Tato stranka by vapadalo mnohem lepe v prohlizeci, ktery podporuje webove standardy, nicmene prohlizet ji muzete v jakemkoliv prohlizeci, nebo zarizeni s pristupem na Internet.

DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

Czech DDR v mediích


TV Prima
20ti minutovy zaznam z akce Pragocon 2005 televize Prima, kde je i ceske DDR. Více info na foru. Zázam najdete například na stránkách Google video.


Casopis 21. stoleti
Kdo si koupi casopis 21. stoleti ted aktuakne k cervnu 2005, ma moznost si schovat peknou tristrankovou reportaz o ceskem DDR.
Na techto lincich se muzete podivat na cernobilou nascanovanou verzi

Prvni strana Dvoustrana

Reportaz psal Marek Kucharik
Fotodokumentace je vzata z techto stranek a od Xsofta


Large gallery update
Thanks to Xsoft for a large submission of pictures. Samples from his galleries have been added to the StepMania picture gallery.


You can find links to his complete galleries from the StepMania gallery. Also, be sure to check out his sites:


If you have pictures of StepMania from an event or photos of your StepMania setup, follow the link at the top of the gallery to submit your images.


Další informace o nás najdete například na: www.avalcon.cz, www.festival-fantazie.cz, www.ff.pocitac.com.

www.laser-game.cz (sekce DDR a Klany).

Datum poslední modifikace definice 'media':
01.11.2009 00:00
<< zpět na Czech DDR portal

DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG


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In The Groove (PS2 Version)
A FAQ/Walkthrough by CyricZ
Version 1.1
E-mail cyricz42 at yahoo.com

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. FAQ
3. Basics
3A. Controls
3B. Menus/Displays
3C. How to Dance
3D. Modifiers
3E. Dancing Tips for the Beginner
3F. Dancing Tips for the Intermediate
3G. Dancing Tips for the Advanced
3H. Dancing Tips for Doubles
4. Default Songs (Part 1)
4A. Bend Your Mind
4E. Charlene
4G. Da Roots (Folk Mix)
4K. Do U Love Me
4O. Driving Force Classical
4Q. Fly Away
4R. Fly With Me
4S. Flying High
4V. Hip Hop Jam
4X. I think I like that sound...
4Y. I'll Get There Anyway
4Z. July
5. Default Songs (Part 2)
5A. Kagami
5B. Kiss Me Red
5C. Land of the Rising Sun
5D. Lemmings on the Run
5H. Mouth
5I. My Favourite Game
5Q. Perfect
5T. ROM-eo & Juli8
5V. Tension
5X. The Game
5Y. Torn
5Z. Touch Me
6. Default Songs (Part 3)
6A. Tough Enough
6B. Turn it On
6D. VerTex
6F. Which MC Was That?
6G. While Tha Rekkid Spinz
6I. Zodiac
7. Unlockable Songs
7H. incognito (from ITG2)
7I. Infection
7J. Liquid Moon
7L. Tell
7N. WAKE UP (from ITG2)
7O. Xuxa
8. Marathon Mode
9. Other Modes
9A. Fitness Mode
9B. Practice Mode
10. Secrets
11. Standard Guide Stuff
11A. Legal
11B. E-mail Guidelines
11C. Credits
11D. Version Updates
11E. The Final Word


Hi! Welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough for Roxor Games new hardcore dancing game:
In The Groove for the Playstation 2! Similar to Konami's famous Dance Dance
Revolution series, this dancing game uses the same kind of mechanics, brings
an entirely new list of songs into play, and extends the difficulty to
astronomical proportions.

2. FAQ

Q: What is In The Groove?

A: This is a new dancing game made by Texan company Roxor Games, published
by RedOctane.

Q: Isn't this just like Dance Dance Revolution?

A: Yeah, pretty much. A group of fans were sick of how the Dance Dance
Revolution series was put on indefinite hiatus in the arcades, and decided
to make a dancing game of their own along the same lines. The game was
developed around the existing DDR emulator for the PC called StepMania.

Q: Wow. This is an obvious rip-off. Can't Konami sue Roxor for this or

A: Nope. Konami doesn't own the dance mechanics setup.

Q: But I heard about a lawsuit! What was it about?

A: The lawsuit was Konami suing Roxor because the arcade version of ITG
didn't have its own cabinet, so Roxor decided to use Konami's DDR cabinets,
without asking them. They were only burned on this recently. Anyway, the
lawsuit has yet to be resolved, but will probably end in settlement. At any
rate, the lawsuit has nothing to do with the console version of ITG, nor
the new arcade version, ITG2, which has its own cabinet.

Q: How many songs are in this game?

A: 76. 61 open by default, and 15 unlockable. The game has all 72 songs
from the arcade version of ITG, and four songs from the new ITG2.

Q: Hey! The lyrics you give don't match the lyrics in the game! What gives?

A: Several of the lyrics in certain songs were censored to keep the ESRB at
bay. I give you the original lyrics where I can.

Q: I picked "TOP GRADE" sort and now I can't access the Main Menu! Help!

A: There's an unfortunate glitch in the "TOP GRADE" sort. Don't select it.
If you do, there's a way to fix it. Start the game without a memory card
in the slot, then Load from the Options Menu. Then, without leaving the
Options screen, change the sort to something else.


This covers most of the stuff you can find in the instruction booklet, but
we all know how often people hang onto those.

3A. Controls =

Directional Buttons: Moves your selection on all the menus or steps in that
X: Confirm selection
Triangle, Select: Cancel selection
Start: Start game
Start and Select at the same time: Hold to return to title screen

3B. Menus/Displays =

Main Menu

Dance Mode: Select for standard arcade-style ITG play. See "How To Dance"
for more info.
Battle Mode: This is a head-to-head mode for two players, or one player
versus the computer. In this mode, the better you do, the more modifiers
you'll unleash on your opponent.
Marathon Mode: In this mode, you select a course consisting of four or five
songs to play in a row. Some courses will also feature modifiers that get
thrown in during song play.
Fitness Mode: A fitness-oriented way to play. See Section 9A for more info.
Tutorial: This will start the Tutorial so you can learn how to play In The
Practice Mode: This mode allows you play songs as you want without worry
of playing hard parts or failing. See Section 9B for more info.
Records: Use this to check your high scores on the songs and courses.
Options: Basic option stuff. Check below for more info.


Options Menu

Game Options:
Control Type: Select "Dance Pad" if you're using a dance pad controller,
or "Controller" if you're using a Dualshock controller.
Doubles Mode: If you set for "One Controller", then the L buttons will be
used for the right pad on Double Mode. If on "Two Controller", each
controller will operate as a normal controller.
Songs Per Play: Select the number of songs to play in a Dance Mode game,
from 1 to 8, or set EVENT for continuous play without returning to the
Main Menu.
Song Sort: Use this to change how the song list is setup when you start the
game. You can sort by Title, BPM, Popularity, Top Grade (DON'T SELECT, IT'S
BROKEN), Artist, Easy Meter, Medium Meter, Hard Meter, or Expert Meter.
Default Difficulty: Set the difficulty that the game starts on when you
start the game.
Life Difficulty: The higher number you set here means how quickly the Life
Meter will deplete if you miss or hit a mine.
BG Brightness: Adjust the brightness of the background video.
Timing Sync: Adjust the timing if your speakers have any kind of delay
between the video.
Autosave: Turn on and the game will automatically save for you after every
full play, loss, option change, whatever.
Load Game: Load up an ITG file from your Memory Card.
Save Game: Save the game to your Memory Card.
Credits: View the game's credits.
Restore Defaults: Set the game back to the default options.

3C. How to Dance =

Pick The Step Mode

1 Player Mode: This is a 1-player mode using the pad you used to start the
2 Player Mode: This is a 2-player mode where each player uses a pad.
Double Mode: This is a 1-player mode where the player uses both pads. Every
song has different steps for Double Mode than Single.


Pick A Tune

Use Left and Right to switch songs. Double tap Up or Down to change the
difficulty. Press X or Start to select.

Press Up, Down, Up, Down to bring up the Sort Menu, where you can change how
the song list is displayed.

While your selection's on a song, you'll see a little graphic for the name.
Below the picture, you'll see the artist name, the BPM for the song (which may
be dynamic), and the song's popularity. Below that will be the difficulty
set for the song. The higher the number, the harder the song is to play. In
the lower corners, you'll see stats for the song, including the current
difficulty, the number of steps, jumps, holds, mines, hands, and the best


Novice (NOV): All songs have a difficulty of 1. This is for those who've
never played a dance game before. However, I wouldn't play this for long if
you wish to get better.
Easy (ESY): Songs range from 2 to 6 in difficulty. This is pretty simple if
you're getting used to ITG.
Medium (MED): Most songs range from 4 to 8. Largely, you'll find that steps
reflect how the music goes, as opposed to just being on the beat.
Hard (HRD): Most songs range from 6 to 10. These are the tough ones where
they focus on two things: matching the song's notes exactly, and/or kicking
up the difficulty to give you pains.
Expert (EXP): Songs range from 9 to 13. Beyond Hard lies this mess. In
addition to massively difficult stepcharts, this difficulty also throws in
plenty of Hands and Mines, which fans of other dance games aren't very used

Highlight RANDOM and the game will pick a song for you. You're not committed
to this song, mind you, but it's an option.

Pick CHANCE and the game will also pick a song for you, but you can't back
out on your choice. You can play songs you haven't yet unlocked through this.

Once you make your selection, you have the option of pressing START to
access the Modifiers, which are explained in the next section. Otherwise,
you'll continue right on to the song.


Get Your Groove On!

The main field consists of the arrows and the Targets, which is a line of
arrows on the screen. As the song plays, arrows will begin scrolling along
the screen. As the arrows reach the Targets, you need to step on those
arrows. If you see a long Hold Arrow, you need to step on that arrow and
hold it until the Hold Arrow ends (you don't need to remove your foot when
it ends, just stay on it until it ends, and move your foot at your leisure).

If two arrows appear at the same time, you need to step on both at the same
time. On some difficult tunes, you may have to step on three or four arrows
at the same time. For that, you'll need to use your hands, or potentially
some other appendage.

Also, on difficult songs, Mines may be thrown into the mix. Don't have
your foot on the arrow when mines come up or else your Life Meter will

Above your Targets are the Percentage Score. The better you step, the
higher your score will be. Naturally, 100% is the maximum.

On the top of the screen is the Progress Bar, which fills as you go through
the song, so you know how much time you have left to finish it.

On the side of the screen is the Life Meter. It starts about half full. As
you step properly, it'll fill more. If you misstep or step on mines, your
Life Meter will start emptying. If it empties completely, the game will end
after you finish the song.

Also in the middle of the screen, you'll see words pop up as you step:

FANTASTIC: This is the perfectly exact step on the arrow. Combo continues,
the Life Meter increases, and you get the maximum possible score for that
EXCELLENT: You stepped more or less precisely on the arrow. Combo continues,
the Life Meter increases, and you get a medium possible score for that
GREAT: You just about stepped on the arrow. Combo continues, the Life Meter
increases, and you get a smaller possible score for the step.
DECENT: You're off on the step by a bit. Combo stops, but the dance meter
doesn't change. You get no score.
WAY OFF: You're off on the step by quite a bit. Combo stops, and your dance
meter decreases. You get no score.
MISS: You completely missed the step. Combo stops, and your dance meter
decreases. You get no score.

YEAH!: You stepped on the entire Hold Arrow. You get the normal maximum score
for a step.
BAD: You stepped off the Freeze Arrow before it ended. Combo continues, but
your Dance Meter will decrease. You get no points.

Also marked on the screen is your combo, which is how many FANTASTICS,
EXCELLENTS, and GREATS you have in a row. This combo carries across songs,
regardless of what mode you play.


Check Your Stats

Once you complete the song, you'll see a Stats screen giving you a letter
grade based on your Percentage Score. You'll also see your individual results
based on steps, jumps, holds, mines (scored for NOT hitting them), and hands.
Also, there's a chart that shows how your Life Meter looked throughout the
song. Your max combo for the song is marked in blue on that chart.

Each step is worth five points, and every hold is worth five extra points for
the hold part. The maximum score for each song is the total possible points.

Here's how each step breaks down:

MISS: -12

And for holds:

YEAH!: +5
BAD: -5

Each mine you hit docks you 6 points as well.

So, you'll be given a final percentage based on that point total, and given
a grade based on it. Here are the possible grades:

****: 100%
***: 99%
**: 98%
*: 96%
S+: 94%
S: 92%
S-: 89%
A+: 86%
A: 83%
A-: 80%
B+: 76%
B: 72%
B-: 68%
C+: 64%
C: 60%
C-: 55%
D: <55%

Thanks to ThunderBird for giving me these stats nice and quick-like.

At the end of your play, if you manage to average an S+ or better through all
the songs, you'll get a "bonus" ending, featuring pictures of the developers
and people who made the game possible.

3D. Modifiers =

One of ITG's main selling points over other dancing games is its vast
(and I mean VAST) set of arrow modifiers. Press START after you select your
song and you can access them.

Speed: Use this to adjust the speed of the arrows on-screen. Adjust this if
you need to speed up the arrows to space them out to be seen better. This
will not change the playback speed of the song, however.
x1 - Default scroll speed
x1.5 - 50% speed increase
x2 - Double speed
x2.5 - Speed boosted by 2.5 times
x3 - Triple speed
x4 - Quadruple speed
x5 - Quintuple speed
x6 - Sextuple speed
C# - These are speeds that set at a constant BPM#, and adjusts the song if
there are changes in tempo. Using these on a song that has BPM changes
or stops won't allow you to record high scores.

Perspective: This changes how the arrows come to the target in a 3D manner.
Overhead - Entirely 2D. The arrows start at the bottom and maintain the
same perspective. This is the default setting on DDR games.
Hallway - The default ITG perspective. Arrows start from some distance and
move up to the targets, as if you were tilted looking over the top of the
Distant - The perspective is tilted so that it's normal-sized at the bottom,
and further away at the top.
Incoming - The targets are a lot closer to the screen than at the bottom.
Space - The perspective is very low, starting big at the bottom, and quite
small at the top, like a Star Wars crawl.

Notes: This changes how your arrows look.
Metal - This is the default stylized ITG arrow.
Cell - This is a more solid-colored arrow without the extra lines in it.
Flat - These arrows are all the same color regardless of where they fall in
the rhythm.

Scroll: This changes how arrows scroll. Default has none turned on. You
can turn on any number you wish.
Reverse - Activating this will make the arrows all go from the top to the
Split - Left and down arrows go up. Up and right arrows go down.
Alternate - Left and up arrows go up. Down and right arrows go down.
Cross - Left and right arrows go up. Up and down arrows go down.
Centered - The targets are placed in the center of the screen. How the
arrows move are based on which of the above mods you've selected.

Acceleration: Sudden speed changes while arrows move.
Accel - The arrows move faster as they approach the targets. Known as
"Boost" in DDR.
Decel - The arrows move slower as they approach the targets.
Wave - The arrows move in a constantly shifting pattern of speed, as if in
a wave.
Expand - The entire stepchart bounces around as if the speed mods were
constantly changing.
Boomerang - The arrows enter the screen from the side of the targets, pass
them, then "boomerang" back and go for the targets.

Effect: Other goofy effects.
Drift - The targets (and arrows) drift left and right as you play.
Dizzy - Arrows spin around individually as they scroll up.
Mini - Arrows are a lot smaller than they normally are.
Flip - Arrows and targets are flipped left to right. In other words, the
targets go right, up, down, left.
Tornado: Arrows travel up to the targets in a spiral pattern.
Float - The targets float up and down independent of each other.

Fade: Arrow visibility effects.
Fade In - Arrows appear only halfway up the screen. Also called "Sudden" in
Fade Out - Arrows disappear halfway up the screen. Also called "Hidden" in
Blink - Arrows appear and disappear as they scroll at various intervals.
Invisible - Arrows do not appear at all. Also called "Stealth" in DDR.

Handicap - Makes the song easier. With the exception of "Simple", using these
will not allow you to get high scores.
No Mines - All mines are removed.
No Holds - All holds will become normal arrows.
Simple - Removes all steps that aren't colored red (on the beat). Also known
as "Little" in DDR.
No Jumps - All jumps and hands are converted into single arrows.
No Hands - All hands are converted into jumps.

Turn: Adjusts the stepchart by changing arrows.
Mirror - Turns the stepchart 180 degrees. In other words, all ups are now
Left - Turns the stepchart 90 degrees to the left. In other words, all ups
are now lefts, and all lefts are downs.
Right - Turns the stepchart 90 degrees to the right. In other words, all ups
are now rights, and so on.
Random - All arrows of one type are changed to arrows of another type. For
instance, all ups can become downs, and all downs can become lefts. Also
known as "Shuffle" in DDR.
Blender - All individual arrows are given a new direction. For instance, one
up can become a down, but the next up could be a left.

Insert Steps: Adds arrows to the existing stepchart.
Stream - Adds eighth notes in between quarter notes, creating more streams.
Quick - Adds sixteenth notes in between eighth notes.
Skippy - Adds a sixteenth note before quarter notes, creating more gallops.
Echo - Adds an extra eighth note in the same direction after a quarter note,
making more taps. Will not allow you to recored high scores.
Wide - Adds random jumps, mostly of adjacent arrows (up and left, or up and
Stomp - ALL non-hold steps will become jumps of up and down or left and

Insert Other: Adds other effects to the stepchart. The first three will not
allow you to record high scores.
Planted - Converts some steps to holds, which will only require you to hold
one arrow at a time.
Floored - Converts some steps to holds, which will require you to hold up
to two arrows at a time.
Twister - Converts some steps to holds, which can require you to hold up to
three arrows at a time.

Hide: Removes some things from the screen.
Hide Targets - Removes the the targets from the screen, known as "Dark" in
Hide Judgment - The combo counter and step judgment notifications are
Hide Background - The background video is blacked out.

Difficulty: Simply allows you another chance to change the difficulty.

3E. Dancing Tips for the Beginner =


So, you've just got into ITG, eh? Good for you! You've made a good choice
in music games, and will probably sweat off a lot of pounds! This game will
probably seem quite overwhelming to you at first, especially if you watch
people play it and watch them do difficult songs. Don't sweat it. You CAN be
as good as them with the proper practice and effort.

If you really want to get into this, definitely use the a dance pad. There's
no PS2 controller to use in the arcades, so learn the pad nice and early.
Most game stores have a few of these tucked away (possibly more, if
RedOctane's hyping this game like they should). If you're truly a beginner,
you may just want to start with a nice cheap pad. That way, if you find it's
not for you, you're not out a huge investment.

So, to begin, use the Tutorial the game provides you. It will walk you
through the basics and coach you to be a better dancer.

Despite the Tutorial, here are some tips I can give you as a beginner:

1. Get a good feeling for the beat. People who have performed with music have
an advantage. People in marching band have a serious advantage. ~_^ You'll
be stepping to the beat in these early stages, so get used to it now.

2. Now that you have the beat, you must "find the arrows". Yeah, sure. I
know they're right there in front of you, to your sides, and behind you, but
can you hit them without looking? Early on, you'll find that's your biggest
problem: taking a step and not landing on the arrow. If you have to look,
look, but that tactic won't last forever, so before a song takes off, take
some cursory steps to make sure you're hitting arrows.

3. Keep your center. I KNOW the Tutorial tells you immediately to get off the
center, but this game was made by hardcore players who don't remember being
bad at the game. Especially on cheap pads with no definition, you'll find
yourself often taking leave of the center of the pad as you continue stepping.
If there's a break in the song, look down to make sure you're in the center.

4. Use the balls of your feet. You may notice, after some days of a lot of
playing, that your ankles will start hurting. That's normal, and it's
happened to most everyone I know that DDRs. This is your feet telling you to
not step with your heels, but with the front of the foot. Get into that

5. Now that you have these basics, play Novice Mode and start tackling songs.
In particular, get used to the speed of the songs, as well as the speeding-up,
slowing-down, and stopping some songs do. When that just gets too easy, take
a deep breath and head into the real ITG world with Easy Mode. Try to keep
your songs at difficulties of three or below, but don't be afraid to venture
out into the great unknown.

3F. Dancing Tips for the Intermediate =


Well, you're definitely not a n00b anymore (pardon my French). You're at the
point where you wouldn't completely humiliate yourself at the arcades, but
you probably won't impress many people there. In fact, you may just bore them
with your simple steps. It's time to go to the next level.

At this point in your career, it's time to consider a new pad. For me, this
meant going to redoctane.com and ordering their standard soft pad. This pad
has a soft bottom which won't slip or bunch up as much. It's still not a
serious pad, but you could do worse with fifty bucks.

So, first tip is to KNOW THE SONGS. You don't necessarily need to memorize
the steps, but have a basic understanding of the song before you go into it.
Even memorize the music itself, the lyrics, etc. so you can whistle along.
Know where the tempo changes may occur, where stops are. Most importantly,
know where the songs musical notes occur in the melody, because these will
be mostly what you step. Practice Mode can help you here, immensly.

Now that we're heading into dangerous territory, there is one big rule that
I have to stress right away:

Remember how in the last part I told you to "find your center"? Well, you've
found it by now, so now it's time to GET OFF IT. That's a crutch that's
let you into the game, but it will hold you back later on. What you have to
learn is to return your feet to the center as rarely as possible, if at all.
Move your feet from one arrow to the next, and don't move them unless you have
an arrow to go to. This is probably the hardest thing you'll ever have to
learn as an ITG player. Once you've relinquished your grip on the center, you
only stand to improve up to the highest reaches of ITG-dom.

This actually leads to the other major point of going intermediate:

Eighth notes. Those are those blue-colored ones. You'll have to deal with
a lot of them, so learn to love them now. This is actually a good first step
to leaving the center, because you are absolutely required to step three or
more arrows in succession, and you'll have no time to return to the center at
all. Use groups of three eighth notes to figure how to properly move between
arrows; combinations such as up-left-down, where your right foot goes on up,
left foot goes on left, and your right foot is already carrying back towards
the down arrow, for example. Once you get strings of three down, you'll be
ready to tackle longer strings, of four, five, seven, even nine if they're
not too tangly.

So, for this end, you'll want to go for songs of four to six in difficulty, as
well as treading into the yellow (ick) waters of Medium Mode. Just about all
songs of this difficulty have at least several eighth notes to give you
practice. Take these opportunities to develop your step combinations for
your own style, so you'll be ready to use them when they appear again in
harder songs.

Also, it may behoove you to get into Fitness Mode and repeatedly hammer some
songs, particularly those of a brisk pace. This is a good first step to
building up all-important stamina.

3G. Dancing Tips for the Advanced =


All right. You're through messing around, and through getting condescending
looks from your peers at the arcade. It's time to show them what you can
really do and kick it up a notch or three.

If you're really serious now, it's once again time for a new pad. Although
7, 8, and even some 9's are possible on a soft, flimsy pad, you just won't get
the high scores you cherish. For this, I turned to RedOctane's Ignition 3.0.
It's also a soft pad, but the thick foam insert, soft gripping bottom, and
raised step platforms make it a good pad for aspiring champions, all for a
paltry 100 clams.

Of course, if you have the money to blow (approximately $300), you may want
to take it even further and buy the Cobalt Flux pad, which is a custom-made
hard metal pad. It's VERY resilient, and much like pads you'll see in the

Anyway, pads aside, it's time to get down to business:

First, you better have mastered the stuff from the previous sections. I want
to be able to yell out a song title and for you to hum it right there so you
know what it sounds like. I don't wanna see your feet touch that center,
soldier, or you'll drop and give me fifty. At this point, you should also
have quick enough eye-foot coordination so that matching arrows on the screen
with proper steps is second-nature.

Now, for some new tactics:

Chaos. You'll soon find as you reach the higher levels, that not all arrows
are quarter notes and eighth notes. You'll find sixteenths, twelfths, and
thirty-second notes thrown in to mess you up. Very rarely will they be in
random. Almost always, they'll match up with how the song goes, so you'll
at least have that going for you. So, a thorough knowledge of the songs will
allow you to surmount this hurdle with little difficulty.

Taps. This is the name I like to give eighth notes all on the same arrow.
These are always a pain, because you have to train your foot to tap rapidly on
the same arrow for a possibly long time, and it can really wear you out.
There's no easy way to get around this, you just have to learn it as you go.

Gallops. This is the popular name for a series of steps that has two
sixteenth note steps together, then two sixteen notes of dead space, then two
note steps together, and so on. When you step these notes, you'll feel like
a horse gallopping, which derives the name. Oftentimes, these notes will be
strung so that the last note in one gallop is the first note of the next
gallop. To properly step these, leave your last-stepping foot in place, so
it'll be ready to step the next gallop while your other foot moves to the
next note. This leads to the final tactic.

Axis of Rotation or "crossovers". Contrary to popular belief, you do not have
to have your upper body directly facing the screen at all times. A very
important tactic for the toughest songs is turning your body so that making
truly difficult steps becomes easier. Using alternating feet on long series'
of eighth notes is far less taxing than taking two or more eighth notes with
one foot. The best way to start turning your body is with left-down-right
eighth note combos. Left foot on the left arrow, right foot on the down, and
turn so that your left foot hits the right arrow. It'll be very disorienting
at first, but the hard songs will really take it out of you if you don't
learn. After learning a basic turn, learn to maintain your body at a 90
degree angle to the screen for extended periods of time, and then taking it
further by rotating 180 degrees, or even 270 and 360, if you're brave enough
to take your eyes off the screen.

Hands and Mines. If you've played DDR all your life, this will be
completely new to you, but don't panic. For Hands, just be ready to flex
your legs into a squat so you can get close enough. Mines, naturally, are
just a simple matter of keeping your eyes open for them, and being able to
launch yourself off the pad if need be.

Finally, it's important to be in relatively good shape for this. You have to
have the proper stamina and leg strength to pull off the toughest ones,
because rather dexterous and tiring feats will be required of you, so keep
pounding at it, do hard songs repeatedly to build up strength, and push
yourself harder and harder to go all the way up to the great red Heavy
Mode, then on to Expert, if you dare.

And lastly, never tackle double digit songs without a good insurance plan
backing you up. ^_^

3H. Dancing Tips for Doubles =


Get ready to relearn ITG all over again as you branch out towards the second

First of all, it'd be best you get good pads for this. Soft flat mats are
just no good at all, since they'll slide apart and over each other. Even
Ignition Pads are tough for this, since they can move as well, unless you
can find some way to lash them together. The best, naturally, is the Cobalt
Flux dual setup, which you can connect.

Okay, you probably should begin your Doubles career after at least mastering
Standard on Single, but it's best on Heavy.

One of the greatest things to "unlearn" from Single Play is to be able to
move your entire body. When playing Single, you'll generally maintain your
upper body in one place spatially, but that definitely won't fly on Doubles.

Crossovers take on a whole new meaning when playing on higher levels on
Double Play. In a general sense, you'll be playing with your left foot on
the right arrow on the left pad, while your right foot will be on the left
arrow on the right pad. A lot of the stepcharts on Doubles are engineered so
you dance around that setup.

After that, it's all pretty much getting used to the new setup. Practice and
practice some more. Build up your stamina, learn how to read eight arrows,
and know where to step.

4. DEFAULT SONGS (PART 1) - (Bend Your Mind to July)

Since I run out of letters after twenty-six and there are sixty-one default
songs, I decided to split the default list into three alphabetical sections.

4A. Bend Your Mind =

Genre: Atmospheric Trance
BPM: 140

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 60 5
ESY: 6 111 7 44 12
MED: 7 214 11 68 27
HRD: 9 335 12 99 29
EXP: 10 450 16 99 33
ESY: 6 109 7 39 12
MED: 8 203 9 55 21
HRD: 9 328 12 85 25
EXP: 10 437 19 76 30

Play Notes: It's worth noting that every difficulty, except Novice, has
hands, so don't try this song unless you want to play with hands.

Hard Notes: There's a little bit of everything in this song. Actually, make
that a LOT of everything. Long streams, lots of hands, plenty of sixteenths,
and several crossovers. The second half of the songs contains plenty of
holds, as well as the usual mess.

Expert Notes: A lot more steps in this version. The hands and holds are about
the same, but there are a LOT more sixteenths and some thirty-seconds in the
stream sections.



Bend... your mind... with me


Can you feel... my reality?

Bend... your mind


Artist Notes: Founded by Chris Brickler and Jay Miller in 2001, RT is a group
devoted to multiple disciplines of music, visual art, and technology.


Genre: Techno
BPM: 175

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 89 2
ESY: 3 183 25
MED: 6 309 7 19
HRD: 8 473 47 14 31
EXP: 9 554 47 28 31
ESY: 4 218 16 19
MED: 6 289 30 13
HRD: 8 380 92 20
EXP: 9 476 135 12 30 1

Hard Notes: Plenty of streams in here, with several crossovers. There are
also several mines dotted about, but you can see most of them coming.

Expert Notes: More steps and the streams are more complicated with more
crossovers. The mines are the same, but they're redistributed.


Genre: Chip Metal
BPM: 200

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 63 7
ESY: 5 222 12 2
MED: 7 318 16 14
HRD: 9 447 96 3
EXP: 10 537 92 10 93
ESY: 5 214 10
MED: 7 293 44 3
HRD: 9 481 109 4 12
EXP: 10 550 106 4 8 1

Hard Notes: This song tends to follow the guitar riffs, with on jumps on
syncopated notes. There are also plenty of jumps in the streams, and just a
few gallops. The streams have plenty of crossovers, too, so watch your

Expert Notes: Mines are now thrown into the set. Streams now go into more
jumps. There are also several sixteenth clusters thrown in, but a great


Artist Notes: A Swedish new frontier band formed in 2000 by their charter
members: Robert, Kahl, and Jonne. Their love of video games is often
reflected in their music.


Artist: Sandy Rivera & Haze
Genre: Deep Groovin' House
BPM: 125

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 78 3
ESY: 2 106 32
MED: 5 220 11 14
HRD: 7 337 45 9
ESY: 1 61 1 2
MED: 5 175 3 3
HRD: 8 379 15 3

Hard Notes: Streams, mostly. There are parts that go off the beat to follow
the music, and there are a couple of rather long streams about halfway



I must move on to a better place
'Cause you can't be here by my side
I need to say goodbye
And now my life is going through some changes (changes...)

Now my life is going through some changes
Now my life is going through some changes


Artist Notes: DJ/Producer Sandy Rivera has been in the house scene for over a
decade, based out of his studio in Jersey.
Misc. Notes:

4E. Charlene =

Artist: missing heart
Genre: Euro Trance
BPM: 138

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 91 5
ESY: 3 139 5 3
MED: 4 203 6 19
HRD: 8 351 25 19
EXP: 11 650 51 50 139
ESY: 3 120 2 1
MED: 6 271 1 4
HRD: 7 349 16 2
EXP: 9 485 22 5 6

Hard Notes: A lot of simple streams, and there are certain parts where the
steps follow the piano notes. There's a rather long stream near the
middle, as well.

Expert Notes: Who-hoa. Suddenly this song is hard. Well, lots of
sixteenths throughout, following the background synth, and mines are
liberally spread throughout these clusters, making them almost impossible
to read without using speed mods.



Charlene, please take care, little sister of mine
Better stay off the drugs and the wine
Don't get lost in that dangerous scene
My sister Charlene
Stay out Charlene
Just beware of the dark side of town
That's where passion and sex tear you down
Where the people are greedy and mean
You'd better stay out Charlene



I saw you last night
In your fancy outfit
Eyeing the men in the dark streets
They touched your gorgeous body
With their greedy eyes
So please take care of yourself
Don't give away everything you own
'Cause no one will give you back
The innocence that you've lost

Charlene, please take care, little sister of mine
Better stay off the drugs and the wine
Don't get lost in that dangerous scene
My sister Charlene
Stay out Charlene
Just beware of the dark side of town
That's where passion and sex tear you down
Where the people are greedy and mean
You'd better stay out Charlene



Artist Notes: missing heart was, originally, vocalist Lyane Leigh (of E-ROTIC
fame), and producer David Brandes back in 1997, when this song (and MOONLIGHT
SHADOW) was recorded. In 2000, the group reformed around vocalist Miss Manu,
and released their only album: Mystery. Miss Manu actually does the vocals
for this cut of Charlene.


Artist: DJ Doo
Genre: House
BPM: 135

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 67 5
ESY: 2 157 13
MED: 5 244 35 5
HRD: 7 388 38 7
ESY: 3 145 22 1
MED: 6 270 12 8
HRD: 7 351 56 19

Hard Notes: Mostly simple streams. There are some long ones, but they're
not difficult. A few sixteenths thrown around for good measure.



Are you ready
For the party
On the dance floor
To get started

Move your body
To the music
We'll be dancin' all around
To the DJ Doo sound

From Miami
To Pisa
Stockholm City
When it hits ya

Goin' crazy
As we dancin' all around
To the DJ Doo sound

Everybody do the DJ Doo dance
Everybody do the DJ Doo dance
Don't stop now and do the DJ Doo dance
DJ Doo it, everyone

Clap your hands and
Stomp your feet
Move your body
To the funky beat

Jump around
And let's get to it
Everybody wanna
DJ Doo it

Everybody wanna DJ Doo it
Everybody wanna DJ Doo it
Everybody wanna DJ Doo it
Everybody wanna DJ Doo it

Everybody do the DJ Doo dance
Everybody do the DJ Doo dance
Don't stop now and do the DJ Doo dance
DJ Doo it, everyone

Everybody do the DJ Doo dance
Everybody do the DJ Doo dance
Don't stop now and do the DJ Doo dance
DJ Doo it, everyone

4G. Da Roots (Folk Mix) =

Artist: Mind Reflection
Genre: Folk Techno
BPM: 89-134

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 59 5
ESY: 2 151 6
MED: 4 248 2 7
HRD: 7 378 17 16
EXP: 9 489 9 4
ESY: 4 193 4 4
MED: 6 333 1 1
HRD: 9 469 14 1 3
EXP: 9 523 43 1 24

Play Notes: The songs carries at 134 for most of the song until the end,
where it slows down to 89 gradually.

Hard Notes: Gallop city, as well as small streams, and a few tricks with

Expert Notes: Instead of straight gallops, you're now following most of the
melodies, both the strings and the guitar, and they each have a lot of
sixteenths to cover.


Artist Notes: Mind Reflection is a quiet group that started in 1994, based out
of Zurich, Switzerland. They've released one CD to date.

4H. DAWN =

Artist: KaW
Genre: Trance
BPM: 138

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 53 7 6
ESY: 3 134 11 6
MED: 5 238 8 5
HRD: 8 380 12 13
EXP: 9 448 24 30 4 36
ESY: 4 168 23 4
MED: 6 277 24 4
HRD: 8 351 40 10 3
EXP: 9 430 67 10 9

Hard Notes: Steps mostly follow the melody, here. This calls for small
streams, off-beat steps, a few gallops and syncopation.

Expert Notes: There are several hands thrown in on holds in this difficulty.
Beyond that, this is just more of everything. More steps following the
melody, more sixteenths, etc.


Artist Notes: One of the members of the ITG team, Kyle Ward, also known as
"KeeL", has done a large number of songs for ITG. His artist names on this
game include "KaW", "Inspector K", "Smiley", "BANZAI", and "Symphonious".
He's heavily influenced by euro artists. He says that the name "KaW" means
soul, in addition to have his intials in it.


Artist: Smiley
Genre: Happy Hardcore
BPM: 163-279

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 78 2
ESY: 2 156 2 6
MED: 6 344 5 7
HRD: 8 454 22 7
EXP: 12 597 74 41 12 11
ESY: 6 302 43 24
MED: 8 351 73 40 2
HRD: 9 424 118 16 33 1
EXP: 11 587 120 13 22

Play Notes: The song mostly goes at 163, until about two-thirds of the way
through, where it stops on certain steps momentarily, and jumps to 279 for
about a second, just to throw you off. ^_^

Hard Notes: Long streams for this song, mostly, several of which crossover.
A few sixteenths, but nothing too draining. Just lots and lots of streams.

Expert Notes: Think of how difficult this song can potentially get with the
notes in the song, and you're pretty close to how bad it gets. The hands
get done early in the song, and the rest of the first half is tricky holds
and odd notes with sixteenths around them. Then, it gets ugly. Mines at
the stopping points, and before and after are giant sixteenth clusters, and
I mean GIANT. To its credit, the song doesn't spend its entire track trying
to tire you out, but it gets pretty bad.


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".


Artist: Inspector K
Genre: Jungle
BPM: 200

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 74 10
ESY: 4 255 20 4
MED: 6 307 22 22
HRD: 8 464 24 11
EXP: 9 593 11 27 43
ESY: 4 195 21 2
MED: 6 296 37 2
HRD: 8 395 66 4 10
EXP: 9 440 116 2 60

Play Notes: About two-thirds of the way through the song, there's a stop for
about a second.

Hard Notes: Just about all of this song is streams. They crossover
periodically, but that's about it. No sixteenths. No real chaotic steps.
No jumps in the streams.

Expert Notes: First, there are mines. They're not too horribly placed,
except for the one over the stop. The streams have become a LOT longer, and
there are sixteenths thrown in, but their steps are relatively easy, for an
Expert song, anyway.


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".

4K. Do U Love Me =

Artist: DJ Doo
Genre: Dance Pop
BPM: 133

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 85 6
ESY: 3 131 8
MED: 4 222 10 19
HRD: 6 289 21 9
EXP: 10 601 39 31 16
ESY: 2 114 2 8
MED: 4 211 2 8
HRD: 6 290 32 4
EXP: 9 395 32 1 22

Hard Notes: Steps are quite simple. Small streams and jumps and like one
tricky hold.

Expert Notes: Whoa. Steps, intead of the melody, now follow the rhythm.
The hardest part is just following these steps. There are a few jumps and
extra holds to deal with, but they're not nearly the issue.



I want it all baby can't you see
If I'm the one you have got to tell me
I got to know if you want me to be your baby
Sometimes you act like you want to be free
I'll give it up even if it hurts me
Oh let it out baby tell me now, do you love me?
(Do you love me?)

Say that you want me
Say that you need me
Do you? Do you love me?
Say that you want me
Say that you need me
Do you? Do you want my love?

You call me out when you're feeling down
You want my love when you're feeling lonely
Oh let it out baby tell me now, do you love me?
(Do you love me?)


Do you want my love?
Do you want my love?
Do you want my love?

Say that you want me
Say that you need me
Do you? Do you love me?
Say that you want me
Say that you need me
Do you? Do you love me?


Artist Notes:
Misc. Notes:


Genre: Trance
BPM: 65-132

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 65 1
ESY: 3 174 7 26
MED: 4 253 21 8
HRD: 6 329 9 35
ESY: 4 202 7 3
MED: 5 267 23 4
HRD: 7 352 25 2
EXP: 9 396 60 2 1

Play Notes: Twice this song slows down to 65. On both occasions, you're
on a hold note (or not stepping at all), so don't worry about it.

Hard Notes: Simple streams, mostly off the beat. Several crossovers,
though. Near the end, there's some syncopation with sixteenths, so eyes



Don't promise me a world
That you can't figure out
If you cannot escape
Don't promise me freedom
Don't promise me a bridge
That you can't cross alone
Don't promise me a light
That you cannot turn on

Don't promise me


Artist Notes: See "Bend Your Mind". This song features Persida, Sue Yu, and
Federico Haro.


Artist: DAX
Genre: Gothic Rock
BPM: 97

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 59 1
ESY: 2 98 3
MED: 4 159 8 8
HRD: 5 230 16 17
ESY: 1 52 1 2
MED: 2 107 1 2
HRD: 5 227 10 6

Hard Notes: The slowness of this song makes it quite easy, even on Hard, with
sixteenths. Mostly streams, and following the rhythm.



Anything you want
Now give it to me
I'm into you
You ask, you will receive

I'm on the beach
Aw yeah
When I ask
Your face turns red

Better late than never
Hidden myself
I've had dreams of passion
About today

Better late than never
Hidden myself
I've had dreams of passion
About today


Artist Notes: An unsigned artist based out of Texas, DAX's style is based
around Industrial, EBM, and haunting lyrics.


Genre: Euro Trance
BPM: 143

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 71 5
ESY: 2 187
MED: 5 260 3 2
HRD: 8 403 8 18
EXP: 9 529 45 6
ESY: 3 174 3 1
MED: 6 306 3 10
HRD: 7 373 8 26
EXP: 9 480 21 21 1 1

Hard Notes: By and large, there are mostly streams in this song, except
about a third of the way through, where the song follows the rhythm in a
"three sixteenths, then syncopation" pattern that lasts for quite a while.

Expert Notes: Just more, really. Longer streams, more sixteenths. The
pattern mentioned above now has a jump in-between, instead of just a normal



(All right, let's go....)
Everyday, we're one step closer to heaven
Is this the way that love is meant to be
'Cause I had a dream, maybe someday we'll make it together
We'll live forever now, won't let it driftin' away

Drifting away
Drifting away

Hey baby, I dont know why, it's been so long since your face caught my eye
But now that I found you, your lovin' I need so much more
Walking through streets on a cold lonely night
Only your loving can make me feel right
Together forever we will be 'cause I feel so sure
So take my hand and walk with me
Only you can set me free
Everything will be ok
Baby now, we're drifting away

Everyday, we're one step closer to heaven
Is this the way that love is meant to be
'Cause I had a dream maybe someday we'll make it together
We'll live forever now, won't let it driftin' away

4O. Driving Force Classical =

Genre: Classical Techno
BPM: 168

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 90 1
ESY: 2 143 7
MED: 5 294 7 24
HRD: 8 471 23 44
EXP: 9 581 49 22 4
ESY: 4 192 5 13
MED: 7 334 11 25
HRD: 8 395 18 16
EXP: 9 495 12 12 2 3

Hard Notes: Lots of streams, short and long. Small amount of crossovers.
A few sixteenths here and there when the low strings come on.

Expert Notes: Streams are now very long and crossover quite a bit. Jumps
are now inserted into these streams regularly. More sixteenths in the low
strings section. A few mines at the end.


Artist Notes: DE is a team of two brothers from Finland, Tero and Jouni.
Their style is largely electronic and dance.


Artist: KaW feat. Smiley
Genre: Euro Dance
BPM: 70-140

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 63 2
ESY: 3 147 19 10
MED: 6 258 17 16 1
HRD: 9 414 27 20 24
EXP: 12 793 36 114 91
ESY: 3 161 13 19
MED: 6 263 38 8
HRD: 9 451 20 9
EXP: 10 560 16 6

Play Notes: There's a half-speed slowdown about halfway through the tune.
This goes on for some time, then stops, and goes back to the original
tempo once again.

Hard Notes: Lots of syncopation in this song. Mines are thrown in regularly
to keep you honest, but mostly during the first half. The hardest part is
just keeping up with the step density.

Expert Notes: Cripes. Remember what I said about "step density"? You'll
know the meaning looking at this chart. I can't conceive having the stamina
to tackle this one. Okay, the chart roughly follows the main rhythm,
sixteenths, thirty-seconds, and all. The mines start showing up near the
middle opposite jumps, so even if you're fudging the steps, the mines will
probably trip you up once you go for the jumps. They don't even give you
any relief in the slowdowns, throwing in SIXTY-FOURTHS, which, of course,
are just the same as thirty-seconds at normal speed, but that doesn't make
it any better. Any attempt at following this song will require lots of
work in Practice Mode.


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".

4Q. Fly Away =

Artist: missing heart
Genre: Euro Trance
BPM: 138

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 69 2
ESY: 2 122 3
MED: 5 260 11 9
HRD: 7 338 5 25
EXP: 9 542 40 42 24
ESY: 3 163 12 7
MED: 5 234 8 6
HRD: 7 358 10 19
EXP: 9 507 2 18 8 1

Hard Notes: Stream-laden, with some syncopation with sixteenths, which follow
the rhythms, of course. Not much else to speak of.

Expert Notes: More streams, more sixteenths, as can be expected. The
syncopation has taken a backseat, here, to squash in more notes. There are
a few mines in the middle, but the most are at the end. It's just
psuedo-triplets, so that's a warning before you play the hopping game.



Just fly away
Oh baby, you can never lose a missing heart
In your eyes I see the dark
Just fly away

In the land of loneliness
You're the victim of the night
Take the future of the past
Go to the other side


Just fly away
Forever you will never need a helping hand
Simply say good bye and fly
Just fly away
Oh baby, you can never lose a missing heart
In your eyes I see the dark
Just fly away


Just fly away

Just fly away


Artist Notes: See "Charlene". The vocalist for this song is Miss Manu.

4R. Fly With Me =

Artist: Nina
Genre: Euro Trance
BPM: 29-137

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 59 4
ESY: 2 136 4
MED: 5 246 6 6
HRD: 7 347 8 6
EXP: 9 505 69 28
ESY: 4 210 24 11
MED: 6 297 13 5
HRD: 8 374 18 7
EXP: 9 468 35 4

Play Notes: There's a massive slowdown near the beginning of the song,

Hard Notes: Mostly simple streams and a few gallops, plus a lot of psuedo-

Expert Notes: More sixteenths have been added, but the greatest problem is a
large amount of jumps that have been inserted into the streams. Concentrate
to power past them.



Come fly with me

Come fly with me

Come fly with me

Free like a bird in the sky
(Come fly with me)

Finding your way to my heart
(Come fly with me)

Come fly with me!

Free like a bird in the sky
(Across the mountain, cross the forest, cross the seas)
Finding your way to my heart
(Find my body, find my soul, find your peace)

Come fly with me

Come fly with me
(Come fly with me)

Come fly with me

Come fly with me
(Across the mountain, cross the forest, cross the seas)


Artist Notes: Nina Andersson, also known as "Nina Goddess", or "Goddess of
Dance" is a Swedish singer whose style includes pop and techno-trance.

4S. Flying High =

Genre: Dance Pop
BPM: 146

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 61 1
ESY: 2 140 4
MED: 5 282 4 8
HRD: 8 422 21 31
EXP: 9 531 18 33
ESY: 3 166 5 4
MED: 6 293 5 1
HRD: 8 381 32 3
EXP: 9 508 38 5 14 1

Hard Notes: Quite a bit of syncopated gallops to follow the rhythm, and
lengthy streams, but nothing too exciting.

Expert Notes: The syncopation has been kicked up to go for four beats
instead of the usual three in many places. Besides longer streams, again,
nothing too exciting.



Baby, in this world in which we live
We must try and make things come together

And day by day, don't you know
I ain't ever gonna let you go
Reaching high, we'll raise our hands to heaven

By my side, just you and me
I want all the world to see
I never thought our love was meant to be

I'm flying high
On the wings of love
Never thought that this could be

The times we had in love will never remain
Because you mean more than words to me

And now that we found love
Let's reach up high
Together we'll touch the sky
Touch the sky

I'm flying high
On the wings of love
Never thought that this could be

The times we had in love will never remain
Because you mean more than words to me


Genre: Drum'N'Bass
BPM: 92-184

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 68 2
ESY: 3 178 15
MED: 4 262 5 16
HRD: 8 387 2 19
EXP: 10 563 30 34 31
ESY: 3 174 9 76
MED: 6 283 21 108
HRD: 9 432 32 24
EXP: 10 545 54 7 18

Play Notes: The song starts at 92, goes to 184 for most of the song, then
caps off at 92.

Hard Notes: A relatively simple set (for an 8) focusing more around playing
off the speed than actual difficult steps. Streams, some gallops, and
several crossovers.

Expert Notes: Quite a few more sixteenths and longer streams. There are also
several jumps in the streams to kick up the pain factor. The mines shouldn't
be too too hard to avoid.


Artist Notes: See "Bend Your Mind". This song features Persida and Rob


Genre: Classical Techno
BPM: 110-169

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 74 4
ESY: 4 247 11 2
MED: 6 333 35 5
HRD: 9 601 22 8 24
EXP: 12 898 61 31 68
ESY: 5 280 68 3
MED: 6 347 25 5
HRD: 9 523 48 1
EXP: 10 632 59 2 30

Play Notes: The song starts at 110, then goes up to 125 after four measures,
then gradually speeds up to about 154 over the course of several measures.
After a while of that, there's a stop at the 48th measure, the song kicks
in to about 169 up until the end where it drops down 115 to the end.

Hard Notes: Large, long, complicated streams, and sixteenths thrown in to
match the synth notes. Also, several jumps in streams in the first half.

Expert Notes: 898? Is that all you've got? Anyway, prepare for following
the synth notes to the letter, including the twenty-fourth steps all over
the place. There's also quite a minefield about a third of the way through
where you're stepping on left and right arrows, or there's a mine there.
Be careful at the stop, too, because it's a hold, and you'll miss it if you
take your foot off to avoid the mine too soon.


Artist Notes: See "Driving Force Classical"

4V. Hip Hop Jam =

Genre: Latin Pop
BPM: 194

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 86 7
ESY: 2 144 1
MED: 4 241 21 4
HRD: 6 382 28 7
EXP: 9 511 75 23 25
ESY: 3 168 11 24
MED: 7 345 16 19
HRD: 9 499 40 8
EXP: 10 544 51 4 4

Hard Notes: The hardest part of this song, really, is the syncopated
rhythms, but they're only eighth notes. The rest is just simple streams.

Expert Notes: Streams are kicked up a notch, but not too horrible. There are
several mines dotted about the chart, but they're not that hard to avoid.
Like most fast songs, the only real enemy is the speed.




Artist Notes: INDIGGO's a small group under the BROS label (produced by David


Genre: Rock Techno
BPM: 185

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 68 2
ESY: 3 220 6 1
MED: 5 283 16 29
HRD: 9 493 35 41 4
EXP: 10 633 38 110 2
ESY: 3 190 1 7
MED: 8 397 54 18
HRD: 9 509 64 30 3
EXP: 10 621 43

Hard Notes: Lots of streams, but few crossovers. Several sixteenths, and a
few jumps in the streams. The few mines aren't too hard to avoid. The
numerous holds can be tricky to get around.

Expert Notes: Streams are VERY long, and sixteenths are thrown in a lot more
often. There are also a ton of holds to make life miserable as you try to
jump around them. The hands are at the very end, after the last two holds.


Artist Notes: See "BOUFF"

4X. I think I like that sound... =

Artist: Kid Whatever
Genre: Hip Hop
BPM: 131

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 61 2
ESY: 2 189 11
MED: 5 237 19 2 2
HRD: 8 407 52 6
EXP: 9 475 51 13 16
ESY: 2 78 1 1
MED: 6 303 25 20
HRD: 8 377 48 21 5
EXP: 9 459 33 14 20 1

Hard Notes: Streams and some sixteenths. Look for several jumps within the
streams or else you'll be tripped up. Watch at the end of the bridge for a
large amount of sixteenths, and at the end of the song.

Expert Notes: Most of this song is following the "buzzing" rhythm. If you're
not doing that, you're usually following the drumbeat. The large amount of
sixteenths at the end of the bridge and the end of the song are still there
and harder. There are also several mines in the reprise of the buzzing.
Hop completely off the pad.


Artist Notes: Kid Whatever is Peter Ellison, a dj/producer who enjoys crazy
electronic dance tracks.

4Y. I'll Get There Anyway =

Genre: R&B
BPM: 100

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 56 2
ESY: 3 153 15 17
MED: 5 247 20 16
HRD: 7 276 78 28
ESY: 1 63 1
MED: 5 259 33 18
HRD: 7 334 29 17

Hard Notes: Harder than you'd think a 7 would be, but it's slow enough to
keep up with. Lots of jumps in the streams, and there's quite a few



I asked you for your help
And you said no
That it wasn't in
Your job description

Then your cold eyes
They stared at me
And you said you can't
With conviction

I wish that you could see
Where your old ways
On the path
Of self destruction

I wish that were not
Afraid of me
Your power's not
A motivational account

I see through your cursing
And your hesitation
Caught within
Your golden reputation

That's okay (it's okay)
I'll get there anyway


Don't lift a finger
Don't cause yourself a pain
Anything you do
Still my game

I'll leap those buildings
In a single bound
While you crash and burn
Shamed to the ground

Don't lift a finger
Don't cause yourself a pain (cause yourself a pain)
Anything you do
Still my game

I'll leap those buildings
In a single bound (in a single bound)
While you crash and burn
Shamed to the ground


Artist Notes: Sammi Morelli is a Canadian solo artist focused on soulful

4Z. July =

Artist: Smiley
Genre: Happy Hardcore
BPM: 170

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 78 2
ESY: 3 182 15 16
MED: 5 317 17 29
HRD: 9 577 13 50
EXP: 11 809 43 39 31
ESY: 5 227 13 10
MED: 7 334 28 3
HRD: 9 525 46
EXP: 10 602 80 2

Hard Notes: Streams, holds, and lots of sixteenths, but relatively simple
steps. The midpoint is characterized by several twelfth notes following the

Expert Notes: Lots of syncopation in the beginning, and the main melody has
tons of sixteenths. The twelfth-note section is more complicated, and, of
course, plenty of mines.


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".

5. DEFAULT SONGS (PART 2) - (Kagami to Touch Me)

Part two of the default song list.

5A. Kagami =

Artist: KaW
Genre: Trance
BPM: 73-146

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 84 2
ESY: 3 229 1 8
MED: 5 286 3 22
HRD: 8 400 34 15
EXP: 10 610 50 32 69 6
ESY: 5 214 21 28
MED: 8 350 18 8
HRD: 9 454 33 12
EXP: 11 614 31 6 17

Play Notes: About two thirds of the way through, the songs slows down to
half-speed. The speeding back up is rather obvious in the music.

Hard Notes: Pretty simple steps for the most part. Streams and several
sixteenths, which are probably what kick it up to an 8.

Expert Notes: Lots and lots of sixteenths. The beginning uses a lot of
jumps in the streams. Watch out for the mines spread about, and there are
a few hands, but they're played off holds, so they're pretty obvious. On
the slow-down the pattern is "three steps, three steps, five steps" with all
the arrows sandwiched together. As always, it's easier to see if you turn
the arrow speed up.


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".

5B. Kiss Me Red =

Artist: Crispy
Genre: Dance Pop
BPM: 138

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 54 6
ESY: 2 114
MED: 5 268 23 21
HRD: 7 308 26 27
EXP: 9 411 35 15
ESY: 3 156 28 17
MED: 5 199 43 17
HRD: 6 266 47 13
EXP: 9 357 47 29 30 7

Hard Notes: Mostly simple streams, a few gallops, and some off-beat steps.

Expert Notes: More complicated streams. Some jumps in the streams. There
are quite a few more sixteenths, the pattern tends to repeate itself.



Kiss me Red
Kiss me Red and don't forget it
Kiss me Red all over
Be my lover

Kiss my lips
Kiss me with your cherry lips
Come and kiss me baby
Love can save me

Love can save me

Love can save me

She was wearing lipstick
Shining red
And brand new jewels to match
Moving to the rhythm
Dancing to her all-time favorite tunes

Two eyes staring at her face
Her heart beating in time
Setting the wheels in motion
A voice singing in her ear and he said

Kiss me Red
Kiss me Red and don't forget it
Kiss me Red all over
Be my lover

Kiss my lips
Kiss me with your cherry lips
Come and kiss me baby
Love can save me

Love can save me

Love can save me

Kiss my lips
Kiss me with your cherry lips
Come and kiss me baby
Love can save me


Artist Notes: I don't much about this group, except that they're under the
"Digitalpressure" label and this song is on their album, "The Game".

5C. Land of the Rising Sun =

Artist: spacekats
Genre: Euro Dance
BPM: 135

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 73 5
ESY: 3 155 4
MED: 5 268 25 5
HRD: 7 339 30 6
ESY: 4 218 24 33
MED: 6 285 24 5
HRD: 8 351 48 13
EXP: 9 457 58 1 1

Hard Notes: These are pretty fun steps, I think. The main melody is stepped
more or less precisely, and it's simple streams on the rap lyrics.



Hey na-na hey no-na-na hey-ya-ho-na-na hey na-na-na no hey-na-na-na-no

Land of the rising sun


Flip the switch it's time to get down
Bright like the shine on Chinatown
Doesn't really matter who you are where ya been
It's all about being in the land of sin

I need something, it's what I yell
Respect the J.J in his little old cell
Where will he go when his time is done
He's off to the land of the rising sun

Hey na-na hey no-na-na hey-ya-ho-na-na hey na-na-na no hey-na-na-na-no

Hey na-na hey no-na-na hey-ya-ho-na-na hey na-na-na no hey-na-na-na-no

Ooh my sexy baby, driving me crazy
All I want to do is have some fun (wanna have some fun)

First, we come and shake it
Now, we come and make it in
The land of the rising sun

Bikini lines and bedroom toys
Some for the girls some for the boys
Weather so hot I'm feeling bold
Won't be long before I lose the load

Who's that girl lookin' right at me
I think she know's I got the magic 3
35 yea I think I've been done
When I'm in the land of the rising sun

Hey na-na hey no-na-na hey-ya-ho-na-na hey na-na-na no hey-na-na-na-no

Hey na-na hey no-na-na hey-ya-ho-na-na hey na-na-na no hey-na-na-na-no

Ooh my sexy baby, driving me crazy
All I want to do is have some fun (wanna have some fun)

First, we come and shake it
Now, we come and make it in
The land of the rising sun


Land of the rising sun


Artist Notes: This UK production group is led by MC D.A.Z., (who was also a
major part of BUS STOP) and is good for pop and dance songs.

5D. Lemmings on the Run =

Artist: E-ROTIC
Genre: Euro Dance
BPM: 134

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 67 5
ESY: 3 151 15 1
MED: 5 265 4 7
HRD: 7 377 24 12
EXP: 9 473 34 40 206
ESY: 4 198 10
MED: 6 272 3
HRD: 8 402 22 7
EXP: 9 441 35 8 20

Hard Notes: A few crossovers in the streams. Probably the most difficult
part is the main chorus, that throws sixteenths into the streams, but the
pattern repeats.

Expert Notes: The streams have become a little harder, and the amount of
sixteenths has been increased by a lot. Also, there are several jumps in
the streams to contend with. Beyond all that, of course, is all the mines.
You get several "walls" of mines in the song, requiring you not to be
stepping on any pads.



We are the lemmings on the run

We just wanna know what will be
And we all try to find our destiny
But we are floating with the crowd
And someday we'll see
That only when we're dead we're really free

Cos we're like lemmings on the run
Ooh la dee da dee da dee da dum da dee da dum
Yeah we are the lemmings on the run
Ooh la dee da dee da dee da dum da dee da dum
We're all like lemmings on the run
Da dee da we are the lemmings on the run

Talking about just you and me
Hey can't you see we'll never be free
It's more - it's more like us
That's a fact we can't discuss
We're dreaming of love and peace
But in the end we are on our knees
We think this life is fun
But we're like lemmings on the run

Ooh la dee da dee da dee da dum da dee da dum
We are the lemmings on the run
Ooh la dee da dee da dee da dum da dee da dum

Cos we're like lemmings on the run
Ooh la dee da dee da dee da dum da dee da dum
Yeah we are the lemmings on the run
Ooh la dee da dee da dee da dum da dee da dum
We're all like lemmings on the run
Ooh la dee da dee da dee da dum da dee da dum
We are the lemmings on the run


Artist Notes: E-ROTIC has been several people throughout the years. The
original group was Lyane Leigh (who later became missing heart) and Richard
Michael Smith. The songs in this game were released by Ch Jouaner and
Jeanette Christensen.


Genre: Soul Rock
BPM: 123

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 61 3
ESY: 3 154 1 6
MED: 4 249 10 9
HRD: 6 314 38 20
ESY: 2 133 2 4
MED: 5 228 12 3
HRD: 7 319 42 10

Hard Notes: Quite simple steps. Streams aren't complicated at all, but
there are a few jumps in them.



Do you know what you are missing
Do you stop to realize
There's something sweeter that what you are living
And just become the ultimate prize

The pictures you paint are of one dimension
The roles you play are a matter of fact
You keep comin' 'round with the same old stories
Tired of stories (tired of stories)

Let me be the one
To take you on a wild ride
Let me be the one
To show you to the other side
Let me be the one
To lift you right up off the ground
Let me be the one
Let me be the one the one the one

Imagine if you took a moment
Imagine what your life could be
Then you would see the bigger picture
When you become reality

he pictures you paint are of one dimension
The roles you play are a matter of fact
You keep comin' 'round with the same old stories
Tired of stories (tired of stories)

Let me be the one
To take you on a wild ride
Let me be the one
To show you to the other side
Let me be the one
To lift you right up off the ground
Let me be the one
Let me be

Let me be the one
The one

Let me be the one


Artist Notes: See "I'll Get There Anyway". This song was featured on the WB
TV show, "Smallville".


Artist: Nina
Genre: Euro Trance
BPM: 160

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 72 6
ESY: 4 181 12 24
MED: 6 298 17 24
HRD: 7 337 9 19
EXP: 9 565 41 44 22 10
ESY: 3 183 21
MED: 6 314 13 30
HRD: 8 391 23 38 4
EXP: 9 521 55 20 12

Hard Notes: Some long holds with spinning around, but other than that,
simple streams and off-beat notes following the song.

Expert Notes: Streams have more jumps and more sixteenths. There are also
hands thrown in near the beginning and at the soft spot in the middle. There
are mines dotted about, and the end is one big frazzle of three-note
sixteenth clusters.




Artist Notes: See "Fly With Me".


Artist: spacekats
Genre: Hyper Euro Dance
BPM: 160

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 71 6
ESY: 3 198 8
MED: 5 299 3 9
HRD: 8 405 46 22
ESY: 4 210 16 6
MED: 6 309 7 4
HRD: 8 403 29 9
EXP: 9 524 57 4 30

Hard Notes: The song carries at a decent clip, but the streams are pretty
simple. There are several spots where there's a jump at the end of a



Have you ever smoked a big fat cuban cigar?
Have you ever hitched a ride on a shooting star?
Have you ever seen red, when it should've been yellow? (Woah-oh)
Have you ever been mellow? (mellow... mellow... mellow...)

[Come on!]

Have you ever seen a day that don't turn to night?
Have you ever been wrong when you thought you were right?
Has it ever been said, "You're a jolly good fellow?" (Woah-oh)
Have you ever been mellow? (mellow... mellow... mellow...)


On your marks, get set, ready, let's go
Listen up kids, I'm comin' with the flow
Comin' with the flavor, somethin' you can savor
Now I wanna see you on your best behavior

So throw your hands up. Come on, follow me
Jack's goin out to the old bank. Ricky
Ritalized geezer, what can I say
Walk with the ladies? No way

Now "bang, bang" goes the beat of the drum
Shake your bum, 'cause we just begun
Boom, boom. Get jiggy with me
I'm the UK's number four MC

Wham, bam. Catch me if you can
You want something to do with it? I know a man
He's called B.B. and he's up with some funk
Better riot. Your taxi will come

Have you ever smoked a big fat cuban cigar? [Yeah!]
Have you ever hitched a ride on a shooting star?
Have you ever seen red, when it should've been yellow? (Woah-oh)

Have you ever been mellow?

Have you ever seen a day that don't turn to night?
Have you ever been wrong when you thought you were right?
Has it ever been said, "You're a jolly good fellow?" (Woah-oh.)
Have you ever been mellow? (mellow... mellow... mellow...)

Let's go crazy!

Does it really matter if you've never been mellow?
Does it really matter if you've never been mellow?

Jamie! Shine the magic torch!

Have you ever smoked a big fat cuban cigar?
Have you ever hitched a ride on a shooting star?
Have you ever seen red, when it should've been yellow? (Woah-oh.)
Have you ever been mellow?


Artist Notes: See "Land of the Rising Sun".

5H. Mouth =

Artist: Rochelle
Genre: Dance Pop
BPM: 134

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 72 6
ESY: 3 152 7
MED: 4 282 4 12
HRD: 8 385 33 22
ESY: 3 154 13 11
MED: 6 293 31 6
HRD: 8 359 29 21
EXP: 9 444 62 5 13

Hard Notes: Streams aren't too hard. Watch for the syncopation with the
sixteenths, and late in the song are several jumps strung together in off-
the-beat steps.



I jump on you, you jump on me
You push me out and even though you know
I love you I'd be inclined to slap you in the mouth
When I kiss your salty lips
You will feel a little crazy, but for me
I'll be famous on TV

Would it be my fault if I could turn you on?
Would I be so bad if I could turn you on?
When I kiss your mouth I want to taste it
Turn you upside down, don't want to waste it

(If I could turn you on...) (etc.)

Now, will it be my fault if
I take your love and throw it wide?
You might restrain me but could you really blame me?

Would it be my fault if I could turn you on?
Would I be so bad if I could turn you on?
When I kiss your mouth I want to taste it
Turn you upside down, don't want to waste it

Would it be my fault if I could turn you on?
Would I be so bad if I could turn you on?
When I kiss your mouth I want to taste it
Turn you upside down, don't want to waste it

(If I could turn you on...) (etc.)

Don't want to waste it


Artist Notes: Rochelle is best known as a cover artist, giving songs the
"Almighty" treatment. This song is a cover of the original by Merrill

5I. My Favourite Game =

Artist: Natalie Browne
Genre: Rock/Alternative
BPM: 68-135

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 58 2
ESY: 3 135 3 8
MED: 5 222 3 39
HRD: 6 297 29 39 4
EXP: 10 566 34 24 77
ESY: 2 116 1
MED: 5 251 1 4
HRD: 7 322 42 23
EXP: 9 475 15 5 2

Play Notes: The song goes to half-speed once the drums cut out, then goes back
to normal speed once the drums come back.

Hard Notes: Pretty simple cut. Streams are easy as pie. There are some off
steps throughout, and watch out for the sixteenth runs following the drums
near the end.

Expert Notes: Lots of sixteenths, now. Mines are scattered throughout, too.
Most of them are in the tempo change back to normal speed, and not in a
particularly difficult position. The end is a real pain, though: one big
ton of sixteenths.



I don't know what you're looking for
You haven't found it baby, that's for sure
You rip me up and spread me all around
In the dust of the deed of time

And this is not a case of lust, you see
It's not a matter of you versus me
It's fine the way you want me on your own
But in the end it's always me alone

And I'm losing my favourite game
You're losing your mind again
I'm losing my favourite
Losing my favourite game

And I'm losing my favourite game
You're losing your mind again
I'm losing my favourite game
I've tried but you're still the same
I'm losing my baby
You're losing a saviour and a saint


Artist Notes: Natalie Browne is a club artist who has been popular since 1994
up to 2004. This song was originally performed by The Cardigans.


Genre: Trance
BPM: 138

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 66
ESY: 3 177 6 19
MED: 7 312 14 46
HRD: 9 517 49 2
EXP: 10 647 95
ESY: 4 196 1
MED: 8 376 46 6
HRD: 9 534 33 3 3
EXP: 10 605 63 1 9

Hard Notes: Tough streams with plenty of crossovers and carrying around.
The end gets pretty bogged down with sixteenths. There's quite a bit of
syncopation in an attempt to keep with the rhythm.

Expert Notes: The "bogged" nature of the Hard steps with sixteenths is now
in the beginning and middle, and the end is now SATURATED with them. It
was justly upgraded to an 11 in ITG2.


Artist Notes: See "Driving Force Classical"


Artist: Anet
Genre: Punk Pop
BPM: 200

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 75 4
ESY: 4 194 5 15
MED: 6 307 19 20
HRD: 8 379 31 40
EXP: 9 593 41 28
ESY: 5 255 3 8
MED: 7 388 12 14
HRD: 9 528 59 8 1
EXP: 10 569 90 8 3

Play Notes: There's a short stop about halfway through the song.

Hard Notes: Largely, the difficulty here derives from the speed. The streams
aren't very difficult, but there are a few jumps in them.

Expert Notes: Longer streams and a few sixteenths thrown in. The streams are
also quite a bit more complicated, with crossovers and a few jumps.



The world is full of mayhem
We're standing on a land mine
History is breaking
We live in interesting times
The 60's came and went and came
They're coming around again
They're calling out for peace and love and understanding
They're screaming in the cyber halls
Lashing on graffiti walls
Nobody wants to play with the insane man


Love you

Don't know what you're saying
The truth is hard to find here
It's very entertaining
But you're playing with my mind

Looks like Armageddon will be live on CNN
Yea we'll be watching it happen live on every station
South Park, Michael Moore, maybe have a better story
I'd laugh, but it's such a deadly situation


Don't need to start a war
We've started more than enough wars
Just take a look at the chalk marked floors
It's happening right outside my door

Keep getting entertained by the famed insane
Who push the blame
When they're all playing the same game
They just call it by a different name


Artist Notes: Annette Ducharme is a Canadian vocalist and songwriter,
focusing mainly in sultry rock tunes.


Artist: Anet
Genre: Punk Pop
BPM: 141

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 58
ESY: 3 163 11 12
MED: 5 246 10 23
HRD: 7 298 34 21
ESY: 1 74 6 13
MED: 6 285 101 8
HRD: 8 423 100 5 4

Hard Notes: Simple streams and the like that roughly follow the rhythm.



Dad's in the kitchen and mom's in New York
His wife's on the west coast and his girfriend's name is John

I'm more than a little bit maladjusted
Dad said I should
Try to love myself

Everything's normal
Everything's fine
Everything's normal
Everything's just the way it should be

I'm normal cause I'm all screwed up
But normal isn't normal as normal was
I'm more than a little bit maladjusted
I'm sorry don't bug me cause I'm dealing with my problems

I'm changing the channels sick of watching the news
A kid just blew himself up trying to prove
Something his god wouldn't backup a persecution crackpot
No wonder I'm so confused

Nobody was shocked when Billy did the cop
They just shoved him in the backseat and then they drove away

Everything's normal
Everything's fine
Everything's normal
Everything's just the way it should be

Just the way it should be

I'm normal cause I'm all screwed up
But normal isn't normal as normal was
I'm more than a little bit maladjusted
I'm sorry don't bug me cause I'm dealing with my problems

I'm normal cause I'm all screwed up
But normal isn't normal as normal was
And yes my attitude needs adjustment
I'm sorry don't bug me cause I'm dealing with my problems

I'm dealing with my problems
Dealing with my problems


Artist Notes: See "NO 1 NATION".


Artist: DAX
Genre: Gothic Industrial
BPM: 133

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 59 1
ESY: 2 153 11
MED: 4 243 21 3
HRD: 6 309 53 13
ESY: 2 119 12 8
MED: 5 256 29 4
HRD: 7 307 54 8

Hard Notes: Pretty simple streams and steps. There are some odd rhythms to
watch for, though.



You say I never loved you
You say you never cried
Say that when I ran from you
It only hurt your pride

Begging for forgiveness
For a second chance
What I already took from you
I'm never giving back

It's a whisper, it's a secret
If you listen, I really mean it
I'm a martyr, a fortune cookie
If you listen, you can reach me

You're not worth the paper that you're printed on
Cover of a book that hides a sickness of the soul
I opened up my heart you took the weapons of control
Showed you myself and you used it against me

Well you thought I was the enemy
Thought I had control
Really I am apathy and
You will never know

What I'm really feeling
Depth of my despair
Took your soul and threw it out my conscious will to bear

It's a whisper, it's a secret
If you listen, I really mean it
I'm a martyr, a fortune cookie
If you listen, you can reach me

You're not worth the paper that you're printed on
Cover of a book that hides a sickness of the soul
I opened up my heart you took the weapons of control
Showed you myself and you used it against me

You're not worth the paper that you're printed on
Cover of a book that hides a sickness of the soul
I opened up my heart you took the weapons of control
Showed you myself and you used it against me


Artist Notes: See "DREAMS OF PASSION"


Artist: KaW
Genre: Trance
BPM: 145

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 59 1
ESY: 3 149 4
MED: 4 217 11 13
HRD: 9 449 4 32
EXP: 10 481 34 216
ESY: 5 191 3 22
MED: 7 309 7 4
HRD: 9 434 38 2
EXP: 9 456 54 9 3

Hard Notes: Quite a few sixteenths to mess around with, as well as
syncopation. Streams aren't too difficult. There are just a lot of them.

Expert Notes: Not too many more steps are complicated rhythms, but a
jillion holds make this stepchart a total pain.


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".


Artist: Obsession
Genre: Trance
BPM: 134

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 73
ESY: 3 150 7 16
MED: 5 222 16 34
HRD: 7 319 19 19 4
EXP: 9 568 36 6 20 2
ESY: 2 113 2 14
MED: 5 233 2 8
HRD: 7 345 19 21
EXP: 9 557 14 5 5

Hard Notes: Mostly simple steps marked by a string of syncopated gallops at
the midpoint of the song.

Expert Notes: More sixteenths thrown around throughout, and there are two
points where there are LARGE strings of sixteenths.



On a day like today
The whole world could change
The sun's gonna shine
Shine through the rain
On a day like today
You never wanna see the sun go down

Free is all we gotta be
Dream dreams no one else can see
But ya never know what might be coming
For you and me
Yeah, it's gotta be

On a day like today
The whole world could change
The sun's gonna shine
Shine through the rain
On a day like today
No one complains
Free to be pure
Free to be sane
On a day like today
You never wanna see the sun go down

Sun go down


Artist: MC Frontalot
Genre: Nerdcore Hip Hop
BPM: 142

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 81
ESY: 2 127 7
MED: 4 211 22 6
HRD: 6 323 23 29
ESY: 2 83 1
MED: 3 142 1
HRD: 5 249 1

Hard Notes: Steps are quite simple. Very simple streams and no surprises.



(Yo, when I hit it)
I hit the L shift-O to the quote and then dollar
If you know the dir of the nerdcore rhyme, you holla

I hit the L shift-O to the quote and then dollar
If you know the dir of the nerdcore rhyme, you holla

I hit the L shift-O to the quote and then dollar
If you know the dir of the nerdcore rhyme, you holla

Nerd-ho! Warm the mic up (yo)
We 'bout to strike up
This band of nebbishes
Who cultivate nebulous fetishes
Any obsession to blather over by blog or BBS.
Step and possess, hone thy geekishness
Your frame rate and frags to date both impress
And yes, your affinity for a certain site of some amusement
A classically adorned parlor of fun
Where you let loose pent-up cent pieces to partake of flicker-dramas
Gets you branded a sniper bitch or rocket mama-humper
(Oh no!)
They said you're cheating
But with coins in hand you got more game than Wil Wheaton

When's this MC 'bout to get funny? I'm losing patience.
Wanna know how the pants contain one wang & two next stations
And a tandy hole, where he plays whack-a-mole with the toilet paper
Frontalot can rock the PA song at the lowest common denominator
Not as a hater of culture or lacker in class
But an expert at math
Accounting how the Penny Arcade 0wnz j00r aZz.

I hit the L shift-O to the quote and then dollar
If you know the dir of the nerdcore rhyme, you holla

I hit the L shift-O to the quote and then dollar
If you know the dir of the nerdcore rhyme, you holla

I hit the L shift-O to the quote and then dollar
If you know the dir of the nerdcore rhyme, you holla

(Nerd Ho!)

(Nerd Ho!)

(Nerd Ho!)

(Nerd Ho!)

(Nerd Ho!)

(Nerd Ho!)

I hit the L shift-O to the quote and then dollar
If you know the dir of the nerdcore rhyme, you holla

I hit the L shift-O to the quote and then dollar
If you know the dir of the nerdcore rhyme, you holla

I hit the L shift-O to the quote and then dollar
If you know the dir of the nerdcore rhyme, you holla

(that is the way we play...)


Artist Notes: From his biography on his site (frontalot.com): MC Frontalot was
born Mervin Claudio Frontanand behind a Wankendorf schnitzel depository in
1973. The fronting has increased exponentially since. Sixteen years of rap
stardom, eighteen world tours, and forty-two platinum albums find MC
Frontalot threatening retirement. His legion of fans will sob quietly to
themselves. Take however much you want of that with a grain of salt.
Besides that, Frontalot is known as a "nerdcore" rapper. If you couldn't
tell from his lyrics, it means his lyrics appeal to the online/geek/nerd
Misc. Notes: Yes. This is a theme written for the popular gaming comic and
commentary website: "Penny Arcade" (penny-arcade.com)

5Q. Perfect =

Genre: R&B
BPM: 100

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 129
ESY: 3 149 11 3
MED: 5 231 15 10
HRD: 8 337 26 3
ESY: 3 149 14 3
MED: 6 231 13 10
HRD: 8 338 21 3
EXP: 9 474 25 3 3

Hard Notes: Lots of streams with some complicated sixteenths, gallops, and
syncopation, but the relative low speed makes them easier to handle.



Yeah, ohhh (perfect)
Don't gotta be something (perfect)

Welcome to my world
Said the spider to the fly
It's all bound in measures
With a candle eye

Sit back, relax, and chill
Put your trust in me
You'll simply be amazed
At the changes you can see

Don't need your smoke or your mirrors
Perfect lies, perfect fears
Don't need your phony cover
My perception's crystal clear

Don't need your class or your style
Perfect teeth, perfect smile
Don't need a perfect body
(To be a) perfect child

Don't be perfect

Don't bug me and don't bother me
Don't try and sell it to me
So go away and just leave me
I will make the most, you'll see

Don't be perfect


Don't need your smoke or your mirrors
Perfect lies, perfect fears
Don't need your phony cover
My perception's crystal clear

Don't need your class or your style
Perfect teeth, perfect smile
Don't need a perfect body
(To be a) perfect child


Artist Notes: See "I'll Get There Anyway".


Artist: missing heart
Genre: Euro Trance
BPM: 132

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 62
ESY: 3 150 2
MED: 4 203 20 24
HRD: 7 371 50 20
EXP: 10 374 44 155 86 51
ESY: 3 165 2 6
MED: 6 301 9 9
HRD: 8 398 10 11
EXP: 9 471 21 7 6

Hard Notes: Quite a few crossovers in this stepchart. That's your greatest
issue. There are some sixteenths, but they're easy to spot and follow.

Expert Notes: Lots of mines AND lots of hands AND lots of holds. That's the
main thing that separates Expert from Hard.



Can you see me falling?
Can you hear me calling you?

Shadows of pale pass by
You're ready to sail and I
Will love you, forever
You're tearing me down, but why?
My daydreams are bound to die
I'll miss you, forever

Hear me!

Queen of light, help me throught the night
And deep inside missing links are hurting
Queen of light, tell me why ayay
You hide there behind the curtain?

Can you see me falling?
Can you hear me calling you?


Artist Notes: See "Charlene". The vocalist for this song is Miss Manu.


Artist: Mind Reflection
Genre: Drum'N'Bass
BPM: 192

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 142
ESY: 2 187 3 4
MED: 6 397 10 21
HRD: 9 555 28 48 37
EXP: 10 657 30 35 53
ESY: 5 302 17 16
MED: 7 357 62 12
HRD: 9 480 105 32
EXP: 9 548 75 14 2

Hard Notes: Quick song with lots of streams, but they aren't particularly
difficult. The middle is punctuated by a long set of gallops. There's a
mine field soon after that, but it's easy to step around.

Expert Notes: More steps and harder streams, but not too much different from
Hard. You'll find more sixteenths all over the place, but their placing is
simple. The middle part has more twelfths than gallops this time.


Artist Notes: See "Da Roots"

5T. ROM-eo & Juli8 =

Artist: Nina
Genre: Electronica
BPM: 135

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 64 7
ESY: 2 115 10 22
MED: 6 268 42 16
HRD: 7 344 19 8
EXP: 9 459 12 41 64 10
ESY: 3 190 1 9
MED: 5 261 3 10
HRD: 7 357 19 10
EXP: 9 459 13 10 5

Hard Notes: Very simple steps for a 7. Just watch for the syncopated

Expert Notes: The steps have been kicked up, naturally. The streams now
involve crossovers. There are more sixteenths. There are hands sprinkled
throughout, and a minefield section that requires completely jumping off
the pad.



I am a robot, a hunky little robot
Working on a spaceship every night and day
I am a robot, a sexy little robot
Making sure the captain keeps his drifts away.

I'm ROM-eo, I'm Juli8,
I'm ROM-eo, I'm Juli8,
I'm ROM-eo, I'm Juli8,
I'm ROM-eo, I'm Juli8!

I was made for you my dear
And I was made for passion
The only thing I know is clear
I gave you so many distractions
Gave you so many distractions

I am a robot... I am a robot... I am a robot, passion
I am a robot... I am a robot... I am a robot called Romeo
I am a robot, a sexy little robot, I am a robot of passion.

I was built to sail the ship
And I to please the captain
The first time that I caught moonlight
I felt this strange attraction
Felt this strange attraction

I was made for you my dear
And I was made for passion
The only thing I know is clear
I gave you so many distractions
Gave you so many distractions


Artist Notes: See "Fly With Me".


Genre: Trance
BPM: 129

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 56
ESY: 2 134 2 16
MED: 4 230 6 9
HRD: 7 358 40
EXP: 9 499 50 43 12 9
ESY: 4 203 10
MED: 7 312 21 13
HRD: 9 445 31 2 1 1
EXP: 9 500 18 8 22 4

Hard Notes: Quite a simple song (not even any jumps). The hardest thing
here are the gallops that appear every now and then, otherwise just simple

Expert Notes: The steps get measurably harder here. Lots more sixteenths, and
the streams involve several crossovers. Also, watch for the mines and hands
in the middle of the song.


Artist Notes: EVOLUTION is comprised of John Sutton and Barry Jamieson, and
are members of the "Progressive Sounds" group.

5V. Tension =

Artist: Inspector K
Genre: Drum'N'Bass
BPM: 85-180

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 87
ESY: 5 183 29
MED: 6 296 39 3 16
HRD: 9 512 22 54
EXP: 10 597 83 52
ESY: 5 227 20 2
MED: 6 267 27 1
HRD: 9 458 61 10 4
EXP: 10 551 50 11 21 2

Play Notes: There are two slowdowns to 85 in this song, about one-third
through, and about two-thirds through. Both last about five seconds.

Hard Notes: Hard steps, mostly based around sixteenths and rough streams
following the rhythm.

Expert Notes: Steps are quite a bit harder, as there are a lot more jumps,
particularly in the beginning, and quite a few more sixteenths, and the
sixteenth's steps are more difficult, as well.


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".


Artist: DJ Doo
Genre: Trance
BPM: 132

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 62 2
ESY: 4 168 11
MED: 6 295 15 19
HRD: 8 440 21 6
EXP: 11 720 64 72 51
ESY: 3 187 18 5
MED: 6 321 12 3
HRD: 9 471 64 6 2
EXP: 10 563 62 2 2 1

Hard Notes: Long, but simple streams, and several sixteenths. Nothing
particularly standout-ish.

Expert Notes: Tons and tons of sixteenths. They follow the rhythm in the
beginning, and at the end, it's just one big sixteenth cluster. Watch out
for the mines, as well, in certain points of the song.

5X. The Game =

Artist: Crispy
Genre: Euro Dance
BPM: 138

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 60 4
ESY: 2 153 4
MED: 5 263 12 9
HRD: 8 456 2 24
EXP: 9 557 23 22 14
ESY: 3 164 21
MED: 5 251 23 9
HRD: 8 431 25 17
EXP: 9 540 57 26 31

Hard Notes: Quite a few sixteenths in the streams, and a lot of gallops
during the main chorus.

Expert Notes: More sixteenths in clusters, a few mines in the middle, some
syncopation, and a few crossovers.



I fight the monsters with my supersonic wave
I send the zombies back into the grave
I fight the monsters with my supersonic wave
Prepare for action, get ready for the Game

I'm going down, going down, going underground
I'm gonna find the hidden gate to level two
I'm looking up, looking up, looking at the top
The doors are closing, now there's only one thing to do

I've got to reach the gate before the game is over
I better stop and save, or use my muscle power

I fight the monsters with my supersonic wave
I send the zombies back into the grave
I fight the monsters with my supersonic wave
Prepare for action, get ready for the Game

I've gotta run, gotta run, from the rolling stone
I'm diving under the Temple of Doom
I have to jump, have to jump across the toxic swamp
The gate behind me's closed with a blazing boom

You've got to reach the gate, before the game is over
I better stop and save, or use your muscle power

I fight the monsters with my supersonic wave
I send the zombies back into the grave
I fight the monsters with my supersonic wave
Prepare for action, get ready for the Game

I fight the monsters with my supersonic wave
I send the zombies back into the grave
I fight the monsters with my supersonic wave
Prepare for action, get ready for the Game

I better stop and save
I better stop and save
The game is over


Artist Notes: See "Kiss Me Red".

5Y. Torn =

Artist: Natalie Browne
Genre: Dance Pop
BPM: 128

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 55 2
ESY: 3 169 19 6
MED: 5 264 23 16
HRD: 7 347 16 14 10
ESY: 3 153 1 7
MED: 6 274 13 13
HRD: 7 356 24 24 2
EXP: 9 457 30 6 24

Hard Notes: Quite simple streams. Some gallops near the end. The mines are
pretty easy to avoid.



I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
You're a little late, I'm already torn (I'm already torn)

I thought I saw a man brought to life
He was warm, he came around
Like he was dignified
He showed me what it was to cry
Well, you couldn't be that man I adored
You don't seem to know
Don't seem to care
What your heart is for
But, I don't know him anymore
There's nothing where he used to lie
My conversation has run dry
That's whats going on,
Nothing's fine I'm torn

I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
You're a little late, I'm already torn (I'm already torn)

There's nothing where he used to lie
My inspiration has run dry
That's what's going on
Nothing's right, I'm torn

Oh yeah, oh yeah


Oh yeah, oh yeah

'Cause I'm already torn
I'm already torn


Artist Notes: See "My Favourite Game". This is a cover of the original song
by Natalie Imbruglia.

5Z. Touch Me =

Artist: E-ROTIC
Genre: Euro Dance
BPM: 138

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 55 2
ESY: 3 169 17 12
MED: 5 249 37 14
HRD: 8 394 41 23
EXP: 9 576 40 51 28 1
ESY: 3 143 2 22
MED: 5 233 10 4
HRD: 8 401 17 8
EXP: 9 471 26 13 26 2

Hard Notes: Simple, if sometimes lengthy, streams, and some gallops leading
intoi them.

Expert Notes: Harder streams with jumps, more sixteenths, one hand, and
several mines dotted in mostly conspicuous places.



Touch me
I want you to know that I need you
And you need me to



Baby, tonight
The story of love's goin' on
And you will take part in it
The feeling inside
Is telling me there's nothing wrong
With what's in my heart

I want you to touch me
I want to know if you know that I love you
I want to feel that you're into me
I want to know if you know that I need you
Baby, I wonder if you need me, too



I want you to touch me
Hold me

I want you to touch me
I want to know if you know that I love you
I want to feel that you're into me
I want to know if you know that I need you
Baby, I wonder if you need me, too

I want you to touch me (touch me)


I want you to touch me


Artist Notes: See "Lemmings on the Run".

6. DEFAULT SONGS (PART 3) - (Tough Enough to Zodiac)

This is part three of the default song list.

6A. Tough Enough =

Artist: Vanilla Ninja
Genre: Girl Rock
BPM: 98-196

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 51 4
ESY: 2 94 6 8
MED: 4 194 10 15
HRD: 7 277 14 26
EXP: 9 395 43 22 8
ESY: 1 53 4 3
MED: 2 67 5 3
HRD: 5 195 5 19
EXP: 9 357 76 8 30 1

Play Notes: The song starts at 98, and kicks up to 196 once the main
chorus comes in.

Hard Notes: Simple streams, offset by the high speed, but still, very simple.

Expert Notes: Streams are longer and more difficult, and there are several
jumps thrown in them. Also, watch for the mines early on.



Baby only the strong would survive
Over mysteries of life
Only fantasy keeps you away
In the lonely fields of those broken shields

So keep on kicking
The bomb is ticking
Don't stop, don't be a runaway
Go for the fire
Baby are you tough enough
Just keep on living
And don't start giving
The devil good reasons
To get you in the seasons of heartbreak
Baby are you tough enough

(Baby are you tough enough)

Yeah, my skin is a dangerous place
Never trust my smiling face
With a touch I can change all your dreams
And my kiss can wake feelings you can't take

So keep on kicking
The bomb is ticking
Don't stop, don't be a runaway
Go for the fire
Baby are you tough enough
Just keep on living
And don't start giving
The devil good reasons
To get you in the seasons of heartbreak
Baby are you tough enough

Baby are you tough enough


Artist Notes: Vanilla Ninja is Lenna Kuurmaa, Katrin Siska, Triinu Kivilaan,
and Piret Jrvis. This song is from their album "Traces of Sadness". For
more info (and if you can read German), their website is vanilla-ninja.de.

6B. Turn it On =

Artist: GeorgetowN
Genre: House
BPM: 120

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 57 4
ESY: 3 157 10 1
MED: 5 292 13 9
HRD: 7 403 14 4
EXP: 9 571 22 8 4
ESY: 2 136 1 8
MED: 5 248 2 3
HRD: 8 390 6 5
EXP: 9 463 7 11 10 1

Hard Notes: Streams accented by clusters of three sixteenths thrown in

Expert Notes: Many, many more sixteenths. The synth sections are now
completely fleshed out with steps. Also, mind the few mines.



Turn it on! (etc.)


Artist: Smiley
Genre: Happy Hardcore
BPM: 88-166

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 78 3
ESY: 3 215 1 10
MED: 5 283 26 17
HRD: 8 448 34 5
EXP: 11 597 51 99
ESY: 4 247
MED: 6 322 33 6
HRD: 9 454 67 11
EXP: 11 628 32 6 32 4

Play Notes: The song is almost entirely 166 except for the end, where it
gradually slows down to 88 in the last couple of measures.

Hard Notes: Streams with quite a few crossovers, a gallops section about
twenty seconds in, and a few sixteenths.

Expert Notes: This is *probably* the easiest 11. Sure, the song is freakin'
hard, but the only truly difficult part is the long sixteenth stretch. Well,
apart from that, there's a long section where it's just on one or two arrows,
and others where it's just the left and right arrows. Take care on all the
holds that crop up, as well.


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".

6D. VerTex =

Artist: ZiGZaG
Genre: Drum'N'Bass
BPM: 60-612

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 60 4
ESY: 6 243 43 35 3
MED: 7 352 42 32 32
HRD: 10 610 23 37 139
EXP: 12 788 28 45 247
ESY: 6 313 7 15 3
MED: 9 464 23 7 8
HRD: 10 608 64 5 46
EXP: 12 764 68 5 58

Play Notes: The song goes at 250 for the majority. Twice in the first
half of the song, it will slow down to 120 for a brief moment. Soon after,
it will gradually slow down to a full stop. Some time after that, it will
slow down to 112 for several seconds, then go back up to normal, but
gradually building in strength each measure until it gets up to 300, then
takes a big jump up to 600 for the rest of the song.

Hard Notes: Well, yeah, it's tough. Not only speed-wise, but the mines'll
get ya, too. The steps themselves aren't particularly complicated, though,
but you'll have more than your hands full just trying to keep up with the

Expert Notes: Phew, is all. Lots and lots of mines, and lots and lots of
steps. Basically, it's a lot of long streams at high speeds. Again, the
steps themselves never get too difficult, except for the sixteenths, which
may be faster than man is capable, but what do I know. Soooo many mines,


Artist: EVOLUTION feat. Jayn Hanna
Genre: Trance
BPM: 138

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 59 3
ESY: 3 183 5 10
MED: 5 247 5 20
HRD: 8 407 18 1
EXP: 10 668 3 1
ESY: 3 171 5 18
MED: 6 267 19 3
HRD: 9 433 49 15 1
EXP: 9 551 25 9 3 4

Hard Notes: The only part that's not a simple stream is a pattern that
follows the rhythm and repeats itself many times. You'll get quite used to

Expert Notes: Tons of sixteenths, like you expected anything else? It's
mostly made up of small clusters centered around the rhythm, as usual.



My fingers burn in the breakdown
This part of everything behind me
I fade into off the headlights
Crushing every feeling that's in me

I'm walking on fire


Artist Notes: See "SOLINA".

6F. Which MC Was That? =

Artist: MC Frontalot
Genre: Nerdcore Hip Hop
BPM: 111

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 55 2
ESY: 3 165 28 5
MED: 5 262 21 2
HRD: 7 352 19 2
ESY: 2 94 1
MED: 3 151 1
HRD: 5 244 2 3

Hard Notes: I'd call these steps "cute", or maybe it's just the song. Jumps
on the percussion hits. During the chorus, you'll follow the piano behind
the lyrics.



You got MC confusion? I'm Frontalot!
If I were MC Frontalittle I'd be telling you only ever what I'm not
But I am the most frontingest
Carving off the obfuscation, little something just
To confuse you with, and like a villain
I got conundrums, your empty head they gonna fill in
Still in effect, the mock you made?
My dexterity ain't 20 when the skills are displayed
S'allright I took it for a compliment
Shows you know nerdcore's extent

Which MC was that? I can't recollect
Heard him on the Internet, it was MC Front-a-something
But, I didn't hit save
Which MC was that? I couldn't say.

Maybe it was MC Matter-of-Fact
Got the authenteezy easy riding his act
Always speaking the truth, never fronts one bit
He and DJ So-Sincere don't quit
But, I think for some reason that it wasn't him
Wait was it was MC Out-on-a-limb?
With the very risky rapping, don't know what'll happen
To the time, a verbal contortionist
Squeezing tongue portions, sublime
On the mic 'cept for when the bough's breaking
Picked him out the line-up, mistaked him
Yo, it was definitely MC Wrong
Rocking jam after jam of inaccurate songs
Then again it coulda been MC Insight
Striking suckers stone blind with the lyrical light
Must confess, I'm hard pressed to be certain
Was it MC Hides-Behind-the-Curtain
Calling "pay no attention to man on the mic"
Must be a wizard when he rhymes so tight
You're having difficulty dredging out your brain: the fact
Of which MC was that?

Which MC was that? I can't recollect
Heard him on the Internet, it was MC Front-a-something
But, I didn't hit save
which MC was that? I couldn't say.
(I couldn't say)

Step up poindexter, act smarter than you are
About to pull the MC Name out the jar
And whoever guessed closest wins a nine-sided die
And a gift certificate to Fry's
Yo, the moniker is MC Frontalot
I got a +1 bag of nerdcore hiphop
And my mail list busted a hundred so I'm famous
It's unbelievable nobody know what my name is


Artist Notes: See PA THEME SONG for info

6G. While Tha Rekkid Spinz =

Artist: DJ Zombie
Genre: House
BPM: 140

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 82 4
ESY: 2 126 7
MED: 5 252 21 9
HRD: 7 376 47 20
EXP: 9 444 119 20 24 5
ESY: 2 114 1 3
MED: 5 219 30 5
HRD: 8 293 50 22 4
EXP: 9 294 53 99 42

Hard Notes: Mostly simple streams. Some jumps in the streams and a few
sixteenth clusters and off-beat steps.

Expert Notes: Watch for the hands and mines; they're all in easy-to-spot
points. The entire chart is more sixteenth heavy, and also quite jump
heavy, particularly in the parts where you're matching the rhythm. About
three-fourths in, the steps get quite complicated.



Dance, while tha rekkid spinz! (etc.)


Artist Notes: DJ Zombie is also known as Kid Whatever. See I think i like
that sound...

6H. WHY ME =

Artist: DESIRE
Genre: House
BPM: 126

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 58
ESY: 2 131 7
MED: 4 186 14 2
HRD: 6 287 2 12
EXP: 9 423 28 21 20
ESY: 1 58 1
MED: 3 167 14 28
HRD: 6 296 1 18

Hard Notes: All too easy. Simple streams, and only a few off-beat steps.

Expert Notes: Still pretty simple, even for a 9. Yeah, it's no cakewalk, but
the sixteenths are quite easy to spot, the mines are pretty easy to avoid,
and the slow tempo makes it quite relaxing.



Why me
Why me
Why me
Why did you do it to me?

Hey, hey

Why me
Why me
Why me
I know there's no guarantee

Hey, hey

Why me (me me me me)

Something's going wrong
You're much too close
You're much too close to my heart

When I dance with you
It's like makin' love
It's like a shock in the dark

When you touch me
I can hear the music
I'm fallin' into the sky

When you kiss me
I can feel the music
And there's a pulse driving high

Why me
Why me
Why me
Why did you do it to me?

Hey, hey

Why me
Why me
Why me
I know there's no guarantee

Hey, hey, hey

Babe, why did you do it to me?

Why me

Dancin' through the night
I feel your skin
To fall in love's not a crime

Take me on a ride
To liberty
But, baby, please take the time

Why me
Why me
Why me
Why did you do it to me?

Hey, hey

Why me

Babe, why did you do it to me?

Why me

Why meeeeee

Why me


Artist Notes: Part of the band "Goddess of Desire", and only active in 1999.

6I. Zodiac =

Artist: BANZAI
Genre: Tribal House
BPM: 107

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 77 9
ESY: 2 140 11
MED: 5 231 17 3
HRD: 7 334 16 24 32
EXP: 9 473 53 72 72 6
ESY: 2 95 8 28
MED: 7 296 14 9 3
HRD: 9 447 40 18 47 6
EXP: 10 506 77 8 12 4

Hard Notes: There are many long streams and a few sixteenths in this song,
but the slow speed makes them quite bearable. Just stay sharp on the
mines. They'll crawl ya.

Expert Notes: The beginning is easy enough, even with all the holds and
mines. Once you get to the middle is when things start getting ugly.
First, you have to demonstrate being able to do twelfths with one foot and
eighths with the other. After that, messy sixteenths all over the place,
then sixteenths and mines thrown together in a big mess.


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".


The following fifteen songs are unlocked throughout the course of the game by
playing songs.


UNLOCK #5: Play 50 Songs

Artist: BANZAI
Genre: Tribal House
BPM: 110

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 51 7
ESY: 5 186 12 12
MED: 7 292 15 8
HRD: 8 381 18 7
EXP: 10 473 40 51 58 8
ESY: 2 86 1
MED: 8 357 8 10 12
HRD: 9 437 51 7 28 3
EXP: 10 555 38 10 7 4

Hard Notes: Simple streams at a slow pace with quite a few sixteenths thrown
in as gallops, clusters, and syncopation.

Expert Notes: Lots more rhythm following, which includes twelfth notes and
thirty-second notes. More holds, more jumps. Several mines, and a few
hands at relatively simple times.


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".


UNLOCK #7: Play 70 Songs

Artist: Crispy
Genre: Dance Pop
BPM: 137

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 73 9 1
ESY: 3 155 17 2
MED: 6 250 26 8
HRD: 7 296 10 22
ESY: 3 156 13
MED: 7 226 35 13
HRD: 9 356 33 29 40

Hard Notes: Several off-beat steps going back and forth with on-beat. A few
gallops and psuedo-triplets.



The bubbles
The bubbles

Oh, eeoh eeoh yeah yeah
I'm a bubble dancer
Oh, eeoh eeoh yeah yea
Bubble wubble dancer

I am sopping wet, and I love it
Whoa whoa yeah
I am dripping wet, oh I love it

(Drip drop, don't you stop)

I just need hot water and soap
Splashing on my body

Blow me a bubble
and I'll give you a smack
Somewhere on your body

Oh, eeoh eeoh yeah yeah
I'm a bubble dancer
Oh, eeoh eeoh yeah yea
Bubble wubble dancer

Watch me dancing in the night
(Oh baby)
Watch me im the bubble queen
(Bubble queen)
Watch me dancing in the night
(Oh baby)
Watch me im the bubble queen

Watch me dancing in the night
(Oh baby)
Watch me im the bubble queen


Artist Notes: See "Kiss Me Red".


UNLOCK #1: Play 10 Songs

Artist: Inspector K
Genre: Jungle
BPM: 190

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 62 1
ESY: 3 243 10
MED: 6 346 12 12
HRD: 9 515 29 29
EXP: 10 594 38 70 161
ESY: 5 265 47 5
MED: 7 330 64 2
HRD: 9 451 93 8 6
EXP: 10 599 81 7 21

Play Notes: There are four stops in this song after the halfway point, but
they don't last more than a second, except for the last one, which is a bit

Hard Notes: It's all streams. They get pretty long, but none get very

Expert Notes: Watch out for LOTS of mines. Make sure you hold the stops in
the song, because they all have holds on them until after the music starts
up again. There are also a whole mess of sixteenths that follow the nasty


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".


UNLOCK #9: Play 90 Songs

Artist: Inspector K
Genre: Jungle
BPM: 88-175

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 67 3
ESY: 3 143 1 7
MED: 5 279 19 44
HRD: 8 421 22 34 33
EXP: 9 405 8 148 152
ESY: 4 207 2 3
MED: 6 263 21 12
HRD: 8 404 28 3 3
EXP: 9 456 36 21 15

Play Notes: There's a stop near the beginning. The song slows down to half
speed about halfway through, and stays that way until the percussion picks
back up.

Hard Notes: Streams with several off-beat setups. The mines are pretty easy
to avoid.

Expert Notes: Fewer steps, but the holds are nasty, requiring you to manuever
all around the pad while avoiding the tons of mines, particularly at the
end of the song.


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".


UNLOCK #13: Play 130 Songs

Artist: BB Hayes
Genre: House
BPM: 130

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 83 5
ESY: 2 118 6
MED: 5 226 34 18
HRD: 8 355 69 21
ESY: 1 60 5 6
MED: 4 194 6 6
HRD: 7 303 24 6

Hard Notes: You'll find the steps mirror a lot of the lyrics for the most
part, which means a lot of syncopated sixteenths. Outside of those are just
streams with some jumps thrown in.




Artist Notes: A San Francisco DJ, BB Hayes makes a good living as a producer,
and this song is his most popular work.


UNLOCK #11: Play 110 Songs

Genre: Trance
BPM: 66-132

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 59 2
ESY: 4 162 7 13
MED: 5 245 14 16
HRD: 8 431 20 18
ESY: 4 191 19 16
MED: 6 310 27 5
HRD: 8 412 12 21
EXP: 9 485 24 20 6

Play Notes: The songs slows down to 66 three times in the song.

Hard Notes: The steps are a pain in the butt for an 8. There are a lot of
off-beat and weird steps. The second slow-down is chocked with thirty-second
notes. Not hard to step, but it can sneak up on you.



(I can see the beat approaching)

(I can see your release)

Don't promise me a world
That you can't figure out
If you cannot escape
Don't promise me freedom
Don't promise me a bridge
That you can't cross alone
Don't promise me a light
That you cannot turn on

(I can see your release)

Happiness comes
Beautiful rhythm (beautiful rhythm)
I can feel it now

Happiness comes
Beautiful rhythm (beautiful rhythm)
I can feel it now

(I can see your release)

Don't promise me a fire
That's already burned out
And when it's not your fate
Don't promise me your life
Don't promise me your love
When you don't love yourself (love yourself)
Or you love someone else


Artist Notes: See "Bend Your Mind".


UNLOCK #12: Play 120 Songs

Artist: $DX
Genre: House
BPM: 130

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 66 5
ESY: 4 165 33 13 4
MED: 7 221 28 12 6 2
HRD: 8 312 32 23 8 4
EXP: 9 357 32 190 1
ESY: 4 152 34 2
MED: 7 288 54 4
HRD: 8 359 36 8 4 1
EXP: 9 398 71 2 5 1

Hard Notes: The main melody follows the steps fairly well. The rest is odd
steps on the off-melody sections and streams.

Expert Notes: A billion (well, 190) holds in this song, now. Most of them
are on the main rhythm, but they're everywhere. Not too many more steps,


Misc. Notes: This is one of the four songs in this game taken from In The
Groove 2.

7H. incognito =

UNLOCK #18: Play 180 Songs

Artist: Inspector K
Genre: Drum'N'Bass
BPM: 150

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 64 6
ESY: 3 154 2 14
MED: 5 175 55 10
HRD: 8 297 43 31 24
EXP: 9 425 47 26 21
ESY: 3 150 27 22
MED: 6 289 55 26 2
HRD: 9 492 27
EXP: 10 462 48 22 12

Hard Notes: Mostly streams with some sixteenths. Some crossovers. Several
mines dotted about, mostly hanging at the end of holds. Watch for off-beat
steps that follow the rhythm.

Expert Notes: Basically, just a bigger mess. Longer streams and plenty more
sixteenths. Watch for gallops and syncopation.


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".
Misc. Notes: This is one of the four songs in this game taken from In The
Groove 2.

7I. Infection =

UNLOCK #15: Play 150 Songs

Artist: Inspector K
Genre: Drum'N'Bass
BPM: 170

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 63 8
ESY: 3 200 17
MED: 6 333 6 25
HRD: 8 508 12 28
EXP: 11 764 22 82 260
ESY: 3 166 1 25
MED: 6 260 13 32
HRD: 9 418 28 27 6 4
EXP: 10 632 24 26 20 2

Hard Notes: Lots of long streams of moderate difficulty, but not much beyond

Expert Notes: Sixteenths all over the place, and a bajillion mines. Steps
themselves aren't entirely difficult until there are sixteenths that lead
into jumps. The mines at the end spell "K". Cute.


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".

7J. Liquid Moon =

UNLOCK #10: Play 100 Songs

Artist: Inspector K
Genre: Drum'N'Bass
BPM: 160

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 60 1
ESY: 2 96 10 2
MED: 6 296 26 4
HRD: 8 359 35 35 12 2
EXP: 10 412 60 70 60 7
ESY: 2 96 10 2
MED: 6 294 26 4
HRD: 9 458 28 4
EXP: 10 423 40 38 34

Hard Notes: Relatively simple streams. Some gallops and jumps in the streams,
and a couple of hands and mines.

Expert Notes: Not that hard for a 10. The mines are relatively easy to
avoid. The hands don't sneak up on you too quickly. Sure, there are more
and complicated steps, but you can handle it, right?


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".
Misc. Notes: This song sound familiar to you? Yeah, samples of it were pulled
for various menu tunes in the game. In the original arcade version, this
song only had Hard Difficulty, and could only be played via a Marathon
Course, Energy.


UNLOCK #17: Play 170 Songs

Artist: ZiGZaG
Genre: Hardcore Tribal
BPM: 330

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 58 11
ESY: 5 246 11 37
MED: 9 519 46 35 22
HRD: 11 760 79 9 28
EXP: 13 858 109 42 37
ESY: 6 241 35 28 24
MED: 9 505 55 20 72
HRD: 10 583 43 16 36
EXP: 12 715 90 13 35

Play Notes: There's a short stop a third of the way into the song.

Hard Notes: Hard? You know it's hard. Like most fast songs, your greatest
enemy is the speed. At a slower tempo, the streams would be considered
pretty easy, as there are no crossovers, and no gallops or anything silly
like that. Just straight up streams of varying length and jumps thrown

Expert Notes: This is it, folks. The king. The big number one. Like the
Hard steps, there are no sixteenths, no gallops. Nothing that will truly
try to trip you, allowing you to focus on the GIANT streams and awkward
stepping rhythms. There are also plenty of points where the jumps get
thrown into the streams. Of course, watch out for the mines, too.

7L. Tell =

UNLOCK #3: Play 30 Songs

Artist: Symphonious feat. Rossini
Genre: Happy Classical
BPM: 163

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 66 12
ESY: 3 153 18 4
MED: 6 289 57 8 5
HRD: 9 429 43 25 9
EXP: 12 679 91 41 78
ESY: 4 185 13 5
MED: 6 276 42 30
HRD: 9 427 43 19 8
EXP: 11 516 100 25 46 6

Play Notes: There's a short start just before the melody really gets going.

Hard Notes: If you know this song, and I'm sure you do, you should have
little trouble figuring out how the steps are going to go. Sixteenths are
afoot, and a few mines, but nothing too troubling.

Expert Notes: The song shouldn't have been too hard, even with all the mines
and all the sixteenths, it wouldn't be even close to a 12 if it weren't for
all the sixteenths that lead right to jumps. I'll tell you one thing, no
horse is ever required to step like that.


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".
Misc. Notes: The song is, of course, a remix of Italian composer Gioachino
Rossini's classic "William Tell Overture".


UNLOCK #14: Play 140 Songs

Artist: KaW
Genre: Tribal Trance
BPM: 140

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 76 5
ESY: 3 172 4 2
MED: 6 267 21 20 6
HRD: 9 463 28 11 16 4
EXP: 10 605 39 39 2
ESY: 3 147 15 20
MED: 5 263 11 20
HRD: 9 516 6 12
EXP: 11 528 57 23 4 47

Hard Notes: Lots of sixteenth tricks. Sometimes it's syncopation. Sometimes
it's gallops. Sometimes it's straight runs. Make sure you keep your eyes
open so you'll know where they show up.

Expert Notes: More of the same, really. MUCH more of the same, actually.
Sixteenths pop all around in this run. No hands and only two mines, but
you'll have your hands full enough trying to keep up with the steps.


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".
Misc. Notes: This is one of the four songs in this game taken from In The
Groove 2.


UNLOCK #20: Play 200 Songs

Artist: Kid Whatever
Genre: House
BPM: 135

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 68 7
ESY: 4 202 10 29
MED: 6 248 75 2
HRD: 8 395 10 35 20
EXP: 9 426 21 40 27
ESY: 3 143 2 22
MED: 6 251 13 30
HRD: 8 338 33 34 11
EXP: 9 385 31 27 25

Hard Notes: Long streams, but not too complicated in the beginning and end.
The middle is fraught with clusters of sixteenths and gallops. Watch the
mine section in the middle.

Expert Notes: The streams are harder and the sixteenths are placed harder.
Also, the mine section has more mines to deal with.



Wake up! (etc.)


Artist Notes: See "I think I like that sound...".
Misc. Notes: This is one of the four songs in this game taken from In The
Groove 2.

7O. Xuxa =

UNLOCK #19: Play 190 Songs

Artist: Smiley
Genre: Happy Hardcore
BPM: 160

Diff - Steps - Jumps - Holds - Mines - Hands
NOV: 1 83 6
ESY: 3 212 2
MED: 6 285 17 10
HRD: 9 475 22 20 19
EXP: 11 665 17 31 90
ESY: 4 202 7 6
MED: 5 265 13 36
HRD: 9 423 43 20 8
EXP: 9 456 105 21 34 3

Play Notes: There are four stops, two at the middle, and two at the end,
where there are orchestra hits.

Hard Notes: Your standard fare complicated song. Sixteenths thrown in to
follow the rhythm, and complicated streams. Nothing particularly

Expert Notes: Many more sixteenths meant to follow the rhythms more closely.
On the first set of stops are holds that you have to hold through the
stop for them to count, but mind the mines thereafter. At the end of the
song, there are lots of mines, but NO STEPS until the last jump at the end.
Oh, and the mines spell out "ITG" at the end.


Artist Notes: See "DAWN".
Misc. Notes: "Xuxa" is Greek for "duck", explaining all the ducks.


Access this from the main menu and you'll be given an option of courses.
These courses can four or five songs, and each course has two difficulties:
Normal and Intense.

The course list displays the course names, then a graphic of the course in
the upper right. In the lower right is the songs that are on that course and
their difficulties. The course stats are in the lower corners as usual, with
an overall difficulty for the course displayed as well.

Courses are played with songs going one after the other. Depleting your life
means the song immediately ends, unlike normal game play. Course score is
based on percentage like always.

Some courses are marked by "MODS" in the graphic. This means there are
mods thrown into play during the course. Mods are applied at a certain time,
then disappear shortly afterwards, for the most part. A percentile applied
to the mod means it's only partial. For example, 50% Fade Out means that
arrows only half-disappear.

Extra Marathon Modifiers: These can be applied depending on the song and
Beat - Arrows bounce left to right based on the beat of the song.
(UNLOCK #8: Play 80 Songs)
Bumpy - Arrows move towards and away from the screen, as if on a bumpy
track. (UNLOCK #4: Play 40 Songs)
Robot - A new note skin, which is all metallic gray.


Default Marathon Courses

NOTE: I've only put up the Single difficulty numbers for the Courses. You can
also play on Double, playing the same difficulties, but potentially
different numbers.

* Get Groov'n *
This course was created specially for the home version to ease players in.
Normal(2) Intense(5)
1. Tough Enough ESY(2) MED(4)
2. While Tha Rekkid Spinz ESY(2) MED(5)
3. Turn it On ESY(3) MED(5)
4. I think I like that sound... ESY(2) MED(5)
1. 50% Wave (0:11-0:33), 50% Dizzy (0:30-0:57), 50% Drift (0:57-1:25),
70% Fade Out (1:25-1:44)
2. 50% Drift (0:15-0:42), 70% Float (0:42-1:17), 50% Wave (1:18-1:33),
15% Decel (1:33-1:59)
3. 50% Drift (0:15-0:48), Incoming (0:43-1:04), 50% Fade In (1:04-2:07),
Incoming (1:20-1:35), 50% Dizzy (1:20-2:07)
4. 50% Drift (0:15-0:43), 50% Dizzy (0:44-1:04), 50% Wave (1:13-1:28),
50% Drift + 50% Fade In (1:28-1:57)

* Party *
Four party-style songs.
Normal(5) Intense(7)
1. The Game MED(5) HRD(8)

* Sisters *
Four songs with female vocals.
Normal(6) Intense(8)
2. Charlene MED(4) HRD(8)
3. ROM-eo & Juli8 MED(6) HRD(7)
4. Touch Me HRD(8) EXP(9)
1. Accel (0:16-0:50), 40% Beat (0:37-0:50), 110% Wave (0:50-1:03), 210% Wave
(1:03-1:15), 40% Beat (1:30-1:54), 110% Wave (1:44-1:54)
2. 60% Decel (0:00-0:15), 60% Expand (0:15-0:30), 80% Fade Out (0:30-0:59),
Reverse (0:45-1:00), 6000% Dizzy (1:08-1:18), 60% Expand (1:15-1:27),
75% Decel (1:28-1:59), Reverse (1:58-End)
3. Reverse (0:00-0:54), Beat (0:07-0:21), 70% Drift (0:21-0:34), Float
(0:36-0:53), Stomp (1:09-1:23), 50% Tornado (1:17-1:24), Hide Targets
(1:24-1:41), Float (1:31-1:41), Beat (1:41-2:00), Drift (1:59-End)
4. x2 (Entire Song), 60% Drift (0:09-0:36), 45% Bumpy (0:23-0:36), Blink
(0:37-0:51), 80% Fade In (0:43-0:51), 140% Float (0:52-1:06), 120% Drift
(1:06-1:20), 40% Tornado (1:20-1:26), 140% Float (1:27-1:34), 200% Blink
(1:16-1:40), 70% Bumpy (1:50-2:09), 70% Tornado (2:00-2:09)

* Hardcore Galore! *
Four hardcore songs.
Normal(6) Intense(9)
1. Beat (0:12-0:23), Wave (0:29-0:40), Expand (0:41-0:52), Drift (0:53-0:57),
Beat (0:59-1:03), Hide Targets (1:16-1:22), Wave (1:22-1:39), Expand
2. Beat (0:25-0:51), Accel (0:37-0:50), Beat (0:59-1:18), Expand (1:04-1:16),
Wave (1:22-1:35), Fade Out (1:35-1:48), Drift (1:58-2:09)
3. Dizzy (0:12-0:29), Drift (0:29-0:41), Mini (0:40-0:46), Blink (0:52-0:57),
Decel (1:03-1:14), Beat (1:15-1:27), Mini (1:29-1:35), Blink (1:21-1:27),
Float (1:46-1:52), Dizzy (1:52-1:58)
4. Float (0:11-0:21), Wave (0:21-0:48), Drift (0:41-0:51), Expand
(0:55-1:08), Drift (1:21-1:41), Space (1:41-1:42), Incoming (1:42-1:44),
Space (1:44-1:46), Incoming (1:46-1:48), Space (1:48-1:50), Incoming
(1:50-1:52), Space (1:52-1:54), Beat (1:54-2:04), Incoming (1:54-1:56),
Space (1:56-1:58), Hide Targets (2:01-2:06)

* Freedom *
Perhaps the "freedom" in the name speaks of the freedom from mods?
Normal(6) Intense(8)
1. WHY ME MED(4) HRD(6)
2. Perfect MED(5) HRD(8)
3. Tough Enough HRD(7) EXP(9)
4. While Tha Rekkid Spinz HRD(7) EXP(9)

* A Good Start *
The original "easy run" on the arcade version.
Normal(6) Intense(9)
1. Do U Love Me ESY(3) MED(4)
2. Da Roots (Folk Mix) ESY(2) MED(4)
4. Hip Hop Jam HRD(6) EXP(9)
1. 60% Wave (0:14-0:34), 80% Wave (0:58-1:11), 110% Wave (1:40-1:56)
2. 60% Fade Out (Entire Song), 120% Accel (0:58-1:12)
3. Hide Targets (Entire Song), 20% Beat (0:23-0:36), 40% Drift (0:52-1:18),
20% Beat (1:26-1:40)
4. 60% Wave (0:06-0:10), Wave (0:20-0:30), 20% Dizzy (0:40-0:50), 60% Wave
(0:59-1:02), 60% Drift (1:02-1:05), 60% Drift (1:07-1:08), Hide Targets
(1:12-1:22), 60% Expand (1:42-2:02)

* Wings *
Four flighty songs.
Normal(7) Intense(9)
1. Fly Away MED(5) HRD(7)
2. Flying High MED(5) HRD(8)
3. Fly With Me HRD(7) EXP(9)

* Rock Out *
Four rock songs.
Normal(7) Intense(10)
2. BOUFF MED(7) HRD(9)
3. NO 1 NATION HRD(8) EXP(9)
4. HYBRID HRD(9) EXP(10)

* Just Dance *
Four popular dance songs.
Normal(7) Intense(10)
1. Torn MED(5) HRD(7)
2. Mouth MED(4) HRD(8)
4. My Favourite Game HRD(6) EXP(10)

* Around 200 *
Four songs near 200 in BPM.
Normal(7) Intense(10)
2. NO 1 NATION HRD(8) EXP(9)
1. Space (0:00-0:19), 5% Cross (0:21-0:41), 80% Fade Out (0:41-1:00),
Space (1:02-1:10), 5% Cross (1:12-1:32), Space (1:32-1:37), 80% Fade Out
(1:38-1:47), Space (1:49-1:57)
2. 40% Dizzy (0:00-0:13), Accel (0:15-0:25), 50% Decel (0:25-0:44),
40% Dizzy (0:49-0:58), Accel (1:00-1:09), 50% Decel (1:09-1:28),
40% Decel + 40% Dizzy (1:32-1:41), Accel (1:43-1:50)
3. 50% Drift (0:00-0:16), 60% Float (0:16-0:21), 50% Drift (0:21-0:26),
60% Float (0:26-0:30), Accel (0:30-0:40), Wave + 30% Drift (0:40-0:58),
40% Float (0:59-1:10) , Beat (1:00), Beat (1:02), Beat (1:03), Beat (1:04),
Beat (1:05), Beat (1:06), 50% Beat (1:08-1:10), Accel + 80% Decel +
60% Expand (1:10-1:28), Wave + 30% Drift (1:30-1:49), Accel (1:49-2:01)
4. 40% Wave (0:00-0:13), Accel + 40% Decel + Wave (0:13-0:32), 40% Wave
(0:32-1:24) , 40% Drift + 20% Float (0:32-0:43), 50% Drift + 10% Float +
10% Alternate (0:43-0:46), 10% Drift + 50% Float + 10% Split (0:46-0:49),
50% Drift + 10% Float (0:49-0:54), 10% Cross (0:49-0:52), 10% Alternate
(0:52-0:54), 10% Drift + 50% Float + 10% Cross (0:54-0:56), 50% Drift +
10% Float (0:56-1:01), 10% Split (0:56-0:59), 10% Alternate (0:59-1:01),
10% Drift + 50% Float + 10% Split (1:01-1:04), 40% Decel + 40% Drift +
20% Float (1:12-1:24), Accel + 40% Decel + Wave (1:34-1:53), 40% Wave +
40% Drift + 20% Float (1:53-2:03), 225% Decel (2:05-2:07)

* Trance *
Four trance songs.
Normal(8) Intense(11)
1. Wave (0:07-0:13), 50% Drift (0:14-0:21), Drift (0:21-0:28), Fade In +
Robot (0:28-0:41), 50% Beat (0:41-0:49), 50% Bumpy (0:49-0:55), Beat
(0:55-1:03), Bumpy (1:03-1:08), 50% Bumpy + 150% Beat (1:08-1:15),
10% Flip (1:15-1:20), x1.5 + 15% Flip (1:20-1:23), x2 + 20% Flip
(1:23-1:30), x2.5 + 30% Flip (1:30-1:37), x1.5 + Space (1:37-2:05),
1% Bumpy (1:37-1:40), 2% Bumpy (1:40-1:44), 4% Bumpy (1:44-1:47),
8% Bumpy (1:47-1:51), 16% Bumpy (1:51-1:55), 24% Bumpy (1:55-2:05),
Accel (1:58-2:05)
2. Reverse (0:07-0:20), 110% Beat (0:10-0:20), 27% Boomerang + Fade In
(0:24-0:51), Wave (0:51-1:06), x0.25 (1:06), 150% Accel + 80% Decel
(1:07-1:36), x2 (1:36-1:50), 60% Decel (1:36-1:57), x3 (1:50-1:57)
3. Dizzy (0:06-0:19), Fade In (0:19-0:52), 20% Bumpy + Distant (0:33-0:52),
x2 + Incoming (0:52-1:05), 50% Beat (1:05-1:17), 40% Expand (1:17-1:55)
5% Dizzy (1:32-1:45), 110% Drift (1:45-1:55)
4. 200% Beat (0:10-0:16), Accel (0:18-0:32), 60% Decel (0:32-0:40), Wave
(0:40-0:43), 80% Bumpy + Hallway (0:43-0:47), x2 + 10% Dizzy + Robot
(0:47-1:05), 20% Tornado + 10% Float (1:08-1:16), 50% Drift (1:16-1:23),
50% Expand + 40% Mini (1:23-1:27), 80% Bumpy + Distant (1:27-1:30),
30% Wave (1:30-1:51), 30% Drift (1:34-1:51), 30% Beat (1:37-1:51),
30% Tornado (1:41-1:51), 30% Expand (1:44-1:51), 30% Fade Out (1:48-1:51),
500% Bumpy (1:51-1:59), Overhead (1:51-2:01), x8 + 200% Mini (1:59-2:01)

* KeeL Over *
Five songs by Kyle Ward, aka KeeL.
Normal(8) Intense(12)
1. DAWN ESY(3) MED(5)
2. OASIS MED(4) HRD(9)
3. Xuxa ESY(3) MED(8)
4. Zodiac HRD(7) EXP(9)
5. Infection HRD(8) EXP(11)
1. Alternate (Entire Song), 94% Fade Out (0:16-0:30), 80% Drift (0:31-0:44),
40% Dizzy (0:45-1:00), 80% Fade Out (1:01-1:17), 70% Drift (1:07-1:17),
40% Tornado (1:18-1:25), 94% Fade Out (1:26-1:40), 60% Dizzy (1:41-1:55)
2. Boomerang (Entire Song), 80% Fade Out (0:13-0:27), 30% Wave (0:27-0:40),
Add Mines (0:53-1:06), 80% Sudden (1:20-1:33), 50% Wave (1:33-1:46)
3. Flip (Entire Song), 30% Float (0:12-0:39), 40% Dizzy (0:39-0:51),
20% Drift (0:51-1:03), Add Mines (1:09-1:21), 30% Float (1:27-1:45),
20% Dizzy (1:45-1:57)
4. x3 + Hide Targets + Float (Entire Song), 60% Dizzy (0:23-0:41),
54% Fade Out (0:32-0:40), Blink (0:40-0:57), Drift (0:49-0:56),
60% Drift (1:16-1:32), 57% Fade In (1:25-1:52), 20% Blink (1:43-1:52)
5. Hide Targets (Entire Song), 60% Drift + 60% Float (0:00-0:10), Fade Out
(0:11-0:21), Hallway (0:26-0:28), Space (0:28-0:31), Hallway (0:31-0:34),
Space (0:34-0:37), Hallway (0:37-0:40), Space (0:40-0:41), Hallway
(0:41-0:43), Space (0:43-0:45), Hallway (0:45-0:48), Blink (0:50-1:00),
120% Expand (1:01-1:11), 140% Accel + Decel (1:23-1:32), Hallway
(1:35-1:38), Space (1:38-1:40), Hallway (1:40-1:43), Space (1:43-1:46),
150% Fade Out (1:46-1:57), Hallway (1:46-1:49), Space (1:49-1:50), Hallway
(1:50-1:52), Space (1:52-1:54), Hallway (1:54-1:57), Drift + Float

* Energy *
Five energetic drum'n'bass songs.
Normal(8) Intense(12)
3. Tension HRD(9) EXP(10)
5. Liquid Moon HRD(8) HRD(8)
1. Accel (0:09-0:28), 230% Dizzy (0:14-0:17), 230% Dizzy (0:24-0:27),
30% Tornado (0:29-0:38), Accel (0:47-0:57), Blink (0:57-1:05), Mini
(1:06-1:27), Accel (1:16-1:26), Flip (1:26-1:27), Reverse (1:27-1:47),
Incoming (1:27-1:33), Space (1:38-1:47)
2. Space (0:00-1:44), Reverse (0:00-0:19), Split (0:00-0:05), Alternate
(0:05-0:09), 200% Hide Targets (0:31-1:00), 300% Dizzy (0:41-1:00),
110% Wave (0:52-1:00), 50% Cross (1:03-1:13), 50% Cross (1:13-1:23),
55% Wave (1:24-1:44), 50% Tornado (1:44-2:05)
3. 70% Drift (0:00-0:22), 50% Wave (0:12-0:22), 90% Float (0:23-0:33),
Accel (0:33-0:44), Boomerang (0:46-1:08), 40% Float (0:47-1:08),
Fade Out (0:58-1:07), Blink + Add Mines (1:19-1:28), Boomerang (1:31-1:53),
50% Accel (1:43-2:00)
4. Hide Targets (Entire Song), 170% Beat (0:10-0:29), 130% Fade Out
(0:20-0:29), Accel (0:30-0:31), Accel (0:35-0:37), Bumpy (0:40-0:59),
Blink (0:49-0:58), Float (0:59-1:09), Blink (1:09-1:27), Reverse
(1:13-1:18), Reverse (1:23-1:29), Bumpy (1:29-1:33), x3 (1:29-1:38),
Float (1:31-1:40), Bumpy (1:40-1:45), x3 (1:40-1:49), Float (1:45-1:49),
50% Drift (1:45-1:50), Drift (1:50-2:00)
5. Overhead (Entire Song), 40% Tornado (0:09-0:19), 220% Fade Out
(0:19-0:23), 240% Bumpy (0:25-0:29), 800% Beat (0:29-0:32), 300% Drift
(0:37-0:45), 110% Decel (0:48-1:02), Boomerang (1:02-1:16), Reverse
(1:02-1:09), 7000% Dizzy (1:03-1:04), Reverse (1:12-1:26), Stomp
(1:15-1:21), 150% Float (1:20-1:29), 150% Accel (1:29-1:34), Stomp + Flip
(1:30-1:32), 190% Wave (1:33-1:38), Blink (1:39-1:44), 90% Fade In +
97% Fade Out (1:45-1:50), Split (1:50-1:53), Alternate (1:54-1:59)

* Fractious *
Four songs with several mods involving the targets moving around.
Normal(8) Intense(10)
1. Bend Your Mind MED(7) HRD(9)
4. OASIS HRD(8) EXP(10)
1. Decel (0:01-0:13), Accel + Wave (0:13-0:26), Float (0:26-0:31), Decel
(0:31-0:36), Wave (0:36-1:43), Accel (0:36-1:26), 77% Dizzy (0:51-0:58),
50% Drift + 50% Float (0:58-1:12), 70% Dizzy (1:12-1:32), Decel
(1:32-1:53), 225% Decel (1:58-2:01)
2. Reverse + 75% Decel (0:00-0:15), Accel (0:17-0:49), 20% Drift + 20% Float
(0:17-0:26), Wave (0:26-0:49), 50% Drift + 50% Float (0:39-0:49), Drift
(0:49-1:00), 10% Tornado + Accel (1:00-1:11), x0.5 (1:11-1:22), 20% Drift +
20% Float + Accel (1:22-1:32), 20% Tornado + Expand (1:33-1:42), Wave +
Incoming (1:44-1:57)
3. Wave (0:00-0:37), 20% Tornado (0:15-0:29), Expand (0:29-0:37), 20% Float +
20% Drift (0:37-0:51), 65% Decel (0:37-1:34), 30% Float + 30% Drift
(0:51-1:04), 80% Decel + 80% Expand + 80% Wave (1:06-1:18), Wave
(1:20-2:01), 20% Tornado (1:20-1:35), 20% Drift + Distant (1:49-2:02)
4. 85% Hide Targets + Boomerang (Entire Song), Wave + 80% Bumpy (0:00-0:13),
10% Alternate (0:13-0:40), 20% Float + 20% Drift (0:26-0:40), 80% Bumpy
(0:40-1:06), 30% Float + 30% Drift (0:53-1:06), 10% Split (1:06-1:20),
50% Float + 50% Drift (1:20-1:48)

* Far East *
Four songs with styles derived from Asia.
Normal(8) Intense(10)
1. Land of the Rising Sun MED(5) HRD(7)
2. OASIS MED(4) HRD(9)
3. DAWN HRD(8) EXP(9)
4. Kagami HRD(8) EXP(10)
1. Fade In (0:00-0:09), 90% Wave (0:23-0:37), Accel (0:37-0:52), 75% Decel
(0:52-1:06), 90% Wave (1:07-1:22), Accel (1:22-1:36), 75% Decel (1:36-1:48)
2. Hide Targets (0:00-0:09), 10% Tornado (0:13-0:27), 30% Expand + 5% Float +
5% Drift (0:28-0:40), Accel + 10% Drift (0:40-0:53), 20% Decel +
90% Accel + 50% Wave (0:53-1:06), 10% Tornado (1:06-1:20), 30% Expand +
5% Drift + 5% Float (1:20-1:55)
3. 70% Fade Out (0:16-0:29), Accel (0:31-0:44), 70% Fade Out (0:45-0:59),
30% Accel + 70% Expand (1:01-1:15), Accel (1:15-1:18), x4 + 75% Decel
(1:17-1:24), Accel (1:27-1:40), 70% Fade Out (1:41-1:54)
4. 50% Invisible (0:00-0:07), 40% Invisible (0:07-0:08), 30% Invisible
(0:08-0:10), 20% Invisible (0:10-0:12), 10% Invisble (0:12-0:13), Accel
(0:13-0:26), 70% Accel + 30% Wave (0:28-0:41), 40% Wave + Accel
(0:41-0:54), 35% Beat (0:54-1:08), Expand (1:08-1:21), x4 + 75% Decel
(1:27-1:40), Accel + 40% Wave (1:40-1:54), 10% Invisible (1:54-1:55),
20% Invisible (1:55-1:57), 30% Invisible (1:57-1:59), 40% Invisible
(1:59-2:00), 50% Invisible (2:00-2:10)

* Caddywhompus *
I'm told this is a fairly common southern slang meaning something that's
mixed up, backwards, out of whack, which makes sense when you play this
Normal(8) Intense(11)
1. Da Roots (Folk Mix) ESY(2) MED(4)
1. x0.25 (Entire Song), Invisible (0:00-0:06), Blink (0:15-0:29), Blink
(0:44-0:57), 150% Accel (0:59-1:13), Hide Targets (1:20-1:40),
Hide Judgment (1:28-1:40), Wave (1:35-1:40), Blink (1:49-2:00)
2. x0.75 (Entire Song), Alternate + Accel (0:00-1:18), Beat (0:23-1:28),
Float (0:49-1:07), Reverse + Space (1:22-1:56), 82% Fade In +
72% Fade Out + 30% Invisible (1:26-1:41)
3. x0.5 (Entire Song), Wave (0:16-1:58), 200% Accel (0:40-1:56), 50% Float
(0:54-1:58), 50% Drift (1:10-1:58), 70% Dizzy (1:26-1:58), 300% Expand
4. x1.25 + Hide Targets + Hide Judgment (Entire Song), 50% Float (0:23-0:40),
50% Drift (0:35-0:41), 75% Decel (0:41-0:53), 60% Wave (0:53-1:04),
30% Invisible + 60% Fade In + 50% Fade Out (1:10-1:22), 60% Float
(1:22-1:33), 50% Drift (1:45-1:53)

* Do You Mine? *
Mods have been adjusted for tons of mines. Bombs away.
Normal(8) Intense(11)
1. July ESY(3) MED(5)
3. Lemmings on the Run HRD(8) EXP(9)
4. ANUBIS HRD(8) EXP(10)
1. Add Mines (Entire Song), Beat (0:10-0:22), 70% Bumpy (0:22-0:34),
Float (0:44-0:55), Drift (0:55-1:07), 70% Bumpy (1:18-1:29), Float
(1:41-1:52), Beat (1:52-2:04)
2. Add Mines (Entire Song), 60% Wave (0:16-0:34), 70% Dizzy (0:46-0:59),
Fade Out (1:11-1:22), 70% Drift (1:39-2:04)
3. Add Mines (Entire Song), Hide Targets (0:20-0:34), Blink (0:50-1:02),
Float (1:18-1:33), Hide Targets (1:51-2:00)
4. Add Mines + x3 + 90% Bumpy (Entire Song), 80% Fade Out (0:28-0:45),
94% Fade Out + 95% Fade In (1:03-1:20), 94% Fade Out (1:38-1:54)

* Breaking Point *
This one's going to hurt.
Normal(10) Intense(13)
2. Tell HRD(9) EXP(12)
3. VerTex HRD(10) EXP(12)
1. Hide Targets (0:00-0:24), 97% Fade Out (0:41-0:51), Beat (1:05-1:16)
2. x2 (0:01-0:20), Decel (0:01-0:06), x3 (0:20-0:27), x3 (0:43-0:55),
x2 (0:55-1:13), Decel (1:07-1:12), x3 (1:13-1:19), Beat (1:19-1:25),
x2 + 60% Drift (1:36-1:47)
3. 90% Fade Out (0:00-0:23), Float (0:08-0:22), x0.5 (0:23-0:30),
50% Float (0:30-0:39), x5 (0:37-0:41), x1.5 (0:40-0:44), x5 (0:43-0:46),
x1.5 (0:45-1:03), Float (0:53-1:03), 80% Fade Out (1:11-1:19), x4 +
40% Drift (1:19-1:33), x1.5 + 95% Fade In (1:35-1:56), Hide Targets +
20% Drift + 120% Float (1:56-2:04)
4. Hide Targets (Entire Song), Boomerang (0:01-0:25), 80% Fade Out
(0:09-0:22), Beat (0:25-0:52), 50% Fade In (0:38-0:52), 60% Drift
(1:06-1:18), x2 (1:18-2:08), 80% Fade Out + 85% Fade In (1:18-1:48),
Flip (1:18-1:21), Blink (1:54-1:58), 40% Drift + Float (1:59-2:08)

* Most Popular *
The four most popular songs.
Normal(?) Intense(?)
1. 1st MED(?) HRD(?)
2. 2nd MED(?) HRD(?)
3. 3rd MED(?) HRD(?)
4. 4th HRD(?) EXP(?)


Unlockable Courses

* Bounce *
UNLOCK #2: Play 20 Songs
Four simple songs that encourage bouncing.
Normal(6) Intense(8)
1. Da Roots (Folk Mix) ESY(2) MED(4)
2. Boogie Down MED(6) HRD(8)
3. Hip Hop Jam MED(4) HRD(8)
4. Driving Force Classical MED(5) HRD(8)
1. 50% Wave (0:15-0:30), 50% Dizzy (0:30-0:44), 50% Wave (0:44-0:59),
50% Fade In (0:59-1:13), 50% Drift (1:28-1:42), 50% Wave (1:42-1:56)
2. 70% Float (0:12-0:30), 50% Wave (0:30-0:51), 50% Drift (0:51-1:15),
Space (1:27-1:42), 50% Wave (1:42-1:56)
3. 15% Decel (0:11-0:28), 50% Dizzy (0:29-0:50), 50% Drift (0:50-1:00),
15% Decel (1:02-1:20), 50% Dizzy (1:21-2:01), 50% Wave (1:42-2:01)
4. Space (Entire Song), 50% Wave (0:12-2:00), 10% Drift (0:12-1:09),
50% Fade In (1:09-2:00)

* Outer World *
UNLOCK: #6: Play 60 Songs
Another set of cool trance songs.
Normal(6) Intense(8)
1. 50% Wave (0:22-0:51), 70% Float (0:51-1:17), 50% Dizzy (1:17-1:47),
15% Decel (1:47-2:01)
2. Incoming (Entire Song), 70% Float (0:14-0:32), 50% Drift (0:32-0:44),
50% Expand (0:44-0:57), 15% Decel (0:57-1:36), 50% Wave + 50% Dizzy
3. 50% Wave + 50% Drift (0:15-0:39), 50% Fade In (0:39-0:52), 50% Wave
(0:52-1:07), 50% Expand (1:07-1:34), 50% Wave + 50% Drift (1:34-1:59)
4. Space (Entire Song), 15% Tornado (0:23-1:02), 15% Decel (1:02-1:44),
50% Wave (1:02-1:54)

* The Legend *
UNLOCK: #16: Play 160 Songs
You don't have to be legendary to pass this, but it helps.
Normal(7) Intense(9)
1. Zodiac MED(5) HRD(7)
3. Tell MED(6) HRD(9)
1. 50% Wave + 50% Fade Out (0:03-0:21), 15% Tornado + 70% Float (0:21-0:40),
50% Dizzy + Space (0:40-1:34), 15% Tornado + 70% Float (1:34-1:51)
2. 50% Wave + 70% Float (0:05-0:41), 50% Dizzy + 15% Tornado (0:41-1:16),
15% Decel + 50% Dizzy (1:16-1:37), 40% Expand (1:37-2:05)
3. Distant (Entire Song), 15% Decel + 15% Tornado + 10% Beat (0:06-0:30),
30% Wave + 10% Expand (0:30-1:23), 15% Decel + 15% Tornado + 10% Beat
(1:23-1:35), 30% Wave + 10% Expand (1:35-1:48)
4. 20% Drift + 50% Dizzy (0:07-0:22), 50% Drift + 15% Tornado (0:22-0:48),
50% Wave + 10% Drift + 50% Fade In (0:48-1:03), 15% Decel + 20% Drift
(1:07-1:34), 20% Drift + 50% Dizzy (1:34-1:55)


This section covers the other two modes.

9A. Fitness Mode =

In this mode, you begin by entering your weight and goal for your current
play, either time played or calories burned. After which, you can choose
play type, which can be you picking each individual songs, you picking
marathon courses, or having the songs completely random.

While you play, your calories will be tabulated instead of your score. You
cannot fail while playing this mode. You only finish playing once your goal
is met.

After you complete the goal, you'll get a workout evalution screen.

9B. Practice Mode =

Anyone who's familiar with StepMania will recognize this pretty quickly.

Anyway, there are special controls for this mode while on the stepchart

Up or Down: Move up or down the song a single beat.
Hold R1 and Up or Down: Move up or down a measure.
Hold L1 and Up or Down: Move to the beginning or end of the song.
Circle: Play your current selection.
X: Play where your cursor is until the end.
Square: Make the current position one of the boundaries for the "selection".
SELECT: Shows help menu.
START or Triangle: Shows the Practice Menu.


Practice Menu

Steps Information: Here's where you get all the status info on the current
stepchart (steps, holds, etc).
Play Whole Song: As it says, select this to play the song.
Play Current Beat to End: Play from wherever the cursor is in the song until
the end.
Playback Modifiers: Apply any of the game's modifiers to the song.
Playback Options: Turning on "Assist Tick" will activate a ticker for every
time arrows come up. Adjusting "Music Rate" changes the actual playback
speed of the song.


There are twenty unlocks in this game, and you get a new unlock for every ten
songs you play, including those in Marathon Courses.

01 - 010 songs - New Song: DISCONNECTED -HYPER MIX-
02 - 020 songs - New Marathon Course: Bounce
03 - 030 songs - New Song: Tell
04 - 040 songs - New Modifier: Bumpy
05 - 050 songs - New Song: ANUBIS
06 - 060 songs - New Marathon Course: Outer World
07 - 070 songs - New Song: BUBBLE DANCER
08 - 080 songs - New Modifier: Beat
09 - 090 songs - New Song: DISCONNECTED -MOBIUS MIX-
10 - 100 songs - New Song: Liquid Moon
11 - 110 songs - New Song: DON'T PROMISE ME -HAPPINESS COMES MIX-
12 - 120 songs - ITG2 Song: FUNK FACTORY
13 - 130 songs - New Song: DJ PARTY
14 - 140 songs - ITG2 Song: TRIBAL STYLE
15 - 150 songs - New Song: Infection
16 - 160 songs - New Marathon Course: The Legend
17 - 170 songs - New Song: PANDEMONIUM
18 - 180 songs - ITG2 Song: incognito
19 - 190 songs - New Song: Xuxa
20 - 200 songs - ITG2 Song: WAKE UP


Full Unlock Code

On the main menu press (on the directional pad):

Up, Right, Up, Right,
Left, Down, Left, Down,
Up, Right, Down, Left,
Up, Left, Down, Right

This unlocks all the above songs, courses, and modifiers.


Always Special Ending

On the main menu press (on the directional pad):

Up, Up, Down, Down,
Left, Right, Left, Right

Gee, that's not familiar or anything. This gives you the "special" ending
every time you finish your play, not just if you score an S+ average or

11A. Legal =

This FAQ was made 100% by me, and is Copyright 2005 Scott "CyricZ"
Zdankiewicz. You may not take it in whole or in part and claim it as your
own. You may not alter it in any way, even if you ask me first, and that
includes putting it in HTML format. Please dont post this on your site
unless you have express consent by me. Ive put a lot of time into this.
Give me some credit.

All songs and their lyrics are copyright their respective owners. ITG is
Copyright 2004-2005 Roxor Games.

Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ:


I'm not going to allow people with small personal sites to post this FAQ.
They may post the link on GameFAQs with all the ITG guides, but, trying to
keep updates, well, updated, I'll only allow large committed sites that I

11B. E-mail Guidelines =

If you wish to e-mail me, be sure to follow these guidelines:

- Make ABSOLUTELY sure I haven't already answered your question in the guide.
- Make sure it has something to do with In The Groove. I don't want spam,
chain letters, offers for friendship. Don't bother me with info on other ITG
games, really. I keep my ear pretty close to the ground about such things,
and I'll probably know about it before you. Compliment me on the FAQ all you
want, though.
- Make sure you say "In The Groove" at one point in your e-mail. I have more
than one dancing games FAQ, and I can't always figure the question out without
specifying what game you're asking about.
- Asking how to beat a song will result in a deletion. There really are no
tips to offer for ITG'ing besides what I have in my section. It has to come
from your own skill and desire to pass.
- Spell correctly and use proper grammar, please. If I can't understand
your e-mail, it'll go to the junk pile.

11C. Credits =

CJayC and all other featured sites' webmasters for having this on their sites.

Thunderbird, for being a pal helping me out on several aspects of this guide.

djHaQ for giving us the game's secrets.

Craig McPherson for telling me what a "Caddywhompus" is.

When Sporks ATTACK for info on Xuxa.

Marc de Vries, for a nice heap of various types of info.

Roxor Games for developing this game, and RedOctane, for bringing it home.

11D. Version Updates =

Version 0.8 - 06/18/2005 - All the default songs, and the game modes. More on
the way soon!

Version 1.0 - 06/21/2005 - All the songs info and all course info is up.
All there is left to clean up are the lyrics and artist notes.

Version 1.1 - 07/04/2005 - More lyrics and a few fixes here and there.

11E. The Final Word =

It's a good dancing game, period. This is hardly the debacle that MC Groovz
was. These guys definitely know what they're doing. There's still a sense
of unprofessionalism, but I found it easy to ignore. ^_^

I'm sure I've got some information wrong, so help me if you wish.

Take care and happy dancing!

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