Tato stranka by vapadalo mnohem lepe v prohlizeci, ktery podporuje webove standardy, nicmene prohlizet ji muzete v jakemkoliv prohlizeci, nebo zarizeni s pristupem na Internet.

DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

Co to je a k čemu je program Stepmania ?

Stepmania je volně šiřitelný program pro simulátor pro hry z rodiny DDR a jim podobných. Funguje pod Windows, na Linuxu i na Xbox konzoli.

Domácí stránka programu je www.stepmania.com a zde si ji můžete stáhnout. Na adrese najdete i pár bonusů jako songy, fotky, videa, návody a manuály. Samozřejmě nechybí ani odkazy na další stránky a aktuální informace o vývoji programu. Poslední stabilní verze je 3.9, takže doporučujeme začít s ní.

Samotný program Stepmania (dále jen SM) Vám k hraní stačit nebude, potřebujete písničky. Ty označujeme anglickým slovem "songs" a nahrávají se do adresáře /songs. Více o nich, kde je sehnat, vytvořit a nahrát, najdete pod klíčovým slovem "songs".

Doporučuji program nainstalovat do kořenového adresáře, například X:/DDR. Budete mít k SM rychlejší přístup a spousta malých souborů zabere méně místa.

Další informace, rady, instalaci a řešení problémů s programem najdete v této části našeho fóra .

Jaké adresáře v Stepmanii najdete a co do nich můžete nahrát?

Announcers - Tenhle adresář slouží pro nahrání komentátora, co vám bude "kecat" do hry. Říkat jak dobře nebo špatně potvrzujete šipky, jak velké máte combo, a jaké jsou vaše závěrečné výsledky.
Cache - Adresíř pro cache songů, pro příští rychlejší start aplikace. Pokud budete mít pár tisíc songů, stejně si chvilku počkáte, než se SM spustí.
Characters - Řekněme tanečníci. Jedná se o figurky, co se hýbou a tancují za šipkami a před pozadím. Někdy rozptylují, někdy pobaví.
Data - Adresář pro nastavení a statistiky. Najdete zde jak nastavení programu Stepmania (soubor stepmania.ini), tak vaše statistiky (adresář LocalProfiles) i statistiky celé mašiny, SM (MachineProfile). Můžete se podívat na doporučené nastavení souboru Stepmania.ini, nebo si SM můžete nastavit přímo v programu. Náročnější hráči si v souboru stepmania.ini nastaví JudgeWindow nebo PerfectScore, ale to normální hráče zatěžovat nemusí.
Notekins - Adresář pro uložení grafiky - noteskinů - dalších vzhledů šipek. Oni totiž ani šipky nemusí vypadat pořád stejně. Existuje větší množství těchto noteskinů.
Program - Adresář obsahující knihovny a spouštěcí soubor stepmania.exe
Screenshots - Ve Stepmanii můžete kdykoliv stisknout klávesu PrintScreen, a do tohoto adresáře se uloží jpeg s aktuálnám obrázkem v rozlišení 640x480. Dobré na ukládání obrázků z výsledné obrazovky. Plno lidí takto své výsledky porovnává.
Songs - Hlavní adresář pro hudbu. Sem dáváte všechny songy, které chcete v Stepmanii hrát. V adresáři Songs je další adresář s názvem alba, v něm adresáře s názvy jednotlivých songů a v tomto jsou už jednotlivé soubory (hudba ve formátu MP3, soubor se šipkami zvaný stepchart, případné titulky k hudbě označované jako lyric, animace, pozadí, obrázek songu a autora a podobně). Nemůžete sem tedy nakopírovat vaše oblíbené album s MP3, nemáte u nich vytvořené stepcharty. Buď šipky uděláte sami, nebo si seženete požadovanou hudbu jinde.
Themes - Jiný kabát pro vaší Stepmanii. Jako program Winamp můžete i SM převléci a dát jí jiný vzhled. Neliší se jen barvy, ale může jít o kompletní změnu programu k novému obrazu. Každému vyhovuje něco jiného, každý themes může ukazovat více či méně informací o dané skladbě, o výsledcích a může mít u různé zvukové efekty.
BackgroundEffects, BackgroundTransitions, BGAnimations, RandomMovies ...a podobné adresáře jsou pro videa a efekty k nim. Videa mohou být také přímo v adresáři Songs u hudby.

V Stepmanii můžete používat i klávesové zkratky. Uvádím je zde jen pro úplnost, protože běžnému hráči stačí šipky, enter, a esc. Zde je tedy jejich přehled:


  • F1 = vložení mince
  • F2 = zvonunačtení metrik a textur
  • Alt-Enter = přepnutí do nebo z fullscreenu
  • PrintScreen = vytvoří screenshot obrazovky a uloží jej do adresáře Screenshots
  • Držet Tab = zvýší rychlost hry 4x. Používá se pro rychlejší pohyb v menu a výběru songů
  • Držet Tildu (~) = naopak sníží rychlost hry na 1/4x
  • Držet Tab a Tildu (~) = sníží rychlost na 0x

    V menu:

  • Směrové šipky slouží pro pohyb v menu
  • Enter = Start
  • Escape = zpět

    Ještě před vlastním hraním - attract obrazovka:

  • Left nebo Right = další obrazovka
  • F3 = přepnutí CoinMode

    V hlavním menu:

  • Escape = vrácení o obrazovku zpět

    Během hry:

  • F6 = přepnutí AutoSync módu
  • F7 = přepnutí assist tick (tleskání do rytmu hudby)
  • F8 = přepnutí AutoPlay (počítač hraje sám za vás)
  • F9 = sníží offset
  • F10 = zvýší offset
  • F11 = sníží BPM současného segmentu (držte ALT pro větší citlivost)
  • F12 = zvýší BPM současného segmentu (držte ALT pro větší citlivost)
  • Držet Escape = ukončí hraní

    V editoru:

  • Escape = menu
  • Up/Down = předchozí/další řádka
  • Left/Right = změna kroku
  • 1 až 0 = přidá/smaže notu
  • Enter - nastaví počáteční značku pro označení oblasti
  • Space - nastaví značku pro konec výběru oblasti
  • P - přehrání označené oblasti (pokud není nic označeno, přehraje celý song)
  • R - spustí nahrávání do označené oblasti (pokud není nic označeno, přehraje celý song)

    V menu pro výběr songu:

  • F9 = změna překladu názvů (například pro japonské názvy skladeb)

    Během výběru songu můžete zadat určitou sekvenci kláves a provede se příslušná akce. Tyto sekvence jsou sice závislé na tom, jaký themes používáte, nicméně se autoři snaří dodržet tyto zvyklosti:

    Přepnutí na lehčí úrověň:

  • Easier1=Up,Up
  • Easier2=MenuUp,MenuUp

    Přepnutí na těžší úrověň:

  • Harder1=Down,Down
  • Harder2=MenuDown,MenuDown

    Změna seřazení songů na další způsob:

  • NextSort1=MenuLeft-MenuRight-Start
  • NextSort2=MenuLeft+MenuRight
  • NextSort3=Left-Right-Start
  • NextSort4=Left+Right

    Změna seřazení songů:

  • SortMenu1=Up,Down,Up,Down
  • SortMenu2=MenuUp,MenuDown,MenuUp,MenuDown

    Modifikace songu (udělá obvykle hru težší):

  • Mirror=Up,Left,Right,Left,Right
  • Left=Up,Down,Right,Left
  • Right=Up,Down,Left,Right
  • Shuffle=Down,Up,Down,Up
  • SuperShuffle=Down,Up,Left,Right

    Změna rychlosti šipek:

  • NextScrollSpeed=Up,Left,Down,Left,Up
  • PreviousScrollSpeed=Down,Right,Up,Right,Down

    Další modifikace:

  • NextAccel=Left,Right,Down,Up
  • NextEffect=Left,Down,Right
  • NextAppearance=Left,Up,Right
  • Reverse=Down,Left,Right,Left,Right
  • HoldNotes=Right,Left,Down,Up

    Zrušení všech modifikací:

  • CancelAll=Left,Right,Left,Right,Left,Right,Left,Right

    Změna astavení Stepmanie:

  • NextTheme=Left,Left,Left,Right,Right,Right,Left,Right
  • NextTheme2=MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuRight
  • NextAnnouncer=Left,Left,Right,Right,Left,Left,Right,Right
  • NextAnnouncer2=MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight
  • NextGame=Left,Right,Left,Left,Right,Right,Left,Right
  • NextGame2=MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuRight
  • NextBannerGroup=MenuUp,MenuRight,MenuRight
  • NextBannerGroup2=MenuUp,MenuDown,MenuUp,MenuDown

    No a pokud se Vám Stepmania nevlíbí, zkuste podobné simulátory jako DWI, Pydance, Flash Flash Revolution.. .

    Datum poslední modifikace definice 'stepmania':
    01.11.2009 00:00
  • << zpět na Czech DDR portal

    DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

    Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

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    Mario Series Ending FAQ
    By Christopher Marsh
    E-mail: jellysoup at gmail dot com
    GameFAQs: jelly soup
    GameSpot: Jelly_Soup
    G4tv Forum: JellySoup
    MarioWiki: Ghost Jam
    NeoSeeker: Jelly Soup
    NSider: JELLY_SOUP
    Fungi Forums: Jelly Soup

    Copyright 2003 - 2006 Christopher Marsh

    This FAQ was first started on 12/1/2003.

    Table of Contents

    I. ~~Copyright Info~~
    II. ~~Warning~~
    III. ~~Using This FAQ~~
    VI. ~~Version History~~
    V. ~~Mario. Endings of a Hero.~~
    1. ****NES****
    1. Super Mario Brothers
    2. Super Mario Brothers 2
    3. Super Mario Brothers 3
    4. Super Mario World
    5. All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros.
    6. Yume Koujou Doki Doki Panic
    2. ****SNES****
    1. Super Mario Brothers
    2. Super Mario Brothers 2
    3. Super Mario Brothers 3
    4. Super Mario Brothers: The Lost Levels
    5. Super Mario World
    6. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
    7. Super Mario All-Stars
    8. Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World
    3. ****GB****
    1. Super Mario Land
    2. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
    3. Super Mario Brothers 3 Special
    4. ****GBA****
    1. Mario Bros.
    2. Classic NES Series: Super Mario Bros.
    3. Super Mario Advance
    4. Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2
    5. Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3
    6. Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
    5. ****Nintendo 64****
    1. Super Mario 64
    6. ****GBC****
    1. Mario Bros. II (Game and Watch Gallery 3)
    2. Super Mario Brothers Deluxe
    3. Super Mario 3 SPECIAL
    7. ****Arcade****
    1. Mario Bros.
    2. Vs. Super Mario Bros.
    8. ****PC/Mac/Other Computer****
    1. Mario Bros.
    9. ****E-Reader****
    1. Mario bros.
    10. ****Commodore 64****
    1. Mario Bros.
    2. Mario Bros. II
    3. The Great Giana Sisters
    4. The Great Giana Sisters 2
    5. The Great Giana Sisters 3
    11. ****Atari****
    1. Mario Bros.
    12. ****Amiga****
    1. The Great Giana Sisters
    13. ****DS****
    1. Super Mario 64 DS
    2. New Super Mario Bros.
    14. ****Bandai Satellaview-X****
    1. BS Super Mario USA
    15. ****iQue****
    1. Super Mario 64
    16. ****Gamecube****
    1. Super Mario Sunshine
    17. ****Pinball****
    1. Super Mario Brothers
    2. Super Mario Brothers 3
    3. Super Mario World
    18. ****Wristwatch****
    1. Super Mario Brothers
    2. Super Mario Brothers 3
    19. ****CD-i****
    1. Super Mario Wacky Worlds
    20. ****Wii****
    1. Super Mario Galaxy
    VI. ~~Friends n' Family~~
    1. ****GB****
    1. Wario Land 2
    2. Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land
    3. Wario Blast: Featuring Bomberman!
    4. Yoshi's Cookie
    5. Tetris Attack
    2. ****GBA****
    1. Wario Ware. Inc.: Mega Microgame$
    2. Donkey Kong Plus
    3. Donkey Kong Country
    4. Donkey Kong Country 2
    5. Donkey Kong Country 3
    6. Donkey Kong Coconut Crackers
    7. Classic NES Series: Donkey Kong
    8. Wario Land 4
    9. WarioWare: Twisted!
    10. DK: King of Swing
    11. Yoshi Topsy-Turvy
    3. ****NES****
    1. Wario's Woods
    2. Yoshi's Cookie
    3. Donkey Kong
    4. Donkey Kong Jr.
    5. Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    6. Donkey Kong 3
    7. Donkey Kong Classics
    4. ****N64****
    1. Yoshi's Story
    2. Donkey Kong 64
    5. ****SNES****
    1. Yoshi's Cookie
    2. Yoshi's Safari
    3. Donkey Kong Country
    4. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
    5. Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble
    6. Wario's Woods
    7. Tetris Attack
    6. ****GBC****
    1. Wario Land 2
    2. Wario Land 3
    3. Donkey Kong Country
    4. Donkey Kong Country 2
    7. ****DS****
    1. WarioWare: Touched!
    2. Yoshi Touch 'n Go
    3. Super Princess Peach
    4. Yoshi's Island 2
    8. ****iQue****
    1. Yoshi's Story
    9. ****Gamecube****
    1. WarioWare Inc.: Mega Party Game$
    2. Luigi's Mansion
    3. Wario World
    4. Wario's Woods (Animal Crossing)
    5. Super Mario Brothers (Animal Crossing)
    10. ****VirtualBoy****
    1. VB Wario Land
    11. ****Wii****
    1. WarioWare: Smooth Moves
    VII. ~~Fun n Games~~
    1. ****Nintendo 64****
    1. Mario Party
    2. Mario Party 2
    3. Mario Party 3
    4. Super Samsh Bros.
    5. Mario Kart 64
    6. Paper Mario
    7. Dr. Mario
    8. Mario Tenis
    9. Mario No Photopii
    2. ****E-Reader****
    1. Mario Party-e
    3. ****Bandai Satellaview-X****
    1. ExciteBike: Bun Bun Mario Battle Stadium 1 - 4
    4. ****SNES****
    1. Mario no Super Picross
    2. Mario Paint
    3. Super Mario Kart
    4. Mario is Missing!
    5. Super Mario RPG
    6. Dr. Mario
    7. Mario's Time Machine
    8. Mario's Early Years: Fun With Letters
    9. Mario's Early Years: Fun With Numbers
    10. Mario's Early Years: Preschool Fun
    11. Mario and Wario
    12. Aiamua Teacher: Super Mario Seta
    13. Tetris & Dr. Mario
    14. BS Excitebike Bunbun Mario Battle Stadium 1 - 4
    15. Wrecking Crew '98
    5. ****GBA****
    1. Mario Party Advance
    2. Mario Kart: Super Circuit
    3. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
    4. Mario Golf: Advance Tour
    5. Mario vs. Donkey Kong
    6. Mario Pinball Land
    7. Classic NES Series: Dr. Mario
    8. Mario Tennis: Power Tour
    9. Dr. Mario Puzzle League
    6. ****Gamecube****
    1. Super Smash Bros. Melee
    2. Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
    3. Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
    4. Mario Power Tennis
    5. Mario Party 4
    6. Mario Party 5
    7. Mario Party 6
    8. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
    9. Mario Superstar Baseball
    10. Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix
    11. Mario Party 7
    12. Super Mario Strikers
    7. ****DS****
    1. Mario Kart DS
    2. Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
    3. Mario Hoops 3 on 3
    8. ****iQue****
    1. Mario Kart 64
    2. Dr. Mario
    9. ****PC/Mac/Other Computer****
    1. Mario is Missing!
    2. Mario's Time Machine Deluxe
    3. Mario's Early Years: Fun With Numbers
    4. Mario's Early Years: Fun With Letters
    5. Mario's Early Years: Preschool Fun
    6. Mario's FUNdamentals
    7. Mario's Game Gallery
    8. Mario Teaches Typing
    9. Mario Teaches Typing 2
    10. Super Mario Bros. & Friends: When I Grow Up
    10. ****NES****
    1. Mario is Missing!
    2. Yoshi
    3. Dr. Mario
    4. Mario's Time Machine
    5. Kart Fighter
    6. Wrecking Crew
    11. ****Arcade****
    1. Vs. Dr. Mario
    2. Vs. Wrecking Crew
    3. Mario Kart Arcade GP
    12. ****GBC****
    1. Mario Golf
    2. Mario Tennis
    3. Mario Family
    13. ****VirtualBoy****
    1. Mario Clash
    14. ****CD-i****
    1. Mario Hotel
    15. ****64DD****
    1. Mario Artist (Series)
    16. ****GB****
    1. Mario & yoshi
    2. Dr. Mario
    3. Mario's Picross
    4. Picross 2
    17. ****Wii****
    1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
    2. Mario Strikers Charged
    VIII. ~~Multi-Platform Titles~~
    IX. ~~Cameos~~
    X. ~~Q&A~~
    XI. ~~E-mail Policy~~
    XII. ~~Acknowledgements~~
    XIII. ~~Other Ending FAQs~~

    To Find What You Need:

    1. Open your browsers search function (for most browsers, ctrl + F).
    2. Type in the name of the game you are looking for (I.E.: Dr. Mario).
    3. Press enter.


    1. Open your browsers search function (for most browsers, ctrl + F).
    2. Type in the section number for the game you are looking for (I.E.:
    Dr. Mario for Gameboy is in section VII.16.2.).
    3. Press enter.


    I. - Copyright Info

    This FAQ cannot be duplicated, in any way, without the permission of the
    author. Only the following sites are allowed to host this FAQ:

    GameFAQs - http://gamefaqs.com
    GameSpot - http://www.gamespot.com (via linking from GameFAQs)
    Neoseeker - http://www.neoseeker.com/

    No other sites and/or individuals will be given permission. EVER.

    The newest version of this FAQ will always be on GameFAQs first.

    All release data was collected from GameFAQs.com.

    All ending descriptions are the exclusive property of their respective owners
    and used with permission.

    All games and game stories are the exclusive property of the various
    people/companies that created/published them (including, but not limited to,
    Nintendo Inc.).


    II. - Warning

    The following WILL contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.

    This FAQ contains traces of mercury. If you are pregnant or expecting to
    become pregnant, caution is advised while viewing or otherwise handling this
    text file.


    III. - Using This FAQ

    Reading the Endings of a Hero, Fun n Games and Friends n' Family

    Section Number - Name of Game

    STORY: <-- Story for the game (if available).

    |Release Data\ (IF AVAILABLE)
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    Name of Name of Game in Date Released
    Country said Country in said Country

    Number of endings: <-- Number of endings for game.
    How Ending is obtained: <-- How to get the ending(s).
    Ending Description: <-- Description of the ending(s).

    Boss and Final Images <-- Link to pics of the ending(s)
    (if available).

    Additional Information <-- Any info that pertains to the game
    (if available).

    For the most part, this format will be followed religiously. I certain
    situations, I might have to do things a bit different.


    Reading the Cameos section:

    Section Number - Name of Game

    Systems: Name of Systems game is on - Name of game on that system

    System name:

    - Descriptions of cameo(s)

    Note that Im not going to list every game in the series, only the games that
    have the cameos. IE: Pokemon has a few games out on the N64, but only one has
    a cameo, so Ill only list that one and add the others as cameos are found
    (if they are found).


    IV. - Version History

    Version 4.3 - 8/27/06 - A few more endings added, corrected some system
    information and added to the list of games this FAQ is posted on (GameFAQs
    stuff). I'm working on a new format that is much easier on the eyes.

    Version 4.1 - 6/11/06 - Minor update. Added a few things, updating the games
    this FAQ is listed under (GameFAQs stuff).

    Version 4.0 - 6/5/06 - This FAQ had well over 105,000 hits in 2005. Amazing,
    eh? Incase someone was wondering, the update between the
    last version and this version was just me updating some site information that
    I had misprinted. Nothing big. A few cameos and endings have been added, as
    well as some missing games. Most of the release data has been filled in and
    most of the reformatting is complete. I've also cleaned up a few little bits
    left over from Version 2 and changed a few section names around. Lastly, the
    E-mail Policy section has been rewritten a bit. Ill be working on
    alphabetizing the games and systems for each section + breaking up redundant
    entries into their own sections. Oh, I also got rid of that 'Beta' in the
    Version. I think stright numbers work better.

    As an aside, I'm sorry it took me so long getting back to everyone who sent
    me information. Another FAQer once told me this, a few years back, and I
    think it fits here:

    If I forget to thank someone for their help or take too long to respond,
    please, blame the mind, not the heart.

    Version 3.9 - 9/25/05 - Ok, so, its been a bit longer than a few days.
    So sue me. At any rate, Ive fiddled with the format a bit more, filled in
    more of the missing released data (not all of it) and added a section listing
    all the games that I still need endings for. Also, I messed with the Table of
    Contents a bit. I think its a bit easier to read this way. As a side note,
    this FAQ has over 79,000 hits so far this year. I just found that interesting.

    Version 3.5 - 8/9/05 - Hay, guyz! Been quite a while, hasnt it? The FAQ
    still isnt quite done. I still need to add A LOT of information. Dont worry
    to much about the release data, Ive got most of it, I just havent entered
    it yet. The reformatting isnt done, either. I just wanted to get the damn
    thing updated before I run out of sanity. Ill be updating again in a few
    days with the formatting finished. The next version will come with a list
    of games that I need information on, so you all won't have to hunt.

    Version 3 - 1/4/05 - I've added a few missing games, filled in a lot
    of holes and came up with a new way to present release data. I dont know, I
    think it looks pretty good. Ive also changed the filing system to make
    things a bit easier to read. Even more, Ive add the Cameos section back.
    I decided that it worked better the way it was in the old format, so I didn't
    change it. I know that all the release data isnt here yet, but I wanted to
    get this damn thing updated. More to come.

    Version 2.1 - 10/15/04 - Nothing new, just updating the list of sites
    that can use this FAQ.

    Version 2 - 10/10/04 - Yeah, new format! The old format was so confusing, I
    could NEVER recreate it if I had to. Anyway, the overhaul isnt quite finished
    yet, I still have A LOT of information to add and I need to finish fixing the
    Cameo section. Please, bear with me for a time, Im still working on getting
    this FAQ up to par, plus school and redoing the Mega Man Endings FAQ also.
    Everything will happen in do time.


    V. Endings of a Hero. - These games are a part of the main series.

    V.1. - *NES*

    V.1.1. - Super Mario Brothers

    STORY: [ One day the kingdom of the peaceful mushroom people was invaded by
    the Koopa, a tribe of turtles famous for their black magic. The
    quiet, peace-loving Mushroom People were turned into mere stones,
    bricks and even field horse-hair plants, and the Mushroom Kingdom
    fell into ruin.

    The only one who can undo the magic spell on the Mushroom People and
    return them to their normal selves is the Princess Toadstool, the
    daughter of the Mushroom King. Unfortunately, she is presently in
    the hands of the great Koopa turtle king.

    Mario, the hero of this story (maybe) hears about the Mushroom
    People's plight and sets out on a quest to free the Mushroom Princess
    from the evil Koopa and restore the fallen kingdom of the Mushroom
    People. You are Mario! It's up to you to save the Mushroom People
    from the black magic of the Koopa! ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario Bros. 12/31/85

    Europe Super Mario Bros. 5/15/87

    Japan Super Mario Bros. 9/13/85

    Number of endings: 1
    How Ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser in world 8-4.
    Ending description:

    After beating Bowser, Mario walks over to the Princes and she says "Thank
    you Mario! Your quest is now over. We present you a new quest." The
    words "Push button B to select a world" then appear.

    Boss and Final Images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/nes/a/smario.htm

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    V.1.2. - Super Mario Brothers 2

    STORY: [ One evening, Mario had a strange dream. He dreamt of a long,
    long stairway leading up to a door. As soon as the door
    opened, he was confronted with a world he had never seen
    before spreading out as far as his eyes could see. When he
    strained his ears to listen, he heard a faint voice saying
    "Welcome to 'Subcon', the land of dreams. We have been
    cursed by Wart and we are completely under his evil spell. We
    have been awaiting your arrival. Please defeat Wart and return
    Subcon to its natural state. The curse Wart has put on you in
    the real world will not have any effect upon you here.
    Remember, Wart hates vegetables. Please help us!" At the same
    time this was heard, a bolt of lightning flashed before Mario's
    eyes. Stunned, Mario lost his footing and tumbled upside down.
    He awoke with a start to find himself sitting up in his bed. To
    clear his head, Mario talked to Luigi, Toad and Princess about
    the strange dream he had. They decide to go to a nearby
    mountain for a picnic. After arriving at the picnic area and
    looking at the scenery, they see a small cave
    nearby. When they enter this cave, to their great surprise,
    there's a stairway leading up, up and up. It
    is exactly like the one Mario saw in his dream. They all
    walk together up the stairs and at the top, find a
    door just like the one is Mario's dream. When Mario and his
    friends, in fear, open the door, to their surprise, the world
    that he saw in his dream spreads out before them!.... ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 12/31/87
    America Bros. 2

    Europe Super Mario 4/28/89
    Bros. 2

    Japan Super Mario USA 9/16/92

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Wart in the last level of world 8.
    Ending description:

    After beating Wart Mario (or whatever character you where playing
    as) goes into the next room, pulls the cork off the giant urn and set
    the Subcon free. The game then switches to a scene of the subcon
    dragging of Warts body and a counter showing how many times you
    played as each character through the course of the game appears. That
    scene is then show in a thought balloon above a sleeping Mario. He
    wakes up, then falls back to sleep (the whole game was a dream!). We
    then see some nice drawings of the different enemies and bosses scroll
    by with there names.

    Boss and Final Images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/nes/a/mario2.html

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    V.1.3. - Super Mario Brothers 3

    STORY: [ The Mushroom Kingdom has been a peaceful place thanks to the brave
    deeds of Mario and Luigi. The Mushroom Kingdom forms an entrance to
    the Mushroom World where all is not well. Bowser has sent his 7
    children to make mischief as they please in the
    normally peaceful Mushroom World. They stole the royal magic wands
    from each country in the Mushroom World and used them to turn their
    kings into animals. Mario and Luigi must recover the royal magic
    wands from Bowser's 7 kids and return the kings to their true
    forms. "Goodbye and good luck!," said the Princess and Toad as
    Mario and Luigi set off on their journey deep into the Mushroom
    World. ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 2/1/90
    America Bros. 3

    Japan Super Mario 10/23/88
    Bros. 3

    Number of endings: 1
    How Ending is Obtained: -Beat Bowser at the end of world 8.
    Ending description:

    After beating Bowser, Mario walk in to the next room and finds the
    Princess, who says "Thank You. But our princess is in another
    castle!.. .Just kidding! Ha Ha Ha! Bye Bye."(yes, she really says
    bye bye 0.o who ever wrote the ending for this game needs to
    be punched in the face). The game then runs through the world maps,
    names each world and shows a cute little Mario drawing.

    KrazyGamerHead of gamefaqs has added: After you beat it you will start
    off with 28 (the max number of items you can carry) P-Wings.

    KrazyGamerHead of gamefaqs has also added: If you beat the game again,
    you will start off with 28 (the max number of items you can carry)
    Hammer Bros. suits.

    Boss and Final Images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/nes/a/mario3.htm

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-
    -Thanks to KrazyGamerHead (gamefaqs) for what continued play does.-


    V.1.4. - Super Mario World

    Number of endings: 1
    How Ending is Obtained: -Beat Renzor at the end of Castle #4.
    Ending description:

    A picture of Yoshi's house with the words THANK YOU and then a picture of
    Mario, Luigi and Peach with the words THE END. That's it. :/

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    Additionl information:

    This is actually an NES hack of the SNES Super Mario World. It's very
    rare and rather well done (Think about it. SNES to NES.).


    V.1.5. - All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros.

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    Japan All Night Nippon 1986
    Super Mario Bros.

    Number of Endings: 1
    How Ending is Obtained: Beat Bowser at the end of 8-4.
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    V.1.6. - Yume Koujou Doki Doki Panic

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    Japan Yume Koujou Doki 7/10/87
    Doki Panic

    Number of Endings: ?
    How Ending is Obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    V.2. - *SNES*

    V.2.1. - Super Mario Brothers

    STORY: [ The Mushroom Kingdom was a peaceful place, until the fateful day
    that Bowser used his twisted magic to invade it. Bowser turned most
    of the Mushroom Kingdom's people into rocks, bricks, and mushrooms.
    He even kidnapped Princess Toadstool and held her captive in his
    huge castle.

    When the Mario Brothers, Mario and Luigi, heard this, they knew that
    they needed to do something. They decided to battle Bowser and his
    evil minions to save the Princess. Can they do it? ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 8/13/93
    America All-Stars

    Super Mario
    All-Stars + 12/1/94
    Super Mario World

    Japan Super Mario 7/14/93

    Number of Endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser in world 8-4.
    Ending description:

    Mario finds the Princess in a cage suspended over lava. He then jumps up
    into the cage (and a mushroom falls on top of him if he is small), and
    the Princess runs up to him. The text, "Thank you Mario! The kingdom is
    saved! Now try a more difficult quest...Press Start!" The Princess then
    kisses Mario. If you press Start, you are taken back to World 1-1, but
    the Goombas are replaced with Buzzy Beetles and the enemies move faster
    (just like in the NES version).

    -The above ending description was by heartburnkid@burntmail.com-


    Additionl information:

    This version was included in Super Mario All-Stars. The game was the same,
    but with updated graphics and 'improved' game play.


    V.2.2. - Super Mario Brothers 2

    STORY: [ One evening, Mario had a strange dream. He dreamt of a long, long
    stairway leading up to a door. As soon as the door opened, he was
    confronted with a world he had never seen before, spreading out as
    far as his eyes could see. Suddenly, he heard a faint voice saying
    "Welcome to 'Subcon', the land of dreams. We have been cursed by
    Wart. Please defeat Wart and save us. Remember, Wart hates
    vegetables. Please help us!"

    The next day, on the way to a picnic, Mario talked to Luigi, Toad
    and the Princess about the strange dream he had. After arriving at
    the picnic area, they found a small cave. When they opened the door
    in this cave, to their great surprise, the world that Mario saw in
    his dream spread out before him! ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 8/13/93
    America All-Stars

    Super Mario
    All-Stars + 12/1/94
    Super Mario World

    Japan Super Mario 7/14/93

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Wart in the last level of world 8.
    Ending description:

    After beating Wart Mario (or whatever character you where playing
    as) goes into the next room, pulls the cork off the giant urn and set
    the Subcon free. The game then switches to a scene of the subcon
    dragging of Warts body and a counter showing how many times you
    played as each character through the course of the game appears. That
    scene is then show in a thought balloon above a sleeping Mario. He
    wakes up, then falls back to sleep (the whole game was a dream!). We
    then see some nice drawings of the different enemies and bosses scroll
    by with there names.

    Boss and Final Images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/snes/a/smas_2.htm

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    Additionl Information:

    This version was included in Super Mario All-Stars. Its a grand old port
    of the original. The only difference from the original to this version,
    is this one came with updated graphics, 'improved' game play and a
    re-mastered sound track.


    V.2.3. - Super Mario Brothers 3

    STORY: [ The Mushroom Kingdom has been a peaceful place thanks to the brave
    deeds of Mario and Luigi. The Mushroom Kingdom forms an entrance to
    the Mushroom World where all is not well. Bowser has sent his 7
    children to make mischief as they please in the normally peaceful
    Mushroom World. They stole the royal magic wands from each country
    in the Mushroom World and used them to turn their kings into
    animals. Mario and Luigi must recover the royal magic wands from
    Bowser's 7 kids to return the kings to their true forms. "Good-bye
    and good luck!", said the Princess and Toad as Mario and Luigi set
    off on their journey deep into the Mushroom World. ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 8/13/93
    America All-Stars

    Super Mario
    All-Stars + 12/1/94
    Super Mario World

    Japan Super Mario 7/14/93

    Number of endings: 1
    How Ending is Obtained: -Beat Bowser at the end of world 8.
    Ending description:

    After beating Bowser, Mario walk in to the next room and finds the
    Princess, who says "Thank You. But our princess is in another
    castle!.. .Just kidding! Ha Ha Ha! Bye Bye."(yes, she really says
    bye bye 0.o who ever wrote the ending for this game needs to
    be punched in the face). The game then runs through the world maps,
    names each world and shows a cute little Mario drawing.

    Boss and Final Images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/snes/a/smas_3.htm

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    Additional Information:

    This version came as part of Super Mario All-Stars. Updated graphics (they
    took out the little back-flips Mario did when he grabbed a starman!) and
    improved sound. Strangely enough, they didn't improve the game play any
    for this version.


    V.2.4. - Super Mario Brothers: The Lost Levels

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 8/13/93
    America All-Stars

    Super Mario
    All-Stars + 12/1/94
    Super Mario World

    Japan Super Mario 7/14/93

    Number of Endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser at the end of world 8.
    -Same as above, but don't use the Warp Zone at
    anytime during the game.
    Ending Description:

    Beat Bowser at the end of World 8:

    Mario finds the Princess in a cage suspended over lava. He then jumps up
    into the cage (and a mushroom falls on top of him if he is small), and
    the Princess runs up to him. The text, "Thank you Mario! The kingdom is
    saved! Now try a more difficult quest...Press Start!" The Princess then
    kisses Mario. If you press Start, you are taken back to World 1-1, but
    the Goombas are replaced with Buzzy Beetles and the enemies move faster
    (just like in the NES version).

    Beat Bowser at the end of World 8 + no Warp Zone:

    Same as above, but pressing start (when prompted to) will take you to
    Level 9-1 instead of Level A-1.

    -Thanks to locke_the_theif (gamefaqs) for the No Warp Zone ending.-


    Additional Information:

    The lost levels is the Japanese Super Mario Brothers 2. It was thought to
    be to hard for American gamers, so was never brought here. Instead,
    America got a modified version of Doki Doki Panic, fixed with Mario
    characters, as a sequel.


    V.2.5. - Super Mario World

    STORY: [ After saving the Mushroom Kingdom from Bowser and the rest of the
    Koopas in Super Mario 3, Mario and Luigi needed to recuperate from
    their adventures. Together they agreed that the best place to
    vacation was a magical place called Dinosaur Land.

    But while Mario and Luigi reclined on the beach for a relaxing
    nap, Princess Toadstool disappeared, apparently seized by evil
    forces. After searching for hours for their missing friend, Mario
    and Luigi came upon an enormous egg in the forest.

    Suddenly the egg hatched, and out popped a young dinosaur named
    YOSHI, who proceeded to tell Mario and Luigi a sad tale of how his
    dinosaur pals who were sealed in similar eggs by a group of
    monstrous turtles.

    "Monstrous turtles!," exclaimed Luigi. "Bowser and his bunch have
    returned!" Mario slowly nodded his head in agreement and, along
    with Luigi and Yoshi, set off across Dinosaur Land to find the
    Princess and to free Yoshi's friends. As they began their
    journey, Yoshi handed Mario a beautiful
    cape. "This may help you," Yoshi said. "Some say it has magical

    With a little luck (and help from a magic cape), our hearty
    crew can defeat the seven worlds of Bowser's Krazy Koopa Kritters.
    Many locations are well-hidden so explore everywhere and try
    everything. Not all locations have
    to be explored to rescue the dinosaurs and save Princess
    Toadstool, but there are many "starry" treasures to be found in
    far-reaching places. You'll need to search all areas to find out
    what kinds of treasure are there... in Super Mario World. ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario World 8/1/91

    Japan Super Mario World 11/21/90

    Europe Super Mario World 6/4/92

    Number of Endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser.
    Ending description:

    Bowser's Koopa Clown Car flips over and the Princess falls down.
    She kisses Mario and fire works begin in the background. The
    Princess gets on Yoshi and Mario, the Princess, Yoshi and
    Yoshi's friend's (trapped in eggs) head home. When they get back to
    the Yoshi's home on Yoshi's Island, the Blue Yoshi, the Red Yoshi
    and the Yellow Yoshi are there. The 7 eggs hatch and Mario, the
    Princess, and Luigi wave goodbye. A scene shows up with the names and
    pics of each enemy in the game. After that, a picture shows up of
    Mario, Luigi and the princess all saying thank you.

    Boss and final images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/snes/a/smw.htm

    -The above ending description was compiled by various users on the Console
    Gaming form on the G4tv.com message boards.-
    -Thanks to Luke Sather at faqs@vaejas.com for telling me the correct name
    of Bowser's vehicle.-
    -Thanks to danielwatts@gmail.com for correcting the North American release


    Additonal Information:

    The name for Bowsers ride, Koopa Clown Car, was taken from the Official
    Nintendo Players Guide. In said guide, they also use the names Bowser's
    Heli and Clown Ship.

    For those who keep asking, I got the name Wirrly Bird from a players guide
    for Super Mario RPG years back and it was the only name I could remember
    for Bowser's flying contraption.


    V.2.6. - Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

    STORY: [ This story happened a long, long time ago ..,This is a story about
    a baby and Yoshi ...

    A stork hurries across the dusky, pre-dawn sky. In his bill, he
    supports a pair of twins, who are to be delivered to their parents
    as soon as possible.

    Suddenly, something appears between the clouds and races towards
    the stork with blinding speed!

    "SSCCRREEEEECH!!!" , it screams. "These babies are mine!"

    Snatching only one baby, the creature vanishes into the darkness
    from whence it came.

    Oh no!

    The second baby falls undetected toward the open sea ...

    The kidnapper is Kamek, an evil Magikoopa from the Koopa Kingdom.
    Having divined last night that twin babies born this
    morning will bring disaster to the Koopa family, he arranged for
    an early morning ambush. Returning to his castle, Kamek
    realizes that he missed the other baby. He orders his toadies,
    "Go forth and find the other baby!! Don't let his parents get
    him back! Ever!!"

    Meanwhile, the second baby does not fall into the sea after
    all ... it lands safely on Yoshi's back! And right after him
    drops a map!! ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario World 8/4/95
    America 2: Yoshi's Island

    Japan Super Mario: 8/5/95
    Yoshi's Island

    Number of Endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Baby Bowser.
    Ending description:

    Baby Bowser falls onto some of what is left of the ground, un-conscience.
    Kamek shows up and says they'll be back and Kamek takes Bowser to the
    moon. Yoshi hops across the castle remains to where Luigi and the stork
    were detained. The castle is blown up and the stork is on its way. The
    stork is shown flying past mountains while the credits are shown. When
    the stork arrives, he leaves the babies on the door step of a house
    and flies off. Lights come on in the house and the door opens. The
    parents proudly hold the babies above their heads and at the bottom of
    the screen it says: Heroes are born! The End.

    Boss and Final Images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/snes/a/smw2.htm

    -The above ending description is by C. Robert Meyer (World of Nintendo).-


    V.2.7. - Super Mario All-Stars

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 8/13/93
    America All-Stars

    Super Mario
    All-Stars + 12/1/94
    Super Mario World

    Japan Super Mario 7/14/93

    Number of Endings: 5
    How ending is obtained: -Beat each game to see its ending.
    Ending description:

    Super Mario Brothers:

    Mario finds the Princess in a cage suspended over lava. He then jumps
    up into the cage (and a mushroom falls on top of him if he is
    small), and the Princess runs up to him. The text, "Thank you Mario!
    The kingdom is saved! Now try a more difficult quest...Press Start!"
    The Princess then kisses Mario. If you press Start, you are taken back
    to World 1-1, but the Goombas are replaced with Buzzy Beetles
    and the enemies move faster (just like in the NES version).

    Super Mario Brothers 2:

    After beating Wart Mario (or whatever character you where playing as)
    goes into the next room, pulls the cork off the giant urn and set the
    Subcon free. The game then switches to a scene of the subcon dragging
    of Warts body and a counter showing how many times you played as each
    character through the course of the game appears. That scene is then
    show in a thought balloon above a sleeping Mario. He wakes up, then
    falls back to sleep (the whole game was a dream!). We then see some
    nice drawings of the different enemies and bosses scroll by with there

    Super Mario Brothers 3:

    After beating Bowser, Mario walk in to the next room and finds the
    Princess, who says "Thank You. But our princess is in another
    castle!.. .Just kidding! Ha Ha Ha! Bye Bye."(yes, she really says
    bye bye 0.o who ever wrote the ending for this game needs to
    be punched in the face). The game then runs through the world maps,
    names each world and shows a cute little Mario drawing.

    The Lost Levels:

    Mario finds the Princess in a cage suspended over lava. He then jumps
    up into the cage (and a mushroom falls on top of him if he is small),
    and the Princess runs up to him. The text, "Thank you Mario! The
    kingdom is saved! Now try a more difficult quest...Press Start!" The
    Princess then kisses Mario. If you press Start, you are taken back to
    World 1-1, but the Goombas are replaced with Buzzy Beetles and the
    enemies move faster (just like in the NES version).

    The ending for The Lost Levels on the All-Stars cartridge is identical
    to the All-Stars Mario 1 ending, except pushing Start takes you to
    World A-1 instead of the modified 1-1.

    -The above ending descriptions are by heartburnkid@burntmail.com, Jelly
    Soup, KrazyGamerHead (gamefaqs) and various people from the G4tv.com
    Console Gaming board.-


    Additional information:

    All-Stars was an SNES port of all the classics. They came with updated
    graphics and improved gameplay/sound. The version of All-Stars that came
    with Super Mario World was a special SNES bundle deal, in which, you bought
    the SNES and got All-Stars with it. I seem to recall a lot of hotels that
    had the Super Mario World version built into the tv as part of an overnight


    V.2.8. - Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 8/13/93
    America All-Stars

    Super Mario
    All-Stars + 12/1/94
    Super Mario World

    Japan Super Mario 7/14/93

    Number of Endings: 5
    How ending is obtained: -Beat each game to see its ending.
    Ending description:

    Super Mario Brothers:

    Mario finds the Princess in a cage suspended over lava. He then jumps
    up into the cage (and a mushroom falls on top of him if he is
    small), and the Princess runs up to him. The text, "Thank you Mario!
    The kingdom is saved! Now try a more difficult quest...Press Start!"
    The Princess then kisses Mario. If you press Start, you are taken back
    to World 1-1, but the Goombas are replaced with Buzzy Beetles
    and the enemies move faster (just like in the NES version).

    Super Mario Brothers 2:

    After beating Wart Mario (or whatever character you where playing as)
    goes into the next room, pulls the cork off the giant urn and set the
    Subcon free. The game then switches to a scene of the subcon dragging
    of Warts body and a counter showing how many times you played as each
    character through the course of the game appears. That scene is then
    show in a thought balloon above a sleeping Mario. He wakes up, then
    falls back to sleep (the whole game was a dream!). We then see some
    nice drawings of the different enemies and bosses scroll by with there

    Super Mario Brothers 3:

    After beating Bowser, Mario walk in to the next room and finds the
    Princess, who says "Thank You. But our princess is in another
    castle!.. .Just kidding! Ha Ha Ha! Bye Bye."(yes, she really says
    bye bye 0.o who ever wrote the ending for this game needs to
    be punched in the face). The game then runs through the world maps,
    names each world and shows a cute little Mario drawing.

    The Lost Levels:

    Mario finds the Princess in a cage suspended over lava. He then jumps
    up into the cage (and a mushroom falls on top of him if he is small),
    and the Princess runs up to him. The text, "Thank you Mario! The
    kingdom is saved! Now try a more difficult quest...Press Start!" The
    Princess then kisses Mario. If you press Start, you are taken back to
    World 1-1, but the Goombas are replaced with Buzzy Beetles and the
    enemies move faster (just like in the NES version).

    The ending for The Lost Levels on the All-Stars cartridge is identical
    to the All-Stars Mario 1 ending, except pushing Start takes you to
    World A-1 instead of the modified 1-1.

    Super Mario World:

    Bowser's Wirrly Bird flips over and the Princess falls down. She
    kisses Mario and fire works begin in the background. The Princess gets
    on Yoshi and Mario, the Princess, Yoshi and Yoshi's friend's
    (trapped in eggs) head home. When they get back to the Yoshi's home on
    Yoshi's Island, the Blue Yoshi, the Red Yoshi and the Yellow Yoshi
    are there. The 7 eggs hatch and Mario, the Princess, and Luigi wave
    goodbye. A scene shows up with the names and pics of each enemy in the
    game. After that, a picture shows up of Mario, Luigi and the princess
    all saying thank you

    -The above ending descriptions are by heartburnkid@burntmail.com, Jelly
    Soup, KrazyGamerHead (gamefaqs) and various people from the G4tv.com
    Console Gaming board.-


    Additional information:

    All-Stars was an SNES port of all the classics. They came with updated
    graphics and improved gameplay/sound. The version of All-Stars that came
    with Super Mario World was a special SNES bundle deal, in which, you bought
    the SNES and got All-Stars with it. I seem to recall a lot of hotels that
    had the Super Mario World version built into the tv as part of an overnight

    From: violet_yoshi@hellokitty.com:

    I do remember that! It was some kind of Super Nintendo networking
    system, where you'd choose a game, and they'd bill you to play for
    an hour. The only bad thing was if you ran out of time before saving,
    the game would restart after it'd ask you if you'd like to be billed
    for another hour. So you'd hear the sounds of kids throughout the hotel
    yelling at the screen, "I DIDN'T GET TO SAVE!!!" LoL.


    V.3. - *Gameboy*

    V.3.1. - Super Mario Land

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 1989
    America Land

    Japan Super Mario 4/21/89

    Number of Endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Tatanga at the end of world 4-3.
    Ending description:

    After defeating Tatanga, the room you're fighting will disappear.
    You'll go forward and find the real Princess Daisy. She will thank Mario
    and the two of them will board a big airplane and fly off. 'The End'
    appears in the sky.

    -The above ending description is by Jelly Soup.-


    V.3.2. - Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 1992
    America Land 2: 6 Golden

    Japan Super Mario 10/21/92
    Land 2: 6 Golden

    Number of Endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Wario.
    Ending description:

    Wario shrinks down into a baby and jumps over the castle walls. The castle
    turns white and the W sign flips over to form a M. A flag appears on
    top of the castle. The credits will appear at the bottom of the screen
    along with pictures of the diffrent enemies in the game.

    -The above ending description is by Jelly Soup.-


    V.3.3. - Super Mario Brothers 3 Special

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario ??/??/??
    America Bros. 3

    Number of Endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser (I assume).
    Ending description:

    I assume that its the same or similar to the NES version, but if anyone
    knows for sure, e-mail me (you will be credited).

    Additional information:

    For the people who keep telling me that there is no Gameboy version of
    Mario Brothers 3, SHUT UP! There is! Ive played it! They were being
    sold at a pharmacy near my house when I was 6 years old. I know that
    it isn't in any of the online databases, but trust me, this game

    A quick note: No, I DON'T mean Super Mario LAND 3 (Wario Land 1), I'm
    talking about Super Mario BROTHERS 3 (a semi-direct port from the NES
    version, with racoon tails, frog suits and everything).

    INFORMATION GET! This real title is Super Mario Brothers 3 Special. It's
    a Hong Kong hack, which lacks many features important to the game (such as
    shells killing enemies).


    V.4. - *Gameboy Advance*

    V.4.1. - Mario Bros.


    Um...this game doesnt have any...Mario Bros. was a puzzle game of
    sorts, in which, you jump around, avoid fireballs, run through pipes,
    and stomp troopas to gain points. The end is whenever you quit playing/die
    in the game.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-
    -Thanks to dsmckenna@earthlink.net for informing me that Mario Bros. was
    also in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.-

    The only REAL difference between each version was a slight improvement in the
    graphics department and the e-reader version requires you to have the Mario
    bros. e-reader card to play. Other than that, the game was played the same
    way, every time.


    V.4.2. - Classic NES Series: Super Mario Bros.

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Classic NES Series: 6/2/2004
    America Super Mario Bros.

    Japan Famicom-Mini: 2/14/2004
    Super Mario Bros.

    Europe Classic NES Series: 7/9/2004
    Super Mario Bros.

    Number of Endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser in World 8-4.
    Ending description:

    Bowser falls into the lava pit, and Mario walks into the room where Peach is
    held captive. She kisses you (bends down if you're small) and she says
    "Thank you, Mario. Your quest is over. We present you with a new quest."
    You can now "Push button B to select a world" at the title screen.

    -The above ending desciption was by tjoeb123 (gamespot).-


    V.4.3. - Super Mario Advance

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 6/10/2001
    America Advance

    Japan Super Mario 3/21/2001

    Europe Super Mario 6/22/2001

    Number of Endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Wart in the last level of world 8.
    Ending description:

    After beating Wart, Mario (or whatever character you where playing as)
    goes into the next room, pulls the cork off the giant urn and set the
    Subcon free. The game then switches to a scene of the subcon dragging of
    Warts body and a counter showing how many times you played as each
    character through the course of the game appears. That scene is then
    show in a thought balloon above a sleeping Mario. He wakes up, then falls
    back to sleep (the whole game was a dream!). We then see some nice
    drawings of the different enemies and bosses scroll by with there names.

    Boss and Final Images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/nes/a/mario2.html

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    V.4.4. - Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 2/9/2002
    America World: Super Mario
    Advance 2

    Japan Super Mario 12/14/2001
    Advance 2

    Europe Super Mario 4/12/2002
    Advance 2

    Number of Endings: 1
    How endings are obtained: -Beat Bowser.
    -Beat Bowser with the Special Stages complete.
    Ending descriptions: Normal ending:

    Bowser's Wirrly Bird flips over and the princess falls down. She kisses Mario
    and the words "Mario and Luigi's Adventure is over. Mario, Luigi, Peach,
    Yoshi, and friends are all going to take a vacation." appear on screen. The
    credits roll and eventually they get back to Yoshi's house where all the
    other Yoshi's are waiting. The eggs hatch and everyone jumps for joy as the
    words THANK YOU flash on the screen. A scene shows up with the names and
    pics of each enemy in the game. After that, a picture shows up of Mario,
    Luigi and the princess all saying thank you.

    Special ending:

    Same as the normal ending, but the enemies shown at the end are a bit

    Boss and Final images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/gba/a/sma2.htm

    -The above ending description was compiled by various users on the Console
    Gaming forum on the G4tv.com message boards.-


    V.4.5. - Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Yoshi's Island: 9/23/2002
    America Super Mario
    Advance 3

    Japan Super Mario 9/20/2002
    Advance 3:
    Yoshi's Island

    Europe Yoshi's Island 10/11/2002

    Number of Endings: 2
    How endings are obtained: -Beat Baby Bowser.
    -Beat Baby Bowser with all Special Stages
    Ending descriptions:

    Normal ending:

    Kamek: How dare you?! It's not fair...you are such a big meanie...big
    meanie...someday...we will back...you'll see!
    *He picks up Baby Bowser and heads for the moon. Yoshi jumps forward, over
    to the bag with Baby Luigi in it*
    Narrator: Thus, due to the marvelous teamwork of the Yoshi clan, the
    brothers are reunited. Yoshi frees the captured stork, who sets
    about his duty and finally makes the long-awaited delivery!
    Thanks, Yoshi! The brothers will meet their parents soon!
    *Your score is added up and then we watch the stork across the night sky,
    heading for the home of the brothers. The stork drops them off on the
    doorstep and leaves. The door opens and the new parents hold up their
    new children.*
    Narrator: Our heroes are born!

    Special Ending:

    Narrator: Congratulations! What an amazing job! You are the [ENTER NUMBER
    HERE] Yoshi to adventure on Yoshi's Island!
    *Yoshi runs over to his pals and they all dance. The End*

    Boss and final images:

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    V.4.6. - Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 10/20/2003
    America Advance 4: Super
    Mario Bros. 3

    Japan Super Mario 7/11/2003
    Advance 4: Super
    Mario Bros. 3

    Europe Super Mario 10/17/2003
    Advance 4: Super
    Mario Bros. 3

    Number of endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser at the end of World 8.
    Ending description:

    Bowser fall down go boom and Mario walks into the next
    room, where the princess is. "Thank you! Peach has at
    last returned to our fair Mushroom Kingdom!" THANK YOU!
    The game then runs through the world maps, names each world and shows
    a cute little Mario drawing. You then get a Perfect Clear screen for
    World 8.

    Special Ending:

    Bowser fall down go boom and Mario walks into the next room, where the
    princess is. "Thank you! Peach has at last returned to our fair
    Mushroom Kingdom!" THE END. The game then runs through the world maps,
    names each world and shows a cute little Mario drawing. After every
    world map is a section of credits.

    Boss and Final Images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/gba/d/sma4.htm

    -The above ending descriptions are by Jelly Soup.-
    -Thanks to crackhouse69@hotmail.com for fixing what Peach says after you
    beat Bowser.-


    V.5. - *Nintendo 64*

    V.5.1. - Super Mario 64

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 64 8/31/96

    Japan Super Mario 64 7/11/2003

    Super Mario 64 7/18/97
    (Rumble Pak verison)

    Europe Super Mario 64 3/1/97

    Number of endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser with between 70 and 119 stars.
    -Beat Bowser with 120 stars.
    Ending description:

    Beat Bowser with between 70 and 119 stars:

    Bowser lies on his back in the middle of the arena.
    Bowser: Nooo! It can't be! You've really beaten me, Mario?!! I gave
    those troops Power, but now it's fading away! Arrggghh! I
    can see peace returning to the world! I can't stand it!
    Hmmm . . . It's not over yet . . . C'mon troops! Let's
    watch the ending together! Bwa ha ha!
    Bowser fades away, and a giant star appears in his place. Mario
    grabs the star and gets a wing cap. He flies off into the distance.
    Mario lands on the bridge in front of the castle and the wing cap
    disappears. Mario looks up and sees the star in front of Peach's
    stained glass window turn into Peach. She floats down, and lands
    between two Mushroom Retainers. Mario, taking off his hat and
    holding it in front of him, runs up to her. She opens her eyes and
    looks at him.
    Peach: Mario! The power of the stars is restored to the
    castle. . . and it's all thanks to you! Thank you, Mario!
    We have something special for you!
    Peach leans down and kisses him on the nose. Mario jumps up and
    puts on his hat.
    Mario: Here we go!
    Peach: Listen, everybody! Let's bake a delicious cake . . . for
    Peach and the two Mushroom Retainers walk inside. Mario looks up
    at the sky.
    Peach: Mario!
    Mario runs inside. The screen pans up, showing several birds
    flying away. The credits appear, along with cameras going around
    the different levels. After the credits, Mario and Peach, between
    the two Mushroom Retainers, wave goodbye. Lakitu comes down
    and flies overhead as the screen fades. The screen
    shows a cake, with Peach and Mario at the top, and candy bar
    saying "Thank You" and a tea set surrounding it. It says "The End"
    at the bottom of the screen.
    Mario: Thank you so much for-a playing my game.

    Beat Bowser with 120 stars:

    The only difference between the two endings is what Bowser says
    after being beaten.

    Bowser lies on his back in the middle of the arena.
    Bowser: Noooo! You've really beaten me this time, Mario! I can't
    stand losing to you! My troops . . . worthless! They've
    turned over all the Power Stars! What?! There are 120
    in all??? Amazing! There were some in the castle that I
    missed??!! Now I see peace returning to the world . . .
    Oooo! I really hate that! I can't watch-I'm outta
    here! Just you wait until next time. Until then,
    keep that Control Stick smokin'! Bwaa ha ha!

    -The above ending description is by Nate (World of Nintendo).-


    V.6. - *Gameboy Color*

    V.6.1. - Mario Bros. II (Game and Watch Gallery 3)

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Game and Watch 4/16/99
    America Gallery 3

    Japan Game and Watch 4/17/99
    Gallery 3


    um...this game doesnt have an ending. Mario Bros II was a game
    where you played as both Mario and Luigi, who worked at a warehouse.
    The idea was to pass boxes along each assembly line to the other. As
    once you clear 8 boxes, you get a small break, then back to work. The
    end is whenever you quit playing/run out of lives.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    V.6.2. - Super Mario Brothers Deluxe

    STORY: [ Once upon a time, the peaceful Mushroom Kingdom was invaded by the
    Koopa, at tribe of turtles famous for their dark magic. These
    terrible terrapins transformed the peace-loving Mushroom People
    into stones, bricks, and ironically, mushrooms, then set their own
    king on the throne. In the wake of the ghastly coup d' etat, the
    beautiful Mushroom Kingdom fell into ruin and despair.

    It is said that only the daughter of the Mushroom King, Princess
    Toadstool, can break the evil spell and return the inhabitants of
    Mushroom Kingdom to their normal selves.

    But the King of the Koopas, knowing of this prophecy, kidnapped the
    lovely Princess and hid her away in one of his castles.

    Word of the terrible plight of the Mushroom People quickly spread
    throughout the land, eventually reaching the ears of a humble
    plumber. The simple, yet valiant Mario vowed to rescue the
    Princess and free her subjects from King Koopa's tyrannous reign.
    But can Mario really overcome the many obstacles facing him and
    become a true hero? ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario Bros. 4/30/99
    America Deluxe

    Japan Super Mario Bros. 3/1/2000

    Number of Endings: 3
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser in Super Mario Bros.
    -Beat Bowser in The Lost Levels.
    -Beat challenge mode.
    Ending description:

    Beat Bowser in Super Mario Bros:

    Mario runs up to the princess, who kisses him and says "Thank you,
    Mario! Your quest is over. We present you with a new quest." We
    then see a THE END screen followed by a pic of Mario and
    the princess holding hands in a garden. Then you get
    the Mario Award.

    Beat Bowser in The Lost Levels:

    Mario runs up to the princess, who kisses him and says "Wow!
    You are a super player! Congratulations!" We then see a CONGRADULATIONS!
    screen, the credits and a pic of Mario and the princess holding hands in
    a garden. Then you get the Yoshi Award.

    Beat challenge mode:

    We see a pic of Mario and the princess holding hands in a garden. You
    then get the Toad Award.

    Boss and final images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/gbc/a/mariodx.htm

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    V.6.3. - Super Mario 3 SPECIAL

    Number of Endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser at the end of World 8.
    Ending description:


    Additional Information:

    This is another illegal hack from Hong Kong. You can find more information
    on it here:

    -Thanks to daemonicmind@yahoo.com for informing me about the above game.-


    V.7. - *Arcade*

    V.7.1. - Mario Bros.


    Um...this game doesnt have any...Mario Bros. was a puzzle game of
    sorts, in which, you jump around, avoid fireballs, run through pipes,
    and stomp troopas to gain points. The end is whenever you quit
    playing/die in the game.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-
    -Thanks to dsmckenna@earthlink.net for informing me that Mario Bros. was
    also in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.

    The only REAL difference between each version was a slight improvement in the
    graphics department and the e-reader version requires you to have the Mario
    bros. e-reader card to play. Other than that, the game was played the same
    way, every time.


    V.7.2. - Vs. Super Mario Bros.

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Vs. Super Mario Bros. ??/??/??

    Number of Endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser in world 8-4.
    Ending description:

    When you rescue Peach, she says, "Peace is paved with kingdom saved,
    Hurrah to Mario, our only hero. This ends your trip of a long
    friendship." You are then awarded 100,000 points for each life you have
    left. Then the background turns from black to sky blue, and the seven
    Mushroom Retainers you saved in the previous levels appear surrounding
    you, along with the text, "Thank you, Mario!" Of course, if you're
    playing as Luigi, all the "Marios in the text are replaced with "Luigis.

    Also, it should be noted that this ending is identical to that in the
    Japanese SMB2, except that Vs. SMB uses the Princess sprite from SMB1
    instead of the new one used in SMB2j.

    -The above ending description was by heartburnkid@burntmail.com.-


    V.8. - *PC/Mac/Other Computer*

    V.8.1. - Mario Bros.


    Um...this game doesnt have any...Mario Bros. was a puzzle game of
    sorts, in which, you jump around, avoid fireballs, run through pipes,
    and stomp troopas to gain points. The end is whenever you quit
    playing/die in the game.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-
    -Thanks to dsmckenna@earthlink.net for informing me that Mario Bros. was
    also in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.-

    The only REAL difference between each version was a slight improvement in the
    graphics department and the e-reader version requires you to have the Mario
    bros. e-reader card to play. Other than that, the game was played the same
    way, every time.


    V.9. - *E-Reader*

    V.9.1. - Mario Bros.


    Um...this game doesnt have any...Mario Bros. was a puzzle game of
    sorts, in which, you jump around, avoid fireballs, run through pipes,
    and stomp troopas to gain points. The end is whenever you quit
    playing/die in the game.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-
    -Thanks to dsmckenna@earthlink.net for informing me that Mario Bros. was
    also in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.-

    The only REAL difference between each version was a slight improvement in the
    graphics department and the e-reader version requires you to have the Mario
    bros. e-reader card to play. Other than that, the game was played the same
    way, every time.


    V.10. - *Commodore 64*

    V.10.1. - Mario Bros.


    Um...this game doesnt have any...Mario Bros. was a puzzle game of
    sorts, in which, you jump around, avoid fireballs, run through pipes,
    and stomp troopas to gain points. The end is whenever you quit
    playing/die in the game.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-
    -Thanks to dsmckenna@earthlink.net for informing me that Mario Bros. was
    also in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.-

    The only REAL difference between each version was a slight improvement in the
    graphics department and the e-reader version requires you to have the Mario
    bros. e-reader card to play. Other than that, the game was played the same
    way, every time.


    V.10.2. - Mario Bros. II


    um...this game doesnt have an ending. Mario Bros II was a game
    where you played as both Mario and Luigi, who worked at a warehouse.
    The idea was to pass boxes along each assembly line to the other. As
    once you clear 8 boxes, you get a small break, then back to work. The
    end is whenever you quit playing/lose too many lives.

    -The above was by Jelly Soup.-


    V.10.3. - The Great Giana Sisters

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North The Great Giana 1987
    America Sisters

    Europe The Great Giana 1987

    Number of Endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Defeat the dragon at the end of Stage 33 with
    either Giana/Mario or Maria/Luigi.
    Ending description:

    With a jump to a platform after the dragon, you get the great Diamond,
    and there is a message saying that the diamond has been acquired and the
    sun can get up now.

    -The above ending description was by firstchild@freemail.hu-


    Addition information:

    From firstchild@freemail.hu:
    The Great Giana Sisters was a platform game and also a parody of the
    Super Mario series, featuring two Italian punk rocker teenage girls from
    Sicily who get trapped in a dream and have to find the big Diamond
    (guarded by the terrible Dragon) to ensure that the sun rises again -
    and they can wake up. This game was sued by Nintendo who claimed that
    it is a rip-off and a mockery of Mario (which it is not, by the way,
    but a very innovative platform game with exceptionally good music and
    much more goodies to collect than your regular mushroom and flower),
    and thus the game was banned from the market, only to be copied on
    floppy disks by gamers. Nintendo (or the original publisher, Epyx; or
    the makers of the game, Broderbound Software, it is not clear),
    however, got the license to convert the Giana program's graphics to
    Mario graphics and sell the game like that. The graphics of Giana were
    replaced to Mario, Giana's sister Maria got replaced to Luigi, the "cat"
    baddie got replaced to a Koopa turtle, and the "bee" baddie (for no
    apparent reason) got replaced to a flying yellow blotch with two eyes
    and a hat. As far as I remember they forgot to replace the "ball" power
    up to the mushroom, also they forgot to change the "lightning" power up
    to the flower which it equals in purpose. No other features of the game
    were changed.

    From Jelly Soup:
    It should also be added and this game is an unauthorized hack of the
    original Super Mario Bros. Ive gotten quite a few e-mails about me
    including it in this FAQ. Its here mainly because its a hack of a
    classic Mario game, its illegitimate daughter if you will. I think that
    it has a place here, among its peers. Besides, its interesting reading.


    V.10.4. - The Great Giana Sisters 2

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North The Great Giana 1987
    America Sisters 2

    Europe The Great Giana 1987
    Sisters 2

    Number of Endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    V.10.5. - The Great Giana Sisters 3

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North The Great Giana 1988
    America Sisters 3

    Europe The Great Giana 1988
    Sisters 3

    Number of Endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    V.11. - *Atari*

    V.11.1. - Mario Bros.


    Um...this game doesnt have any...Mario Bros. was a puzzle game of
    sorts, in which, you jump around, avoid fireballs, run through pipes,
    and stomp troopas to gain points. The end is whenever you quit playing/die
    in the game.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-
    -Thanks to dsmckenna@earthlink.net for informing me that Mario Bros. was
    also in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.-

    The only REAL difference between each version was a slight improvement in the
    graphics department. Other than that, the game was played the same way,
    every time.


    V.12. - *Amiga*

    V.12.1. - The Great Giana Sisters

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North The Great Giana 1988
    America Sisters

    Number of Endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Defeat the dragon at the end of Stage 33 with either
    Giana/Mario or Maria/Luigi.
    Ending description:

    With a jump to a platform after the dragon, you get the great Diamond, and
    there is a message saying that the diamond has been acquired and the sun
    can get up now.

    -The above ending description was by firstchild@freemail.hu.-


    Addition information:

    From firstchild@freemail.hu:
    The Great Giana Sisters was a platform game and also a parody of the
    Super Mario series, featuring two Italian punk rocker teenage girls from
    Sicily who get trapped in a dream and have to find the big Diamond
    (guarded by the terrible Dragon) to ensure that the sun rises again -
    and they can wake up. This game was sued by Nintendo who claimed that
    it is a rip-off and a mockery of Mario (which it is not, by the way,
    but a very innovative platform game with exceptionally good music and
    much more goodies to collect than your regular mushroom and flower),
    and thus the game was banned from the market, only to be copied on
    floppy disks by gamers. Nintendo (or the original publisher, Epyx; or
    the makers of the game, Broderbound Software, it is not clear),
    however, got the license to convert the Giana program's graphics to
    Mario graphics and sell the game like that. The graphics of Giana were
    replaced to Mario, Giana's sister Maria got replaced to Luigi, the "cat"
    baddie got replaced to a Koopa turtle, and the "bee" baddie (for no
    apparent reason) got replaced to a flying yellow blotch with two eyes
    and a hat. As far as I remember they forgot to replace the "ball" power
    up to the mushroom, also they forgot to change the "lightning" power up
    to the flower which it equals in purpose. No other features of the game
    were changed.

    From Jelly Soup:
    It should also be added that this game is an unauthorized hack of the
    original Super Mario Bros. Ive gotten quite a few e-mails about me
    including it in this FAQ. Its here mainly because its a hack of a
    classic Mario game, its illegitimate daughter if you will. I think that
    it has a place here, among its peers. Besides, its interesting reading.


    V.13. - *DS*

    V.13.1. - Super Mario 64 DS

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 64 11/20/04
    America DS

    Japan Super Mario 64 12/02/04

    Number of Endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser in the Dark World with less than 150
    -Beat Bowser in the Dark World with 150 stars.
    Ending description:

    At the end the dialgoe for bowser is the mostly same as the N64 verson but
    if you have all 150 stars at the end he talks about the touch screen saying
    ''till then keep that touch screen smoken'' then at the end mairo grabs the
    star and flys awayback to the castle ground back on the bridge but instead
    all 4 charaters are there. peach comes out of the picture on top of the
    castle and says all of what she said on the N64 verson but instead of
    saying mairo she says yoishy. Also the two toads aren't there.
    Also at the credits are the same but on the touch sreen you can see the
    cake with in each new picture a new charater comes on the cake.

    -The above ending description was by Zee Rizzuto

    V.13.2. - New Super Mario Bros.


    Princess Peach has been kidnapped! While enjoying a nice walk
    with Mario, the beloved ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom was whisked
    away by an unknown assailant. How could this happen with Mario

    According to eyewitnesses, the walk was going swimmingly when
    Mario and the princess spotted smoke billowing out of Peach's
    Castle. The mustachioed marvel immediately jumped into action and
    sped off toward the fire. The moment he left her side, the princess

    Who's behind Princess Peach's disappearance? Who's behind the
    attack on Peach's Castle? Are the two incidents related? Didn't
    Bowser Jr. once think Princess Peach might be his mother?

    Looks like Mario's going to need all the Mega Mushrooms he can find
    to get to the bottom of this mess! ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North New Super Mario Bros. 5/15/06

    Europe New Super Mario Bros. 6/30/06

    Japan New Super Mario Bros. 5/25/06

    Number of Endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat W8, Bowser's Castle, as either Mario or
    Ending description:

    After defeating Bowser Jr. and flipping the swith to make Bowser fall,
    the usual "Peach is saved!" music plays as your final score totals.
    Afterwards, Peach slowly falls down from above and kisses Mario, says
    "Thank you!", and Mario says "Ohhhh!!!" The scene then circles over
    these two, and then, the credits play, with pictures of various levels
    that you've played. I guess that if you've never played them before
    and this isyour 2nd time beating it, the pictures will have "NEW!!" on
    them. You can also tap the letters of the credits to make various sound
    effects and voices. After the credits, we see Bowser Jr. dragging Bowser
    elsewhere, looks at you, and says "Baahhh!!" then drags faster. The
    circle coeses in on those two just like it did Peach and Mario, then the
    words "The End" appear on the bottom screen, while the Save prompt is on
    the Top Screen.

    -Thanks to Wario Warrior for the release dates.-
    -Thanks to tjoeb123 (GameSpot) for the story, ending requirements and
    ending description.-


    V.14. - *Bandai Satellaview-X*

    V.14.1. - BS Super Mario USA

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    Japan BS Super Mario USA ??/??/??

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Wart in the last level of world 8.
    Ending description:

    After beating Wart Mario (or whatever character you where playing as) goes
    into the next room, pulls the cork off the giant urn and set the Subcon
    free. The game then switches to a scene of the subcon dragging of Warts
    body and a counter showing how many times you played as each character
    through the course of the game appears. That scene is then show in a
    thought balloon above a sleeping Mario. He wakes up, then falls back to
    sleep (the whole game was a dream!). We then see some nice drawings of the
    different enemies and bosses scroll by with there names.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    V.15. - *iQue*

    V.15.1. - Super Mario 64

    Number of Endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser with between 70 and 119 stars.
    -Beat Bowser with 120 stars.
    Ending description:

    Beat Bowser with between 70 and 119 stars:

    Bowser lies on his back in the middle of the arena.
    Bowser: Nooo! It can't be! You've really beaten me, Mario?!! I gave
    those troops Power, but now it's fading away! Arrggghh! I
    can see peace returning to the world! I can't stand it!
    Hmmm . . . It's not over yet . . . C'mon troops! Let's
    watch the ending together! Bwa ha ha!
    Bowser fades away, and a giant star appears in his place. Mario
    grabs the star and gets a wing cap. He flies off into the distance.
    Mario lands on the bridge in front of the castle and the wing cap
    disappears. Mario looks up and sees the star in front of Peach's
    stained glass window turn into Peach. She floats down, and lands
    between two Mushroom Retainers. Mario, taking off his hat and
    holding it in front of him, runs up to her. She opens her eyes and
    looks at him.
    Peach: Mario! The power of the stars is restored to the
    castle. . . and it's all thanks to you! Thank you, Mario!
    We have something special for you!
    Peach leans down and kisses him on the nose. Mario jumps up and
    puts on his hat.
    Mario: Here we go!
    Peach: Listen, everybody! Let's bake a delicious cake . . . for
    Peach and the two Mushroom Retainers walk inside. Mario looks up
    at the sky.
    Peach: Mario!
    Mario runs inside. The screen pans up, showing several birds
    flying away. The credits appear, along with cameras going around
    the different levels. After the credits, Mario and Peach, between
    the two Mushroom Retainers, wave goodbye. Lakitu comes down
    and flies overhead as the screen fades. The screen
    shows a cake, with Peach and Mario at the top, and candy bar
    saying "Thank You" and a tea set surrounding it. It says "The End"
    at the bottom of the screen.
    Mario: Thank you so much for-a playing my game.

    Beat Bowser with 120 stars:

    The only difference between the two endings is what Bowser says
    after being beaten.

    Bowser lies on his back in the middle of the arena.
    Bowser: Noooo! You've really beaten me this time, Mario! I can't
    stand losing to you! My troops . . . worthless! They've
    turned over all the Power Stars! What?! There are 120
    in all??? Amazing! There were some in the castle that I
    missed??!! Now I see peace returning to the world . . .
    Oooo! I really hate that! I can't watch-I'm outta
    here! Just you wait until next time. Until then,
    keep that Control Stick smokin'! Bwaa ha ha!

    -The above ending description is by Nate (World of Nintendo).-


    V.16. - *Gamecube*

    V.16.1. - Super Mario Sunshine

    STORY: [ Close your eyes and imagine...soothing sunshine accompanied by the
    sound of waves gently breaking on the shore. High above, seagulls
    turn lazy circles in a clear blue sky. This is Isle Delfino.

    Far from the hustle and bustle of the Mushroom Kingdom, this
    island resort glitters like a gen in the waters of a southern sea.

    Mario, Peach, and a entourage of Toads have come to Isle Delfino
    to relax and unwind. At least, that's their plan...but when they
    arrive, they find things have gond horribly wrong...

    According to the islands inhabitants, the person responsible for
    the mess has a round nose, a thin mustache, and a cap...

    What? But...that sounds like Mario!?

    The islanders are saying that Mario's mess has polluted the island
    and caused their energy source, the Shine Sprites, to vanish.

    Now the falsely accused Mario has promised to clean up the island,

    Never fear! FLUDD, the latest incention from Gadd Science, Inc.,
    can help Mario tidy up the island, take on baddies, and lend a
    nozzle in all kinds of sticky situations.

    Can Mario clean the island, capture the villain, and clear his
    good name? It's time for another Mario adventure to get started! ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 8/25/2002
    America Sunshine

    Japan Super Mario 7/19/2002

    Europe Super Mario 10/4/2002

    Number of Endings: 1, but the endings will be longer if you have all the
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser without saving all the shinesprites.
    -Beat Bowser after saving all the shinesprites.
    Ending description:

    Bowser and Bowser Jr. are blown away and the shinesprites start to
    restore light to the island. Bowser confesses to his son that Peach
    is not really his mom. Bowser Jr. says it's ok and tells him that
    they'll get Mario.

    If you got between 50 and 118 Shine Sprites, you'll be presented with
    a scene where El Piantissimo finds the magic brush.

    If you got 119 Shine Sprites, you'll be presented with a scene of every
    character is in front of the curtain in the casino at sirena beach, and
    at the bottom of the screen, there is text saying "Have a great vacation!"

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-
    -Thanks to cesarespalace@aol.com for correcting this.-


    V.17. - *Pinball*

    V.17.1. - Super Mario Brothers

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario Brothers ??/??/??


    Well, as it's a pinball machine, it has no 'end'. I guess the games over
    when you run out of money.


    V.17.2. - Super Mario Brothers 3

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario ??/??/??
    America Brothers 3


    You were expecting this one to have an ending, right? Sorry, pinball
    machines don't have an 'end'.


    V.17.3. - Super Mario World

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario World 1992


    You really want an ending, don't you? I wish I could give you one, but
    pinball machine, endings, none, etc.


    V.18. - *WristWatch*

    V.18.1. - Super Mario Brothers

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------


    Endings: I have very little information on this. From what I know, it's
    part of the Game & Watch series. If anyone has more information
    on this, please e-mail me (you will be credited).

    Eknight01 (gamefaqs) says:

    Obviously, there isnt much of and ending... it's a watch. You start out on
    the bottom right and jump and dodge your way up to Bowser, 3 levels up, on
    the top right, jumping over floor gaps and fireballs shot by piranah plants,
    never gets any harder, just keep racking up points.


    V.18.2. - Super Mario Brothers 3

    Endings: I have even less information on this than the last one. From what
    I know, it's part of the Game & Watch series. Matter of fact, I
    remember seeing one of these in Toys'R'Us when I was 5. If anyone
    has more information on this, please e-mail me (you will be

    From Tickolas (gamefaqs):

    The goal of the game is basically to get from the top left corner of the LCD
    screen to the top right, while avoiding various obstacles and picking up a
    fire flower, which you then use to fry Bowser.


    V.19. - *CD-i*

    V.19.1. - Super Mario Wacky Worlds

    Endings: The world will never know. Supposedly, this was going to be
    something like a hard version of Super Mario World (SNES). But,
    it was cancelled, the CD-i being the stupendous failure that
    it was.


    V.20. - *Wii*

    V.20.1. - Super Mario Galaxy

    -This game has not been released yet.-


    VI. - Friends n' Family - These games dont have Mario in the spot light.
    No, here is where all his pals go.

    VI.1. - *GameBoy*

    VI.1.1. - Wario Land 2

    STORY: [ One quiet morning, Wario was resting peacefully in bed. He was so
    tired from treasure-hunting that he did not hear the suspicious
    intruders enter his castle. Who were these mysterious characters,
    and why are they after Wario's treasure?

    "Aaargh! I can't believe that Captain Syrup and the Black Sugar
    Gang have stolen my treasure! I am one angry Wario! I'm going to get
    my treasures back if it's the last thing I do!

    "Wario Land 2 is much better than any of my previous games. Why, you
    ask? Because in this game, I am immortal! There is no Game Over!
    With multiple endings, you can play my game MANY times. Isn't that
    great?!" ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Wario Land 2 1/01/98

    Number of endings: 6
    How ending is obtained: -Beat each path (all 5).
    -Beat each path with all treasure and picture
    Ending description:

    Invade Wario Castle:

    Capitan Syrup and her crew are blasted out of Wario's Castle through the
    wall. The Skull coin on the front of the castle falls off and rolls away.
    Wario goes back to bed.

    Ruins At The Bottom Of The Sea:

    Capitan Syrup and her crew are blasted out of the ruins through the
    roof. Wario's treasure falls down and piles up behind him. He gives
    a quick thumbs up, grabs his treasure and swims back to his castle.

    Mysterious Factory:

    Capitan Syrup and her crew are blasted out of the factory. The
    treasure they were carrying falls to the ground. Wario gives a
    quick thumbs up, grabs the treasure and heads back to his castle.

    Uncanny Mansion:

    Capitan Syrup and her crew are blasted out of the Mansion. A pile
    of treasure falls behind Wario. He goes to get it, but a trap door
    opens up under his feet and he falls down into a bottomless pit. He
    then wakes up in his bed, a bit annoyed. We then see Capitan Syrup's
    hot air balloon heading to Wario's castle and some of she crew
    sneaking into his castle.

    Syrup Castle:

    Syrup Castle blows up, sending Capitan Syrup and her crew flying. Wario
    lands in the forest with his treasure. He gives a quick thumbs up, grabs
    his treasure and heads back to his castle.

    Steal The Syrup's Treasure:

    Wario hits a switch, making a big iron door open. Inside, he finds a giant
    bag of treasure. He gives a quick thumbs up, grabs the bag and starts off
    for his castle, a BIG Black Sugar Gang member giving following.

    Boss and final images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/gb/a/wario2.htm

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VI.1.2. - Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land

    STORY: [ Remember Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins? Wario tried to
    take over Mario's castle, but he didn't have much luck. Wario,
    being the persistent guy he is, has not given up. Now, he wants a
    castle more than ever before.

    One day, Wario was practicing being mean when he thought to
    himself, "Rumor has it that the pirates of Kitchen Island have
    stolen the giant golden statue of Princess Toadstool. Mario is
    looking for it but, if I find it first, I could
    cash it in for a princess' ransom. With that cash and the other
    pirates' other treasures and coins, I could buy a palace that is
    way bigger than Mario's pathetic excuse for a castle. Ga, ha, ha,
    ha...! What am I waiting for?

    Full of confidence, Wario took off. He didn't even stop to think
    of how tough the Brown Sugar Pirates were. Their leader, Captain
    Syrup was known the world over for being a really rotten and
    ruthless guy.

    Can Wario find the coins and treasures hidden on Kitchen Island?
    What will his new palace look like? Will he keep being so mean
    and ugly? Let's find out!

    -With my 'body slam', I'm not afraid of pirates. ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario Land 1994
    America 3: Wario Land

    Japan Super Mario Land 1/21/94
    3: Wario Land

    Europe Super Mario Land 5/13/94
    3: Wario Land

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat the Genie and collect all treasures.
    Ending description:

    After you beat the genie, the Princess will hit the lamp a couple
    times then run out of the room. She'll throw a bomb in the room
    just as Wario escapes down Mount Syrup or whatever with the lamp.
    On the ground, Wario wakes the genie and he comes out. The
    genie tells him he's got one wish. These thought clouds come out
    of Wario's head and he sees a castle. So he wants the genie to
    build him a castle with his money that he's collected through the
    game. (And trust me, without the treasures, it's nothing.) So he
    walks to the screen with the machine that tells you how much money
    you have. It'll add up the last of the money, including the
    treasures, and then it will rack up the last of it, giving you
    money bags. You go and give the money bags to the genie. He'll wave
    his hands and point to the side of the screen. Wario walks to the
    right side of the screen. Here's the tricky part.

    1 money bag gets you a bird-house. Wario will frown and walk from
    side to side as the credits roll.

    2 money bags gets you a little house out of small tree. He'll do
    the same ending as 1 money bag gets you.

    3 money bags gets a motel-like mansion. He'll smile and do flips or

    4 money bags gets you a huge castle. He'll smile, do back flips and
    walk from side to side. In any case, a W sign (meaning Wario) will
    float down from the sky and land on the building he has been made.

    5 money bags gets you a big castle.

    6 moneybags (get all treasures), Wario walks to the area where he
    receives his prize. There is nothing there. Wario floats upward and
    there is a planet with his face on it! Wario jumps up onto it and
    gives you a thumbs up, then the credits continue as usual.

    -The above ending description is by Brad Rothwell.-


    VI.1.3. - Wario Blast: Featuring Bomberman!


    Wario, in his constant search for new lands to conquer
    and treasures to gain, has found the extra-dimensional
    portal that links his world with the one that Bomberman
    inhabits. Thinking that the Madbombers will make a
    nice addition to his legions of mindless minions (as
    well as a new source of funds for his nefarious
    schemes), Wario steps through the gate... and soon
    finds that the Madbombers are not quite the dim-wit-
    ted flunkies he originally thought them to be! ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Wario Blast: November 1994
    America Featuring Bomberman!

    Number of endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: -Beat all three phases of the final boss.
    Ending description:

    After defeating the boss, depending on who you beat the game with:

    With Wario:
    You see Wario on his motorcycle on the edge of a cliff looking to
    his right at an explosion off the side of the cliff.
    The text is then written at the bottom of the screen:

    With Bomberman:
    You see Bomberman on his motorcycle on the edge of a cliff looking
    to his right at an explosion off the side of the cliff.
    The text is then written at the bottom of the screen:

    Afterwards, no matter which person you beat it with, the credits
    roll while bomberman drives to the left on a dirt path with rocks,
    and there is a desert background with mesas and clouds. After the
    credits, it says "THE END" and Wario and Bomberman chase each other
    back and forth across the screen on their motorcycles (still in the
    desert on the path.) When Wario chases Bomberman, Bomberman's eyes
    are bugging out like he's scared.

    -The above ending description and story is by The Nintendo Master.-


    VI.1.4. - Yoshi's Cookie

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Yoshi's Cookie 1993

    Japan Yoshi no Cookie 11/21/92

    Number of endigns: 0
    How ending is obtained: No ending, so.....
    Ending description:

    There is technicaly no ending to this game. If you finish 10 rounds,
    you move to another world, after each world Mario catches up to the
    cookie that rolled away.

    -The above ending description is by pandafan93@yahoo.com.-


    VI.1.5. - Tetris Attack

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Tetris Attack August 1996

    Japan Yoshi no Panepon 10/26/96

    Number of endigns: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VI.2. - *GameBoy Advance*

    VI.2.1. - Wario Ware. Inc.: Mega Microgame$

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Wario Ware. Inc.: 5/21/03
    America Mega Microgame$

    Japan Made in Wario 3/21/03

    Europe Wario Ware, Inc: 5/23/03
    Minigame Mania

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat the boss stage on Wario course.
    Ending description:

    Wario pops out of his computer, then there's a close up where he says,
    "HA HA HA! You did it! My Masterpiece!" He then goes to the ice cream
    shop with the other characters. "3 weeks later..." Ken the reporter is
    standing in a game shop holding Wario Ware Inc., saying, "This Wario
    game... will it really sell?" Wario gets tons of money, and the other
    characters come after him trying to get their share. He runs away from
    them and escapes in a rocket, but the rocket collides with Dr. Crygor,
    and falls into the ocean. After a list of "cast credits", Wario is
    shown rowing away on a piece of the wreckage from his rocket, with
    Dr. Crygor in pursuit, and he says, "Either way, I'm still a cad!
    I hate everybody! Yeaaargh!" Staff credits roll, then the text, "Hey
    you! Many thanks for playing this game!" After this, you are returned
    to the Stage Select, with the "Easy" and "Total Boss" courses revealed.

    Boss and final images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/gba/c/wariwar.htm.

    -The above ending description was by heartburnkid@burntmail.com.-


    Additional Information:

    This game is PACKED with cameos of various Mario-related characters and even
    have five-second versions of SEVERAL Nintendo games.


    VI.2.2. - Donkey Kong Plus

    -This game has been cancelled.-


    VI.2.3. - Donkey Kong Country

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Donkey Kong Country 6/09/03

    Japan Super Donkey Kong 12/12/03

    Europe Donkey Kong Country 6/06/03

    Number of endings: 3
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Standard Mode with 89% or less.
    -Beat Standard Mode with 100%.
    -Beat Hero Mode.

    Ending description:

    Standard Mode with 89% or less:

    Cranky Kong: Well done, my boy! Who'd have thought a whippersnapper like
    you could beat that gang of horrid Kremlings? You've made
    an ape like me real proud! Look in your hoard. I think you'll
    be in for a surprise! If I was playing, I'd have found
    everything! There must be some bonus rooms or scrapbook
    pictures you haven't found! Also, did you know if you get
    90% of more, not that you can, you will be in for a hero's

    A slide show starts, showing all the enemies, bosses and characters in
    the game.

    Donkey Kong: Now that's all sorted, I'm going back to sleep.
    Diddy Kong: You lazy ape, you are getting too old for this!
    Candy Kong: You have done a great job, guys.
    Funky Kong: Yeah, wicked, man!
    K.Rool: Make yourselves at home!
    Donkey Kong: K.ROOL!
    K.Rool: Right. I have had enough of this. It's time for me to get going.
    So you Kongs better got off my boat or else!
    Diddy Kong: Or else what?!
    K.Rool: I'll destroy DK Island. Awha ha haa!
    Diddy Kong: You're bluffing lizard face.
    Candy Kong: I don't think he is, sugar. Let's get off this manky ship.
    Cranky Kong: I'm too old for this. See ya!
    Funky Kong: I'm bailing out, dudes!
    Donkey Kong: We will meet again, K.Rool.
    Diddy Kong: I'm outta here!
    *they all jump ship*
    K.Rool: I'll be back!
    *K.Rool sails off into the sunset*
    Cranky Kong: Call that an ending? Looks like a cheap stunt setting up the
    story for the sequel!
    *Credits roll, The End*

    Standard Mode with 100% or less:

    Same as the last ending, but this is added in:

    Cranky Kong: What a player, DK/Diddy, my lad! You beat the Kremlings and
    found everything! You're nearly as good as I used to be!

    Hero Mode:

    Cranky Kong: Very good, Diddy. Who'd have thought a whippersnapper like
    you could beat that gang of horrid Kremlings? You have really
    surpassed yourself! Who knows? Maybe you'll make the sequal.
    What a hero you have turned out to be, Diddy. I can't believe
    you have found everything! Still, you are nowhere near as
    good as me! I could finish this game in less than ten
    minutes, no problem! Can you???
    *Credits roll, The End*

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VI.2.4. - Donkey Kong Country 2

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Donkey Kong Country 2 11/15/04

    Japan Super Donkey Kong 2 7/01/04

    Europe Donkey Kong Country 2 6/25/04

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VI.2.5. - Donkey Kong Country 3

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Donkey Kong 11/07/05
    America Country 3

    Japan Super Donkey 12/01/05
    Kong 3

    Europe Donkey Kong ???
    Country 3

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VI.2.6. - Donkey Kong Coconut Crackers

    -This game has been Canceled.-

    INFO: Due to the way the game was set up, it would have been far too
    awkward to play. The game was scrapped, but later revived by
    Microsoft under the title 'It's Mr. Pants', which is also for the


    VI.2.7. - Classic NES Series: Donkey Kong

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Classic NES Series: 6/02/04
    America Donkey Kong

    Japan Famicom Mini: 2/14/04
    Donkey Kong

    Europe Classic NES Series: 7/09/04
    Donkey Kong

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VI.2.8. - Wario Land 4

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Wario Land 4 11/18/01

    Japan Wario Land Advance 8/21/01

    Europe Wario Land 4 11/16/01

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Obtain all gems and beat the Golden Diva.
    Ending description:

    Wario gets his bag of loot and runs out the door barelly making it with
    that strange cat thats been following him. The pyramid dissapears and the
    cat transforms before your very eyes.

    -Tha above ending description was by dabombchu@mindspring.com.-


    VI.2.9. - WarioWare: Twisted!

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North WarioWare: Twisted! 5/23/05

    Japan Mawaru Made in Wario 10/14/04

    Europe WarioWare: Twisted! Winter 2006

    Number of endings: 9 (1 per character/group).
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Boss Microgame for each characters
    Ending description:

    Wario Ending:

    A mouse is sitting besides a clock laughing. The clock opens up and
    mini-warios come out. The mouse chases them around until they all join
    back into regular Wario. He then kicks the clock and it lands on the
    mouse. He then goes to a club and dances. A screen shows up and says
    "You cleared my stage, it's not like it was hard or anything. It's
    gonna' get a lot harder."

    Mona Ending:

    The dinosaur truck chasing mona slips on banana peel, Mona delivers her
    pizza and then goes to club sugar and dances.

    Warioman Ending:

    Wario is doing his victory pose in his Wario-Man outfit. The screen
    switches to a closeup.
    Wario: FEAR MY SUPERNESS!!! Whaahahaha!
    Dr. Crygor slips behind Wario-Man, and tosses him back into the Gravitator.
    Dr. Crygor:What are you doing?
    Wario: Leveling up! DUH!
    Dr. Crygor: It's too powerful to be toyed with!
    Wario: Not for me!
    Dr. Crygor: Watch out!
    Wario: Ugah!
    A pair of rocket boosters pop out of the bottom of the Gravitator.
    Dr. Crygor leaps back in surprise as it takes off.
    Wario: Whahahaha! Later!
    It shows Wario-Man launching into space. Dribble and Spitz drive past in
    their cab before Wario-Man flies into the scene, whre the Gravitator
    transforms into a giant killer robot suit.
    Wario: Whoa! Check ME out!
    Orbulon's Oinker #2 then flies in. Kat and Ana, 9-Volt, 18-Volt, Mona, and
    Orbulon are on the ship.
    Mona: Earth looks so pretty from up here...
    The Oinker then encounters Wario-Man's new robot suit.
    Wario: Huh?! Guys, I got a new suit!
    Oinker: Attention! Attention! A foreign robot has been spotted! Attack!
    Wario: What? Guys, it's me! ME!
    But it's too late. The Oinker fires, blasting the suit to pieces.
    Wario-Man falls. Back on the ship, Mona notices him.
    Mona: Did you see something...that mustache looks familiar...WARIO?!
    The scene shifts to Dr. Crygor fishing outside his lab. Wario-Man crashes
    into the ocean.
    Wario: I'm firing everyone.
    The "credits" roll, which is really just all the characters in the game.
    It cuts back to the scene with Dr. Crygor fishing. One of the "Spintendo
    Gameboy Advances" then drops into the ocean. Wario pops up with a smile on
    his face. The "Ending Screen" shows.
    Wario: Whew. Superness is tiring. Keep playing! You never know what's
    gonna shake loose!

    -The above ending descriptions are by apeterson@rtkmusic.ho8.com and


    VI.2.10. - DK: King of Swing

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North DK: King of Swing 9/19/05

    Japan Bura Bura Donkey 5/19/05

    Europe DK: King of Swing 2/04/05

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VI.2.11. - Yoshi Topsy-Turvy

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Yoshi Topsy-Turvy 6/13/05

    Japan Yoshi no Banyuu 12/09/04

    Europe Yoshi's Universal 4/22/05

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VI.3. - *NES*

    VI.3.1. - Wario's Woods

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Wario's Woods 1994

    Japan Wario no Mori 2/19/94

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat the last puzzle.
    Ending description:

    *Wario appears, looking rather large*
    Wario: We're not through, Toad. I'll pummel you yet!
    *suddenly, Wario pops! Yeah, he wasn't really that big, it was just a
    trick. Toad starts to chase him, but he hops into a plane....which
    he then crashes into a tree. The End*

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VI.3.2. - Yoshi's Cookie

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Yoshi's Cookie 1992

    Japan Yoshi no Cookie 11/21/92

    Europe Yoshi's Cookie 4/28/94

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VI.3.3. - Donkey Kong

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Donkey Kong 1985

    Japan Donkey Kong 7/15/83

    Europe Donkey Kong 10/15/86

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Free Pauline.
    Ending description:

    Donkey Kong walls down and lands on his head. Mario and Pauline make with
    the mushy stuff.

    -The above ending was by Jelly Soup.-

    Boss and Final Images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/nes/a/dk.htm


    Additional Information:

    This game is on some many damn systems, it would be redundant to give them
    their own section. So, here they are:

    Arcade - Donkey Kong
    NES - Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Classics
    Gamecube (Animal Crossing) - Donkey Kong
    Nintendo64 (Donkey Kong 64) - Donkey Kong
    E-reader - Donkey Kong-e
    Coleco Adam - Super Donkey Kong
    ColecoVision - Donkey Kong
    Commodore 64 - Donkey Kong
    Commodore VIC-20 - Donkey Kong
    Mattel Intellivision - Donkey Kong
    Personal Computer/Macintosh - Donkey Kong
    Texas Instruments 99/4A - Donkey Kong
    Gameboy - Donkey Kong
    GBA - Donkey Kong (Nintendo Classics Series)
    Wristwatch - Donkey Kong


    VI.3.4. - Donkey Kong jr.

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Donkey Kong jr. 1988

    Japan Donkey Kong jr. 7/15/83

    Europe Donkey Kong jr. 6/15/87

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Free Donkey Kong.
    Ending description:

    Both Mario and Donkey Kong fall. Donkey Kong jr. catched his dad, while
    Mario slams head first into the ground.

    Boss and Final Images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/nes/a/dkjr.htm

    -The above ending was by Jelly Soup.-


    VI.3.5. - Donkey Kong Jr. Math

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Donkey Kong Jr. Math 1983

    Japan Donkey Kong Jr. no 12/12/83
    Sansuu Asobi

    Number of endings: Zero.
    How ending is obtained: -I can add it. I can add it five times.
    Ending description:

    Doesn't actually have an ending. it's just a never ending Math game. When
    you're finished with a round, Donkey Kong Jr. will dance a bit, but that's
    about it.


    VI.3.6. - Donkey Kong 3

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Donkey Kong 3 1984

    Japan Donkey Kong 3 7/04/84

    Europe Donkey Kong 3 9/15/87

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VI.3.7. - Donkey Kong Classics

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Donkey Kong Classics 1988

    Japan Donkey Kong Classics 8/10/89

    Number of endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: -Free Pauline in Donkey Kong.
    -Free Donkey Kong in Donkey Kong jr.
    Ending description:

    Donkey Kong:

    Donkey Kong walls down and lands on his head. Mario and Pauline make with
    the mushy stuff.

    Donkey Kong jr.:

    Both Mario and Donkey Kong fall. Donkey Kong jr. catched his dad, while
    Mario slams head first into the ground.

    Boss and Final Images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/nes/b/dkcl_1.htm

    -The above ending was by Jelly Soup.-

    VI.4. - *Nintendo 64*

    VI.4.1. - Yoshi's Story

    STORY: [ One day, it just happened...Something terrible came to pass at
    Yoshi's Island. The world became locked in a picture book! The
    Super Happy Tree was stolen, and this weakened all of the
    Yoshis. This foul crime could be the misdeed of none other than
    Baby Bowser!

    At a remote edge of the island, six fresh eggs hatched. They
    seemed to be okay. Said one Baby Yoshi to the Little Yoshi,
    "Oh my! This is such a big problem for us, so newly hatched.
    What are we to do? We should all talk about this!"

    After much discussion, they hatched a plan. By eating lots of
    fruit, they would be filled with happiness. With all of the
    Yoshis happy, certainly the world would return to normal.
    So off they went, headed for the last page of the picture
    book, the castle of Baby Bowser. When they got there,
    they would reclaim the Super Happy Tree! ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Yoshi's Story 3/01/98

    Japan Yoshi's Story 12/21/97

    Europe Yoshi's Story 5/10/98

    Number of endings: Many.....
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Baby Bowser on page 6.
    Ending description:

    The story book the yoshis were trapped in will start at page 1 and
    continue through, telling the story from the level you beat on that
    page. after page 6 (where baby Bowser dies) you'll see all the yoshis
    jumping around their super happy tree. you saved them and the tree and
    the island and a whole hell of a lot of stuff. Yay! By this time, youre
    about to barf from the cutesy, happy music...but don't fret. the book
    closes and it says "the end" on the back. with a heart. Awwwww! credits
    role, cutesy music winds down, and then you get to see your score as
    well as the top 5 scores are shown. Yay!

    -The above ending description was by screamingshadows@sailormoon.com.-


    VI.4.2. - Donkey Kong 64

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Donkey Kong 64 10/31/99

    Japan Donkey Kong 64 12/10/99

    Europe Donkey Kong 64 12/06/99

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VI.5. - *Super Nintendo*

    VI.5.1. - Yoshi's Cookie

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Yoshi's Cookie 1993

    Japan Yoshi no Cookie 7/09/93

    Number of endings: 4
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Action Mode at level 10.
    -Beat Action Mode at level 99.
    -Beat Vs. Mode.
    -Beat Puzzle Mode.
    Ending description:

    Beat Action Mode at level 10:

    Mario walks out of the Cookie Factory and gives the thumbs up. One of the
    cookies falls off the sign and rolls away. Mario goes after it, into a
    canyon where he and Yoshi corner it. Your score is displayed and Mario,
    Yoshi and the cookie all dance. Bowser and Peach join them as cookies
    rain from the sky.

    Narrator: Congratulations!! You've proven that you're a power player!
    Here are a few select instructions that will give you access
    to our experts only game. Ready? Ok return to the menu screen
    and follow these instructions: A. Set Round to 10. B. Set Speed
    to High. C. Set Music to Off. Now press "L" "R" "Select" and
    Start button on 2p controller. Now you can select "Round 11"
    Good luck!!

    Beat Action Mode at level 99:

    Mario walks out of the Cookie Factory and gives the thumbs up. One of the
    cookies falls off the sign and rolls away. Mario goes after it, into a
    canyon where he and Yoshi corner it. Your score is displayed and Mario,
    Yoshi and the cookie all dance. Bowser and Peach join them as cookies and
    various enemies rain from the sky.

    Beat Vs. Mode:

    Your character is displayed in a box marked WIN. The crowd (who seem to
    have appeared out of know where) cheers. The word CONGRATULATIONS
    appear in the background.

    Beat Puzzle Mode:

    The word 'CONGRATULATIONS' is shown, with a picture of Mario (wearing the
    Magic Cape) and Yoshi (with the Yoshi wings) flying over a map of the area.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VI.5.2. - Yoshi's Safari

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Yoshi's Safari 1993

    Japan Yoshi no Road 7/14/93

    Europe Yoshi's Safari 1993

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser.
    Ending description:

    Prince: Thanks for saving me Mario! Princess Peach told me about you.
    You are such a brave man. Now, with the gems you collected,
    we can return peace to this land. Throw the gems above your
    head, and look up toward the sky. The secret power of the
    gems, will make the worlds one again.

    Mario throws the gems into the sky and they restore the world.

    King: Oh! Thank you for saving this world. I don't know how to
    thank you...
    Prince: Thank you so much. The two worlds, have become on.
    Everything I have, I owe to you. Next time you come to visit,
    please bring Princess Peach.
    King: Please be careful on your way home.
    Narrator: After restoring peace to Jewelry Land, Mario and Yoshi
    returned to the Mushroom World. There Princess Peach
    awaits. But, what has become of Bowser? He has taken the
    Koopalings and returned to whence they came. This story is
    now over.

    Boss and final images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/snes/a/yoshisafari.htm

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VI.5.3. - Donkey Kong Country

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Donkey Kong Country 11/25/94

    Japan Super Donkey Kong 11/26/94

    Europe Donkey Kong Country 11/24/94

    Number of endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: -Beat the game with 100%.
    -Beat the game with 99% or less.
    Ending description:

    The following is seen at the start of either ending:

    Cranky Kong: Well done Donkey my boy! Who'd have thought a young
    whippersnapper like you couldn'be beaten that bunch of no
    good Kremlings? You've made an old man proud! Go and look
    in your hoard, I think you'll be in for a surprise!

    Beat the game with 100%:

    Cranky Kong: What a player you are, Donkey my lad! You've beaten the
    Kremlings, and found absolutely everything! You're
    nearly as good as I used to be!
    *cut to the Banana Hoard, everyone is happy, cast of characters roll by,
    Donkey and Diddy play around a bit, credits roll, The End.*

    Beat the game with 99% or less:

    Cranky Kong: If I had been playing, I'd have found everything! I'm sure
    there must be some bonus rooms you haven't found!
    *cut to the Banana Hoard, everyone is happy, cast of characters roll by,
    Donkey and Diddy play around a bit, credits roll, The End.*

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VI.5.4. - Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Donkey Kong Country 11/20/95
    America 2: Diddy's Kong Quest

    Japan Super Donkey Kong 2: 11/21/95
    Dixie & Diddy

    Europe Donkey Kong Country 12/14/95
    2: Diddy's Kong Quest

    Number of endings: 3
    How ending is obtained: -Beat K.Rool without getting all the Hero Coins.
    -Beat K.Rool with all Hero Coins.
    -Beat the Lost World.
    Ending description:

    Beat K.Rool without getting all the Hero Coins:

    *K.Rool falls off the blimp and lands in the water*
    Cranky Kong: I knew you'd do it, Diddy m'boy, but how could you fail
    having learned all you know from old Cranky here? You've
    rescued that lazy grandson of mine, and dumped K.Roll in
    his own filthy swamp. Not bad for a novice! Of course,
    if I'd been playing, I'd have made sure that K.Rool
    never tries a cheap trick like this again! I reckon I'd
    have found all the Kremkoins and completed the so called
    'Lost World'. Oh well, can't expect everything from your
    first game, can we? One more thing, how many of my special
    Video Game Hero Coins did you find? A real player, such as
    myself, would have found plenty, I'm sure. Let's see how
    well you did, eh?
    *cut to Cranky's Video Game Heroes*
    Cranky: Well, i've got a second screen, and about time too. Now, shut
    up everyone while I read the eagerly awaited results of my
    prestigious Video Game Hero Awards.....Hmmm...not too good at
    finding my coins, are you sonny? You might be a hero, but
    you've got some catching up to do, yes siree! If you want to
    look at your limited progress on this screen, press the top
    left and right buttons while you are on any of the map
    screens. Now buzz off and see if you can find some more of
    my coins, which I very much doubt you will.
    *cut to character slide show, credits roll, The End.*
    Cranky: Hey! What are you waiting for? There ain't no secret stuff
    hidden here, sonny! There is, however, a couple of special
    features on the game selection page, though I'm sure
    they're of little use. To find these silly options, press
    down lots of times, but if I were you, I wouldn't bother.
    Now switch this cartridge off and let me get some sleep.
    I reckon I've earned it!

    Beat K.Rool with all Hero Coins:

    *K.Rool falls off the blimp and lands in the water*
    Cranky Kong: I knew you'd do it, Diddy m'boy, but how could you fail
    having learned all you know from old Cranky here? You've
    rescued that lazy grandson of mine, and dumped K.Roll in
    his own filthy swamp. Not bad for a novice! Of course,
    if I'd been playing, I'd have made sure that K.Rool
    never tries a cheap trick like this again! I reckon I'd
    have found all the Kremkoins and completed the so called
    'Lost World'. Oh well, can't expect everything from your
    first game, can we? One more thing, how many of my special
    Video Game Hero Coins did you find? A real player, such as
    myself, would have found plenty, I'm sure. Let's see how
    well you did, eh?
    *cut to Cranky's Video Game Heroes*
    Cranky: Well, i've got a second screen, and about time too. Now, shut
    up everyone while I read the eagerly awaited results of my
    prestigious Video Game Hero Awards.....I'm not afraid to admit it,
    Diddy m'boy. Even I'm wrong occasionally. You're as big a hero as
    they com. You must take after me and Donkey. Well Done! If you
    want to look at your limited progress on this screen, press the
    top left and right buttons while you are on any map screens.
    Now buzz off and see if you can find some more of my coins,
    which I very much doubt you will.
    *cut to character slide show, credits roll, The End.*
    Cranky: Hey! What are you waiting for? There ain't no secret stuff
    hidden here, sonny! There is, however, a couple of special
    features on the game selection page, though I'm sure
    they're of little use. To find these silly options, press
    down lots of times, but if I were you, I wouldn't bother.
    Now switch this cartridge off and let me get some sleep.
    I reckon I've earned it!

    Beat the Lost World:

    *K.Rool lands in the core, and the island starts to fall apart*
    Cranky: N-n-nice going k-kid! I-I reckon only a t-t-true video g-game hero
    would h-have f-f-finished it all! L-let's get out of t-this
    miserable d-dump, and g-get back t-t-to D-Donkey K-K-Kong Island!
    Back to see me again, eh, sonny? Let's see if you've improved your
    hero status, shall we? I'm not afraid to admit it, Diddy m'boy.
    Even I'm wrong occasionally. You're as big a hero as they come.
    You must take after me and Donkey. Well Done!
    *Donkey, Dixie and Donkey all watch as the island blows up. K.Rool is
    seen sailing off.*

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VI.5.5. - Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Donkey Kong Country 11/22/96
    America 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble

    Japan Super Donkey Kong 3: 11/23/96
    Nazo no Krems Shima

    Europe Donkey Kong Country 12/19/96
    3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble

    Number of endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: -Beat the game without all the Banana Birds.
    -Beat the game with all the Banana Birds.
    Ending description:

    Beat the game without all the Banana Birds:

    Donkey: Wwooohh Wwooohh!! My head...what happened...One minute I was
    dreaming......about the world's biggest pile of bananas.......
    the next I was a power crazed madman!
    Diddy: Hey, don't worry, Donkey...Thanks to Dixie, it's over! I'm
    Donkey: I bet even Cranky would be after that performance!
    Cranky: Nope, not really!
    Dixie: Right - you go this way, Kiddy, and I'll got that way!
    Cranky: You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would ya??
    *character slide show plays, credits roll, The End.*

    Beat the game with all the Banana Birds:

    Wrinkly: My word, they seem very excited! It looks as if they wnat to take
    you for a ride! Go on, Kiddy, don't worry about your boat - I'll
    get Cranky to fetch it for you!
    *the Banana Birds fly Kiddy up the Banana Bird gate*
    Banana Bird Queen: You did it, you did it! You've found all of my
    children. At last I can be freed from K.Rool's spell.
    *the gate lowers and the sunshines*
    Banana Bird Queen: Oh I'm so happy that we're a family again, and it's
    all thanks to you, Kiddy. Now, as I promised, it's
    time to fulfil my half of the bargain and teach K.Rool
    a lesson he'll never forget!!!
    *The Banana Bird Queen flys over K.Rool and drops a HUGE egg on his head,
    stopping him from escaping. The End.*

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VI.5.6. - Wario's Woods

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Wario's Woods 1993

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Beat Level 99.
    Ending description:

    You see toad in front of warios castle, Wario is circiling around in a
    plane above the castle. Toad throws a bomb at the castle causing it to
    implode. A message scrolls up the screen that says.

    Wario's Woods is Finally at peace.
    The monsters have awakened from the nightmare that wario inspired.
    Now all creatures live together peacfully in the forest.
    The End.

    The game then continues at level 100. All the levels are predetermiened and
    repeat after the last pattern. Only the basic enimies show up.

    -Thanks to esoterik (via e-mail) for the above.-


    VI.5.7. - Tetris Attack

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Tetris Attack 1996

    Europe Tetris Attack 11/28/96

    Number of endings: 6
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser on Versus Mode without losing a
    -Beat Bowser on Versus Mode with losing a round.
    -Beat Bowser on Stage Clear Mode.
    -Beat Standard Puzzle Mode.
    -Beat Extra Puzzle Mode.
    -Score 99999 in Endless Mode. (Right?)
    Ending description:

    Beat Bowser on Versus Mode without losing a round:

    Bowser: Arrrghhh!! How could I lose...How can this be? What could I have
    been thinking? Why did I start a fight I could not win? I have
    been so completely beaten, and by a Yoshi! I had no idea a
    simple Yoshi could be so strong. Gyaaaaaaahhhhh!!!
    *Bowser's island vanishes*
    Yoshi: (only if you played as him) We did it! Our world will now
    return to normal.
    Gargantua Blargg: (only if you played as him) Whew, it's finally
    over. I raised such a sweat.
    Lakitu: (only if you played as him) I am so excited! We have done it.
    I can play once again in the peacefu sky.
    Bumpty: (only if you played as him) Yahoo! We did it. I'm so, so, so
    Flying Wiggler: (only if you played as him) How nice it is. I just
    can't wait 'till tomorrow...I'll get to float again
    among the lovely flowers.
    Poochy: (only if you played as him) Woof, woof, woof! I'm a good dog!
    Lunge Fish: (only if you played as him) That Bowser sure was a
    toughit...Gosh oh golly, why am I suddenly sooo hungry?
    Froggy: (only if you played as him) Ribbet...I'm so happy. Ribbet,
    Raphael The Raven: (only if you played as him) Caww! Caww!
    We did it - caww. We did it - caww.
    Yoshi: Wait a moment! Who's coming?
    Little Yoshi: Youch!!
    Lakitu: Oh my! If it isn't Little Yoshi!
    Bumpy: Yoohoo! It's Little Yoshi...Let's go play!
    Little Yoshi: Hey you Koopa! I can beat you - bring it on!
    Yoshi: Don't worry about Bowser little one.
    Little Yoshi: What? Please say you're kidding me...It's not fair...I was
    gonna show you how cool I am.
    Poochy: Woof, WOOF! You can depend on me. A-roooohhhh!!
    Flying Wiggler: That Little Yoshi, he's SO cool.
    Froggy: Ribbet, ribbet. For someone who's not a frog, ribbet, I sure do
    admire the little guy. Ribbet, ribbet.
    Little Yoshi: Oh well!! I guess it's OK. I don't have to be the star every
    Gargantua Blargg: Now, I can just sit back...sit back and re-lax.
    Lunge Fish: Well, I guess I'll just be takin' a nap then...
    Raphael The Raven: Caww, caww! Little Yoshi's it! Little Yoshi's it!
    Little Yoshi: I'm not afraid of the big bad Bowser...
    Yoshi: Ha-ha-HAH! YES!! Working together...We have nothing to fear. We can
    protect the peace of our world together.
    Litle Yoshi: You are so right.
    Yoshi: Together we can protect the peace of Yoshi's Island. Together we
    own our world. Ha-ha-HAH! Now, let's go play, together. Together
    under the clearest of blue skies.
    *Credits roll. The End.*

    Beat Bowser on Versus Mode with losing a round:

    Bowser: Arrrghhh!! How could I lose...Just you wait...Wait and see! I'll
    return soon to teach you once and for all. Gyaaaaaaahhhhh!!!
    *Bowser's island vanishes*
    Yoshi: (only if you played as him) We did it! Our world will now
    return to normal.
    Gargantua Blargg: (only if you played as him) Whew, it's finally
    over. I raised such a sweat.
    Lakitu: (only if you played as him) I am so excited! We have done it.
    I can play once again in the peacefu sky.
    Bumpty: (only if you played as him) Yahoo! We did it. I'm so, so, so
    Flying Wiggler: (only if you played as him) How nice it is. I just
    can't wait 'till tomorrow...I'll get to float again
    among the lovely flowers.
    Poochy: (only if you played as him) Woof, woof, woof! I'm a good dog!
    Lunge Fish: (only if you played as him) That Bowser sure was a
    toughit...Gosh oh golly, why am I suddenly sooo hungry?
    Froggy: (only if you played as him) Ribbet...I'm so happy. Ribbet,
    Raphael The Raven: (only if you played as him) Caww! Caww!
    We did it - caww. We did it - caww.
    Yoshi: Wait a moment! Who's coming?
    Little Yoshi: Youch!!
    Lakitu: Oh my! If it isn't Little Yoshi!
    Bumpy: Yoohoo! It's Little Yoshi...Let's go play!
    Little Yoshi: Hey you Koopa! I can beat you - bring it on!
    Yoshi: Don't worry about Bowser little one.
    Little Yoshi: What? Please say you're kidding me...It's not fair...I was
    gonna show you how cool I am.
    Poochy: Woof, WOOF! You can depend on me. A-roooohhhh!!
    Flying Wiggler: That Little Yoshi, he's SO cool.
    Froggy: Ribbet, ribbet. For someone who's not a frog, ribbet, I sure do
    admire the little guy. Ribbet, ribbet.
    Little Yoshi: Oh well!! I guess it's OK. I don't have to be the star every
    Gargantua Blargg: Now, I can just sit back...sit back and re-lax.
    Lunge Fish: Well, I guess I'll just be takin' a nap then...
    Raphael The Raven: Caww, caww! Little Yoshi's it! Little Yoshi's it!
    Little Yoshi: I'm not afraid of the big bad Bowser...
    Yoshi: .......................
    Little Yoshi: What's wrong?
    Yoshi: It's not quite right...Hmm......................Have we been the
    best we can be? We can't just beat Bowser. We must crush him! We
    can't just be strong. We must be strongest.
    Little Yoshi: I can be stronger too...
    Yoshi: Hey everyone! Let's show how strong we can be.
    *Credits roll, The End*

    Beat Bowser on Stage Clear Mode:

    The credits roll, as pictures of the various stages in the game scroll by.

    Beat Standard Puzzle Mode:

    The credits roll, with a nice island picture in the background. Little
    bubbles float up into the sky.

    Beat Extra Puzzle Mode:

    Same as the last one, but the island picture is at dusk.

    Score 99999 in Endless Mode:

    *credits roll*

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VI.6. - *GameBoy Color*

    VI.6.1. - Wario Land 2

    STORY: [ One quiet morning, Wario was resting peacefully in bed. He was so
    tired from treasure-hunting that he did not hear the suspicious
    intruders enter his castle. Who were these mysterious characters,
    and why are they after Wario's treasure?

    "Aaargh! I can't believe that Captain Syrup and the Black Sugar
    Gang have stolen my treasure! I am one angry Wario! I'm going to get
    my treasures back if it's the last thing I do!

    "Wario Land 2 is much better than any of my previous games. Why, you
    ask? Because in this game, I am immortal! There is no Game Over!
    With multiple endings, you can play my game MANY times. Isn't that
    great?!" ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Wario Land 2 3/31/99

    Japan Wario Land 2 10/21/98

    Number of endings: 6
    How ending is obtained: -To get the first 5, beat each path.
    -To get the last, beat each path, find
    all of Wario's treasure and get all
    the picture panels.
    Ending description:

    Invade Wario Castle:

    Capitan Syrup and her crew are blasted out of Wario's Castle through the
    wall. The Skull coin on the front of the castle falls off and rolls away.
    Wario goes back to bed.

    Ruins At The Bottom Of The Sea:

    Capitan Syrup and her crew are blasted out of the ruins through the
    roof. Wario's treasure falls down and piles up behind him. He gives
    a quick thumbs up, grabs his treasure and swims back to his castle.

    Mysterious Factory:

    Capitan Syrup and her crew are blasted out of the factory. The
    treasure they were carrying falls to the ground. Wario gives a
    quick thumbs up, grabs the treasure and heads back to his castle.

    Uncanny Mansion:

    Capitan Syrup and her crew are blasted out of the Mansion. A pile
    of treasure falls behind Wario. He goes to get it, but a trap door
    opens up under his feet and he falls down into a bottomless pit. He
    then wakes up in his bed, a bit annoyed. We then see Capitan Syrup's
    hot air balloon heading to Wario's castle and some of she crew
    sneaking into his castle.

    Syrup Castle:

    Syrup Castle blows up, sending Capitan Syrup and her crew flying. Wario
    lands in the forest with his treasure. He gives a quick thumbs up, grabs
    his treasure and heads back to his castle.

    Steal The Syrup's Treasure:

    Wario hits a switch, making a big iron door open. Inside, he finds a giant
    bag of treasure. He gives a quick thumbs up, grabs the bag and starts off
    for his castle, a BIG Black Sugar Gang member giving following.

    Boss and final images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/gb/a/wario2.htm

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VI.6.2. - Wario Land 3

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Wario Land 3 6/01/00

    Japan Wario Land 3 3/21/00

    Europe Wario Land 3 4/14/00

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Hidden Figure.
    Ending description:

    A storm of stars shoot out of the Temple and all the monsters turn into
    Old Man: Thank you very much!! Long ago, this was a peaceful world. But that
    meddlesome being appeared and tried to take control. We managed to
    seal away his power in the 5 music boxes, but he used the last of
    his power to change us into strange beings. Fearing his return, we
    tried to stop you, but we never thought you would defeat him! Thank
    you very much. So, we give you all the treasure you have collected
    so far. Now then, let me send you back to your own world.
    *Old Man works some magic and Wario lands on him bum in the forest. Then,
    a big bag of treasure appears in front of him. He holds it up, thumbs up
    and the credits roll.*

    Boss and final images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/gbc/b/wario3.htm

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VI.6.3. - Donkey Kong Country

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Donkey Kong Country 2 2000

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VI.6.4. - Donkey Kong Country 2

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Donkey Kong Country 11/04/00

    Japan Donkey Kong 2001 1/21/01

    Europe Donkey Kong Country 11/17/00

    Number of endings: ?
    How endings is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VI.7. - *Nintendo DS*

    VI.7.1. - WarioWare: Touched!

    STORY: [ WA HAH HAH HAH! I'm filthy, dirty, gut-churngy rich!! It's all
    thanks to WarioWare Inc's sucess! That still hasn't stopped me
    from swiping stuff. Just the other day, I piffered a couple of
    portable game systems! Well, then I fell and dropped in a
    manhole. This old guy popped out and asked me if I dropped those
    two systems or this other system I'd never seen before. I lied
    and took them both!


    How do I work this thing?! It's got two screens! Wait...I can
    use this weird little stick on the screen to play! This is
    actually fun! I've got it-I'll trick people to make me a bunch
    of microgames for free, and then I'll sell'em to the masses.
    With two screens, I'll make twice as much money! CHA-CHING! ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North WarioWare Touched! 2/14/05

    Europe WarioWare Touched! 3/11/05

    Japan Sawaru Made in Wario 12/02/04

    Number of Endings:1
    How to get the endings: -Beat the boss on Wario-Man's stage.
    Ending description:

    Wario-man laughs "Bwahahaha!!!" He tries to fly, but it looks like he's
    swinning. He then says he's "Stouter than an iron burrito!" "Stuider than
    a snow tire!" "I am....Wario-Man!" He then sees a train and says its no
    match for him. He tries to stop it, but, stupidily, with no luck. He is
    sent flying, saying "LAMMEE!!!!!!". Then, a list of characters is displayed
    (in the same style as credits). We are now at the toy store with a guy
    saying that WarioWare:Touched! is flying out of stores! It's another
    smash hit for Wario. Wario then lands (in his PJs) in the same hole he
    lands in the intro and the guy that comes out and hits him. The bottom
    screen then shows a picture of Wario and it says "Arrgh..... You won?
    You've been eating garlic!" Then, you're either returned to the Games
    menu or the Options menu (if you chose to view this scene there, which
    is what I did).

    -Thanks to tjoeb123 (GameSpot) for the above ending description and


    VI.7.2. - Yoshi Touch 'n Go

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Yoshi Touch 'n Go 3/14/05

    Europe Yoshi Touch 'n Go 5/6/05

    Australia Yoshi Touch 'n Go 3/21/05

    Japan Catch! Touch! Yoshi! 1/27/05

    Number of Endings: 0(?)
    How to get the endings: -You play till you die or run out of time.
    Ending description: ?

    -Thanks to tjoeb@comcast.net for this.-


    VI.7.3. - Super Princess Peach

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Princess Peach 2/27/06

    Europe Super Princess Peach 5/26/06

    Japan Super Princess Peach 10/20/05

    Number of Endings: 1
    How to get the endings: Save Mario.
    Ending description:

    After Bowser is defeated Peach uses Perry, and whacks Bowser like a
    baseball player and sends him flying, and you'll see a group of pidgets
    forming a line holding the words: "Nice shot!!" So Perry unlocks Mario's
    Peach: Mario!
    So Peach, and Luigi heads toward Mario but Peach knocks him out of the way
    until he hits the walls and then his face on the floor. I betcha it's
    gotta hurt, but it's funny like that. Now witness the re-union of Mario
    and Peach, and see them along with two toads an Perry, he doesn't change
    into his true form 'cause that actually stinks, but never mind about that
    junk just see the rest of the ending and the credits of this game, but
    before that, here's what the narrator has to say:

    Narrator: The Vibe Scepter has strange and mysterious powers, that's for
    sure... So, how did YOU feel about this last adventure? One
    thing about that sceptor: No one knows who created it or why,
    but... Somewhere, someone might possibly be using it right
    now....... What? Your dad got mad at you the other day, you say?
    Your mom's been laughing happily alot? Maybe... Just Maybe...
    the Vibe Scepter is hidden away in your house somewhere...

    -The above ending description is by LRM.-


    VI.7.4. - Yoshi's Island 2

    -This game has not been released yet.-


    VI.8. - *iQue*

    VI.8.1. - Yoshi's Story

    STORY: [ One day, it just happened...Something terrible came to pass at
    Yoshi's Island. The world became locked in a picture book! The
    Super Happy Tree was stolen, and this weakened all of the
    Yoshis. This foul crime could be the misdeed of none other than
    Baby Bowser!

    At a remote edge of the island, six fresh eggs hatched. They
    seemed to be okay. Said one Baby Yoshi to the Little Yoshi,
    "Oh my! This is such a big problem for us, so newly hatched.
    What are we to do? We should all talk about this!"

    After much discussion, they hatched a plan. By eating lots of
    fruit, they would be filled with happiness. With all of the
    Yoshis happy, certainly the world would return to normal.
    So off they went, headed for the last page of the picture
    book, the castle of Baby Bowser. When they got there,
    they would reclaim the Super Happy Tree! ]

    Number of endings: Many.....
    How ending is obtained: Beat Baby Bowser on page 6.
    Ending description:

    The story book the yoshis were trapped in will start at page 1 and
    continue through, telling the story from the level you beat on that
    page. after page 6 (where baby Bowser dies) you'll see all the yoshis
    jumping around their super happy tree. you saved them and the tree and
    the island and a whole hell of a lot of stuff. Yay! By this time, youre
    about to barf from the cutesy, happy music...but don't fret. the book
    closes and it says "the end" on the back. with
    a heart. Awwwww! credits role, cutesy music winds down, and then you get
    to see your score as well as the top 5 scores are shown. Yay!

    -The above ending description was by screamingshadows@sailormoon.com.-


    VI.9. - *Gamecube*

    VI.9.1. - WarioWare Inc.: Mega Party Game$

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North WarioWare Inc.: Mega 4/06/04
    America Party Game$

    Japan Atsumare!! Made in 10/17/03

    Europe WarioWare Inc.: Mega 9/03/04
    Party Game$

    Number of endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: -Normal Ending: Complete the bottom single player
    -Staff Roll: Unlocked after playing Time Attack
    in single player mode.
    Ending description:

    Normal ending:

    It starts by showing Mona driving along on her moped. After showing it in
    3 separate segments, she hits a soccer ball. After that, it shows the
    soccer ball falling through the chimney of Wario Ware Inc. Wario is
    inside, looking at his broken TV, when the soccer ball lands on the TV.
    Wario looks startled. After that, the game zooms in on the TV screen to
    show what looks like a dancing green elephant. The words "All Better!"
    flash across Wario's face, and the screen fades and shows us the Sora
    Sora diner. The diner door opens, and Mona, who is standing inside, says
    "Welcome!" After that, the same cast music from the GBA version is
    played, and each time it mentions a character name, it shows that
    character saying various things. At the very end, it shows Wario. He
    hogs the camera for a bit, then its over. After that, 5 new
    single player modes are unlocked.

    Staff Roll:

    Basically, it's like a normal staff roll but in game form. You shoot
    the "?" marks to reveal the credits, and in between each name it
    shows the dancing bunnies that tried to help Orbulon in the
    original Wario Ware game.

    -The above ending descriptions was by hypertails86@hotmail.com.-


    VI.9.2. - Luigi's Mansion

    STORY: [ One day, Luigi received an unexpected message: You've won a huge
    mansion! Naturally, he got very excited and called his brother,
    Mario. "Mario? It's me, Luigi. I won myself a big mansion! Meet
    me there and we'll celebrate, what do you say?"
    Luigi tried to follow the map to his new mansion, but the night
    was dark, and he became hopelessly lost in an eerie forest along
    the way. Finally, he came upon a gloomy mansion on the edge of
    the woods. According to the map, this mansion seemed to be the
    one Luigi was looking for. As son as Luigi set foot in the
    mansion, he started to feel nervous. Mario, who should have
    arrived first, was nowhere to be seen. not only that, but there
    were ghosts in the mansion!
    Suddenly, a ghost lunged at Luigi! "Mario! Help meee!" That's
    when a strange old man with a vacuum cleaner on his back appeared
    out of nowhere! This strange fellow managed to rescue Luigi from
    the ghosts, then the two of them escaped...
    It just so happened that the old man, Professor Elvin Gadd, who
    lived near the house, was researching his favorite subject,
    ghosts. Luigi told Professor E. Gadd that his brother Mario was
    missing, so the Professor decided to give Luigi two inventions
    that would help him search for his brother.
    Luigi's not exactly known for his bravery. Can he get rid of all
    the prank-loving ghosts and find Mario? ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Luigi's Mansion 11/17/01

    Japan Luigi's Mansion 9/14/01

    Europe Luigi's Mansion 5/03/02

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat King Boo and Zombie Bowser in the basement of
    the Mansion.
    Ending description:

    E.Gadd transforms the last of the ghosts into paintings and then changes
    Mario back into his old self. Luigi is so happy, he laughs him-self to
    tears. E.Gadd then tells Luigi that he has no use for all the money that
    Luigi found in the mansion and uses it to build Luigi a new mansion.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VI.9.3. - Wario World

    STORY: [ "Ah, ha ha ha! I've finally done it!" Wario chuckles to himself as
    he does some exploring up his nose. Why does he chuckle, you ask?
    Because he's finally completed construction of his beloved

    "So, whaddya think? Pretty sweet, eh? The sparkling golden walls,
    the luxurious chandeliers...And how about these marble floors?
    It's a wonderfully gorgeous castle for wonderful and gorgeous me.
    Hey, by the way --and this is a secret-- the lower chambers are
    brimming with jewels and treasures that i've pilfered from all
    over the world! What? You wanna take a peek? No way! They're
    mine, all mine!...As if i'd actually let you put a single grubby
    finger on any of my fine treasures! Please! I'm not even gonna
    let you look at any of them!"

    Yes, Wario is feeling pretty fine. However, unbeknownst to him,
    something terrible has happened to his jewels. Sleeping buried
    under all of his treasures is a powerful black jewel that all
    but wiped out civilization long ago. And now, on an evening
    where a red moon rises, the evil black jewel awakens.

    "Huh? Whats all that noise downstairs?! I was just getting
    ready to floss the gunk out of my toes! Gah! I HATE

    When Wario finally notices that something strange is happening,
    it's already too late. The evil black jewel downstairs has
    managed to engulf many of the other treasures and is rapidly
    growing larger and larger! And not only that --it's churning
    out monsters as well! Yes, that's right! It seems that the
    curse that this jewel carries lets it turn treasures into
    monsters. To make matters worse, the black jewel has decided
    that it wants to build a kingdom of its own and is changing
    Wario's world into quite a weird place.

    "Whao! What the heck's going on here?! My castle's going nuts!
    Who did this? Who are all theses weirdoes? WHAT IN THE WORLD IS

    After yelling this, Wario begins angrily stomping his feet.
    He's come completely unglued! but the, somehow, he subdues
    his anger, and while thoughtfully prospecting in his nostril,
    he gets a hold of himself.

    "Using my brilliant brainpower, I think...Wait! That must be
    it! This is the work of that weird, black-colored jewel! I
    thought there was something off about that thing the first
    time I laid eyes on it! Why, that arrogant little PUNK! It
    actually thinks it can outwit the great Wario! Somehow,
    someway, i'm gonna take back every last treasure it stole
    from me! Then i'll smack that thing 100 times!!

    Once Wario gets angry, absolutely nothing scares him. And
    so, after stuffing four full heads of garlic into his mouth,
    he stamps out in a furious rage to meet the monsters! ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Wario World 6/24/03

    Japan Wario World 5/27/04

    Europe Wario World 6/20/03

    Number of endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: -Beat the Black Jewel without finding all the
    -Beat the Black Jewel after finding all the
    Ending description:

    Beat the Black Jewel without finding all the treasures/spritelings/etc.:

    *The Black Jewel vanashes, and the Spritelings run free.*
    Spriteling: You did it! You defeated all the evil monsters! Everything will
    be alright now! Wario! We're saved! Thank you! The evil black
    jewel has been smashed to powder! The monsters won't come back
    now, but even if they do, I thin we can handle them! As a
    reward, we are going to rebuild your ruined castle! We
    Spritelings aren't that strong, so without a lot of us, I doubt
    we can rebuild your castle right, but...we'll do our best with
    what we have! Here goes!
    *The Spritelings dance and the credits roll (gotta love the ending theme).
    We then find Wario sitting in a grand courtroom.*
    Wario: ***He said something here, but I missed it.***

    Beat the Black Jewel after finding all the treasures/spritelings/etc:

    To do

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VI.9.4. - Wario's Woods (Animal Crossing)

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Animal Crossing 9/15/02

    Japan Doubutsu no Mori 12/14/01

    Europe Animal Crossing 9/24/04

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat the last puzzle.
    Ending description:

    *Wario appears, looking rather large*
    Wario: We're not through, Toad. I'll pummel you yet!
    *Suddenly, Wario pops! Yeah, he wasn't really that big, it was just a
    trick. Toad starts to chase him, but he hops into a plane....which
    he then crashes into a tree. The End*

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VI.9.5. - Super Mario Brothers (Animal Crossing)

    STORY: [ One day the kingdom of the peaceful mushroom people was invaded by
    the Koopa, a tribe of turtles famous for their black magic. The
    quiet, peace-loving Mushroom People were turned into mere stones,
    bricks and even field horse-hair plants, and the Mushroom Kingdom
    fell into ruin.

    The only one who can undo the magic spell on the Mushroom People and
    return them to their normal selves is the Princess Toadstool, the
    daughter of the Mushroom King. Unfortunately, she is presently in
    the hands of the great Koopa turtle king.

    Mario, the hero of this story (maybe) hears about the Mushroom
    People's plight and sets out on a quest to free the Mushroom Princess
    from the evil Koopa and restore the fallen kingdom of the Mushroom
    People. You are Mario! It's up to you to save the Mushroom People
    from the black magic of the Koopa! ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Animal Crossing 9/15/02

    Japan Doubutsu no Mori 12/14/01

    Europe Animal Crossing 9/24/04

    Number of endings: 1
    How Ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser in world 8-4
    Ending description:

    After beating Bowser, Mario walks over to the Princes and she says "Thank
    you Mario! Your quest is now over. We present you a new quest." The
    words "Push button B to select a world" then appear.

    Boss and Final Images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/nes/a/smario.htm

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    Additional Information:

    This version of the game was part of Animal Crossing, as an in game item.


    VI.10. - *VirtualBoy*

    VI.10.1. - VB Wario Land

    STORY: [ I, Wario, have an interesting story to tell. One day during my
    vacation in the Awazon river basin, I landed my trusty seaplane,
    Bulldog, and decided to relax in the shadow of the beautiful
    Aldegara Waterfall. While basking in the sun, I
    spied some strange creatures with masks entering the waterfall.
    This piqued my interest!

    I hurried over and followed them into the waterfall. Behind the
    falls there was a large cave, and in the back of the cave ...
    there was a vault filled with a glorious mountain of treasure!!

    Some of the masked creatures jumped me, but I quickly overcame
    them. "This treasure is all mine now!", I thought to myself and
    rushed in to collect the loot. Suddenly, the floor collapsed and
    I fell!

    I found myself deep within the Earth! I was quite angry and vowed
    revenge on these creatures, "I will get their treasure!!!" ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North VB Wario Land November 1995

    Japan VB Wario Land: 12/01/95
    Awazon No Hihou

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one, know where I can get one, please e-mail
    me (you will be credited).


    VI.11. - *Wii*

    VI.11.1. - WarioWare: Smooth Moves

    -This game has not been released yet.-


    VII. - Fun n Games - Mario games that go outside the norm. Here, you will
    find all the party, sports and puzzle games found in
    Mario's world.

    VII.1. - *Nintendo 64*

    VII.1.1. - Mario Party

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Party 1999

    Japan Mario Party 12/18/98

    Europe Mario Party 3/09/99

    Number of endings: 9
    How Ending is obtained: -Beat the corrisponding board.
    Ending description:

    DK's Jungle Adventure:

    After the superstar is announced, stars gather in the middle of the
    board and a treasure is uncovered. Everyone but the loser stands
    there. The loser is chased off the board by a bolder.

    Mario's Rainbow Castle:

    A rainbow forms that leads to the top of the castle. Everyone
    climbs up, but the loser slides back down and lakitu comes to bring
    him to the top. He just keeps floating while the others "celebrate".

    Peach's Birthday Cake:

    The Cake is filled with candles, and everyone gathers in the middle
    with the winner in front. The loser gets bitten by a piranha plant.

    Yoshi's tropical Island:

    A star path let's the Yoshi's reunite, and everyone gathers there.
    The loser gets swallowed up by the fish.

    Wario's Battle Canyon:

    The red and black bob-ombs make peace, and a cute half black, half
    red flag with a white bob-omb waves. The winner is in the middle,
    with a black and red bob-omb on either side. The loser gets blasted
    out of Bowser's canon.

    Luigi's Engine Room:

    The engine starts up, revealing that it belongs to a flying ship.
    The winner stands up front of the ship, while the loser gets his
    butt steamed by Bowser on the ? spaces.

    Bowser's Magma Mountain:

    Everyone (even the loser) beats up Bowser.

    Mini Game Island:

    After beating toad in slot car derby, he gives you a game for
    beating him (Bumper Ball Maze 1) and says some text. I beat it
    with peach, and he said: "Wow, you really are a superstar! Now
    I understand why Bowser kidnaps you. Why, even I... uh, never
    mind." If you beat all 50 minigames as well, he gives you
    another minigame (Bumber Ball Maze 2). None of these minigames
    can be found on the boards.

    Eternal Star:

    You'll see the broken, defaced star fora second. The screen
    flashes to white, and the star reassembles itself back
    together again to form a giant star (complete with eyes). The
    four characters playing will be standing on the giant star,
    now much smaller, comparing it to the size of the characters,
    and other characters playing a role in Eternal Star, like
    Boo. The character in first walks to the front of the star,
    and says his/her winning phrase, with the words "You are
    the Superstar" on the bottom, as usual. The star is zooming
    through space, with a blur of stars, like what you see in Star
    Wars. The screen fades to white again, and you see the
    Mushroom Village at night in the Mushroom Bank. A big picture
    of the star appears on the blackboard, and the camera goes out
    of the bank. A big star moves and spins around the village,
    and the camera looks upward, and you see the night sky. That's
    where the credits are. When you see some names, a star zooms
    by with a character on it. It starts with Mario, then the
    other playable characters, then the board characters, starting
    with the main ones (Toad, Koopa Troopa, Boo, Bowser),
    then the other ones, like Whomp and the Doorkeeper. It then
    shows the citizens of the Mushroom Village, and finally,
    Mario again. It then shows the giant star with the characters
    I mentioned standing on it. Fades to black and the game resets.

    -The above was by *Anonymous*.-


    VII.1.2. - Mario Party 2

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Party 2 1/24/00

    Japan Mario Party 2 12/17/99

    Europe Mario Party 2 10/13/00

    Number of endings: 6
    How ending is obtained: -Win on each board.
    Ending description:

    Pirate Land:

    Bowser finds a hidden treasure and is about to steal it when the
    Superstar shows up. Bowser and the Superstar get into a sword
    fight which the Superstar eventuall wins. Then Toad declares you
    the winner.

    Western Land:

    Bowser robs the bank and is about to get away when the Superstar
    shows up. Bowser and the Superstar get into a gunfight which the
    Superstar eventually wins. Then Toad declares you the winner.

    Space Land:

    Bowser attacks the space station and is about to destroy it when
    the Superstar shows up. The Superstar tries to blast Bowsers ship
    with a ray gun but he is protected by a force field. Then the
    Superstar runs around Bowser real fast so Bowser gets dizzy, then
    the Superstar blasts him in the back and Bowser flies away. Then
    Toad declares you the winner.

    Mystery Land:

    Bowser finds a golden statue and is going to steal it when the
    Superstar shows up. Bowser challenges the Superstar with a
    riddle, which the Superstar guesses right, and Bowser is
    defeated. The statue turns into a Bob-omb and is beamed aboard
    the Mother ship. Then Toad declares you the winner.

    Horror Land:

    Bowser turns Koopa Troopa into a frog and is about to get away
    with it when the Superstar shows up. He transforms the Koopa
    Troopa back and then turns Bowser into a frog. Then Toad declares
    you the winner.

    Bowser Land:

    Bowser is about to beat up Koopa Troopa when the Superstar shows
    up. He tries to swing Bowser by the tail but he becomes Metal
    Bowser and 100 times heavier. Toad gives the Superstar a star and
    then he throws Bowser up into the sky. Toad then declares you the
    Superstar, and it shows the stage from the game opening and the
    play ends. Then the credits roll as the entire cast of characters
    roll by.

    -The above was by *Anonymous*.-


    VII.1.3. - Mario Party 3

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Party 3 5/06/01

    Europe Mario Party 3 11/16/01

    Japan Mario Party 3 12/07/00

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: Beat Waluigi Island.
    Ending description:

    After beating Waluigi's Island, he'll run off, seething over his loss. The
    Millennium Star, surprised by your victory, will give you the last Start
    Stamp. The Stamp Card starts flashing. Then, your character starts
    dancing around. Once he/she's done striking his/her victory stance, the
    Millennium Star will give you a little whack and tell you. He'll say that
    there is still one final fight. As your character tries to figure it
    out, he asks, "Do you really want to know?". He then reveals that he is
    the last challenger. He challenges you to beat a mini-game called
    "Stardust Battle", in which you fight with him. After you beat him, your
    character will request that he make him/her the Superstar of the universe.
    The Millennium Star looks a bit worried and then tells you something he
    probably should have said a long time before... he's not really
    the Millennium Star (I thought he looked a bit old for a newborn)! He
    flys off and leaves your character slumped in depression. Suddenly, the
    top of Tumble's dice hat opens and reveals a smaller and possibly brighter
    star. He goes over to your character and says he's the REAL Millennium
    Star. He's been watching you all this time from Tumble's head
    and he likes what he sees. He grant's your character's wish and takes it
    a step further. He makes your character an ULTRA STAR! He also gets you
    out of the toy box. Then, the scene goes from a far view of
    the papercastle to a view of the real one. Your character strikes a pose
    with the star and Tumble and lettering comes saying "Your the
    Superstar." Then the credits roll, featuring characters from the game
    When the credits are over, it will show a scene of all the characters
    relaxing outside, with Wario and Waluigi fighting and Yoshi chasing
    butterflies while the others just sit. Then it shows the box of a board
    game that says "Mario Party" on it. A blue dice gets thrown into it.
    When you play in that file again, your character's image has been carved
    into the mountain over the castle!

    -The above was by *Anonymous*.-


    VII.1.4. - Super Smash Bros.

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Smash Bros. 4/26/99

    Europe Super Smash Brothers 11/19/99

    Japan Nintendo All-Star 1/21/99
    Dairantou Smash Brothers

    Number of endings: 12
    How endings is obtained: Beat Master Hand with each character.
    Ending description:

    The Master Hand falls into the background from your final blow, your
    character (in puppet form) falls on the desk, the door closes and the
    credits roll (press Start to speed them up, A to zoom in on the
    person's significance) after a special congratulation screen will appear
    for your character.

    Mario: Mario is running through the courtyard holding a flag reading "You
    are Great!"

    DK: Donkey Kong is sitting in front of Congo with his mirrored-image behind.

    Link: Link is leaning on Hyrule Castle and looking at the land behind.

    Samus: Samus' helmet sits on screen with the words Thank You For Playing
    and an image of Samus out of armor in the visor.

    Yoshi: Yoshi tries to squeeze into a closed book with the words You are
    Great in the corner.

    Kirby: Kirby surfs on a Star with the words Let's Go Go Go! intersecting
    with each other.

    Fox: Fox stands in front of a Planet with Arwings flying about.

    Pikachu: Pikachu stands in a forest with Venusaur, Onix, Clefairy and
    Chansey with the words Congratulations above.

    Jigglypuff: Jigglypuff is looking at herself in a balloon with other
    Jigglypuff on screen.

    Captain Falcon: CF is in comic form with a speech bubble saying "Thank
    You for Playing! Yes I am Number One!

    Luigi: Luigi is walking toward Mario with the word SMMMAAASSHHH! above.

    Ness: Ness and the whole Earthbound Group are on screen with the words
    Wow! You did it! and You're so Good!

    -The above ending description is by Jigglypuff (World of Nintendo).-


    VII.1.5. - Mario Kart 64

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Kart 64 1996

    Japan Mario Kart 64 12/14/96

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Win Gold on the 150cc.
    Ending description:

    Okay, we've probably all seen the trophy presentation. Well, if beaten on
    150cc Special Cup, You get to see sweet camera angles on all the courses
    and the credits. Then it ends focusing on Peach's Castle and Mario says,
    "Hey, you-a very good! See you next time!" Now, if the N64 is reset, you
    will see a different picture at the start. Go into 1 or 2-player, go to
    Mario GP and you will notice an Extra Circuit. These are mirrored tracks
    which means all the turns go from left to right and vice versa. Except
    Toad's Turnpike which has the traffic go towards you which makes for a
    difficult drive. This option also appears in Vs. Mode but there's nothing
    you can do in there that will affect the game. If you beat Extra Special
    Cup, The SAME ending plays and ends the same way.

    -The above ending description is by Mike Radon (World of Nintendo).-


    VII.1.6. - Paper Mario

    STORY: [ Far, far away beyond the sky, way above the clouds, it's been said
    that there was a haven where the stars lived.

    In the sanctuary of Star Haven there rested a fabled treasure
    called the Star Rod, which had the power to grant all wishes. Using
    this woundrous Star Rod, the seven revered Star Spirits watched
    over our peaceful world carefully...very carefully.

    Then one day, a terrible thing happened...The evil King Bowser
    appeared in Star Haven and stole the Star Rod! Using its
    incredible power he quickly imprisoned the seven Star Spirits!

    Completely unaware of the trouble in far-pff Star Haven, Mario was
    back hime in the Mushroom Kingdom, eagerly reading a letter from
    Princess Peach. It was an invitation to a party at the castle!
    With much anticipation, he and his brother Luigi set off for the
    party, oblivious to the chaos that lay ahead... ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Paper Mario 2/04/01

    Europe Paper Mario 10/05/01

    Japan Mario Story 8/11/00

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Beat Bowser.
    Ending description:


    When Mario defeats Bowser, Bowser shrinks back down to his normal size and
    falls on his stomach.
    Bowser: Owww...no.....I couldn't beat Mario....I was invincible and I
    STILL couldn't beat him!
    Mario gets the Star Rod back as well. Suddenly the hovering battle arena
    they were battling on begins shaking. Kammy Koopa explains that the
    intensity of the battle is too much for the arena to handle, and it will
    blow any moment. It does, destroying Bowsers castle and sending him and
    Kammy off into the stratosphere. Peach, Mario, and Peach's castle are all
    given a safe landing thanks to the Star Spirits. When they land, the Star
    Spirits each thank Mario. He returns the Star Rod to them, and they return
    to Star Haven to keep things peaceful. Twink also sadly returns to his home,
    but not before taking one last look at the castle and his good friend Peach.
    Mario is soon relaxing at his house with Luigi, who's interested by the
    story of his adventure. It's then shown what happened to each of Mario's
    companions: Goombario is back at his home playing with Goombaria. Parakarry,
    who has returned to his postal duties, gives him a letter before heading
    off to deliver more. Goombario excitedly reads out that it's an
    invitatin to a party at Peach's castle. Parakarry says something to
    Bombette (who's residing in Koopa Vilage), but before he leaves, Kolorado's
    wife tells him something. Sushie, who is taking care of the baby Yoshis
    as before, reads her invitation but gets momentarily interupted by some
    mischievous babies. Watt, who is back at Shy Guy's Toybox,
    accepts. Bootler gives Bow her invitation, and she accepts with a giggle.
    Lakilester agrees while talking with Lakilulu. Kooper is about to set out
    with Kolorado on an expedition to explore the Crystal Palace when
    he gets his invitation. Kolorado tells him that he should go, but he then
    receives his wife's message, which is basically "You good-for-nothing
    turtle! What an insult for a husband!" because he once again didn't tell
    her he was heading out. He and Parakarry head back home in a rush. Luigi
    gets an invitation to the party for him and Mario. They head to Toad
    Town, but Luigi leaves, saying he has something important to do. Mario
    eventually heads to the castle, where all his companions and people who
    helped are there. Peach comes out and thanks everyone for their brave
    efforts in saving the Mushroom Kingdom, and then begins the party. The
    credits are done in the same style as Mario RPG, with a parade of
    characters doing humorous things. Luigi leads the whole thing, naturally.
    When the parade has ended, Mario and Peach head to Mario's porch
    and watch fireworks burst near the castle. The words "The End" then pop up.

    -The above ending description is by Behonkiss (World of Nintendo), edited,
    slightly, by Jelly Soup.-


    VII.1.7. - Dr. Mario 64

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Dr. Mario 64 4/08/01

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please e-mail
    me (you will be credited).


    VII.1.8. - Mario Tennis

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Tennis 2000

    Europe Mario Tennis 11/03/00

    Japan Mario Tennis 64 7/21/00

    Number of endings: 16
    How ending is obtained: Beat a cup with the corasponding character.
    Ending description:

    MARIO: Mario celebrates, then Wario appears by warp pipe and steals the
    LUIGI: Luigi dances for a while, then he trips and Laukita Bros steals
    the trophy.
    PEACH: Peach dances with the trophy.
    BABY MARIO: BM tries to lift the cup, but it is to heavy. Yoshi appears,
    grabs the cup with his jaws, and tells BM to get on his
    back. BM lands on Yoshi's back so hard, Yoshi drops the
    YOSHI: Yoshi swallows the cup, and is surprised to find that the cup
    is now a golden egg.
    DK: DK beats his chest holding the cup, then he spots a bunch of
    bananas, and throws away the trophy.
    PARATROOPA: Paratroopa shows off in front of 4 Koopas.
    DKJR: DKJR celebrates and jumps into DK's arms.
    WARIO: Wario tries to catch the cup, but he trips and misses.
    WALUIGI: Waluigi taunts Luigi. Luigi leaves, annoying Waluigi.
    DASIY: Dasiy shows off to the crowd and trips over.
    TOAD: Toad throws the cup into the air, it hits Toad on the head, causing
    him to throw seeds everywhere.
    BIRDO: Birdo fires eggs into the air, but one egg comes back and hits her.
    BOWSER: 4 Boos guard the cup, but Bowser scares them away using his fire
    BOO: Boo is being thrown into the by 4 smaller Boos. Boo vanishes for a
    second and then reappears, scaring the other Boos.
    SHY GUY: Shy Guy celebrates using his propeller to dance.

    If you beat STAR CUP the credits will roll afterwards.

    -The above ending description is by Pazza (World of Nintedno), edited,
    slightly, by Jelly Soup.-


    VII.1.9. - Mario No Photopii

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    Japan Mario No Photopii 12/2/98

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.2. - *E-Reader*

    VII.2.1. - Mario Party-e

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Party 2003

    Number of Endings: 0
    How ending is obtained: N/A
    Ending description:

    No real ending, per say. Just a results screen.

    -The above ending description was by "An anounymous Nintendo Fan".-


    VII.3. - *Bandai Satellaview-X*

    VII.3.1. - ExciteBike: Bun Bun Mario Battle Stadium 1 - 4

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    Japan BS Excitebike 1997
    Bunbun Mario Battle

    BS Excitebike 1997
    Bunbun Mario Battle Stadium 2

    BS Excitebike 1997
    Bunbun Mario Battle Stadium 3

    BS Excitebike 1997
    Bunbun Mario Battle Stadium 4

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Finish a race.
    Ending description:

    After each course in Stadiums 1 and 2, the first-, second-, and third-place
    finishers will stand on a platform while Peach gives a kiss to the
    first-place finisher. When Peach finally makes her way into the races
    by Stadium 3, the congratulatory-kiss screen is replaced by long-jump and
    Boo-jump bonus games.

    -The above ending description was by *Requested To Remain Anonymous*.-


    Additional information:

    This was a Super Mario version of ExciteBike. There were 4 versions in the
    series, but the only real difference was the inclusion of a new character
    in each version and the long-jump/boo-jump bonus games in versions 3 and 4.


    VII.4. - *Super Nintendo*

    VII.4.1. - Mario no Super Picross

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    Japan Mario no Super 9/14/95

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.4.2. - Mario Paint

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Paint 1992

    Europe Mario Paint 12/10/92

    Japan Mario Paint 7/14/92

    Number of endings: Zero.....
    How ending is obtained: Suffer from an artistic depression/Stop playing.
    Ending description:

    Mario Paint was a drawing/music/art creation game. It ends when your
    creativity ends.

    -The above ending description is by Jelly Soup.-


    VII.4.3. - Super Mario Kart

    STORY: [ Hi everybody! Thanks for dropping by the Super Mario Kart race
    track. My name is Lakitu, I run this track. If you need my help,
    I'll be around.

    We race one seater, metal pipe frame go carts here. There are
    two engine sizes to choose from: 50cc or 100cc. All of the go
    carts are more or less the same, it's the individual drivers
    that make the difference when it comes to winning. Each driver
    has their strengths and weaknesses. Try using different drivers
    until you find the best one for you. ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario Kart 1992

    Europe Super Mario Kart 1/21/93

    Japan Super Mario Kart 8/27/92

    Number of Endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Win the Gold Cup in all Courses.
    Ending description:

    Scenes of the different tracks while the credits roll, followed by a big
    scene with all the characters dancing, saying Thank You and then The End.

    Last scenes: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/snes/a/kart.htm

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VII.4.4. - Mario is Missing!

    STORY: [ Bowser's Plot

    Oh no! Bowser and his bad boys are back to a life of crime. This
    time, it's not Mario World -- it's your world! From his Antarctic
    castle, Bowser hustles his cold-blooded crew of cantankerous Koopas
    into his powerful Pass code Operated Remote Transport And
    Larceny System (PORTALS). The twisted turtles
    transport themselves throughout the globe, where celebrated
    cities suffer shocking crime waves, as turtles trash landmarks and
    loot ancient artifacts. With dough from his slimy sales, Bowser
    hoards hair dryers from the Hafta-Havit Hotline. His plot?
    Melt Antarctica and flood the planet! Whoa!

    Mario's Fate

    Will the brave brothers from Brooklyn permit this abominable
    snow plan? The boys say "Not!" Mario, Luigi and Yoshi trek across
    ice and snow to shellac the shelled ones' schemes. But Bowser's
    slick; in one last trick, he takes the dearest thing of all..
    Mario is Missing!

    Luigi's Mission

    Luigi must stop the Koopas, foil Bowser's plan, and find Mario.
    Sneaking into each Portal, Luigi is transported to a city in
    trouble. There, Luigi needs to nab each Koopa, grab its loot,
    and return the artifact to its proper landmark.
    Along the way, Luigi explores the city, chats with the locals,
    reads the maps, and solves puzzles. Help him do this before time
    runs out! Once he figures out where he is on the globe, Luigi must
    use the "Globulator" to call Yoshi. Only after Yoshi scares Pokey
    away, can Luigi return to Bowser's castle and
    lock the Portal for that city. ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario is Missing! 1993

    Europe Mario is Missing! 1993

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Beat Bowser.
    Ending description:

    Luigi enters a room with a secret door revealing Mario. Then Bowser
    appears. But Luigi pulls a lever placing Bowser in a big cannon. It shoots
    him outside were he freezes the credits roll by and you're done.

    -The above ending description is by Prashant Saraswat (World of Nintendo).-


    VII.4.5. - Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario RPG: 3/08/96
    America Legend of the Seven Stars

    Japan Super Mario RPG 3/09/96

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Beat Smithy.
    Ending description:

    Smithy: Guoooooooooo! My b.......body and head are burning! It's not....
    possible...! I don't believe it....! I'm...finished....done
    for....! Guooooooooooo...noooooooooooooo...!
    Smithy blows up, freeing the final Star Piece.
    Geno: Come on, Mario! Send the last one way up high!
    Mario sends the star to the others and they come together as the StarRoad.
    Geno: Thank you, everyone! The Star Road is back to normal! And....
    Geno leaves the body of the doll and flies back up to the havens. We then
    get to see the Star Road grant the wishes of the people around the world.
    A parade is held as the credits roll, with Luigi in the lead. Geno, in his
    star form, flies down, then back up to the stars and the words "The End"

    At the end of the parade, you will get to see a little fireworks show. The
    more fireworks you buy in Moleville during the course of the game, the
    better the fire works show will be.

    Boss and Final Images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/snes/a/mariorpg.htm

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-
    -Thanks to ricksk_3@hotmail.com for pointing that more fireworks = better


    VII.4.6. - Dr. Mario

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    Japan Dr. Mario 6/01/98

    Number of endings: 3
    How ending is obtained: Beat Level 20 Low.
    Beat Level 20 Med.
    Beat Level 20 High.
    Ending description:

    Level 20 Low:

    Just a black screen saying what you won.

    Level 20 Med:

    Mini-scenes every 5 levels, something unimportant flys by, a green dragon
    in an egg and it looks like it is swimg or rowing the egg across the sky.

    Level 20 High:

    It starts off normal, then the sky gets darker, and darker, and darker,
    pitch black (cure thunder and lightning briefly and erie music.)
    A space ship appears and the lil viruses that are sitting on the tree get
    sucked up and it then flys away then while still dark the normal music
    plays again and what looks like stars or snow starts falling.

    After beating level 20, 21 is next, beat that goto 22, lose and you go back
    to 20 or level selection (nothing above 20 is shown) , 23, 24. Beat level
    24 and you play level 24 again, and again and again until you either lose
    of just turn the power off.

    -Thanks to pikahitman@hotmail.com for this.-


    VII.4.7. - Mario's Time Machine

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario's Time December 1993
    America Machine

    Number of endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: Finish game with low score.
    Finish game with high score.
    Ending description: Low score ending:

    Mario storms into Bowser's room. Bowser calls down the time machine and
    sets it for "PARADISE 1993 AD". Bowser turns the time machine on. The
    screen wipes to a shot of Bowser, lounging and laughing on his own
    personal island. The game displays a message asking you to try again.

    High score ending:

    Mario bursts into Bowser's stronghold. Bowser sets the time machine again,
    but, the machine shows small explosions throughout its face and switches
    its display to "MALFUNCTION 9993 BC" or some other prehistoric date.
    Bowser is next seen zapped into a dense rainforest. A pteradactyl flies
    by. Bowser acquires a doomed and confused look. A large dinosaur foot
    reduces him to a small puddle. A congratulatory message is displayed,
    followed by the credits and the words "The End"

    -The above ending description was by RedRoy90 (gamefaqs).-


    VII.4.8. - Mario's Early Years: Fun with Letters

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario's Early Years: October 1994
    America Fun with Letters

    Number of endings: Zero
    How ending is obtained: Graduate from the 2nd grade/Write a novel.
    Ending description:

    No ending here! This was one of he learning games made by The Software
    Toolworks inc. for the SNES. Mario was in it becasue he was a well known
    character and kids liked him. That and he has published many-a book-a in
    his time-a.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup, the letters R and T, and
    readers like you.-


    VII.4.9. - Mario's Early Years: Fun with Numbers

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario's Early Years: September 1994
    America Fun with Numbers

    Number of endings: Z-E-R-O spells ZERO
    How ending is obtained: Spell a bad word/Get send to the principles office/
    get abducted by Michal Jackson.
    Ending description:

    No end for you! This is #2 of 3 learning games made by The Software
    Toolworks inc. for the SNES.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup, the numbers 9 and 2.-


    VII.4.10. - Mario's Early Years: Preschool Fun

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario's Early Years: 1994
    America Preschool Fun

    Number of endings: Zero X Zero = Dubbletynothing!
    How ending is obtained: Touch the finger paint without
    permission/Contemplate how time travel could be
    possible when applying a theory based on advanced
    quantum physics/stop playing.
    Ending description:

    No ending, last in the line of 3 learning games made by The Software
    Toolworks inc. for the SNES.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup, who is now permanently


    VII.4.11. - Mario and Wario

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario and Wario 1993

    Japan Mario to Wario 8/27/93

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Beat Wario.
    Ending description:

    There really is no ending, in terms of a flashy little cartoon. You just
    get a victory screen and then restart the game on a harder difficulty

    -The above ending description is by *Requested To Remain Anonymous*.-


    Additonal information:

    Some people may remember the refrence to this game in Pokemon Red, Blue,
    Green and Yellow. Going up to your room in Pallet town and clicking on
    the SNES on the floor gives a message about a game that has Mario with a
    bucket on his head. That was Mario and Wario!


    VII.4.12. - Aiamua Teacher: Super Mario Seta

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    Japan Aiamua Teacher: 8/27/86
    Super Mario Seta

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.4.13. - Tetris & Dr. Mario

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Tetris & Dr. Mario 1994

    Europe Tetris & Dr. Mario 7/27/95

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.4.14. BS Excitebike Bunbun Mario Battle Stadium 1 - 4

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    Japan BS Excitebike Bunbun 1997
    Mario Battle

    BS Excitebike Bunbun 1997
    Mario Battle Stadium 2

    BS Excitebike Bunbun 1997
    Mario Battle Stadium 3

    BS Excitebike Bunbun 1997
    Mario Battle Stadium 4

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Finish a race.
    Ending description:

    After each course in Stadiums 1 and 2, the first-, second-, and third-place
    finishers will stand on a platform while Peach gives a kiss to the
    first-place finisher. When Peach finally makes her way into the races
    by Stadium 3, the congratulatory-kiss screen is replaced by long-jump and
    Boo-jump bonus games.

    -The above ending description was by *Requested To Remain Anonymous*.-


    Additional information:

    This was a Super Mario version of ExciteBike. There were 4 versions in the
    series, but the only real difference was the inclusion of a new character in
    each version and the long-jump/boo-jump bonus games in versions 3 and 4.


    VII.4.15. - Wrecking Crew '98

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    Japan Wrecking Crew '98 1/01/98

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.4.16. - Undake30 Same Game

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    ???? ???? ????

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.5. - *GameBoy Advance*

    VII.5.1. - Mario Party Advance

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Party Advance 3/28/05

    Europe Mario Party Advance 6/10/05

    Japan Mario Party Advance 1/13/05

    Australia Mario Party Advance 9/15/05

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Complete all 50 quests.
    Ending description:

    After beating 49 out of 50 quests the final pipe in bowser's pipe house
    will become open. You can then try to defeat the final quest. If you
    suceed bowser will reluctantly give you the final gadget: the bowser
    print (a framed picture of bowser's hand print done in red paint). Bowser
    then says he will beat Mario another time. The game then goes to a
    darkened view of the map and pictures of various characters you met in the
    game start to scroll up. To the right of each picture is a descreption of
    what happened to that character (whomp for example left duel tower and
    went to live with the lonely thomp). When this is done you return to the
    title screen. You can now enter chalenge land and complete bowser's roller
    coaster chalenge. If players havn't done so they can gather enough coins
    to buy every last gadget. Once this is done the only thing left to do is
    to beat your high score.

    -The above ending description is by Html (via e-mail).-


    VII.5.2. - Mario Kart: Super Circuit

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Kart: Super 8/26/01
    America Circuit

    Europe Mario Kart: Super 9/14/01

    Japan Mario Kart Advance 7/21/01

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Win the last race with all Gold trophies.
    Ending description:

    After you win the last race, it shows your character racing up to Peach's
    Castle and jump on top of the pedestal. Fish flies by, drops a trophy on
    your characters head, Congratulation. Then you get to see the credits
    while your character is racing around in different tracks.

    -The above ending description is by vanilla2244@hotmail.com.-


    VII.5.3. - Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario & Luigi: 11/17/03
    America Superstar Saga

    Europe Mario & Luigi:
    Superstar Saga 11/21/03

    Japan Mario & Luigi RPG 11/21/03

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Beat Cackaletta inside Bowser.
    Ending description: After beating Cackaletta:

    Cackaletta: Gahhhh! What? Huh? HEY!!! What's happening to me?!?
    (Mario and Luigi jump out of Bowsers mouth and Bowser collapses)
    Cackaletta: EEYARGH! It can't be!!! Impossible!!! I...No...How
    could I...And to this filthy little pair! HOW COULD
    I LOSE?????
    (Cackaletta's spirit is expelled from Bowser's body and Bowser's
    body returns to its normal shape. Then, Prince Peasley appears)
    Prince Peasley: Cheers to the superstar siblings! I have just
    finished rigging this castle with an explosive
    device! We must escape before it blows up and
    falls from the sky! Make haste! I will meet you
    at the castle entrance!
    (At the castle entrance...)
    Blablanadon: H-hurry! We've gotta get out of this place! Now!
    (They escape. Back in Bowser's throne room..)
    Bowser: ...Whoa... Wh-where am I? Wh-What have I been doing?
    (Bowser's Keep explodes and falls into the ocean. A wave shoots
    Bowser up into the sky and he smashes into the GBA screen.
    Later, at the BeanBean Airport..)
    Peach: Take care, everyone! Please come visit us in the
    Mushroom Kingdom someday!
    Queen Bean: Princess Peach, you have a fine group of friends. I
    am quite envious!
    Lady Lima: Toadsworth!
    Toadsworth: Lady Lima!
    (They hug, then Prince Peasley flies)
    Prince Peasley: Princess Peach! Mario Bros.! I must thank you
    all! Accept this gift from me to mark our
    (A giant present falls out of the sky. They all get in the plain, giant
    present in tow and head home. The top of the present opens up to show
    Bowser inside)

    Boss and final images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/gba/d/m&l.htm

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VII.5.4. - Mario Golf: Advance Tour

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Golf: 6/22/04
    America Advance Tour

    Europe Mario Golf:
    Advance Tour 9/17/04

    Japan Mario Golf: 4/22/04
    GBA Tour

    Number of endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: 1. Beat all of the tournaments.
    2. Beat everyone in singles & doubles modes.
    Ending description:

    #1 ending:

    The credits roll. You see every golfer you've beaten, in a random order.
    After that, you see a picture Neil and Ella running around a Mushroom
    Kingdom golf course, with Congratulations! under it.

    #2 ending:

    After you've beaten the Links Course, the same will happen, except
    "Congratulations!" will change into "To be continued."

    -Thanks to wallypup@gcronline.com for the info on ending requirements.-
    -Ending descriptions by ChainChomp (gamefaqs).-


    VII.5.5. - Mario vs. Donkey Kong

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario vs. 5/24/04
    America Donkey Kong

    Europe Mario Vs. 11/19/04
    Donkey Kong

    Japan Mario Vs. 6/10/04
    Donkey Kong

    Number of endings: 2
    How ending is obtained:
    Ending description:

    Standard Ending:

    Donkey Kong falls off of the roof and lands, head first, on to a truck
    full of Mini-Marios.
    DK: Ughh!
    Mini-Marios: Mama mia. Oh mama mia. Oh mama mia.
    DK: Uh Oh.
    Mario: Hey, Donkey Kong, are you ok?
    DK: Yeah. (he shoves all the Mini-Marios into a bag)
    Mini-Marios: Mama mia. Oh mama mia. Oh mama mia.
    Mario: Stop, not again! Here we go again! Hoo hoo!

    Plus ending:

    Donkey Kong crashes to the ground and starts crying. He looks up to find
    Mario glaring at him.
    Mario: Oy mama mia. (DK starts crying again)
    Mario: Hey, its ok, don't cry. (Mario holds out a Mini-Mario) Here, you
    like it? It's a Mini-Mario. (DK take the Mini-Mario in his hands
    and looks at it lovingly)
    Mini-Mario: Im in love with you. Monkey Man! Wee. Haha.

    The credits roll and, every now and then, Mario makes a comment about
    the credits. Eventually, you see a screen with the Toads, the Mini-Mario,
    DK and Mario with the words 'Thanks for playing' above.

    Mario: Thanks you very much for playing my game. You know, I gotta say,
    it's nice to have a little Mini-Mario.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-

    Boss and Final images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/gba/d/mdk.htm


    VII.5.6. - Mario Pinball Land

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Pinball Land 10/04/04

    Europe Super Mario Ball 11/26/04

    Japan Super Mario Ball 8/26/04

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Beat Bowser.
    Ending description:

    *Bowser gets blown from his castle, earning you 5,000,000 points. Mario
    and Peach smile to each other.*
    Mario: All Right!
    *A bonus game starts up. Afterwards, Mario and Peach are in a rocket.*
    Mario: Bye bye.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VII.5.7. - Classic NES Series: Dr. Mario

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Classic NES Series: 10/25/04
    America Dr. Mario

    Europe Classic NES Series: 1/07/05
    Dr. Mario

    Japan Famicom Mini: 5/21/04
    Dr. Mario

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.5.8. - Mario Tennis: Power Tour

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Tennis: 12/05/05
    America Power Tour

    Europe Mario Tennis 11/18/05

    Japan Mario Tennis 9/13/05

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.5.9. - Dr. Mario/Puzzle League

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Dr. Mario/ 11/28/05
    America Puzzle League

    Europe Dr. Mario/ 11/25/05
    Tetris Attack Double Pack

    Japan Dr. Mario/ 9/13/05
    Panel de Pon

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.6. - *Gamecube*

    VII.6.1. - Super Smash Bros. Melee

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Smash 12/02/01
    America Bros. Melee

    Super Smash Bros. 8/15/05
    Melee Bundle

    Japan Dairantou Smash 11/21/01
    Brothers DX

    Europe Super Smash 5/24/02
    Bros. Melee

    Number of endings: 75 (25 characters, 3 modes of play, 1 ending per
    character per mode)
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Classic Mode.
    -Beat Adventure Mode.
    -Beat All-Star Mode.
    Ending description:

    Classic Mode:

    Once you destroy Master Hand/Crazy Hand, your character's trophy is seen
    falling, and then lands on a table with all the trophies of characters
    who have beaten it. You are shown screen featuring your character, and
    the narrator says, "Congratulations.":

    Bowser: Bowser is brandishing a hammer at a crouching Mario, as Peach
    waves him away.
    Captain Falcon: Cap uses his Falcon Kick to blow everyone away.
    Dr. Mario: The doctor throws a megavitamin into the mouth of a giant
    Donkey Kong: DK looks the monitor in the Pokemon Stadium, which has a
    close up of a banana.
    Falco: Falco jumps into the air, brandishing his blaster.
    Fox McCloud: Fox is dashing across the back of the Great Fox.
    Ganondorf: Ganon reads his Shadow Fist for Link's face.
    Ice Climbers: The Ice Climbers and their clones are all standing around,
    looking at each other.
    Jigglypuff: The four color variations of Jigglyfuff pose for us.
    Kirby: The four color variations of Kirby all sit in a circle.
    Link: Link fires his hookshot as he falls off the edge of Hyrule Castle.
    Luigi: Luigi punches Mario (HEAD SHOT! BOOM!).
    Mario: The four color variations of Mario all use Tornado Punch.
    Marth: Marth cuts an F-Zero racer in half.
    Mewtwo: Mewtwo tried to stare down Pikachu.
    Mr. Game and Watch: G-Man waves a flag for the F-Zero race.
    Ness: Ness and Mr. Saturn have a happy moment.
    Peach: Peach floats away from the edge of a platform as Fox is about to
    Pichu: Pikachu and Pichu play~
    Pikachu: Pikachu plays with some splashing Goldeen.
    Roy: Roy and Marth stand together.
    Samus: Samus fires off a Super Missle.
    Yoshi: Four yoshies stand with the 'deer in the headlights' look.
    Young Link: Little Link and Zelda gaze into each others eyes.
    Zelda: Zelda makes with a little magic.

    Adventure Mode:

    Once you destroy Bowser/Giga Bowser, the Bowser trophy flies off
    into the distance, and blows up. You are shown screen featuring your
    character, and the narrator says, "Congratulations.":

    Captain Falcon
    Dr. Mario
    Donkey Kong
    Falco: Falco and Fox dash at one another.
    Fox McCloud
    Ice Climbers
    Mr. Game and Watch
    Young Link

    All-Star Mode:

    Once you destroy the Mr. Game and Watch team, you are shown screen
    featuring your character, and the narrator says,

    Captain Falcon: Falcon readies his elbow for the back of Fox's head.
    Dr. Mario
    Donkey Kong
    Falco: He's...hugging a yoshi egg (cute...or creepy?).
    Fox McCloud
    Ice Climbers
    Mr. Game and Watch
    Young Link

    -The above ending description was compiled by the group efforts of many
    users on G4tv.com forum and Jelly Soup.-


    VII.6.2. - Mario Kart: Double Dash!!

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Kart: 11/17/03
    America Double Dash!!

    Japan Mario Kart: 11/07/03
    Double Dash

    Europe Mario Kart: 11/14/03
    Double Dash

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Win in any place in any race.
    Ending description:

    You and your partner ride up in a gold car and touch an item box. It will
    open up and give you a trophy (depending on what place you're in).

    You'll get the credits if you win the Special Cup or the All Cup Tour.
    After that, you'll get a picture of Mario sitting in his kart with Peach
    standing next to it. However, If you beat the Special or All Cup Tour
    on 150cc or Mirror Mode and place 3rd or better, the same sequence occurs
    execpt afterwards, the credits roll with different characters
    driving by. After the credits, you get one of 2 pictures, depending on
    wether or not you beat All-Cup on Mirror Mode. If you do beat it, you get
    a picture with Mario and Peach holding a trophy saying
    "Thanks for playing!" The other one, everyone is standing outside
    Peach's castle celebrating your victory. The gold car is shown behind
    Mario, Luigi, and Peach. Also, the characters are playing around (ex.
    Koopa is hanging on to Paratroopa.) Oh, and Petey Pirhana is.....
    floating? Also the title screen changes if you get the stated picture.
    After the picture, that's where you're going back to.

    -The above ending description is by supersonic2003@starmail.com,
    ChainChomp (gamefaqs) and tjoeb123 (gamespot).-


    VII.6.3. - Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Golf: 7/29/03
    America Toadstool Tour

    Japan Mario Golf: 9/05/03
    Family Tour

    Europe Mario Golf: 6/18/04
    Toadstool Tour

    Number of endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: -Beat all of the tournaments.
    -Beat everyone in singles & doubles modes.
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).

    -Thanks to wallypup@gcronline.com for the info on ending requirements.-


    VII.6.4. - Mario Power Tennis

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Power Tennis 11/08/04

    Japan Mario Tennis GC 10/28/04

    Europe Mario Power Tennis 2/25/05

    Number of endings: 20
    How ending is obtained: -Every character has one victory ending (18
    -Star Tournament & Planet Tournament each
    have a set of outtakes for endings (2
    Endings sets).
    Ending description:

    Mario Victory:
    Peach gives Mario the trophy and a kiss, which causes Mario to drop
    the cup.

    Luigi Victory:
    Mario congratulates Luigi, clapping him heartily on his back... and
    standing on his foot. Luigi scratches his head, too dismayed to say

    Peach Vicotry:
    Mario and Luigi applaud Peach, while Wario and Waluigi fume. Peach
    blows a kiss to Mario and Luigi, sending their hearts aflutter.
    Wario and Waluigi try to steal the trophy, but trip on a tennis ball
    and fall, sending it flying. Peach catches her trophy and kisses it.

    Daisy Victory:
    Daisy collects her trophy from Luigi on roller blades. She spins
    around him several times, making him dizzy, and when he accidentally
    tosses the trophy the wrong way she does a midair spin and catches it.
    While Daisy smiles and blows a kiss to the crowd, Luigi says
    "Nice catch," and collapses.

    Wario Victory:
    Dancing with his trophy, Wario accidentally falls and lands on it,
    squishing it flat as a pancake.

    Waluigi Victory:
    Waluigi celebrates his victory with Wario by doing a tandem dance;
    Wario bumps into Waluigi twice while dance, and the second bump knocks
    Waluigi down and sends the trophy into the air. The trophy hits Waluigi
    on the head.

    Yoshi Victory:
    Yoshi's stomach growls. When Luigi offers Yoshi a trophy, Yoshi sees a
    pineapple instead. Luigi panics and tries to flee the hungry Yoshi;
    Yoshi accidentally eats Luigi instead of the trophy. (Anyone else
    notice a pattern of misfortune for poor Luigi?)

    Koopa Troopa Victory:
    Mario, Peach, Luigi, and Diddy Kong congratulate Koopa Troopa. As Koopa
    Troopa walks to collect his trophy, Diddy Kong accidentally drops the
    peel from the banana he was eating. Koopa Troopa trips and slides on
    his shell, knocking down poor Luigi.

    Donkey Kong Victory:
    Toad presents Donkey Kong's trophy. Donkey Kong enthusiastically hoists
    both Toad and the trophy in celebration. Toad is dizzy when he lands.
    Donkey Kong scratches his head in puzzlement.

    Diddy Kong Victory:
    Luigi presents the trophy, while Donkey Kong plays drums and Peach looks
    on. Diddy Kong runs in a circle around the nervous Luigi, grabs the
    trophy with his tail, and cheerfully leaps onto Donkey Kong's shoulders.

    Boo Victory:
    Mario and Luigi present Boo's trophy. The trophy mysteriously levitates,
    startling Luigi, until Boo materializes underneath it (Luigi sighs in
    relief). More Boos materialize under Mario and Luigi, levitating them for
    a fun flight.

    Shy Guy Victory:
    While approaching to collect his trophy, Shyguy trips on the steps and
    his mask falls off. We don't see what's behind his mask, but Luigi does,
    and the sight makes him fall backwards on his rear in shock! Shyguy puts
    his mask back on and claims his trophy.

    Bowser Victory:
    Bowser gestures for Peach to kiss him and closes his eyes. Peach hastily
    substitutes an orange Birdo for herself. Bowser opens one eye a peek, sees
    Birdo about to bestow a loving kiss, and panics.

    Bowser Jr. Victory:
    Mario, Luigi, a yellow toad, and Yoshi are present to congratulate Bowser
    Jr. While they wait for him to appear, Mario tells Luigi about him ("Bowser
    Jr., he has a funny face.") Bowser Jr. leaps in from seemingly nowhere and
    jumps on everyone's head once, claiming the trophy.

    FlyGuy Victory:
    Wario and Waluigi present Flyguy's trophy while Peach looks on. Suddenly
    Waluigi produces a giant pair of pliers from behind his back and tries to
    seize Flyguy with them. Flyguy twirls in a circle, knocking over Wario and
    Waluigi, shedding the pliers and claiming his trophy. Peach applauds

    Paratroopa Victory:
    While Peach looks on, Waluigi "presents" Paratroopa's trophy a few
    tantalizing inches out of reach, but Wario's has a fishing rod hooked on
    Paratroopa's shell and uses it to restrain him. Wario and Waluigi laugh.
    Toad cuts the fishline with large scissors; Paratroopa flies free and plows
    into Waluigi, knocking him over while Wario falls backwards. Paratroopa
    happily claims his prize.

    Wiggler Victory:
    Luigi and Diddy Kong congratulate Wiggler. Diddy Kong drops a tennis ball,
    which Wiggler trips on and falls, but smiles at his trophy and starts to get
    up. When Luigi approaches Wiggler ("Are you OK?"), Diddy Kong trips on the
    tennis ball and tumbles into Luigi, and both tumble on top of Wiggler. This
    is too much and turns Wiggler into Angry Wiggler, much to Luigi's dismay.

    Petey Pirhana Victory:
    Mario clears his throat and presents the trophy along with Peach, a pink
    toad, Koopa Troopa, and Shyguy. Petey is so excited he jumps up and down,
    unbalancing everyone else with a small earthquake. Mario says
    "Congratulations!" and gives Petey the trophy. Petey takes it in his mouth
    and flies overhead.

    Star Tournament:

    -Mario's tennis ball hits Luigi in the face, giving him a black eye.
    ("Ouch! My nose!" "Sorry, bro.")
    -Wario and Waluigi trip and fall on the way to the leaderboard.
    -When Waluigi leans in with a black marker, he hits the camera instead.
    Waluigi says, "Sorry!"
    -As police actors chase Wario and Waluigi, one of them loses his balance and
    falls over.
    -As Wario and Waluigi prepare to run through a door, it closes and they both
    slam into it and fall.
    -A door slams on Waluigi's shin, trapping him, while a police actor points and
    says "Stupid."
    -As Bowser flips the switch for the tennis ball machine, it spits so many tennis
    balls that Bowser has to flee and Wario and Waluigi laugh.

    Planet Tournament:

    -Bowser slams down the switch, and it breaks off.
    -Bowser slams down the switch, gets electrocuted, and collapses. Waluigi says,
    "Don't expect mouth-to-mouth!"
    -Wario's cell phone rings (its ringtone is Mario's theme) while he is straining
    lift weights. Holding up the light-as-a-feather prop weight in one hand, he
    answers the phone. "Hello? Ma! I told you not to call me here!" Waluigi says
    -Wario's and Waluigi's bob-omb throwing machine jams. Wario says, "What?"
    says, "It's broken!"
    -Bowser's cannon blows up in his face
    -After landing on the ground, Waluigi dodges Wario, who falls headfirst making a
    small crater in the dirt.
    -As a bullet bill comes spiraling in for Mario to whack, it suddenly runs out of
    momentum and clatters at his feet. Mario laughs.
    -Paratroopa flies in the projection screen display of a blown-up Bowser, Wario,
    Waluigi, spoiling the final scene. Bowser, Wario, Waluigi, Luigi, and Mario
    enjoy a
    good laugh together.

    -Thanks to wallypup@gcronline.com for the ending requirments.-
    -The Shy Guy, Fly Guy, Yoshi and Bowser endings are by
    -The Bowser Jr. ending is by shadowfrinatic5 (GameFAQs).-
    -The Mario ending is by Tennisdude22794@aol.com.-
    -Everything else, thanks to the owner of www.victarfanfics.com.-


    VII.6.5. - Mario Party 4

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Party 4 10/21/02

    Japan Mario Party 4 11/08/02

    Europe Mario Party 4 11/29/02

    Number of endings: 4
    How ending is obtained: -1 for beating/losing on any board in Story Mode.
    -1 for beating/losing on any board in Party Mode.
    -1 for beating/losing in any mini-game in the
    Extra Room.
    -1 for beating all the boards and the Bowser Battle
    mini-game in Story Mode.
    Ending description:

    Story mode:

    Well, its not really an ending, per say. When you complete a board (whether
    you win or not), your taken to a gameshow like stage where the host
    character for that board will evaluate how well everyone did based on how
    many coins and stars you have collected and how many mini-games you have
    won. If you lose on that board, you're asked if you would like to try
    again. If you win, the host character challenges you to a mini-game. If
    you win, the other characters provide you with presents.

    Party mode:

    When you complete a board (whether you win or not), you're taken a
    gameshow like stage where the host character for that board will evaluate
    how well everyone did.

    Extra Room:

    After the mini-game is over, Thawamp or Whammy (depending on which
    mini-game list you picked) will tell you your rank for that mini-game.

    Final Ending:

    Final ending obtained by beating all boards and the Bowser Final Battle
    minigame in story mode. Beat it with all characters to get a trophy in
    the present room. Bowser grumbles and whines about losing. Bowser and
    one koopa kid runs offstage, dropping a present in a Bowerishly-styled
    box. A koopa kid fails spectacularly at seeming tough by saying he
    "dropped it by accident". Like any other present, the character picks
    it up, it flies up, spins, and you get a special present. Bowser walks
    depressed off into darkness, saying sentimental things about his
    emotions being confused. Toad runs in and says that there is
    still someone who wants to give you a present. A star rises up and
    produces a lovely pyrotechnics display. The screen displays "HAPPY
    BIRTHDAY [insert character name here]!" It rolls the credits, showing a
    slide show to the side of the "hosts" costuming and etching their
    images into the party cube. It enlarges the final picture to the full
    screen and fades it into a FMV of the Party cube melting back the
    etchings into its original form. It flies off. Apparently the
    fireworks display created a constellation, because the present room now
    has a constellation of your character above their present room.

    -The above ending descriptions were by green_magic_cat@yahoo.com and
    RedRoy90 (gamefaqs), slightly edited for grammatical accuracy.-


    VII.6.6. - Mario Party 5

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Party 5 11/10/03

    Japan Mario Party 5 11/28/03

    Europe Mario Party 5 12/05/03

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser.
    Ending description:

    After you beat Bowser he gives up and says his wish was to fight someone
    strong (his wish was granted, you fought him) and then he goes away
    Then Toad says his wish was to help you.Then your wish,becoming a superstar
    is granted and you get the credits.

    -The above ending description was by KnucklesIronKnux@aol.com, slightly
    edited for grammatical accuracy.-


    VII.6.7. - Mario Party 6

    STORY: [ Brighton and Twila - the sun and the moon - watch over Mario Party
    World from the sky and host the best parties. The two celestial
    party animals have always been good friends. That is, until the
    day Brighton asked Twila, "Who's more impressive, you or me?"

    Brighton and Twila argued furiously about who was more popular
    and impressive. The sky thundered with the fury of their
    cataclysmic squabble!

    Mario and his party-hearts friends tried to get them to make up,
    but nothing they said could settle the spat in the sky. That's
    when Mario came up with a brilliant plan to harness the power
    of the Stars to end the feud!

    They decided to throw a massive Mario Party to collect Stars and
    fill the great Star Bank! Determined to end Brighton and Twila's
    feud, they started partying right away.

    ...But will the power of the Stars be enough to end the furious
    feud? ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Party 6 12/06/04

    Japan Mario Party 6 11/18/04

    Europe Mario Party 6 3/18/05

    Australia Mario Party 6 9/15/05

    Number of endings: 2
    How endings is obtained: -Beat any board with any character.
    -Complete the Miracle Book (buy all the pages from
    the Star Bank).
    Ending description: Working on it, come back later.


    VII.6.8. - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

    STORY: [ Hello there, Mario!
    I am now on holiday, traveling in the
    Mushroom Kingdom.

    In my travels, I came into possession of a mystical map...a
    treasure map, actually. It was inside a box I got from an old
    merchant in a town called Rogueport.

    But since it would be to difficult for me to try to go find
    treasure all by myself...I thought you could help me hunt for it!
    You will, of course, won't you?

    I've included the map with this letter, so please bring it with
    you when you come. I'll meet you at Rogueport. (That means you
    MUST come!)


    So Mario headed for Rogueport, where he knew Peach was waiting
    ...but she was nowhere to be found. Where had she gone?

    When Mario started to walk around town to look for her, though,
    he found himself in the middle of a sticky situation. He ended up
    helping a sweet Goomba gal who was in trouble. Her name was
    Goombella, and she claimed to be in the midst of a treasure

    When Mario told her that he has a treasure map, Goombella took
    him to see Professor Frankly, a wizened old archaeology professor
    who knew much of local legend.

    According to the professor, in order to find the legendary
    treasure, they would have to first find and collect all seven
    Crystal Stars. Only then would they be able to open the
    Thousand-Year Door, behind which the treasure lay.

    Luckily for them, the map that Peach had sent was the very Magical
    Map that showed the locations of the Crystal Stars!

    By following the map, perhaps they will also find Peach...A grand
    adventure awaits mario and his friends! ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Paper Mario: The 10/11/04
    America Thousand-Year Door

    Japan Paper Mario RPG 7/22/04

    Europe Paper Mario: The 11/12/04
    Thousand-Year Door

    Number of endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: -So-so Ending: Open the ghosts journal in
    Chapter 6.
    -Bad Ending: Agree to join the Shadow Queen.
    -Good Ending: Kill the Shadow Queen.
    Ending description:

    So-so Ending:

    By opening the diary, you royally tick off the ghost, who then instant
    kills you.

    Bad Ending:

    By agreeing to fight the Shadow Queen, there is nothing left to stand in
    her way. Lots of darkness + GAME OVER.

    Good Ending:

    With the destruction of the Shadow Queen, the darkness that had covered the
    land vanished and all was right with the world once more. After saying
    good-bye to all his friends, Mario and Peach hop a boat back to Toad Town.
    Later, Mario is back at his house telling Luigi about the adventure he just
    had, when he gets an e-mail from Goombella. She tells him how everyone is
    doing: Koops is back home, more confident than ever. Vivian went back to
    Twilight Town were she lives with her sisters, who are now non-evil.
    Yoshi has gone back to the Glitz Pit and is calling himself The Great
    Gonzalas Jr. Bobbery is sailing the sea with Cortez. Flurrie has opened
    a play that she is calling Paper Mario. Doopliss plays the part of
    Mario. Ms. Mowz is...well, shes being Ms. Mowz. Stealing badges and
    such. Grodus and the X-Naughts are being peaceful, as all thats left
    of Groudus is a head. They all miss Mario and hope that he will come
    visit someday. The credits roll, the end.

    After all this, you get a prompt to save your game. You can then return to
    Rougeport and explore some more.

    -The Good and So-So ending is by Jelly Soup.-
    -Thanks to smurfyman14@aol.com for the Bad Ending.-


    VII.6.9. - Mario Superstar Baseball

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    Japan Super Mario Stadium 7/21/05
    Miracle Baseball

    North Mario Superstar 8/29/05
    America Baseball

    Europe Mario Superstar 10/14/05

    Number of endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: -Beat challenge mode with any team captain under
    Mushroom, Flower or Star cup. (Ending 1)
    -Beat challenge mode with any team captain under
    special cup. (Ending 2)
    Ending description:

    Ending 1:

    After you beat the bowser team (or the Mario all-star team if you choose
    Bowser as your captain) your team members shall appear celebrating in
    their current fielding positions with a golden text in the middle saying
    "Your team is number 1!" later all your team members gather around at
    the pitch mount and continue celebrating, then the team captain grab the
    throphy and say their common winning phrase, here are what they say:
    Mario: Yahoo for me!!!
    Peach: *laughs* Oh Peach!
    Yoshi: Yooshiiii!
    DK: *makes a weird monkey sound*
    Wario: Oh ho yeah! I win!
    Bowser: *laughs happily*

    After that a picture of the captain's stadium shows up and a photo card
    is placed on the screen, when the photo shot appears it shall have all the
    characters you've managed to get during the tournamente (nothing else
    happens if you don't get all the characters, the photo just looks more
    empty) then depending on which character you choose, a pose of him shall
    appear next to the photo repeating their common winning phrase and at the
    top the words "[place cup here] cleared!", the poses change depending from
    which cup you win. also at the bottom of the screen the words "challenge
    the next cup" appear.

    Ending 2:

    It's almost the same as the 1st ending, but after your team captain gets
    the thropy, a small cutscene appears. Something starts to move on a tall
    field of grass. Mario appears out of the grass with a baseball and a
    glove, the the camera makes a overview of a baseball court located in the
    center of the field of tall grass, the light go on and Mario approaches
    to Peach and Diddy Kong, he then says "oh yeah" and start to get in their
    positions but then Bowser appears in a split-second and everyone gets
    suprised, but Bowser is quite happy and makes a pose laughing, then
    everyone gets in their positions, Mario gets to the pitching mount and
    Paratroopa goes to shortstop, Bowser goes to the batting zone along with
    Wario and and Waluigi and start to play. Luigi as the catcher makes some
    signs with his fingers to Mario. Mario then throws the ball and in the
    ball the words come up saying "We love Baseball!" appear, thus ending the
    cutscene, the credits roll with many of the main characters doing some of
    their special abilities with a theme song saying "We love baseball!!"

    After that the picture of the captain's appears up as well as the photo
    with the other players you've managed to obtain. Finally your team captain
    shall make its final pose along with its common winning phrase.

    -The above ending descriptions are by BlueLinkSword (GameSpot).-


    VII.6.10. - Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    Japan Dance Dance Revolution 7/14/05
    with Mario

    North Dance Dance Revolution: 10/24/05
    America Mario Mix

    Europe Dancing Stage: Mario 10/28/05

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Beat Bowser.
    Ending description:

    As Luigi does battle he assembles rockets and sends them flying
    into Bowser with a swing of his hammer. The last swing knocks
    Bowser to the roof of his castle. Bowser collapses.
    Bowser: Beaten again! Why can't I ever catch a break? Ruuagh! I
    guess this brings my grand plan to an unfortunate end.
    Toad: What? What exactly was your grand plan?
    Bowser: I was going to use the power of the keys to... to...
    fix my tone deafness. How embarrassing.
    Luigi: Oh-oh.
    Toad: *groans* Yee-hah! Let's go back to Truffle Towers and lock
    up the keys! What's up, Luigi?
    Luigi moves to the center of the roof and raises his arms.
    Toad: What are you doing? What do you want to do with the keys?
    Toad takes a step closer. All four keys come to Luigi and combine,
    shining brightly.
    Bowser: I feel funny. I can't keep from dancing, and I feel...
    Toad: I can't stop my feet either!
    World 5 transforms from a firey, volcano-ridden world to a
    beautiful green world.
    Toad: I understand now! So this is the way the keys are supposed
    to be used, eh, Luigi?
    Bowser: What's going on?
    Toad: In capturing the keys, we've transplanted a little bit of
    music into our souls.
    Bowser: That is why we want to dance!
    Toad: With the keys back safe and music in our souls, the world is
    a happier place. Let's dance! Dance to the music in your soul!
    Luigi dances on the way home. Credits roll. the Freezie, Wario, the
    Hammer Brothers, Toadette, and others are dancing in the background
    during the retraced journey past the five worlds. Waluigi is nowhere
    to be seen; perhaps he is sulking. Luigi walks into his house and
    closes the door.

    -The above ending description is by Victar (GameFAQs).-


    VII.6.11. - Mario Party 7

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Party 7 11/07/05

    Mario Party 11/07/05
    7 Bundle

    Japan Mario Party 7 11/10/05

    Europe Mario Party 7 2/10/06

    Number of endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: -Beat all boards in Solo Cruise Mode.
    -Beat the King of the River.
    Ending description:

    Solo Cruise Mode:

    Bowser and Koopa Kid get blasted off the cruise yacht and onto a tiny
    desert island. Bowser says, "We lost again, didn't we?" Koopa Kid says,
    "Seems that way, sir." Despite the sting of their defeat, just for a
    moment, Bowser and Koopa Kid reflect that the party was pretty fun. Then
    they catch sight of the character who beat them waving goodbye on the
    yacht. (The character uses his or her "champion" pose, so
    Peach/Daisy/Mario/Luigi wave, Waluigi gives a thumbs-up, Wario admires his
    own flexed arm muscles, etc.) Bowser and Koopa Kid shout furiously that
    they'll be back!

    King of the River:

    You make it to the end of the river, discover treasure, and get a prize
    for your item collection. There's a different prize for the Easy, Normal,
    and Hard courses. If you go to the Duty-Free Shop, examine the prize for
    the Hard course in your item collection, and say "Surprise!" into the
    microphone, you get to watch the game credits while Mario takes a walk
    past all the different game worlds. (The game has an option to turn the
    microphone off and trigger this with the controller.)

    -THanks to the owner of www.victarfanfics.com for this.-


    VII.6.12. - Super Mario Strikers

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Super Mario 12/05/05
    America Strikers

    Japan Super Mario 1/19/06

    Europe Mario Smash 11/18/05

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.7. - *Nintendo DS*

    VII.7.1. - Mario Kart DS

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Kart DS 11/14/05

    Japan Mario Kart DS 12/08/05

    Europe Mario Kart DS 11/25/05

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.7.2. - Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario & Luigi: 11/28/05
    America Partners in Time

    Japan Mario & Luigi 12/29/05
    RPG 2x2

    Europe Mario & Luigi: 2/10/06
    Partners in Time

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Beat the final boss. <_<
    Ending description:

    The twin will be destroyed, but not before talking about how the shroobs
    will return... and then she turns into a mushroom. Then everyone will be
    returned to Peach's Castle of the past. Princess Peach will thank Mario
    and Luigi for saving the Mushroom Kingdom of the past. Then Baby Mario
    and Baby Luigi will start playing on Baby Bowser, who was made into a
    shroob mushroom. Baby Mario gets a little rough, though, and makes Baby
    Luigi cry. The crying, oddly enough, returns Baby Bowser to normal.
    Later, Stuffwell gives the information to Gadd, and he uses the Hydrogush
    3000 to take away all traces of shroob kind from the Mushroom Kingdom of
    the past. And now peace has returned... or has it?

    After defeating the spirit of Princess Shroob's twin inside Bowser, he
    won't be super strong anymore, and everyone says goodbye. The Toadsworths
    say goodbye, and Baby Peach crys. They do Toadsworth Twist so Baby Peach
    leaves with a smile. Peach thanks the babies for saving the kingdom. Baby
    Mario will give Mario his hammer as a parting gift. Luigi expects the
    same, but Baby Luigi just says "let's-a go!" Luigi says, "No...", and Baby
    Luigi crys. Luigi, however gives him a Yoshi Cookie he had saved. He
    finally offers up his hammer. It hits Luigi in the head, though. Then the
    whole past period people get in the now repaired time machine to the past.
    Then the credits roll with various pictures of scenes from the game. THE
    END will appear at the bottom. Press any button to reset the game.

    -The above ending description is by LatiasLord.-


    VII.7.3. - Mario Hoops 3 on 3

    -This game has not been released yet.-


    VII.8. - *iQue*

    VII.8.1. - Mario Kart 64

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Win Gold on the 150cc.
    Ending description:

    Okay, we've probably all seen the trophy presentation. Well, if beaten on
    150cc Special Cup, you get to see sweet camera angles on all the courses
    and the credits. Then it ends focusing on Peach's Castle and Mario says,
    "Hey, you-a very good! See you next time!" Now, if the N64 is reset, you
    will have a different title screen.

    -The above ending description is by Mike Radon (World of Nintendo),
    slightly edited for grammatical accuracy.-


    VII.8.2. - Dr. Mario

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.9. - *PC/Mac/Other Computer*

    VII.9.1. - Mario is Missing!

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario is Missing! PC: 1992
    America MAC: 1993

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser.
    Ending description:

    Luigi enters a room with a secret door revealing Mario. Then Bowser
    appears. But Luigi pulls a lever placing Bowser in a big cannon. It shoots
    him outside were he freezes the credits roll by and you're done.


    VII.9.2. - Mario's Time Machine Deluxe

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario's Time 1996
    America Machine Deluxe

    Number of endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: -Finish game with low score.
    -Finish game with high score.
    Ending description: Low score ending:

    Mario storms into Bowser's room. Bowser calls down the time machine and
    sets it for "PARADISE 1993 AD". Bowser turns the time machine on. The
    screen wipes to a shot of Bowser, lounging and laughing on his own
    personal island. The game displays a message asking you to try again.

    High score ending:

    Mario bursts into Bowser's stronghold. Bowser sets the time machine again,
    but, the machine shows small explosions throughout its face and switches
    its display to "MALFUNCTION 9993 BC" or some other prehistoric date.
    Bowser is next seen zapped into a dense rainforest. A pteradactyl flies
    by. Bowser acquires a doomed and confused look. A large dinosaur foot
    reduces him to a small puddle. A congratulatory message is displayed,
    followed by the credits and the words "The End".

    -The above ending description was by RedRoy90 (gamefaqs).-


    VII.9.3. - Mario's Early Years: Fun with Numbers

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario's Early Years: September 1994
    Fun with Numbers

    Number of endings: Z-E-R-O spells ZERO
    How ending is obtained: -Spell a bad word/Get send to the principles
    office/get abducted by Michal Jackson.
    Ending description:

    No end for you! This is #2 of 3 learning games made by The Software
    Toolworks inc. for the SNES.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VII.9.4. - Mario's Early Years: Fun with Letters

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario's Early Years: October 1994
    America Fun with Letters

    Number of endings: Zero
    How ending is obtained: -Graduate from the 2nd grade/Write a novel.
    Ending description:

    No ending here! This was one of he learning games made by The Software
    Toolworks inc. for the SNES. Mario was in it becasue he was a well known
    character and kids liked him. That and he has published many-a book-a in
    his time-a.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup, who is serving 3
    consecutive time-outs for hitting Suzie.-


    VII.9.5. - Mario's Early Years: Preschool Fun

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario's Early Years: ??/??/??
    America Preschool Fun

    Number of endings: Zero X Zero = Dubbletynothing!
    How ending is obtained: -Touch the finger paint without
    permission/Contemplate how time travel could be
    possable when applying a theory based on advanced
    qauntum phyisics/stop playing.
    Ending description:

    Last in the line of 3 learning games made by The Software Toolworks inc.
    for the SNES.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup, who has to go now, the
    bus is here.-


    VII.9.6. - Mario's FUNdamentals

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario's FUNdamentals PC: January 1997
    America MAC: 1996

    Number of endings: 0
    How ending is obtained: -Turn off the computer/stop playing/power outage.
    Ending description:

    No end. This was a board game/card game program that you could use to play
    board games/card games with Mario.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VII.9.7. - Mario's Game Gallery

    Number of endings: 0
    How ending is obtained: -KILL THE COMPUTER/Stop playing.
    Ending description:

    This is an EXACT copy of Mario's Fundamentals, this one was just released
    first. Persumably, Mario's Fundamentals was just a version of this game that
    would work on a newer computer.


    VII.9.8. - Mario Teaches Typing

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Teaches 1992
    America Typing

    Number of endings: 0
    How ending is obtained: -Enslave the human race/Stop playing.
    Endings description:

    The ending is something like 'great job!', and you can print out a
    certificate. It also featured Mario in a graduation cap with white robe.

    -The above ending description was by violet_yoshi@hellokitty.com.-


    VII.9.9. Mario Teaches Typing 2

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario Teaches 1996
    America Typing 2

    Number of endings: 0
    How ending is obtained: -Gather all the Dragon Balls/Get to the city
    of Baldur's Gate/Stop playing.
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.9.10. - Super Mario Bros. & Friends: When I Grow Up

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtianed: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.10. - *NES*

    VII.10.1. - Mario is Missing!

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario is Missing! July 1993

    Japan Mario is Missing! 1983

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser.
    Ending description:

    Luigi storms in beats Bowser, grabs the key, frees Mario. 'Thank You'
    shows up at the top of the screen as does your final score.

    Boss and Final Images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/nes/a/mim.htm

    -The above ending description is by Jelly Soup.-


    VII.10.2. - Yoshi


    Yoshi is an action puzzle game starring Mario's dinosaur buddy
    Yoshi, and other familiar characters like Little Goomba and
    Blooper. Once again, Mario is going to have to battle away to
    save Yoshi, who is imprisoned in an egg. Match the
    egg shells to release Yoshi and score big points! ]

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Yoshi 1992

    Japan Yoshi no Tomago 12/14/91

    Europe Mario & Yoshi 12/10/92

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat all the stages on HIGH.
    Ending description:

    Nothing really. You just get a higher speed/difficulty level to play the
    game at.

    -The above ending description is by *Requested To Remain Anonymous*.-


    VII.10.3. - Dr. Mario

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Dr. Mario 1990

    Japan Dr. Mario 7/27/90

    Europe Dr. Mario 6/27/91

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.10.4. - Mario's Time Machine

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Mario's Time 4/23/94
    America Machine

    Number or endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: -Beat Bowser.
    Ending description:

    Mario kicks the crap out of Bowser, takes the key and frees Yoshi. Yoshi
    thanks Mario and a picture appears. The picture has Mario doing the peace
    sign, Yoshi looking happy and Bowser crying like a little baby. The music
    starts up and the credits roll.

    Boss and Final Images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/nes/a/mariotime.htm

    -The above ending description is by Jelly Soup.-


    VII.10.5. - Kart Fighter

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Kart Fighter ??/??/??

    Number of Endings: 12(?)
    How ending is obtained: -Win a match with each fighter(?).
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.10.6. - Wrecking Crew

    |Release Data\
    ___________ ________________ _________________
    | Country | - | Name of Game | - | Date Released |
    ----------- ---------------- -----------------
    North Wrecking Crew 1985

    Japan Wrecking Crew 6/18/85

    Europe Wrecking Crew 10/15/87

    Number of Endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.11. - *Arcade*

    VII.11.1. - Vs. Dr. Mario

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.11.2. - Vs. Wrecking Crew

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.11.3. - Mario Kart Arcade GP

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.12. - *GameBoy Color*

    VII.12.1. - Mario Golf

    Number of Endings: 2
    How ending is obtained: Fake ending - Beat the Link Tournament.
    Real ending - Beat the Peach Tournament.
    Ending description:

    After you beat Link's Tournament and Link in a match game, all the club
    champions come out and talk. Then some credits role. After you beat
    Peach's Tournament it shows the picture of the character you chose with
    a trophy. After that the credits role again, but this time they are

    -The above ending description is by Tony Bowen (World of Nintendo).-

    Last Images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/gbc/a/mariogolf.htm


    VII.12.2. - Mario Tennis

    Number of endings: 4
    How ending is obtained: Beat the guy you face at the final match at the
    Island open; Singles.
    Beat the guy previously mentioned and his fat
    brother at the same place; Doubles.
    Beat Mario in Mario Land.
    Beat Mario and Peach in Mario Land
    Ending description:

    Ending 1:

    After you beat the hardest guy (yes, Mario is easier than this guy) in
    the game, you will reapprear from a black screen at an award ceremony.
    Some dialog goes on, (forget what they say) and you will regain control
    of your character. Walk around, if you want, or just walk up. Then the
    award ceremony starts, and the credits roll. A picture of your character
    holding a trophy shows on the screen, then a To be continued... screen
    pops up, and you go back to the title screen.

    Ending 2:

    The only difference between this and the first ending is the fact that
    your partner is with you. The two endings are fundamentally the same.

    Ending 3:

    After beating Mario...I forget but the credits DO roll, with clips of
    gameplay footage, possibly done by you, roll, along with an interesting
    clip with...(SPOILERS!)your character rapidly swinging his or her racket.
    Then, he/she looks out towards the lake and jumps REALLY HIGH at the
    sight of the pond spirit( 0_o wait POND spirit? that's fairly redundant,
    IMO). Then, a CONGRADULATIONS screen shows up, and then you're back at
    the title screen.

    Ending 4:

    Similar to Ending 3 except for your partner and Peach being in it.

    -Thanks to leedude462002@yahoo.com for this.-


    Additional Information:

    Ok, leedude462002@yahoo.com couldn't remember most of the character names.
    Anyone wanna fill me in?


    VII.12.3. - Mario Family

    Number of endings: Zero to the tenth power.
    How ending is obtained: Run out of fabric/FIRE ZE MISSILES!!!!/Post LUEshi/
    Turn off the game.

    OK! This isn't really a game. Its a game cartrage with loaded with patterns
    that you can embroider using a special Gameboy sewing machine, the
    JN-100 and JN-2000.

    -The above ending description is by Jelly Soup, with help from qqwref
    (gamefaqs) who wrote the FAQ that pointed me in the right direction.-


    VII.13. - *VirtualBoy*

    VII.13.1. - Mario Clash

    Number of endings: 0(?)
    How ending is obtained: Die of old age/stop playing.
    Ending description: By all indications, this game has no end and is nothing
    but a 3-d version of Mario Bros.

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VII.14. - *CD-i*

    VII.14.1. - Mario Hotel

    STORY: [ It's a dark day in the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario and Luigi have come
    to visit their friend Princess Toadstool, only to discover that the
    Princess has been kidnapped by Bowser, King of the evil Koopaling

    Bowser has turned the beautiful Mushroom Kingdom into a personal
    resort for himself and his seven Koopaling children. Each Koopaling
    has taken over a hotel in the Kingdom. To top it off, Bowser has
    challenged Mario and Luigi to save the princess from the
    Koopaling's clutches.

    Beware of the Koopalings and their nasty pals as they try to
    stop Mario and Luigi from searching the seven hotels. Mario and
    Luigi have to use their ability to jump and stomp --- and
    throw fireballs --- to avoid or defeat these enemies. It's up
    to Mario and Luigi to outsmart the Koopalings' clever traps. ]

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).

    Additional Information:

    From: violet_yoshi@hellokitty.com:

    I don't recall much about this game, except it really had nothing to do with
    the standard idea of a Mario game. I read on a site that the system was to be
    a joint venture between Nintendo and Sony, then Nintendo changed their mind.
    So Sony made the system, and Nintendo let it used their liscenced characters
    on some of the games.
    I think it was something where u avoided goombas, by running through
    hotel doors. As I said, I really don't remember much of the game, other
    than there was a power-up that made Mario or Luigi (unless Luigi wasn't a
    part of the game, was there a 2 player mode?) turn really pretty rainbow
    colors. I mean, in a more smooth manner unlike the invincibility stars in
    the Nintendo games, which made Mario/Luigi change colors so fast it was
    enough to keep people prone to seizures from playing the game. Not that
    you should play video games if you're prone to seizures, but I'm not and
    if I look at Mario for awhile it makes me mighty dizzy.

    -The above was by violet_yoshi@hellokitty.com.-


    VII.15. - *64DD*

    VII.15.1. - Mario Artist (Series)

    Number of endings: None that we know of.

    Ok, first off, this series is made up of four diffrent games:

    Mario Artist: Communication Kit
    Mario Artist: Paint Studio
    Mario Artist: Polygon Studio
    Mario Artist: Talent Studio.

    These games were never released in the USA, nor was the 64DD. The Mario
    Artist series was basicly an advanced version of Mario Paint.

    The Communication Kit allowed the player to connect to a special 64DD
    network and share their art work.

    Talent Studio was a movie making studio that came with a special device
    called the Nintendo 64 Capture Cartridge.

    Paint Studio was Mario Paint with a kick in the ass. It came with a N64
    mouse. By using the Nintendo 64 Capture Cartridge, a person could take
    screen shots from videos and pics from the GameboyCamera and edit them.

    Polygon Studio was the same as Talent Studio, but in 3-D (polygons, like
    the N64).


    VII.16. - *GameBoy*

    VII.16.1. - Mario & Yoshi

    Number of endings: 1
    How ending is obtained: Beat all the stages on HIGH.
    Ending description: Nothing really. You just get a higher
    speed/difficulty level to play the game at.

    -The above ending description is by *Requested To Remain Anonymous*.-


    VII.16.2. - Dr. Mario

    Number of endings: 3
    How ending is obtained: One ending per difficulty setting.
    Ending description:


    The three Viruses are sitting at the bottom of a lake. The word
    Congradulations! flashes on screen.


    The three Viruses are sitting at the bottom of a lake when a shell fish
    floats by. The word Congradualations! flashes on screen.


    The three Viruses are sitting at the bottom of a lake. The word
    Congradualtions! flashes on screen. A spaceship floats above the water
    and starts to beam the Viruses up. Then a big fish floats by and eats
    them. The spaceship gives chase.

    Boss and final images: http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/gb/b/drmar.htm

    -The above ending description was by Jelly Soup.-


    VII.16.3. - Mario's Picross

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.16.4. - Picross 2

    Number of endings: ?
    How ending is obtained: ?
    Ending description: If you have one/know where I can find one, please
    e-mail me (you will be credited).


    VII.17. - *Wii*

    VII.17.1. - Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    -This game has not been released yet.-


    VII.17.2. - Mario Strikers Charged

    -This game has not been released yet.-


    VIII. - Multi-Platform Titles - Games that are on more than 3 systems with
    next to no change in ending (amongst other

    -Under Construction-


    IX. - Cameos - Games that Mario or Mario related characters or objects have
    been sited in.

    VIII.1. - Pinball

    Systems: NES - Pinball
    E-reader - Pinball-e
    Gamecube - Pinball (Animal Crossing)


    Mario and Pauline make a cameo appearance in the Bonus



    - Same as NES version.



    - Same as NES version.

    -Thanks to dsmckenna@earthlink.net for informing me that Pinball was also
    in Animal Crossing.-


    VIII.2. - Tennis

    Systems: NES - Tennis
    E-reader - Tennis-e
    VirtualBoy - Mario's Tennis
    Gamecube - Tennis (Animal Crossing)
    Gameboy - Tennis


    - Mario makes a cameo as the umpire.



    - Same as NES version.



    - Same as NES version.



    - Same as NES version.



    - Same as NES version.

    -Thanks to dsmckenna@earthlink.net for informing me that Tennis was also
    in Animal Crossing.-


    VIII.3. - Game & Watch Gallery (series)

    Systems: Gameboy - Game & Watch Gallery
    GBC - Game & Watch Gallery 2, Game & Watch Gallery 3
    GBA - Game & Watch Gallery 4

    Game & Watch Gallery:

    - Mario dances around the title screen.
    Modern Manhole - Yoshi is the character the you control.
    - Toad, Donkey Kong jr. and Mario are the people that run
    across the screen.
    Modern Fire - Mario and Luigi are the characters you control.
    - Toad, Baby Yoshi and Donkey Kong jr. are that characters that
    jump from the window.
    Modern Octopus - Mario is the diver you play as.
    - Peach is the boat driver.
    Modern Oil Panic - Mario is the guy you play as (to catch the oil).
    - Yoshi is the guy who hangs around out side the window
    to catch the oil Mario throws out.
    - Bowser is the one pouring the oil.
    - Donkey Kong jr. is sitting in the grass on the lower
    left hand side of the screen.
    - Luigi is sitting in the grass on the lower right hand
    side of the screen.

    Game & Watch Gallery 2:

    Modern Parachute - Mario is the one in the row boat.
    - The character Mario is trying to catch is Toad, Yoshi
    and Donkey Kong jr.
    - CheapCheap is the fish in the water.
    Modern Helmet - The character you play as is Mario.
    - Losing all your lives in stage one and then selecting
    try again will let you play as Wario.
    - The character that is droping crap on your head is a
    - In later levels, Thwamp will try to crush you.
    Modern Chef - The chefs found on either side of the screen are Mario and
    - Peach is the chef you are playing as.
    - Yoshi follows Peach around eating the leftovers.

    Modern Vermin - The character you play as is Yoshi.
    - The vermin are Flyguys and Paratroopers
    Modern Donkey Kong - The character you play as is Mario.
    - As you may have guessed, Donkey Kong is the bad guy.
    Modern Ball - The character your playing as is Yoshi.
    - The balls are actually Yoshi eggs.

    Game & Watch Gallery 3:

    Modern Egg - The character you play as in Yoshi.
    - The eggs are cookies from Yoshi's Cookie.
    - Every now and then, Chef Mario will poke his head out from
    one of the four doors.

    Modern Greenhouse - Yoshi is the character you play as.
    - The bad guys attacking the flowers are Flyguys and
    monkey dudes (anyone know the name?).
    Modern Turtle Bridge - Toad is the character you play as.
    - Mario is on the far left (pick up), Peach is on
    the far right (drop off).
    - The platforms are actually Goony Birds.
    - The items Toad is delivering are Super Mushrooms
    and Yoshi Eggs.
    Modern Mario Bros. - The Team you play as is Mario on the right and
    Luigi on the left.
    - Bowser plays the role of 'boss' in this version.
    - The truck driver is Wario.
    - Intrestingly, this game is actually Mario Bros. II.
    Modern Donkey Kong jr. - Guess who you play as? Donkey Kong jr!
    - The object of the game is to rescue your dad
    (Donkey Kong) from the cage Mario put him in.
    - Many diffrent bad guys show up here: Goomba,
    Bullet Bill and Clap Clap (did I miss any?).

    Game & Watch Gallery 4:

    Modern Boxing - Luigi is the character you play as.
    - Your opponents are Wiggler, Walugi and Big Boo.
    Modern Rain Shower - You play as Mario.
    - Bowser is the one throwing the water balloons.
    - The people in the baskests are Luigi, Wario and Yoshi.
    - Every now and then, Walugi will poke his head out on
    the far right and mess with the line.
    Modern Mario's Cement Factory - You play as Mario.
    - The bottom left hand baker is Yoshi.
    - The bottom right hand baker is Toad.
    - Every now and then, a Boo will pop on
    - The dough turns into cookies from
    Yoshi's Cookie when dropped to the baker.
    Modern Donkey Kong jr. - Guess who you play as? Donkey Kong jr!
    - The object of the game is to rescue your dad
    (Donkey Kong) from the cage Mario put him in.
    - Many diffrent bad guys show up here: Goomba,
    Bullet Bill and Clap Clap (did I miss any?).
    Modern Donkey Kong 3 - On the left is Donkey Kong, the right is Mario.
    - The idea is to use the water to blast the Boos
    at the other guy.
    Modern Fire - Mario and Luigi are the team you play as.
    - The characters jumping out of the building are Toad, Baby
    Yoshi and Donkey Kong jr.
    Modern Chef - You play as Peach, with Yoshi following her around.
    - The chefs on either side of the screen are Mario and

    Modern Mario Brothers - Mario and Luigi are the team you play as.
    - Bowser plays the role of boss.
    - Wario drives the truck.

    Modern Donkey Kong - Now, who do you think you play as? Yeah, Mario.
    - Donkey Kong, yeah, you all know already.

    Modern Octopus - You play as Mario.
    - Peach sails the boat.

    -Thanks to the_3000th_flare@yahoo.com for the addition to Modern Manhole
    on Gallery 1.-


    VIII.4. - Animal Crossing

    Systems: Gamecube - Animal Crossing
    N64 - Animal Forest/Animal Forest Plus (Japan ONLY)
    DS - Animal Crossing: Wild World



    Mario Trophy - A gold trophy of Mario.
    Luigi Trophy - A silver trophy of Luigi.
    Starman - One of the stars from Super Mario Bros. that made Mario
    invincible. Clicking on this item will make your character
    flash and the old 'invincible Mario' theme play.
    Flagpole - The flagpole from Super Mario Bros. at the end of each level.
    Clicking on this item makes the 'sliding' sound from the
    original Super Mario Brothers.
    Super Mushroom - One of the mushrooms that makes Mario big in Super
    Mario Bros. Clicking on it makes the 'Mario grow' sound
    from the original Super Mario Brothers.
    Fire Flower - Who doesn't remember this? Its the flower that gives
    Mario the ability to shoot fire balls. Clicking on this
    item makes the 'fireball spit' sound.
    ? Block - The blocks found in various Mario games that contain various
    Brick Block - Blocks found all around Super Mario Bros.
    Cannon - The cannons that shoot Bullet Bills. Clicking on this item will
    make the Bullet Bill fire sound.
    Green Pipe - The pipes that can be found in various Mario games.
    Clicking on this item will make the going down pipe sound.
    Coin - The coins from various Mario games. Clicking on this item will
    make the coin collect sound.
    Block Flooring - Resembles the block walls found in Super Mario Bros. 3.
    Super Mario Brothers - A port of the NES classic.
    Mushroom Mural - The background found in most of the levels in the NES
    Super Mario Bros.
    Koopa Shell - A green Koopa Troopa shell.
    Autumn Medal - A coin with Marios face on it (much like the one you see at
    the start of Mario All-Stars).
    Spring Medal - A coin with Marios face on it (much like the one you see at
    the start of Mario All-Stars).
    Punchout - A port of the NES classic (the ref is Mario).
    Wario's Woods - A port of the NES classic.
    Apple TV - It plays theme from the Valley of Bowser in Super Mario World.
    Big Bros. Shirt - A red shirt with a red M in the middle, much like Mario's
    Lil' Bros. Shirt - A green shirt with a green L in the middle, much like
    Luigi's hat.
    Toad Print - Resembles the Toad Hats (in reverse).
    Tennis - A port of the NES classic (the ref is Mario).
    Pinball - A port of the NES classic (Mario and Pauline appear in the Bonus
    Donkey Kong - A port of the NES classic (you play as Mario AKA Jump Man).
    Donkey Kong jr. - A port of the NES classic (the bad guy who captured
    Donkey Kong is Mario AKA Jump man).


    Kapp'n - One of his songs makes a refrence to Mario.
    Rover the cat - When you start a new game, sometime, when hes calling Tom
    Nook, he will start the conversation with "Hey, it's-a me!"
    Alfonso - His catchphrase is "it's-a me".
    Scared villager - Sometimes, when you come up behind a villager at night and
    talk to them, they will respond with "Great galloping
    Gulliver - He will sometimes talk about a 'Mary in Toad Town'.

    Other stuff:

    The special rock - Once a day, there will be a rock in your town that will
    drop a bell bag when hit. Hit this rock three times and
    the Super Mario '1-Up' soundFX will sound.
    Passwords - Some of the passwords make refrences to Mario and Mario related
    Storage - Some storage items in other animals houses will display the text
    "What are Luigi's clothes doing in here?" when clicked on.



    Unknown at this time. The GCN version is a port of this one, so I assume
    the cameos would be the same.




    1-Up Mushroom - I think we all know what this is. It makes the 'extra
    life' soundFX when clicked.
    Arcade Machine - Features small pics of Mario and Luigi fighting.
    Big Bro's Hat - A cap that resembles Mario's hat.
    Big Bro Mustache - A mustache that resembles Mario's mustache.
    Big Bro's Shirt - A red shirt with a red M in the middle, much like
    Mario's hat.
    Block Floor - A carpet that resembles a pattern of brick blocks.
    Brick Block - A block found all over the Mushroom Kingdom.
    Cannon - One of the Bullet Bill cannons. When clicked, it makes the
    'pow' soundFX.
    Coin - The coins from various Mario games. Clicking on this item will
    make the coin collect sound.
    Fire Flower - Again, we should all know what this is.
    Flagpole - Ditto.
    Green Pipe - Double Ditto.
    Koopa Shell - Triple Ditto.
    Li'l Bro's Hat - A cap that resembles Luigis hat.
    Li'l Bro's Shirt - A green shirt with a green L in the middle, much like
    Luigi's hat.
    Mushroom Mural - Wallpaper that resembles the backdrop in Super Mario
    Pinball Machine - Has the same face plate as the Super Mario Bros.
    pinball table.
    SMB3 Paper - Stationary that resembles the title screen of Super Mario
    Brothers 3. And it kicks massive amounts of ass.
    Starman - Obvious.
    Super Mushroom - Also Obvious.
    Toad Parasol - Resembles the Toad Hats (in reverse).
    Toad Shirt - Resembles the Toad Hats (in reverse).


    K. K. Song - A remix of a melody found in Mario Paint and Yoshi's Story.

    -Thanks to Xena1975 (GameFAQs) for the DS Big Bro's Hat and Li'l Bro's
    -Thanks to beelseel for the Storage cameos.-


    VIII.5. - Mega Man Battle Network 3

    System: GBA - Mega Man Battle Network 3

    - Mario's trademark red hat and blue overalls are hanging up at Yai's house
    in ACDC town. If you look closely, you can even see the white circle on
    the front of the hat. The description reads, "It's a simple design, and
    the fabric won't tear or get dirty".


    VIII.6. - Alleyway

    System: Gameboy - Alleyway


    - Mario jumps onto the paddle when you start the game.
    - Block formations in Bonus Stage 03 and Stages 16 - 18 are shaped like
    Mario's head.
    - Block formation in Bonus Stage 06 is shaped like a Koopa Troopa.
    - Block formation in Bonus Stage 09 is shaped like a Bloober.
    - Block formation in Bonus Stage 12 is shaped like a Piranha Plant.
    - Block formation in Bonus Stage 15 is shaped like a Bullet Bill.
    - Block formation in Bonus Stage 18 is shaped like a Goomba.
    - Block formation in Bonus Stage 21 is shaped like a Cheep-Cheep.
    - Block formation in Bonus Stage 24 is shaped like Bowser.


    VIII.7. - Baseball

    System: Gameboy - Baseball


    - Mario is one of the pitchers for the Bears.
    - Luigi is one of the pitchers for the Eagles.


    VIII.8. - Donkey Kong Land 2

    System: Gameboy - Donkey Kong Land 2

    - At the end of the game, you are ranked on how well you did, on a table
    from 1 - 3. Mario and Yoshi are on this table.


    VIII.9. - F-1 Race

    System: Gameboy - F-1 Race


    - When you are driving to Course 2, Toad waves to you.
    - When you are driving to Course 3, Luigi waves to you.
    - When you are driving to Course 4, Princess Toadstool waves to you.
    - When you are driving to Course 6, Mario waves to you.
    - During the ending, Bowser waves to you.


    VIII.10. - Game Boy Camera

    - Mario dances on the title screen.
    - Some of the hidden pictures are Mario related:
    - Mario
    - Wario
    - Luigi and Peach
    - Baby Wario
    - Boo
    - Toad
    - Mario and Donkey Kong
    - Mario with Wings

    -Thanks to Punisher (GameFAQs) for some of these.-


    VIII.11. - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening/DX

    System: Gameboy - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
    Gameboy Color - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX


    - Mario makes a cameo as Tarin.
    - Chain Chomp makes a cameo as BowWow.
    - Wart makes a cameo as Mamu.
    - Yoshi makes a cameo as the Yoshi Doll.
    - Croco makes a cameo as Sale.
    - Goomba makes a cameo as one of the monsters.
    - If you hang out in Richard's Villa long enough, the Mario Paint theme
    will play.
    - The monster Spiked Beetle resembles a Spiny.
    - The picture that the goat sends to Mr. Write is of Princess Peach.


    Gameboy Color:

    - Same as Gameboy version.
    - Some people have been saying that the Camera guy is Squeek.


    VIII.12. - Pokmon

    System: Gameboy - Pokemon Red/Blue/Green/Yellow
    N64 - Pokemon Stadium 2


    - Some people have been saying that Paras is a refrence to Mario. Other
    than the mushroom thing, Paras, like Mario, is short, wide and red.
    - Some people have been saying that Breloom is a refrence to Luigi. Other
    than the mushroom thing, Breloom, like Luigi, is tall, thin and green.

    Gameboy: (Red/Blue/Green/Yellow)

    - At various points in the game (the Mimic Girls room and Your room are
    the most popular), youll see an SNES in front of a TV. Walk and click
    on it. The words A game with MARIO wearing a bucket on his head! will
    appear. This is a reference to Mario & Wario.
    - Way back when, EGM (a gaming magazine) ran an April Fools joke about
    how to turn a Dragonite into a Yoshi. There are still people who
    believe that its possible to gain Yoshi as a Pokemon.

    N64: (Pokemon Stadium 2)

    - When you get a game console (room item) and place it in your room, it
    will make the TV show diffrent games. Each system will show a diffrent
    set of games:
    N64: Super Mario 64, Wave Race, Zelda 64, Starfox 64
    SNES: Super Mario World, Kirby Super Star, F-Zero, The Legend of Zelda:
    A Link to the Past
    NES: Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., Kirby's Adventure, The Legend of

    -Thanks to DaDuke2000 (gamefaqs) for the Paras/Breloom thing.-


    VIII.13. - Qix

    System: Gameboy - Qix


    Depending on how high your score is, the ending will show Mario in diffrent

    - If your score is lower than 100,000, Mario is shown playing a guitar in
    the desert.
    - If your score is higher than 200,000, Mario is shown hunting in a loin
    - If your score is higher than 250,000, Mario is shown bull fighting.
    - If you score is higher than 300,000, Mario is shown charming a snake.
    - In 2 player mode, the person who starts the game is Team Mario and the
    other guy is Team Luigi.


    VIII.14. - Tetris

    System: Gameboy - Tetris
    NES - Tetris


    - The person who starts the game is Mario and the other guy if Luigi. The
    character then appears in the upper right-hand corner during game play.



    - Beat B-Type game on Level 9, Height 5. While your score is being added up,
    you will see Bowser, Mario, Luigi, Princess Toadstool and Donkey Kong
    standing around.


    VIII.15. - EarthBound

    Systems: NES - Mother (Japan ONLY)
    SNES - EarthBound (Mother 2 in Japan ONLY)


    - An NPC in Twinkle Elementary School says "Have you played Super Mario
    Bros. 7? I'm still playing Super Mario Bros. 3. It's been quite a
    challenge for me."



    - The arcade in Onett has several Donkey Kong arcade sets.
    - The two lead singers for the Runaway Five resemble Mario and Luigi. One
    is short, fat and wears red. The other is tall, thin and wears green.

    -Thanks to Knexdude121@aol.com for the Runaway Five thing.-


    VIII.16. - Maniac Mansion

    Systems: NES - Maniac Mansion


    - Five notes are played when you turn on a video game. These are the first
    five notes of the Super Mario theme.


    VIII.17. - Punch Out!!/Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!

    Systems: NES - Punch Out!!/Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
    Gamecube - Punch Out!! (Animal Crossing)


    - Mario is the ref.



    Same as NES version.


    VIII.18. - F-Zero X

    Systems: N64 - F-Zero X

    - The character Dr. EAD resembles Mario and has a Starman belt buckle.


    VIII.19. - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

    Systems: N64 - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
    Gamecube - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
    (Zelda Collector's Edition/Bonus Disk)


    - On the back of the Happy Mask salesman's backpack is a Mario mask.
    - The character Talon resembls Mario.
    - The Gorman brothers all resemble Luigi.
    - Romani and Creamia are wearing Bowers medalions
    - The character Creamia resembls Peach.



    Same as N64 version.


    VIII.20. - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    Systems: N64 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    iQue - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    Gamecube - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    (Zelda Collector's Edition/Bonus Disk)


    - In the castle courtyard, the wall that is visable through the window on
    the right (as you enter) has pictures of Mario, Peach, Yoshi, Bowser and
    Luigi hanging on it.
    - The character Talon resembls Mario.
    - The character Ingo resembls Luigi.
    - The character Malon resembls Peach.
    - The character Sharp is remanicent of Mario (short, fat, wears red).
    - The character Flat is remanicent of Luigi (tall, thin, wears green).
    - Ingo, Talon and Malon are all wearing Bowser medallions.



    Same as N64 version.



    Same as N64 version.

    -Thanks to happyjoe5 for the Sharp/Flat look-a-like thing.-


    VIII.21. - PilotWings 64

    Systems: N64 - PilotWings 64


    - Mario's face is on Mount Rushmore.
    - Shooting/hitting Mario will change him into Wario.


    VIII.22. - 1080 Avalanche

    Systems: Gamecube - 1080 Avalanche


    - At the end of Angel Light: Midnight City is an ice statue of Mario.
    - On the bottom of Ricky Winterborn's boars, 8-Bit Soul, is a sprite of
    Mario from Super Mario All-Stars.
    - The special board Old School makes sounds from Super Mario Brothers


    VIII.23. - F-Zero GX

    Systems: Gamecube - F-Zero GX


    - The character Mr. EAD resembles Mario and wears a Starman belt buckle.
    - In Garage mode, one of the emblem sets you can use to customize your
    racer is all Mario related.


    VIII.24. - Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

    Systems: Gamecube - Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes


    - On top of one of the broken computers found in the game will be a
    Mario and Yoshi figurine. Shooting Mario will make the 1-Up sound and
    you will recover some health. Shooting Yoshi will make the Yoshi sound.


    VIII.25. - Donkey Kong Country

    Systems: SNES - Donkey Kong Country


    - In the games opening, Cranky Kong is shown on top of set that resembles
    the first stage of the original Donkey Kong while the original Donkey
    Kong theme plays.


    VIII.26. - Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest

    Systems: SNES - Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest


    - At the end of the game, Cranky Kong takes you to his Cranky's Video Game
    Heroes room. Inside, we find Yoshi and Mario in first and second place.
    Also in this room is Link, Earthworm Jim's blaster and Sonic's shoes.


    VIII.27. - Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble

    Systems: SNES - Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble

    - Sometimes when you visit Wrinkly Kong she will be playing N64. The music
    from her tv is that of a level from Super Mario 64.


    VIII.28. - Kirby Super Star

    Systems: SNES - Kirby Super Star


    - In the background of Dedede's arena and in the Megaton Punch mini-game,
    you can see Mario, Luigi, Toad, Birdo and Little Nipper cheering.
    - In the game The Great Cave Offencive, some of the treasures are items
    from Mario games:
    - Gold Medal - Coins found in some Mario games.*
    - Bucket - The bucket Wario used in Mario & Wario.
    - Turtle Shell - A Koopa shell.
    - Kong's Barrel - A barrel from the Donkey Kong series.
    - In the credits for Milky Way Wishes, the heading Executive Producer has
    Mario standing next to it.
    - When Kirby uses the stone power, sometimes he will turn into a statue of

    *This is a debatable point. This coin model wasnt used in Mario games
    until Super Mario 64 and Kirby Super Star was made long before then, so
    this specific coin might not be from any Mario game. Then again, there
    were references to Zelda 64 (which was in the planning stages when Links
    Awakening was released) in Links Awakening, so this might be something


    VIII.29. - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

    Systems: SNES - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
    GBA - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past


    - Some of the houses found throught the game have a picture of Mario
    hanging on the back wall.
    - Some dungeons have enemies that resemble Chain Chomps.
    - Some dungeons have enemies that resemble Bob-bombs (are are called
    Bob-bombs, too).



    Same as SNES version.


    VIII.30. - SimCity

    Systems: SNES - SimCity


    - When you reach a popluation of 500,000+, you will be rewarded with a
    statue of Mario.
    - One of the bonus scenarios, Freeland, has a forest that is in the shape
    of Mario's head.
    - One of the Natural Disasters is Bowser destroying everything.

    As far as I know, the above is exclusive to the SNES version.


    VIII.31. - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

    Systems: Gamecube - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker


    - The character Mako resembles Professor E.Gadd.
    - The character Garrickson resembles Mario.
    - The character Carlov resembles Luigi.
    - The character Maggie's Father (rich version) is wearing a suit that
    resembles Fire Mario's outfit.


    VIII.32. - NBA Street V3

    Systems: Gamecube - NBA Street V3

    - Mario, Luigi and Peach are all playable characters.


    VIII.33. - World Heroes 2

    Systems: NES - World Heroes 2

    - Mario is one of the fighters.
    - Bowser is one of the fighters.


    VIII.34. - Mari Street Fighter III Turbo

    Systems: NES - Mari Street Fighter III Turbo

    - Two of the fighters are Mario.


    VIII.35. - Rock Roll 3M

    Systems: NES - Rock Roll 3M

    - Mario is the character you play as (more or less).

    Note: This game is just an illegal hack of the game Armadillo.


    VIII.36. - Super Bros. 6

    Systems: NES - Super Bros. 6

    - Mario is the cahracter you play as (more or less).

    Note: This game is just an illegal hack of the game Tiny Toons Adventures.


    VIII.37. - Advent Rising

    Systems: Xbox - Advent Rising

    - Various Mario-like Warp Zones hidden in the game.
    - The above Warp Zones have the theme from Mario Bros. playing in the


    VIII.38. - Nintendogs (Series)

    Systems: DS - Nintendogs: Chihuahua and Friends
    - Nintendogs: Dachshund and Friends
    - Nintendogs: Labrador and Friends
    - Nintendogs: Best Friends

    Various items that your dog can play with are from everyones favorite

    - Bowwow Ball - Ball resembling the ball & chain like enemy from various
    Mario games.
    - Mushroom - Need I say more?
    - ? Block - Generic item block found in many Mario games.
    - Mario Kart - A small toy car modeled after Mario from the Mario Kart
    series. Also plays the Mario Circuit theme when played with.
    - Bowser Kart - A small toy car modeled after a Koopa Troopa from the
    Mario Kart series. Also plays the main castle theme from
    Mario & Luigi: SSS/Mario RPG.
    - Peach Kart - A small toy car modeled after Peach from the Mario Kart
    series. Also plays the Peach Beach theme.
    - Mario's Theme Box - Plays Mario music (anyone know what song it is?).

    I think I might have missed a few. Anyone?


    VIII.39. - Picross NP

    Systems: SNES - Picross NP Vol. 2
    - Picross NP Vol. 6
    - Picross NP Vol. 7

    SNES: (Picross NP Vol. 2)

    - Character Level; Puzzle B is a Cheep-Cheep.
    - Character Level; Puzzle C is Poochy.
    - Character Level; Puzzle D is a Yoshi Egg.
    - Character Level; Puzzle E is a Blooper.
    - Character Level; Puzzle G is a Yoshi.
    - Character Level; Puzzle H is a Shy-Guy.
    - Character Level; Puzzle K is a Big Boo.
    - Character Level; Puzzle L is Baby Bowser.

    SNES: (Picross NP Vol. 6)

    - Character Level; Puzzle A is a Gooba.
    - Character Level; Puzzle C is Toad.
    - Character Level; Puzzle D is a Lakitu.
    - Character Level; Puzzle E is Princess Peach.
    - Character Level; Puzzle G is a Koopa Troopa.
    - Character Level; Puzzle H is Mario.
    - Character Level; Puzzle L is Bowser.

    SNES: (Picross NP Vol. 7)

    - Character Level; Puzzle I is Captain Syrup.
    - Character Level; Puzzle J is Wario.

    -Thanks to *Wished to Remain Anonymous* for the above.-


    VIII.40. - Stunt Race FX

    Systems: SNES - Stunt Race FX

    - Mario sometimes shows up on signs in Speed Trax mode.
    - Luigi sometimes shows up on signs in Battle Trax mode.


    VIII.41. - Super Play Action Football

    Systems: SNES - Super Play Action Football

    - Mario shows up on the HEADS side of the toss up coin.
    - Mario's racoon tail shows up on the TAILS side of the toss up coin.


    VIII.42. - Super Scope 6

    Systems: SNES - Super Scope 6

    - In LazerBlazer type A, Mario will sometimes fly by, followed by a koopa.


    VIII.43. - The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

    Systems: GBA - The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

    - Some dungeons have enemies that resemble Chain Chomps.
    - Some dungeons have enemies that resemble Bob-bombs (are are called
    Bob-bombs, too).
    - The character Talon resembls Mario.
    - The character Gorman resembls Luigi.
    - Lakitu shows up as an enemy in the Wind Temple.
    - Yoshi Eggs show up as containers for Figurines.
    - The monster Spiked Beetle resembles a Spiny.


    VIII.44. - World of Warcraft

    Systems: PC/MAC - World of Warcraft

    - In Dun Morgoh, there are walking bomb-like monsters that resemble Bob-Ombs.
    - In Un'Goro Crater, there are two guys dressed like Mario and Luigi, named
    Larion and Muigin.
    - In Un'Goro Crater, there are gorilla monsters that throw Empty Barrels,
    just like good old Donkey Kong.
    - The item Red-Speckled Mushroom resembles the famous Mario mushroom.


    VIII.45. - Somari

    Systems: NES - Somari

    - Remember the hack of Super Mario World on the NES (waaaaaaaaaaaay back
    in the first parts of the FAQ)? Well, this is another hack that is more
    impressive than that. Basically, its a complete hack of Sonic the
    Hedgehog, but Sonic is replaced by Mario. Its something to behold, as
    Mario moves just about as fast as Sonic (from 16-bit to 8-bit).


    VIII.46. - Kirby's Dream Land

    Systems: Gameboy - Kirby's Dream Land

    - Scattered throughout the game are the ? Blocks from various Mario games.


    VIII.47. - Kirby's Dream Land 3

    Systems: SNES - Kirby's Dream Land 3

    - Several people have noticed that the character Gooey acts a lot like Yoshi.
    - One of the enemies that have the Needle ability resemble a Spiny (and,
    matter of fact, are called Spinys).


    VIII.48. - The Final Fantasy Adventure

    Systems: Gameboy - The Final Fantasy Adventure

    - The Chocobo Egg resembles a Yoshi Egg.


    VIII.49. - Banjo Tooie

    Systems: N64 - Banjo Tooie

    - Bottles' son, Goggles, is playing with a toy Donkey Kong.
    - Mario is mentioned by Loggo during a random conversation.


    VIII.50. - The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures

    Systems: Gamecube - The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures

    - CheepCheep make an appearance as underwater cave enemies.


    X. - Q&A - Answers to questions I'm frequntly e-mailed with and ones I see
    most often on the message boards.

    Q: Is it true that the american Super Mario Brothers 2 is a hacked version of
    the another game?
    A: Sort of. It's a legal hack of another game. The original Super Mario
    Brothers 2 was thought to be too hard for american gamers. So, a diffrent
    game was taken (a game called Doki Doki Panic), hacked into, the Doki
    Doki characters removed and replaced with Mario characters.

    For more info on this: http://www.classicgaming.com/tmk/smb2_ddp.shtml

    Q: Will you take release data for countries other than what is listed?
    A: Sure, send to me, Ill addem and credit you for the info.

    Q: Any Mario related merchandise you can recommend?
    A: Try here: http://www.wizzywig.com
    They had A LOT of Mario (and a few other classic games) stuff at Fanime
    2004/2005. As for the recommendation, they have giant Goomba plushies~

    Q: Why so much missing information?
    A: Some of this stuff I just don't have/can't find. A great deal of the time,
    I just forget to add in things that should be here. You gotta remember,
    each game I add has to have a story, an ending, a release date, system
    information, pics (if I can find them)....lots of stuff. I'm bound to
    forget something.

    Q: Hacked games?
    A: Games that were made illegally and sold illegally. MOST of these games
    are for the Famicom (the Japanies NES), but not all (such as Super
    Mario Brothers 2/Super Mario USA).

    Note: Im only listing hack games that have a physical presence. There are
    a lot of custom hacks on the internet these days. As far as this
    FAQ is concerned, those dont count.

    Q: Any 'off-brand' Mario games you'd recommend?
    A: Mario Forever. You can find it on download.com.

    Q: Do you add ANY game related to Mario?
    A: Sort of. If its in the GameFAQs database, then it will definitely be
    here. If its just some random, inconsequential hack, then no. Exceptions
    to this are hacks that have a physical form (a cartridge). Some are
    covered by GameFAQs, some are not.

    Q: Why add Yume Koujou Doki Doki Panic and The Great Giana Sisters?
    A: The Great Giana Sisters was made FROM Super Mario Brothers (which, at the
    time these games were made, was an amazing feat). Yume Koujou Doki Doki
    Panic was the precursor to Super Mario Brothers 2 (USA) and, in effect,
    The Lost Levels. It is my thought that they have a place here.

    Q: Whats your favorite Mario game?
    A: Paper Mario (series).

    Q: Why aren't you including Mario Baby/Baby Mario?
    A: It's not a Mario game. It's just a hack of the game Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa
    that was falsely named.


    XI. - E-mail Policy

    You may e-mail me if:

    - You see something here that is incorrect, please, feel free to e-mail it to
    me (you will be credited).
    - You see an ending description/game title/whatever that is missing (you will
    be credited).
    - You think you can describe an ending better than the one listed/know were
    I can find one (you will be credited).

    You may NOT e-mail me if:

    - You want to comment on the FAQ/my spelling/whatever in a bad/hateful way.
    - You want to bitch and moan about something or other. I don't care about
    your problems.

    Please don't:

    - Send me multipule e-mails. If you see several things wrong, send me ONE
    (1) e-mail with all the problems/corrections/submissions listed.

    A few things to remember when submitting information:

    - I will except game stories that came from the game manual ONLY. Nothing
    - This FAQ only covers the American endings.
    - If I can't read your e-mail, I will delete it. I don't care how rare your
    information is.

    To be credited, please enclose your username from one of the following sites:
    -Fungi Forums - http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/
    -G4tv Forum - http://forums.g4tv.com/
    -Gamefaqs - www.gamefaqs.com
    -GameSpot - www.gamespot.com
    -SuperMarioWiki - www.mariowiki.com
    -NeoSeeker - www.neoseeker.com
    -NSider - http://forums.nintendo.com/

    If a username from one of the above sites is not found, I will use your
    e-mail address to credit you (unless otherwise specified). If I'm going to
    credit you for any information sent to me, you will be e-mailed in advance
    (unless I forget...).

    You can reach me at:
    jellysoup [at] gmail [dot] com

    *Please title all e-mails 'Mario Series FAQ'.*


    XII. - Acknowledgements

    Credit goes to:


    - ASCII Generator - http://www.network-science.de/ascii/
    - G4tv.com Forum - http://forums.g4tv.com/
    - Nintendo Player - http://www.nesplayer.com
    - Super Mario Portal - http://www.marioportal.com/
    - Super Mario Wiki - http://www.mariowiki.com
    - Text-Image - http://www.text-image.com/
    - The Mushroom Kingdom - http://www.classicgaming.com/tmk/tmk.shtml
    - The Video Game Museum - http://www.vgmuseum.com/
    - Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
    - World of Nintendo - http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/


    - ReyVGM of Gamefaqs and The Video Game Museum for inspiring me to wright
    this FAQ.
    - All the hundreds of people that have sent me information (which makes up
    96% of this FAQ). If it wasnt for all of you, this guide wouldnt have
    gotten as far as it has.
    - MurasakiMuraki of gamefaqs for helping me with my Table of Contents
    (FAQ Version 3.9 - Current).


    XIII. - Other Ending FAQs

    Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal Endings FAQ by DSimpson

    F-Zero GX Ending FAQ by The Blue Blur

    King of Fighters '97 Ending FAQ by expensivegift:

    King of Fighters '98 Ending FAQ by KLantis:

    King of Fighters 2000 Ending FAQ by Hurricane Higashi:

    NES Game Endings FAQ by AdamL

    Various Ending FAQs by Basel:

    Various Ending FAQs by DJ Tigresa

    Various Ending FAQs by ReyVGM:

    Virtual Boy Game Endings FAQ by BHodges:


    End of Document.

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