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DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

Co to je a k čemu je program Stepmania ?

Stepmania je volně šiřitelný program pro simulátor pro hry z rodiny DDR a jim podobných. Funguje pod Windows, na Linuxu i na Xbox konzoli.

Domácí stránka programu je www.stepmania.com a zde si ji můžete stáhnout. Na adrese najdete i pár bonusů jako songy, fotky, videa, návody a manuály. Samozřejmě nechybí ani odkazy na další stránky a aktuální informace o vývoji programu. Poslední stabilní verze je 3.9, takže doporučujeme začít s ní.

Samotný program Stepmania (dále jen SM) Vám k hraní stačit nebude, potřebujete písničky. Ty označujeme anglickým slovem "songs" a nahrávají se do adresáře /songs. Více o nich, kde je sehnat, vytvořit a nahrát, najdete pod klíčovým slovem "songs".

Doporučuji program nainstalovat do kořenového adresáře, například X:/DDR. Budete mít k SM rychlejší přístup a spousta malých souborů zabere méně místa.

Další informace, rady, instalaci a řešení problémů s programem najdete v této části našeho fóra .

Jaké adresáře v Stepmanii najdete a co do nich můžete nahrát?

Announcers - Tenhle adresář slouží pro nahrání komentátora, co vám bude "kecat" do hry. Říkat jak dobře nebo špatně potvrzujete šipky, jak velké máte combo, a jaké jsou vaše závěrečné výsledky.
Cache - Adresíř pro cache songů, pro příští rychlejší start aplikace. Pokud budete mít pár tisíc songů, stejně si chvilku počkáte, než se SM spustí.
Characters - Řekněme tanečníci. Jedná se o figurky, co se hýbou a tancují za šipkami a před pozadím. Někdy rozptylují, někdy pobaví.
Data - Adresář pro nastavení a statistiky. Najdete zde jak nastavení programu Stepmania (soubor stepmania.ini), tak vaše statistiky (adresář LocalProfiles) i statistiky celé mašiny, SM (MachineProfile). Můžete se podívat na doporučené nastavení souboru Stepmania.ini, nebo si SM můžete nastavit přímo v programu. Náročnější hráči si v souboru stepmania.ini nastaví JudgeWindow nebo PerfectScore, ale to normální hráče zatěžovat nemusí.
Notekins - Adresář pro uložení grafiky - noteskinů - dalších vzhledů šipek. Oni totiž ani šipky nemusí vypadat pořád stejně. Existuje větší množství těchto noteskinů.
Program - Adresář obsahující knihovny a spouštěcí soubor stepmania.exe
Screenshots - Ve Stepmanii můžete kdykoliv stisknout klávesu PrintScreen, a do tohoto adresáře se uloží jpeg s aktuálnám obrázkem v rozlišení 640x480. Dobré na ukládání obrázků z výsledné obrazovky. Plno lidí takto své výsledky porovnává.
Songs - Hlavní adresář pro hudbu. Sem dáváte všechny songy, které chcete v Stepmanii hrát. V adresáři Songs je další adresář s názvem alba, v něm adresáře s názvy jednotlivých songů a v tomto jsou už jednotlivé soubory (hudba ve formátu MP3, soubor se šipkami zvaný stepchart, případné titulky k hudbě označované jako lyric, animace, pozadí, obrázek songu a autora a podobně). Nemůžete sem tedy nakopírovat vaše oblíbené album s MP3, nemáte u nich vytvořené stepcharty. Buď šipky uděláte sami, nebo si seženete požadovanou hudbu jinde.
Themes - Jiný kabát pro vaší Stepmanii. Jako program Winamp můžete i SM převléci a dát jí jiný vzhled. Neliší se jen barvy, ale může jít o kompletní změnu programu k novému obrazu. Každému vyhovuje něco jiného, každý themes může ukazovat více či méně informací o dané skladbě, o výsledcích a může mít u různé zvukové efekty.
BackgroundEffects, BackgroundTransitions, BGAnimations, RandomMovies ...a podobné adresáře jsou pro videa a efekty k nim. Videa mohou být také přímo v adresáři Songs u hudby.

V Stepmanii můžete používat i klávesové zkratky. Uvádím je zde jen pro úplnost, protože běžnému hráči stačí šipky, enter, a esc. Zde je tedy jejich přehled:


  • F1 = vložení mince
  • F2 = zvonunačtení metrik a textur
  • Alt-Enter = přepnutí do nebo z fullscreenu
  • PrintScreen = vytvoří screenshot obrazovky a uloží jej do adresáře Screenshots
  • Držet Tab = zvýší rychlost hry 4x. Používá se pro rychlejší pohyb v menu a výběru songů
  • Držet Tildu (~) = naopak sníží rychlost hry na 1/4x
  • Držet Tab a Tildu (~) = sníží rychlost na 0x

    V menu:

  • Směrové šipky slouží pro pohyb v menu
  • Enter = Start
  • Escape = zpět

    Ještě před vlastním hraním - attract obrazovka:

  • Left nebo Right = další obrazovka
  • F3 = přepnutí CoinMode

    V hlavním menu:

  • Escape = vrácení o obrazovku zpět

    Během hry:

  • F6 = přepnutí AutoSync módu
  • F7 = přepnutí assist tick (tleskání do rytmu hudby)
  • F8 = přepnutí AutoPlay (počítač hraje sám za vás)
  • F9 = sníží offset
  • F10 = zvýší offset
  • F11 = sníží BPM současného segmentu (držte ALT pro větší citlivost)
  • F12 = zvýší BPM současného segmentu (držte ALT pro větší citlivost)
  • Držet Escape = ukončí hraní

    V editoru:

  • Escape = menu
  • Up/Down = předchozí/další řádka
  • Left/Right = změna kroku
  • 1 až 0 = přidá/smaže notu
  • Enter - nastaví počáteční značku pro označení oblasti
  • Space - nastaví značku pro konec výběru oblasti
  • P - přehrání označené oblasti (pokud není nic označeno, přehraje celý song)
  • R - spustí nahrávání do označené oblasti (pokud není nic označeno, přehraje celý song)

    V menu pro výběr songu:

  • F9 = změna překladu názvů (například pro japonské názvy skladeb)

    Během výběru songu můžete zadat určitou sekvenci kláves a provede se příslušná akce. Tyto sekvence jsou sice závislé na tom, jaký themes používáte, nicméně se autoři snaří dodržet tyto zvyklosti:

    Přepnutí na lehčí úrověň:

  • Easier1=Up,Up
  • Easier2=MenuUp,MenuUp

    Přepnutí na těžší úrověň:

  • Harder1=Down,Down
  • Harder2=MenuDown,MenuDown

    Změna seřazení songů na další způsob:

  • NextSort1=MenuLeft-MenuRight-Start
  • NextSort2=MenuLeft+MenuRight
  • NextSort3=Left-Right-Start
  • NextSort4=Left+Right

    Změna seřazení songů:

  • SortMenu1=Up,Down,Up,Down
  • SortMenu2=MenuUp,MenuDown,MenuUp,MenuDown

    Modifikace songu (udělá obvykle hru težší):

  • Mirror=Up,Left,Right,Left,Right
  • Left=Up,Down,Right,Left
  • Right=Up,Down,Left,Right
  • Shuffle=Down,Up,Down,Up
  • SuperShuffle=Down,Up,Left,Right

    Změna rychlosti šipek:

  • NextScrollSpeed=Up,Left,Down,Left,Up
  • PreviousScrollSpeed=Down,Right,Up,Right,Down

    Další modifikace:

  • NextAccel=Left,Right,Down,Up
  • NextEffect=Left,Down,Right
  • NextAppearance=Left,Up,Right
  • Reverse=Down,Left,Right,Left,Right
  • HoldNotes=Right,Left,Down,Up

    Zrušení všech modifikací:

  • CancelAll=Left,Right,Left,Right,Left,Right,Left,Right

    Změna astavení Stepmanie:

  • NextTheme=Left,Left,Left,Right,Right,Right,Left,Right
  • NextTheme2=MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuRight
  • NextAnnouncer=Left,Left,Right,Right,Left,Left,Right,Right
  • NextAnnouncer2=MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight
  • NextGame=Left,Right,Left,Left,Right,Right,Left,Right
  • NextGame2=MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuRight
  • NextBannerGroup=MenuUp,MenuRight,MenuRight
  • NextBannerGroup2=MenuUp,MenuDown,MenuUp,MenuDown

    No a pokud se Vám Stepmania nevlíbí, zkuste podobné simulátory jako DWI, Pydance, Flash Flash Revolution.. .

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'stepmania':
    01.11.2009 00:00
  • << zpět na Czech DDR portal

    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

    Dance Dance Revolution Solo Bass Mix
    U.S., Asia, and Japan version
    Arcade Beginner's FAQ
    Version 2.8

    Dance Simulation
    Team hook-up optional (Requires another DDR Solo Bass Mix unit)
    Copyright 2000 by JuneHa Kim/BakaOrochi
    All Rights Reserved.
    Unauthorized reproduction of this FAQ in any shape or form is prohibited.

    Come on, it's not like it's HARD to e-mail me if you want to use any part of
    this FAQ, is it?

    If you want to use ANYTHING, even codes or whatnot from this, CONTACT ME FIRST.
    This is my work, and not one bit of this is to be reproduced in any way, shape,
    or form. Copyright laws protect this FAQ. This is purely my own work, any
    other similarities to other FAQs are purely coincidental.

    I do respect all other copyrights and if I have inadvertently infringed on any,
    please contact me immediately so that I may remedy the problem.
    FAQ History:

    -First release, quotes are missing, but they're not too important. If
    you can help me with those, I'd appreciate it ^_^

    -Apparently, I made a lot of stupid errors (mostly with numbers)
    -Made some changes, added/removed some sentences that made no sense or
    -Incorporated the lyrics of the songs
    -Added difficulty (for Basic mode only)

    -Wow, another update within a span of two weeks! Changed/added corrections
    -Got Nekoneko's blessing to use info from his site: http://www.ddr.sh
    -Therefore, added difficulties for each song, number of steps are coming in!
    -Added preliminary lyrics for Super Star, still needs work though...
    -I completely forgot to add how you get your rating!

    -Silly me, left some stuff out from 1.5 revision, and made even more

    -What the heck? Yes, I've updated several sections
    -Added some "fancy players" parts in section 6a.
    -Nekoneko has released the steps, so I added the number of steps per song,
    almost complete
    -Added time lengths for each song (not finished with Nonstop Multimix yet)
    -Added difficulties for all modes! (Thanx again to Nekoneko)
    -Spacing fixes, and some silly grammar fixes
    -Some other stupid ommisions I did...I really should have double checked more

    -Errr, I just realized that I left out Kung Fu Fighting from the lyrics section.
    -Fixed some of the lyrics, Get Up N' Move, and My Baby Mama. Compared them,
    listened, and fixed them.
    -A couple other new notes added in the intro about this unit

    -Added and finished the song info (including the time for the megamix songs).
    -Added more info on where else you can find the Solo Mix songs.

    -Power outages suck. So does spilling Orange Slice on your Keyboard.
    -HUGE HUGE THANKS Ben Lazo (deathlok@thefiresauce.com) for his version of
    Hysteria and Super Star!
    -Added the lyrics for the Nonstop Megamix songs.
    -Added something more about the location of DDR Solo Bass.

    -Figured out how the scoring goes, so the scoring section changed completely.
    -More fixes on the lyrics, changed the names a bit.
    -Added Samba de Janeiro lyrics, thanx again to Ben Lazo!
    -Added the "DDR Classics" Nonstop Megamix lyrics, thanx again to Mr. Lazo!
    -In the process of adding the Non-U.S. version songs like Together and Forever,
    Get Off! and That's the Way '98. Again, I know it needs A LOT of work.
    -Added stage background info.
    -Finished inputting ALL the steps for the nonstop megamix.
    -Fixed a lot more stupid mistakes I forgot to correct.
    -I'm aiming for a final version to be 3.0, completed lyrics and all ^_^

    1. What's the point of this FAQ?
    2. What the heck is "Dance Dance Revolution?"
    2a. Differences in the Solo edition
    3. How to play
    4. Modes of play
    5. Can you give me some tips/secrets?
    6. Songs in this version
    6a. How some of the songs "move"
    6b. The difficulties and steps
    8. Lyrics/About the lyrics
    9. Closing notes/Thanks/Contact Information

    1. What's the point of this FAQ?
    I played this game in an arcade, and I looked for a FAQ on it, but didn't see
    one, not even a data sheet!

    Also, I just wanted to throw in some suggestions for those who are struggling
    with DDR, and how I picked up the game. For further help, I'd recommend reading
    some of the other DDR FAQs from gamefaqs.com.

    Some tips on this FAQ may not work with you, but this is how I've found it to
    work with me, and some others of my friends. Some things on this FAQ I've based
    from watching others as well. IMHO, it's best that you develop your own style
    to play this game, but if you can't, try using some tips I've put on this FAQ.
    2. What the heck is "Dance Dance Revolution?"
    Dance Dance Revolution (aka DDR) is a unique dancing simulation game.
    It's made by the same company and development team who brought Beatmania and
    Guitar Freaks, Konami's Bemani team. You'll find that several songs are from
    Beatmania in fact (but not in this particular version).

    The basic point is to "dance to the music." Easily said than done though.
    Most people rather call it a stepping game however (in my brother's words, step
    aerobics). If you think that you cannot dance to this game, look on the
    internet for some dancing clips. An excellent dancing group located in Korea
    is called the A-Team, who does performances with DDR songs. You can also try
    to find C-Squad; I believe they're located in North America...

    2a. Differences in the Solo edition

    The main differences include a new announcer. Most noticeably, the announcer's
    female and says different things. The interface is also different.

    The new mode added is the Nonstop Megamix. Unlike, DDR 3rd Mix, this is
    literally nonstop. You will have one set of three songs to choose from, and
    each song is slightly shortened (so you don't end up killing yourself ^_^),
    and they flow one into another. Read section 3 for more. But by far, the
    biggest difference is the two new arrows, two diagonals.

    In terms of the cabinet/unit itself, the platform has a noticably different
    feel to it (at least it did for me), it felt more raised and padded as
    opposed to the regular DDR 1.5 units.

    Also, you cannot play with or against more than one person (hence
    "solo"), unless you have more than one DDR Solo machines linked (which you
    can enable Multiplayer mode).

    Finally, the back support bars are missing (for Solo Bass only).

    Solo Bass Mix was released in 1999 by Konami.
    Solo Mix 2000 was also released, containing these songs, plus more songs and
    features. No OFFICIAL announcement of a home version has been made.

    Just recently (9/17/00), Konami recalled all of its DDR Solo Bass Mix units.
    However, from what my local arcade manager told me, there are no other units
    out there.

    If you're not aware, these songs are ALL playable in the Solo Mix 2000 AND
    most are currently available in the new DDR 4th Mix! (Rumors have it that
    all of them are on there)
    3. How to play
    The main point of the game:
    Hit the arrows at the right time. As long as you have at least one point in
    your Dance Gauge (the numbered meter at the top of the screen), you will pass
    the level. If you're not playing in Beginner Mode, if your gauge hits Zero (or
    you have no dance gauge points), game is over. Game is also over when you clear
    all the songs for the mode.

    The arrows:

    How I'm going to refer to the arrows (to avoid further confusion)-

    Fixed arrows: The white set of arrows that don't move located at the top of the
    screen. They're always there.

    Scrolling arrows: The colored arrows that will scroll up from the bottom of the
    screen and tells you which direction you want to hit when they align with the
    fixed arrows.

    Panel arrows: The arrows on the dance pad, the ones you stomp or do your thing on.

    If you've played the other DDRs, this version basically the same. The conecpt
    is the same. You will have a fixed set of arrows on the top of the screen.
    As music plays, colored scrolling arrows will go up towards the fixed arrows,
    and the point of the game is to hit the corresponding arrow on your dance pad
    when the scrolling arrow(s) is aligned to the fixed arrow(s). Sometimes you
    will be required to hit two arrows at the same time (read on about

    The original DDR has four arrows: Up, down, left, and right. The Solo
    version now has up, down, left, right, diagonal up-left, and diagonal up-right.

    Even if you're native to DDR, this will add a new twist (since the diagonals
    cannot be pressed by hitting two arrows at the same time, i.e. you cannot hit
    up and left if the arrows tell you to hit diagonal up-left). This brings me
    to my next point: simultaneous arrows.

    Sometimes, you'll be thrown two arrows to hit at the same time (I call them
    double steps). This usually intimidates lots of beginners, and most don't
    know what to hit. It really isn't that hard, just be prepared to jump to hit
    those arrows at the same time (that's what baffles me: most beginners don't
    expect to be jumping around at all when they play. To hit those simultaneous
    arrows, the only way to hit them is to jump (or even hop) on them. Once you get
    more advanced, there are many other ways you can do it...

    A nice tip for those struggling to hit the arrows on time:
    Each song is in a 4/4 beat. Which means you can count with the beat of a song.
    Even though some songs may have irregular beats, you'll notice that the fixed
    arrows will flash every fourth beat. When you have to hit the arrows, it will
    be on the beat or on the flash. But you have to make sure you're not too hasty
    to hit the buttons. What I usually do is count outloud (whispering at most, not
    screaming, please you'll scare the rest of the arcade patrons ^_^)
    1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,etc. and that way I can keep up with the beat. Bouncing with
    the beat works as well (may look ridiculous, but I've seen sillier looking
    things). So you can be thinking "1,2,3,step,step,2,step" etc. Basically, just
    keep a beat. Also, the steps are not random. Once you get the rhythm of a
    song, you should be able to figure out when the steps will come out.

    What you have to start worrying about is when you move up in difficulty levels,
    especially when you turn off "little" mode or choose expert mode. You'll be
    treated to the green/blue "offbeat" arrows (also known as 1/8, 1/16, and 1/32
    steps). Those are a bit more difficult to hit since they don't align with the
    fixed arrows on the beat or the flash, but when the fixed arrows aren't
    flashing. Those take some practice to get used to. If you can, keep "little"
    mode on, otherwise, you'll be given these extra steps (unless of course you
    don't mind them).

    Beginner flaws/problems I've noticed:

    Something first-time players do: try to ALWAYS center their feet in the middle
    panel after each step (results in a lot of scrambling around). For beginners,
    it's not always a good idea; you'll find youself panicking to reach the panel
    arrows, and jumping around a lot, and especially when you get to the hard
    parts, you'll be missing a lot. Also, I find that it's harder to establish a
    center of balance sometimes. It's not necessary to continually center yourself
    on the center panel. Sometimes, the best way to maintain your center of balance
    is to keep your foot on the panel that you last stepped on. Unless you'll be
    jumping around a lot for the double-steps, trying to always keep a foot on the
    center panel will be unnecessary movement, and thus will add something extra to
    your steps that you don't need. If you want, keep both feet on an arrow (i.e.
    left foot left arrow, right foot, right arrow). This is great especially for
    the left-right-left-right patterns or the left-right double steps. You don't
    have to move anywhere, just lift you foot and step without losing your balance
    (looks silly, but trust me, until you can find a better looking way to do this,
    it's easy and it works the best). In this case, you'll also need to continually
    shift your center of balance. Try not to shift all your weight on one side of
    your body.

    One problem I've found to throw off a lot of players: The background colors can
    be so colorful that you can't see the arrows easily (especially during Samba de
    Janeiro). The only thing I can say is, learn to ignore it.

    Don't try to be flashy until you either do the song (or part of the song) by
    heart, or until you can perfect a 5-star song.


    On the top of the screen during gameplay, you'll have 6 numbered balls. This is
    your Dance Gauge. In all mode, you'll start off with since Dance Gauge points
    (except Ultimate Maniac, where you start with one). The point is to have at
    least one ball filled by the end of the song; once you run out of points on
    your Dance Gauge, the game is over. You can earn points by performing large
    combos, and you cannot gain anymore than six. Once you hit zero, you cannot
    gain anymore. If you're playing in Beginner Mode, the Dance Gauge does not
    matter (even if you hit zero, you can still gain points, but even with a zero
    Dance Gauge, the game will go on).

    Everytime an arrow passes, you'll be judged on how accurately you stepped on the
    -If you've hit it dead on, you'll get Perfect!
    -If you hit it a bit off, you'll get Great!
    -If you hit it about 1/8 of a beat off, you'll get a Good, and your combo will
    -If you hit it more than 1/8 of a beat off, you'll get Boo! And one gauge point
    will be lowered in half.
    -If you miss completely, you'll get a MISS, and you'll lose a point in your Dance


    Scoring is a bit different from DDR 1st or 2nd Mix. You'll be scored by what rating
    you get. Certain ratings earn you different points. The higher the rating, the more
    points you earn. After the song, it will be added up. You will be given bonus
    points for your highest combo, and another bonus for getting multiple "Perfect!"
    ratings in a row (so if you get a Great!, the "Perfect Combo" will stop).

    Perfect! scores you 500 points
    Great! scores you 300 points
    Good scores you 100 points
    You get no points for Boo or Miss.

    400 points multiplied by how high you combo went (so a 50 combo times 400 is 20000
    points bonus)

    100 points multiplied by how many Perfect! rating you have gotten in a row (so if you
    get a Perfect! 20 times in a row times 100 points, you'll get 2000 points bonus)

    Added all together is your total for the stage.


    At the end of your song, you get a letter grade for your performance. The
    higher combos and higher scores you earn, the higher the grade. Also, it
    reflects how high of a combo you have ratio-wise to how high of a combo that
    is possible. For example, if song A is 210-combo possible, and song B is
    110-combo possible, and you earn a 100-combo on both songs, you'll get a lower
    grade with song A, but a very high grade with song B.
    You will also be shown a rating of how many Perfect!, Great!, and so on ratings
    that you've gotten, how much percentage of your totals that each have, and how
    many points scored you have from each rating. You also be shown how many
    Perfect! ratings you have gotten in a row, and how big of a combo you've gotten.

    Grades are as follows:

    AAA-Perfect performance, nothing less than a "Great!" (aka SS)
    AA-Near perfect, a few mistakes, and a high combo ratio. (aka S)
    A-Excellent, several mistakes, mostly "Perfect!" and "Great!" ratings, few
    misses, good combo ratio.
    B-Very good, enough to get by, a lot of "Perfect!" and "Great!" ratings, but
    a lot of "Boo!" and "Miss" ratings too. A decent combo ratio.
    C-Average. Low combo number, decent amount of dance gauge left.
    D-Bad, Very low combo number, very low or zero dance gauge left, lots of "Miss"
    and "Boo!" ratings.
    E-Horrible. Mostly misses, zero combo gauge usually. At this point, you would
    normally fail a song. (It's a polite way of saying, "you suck." Don't take it
    personally ^_^)

    If you're playing Expert or Nonstop Multimix, you will not get a rating if you
    fail. Depending on the game's dipswitches, you may be stopped the minute you
    hit zero Dange Gauge points, or you'll get the word "FAILED" after the song

    Oh yeah, the highest rankings I've gotten? I've been able to get AAA for all
    songs on Basic mode, but Trick mode...Never really had time to screw with that
    (Maniac is more fun ^_^). Once you get the hang of DDR Solo, it's not that
    much harder...I might as well go play Pump It Up =P
    4. Modes of play
    You will have two different "difficulty" levels, Beginner and Expert, and a
    Nonstop Megamix level. While choosing your level, you can also pick your
    difficulty level, basic, another, maniac, and ultimate maniac. So the
    variables are as follows:

    Basic Beginner
    Trick Beginner
    Maniac Beginner

    Basic Expert
    Trick Expert
    Maniac Expert
    Ultimate Maniac Expert

    Nonstop Megamix Basic
    Nonstop Megamix Trick
    Nonstop Megamix Maniac
    Nonstop Megamix Ultimate Maniac

    And high scores will come up with each different variable, except for Beginner

    It is possible to change difficulties after you've chosen a gameplay mode with
    a certain difficulty level and change the gameplay (read section 5).

    By default, Beginner mode has "Little" mode ON which you can turn off.
    Expert mode has "Little" mode OFF which you can turn on.
    Nonstop Megamix has "Little" mode OFF, unless you turn it on.
    However, default settings make Expert mode have more songs, but the catch is
    that if your Gauge hits zero, the song finishes, and your game is over.
    In Beginner mode, it doesn't matter if your gauge hits zero; you can always
    recover, or even at zero points, you'll still clear the stage.

    Nonstop Megamix is not like Endless mode (DDR 2nd/3rd) and Nonstop from 3rd Mix.
    In Nonstop, you get no break, the songs go right into each other. By default,
    Little mode is OFF. It's similar to expert mode in that you can fail the mode
    if your Dance Gauge reaches zero.

    Also, remember that Nonstop Multimix mode is shorter than the normal mode, not
    because the songs are nonstop, but the songs themselves are noticably shortened.
    5. Can you give me some tips/secrets?
    Disable Multiplayer mode (for linked Solo machines):
    Hold the two arrows down while pressing start to prevent another player from
    joining in when starting the game.

    Changing difficulty modes:
    To change to Trick from Basic, hit Down three times in mode select.
    To change to Maniac from Trick, hit Down three times in mode select.
    To change back to Basic, hit Up three times to move back a difficulty mode.
    i.e. if you're in Maniac, hit Up six times to back to basic.

    To play Maniac Ultimate difficulty mode:
    After choosing Maniac, hit Diagonal up-left, Diagonal up-right, Diagonal
    up-left, Diagonal up-right. The only major difference is the gauge will only
    be maximum 3 instead of 6 and you start at one.
    This only works in Expert mode and Nonstop Megamix.

    Changing gameplay (all these are done at song select):
    To choose "right" mode (so your dances are facing right), hit right 8 times
    To choose "left" mode (so your dances are facing left), hit left 8 times
    To choose "flip Up/down" mode (all arrows that are normally up appear as down
    instead and vice versa), hit up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down.
    To choose "flip left/right" mode (all arrows that are normally left appear
    as right instead and vice versa), hit left, right, left, right, left, right,
    left, right.
    To choose "shuffle" mode (arrows are shuffled), hit up, down, left, right,
    up, down, left, right.
    To play Hidden mode (arrows will disappear as they approach the fixed arrows),
    hit left, down, right, left, down, right.
    To play Sudden mode (arrows will suddenly disappear), hit left, up, right,
    left, up, right.
    To play Little mode (what the basic default Beginner mode is), hit left, down,
    up, down, right, down, down.

    *Stealth mode DOES NOT appear in this game at all*

    To cancel any of these modes, hit down four times.

    NOTE: If you hit down four times even if you didn't enter a code, this WILL
    turn off Little mode, even in Beginner mode! If this happens unintentionally,
    use the "Little mode" code to change back. If you turn little mode off or on
    in beginner mode, you'll only hear a sound, but the word "little" will not

    Play the extra stage:
    Choose Expert mode, and play any song, until you get to choose the last song.
    You MUST choose "Super Star," Hysteria," or "Paranoia Evolution." You then
    must achieve a 150 combo or more. Your gauge must also be full. You can change
    to "little" mode if you want, but you need to get a 150 combo. After you finish
    the song, push and hold the left select button down during the "CLEARED" sign,
    and you'll get a message saying "Challenge Extra Stage. Play the extra stage
    (it's in "Maniac Ultimate" mode).

    Another tip about this code. Super Star may be the easiest to do this with,
    however, if you choose to do this song as your last song, plus with little mode
    on, know that you can only miss the first 2 in the beginning (even then, you
    can only afford to get a "good"), because with little mode, Super Star is a
    153 combo song.

    6. Songs in this version
    Artist/song title

    *-Denotes songs that are not in the U.S. version (so I didn't cover them

    Normal songs:
    *Nineball feat. Atomic Gun and Julia- Together and Foever
    *DJ Bass feat. MC Dixie- That's the Way '98
    *Wizzzard- Get Off
    Cydney D- Club Tropicana
    Bus Stop feat. Carl Douglas- Kung Fu Fighting
    Bass Fist! feat. Boogie Girl- Samba de Janeiro
    Popula Demand feat. Get Fresh Girls- Don't Clock Me
    S&K- Get Up 'N Move!
    Uncle 36 sec. feat. MC Taiwan- I'm Alive
    Stone bros.- Let the Beat Hit 'em!
    Anquette- My Baby Mama
    De lite & MC Young- Freaky
    Ponytown Boys- Love Machine
    DJ Rich feat. Tail bros.- Super Star
    Naoki 190- Hysteria
    200- Paranoia Evolution

    Hidden songs (only in Multiplay version):
    200- Paranoia Evolution

    Multimix songs (Sorry, I had to name these sets something...):
    Set 1-"Easy three"
    Club Tropicana
    Kung Fu Fighting

    *Set 2-"American remixes"
    *That's the Way '98
    *Get Off!
    *Together & Forever

    Set 3-"Teeny bopper"
    I'm Alive
    My Baby Mama
    Love Machine

    Set 4-"Shake that booty!"
    Get Up 'N Move!
    Samba de Janeiro
    Don't Clock Me

    Set 5-"DDR classics"
    Brilliant 2U
    SP-Trip Machine
    Paranoia Evolution

    Set 6-"Big bass"
    Let the Beat Hit 'em!
    Super Star

    6a. How some of the songs "move"

    Each songs has a different type of "movement." For example, one song you might
    find yourself jumping around more (for the double steps), and another you may
    be just walking around.

    Here's how I think some of the songs move, to make it easier to know what to

    1-Club Tropicana
    Basic steps, not many double steps, but a lots of repeated steps (i.e. up, up,
    up, up).

    2-Don't Clock Me
    I found this song relatively easy since it's slow. If you like to move funky
    to your dance, here's one that you can do it to. A song I find kind of boring

    3-Kung Fu Fighting
    Also an easy piece, but VERY easy to get careless...It's not much different from
    the previous DDRs...

    5-Get Up 'N Move!
    Moderate amount of steps, plenty of repeated steps, some double steps. This is
    one of my favorite "stomping" songs.
    For the fancy player: Lots of knee presses, and some spins can be done...

    6-I'm Alive
    Several double steps, but very easy. The steps go with the song very well. For
    those that like their music, this should be a pretty easy one to move to. It's
    kind of like the "Butterfly" (by Smile.dk) of the Solo Bass Mix.
    For the fancy player: You like going in circles like Butterfly? This is a nice
    little spinning step sequence song (and spinning jumps too).

    Lots of double steps, not as many as Love Machine, but a little more tricky.
    Twice in this song, if you know it well enough, the steps go around in a
    circle; you can do that too.
    For the fancy player: Can you go in a circle in the 2 clockwise and 2
    counter-clockwise sequences? You can also jump in circles right after the 2nd
    circle sequence each time (or do your thing).

    8- Samba de Janeiro
    This is just wacky. The beat starts going off towards the middle of the song.
    The end has some weird double steps as well. Pretty fast and difficult.
    Personally, I think this song is really really boring.

    9-Let the Beat Hit 'em!
    Being slow, it's nothing special. The key is patience. Some series of double
    steps, but take your time.
    For the fancy player: Spin jumps! The double steps can also be good for knee
    presses too.

    10-Super Star
    A moderately slow song with some tricky steps and double-steps. Turn little
    mode off if you want a challenge. Another fun stomping song. This is mostly
    an 1/8 step song.
    For the fancy player: Have fun! I can think of so many things you can do to
    have fun with this one, stomping, knee presses, circles, using hands, etc.,

    11-My Baby Mama
    Because of the tempo, any double steps are easy (usually are step-step-double
    step). At the last chorus, the single steps are more frequent.
    Another quite boring song IMHO.

    12-Love Machine
    More double steps, relatively easy to catch on. In the middle of the song
    however, you get a pattern that goes in a semi-circle, then reverses. Don't
    let it throw you off: the last step of the first semi-circle rotation ends
    differently than the pattern. Plus the after the second rotation, the steps
    become a little complicated, so don't get too absorbed in the semi-circle.
    The chorus is basically just hopping around.

    If you like a lots of single steps (with a few easy double steps), this song
    is easy. Just don't let the tempo intimidate you. If you want a little more
    of a challenge, turn Little mode off.
    For the fancy player: Lots of circle step sequences; potential to do a lot more
    with this song.

    14-Paranoia Evolution
    Easier than Paranoia Dirty Mix by far. But it's a mix of doubles, lots of
    confusing singles. Takes lots and lots of practice (and memorization) before
    you can master this. Don't even attempt this if you haven't at least mastered
    a 3-star song, otherwise, you'll get lost in the first 30 seconds. The last
    seven double steps are quite simple if you know them. If you liked Paranoia
    Clean Mix, this one shouldn't be too difficult. This song is more like a
    "move around really fast" song.
    For the fancy player: If you can find stuff to do with this song, I think it
    can look really impressive...

    6b. The difficulty and steps

    You'll notice that each song's difficulty level is measured by a star. Here's
    why each song is usually given the difficulty it's gotten (and what I'd rate
    it), the commentary applies to basic mode only. If you would like to see the
    steps themselves (like the steps for the songs), you should visit Nekoneko's
    DDRers Stompin' Ground, http://www.ddr.sh. I also added each song's length so
    you'll know which ones just take FOREVER to finish ^_^

    Club Tropicana (1:28)
    Background: A beach in the background with the logo in the middle
    Basic: 1
    -Steps: 114
    Trick: 4
    -Steps: 216
    Maniac: 6
    -Steps: 302
    This song maybe I'd rate a 2 star. It's very easy, but the tempo is a bit hard
    for first timers to catch up to.

    Kung Fu Fighting (1:27)
    Background: Same as the 1st Mix version, a guy doing a sidekick with the sunset
    behind him
    Basic: 2
    -Steps: 117
    Trick: 6
    -Steps: 249
    Maniac: 7
    -Steps: 284
    Definitely 2 star. Tempo is slow, and it's an easy song (any disco fans?).

    Don't Clock Me (1:25)
    Background: Just the title of the song in grafitti style
    Basic: 2
    -Steps: 110
    Trick: 4
    -Steps: 176
    Maniac: 5
    -Steps: 264
    Another easy slow song, but because of the double steps, it maybe a tad
    difficult. It's just otherwise difficult because it's SOOOOO slow.

    Samba de Janeiro (1:25)
    Background: The logo of the song
    Basic: 4
    -Steps: 202
    Trick: 6
    -Steps: 248
    Maniac: 7
    -Steps: 337
    I disagree with the difficulty. Even I had a little trouble with this song.
    It's a little fast, but the steps are a bit complicated. 5 or 6 stars at

    Get Up 'N Move! (1:31)
    Background: A fish with headphones
    Basic: 3
    -Steps: 158
    Trick: 4
    -Steps: 201
    Maniac: 6
    -Steps: 259
    Relatively easy and slow.

    I'm Alive (1:30)
    Background: A mirrored image of a scantly clad nurse saying "Call Me"
    (Apparently, she's the mascot for DDR Solo Bass and Solo 2000)
    Basic: 3
    -Steps: 148
    Trick: 5
    -Steps: 238
    Maniac: 5
    -Steps: 295
    If you can move to the music, it's moderately fast, but it's easy to move to.

    My Baby Mama (1:26)
    Background: Pretty boring, the title of the song formatted like this:

    Basic: 3
    -Steps: 133
    Trick: 3
    -Steps: 129
    Maniac: 4
    -Steps: 266
    Moderately slow and easy...until you get towards the end.

    Let the Beat Hit 'em! (1:18)
    Background: A big pair of eyes with the title of the song
    Basic: 4
    -Steps: 125
    Trick: 5
    -Steps: 182
    Maniac: 6
    -Steps: 242
    Yeah sure. It's not too difficult, but it's slow. Don't get too hasty!

    Freaky (1:38)
    Background: A guy's profile, the title in gold (Looks like something from
    Def Jam records or something)
    Basic: 5
    -Steps: 204
    Trick: 6
    -Steps: 253
    Maniac: 6
    -Steps: 370
    Not for beginners, challenging for novices. Fast, and lots moving around.

    Love Machine (1:28)
    Background: A large silverish neon color record
    Basic: 5
    -Steps: 204
    Trick: 6
    -Steps: 298
    Maniac: 5
    -Steps: 343
    Same as Freaky. Not really for beginners. A bit faster, and more jumping
    around. IMHO, it's a little easier in some aspects than Freaky.

    Super Star (1:23)
    Background: A bunch of multi-colored pipes?
    Basic: 6
    -Steps: 213
    Trick: 7
    -Steps: 253
    Maniac: 8
    -Steps: 314
    Unless you turn little mode off, it really is easier than 6...

    Hysteria (1:33)
    Background: The logo of the song
    Basic: 6
    -Steps: 252
    Trick: 7
    -Steps: 294
    Maniac: 7
    -Steps: 374
    I really don't know why it's rated an 8. Most likely because of the tempo.
    If you can keep up with the tempo, this song is really easy. But if you're
    not fast, you'll get lost really fast.

    Paranoia Evolution (1:32)
    Background: The original PARANOiA background (There's only so much you can do
    to that poor PARANOiA guy after all...^_^)
    Basic: 7
    -Steps: 311
    Trick: 8
    -Steps: 353
    Maniac: 8
    -Steps: 406
    Usually, this song is the one to beware of, due to it's irregularities in the
    song. Every DDR has some incarnation of Paranoia, Solo Mix isn't an exception.
    If you think you can handle it, go for it. Fair warning: It'sfaster than the
    previous Paranoias (at 200 bpm).

    Nonstop Multimix songs:
    Set 1 (2:51)-
    Club Tropicana
    Kung Fu Fighting
    Basic: 3
    -Steps: 313
    Trick: 5
    -Steps: 453
    Maniac: 6
    -Steps: 596

    Set 3 (3:01)-
    I'm Alive
    My Baby Mama
    Love Machine
    Basic: 4
    -Steps: 344
    Trick: 5
    -Steps: 457
    Maniac: 5
    -Steps: 626

    Set 4 (3:02)-
    Get Up 'N Move!
    Samba de Janeiro
    Don't Clock Me
    Basic: 4
    -Steps: 347
    Trick: 4
    -Steps: 432
    Maniac: 6
    -Steps: 615

    Set 5 (3:04)-
    Brilliant 2U
    SP-Trip Machine
    Paranoia Evolution
    Basic: 6
    -Steps: 520
    Trick: 7
    -Steps: 606
    Maniac: 8
    -Steps: 736

    Set 6 (2:58)-
    Let the Beat Hit 'em!
    Super Star
    Basic: 5
    -Steps: 415
    Trick: 6
    -Steps: 502
    Maniac: 7
    -Steps: 643

    All the steps are a bit modified, even the classic DDR songs. Becareful of
    the transition to the next song; sometimes the tempo will shift drastically
    to become much faster or much slower (best example: SP-Trip Machine transition
    to Paranoia Evolution, the tempo suddenly speeds up REALLY fast).
    During loading:
    "This is a great song!"
    "Cool music!"
    "Are you up for the challenge?"
    "Let's see you do this one!"
    "Can you dance to the music?"

    Before song:
    "Try this one, next one's harder!"
    "This is the last one, keep going!"

    During game play:
    If you have a rating of 4-6
    "That's awesome!"
    "Stay Cool!" (Yes, she says that too)

    If you have a rating below 3:
    "You missed"
    "You've got no rhythm"

    Stage finishes:
    "That was awesome, you're the best dancer I've ever seen!"
    "That brought tears to my eyes, thanks for a great show!"
    "Nobody's better than you!"

    "It's no good. You need to start back at the beginning."
    "It's no good. Do you even know how to dance?"
    "Ugh, terrible!"
    8. About these lyrics
    These are lyrics for Konami's Dance Dance Revolution Solo Bass Mix. Most of
    these lyrics were done by ear (and I realize that it may not be accurate), and
    also, this is my first time doing this, so give me some slack...

    Yes, I realize that I'm using half-ebonics (since that's how the song is sung),
    I don't intend to offend any African-Americans out there ^_^

    The (?) means that I'm guessing. 90% says it's not right.

    Inaudible words have a *?*

    Super Star, Freaky, Don't Clock Me, and Let the Beat Hit 'Em! still needs some
    gaps filled in as well. If you can help me with the lyrics for these songs,
    I'd appreciate it.

    I've also found that the singers/rappers in That's the Way '98 and Get Off! have
    a problem annunciating their english. I'm horrible and translating their jibberish,
    no matter how long I've tried to decode it, so if someone can help me, I'd appreciate
    it. ^_^

    Club Tropicana
    (99% sure it's correct)
    -Cyndey D

    (here we go, pick it up
    here we go, pick it up
    here we go, pick it up
    come on yo, just drop the bomb!)

    (shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake
    shake shake shake shake)

    (come on girl, shake it, shake it!)
    Let me take you to a place
    Where membership's a smilin' face;
    Brush shoulders with the stars.
    Where strangers take you by the hand,
    And welcome you to wonderland;
    From beneath their panamas

    Club Tropicana, drinks are free,
    Fun and sunshine, there's enough for everyone.
    All that's missin' is the sea,
    But don't worry, you can suntan!

    Castaways and lovers meet,
    Then kiss in Tropicana's heat;
    Watch the waves break on the bay.
    Oh, soft white sands, a blue lagoon,
    Cocktail time, a summer's tune:
    A whole night's holiday!

    Club Tropicana, drinks are free,
    Fun and sunshine, there's enough for everyone.
    All that's missin' is the sea,
    But don't worry, you can suntan...

    (shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake
    shake shake shake shake shake shake)

    Don't Clock Me
    (70% sure it's correct)
    -Popula Demand featuring the Get Fresh Girls

    The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
    Don't wait up and yo, don't clock me
    The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
    Don't wait up and yo, don't clock me

    Crush you like a nutcracker crushes a nut,
    This is about a former rival when I'm on the cut.
    I stay in, yo' memory like the date of your birth;
    I thought you'd like Gatorade when I'm quenchin' my thirst.

    I'm the fact in this matter and you're the fable (?)
    I'll cut you like my DJ cuts a record on the table.

    I wanna rock get off the background
    You know what guys I oughta beat you down.
    Like a dog, I'll put you in a muzzle,
    I'll break ya in pieces like a jigsaw puzzle.
    I'll wreck your rhymes and I'll murder your style;
    I'm the one doin' the same, yeah your arch rival.

    I'm conductin', arrangin', puttin' it all in place;
    Form a line sucka, so you'll plead your case.
    I wanna rock!

    The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
    Don't wait up and yo, don't clock me
    The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
    And yo, don't try to clock me!

    Get Up N' Move!
    (98% sure it's correct)
    -S & K

    Get Up and move!

    Aw yeah, S & K can make ya!
    Yeah, uh, S & K can make ya!

    Aw yea...Get up and move!
    S & K can make ya, yeah, uh, Get up and move!
    S & K can make ya, yeah, yeah, Get up and move!
    Yeah, Get up and move!
    S & K can make ya
    S & K can make ya, yeah, Get up and move!

    Don't start movin', hold on tight
    Sugar daddy unload, you're goin' all night.
    Can't fight the groove, can't stop the flow
    Here I come, the competition goes.
    A few places I need to see, where I need to be, come on with me.
    Jam to this until your fall straight down;
    It don't stop 'till you're layin' on the ground.

    I rhyme better than you heard before,
    And I won't stop until you scream for more.
    I want it so raw that you kick it one time,
    Feel the magic of my brand new rhyme.
    Just sit back, feel phat track,
    You'll get jacked, now you like that?
    It's brand new, now whatcha gonna do
    When sugar daddy hits the groove?

    Get up and move!
    S & K can make ya, yeah, uh, Get up and move!
    Get up and move!
    S & K can make ya, yeah, Get up and move!
    Aw yeah, yeah, yeah
    S & K can make ya, uh, Get up and move!

    I'm Alive
    (99% sure it's correct)
    -Uncle 36 sec featuring MC Taiwan

    (Hit it! Hit it! Come on y'all!
    Hit it! Hit it!)

    I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive
    Yes, I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive

    I love you baby, the feelin's all around me;
    I want you baby all night long.
    When we're together, the dream has no ending.
    Let's come together and sing our song.

    I'm thinkin' of you, of you
    I wanna love you, love you
    I can't deny the way I feel
    (yeah yeah yeah yeah!)

    I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive
    Yes, I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive

    (Hit it! Hit it!)

    Kung Fu Fighting (Miami Bootsy Mix)
    (90% sure it's correct)
    -Bus Stop feat. Carl Douglas
    (Boom chop Hoo! Hoo hoo hoo Ha!
    Boom chop Hoo! Hoo hoo hoo Ha!
    Boom chop Hoo! Hoo hoo Ha!
    Yeah! Let's go!)

    There was Kung Fu fighting (come on, Hoo! Hoo ha!)
    Those cats were fast as lightning (Ha! Boom chop!)
    In fact it was a little bit frightening (Hoo! Hoo hoo!)
    But they fought with expert timing (Ha!)

    There's bright lights Orinoco flow (so what)
    A Kung Fu fighter in a disco
    He's out to take his chance
    He knows there's honies in the house only goes for romance
    He's got a white suit on
    Five past one and the night has just begun
    Cuz when he lays it on with style
    A ladies' man with a nice smile
    And right before his eyes
    He sees a pretty young thing looking real fly
    He wants to make the score so he takes her hand and leads her to the dance floor
    He's givin' her line after line
    She tells him that he looks real fine
    Cuz he's the man with perfect timing
    Just like when he's Kung Fu fightin'

    There was Kung Fu fighting (come on, Hoo! Hoo ha!)
    Those cats were fast as lightning (Ha! Boom chop!)
    In fact it was a little bit frightening (Hoo! Hoo hoo!)
    But they fought with expert timing (Ha!)

    Sing it girl.
    Sexy Kung Fu fighter
    Take you higher!

    Samba de Janeiro
    (Dunno how correct it is, it's in Portugese...Thanx to Ben Lazo!)
    -Bass Fist! feat. Boogie Girl
    Samba! de Janeiro!
    Samba! de Janeiro!

    Sempre assim em cima em cima em cima em cima
    Sempre assim em baixo em baixo em baixo em baixo
    Sempre assim em cima em cima em cima em cima
    Sempre assim em baixo em baixo em baixo em baixo

    Samba! de Janeiro!



    My Baby Mama
    (95% sure it's correct)

    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama

    Why is it always the same old thing,
    Wanna be a man, yet you're playin' games.
    If you got a kid, act like a father,
    If the baby ain't yours, then hey why bother?
    Don't try boy, I don't buy it boy,
    And if you don't change, you'll be cryin' boy;
    Cuz something ain't right, and you know this boy,
    That's probably why she's takin' your behind to court
    You got more hoochie-mommas than the Two Live Crew.
    Now who dat is? My baby mama!

    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Oh, who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who DAT is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Oh, who dat is? That's my baby's mama

    Now yesterday you said you was with your boy,
    But I saw you and Gina so hold the noise.
    You da girl that I'm talkin' about,
    That's right, I'm callin' your sorry butt out.
    Now I think it's about time that I put you in check,
    Buying Two Live tapes at the local space.
    Now to all you fellas, this is all a game:
    Mack to the ladies tryin' to build name.

    Wanna be a player tryin' to get a piece;
    I'll break your neck if I catch a disease.
    Round town stores seems like a farmer, (?)
    You better beware your baby's mama.

    Who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who she is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That baby's my mama!

    Let the Beat Hit 'em!
    (85% sure it's correct)
    -Stone Bros.

    (Uh! Yeah! C'mon!
    player 1 player 2, uh, where you at? C'mon!)

    Hey yo, I'm like this, so watch the moves that I make
    How I take over the floor, throw the grooves that I shake
    I'm number one, how'd you figure that I'm losing my place?
    If you the joker, player, and then who's the ace?
    Hey, yo, it's me, the player to beat, I'm playin' for keeps
    I got some special moves so homie don't sleep (?)
    Because if I teach (?) controllin' the game
    You can brag all you want, so be holdin' the same (?)
    I'm bringin' the pain...
    The game is done, you might as well run
    My time has come and I'm gonna shine like the sun
    No surprise, I'll bust a flip when you guys (yeah)
    The dance moves I do, I'm keepin' it live
    Keepin' the vibe, fly-guy style express
    Competition is none, player, and I jam like that (?)
    I'm the best, can't be beat ,you know it's me, keep up the pace,
    and you'll advance with me, c'mon

    Let's see who's better?
    You wanna playa too? (?)
    I wanna groove with you
    (Wanna get) so turn me on!

    Let's see who's better? (Let's see...)
    You wanna playa too? (?)
    I wanna groove with you
    (Whoa oh) so turn me on!

    Yo I got more men than you
    Baby I'm on to you
    Special powers that will burn your crew (ha)
    Power (?) flips that'll blow through you
    Mad kicks mad flips that will go through you (whoppa)
    Once my ennergies start burnin' through (chops)
    through your face, I'm blastin' you,
    I'm laughin' too.
    Competition's far too new,
    Where's the real competition cuz the game is through.

    (80% sure it's correct)
    -De lite & MC Young

    Shake that thang, c'mon just shake that thang
    (Huh! Huh!)
    Shake that thang, c'mon just shake that thang
    (uh huh!)
    Shake that thang, c'mon just shake that thang
    (hoo wee!)
    Shake that thang, c'mon just shake, that, thang girl!

    No doubt that I'm pumpin' you out
    Them boys from south side
    Whassup, whassup, my dawg came to tear it up
    Now pump your fist, now throw 'em up, you can't resist
    Now say it loud, get wild and crazy, give me a shout!
    Would it be 'bout, your hands got freaky (?), we got a crowd
    You came to dance? Now get on the floor and shake your pants
    (Let's go, do it now, let's go, do it now
    We rock! We rock! Shake your pants, c'mon!)

    I'm gonna, shake my thang for you, yeah, yeah.
    Little bit harder, ain't no secret, I'm gonna shake my thang thang

    We need the place, we make them sore(?), they got their pace
    Don't let time wait, girl get on the floor and shake your waist.
    You havin' fun? Later on, just one-on-one.
    Just me and you, but if you freaky, bring your crew.

    You won't get cash (?), but I could bet you now that I'd get that ass
    I turned you out, that's what my dawgs and me be 'bout.
    (Right girl right girl right girl right girl right girl right girl right girl
    let's go!)

    I'm gonna, shake my thang for you, yeah, yeah.
    Little bit harder, ain't no secret I'm gonna shake my thang thang

    I'm gonna, shake my thang for you, you, yeah.
    Little bit harder, ain't no secret I'm gonna shake my thang thang

    Come on, let's go!

    Love Machine
    (99% sure it's correct)
    -Pony Town Boyz

    (oooh yeah, get on up!)
    I'm just a love machine
    And I won't work for nobody but you.
    (oh baby)
    I'm just a love machine;
    A huggin' kissin' fiend.

    I think it's high time you knew
    Whenever I think of you,
    My mind blows a fuse.
    Baby, when I look in you eyes,
    My fever starts to rise, and I become confused.
    My voltage regulator cools
    When I'm sitting next to you.
    Electricity starts to flow,
    And my indicator starts to go wooo!

    I'm just a love machine
    And I won't work for nobody but you.
    (oooh yeah)
    I'm just a love machine;
    (oh baby)
    A huggin' kissin' fiend.

    Na nananana nananana nana
    Na nananana nananana nana (aaaaah)

    (babybabybaby ohhhh woo!)
    I'm just a love machine
    and I won't work for nobody but you.
    (oooh yeah)
    I'm just a love machine; (love machine)
    A huggin' kissin' fiend.

    (I don't wanna love all alone...)
    I'm just a love machine...

    Super Star
    (90% sure it's correct...better than before, I was 10% sure!)
    Thanks to Ben Lazo!
    -DJ Rich featuring Tail Bros.

    (Dance Dance) DDR Bass! Revolution
    DDR Bass!
    (Dance Dance) DDR Bass! Revolution
    DDR Bass!

    I am here, and my name is chaos
    Rap is to me like music is to Amadeus
    Wolfgang, the famous composer
    When I stepped in I told him to move over.

    I am the new kid on the block
    and the mission: to make your body rock!
    And to all the fools that think they're tough
    You'll never beat me, cuz I'm just too buff

    For my nature, my habitat, and even my environment
    Don't drive try me out now, just go into retirement.
    And think about what you have done
    You got beat, cuz you tried to abort(?)

    You meet your fate when your lines ain't straight
    They're in your lyrical debatin' when your styles ain't great
    You got bootie-ass rhymes (?) to the point of no return
    That what you should discern, but when will you learn?
    That my rhymes burn, my brain waves melt
    Who gives a damn how you fall, overturned black belts.
    I show you no remorse, I break off, I get divorced;
    Could I be the source of this regenerative force?

    Rejuvinated, I escalated, you're underrated
    Now you're underrated cuz your homeboys played it?
    Your weak appearances are only doin' me the favor
    While I'm kickin' butter flavor showin' up on your behavior.

    Why don't you people like a source that's protectin' all the people (?)
    Let me put your hands up in the pulpit (?) coz it is drippin' like water
    from a leaky faucet
    Hand me the mic and I would rock it
    to you, sometimes you got to stop it
    to make it rhyme.

    It will earn full work and yo the final jam
    is the freakin' bad bone *?*
    And, yo, to beat us right now is the chance

    So everybody, yo, get on the floor
    Let's see yo' dance!

    (95% sure it's correct)
    Thanks to Ban Lazo!
    -Naoki Maeda (Naoki 190)

    I was the teacher and I made you learn
    I was the flame and you just got burnt by me
    the one and only; Chaos is here
    to breach havoc and destruction and to strike fear.

    Demolishin' my foes just like that
    I see the fools, and they want to combat
    So I pull out the same rhyme, don't waste no time
    Brushin' them off with the freshest of lines.
    So we could see who is the better of the best,
    Well, I've won, but they've flunked the test.

    Stoppin' for no one just like the shogun
    My blade is my rhymes, usin' it, then I'm done.

    Picture me, I'm on top of my world now
    Picture me, I'm ahead of my game.
    Never stop, not for anyone, not now
    Gonna take you up all the same.

    (ahhh...on top of
    ahhh I'm on top, oh on top of the world woooh world)

    Picture me, I'm on top of my world now
    Picture me, I'm ahead of my game.
    Never stop, not for anyone, not now
    Gonna take you up all the same.

    Picture me, I'm on top of my world now
    Picture me, I'm ahead of my game.
    Never stop, not for anyone, not now
    Gonna take you up all the same
    all the same,
    all the same.

    Together and Forever
    -Atomic Gun feat. Julia
    (95% sure this is correct, this was easy, with some assistance of course ^_^)

    Ooooh Ole ole
    Ole ole ola
    Ooooh Ole ole
    Ole ole ola

    Sing a song, and have some fun
    when all the work is done, hey!
    C-A-P-T-A-I N-J-A-C-K hey!

    I'm the captain of this beat
    C'mon and move you feet, hey!
    C-A-P-T-A-I N-J-A-C-K hey!

    Come along
    We are strong
    Together and forver we sing hey hey hey hey

    Together, forever,
    stay in my heart
    Together, forever,
    we will never part
    Together, forever,
    We're all for one
    Together, forever,
    Come and set me free!
    Set me free tonight!
    Baby let me be your guide
    Oooh set me free tonight,
    take the way to paradise!

    Ooooh Ole ole
    Ole ole ola
    Ooooh Ole ole
    Ole ole ola

    That's the Way '98
    -DJ BASS featuring MC DIXIE
    (Oh boy, I got SO lost...)

    This generation...rules the nation! hahaha *?*

    doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
    doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

    That's the way, uh-huh uh-huh
    I like it, uh-huh uh-huh
    That's the way, uh-huh uh-huh
    I like it, uh-huh uh-huh

    Brothers are stealin' and dealin' and make willin' (?)
    and durin' younger life that stuff is a killin'
    so what do they do? they gather up a crew
    go on stealin' robbers (?) 'stead of keepin' a job, now
    your mother tried to bring you up better than that
    the same way she loved you, you loved her right back
    so now you think you're grown and you argue alot
    over money you got
    there's the stuff on the block (?)

    That's the way, uh-huh uh-huh
    I like it, uh-huh uh-huh
    That's the way, uh-huh uh-huh
    I like it, uh-huh uh-huh
    That's the way, uh-huh uh-huh
    I like it, uh-huh uh-huh
    That's the way, uh-huh uh-huh
    I like it, uh-huh uh-huh

    doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo (check it out!)
    doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
    doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
    doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

    doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo (check it out!)
    doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

    Get Off!
    (Again, got lost with this one...Going to try to fill in some gaps)

    (Bass! Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-Bass!)
    Techno, soul, hip-hop in control
    Let's all have a party! I mean, everybody!
    C'mon now!

    Go! Go! Go! Go!
    Go! Go! Go! Go!
    (Welcome to the party!)

    *?*ladies are at no discretion
    So we can get off!

    *?* (peeking?) under the seats with two lovlies
    So we can get off!

    They make me get off!

    Take it from girls with our imagination
    So we can get off!

    Tie me up at your place
    I can love you crazy
    In the heat you will understand
    Danger and excitement...
    That's what makes a lady
    Find out what she wants in a man

    Get off! Get off! Get off!
    Get off! Get off!
    Get off! Get off! Get get off!

    Paranoia Evolution
    -200 (I believe 200 refers to the BPM as this is one of the
    fastest Paranoias)

    (I'm posting this because Mr. Lazo insists that there are lyrics
    to this song soooo...^_^)

    Disco bombing!

    Disco bombing!

    Disco bombing!
    Disco bombing!
    Disco bombing!
    Disco bombing!
    No more ghosts! More fuzzy pictures!
    Fe-fe-fe-feels so good! Take it baby! Feel the power!

    Disco bombing!
    Disco bombing!
    Disco bombing!
    No more ghosts! More fuzzy pictures!

    Set 1-
    Club Tropicana
    Kung Fu Fighting

    (come on yo, just drop the bomb!)

    (shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake
    shake shake shake shake)

    (come on girl, shake it, shake it!)
    Let me take you to a place
    Where membership's a smilin' face;
    Brush shoulders with the stars.
    Where strangers take you by the hand,
    And welcome you to wonderland;
    From beneath their panamas.

    Club Tropicana, drinks are free,
    Fun and sunshine, there's enough for everyone.
    All that's missin' is the sea,
    But don't worry, you can suntan!

    (Here we go, your body shake shake
    here we go, shake your body
    here we go, your body shake shake
    here we go, ow!

    Here we go, pick it up!
    Here we go, pick it up!
    Here we go, pick it up!

    (Yeah! Let's go!)

    There was Kung Fu fighting (come on, Hoo! Hoo ha!)
    Those cats were fast as lightning (Ha! Boom chop!)
    In fact it was a little bit frightening (Hoo! Hoo hoo!)
    But they fought with expert timing (Ha!)

    Sing it girl.
    Sexy Kung Fu fighter
    Let me take you higher

    Kung Fu fighters everywhere
    Throw those hands in the air
    The time's come to turn it out
    Everybody let me hear you shout!

    "One, two, do the Kung Fu!"
    "One, two, do the Kung Fu!"
    Say "Three, four, on the dance floor"
    "Three, four, on the dance floor"

    Come on, "one, two, do the Kung Fu!"
    "One, two, do the Kung Fu!"
    Say "Three, four, on the dance floor"
    "Three, four, on the dance floor"
    That's right y'all
    Y'all gonna pick it up (?) y'know that I'm sayin'?
    C'mon! c'mon! c'mon!
    Let's go! let's go!
    Let's go! let's go! let's go! let's go!

    Shake that thang, c'mon just shake that thang
    (Huh! Huh!)
    Shake that thang, c'mon just shake that thang
    (uh huh!)
    Shake that thang, c'mon just shake that thang
    (hoo wee!)
    Shake that thang, c'mon just shake, that, thang girl!

    No doubt that I'm pumpin' you out
    Them boys from south side
    Whassup, whassup, my dawg came to tear it up
    Now pump your fist, now throw 'em up, you can't resist
    Now say it loud, get wild and crazy, give me a shout!
    Would it be 'bout, your hands got freaky (?), we got a crowd
    You came to dance? Now get on the floor and shake your pants
    (Let's go, do it now, let's go, do it now
    We rock! We rock! Shake your pants, c'mon!)

    I'm gonna, shake my thang for you, yeah, yeah.
    Little bit harder, ain't no secret, I'm gonna shake my thang thang

    Let's go! let's go! let's go! let's go! let's go!

    Set 3-
    I'm Alive
    My Baby Mama
    Love Machine

    (Hit it! Hit it! Come on y'all!
    Hit it! Hit it!)

    I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive
    Yes, I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive

    I love you baby, the feelin's all around me;
    I want you baby all night long.
    When we're together, the dream has no ending,
    Let's come together and sing our song.

    I'm thinkin' of you, of you
    I wanna love you, love you
    I can't deny the way I feel
    (I feel! Hit it!)

    I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive
    Yes, I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive
    (Yeah yeah!)

    (Hit it! Hit it! 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hit it!)
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama

    Why is it always the same old thing,
    Wanna be a man, yet you're playin' games.
    If you got a kid, act like a father,
    If the baby ain't yours, then hey why bother?
    Don't try boy, I don't buy it boy,
    And if you don't change, you'll be cryin' boy;
    Cuz something ain't right, and you know this boy,
    That's probably why she's takin' your behind to court
    You got more hoochie-mommas than the Two Live Crew.
    Now who dat is? My baby mama!

    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Oh, who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who DAT is? That's my baby's mama
    Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    Oh, who dat is? That's my baby's mama
    (oooh yeah, get on up!)
    I'm just a love machine
    And I won't work for nobody but you.
    (oh baby)
    I'm just a love machine;
    A huggin' kissin' fiend.

    Na nananana nananana nana
    Na nananana nananana nana (aaaaah)

    I'm just a love machine
    and I won't work for nobody but you.
    (oooh yeah)
    I'm just a love machine;
    A huggin' kissin' fiend.

    Set 4-
    Get Up 'N Move!
    Samba de Janeiro
    Don't Clock Me

    Get up and move!
    Aw yeah, S&K can make ya! Yeah, uh, S&K can make ya!
    Hold on tight as I make you fly,
    Way up high be right by my side;
    The critical danger of bodies pumpin'
    Feet just rumpin' heartbeats thumpin'
    I feel somethin' movin' me fast
    S&K gonna make it last
    Don't track us, the screamin' four
    somethin' more than just dance floor.

    More than dope sounds, I can hit ya (?)
    Come get down, let the music hit ya
    Unbelievable the way I flow
    Don't need a band gotta kick it solo (?)
    Me and K, I mean K and I
    Jammin' track, gonna make you fly.
    It's brand new, whatcha gonna do,
    when sugar daddy hits the groove?

    Yeah, Get up and move!
    S & K can make ya,
    S & K can make ya, yeah, Get up and move!
    Samba! de Janeiro!
    Samba! de Janeiro!
    Samba! de Janeiro!
    Samba! de Janeiro!

    The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
    Don't wait up and yo, don't clock me
    The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
    Don't wait up and yo, don't clock me
    The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
    Don't wait up and yo, don't clock me
    The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
    And yo, don't try to clock me

    Set 5-
    Brilliant 2U
    SP-Trip Machine
    Paranoia Evolution
    (90% sure it's correct)

    Jump, jump, jump, get involved!
    Jump, jump, jump, get involved! C'mon!
    Jump, jump, jump, get involved!
    Everybody knows how to get down.

    C'mon, let's go, here we go!
    Jump, jump, jump, everybody!
    Jump up and down feel the power, get down!
    Get involved! C'mon, c'mon!
    Jump, jump, jump, look out!
    Everybody knows how to get down.

    Jump, jump, jump, get involved!
    Jump, jump, jump, get involved! C'mon!
    Jump, jump, jump, everybody
    Get involved! c'mon, c'mon, get involved!
    Yeah, everyone!
    Trip start

    Do you love me too?
    Do you love me too?

    Do you love me too?
    (Five) Do you love me too?
    (Five) Do you love me too?
    (Five) Do you love me too?

    Trip start in...
    1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4,
    1, 2, 3, 4,
    1, 2, 3, 4
    Disco bombing!

    Disco bombing!

    Disco bombing!
    Disco bombing!
    Disco bombing!
    Disco bombing!

    Fe-fe-fe-feels so good! Take it baby! Feel the power!
    Disco bombing!
    Disco bombing!
    Disco bombing!
    No more ghosts! More fuzzy pictures!

    Set 6-
    Let the Beat Hit 'em!
    Super Star

    Let's see who's better?
    You wanna play a tune,
    I wanna groove with you
    so turn me on!

    Let's see who's better?
    You wanna play a tune,
    I wanna groove with you
    (I wanna) so turn me on!

    The game is done, you might as well run
    My time has come and I'm gonna shine like the sun
    No surprise, I'll bust a flip when you guys (yeah)
    The dance moves I do, I'm keepin' it live
    Keepin' the vibe, fly-guy style express
    Competition is none, player, and I jam like that (?)
    I'm the best, can't be beat ,you know it's me, keep up the pace,
    and you'll advance with me, c'mon

    Let's see who's better?
    You wanna play a tune,
    I wanna groove with you
    (Wanna get some) so turn me on!

    Let's see who's better?
    You wanna play a tune,
    I wanna groove with you
    (I wanna) so turn me...

    Let's see...
    (Dance Dance) DDR Bass! Revolution
    DDR Bass!
    (Dance Dance) DDR Bass! Revolution
    DDR Bass!

    I am...
    You meet your fate when your lines ain't straight
    They're in your lyrical debating when your styles ain't great
    You got bootie-ass rhymes (?) to the point of no return
    That what you should discern, but when will you learn?
    That my rhymes burn, my brain waves melt
    Who gives a damn how you fall, overturned black belts.
    I show you no remorse, I break off, I get divorced;
    Could I be the source of this regenerative force?

    Rejuvinated, I escalated, you're underrated
    Now you're underrated cuz your homeboys played it?
    Your weak appearances are only doin' me the favor
    While I'm kickin' butter flavor showin' up on your behavoir.

    Why don't you people like a source that's protectin' all the people (?)
    Let me put your hands up in the pulpit (?) coz it is drippin' like water
    from a leaky faucet
    Hand me the mic and I would rock it
    to you, sometimes you got to stop it
    to make it rhyme.

    It will earn full work and yo the final jam
    is the freakin' bad bone *?*
    And, yo, the beat is happenin', now is the chance

    So everybody, yo, get on the floor
    Let's see yo' dance!
    I was the teacher and I made you learn
    I was the flame and you just got burnt by me
    the one and only; Chaos is here
    to breach havoc and destruction and to strike fear.

    Demolishin' my foes just like that
    I see the fools, and they want to combat
    So I pull out the same rhyme, don't waste no time
    Brushin' them off with the freshest of lines.
    So we could see who is the better of the best,
    Well, I've won, but they've flunked the test.

    Stoppin' for no one just like the shogun
    My blade is my rhymes, usin' it, then I'm done.

    Picture me, I'm on top of my world now
    Picture me, I'm ahead of my game.
    Never stop, not for anyone, not now
    Gonna take you up all the same.

    Picture me, I'm on top of my world now
    Picture me, I'm ahead of my game.
    Never stop, not for anyone, not now
    Gonna take you up all the same
    all the same,
    all the same.
    9. Closing notes/Thanks/Contact Information
    This FAQ is strictly based on my observations and my techniques. It may not
    work for you, and in which case, you can find other great beginner's FAQs out
    there that may work for you. (Myself, I'm learning new techniques, so my own
    playing is not too great right now...) ^_^

    Thanks to...
    Konami for making such a kick arse game
    Nekoneko at DDRer's Stompin' Ground, excellent resource for any DDR game out
    there (some information from this FAQ came from their site, with permission
    of course); http://www.ddr.sh. This FAQ wouldn't be complete without that
    Gameworks (in Schaumburg, Streets of Woodfield), and to all the people there for
    showing me how to do some of the funky stuff...that and if GameWorks didn't
    bring this game to ACEN2K, this game would have forever sat on my shelf...
    Diversions (Chicago)-I'm giving them a run for their money, the only place I
    know DDR Solo Bass as well...big ol' shout out to all the people there for
    their free games (j/k!), giving me good conversations and just being so damn
    cool; I would otherwise never be motivated to be playing this game.
    Beatgamer for the songs; http://www.beatgamer.com
    Ben Lazo for sending me all his help on the lyrics!

    Copyrights...(every game I mentioned thus far, just to be safe)
    Beatmania, Guitar Freaks, and Dance Dance Revolution is trademark of Konami and
    the Bemani team.

    If you need to contact me for any reason or just leave a comment, feel free
    to drop an e-mail at BakaOrochi@hotmail.com
    PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME QUESTIONS LIKE "HOW DO I DO _your problem here_???"

    And please, I hate getting e-mail like this:

    please e-mail me with all dancedancerevolution solo2000 bass mix codes

    Any codes I have ARE IN THIS FAQ! And what is Solo 2000 Bass Mix? I know of DDR Solo
    2000 and DDR Solo Bass Mix...Honestly, are you REALLY that lazy to look in this FAQ
    for the codes? You'd be surprised how many times I've been asked this...

    BTW-I'm not a girl, so don't think about sending love letter. Also spam will
    be ignored and taken up with your ISP or mail server (yes, there are laws
    against that too).

    This FAQ can be located http://www.geocities.com/bakaorochi

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