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Doporučovaný postup pro získání softpadu:

  • Podívejte se na fórum, jestli někdo softpady právě neprodává, nebo se nechystá nějaká skupinka hráčů k hromadnému nákupu. To by pak ulehčilo peněžence.

  • Softpady na Internetu můžete koupit u firmy PositiveGaming. Jděte na stránky www.positivegaming.com, klikněte na Shop a softpad si vyberte. Mívají akce kdy za 1 pad nakoupíte 2... Na této stránce si můžete koupit i redukci. Při registraci použijte promote kód "czechddr". Získáte alespoň pětiprocentní slevu na první nákup.

  • Další softpady můžete koupit v e-shopu Play-Asia . U tohoto obchodu nemusíte používat promokód, stačí na shop přijít a následně realizovat objednávku před odkaz dole na stránce. Ten odkaz použijte prosím i v případě, že si zboží chce koupit nějaký vás známý.

    Další zkušenosti najdete na fóru - Tam najdete vše od údržby, zátěže, výdrže, vzhledu, až po rady jak docílit toho, aby se softpad moc nehýbal a naklouzal po podlaze při rychlejším hraní.

    Odkazy na internetové obchody

    PositiveGamming - www.positivegaming.com (promo kód "czechddr")
    název redukce - Trio Linker Plus

    Play-Asia - www.play-asia.com (pouzijte vzdy tento odkaz)
    název redukce - Dual Shooter (EMS USB2)

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    soft2.jpg, 91 kB

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'koupit_softpad':
    01.11.2009 00:00
  • << zpět na Czech DDR portal

    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

    DDRMAX2 Dance Dance Revolution
    FAQ 1.1 10/27/2003

    By Shin Pinoy and C-SPAM

    i. Foreword
    This is an FAQ not created for telling you how and which songs are to be
    unlocked, but rather to provide tips and information about each song. I've
    been playing DDR long enough to find patterns in the steps for each song, but
    not long enough for Double steps. We will, however, accept user-submitted
    strategies for Double steps.

    ii. Table of Contents
    i. Foreword (look up)
    ii. Table of Contents
    iii. Changelog
    01. How To Play
    02. Game Mode
    03. Techniques
    04. Songs
    05. Nonstop Mode
    06. Workout Mode
    07. Lesson Mode
    08. Training Mode
    09. Edit Mode
    10. Options
    11. Records
    12. Information
    13. Endless Mode
    14. Other Useless Crap

    iii. Changelog
    1.0 10/03/2003 - First release.
    1.1 10/27/2003 - Added more songs. This FAQ is now available for use on Cheat
    Code Central (see note on bottom)

    01. How To Play
    Your feet will be used to play this game.

    A set of gray arrows called the Step Zone in the order left, down, up, right is
    at the top of the screen. Your standing on a pad called the Dance Dance
    Revolution controller with four panels with arrows in each cardinal direction
    pointing outward. Colored arrows scroll toward the Step Zone as the background
    music plays. When the colored arrows align with the Step Zone, step on the
    corresponding arrow on the Dance Dance Revolution controller. The arrows match
    the beats of the music and do this repetitively until the song ends.

    For every step correctly timed and executed, the dance gauge at the top of the
    screen (your "life bar", if you will) increases. This is known as getting a
    combo. The main idea is to get a full combo (i.e., correctly time every step).
    The larger the combo, the more points subsequent steps are worth. For every
    step missed, the dance gauge decreases and the combo stops. When the dance
    gauge decreases completely, the game ends. Depending on your settings, game
    over occurs at the moment your dance gauge bottoms out, at the end of the song
    if you bottomed out, or not at all.

    DDRMAX Dance Dance Revolution introduced freeze arrows. Freeze arrows are
    green and yellow arrows that extend from one point to the other. The player is
    expected to time a freeze arrow like he/she would a normal arrow and hold the
    step until the freeze arrow ends and "O.K.!" is displayed. If the player
    releases before the freeze arrow ends, "N.G." is displayed and the dance gauge
    decreases. Getting "N.G." will not stop a combo, but will cause considerable
    damage to the dance gauge.

    Having said that, just reading this explanation is not enough. In order to
    pass a song, many advanced techniques must be applied to step to each song.
    This includes twisting, "galloping", and reading arrows packed close together
    in a short amount of time. To get a hold of the experience, start by playing
    in Lesson Mode or in the Beginner difficulty.

    02. Game Mode
    The heart of Dance Dance Revolution.

    After the warning screen that tells you to be careful when playing and to keep
    it down if you have neighbors that would hear you stomping all over the floor,
    three modes of normal play are shown. These are Single play, Versus play, and
    Double play (not covered in this guide). Single play is for one player using
    one four-panel Dance Dance Revolution controller. Versus play is for two
    players each using one four-panel Dance Dance Revolution controller. Double
    play is for one player using two four-panel Dance Dance Revolution controllers
    placed side-by-side. As stated before, this will not be covered in this guide,
    as this is a mode hardly for those new to Dance Dance Revolution.

    In Single and Versus play, one of four difficulties are chosen by each player.
    These difficulties, in order of easiest to hardest, are Beginner, Light,
    Standard, and Heavy. Pressing Right at the Heavy difficulty gives access to
    Nonstop mode. The difficulty for Nonstop mode varies, and will be covered

    After selecting difficulties, the game begins. Players then choose a song.

    Introduced in DDRMAX is the Groove Radar. This measures five aspects of
    difficulty and plots them on a five-pointed graph. The larger the area of the
    graph, the harder the song. Five degrees of difficulty are as follows:

    Stream - average density of arrows in relation to the length and speed of the
    Voltage - density of arrows in relation to the length and speed of the song.
    Air - amount of jumps (2-panel steps) and complexity of the pattern of jumps.
    Freeze - amount and length of freeze arrows in the song.
    Chaos - amount of irregular patterns in the song (non-1/8th arrows, arrow
    streams ending on a 1/8th beat instead of a 1/4th beat, etc.) in
    relation to the length of the song.

    03. Techniques
    The methods for the techniques listed here are the ones I use. There may be
    several ways to perform them, but this is my FAQ and my word on them.

    Illustrations for common patterns look like this:

    1/4 Scale, each arrow is _/___ of a beat long
    L A left arrow
    D A down arrow
    U An up arrow
    R A right arrow
    The beginning of a freeze arrow
    | Length of a freeze arrow
    ! End of a freeze arrow
    Butterfly turn

    This very common set of arrows first appeared in the song "butterfly" in
    Japanese versions of Dance Dance Revolution. It looks like this:
    1/4 1/4
    L R
    D U
    U D
    R L

    Alternate feet between each step in butterfly turns. Step in the order L,R,
    L,R for butterfly turns that start with L and R,L,R,L for butterfly turns
    that start with R. Do this quickly for 1/8 butterfly turns.

    Twisting steps

    Twisting steps are commonly three or five steps long. Variations include:
    1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8
    L R L R L
    D D D D D
    R L R L U
    D D D
    L R L

    These variations of twisting steps are simple. Turn sideways, preferably to
    the left, and put one foot on the second arrow (in these cases, this is D) and
    start with the other foot. Commonly used for down is the right foot, so step
    on the first arrow with the left foot in the order L,R,L,R,L. Twist along with
    the steps and try to get used to it. Other variations mirror this one and they
    look like this:
    1/8 1/8 1/8
    L L R
    U U U
    R R L
    U U
    L R

    For this start with the right foot and place your left on U. Step in the order
    R,L,R,L,R. For all cases, switching feet for starting a twist is common as
    well, especially with songs that chain many twisting steps together.

    For twisting steps like these, don't switch feet until the constant arrow (the
    one that appears in a straight line downward) changes. These are called
    pivoting steps.


    Galloping steps are pairs of 1/16 arrows placed one 1/4 or 1/8 note apart. It
    looks like this:
    1/16 1/16
    L R
    D U

    \ \
    / /
    \ \

    D U
    L R

    After stepping on the first arrow, quickly step on the next. Galloping steps
    usually come in successions, so prepare to do this a lot. For closely packed
    galloping steps, you'll need to do it much faster.

    If I missed anything, describe it to me. See the contact list on the bottom
    for more details.

    04. Songs
    Song list taken from http://www.ddrfreak.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=74003
    because I was too lazy not to make one myself.

    The strategies for each song listed, provided it has one, apply to the Single
    Heavy and Challenge steps only. To master Light and Standard, playing them
    over and over is the only way to make it to the Heavy ranking players. They
    should also read the above mentioned notes on common dance patterns. I can't
    really write strategies for songs without complex patterns anyway. If you have
    your own tips, describe it to me. See the contact list on the bottom for more

    A Little Bit of Ecstasy - Jocelyn Enriquez
    Passing this song requires you to really listen closely to the beats in the
    background. When the song slows down, speed up a little on the clusters of
    1/16 steps.

    This song is notorious for its unrelenting streams of 1/8 arrows. You'll need
    to twist several times in a row twice after the beginning fragments of 1/8
    arrow triplets. Then comes the four streams of jumps, which isn't hard to
    read. After that, whatever stamina's left is the only thing that can save you
    in the next strings of 1/8 arrows. Jump as quickly as possible for the ending
    1/12 jumps.

    AM-3P - KTz
    An excellent warm-up song, as this song has the works: a long string of
    pivoting arrows, a bit of galloping, irregular beats and techniques with jumps.
    Learn the patterns and techniques of mastering each segment separately.

    AM-3P (AM East Mix) - KTz
    The more challenging version of the original AM-3P. Stepped up 10 bpm and with
    more beats than its predecessor, this song has more chaos, which is distributed
    evenly throughout the song, with the bias after the beginning. A bit hard to
    follow at parts, get the pattern of the beginning of each irregular stream and
    follow it until the end. If you lose focus, you'll most likely end up lost.

    Bad Routine - DJ Spunga
    The two stops in this song can throw you off if you're not paying attention, so
    pay attention. After the apparent gap in the music, wait one beat before
    starting again and you'll be fine.

    BREAK DOWN! - Be for U
    Much circling and twisting is incorporated into these steps. A good deal of
    stamina is required to pass too. Stay away from this one for a while until you
    get a good hold of both.

    Burning Heat! (3 Option Mix) - Mr.T with Motoaki F.
    There are no 1/8 arrows or 1/16 arrows in this song. It is comprised entirely
    of 1/12 arrows. Faster than 1/8 arrows but slower than 1/16 arrows, 1/12
    arrows in large groups very stamina depleting. The arrows don't always follow
    the beat completely, so play in 1.5x to make them appear as 1/8 arrows until
    you can clearly see the pattern in the steps.

    Busy Child - The Crystal Method
    Probably the longest song in DDRMAX2. Note that certain repeated sounds are
    stepped to differently, particularly in the end.

    Can't Stop Fallin' In Love - Naoki
    A little chaos and an above-average amount of stream is in this song. Just be
    careful in the beginning and the end.

    Celebrate Nite - N.M.R
    A bit hard for a 7-foot song. If you're careful, the only things to worry
    about are the clusters of 1/16 arrows throughout the song, which are few and
    far between.

    Celebrate Nite (Euro Trance Style) - N.M.R.
    More chaotic than the original. The beats in this song allow for more 1/16
    arrows throughout the song. This is, after all, the nature of trance music.

    Conga Feeling - Vivian

    D2R - Naoki

    Days Go By - Dirty Vegas

    Destiny - Naoki feat. Paula Terry

    Dive (More And Deeper Style) - BeForU

    Do It Right - SOTA feat. Ebony Fay

    Do It Right (80's Electro Mix) - SOTA feat. Ebony Fay

    Don't Stop (AMD 2nd Mix) - Dr. Vibe feat. JP Miles

    Dream a Dream - Captain Jack
    An easy 7-foot song. Lots of marching (repetitve patterns of two alternating
    arrows). Nothing much more to worry about.

    Drifting Away - Lange feat. Skye
    The latter half of this song has an unrelenting, but repetitive, galloping
    pattern. Learn it and base your steps on it until the ending 1/8 arrows.

    End Of The Century - No. 9
    The bulk of the difficulty of this song comes from its long and hard to follow
    streams of 1/8 arrows. Don't lose your focus on the jumps that come afterward.

    Feeling Of Love - Youhei Shimizu

    Forever Sunshine - Chel Y.

    Get Down Tonight - K.C. & The Sunshine Band

    Ghosts (Vincent De Moor Remix) - Tenth Planet
    Another song with an irregular pattern. Again, listen closely to the music and
    you'll be fine. Try not to be distracted with the video.

    Groove - Sho-T feat. Brenda

    Heaven - DJ Sammy & Yanou featuring DO

    Hysteria - Naoki 190
    The only hard part of this song is the interesting thing they did with the
    jumps. You won't break your combo if you gallop on the up and down steps after
    a left-right jump, but do it as quickly as possible after the jump.

    Hysteria 2001 - NM
    Stay alert. The steps begin very early. They did interesting things using
    freeze arrows. In my opinion this is the only reason it's harder than the original.

    i feel... - Akira Yamaoka
    The only reason this song is considered a 9-foot song is the hard to read
    pattern. It does, however, follow the music, so try hard to read it. Feel
    free to speed it up.

    I Need You - Supa Fova (Feat. Jenny F.)

    I Was the One - good-cool
    This song offers streams of 1/8 arrows that end on 1/8 beats rather than on 1/4
    beats. The arrows follow the vocals.

    In the Navy '99 (XXL Disaster Remix) - Captain Jack
    A large amount of galloping in the beginning and the end of the song. The
    verse is the easiest part.

    Jam & Marmalade - Final Offset
    Kakumei - dj TAKA feat. Naoki
    This song has pairs of galloping steps throughout the song. The Challenge
    steps have more complicated galloping patterns and less stream.

    Keep on Liftin' - DJ Nagureo
    Kind Lady - Okuyatos
    Just listen to the vocals. The steps follow the vocals closely in the beginning.

    Kind Lady (Interlude) - Okuyatos
    This remix has more stream than the original. Other than that, it's a bit
    shorter than its predecessor. Hang in there to survive.

    MaxX Unlimited - Z
    The fastest song in American Dance Dance Revolution to date. Faster and more
    complex than MAX 300, the pattern is very hard to read and should be avoided
    unless you feel you're ready for a challenge at 320 bpm.

    Let's Groove - Tips & Tricks Vs Wisdome
    Not very hard, but the beginning and end of the 35 bpm section can be hard to
    predict. At that time, watch your timing until the string of 1/16 steps, when
    it ends. Then it's a walk in the park from there.

    Long Train Runnin' - Bus Stop
    The difficulty in this song lies in the clusters of 4 1/16 arrows throughout
    the song. Time them correctly and the song appears easier than it looks.

    Love at First Sight - Kylie Minogue

    Lovin' You (Rob Searle Club Mix) - Vinyl Baby
    Packs of 5 1/16th steps are plenty in this song. Work on stepping speed to

    Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) - 2MB

    more deep (ver 2.1) - Togo Project feat. Sana
    Just watch out in the middle where 1/16th steps are packed together in galloping

    Put Your Faith In Me - Uzi-Lay

    Radical Faith - TaQ

    Rain of Sorrow - NM feat. Ebony Fay

    Secret Rendezvous - DIVAS
    A slow song with packs of 1/16 steps that follow the vocals most of the time.
    Near the end, all you can do is watch the arrows to get them right.

    Silent Hill - THOMAS HOWARD

    Silent Hill (3rd Christmas Mix) - THOMAS HOWARD

    One of the most feared songs, the beat is all fast-paced galloping. The
    pattern adds beats at times, so you may want to speed it up by at least x2.

    SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix) - DE-SIRE
    Beat patterns repeat in the beginning and the end, but the steps are presented
    differently. Get used to stepping early.

    Spin the disc - good-cool

    Still in My Heart - Naoki

    Super Star - DJ Rich feat. Tail Bros.
    This song is very repetitive, especially in the middle. Get a hold of the
    movement of the pattern and continue until the pattern shows an apparent
    change. The cluster of 1/16th steps, since this song is only 128 bpm,
    isn't a thing to worry about if you did well so far.

    Super Star (from nonstop megamix) - DJ Rich feat. Tail Bros.

    Take Me Away (Into the Night) (radio vocal) - 4 Strings

    The Shining Polaris - L.E.D. feat. Sana

    The Whistle Song (Blow My Whistle Baby) - DJ Aligator Project
    The stop near the end of the song can stop a good combo if you're not focused.
    Try hard to follow the galloping in the middle of the song.

    think ya better D - sAmi

    Tomorrow Perfume - dj TAKA

    Try 2 Luv. U - S.F.M.P.

    Tsugaru - RevenG vs De-Sire

    Twilight Zone (R-C Extended Club MIX) - 2 Unlimited

    Vanity Angel - Fixx

    Will I? - Ian Van Dahl

    Xenon - Mr. T
    Pivoting steps start the song off, then it's all chaos from then on. All I can
    say is listen carefully.

    05. Nonstop Mode
    Can you keep dancing until the end?

    Nonstop Mode's difficulty lies in the song courses it offers. The length of
    each course ranges from 3-12 songs and has two difficulties each, Normal and
    Difficult. Nonstop courses can be played in Single, Versus and Double play.
    Also included are 3 Orders, which are user-defined courses up to 20 stages
    long. Difficulty and modifiers can be set individually.

    06. Workout Mode

    Nothing much to say here. This is a modified version of Game Mode that
    calculates score in calories rather than points and records progress.

    07. Lesson Mode
    If you've never played Dance Dance Revolution before start with this lesson!

    The Lesson Mode is separated into 3 lessons of 8 sections each. In each
    lesson, the first 7 lessons introduce a basic of play. The eighth lesson is a
    test of the previous lessons and can only be accessed by passing the first
    seven lessons. After passing lesson 3, play with the Beginner difficulty.

    08. Training Mode
    Remember to use training mode for songs that are difficult.

    The training mode simulates normal game play, but with more features for the
    purpose of improving on a specific song. Options include:

    Difficulty - Choose from the difficulties available for each song.
    Player - Choose from Single, Versus, and Double.
    Assist - Toggle the music, assist tick (makes a noise on each step), metronome,
    a combination of two, or all three.
    Music Speed - Slow the music down from 1-5, 1 being the slowest and 5 being
    normal speed.
    Options - Use modifiers available in normal play.
    First Bar - Specify the beginning of the music to be played.
    Last Bar - Specify the end of the music to be played.
    Edit Data - Select edit data to be used.

    09. Edit Mode

    10. Options
    Sound Options
    Sound - Stereo or Mono.
    Voice - All - All remarks are played during play.
    No Booing - All negative remarks are not played during play.
    Off - No remarks are made during play.
    Timing - Offset between arrows and music in 1/32 beat increments. +16 moves
    arrows 1/16 ahead of music and -16 moves arrows arrows 1/16 behind music.

    Controller Options
    Vibration - Off - Do not vibrate controller during play.
    Miss - Controller vibrates on each missed arrow. Only affects
    Controllers that support vibration.
    Button - Controller vibrates when buttons are pressed. Only
    affects controllers that support vibration.
    Double Play - Only available when Vibration is set to Miss or Button.
    Toggles vibration during Double play.
    Double Mode Setting - Submenu for changing Double play controls. Blue
    arrows control 1P side and red arrows control 2P
    Controller Options - Submenu for allowing non-arrow buttons during play. Set
    this option individually for each player.

    Save - Saves system data.
    Load - Loads system data.
    Auto Save - Automatically save system data after exiting Game Mode, Workout
    Mode, Lesson Mode, Records, Options, Information or Endless Mode,
    given data has changed within.
    Edit Folder Load - Loads Edit Folder 1 at startup. Will slow down load time, so
    only use this if you have Edit Data in Edit Folder 1.

    Game Options
    Difficulty - Set between 1-8. Higher values will cause the dance gauge to
    increase slower and decrease faster.
    Max Stage - Set between 1-5.
    Game Over - Change to Arcade or End of Song. If all players' Dance Gauges
    bottoms out during play, Arcade will end the game immediately,
    End of Song will end the game at the end of the song. This setting
    Is irrelevant in Game Mode if Event Mode is on.
    Event Mode - Set to on or off. If this option is on, the Select Music, Select
    Course, or Endless Mode Settings screen is displayed at the end of
    a game, depending on the mode.
    Default Difficulty - Set to Beginner, Light, Standard, Heavy, or Nonstop. This
    controls what the difficulty select screen starts on.

    Graphics Options
    Movie - Set to on or off. Toggles the background movies for each song. Turning
    this option off also disables Danger.
    Danger - Set to Blink, Still or off. Danger screen will be shown continuously
    when Dance Gauge is at a dangerously low level when set to Still,
    alternates between movie and Danger screen regularly when set to Blink
    and will not be shown at all when set to off.
    BG Brightness - Set to 25%-100% in increments of 5%. Turn this option down if
    you have trouble seeing the arrows.
    Position - Press X to move the screen. Use the directional buttons to move the
    screen position. Use the corner brackets as a guide to center the
    screen. Press X to accept, Start or O to return to default, and
    Select or Triangle to discard changes.
    Step Mark Color - Set to Type1 or Type2. Type1 is the normal vivid colors and
    Type2 colors each note clearly. 1/4th notes are colored red,
    1/8th notes are colored blue, 1/16th notes are colored yellow
    and 1/12th notes are colored green.
    Flicker Free - Set to on or off. Toggles anti-alias to smooth edges. Turning
    this option off can make edges look sharper but makes some edges
    close together flicker on some screens.

    Workout Options
    Measurement - Set to Free or Regulation. Free will count calories for the
    duration of the song and Regulation will count calories between
    the first and last steps.
    Calorie Display - Set to Calories or Score. Calories will show calories burned
    in place of the score and Score will show the score.
    Calorie Unit - Set to pounds or kilograms. Set unit to count weight lost.

    Dancer Options
    Dancer Display - Set to on or off. The following four options will be disabled
    When this option is off. Turning this option on allows dancers
    (i.e, characters) to be displayed over the movie. Dancers will
    not be displayed on the following songs if the background
    movies are on:
    IN THE NAVY '99 (XXL Disaster Remix)
    Love At First Sight
    THE WHISTLE SONG (Blow My Whistle Baby)
    Extra Character - Set to off, 1 or 2. This allows extra characters to be
    displayed during gameplay. When set to 1, on Single Play the
    non-participating player's character is used and on Versus
    Play the Extra Character is used. When set to 2, on Single
    Play the Extra Character is used. This has no effect on
    Versus Play.
    1P Character - Set to Random Male, Random Female, Random All, or a specific
    2P Character - Set to Random Male, Random Female, Random All, or a specific
    Extra Character - Set to Random Male, Random Female, Random All, or a specific
    character. This only has an effect if Extra Character is

    11. Information
    This screen shows information about songs you unlocked or played, new modes
    you've unlocked, how to use certain features, and tips for gameplay. Nothing
    much to say about it.

    12. Endless Mode

    13. Other Useless Crap
    This section contains other statements about Dance Dance Revolution and this

    If you want to amend to this FAQ, send all of your information to my servant
    C-SPAM (not a member at GameFAQs) at cm555@cox.net. Put a meaningful subject
    in your message or C-SPAM will delete it, along with the other 100 messages of
    spam he gets a day. You will be fully credited without fail. If you feel that
    you haven't, tell C-SPAM about and he will check his archive of messages
    pertaining to FAQs and verify. My e-mail is strictly reserved for a select
    group of users.

    This FAQ is (c)2003 Shin Pinoy and C-SPAM. We have spent a good amount of time
    writing this FAQ, time we could have otherwise spent improving. The following
    websites have full permission to use this FAQ in full, all others have used
    this work without permission and can expect legal action from the author(s) of
    this FAQ:

    GameFAQs - http://www.gamefaqs.com
    Cheat Code Central - http://www.cheatcc.com

    Pokud hledáte další FAQ, zkuste se podívat na stránku Game FAQs.
    Další informace ti poskytne Czech DDR, nebo Czech DDR forum.