a leave of absence only
appearing in cameos in the background of some songs. Well they are back to
raise the roof! If you happen to complete 15 songs then you unlock Dancer
Options. Here you have to option to add old school DDR dancers like Emi and
Rage to dance while you play. However, when you do have dancers they appear at
random so you don't get to pick who you want to dance with. I like the way the
dancers are rendered in cell-shaded form (Like how Sly Cooper looks like in his
game). Any ways, you get to have up to 3 different dancers on the screen at the
same time.

Note: Dancers will not appear if you select a licensed song like "Days Go By"
and "Dream A Dream."
10) In Depth Workout Mode


Welcome to Workout Mode. This is like the number one excuse to make to your
parents that lets you buy this game. Here you can keep track of the calories
you have burned off playing this game. First, please enter your weight (be
honest) by pressing the left or right arrow on your pad. There are three
different settings to try out. Here's a quick rundown:

Settings Goal
Calories Burned Here is where you dance until you achieve a desired
amount of calories burned off. (Example: Burn off a
total of 200 calories)

Play Time Here is where you achieve a goal of a set dance time.
(Example: Play up to 15 minutes in songs)

Program Here you play various programs set by the creators.
It's kind of like Nonstop Mode.

No Settings Just play for the fun of it and with no goal to reach.

(Note: You can't fail in any of the modes. Finish the song if you can!)

Workout steps are basically Standard Steps. You can go big and turn the thing
off to play Heavy or any other difficulty steps in the first two settings. The
first two settings allow the you to pick your own songs until you reach your
goal. However, Program is set up similar to Nonstop Mode except the fact you
can't fail. Plus, you can't change the difficulty nor the song modifications.
Here's a list of the different songlists in Program Mode:

Program 1: Here's the first program. This is a smooth list of 12 songs that are
really catchy to dance to. This should be enjoy able
1) more deep (ver. 1.2) - Light
2) So Deep (Perfect Sphere Mix) - Light
3) Groove - Light
4) Afronove - Standard
5) Don't Stop ~AMD 2nd Mix~ - Light
6) Forever Sunshine - Standard
7) Kind Lady - Light
8) Love at First Sight - Standard
9) A Little Bit of Escstacy - Standard
10) Conga Feeling - Light
11) I Need You - Light
12) Secret Rendezvous - Beginner

Program 2: Is Program 1 too easy? Let's kick this up a notch!
1) feeling of love - Beginner
2) Bad Routine - Light
3) Let's Groove - Standard
4) Spin the Disc - Heavy
5) Do It Right - Standard
6) The Whistle Song (Blow My Whistle Baby) - Standard
7) I Was the One - Standard
8) Days Go By - Heavy
9) rain of sorrow - Standard
10) Take Me Away (into the night) - Standard
11) Try 2 Luv. U - Standard
12) Tomorrow Perfume - Beginner

Program 3: Is Program 2 too easy? Let's take it to the max!
1) Keep On Liftin' - Light
2) Vanity Angel - Light
3) Jam & Marmalade - Standard
4) Break Down! - Heavy
5) Will I? - Heavy
6) Still In My Heart - Standard
7) Kind Lady (Interlude) - Challenging
8) Heaven - Heavy
9) Radical Faith - Standard
10) Dream a Dream - Heavy
11) Get Down Tonight - Light
12) Put Your Faith In Me - Beginner

Player's Best 1-4: It's just like the Nonstop version but with on Standard.
1) (Most played song) - Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
2) (2nd most played song) - Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
3) (3rd most played song) - Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
4) (4th most played song) - Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)

Player's Best 5-8: It's just like the Nonstop version but with on Standard.
5) (5th most played song) - Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
6) (6th most played song) - Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
7) (7th most played song) - Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
8) (8th most played song) - Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)

Player's Best Long: It's just like the Nonstop version but different...
1) (Most played song) - Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
2) (2nd most played song) - Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
3) (3rd most played song) - Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
4) (4th most played song) - Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
5) (5th most played song) - Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
6) (6th most played song) - Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
7) (7th most played song) - Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
8) (8th most played song) - Standard (or Challenging depending on the song)
Note: If "Maxx Unlimited" is there, then it's played on Light Mode

Order 1: The light endurance test. Cheat by pressing O to select the songs and
song modifiers.
1-20) (Random Song) - Light

Order 2: The standard endurance test. Cheat by pressing O to select the songs
and song modifiers.
1-20) (Random Song) - Standard

Order 3: The heavy endurance test. Cheat by pressing O to select the songs and
song modifiers.
1-20) (Random Song) - Heavy

Now after completing any goal, you are given a screen that shows how much time
you've played all together, how much calories you've burned this stage, how
much calories you've burned all together, the equivalent distance to jog and
swim to reach that much calories burned, and how many time you have to skip
rope to achieve the same goal.

To check out the progress of how much calories burned off is recorded in the
Workout Diary. It's located in the Records portion on the main menu screen.
Here, it shows what days you've worked out and you're weight at that time. As
you play this more often, it will look like a line graph. It looks good to see
that line go down, doesn't it?

11) In Depth Lesson Mode

Welcome to Dance Dance Revolution 101. Here is where new people of the game
practice the basics before attempting the harder levels of the game. The mode
is divided up into three lessons. It's always a good idea to start from Lesson
1 and work yourself up to Lesson 3. There are eight sections per lesson so
you're basically looking at 24 different courses to learn. Here's a breakdown
on all the lessons:

Lesson 1: If you have never played Dance Dance Revolution, start with this

Section 1: Begin here! Learn how to play by pressing the arrows with your feet.
Section 2: Now practice steps. There will be four up, four left, four down, and
four right arrows to step on in that order.
Section 3: Use one foot after the other. Here you learn to switch stepping on
left and right using different feet.
Section 4: Practice the up and down arrows. Use your right foot to step on the
up and down button correctly.
Section 5: Step on the up and down arrows with both feet. Try hitting the up
arrow with your right foot and the down button with your left foot.
Section 6: Step on the up and down arrows softly! Here, turn yourself left so
hitting the arrows are a lot easier.
Section 7: Step on the arrows of the 3 directions consecutively! The arrows are
coming up from the top, side, and bottom, step on them with your right then
Section 8: Let's wrap up this lesson! Remember everything you learned
grasshopper and step correctly!

Lesson 2: Use both feet and step on the up arrow at the right time!

Section 1: Step on the left and right arrows consecutively! Conquer the left,
right, left, right pattern by NOT returning to the center square.
Section 2: This is an arrangement of section 1! It's the same thing but they
threw in an up and down arrow at the end. Don't forget about that!
Section 3: Do the basic steps. This time it's the up, left, down, right pattern
to learn. Hit the first three with your right and the left with your left foot.
Section 4: Try stepping with both steps at once!! It's not that hard, make sure
that both your feet land on the same time while hitting the correct steps.
Section 5: Jump to the rhythm. The hard part to this is there's a double step,
or jump as I call it, immediately after the left, right, left, right, pattern.
Section 6: Develop your own way of moving your feet. Here, experiment how you
want to conquer the up, left, down, right motion. Don't forget the jump at the
Section 7: Move sideways and step. Try to sync your steps with the model if
you're having difficulty on this section. Don't return to the middle!
Section 8: Let's wrap up this lesson! Remember everything you learned
grasshopper and step correctly! Don't return to the middle square!

Lesson 3: Try the game mode after completing this lesson!

Section 1: Try the 1/8 beat arrows. Remember Lesson 1, Section 2? It's quite
the same except they wedged another arrow in between two normal arrows. Step
Section 2: A basic consecutive step. Okay this part goes left, up, right, up,
left, up, right and repeats over and over. Follow your model for help.
Section 3: Dance cool along to the rhythm! It's the exact same thing as Section
2 but the up arrows are replaced with down arrows. Step correctly!
Section 4: Move your center of mass and dance! Basically that means, keep
balanced. Here you're faced with a typical right, up, down, left pattern. And
they reverse it too! Remember left foot steps, right foot steps, left foot...
Section 5: This is an arrangement of the 1/8 beat step. Okay, we are going into
harder stuff now. Here try to step with left, then right foot. Eighth beats are
easy in this one.
Section 6: Let's practice a difficult step. Okay, be careful with this one.
Here there's a left 1/4, down 1/8(!), and a right 1/4. Be agile with your feet!
Section 7: Turn around and do your steps. Turning, or butterfly spins, is a
freestyle moves. Just remember the beat so you can step accurately.
Section 8: Let's wrap up this lesson!

(Lesson Mode Completed)
You have cleared all of the Lessons in Lesson Mode. Using all of the techniques
you have learned, put you dancing skills to the test by trying out the Beginner
difficulty in Game Mode. The path to dancing greatness is before you.

(NOTE: I'd skip Beginner mode and jump to Light or even Standard at this time.)
12) In Depth Training Mode

-Coming Soon!-
13) In Depth Edit Mode

-Coming Soon!-
14) In Depth Endless Mode

"Earn 250 points! - (Endless Mode Unlocked) You have unlocked Endless Mode. Now
you can play all of the songs as one long continuous mix. Can you make it all
the way until the end?"

The mode is called "Endless Mode" for crying out loud! How can there be an end?
Well here you can play all 69 songs of the game over and over again. The mode
is a one player only mode. That means a partner may need to wait a long time
before getting to play this. Upon picking this mode that lies all the way at
the bottom, here's a quick list of stuff to set before playing:

Regulation: Here you can alter the songs with song modifiers
On: Play with the default settings (default)
Off: Allows access to the song modifiers

Player: Here you can choose to play as a singles or doubles player
Singles: Player uses one dance pad (default)
Doubles: Player uses both dance pads

Level: You want difficulty? You got it!
Beginner: All songs are played on beginner mode
Light: All songs are played on light mode
Standard: All songs are played on standard mode (default)
Heavy: All songs are played on heavy mode
Challenging: All of the challenging songs are played
Random: The difficulty to all the songs are at random

Speed Mods (1x, 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 5x, and 8x): This helps space out the arrows if
they happen to be to close to tell (like Secret Rendezvous). Know the arrows
will still hit the gray outline at the same time even without the speed mods.
(1x is default)

Boost: This affects the way your arrows scrolls. It starts out slow then around
the 1/5th mark, it scrolls up faster. It's really handy for songs like So Deep.
On: Turns boost on
Off: Turns boost off (default)

Appearance (Visible, Hidden, Sudden, and Stealth): This affects the way the
arrows can be seen.
Visible: The arrows can be seen normally (default)
Hidden: The arrows loses visibility around 2/3 of the way up screen. You better
have some really good short-term memory to play this.
Sudden: It's the exact opposite of Hidden Mode. The arrows are hidden until 2/3
up the screen. You got to have some quick toes to play this.
Stealth: The arrows will not show up completely so you better have the song
memorized like your phone-number.

Turn (Off, Left, Right, Mirror, and Shuffle): You want to reorganize the
direction of the arrows? This is where you can do that. By the way, you can't
choose left and right in doubles mode.
Off: This is the default step pattern (default)
Left: The steps will rotate to the left
Right: The steps will rotate to the right
Mirror: The steps are completely opposite of the default step patterns.

Other (Off, Little, Flat, Solo, Dark): These are some other ways to affect the
Off: Leaves the steps be. (default)
Little: It takes out all of the arrows except the 1/4 arrow. (Learn some basic
music knowledge if you don't know what a 1/4 note is)
Flat: The colors of the arrows are all the same no matter the type of note.
Doesn't apply to freeze arrows.
Solo: Changes the colors of the arrows to what was used in the DDR Solo
machines. 1/4 beat steps are red/orange. 1/8 beat steps are blue. 1/16 beat
steps are purple.
Dark: The gray outline will be taken away so you got to guess when to step at
the right time.

Scroll (Standard, Reverse): What to control the direction the arrows scroll?
Standard: Arrows scroll from the bottom to top (default)
Reverse: Arrows scroll from the top to bottom

Freeze (On, Off): Don't like freeze arrows? No problem.
On: Keep the green freeze arrows (default)
Off: Turns the freeze arrows into normal arrows

Break Stage: Here you can pick after which stage you can have an infinite long
Off: No breaks!
1: Break after every song
2: Break after your second song
3: Break after your third song
4: Break after your fourth song
5: Break after your fifth song (default)
6: Break after your sixth song
7: Break after your seventh song
8: Break after your eighth song
9: Break after your ninth song
10: Break after your tenth song

Music Order: Want to choose the order to dance?
On: Any song that you allow using "Music Program" is played
Off: Any song can be played at any time (default)

Music Program: Here you can choose which songs you want to play in Endless

Play: Time to play

Exit: Go back to the main menu

What I've noticed is that there's 4 different break song backgrounds. Plus,
more of your gauge gets depleted when you miss a step when you get to places
like 40. When you fail, there won't be a grade given. Instead, there's going to
be a top three score list. That's pretty much it. Kind of lame if you ask me.
15) FAQs

You got questions? I got answers.

Q: How much are home pads?
A: It depends the kind you want. Normal soft home pads are 20-30 dollars. This
cool wireless one I own is around 40 dollars. I've heard that metal pads are
around 100+ dollars. I'm sticking to my wireless.

Q: Where's the song _________ in this game?
A: There are many songs that we miss like Sandstorm. One reason may be that the
real artist refuses to put another song in this game. Another reason may be
that Konami is too lazy to put that song in.

Q: How much is the game?
A: Since this game is relatively new to the market, I say it's around 40

Q: What are points?
A: Points are used to unlock special features. One completed song (or failed
extra stage) = One point.
16) FAQ history and update section

October 21, 2003: Version .85
- Added a few new text here and there. Finished up an in depth information on
Lesson Mode. It looks a little sloppy though.

October 19, 2003: Version .80
- Did some more touch ups to the format of the FAQ. Added some in depth detail
to Endless Mode and Workout Mode. Re-vamped the Recognition Section.

October 12, 2003: Version .70
- Finished off the rest of the nonstop courses. It seems like no one wants to
contribute to this FAQ. Anyways, I also added a section for the Endless Mode.

October 8, 2003: Version .65
- That overhaul is complete. All of the remaining song info is complete. Now to
tackle those mode descriptions.

October 4, 2003: Version .6
- Ack! After my data got corrupted...twice, I'm finally back to the place where
I was. Time for a major overhaul in updates.

September 28, 2003 (22:07): Version .5
- Wow, what a busy ten hours I have this day. I've gotten a lot of information
and is still planning to update the Nonstop Songlist tomorrow. I added a lot of
songs and gave the cheat section a little formatting. That's all for today. I'm
going to bed.

September 28, 2003 (12:45): Version .35
- It's still early but I'm making progress. I started working on the song lists
and setting up the FAQ and Cheat Sections. I added some stuff to the Unfinished
Business too, so check that out.

September 27, 2003: Version .2
- I just started this so this may be a little sketchy. I sort of based this
format off my DDR Extreme FAQ with a little minor adjustments. I got the lame
looking font art done, added one recognition, finished off the copyright stuff,
and added some other stuff.
17) Contact me

Did you find something that can help other people playing this game? Did you
find this website on websites other than the ones stated in the beginning of
the FAQ? Here you have the chance to tell me via the Internet and you will get
credit, only if it's something I don't know yet. Any ways, here are the way you
can contact me.

E-Mail Address: djcream13@yahoo.com
AOL Messenger: djcream14
18) Recognitions

Hear is where I give the people credit that made it possible to let me write
this out and put it into public. Hopefully, I can get some contributors here
one of these days.

The people of Software Etc...in Stockton, CA. - Thanks for letting me hang out
there and for letting me reserve games like DDRMAX2 and SSX3. You guys rule!

CjayC - Thanks for having my second FAQ posted on your website. It's a total

Konami - Thanks for the greatest Music/Rhythm game ever made! (Being bias)
19) Unfinished business

There are a lot of things left to be done on this well-established FAQ. Here's
a quick little checklist of things I still need to do on this FAQ. For those
who want to get recognized, here is what you have to do:

- Conformation that "kakumei" By DJ Taka ft/ Naoki is the Encore Extra Stage.
- Description for the other modes that I have yet to explain.
- Any spelling and/or grammar mistakes.
20) Extra copyright stuff
This FAQ/Song list may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on
any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited,
and a violation of copyright.

Daryl "$DJcream$" Bunao, "Peace out to all the people who read my work."

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