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Czech DDR

Czech DDR je název pro občanské sdružení, které jsme postupem času založili tady u nás v České Republice. Jedná se o samostatné a dobrovolné sdružení zřízené podle zákona č. 83/1990 Sb. o sdružování občanů ve znění pozdějších předpisů a jeho hlavním účelem je sdružovat všechny, kteří mají rádi taneční hru jménem Dance Dance Revolution :o) Zatím nás není moc, ale rozrůstáme se! Czech DDR se považuje za otevřenou skupinu kam může vstoupit každý bez rozdílu věku, vzdělání, náboženského přesvědčení nebo povolání... každý, kdo si tuto taneční hru oblíbil.

Kdo stojí v čele, aneb na koho se obrátit

Jana Molnárová - Molík
Předseda sdružení
Mailová adresa zc.ynlov@kilom

Jaroslava Štefánková - S'Tsung
1. místopředseda
S'Tsung má na starosti především zahraniční spolupráci
Mailová adresa pj.oc.oohay@pjgnusts

Jan Smetana - Xsoft
2. místopředseda
Xsoft má na starosti především hospodářské věci
Mailová adresa zc.manzes@tfosx

ICO: 27016765
Bankovní spojení: 2308360001/2400
Datum založení: 31.11.2005

Kdo jsme, co podnikáme a kde nás najdete se dozvíte z těchto stránek, ale přeci jen malý návod:

Členové Czech DDR
Stanovy Czech DDR
Kalendář akcí
Czech DDR v médiích

Nejbližší valná hromada bude:

2. 12. 2006 (sobota) - Praha
7. 7. 2006 (patek) - Chotěbř - FF06
11. 2. 2006 (sobota) - Praha - Pragocon (Dejvice)

Tak a tady jsme my

Festival Fantazie 7. 7. 2005
Festival Fantazie 7. 7. 2005
Xmas sraz 29. 12. 2005
Xmas sraz 29. 12. 2005

Datum poslední modifikace definice 'czech_ddr':
01.11.2009 00:00
<< zpět na Czech DDR portal

DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

Dance Dance Revolution - USA (aka DDR US 2nd Mix)

(**Not to be confused with the Japanese Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix**)

FAQ by Ikari Gendou (igendou@hotmail.com)
Copyright 2000-2001 Benjamin Fields

Dance Dance Revolution is a copyright of Konami.
Bemani is a copyright of Konami.
Beatmania/HipHopMania is a copyright of Konami.

All Other Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized reproduction of this FAQ is prohibited except for the following:
* Hard copies to be posted at DDR Machines for viewing
* Hard copies for the viewing of a single party
* Hard copies to be distributed to other DDR fans
* Konami Officials (drop me a line though, please? :) )
Such reproduction is allowed within these rules:
* Modification of FAQ CANNOT take place
* Media Outlets are not authorized to reproduce FAQ w/o contacting
Benjamin Fields first for permission

Anything not explicitly listed above is denied.

Parties wishing to reproduce this FAQ outside the rules set forth are
required to contact Benjamin Fields via e-mail to file a request.

Parties violating the above terms of use will be subject to proceedings up to
and including legal action.

Reading of this FAQ confirms your consent to abide by the rights set forth.


Updated 04/03/2000

0.0 - Changes
0.5 - Notes, Credits, and Stuff To Be Added
1.0 - Dance Dance Revolution USA
1.1 - DDR USA - Arcade
1.1.1 - Changes from DDR US 1st Mix
1.1.2 - Beginner Mode
1.1.3 - Changing Difficulties
1.1.4 - Secret Codes
1.1.5 - Song List
1.1.6 - Internet Ranking
2.0 - Song Data (Difficulty)
3.0 - DDR USA - Home Version (Coming Later)
3.1 - Song List
3.2 - Price
4.0 - Links


0.0 Changes

v0.7 - Updated with some information on DDR USA for the PSX. Added the song
list and price information for pad/game.
v0.6 - Minor text edits and some reformatting of lines, nothing major.
Expect FAQ to stay this way while I compile lots of new information.
v0.5 - Added song level information
Edited scoring information
Added "Beginner Mode" information
Added "Change Difficulty" information
v0.4 - Woo! Finally got to play USA Mix.
v0.3 - Added copyright section, text edits.
Fixed mistake listing the fastest DDR song as Afronova. Thanks Nickel!
v0.2 - Fixed formatting to 80char length.
Moved links from section "0.5" to a new "3.0 Links" section.
Added a small section to section "1.1.1" describing the new interface.
v0.1 - Woo! It's published!

0.5 Notes, Credits, and Stuff To Be Added

* Dance Dance Revolution USA will be referred to as USA Mix or US 2nd.
* Dance Dance Revolution will be referred to as US 1st Mix or US 1st.
* There is ALWAYS more to add:
Beats Per Minute (BPM) for each song
Number of steps per song/difficulty
* This is my first attempt at writing an FAQ, be gentle.

1.0 Dance Dance Revolution USA

USA Mix is the new sequel to the hit game from Konami, Dance Dance
Revolution. The object of the game is simple, yet complex.

There is a stage with 8 arrows, 4 arrows per player, and one arrow for each
direction (up, down, left and right). The player then selects a song with
varying difficulty (the more feet, the harder), and starts dancing!

Arrows will scroll up from the bottom, and the player needs to step on the
corresponding arrow or arrows when they reach the top of the screen.

1.1 DDR USA - Arcade

With a slated release of October 2000, the new US 2nd will come in 2 flavors:
(Note these prices are not dead on accurate, but are round about correct from
what I have heard)
* $2,000~ - Upgrade kit for existing machines. Will include board to replace
current DDR board, game name paneling and side advert/info
* $12,000~ - Totally new machine. Need I say more? :)

1.1.1 Changes from US 1st Mix

A whole lot has changed from 1st Mix to USA Mix. There are missing songs, but
that will be discussed later.

* New Scoring System:
The days of scoring E-D-C-B-A-S-SS are gone in USA Mix. They have
been replaced with the newer 4th Mix / Solo Bass scoring system. Now there is

AAAA = SSS (This is from DDR 4rd Mix in Japan, a quad A means the
player has gotten all perfects)
AAA = SS (This means the player has obtained more perfects than
greats, but not enough for a AAAA)
AA = S (This means the player has scored a mix of perfects and

The A-B-C-D-E system represents a player that has scored a mix of
perfects, greats, goods, boos, and misses, with the number of boos and misses
getting higher and higher as the letters go down.

* New Difficulty And Play Modes:
In USA Mix the player could input codes for Basic, Trick, and Maniac
modes. Those have been renamed Standard, Difficult, and Expert.
There is a new mode that may make getting into DDR easier for new
players. There is a mode named "Beginner", where all songs are just 1 foot
(the easiest rank).
Also, the couple mode has been removed. No more alternating step
patterns between players 1 and 2 anymore. The options left are Single, Versus,
and Double. I guess KOA figures people were getting confused and reading the
wrong steps?

* New Interface
USA Mix will use the "interface" from DDR 3rd Mix.
Another change with the interface, will be that the backgrounds and
even the "groove" bar are more vibrant. Players have likened the 3rd Mix style
to a "rave" like setting.

1.1.2 Beginner Mode

To choose beginner mode, just select "Beginner" from the difficulty select
screen after you've chosen a song. The next screen will show your dancer
showing how to follow the arrows and when to step.
Then, the song starts. The songs are VERY dumbed down (think Have you Never
Been Mellow basic from US 1st Mix), and you get a top down view of the stage
with your dancer ontop pressing the correct panels.

1.1.3 Changing Difficulties

When you select a song from the list, you're next presented with 4 options
for difficulties:
*Beginner (see 1.1.2)

Just press the right yellow arrow to advance difficulties, and the left
yellow arrow to reduce difficulties. Expert is "hidden", as in you have to
press the right arrow 4 times to get to it.
The foot color will change from Blue/Yellow/Red/Green depending on the level.
The number of feet will also change depending on the level.

There is no "party" mode in USA Mix like there is in the import DDR 3rd.
What "party" mode means, is 2 players could play different difficulties on
the same song.

1.1.3 Secret Codes

To enable the following codes:
* Hidden (Steps dissapear half way up the screen)
* Sudden (Steps appear half way up the screen)
* Stealth (Steps are GONE and do not appear on screen)
Step this code on the stage:
* U,D,U,D
You can only choose 1 of the 3 codes. Keep entering the code and it will
switch between the 3.

For Left Mode (Steps are rotated 90 deg. left)
Step this code on the stage:
* Lx9 (IE, left 9 times)

For Right Mode (Steps are rotated 90 deg. right)
Step this code on the stage:
* Rx9 (IE, right 9 times)

For Mirror Mode (Steps are rotated 180 deg.)
Step this code on the stage:
* L,R,L,R,L,R,L,R

For Flat Mode (Steps are same color instead of the varying colors to show
offbeat steps)
Step this code on the stage:
* L,L,L,R,R,R,L,R

For Little Mode (Steps are all on beat during song)
Step this code on the stage:
* L,D,R,D,L

For Shuffle Mode (Steps are "random")
Step this code on stage:
* U,D,L,R,D,U,R,L

To cancel a code, just input the code again.

1.1.5 Song List

There are 26 songs in the new USA Mix, pulling from songs available in the
Japanese DDR 3rd & 2nd Mix. Listed below are the song names and difficulty
levels (stars denote holdover songs from US 1st Mix):

1. Dead End
2. Afronova
3. Paranoia Rebirth
4. Dynamite Rave
5. Put Your Faith In Me [**]
6. 20, November
7. Paranoia Clean Mix
8. Make It Better [**]
9. Brilliant-2-U [**]
10. Stomp To My Beat
11. Make A Jam
12. I Believe In Miracles
13. La Senorita
14. Boys
15. Keep On Moving
16. Let Them Move
17. So Many Men
18. Luv To Me
19. Jam Jam Reggae
20. Love This Feeling
21. End Of The Century
22. Trip Machine [**]
23. Trip Machine [luv mix]
24. Dub I Dub
25. El Ritmo Tropical
26. Silent Hill

As you can see, we've gained, but lost. The lost songs are Butterfly, along
with Boom Boom Dollar, AM-3P, Make It Better (So-Real Mix), Paranoia 180, Put
Your Faith In Me (Jazzy Groove), B2U Orchestral Groove, Mellow, and My Fire.
Some of the new songs to point out are the 2 mixes of Paranoia (might I add
that Paranoia Clean Mix is quite intense), and that Afronova is also the
2nd fastest song currently in the DDR series, clocking in just at or over 200
beats per minute!
(Side note, the fastest song in the DDR series is from the DDR Solo / 4th Mix,
called Drop Out, which is estimated at about 260bpm! -Thanks Nickel)

Some of the songs, like Jam Jam Reggae and Luv To Me, are in
the other Konami music game, Beatmania (aka HipHopMania).

1.1.5 Internet Ranking

How internet ranking works is fairly simple. The player will go and do their
set of songs. Then at the end, the machine will give you a number and pass-
word. The player will then go to to www.konami.com/arcade and enter in the
number and password.
There are just 2 problems with this. :)

* A player could get 3 quad-A's on the machine set for 3 songs, and still be
outranked by a player who was on a machine set for 5 songs, and got A's on
the 5 songs.
* So far the Konami site isn't even UP yet to input the codes.

2.0 Song Data (Difficulty)

This list is be arranged from the easiest basic song to the hardest basic.

El Ritmo Tropical
Standard - 2 Feet
Difficult - 6 Feet
Expert - 7 Feet

Silent Hill
Standard - 2 Feet
Difficult - 6 Feet
Expert - 7 Feet

Jam Jam Reggae
Standard - 2 Feet
Difficult - 7 Feet
Expert - 8 Feet

Put Your Faith In Me
Standard - 3 Feet
Difficult - 4 Feet
Expert - 6 Feet

So Many Men
Standard - 3 Feet
Difficult - 5 Feet
Expert - 6 Feet

Standard - 3 Feet
Difficult - 4 Feet
Expert - 7 Feet

Make A Jam
Standard - 3 Feet
Difficult - 5 Feet
Expert - 7 Feet

20, November
Standard - 3 Feet
Difficult - 5 Feet
Expert - 7 Feet

Let Them Move
Standard - 3 Feet
Difficult - 6 Feet
Expert - 7 Feet

Keep On Moving
Standard - 4 Feet
Difficult - 5 Feet
Expert - 6 Feet

Make It Better
Standard - 4 Feet
Difficult - 5 Feet
Expert - 7 Feet

Standard - 4 Feet
Difficult - 5 Feet
Expert - 7 Feet

La Senorita
Standard - 4 Feet
Difficult - 6 Feet
Expert - 7 Feet

Dub I Dub
Standard - 4 Feet
Difficult - 6 Feet
Expert - 8 Feet

Luv To Me
Standard - 4 Feet
Difficult - 7 Feet
Expert - 8 Feet

End Of The Century
Standard - 4 Feet
Difficult - 7 Feet
Expert - 8 Feet

Stomp To My Beat
Standard - 5 Feet
Difficult - 6 Feet
Expert - 7 Feet

I Believe In Miracles
Standard - 5 Feet
Difficult - 6 Feet
Expert - 8 Feet

Dead End
Standard - 5 Feet
Difficult - 7 Feet
Expert - 9 Feet

Standard - 5 Feet
Difficult - 7 Feet
Expert - 9 Feet

Dynamite Rave
Standard - 5 Feet
Difficult - 7 Feet
Expert - 9 Feet

Paranoia Clean Mix
Standard - 6 Feet
Difficult - 7 Feet
Expert - 8 Feet

Love This Feeling
Standard - 6 Feet
Difficult - 7 Feet
Expert - 8 Feet

Trip Machine
Standard - 6 feet
Difficult - 7 Feet
Expert - 8 Feet

Trip Machine [luv mix]
Standard - 6 Feet
Difficult - 7 Feet
Expert - 8 Feet

Paranoia Rebirth
Standard - 6 Feet
Difficult - 7 Feet
Expert - 9 Feet

3.0 DDR USA - Home Version

DDR USA for the PSX is out! The game was released in March, with 27 songs
from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd mixes of DDR. Also included is the diet mode,
which, as you could probably tell, let's the player dance away those calories.

3.1 Song List

1. Have You Never Been Mellow
2. Boom Boom Dollar
3. El Ritmo Tropical
4. Let Them Move
5. 20, November
6. Put Your Faith In Me
7. Put Your Faith In Me (Jazzy Groove)
8. Brilliant2U
9. Brilliant2U Orchestra-Groov
10. Smoke
11. Make It Better
12. My Fire
13. If You Were Here
14. Dub I Dub
15. Keep On Movin'
16. La Senorita
17. Drop The Bomb
18. Get Up 'N' Move
19. I Believe In Miracles
20. AM-3P
21. Dynamite Rave
22. Afronova
23. Trip Machine
24. SP-Trip Machine Jungle Mix
25. Paranoia
26. Paranoia MAX Dirty Mix
27. Paranoia KCET Clean Mix

Missing from this list, are such hits as "That's The Way", "Kung Fu Fighting"
and "Strictly Buisness". The first two, obviously, probably did not get the
OK from the record label whom has rights to the songs. As for the last one,
there is a short part of the song where a "4 letter word" is mentioned, and
thusly has been stricken from all future releases of DDR.

3.2 Price

The cost for DDR USA alone will be $29.99.
The cost for the DDR pad (official Konami) $49.99.
No one is quite sure when this will happen, but Konami will release both the
game and a pad as a set for $59.99. Considering that's about how much I pay
for an import copy of DDR, sans pad, this is a good deal!

4.0 Links

DDR Action - http://www.visual-shock.com/ddr
Changoland - http://www.changoland.com
AMOA - http://www.amoa.com
Konami - http://www.konami-arcade.com

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Další informace ti poskytne Czech DDR, nebo Czech DDR forum.