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U nás se stavba padů rozjela hlavně rokem 2004. Pár nadšenců i dříve. Mezi naše přední Hardpad buildery patří Trin, Filip-san a Bee_Boo. Na fóru se můžete podívat po jejich dílech, a dát s nimy řeč. Domluvíte se na počtu kusů, ceně, typu připojení nebo třeba barvě. Většina padů je stavěna pro PC, protože si do Stepmanie nahrajete plno songů a pad není problém pod ní zprovoznit.

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Datum poslední modifikace definice 'hardpad_postavit':
01.11.2009 00:00
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DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

Dance Dance Revolution with Mario
Menu FAQ
Author - Paul O'Connor (no_ambition)


1. Disclaimer
2. History
3. General Info
4. Game Info
5. Main Menu
6. Story Mode
7. Free Mode
8. Mini-Game Mode
9. Information
10. Record
11. Player Information Input Mode
12. Option
13. Pause menu (Story Mode)
14. Results screen
15. Thanks


1. Disclaimer

This FAQ is authorised for use/publication on www.gamefaqs.com only. It may
be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private
use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly
without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site
or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.


2. History

30/09/2005 - Submitted first draft of FAQ. Still missing a lot of info,
but will finish it in a week or two.

At this stage the FAQ is far from finished, but I feel there is more than
enough info here to get you started on the game.


3. General Info

Howdy. This is a menu FAQ for the Japanese version of Konami's DDR with Mario
for Gamecube. This is my first FAQ and it originally started as a side project
to learn Hiragana & Katakana before my copy of Jump Super Stars arrived. Now
I've played out Jump, I thought I should sit down for the afternoon & start


4. Game Information

Title: Dance Dance Revolution with Mario
Developer: Konami
Release Date: 14/07/2005
Players: 1 - 2
Genre: Music/Rhythm

This game is fully compatible with Freeloader.


5. Main Menu Options

These are the options that appear on the Main Menu screen. Each option is
followed by its position on the menu screen as well as a (very) brief
description of the picture that identifies said option.

Story Mode (Top left - Castle)
Free Mode (Top, second from left - Dance mat)
Mini-game Mode (Top, second from right - Goomba/hammer)
Information (Top right - Speech bubbles)
Record (Bottom left - Letters)
Player Information Input Mode (Bottom, middle - Person, wavy lines)
Option (Bottom right - Arrows & spanner)

> Use up, down, left & right to highlight your selection then press A.
> B will send you back to the title screen.


6. Story Mode

It's story mode. 'Nuff said.

> New Game
> Continue
> New Game EX - unlocked after completing game once
> Character Select
> Mario
> Luigi
> Difficulty Select
> Simple (blue)
> Ordinary (orange)
> Difficult (red) - Complete Ordinary
> Very Difficult (green) - Complete Difficult

> Pressing the Z button during this process will allow you to select a profile
you have created in the Player Information Mode to see how many kilojoules
you have burned.


7. Free Mode

Pick any song you like & shake your groove thang. Songs are unlocked as you
progress through the Story Mode and there are a few songs that are only
unlocked by buying them in the item shop (look for a pink box with a music
note in it).

> Yet to come.


8. Mini-Game Mode

Play a mini-game! Mini-games are unlocked as you clear them in story mode.
There are a few that are unlocked by clearing story mode itself.

> Use left & right to scroll through the mini-games.
> Switch between Mario & Luigi using the Z button.


9. Information

> Use up & down to scroll through the list.


10. Record

View the high scores for each (Story Mode) stage.

> Use up & down to scroll through the songs.
> Use left & right to switch the difficulty level.

The information displayed is Grade (AA etc), Score (in blue) and
Max Combo (In red). It also shows an icon to denote the method
(dance mat / controller) used to achieve those results.


11. Player Information Input Mode

> Yet to come.


12. Option

Alter various game options. The first six options (from Sound to Help)
effect the game as a whole and can also be found in the Story Mode pause menu.
The last two options only effect Free Mode.


On left side (in descending order)

Sound > Stereo (red, default)
> Mono (blue)
Standard sound options.
Voice > On (red, default)
> Off (blue)
Turn announcer on/off.
Timing > 0 (default)
> Left to decrease
> Right to increase
Not really sure what this does yet. Guessing it is delay between when you
hit button/arrow & when that hit is registered on-screen.
Measure > Free (red, default)
> Regulation (blue)
Again, not sure.

On right side (in descending order)

Signal > On (red, default)
> Off (blue)
Help > On (red, default)
> Off (blue)
Switches off/on help screens (showing gimmicks before a stage starts etc.)
Get Level > Level 1 (blue)
> Level 2 (orange, default)
> Level 3 (red)
> Level 4 (green)
Not sure. The colours correspond to the difficulty levels though.
Game Over > Normal (red, default) - Game over screen when you perform badly.
> Until End (blue) - Game over screen at song end regardless of


13. Pause Menu (Story Mode)

Sound > Stereo (red)
> Mono (blue)
Voice > On (red)
> Off (blue)
Timing > 0 (default)
> Decrease (press left)
> Increase (press right)
Measure > Free (red)
> Regulation (blue)
Signal > On (red)
> Off (blue)
Help > On (red)
> Off (blue)

Quit Game > Yes - Game progress is automatically saved
(choose Continue in Story Mode to resume game)
> No
Return to Game


14. Results Screen

000 - Perfect
000 - Great
000 - Fast/Late
000 - Miss
000000000 - Score
000 - Max Combo


15. Thanks

I don't have anyone to thank (yet) except you for reading this FAQ.
Hopefully it was of some use to you!

Copyright 2005 Paul O'Connor

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