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DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

Co to je a k čemu je program Stepmania ?

Stepmania je volně šiřitelný program pro simulátor pro hry z rodiny DDR a jim podobných. Funguje pod Windows, na Linuxu i na Xbox konzoli.

Domácí stránka programu je www.stepmania.com a zde si ji můžete stáhnout. Na adrese najdete i pár bonusů jako songy, fotky, videa, návody a manuály. Samozřejmě nechybí ani odkazy na další stránky a aktuální informace o vývoji programu. Poslední stabilní verze je 3.9, takže doporučujeme začít s ní.

Samotný program Stepmania (dále jen SM) Vám k hraní stačit nebude, potřebujete písničky. Ty označujeme anglickým slovem "songs" a nahrávají se do adresáře /songs. Více o nich, kde je sehnat, vytvořit a nahrát, najdete pod klíčovým slovem "songs".

Doporučuji program nainstalovat do kořenového adresáře, například X:/DDR. Budete mít k SM rychlejší přístup a spousta malých souborů zabere méně místa.

Další informace, rady, instalaci a řešení problémů s programem najdete v této části našeho fóra .

Jaké adresáře v Stepmanii najdete a co do nich můžete nahrát?

Announcers - Tenhle adresář slouží pro nahrání komentátora, co vám bude "kecat" do hry. Říkat jak dobře nebo špatně potvrzujete šipky, jak velké máte combo, a jaké jsou vaše závěrečné výsledky.
Cache - Adresíř pro cache songů, pro příští rychlejší start aplikace. Pokud budete mít pár tisíc songů, stejně si chvilku počkáte, než se SM spustí.
Characters - Řekněme tanečníci. Jedná se o figurky, co se hýbou a tancují za šipkami a před pozadím. Někdy rozptylují, někdy pobaví.
Data - Adresář pro nastavení a statistiky. Najdete zde jak nastavení programu Stepmania (soubor stepmania.ini), tak vaše statistiky (adresář LocalProfiles) i statistiky celé mašiny, SM (MachineProfile). Můžete se podívat na doporučené nastavení souboru Stepmania.ini, nebo si SM můžete nastavit přímo v programu. Náročnější hráči si v souboru stepmania.ini nastaví JudgeWindow nebo PerfectScore, ale to normální hráče zatěžovat nemusí.
Notekins - Adresář pro uložení grafiky - noteskinů - dalších vzhledů šipek. Oni totiž ani šipky nemusí vypadat pořád stejně. Existuje větší množství těchto noteskinů.
Program - Adresář obsahující knihovny a spouštěcí soubor stepmania.exe
Screenshots - Ve Stepmanii můžete kdykoliv stisknout klávesu PrintScreen, a do tohoto adresáře se uloží jpeg s aktuálnám obrázkem v rozlišení 640x480. Dobré na ukládání obrázků z výsledné obrazovky. Plno lidí takto své výsledky porovnává.
Songs - Hlavní adresář pro hudbu. Sem dáváte všechny songy, které chcete v Stepmanii hrát. V adresáři Songs je další adresář s názvem alba, v něm adresáře s názvy jednotlivých songů a v tomto jsou už jednotlivé soubory (hudba ve formátu MP3, soubor se šipkami zvaný stepchart, případné titulky k hudbě označované jako lyric, animace, pozadí, obrázek songu a autora a podobně). Nemůžete sem tedy nakopírovat vaše oblíbené album s MP3, nemáte u nich vytvořené stepcharty. Buď šipky uděláte sami, nebo si seženete požadovanou hudbu jinde.
Themes - Jiný kabát pro vaší Stepmanii. Jako program Winamp můžete i SM převléci a dát jí jiný vzhled. Neliší se jen barvy, ale může jít o kompletní změnu programu k novému obrazu. Každému vyhovuje něco jiného, každý themes může ukazovat více či méně informací o dané skladbě, o výsledcích a může mít u různé zvukové efekty.
BackgroundEffects, BackgroundTransitions, BGAnimations, RandomMovies ...a podobné adresáře jsou pro videa a efekty k nim. Videa mohou být také přímo v adresáři Songs u hudby.

V Stepmanii můžete používat i klávesové zkratky. Uvádím je zde jen pro úplnost, protože běžnému hráči stačí šipky, enter, a esc. Zde je tedy jejich přehled:


  • F1 = vložení mince
  • F2 = zvonunačtení metrik a textur
  • Alt-Enter = přepnutí do nebo z fullscreenu
  • PrintScreen = vytvoří screenshot obrazovky a uloží jej do adresáře Screenshots
  • Držet Tab = zvýší rychlost hry 4x. Používá se pro rychlejší pohyb v menu a výběru songů
  • Držet Tildu (~) = naopak sníží rychlost hry na 1/4x
  • Držet Tab a Tildu (~) = sníží rychlost na 0x

    V menu:

  • Směrové šipky slouží pro pohyb v menu
  • Enter = Start
  • Escape = zpět

    Ještě před vlastním hraním - attract obrazovka:

  • Left nebo Right = další obrazovka
  • F3 = přepnutí CoinMode

    V hlavním menu:

  • Escape = vrácení o obrazovku zpět

    Během hry:

  • F6 = přepnutí AutoSync módu
  • F7 = přepnutí assist tick (tleskání do rytmu hudby)
  • F8 = přepnutí AutoPlay (počítač hraje sám za vás)
  • F9 = sníží offset
  • F10 = zvýší offset
  • F11 = sníží BPM současného segmentu (držte ALT pro větší citlivost)
  • F12 = zvýší BPM současného segmentu (držte ALT pro větší citlivost)
  • Držet Escape = ukončí hraní

    V editoru:

  • Escape = menu
  • Up/Down = předchozí/další řádka
  • Left/Right = změna kroku
  • 1 až 0 = přidá/smaže notu
  • Enter - nastaví počáteční značku pro označení oblasti
  • Space - nastaví značku pro konec výběru oblasti
  • P - přehrání označené oblasti (pokud není nic označeno, přehraje celý song)
  • R - spustí nahrávání do označené oblasti (pokud není nic označeno, přehraje celý song)

    V menu pro výběr songu:

  • F9 = změna překladu názvů (například pro japonské názvy skladeb)

    Během výběru songu můžete zadat určitou sekvenci kláves a provede se příslušná akce. Tyto sekvence jsou sice závislé na tom, jaký themes používáte, nicméně se autoři snaří dodržet tyto zvyklosti:

    Přepnutí na lehčí úrověň:

  • Easier1=Up,Up
  • Easier2=MenuUp,MenuUp

    Přepnutí na těžší úrověň:

  • Harder1=Down,Down
  • Harder2=MenuDown,MenuDown

    Změna seřazení songů na další způsob:

  • NextSort1=MenuLeft-MenuRight-Start
  • NextSort2=MenuLeft+MenuRight
  • NextSort3=Left-Right-Start
  • NextSort4=Left+Right

    Změna seřazení songů:

  • SortMenu1=Up,Down,Up,Down
  • SortMenu2=MenuUp,MenuDown,MenuUp,MenuDown

    Modifikace songu (udělá obvykle hru težší):

  • Mirror=Up,Left,Right,Left,Right
  • Left=Up,Down,Right,Left
  • Right=Up,Down,Left,Right
  • Shuffle=Down,Up,Down,Up
  • SuperShuffle=Down,Up,Left,Right

    Změna rychlosti šipek:

  • NextScrollSpeed=Up,Left,Down,Left,Up
  • PreviousScrollSpeed=Down,Right,Up,Right,Down

    Další modifikace:

  • NextAccel=Left,Right,Down,Up
  • NextEffect=Left,Down,Right
  • NextAppearance=Left,Up,Right
  • Reverse=Down,Left,Right,Left,Right
  • HoldNotes=Right,Left,Down,Up

    Zrušení všech modifikací:

  • CancelAll=Left,Right,Left,Right,Left,Right,Left,Right

    Změna astavení Stepmanie:

  • NextTheme=Left,Left,Left,Right,Right,Right,Left,Right
  • NextTheme2=MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuRight
  • NextAnnouncer=Left,Left,Right,Right,Left,Left,Right,Right
  • NextAnnouncer2=MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight
  • NextGame=Left,Right,Left,Left,Right,Right,Left,Right
  • NextGame2=MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuRight
  • NextBannerGroup=MenuUp,MenuRight,MenuRight
  • NextBannerGroup2=MenuUp,MenuDown,MenuUp,MenuDown

    No a pokud se Vám Stepmania nevlíbí, zkuste podobné simulátory jako DWI, Pydance, Flash Flash Revolution.. .

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'stepmania':
    01.11.2009 00:00
  • << zpět na Czech DDR portal

    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

    Dance Dance Revolution USA (aka Dance Dance Revolution US Mix)
    U.S. version
    Arcade FAQ
    Version 2.0

    Dance Simulation
    1-2 players
    Copyright 2000, 2001 by JuneHa Kim/BakaOrochi
    All Rights Reserved.
    Unauthorized reproduction of this FAQ in any shape or form is prohibited.

    Come on, it's not like it's HARD to e-mail me if you want to use any part of
    this FAQ, is it?

    If you want to use ANYTHING, even codes or whatnot from this, CONTACT ME FIRST.
    This is my work, and not one bit of this is to be reproduced in any way, shape,
    or form. Copyright laws protect this FAQ. This is purely my own work, any
    other similarities to other FAQs are purely coincidental.

    I do respect all other copyrights and if I have inadvertently infringed on any,
    please contact me immediately so that I may remedy the problem.
    FAQ History:

    -First release

    -Just realized two songs were misplaced, and belonged to 2nd Mix...
    Many thanx to Nickel for catching my mistakes ^_^
    -Added more in-depth info in certain sections

    -Yet more corrections, added the "Internet ranking thing"

    -DOH! I just realized that it's Tiger Yamato, not Yamamoto...
    -Revised my contact information, due to the amount of ridiculous e-mail I've
    been getting
    -Finally started adding the lyrics! Big thanks to Sailor Bacon and
    Guilherme Henrique M. L. Kiyohara for letting me use their lyrics!!!
    -More corrections, added a new section 6b.
    -Thanx to Nickel for some of the steps on the SSR, I mean, Expert
    Double songs ^_^

    -Lotsa gradual offline fixes, all in bursts, hence the jump
    -Apparently, I can't spell "your" in the lyrics section...
    -More additions, changes, and silly stuff
    -Revised the scoring section
    -Took out the repeated "So Many Men" lyrics
    -More changes to "Dynamite Rave" lyrics, thanx to SSJ Bubble Tea!
    -I can't believe that Konami of America would let you fail Beginner mode...
    I also didn't think that could be possible...
    -Out of boredom, I added a "fun facts" section
    -Added extra verses for some of the songs for your entertainment ^_^
    -Fixed spacing issues
    -Internet ranking has been added!

    -More additions/changes to the trivia section
    -Forgot a few this and thats with the last update (incl. internet ranking)
    -More lyric fixes again thanx to SSJ Bubble Tea!

    -Internet ranking is finished
    -More stuff changed
    -Took out the rumors section; as of now, I see no point in leaving it in the

    -More fixes, additions, corrections.
    -Quizlet fixes.

    1. What's the point of this FAQ?
    2. What the heck is "Dance Dance Revolution?"
    2a. Differences in the USA version
    2b. The "controversey" of DDR USA (or what do people find wrong with DDR USA)
    3. How to play
    3a. Judging and scoring
    3b. Different ways to play
    4. Modes of play
    5. Can you give me some tips/secrets?
    6. Songs in this version
    6a. The difficulties and steps
    6b. Recommended songs
    8. Lyrics/About the lyrics
    9. Fun facts
    10. Closing notes/Thanks/Contact Information

    1. What's the point of this FAQ?
    Well, basically, there wasn't a FAQ for this, so I figured, why not? Well, this
    was the one of the more anticipated games for Bemani fans in the U.S., but the
    question is, does Konami of America deliver? You can be the judge of that for

    Also, I just wanted to throw in some suggestions for those who are struggling
    with DDR, and how I picked up the game. For further help, I'd recommend
    reading some of the other DDR FAQs from gamefaqs.com.

    Some tips on this FAQ may not work with you, but this is how I've found it to
    work with me, and some others of my friends. IMHO, it's best that you develop
    your own style to play this game. Eventually, you'll pick it up, but for now,
    try to learn the basics (it's pretty difficult to make yourself look good when
    all you do is fail songs ^_^).
    2. What the heck is "Dance Dance Revolution?"
    Dance Dance Revolution (aka DDR) is a unique dancing simulation game.
    It's made by the same company and development team who brought Beatmania and
    Guitar Freaks, Konami's Bemani team.

    The basic point is to "dance to the music." Easily said than done though.
    Most people rather call it a stepping game however (in my brother's words, step
    aerobics). If you think that you cannot dance to this game, look on the
    internet for some dancing clips. An pretty good dancing group located in Korea
    is called the A-Team, who does performances with DDR songs. You can also try
    to find C-Squad; located in Canada...

    Other teams in North America include Team Changoland (which IMHO are one of the
    craziest groups I've seen), DDR Club Elite, and some others (which I have yet to
    research about, since I'm too busy writing this FAQ! ^_^)

    2a. Differences in the USA version

    Lots of changes, these changes are mainly compared to the previous 1.5 Mix.
    Some of these changes are made to appeal to the "American mainstream."

    The biggest difference from the 1.5 version is that you can no longer do "path
    choosing." Instead, you're given all the songs available right in the beginning.

    An interesting change is all the character models that were added. This includes
    Charmy/Astro, Johnny/Jenny from Dancing Stage Euro Mix, and Rage/Emi. Note that
    Charmy is the newer model, with the silver tights (not the 4th mix model). If
    you can't figure out why that was added, let's just leave it at that without the
    tights, some people might have found her a bit objectionable...

    Since we're on the subject of characters, you cannot choose which character you
    want to be. Instead, it seems to be more random as to which character the
    computer chooses for you.

    From 1.5, the interface is changed from Japan's 2nd Mix to Japan's 3rd Mix

    The scoring and grading is drastically changed from 1.5 Mix (see Grading and

    You can also repeatedly choose a song over again even after you've played it.
    So for example, you can do Afronova 3 times, over and over again, same
    difficulty if you wanted to, although I dunno why you'd want to unless you need
    practice (but at that point, you should just buy a pad and the game for home).

    Another big difference is that you can't change difficulties while you choose
    a song or before the song selection. Instead, after you choose a song, you'll
    have the option of choosing what difficulty you want to play the game at. This
    idea is imported straight from DDR 4th Mix, which brings me to my third point.
    The names of the difficulties have been changed. Instead of "Basic," "Trick"
    or "Another," and "Maniac," or "SSR," the names are changed to "Standard,"
    "Difficult," and "Expert," maybe because no American DDRer who's never played
    the Japanese version would know what SSR and Another meant.

    On top of that, the first difficulty before "Standard" mode is called "Beginner"
    in which the song is only 1 difficulty (despite what song it is), HOWEVER you
    can still fail the song! This was previously available on the Japanese version
    of DDR and the U.S. testing version of DDR Solo Bass Mix (although the steps
    weren't "dumbed down" in Solo, and you couldn't fail).

    Another minor change includes a new voice that tells you which code you
    inputted. If you entered the Little code, the announcer will say "Little."
    Kind of nice, rather than just hearing the Konami tone. This is ala 3rd Mix.

    A big down (yet another) side to the USA version is that "Unison" mode or
    "Couple" mode is taken out.

    Finally, the Expert Double mode has been added for ALL songs. I believe the 1st
    and 2nd Mix songs steps have been taken from 4th Mix, since they didn't exist
    in 3rd Mix. Expert Double now boasts of containing the most difficult
    combination of any given song in DDR.

    2b. The "controversey" of DDR USA (or what do people find wrong with DDR USA)

    To start off, I myself am pretty disappointed with Konami of America's lack of
    delivering to their fans. The way I see it, KoA is headed straight into the
    path of the mistakes of SNK and Sega (during it's Saturn days). They leave all
    the games in America, do not care or listen to their fans, and do a horrendous
    job marketing the games. Although I cannot say I loathe DDR USA (as some of us
    are deprived of having any other version of DDR in the arcades besides 1.5), I
    can't say that I like it as much as I hoped to either. But being the person
    that I am, I'll take what I'm given, and it's not too bad. BUT it could've been
    better. MUCH better. And I feel a little gyped because someone didn't want to
    go through the pain and trouble just to give it the extra mile to make it better.
    Anyway, moving on.

    Talking to other people on the 'net and other DDRers, many are somewhat annoyed
    by DDR USA. Here's some of the reasons that I've gathered.

    Basically many long time DDRers had to settle with DDR 1.5 if they wanted to
    play the arcade version (otherwise they were stuck playing the imported PSX or
    DC version). BTW-this excludes some west coast states. Anyway, high
    expectations were set the forthcoming DDR US mix. But after the official
    songlist was released, many were disappointed (and frustrated) with Konami of
    America and their lack of understanding their fanbase, the potential of Bemani
    in America, and thus killing the Bemani scene.

    Also, the fact that Couple mode was taken out didn't make the situation better.
    Other little factors irked players, like the changing of the scoring system,
    change in the difficulties names, etc. Well anyway, what's the big deal? Japan
    and Asia just got DDR 4th Mix, which include 120 songs. Compared to the newer
    released DDR USA, which only has 26, that's a very poor showing.
    Although some will say "it's only DDR, there's still some good songs in it,"
    many feel that Konami of America could have done a much better job.

    Supposedly, these songs are for the mainstream...but who dances to "Let Them
    Move"? The main "excuses" that KoA had given were "copyright conflicts"
    (referring to copyrighted Dancemania songs that are featured in DDR), "not
    enough interest in America," and "no potential market for Bemani in America."
    I'll let you decide if those excuses are valid or not...

    If you feel that I'm wrong or you have something to add, please feel free to
    contact me (Check the bottom of the FAQ for contact info). I'm welcome to
    hear some input about this.
    3. How to play
    The main point of the game:
    Hit the arrows at the right time. As long as you have at least one point in
    your Dance Gauge (the meter at the top of the screen), you will pass the level.
    If your gauge hits Zero (or you have no dance gauge points), game is over. Game
    is also over when you clear all the songs for the mode (but you won't be told
    "Game Over," unless you failed the last song).

    First after you insert your money, before you hit start, you can choose to play
    Single mode, Versus, or Double mode (see codes section). After you've select
    your game mode, you will choose a song. You can either hit start to choose a
    song, or let the clock run down (the latter is preferred, usually when the
    player is tired), and then you choose your difficulty for that song. This is a
    double-edged sword. For beginners who don't know how hard each song is, they
    can only find out AFTER they've picked a song, so if they chose PARANOiA
    Rebirth, they may find themselves in a rut with a choice of either playing out
    PARANOiA Rebirth normally or in the boring beginner mode (unless you MUST play
    beginner mode, in which case, it doesn't matter). But at the same time, it
    takes away from worrying about inputting codes if you want to play different
    difficulties for different songs.

    The arrows:

    How I'm going to refer to the arrows (to avoid further confusion)-

    Fixed arrows: The white set of arrows that don't move located at the top of the
    screen. They're always there.

    Scrolling arrows: The colored arrows that will scroll up from the bottom of the
    screen and tells you which direction you want to hit when they align with the
    fixed arrows.

    Panel arrows: The arrows on your dance pad, the ones you stomp on.

    If you've played the other DDRs, this version the same. The concept is the
    same. You will have a fixed set of arrows on the top of the screen.
    As music plays, colored scrolling arrows will go up towards the fixed arrows,
    and the point of the game is to hit the corresponding arrow on your dance pad
    when the scrolling arrow(s) is aligned to the fixed arrow(s). Sometimes you
    will be required to hit two arrows at the same time (read on about

    This version of DDR has four arrows: Up, down, left, and right.

    Sometimes, you'll be thrown two arrows to hit at the same time (I call them
    double steps). This usually intimidates lots of beginners, and most don't
    know what to hit. It really isn't that hard, just be prepared to jump to hit
    those arrows at the same time (that's what baffles me: most beginners don't
    expect to be jumping around at all when they play. To hit those simultaneous
    arrows, the only way to hit them is to jump (or even hop) on them. Once you get
    more advanced, there are many other ways you can do it...

    A little tip for those struggling to hit the arrows on time:
    Each song is in a 4/4 beat. Which means you can count with the beat of a song.
    Even though some songs may have irregular beats, you'll notice that the fixed
    arrows will flash every fourth beat. When you have to hit the arrows, it will
    be on the beat or on the flash. But you have to make sure you're not too hasty
    to hit the buttons. What I used to do is count outloud (whispering at most, not
    screaming, please you'll scare the rest of the arcade patrons ^_^)
    1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,etc. and that way I can keep up with the beat. Bouncing with
    the beat works as well (may look ridiculous, but I've seen sillier looking
    things). So you can be thinking "1,2,3,step,step,2,step" etc. Basically, just
    keep a beat. Also, the steps are not as random as they seem. Once you get the
    rhythm of a song, you should be able to anticipate when the steps will come out.

    What you have to start worrying about is when you move up in difficulty levels,
    especially when you don't play beginner mode, or without little mode. You'll be
    treated to the green/blue "offbeat" arrows (also known as 1/8, 1/16, and 1/32
    steps). Those are a bit more difficult to hit since they don't align with the
    fixed arrows on the beat or the flash, but when the fixed arrows aren't
    flashing. Those take some practice to get used to. If you can, keep "little"
    mode on, otherwise, you'll be given these extra steps (unless of course you
    don't mind them).If it helps, the offbeat arrows are always a different
    color than normal arrows, depending on which offbeat arrow they are.

    Once you're comfortable with the arrows, you should turn Little mode off (as
    this mode is used more for beginners and certain performers).

    Double mode is the same from any previous DDR versions. Only one player plays,
    but that one player uses BOTH 1st player panels and 2nd player panels. This
    mode isn't recommended for beginners. Basically, you'll be playing with
    eight arrows rather than just four.

    3a. Judging and scoring

    At the end of your song, the game will rate you according to how well you did on
    the song. You'll be given a run-down on how many "Perfect!" "Great!" "Good"
    "Almost" and "Boo!" rating you've gotten, how many steps you've comboed, your
    score, and an overall grade on your performance.


    On the top of the screen during gameplay, you'll have colored gauge. This is
    your Dance Gauge. In all mode, you'll start off with since Dance Gauge points.
    The point is to have at least one bar filled by the end of the song; once you
    run out of points on your Dance Gauge, the game is over. As you get more
    Perfect! and Great! ratings, it will slowly fill up. Every time you get an
    Almost or Boo rating, full bars will be taken away from you. A big factor that
    depends how many bars are taken away from you is based on what stage you're on.
    If you're on your first song, or 1st Stage, a Boo will not take as many bars
    away as a Boo on your Final Stage. Once your bar is empty, you cannot gain
    anymore, and the gauge will remain a red color.

    Everytime an arrow passes, you'll be judged on how accurately you stepped on the

    -If you've hit it dead on, you'll get Perfect!
    -If you hit it a bit off, you'll get Great!
    -If you hit it about 1/8 of a beat off, you'll get a Good, and your combo will
    be stopped, if you have one going.
    -If you hit it more than 1/8 of a beat off, you'll get Almost and you'll lose a
    point or two on your dance gauge
    -If you miss completely, you'll get a Boo!, and you'll lose a couple points in
    your Dance Gauge, depending on which "stage" you're on.


    In general, the higher your rating (Perfect! or Good), the more points you earn,
    so get as many Perfect! ratings as you can get!

    If I'm correct, the scoring system is unique from any Mix out there. The higher
    your Dance Gauge, the more points you will get per rating. The lower your
    gauge, the lower amounts points you earn. Similar to 3rd Mix, but the
    difference is that your max score is NOT limited to 1000000. But the degree of
    points you earn is nowhere as ridiculously high as 1st-2nd Mix. If your gauge
    hits 0, you will no longer earn any more points, regardless of rating.

    For a limited time (as in I don't know how long it'll be up), you can post your
    score at the Konami of America website, and see how you rank up against the rest
    of the world (or wherever they have DDR USA). After you've played your game and
    CLEARED all stages, if you score high enough, you will be given your score and
    a series of numbers, a password (xxxx-xxxxx-xxx). Write it down or something,
    and then go to the KoA website (http://www.konami-arcade.com/), and go to
    "Internet Contest" and input your password. You can also see how other's scored.

    However, as of 2/18/2001, the internet contest is finished.


    At the end of your song, you get a letter grade for your performance. The
    higher combos and higher scores you earn, the higher the grade. Also, it
    reflects how high of a combo you have ratio-wise to how high of a combo that
    is possible. For example, if song A is 210-combo maximum, and song B is
    110-combo maximum, and you earn a 100-combo on both songs, you'll get a lower
    grade with song A, but a very high grade with song B. The highest rating is
    AAA PERFECT! aka AAAA; there's also a normal AAA, which is almost perfect. Your
    grade is also reflected by how much points you have on your dance gauge...

    Grades are as follows:

    AAA PERFECT!-Perfect performance. No "Great!" allowed.
    AAA-Only "Great!" and and high percentage of "Perfect!"
    AA->I can't be certain, but it's probably a ranking you get for having all
    >Perfects and Greats but not having a high percentage of Perfects. That's
    >how you got an S instead of an SS in the 3rd Mix ranking system... you
    >needed about 80% Perfects for the SS.
    (Submitted by Nickel)
    A-Excellent, several mistakes, mostly "Perfect!" and "Great!" ratings, few
    misses, good combo ratio.
    B-Very good, enough to get by, a lot of "Perfect!" and "Great!" ratings, but
    a lot of "Almost" and "Boo!" ratings too. A low combo ratio.
    C-Average. Low combo number, decent amount of dance gauge left.
    D-Bad, Very low combo number, very low or near zero dance gauge left, lots of
    "Almost" and "Boo!" ratings.
    E-Horrible. Mostly misses, zero combo gauge. At this point, you would normally

    More often than not, if you do decently, you'll get an A, as DDR USA is VERY
    lenient, unlike 3rd Mix, or USA PSX.

    When you're done with all your songs, you'll be given an overall grade, kind of
    like an average of all your grades. If you've successfully completed ALL songs, you'll
    be given a code for "Internet Ranking" and you'll be told to visit Konami's arcade site
    to enter the code, (www.konami-arcade.com). This code is no longer valid however, so
    you might as well ignore it, as the IR contest is long over.

    4. Modes of play
    You can choose your difficulty level after the choice of each song:


    And high scores will come up with each different variable, except for Beginner

    For Double mode, only the following difficulties are available:

    Standard Double
    Difficult Double
    Expert Double

    Please note: if you want to play Versus or Double modes, usually you will be
    required to insert at least 2 credits to play a full double mode or versus
    mode game, and you'll have to enter the "option menu code" to play double mode.
    Otherwise, you can only play one song before the game ends or if you don't enter the
    "option menu code," you'll play regular mode.

    The difficulty does NOT change in versus mode for either player; both players
    MUST play the same song with the same difficulty.

    5. Can you give me some tips/secrets?
    *All these codes are straight from 3rd Mix*

    Access the option menu-

    To access the option menu so you can choose which gameplay you want to use
    other than single (double or versus), insert your credit, then hold the left
    and right select arrows down (NOT the dance pad arrows), and press start, just
    like 1.5. Remember that if you want to play 3-song double or 3-song versus,
    you MUST have another credit available and you have to press start on the other
    player's side. By default, if a second player joins in, the game reverts to
    VERSUS mode (not double or the defunct couple mode like in 1.5), so this code
    really isn't needed unless you plan on playing double mode.

    For the following codes, they can be entered either during song selection or
    difficulty selection. The code will apply ONLY to the player who enters the
    code. If BOTH players, for example, want to use LITTLE MODE, BOTH players
    MUST enter the code. If you want to CANCEL the code, you must enter the code
    again and if need be, continually enter it until the mode goes away.

    Hidden/Sudden/Stealth modes-

    To access hidden mode, hit up, down, up, down on the panel arrows. You hear a
    voice say "hidden." This mode will have the arrows fade out as they reach
    halfway up the screen during gameplay.

    To access sudden mode, enter the hidden mode, then hit up, down, up, down. You
    will hear a voice say "sudden." To put it simply, hit up, down sequence 4
    times. This mode will have the arrows fade in as they reach halfway up the
    screen during gameplay.

    To access stealth mode, enter the sudden mode, then hit up, down, up, down. You
    will hear a voice say "stealth." To put it simply, hit up, down sequence 6
    times. This mode will not show the arrows at all during gameplay (so make sure
    you've memorized the song ^_^)

    To cancel out of these modes, hit the up, down sequence 8 times (hit up, down,
    up, down after you've entered the stealth mode code).

    You can enter this code while you're choosing a song or while you're choosing
    difficulty modes.

    Left and Right modes-

    To access Left Shift mode, hit the left panel arrow 8 times. This will shift
    the arrows around so that you face left while playing (at least you're supposed

    To access Right Shift mode, hit the right panel arrow 8 times. This will shift
    the arrows around so that you face right while playing (at least you're supposed

    Shuffle mode-
    To access Shuffle mode, hit the up, down, left, right, down, up, right, left
    on the panel arrows. This will shuffle the patterns of the arrows around.

    Mirror mode-
    To access Mirror mode, hit left, right sequence on the panel arrows four times.
    This will flip the arrows so they face the other direction (i.e. up becomes
    down, and left becomes right and vice versa).

    Little mode-
    (Thanx to ConvoyShogun for this code!)
    At the song selection or difficulty selection screen, hit left, down, right,
    down, left on the panel arrows. This will eliminate the offbeat arrows (1/2
    beats, 1/4 beats and so on). Recommended for newbies and performers only
    (unless you know what you're doing).

    Flat mode-
    To access Flat mode, hit left, left, left, right, right, right.
    This will make ALL the arrows the same color.
    (By default, all arrows are on VIVID mode, which means all the offbeat arrows
    are different color. If you play with little on, then the flat code will not
    affect you since all the offbeat arrows will be gone)

    6. Songs in this version
    As you know, the songs in DDR USA are collected from the previous DDR mixes. If
    you'd like to try practicing these songs on your own, you can wait until February
    for the US domestic PSX release, or you can import the following DDR versions
    from Japan. Of course the US PSX release should have more songs however...

    The origins of each song mean where you can find each song.

    Dancemania can only be found in import shops or specialty sites that specialize
    in music from Japan ("Dancemania X" is also the name of another Konami game, so
    try to avoid that.)

    Please note that the N.M.R. songs ARE in 2nd Mix, however, the steps are from
    3rd Mix, as well as the logo and the background. Therefore, they're catagorized
    under 3rd Mix.

    The genres of these songs are debatable. I'm not HUGE into all these genres,
    so please let me know if you think I'm wrong. I'm pretty sure I am ^_^

    Artist/song title

    [DDR 1st Mix]
    From: Dancemania X1
    Genre: Euro
    Background: The title and a skater (in a silhouette)

    Hi-Rise-I Believe in Miracles
    From: Dancemania X1
    Genre: Gospel/Dance
    Background: Logo of the song with...a triclops in the background...

    U1-Make a Jam!
    From: Konami Original Remix
    Genre: Techno-Reggae
    Background: The title in a psychedelic fashion

    Mitsu-O!-Make it Better
    From: Konami Original Remix
    Genre: Pop
    Background: The title of the song (in Chicago font!), with a bunch of circles in
    rows of four

    2MB-PARANOiA KCET ~clean mix~
    From: Konami Original Remix
    Genre: Trance
    Background: Very green, and you see the PARANOiA guy, except three of them facing
    the screen shadowed (and as if you were underwater)

    De-Sire-Trip Machine
    From: Konami Original Remix
    Genre: Dance
    Background: The title in a circle-ish, "trippy" manner so to speak

    [DDR 2nd Mix/ReMix]
    JS16-Stomp to My Beat
    From: Dancemania Winters
    Genre: Dance
    Background: The logo and two shadowed characters jumping (like they're stomping)
    ...or being shot at?

    Naoki-Brilliant 2U
    From: Konami Original Remix
    Genre: Club/Rave
    Background: The infamous B2U cyber-tiger with the funky background

    Me & My-Dub I Dub
    From: Dancemania Extra
    Genre: Euro-Dance
    Background: Two girls (in negatives) faces each other with the logo on the

    The Dixies Gang-El Ritmo Tropical
    From: Dancemania Summer 2
    Genre: Samba
    Background: The logo...in many diffrent colors, all over the place

    Chang Ma-Love This Feelin'
    From: Konami Original Remix
    Genre: Funk/Rock?
    Background: A bunch of roses and a skull on top with the logo

    Uzi-Lay-Put Your Faith in Me
    From: Konami Original Remix
    Genre: Jazz/Funk?
    Background: Two mirrored half-naked men flexing

    2MB-Trip Machine ~luv mix~
    From: Konami Original Remix
    Genre: Techno
    Background: "Mammy, can u sing me 'Trip Machine?'" and a doll with a tricycle

    [DDR 3rd Mix]
    N.M.R.-20,November -DDR version-
    From: Konami Original Remix
    Genre: Pop
    Background: The clotheslines...in nighttime

    From: Dancemania
    Genre: Jungle
    Background: The freaky people who look like something from Cats
    -Note-Oddly enough, KoA changed the background to the 4th Mix background, why
    they did I dunno. Maybe Cats the Musical wouldn't have appreciated the old
    background =P Thanx to Nickel!

    N&S-Dead End
    From: Konami Original Remix
    Genre: House
    Background: A big wall that says "Dead End"

    Naoki-Dynamite Rave
    From: Konami Original Remix
    Genre: Rave
    Background: Ummm....a lot of red....and pipes....can't see much else...

    No. 9-End of the Century
    From: Dancemania
    Genre: Euro-House?
    Background: A big...mouth. With teeth baring.

    Rice.C feat. Jam Master '73-Jam Jam Reggae (AM Swing Mix)
    From: Beatmania
    Genre: Reggae
    Background: A lot of colors...(the Jamaican flag?) and the Jam Jam Reggae
    guy is now outlined on the side.

    N.M.R.-Keep on Movin'
    From: Konami Original Remix
    Genre: Pop
    Background: The clothesline. In daytime.

    Captain.T-La Senorita
    From: Konami Original Remix
    Genre: Latin
    Background: Red background, a film sequence with a lady in the frames.

    N.M.R.-Let Them Move
    From: Beatmania
    Genre: Pop
    Background: The Clothesline. In dusk. Must be a N.M.R. thing...

    DJ Kazu feat. Tiger Yamato-Luv To Me (AM Mix)
    From: Beatmania
    Genre: Dance/Pop
    Background: Girl in psychedelic colors with her hand up (Same as the original
    Luv to Me background, just different colors)

    190'-PARANOiA Rebirth
    From: Konami Original Remix
    Genre: Trance
    Background: The PARANOiA guy, only with a helmet.

    Thomas Howard-Silent Hill
    From: Dancemania
    Genre: Ballad
    Background: Snow with Santa silouette flying in a heart. Looks like something
    from a paperweight.

    Me & My-So Many Men
    From: Dancemania
    Genre: Pop
    Background: Lots and lots of...men. Well, more like an army of mannequins.

    6a. The difficulty and steps

    You'll notice that each song's difficulty level is measured by a foot.
    If you would like to see the steps themselves (like the steps for the songs),
    you should visit Nekoneko's DDRers Stompin' Ground, http://www.ddr.sh. I
    also added each song's length so you'll know which ones just take FOREVER
    to finish ^_^

    Most of the Expert Double song ratings are incorrect (but close). Please
    contact me if you know the actual rating.

    Thanx to Nickel for helping me out on the Expert Double steps!

    Difficulties are as follows:
    1-Simple (aka Beginner)
    9-Catastrophic (Unless you know what you're doing, don't try it; there's a
    reason it's called Catastrophic)

    Boys (1:30)
    Standard: 3
    -Steps: 139
    Advanced: 4
    -Steps: 158
    Expert: 7
    -Steps: 209
    Standard Double: 4
    -Steps: 148
    Advanced Double: 5
    -Steps: 162
    Expert Double: 6?
    -Steps: 191

    I Believe in Miracles (1:28)
    Standard: 5
    -Steps: 174
    Advanced: 6
    -Steps: 188
    Expert: 8
    -Steps: 246
    Standard Double: 6
    -Steps: 177
    Advanced Double: 7
    -Steps: 182
    Expert Double: 8?
    -Steps: 264

    Make a Jam! (1:44)
    Standard: 3
    -Steps: 155
    Advanced: 5
    -Steps: 193
    Expert: 7
    -Steps: 240
    Standard Double: 4
    -Steps: 155
    Advanced Double: 5
    -Steps: 200
    Expert Double: 8
    -Steps: 296

    PARANOiA KCET Clean Mix (1:39)
    Standard: 6
    -Steps: 262
    Advanced: 7
    -Steps: 278
    Expert: 8
    -Steps: 351
    Standard Double: 7
    -Steps: 261
    Advanced Double: 8
    -Steps: 289
    Expert Double: 9
    -Steps: 351

    Stomp to My Beat (1:34)
    Standard: 5
    -Steps: 167
    Advanced: 6
    -Steps: 181
    Expert: 7
    -Steps: 248
    Standard Double: 5
    -Steps: 177
    Advanced Double: 6
    -Steps: 177
    Expert Double: 7?
    -Steps: 201

    Brilliant 2U (1:23)
    Standard: 4
    -Steps: 162
    Advanced: 5
    -Steps: 176
    Expert: 6
    -Steps: 225
    Standard Double: 4
    -Steps: 165
    Advanced Double: 5
    -Steps: 180
    Expert Double: 6
    -Steps: 227

    Dub I Dub (1:23)
    Standard: 4
    -Steps: 134
    Advanced: 6
    -Steps: 205
    Expert: 8
    -Steps: 210
    Standard Double: 5
    -Steps: 134
    Advanced Double: 7
    -Steps: 199
    Expert Double: 7
    -Steps: 194 (?)

    El Ritmo Tropical (1:30)
    Standard: 2
    -Steps: 124
    Advanced: 6
    -Steps: 198
    Expert: 7
    -Steps: 247
    Standard Double: 4
    -Steps: 163
    Advanced Double: 5
    -Steps: 174
    Expert Double: 6?
    -Steps: 217

    Love This Feelin' (1:29)
    Standard: 6
    -Steps: 210
    Advanced: 7
    -Steps: 225
    Expert: 8
    -Steps: 242
    Standard Double: 7
    -Steps: 214
    Advanced Double: 8
    -Steps: 227
    Expert Double: 8?
    -Steps: 242

    Make it Better(1:29)
    Standard: 4
    -Steps: 143
    Advanced: 5
    -Steps: 188
    Expert: 7
    -Steps: 212
    Standard Double: 5
    -Steps: 130
    Advanced Double: 7
    -Steps: 181
    Expert Double: 8?
    -Steps: 220

    Put Your Faith in Me (1:24)
    Standard: 3
    -Steps: 128
    Advanced: 4
    -Steps: 145
    Expert: 6
    -Steps: 203
    Standard Double: 4
    -Steps: 135
    Advanced Double: 5
    -Steps: 147
    Expert Double: 6?
    -Steps: 170

    Trip Machine (1:26)
    Standard: 6
    -Steps: 191
    Advanced: 7
    -Steps: 211
    Expert: 8
    -Steps: 230
    Standard Double: 7
    -Steps: 201
    Advanced Double: 8
    -Steps: 215
    Expert Double: 8
    -Steps: 264

    Trip Machine ~luv mix~ (1:45)
    Standard: 6
    -Steps: 209
    Advanced: 7
    -Steps: 251
    Expert: 8
    -Steps: 293
    Standard Double: 7
    -Steps: 209
    Advanced Double: 8
    -Steps: 251
    Expert Double: 8?
    -Steps: 303

    20,November -DDR version- (1:09)
    Standard: 3
    -Steps: 103
    Advanced: 5
    -Steps: 150
    Expert: 7
    -Steps: 175
    Standard Double: 3
    -Steps: 98
    Advanced Double: 5
    -Steps: 132
    Expert Double: 7
    -Steps: 167

    Afronova (1:29)
    Standard: 5
    -Steps: 214
    Advanced: 7
    -Steps: 244
    Expert: 9
    -Steps: 370
    Standard Double: 6
    -Steps: 233
    Advanced Double: 7
    -Steps: 245
    Expert Double: 8
    -Steps: 357

    Dead End (1:40)
    Standard: 5
    -Steps: 216
    Advanced: 7
    -Steps: 377
    Expert: 9
    -Steps: 410
    Standard Double: 6
    -Steps: 274
    Advanced Double: 7
    -Steps: 298
    Expert Double: 9
    -Steps: 455

    Dynamite Rave (1:33)
    Standard: 5
    -Steps: 188
    Advanced: 7
    -Steps: 269
    Expert: 9
    -Steps: 398
    Standard Double: 5
    -Steps: 217
    Advanced Double: 6
    -Steps: 250
    Expert Double: 8
    -Steps: 331

    End of the Century (1:39)
    Standard: 4
    -Steps: 231
    Advanced: 7
    -Steps: 307
    Expert: 8
    -Steps: 349
    Standard Double: 5
    -Steps: 231
    Advanced Double: 6
    -Steps: 245
    Expert Double: 8
    -Steps: 390

    Jam Jam Reggae (AM Swing Mix) (1:29)
    Standard: 2
    -Steps: 123
    Advanced: 7
    -Steps: 189
    Expert: 8
    -Steps: 252
    Standard Double: 3
    -Steps: 112
    Advanced Double: 5
    -Steps: 137
    Expert Double: 8
    -Steps: 223

    Keep on Movin' (1:08)
    Standard: 4
    -Steps: 110
    Advanced: 5
    -Steps: 140
    Expert: 6
    -Steps: 183
    Standard Double: 4
    -Steps: 113
    Advanced Double: 6
    -Steps: 162
    Expert Double: 7
    -Steps: 164

    La Senorita (1:40)
    Standard: 4
    -Steps: 241
    Advanced: 6
    -Steps: 255
    Expert: 7
    -Steps: 294
    Standard Double: 4
    -Steps: 181
    Advanced Double: 6
    -Steps: 293
    Expert Double: 8
    -Steps: 420

    Let Them Move (1:18)
    Standard: 3
    -Steps: 107
    Advanced: 6
    -Steps: 150
    Expert: 7
    -Steps: 198
    Standard Double: 3
    -Steps: 110
    Advanced Double: 6
    -Steps: 126
    Expert Double: 7
    -Steps: 165

    Luv To Me (AM Mix) (1:37)
    Standard: 4
    -Steps: 203
    Advanced: 7
    -Steps: 270
    Expert: 8
    -Steps: 353
    Standard Double: 5
    -Steps: 217
    Advanced Double: 6
    -Steps: 228
    Expert Double: 8
    -Steps: 352

    PARANOiA Rebirth (1:38)
    Standard: 6
    -Steps: 280
    Advanced: 7
    -Steps: 322
    Expert: 9
    -Steps: 433
    Standard Double: 6
    -Steps: 281
    Advanced Double: 7
    -Steps: 321
    Expert Double: 9
    -Steps: 423

    Silent Hill (1:39)
    Standard: 2
    -Steps: 117
    Advanced: 6
    -Steps: 202
    Expert: 7
    -Steps: 265
    Standard Double: 4
    -Steps: 165
    Advanced Double: 5
    -Steps: 206
    Expert Double: 7
    -Steps: 268

    So Many Men (1:22)
    Standard: 3
    -Steps: 115
    Advanced: 5
    -Steps: 150
    Expert: 6
    -Steps: 193
    Standard Double: 3
    -Steps: 115
    Advanced Double: 4
    -Steps: 139
    Expert Double: 7
    -Steps: 220

    6b. Recommended songs

    Here are some songs I would recommend for beginners, novice, intermediate,
    advanced, and the "DDR Maniac" player ^_^

    Yeah, I should be one to talk, but here's my input. By the way, this does
    NOT include using Beginner Mode. That mode is for newbies =P

    -Those who grasp the concept of WHERE to hit the arrows-
    -Occassionaly struggling to hit some arrows, but still passes-
    -Don't get too anxious, these are pretty slow songs-
    -Play on: Moderate and Ordinary
    Jam Jam Reggae (Standard)
    Let Them Move (Standard)
    Put Your Faith in Me (Standard)
    Silent Hill (Standard)

    -Those who understand the concept of the arrow it stepped on the beat-
    -Usually looks like they're doing step aerobics, or VERY bored-
    -Play on: Ordinary and Superior
    20, November (Standard)
    Boys (Standard)
    Keep On Movin' (Standard)
    Make a Jam! (Standard)
    So Many Men (Standard)
    Make It Better (Standard)

    -Those who know what's going on, but still can't do anything fancy-
    -Also means that they're starting to stop "marching"-
    -Offbeats aren't much of a problem
    -Play on: Marvelous and Genuine
    Afronova (Standard)
    Brilliant 2U (Standard)
    Dynamite Rave (Standard)
    La Senorita (Standard or Advanced)
    Luv To Me AM Mix (Standard)
    PARANOiA Rebirth (Standard)
    So Many Men (Advanced or Expert)
    Stomp to My Beat (Standard or Advanced)
    Trip Machine (Standard)

    -Those who usually can do some tricks, freestyling, turns, etc.-
    -At this point, you can be catagorized as a high scorer or freestyler-
    -Play on: Paramount and Exorbitant
    20, November (Expert)
    Brilliant 2U (Expert)
    Dub I Dub (Expert)
    Dynamite Rave (Advanced)
    End of the Century (Advanced)
    I Believe in Miracles (Expert)
    Jam Jam Reggae (Expert)
    Let Them Move (Expert)
    Love This Feelin' (Advanced or Expert)
    Luv to Me AM Mix (Advanced)
    Silent Hill (Expert)
    Trip Machine (Advanced or Expert)
    Trip Machine ~luv mix~ (Advanced)

    DDR Maniac:
    -Those who have too much time on their hands ^_^ -
    -Got a lot of energy?
    -Play on: Exorbitant and Catastrophic
    Afronova (Expert)
    Dead End (Expert)
    Dynamite Rave (Expert)
    End of the Century (Expert)
    Luv To Me AM Mix (Expert)
    PARANOiA KCET ~clean mix~ (Expert)
    PARANOiA Rebirth (Expert)
    Trip Machine ~luv mix~ (Expert)
    During loading:
    "This is a cool Konami sound"
    "This is a pretty good song"
    "You have good taste in music!"

    Before song:
    "Are you ready?"

    "Give it your best shot!"
    "Show me your performance!"
    "Heat up the dance floor!"
    "This is the last song, keep going!"

    During game play:
    If you have a rating above red
    "You've got the rhythm!"
    "Wow, you are too cool!"
    "Nice moves!"
    "You surprised us all!"
    "Awesome, awesome!"
    "Everybody is cheering!"
    "The crowd loves you!"
    "This is the best I've ever seen!"
    "What technique!"
    "I'm getting carried away, REALLY carried away!"
    "You're a dance animal!"
    "C'mon you *???*"
    "Don't be careless!"
    "What a cool guy you are!"

    If you have a rating in the red zone:
    "Be careful!"
    "Are your legs OK?"
    "Did you have breakfast today?"
    "Whoa you're dangerous!"
    "Danger, danger!"

    Stage finishes:
    "You're hot!"
    "That was cool, you've just become a hero!"
    "You're doing great!"
    "Your dance was so great, it's like sunshine on a cloudy day!"
    "Whoa you're a dancing machine!" (AAA only)

    For Versus mode:
    "You two are good friends!"
    "You're both great dancers!"

    "You're doing great!" (Don't ask...)
    8. About these lyrics
    Yes I have most of the lyrics up, these are ones I tried to do myself, and
    since I'm not experienced at this yet, they might be off.
    Many of the 3rd mix were blatently taken right from the game, and yes, I know,
    it's very flawed, but I tried to make fixes where I could.

    Others I couldn't do for the life of me, so I'm requesting help.

    Also, I've included some extra verses for some songs just for fun ^_^

    Songs that I'm pretty sure don't have lyrics:

    PARANOiA KCET ~clean mix~
    Afronova (or at least I don't know WHAT to put down...)

    *?* indicates inaudible words

    Songs that I'm requesting help on:

    Let Them Move
    Love This Feelin'
    Make a Jam!
    Put Your Faith in Me
    Jam Jam Reggae AM Swing Mix (AMD Swing Mix)

    20, November -DDR Version-
    -N.M.R. featuring DJ Nagureo

    Ah don't want me to give your love baby? (?)
    Oh, give it to me good!

    Make it Better

    Got no money
    Time to *?*

    Time after time I tried to walk away
    Uh, uh, uh, you don't break my heart
    Time after time I tried to walk away
    Uh, uh, uh

    Time after time I tried to walk away
    Uh, uh, uh, you don't break my heart
    Time after time I tried to walk away
    Uh, uh, uh

    Yeah yeah yeah
    Yeah yeah yeah

    Time after time I tried to walk away
    Uh, uh, uh, you don't break my heart
    Time after time I tried to walk away
    Uh, uh, uh

    Yeah yeah yeah
    Yeah yeah yeah


    Boys boys be my boy
    (I wanna feel your body)
    Boys boys be my boy
    (Tonight I'm ready honey)
    Boys boys be my boy
    (I wanna be your lover girl)
    Be my lover boy

    Boys boys be my boy
    (I wanna feel your body)
    Boys boys be my boy
    (Tonight I'm ready honey)
    Boys boys be my boy
    (I wanna be your lover girl)
    Be my lover boy

    Hot summertime, always somethin' on my mind
    A kind of magic in the air
    I'm a road to a sunny paradise
    With crowded beaches everywhere

    I'm just a girl who's lookin' (for) lots of fun
    It's time to get things started
    So come on everybody

    Boys boys be my boy
    (I wanna feel your body)
    Boys boys be my boy
    (Tonight I'm ready honey)
    Boys boys be my boy
    (I wanna be your lover girl)
    Be my lover boy

    Boys boys be my boy
    (I wanna feel your body)
    Boys boys be my boy
    (Tonight I'm ready honey)
    Boys boys be my boy
    (I wanna be your lover girl)
    Be my lover boy

    Hot summer night, always make me lose control
    It feels like heaven, now I'm free
    And all the boys, if you wanna feel the heat
    Just come along and play with me

    I'm just a girl who's lookin' (for) lots of fun
    It's time to get things started
    So come on move your body

    I Believe in Miracles

    I believe in miracles baby
    I believe in you
    I believe in miracles baby
    I believe in you

    I believe in miracles baby
    I believe in you
    I believe in miracles baby
    I believe in you

    They say the day is ending
    Let's watch the sun go down
    And plan a holiday or two

    For all eternity
    I'm gonna *?* so you can see
    Worlds I created just for you

    Oh I saw you standin' on the street
    I wanted to meet you and stop for a while
    You gave me a smile when you say hello ohhhh
    Doo doo doo!

    Now everything's so good inside
    Never realized that I didn't hide
    The feelin' that came when you felt the same!

    I believe in miracles
    I believe in miracles
    I believe in miracles, don't you? (don't you?)

    Na na na na na nanananana
    Na na na na na nanananana
    Na na na na na nanananana

    (I believe!)
    I believe in miracles (don't you?)
    I believe in miracles (don't you?)
    I believe in miracles, don't you?

    In miracles in miracles in miracles...

    Here we are together face to face forever
    Got a place the I've created just for you you you!
    Doo doo doo!

    Feel the faith of what you feel
    Believe in Jesus that can heal
    And soon the miracle will come true

    Dub I Dub (I considered using "Doobie Doob", but...)
    -Me & My

    Dub I Dub I Dub I Dub Bub Bub
    Dub I Dub I Dub I Yeah Yeah
    Dub I Dub I Dub I Dub Bub Bub
    I don't need you love...anymore

    I don't need you here by my side
    no more no more ooo...
    And when I feel your love deep inside
    I will forget oh yeah

    So don't you dare come knockin' on my door
    When you need someone to hold
    Cuz every door and window is closed
    I can live, live without your love!

    Dub I Dub I Dub I Dub Bub Bub
    Dub I Dub I Dub I Yeah Yeah
    Dub I Dub I Dub I Dub Bub Bub
    I don't need you love

    Dub I Dub I Dub I Dub Bub Bub
    Dub I Dub I Dub I Yeah Yeah
    Dub I Dub I Dub I Dub Bub Bub
    I don't need you love

    Love is cold yeah and I don't need your
    Love is cold yeah and I don't need

    Dub I Dub I Dub I Dub Bub Bub
    Dub I Dub I Dub I Yeah Yeah
    Dub I Dub I Dub I Dub Bub Bub
    I don't need your love...anymore

    You left me you went away
    Yeah yeah yeah
    And now you say you're back to stay
    No way, no way!

    So don't you dare come knockin' on my door
    When you need someone to hold
    Cuz every door and window is closed
    I can live, live without your love!

    Brilliant 2U

    C'mon let's go here we go!
    Jump jump jump everybody
    Jump up and down feel the power get down!
    Get involved! C'mon c'mon!
    Jump jump jump look out!
    Everybody knows how to get down!

    Jump jump jump get involved!
    Jump jump jump get involved! c'mon!
    Jump jump jump get involved!
    Everybody knows how to get down!

    C'mon let's go here we go!
    Jump jump jump everybody
    Jump up and down feel the power get down!
    Get involved! C'mon c'mon!
    Jump jump jump look out!
    Everybody knows how to get down!

    Jump jump jump get involved!
    Jump jump jump get involved! c'mon!
    Jump jump jump everybody!
    Get involved c'mon c'mon!
    Get involved, yeah everyone!

    Trip Machine

    5, 4, 3, 2, 1
    Trip start

    Do you love me too?
    Do you love me too?
    Ohhhhhh yeah!

    Trip start
    Trip start
    Trip start



    Trip Machine ~luv mix~

    Mommy, will you sing me Trip Machine?



    5, 4, 3, 2, 1
    Trip start


    *Inaudible baby babble*

    PARANOiA Rebirth

    Fe-fe-fe-feel so good!
    Hey baby

    So Many Men
    -Me & My

    (So many men, so little time
    so many men for Me & My)
    (So many men, so little time
    so many men for Me & My)
    (So many men, so little time
    so many men for Me & My)
    (So many men, so little time
    so many men for Me & My)

    It's morning, I open my eyes
    and everything's still the same.
    I turn to the guy who stayed last night
    and ask him, "what's your name?"

    This seems to happen more and more,
    I love those men, one and all.
    Each new one I meet makes my heart beat fast
    When see them so strong and tall!

    So many men, so little time
    (So many men, so little time)
    How can I lose?
    So many men, so little time
    (So many men for Me & My)
    How can I choose?

    So many men (so many men), so little time (so little time)
    (So many men, so little time)
    How can I lose?
    So many men (so many men), so little time (please give me time)
    (So many men for Me & My)
    How can I choose?

    They tell me I'm up to the roof (?)
    I should just settle down
    But I don't want to stay with just one man
    I want to see what's around

    Feels like it happens every night
    Being here with someone new
    Physical thrill, a beautiful smile
    And wonderful muscles too!

    So Many Men...

    20, 40, 60, 75, 95, 100!

    So really who cares about love?
    Who wants their freedom taken away?
    For 52 weeks of every year
    There's a new man everyday

    There's too many choices to make up my mind
    So many that can turn on my light
    I don't want true love, I don't want brains
    Just give me the body tonight!

    Dynamite Rave
    *Thanx to SSJ Bubble Tea for help!*

    Dynamite rave!
    Come on everybody (Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!)
    And get on the floor yeah!

    Techno, rave, it's time to make a stand
    And pave the way, some might say
    Let it go, stay with the flow
    Stay on the beat, move your feet
    On concrete, on the dance floor
    If you want more? Then I'll give you more!
    If it's too hard core, then let me know
    I stop this show then bring it back
    To be exact, at 12 O'Clock
    Rock the spot, it's too damn hot
    They told me so, dynamite rave!
    It's on the down low, use your inner glow
    To make a move, show and prove
    The man with the lisp sounds so quick
    When you can see me on TV
    On the radio, hear me blow!

    I don't wanna give up (Oh no!)
    we're gonna have a party, have a really great time
    Yeah, yeah!
    Just feel the heat!
    Listen to the music and feel that beat!

    (C'mon, c'mon!
    ahhh...Get up! C'mon, c'mon!
    Can you feel it? *?* *?*
    C'mon, get up! C'mon, c'mon!
    *?* *?*
    *?* Ahhhh yeah!)

    Jump, jump do your thing
    This be the bomb, try to sing
    Narrator king, spread your wings
    Make your head ring to this song (Ah ah ah, can you feel it?)
    All night long, jack your body
    To this party feel the pain
    When you strain, don't refrain
    Please don't stop until you drop (C'mon c'mon c'mon just bust a groove!)

    I don't wanna give up
    we're gonna have a party, have a really great time
    Yeah, yeah!
    Just feel the heat!
    Listen to the music and feel that beat!

    End of the Century
    -No. 9

    End of the century misery, can it be
    chaos who's the boss? Suffer a great loss
    Man, woman, child no longer exist
    Only the good ones will be missed
    Life, love, cherish it all
    Who will be left to conquer it all?
    The end is coming, don't start running
    There's nowhere to run, don't grab a gun
    All over the land, hear this roar
    No one knows what's in store
    Look for the star, he's on his way
    No one knows what's in store (?)
    Love yourself and all around
    In a blink of an eye, you won't hear a sound
    Your heart is pounding at raided speed
    Man will always feel the need for greeed

    Let's go for it
    By now you can't miss
    Although this was the beginning
    Beware because the end is near!

    The sky is falling, eyes are bawling
    You had your chance to make your stance
    Love is a must, life don't lust
    No time to fuss, people start to cuss
    Cry out, who's going to care?
    Have no doubt, have no fear
    Believe in me, I'll show you the way.

    Some people think the year 2G
    is so scary, let's wait and see
    The world will shot down most won't admit
    People go crazy, people catch fits
    Fire breaks out, one way to stop
    Play hip-hop and nonstop stop
    Remember these words and what I said;
    You just might wake up brain dead!

    The feeling... (the feeling)
    is amazing... (is amazing)
    (Oh boy!)
    I want you...
    (Come and get me!)

    Some just say the world is changing
    Many people will agree
    Many changes we are seeing
    I just say it's the end
    It's the end
    It's the end of the century (End of the century!)

    La Seorita

    Sitting in the corner with a coffee cup
    Reading the newspaper, not looking up
    She smiles as she finds something funny there
    The sunlight shining in her hair

    When she leaves, you want to follow her anywhere
    Her dress is too tight, but you can't let her see you stare

    And she's a hot one, a jalepea (NOT "halepena" BTW!)
    Ooh, la seorita
    You'll never get close enough
    To la seorita

    (Ora! Esta acuendo! (?)
    *?* Oh yeah!)

    You know she has a mind, she has an attitude
    And she likes her space and her solitude
    She'll tease you or please you if she's feeling good
    Or burn you, like you knew she would.

    When she smiles it's like the sun shining on your face
    Pulling and stretching her leather and lace.

    And she's a hot one, a jalepea
    Ooh, la seorita
    In Baja, California
    Ooh, la seorita
    Ooh, la seorita

    Silent Hill
    -Thomas Howard

    Lights on the avenue
    All seem so far away
    I'm up here drinking a toast to you
    On such a special day

    Tonight is the night for "I love you"'s
    Wish we could have this feeling
    Throughout the year
    Christmas is here
    Christmas is here

    Tonight is the night for "I love you"'s
    And if you hold me near you
    You'll feel my heart beating for two
    Tonight is the night for "I love you"'s
    Up above the snow if falling
    And stars disappear
    My heart is calling
    "Christmas is here"

    Jam Jam Reggae (AM Swing Mix)
    *From Konami Beatmania Consumer guide*
    -Rice C. feat. Jam Jam Master '73


    Jam Jam Reggae come from Jamaica
    Fi Di Future in all dve hey!
    Jam Jam Reggae come from Jamaica
    Fi Di Future in all dve so!

    Bring bring jam baging packing jam
    Reggae music guide fi positive vibes
    Go around go around jam who waht who want jam
    Nuff niceness dis wickedest jam

    Ca's make mi happy & make mi high
    Mi dead taste & feel alright
    Like da natural harb, make me feel irie
    One chest a raggamaffin rude boy stayly
    Granny make a jam every day & night
    She said "Jamaica is da best
    Everythings everythings"


    Jam Jam Reggae come from Jamaica
    Fi Di Future in all dve hey!
    Jam Jam Reggae come from Jamaica
    Fi Di Future in all dve so!

    Bring bring jam baging packing jam
    Reggae music guide fi positive vibes
    Go around go around jam who waht who want jam
    Nuff niceness dis wickedest jam

    Bring bring jam baging packing jam
    Reggae music guide fi positive vibes

    El Ritmo Tropical
    *Courtesy of Guilherme Henrique M. L. Kiyohara*
    -The Dixies Gang

    El mundo entero
    celebra carnaval!

    Have a party
    Shake your body
    Do the limbo
    Dancin on "El Bimbo"
    Do it allnight
    See the sunlight
    We go on and on and on

    We're gonna have a party
    It's time to shake your body
    Come and do the limbo
    Dancin on "El Bimbo"
    We can do it allnight
    Untill we see the sunlight

    We go on and on and on

    Lala lala lalaaaaa
    Lala lala lala lalaaaaaaa

    El ritmo tropical,
    El ritmo tropical,
    El ritmo tropical,
    Celebra carnaval !

    Keep On Movin'
    *Courtesy of Sailor Bacon*

    Keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on doin' year!
    All new happy on your own.
    (Keep on, keep on, keep on Oh!)
    Keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on doin' year!
    (To way hurt my love)
    All you goes bad. All you goes look down. Hoo!

    All fade escort dreaming. Dah-ha.. Why don't he get air.
    What you feel what there. You got some much life.
    But don't looks luck. Than car please thank you.

    Yeah! You want to the same day. Put you need get on way.
    Now did he don't care about pressing. They need gonna better bad time.
    Because this morning you mind. And got your body, Comon!
    In emotion! As a molding to flowing groove is funkey.

    Keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on doin' year!
    All new happy on your own.
    (Keep on, keep on, keep on Oh!)
    Keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on doin' year!
    (To way hurt my love...)
    All you goes bad. All you goes look down, Hoo!

    Stomp to my Beat
    *Courtesy of Guilherme Henrique M. L. Kiyohara*

    Stompin' to my beat you,
    Stompin' to my beat you,
    Stompin' to my beat you,
    Stompin' to my beat you,
    Stompin' to my,
    Stompin' to my,
    Stompin' to my,
    Stompin' to my,
    Stompin' to,
    Stompin' to,
    Stompin' to,
    Stompin' to,
    Stompin' to,

    Happy people stompin' to my beat you,
    to my beat you, stompin' to my beat,
    My beat'll come stormin' in, pumpin' , pumpin'

    Happy people stompin' to my beat you,
    to my beat you, stompin' to my beat,
    My beat'll come stormin' in, pumpin' , pumpin'

    Happy people stompin' to my,
    Happy people stompin' to my,
    Happy people stompin' to my,
    Happy people stompin' to my,
    Happy people stompin' to my,
    Happy people stompin' to my,
    to my,
    to my,
    to my,
    to my beat you beat

    Happy people stompin' to my beat you,
    to my beat you, stompin' to my beat,
    My beat'll come stormin' in, pumpin' , pumpin' (all night)

    Happy people stompin' to my beat you,
    to my beat you, stompin' to my beat,
    My beat'll come stormin' in, pumpin' , pumpin' (all night)

    Happy people,
    Happy people,
    Happy people,
    Happy people stompin' to my,
    Stompin' to,
    Stompin' to,
    Stompin' to,
    Stompin' to my beat you,
    Stompin' to my,
    Stompin' to my,
    Stompin' to stompin' to my,
    Stompin' to stompin' to my.

    Luv to Me (AM Mix)
    *Courtesy of Sailor Bacon*
    -DJ Kazu feat. Tiger Yamato

    (Love me)

    Neon signs were shining bright
    And in the street lights (the street lights)
    I saw your shadow was fading away
    Well, I lost you all of a sudden

    Good-bye my love, I love you too so
    Before you went away, I didn't know
    Memories awake, only in my dream
    When I think I lost them, they all come back to me

    You said that you love me
    Looked at me softly
    You kissed me and held me all night so tight
    I know what you're feeling
    I know what you're dreaming
    All that you feel and everything in your mind

    The memories are so clear (so clear, so clear...)
    (So-so many...) So many good years (good years...)
    The sweet ones I hold dear (hold dear, hold dear...)

    Good-bye my love, I love you too so
    Before you went away, I didn't know
    Memories awake, only in my dream
    When I think I lost them, they all come back to me

    The memories are so clear
    So many good years
    Sweet ones I hold dear
    Can't hold back the tears
    I need you by my side
    These feelings I can't hide
    So don't walk away, boy
    Baby won't you bring back
    9. Fun Facts
    Out of boredom, and reading other FAQs, I decided to add a "fun facts"
    section about DDR in general. HOWEVER, some of these MAY NOT be correct,
    and if you think or know the correct answer, please feel free to contact me.
    BTW-I will NOT answer you or give you credit if you decide to be a jerk in
    e-mailing me (read me e-mail rules).

    I know these are pretty easy. I'm also open to new questions, if you think
    you have a good DDR trivia question, e-mail it to me.

    Please see the bottom of the FAQ for the answers.

    Thanx to DJ Arcas for reminding and helping me about the info on the Dancing
    Stage series in Europe! (FYI, Konami Europe renamed DDR to Dancing Stage,
    no relation to the Dancing Stage in Japan feat. TKD and DCT).

    DDR trivia!

    1. Naoki's last name?
    2. How many Dance Dance Revolution version are out at the moment (for Japan:
    MAJOR releases only, exclude LINK and PLUS versions. for USA: MAJOR releases:
    hint 1.5 and USA ONLY =P). This includes arcade, PSX, DC, GB, etc. As of
    3. How many versions of PARANOiA exist? (including variations, DO NOT include
    remixes outside of DDR like Paranoia Evil or Paranoia Millenium)
    4. From what Beatmania does the Club version/Append discs come from?
    5. Which song(s) is/are the first CATASTROPHIC? And when does it appear?
    6. How many songs does Naoki currently have from 1st Mix-4th? (including
    remixes, exclude Club versions)
    7. For DDR 3rd Mix, Captain Jack remakes what popular 70's song by which artist?
    BONUS:What verse does Konami use in DDR 3rd?
    8. When was the official release date of DDR USA?
    9. Who produces the Dancemania series? (NOT the game, the music)
    10. What does "180" "190" and "200" refer to?
    11. Which is currently the fastest DDR song (in terms of arrow speed)?
    12. How many versions of Trip Machine exist?
    13. What is Bemani? (This should be easy ^_^)
    14. The Olivia Project remakes songs by which artist?
    15. When did SSR Double (aka Maniac Double, Expert Double) first appear?
    16. Out of the 120+ songs that Japan has seen so far in their DDRs, how many has
    America seen? (Hint: Again, major releases, including Solo, excluding Nonstop)
    17. So Many Men is a remake of another song by what artist?
    18. How many different versions of Luv to Me is there? (Excluding ParaPara
    Paradise and BM IIDX 4th Style)
    19. How many songs in 2nd ReMix Append Club discs (or Club version) appear in
    PS2's Beatmania IIDX 3rd Style?
    20. How many DDR songs (excluding Club songs) are featured in Beatmania IIDX
    3rd Style for PS2?

    I heard that DDR 1st/Internet Ranking made it to America, but I haven't seen it,
    especially if it was the official U.S. version, so I'm excluding that as major
    release. Plus KoA does not consider this version as a major release.
    10. Closing notes/Thanks/Contact Information
    This FAQ is strictly based on my observations and my techniques. It may not
    work for you, and in which case, you can find other great beginner's FAQs out
    there that may work for you. (Myself, I'm learning new techniques, so my own
    playing is not too great right now...) ^_^

    And to all the people who think there's no DDR scene in Chicago/Chicagoland
    area, I fart in your general direction! =P~~~

    Thanks to...
    GameFAQs, heck, I never had more motivation to do this kinda thing ^_^
    Konami and the Bemani team for making such a kick arse game
    Nekoneko at DDRer's Stompin' Ground, excellent resource for any DDR game out
    there (some information from this FAQ came from their site, with permission
    of course); http://www.ddr.sh. This FAQ wouldn't be complete without that
    Diversions, and all the people there!
    The whole Bemani Freak Underground (Yahoo! clubs) group!
    Gameworks (in Schaumburg, Streets of Woodfield), and to all the people there for
    showing me how to do some of the funky stuff...that and if GameWorks didn't
    bring this game to ACEN2K, this game would have forever sat on my shelf...
    Mitsuwa (aka Yaohan), especially for charging me up the butt for this...man
    $1.50? Ouch! ;) Well then again, they had DDR USA before anyone else so ^_^
    Holy_Knight_7 at 7th Step (http://members.tripod.com/holy_knight_7/index.htm),
    for letting me use some of the info on his site, check it out, especially if
    you live in the Chicagoland area!
    Sailor Bacon, Guilherme Henrique M. L. Kiyohara, and Deathlok the Demolisher
    for allowing me to use their lyrics, and helping me out on others!
    Nickel for pointing out my dumb mistakes hehe
    Deathlok the Demolisher for pointing out that Brilliant 2U and Trip Machine
    indeed DO have lyrics =P
    And anyone else I've forgotten, sorry!!!

    Copyrights...(every game I mentioned thus far, just to be safe)
    Beatmania, ParaPara Paradise, DancemaniaX, and Dance Dance Revolution is
    trademark of Konami, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (KCEJ), Konami Computer
    Entertainment Tokyo (KCET), and the Bemani development team.
    Dance Dance Revolution USA is copyright 2000 Konami of America (KoA).
    Dancemania music compilation series is trademark/copyright of Toshiba Emi.
    PlayStation and PlayStation 2 is trademark/copyright of Sony Computer
    Dreamcast is trademark/copyright of Sega, LTD.


    You want to contact me? Read this FIRST, because you NEVER know what will
    happen to you or your E-Mail otherwise.

    (Excuse my rudeness, but it has come to this)

    1)I'm providing my e-mail address for COMMENTS, ADDITIONS, CORRECTIONS, and

    2)Make sure you put what SPECIFIC game you're e-mailing me about. I have 3
    other DDR FAQs, and asking a question about a "DDR FAQ" isn't going to go
    anywhere. An e-mail with "Dance Dance Revolution" isn't going to help either.
    Here's and example of what you SHOULD say:
    exmplae 1: Subject: Dance Dance Revolution Club 2 FAQ <---Good example
    example 2: Subject: DDR USA arcade FAQ <---This is good enough
    example 3: Subject: DDR USA song lyric correction <---Even better

    If you're too lazy to type all that out, well then, don't expect a resonse from

    3)DO NOT ask questions such as "HOW DO I DO _your problem here_???" Or like
    "How do I enter _such and such_ code? It's not working for me!!!" Then
    OBVIOUSLY you're NOT doing it right! I test out all codes before I publish
    them, so if you can't do it, then 95% says that it's you, 5% says it's the
    machine. Do I look like your therapist?

    4)DO NOT e-mail me for codes, hidden stuff, or the like! Everything I know
    about this game is on this FAQ SO LOOK THROUGH THIS FAQ BEFORE ASKING ME
    ANYTHING! If you can't find the code here, then either it doesn't exist, I
    haven't found it yet or confirmed it, or you just don't know how to read
    thoroughly. Plain and simple.

    5)I do NOT answer questions about PlayStation, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2,
    modifications, copy protection, buying the dance pad/mat, or ANYTHING of the
    don't condone piracy in any manner, and my name is not Konami/Sony/Sega
    Technical Help. Why do I refuse to answer these?

    -Modifications break your Sony/Sega warranty, so I don't encourage it, in ANY
    country, whether you're in Japan, USA, UK, Germany, Philippines, Antarctica,
    -Copy protection EXISTS FOR A REASON. I'm NOT going to tell you how to break
    the law.
    -Same goes for modification protection. If you want to break it, use a hammer.
    Then go buy yourself a new one. BTW-I'm not responsible for ANYTHING if you do
    -You can buy a dance pad or mat ANYWHERE. Obviously, if you still don't know
    where, you're not trying hard enough. (Hint: eBay, Yahoo!)
    -If something breaks or is lost, TOUGH. It's not my problem. Just because I
    write FAQs, doesn't mean I know how to fix your game, pad, PSX, whatever. I
    don't bear any kind of responsibility from your actions.

    6)I'm not a girl, so don't think about sending love letter. Also spam will
    be ignored and taken up with your ISP or mail server (yes, there are laws
    against spamming).

    ONLY ONE e-mail address here. That's the ONLY one I want to see YOUR E-mail at.
    I don't CARE if it takes me a month to respond. E-mailing me anywhere else just
    tells me that you're a moron who can't read simple instructions.

    8)Yes, Dance Dance Revolution IS COMING TO THE U.S. PlayStation, in February
    2001. I'm not Konami of America, so don't ask me anymore than that. 4th Mix is
    due out 3/15/2001 on PlayStation. I'm not Konami of Japan either. Ask them, they
    make the game. I just write FAQs about them.

    9)I can read English, Korean, Spanish and some Japanese. Korean is reserved for
    karaoke, Japanese is reserved for either karaoke, anime, or video games, and
    Spanish is ONLY for my classes. THAT'S IT. You send me an e-mail in Korean,
    Japanese, Spanish, French, or ANY other language, either expect an ignore,
    returned e-mail, or major laughter from me and anyone else I decide to show
    the e-mail to.

    10)One letter about emulation or how to copy this game will be forwarded
    STRAIGHT to the authorities, in ANY country. NO JOKE.

    11)If you can't type proper English, you don't know proper grammar, or you just
    don't know how to speak English, don't bother e-mailing me. I don't want to try
    to decode e-mail that say this: "I no english well. I like game much. I want
    codes. send and i very happy."

    *I've gotten worse e-mails, but here's a light example.*

    I know I'm being harsh but this is getting ridiculous, constantly getting
    e-mailed on how to break Konami's copy protection, how to play the games
    illegally, and so forth. Please, understand that most FAQ writers don't exist
    to tell you how to solve your personal problems (Yes, trying to jack up your
    PlayStation to play games and make toast is you own personal problem). We (at
    least myself) are just here about the game. Not to cater to your piracy habits,
    or your inabilities to find accessories. I've got my own problems to worry

    Don't ASK me WHY I won't tell you either. I just won't. Period.

    Understand? Good! I'm always open to a good e-mail! ^_^

    You can e-mail me at BakaOrochi@hotmail.com
    If you'd like to reuse this FAQ in ANYWAY, SHAPE OR FORM, YOU MUST contact me
    FIRST! So please save yourself the legal trouble. I won't bite your head off
    or anything =E
    This FAQ can be located http://www.geocities.com/bakaorochi
    The latest version is usually at www.gamefaqs.com since Geocities is flaky

    Answers for the fun facts:

    1. Naoki Maeda

    2. 23 (This is VERY debatable)
    Arcade: DDR 1st, DDR 2nd Mix, DDR 3rd Mix, DDR 4th Mix, Dancing Stage Euro Mix,
    Dancing Stage Euro Mix 2000, Kiddie DDR (Don't know the exact name)
    PSX: DDR 1st, 2nd ReMix, 2nd ReMix Append 1, 2nd ReMix Append 2, 3rd Mix,
    Disney's Rave, Ohasta, Best Hits, Dancing Stage Euro Mix
    Dancing Stage DDR series: Dreams Come True, True Kiss Destination
    DC: 2nd Mix, Club Version
    GB: GB 1, GB 2
    N64: Disney's Rave
    *I think I might be missing one*
    (Look for 4th Mix and USA Mix for PSX in 3/2001!)

    3. 8
    PARANOiA KCET ~clean mix~
    PARANOiA MAX ~dirty mix~
    PARANOiA MAX ~dirty mix~ Club version
    PARANOiA MAX ~dirty mix~ Club version Another
    PARANOiA MAX ~dirty mix~ Club version Another 2P
    PARANOiA Rebirth
    PARANOiA Evolution

    4. Beatmania IIDX Substream

    5. Three of them are from DDR 2nd ReMix Append Club Vol. 1
    Graduistic Cyber
    Ska a go go
    Luv to Me
    (from DDR 2nd ReMix Append Club Vol. 2)
    Gentle Stress

    6. 8
    Brilliant 2U
    Brilliant 2U Orchestra Groove
    Dynamite Rave
    Hysteria (As Naoki 190)
    Can't Stop Falling in Love
    Burnin' Up the Floor
    Love Again Tonight

    7. Village People: In The Navy, 3rd Mix uses the second verse

    8. 10/10/00

    9. Toshiba Emi

    10. BPM or Beats per minute (I'm pretty sure)

    11. Drop Out (So I'm told)

    12. 4
    Trip Machine
    SP-Trip Machine Jungle Mix
    Trip Machine ~luv mix~
    Trip Machine Climax

    13. Bemani is Konami of Japan's development team for their music games, which
    include Beatmania, DDR, Guitar Freaks, Drummania, etc.

    14. Olivia Newton-John

    15. Dance Dance Revolution 3rd Mix

    16. 48
    This includes 1.5 Mix, USA, and Solo Bass Mix

    17. So Many Men by Miqel Brown

    18. 4
    Third Mix (Japanese)
    English version
    English Disco version
    AMD Mix/AM Mix

    19. At least 8
    Dr. Love
    Beginning Of Life
    Been So Long
    PARANOiA Max ~dirty mix~
    Keep On Movin'
    Brilliant 2U
    Gentle Stress

    20. At least 3
    Put Your Faith in Me
    SP-Trip Machine
    Can't Stop Falling in Love

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