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  • Softpady na Internetu můžete koupit u firmy PositiveGaming. Jděte na stránky www.positivegaming.com, klikněte na Shop a softpad si vyberte. Mívají akce kdy za 1 pad nakoupíte 2... Na této stránce si můžete koupit i redukci. Při registraci použijte promote kód "czechddr". Získáte alespoň pětiprocentní slevu na první nákup.

  • Další softpady můžete koupit v e-shopu Play-Asia . U tohoto obchodu nemusíte používat promokód, stačí na shop přijít a následně realizovat objednávku před odkaz dole na stránce. Ten odkaz použijte prosím i v případě, že si zboží chce koupit nějaký vás známý.

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    Odkazy na internetové obchody

    PositiveGamming - www.positivegaming.com (promo kód "czechddr")
    název redukce - Trio Linker Plus

    Play-Asia - www.play-asia.com (pouzijte vzdy tento odkaz)
    název redukce - Dual Shooter (EMS USB2)

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    01.11.2009 00:00
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    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

    Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA
    Dancing Stage SuperNOVA
    10-footer Guide
    Version 0.85
    Copyright 2006
    By Glaexeaus-clexaul@msn.com
    All rights reserved
    If you would like to use this guide elsewhere other than GameFAQs, please email
    me at clexaul@msn.com. I will reply to your e-mail with an answer ASAP.

    Current hosters are

    No where else is allowed to use this FAQ without my permission, which can be
    obtained by e-mailing me.
    Table of Contents
    1.Version History
    a.Dance Dance Revolution/Dancing Stage
    c.Extra Stage
    d.One More Extra Stage
    e.Nonstop/Challenge Courses
    b.The Handbar
    c.Helpful Songs
    4.The 10 Footers
    a.Max 300
    b.MaxX Unlimited
    c.Max 300 (Super-Max-Me-Mix) (Expert)
    d.Max 300 (Super-max-Me-Mix) (Challenge)
    e.The Legend of Max
    f.Fascination MaxX (Expert)
    g.Fascination MaxX (Challenge)
    a.PARANOiA Survivor
    b.PARANOiA Survivor Max (Expert)
    c.PARANOiA Survivor Max (Challenge)
    d.PARANOiA Respect
    7.The Other 10 footers
    e.CHAOS -Expert
    f.CHAOS -Challenge
    a.Artist Notes
    b.The art of Xepher
    c.Background Videos

    1.Version History
    v0.8 13/Jul/06
    Added a section for Xepher and CHAOS (Expert)
    Added video links
    Added Artist Notes section

    v0.8 21/Jul/06
    Revised some of the ratings.
    Added descriptions to helpful songs.
    Added lyrics.

    v0.85 7/Aug/2006
    Revised more ratings
    Added some more subsections
    Made FAQ more Europe-friendly


    Welcome to my DDR/DS SuperNOVA 10-Footer Guide! This FAQ will cover every
    10-footer song in SuperNOVA (arcade version) with strategies and techniques
    to get you prepared for the 10-footer challenges!
    Anyone who wishes to send in a strategy can send it to clexaul@msn.com or
    taih@rogers.com if the first e-mail gets no response after a while.

    2a.Dance Dance Revolution/Dancing Stage

    Quick overview of DDR/DS. Dance Dance Revolution/Dancing Stage.
    It's a game where you use your feet to hit the arrows on the dance pad to
    correspond with the arrows on the screen. There are 10 levels, reffered
    to as "footers". Obviously, 10 is the hardest. The 5 difficulties in
    SuperNOVA are Beginner, Basic, Difficult, Expert, and Challenge. SuperNOVA
    contains the most songs of all the DDR/DS games so far, but it does not have
    all of them. There are 10-footers that won't be included in FAQ because they
    are not in SuperNOVA. I may add them later on in a new section, but it isn't
    looking bright.

    I said the overview was quick, so shut up about it.

    Anyway, this FAQ may use some terms you are unfarmiliar with, so here is a
    quick overview of those.

    4286-When these numbers come up, imagine the number pad as a DDR/DS pad. The
    are the arrows. 4=left 2=down 8=up 6=right.

    Jump-two arrows at once.

    4th-Quarter beats. In SOLO mode, the red arrows.

    8th-These fit between 4th beats. In SOLO mode, the blue arrows.

    16th-These fit between 8th beats. In SOLO mode, the purple arrows.

    12th-Seen much less. In SOLO mode, they don't have a distinct colourof their

    Simple-In a case of simple swarm of 5, a pattern like 42424. As a triplet,
    maybe 626.

    Hard-In a case of a hard swarm of 5, something like 62848. A a triplet, maybe

    DDR/DS SuperNOVA came out in 2006 (or at least DDR SN did, not sure about DS SN
    so...), and was highly anticipated. When it came, however, there were numeous
    problems with badly synched songs, and still are. Luckily, Konami has decided
    to fix that, and even add a new song, but it is unknown so far.

    SuperNOVA is quite a bit different from past DDR games, so this section will
    cover those differences.

    Firstly, there is a new Battle Mode for 2 people, which was seen on Disney Mix
    as Magic Dance, where you...well, I haven't really tried it yet, but I know
    you attack the other player with modifiers throughout the songs.

    Next, 'Miss' is no longer here either, but was used in only a few mixes
    anyways, so no big deal. It is now 'Boo'.

    The Perfect window is now MUCH smaller, so it is harder to get better grades,
    aspecially AA.

    The scoring system is now different as well, but is similar to that of DDR
    Extreme and Extreme 2(both CS). Every song is out of 10 000 000, whereas in the
    arcade DDR EXTREME, it was maximum score=footerx1 000 000, and the points you
    got for each arrow depended on what you got, and the point you were in the
    song and the combo(messed up, I know).

    The grading system is almost the same though. Each song has a certain amount of
    DP, or Dance Points. The DP is determined by (the number of arrows+freezes) x 2
    Every Perfect got you 2 DP. If you got all perfect, you'd have 100% of the DP,
    which got you a AAA. It all falls down like this:

    Perfect=2 DP
    Great=1 DP
    OK=2 DP
    Anything else=0 DP


    Perfect=2 DP
    Great=1 DP
    Good=0 DP
    Boo=-4 DP
    Miss=-8 DP
    OK=6 DP

    The grade you got all depended on the DP. I think this is how it is in

    100%= AAA
    95%= AA
    80%= A
    70%= B
    60%= C
    50% and below= D
    Fail= E

    EXTREME had it pretty much the same, but AA was only 93%.

    In SUPERNOVA, the score you get is also equal to the DP, just x 100 000 to make
    it out of 10 000 000 instead of 100%.

    Starting the game, you'd normally get to choose your difficulty, but in
    SuperNOVA, it's not quite the same. Instead, you get to choose from different
    songlists and courses or a tutorial. Here's what it is:

    Tutorial - A tutorial.
    Easy - A preselected songlist that contains easy songs.
    Medium - A preselected songlist containing semi-hard songs.
    Difficult - A preselected songlist containing difficult songs.
    Nonstop - The list of the Nonstop Courses
    Challenge - The list of the Challenge Courses
    All Music - All the songs in the game except Fascination MaxX, CHAOS, and

    On Easy, Medium, and Difficult, it's a partial songlist, containing songs
    of that difficulty. However, you can still change between Beginner, Basic,
    etc. All Music is all the music except Fascination MaxX, CHAOS, and
    Healing-D-Vision, and you still can choose between Beginner, Basic, etc.

    To change the sorting of the songs, you have to hit < + > + [] (the green
    button), which I believe will not work on Easy mode. To get the options, when
    you select the song, you MUST hold down the green button until the screen comes
    up, or you don't get it. In the options menu, to go back, it's the < + > + []

    Also, a lot of the modifiers have new names. I'm not listing them in this FAQ,

    Some of the difficulty names changed, so here's what it was and is:

    DDR DS SuperNOVA
    --- -- ---------

    Beginner Beginner Beginner
    Light/Basic Standard Basic
    Standard/Trick Difficult Difficult
    Heavy/Maniac Expert/Maniac Expert
    Challenge/Maniac2/ONI Challenge/ONI Challenge

    2c.Extra Stage

    In previous DDR games, Extra Stage was achieved by getting a grade of AA/AAA on
    your last song that hard to be Heavy/Maniac or Challenge/Maniac2/ONI, and
    usually had to be an 8-10 footer. Now, it can be any song on Expert, any
    difficulty. Here's the thing. Since getting Perfects is now harder, just
    getting a mere 93%DP is hard enough, but now you need a 95%DP to get AA, which
    is why getting Extra Stage is so much harder.

    Extra Stage is where you get to pick one more song, but you get no life back,
    the arrows are on Solo, x1.5, and Reverse, adn you play it on Expert, and
    Expert ONLY. You can pick any song to play in the songlist, but for Extra
    Stage, there is a new song, depending on the difficulty you chose.
    If you chose Easy or Medium, you unlock Healing-D-Vision as your Extra Stage.
    If you chose Difficult or All Music, Fascination MaxX was your new choice.

    2d.One More Extra Stage

    One More Extra Stage allow you to play one more song, as long as you beat
    either Healing-D-Vision or Facination MaxX as your Extra Stage. As far as I
    know, even obtaining a B will still get you OMES. On DDR Extreme, you had
    to AA/AAA The legend of Max to get OMES!

    Anyway, for OMES, you get only one choice. CHAOS. Like other OMES's, you play
    on 1 difficulty, which is Expert in this case, and there are no modifiers.
    BUT, you only get 1 life, meaning if you get a Good, Boo, NG, or Almost, you
    fail instantly. If you don't know CHAOS REALLY well, it's almost impossible
    to pass it as OMES.

    2e.Nonstop/Challenge courses

    There are other ways to play Healing-D-Vision, Fascination MaxX and CHAOS
    without getting ES or OMES. While none of the default Nonstop Courses have any
    of them, a few Challenge courses do:

    MAX of MAXX
    Name Difficulty Single Double
    Max 300 Expert 10 10
    MaxX Unlimited Expert 10 10
    Max 300 (Super-Max-Me-Mix) Expert 10 10
    The legend of Max Expert 10 10
    Fascination MaxX Expert 10 10

    Boss Rush Episode II
    Name Difficulty Single Double
    Trip Machine survivor Expert 9 9
    Dragon Blade Expert 8 8
    Konoko no nanatsu no oiwaini Expert 9 9
    Healing-D-Vision Expert 9 10
    CHAOS Challenge 10 10

    Boss Rush Episode IV
    Name Difficulty Single Double
    Healing Vision (Angelic Mix) Expert 9 9
    PARANOiA Survivor MAX Challenge 10 10
    CHAOS Expert 10 10
    Fascination MaxX Challenge 10 10
    Healing-D-Vision Challenge 10 10

    In the Nonstop Courses it's possible to play them in the Player's Best series,
    or in Random Caprice/Random All. Note that the Player's Best goes by how many
    times the song is played, not how well it's done. So play the hell out of
    the songs you Healing-D-Vision or CHAOS or Fascination MaxX, and you can play
    them with whatever modifiers you want in the course, but the difficulty is
    always Expert.

    10-footers, and even the lesser songs, may require you move your body or use
    your feet in a certain way. This section will cover the techniques you will
    need to learn and master to be able to do 10-footers or anywhere near.


    This is a very basic technique used on any difficulty. An example of streaming
    is 42864286. You face right in this case. There are times you will have to
    change the way you face, and quickly. For example, 4286284. You go from looking
    right to turning left. This can be difficult with 16th steps(or 8th at 270+BPM)
    When you have to turn so quickly you may fall over. Just practice on the pad
    (with the game off) with 8th notes at a low BPM and go steadily faster,
    pivoting yourself here and there.

    Streaming also refers to lots of arrows in a row, placed simply, as in no
    crossovers or anything like that.


    This can be used for fast songs, but I only use it for 200+BPM myself. A
    crossover is when you face something like 426. You hit 4 with the left foot,
    then 2 with the right, and 6 with the left, crossing your feet over. This can
    be effective for timing, but sometimes the steps aren't meant for crossovers,
    so you will be screwed up if you use them. I stayed away from them except for
    10-footer PARANOiA's, but they are good to know, and you should be comfortable
    with them and without them.


    Definitely one of my least favourite techniques, and I never use it personally,
    but it's good to know. A corkscrew is 4268624. 4 with left, 2 with right, 6
    with left, 8 with right, 6 with left, 2 with right, 4 with left. I prefer to
    just use my feet twice or even three times than do a corkscrew. This is used
    in Cartoon Heroes, and is pretty much useless for everything else.

    4-Full Turn

    42684. 4 with left, 2 with right, 6 with left, 8 with right, and 4 with left
    again. You will have your back to the screen for a second, which can royally
    screw you up. Only use it if freeze arrows force you to. I don't think any
    song in DDR/DS requires a full turn though.


    Taps are relatively easy, but they can be pretty hard when there are a lot or
    really fast ones. A tap is simply 2 or more of the same arrow in a row. You
    see them a lot in Expert and Difficult, but the harder ones are in songs like
    Can't Stop Fallin' In Love (Speed Mix) or Dead End, with6 taps in a row of the
    same arrow. Max 300's ending only has 3, but they are at a fast pace, which
    makes them just as hard to hit. Learning to do taps well is a good thing.

    Another thing with taps, is that it happens a lot and you don't know it. Say
    you have a pattern like 42424. You are tapping on 4 with the left foot 3 times,
    and on 2 with the right foot twice. It's like tapping.


    This can be a tough trick for those unfarmiliar, and is best to practise on
    a controller first. A gallop sounds like "ba-bump, ba-bump". Maybe more than
    that. Anyways, thats a gallop, simply put. Need a diagram? Fine. Here:

    4286 <--step area

    4 <--arrows




    Those are some gallops. "bump, ba-bump, ba-bump, a-bump." "4, 4-2, 2-8, 8-6"
    You will see quite a few of those in DDR/DS.

    7-Conserve Energy

    It's not the easiest thing to do, especially during a song with a high BPM
    where your reaction time needs to be higher. You will tend to fall over or
    make bigger movements than are necessary, which wastes energy. If you watch
    someone do a 10-footer with ease, you will notice they step very close to the
    center. That is not easy at an arcade where the pads don't allow you to have
    half the foot in the center and the other half in the pad without being
    uncomfortable, but it is still do-able. Doing this will allow you to conserve
    energy and be less tired.

    Another thing that will help conserve energy, is to use your toes. It helps
    a lot, though it may be a little painful.


    Obviously, a crucial part in DDR/DS is seeing the arrows. More important is
    reacting to them. The best way to do this is to start using speed modifiers. I
    started using them on 9-footers, but it's okay to start earlier. Just don't
    always have them, or else it will be hard to tackle newer techniques when the
    arrows race up the screen. Start with just a x1.5 modifier, then make your
    way up to x2. That's probably as far as you will need to go, and that is only
    for 130-200BPM songs. For the lesser ones, a higher modifier is good. Anything
    above 200BPM might be too much on x2 or even x1.5

    The reason you need these reacting skills is so you can do 10-footers without
    memorizing them. If you look at their BPM, most of them are 300+BPM. Having
    a 170BPM song on x2 makes it 340BPM. Great practice for 10-footers.

    3b.The Handbar

    There are lots of mixed feelings on handbars. Here's what I think.
    Using a handbar from start to finish is fine. No one will say anything bad
    about you, and you will only be referred to a "bar hugger" at most, which isn't
    that offensive, if so at all.
    Using a handbar for even the measliest songs isn't a good thing. You may be
    referred to as a bar raper.

    The handbar can do wonders for you. For one, it helps your balance. It will
    keep you from falling when you have a song on x2 or x3, and allow to play
    almost with ease. It lets you react to something without big movements, which
    can happen when unaided on a fast paced song.

    As well, it keeps up your energy, since you don't have to hold yourself up as
    much, since your weight is shared with the bar.

    BUT, for a shorter person, reaching the up arrow can be a hassle, and it can
    take a while to get used to a handbar. Sadly, it is almost the only way to
    accomplish a 10-footer at first.

    So, you can use it as you progress in Expert, say 8 to 10-footers, but no less
    than that. Otherwise, you are a disgrace. Unless you have something like x3
    on for some reason.

    3c.Helpful Songs

    The best way to build up strength in the techniques listed in 3a are by
    practising songs that feature these things. Here are some songs that will help:
    (Note that not all these songs are in SuperNOVA but if you can get them from
    somewhere else that's great)

    Taking streams of arrows can be very tiring, especially at the faster speeds of
    10-footer. Be prepared.

    Max 300 -Difficult
    Healing Vision -Expert
    A -Expert
    .59 -Expert
    Holic -Expert
    The legend Of Max -Difficult
    Can't Stop Fallin' In Love (Speed Mix) -Expert

    Crossovers are getting popular in these 10-footers, so you should be able to do
    them pretty well.

    Can't Stop Fallin' In Love (Speed Mix) -Expert
    Afronova -Expert
    A -Challenge
    BREAK DOWN! -Expert
    Rhythm And Police (K.O.G G3 Mix) -Expert
    exotic ethnic -Expert
    sync (EXTREME version) -Challenge

    These song feature the same arrow OVER AND OVER, which can be quite useful to
    know for some 10-footers.

    Can't Stop Fallin' In Love (Speed Mix) -Expert
    Dead End -Expert
    PARANOiA -Expert
    Trip Machine CLIMAX

    Random Surprises or Arrows
    Arrows that don't allow crossovers without screwing you up is hard, but it must
    be dont in plenty of 10-footers. Also, you must be on your guard at all times,
    or even these songs can get you.

    Healing Vision (Angelic Mix) -Expert
    Leading Cyber -Expert
    Drop Out (From Nonstop Megamix) -Challenge
    End Of The Century -Expert
    Healing-D-Vision -Expert

    Lots of people have trouble with these, and they are seen in a few 10-footers,
    so you should practice these songs as well.

    Tsugaru -Expert
    Tsugaru (Apple Mix) -Challenge
    Matsuri Japan -Expert
    Matsuri Japan (From Nonstop Megamix) -Challenge
    [Kakumei] -Expert/Challenge
    Burning Heat (3 Option Mix) -Expert
    So Deep (Perfect Sphere Mix) -Expert
    Cow Girl -Expert
    Rhythm And Police (K.O.G G3 Mix) -Expert
    Healing-D-Vision -Expert
    Twilight Zone (R-C Extended Club Mix)

    These songs wil help you with step-jumps, as they are full of them.

    DXY! -Expert
    Drop Out -Expert
    Waka Laka -Expert
    [Daikenkai] -Expert/Challenge
    Cartoon Heroes (Speedy Mix) -Expert
    MaxX Unlimited -Difficult

    Little 16th beats with triplets or such are fairly rare, although they
    care crucial to 10-footers.

    Cartoon Heroes (Speedy Mix) -Expert
    Colors (for EXTREME) -Challenge
    Witch Doctor (Giatn Toons Version) -Expert
    Max 300 -Difficult
    The Least 100 Seconds -Expert
    So Deep (Perfect Sphere Mix) -Expert
    Drop Out (From Nonstop Megamix) -Challenge
    Drop Out -Expert
    Xenon -Expert
    Healing-D-Vision -Expert
    V (for EXTREME) -Challenge
    Across the nightmare -Challenge
    Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix)

    These songs have lots of arrows at high speeds. Not 300 speeds, but around 200,
    which can be pretty difficult and tiring, so these are useful to know as well.

    Healing Vision (Angelic Mix) -Expert
    Afronova -Expert
    exotic ethnic -Expert
    PARANOiA Rebirth -Expert
    Orion.78 (civilization mix) -Expert

    You obviously need stamina to do 10-footers, and playing these songs a lot will
    really help.

    Healing Vision (Angelic Mix) -Expert
    Afronova -Expert
    exotic ethnic -Expert
    Drop Out -Expert
    Cartoon Heroes (Speedy Mix) -Expert
    A -Challenge
    Can't Stop Fallin' In Love (Speed Mix) -Expert

    You don't really need this part, but having these songs on x1 could potentially
    help for doing bag.

    i feel... -Expert
    L'amour et la liberte(DDR Ver.) -Expert
    Memories -Expert
    xenon -Expert
    Gamelan de Couple

    In The Groove is a brother to DDR/DS, with the same style playing, but much
    harder and with at least 50 modifiers. They go up to 13 footers, but there are
    only 2 so far. The 9 footers in ITG are much harder than in DDR, with lots
    more 16th notes, and there are many more 10-footers and higher for you to
    hopelessly practice on. So get it.

    Of course, the best way to obtain these things can be to edit a song with
    specialized steps and playing it several times. Otherwise, you will find
    yourself attempting the 10-footers over and over again.

    4.The 10-Footers

    Just a basic synopsis of what you will see in these 10-footer songs.

    Speed. Oh, yes. Speed. Most of these songs are not an average speed song. From
    14BPM to 400BPM, these songs are to be revered in their quick arrows on the
    screen and in the required movements. They average at about 300BPM, the slowest
    at a constant 65BPM. Others jumping 300-150-14-150-320-89(Basically [Sakura]).
    It is important to get used to extreme speed and a crawling snail.

    Constant arrows. These songs will BOMBARD you with arrows and leave no room
    for mistake. Once you reach your tired point where you can't go anymore, the
    song will last maybe a few seconds before you fail. You must develop enough
    endurance to last all those arrows, whther there are 573 or 655 or even just
    382. Always be wary, since they can often surprise you.

    Lastly, you'll see parts you can improve on greatly, which will help you
    overall. A gift from Konami. (Yes I know that was rather cheesy)

    Here is the order from easiest to hardest in my opinion, of the 10-footers I
    have played or seen with x1 modifiers unless stated otherwise:

    1) [Sakura]
    2) bag -x3 or greater/know it fairly well
    3) Xepher
    4) PARANOiA Survivor
    5) CHAOS -Expert (after you know it really well)
    6) Max 300 (Super-Max-Me-Mix) -Expert
    7) Max 300
    8) MaxX Unlimited
    9) PARANOiA Respect
    10) Max 300 (Super-Max-Me-Mix) -Challenge
    11) PARANOiA Survivor MAX -Expert
    12) The Legend of Max
    13) Fascination MaxX -Expert
    14) PARANOiA Survivor MAX -Challenge
    15) Fascination MaxX -Challenge
    16) CHAOS -Expert (first time)
    17) CHAOS -Challenge (first time)
    18) bag (first time)

    The following sections will be outlined as follows:


    Author-Who it was by
    Difficulty-What difficulty it is on
    BPM-The range of the BPM in the song from slowest to highest speeds. Keep in
    mind that the count at the title screens aren't always right.
    Stops-The amount of stops in the song
    Steps-The amount of steps with jumps as 2/without jumps as 2
    Stepchart-An URL to a stepchart of the song.
    Video-A video of the song. If the link goes two lines, you must copy and paste
    1 LINE AT A TIME or else it will not work.

    Stream /10-The rating of streams in the song
    Complex /10-The rating of how complex the steps are (crossovers, jumps,
    pivots in the streams, etc.)
    Stamina /10-The rating of how much stamina is used
    Speed /10-The rating of the BPM
    Surprises /10-The rating of how surprising swarms or stops are

    Overall /10-The rating of the song overall

    Lyrics-If the song has them, it's here.

    Practice-Things to build on to do the song

    Strategy-How to beat it. Follow along in the stepchart as you go.


    You may have noticed a variety of songs that have "Max" in them. These are
    often 10-footers, and most sound closely related. Max songs are often remixed,
    with great examples like DM Ashura's neoMax or Dj Demon(also DM Ashura)'s MaxX

    5a.Max 300

    The first Max song, Max 300, appeared in DDR 6th Mix. At that time, if you
    could do PARANOiA on Maniac(Expert) you were DDR King. Then this came in, with
    a whopping 300 BPM, and a few freeze arrows, new to the DDR franchise. The full
    version of the song is 9BPM faster than 300, but it is still close. Anyway,
    Max 300 was the dawning of a new era in DDR, as the first 10-footer, and the
    first real challenge.

    The author, an omega sign, is actually Naoki, who has many other pseudonyms
    like Z or 190'.


    Stream 8/10
    Complex 7/10
    Stamina 7/10
    Speed 7/10
    Surprises 7/10

    Overall 7.2/10

    Galloping. Just for a tiny bit at the beginning. No big deal.
    Streaming. Really, the only way to beat this song is to play it over and
    over again. No other songs have any 16th/8th stream even close to Max 300's,
    except Max 300 on Difficult. Playing it on that helps too.
    High speeds. Play [Sakura] a lot. Or at least beat it. It's speed tops Max 300
    with 320, which is great practice for reading Max 300.
    Stamina. For newer people at this, Max 300 is VERY draining. Work on stamina,
    and play an easy song to relax before playing Max 300.

    Starting off Max 300, you should be relatively cooled down. Be very wary,
    though, since there are lots of swarms in Max 300, which is what it is known

    After a few measures into the song, you should get the beat of the song. It
    tells you how the first few steps will go. First you are faced with a few
    easy gallops, then the same thing with 4 and 6 reversed. Next you face 7
    simple 8th beats, then again on the other side with an add-on of 848. The a
    triplet, and the first swarm. You should make it through this easily if you've
    done Max 300 on Difficult a few times.

    Then there's the easy part. A straight stream of 4th beats, then the longest
    stream in Max 300. Try to pace yourself, as it is easy to go a little to fast
    as you start to doubt your abilities. Do not go faster as you switch from 68 to
    24, as that can easily throw off your timing and stress you out. The next 17
    arrows can be difficult, but you should be able to make it through first or
    second try. It's easier than the ending of Max 300, Difficult. Just face
    right for the first 20 arrows, then left for the next 3, right for 4, and left
    for the final 6, for a total of 33 arrows.

    Another simple stream of 4ths, then 17 8ths, but 9 of them are the right arrow.
    This is relatively easy, but remember to pace yourself, and don't underestimate
    your abilities. Two jumps, then its rather straight forward and easy. 4th
    steps, then 2 triplets, 4th steps, two triplets...

    Also fairly easy is the next triplet swarm. There are 14 simple triplets, where
    it is something like 464 where the first and last arrow are the same. This
    should be done without problems, but your stamina will probably start running
    low. Then 8 harder triplets where the three steps are all different. If your
    stamina is really low, you'll probably want to do a straight stream of more
    spaced out arrows which isn't as demanding as doing faster triplets. Meaning,
    "da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da" instead of "d-d-d, d-d-d, d-d-d, d-d-d."
    That's okay if you're really tired, but after you've beaten the song a few
    times, expect no less than "d-d-d, d-d-d, d-d-d, d-d-d."

    Following that, there is one simple triplet left, step, and two jumps. The next
    bit is a bit of a cool off, or so it seems, especially with a handbar.
    "d, d-d, d-d-d-d, d-d, d-d-d-d, d-d, d-d-d-d, jump-jump." Then the same thing
    with 4 and 6 switched. Next pattern contains a step, then 3 swarms of 7,
    which can be tormenting, depending on how well you can move your feet at this
    point. For most, it will take a few tries to do this part well. Following is
    a step, 2 simple swarms of 7, then some 12th notes. This can be done well by
    listening to the music and going with it. Finally, your resting jump, freeze,
    then slow down and stop. The time from the arrow to when it starts up again
    is exactly 18 beats, or it should be. Just count 18 4th beats, or 9 half-beats,
    which is easier. Meaning (with the half-beats):
    "jump, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, step".
    Knowing this will greatly improve timing and will help you from getting
    destroyed once the song starts up again at full 300BPM speed.

    So, once the song starts up again, you are faced with some of the most
    difficult steps in this song, which are made more difficult if you are caught
    off-guard due to the stop. You will probably die here because of exhaustion,
    and because it is so fast, and there are so many arrows. If you do try to
    attempt it, you are lucky that it doesn't require too much pivoting, and most
    of it has 4th taps, but then you have swarms of 5. The first four are
    surprisingly easy and not as draining, but the next 5 are more difficult,
    posing as another place for you to die. This requires a bit more pivoting,
    and will leave you VERY exhausted, making the next swarm of 11 much harder than
    it actually is, even though you have to tap 4 with your left foot and move the
    right foot to every other step. Practicing using you foot more than once in a
    row on other songs can help at this point.

    If you somehow make it through that swarm, you are granted a gift for making it
    this far. A simple pattern of steps, gallops, and a few jumps. Try to get as
    perfect as you can to retain as much health as you can through the gallops
    and jumps. Then a step-triplet-step-step-triplet pattern until a deadly 17
    8th notes come up. You will likely fail here or just after, since you are
    now probably at the edge of puking. Fear not, as most people give up here.
    You will not be shamed. Anyway, this swarm is like the ones at the beginning.
    Lots of pivoting. Just try to step every other arrow and you might make it.

    If you do make it through, you are face with 666. 4th, 12th and a 16th.
    It's similar to the pattern just before the stop, just in a triplet. A LOT of
    people die on these as well. Tapping your foot is just too hard when it has to
    be that fast. Still, you have to try to make it through 666, 444, then
    888222jump. There's not real strategy, but PARANOiA Eternal has some taps that
    almost reach the speed of the taps here. That can help a bit. BUT there is an
    alternate way to take these, but you look like a fool unless you use a handbar,
    and is mainly used for the 888222. Hit the first 8 with the right or left foot,
    then alternate for the next 8, making sure your first foot is off the pad, or
    it won't register. It may take some practice, but it does work.

    After that, you have a jump with a freeze. I HAVE DIED BECAUSE I COULDN'T HOLD
    and you've successfully completed Max 300! Go sit down and have a drink at this
    point. You deserve it.

    5b.MaxX Unlimited

    This Max song debuted in DDR 7th Mix, and was the second in the Max legacy. It
    topped Max 300's 300BPM by 20, reaching a 320BPM. It has a much more synthy
    sound to it, as the background suggests. However, it is still very similar to
    Max 300 in many ways. The steps however, are another thing.

    The author, Z, is another pseudonym for Naoki.


    Stream 7/10
    Complex 8/10
    Stamina 7/10
    Speed 7/10
    Surprises 8/10

    Overall 7.4/10

    Galloping. There are a fair amount of gallops at the beginning, middle and end
    (basically everywhere). They are not easy like Tsugaru, but closer together
    like So Deep (Perfect Sphere Mix).
    Jumping is a big asset in MaxX Unlimited. Contrary to Max 300, this song has a
    LOT more jumps. 27 to be exact. And they aren't easy to get either, since they
    come in packs.
    Streaming. You don't see much of it at first, but it's a killer at the end when
    you are dead tired. Learn to make it as easy as possible so you don't give up
    when the time comes.
    Reacting. For someone new to this song, reacting to speed changes is crucial if
    you don't know when it slows down and starts up again.

    Just like Max 300, make sure you are well rested before you do this song. Also
    make sure you have beaten Max 300 a fair few times, or this will destroy you.
    Playing a bit of So Deep (Perfect Sphere Mix) isn't a bad idea either. And Drop
    Out. The massive jumps in that song will help you so much in MaxX Unlimited.

    So, starting the song, you have a little longer than Max 300 to get the beat.
    Not that it matters, but you do have some more time to calm down and relax.
    Anyway, you start 300BPM with 6 gift 4th beats, then a triplet thas pivots you.
    Another 6 4th beats, and you get five 8th notes this time, but they are easy to
    do. No sweat. Some more gifts, a triplet, then more gifts, then a stream of
    9. Luckily, this is a simple stream, and should also be done with ease.

    now you start the gallops. Just follow the music and you'll do fine. It's a
    little reminiscent of So Deep (Perfect Sphere Mix), but there is a subtle
    difference that you'll spot and make through fine. At the end of the third set
    of gallops and steps, you will find your first barricade of jumps. 4 jumps that
    SHOULD be done fairly well, especially if you practiced on Drop Out. Then
    another similar pattern but with 4 and 6 switched, then another pattern, but
    the jumps here are more difficult. 28,24,28,26. you may have to do a crossover
    to hit 24 if you wish, which will be a lot easier than alternating. Then you
    hit a swarm of 4, step, swarm of 5, then another step and swarm of 5, then last
    step before a real swarm of 11. I had tripped up here once, so try to be
    careful when these swarms get to you.

    More gallops again (in a different order), and at 280BPM. Just listen to
    the music and you'll do fine. After those gallops, a swarm of 5, then lots
    of simple triplets, but enough to wear you down quite a bit. Sadly, only the
    first 7 are simple, then you hit a difficult 842 862 pattern that is very
    hard now that your worn out more. Just treat them like you did in Max 300, and
    put them as 'da-da-da-da-da-da" instead of "d-d-d, d-d-d". After those, you
    meet another long swarm. Put more effort into this, which will greatly help you
    stay up and working and alive.

    The song now slows down to a mere 150BPM. You get some more gift steps, and you
    may have to listen to the music again to get these right since they are freeze
    arrows and are therefore all the same colour. Of course, playing it once will
    let you know exactly how to step when the arrows come.

    Then the song speeds up again to 300BPM. You will now face "step-gallop-gallop-
    gallop-gallop-jump-step-gallop-gallop..." three times until you face another 8
    swarm, then a slow down to an even slower 140BPM. This part is very similar
    to the above part, but instead of freeze arrows, you are faced with gallops.
    these are also pretty easy to do, and are another gift, as long as you hit them
    right. Make sure you know how they go from a stepchart or playing with the
    handclap on a home version.

    Then, just like Max 300, a jump-freeze that slows down to a stop, then starting
    up again at full speed. This time, though, the full speed is 320BPM, which is
    actually QUITE a difference. To keep yourself prepared, do like Max 300 and
    count 9 beats as soon as you hit the jump arrow, and on 9, hit the left arrow
    and just follow the step patterns from there.

    So, now you have another gift from Konami. A couple of straight 4ths and the
    few gallops and triplets. by now though, these are pretty hard to hit as you
    are really tired from those swarms and gallops. Luckily, they don't bombard you
    as much as they did in Max 300, so if you mess up when the song starts up
    again, it's not all over.

    The you face a "64, 2, 64" which is really difficult since 64 are jumps, and
    you are really tired. My advice is to just miss the down button here, since
    if you try to hit it, it might delay your timing and make it worse. especially
    since right after, you have some triplets, and a VERY painful swarm that ends
    in a jump. Put FORCE into the next few jumps when they come down at the end of
    a swarm, since it helps you actually hit them, since you will probably jump
    rather meekly from the tiredness, and the pads won't register. Follow the music
    that once again sounds like Max 300 to hit the jumps and gallops.

    After the five 4th note jumps in a row, you have a few swarms of 4, and a few
    simple steps. The gallops and jump-triplet-jump-jump. Followed by a swarm of
    4 that should be taken facing right, but you will be facing left since it
    comes right after the jumps which happen right after the triplet that pivots
    you to the left. just ignore the right arrow if you wish and move on.

    After another few steps and gallops, you get another gallop-jump-triplet-jump-
    jump. At least this time, the triplet leaves you facing the way you should.
    Now, most people will fail here a lot of times, but if you can, muster all your
    energy into your arms if you use a handbar, and put yourself relatively
    straight. Not perectly straight, but standing more than leaning. Use all your
    abilities to hit the painful 842 862 8428628 and so forth, as you will actually
    find they are relatively easy, but you are still extremely worn out. Do all
    you can to pivot yourself left and right, and you'll make it. Keep
    pushing yourself on, and then you reach a few gallops, jump-step-gallop,
    triplet with a jump, gallop, then swarm of 11 with the final jump at the end.
    You do not have to hit all the arrows in that swarm to survive if you have a
    fair amount of health, but try to hit some, and hit the final jump-freeze with
    all you've got, and really try to hold it. After that, You've competed MaxX
    Unlimited! Give yourself some rest and drinks and a seat, maybe a toilet to
    barf in, and do whatever after.

    5c.Max 300 (Super-Max-Me Mix) -Expert

    If anything, this is a remix of MaxX Unlimited, but hey. It's still kind of
    close to Max 300. It has the synthy sounds of MaxX Unlimited, but the...well
    it should be a remix of MaxX Unlimited. This song debuted on DDR Ultramix 2 in
    America for the X-Box, and the author, Jondi & Spesh, actually isn't Naoki.

    Author-Jondi & Spesh

    Stream 6/10
    Complex 8/10
    Stamina 6/10
    Speed 7/10
    Surprises 8/10

    Overall 7/10

    Gallops. Once again, they are pretty popular, as would be expected in a should-
    be MaxX Unlimited remix.
    Along with gallops, there are lots of jumps, also to be expected. 69 jumps,
    which beats MaxX Unlimited's 45. Luckily, they are more spaced out, but that
    leaves room for steps, making lots of step-jumps in this song.
    Crossovers are easy, but when they have freezes included that can easily
    distort you, they can be pretty difficult. These mix with the gallops as well.
    Streaming isn't seen as much, but the swarms at the end demand them. You do not
    pivot as much as in MaxX Unlimited, but some require a crossover, and the
    ending is MUCH worse than MaxX Unlimited and Max 300.
    Also, speed changes are not as worryable in this song, as it simply goes from
    300-320-140-300-320. No stops or freeze-stop (Yay).

    Like the other Maxes, this song starts off at 300BPM. And unlike the other
    maxes, the beginning is VERY easy. Being rested up isnt as important in this
    song. All the energy goes away at the end anyways.

    So starting off, you come to 30 quarter beats, followed by a jump. Almost 1/20
    of the arrows gone already! Anyway, VERY simple freezes and steps follow, with
    a tune very similar to MaxX Unlimited. after a bit of that, the steps become
    jumps, but are still VERY easy. Then you come to the harder triplets and steps
    and more triplets and steps and so on, now at 320BPM.

    Now it becomes a little more difficult and brings in step-jumps. Ignore the
    freezes, since you will have to hold them down anyway. They are just thrown in
    maybe to scare people or look cool. Anyway, you get step-step-jump-step-step-
    step-jump..., all at 4th beats. Finish off with a jump-step-jump, then it gets
    a little more into the 10-footer difficult. Once again, the freezes mean
    nothing, but you do have jump-step-triplet-triplet-step-step then over and
    over. If you are following the step chart, you may notice one of the triplets
    has 84-8-4. That is incorrect, and should just be 4-8-4. Anyway, these parts
    are only slightly more difficult, but your stamina may stat to diminish with
    all these jumps.

    A little into that, and it gets slightly more difficult with jump-triplet-
    triplet-triplet-step and that happens twice with simple triplets. Then comes
    MaxX Unlimited's ending-ish with hard triplet x5, but a measly swarm of 7. Then
    atriplet ending in a jump, which starts the 140BPM. This part is very easy,
    and you don't even have to listen to the music to get it right. However, the
    steps are a tiny bit off the actually sound. No biggie at all, but it 16th note
    should be the next 4th note, and the 8th note be the next 16th note in the
    4th-16th-8th triplet.

    Then, it starts up at 300BPM again, this time showing Max 300 steps. They are
    similar to max 300's beginning in reghards to timing, but the patterns are
    a little harder, and they threw in some uneeded freeze again. Now you reach the
    triplet-step-step-triplet-step-step-triplet-step-step-swarm of 5 with another
    useless freeze-step. That goes twice, then more MaxX Unlimited where the song
    slowed to 280BPM. This song, however, stays at 300BPM, and of course has
    different patterns, but same timing. ANother thing, is this is where the
    crossovers start coming in in those patterns. Nothing tough, but when it ends
    in a crossover, STAY in that position and start from there. Some more easy
    jumps, and then it really rears it's ugly head.

    By now, you are at least a little tired, and won't be happy to see the amount
    of simple triplets they have, and the even worse step-jump-step-jump patterns.
    After a bit of that, you get swarmS with a CAPITAL 'S' until the last 2 jumps.
    The first 4 are simple swarms of 7. Then 2 tougher swarms of 7, then 2 with
    crossovers. Then a nice straight 47-arrow swarm. It starts off easy. Just a few
    connected swarms of 7. Then a short vision of Drop Out, and 15 arrows of pain
    and no taps. This should put you pretty tired, but it's over as soon as you hit
    those last two jumps and hold the last freeze. Congratulations! You just beat
    Max 300 (Super-Max-Me-Mix) which had more arrows than the others, but was so
    much easier, yet was still just as short a song!

    5d.Max 300 (Super-Max-Me-Mix) -Challenge

    These steps came out first on DDR Str!ke, and were much harder than the Expert
    counterparts. DDR Ultramix 2 did not feature Challenge at all, so these steps
    were not in DDR Ultramix 2.

    Author-Jondi & Spesh

    Stream 10/10
    Complex 8/10
    Stamina 9/10
    Speed 7/10
    Surprises 7/10

    Overall 8.2/10

    Jumps, Gallops, Full turns, long streams. REALLY long streams.

    Starting the song, it's pretty basic. Step, triplet, steps, and a jump. Nothing
    particularly difficult. A bit of that, and then you get the freezes and steps
    that follow the song that are similar to the Expert steps. Then the jumps that
    are also similar to the Expert steps. Then back to the freezes and steps.

    Now the hard part comes. Difficult but crossover-less swarms of 9 followed by
    some steps, then over again and again. Well, 4 times. Then you get easier
    gallops that COULD use a corkscrew, but it's your own choice. Some more gallops
    later, we face relenteless jumps. Drop Out will definitely prepare you for
    these 16 jumps.

    As soon as those are over, you get a few simple triplets, then more jumps. Put
    extra force into the jumps, as they may not register if you don't hit hard
    enough. You get a lot of them, with steps and triplets fitted between the jump

    Now the slowdown. This part is very simple. No jumps or 16th beats. Just a nice
    simple 8th stream.

    When it starts up again, you get some easy gallops, and more unneeded freezes,
    just like the Expert steps. Although, they do cause crossovers, but they can be
    ignored and won't cause damage.

    Harder again, you get steps, triplets, and nice swarms of 9 again, but this
    time around, you get taps. Not exactly easy, and maybe best to not try to hit
    them, or you might take a little longer than needed and mess up a lot. The
    other swarms of 9 have crossovers, but aren't too difficult.

    The freeze arrows return, and now they are harder than ever, asking for many
    crossovers and awkward full turns. These too, can be ignored, though, but it
    may be best to try and go with it, in case you lose too much health.

    Now you get some gallops thrown in with the freezes, but the turning is over,
    and it is a lot easier here. BUT, the freezes mean to make you hit the gallops
    with 1 foot, but that can be avoided easily by ignoring the freezes at these

    Now a couple of easy jumps, then a very tough part. So many triplets that are
    simple and tough, and they leave you in awkward positions sometimes, maybe full
    turns if you don't shift yourself back. Just never do a crossover, and you
    should be fine here, although it is faster and harder here.

    Triplets and steps later, you get a nice long swarm that is fairy easy, but
    then a REALLY long swarm of about 50 with 1 crossover at the end, then another
    swarm of 7 to put yourself back to normal. These swarms are not too hard, but
    your tiredness doesn't help, and there are a lot of arrows. After, you get
    another swarm identical to the swarm of about 50, but this time, it finishes a
    little earlier, and stops just before the final jump. The long swarms are
    really tiring, and even if you do really well the first swarm, the second
    swarm will get you to pretty low health (like me the first time).

    Land that jump, and boom! You've just finished Max 300 (Super-Max-Me-Mix) on

    5e.The Legend of Max

    The Legend of Max came out on DDR Extreme, and topped the previous Max (MaxX
    Unlimited) by 346BPM (no that's not a typo). It sounded MUCH different from the
    other Maxes, and was fairly simple until one point of the song that was VERY

    There was a rumor of a song known as "Max to the XXXimum." It was to be Extra
    Stage, and not The Legend of Max, which was not yet made, and wasn't going to
    be. Max to the XXXimum reached speeds of 400BPM for most of the song, and was
    Konami's first 11-footer. Apparently, it was too difficult, so they lowered the
    speed down to 333BPM and made The Legend of Max. Of course, only Konami know's
    the truth.

    I have actually heard a supposed Max to the XXXimum. It is possible it is the
    original, but it was not from a Konami site, but BemaniStyle, which isn't
    exactly an entirely reiable when it comes to searching songs and there library
    of Simfiles/Songs. Anyway, it does sound like the Legend of Max at 400BPM, but
    has sped up parts of Max 300 and MaxX Unlimited. That was okay, but when it
    sounded like MaxX ResurrexXion, which wasn't even Konami's, the doubts came.
    Still, Max to the XXXimum is just a rumor, and nowadays isn't taken very

    Anyway, the author of The Legend of Max, ZZ, is yet again, another pseudonym
    for Naoki. The supposed author of Max to the XXXimum was Beta, also to be


    Stream 7/10
    Complex 9/10
    Stamina 9/10
    Speed 8/10
    Surprises 8/10

    Overall 8.2/10

    Just a note, you have to listen VERY VERY closely to hear some of these. Even
    then, it's like a whisper. That's why I'll notify when the lyrics come up in
    the strategy.

    (Can you see?)
    THE FLY!
    (Do you see your goal?)
    (Do the right thing)
    (Trust yourself, and you'll know the way)
    (Listen to yourself)
    (You can do this, you can!)

    Jumps and step jumps are a plenty in this song, and triplets are seen too, some
    just before jumps.
    Galloping is useful at the ending, and there are lots of jumps there as well.
    Streaming is VERY good near the end, as it gets really insane with difficult
    swarms and triplets.
    Tapping is used throughout, and its crucial in the near ending.

    There are 73 jumps in this song, far surpasssing all the others. They are also
    placed more difficulty as well, but not too difficult. Plus, the speed again
    outmatches the predecessors, at an amazing average of 333BPM. It also goes to
    666BPM and 83.25BPM. These parts are easy though, so don't fret.

    First thing, you can hear "Can you see?" A little.

    The song starts off at 333BPM, and like Max 300 (Super-Max-Me-Mix), has very
    easy 4th notes. 22 VERY easy patterns, followed by a jump-freeze which is very
    short. Then six 4th notes and a simple swarm of 5. Here you can hear more
    obviously, "The FLY!". Anyway, This launches staright into a pattern
    of step-step-step-step-step-step-triplet-step-step-step-step-jump,jump,jump and
    then over again. Somewhere in there, you can hear "DO you see your goal, but in
    a different voice from the rest, and it's like a...uh...robot? And a little
    later, you easily hear "EnerGY!"

    Continuing on...on the fourth run, after the first triplet, you face another
    simple triplet, step, triplet, step, and jump. Now a new pattern forms, but it
    is still relatively easy. Step-step-triplet-step-step-triplet-step-step-triplet
    -gallop-gallop-jump and over again. The gallop-gallop-jump part can be tricky,
    but just use some extra force on spacing out the jump from the gallop and
    you're good. Regardless of what you do, this part will wear you down a bit.

    After a few of those, you will reach a potentially killing part. If you do this
    for Extra Stage, it's a lot worse. After the final jump, you get triplet-jump-
    jump-triplet-jump-jump-triplet-triplet-triplet-swarm of 5. The jumps can be
    particularly hard, since they are not the same, and cause you to turn the other
    way and pivot.

    The next part is relatively simple, and can allow you to regain some stamina
    you just lost at those last swarms. Just follow the song and the steps, and
    it's really easy. The only thing is, there are a lot of jumps, and some require
    you to alternate your feet quickly or do a crossover. At that speed, your
    first reaction will be to simply alternate feet. Then the part of the song
    runs through again, but this time with hard triplets thrown in, and the jumps
    still remain. If anything, there are even more. Just try to hold your own,
    since it's not difficult unless you make it that way. Oh yeah. You hear
    "Realty!" twice in here. Fairly hard to hear, but not as much as some of the

    After that though, it IS difficult. you will face a jump-triplet-step patterns
    a few times, and they are not easy. You can you the strategy with the constant
    triplets here, and space them out so instead of "jump,d-d-d,da" it's a "jump-da
    -da-da-da". AFter, you get a jump-step-jump, then step-step-triplet-step-jump-
    triplet-jump-swarm of 7-triplet-triplet-jump-freeze. This can be easy until the
    swarm of 7. I don't know why, but it seems particularly hard. Just practice
    doing it when no one is looking and you should get used to it, though. Here,
    you can here VERY easily, "The FEAR!"

    Anyway, if you notice during the freeze, it's a lot faster than just 333BPM.
    Actually, it's twice as fast. This is the only point where it reaches 666BPM,
    and you don't have to do anything. Aren't you lucky? Anyway, it then slows to
    333BPM, 166.5BPM, then 83.25BPM as it gets to the stop that is in the first
    two Maxes. This time, you don't ahve to count the beats until the song starts
    up because the song continues at 83.25BPM. Plus, it's kinda obvious listening
    to the music. It isn't hard at all to pick up when it will begin. If you aren't
    convinced, then just count out 9 beats again from the jump to the first arrow.
    Around the end of this segment, you can just make out "Revolt." in that
    roboticy voice.

    So, going from that first arrow, it's really easy. Just follow the music, and
    you'll have no problem. After, it speeds up to 333BPM again. you get 6 quarter
    notes, then a triplet. This goes twice, then you get a step-harder triplet-
    step-step-harder triplet-step-step-triplet-triplet-triplet-step. You will
    probably be pretty tired at this point, but hold on, because the worst part
    comes now.

    Triplets. Lots of triplets. Worst part is that you need to tap for them. For
    some at least. I had read that instead of going "d-d-d,d-d-d" for "424 424"
    and some other triplets, just simply go "d-d-d-d-d-d-d", adding another step
    between the triplets. I do not think this works well unless you have absolutely
    perfect timing, because it may count something like the second 2 in "424 424"
    and make it "almost" or "boo". Just get used to sounding like a horse. I find
    it really easy myself, and have been since the start. After a few of those,
    you get some harder triplets, but still some easy ones.

    Now Hell REALLY breaks loose. Swarms of 7, that cause you to pivot every time.
    Here, you really notice how much 13BPM makes a difference. Just practice on a
    home pad that you can slide on.

    Get through a few of those, and one swarm of 5, then you get the massive swarm
    of 17, which REALLY causes you to pivot. Once again, just practice sliding on a
    home pad, then practice at the arcade.

    Throughout all of this from the triplet freak out to here, the rest of the
    lyrics are shoved in just at a whisper, and it is almost impossible to really
    figure out what it is saying, unless you have it as an mp3 or something and you
    blast the volume. At the arcades, you probably won't hear it. Notice that
    "You can do this, you can!" is at the hardest part of this song. Most of the
    time, those lyrics will prove to be false for the first while of trying to
    beat the song.

    If you get through that, then your practically in the clear. Just make it
    through some easy yet tiring gallops and jumps, then land the final jump, and
    you've completed the legend of Max!

    5f.Fascination MaxX -Expert

    Welcome to the new Max of SuperNOVA. This is probably the hardest Max, and
    the most complicated. For now at least. The Challenge steps are still a
    mystery so...
    The author:100-200-400, is a pseudonym for someone. Presumably Dj Sota. Could
    be Naoki, but both authors use pseudonyms to describe the BPM of the song
    (190, 180, .3k[300]). There is no direct link to either of them. Thanks to
    Deoxysapple for that bit.

    BPM-100-200-400 (lol)
    Note that the video is old and may be incorrect.

    Stream 8/10
    Complex 8/10
    Stamina 10/10
    Speed 10/10
    Surprises 10/10

    Overall 9.2/10

    High speeds. 400 is plenty to be wary of.
    Reaction. this song changes speeds VERY abruptly, going from
    Gallops. Got a LOT of those in the middle.
    Jumping is also crucial at the end when they tackle you when you are so tired.
    Crossovers are also used. Not exactly a good thing either.

    Starting off, you have 100BPM. Very slow, but as soon as the first arrow comes
    up, it goes straight into 400BPM, kinda like Healing Vision (Angelic Mix).
    Luckily, you only have 4th notes, but you got a nice stream of 65 with
    crossovers, then a jump. DO NOT TREAT IT AS 1 BEAT FROM THE STREAM AS THE SONG

    After that, it assaults you again at 400BPM with step-triplet-step-triplet-step
    -triplet-step-triplet then a nice swarm of 9. However, this is relatively
    basic, but will tire you down A LOT. Next, it slows down to 200 again for a
    tiny bit, then up again at the first step to 400BP, re-assaulting you with
    step-triplet-step-triplet-step then a slightly more complitcated swarm of 9.
    This one causes you to move across the pad. Again, with the 200BPM then assault
    at 400BPM with the same step-triplet-step-triplet-step-triplet-step-triplet
    then a nice swarm of 9, and even more difficult still. And again with the slow
    down and a step-triplet-swarm of 11, but not harder than before. At that 11th
    step, it slows down to a mere 100BPM.

    Sure, the song is nice and slowed, but still doesn't stop it from being crazy.
    No, it's not like bag, but it's stupid, and gets you off-guard. Plus, it's
    stupid AND you're tired. It's actually pretty easy but anyways...all you need
    to do is read the arrows and listen to the music, and you've got it.

    Now, we're back up to 200BPM, which is more bearable. Lot's of gallops, which
    are easy. The crossovers are very easy to deploy, and they are easy gallops
    for most of it, then it's a little harder, but not by too much.
    If you made it through the beginning of the song, this should be a breeze.

    At the last up arrow, you get a stop. It is not unexpected when it starts up
    again unlike the other Maxes, but it can be hard to figure out the first time
    going through. As usual, though, there are 9 beats from the up arrow to the
    next arrow in the stop. When it does start up again, it is really hard,
    assaulting you with would-be 12th notes, if it were not for the fact that they
    were the tiniest bit off, perhaps all 48th notes or 64th, which can be noticed
    when playing on SOLO, where ALL the arrows after the stop are purple. Either
    way, the arrows are placed 12th notes apart. After 23 of those, there is
    another stop, and it is also predictable when it starts again. Just like
    before, it assaults you with 21 would-be 12th notes, but this time with a few
    crossovers. Then, it goes up again to 400BPM.

    Unlike before, this time around at 400BPM is REALLY insane. They assault you
    (notice I say that a lot [it's funny because it's true{LOL Crispy}]) when you
    are so tired with step-swarm of 5-step-swarm of 5 several times. At least they
    are simple swarms. Still, you get the step-simple swarm of 5 thing 8 times
    before the swarms get more complicated and start using crossovers (nothing
    like 42624) that should be easily deployed if it wasn't at 400BPM and you
    weren't next to dead. The best to do here is give up, since you don't want to
    push yourself to hard for nothing, since there is harder ahead, and you
    probably won't have near the stamina or speed for this unless you play In The

    Still at 400BPM and purple arrows on SOLO, the song now assaults you with
    step-step-jump a LOT, minus the first one which is just step-jump-step-jump =)
    Anyway, you will probably need to make some edits to make it through this if
    you can, since this is very grueling and very difficult, and lasts really long.
    Plus, the patterns aren't easy at all (8-4-62-8-2-46-8-6-42 etc.), so this will
    require a ton of building up.

    After a lot of that, you will get a nice DIFFICULT stream, then a slow-down to
    100BPM, with rather easy steps, a few taps, but nothing really hard. Then it
    goes up to 200BPM, with slightly easier steps, and no taps.

    Then, 400BPM again, and for the last time. Easy swarm of 5 with an uneeded
    freeze at the end, then triplet with an uneeded freeze at the end, and another,
    and a DIFFICULT swarm of 13. Like The legend of Max, just practice sliding on
    the home pad until you can do it at the arcade. This will take a lot longer to
    get right though. Finally, after the useless freeze, you get another, FINAL
    warm of 7, which is also really difficult.

    Make it through this somehow, and BOOM! You've completed the new hardest song
    in DDR!

    5g.Fascination MaxX -Challenge

    Only in an Challenge course so far, Boss Rush IV, Fascination MaxX on Challenge
    is the fourth song out of 5. The Challenge course features:

    1)Healing Vision (Angelic mix)-Expert
    2)PARANOiA Survivor MAX -Challenge
    3)CHAOS -Expert
    4)Fascination MaxX -Challenge
    5)Healing-D-Vision -Challenge

    As a Challenge course, you have 4 lives, which will be lost one at a time when
    you get a Good or lower. When your lives are gone, you fail. Normally, you get
    some lives back, depending on the difficulty of the song. In this Challenge
    course however, you DO NOT regain any lives, but the legnendary Jboy has passed
    it, but not in the video below. Luckily, we still see the whole song.

    Anyway, I think this Challenge version is pretty...lazily done. The only big
    difference is the beginning, which is SO much harder, then the rest follows the
    same beat as the Expert steps, with some jumps thrown in during the last
    streams. This is almost as bad as the whole "Copy-and-paste the steps from
    PARANOiA Survivor to PARANOiA Survivor MAX and put Mirror on them and add
    20BPM and put a new ending in!". Possibly even worse, since this was so
    anticipated. Great job Konami. Great job.

    BPM-100-200-400 (lol)

    Coming Soon

    Coming Soon


    Also a famous song, PARANOiA is the most remixed song in DDR. A mere 3 of them
    are 10-footers, but the PARANOiA's are the some of the hardest songs.

    PARANOiAs in DDR include:
    PARANOiA MAX -Dirty Mix-/190
    PARANOiA MAX -Dirty Club Mix-/190
    PARANOiA MAX -Dirty Club Another Mix-/190
    PARANOiA KCET -Clean Mix-/2MB
    PARANOiA Evolution/200
    PARANOiA Eternal/STM 200
    PARANOiA Rebirth/190`
    PARANOiA Survivor/270
    PARANOiA Survivor MAX/290
    PARANOiA Respect/.3k

    Others include:
    PARANOiA Max -Clean Mix-/?
    PARANOiA KECT -Dirty Mix/?
    PARANOiA DEAD/Naoki vs. 190
    PARANOiA MAX (Funky Bleep Mix)/190
    PARANOiA Revenge/Deep Shadow

    There are SO many more, but that's enough.

    Continuing, PARANOiA's have a sound rather like the Maxes, but with some
    differences. Then agaim, they all have the same author (Naoki) except ones
    under 2MB, .3k, Deep Shadow, and STM 200. Quite a few came before Max 300.

    6a.PARANOiA Survivor

    This is one of the easiest 10-footers in DDR, but it doesn't mean its really
    easy. PARANOiA Survivor came with The legend of Max in DDR EXTREME, but was
    no where NEAR as hard. Sure, 270BPM is still pretty high, but later, you can
    really sense the ifference.

    The author, 270, is again Naoki.


    Stream 8/10
    Complex 8/10
    Stamina 6/10
    Speed 6/10
    Surprises 6/10

    Overall 6.8/10


    Jumping is seen here and there at the end, but isn't big.
    Galloping also is rather sparse, but it's there.
    Streaming is pretty easy, but there is a ton of it, which is why it's an 8/10.
    The only way toreally parctice that is to play this a song lot though.
    Crossovers are pretty crucial at the end, but that's it. They aren't
    complicated at all either.

    Well, the song is rather noticeably slower than the Maxes at first, so a x1.5
    modifier may be of help. But first, try to play the song through on x1 just
    to make sure you can or can't do it at that speed.

    It starts off easily enough. Triplet-step-step-swarm of 5-step swarm of 5-blah
    blah blah gallops triplets swarm of 4 etc. Nothing really hard at all if you've
    done some other 10-footers, although this should be accomplished after [Sakura]
    since it isn't that hard. Follow through as the music goes, and you'll do
    perfectly fine. Then you hit the first slow down to 135BPM that is completely
    random, since there is no warning at all, except the 16th notes, which would
    have been a pain at 270BPM. If you played PARANOiA Survivor on other
    difficulties, this part should not be a shock. Just follow the music, and
    you've got it.

    Then it starts up again to 270BPM, and is noticeably harder. Swarms of 5,
    triplets, quadruplets and gallops are all mixed here, and if you don't know
    how the music goes, all there is is to follow the steps as best you can. The
    only way to really get prepared for these steps is to play times a few times.

    A few measures down, you get a little tired, so the steps get a little easier,
    but by no means is it just plain easy. There are still triplets and gallops,
    but following the music can make it bearable. Then you get another unexpected
    slow down to 135BPM. Just like before, look for the 16th beats, or play the
    song a few times to get it memorized. Then you get your first jump and more
    swarms at 270BPM again. Slightly different than before, there are no gallops,
    but lots of difficult swarms of 5-7 and triplets, and another unexpected
    slow down to 135BPM. This time, there are no 16th beats, just 4 quarter jumps
    to warn you. Again, play the song mulitple times if needed to get this part
    in your head.

    Now the final speed up to 270BPM, you get some fairly easy swarms, but some
    arrows start on an 8th beat, so listen to the music and watch the steps
    carefully to make it through the triplets and swarms of 5. A lot more swarms
    later, you get some swarms of 4, gallops, then harder swarms of 5. Push
    yourslef hard to pivot yourself the way you need to, and you'll make it to the
    halfway freeze, which is a gallop, not a jump. Unlike the Maxes, it doesn't
    slow down to a stop, just plows right through at 270BPM. Also, if you want to
    count out the beats, it's 9 QUICK beats, so 4th beats at 270BPM instead of at

    After the freeze, you get some fairly easy steps and triplets, but you are
    fairly tired at this point, so it's a little harder. Than you get some jumps
    with a step in them, which can take some practice. Drop Out can help you here.
    Some gallops and jumps later, you get a freeze, then again with triplets,
    steps and gallops and jumps. now you are probably more tired, but there should
    be enough to keep you going. Some gallops later, you get some more jumps and
    steps, and now face the most difficult part of the song.

    Swarms of 12-18 bombard you, each with crossovers. now you are really tired,
    and accomplishing this is that much harder. However, try to push yourself and
    more force into these steps and make sure you hit them, and you'll do fine.
    Make sure to use crossovers, pivot, and step hard to get through this
    difficult part of the song. At the final swarm of 18, push yourself as hard as
    necessary to make it through this difficult swarm, since pivoting is used
    a lot, but there are no crossovers. Sadly, the streaming makes up for the
    crossovers plenty. Make it through this, and use your remaining force to hit
    the gallops and swarm of 4, and the final jump-freeze.

    There you go! Another 10-footer you've done.

    6b.PARANOiA Survivor MAX -Expert

    PARANOiA Survivor MAX sounds almost exactly like PARANOiA Survivor, but 20BPM
    faster, and with an extended ending. On Expert, the steps are exactly the same,
    but mirrored, so left is right and up is down. Except the new ending. That's
    brand-new steps. Strangely enough, this song is MUCH more difficult, even on
    Mirror, and even after beating most other 10-footers.

    The author, 290, is aother pseudonym of Naoki, again.


    Stream 8/10
    Complex 9/10
    Stamina 8/10
    Speed 7/10
    Surprises 7/10

    Overall 7.8/10


    Feels good-good-good-good...!

    PARANOiA Survivor on Mirror.
    PARANOiA Survivor MAX (Expert) on Mirror.

    First off, it may be wise to do this song on Mirror a few times, since the
    steps are easier that way if you use a handbar, and you get used to the speed
    when you have farmilliar arrows. Either that, or do PARANOiA Survivor on
    Mirror. To be honest, doing both is wisest (duh).

    When you actually do the song normally, you may find it it surprisingly harder
    than it's slower counterpart. Still, you can make it through following the
    PARANOiA Survivor strategy and making changes where needed since the arrows are
    Mirrored, and slightly faster, but it shouldn't be a big problem. Also note
    that the song is a ltitle harder if you use the handbar in terms that there
    are a lot more Up arrows, which are slightly harder to reach, which can be
    a problem.

    When you get to the the big gallop-freeze, notice it slows down to 72.5BPM. It
    isn't a surprise to when it starts up again, and is no different from the
    freeze length on PARANOiA Survivor.

    Another change, the final gallops of PARANOiA Survivor are still Mirrored and
    all that, but this time, they are at 145BPM. Like before though, it isn't a
    big deal.

    So, continuing from there, you notice the final swarm of 4 before the would be
    jump-freeze continues with one more arrow, where it speeds up again to 290BPM,
    and still continuing where PARANOiA Survivor did not. It get you instantly
    again with swarms of 5, steps, then a gallop followed by awkward triplets,
    and it will help to go through this part of the song more than once to get the
    feel of the beat it goes to. Also, you need to use crossovers, and this part
    seems a little harder than the others. Anyway, get through that, then the
    same thing backwards, and then a fwe easy swarms of 4 and 2 and triplets with
    some easy crossovers then the jump-freeze and there.

    Yay! You've beaten PARANOiA Survivor MAX!
    Boo! You only did it on Expert!
    Just joking! It's still a great feat!
    (Is that how you spell it?)
    (...rhetorical question)
    (meaing don't email me about it)

    6c.PARANOiA Survivor MAX -Challenge

    Previously the hardest song in DDR, it reigned over the others with constant
    streams, jumps, and crossovers. Oh, the crossovers.


    Stream 11/10 <-- YES it deserves 11 so shut up about it!
    Complex 11/10 <-- YES it still deserves 11 so shut up about it!
    Stamina 10/10
    Speed 7/10
    Surprises 8/10

    Overall 9.4/10

    Feels good-good-good-good...!

    Every 10-footer you can do. That SHOULD be Max 300, Max 300 (Super-Max-Me-Mix),
    MaxX Unlimited, The legend of Max, PARANOiA Survivor and Survivor MAX on
    Expert, [Sakura], and bag (modifiers acceptable), and possibly others.

    Start this song VERY well rested, because you will get tired. Fast.

    The first arrow comes, and you're nt sure if you hit it with the left foot,
    or the right foot. Either one is acceptable, but do the left foot to avoid a
    lot of death. The first streams are very straight forward, followed by some
    easy gallops, triplets, and more streams, with a crossover that's pretty tough.
    Get used to it though, because there's lots more. Then you get some jump steps
    and jump jumps. Get used to those too. There are plenty as well.

    Aproaching the slow down is fine, but there is an extra arrow in the 145BPM
    section, that doesn't actually go with anything. Just tap after the triplet
    and it shouldn't be a problem at all. You just have to know it's there.

    Once the song comes back at 290BPM, it's still pretty easy if you can do most
    other 10-footers. Follow the patterns that are similar to Expert, but just with
    all those blanks filled in, and a few jumps thrown in here and there. This
    should all be fairly simple, but pretty tiring by the time you get the second
    slow down to 145BPM. At least this time, they didn't add any uneeded steps.

    Starting up again, it's actually easier than the Expert steps, and the steps
    overall here are very simple. At the third slow down to 145BPM, instead of
    being greeted with 4 jumps, the first one is now a gallop. no biggie. Just a

    Now it gets harder, since you are very tired. Once the song goes back to 290BPM
    you must hit the first step with the right foot, instead of the left foot,
    which some people might do. Swarms of 5 and triplets later, you are faced with
    a crossover that does not put you back into the right position at the end of
    it. This is a swarm of 5 that starts the first arrow, down, with the right foot
    for most people. To avoid the crossover, just shift and use the left foot
    instead of the right. It's a big lifesaver, although you COULD use the right
    foot twice, which normally doesn't do much damage to your life. Triplets later,
    you are faced with something similar to The legend of Max, where the triplets
    go 6-6 6-6 6-6 with step in the -. If you managed to get through this part in
    The legend of Max, then this part should be no problem, unless you are really
    dying of thirst or something. You actually might be by now if you are not
    prepared enough.

    Next, it's sort of the same thing, but with swarms of 5, and crossovers. This
    isn't particularly difficult either, just remember to do the crossovers, and
    don't do unnecessary shifting with your feet. In other words, if a swarm ends
    with a crossover, stay in that crossover, and continue from there. The last
    swarm is a swarm of 7, which takes you into the gallop-freeze that slows down
    to the 72.5BPM. Use this opportunity to rest. Maybe count the beats like
    PARANOiA Survivor. 9 QUICK beats.

    Now the song starts up at 290BPM again, and you are very tired,and this is
    pretty hard because of that. There are plenty of crossoevrs that can be avoided
    like the other one. For instance, the 626 848 could use a crossover, but make
    it easy and use your tight foot to start the 848. For the gallops, it doesn't
    matter much. Do what you normally do for this kind of thing like in Twilight
    Zone (R-C Extended Club MIX). Careful in them though. They hide triplets and
    small swarms. Best t study the stepchart at this point carefully. When the
    jumps come, use some extra force for them, since you can't afford to lose too
    much health at this point, since the worst has yet to come.

    Once the final jumps come in before the big swarms, don't use a crossover for
    them. Shift your body in mid-air if you have to. You are meant to start the
    first swarm facing left.

    Now comes the part you are VERY likely to die. You will now see why this was
    the hardest song of DDR EXTREME. 3 swarms of 31 and a final swarm of 18 comes
    flying at you with no mercy, and likely no survivors. if you attempt it, start
    with the left foot on the first arrow, and go crossover to hit the left arrow,
    and continue from there. IF you have DDR EXTREME 2 at home, practice this end
    part over and over until you can do it fairly well. REmember to hit as close
    to the middle as you can, use your toes, and maybe somehow fit a drink of water
    just before this.

    Going through the patterns, there are many crossovers in these long streams,
    and no real break. Just remember to always start the next swarm with a
    crossover. They are meant to be so.

    Reaching the swarm of 18, it ends with the last 2 arrows at 145BPM, and the
    next few gallops that way as well. This is where the end is in PARANOiA
    Survivor, but remember, it continues. This part's easier than the EXPERT steps
    all the way through, but in no way are they simply easy. But if you made it
    this far, do whatever you can to make it to the end. it isn't that hard, and
    isn't riddled with crossovers. just some rather painful streams.

    Land that final jump-freeze and HIP HIP HURRAY! You did the hardest song on
    DDR EXTREME, which is one of the hardest songs in total anyway! Sit down, barf
    in a toilet, and relax.

    6d.PARANOiA Respect

    Finally coming from Japan, PARANOiA Respect was first in DDR Party Collection
    in Japan only. Now it is in DDR/DS SuperNOVA for you to play. This is a fairly
    hard song, but is not a match for PARANOiA Survivor MAX on Challenge.


    The author, .3k, is a pseudonym for Dj Sota, who also did MAXIMIZER under the
    name Cli-Max S., in DDR EXTREME in America.


    Stream 8/10
    Complex 8/10
    Stamina 8/10
    Speed 7/10
    Surprises 9/10

    Overall 8/10

    Need some help but here's what I got.

    (Feel so good!) xI dunno how may times but there's a lot.
    Feel so good!
    Bring it on down!

    Crossovers are plenty at the end.
    Reacting is good since there are pretty surprising stops.
    Streaming is also pretty common here.
    This song on other difficulties a few times.

    It is strongly advised that you play this song a fwe times on another
    difficulty before attempting the song on Expert.

    Having done that, you should now be prepared for the stops in the song, and are
    also farmilliar with the beats of the song and how they will flow.

    Starting off, you have a less time to get ready than other 10-footers. It is
    a hard beginning, too. Unlike most others, they bombard you with big streams
    right away. After 3 steps that go to the music of course, that should be done
    very well if you know how the song goes. Then the stream comes. A swarm of 8
    that shouldn't be too hard if you follow the order given in section 4. Anyways,
    a few of those patterns later, on the last pattern, there is a swarm of 7
    instead of 8. You will recognize it by the final arrow being and up arrow that
    is an 8th note. The steps stop there for a short period of time. This won't be
    a surprise if you have played this song already. So DO THAT IF YOU HAVEN'T.

    Following the stop, you get a jump, then 2 swarms of 4 that are pretty easy.
    The next few triplets can be a little awkward, but use your eyes to time them
    right. A gallop and some jumps and steps later, you get that pattern again with
    a few differences, but nothing too hard. Some extra gallops and lack of jumps,
    and your first swarm with a crossover. Just before the jump, there is another
    stop at the down arrow. That should not be a surprise. When it starts up,
    you get the pattern twice AGAIN, then a cool-down section.

    You should be fairly tired now, since they didn't go easy at the beginning.
    For the next while though, it's very easy. Simple steps, a triplet thrown in
    here and gallops there, the occasional jump, swarm of 5...use this time to
    relax and ease up.

    At the jump that is 46, there is a stop. Well, the one that is followed by
    another 46 a few spaces after. Also shouildn't be a shock. After, it gets
    a little harder with more jumps and harder triplets, but it is still pretty
    easy. A LOT of that later, at a swarm of 5, there is a down arrow, and it
    stops. Also shouldn't be a surprise.

    After that, you get more swarms of 5 with a crossover in some of them. No
    biggie though. Just remember to put yourself back to normal after them. Some
    more of that, and you get more triplets that aren't very hard, then a swarm of
    19 that could be potentially hard, since there are lots of pivots at every
    corner. At the end of that, you get the final stop, and face the REALLY easy
    part. A simply long freeze arrow, coupled with spaced out steps.

    Now comes the hard part. Big swarms riddled with crossovers and freeze arrows
    that want you to hit two arrows with 1 foot. Make it easy on yourself and
    ignore the freezes. They are there to throw you off. Just trust me on that.

    If you can make it through that, then you get some steps, swarms of 4, then the
    final two jumps of the song.

    YAY! You beat PARANOiA Respect! That wasn't so hard, was it?

    7.The Other 10-Footers

    These don't have a specific category to go in like the Maxes or PARANOiAs.
    These aren't as hard as the Maxes or PARANOiA's for some reason, though.

    7a. Sakura

    First seen on DDR EXTREME, Sakura was only in Nonstop and Challenge courses,
    and could only be played otherwise by unlocking it with codes.
    The title for Sakura in DDR EXTREME was actually a kanji that can be seen at:
    Sakura means cherry blossom, and viewers/readers of Cardcaptors/Cardcaptor
    Sakura will know that.

    The author, RevenG, is a pseudonym for Naoki.


    Stream 5/10
    Complex 6/10
    Stamina 5/10
    Speed 7/10
    Surprises 6/10

    Overall 5.8/10

    Galloping is seen here and there.
    Taps are needed in some places.
    High speeds. You may want to try this on x1.5 if x1 is't good enough at one


    Firstly, this is probably the easiest 10-footer. Period. The first time, it may
    be hard if you are unfarmilliar, but the second time, it should be a breeze.

    The song starts at 300BPM. You get a straight stream of 4th notes with
    crossovers, but I prefer not to do them, but its your choice. Then an 8th note
    and 4 taps. Still easy. More streams of 4th notes, and your first set of
    really easy gallops.

    After those, it gets sorta hard. Triplets and steps. Only sorta hard though.
    More of that and more gallops later, the triplets gat a little harder, then
    easier but with more frequency, then two jumps and a slow down to 150BPM.

    It's still really easy here, even as it slows down. You may want to play this
    song on another difficulty to know this part. Anyway, it slows down and down
    and down, all the way till the freeze arrow, where it reaches it's lowest:
    14BPM. In here there is a single step, which can be very hard to time; I still
    haven't quite mastered it.

    Once the next arrow comes up, it starts up at 150BPM. The gallops and jumps are
    easy at first, but then it gets more complicated, and this is where you'll
    likely die. If you can, put on a x1.5 modifier, and use the handbar if you must
    to make it through the beginning to this point. You'll realize it's not that
    hard after all.

    At the last up arrow, it slows down again, then blares up to 320BPM. That
    doesn't necessarily mean it's hard, though. Once again, simple 4th streams, and
    a simple swarm of 5. Then some taps, triplet, swarm of 5, more simple triplets,
    some gallops and streams of 4th notes again, triplets, crossovers, taps, simple
    stuff. Then some jumps that go with the song, and a swarm of 23 that slows down
    slowly to 88.88BPM that isn't hard at all.

    Yay. You've done a very non-spectacular feat. Woot.


    This song is very slow. 65BPM. Almost the slowest song in DDR. And at x1,
    one of the hardest if you haven't memorized the steps. So, it may be best to
    have a minimum of x3 on.

    The author, RevenG, is a pseudonym for Naoki.


    Stream 10/10
    Complex 10/10
    Stamina 4/10
    Speed 10/10
    Surprises 10/10

    Overall 8.8/10


    If you try to follow the stepchart, you're doomed. Just to let you know.

    bag is a slow song throughout, and is recommended you have a speed modifer.
    That way, the steps are much more spaced and easy to read. And, the steps are
    equivalent to a 9-footer this way, so it requires no strategy. Just some notes.

    bag is composed of 24th notes, and the few 32nd notes. However, at high speeds,
    I noticed the steps were not evenly placed, but I will do more investigation in
    this matter.

    Also, the steps do not entirely follow the bagpipes, so be careful of when you
    step. However, they do have a sort of rhythm to it.


    If you want to be able to do it x1, get used to whe the arrows hit, have it
    next to memorized, and voila. It turns out to be fairly easy as long as you
    know when to hit.


    Only in an Challenge course so far, Boss Rush IV, Healing-D-Vision on Challenge
    is the fifth song out of 5. The Challenge course features:

    1)Healing Vision (Angelic mix)-Expert
    2)PARANOiA Survivor MAX -Challenge
    3)CHAOS -Expert
    4)Fascination MaxX -Challenge
    5)Healing-D-Vision -Challenge

    As a Challenge course, you have 4 lives, which will be lost one at a time when
    you get a Good or lower. When your lives are gone, you fail. Normally, you get
    some lives back, depending on the difficulty of the song. In this Challenge
    course however, you do NOT regain any lives, which is why JBoy failed
    at the end.

    The steps for Healing-D-Vision are okay at first, but then a little into the
    speed up, and it's just so...stupid. Stupid hard. And crappy looking. Lazy.


    Coming Soon

    Coming Soon


    Originally on Beatmania, Xepher is now on DDR for the first time, but it's
    steps are a little dissapointing as a 10-footer, but it is challenging
    nonetheless, and it's background video is beautiful.


    Stream 6/10
    Complex 6/10
    Stamina 6/10
    Speed 6/10
    Surprises 6/10

    Overall 6/10

    In the video, it shows the lyrics, but it says 'ha' instead of 'has'.

    Existing in this place
    Now are un cleanable lies
    I wonder when it has began...
    How far do
    I have to go to see the light?

    Stars in your eyes
    Stars in your eyes
    Stars in your hearts
    Stars in your hearts

    You will be in shadow
    Of shade and commit the eighth sin
    Unrequited existance will turn
    Everything into nothing

    Gallops. Lots of gallops.
    There are a few step jumps in here as well.
    Tapping is seen here and there, but when it is seen, it's pretty insane.

    Xepher, like [Sakura] and some other 10-footers, is very easy. And if you
    watch the video, most of Expert and Challenge steps are the same, so doing it
    on Expert may be a good idea, just so you feel comfortable.

    Starting off, you get some simple but quick gallop swarms with jumps or
    triplets at the end of them. Not particlarly diffuclt, but if gallops aren't
    your area, don't try this song yet, and go beat Tsugaru and Twilight Zone.

    AFter that, you get some harder gallops, but nothing really coplicated. Then
    some streams, jumps, and then some easy triplets, followed by a triplet-freeze
    that may look like a jump, but isn't.

    Now you get some long simple streams with a few crossoevers, then a couple of
    jumps and taps added in. At the end of that, you get a freeze with taps of
    7. If you can do Can't Stop Fallin' in love (Speedy Mix), then this is a

    After, we get a segment pretty similar to the beginning. Gallops and jumps.
    So scary. Then we get some 8th triplets with ignorable freezes, then a nice
    long stream identical to Expert.

    Then the stream starts to change a bit, and you get some harder triplets, but
    it's still really easy. Some more jumps, then the hardest part of the song.
    Jumps with freezes and taps then swarms of 5, gallops, steps, then swarms of 5
    again, and yeah.

    AFter we get two jumps, the last one being a freeze, then a couple more steps
    and the song is done.

    Yay. You've beaten Xepher.

    7e.CHAOS -Expert

    CHAOS is new to DDR as well, and has a new beat to go with it. the steps in
    CHAOS are not hard on their own, but damn those stops can throw you off unless
    you've memorized them. CHAOS is the One More Extra Stage of SuperNOVA, which
    means if you get a single good or less, you fail instantly. So, it's wise to
    know the song well before attempting it as OMES.

    The author, DE-SIRE Retunes, is possibly Naoki, as Naoki is DE-SIRE.

    Author-DE-SIRE Retunes

    Stream 6/10
    Complex 7/10
    Stamina 5/10
    Speed 6/10
    Surprises 13/10

    Overall 7.4/10

    CHAOS on Expert LOTS of times, or develop some seriously good reaction time.
    Watch the video over and over until you memorize every stop.

    After watching that video a hundred times, you should be farmilliar with the
    stops. If you aren't get farmilliar with it, since words can't really
    help that much. you try writing a strategy for me.

    7f.CHAOS -Challenge

    CHAOS on Challenge is so far featured only in a Challenge course, Boss Rush II,
    and is the 5th song. Boss Rush II contains:

    Trip Machine Survivor -Expert
    Dragon Blade -Expert
    [Konoko no nanatsu no oiwaini] -Expert
    Healing-D-Vision -Expert
    CHAOS -Challenge

    People have made it up to CHAOS, and I think so far we've gotten 30 seconds in
    then failed, which is good considering the guy had only 3 lives to start with.
    Reports say the beginning is the same, then new stuff comes in then boom. We
    can safely say Challenge is harder than Expert.

    Author-DE-SIRE Retunes

    Coming Soon

    Coming Soon


    Here's a section with little random stuff for you.

    8a.Artist Notes
    Several artists made the 10-footers. This section will elaborate on them a
    little bit.

    Naoki Maeda
    Naoki is the sound director of DDR, and composes (or helps compose) most of the
    songs in DDR and other Bemani games. Very little is known about him officially,
    even in the his profile, not revealing age or very much at all. It was thought
    Naoki Maeda is another pseudonym, since 'Naoki M.' happens to be an anagram of
    Konami. However, there is proof from one of the interviews with another
    Bemani artist.

    Of the 10-footers, Naoki Maeda composed Max 300, MaxX Unlimited,
    The legend of Max, PARANOiA Survivor, PARANOiA Survivor MAX, [Sakura], and bag.

    It is possible he also composed Fascination MaxX, CHAOS, and Healing-D-Vision.

    Pseudonyms are: [Omega], 1479, 180, 190, 190', 270, 290, 8 bit, B3-Project,
    BIG-O, BLUE DESTROYERS, Crystal Aliens, DANDY MINEIERO, d-complex, DE-SIRE, DJ
    N&S, N.M.R., NAOKI, NAOKI 190, NAOKI underground, NM, NO.9, NW260, RE-VENGE,
    RevenG, Stone Bros., Tail Bros., THE FINAL BAND, THE SURRENDERS, UZI-LAY, Z,
    and [2 overlapped Z's]

    He was also in: DIVAS, and FIXX, where he was partnered with Taku Sakakibara

    Sota Fujimori
    Also part of Konami's music experts, Sota is good with synthesizers and makes
    trance and J-Pop music.

    Of the 10-footers, Sota Fujimori composed PARANOiA Respect.

    It is possible he did Fascination MaxX.

    Pseudonyms are: .3k, CLI-MAX S. S.F.M.P, SOTA, Supa Fova, System SF, SySF, and
    Vision F.

    He is also in Chel Y. and OKUYATOS.

    Jondi & Spesh
    Jondi and Spesh are two guys who make music. Sorry, but I don't know much about
    them, excpet that they have started remixing music for DDR, mainly on the
    Ultramix series.

    Of the 10-footers, Jondi and Spesh composed Max 300 (Super-Max-Me-Mix).

    Tatsuya Shimizu
    Don't know much about him, except he makes some music for Bemani.

    Of the 10-footers, Tatsuya Shimizu composed Xepher.

    Pseudonyms are: Tatsh ([Tatsuya - suya] + [Shimizu - imizu] = Tatsh),
    dj Killer, and he is a member of platoniX.

    8b.The art of Xepher
    Xepher had first appeared in Beatmania IIDX 12 Happy Sky, and featured
    it's own little video, which conatined many things one would not notice
    during gameplay. The lyrics are included (Thank god, there's NO WAY anyone
    could figure them out otherwise), some acrostic poems using XEPHER, and some
    other words. The 'X' has nothing in the acrostic poems, which was to signify
    the unknown. Also, in the notecharts in Beatmania IIDX 12 Happy Sky, there
    is an 'X' drawn in the Hyper and Another difficulties, for 7 key and 14 key.

    These are the acrostic poems.







    During the video, sometimes in between lyrics for a mere second, and in the
    middle of the song, there are other words, which were from the original
    set of lyrics, a bit rewound.

    keep on dancing between the sky
    with prayers between the sky

    Until now
    what you don't know do exists

    With your fingertips
    follow the path of dirty dark sky

    At the end of the bright road,
    what is waiting for you?

    take you to harmony
    but you don't know

    The hatred that was given birth to in
    you has taken the stars

    and turned it into poison
    which is killing you silently

    the never-ending fighting and pains

    your name is written in the sky

    The original lyrics were much longer, but by taking parts of it, Tatsh made
    the actually sung lyrics, which were sung by Junko Hirata and Naoto Yumi.

    These are the original lyrics:

    You who have issued forth your love,
    Look to the sky in this world of madness
    Now, your eyes should be here, eyes that never fade away
    But you don't know anything

    I wonder when it began?
    I wonder where we may go to visit with the end?

    We trace the black sky that was dirtied beneath our feet
    With the whiteness at our fingertips

    The stars that you sheltered invite you towards their repose, but
    You don't know anything about how
    The stars that tear and devour in this newly-birthed hatred
    Will become your poison, and scorch your body

    The sins of the morning spill over into the evening and dirty the night
    Where are you, whom we called the sky?

    That girl is the key to washing away the sin
    Walking together, you can discover the weight of that sin

    The girl who knows nothing of time became a curse herself
    An incredible power must be eating away at her heart at last

    Scorched by the hatred of the past, you released the fire
    Your own screams invited the sin, sneering
    You cannot return to where you were anymore

    Your heart begins to fade away under the influence of the serpent that wanders
    the sky;
    It collected your light and made it unclear
    The battle continues, dancing in and between the sky
    And the pain continues as well

    The endless sky...

    You melted me in the morning, we spoke in the evening, you loved me in the
    You came close to me in the night, when we called you the sky
    And committed a great sin
    Your unrewarded existence will turn everything into nothing

    8d.Background Videos
    Some of these songs have specific videos to them, and do not feature a
    background dancer because of this. Here are links to them:


    Someone get one for me.


    Frequently asked (or going to be frequently asked) questions.

    Q:Why isn't (insert incomplete song) done yet?
    A:Because I have no or little information on it. Duh.

    Q:Why isn't Genom Sreams here?
    A:Because that will be featured in my Doubles 10-footer FAQ.

    Q:(insert something) is wrong!
    A:Then tell me what is right.

    Q:[insert webpage] is broken!
    A:If it goes over one line, then you must COPY AND PASTE 1 LINE AT A TIME! or
    it will not work. Otherwise, thanks for the notice!

    Q:Why isn't 'legend' in 'The legend of Max' capitalized? Did you make multiple
    A:No. It just IS that way. Like I would make that mistake all throughout the

    Q:I think 100-200-400 is Naoki/Dj Sota.
    A: That's fine, but if you don't have creditable proof, leave me alone.
    No offense Deoxysapple. You had some proof. Not talking about you.


    Anyone with other strategies, tips or the like, send them to clexaul@msn.com,
    or if I don't reply within a week, try taih@rogers.com, but only as a last

    Also, videos of Fascination MaxX, CHAOS, or Healing-D-Vision (Challenge)
    would much be apprectiated if they are creditably NEW and not from the test
    locations. And have a fairly good view of the screen and steps.

    And any spelling mistakes can be sent to me as well. I'm a perfectionist.
    'Lol' is not a spelling mistake.

    My parents for supplying me money to play DDR.
    www.ddrfreak.com for supplying me with stepcharts.
    www.youtube.com for supplying me with videos.
    www.wikipedia.org for artist notes.
    My friends at www.bemanistyle.com for talking about this stuff and leaking info
    and lyrics to me, especially Fletcher. Good job, man.
    Deoxysapple for several reasons like talking to me about SN which was
    conveniently near him.
    Konami for making DDR.
    And thank YOU for taking time to read this FAQ. I hope it was helpful.

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