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DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

Chcete si postavit hardpad ?

Hardpad si můžete nechat i postavit. Koupit ho v obchodě není jediná věc jak jej získat. A protože jsme Czech DDR a češi mají zlaté ruce, není to problém.

U nás se stavba padů rozjela hlavně rokem 2004. Pár nadšenců i dříve. Mezi naše přední Hardpad buildery patří Trin, Filip-san a Bee_Boo. Na fóru se můžete podívat po jejich dílech, a dát s nimy řeč. Domluvíte se na počtu kusů, ceně, typu připojení nebo třeba barvě. Většina padů je stavěna pro PC, protože si do Stepmanie nahrajete plno songů a pad není problém pod ní zprovoznit.

A jestliže se na stavbu padu necítíte, nevadí. Můžete si ho i nechat postavit přímo od členů Czech DDR, nebo si hardpad prostě koupit v internetovém obchodě.

Datum poslední modifikace definice 'hardpad_postavit':
01.11.2009 00:00
<< zpět na Czech DDR portal

DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG


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- FAQ By Logan Hodge - Version 1 - 10/20/01 -
- mitsishima@aol.com -

Hey, fellas. Know what stinks? Plagiarism. So don't do it.
Write your own crap, will you? :)

This FAQ is best viewed in Courier New font, size 10.
If this is lined up, then you are viewing it correctly:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
. . . . . . . . . .


a. Dancemania Songs
b. Konami Original Mixes


o n e * INTRODUCTION * o n e

( W H A T I S D D R ? )
If you're even looking at this document in the first place, I assume
you have either played or are somewhat familiar with Dance Dance
Revolution or any of it's variants (3rd, 4th, 5th Mix, Club Mix,
etc.). If not, maybe you've seen it in the arcade and think it looks
like a blast (and, yes, it is) and wanted to read up on it before
making the first attempt. That's cool, too. Either way, this section
is here to explain Dance Dance Revolution, along with a little history

Dance Dance Revolution is, as the name implies, a dancing game where
you follow the arrows onscreen with your feet, forming the illusion
that you're "dancing". Unfortunately, for many players it looks more
like shuffling your feet around with your arms like logs of wood on
your sides.

The dancing is, obviously, always accompanied by music. The songs range
from Latino (Samba Da Janeiro) to techno (Paranoia Evolution) to
hip-hop (My Baby Mama) to...well, you get the point. The songs in DDR
are so unique and varied that you may never find two songs that sound
similiar. For the sake of freshness, this is a good thing.

Dance Dance Revolution is a game for anyone with sharp reflexes, agility,
and a will to have fun and show off.

( H O W D O I P L A Y ? )
While DDR may seem complex while watching a high-level player strut
his/her stuff, the basic concept is pretty simple.

| /\ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| || |
| |
(up arrow)

|------------------| The center of the mat |------------------|
| | rests here. A common | |
| | mistake beginners make | |
| /| | is to constantly re- | |\ |
| / -------- | locate their feet to | -------- \ |
| \ -------- | the center square. | -------- / |
| \| | Start out on the right | |/ |
| | track and keep your | |
|------------------| feet on the arrows! |------------------|
(left arrow) (right arrow)

| |
| || |
| __||__ |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| \/ |
(down arrow)

That's the basic layout of a DDR pad.

To play the game, you must hit the arrows on the pad in
accordance to the scrolling arrows on the monitor. You step on
them exactly as they make contact with the stationary arrows
at the top of the screen.

Simple, eh? Now that you know the basic concept of DDR, you
should be ready to tackle the different ratings Solo 2000
gives out. These appear after each step, and heavily affect
your grade at the end of the level.


Simply a perfect step. You hit the arrow at EXACTLY the right
time, and will be rewarded properly; getting a PERFECT! will
raise the life bar at the top of the screen a couple of points
every time.

Also a fantastic step. This will raise your bar a tad, and will
be the rating you get most often as you are beginning. Getting
this means you stepped just before or just after you were
supposed to. Nothing to be ashamed of.

This is where it starts to get foul. Getting a GOOD rating is
nothing to be proud of, and really not necessarily good. This
means your step was a bit off, and by getting this your life
bar remains untouched. However, it is much better than...

Well, obviously...BOO! isn't good. This lowers your life bar a
little. This is probably the rating you will get least. You
barely made the step to get this.

You oughta be ashamed! ;) Getting a MISS is a sad, embarrassing
thing, but it does happen. It lowers your life bar quite a bit,
and you will often hear DDRers exclaiming curses if they get
one. Ah, well.

With successive PERFECT! or GREAT! steps, you will start to get
combos. You should make it a goal to get the highest combos
possible. Not only does it make the game more fun, but it also
raises your grade a bit at the end! Oh, what's a grade, you ask?


AAA-The best grade in the game, period. You didn't get anything
less than perfects and maybe one great the entire time, and kept
a combo throughout the entire song. You should be proud; this
grade is very, very rare.

AA-Also a very prestigious grade, a "AA" means that you most
likely kept a combo through most of the level, with probably no
misses and tons of perfects.

A-An "A" is a great grade to have, especially on harder Maniac
songs. You had mostly greats and perfects, and maybe a few boos
and goods, with a possible couple of misses.

B-Think of it as a "B" in school...you can accept it, but you'd
much rather have an "A". You probably didn't have a great combo
or anything, but still a lot of perfects and greats, and also a
lot of goods. A few misses are also plausible.

C-Not too great a score, a "C" is middle-of-the-road average.
A lot of goods, a lot of greats, but not necessarily a lot of
perfects. This could also mean that you had tons of perfects but
then a long section of accidental misses.

D-Terrible grade. You scraped by barely, with more misses than
a bad Michael Jackson album. Tons of misses and boos, but enough
goods, greats, and perfects to make sure you passed with a low,
low life bar. Not a grade to be proud of, by any means.

E-You suck.

That's about it. At the end of each level you are presented with
your grade, and your percentages for each rating. You know how
to play DDR now (though I'm sure you could've figured it out on
your own). Let's move on.

( S O L O 2 0 0 0 D I F F E R E N C E S )
Quite a few things are different in Solo 2000 from the other
mixes. In fact, to DDR regs, a first-time experience with this
game might be kind of bewildering. Here are some major noticeable

The announcer in DDR Solo 2000 is no longer a male. He has been
replaced by a female that spouts off phrases like "Ugh! You can't
handle this" and "That was the best dance I've ever seen!".

The most exciting addition to Solo 2000 is the addition of two
diagonal arrows, located to the left and right of the up arrow.
Because of these, the game features two new modes:

A watered-down version of DDR's normal gameplay, 3-Panel play
is pointless and misleading. It won't help you start out, and will
only make you worse. Don't bother playing it even as a joke.

This is more like it. Many expert players love 6-Panel because it
is so different in comparison to 4-Panel. In this mode, 6 arrows
appear on the screen instead of just four, and it changes the
placement of the left and right arrows around a bit. This is
pretty disorienting and complicated at first for a 4-Panel vet, but
in the end pretty rewarding; 6-Panel is mcuh more impressive than
4-Panel could ever be.

There is no second mat, meaning no doubles, no couples, no battles.
The game IS called "Solo 2000" for a reason, you know. :)

The arrows are now centered in the middle of the screen instead
of to the left, and are a bit bigger. There are no characters
dancing with you on the screen, only a lot of kaleidoscope-like
backgrounds. Also, the songs are selected from a large list right
off the bat, and a code raises songs from BASIC to TRICK or MANIAC
difficulty. To do this, press Down Down for harder difficulties
or Up Up for easier ones.

( T I P S F O R B E G I N N E R S )
Ah, newbies. Most despise them, but I welcome them with open arms.
Why? Because there is so much obvious potential in a new DDR
player, and so much ambition. Whereas an expert player isn't really
jumping up and down to play DDR constantly, beginners usually
discover it and play it CONSTANTLY. It becomes a total obsession.
I'm speaking from experience here. Unfortunately, when I first began,
I made a LOT of stylistic mistakes, and had a terrible technique.

Therefore, this section is to help you, the newbie, get to know your
feet and reflexes.

Okay, cheesy name, but I can't stress this enough: DON'T PUT YOUR
YOU'LL BE PLAYING BASIC FOREVER. That's a bit harsh, sure. But it's
absolutely true. You can't pass a Maniac song by moving your foot
to the center square after every step. This also looks terrible.
There is no harm in staying positioned on left and right, and this
will allow you to speedily move from one arrow to another. This is
easily the most important thing to keep in mind as you start out.

Everyone is an awful Dance Dance player at first. It's not in our
genes to be able to pass an 8-foot Maniac song on first try.
Start out with the only one-footer on the game: "I'm Alive", and
then a 2-foot song. Slowly build your skill. Find a technique that
works for you. Decide whether you want to be a freestyler or a
perfect attacker, or both. These are all necessary elements in
becoming a great DDRer.

This is so important. There is a guy that goes to our arcade (who
will remain nameless) that has been playing as long as I have. He
plays ONLY 4- and 5-foot Basic songs. He passes them with AAs and
sometimes even AAAs. It's sad. The guy has a lot of potential, but
is fearful of wasting a game on trying to get better. You just can't
do that, folks. Want to know how to be great? Play a Trick song
with your last token. Don't be afraid to fail. How do you start
playing Maniac songs? You pick a Maniac song. It's all a matter
of practicing and tackling the tough stuff.

That's it. Of course, these tips are very basic. Find ways to improve
yourself and don't be afraid to get obsessed for three weeks or so--
I did, and it made me a better player than I ever could have imagined.

It also emptied my wallet. :)

t w o * THE SONGS * t w o

( S O N G L I S T )
This is simply a very generic song list. It has the foot number for
each song on each mode, and the artist that performed the song.
They are divided by Konami Original Mixes and Dancemania songs.

Number of feet for each song are indicated by ">>>>" marks. For
example, Superstar Basic would be a ">>>>>", or five-footer.

Note that these are for 4-Panel mode only. 3-and 6-panel charts are
coming next update.

A. ( D A N C E M A N I A S O N G S )

These songs first appeared in Solo 2000, not Solo Bass:
I'm Alive Cut N' Move >/>>>>/>>>>>
High Energy Slip&Shuffle f. Leoni >>/>>>>/>>>>>>
Sky High DJ Miko >>/>>>>/>>>>>>>
Temple of Love E-ROTIC >>/>>>>>/>>>>>>
Drill Instructor
(C-Jah Happy Mix) Captain Jack >>>/>>>>/>>>>>>
Kiss Me (KCP Mix) E-ROTIC >>/>>>>/>>>>>>>
Dream a Dream (Miami Captain Jack >>/>>>>>>/>>>>>>>
Booty Mix)
I Don't Want to Miss A Deja Vu f. Tasmin >>>/>>>>/>>>>>>>
Thing (Planet Lution Mix)
Together & Forever Captain Jack >>>/>>>>>/>>>>>>>>
Typical Tropical Bambee >>>/>>>>>>/>>>>>>>
Strut Your Funky Stuff Diamond >>>>/>>>>>>/>>>>>>>

These songs first appeared in Solo Bass, not Solo 2000:

I'm Alive Uncle 36 Sec f. MC Taiwan >>>/>>>>>/>>>>>>>
Don't Clock Me Popula Demand f. The Get
Fresh Girls >>/>>>>/>>>>>>
Club Tropicana Cydney-D >>/>>>>/>>>>>>
My Baby Mama Anquette >>>/>>>>/>>>>>>
Get Up'N Move S & K >>>/>>>>>/>>>>>>>
Get Off Wizzzard >>>>/>>>>>/>>>>>>
Together & Forever Nineball f. Atomic Gun & Julia >>>/>>>>>>/>>>>>>>
Kung Fu Fighting (Miami
Booty Mix) Bus Stop f. Carl Douglas >>/>>>>>>/>>>>>>>
That's the Way '98 DJ Bass f. MC Dixie >>>/>>>>>/>>>>>>>
Samba De Janeiro Bass Fist! f. Boogie Girl >>>/>>>>>/>>>>>>>
Freaky De Lite and MC Young >>>>/>>>>>/>>>>>>>
Love Machine Pony Town Boyz >>>>/>>>>>>/>>>>>>>

B. ( K O N A M I O R I G I N A L M I X S O N G S )

Celebrate Nite N.M.R. >>>>/>>>>>>/>>>>>>>
Sexy Planet Crystal Aliens >>>>>/>>>>>>/>>>>>>>
Let the Beat Hit Em!
BASS MIX (bm2DX Version) Stone Brothers >>>/>>>>>>/>>>>>>>
Super Star DJ Rich f. Tail >>>>>/>>>>>>/>>>>>>>>
Hysteria Naoki 190 >>>>/>>>>>>/>>>>>>>>
Paranoia Evolution 200 >>>>>>/>>>>>>>/>>>>>>>>
Think Ya Better D sAmi >>>/>>>>/>>>>>>
Love This Feelin' Chang Ma >>>>>/>>>>>>>/>>>>>>>>
Trip Machine ~luv mix~ 2MB >>>>>>/>>>>>>>/>>>>>>>>
Can't Stop Fallin In Love Naoki >>>/>>>>>/>>>>>>>>
Wild Rush Factor-X >>>>/>>>>>/>>>>>>
Drop Out NW260 >>>>>/>>>>>>>/>>>>>>>>


( S T R A T E G I E S A N D S T U F F )

C O M I N G I N V E R S I O N T W O !


( S O N G L Y R I C S )
The following lyrics are presented in alphabetical order. Songs such as "Drop Out"
or "Paranoia Evolution"--which have no lyrics--are not present in this listing.
All lyrics are property of their respective owners.


My life
meant nothing to me
then a guy like you came along

is moving so fast,
I gotta get my feet on the ground

Unhappy days are over 'cause I can
always be with you

Lying in your arms day by day,
makes me feel Ohh... so brand new

Can't stop fallin' in love
Tell me you will be true (forever baby)
I just can't stop dreaming of you
everyday (every way)

Say you love me baby
Say you will always be mine
You'll never break my heart

I just can't stop fallin' in love
Baby you became
Makin' love with you
is all I wanna do, (wanna do)

Can't stop fallin' in love
Give your heart and soul
Stay with me this time
and we'll make history, (you and me)

(Come on ya'll, let's drop the bomb! Whoo!)

(Come on girl, shake it, shake it!)

Let me take you to a place
Where membership's a smiling face.
Brush shoulders with the stars.
Where strangers take you by the hand,
And welcome you to wonderland.
From Peru to panama.

Club Tropicana drinks are free,
Fun and sunshine, there's enough for everyone.
All that's missing is the sea.
But don't worry, you can suntan.

Castaways and lovers meet,
Then kiss in Tropicana's heat.
Watch the waves break on the bay.
Oh, soft white sands, a blue lagoon,
Cocktail time, a summer's tune.
A whole night's holiday.

Club Tropicana drinks are free,
Fun and sunshine, there's enough for everyone.
All that's missing is the sea.
But don't worry, you can suntan.


The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
Don't wait up and yo, don't clock me
The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
Don't wait up and yo, don't clock me

Crushin' like a nutcracker crushes a nut,
This is about a former rival when I'm on the cut.
I stay in ya memory like the date of your birth.
I fill ya like Gatorade when I'm quenchin' my thirst.
I'm the fact in this matter and you're the fable.
I'll cut ya like my DJ cuts a record on a table.
I wanna rock, get off the battleground.
You know nothin' but a coward I can beat ya down.
Like a dog, I'll put you in a muzzle.
I'll break ya in pieces like a jigsaw puzzle.
I'll wreck your rhymes and I'll murder your style,
I'm the one doin' the thing, yeah your arch rival.
I'm conductin', arrangin', puttin' it all in place;
Form a line sucka, so you'll plead your case.
I wanna rock!

The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
Don't wait up and yo, don't clock me
The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
And yo, don't try to clock me!


C'mon baby...
Let's dream a dream together.
A dream... that is real.

What's up, what's up? What's up, what's up?
What's up, what's up? Huh huh huh huh.

What's up, what's up? What's up, what's up?
What's up, what's up? Huh huh, c'mon c'mon.

Ho, one more time
I'm back with a new rhyme.
Hey, here we go again, ha
Turn it up my friend.
No, we don't stop, ha
We rock the spot.
No, we don't quit
Get ready ya'll this is it.

Do you like the dream?
Hey, I like the dream, baby.
Do you like the dream?
Ho, I like the dream, mama.
Do you like to scream?
Hey, I like the scream, baby.
Do you like to scream?
Ho, so scream it out.

Dream a dream, lover take me in your dream,
Take me any way you please, boy you're making me scream.
Dream a dream, lover take me in your dream,
Take me any way you please, boy you're making me scream.

Dream a dream, lover take me in your dream,
Take me any way you please, boy you're making me scream.
Dream a dream, lover love is just a dream,
If you wanna set me free, boy you're making me scream.
Take me anyway you please, boy you're making me scream.
You gotta dream a little dream.


Do you really follow me into the light?
Drill instructor's on, drill instructor's on my side.
Do you really make commands of dynamite?
Love and peace is our fight
All for one,
Come together friends, we gotta take this chance tonight.

(Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!)
(Forward march!)

Drill instructor tell me what to do.
(Drill instructor tell me what to do.)
I'm your man, I will follow only you.
(I'm your man, I will follow only you.)
See us making love all through the night.
(See us making love all through the night.)
That's the reason why drill instructor loves to fight.
(That's the reason why drill instructor loves to fight.)

Now sound off: 1, 2
Bring it on up: 3, 4
Bring it on down: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4

Do you really follow me into the light?
Drill instructor's on, drill instructor's on my side.
Do you really make commands of dynamite?
Love and peace is our fight
All for one,
Come together friends, we have to take this chance
All for one,
Come together friends, we gotta take this chance tonight.


Get up'n move (ah, yeah!)
S & K can make ya (yeah! ah!)

S & K can make ya (ah, shit!)
Get up'n move
S & K can make ya (yeah! ah!)
Get up'n move
S & K can make ya (yeah! yeah!)
Get up'n move (yeah!)
Get up'n move
S & K can make ya
S & K can make ya (yeah!)
Get up'n move

Don't stop movin', hold on tight.
Sugar Daddy unloads, you're going all night.
Can't fight the groove, can't stop the flow.
Here I come and competition goes.
A few places I need to see, where I need to be,
Come on with me.
Jam to this until you fall straight down,
And don't stop till you're laying on the ground.
I rhyme better than you heard before
And I won't stop until you scream for more.
Aw it's so raw let me kick it one time,
Feel the magic of my brand new rhyme.
Just step back feel phat tracks,
You'll get jacked now how you like that?
It's brand new, now what you gonna do,
When Sugar Daddy hits the groove?

Get up'n move
S & K can make ya (yeah! ah!)
Get up'n move
Get up'n move
S & K can make ya (yeah!)
Get up'n move (Aw yeah, yeah yeah!)
S & K can make ya (ah!)
Get up'n move


High energy (yes)
Your love is lifting me. (ooh hoo)
High energy (yes)
Your love is lifting me.
Lifting me high.

When you call me on the phone,
You make my spirits rise.
I'm glad the others didn't last,
It's a blessing in disguise.
Every time you're touching me
It gives me such a thrill.
Oh, and when I look deep into your eyes
My heart just can't keep still. Oh no.

High energy (yes)
Your love is lifting me. (ooh hoo)
High energy (yes)
Your love is lifting me.
Lifting me high.


I was the teacher and I made you learn.
I was the flame, and you just got burnt
By me the one and only, Chaos is here
To preach havoc and destruction and to strike fear.

Demolishin' my foes just like that,
I see the fools and they want to combat.
So I pull out the same rhyme, don't waste no time
Brushin' them off with the freshest of lines
So we could see who is the better of the best.
Well I've won but they've flunked the test.

Stoppin' for no one just like the shogun
My blade is my rhymes, usin' it, then I'm done.

Picture me, I'm on top of my world now
Picture me, I'm ahead of my game.
Never stop, not for anyone, not now
Gonna take you up all the same.

(ah, on top of, ahhh I'm on top, oh on top of the world oh world)

Picture me, I'm on top of my world now
Picture me, I'm ahead of my game.
Never stop, not for anyone, not now
Gonna take you up all the same.

Picture me, I'm on top of my world now
Picture me, I'm ahead of my game.
Never stop, not for anyone, not now
Gonna take you up all the same
all the same,
all the same.


I could stay awake just to hear you breathing.
Watch you smile while you are sleeping,
While you're far away and dreaming.
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender.
I could stay lost in this moment forever.
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure.

Don't wanna close my eyes,
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing.
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do,
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing.

I don't wanna miss one smile.
I don't wanna miss one kiss.
'Cause I just wanna be with you
Right here with you, just like this.
I just wanna hold you close.
I feel your heart so close to mine.
And just stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time.
Yeah! Yeah! Ooh!

Don't wanna close my eyes,
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing.
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do,
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing.


(Hit it! Hit it! Uhhhhhhhhh, c'mon ya'll)
(Hit it! Hit it! Uhhhhhhhhh)

I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby I'm alive
I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby I'm alive (Yeah)

I love you baby, the feeling's all around me
I want you baby, all night long
When we're together, the dream has no ending
Let's come together and sing our song

I'm thinking of you, of you
I wanna love you, love you
I can't deny the way I feel (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

I'm alive, I'm alive, alive, baby I'm alive
I'm alive, I'm alive, alive, baby I'm alive

(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ooh, ooh ooh)
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ooh, ooh ooh)

(Hit it! Hit it! Uhhhhhhhhh)

I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby I'm alive (ooh)
I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby I'm alive (yeah)

I love you baby, the feeling's all around me
I want you baby, all night long
When we're together, the dream has no ending
Let's come together and sing our song

I'm thinking of you, of you
I wanna love you, love you
I can't deny the way I feel (ooh)

Cause I'm alive, I'm alive, alive, baby I'm alive
Yes I'm alive, I'm alive, alive, baby I'm alive

I'm alive, I'm alive, alive, baby I'm alive
Yes I'm alive, I'm alive, alive, baby I'm alive


Kiss me,
Fly me up high, wanna feel like a frisbee.
High in the sky, oh I want you to kiss me.
Do it alright 'cause I know that you miss me.
Whoa ho!

I dreamed of you in so many lonely nights
With my body and soul.
And I know you were out bearing the city lights,
Just out of control.

Hey, I walked around and all I found was
Me myself just losin' ground.
I missed you, but I walked on thin ice.
Like a clown in disguise.
All the time there was your face,
You only you can end the race.
Love me in the heat of the night.
Babe I feel like dynamite.

Oh baby just kiss me,
Fly me up high, wanna feel like a frisbee.
High in the sky, oh I want you to kiss me.
Do it alright 'cause I know that you miss me.
Whoa ho!

Kiss me all over tonight.

Kiss me,
Fly me up high, wanna feel like a frisbee.
High in the sky, oh I want you to kiss me.
Do it alright 'cause I know that you miss me.
Whoa ho!

Kiss me all over tonight.
Kiss me all over tonight.

(whoo-cha, hua hua hua)
(whoo-cha, hua hua hua)
(whoo-cha, hua hua hua)
(Let let's, let let let let's go!)

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting, (C'mon, hua whoo-ha)
those kids were fast as lightning. (Ha, whoo-cha)
In fact it was a little bit frightening, (Hua, hua-hua)
but they fought with expert timing. (Ha)

There's bright lights, Orinoco flow (so bright)
A Kung Fu fighter in a disco.
He's out to take his chance
He knows the honeys in the house only go for romance. (he's on the floor)
He's got a white suit on,
Five past one and the night has just begun.
Cause when he lays it on with style,
A ladies man with a nice smile.
And right before his eyes
Sees a pretty young thing looking real fly.
He wants to make the score
So he takes her hand and leads her to the dance floor.
He's giving her line after line,
She tells him that he looks real fine.
Coz he's the man, perfect timing,
Just like when he's Kung Fu Fighting.

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting, (C'mon, hua whoo-ha)
those kids were fast as lightning. (Ha, whoo-cha)
In fact it was a little bit frightening, (Hua, hua-hua)
but they fought with expert timing. (Ha)

(oh-oh-oh-oh, sing it girl)
Sexy Kung Fu fighter, (oh-oh-oh-oh)
Take me higher.


(Uh! Yeah! C'mon!
player 1 player 2, uh, where you at? C'mon!)

Hey yo, I'm like this, so watch the moves that I make
How I take over the floor, throw the grooves that I shake
I'm number one, how'd you figure that I'm losing my place?
If your the joker, player, then who's the ace?
Hey, yo, it's me, the player to beat, I'm playin' for keeps
I got some special moves, so homie don't sleep
You learn and I teach controllin' the game
You can brag all you want, but you kids don't be rollin' the same
I'm bringin' the pain...
The game is done, you might as well run
My time is come and I'm gonna shine like the sun
No suprise, I'll bust a flip on you guys
The dance moves I do, I'm keepin' it live
Keepin' the vibe, fly-guy style express
Competition is none, player, and I jam like that
I'm the best, can't be beat, you know it's me, keep up the pace,
and you'll advance with me, c'mon

Let's see who's better.
You wanna play a tune,
I wanna groove with you
(Wanna get some) so turn me on!

Let's see who's better.
You wanna play a tune,
I wanna groove with you
(I wanna) so turn me on!

Yo! I got more men than you.
Baby, I'm on to you.
Special powers that will burn your crew. High-
Power flips that'll blow through you.
Mad kicks mad flips that will go through you. Once my
energies start burnin' through. Chops
through your face, then I'm blastin' you
I'm laughin' too.
Competition's far too new,
Where's the real competition cuz the game is through.


Ooh, yeah....

I'm just a love machine
And I won't work for nobody but you (ooh baby)
I'm just a love machine
A hugging kissing fiend

I think it's high time you knew
Whenever I think of you
My mind blows a fuse
When I look in your eyes
My meter starts to rise
And I become confused
My motor cranked electric goes
When I'm sitting next to you
Electricity starts to flow
And my indicator starts to glow (woo)

I'm just a love machine
And I won't work for nobody but you (ooh yeah)
I'm just a love machine (ooh baby)
A hugging kissing fiend

la lalalala lalalala lala (oohoohooh)
lalalalala lalalala lala
Push it push it baby, yeah......ooh, ooh

I'm just a love machine
And I won't work for nobody but you (oooh yeah)
I'm just a love machine (love machine)
A hugging kissing fiend.

I'm just a love machine...


Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)

Why is it always the same ol' thing?
Wanna be a man yet you're playing games.
If you got a kid act a father,
If the baby ain't yours then hey why brother.
Don't try boy I don't buy it boy,
And if you don't change, you'll be crying boy.
'Cause something ain't right
And you know it sport,
That's probably why she taking your behind to court.
You got more hoochie mamas than the 2 Live Crew.
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)

Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)

Now, yesterday you said you was with your boys,
But I saw you and Gina so hold the noise.
You know the girl that I'm talking about.
That's right I'm calling your sorry butt out.
Now I think it's about time that I put you in check,
Buying two live tapes out of low respect.
For all you fellas this is just a game,
Macking to the ladies trying to build your name.
Wanna be a player trying to get a piece,
I'll break your neck if I catch a disease.
'Round town sowin' seeds like a farmer.
You better be aware of your baby mama.

Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)

SAMBA DE JANEIRO (not worth printing, but for the sake of completeness...)

Samba de Janeiro
Samba de Janeiro

Sempre assim
Em cima, em cima, em cima, em cima
Sempre assim
Em baixo, em baixo, em baixo, em baixo
Sempre assim
Em cima, em cima, em cima, em cima
Sempre assim
Em baixo, em baixo, em baixo, em baixo

Samba de Janeiro


We could have touched the sky,
You've blown it all sky high.

Blown round by the wind,
Thrown down in a spin.
I gave you love,
I thought that we had made it to the top.
I gave you all I had to give,
Why did it have to stop?

You've blown it all sky high
By telling me a lie
Without a reason why.
You've blown it all sky high.

You've blown it all sky high,
Our love had wings to fly.
We could've touched the sky.
You've blown it all sky high.


Can you hear the priest?
He's tryin' to keep his goddess pleased.
Love's shining eternally.
Love will make you feel so free.
C'mon girl, it's okay
For satisfaction you must pray.
The flame of passion ain't no bluff,
It's shining in the temple of love.

Come to the temple of love
And together we'll pray to the heavens above.
Come to the temple of love.
If your heart is free,
Reap joy in the temple of love.

Aaaaaaaah, aaaaaaaah
Aaaaaaaah, aaaaaaaah

Sex is all the power
Helping you through the midnight hour.
The secret of love and peace,
Soul and heart it will release.
So, bow your head and pray,
It's gonna take your fear away.
Flying like a snow white dove
Out of the temple of love.

Come to the temple of love
And together we'll pray to the heavens above.
Come to the temple of love.
If your heart is free,
Reap joy in the temple of love.

Aaaaaaaah, aaaaaaaah
Aaaaaaaah, aaaaaaaah


This generation rules the nation! hahaha

ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Oh that's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh-huh uh-huh
That's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh-huh uh-huh

Brothers are stealin' and illin' to meet women
And to a younger life that stuff is a killin'.
So what do they do? They gather up a crew,
Go out and steal and rob instead of keepin' a job
Now, your mother tried to bring you up better than that.
The same way she loved you, you loved her right back.
So now you think you're grown, and you argue alot
Over money you got stealin' stuff from the block.

That's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh-huh uh-huh
That's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh-huh uh-huh
That's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh-huh uh-huh
That's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh-huh uh-huh

ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh (check it out)
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh (check it out)
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Ooh, ole ole (ole ole), ole ole oh-la
Ooh, ole ole (ole ole), ole ole oh-la

Sing a song and have some fun
When all the work is done. (Hey!)
C-A-P T-A-I N-J-A-C-K (Hey!)
I'm the captain of this beat,
C'mon and move your feet. (Hey!)

Come along (come along)
We are strong (we are strong)
Together and forever we sing "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Together forever stay in my heart.
Together forever we will never part.
Together forever we're all for one.
Together forever come and set me free,
Set me free tonight.
Baby, let me be your guide.
Ooh, set me free tonight.
Take the way to paradise.

Ooh, ole ole (ole ole), ole ole oh-la
Ooh, ole ole (ole ole), ole ole oh-la


It's a typical, tropical summer night.
I'm in heaven, I'm in paradise.
Typical, tropical summer night,
And it feels so right.

Love and sunny weather go along together
On this island we are free.
Drinking and dancing, summer romancing,
I love it when you're here with me.

It's a typical, tropical summer night.
I'm in heaven, I'm in paradise.
Typical, tropical summer night,
And it feels so right.

When the moon lights up the sky so blue,
Love is on its way.
I swear I'll give my heart to you
Before night turns into day.

It's a typical, tropical summer night.
I'm in heaven, I'm in paradise.
Typical, tropical summer night,
And it feels so right.

t h r e e * CREDITS * t h r e e

( A B O U T T H E A U T H O R )
Logan Hodge is a 14-year-old student/gamer/movie buff/Beatles fanatic
that attends Texas High, writing film reviews for the school paper.
He plays DDR in Texarkana, Texas, at the Silverball Game Room at the
Central Mall. The place has a Solo 2000 and 3rd Mix Plus machine, so
yes! He formerly could be found playing Maniac songs on Solo 2000, but
can now be found making a fool of himself on Afronova Basic Double
whilst Cody laughs at him. He also plays Tekken 4 there. If you see a
normal looking guy with average-length brown hair and moderately sized
pants playing 3rd Mix with a big group of people, it's him...

He's also written a Darius Force FAQ and started a dozen other FAQs that
never left the planning/ASCII art stages. Oh well, what can you do?

(Logan enjoys writing about himself in third person)

( T H A N K S )

-Cody, Steven, Justin, Randall, uh...the rest of you guys...you make DDR
fun and yay-worthy.
-CJayC, because he posted this.
-Konami, for making neat Bemani games and being the overall best software
developer out there.
-Silverball, for putting up with the stink bombs and other freakish antics.
-The crowds at Silverball, for being a crowd and looking interested.

( V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y )

VERSION 1: 10/30/01
I did everything except the song strategies, which will be pretty dang
big. The next version just might be the final version, but it will be
a pretty huge update. 1.1 will probably be coming in a few days when
the corrections, tips, etcetera come pouring in.

( C O P Y R I G H T I N F O )

Take a deep breath. Ready?

Don't EVER, EVER use my documents without my permission you sleazy, sleazy
man, and don't even THINK about putting it on your site without ASKING
first. I will be VERY upset if ANYONE plagiarizes off me...why? Because
it's not cool at ALL, and a LOT of hard work went into making this document,
you silly, silly fool.

Heh, just kidding, sort of...but seriously, e-mail mitsishima@aol.com telling
me what you want and why...and with the site that you're putting this on.
Okay? Deal? Yeah?

Every song in the game and the lyrics in the FAQ are property of the person
that wrote them and the company that owns them. I have nothing to do with
them except being a fan. Okay? Yeah.

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