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Koupit hardpad v obchodě není jediný způsob jak jej získat, protože si ho můžete postavit i sami (nebo si ho nechat postavit). A protože jsme Czech DDR a češi mají zlaté ruce, není to žádný problém :o)

U nás se stavba padů rozjela hlavně rokem 2004 a mezi naše přední Hardpad buildery patří Trin, Filip-san a Bee_Boo. Na fóru se můžete podívat po jejich dílech, dát s nimi řeč a poradit se. Většina padů je stavěna pro PC, protože si do Stepmanie nahrajete snadno plno songů a není problém pod ní právě vyrobený pad hned zprovoznit.

A pokud máte dosti kuráže, zkuste si Hardpad postavit sami, poradíme vám jak na to. Každý nějak začínal a rozhodně si nenecháváme vše pro sebe.

Návod na stavbu hardpadu

Trinův návod na stavbu Hardpadu

Jak jsme stavěli aneb fotky

DDR Workshop v DDM (3. 4. 2005)

Naše pady vydrží všechno :o) Trinův pad
Naše pady vydrží všechno :o) Trinův pad

Datum poslední modifikace definice 'hardpad_nechat_postavit':
01.11.2009 00:00
<< zpět na Czech DDR portal

DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

Dance Dance Revolution Extra Mix
Version Japan (JPN)
Version 1.2

Dance Simulation
1-2 players

Copyright 2001 by JuneHa Kim/BakaOrochi
All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized reproduction of this FAQ in any shape or form is prohibited.

Come on, it's not like it's HARD to e-mail me if you want to use any part of
this FAQ, is it?

If you want to use ANYTHING, even codes or whatnot from this, CONTACT ME FIRST.
This is my work, and not one bit of this is to be reproduced in any way, shape,
or form. Copyright laws protect this FAQ. This is purely my own work, any
other similarities to other FAQs are purely coincidental.

I do respect all other copyrights and if I have inadvertently infringed on any,
please contact me immediately so that I may remedy the problem.

FAQ History:

-First release

-Started adding the rest of the lyrics (still need work)
--4th Mix Plus will be added on next release
-Finished adding all the steps

-Sailor Bacon has given permission to use his lyrics!
Woo hoo! Saves me a LOT of work~ =)
-Added more trivia questions =P
-Confirmed that Petit Love is NOT on Extra Mix, read the Q+A section.
-...remind me not to include lyrics on my next FAQ...ugh..., lots more
rechecks and corrections on lyrics.


1. What's the point of this FAQ?
2. What the heck is "Dance Dance Revolution?"
2a. What is "Extra Mix"?
2b. What is "Solo Bass Mix/Solo 2000"?
2c. What is "4th Mix Plus"?
3. How to play
3a. Judging and scoring
3b. Different ways to play
4. Modes of play
5. Challenge Mode
6. Frequently Asked Questions (Or questions you might ask...or maybe not)
7. Can you give me some tips/secrets?
8. Unlocking stuff
9. Songs in this version
9a. The difficulties and steps
11. Lyrics/About the lyrics
12. Fun facts
13. Closing notes/Thanks/Contact Information

1. What's the point of this FAQ?
Basically, I was bored, and I still think Solo Mix is one of the better mixes
out there.

Also, I just wanted to throw in some suggestions for those who are struggling
with DDR, and how I picked up the game. For further help, I'd recommend
reading some of the other DDR FAQs from gamefaqs.com.

Some tips on this FAQ may not work with you, but this is how I've found it to
work with me, and some others of my friends. IMHO, it's best that you develop
your own style to play this game. Eventually, you'll pick it up, but for now,
try to learn the basics (it's pretty difficult to make yourself look good when
all you do is fail songs ^_^).

2. What the heck is "Dance Dance Revolution?"
Dance Dance Revolution (aka DDR) is a unique dancing simulation game.
It's made by the same company and development team who brought Beatmania and
Guitar Freaks, Konami's Bemani team.

The basic point is to "dance to the music." Easily said than done though.
Most people rather call it a stepping game however (in my brother's words, step
aerobics). If you think that you cannot dance to this game, look on the
internet for some dancing clips. An pretty good dancing group located in Korea
is called the A-Team, who does performances with DDR songs. You can also try
to find C-Squad; located in Canada...

Other teams in North America include Team Changoland (which IMHO are one of the
craziest groups I've seen), DDR Club Elite, and some others (which I have yet to
"research" about, since I'm too busy writing this FAQ! ^_^)

2a. What is "Extra Mix"?

Konami of Japan (KCET) had released Solo Mix, but since it make as big of a
splash as 2nd or 3rd Mix, which was insanely popular at the time, it never made
it to a home version. However, some songs were taken into 4th Mix arcade.

After awhile, KCET added more songs to 4th Mix, dubbed "DDR 4th Mix Plus." This
increaseed the songlist dramatically. But there was a problem.

KCET brought 4th Mix to the PSX. In doing so, they were restricted on space,
and couldn't put too many songs on there at once. So they decided to release
4th Mix with ONLY the original set of new songs that were released on the
arcade, in addition to some original songs, and a few preview songs.

So what to do about the whole slew of extra songs from 4th Plus and Solo Mix?
Simple, just toss it all together in one game, DDR Extra Mix!

Apparently, KCET decided to toss in some shameless plugs for BeForU, Konami's
new original J-POP group, consisting of 4 girls, produced by Naoki Maeda
himself. So in case you were wondering what "BeForU" was all about...and no, it
doesn't have anything to do about the song B4U =P

2b. What is "Solo Bass Mix/Solo 2000"?

Around the time of 2nd/3rd Mix, in 1999, new DDR machines were VERY expensive,
and usually cost an arm and a leg. Konami's solution to this was to make a DDR
game that was MUCH cheaper to produce, and only took up half the space.

So it was marketed as "Dance Dance Revolution Solo Bass Mix," which featured
the same concept as DDR 2nd Mix, except it was only for one player. And it
added a new twist: two new diagonal arrows were added on both sides of the
up arrow (some may argue that this was added to compete with Andamiro's
Dance simulator "Pump It Up" which featured just diagonals and a center panel).
However, Solo Bass Mix was more of a testing version, but it did well enough to
produce a sequel, "Dance Dance Revolution Solo 2000" which added even more
songs from the Bass Mix collection. However, unlike Solo Bass Mix, whose songs
were mostly "booty dancing" songs with a deep bass, and mostly taken from the
Dancemania Bass series, Solo 2000 songs were taken from the normal Dancemania
series, and had a more expanded genre base, like Rave, Pop, etc.

Unfortunately, Solo never did take off, and wasn't very well known. So Konami
has all these Solo machines, and 4th Mix was just right around the corner.
What to do with all these Solo machines? Turn them into 4th Mix Solo machines!
And that was the last version of Solo Mix released so far.

2c. What is "4th Mix Plus"?

In the tradition of releasing even more songs to the current Bemani dancing
games, Konami decided to add 20 more songs on top of the 120 songlist of the
regular 4th Mix. It was then called "4th Mix Plus."

3. How to play
The main point of the game:
Hit the arrows at the right time. As long as you have at least one point in
your Dance Gauge (the meter at the top of the screen), you will pass the level.
If your gauge hits Zero (or you have no dance gauge points), game is over. Game
is also over when you clear all the songs for the mode (but you won't be told
"Game Over," unless you failed the last song).

When you enter Game Mode, you choose which type of game mode you want to play:
Single, Versus, or Double. If you want to play Nonstop or edit data, hit right
on the panel arrow twice, then choose the game type. Note, you CANNOT change to
Versus mode in the middle of a Single mode game.

If you choose Solo mode, you choose from 4 Panel mode, 6 Panel Solo mode with
a DDR Pad, or 6 Panel Solo mode with a standard controller. If you want to
enter Linkmode, same as playing regular Game Mode, hit right on the panel
arrow twice (or on the D-Pad).

The arrows:

How I'm going to refer to the arrows (to avoid further confusion)-

Fixed arrows: The white set of arrows that don't move located at the top of the
screen. They're always there.

Scrolling arrows: The colored arrows that will scroll up from the bottom of the
screen and tells you which direction you want to hit when they align with the
fixed arrows.

Panel arrows: The arrows on your dance pad, the ones you stomp on.

If you've played the other DDRs, this version the same. The concept is the
same. You will have a fixed set of arrows on the top of the screen.
As music plays, colored scrolling arrows will go up towards the fixed arrows,
and the point of the game is to hit the corresponding arrow on your dance pad
when the scrolling arrow(s) is aligned to the fixed arrow(s). Sometimes you
will be required to hit two arrows at the same time (read on about

This version of DDR has four arrows: Up, down, left, and right.
The Solo version now has up, down, left, right, diagonal up-left, and diagonal

Even if you're native to DDR, this will add a new twist (since the diagonals
cannot be pressed by hitting two arrows at the same time, i.e. you cannot hit
up and left if the arrows tell you to hit diagonal up-left).

Sometimes, you'll be thrown two arrows to hit at the same time (I call them
double steps, or simultaneous steps). This usually intimidates lots of
beginners, and most don't know what to hit. It really isn't that hard, just be
prepared to jump to hit those arrows at the same time (that's what baffles me:
most beginners don't expect to be jumping around at all when they play. To hit
those simultaneous arrows, the only way to hit them is to jump (or even hop) on
them. Once you get more advanced, there are many other ways you can do it...

A little tip for those struggling to hit the arrows on time:
Each song is in a 4/4 beat. Which means you can count with the beat of a song.
Even though some songs may have irregular beats, you'll notice that the fixed
arrows will flash every fourth beat. When you have to hit the arrows, it will
be on the beat or on the flash. But you have to make sure you're not too hasty
to hit the buttons. What I used to do is count outloud (whispering at most, not
screaming, please you'll scare the rest of the arcade patrons ^_^)
1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,etc. and that way I can keep up with the beat. Bouncing with
the beat works as well (may look ridiculous, but I've seen sillier looking
things). So you can be thinking "1,2,3,step,step,2,step" etc. Basically, just
keep a beat. Also, the steps are not as random as they seem. Once you get the
rhythm of a song, you should be able to anticipate when the steps will come out.

What you have to start worrying about is when you move up in difficulty levels,
especially when you don't play beginner mode, or without little mode. You'll be
treated to the green/blue "offbeat" arrows (also known as 1/8, 1/16, and 1/32
steps). Those are a bit more difficult to hit since they don't align with the
fixed arrows on the beat or the flash, but when the fixed arrows aren't
flashing. Those take some practice to get used to. If you can, keep "little"
mode on, otherwise, you'll be given these extra steps (unless of course you
don't mind them).If it helps, the offbeat arrows are always a different
color than normal arrows, depending on which offbeat arrow they are.

Once you're comfortable with the arrows, you should turn Little mode off (as
this mode is used more for beginners and certain performers).

Double mode is the same from any previous DDR versions. Only one player plays,
but that one player uses BOTH 1st player panels and 2nd player panels. This
mode isn't recommended for beginners. Basically, you'll be playing with
eight arrows rather than just four.

3a. Judging and scoring

At the end of your song, the game will rate you according to how well you did on
the song. You'll be given a run-down on how many "Perfect!" "Great!" "Good"
"Boo!" and "Miss" rating you've gotten, how many steps you've comboed, your
score, and an overall grade on your performance.


On the top of the screen during gameplay, you'll have colored gauge. This is
your Dance Gauge. In all mode, you'll start off with since Dance Gauge points.
The point is to have at least one bar filled by the end of the song; once you
run out of points on your Dance Gauge, the game is over. As you get more
Perfect! and Great! ratings, it will slowly fill up. Every time you get an
Almost or Boo rating, full bars will be taken away from you. A big factor that
depends how many bars are taken away from you is based on what stage you're on.
If you're on your first song, or 1st Stage, a Miss will not take as many bars
away as a Miss on your Final Stage. Once your bar is empty, you cannot gain
anymore, and the gauge will remain a red color.

Everytime an arrow passes, you'll be judged on how accurately you stepped on the

-If you've hit it dead on, you'll get Perfect!
-If you hit it a bit off, you'll get Great!
-If you hit it about 1/8 of a beat off, you'll get a Good, and your combo will
be stopped, if you have one going.
-If you hit it more than 1/8 of a beat off, you'll get Boo! and you'll lose a
point or two on your dance gauge
-If you miss completely, you'll get a Miss, and you'll lose a couple points in
your Dance Gauge, depending on which "stage" you're on.


In general, the higher your rating (Perfect! or Great), the more points you earn,
so get as many Perfect! ratings as you can get!

If I'm correct, the scoring system is unique from any Mix out there. The higher
your Dance Gauge, the more points you will get per rating. The lower your
gauge, the lower amounts points you earn. Similar to 3rd Mix, but the
difference is that your max score is NOT limited to 1000000. But the degree of
points you earn is nowhere as ridiculously high as 1st-2nd Mix. If your gauge
hits 0, you will no longer earn any more points, regardless of rating. I hear
there's a crazy formula for how the scoring works, but I don't even want to try
to figure it out.


At the end of your song, you get a letter grade for your performance. The
higher combos and higher scores you earn, the higher the grade. Also, it
reflects how high of a combo you have ratio-wise to how high of a combo that
is possible. For example, if song A is 210-combo maximum, and song B is
110-combo maximum, and you earn a 100-combo on both songs, you'll get a lower
grade with song A, but a very high grade with song B. The highest rating is
S. Your grade is also reflected by how much points you have on your dance

Grades are as follows:

S-Perfect performance. No "Great!" allowed. VERY hard unless you have
absolutely dead-on timing.
A-Only "Great!" and and high percentage of "Perfect!"
B-Excellent, several mistakes, mostly "Perfect!" and "Great!" ratings, few
misses, good combo ratio.
C-Average. Low combo number, decent amount of dance gauge left.
D-Horrible. Mostly misses, zero combo gauge. At this point, you would
normally fail.

4. Modes of play
When you start up the game, and skip through the intro and stuff, here are the
choices you'll see:

Game Mode
Solo Mode
Diet Mode
Lesson Mode
*Challenge Mode
Data Bank
Arcade Link
Nonstop Order

*-Need to be unlocked

Game mode
Your typical arcade mode. Here you can choose Single 4-panel mode play, versus
mode play, or double mode play. Note: a second player can NOT join in on a
single mode game.

Solo mode
The 6-panel solo game. This is 1 player only, and you can choose, 4-panel solo
style, 6-panel mode with a dance pad (sold separately), or 6-panel with a
controller. The other controller BTW is a Konami special controller that they
sold with 4th Mix for awhile. Don't know if it's still available.

Diet mode
AKA Workout Mode, this mode measures how long you've played, how many calories
you've burned, etc. You can choose how big/fat you are, and what's your goal
calories to burn, and you can select a "course" in which how hard the songs are
going to be when you play.

Lesson Mode
New to DDR? Don't know how to do spins or recognize spin patterns? Can't get
the timing right? No problem! Step by step tutorial tells you exactly how to
do everything! And if the song is running too fast, hit select to slow it down!
Your guide: The sexy nurse =P

Training Mode
Can't pass that Catastrophic song on arcade mode? Here you can play any song
that is currently selectable, and you have options on how you want the training
mode to play the song:
Music Select: Duh.
Player: Choose Single, Versus, Double, or 6 panel mode play.
Level: How hard can you go? (or easy)
Assist: 1=Just the metronome
2=Song plus the metronome
3-Handclap on arrows only
4=Song plus the handclap
5=Metronome and handclap only
6=Song with metronome and handclap
Speed: How fast you want the song to go, 1=slowest, 5= fastest, you can also
hold SELECT down during the song to slow/speed it up.
Controller: For 6 panel mode only, 1=for dance pad, 2=for controller
Bar start: Where do you want to start playing from?
Bar end: Want to stop the song early?
Start: Play either only from bar start to bar end, or from the whole song
Sequence Option: Little, Flat, Left, Right, Shuffle, Mirror, Hidden..you get the
Edit: Want to use your edit steps? Memory card required.
Exit: Duh.

Challenge Mode
How EXACT are you? Can you play DDR under certain conditions? This mode has 5
difficulties: Practice, Basic, Trick, Maniac, and Extra. As you pass each Tier,
the next difficulty get MUCH harder to pass. You MUST finish a tier to move on
to the next difficulty tier. If you do not meet the conditions to the teeth,
you WILL NOT pass the challenge. Some challenges include: Perfect attack, Good
attack, Combo attack, Full comboing a Stealth song, play without hitting the up
arrow, etc.

Endless Mode
How many songs can you play nonstop before passing out? Endless mode keeps
playing random songs and keeps going. You have the option of taking breaks
after a certain amount of songs.

Edit Mode
Make your own steps to the song of your choice! Then you can sticker it with a
difficulty, name it, etc.

Data Bank
Ever wonder where those "lost steps" were on some of the previous versions of
DDR? Why is Xanadu and Follow the Sun on Maniac so different on 4th Mix PSX?
Where did the original steps go? You can save them on your memory card here.
This mode has steps for a BUNCH of songs from DDR 1st mix all the way up to
Extra Mix, for the PSX versions (and arcade where applicable). Steps include
3-panel steps, the missing "Maniac Double" for the 1st and 2nd Mix songs, etc.

Arcade Link
If you know where a 5th Mix machine is with a memory card slot, create a 5th Mix
Link data, and use it at the arcade! You'll get some nice special features and

Nonstop Order
Don't like the songs in the Nonstop mode? Change it here or make your own!

This will tell you the highest grades and score you've achieved on each song,
and/or if you've even played the song yet. This also displays how much Diet
Mode you've played, calories burned total, etc. Keeps the date recorded as


Sound Option:
-Sound: Stereo or Mono. If you have only one red/white cable connected, use
-Voice: Can't stand the announcer or the booing? Change that here.
-Timing: If you're TV or PSX is not in sync with the arrows. This doens't fix
PAL de-sync problems however. Default : 0

Controller Setting:
-Vibration: Only applicable if you have a Dual Shock. Will vibrate if you miss
or when you hit an arrow. If you turn it on, "Double Play" will be turned on.
-Double Play: If you want vibrations during double play mode as well.
-Double Mode Setting: Want to play Double mode, but only have one controller (or
two)? Set the keys configured here. Red=1st Player arrows, Blue=2nd Player
-Dance Play Setting: If you're using a normal controller, leave it on. If
you're using a dance pad, TURN IT OFF. Trust me. This will save you from
missing a lot of arrows if your feet aren't directly on an arrow. Not applicable
to 6-panel mode.

Memory Card:
-Save: Save everyhting you've unlocked, scored, settings, etc.
-Load: Load all settings, unlocked stuff, wtc.
-Auto Save: For he forgetful one that forgets to save their progress.

Game Option:
-Game Level: Want to make it harder to pass a song? Or easier? The higher
you set it, the harder it'll be to raise your dance gauge, and the faster
you'll fail a song.
-Max Stage: For those who can't get just 3 songs per game.
-Max Stage (nonstop): If you want to change how many Nonstop songs you do
at once.
-Game Over: If you want to "Game Over" as soon as your dance gauge hits
Zero, leave it at "Arcade." If you want the song to finish first before
giving you the two words, leave it at "End of Music."
-Event Mode: Want to keep playing without going through the credits?
If it's on, even after the final stage, you'll go back to the first stage
right away.
-All Music Mode: Hate the categories? Leave it on, you'll have all the songs
to choose from at your disposal (except those you haven't unlocked).

Graphic Option:
-BG Effect: On if you like the pretty colors flashing at you during the song,
Off if you're an epileptic or get distracted easily.
-BG Bright: Background too bright, and blends with the arrows too much? Turn
this sucker down.
-Danger display: If you're failing, The background will either blink "DANGER",
just stay on "DANGER", or you can just leave it off altogether.
-Step Mark Color: If you want the arrows to be a completely different color.
Useful on 4 panel mode if you can't tell what are off beats and what aren't.
-Character Display: Kosento too goofy looking dancing while you're playing?
Turn him off then. Him and any other background dancer.

Title Screen:
-Like the Solo Mix girl? You can have her pose...or if it offends you, leave
it at the standard Extra Mix logo for the title screen.

Diet Option
Measurement: Regulation means that only if you step on the arrows will you
get the calories measured. Free means that any step you take will measure

Calorie display: See how many calories you've burned per song.

Exercise display: On the top of the screen during gameplay, you can choose
whether you want to see how long you've played so far, how many songs
you've played, or nothing there at all.

Consecutive play: Keep going? Or set a goal for yourself?

This will tell you what you've unlocked, BeForU profiles, etc.
Won't do you much good if you can't read Japanese.

5. Challenge Mode
I haven't finished this mode yet, I probably never will, but for now, here's
the guide to Practice mode, I"ll try to finish as much as I can of it.

This is in COMPLETE Japanese, so it's understanable if you have no clue what
to do for each song.

Challenge 1: Kung Fu Fighting, Basic, 4 panel, Bars 1-17
Full combo the song, get Greats and Perfects only.

Challenge 2: Typical Tropical, Basic, 4 panel, Bars 1-18
Full combo the song, on Sudden.

Challenge 3: Super Star, Maniac, 4 panel, Bars 1-15
Finish the song, do not hit simultaneous steps.

Challenge 4: Paranoia Evolution, Trick, 4 panel, All bars
Get at LEAST a 50 combo.

Challenge 5: Wonda, Basic, 4 panel, Bars 1-26
Do NOT exceed a 10 combo.

Challenge 6: Theme from Enter the Dragon, Maniac, 4 panel, Bars 49-54
You must get at least a Great on simultaneous steps only. All other steps
just ignore.

Challenge 7: Rhythm and Police, Maniac, 4 panel, Bars 11-19
Do not hit the left and right arrows at all, only up and down. You must
get at least a Good rating or better.

Challenge 8: Freaky, Basic, 6 panel, bars 1-6
Full combo the song

Challenge 9: Sky High (DJ Miko), Basic, 6 panel, bars 1-34
Full combo the song, no "fixed" arrows will be on top.

Challenge 10: Sexy Planet, Basic, 6 panel, all bars
Get at least a Good rating or better, miss all Left and Right arrows (but
hit the diagonals).

6. Frequently Asked Questions (Or questions you might ask...or maybe not)
Q. Why are so many of the songs under the Solo category like booty bumpin' music?
it sUx0rz!
A. Half of the Solo songs came from Solo Bass Mix. Bass Mix. Bass=booty bumpin'
music. You don't like it? Go back to 3rd Mix then.

Q. Where are the Nonstop Megamix Songs from the Solo series???
A. Obviously, it's not there. Unfortunately. Probably due to space restraints
(considering there were I believe 8-10 of them, about 3 minutes each).

Q. Where's Petit Love (Smile.dk)??? That's in 4th Plus too!
A. Somehow, somewhere, it got lost. Who knows? Maybe KCET is holding it until
5th Mix for PSX? Personally, I'd rather have that than Groove 2001, ugh.
Either way, it's not there, unless there's some super secret way to get it.
The Information section only lists 9 secret songs, and Petit Love isn't among them...

A. Yes, 99% positive. I've played this game LOTS of times, and I've run several utilities,
and I haven't found that song at all.

Q. Where are the Korean songs?
A. Not there either, but my guess is that probably because they're copyrighted
in Korea, and that was the limit of the licensing rights that Konami got. Besides,
maybe they didn't want to push their luck while they were *trying* to get sued by
Andamiro (Pump it Up).

Q. Is Extra Mix in the arcades?
A. No.

Q. Is Extra Mix coming to America?
A. As in, will Konami of America publish Extra Mix here in the U.S.? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Q. How come I've seen Emi without her hat?
A. It's RANDOM. After lots and lots of trial and error, I found that even when you choose
"Solo mode," having your character as a guy or a girl is random. It seems to be a
50/50 chance that you'll get Emi without her hat. Yes, I've tried MANY different ways,
but it just seems to be randomized.

Q. Why is there multiple versions of such as such songs?
A. The multiple versions are these:
Together and Forever
-Captain Jack is the original version, but the remix came out in DDR first.

I'm Alive
-Cut N' Move's version came out first, but the remix was in DDR first.

Let the Beat Hit 'Em!
-I dunno WTF, and why KCET but 3 versions of this song on there...but one of
them is the original version, the second is straight from Beatmania IIDX 3rd
Style, and the Classic R&B version, I dunno.

Basically, I really don't know why Konami put these in there. Maybe they needed
some filler songs or something.

Q. Who's that nurse chick in the logo?
A. She's the girl in the song "I'm Alive" by Uncle 36 Sec. Kinda the mascot for
Solo Mixes, as opposed to that red head for regular DDR.

Q. Which interface does Extra Mix use? Is this the same look/feel as Solo Mix?
A. Nope, it's just a modified 4th Mix interface.

Q. What's this "3 panel" thing I found in the Data Bank for the Solo songs?
A. In Solo 2000, there were 3 modes of play available: 3 panel, 4 panel, and 6
panel. Basically, 3 panel was for beginners or people who couldn't get used to
the diagonals right away, and used only the diagonals and down arrows.

Q. How come the combo and scoring system seems different from the Solo Mixes?
A. Because they are. The combo system in Solo counted EVERY step that you hit,
including hitting two at the same time. So hitting the 4 simultaneous arrow
sequences counted as a 4 combo, but in DDR 4th and Extra Mix, they only count
as a 1 combo.

Q. How come there are two different intros to the game?
A. The intro that's all just a bunch of clips of people dancing at a club
(without the words flying across) is from Solo Bass Mix, and the other intro
that says like "Passionate Dancing" "Everybody" and stuff like that is from
Solo 2000.

Q. Whoa! That annoying announcer guy is gone! Who's the new announcer? Is she
replacing that guy forever?
A. Unfortunately, no. She's also from Solo Bass and Solo 2000 only. The put
that guy right back in 4th Mix.

Q. WTF is up with all this "BeForU" and "Dive" crap??
A. BeForU is Konami's new JPop group (if you will), who's produced by Naoki
himself. "Dive" is their debut song, and Konami, I guess, is really really
proud of them. Extra Mix is probably being used as a shameless plug to introduce
them into the world (besides in 5th Mix).

Q. What's this "DancemaniaX" and "Dancemania X3" thing? Are they the same game?
A. DancemaniaX is another game by Konami, Dancemania X# is a dance compilation
series by Toshiba Emi, where Konami gets their music for DDR. Dancemania X3
means Dancemania 13 (X = 10), and apparently there's a space (ooh, you don't
want to mix THAT up, now would you?). Without a space, it's referring to the
game "DancemaniaX." I know, pretty confusing stuff.

Q. No Internet Ranking? No high scoreboard?
A. Nope.

Q. Do you have the Mod lockout code?
A. Don't ask me for that.

Q. Where's Couple/Unison/Battle mode?
A. Apparently, it's been taken out since not all songs had steps for it. But you
can create your own steps for Couple mode.

Q. Can I use my Extra Mix in my PS2?
A. Only if you have a Japanese PS2 (Yes I do know PS2 modchips exist).

Q. Who is NM? Who is Julie?
NM=Naoki Maeda
Julie=Julie Frost (Also sings Share My Love in 4th Mix PSX)

Q. Why is "Synchronized Love" here again?
A. Who knows? I haven't found a difference yet.

Q. Your FAQ sucks. I can make a better one.
A. Great. Then go make a better one.

7. Can you give me some tips/secrets?
Nothing yet!

8. Unlocking stuff
To get more songs and features, you need to unlock them. How do you unlock them?
Usually by either beating the game, or playing a certain amount of songs.

For everything you unlock, they will appear under the "Information" section in
the main menu. Some things will apear if you do certain things, such as play
"Linkmode" and the Information section will just inform you what it is.

This is what you should unlock in order, presuming you keep playing either game
mode or solo mode (you can probably do this through Diet mode too, but note that
you never "beat" diet mode, so you might not unlock some things).

1)Unlock information about BeForU
2)BeForU member stats
3)Data Bank
4)Member profiles for BeForU, and "A" favorite hobby
5)Unlock song, BeForU - Dive
6)Challenge Mode
7)"B" in BeForU profiles 2 (favorite foods)
8)Unlock song, Cut N' Move - I'm Alive
9)Unlock song, Captain Jack - Together and Forever
10)"C" in BeForU profiles 2 (?)
11)Unlock song, NM feat. Julie - Remember You
12)"D" in BeForU profiles 2 (Movies?)
13)Unlock song, Stone Bros. - Let the Beat Him 'Em! IIDX version
14)"E" in BeForU profiles 2 (favorite color =P)
15)Unlock song, Naoki feat. Paula Terry - Broken My Heart
16)"F" in BeForU profiles 2 (?)
17)Unlock song, Stone Bros. - Let the Beat Hit 'Em Classic R & B Style
18)"G" in BeForU profiles 2 (Favorite vacationing spots?)
19)Unlock song, Sho-T feat. Brenda - Groove 2001
20)"H" in BeForU profiles 2 (?)
22)"I" in BeForU profiles 2 (?)
23)Unlock song, Re-Venge - Afronova Primeval
24)Endless mode
25)"J" in BeForU profiles 2 (Favorite DDR song)
26)"Pretty" title screen option

9. Songs in this version
There are 8 categories to choose from, each also chooses a background dancer
character. They're divided up in genres.

Solo Bass Mix (Robo2000, Maid Zukin)
-Songs from DDR Solo Bass Mix only

Solo 2000 (Kosento-03/2, Devil-Zukin)
-Songs that are new in Solo 2000 only

4th Mix Plus (Johnny, Jenny)
-Songs that were added to 4th Mix Plus

Special Selection (Rage, Emi)
-Remixes (?)

Calorie Burner (Astro, Charmy)
-"High energy" songs

Fun Factor (Boldo, Tracy)
-"Happy" songs (?)

Group 1 (Izam, Ni-Na)
-All songs starting with letters A-K

Group 2 (Akira, Yuni)
-All songs starting with letters L-Z

Some songs appear in different genres, here are all the songs (hidden ones too)
in alphabetical order:

8 Bit - Afronova Primeval
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DancemaniaX/DDR 5th Mix
Genre: Jungle
Background: Same as 3rd/4th Mix except with a more blurred effect

Naoki feat. Paula Terry - Broken My Heart
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DDR 5th Mix
Genre: Dance
Background: Flames on the border with the logo of the song in the middle

D.D. Sound - Cafe
From: Dancemania Super Classics #2
Game Origin: DDR 4th Mix Plus
Genre: Cha Cha
Background: A checkered table with a cup of coffee in the middle

Naoki - Can't Stop Fallin' in Love
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000
Genre: Rave
Background: Funky bluish background with a heart in the middle of the screen

E-Rotic - Cat's Eye (Ventura Mix)
From: Dancemania EuroMix
Game Origin: DDR 4th Mix Plus
Genre: Jpop
Background: Blue background with a single cat's eye looking up

N.M.R. - Celebrate Nite
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000/DancemaniaX/PPP
Genre: Euro/Dance
Background: Um, I haven't figured this one out...lotta stripes...

Cyndey D - Club Tropicana
From: Dancemania Bass #4
Game Origin: DDR Solo Bass Mix
Background: A tropical drink with a beach in the background

Vivian - Conga Feeling
From: Dancemania Summers #3
Game Origin: DDR 4th Mix Plus
Genre: Latino
Background: Some weird girl with her mouth open and the logo coming out (or in)

BeForU - Dive
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DDR 5th Mix
Genre: JPOP
Background: Underwater with the logo sparkling

Mustache Men - Do Me (H.I.G.E.O. Mix)
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DDR 4th Mix Plus
Background: Chibi Boldo (with a mustache) and Afro saying "Do" "Me"

Popula Demand feat. The Get Fresh Girls - Don't Clock Me
From: Dancemania Bass #2
Game Origin: DDR Solo Bass Mix
Genre: Hip Hop
Background: A reversed US flag, stripes in a barcode form, with two dogs, one
with a left brain, another with a right one (don't ask)

Captain Jack - Dream a Dream (Miami Booty Mix)
From: Dancemania Bass #4
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000
Background: I don't know what this is...red and black...with the logo...

Captain Jack - Drill Instructor
From: Dancemania Speed #3
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000
Background: Redish sunset type backdrop with a weird guy in sunglasses

NW260 - Drop Out
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000
Genre: Gabbah
Background: A purple guy free falling on the logo

De Lite & MC Young - Freaky
From: Dancemania Bass #3
Game Origin: DDR Solo Bass Mix
Genre: Dance/Rap
Background: A bunch of guys colored in red pointing at something

Wizzzad - Get Off
From: Dancemania Bass #0
Game Origin: DDR Solo Bass Mix
Background: Thermoses with wings. Again, don't ask.

S & K - Get Up N' Move
From: Dancemania Bass #2
Game Origin: DDR Solo Bass Mix
Genre: Hip Hop
Background: A CD with a fish wearing haadphones

Sho-T feat. Brenda - Groove 2001
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DDR Extra Mix
Background: The Groove girl...just more colorful

Slip & Shuffle feat. Leoni - High Energy (John '00' Fleming Remix)
From: Dancemania X3
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000
Genre: Pop
Background: Two people in sunglasses, looking and pointing at...something.

Naoki 190 - Hysteria
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DDR Solo Bass Mix
Genre: Dance/Bass
Background: A heart. Pleasant, no?

Deja Vu feat. Tasmin - I Don't Want to Miss a Thing (Planet Lution Mix)
From: Dancemania Speed #3
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000
Genre: Dance/Pop
Background: An orange Saturn.

Uncle 36 Sec. feat. MC Taiwan - I'm Alive
From: Dancemania Bass #1
Game Origin: DDR Solo Bass Mix
Genre: Pop/Bass
Background: The Solo girl (The blond in a skimpy outfit) mirrored one says
"Please" the other says "Call me"

Cut N' Move - I'm Alive
From: Dancemania Delux
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000
Genre: Pop
Background: A bunch of childish drawn nurses with wings...maybe I'll stick with
the other background =P

E-Rotic - Kiss Me (KCP Remix)
From: Dancemania Speed #3
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000
Genre: Dance
Background: Two, um, 50s style people kissing

Bus Stop feat. Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighting (Miami Booty Mix)
From: Dancemania Bass #3
Game Origin: DDR Solo Bass Mix
Genre: Disco/Techno
Background: Some guy on a hill posing

Stone Bros. - Let the Beat Hit 'em!
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DDR Solo Bass Mix
Genre: R & B
Background: A big head with "Dance Dance Revolution" circled around

Stone Bros. - Let the Beat Hit 'em! (Beatmania IIDX version)
From: Beatmania
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000
Genre: R & B
Background: A big head with "Dance Dance Revolution" circled around

Stone Bros. - Let the Beat Hit 'em! (Classic R & B Style)
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DDR Extra Mix
Genre: R & B
Background: A big girl's head with "Dance Dance Revolution" circled around

Pony Town Boyz - Love Machine
From: Dancemania Bass #4
Game Origin: DDR Solo Bass Mix
Genre: Soul/Dance/Bass
Background: A gold record saying "Love Machine" in the middle

Ventura - Lupin the 3rd '78
From: Dancemania J-Paradise
Game Origin: DDR 4th Mix Plus
Genre: Speed Euro
Background: The name of the song, with effect as if it was coming straight at you

Anquette - My Baby Mama
From: Dancemania Bass #3
Game Origin: DDR Solo Bass Mix
Background: The logo of the song

Bus Stop - Na-Na
From: ZIPmania III
Game Origin: DDR 4th Mix Plus
Background: The logo of the song with a few icons surrounding it

200 - Paranoia Evolution
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DDR Solo Bass Mix
Genre: Hardcore Trance
Background: The original PARANOiA guy, except in blue

NM feat. Julie - Remember You
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DDR 5th Mix
Genre: Ballad
Background: A handrawn outline of a girl

CJ Crew feat. Christian D. - Rhythm and Police (K.O.G. G3 Mix)
From: Dancemania Speed Best 2001
Game Origin: DDR 4th Mix Plus
Background: In silohuettes, all the characters of 4th Mix bunched in the middle
facing out or pointing

Bass Fist! feat. Boogie Girl - Samba de Janeiro
From: Dancemania Bass #1
Game Origin: DDR Solo Bass Mix
Genre: Samba/Bass
Background: Um, some girl's bustline...

Crystal Aliens - Sexy Planet
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000
Genre: Trance
Background: A radio or something in purple and black

DJ Miko - Sky High
From: Dancemania X3
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000
Genre: Pop
Background: Clouds, and a girl's face, half covered with a wing

Lucyfer - Sky High
From: Dancemania EuroMix
Game Origin: DDR 4th Mix Plus
Genre: Dance
Background: An angel

Diamond - Strut Your Funky Stuff
From: Dancemania Bass #5
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000
Genre: Dance/Funk
Background: Four colored squared, with bloack bubbles in each

DJ Rich feat. Tail Bros. - Super Star
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DDR Solo Bass Mix
Genre: Hip Hop
Background: Um, lotsa lines.

Joe Rinoie - Synchronized Love (Red Monster Hyper Mix)
From: Dancemania EuroMix
Game Origin: DDR 4th Mix Plus
Genre: JPOP
Background: A pink background with red silohuetted people, dancing?

E-Rotic - Temple of Love
From: Dancemania X3
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000
Genre: Dance
Background: A very weird looking person with three faces, in pink and blue

DJ Bass feat. MC Dixie - That's the Way '98
From: Dancemania Bass #1
Game Origin: DDR Solo Bass Mix
Genre: Dance/Bass
Background: A bunch of different colored baseballs lined up

B3-Project - Theme from Enter the Dragon (Revival 2001 Mix)
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DDR 4th Mix Plus
Background: An outline of a dragon

Nineball feat. Atomic Gun and Julia - Together and Forever
From: Dancemania Bass #1
Game Origin: DDR Solo Bass Mix
Genre: Dance/Bass
Background: What are these, colorful M&Ms?

Captain Jack - Together and Forever
From: Dancemania Delux
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000
Background: Two sloppily hand drawn people smiling

Bam Bee - Typical Tropical
From: Dancemania X3
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000
Genre: Euro/Pop
Background: A girl lounging, in negatives

Factor X - Wild Rush
From: Konami Original Remix
Game Origin: DDR Solo 2000
Genre: Trance
Background: I'm thinking...checkers...in green...

MM - Wonda (Speed K Mix)
From: Dancemania Speed Best 2001
Game Origin: DDR 4th Mix Plus
Background: The logo, and some weird effect behind it

9a. The difficulty and steps

You'll notice that each song's difficulty level is measured by a foot.
If you would like to see the steps themselves (like the steps for the songs),
you should visit Nekoneko's DDRers Stompin' Ground, http://www.ddr.sh. I
also added each song's length so you'll know which ones just take FOREVER
to finish ^_^

These will be completed when I have time.

Difficulties are as follows:

Afronova Primeval (1:40)
Basic: 4
-Steps: 272
Trick: 6
-Steps: 322
Maniac: 9
-Steps: 423
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 272
6Panel Trick: 5
-Steps: 322
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 423
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 287
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 332
Maniac Double: 9
-Steps: 437

Broken My Heart
Basic: 4
-Steps: 215
Trick: 5
-Steps: 267
Maniac: 9
-Steps: 360
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 215
6Panel Trick: 4
-Steps: 267
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 360
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 217
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 273
Maniac Double: 9
-Steps: 353

Basic: 3
-Steps: 131
Trick: 5
-Steps: 191
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 245
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 119
6Panel Trick: 5
-Steps: 204
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 231
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 119
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 207
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 241

Can't Stop Fallin' in Love
Basic: 3
-Steps: 160
Trick: 5
-Steps: 235
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 328
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 160
6Panel Trick: 4
-Steps: 235
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 328
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 182
Trick Double: 4
-Steps: 224
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 299

Cat's Eye (Ventura Mix)
Basic: 3
-Steps: 127
Trick: 5
-Steps: 234
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 336
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 160
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 232
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 334
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 188
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 237
Maniac Double: 9
-Steps: 302

Celebrate Nite
Basic: 4
-Steps: 171
Trick: 6
-Steps: 198
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 277
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 172
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 196
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 278
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 178
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 208
Maniac Double: 7
-Steps: 238

Club Tropicana
Basic: 2
-Steps: 114
Trick: 4
-Steps: 188
Maniac: 6
-Steps: 251
6Panel Basic: 2
-Steps: 114
6Panel Trick: 4
-Steps: 188
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 251
Basic Double: 1
-Steps: 114
Trick Double: 3
-Steps: 188
Maniac Double: 5
-Steps: 251

Conga Feeling
Basic: 3
-Steps: 145
Trick: 5
-Steps: 204
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 311
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 149
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 222
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 333
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 150
Trick Double: 7
-Steps: 223
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 333

Basic: 3
-Steps: 204
Trick: 5
-Steps: 272
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 354
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 204
6Panel Trick: 4
-Steps: 272
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 354
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 191
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 268
Maniac Double: 7
-Steps: 322

Do Me (H.I.G.E.O. Mix)
Basic: 3
-Steps: 164
Trick: 6
-Steps: 244
Maniac: 9
-Steps: 346
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 160
6Panel Trick: 5
-Steps: 225
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 293
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 165
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 225
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 314

Don't Clock Me
Basic: 2
-Steps: 110
Trick: 4
-Steps: 176
Maniac: 6
-Steps: 264
6Panel Basic: 2
-Steps: 110
6Panel Trick: 4
-Steps: 264
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 176
Basic Double: 1
-Steps: 110
Trick Double: 3
-Steps: 176
Maniac Double: 5
-Steps: 264

Dream a Dream (Miami Booty Mix)
Basic: 2
-Steps: 113
Trick: 6
-Steps: 231
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 308
6Panel Basic: 2
-Steps: 113
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 231
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 308
Basic Double: 1
-Steps: 113
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 231
Maniac Double: 6
-Steps: 308

Drill Instructor
Basic: 3
-Steps: 138
Trick: 4
-Steps: 159
Maniac: 6
-Steps: 229
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 138
6Panel Trick: 4
-Steps: 159
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 229
Basic Double: 2
-Steps: 138
Trick Double: 3
-Steps: 159
Maniac Double: 5
-Steps: 229

Drop Out
Basic: 5
-Steps: 200
Trick: 7
-Steps: 296
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 397
6Panel Basic: 6
-Steps: 200
6Panel Trick: 7
-Steps: 296
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 397
Basic Double: 5
-Steps: 175
Trick Double: 7
-Steps: 296
Maniac Double: 9
-Steps: 378

Basic: 4
-Steps: 191
Trick: 5
-Steps: 233
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 248
6Panel Basic: 5
-Steps: 195
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 233
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 248
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 191
Trick Double: 4
-Steps: 233
Maniac Double: 6
-Steps: 248

Get Off
Basic: 4
-Steps: 139
Trick: 5
-Steps: 181
Maniac: 6
-Steps: 286
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 139
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 181
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 286
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 139
Trick Double: 4
-Steps: 181
Maniac Double: 5
-Steps: 286

Get Up N' Move
Basic: 3
-Steps: 147
Trick: 5
-Steps: 199
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 243
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 147
6Panel Trick: 5
-Steps: 199
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 243
Basic Double: 2
-Steps: 147
Trick Double: 4
-Steps: 199
Maniac Double: 6
-Steps: 243

Groove 2001
Basic: 4
-Steps: 165
Trick: 6
-Steps: 214
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 256
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 168
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 210
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 256
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 165
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 218
Maniac Double: 7
-Steps: 256

High Energy (John '00' Fleming Remix)
Basic: 2
-Steps: 101
Trick: 4
-Steps: 143
Maniac: 6
-Steps: 198
6Panel Basic: 2
-Steps: 101
6Panel Trick: 4
-Steps: 143
6Panel Maniac: 6
-Steps: 198
Basic Double: 1
-Steps: 101
Trick Double: 3
-Steps: 143
Maniac Double: 5
-Steps: 198

Basic: 4
-Steps: 224
Trick: 6
-Steps: 251
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 303
6Panel Basic: 5
-Steps: 242
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 251
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 303
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 158
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 279
Maniac Double: 7
-Steps: 286

I Don't Want to Miss a Thing (Planet Lution Mix)
Basic: 3
-Steps: 162
Trick: 4
-Steps: 174
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 277
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 162
6Panel Trick: 5
-Steps: 174
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 277
Basic Double: 2
-Steps: 162
Trick Double: 3
-Steps: 174
Maniac Double: 6
-Steps: 277

I'm Alive
Basic: 3
-Steps: 124
Trick: 5
-Steps: 174
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 220
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 124
6Panel Trick: 5
-Steps: 174
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 220
Basic Double: 2
-Steps: 124
Trick Double: 4
-Steps: 174
Maniac Double: 6
-Steps: 220

I'm Alive (Cut N' Move)
Basic: 1
-Steps: 62
Trick: 4
-Steps: 142
Maniac: 5
-Steps: 218
6Panel Basic: 1
-Steps: 62
6Panel Trick: 5
-Steps: 142
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 218
Basic Double: 1
-Steps: 62
Trick Double: 3
-Steps: 142
Maniac Double: 4
-Steps: 218

Kiss Me (KCP Remix)
Basic: 2
-Steps: 117
Trick: 4
-Steps: 180
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 243
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 117
6Panel Trick: 5
-Steps: 180
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 243
Basic Double: 1
-Steps: 117
Trick Double: 3
-Steps: 180
Maniac Double: 6
-Steps: 243

Kung Fu Fighting (Miami Booty Mix)
Basic: 2
-Steps: 102
Trick: 6
-Steps: 199
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 227
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 102
6Panel Trick: 7
-Steps: 199
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 227
Basic Double: 1
-Steps: 102
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 199
Maniac Double: 6
-Steps: 227

Let the Beat Hit 'em!
Basic: 3
-Steps: 102
Trick: 6
-Steps: 151
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 185
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 102
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 151
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 185
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 108
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 144
Maniac Double: 7
-Steps: 201

Let the Beat Hit 'em! (Beatmania IIDX version)
Basic: 3
-Steps: 102
Trick: 6
-Steps: 151
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 185
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 102
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 151
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 185
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 108
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 144
Maniac Double: 7
-Steps: 201

Let the Beat Hit 'em! (Classic R & B Style)
Basic: 3
-Steps: 133
Trick: 5
-Steps: 172
Maniac: 6
-Steps: 192
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 133
6Panel Trick: 5
-Steps: 172
6Panel Maniac: 6
-Steps: 189
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 134
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 172
Maniac Double: 6
-Steps: 190

Love Machine
Basic: 4
-Steps: 183
Trick: 6
-Steps: 252
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 271
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 183
6Panel Trick: 7
-Steps: 252
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 271
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 183
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 252
Maniac Double: 6
-Steps: 271

Lupin the 3rd '78
Basic: 3
-Steps: 132
Trick: 6
-Steps: 259
Maniac: 9
-Steps: 388
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 190
6Panel Trick: 5
-Steps: 263
6Panel Maniac: 9
-Steps: 402
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 150
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 230
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 343

My Baby Mama
Basic: 3
-Steps: 129
Trick: 4
-Steps: 126
Maniac: 6
-Steps: 252
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 131
6Panel Trick: 4
-Steps: 126
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 252
Basic Double: 2
-Steps: 129
Trick Double: 3
-Steps: 126
Maniac Double: 5
-Steps: 252

Basic: 3
-Steps: 135
Trick: 5
-Steps: 196
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 294
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 146
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 190
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 306
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 127
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 187
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 314

Paranoia Evolution
Basic: 6
-Steps: 278
Trick: 7
-Steps: 287
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 375
6Panel Basic: 6
-Steps: 278
6Panel Trick: 7
-Steps: 287
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 352
Basic Double: 5
-Steps: 224
Trick Double: 7
-Steps: 274
Maniac Double: 9
-Steps: 320

Remember You
Basic: 1
-Steps: 41
Trick: 3
-Steps: 130
Maniac: 5
-Steps: 197
6Panel Basic: 1
-Steps: 41
6Panel Trick: 2
-Steps: 130
6Panel Maniac: 4
-Steps: 197
Basic Double: 1
-Steps: 47
Trick Double: 3
-Steps: 135
Maniac Double: 5
-Steps: 198

Rhythm and Police (K.O.G. G3 Mix)
Basic: 4
-Steps: 225
Trick: 6
-Steps: 258
Maniac: 9
-Steps: 420
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 216
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 278
6Panel Maniac: 9
-Steps: 400
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 215
Trick Double: 7
-Steps: 278
Maniac Double: 9
-Steps: 364

Samba de Janeiro
Basic: 3
-Steps: 184
Trick: 5
-Steps: 214
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 261
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 194
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 214
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 264
Basic Double: 2
-Steps: 184
Trick Double: 4
-Steps: 214
Maniac Double: 6
-Steps: 261

Sexy Planet
Basic: 5
-Steps: 201
Trick: 6
-Steps: 221
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 262
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 198
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 237
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 270
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 175
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 207
Maniac Double: 7
-Steps: 236

Sky High (DJ Miko)
Basic: 2
-Steps: 113
Trick: 4
-Steps: 128
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 244
6Panel Basic: 2
-Steps: 113
6Panel Trick: 4
-Steps: 128
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 244
Basic Double: 1
-Steps: 113
Trick Double: 3
-Steps: 128
Maniac Double: 6
-Steps: 244

Sky High (Lucyfer)
Basic: 4
-Steps: 198
Trick: 6
-Steps: 231
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 318
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 198
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 231
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 318
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 195
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 228
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 283

Strut Your Funky Stuff
Basic: 4
-Steps: 123
Trick: 6
-Steps: 154
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 253
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 123
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 154
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 253
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 123
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 154
Maniac Double: 6
-Steps: 253

Super Star
Basic: 5
-Steps: 195
Trick: 6
-Steps: 229
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 289
6Panel Basic: 6
-Steps: 185
6Panel Trick: 7
-Steps: 229
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 289
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 157
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 195
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 262

Synchronized Love (Red Monster Hyper Mix)
Basic: 4
-Steps: 196
Trick: 5
-Steps: 245
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 397
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 208
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 273
6Panel Maniac: 9
-Steps: 396
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 208
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 250
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 385

Temple of Love
Basic: 2
-Steps: 107
Trick: 5
-Steps: 205
Maniac: 6
-Steps: 257
6Panel Basic: 2
-Steps: 107
6Panel Trick: 5
-Steps: 205
6Panel Maniac: 6
-Steps: 257
Basic Double: 1
-Steps: 107
Trick Double: 4
-Steps: 205
Maniac Double: 5
-Steps: 257

That's the Way '98
Basic: 3
-Steps: 147
Trick: 5
-Steps: 192
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 235
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 149
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 192
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 235
Basic Double: 2
-Steps: 149
Trick Double: 4
-Steps: 192
Maniac Double: 6
-Steps: 235

Theme from Enter the Dragon (Revival 2001 Mix)
Basic: 4
-Steps: 122
Trick: 6
-Steps: 249
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 332
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 145
6Panel Trick: 5
-Steps: 211
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 332
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 140
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 237
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 324

Together and Forever
Basic: 3
-Steps: 156
Trick: 6
-Steps: 222
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 259
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 156
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 222
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 259
Basic Double: 2
-Steps: 156
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 222
Maniac Double: 6
-Steps: 259

Together and Forever (Captain Jack)
Basic: 3
-Steps: 172
Trick: 5
-Steps: 192
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 295
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 172
6Panel Trick: 5
-Steps: 192
6Panel Maniac: 8
-Steps: 295
Basic Double: 2
-Steps: 172
Trick Double: 4
-Steps: 192
Maniac Double: 7
-Steps: 295

Typical Tropical
Basic: 3
-Steps: 145
Trick: 6
-Steps: 186
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 241
6Panel Basic: 3
-Steps: 145
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 286
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 241
Basic Double: 2
-Steps: 145
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 186
Maniac Double: 6
-Steps: 241

Wild Rush
Basic: 4
-Steps: 153
Trick: 5
-Steps: 192
Maniac: 6
-Steps: 247
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 153
6Panel Trick: 5
-Steps: 192
6Panel Maniac: 7
-Steps: 247
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 184
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 240
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 242

Wonda (Speed K Mix)
Basic: 4
-Steps: 236
Trick: 6
-Steps: 267
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 379
6Panel Basic: 4
-Steps: 238
6Panel Trick: 6
-Steps: 268
6Panel Maniac: 9
-Steps: 368
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 239
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 270
Maniac Double: 9
-Steps: 349

Choosing a song:
"Can you dance to the music?"
"Are you up to the challenge?"
"OK give it your best shot!"

During loading:
"This is one hot song!"
"Are you up to the challenge?"
"Can you dance to the music?"
"Cool music!"

Before song:

"Give it your best shot!"
"OK here we go!"

During game play:
If you have a rating above red
"You're the best!"
"Good Move!"

If you have a rating in the red zone:
"You missed"
"What's THAT?!?"
"Ooh, I can't stand it"
"Yeah stay cool"
"Come on you have no rhythm"
"You're on a roll"
"Don't be nervous"
"You're a loser"
"Stay cool!"

Stage finishes:
"Nobody's better than you!"
"I'm impressed, that brought tears to my eyes, thanks for a great show!"
"Great, you're the greatest! You're a real dance machine!"
"I have never seen anything like this before, show me more!"
"That was awesome! You're the best dancer I've ever seen!"

"Come on! Please! Try again!"
"Get off the stage, you can't handle this!"
"No, it's no good. Do you really know how to dance?"
"Uh, can't you hear the beat?"
"It's not good. You need to start again at the beginning."
"Don't give up! Concentrate!"
"Come on! Give it another try!"
"Uh, terrible, get out of here!"
11. About these lyrics
Most of the Solo Bass Mix songs were Cut and Pasted straight off of my
Solo Bass Mix FAQ, so whatever mistakes are there are here too =P

Huge thanks to Sailor Bacon (http://www.animelyrics.com) for letting
me use his lyrics ^_^ A big chunk of these are his~

But I included the lyrics here anyway.

Songs that I'm pretty sure don't have lyrics:

Afronova Primeval
Do Me
Drop Out
Sexy Planet
Wild Rush

Songs I REALLY need help on:
Rhythm and Police (K.O.G. G3 Mix)
Remember You

*?* indicates inaudible words

Broken My Heart
-Naoki feat. Paula Terry

(You've broken my heart)

Boy, you tell me we'll never part
Hold you from the very start
Now I've got to get this guy out of my head
Before I lose control

You were the only man to be my love, be my love
Now it's ancient, you know that you cut me like a knife

You've broken my heart, broken my heart
This can't be right, no no not right
I'm telling you I know it's true
That I'd die for you, die for you
Baby, broke my heart

(Oh no no)

Baby you were everything (everything)
Now you say it's over
I know that you won't be coming back

You've broken my heart
Torn me apart
It can't be right
Baby I would fly to see
Even in you, even in you
Broken my heart, broken my heart
Right from the start, yeah from the start
I just can't believe it's true
You threw me away, threw me away
Baby broke my heart

-D.D. Sound

(Cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe)

"It's up to you," she said to me
She knew I wanted to be free
It was a rainy Sunday afternoon
And the coffee crowd was growing

I want to hear you answer now
I want to talk but I don't know how
And everybody there began to stare
As the lady starting crying

Let's meet at La Cafe
(With Charlie Brown and Sally)
Let's meet at La Cafe
(They always know it all)
You can sit there for a month of Sundays
Enter freely and spend most of the day

(Cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe)
(Cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe)

Can't Stop Fallin' In Love
-Help from http://www.animelyrics.com

My life meant nothing to me, then a guy like you came along
Everything's moving so fast, I gotta keep my feet on the ground

My happy days are over cuz I can always be with you
Lying in your arms day by day
Make me feel all so brand new

Can't stop fallin' in love
Tell me you will be true forever baby
I just can't stop dreamin' of you everyday, everyway

Say you love me baby
Say you will always be mine
You'll never break my heart, no...

I just can't stop fallin' in love
Baby you'll be king
Makin' love with you is all I wanna do (wanna do)

Can't stop fallin' in love
Give me your heart and soul
Stay with me this time, and we'll make history
You and me...

Cat's Eye (Ventura Mix)

We're in the city of passion fruit
As red and sour is our every night
Two hearts in one on a passion beat
A wink or two then you fall in love

Sweetest melodies played on an old piano
Mirrors break, hearts will too
Memories in pieces blown before the dawn

Haunted by a cat's eye
Magic play is dancing
Quickly casts a greenish reflection
Love without a cat's eye
Magic play is dancing
Bathing in the light of the moon
We get you
Mysterious girl

Shining like a cat's eye
Magic play is dancing
Quickly casts a greenish reflection
Yours are like a cat's eye
Magic play is dancing
Bathing in the light of the moon
We get you
Mysterious girl

Celebrate Nite
(The rap part will be filled in later)


Come on baby it's party time (I like it, I like it)
Come on baby it's party (Come on and have a party)
Celebrate the night (*???*)
Will somebody please save my life tonight


Come on baby it's party time (I like it, I like it)
Let's get together, come on and have a party
Who do you think you are?
Will somebody please save my life tonight

Club Tropicana
-Cyndey D

(here we go, pick it up
here we go, pick it up
here we go, pick it up
come on yo, just drop the bomb!)

(shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake
shake shake shake shake)

(come on girl, shake it, shake it!)
Let me take you to a place
Where membership's a smilin' face;
Brush shoulders with the stars.
Where strangers take you by the hand,
And welcome you to wonderland;
From beneath their panamas

Club Tropicana, drinks are free,
Fun and sunshine, there's enough for everyone.
All that's missin' is the sea,
But don't worry, you can suntan!

Castaways and lovers meet,
Then kiss in Tropicana's heat;
Watch the waves break on the bay.
Oh, soft white sands, a blue lagoon,
Cocktail time, a summer's tune:
A whole night's holiday!

Club Tropicana, drinks are free,
Fun and sunshine, there's enough for everyone.
All that's missin' is the sea,
But don't worry, you can suntan...

(shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake
shake shake shake shake shake shake)


sekai o tomete... Dive

kakushi kirenai afureru kono omoi
mou himitsu ni ha dekinai hitomi sorasenai

dakishimeru omoi no Tension anata e to Reflect
suhada o terasu Passion mo sono mama Evolution

sekai o tomete mou watashi ga tomaranai
kono yoru ni tobikonde yuku Dive to the night

jikan o tomete dakedo ai ha tomaranai
kono umi ni tobikonde yuku takaku anata ni ima
Keep on lovin'. Can't stop my heart mou watashi ga tomaranai
kono ai ni tobikonde yuku Dive to the night

Don't Clock Me
-Popula Demand featuring the Get Fresh Girls
(Side note: I know this version resembles Sailor Bacon's but I never saw his
version until after I already submitted this version on my Solo Bass Mix FAQ...
The person that helped me may have used his as reference, I honestly do not

The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
Don't wait up and yo, don't clock me
The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
Don't wait up and yo, don't clock me

Crush you like a nutcracker crushes a nut,
This is about a former rival when I'm on the cut.
I stay in, yo' memory like the date of your birth;
I thought you'd like Gatorade when I'm quenchin' my thirst.

I'm the fact in this matter and you're the fable
I'll cut you like my DJ cuts a record on the table.

I wanna rock get off the background
You know what guys I oughta beat you down.
Like a dog, I'll put you in a muzzle,
I'll break ya in pieces like a jigsaw puzzle.
I'll wreck your rhymes and I'll murder your style;
I'm the one doin' the same, yeah your arch rival.

I'm conductin', arrangin', puttin' it all in place;
Form a line sucka, so you'll plead your case.
I wanna rock!

The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
Don't wait up and yo, don't clock me
The beat just rocks me, don't try to stop me
And yo, don't try to clock me!

Dream a Dream (Miami Booty Mix)
-Captain Jack

Come on baby
Let's dream a dream together
A dream...that is real...

(Don't stop don't stop!
Don't stop don't stop!
Don't stop don't stop!
HeHeHeHe c'mon c'mon!

Don't stop don't stop!
Don't stop don't stop!
Don't stop don't stop!
HeHe c'mon c'mon!)

Oh! One more time
I'm back with a new rhyme
Hey! Here we go again,
turn it up my friend
No! We don't stop
We rock this spot
No! We don't quit
*?* this is it

Do you like to dream?
Hey! I like to dream baby
Do you like to dream?
Ho! I like to dream on (?)
Do you like to scream?
Hey! I like to scream baby
Do you like to scream?
Ho! So scream it out~

Dream a dream *?*
Take me anyway you please boy you makin' me scream
Dream a dream *?*
Take me anyway you please boy you makin' me scream
Dream a dream *?*
Take me anyway you please boy you makin' me scream
Dream a dream *?*
If you wanna set me free, boy you're makin' me scream

Ooh la da dee la la da
Take me anyway you please, boy you're makin' me scream
Ooh la da dee la la da
You've got to dream a little dream.

Drill Instructor
-Captain Jack
-Help from http://www.animelyrics.com

Do you really follow me into the light
Drill instructor's on, drill instructor's on my side
Do you really make commands of dynamite
Love and peace is our fight

All for one
Come together friends, we gotta take this chance tonight


Drill instructor, tell me what to do
(Drill instructor, tell me what to do)
I'm your man, I will follow only you
(I'm your man, I will follow only you)
See us making love all through the night
(See us making love all through the night)
That's the reason why drill instructor loves to fight
(That's the reason why drill instructor loves to fight)

Now sound off
One two!
Bring it on up
Three four!
Bring it on down
One two three four, one two, three four! One two, three four!

Do you really follow me into the light
Drill instructor's on, drill instructor's on my side
Do you really make commands of dynamite
Love and peace is our fight

All for one
Come together friends, we have to take this chance
All for one
Come together friends, we gotta take this chance tonight

(80% sure it's correct)
-De lite & MC Young

Shake that thang, c'mon just shake that thang
(Huh! Huh!)
Shake that thang, c'mon just shake that thang
(uh huh!)
Shake that thang, c'mon just shake that thang
(hoo wee!)
Shake that thang, c'mon just shake, that, thang girl!

No doubt that I'm pumpin' you out
Them boys from south side
Whassup, whassup, my dawg came to tear it up
Now pump your fist, now throw 'em up, you can't resist
Now say it loud, get wild and crazy, give me a shout!
Would it be 'bout, your hands got freaky (?), we got a crowd
You came to dance? Now get on the floor and shake your pants
(Let's go, do it now, let's go, do it now
We rock! We rock! Shake your pants, c'mon!)

I'm gonna, shake my thang for you, yeah, yeah.
Little bit harder, ain't no secret, I'm gonna shake my thang thang

We need the place, we make them sore(?), they got their pace
Don't let time wait, girl get on the floor and shake your waist.
You havin' fun? Later on, just one-on-one.
Just me and you, but if you freaky, bring your crew.

You won't get cash (?), but I could bet you now that I'd get that ass
I turned you out, that's what my dawgs and me be 'bout.
(Right girl right girl right girl right girl right girl right girl right girl
let's go!)

I'm gonna, shake my thang for you, yeah, yeah.
Little bit harder, ain't no secret I'm gonna shake my thang thang

I'm gonna, shake my thang for you, you, yeah.
Little bit harder, ain't no secret I'm gonna shake my thang thang

Come on, let's go!

Get Off!
(Again, got lost with this one...Going to try to fill in some gaps)

(Bass! Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-Bass!)
Techno, soul, hip-hop in control
Let's all have a party! I mean, everybody!
C'mon now!

Go! Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go! Go!
(Welcome to the party!)

*?*ladies are at no discretion
So we can get off!

*?* (peeking?) under the seats with two lovlies
So we can get off!

They make me get off!

Take it from girls with our imagination
So we can get off!

Tie me up at your place
I can love you crazy
In the heat you will understand
Danger and excitement...
That's what makes a lady
Find out what she wants in a man

Get off! Get off! Get off!
Get off! Get off!
Get off! Get off! Get get off!

Get Up N' Move!
-S & K

Get Up and move!

Aw yeah, S & K can make ya!
Yeah, uh, S & K can make ya!

Aw yea...Get up and move!
S & K can make ya, yeah, uh, Get up and move!
S & K can make ya, yeah, yeah, Get up and move!
Yeah, Get up and move!
S & K can make ya
S & K can make ya, yeah, Get up and move!

Don't start movin', hold on tight
Sugar daddy unload, you're goin' all night.
Can't fight the groove, can't stop the flow
Here I come, the competition goes.
A few places I need to see, where I need to be, come on with me.
Jam to this until your fall straight down;
It don't stop 'till you're layin' on the ground.

I rhyme better than you heard before,
And I won't stop until you scream for more.
I want it so raw that you kick it one time,
Feel the magic of my brand new rhyme.
Just sit back, feel phat track,
You'll get jacked, now you like that?
It's brand new, now whatcha gonna do
When sugar daddy hits the groove?

Get up and move!
S & K can make ya, yeah, uh, Get up and move!
Get up and move!
S & K can make ya, yeah, Get up and move!
Aw yeah, yeah, yeah
S & K can make ya, uh, Get up and move!

Groove 2001
(not sure about this one)
-Sho-T feat. Brenda

Get on that booty beat of yours, groove
Let's move
Everybody get down on the floor and dance

Get on that booty beat of yours, groove
(uh huh, uh huh)
So come get some more baby let's groove
for you
Get on that booty beat of yours, groove
Let's move
Everybody get down on the floor and dance
Let's dance
Get on that booty beat of yours, move

Everybody get down on the floor and dance

Everybody get down on the floor and dance

Everybody get down on the floor and dance

Groove for you
Get on that booty beat of yours, move
Let's move
Everybody get down on the floor and dance
Let's dance
Get on that booty beat of yours, move
Let's move
So come get some more

Groove for you
Get on that booty beat of yours, move
Let's move
Everybody get down on the floor and dance
Let's dance
Get on that booty beat of yours, move
Let's move
So come get some more baby
So come get some more baby
So come get some more baby let's groove

High Energy (John '00' Fleming Mix)
-Slip & Shuffle feat. Leoni
-Help from http://www.animelyrics.com

High energy (Yes)
Your love is liftin' me
High energy (Yes)
Your love is liftin' me
Liftin' me high~

When you call me on the phone,
You make my spirits rise
I'm glad the others didn't last,
It's a blessing in disguise

Everytime you're touching me
It gives me such a thrill
Oh, and when I look deep into your eyes
My heart just can't keep still. Oh no.

High energy (Yes)
Your love is liftin' me
High energy (Yes)
Your love is liftin' me
Liftin' me high~

Thanks to Ban Lazo!
-Naoki Maeda (Naoki 190)

I was the teacher and I made you learn
I was the flame and you just got burnt by me
the one and only; Chaos is here
to breach havoc and destruction and to strike fear.

Demolishin' my foes just like that
I see the fools, and they want to combat
So I pull out the same rhyme, don't waste no time
Brushin' them off with the freshest of lines.
So we could see who is the better of the best,
Well, I've won, but they've flunked the test.

Stoppin' for no one just like the shogun
My blade is my rhymes, usin' it, then I'm done.

Picture me, I'm on top of my world now
Picture me, I'm ahead of my game.
Never stop, not for anyone, not now
Gonna take you up all the same.

(ahhh...on top of
ahhh I'm on top, oh on top of the world woooh world)

Picture me, I'm on top of my world now
Picture me, I'm ahead of my game.
Never stop, not for anyone, not now
Gonna take you up all the same.

Picture me, I'm on top of my world now
Picture me, I'm ahead of my game.
Never stop, not for anyone, not now
Gonna take you up all the same
all the same,
all the same.

I Don't Want to Miss a Thing (Planet Lution Mix)
-Deja Vu feat. Tasmin

I could stay awake, just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away dreaming

I could spend my life, in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever

Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure~

(I) don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep cuz I miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing

Cuz even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing

I don't want to miss one smile
I don't want to miss one kiss
Cuz I just want to be with you,
right here with you, just like this
I just want to hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
for all the rest of time~

Yeah yeah Oh~

(I) don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep cuz I miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing

Cuz even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing

I'm Alive
-Cut N' Move

I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive (Ooh)
Yes, I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive

I love you baby, the feelin's all around me;
I want you baby all night long.
When we're together, the dream has no ending.
Let's come together and sing our song.

I'm thinkin' of you, of you
I wanna love you, love you
I can't deny the way I feel

I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive (Yeah baby)
Yes, I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive

I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive
Yes, I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive

I'm Alive
-Uncle 36 sec featuring MC Taiwan

(Hit it! Hit it! Come on y'all!
Hit it! Hit it!)

I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive
Yes, I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive

I love you baby, the feelin's all around me;
I want you baby all night long.
When we're together, the dream has no ending.
Let's come together and sing our song.

I'm thinkin' of you, of you
I wanna love you, love you
I can't deny the way I feel
(yeah yeah yeah yeah!)

I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive
Yes, I'm alive, I'm alive, alive baby yeah I'm alive

(Hit it! Hit it!)

Kiss Me (KCP Remix)

Kiss me, fly me up high I want to feel like a frisbee
High in the sky, oh I want you to
Kiss me, do it all right cuz I know that you miss me

I can love you after so many lonely nights
with my body and soul
And I know you're around there in the city lights
just out of control

Oh baby just kiss me, fly me up high I want to feel like a frisbee
High in the sky, oh I want you to
Kiss me, do it all right cuz I know that you miss me

Kiss me all over tonight

Kiss me, fly me up high I want to feel like a frisbee
High in the sky, oh I want you to
Kiss me, do it all right cuz I know that you miss me

Kiss me all over tonight

Kiss me all over tonight

Kung Fu Fighting (Miami Bootsy Mix)
-Bus Stop feat. Carl Douglas
-Help from http://wwww.animelyrics.com

(Boom chop Hoo! Hoo hoo hoo Ha!
Boom chop Hoo! Hoo hoo hoo Ha!
Boom chop Hoo! Hoo hoo Ha!
Yeah! Let's go!)

There was Kung Fu fighting (come on, Hoo! Hoo ha!)
Those kids were fast as lightning (Ha! Boom chop!)
In fact it was a little bit frightening (Hoo! Hoo hoo!)
But they fought with expert timing (Ha!)

There's bright lights Orinoco flow (so bright)
A Kung Fu fighter in a disco
He's out to take his chance
He knows there's honies in the house only goes for romance
He's got a white suit on
Five past one and the night has just begun
Cuz when he lays it on with style
A ladies' man with a nice smile
And right before his eyes
He sees a pretty young thing looking real fly
He wants to make the score
so he takes her hand and leads her to the dance floor
He's givin' her line after line
She tells him that he looks real fine
Cuz he's the man with perfect timing
Just like when he's Kung Fu fightin'

There was Kung Fu fighting (come on, Hoo! Hoo ha!)
Those kids were fast as lightning (Ha! Boom chop!)
In fact it was a little bit frightening (Hoo! Hoo hoo!)
But they fought with expert timing (Ha!)

Sing it girl.
Sexy Kung Fu fighter
Take me higher!

Let the Beat Hit 'em!
(85% sure it's correct)
-Stone Bros.

(Uh! Yeah! C'mon!
player 1 player 2, uh, where you at? C'mon!)

Hey yo, I'm like this, so watch the moves that I make
How I take over the floor, throw the grooves that I shake
I'm number one, how'd you figure that I'm losing my place?
If you the joker, player, and then who's the ace?
Hey, yo, it's me, the player to beat, I'm playin' for keeps
I got some special moves so homie don't sleep (?)
Because if I teach (?) controllin' the game
You can brag all you want, so be holdin' the same (?)
I'm bringin' the pain...
The game is done, you might as well run
My time has come and I'm gonna shine like the sun
No surprise, I'll bust a flip when you guys (yeah)
The dance moves I do, I'm keepin' it live
Keepin' the vibe, fly-guy style express
Competition is none, player, and I jam like that (?)
I'm the best, can't be beat ,you know it's me, keep up the pace,
and you'll advance with me, c'mon

Let's see who's better?
You wanna playa too? (?)
I wanna groove with you
(Wanna get) so turn me on!

Let's see who's better? (Let's see...)
You wanna playa too? (?)
I wanna groove with you
(Whoa oh) so turn me on!

Yo I got more men than you
Baby I'm on to you
Special powers that will burn your crew (ha)
Power (?) flips that'll blow through you
Mad kicks mad flips that will go through you (whoppa)
Once my ennergies start burnin' through (chops)
through your face, I'm blastin' you,
I'm laughin' too.
Competition's far too new,
Where's the real competition cuz the game is through.

Love Machine
-Pony Town Boyz

(oooh yeah, get on up!)
I'm just a love machine
And I won't work for nobody but you.
(oh baby)
I'm just a love machine;
A huggin' kissin' fiend.

I think it's high time you knew
Whenever I think of you,
My mind blows a fuse.
Baby, when I look in you eyes,
My fever starts to rise, and I become confused.
My voltage regulator cools
When I'm sitting next to you.
Electricity starts to flow,
And my indicator starts to go wooo!

I'm just a love machine
And I won't work for nobody but you.
(oooh yeah)
I'm just a love machine;
(oh baby)
A huggin' kissin' fiend.

Na nananana nananana nana
Na nananana nananana nana (aaaaah)

(babybabybaby ohhhh woo!)
I'm just a love machine
and I won't work for nobody but you.
(oooh yeah)
I'm just a love machine; (love machine)
A huggin' kissin' fiend.

(I don't wanna love all alone...)
I'm just a love machine...

My Baby Mama

Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama

Why is it always the same old thing,
Wanna be a man, yet you're playin' games.
If you got a kid, act like a father,
If the baby ain't yours, then hey why bother?
Don't try boy, I don't buy it boy,
And if you don't change, you'll be cryin' boy;
Cuz something ain't right, and you know this boy,
That's probably why she's takin' your behind to court
You got more hoochie-mommas than the Two Live Crew.
Now who dat is? My baby mama!

Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Oh, who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who DAT is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Oh, who dat is? That's my baby's mama

Now yesterday you said you was with your boy,
But I saw you and Gina so hold the noise.
You da girl that I'm talkin' about,
That's right, I'm callin' your sorry butt out.
Now I think it's about time that I put you in check,
Buying Two Live tapes at the local space.
Now to all you fellas, this is all a game:
Mack to the ladies tryin' to build name.

Wanna be a player tryin' to get a piece;
I'll break your neck if I catch a disease.
Round town stores seems like a farmer, (?)
You better beware your baby's mama.

Who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who she is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That's my baby's mama
Now who dat is? That baby's my mama!

Paranoia Evolution

(I'm posting this because Mr. Lazo insists that there are lyrics
to this song so...^_^)

Disco bombing!

Disco bombing!

Disco bombing!
Disco bombing!
Disco bombing!
Disco bombing!
No more ghosts! More fuzzy pictures!
Fe-fe-fe-feels so good! Take it baby! Feel the power!

Disco bombing!
Disco bombing!
Disco bombing!
No more ghosts! More fuzzy pictures!

Samba de Janeiro
(Dunno how correct it is, it's in Portugese...Thanx to Ben Lazo!)
-Bass Fist! feat. Boogie Girl
Samba! de Janeiro!
Samba! de Janeiro!

Sempre assim em cima em cima em cima em cima
Sempre assim em baixo em baixo em baixo em baixo
Sempre assim em cima em cima em cima em cima
Sempre assim em baixo em baixo em baixo em baixo

Samba! de Janeiro!



Sky High
-DJ Miko

We could've touched the sky
You've blown it all sky high~

Blown, 'round by the wind
Thrown, down in a spin

I gave you love, I thought that we had made it to the top
I gave you all I had to give
Why did it have to stop?

You've blown it all sky high
By tellin' me a lie
Without a reason why
You've blown it all sky high~

You've blown it all sky high
Our love had wings to fly
We could've touched the sky
You've blown it all sky high~

Synchronized Love (Red Monster Mix)
-Joe Rinoie

Everybody jumping
Jump....let's go!

It's got to be your love
The only love I call
And you're
You are the angel of my life

It's got to be my heart
Being beside you all night long, and oh
I wanna be closer to you, my love
Until the day I die
I'll be your everything
Hey, whoa oh whoa oh-oh (whoa oh whoa oh-oh)
Whoa oh oh oh!

Let's go!
Won't you take my hand
And I will be your man
So tonight will come
Dance the night away

One and one is two
Don't you be so cruel
Synchronized love is what we've got to do

All the time, we'll be together
Cos yours and mine
Forever we're in this love

Won't you take my hand
And I will be your man
So tonight will come
Dance the night away

One and one is two
Don't you be so cruel
Synchronized love is what we've got to do

All the time, we'll be together
Cos yours and mine
Forever we're in this love, babe

Strut Your Funky Stuff
(I grabbed half of these lyrics from another website,
a big chunk wasn't correct...I tried making some corrections)

Get up, stand up, strut your funky stuff sho nuff
Get up, stand up, strut your funky stuff sho nuff
Get up, stand up, strut your funky stuff sho nuff
Get up, stand up

How you gonna be the attraction
If you goin to stick to the wall
Grab yourself a piece of the action
You got to get out and wail and shake your big tail
Get up and go when you got it to go
Stand up and shout and dance it on out, come on

Get up, stand up, strut your funky stuff sho nuff
Get up, stand up, strut your funky stuff sho nuff
Get up, stand up, strut your funky stuff sho nuff
Get up, stand up

Whatcha doing there in the corner?
Sitting by yourself in the dark?
You don't really want to be no loner
C'mon now get up and dance, got ants in your pants
You can't sit still, come on and get on your fill
Direct your feet to the funky disco beat

Get up, stand up strut your funky stuff sho nuff
Get up, stand up strut your funky stuff sho nuff
Get up, stand up strut your funky stuff sho nuff
Get up, stand up

Super Star
Thanks to Ben Lazo!
-DJ Rich featuring Tail Bros.

(Dance Dance) DDR Bass! Revolution
DDR Bass!
(Dance Dance) DDR Bass! Revolution
DDR Bass!

I am here, and my name is chaos
Rap is to me like music is to Amadeus
Wolfgang, the famous composer
When I stepped in I told him to move over.

I am the new kid on the block
and the mission: to make your body rock!
And to all the fools that think they're tough
You'll never beat me, cuz I'm just too buff

For my nature, my habitat, and even my environment
Don't drive try me out now, just go into retirement.
And think about what you have done
You got beat, cuz you tried to a warn (?)

You meet your fate when your lines ain't straight
They're in your lyrical debatin' when your styles ain't great
You got bootie-old rhymes to the point of no return
That what you should discern, but when will you learn?
That my rhymes burn, my brain waves melt
Who gives a damn how you fall, overturned black belts.
I show you no remorse, I break off, I get divorced;
Could I be the source of this regenerative force?

Rejuvinated, I escalated, you're underrated
Now you're underrated cuz your homeboys played it?
Your weak appearances are only doin' me the favor
While I'm kickin' butter flavor showin' up on your behavior.

Why don't you people like a source that's protectin' all the people (?)
Let me put your hands up in the pulpit (?) coz it is drippin' like water
from a leaky faucet
Hand me the mic and I would rock it
to you, sometimes you got to stop it
to make it rhyme.

It will earn full work and yo the final stand
is the freakin' planet over *?*
And, yo, to beat is happenin' now is the chance

So everybody, yo, get on the floor
Wanna see yo' dance!

Temple of Love

Can you hear the priest?
He's tryin' to keep his goddess pleased.
Love's shining eternally.
Love will make you feel so free.
C'mon girl, it's okay
For satisfaction you must pray.
The flame of passion ain't no bluff,
It's shining in the temple of love.

Come to the temple of love
And together we'll pray to the heavens above.
Come to the temple of love.
If your heart is free,
Reap joy in the temple of love.

Aaaaaaaah, aaaaaaaah
Aaaaaaaah, aaaaaaaah

Sex is all the power
Helping you through the midnight hour.
The secret of love and peace,
Soul and heart it will release.
So, bow your head and pray,
It's gonna take your fear away.
Flying like a snow white dove
Out of the temple of love.

Come to the temple of love
And together we'll pray to the heavens above.
Come to the temple of love.
If your heart is free,
Reap joy in the temple of love.

Aaaaaaaah, aaaaaaaah
Aaaaaaaah, aaaaaaaah

That's the Way '98
-DJ BASS featuring MC DIXIE

This generation rules the nation! hahaha

ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Oh that's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh-huh uh-huh
That's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh-huh uh-huh

Brothers are stealin' and illin' to meet women
And to a younger life that stuff is a killin'.
So what do they do? They gather up a crew,
Go out and steal and rob instead of keepin' a job
Now, your mother tried to bring you up better than that.
The same way she loved you, you loved her right back.
So now you think you're grown, and you argue alot
Over money you got stealin' stuff from the block.

That's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh-huh uh-huh
That's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh-huh uh-huh
That's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh-huh uh-huh
That's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh-huh uh-huh

ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh (check it out)
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh (check it out)
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Together and Forever
-Captain Jack

Ooooh Ole ole
Ole ole ola
Ooooh Ole ole
Ole ole ola

Sing a song, and have some fun
when all the work is done, hey!
C-A-P-T-A-I N-J-A-C-K hey!

I'm the captain of this beat
C'mon and move you feet, hey!
C-A-P-T-A-I N-J-A-C-K hey!

Come along
We are strong
Together and forver we sing hey hey hey hey

Together, forever,
stay in my heart
Together, forever,
we will never part
Together, forever,
We're all for one
Together, forever,
Come and set me free!
Set me free tonight!
Baby let me be your guide
Oooh set me free tonight,
take the way to paradise!

Together, forever,
stay in my heart
Together, forever,
we will never part
Together, forever,
We're all for one
Together, forever,
Come and set me free!
Set me free tonight!
Baby let me be your guide
Oooh set me free tonight,
take the way to paradise!

Together and Forever
-Atomic Gun feat. Julia

Ooooh Ole ole
Ole ole ola
Ooooh Ole ole
Ole ole ola

Sing a song, and have some fun
when all the work is done, hey!
C-A-P-T-A-I N-J-A-C-K hey!

I'm the captain of this beat
C'mon and move you feet, hey!
C-A-P-T-A-I N-J-A-C-K hey!

Come along
We are strong
Together and forver we sing hey hey hey hey

Together, forever,
stay in my heart
Together, forever,
we will never part
Together, forever,
We're all for one
Together, forever,
Come and set me free!
Set me free tonight!
Baby let me be your guide
Oooh set me free tonight,
take the way to paradise!

Ooooh Ole ole
Ole ole ola
Ooooh Ole ole
Ole ole ola

Typical Tropical
-Bam Bee

It's a typical tropical summer night
I'm in heaven, I'm in paradise
Typical tropical summer night,
and it feels so right.

I love the sunny weather, goin up together
Only island we are free
Drinkin' and dancin' some are romancin'
I love it when you're here with me

It's a typical tropical summer night
I'm in heaven, I'm in paradise
Typical tropical summer night,
and it feels so right.

When moon lights up, the sky's so blue
Love's on it's way
I swear I'll give my heart to you
Before night turns to day~

It's a typical tropical summer night
I'm in heaven, I'm in paradise
Typical tropical summer night,
and it feels so right.

Wonda (Speed K Mix)

Wonda Wonda Wonda Wonda
Wonda Wonda Ooh Yeah
Baby is a hero
Baby does it all night
she cries Wonda Wonda Wonda Wonda
Wonda Wonda Ooh Yeah
Wonda Wonda Wonda Wonda
Wonda Wonda Ooh Yeah

The way I feel like giving you a rose, baby
the energy's too much for me
see it every day
on TV and I can't
get away
gotta stay
can't run away

Baby is a hero
Baby does it all night
she cries Wonda Wonda Wonda Wonda
Wonda Wonda Ooh Yeah
Wonda Wonda Wonda Wonda
Wonda Wonda Ooh Yeah

Wonda Wonda Wonda Wonda
Wonda Wonda Ooh Yeah
Wonda Wonda Wonda Wonda
Wonda Wonda Ooh Yeah

Petit Love
(Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix Plus)

I thought a little bit of you today
Look how I fancied up myself for you
So look a little bit at me today
You know, you've got to try a little harder
So you can be my my my my darling

Smile a little smile
Let's enjoy the moment now
And just have a good time (a good time!)
Try it baby, Good!
Just a little bit of lovin's gonna feel so fine
Is it really true
That you feel the same way too
and hope we'll be together
Now you know that I love you
Love you, love you love you love you love you

When I'm sitting thinking of
That funny word we call "love"
I still don't think of you at first
My family still comes above
If you want to capture me
It's as simple as can be
Mr. Lennon said,
All you need is love, my love, my love my love my love.
My love, my love my love my love my love (Woo!)

Remember You
(VERY incomplete!)
-NM feat. Julie

Here in the place where we first met, so long ago
The smile, and a face I can't forget

In this time, we shared some history
*?* how we used to
All the things you told me
The way you used to hold me near

And from now till forever more
You will come back to me
Come to me

I walk alone, *?*
Where we met *?*

12. Fun Facts
Out of boredom, and reading other FAQs, I decided to add a "fun facts"
section about DDR in general. HOWEVER, some of these MAY NOT be correct,
and if you think or know the correct answer, please feel free to contact me.
BTW-I will NOT answer you or give you credit if you decide to be a jerk in
e-mailing me (read me e-mail rules).

I know these are pretty easy. I'm also open to new questions, if you think
you have a good DDR trivia question, e-mail it to me.

Please see the bottom of the FAQ for the answers.

Thanx to DJ Arcas for reminding and helping me about the info on the Dancing
Stage series in Europe! (FYI, Konami Europe renamed DDR to Dancing Stage,
no relation to the Dancing Stage in Japan feat. TKD and DCT).

Excludes 4th Mix PSX, 5th Mix, etc.

1. Naoki's last name?
2. How many Dance Dance Revolution version are out at the moment (for Japan:
MAJOR releases only, exclude LINK and PLUS versions. for USA: MAJOR releases:
hint 1.5 and USA ONLY =P). This includes arcade, PSX, DC, GB, etc. As of
3. How many versions of PARANOiA exist in DDR? (including variations, DO NOT include
remixes outside of DDR like Paranoia Evil)
4. From what Beatmania does the Club version/Append discs come from?
5. Which song(s) is/are the first CATASTROPHIC? And when does it appear?
6. How many songs does Naoki currently have from 1st Mix-4th? (including
remixes, exclude Club versions)
7. For DDR 3rd Mix, Captain Jack remakes what popular 70's song by which artist?
BONUS:What verse does Konami use in DDR 3rd?
8. When was the official release date of DDR USA?
9. Who produces the Dancemania series? (NOT the game, the music)
10. What does "180" "190" and "200" refer to?
11. Which is currently the fastest DDR song?
12. How many versions of Trip Machine exist?
13. What is Bemani? (This should be easy ^_^)
14. The Olivia Project remakes songs by which artist?
15. When did SSR Double (aka Maniac Double, Expert Double) first appear?
16. Out of the 120+ songs that Japan has seen so far in their DDRs, how many has
America seen? (Hint: Again, major releases, including Solo, excluding Nonstop)
17. So Many Men is a remake of another song by what artist?
18. How many different versions of Luv to Me is there? (Excluding ParaPara
19. How many songs in 2nd ReMix Append Club discs (or Club version) appear in
PS2's Beatmania IIDX 3rd Style?
20. How many DDR songs (excluding Club songs) are featured in Beatmania IIDX
3rd Style (PS2)?
20a. 4th Style (PS2)?
21. Who is "K.O.G."?
22. What's the nickname for
23. What song was originally going to be featured in DDR 4th Mix, but due to
a conflict with a software company at the last minute, it got pulled?

By the way, Internet Ranking for DDR 1st Mix DID NOT make it to America.
If anything, it was imported.

13. Closing notes/Thanks/Contact Information
This FAQ is strictly based on my observations and my techniques. It may not
work for you, and in which case, you can find other great beginner's FAQs out
there that may work for you. (Myself, I'm learning new techniques, so my own
playing is not too great right now...) ^_^

And to all the people who think there's no DDR scene in Chicago/Chicagoland
area, I fart in your general direction! =P~~~ bwahaha

Thanks to...
GameFAQs, heck, I never had more motivation to do this kinda thing ^_^
Konami (KCET) and the Bemani team for making such a kick arse game~
DragonXfer and SteveSX3, helping get this game in the first place =P
Nekoneko at DDRer's Stompin' Ground, excellent resource for any DDR game out
there (some information from this FAQ came from their site, with permission
of course); http://www.ddr.sh. This FAQ wouldn't be complete without that
site. Shame his site went down...
Diversions, who got me into Solo Bass Mix in the first place~
The whole Bemani Freak Underground group!
Holy_Knight_7 at 7th Step (http://members.tripod.com/holy_knight_7/index.htm),
for letting me use some of the info on his site, check it out, especially if
you live in the Chicagoland area!
Sailor Bacon, Guilherme Henrique M. L. Kiyohara, and Deathlok the Demolisher
for allowing me to use their lyrics, and helping me out on others!
Nickel for pointing out my dumb mistakes from previous FAQs
And anyone else I've forgotten, sorry!!!

Copyrights...(every game I mentioned thus far)
Beatmania, ParaPara Paradise, DancemaniaX, and Dance Dance Revolution is
trademark of Konami, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (KCEJ), Konami Computer
Entertainment Tokyo (KCET), and the Bemani development team.
Dancemania music compilation series is trademark/copyright of Toshiba Emi.
PlayStation and is trademark/copyright of Sony Computer Entertainment.


You want to contact me? Read this FIRST, because you NEVER know what will
happen to you or your E-Mail otherwise.

(Excuse my rudeness, but it has come to this, I know it's long...bear with me)

1)I'm providing my e-mail address for COMMENTS, ADDITIONS, CORRECTIONS, and

2)Make sure you put what SPECIFIC game you're e-mailing me about. I have 3
other DDR FAQs, and asking a question about a "DDR FAQ" isn't going to go
anywhere. An e-mail with "Dance Dance Revolution" isn't going to help either.
Here's and example of what you SHOULD say:
example 1: Subject: Dance Dance Revolution Club 2 FAQ <---Good example
example 2: Subject: DDR USA arcade FAQ <---This is good enough
example 3: Subject: DDR USA song lyric correction <---Even better

If you're too lazy to type all that out, well then, don't expect a resonse from

3)DO NOT ask questions such as "HOW DO I DO _your problem here_???" Or like
"How do I enter _such and such_ code? It's not working for me!!!" Then
OBVIOUSLY you're NOT doing it right! I test out all codes before I publish
them, so if you can't do it, then 95% says that it's you, 5% says it's the
machine. Do I look like your therapist?

4)DO NOT e-mail me for codes, hidden stuff, or the like! Everything I know
ANYTHING! If you can't find the code here, then either it doesn't exist, I
haven't found it yet or confirmed it, or you just don't know how to read
thoroughly. Plain and simple.

5)I do NOT answer questions about PlayStation, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2,
modifications, copy protection, buying the dance pad/mat, or ANYTHING of the
don't condone piracy in any manner, and my name is not Konami/Sony/Sega
Technical Help. Why do I refuse to answer these?

-Modifications break your Sony/Sega warranty, so I don't encourage it, in ANY
country, whether you're in Japan, USA, UK, Germany, Philippines, Antarctica,
-Copy protection EXISTS FOR A REASON. I'm NOT going to tell you how to break
the law.
-Same goes for modification protection. If you want to break it, use a hammer.
Then go buy yourself a new one. BTW-I'm not responsible for ANYTHING if you do
-You can buy a dance pad or mat ANYWHERE. Obviously, if you still don't know
where, you're not trying hard enough. (Hint: eBay, Yahoo!)
-If something breaks or is lost, TOUGH. It's not my problem. Just because I
write FAQs, doesn't mean I know how to fix your game, pad, PSX, whatever. I
don't bear any kind of responsibility from your actions.

6)I'm not a girl, so don't think about sending love letter. Also spam will
be ignored and taken up with your ISP or mail server (yes, there are laws
against spamming).

ONLY ONE e-mail address here. That's the ONLY one I want to see YOUR E-mail at.
I don't CARE if it takes me a month to respond. E-mailing me anywhere else just
tells me that you're a moron who can't read simple instructions.

8)Yes, Dance Dance Revolution IS COMING TO THE U.S. PlayStation, in February
2001. I'm not Konami of America, so don't ask me anymore than that. 4th Mix is
due out 3/15/2001 on PlayStation. I'm not Konami of Japan either. Ask them, they
make the game. I just write FAQs about them.

9)I can read English, Korean, Spanish and some Japanese. Korean is reserved for
karaoke, Japanese is reserved for either karaoke, anime, or video games, and
Spanish is ONLY for my classes. THAT'S IT. You send me an e-mail in Korean,
Japanese, Spanish, French, or ANY other language, either expect an ignore,
returned e-mail, or major laughter from me and anyone else I decide to show
the e-mail to.

10)One letter about emulation or how to copy this game will be forwarded
STRAIGHT to the authorities, in ANY country. NO JOKE.

11)If you can't type proper English, you don't know proper grammar, or you just
don't know how to speak English, don't bother e-mailing me. I don't want to try
to decode e-mail that say this: "I no english well. I like game much. I want
codes. send and i very happy."

*I've gotten worse e-mails, but here's a light example.*

I know I'm being harsh but this is getting ridiculous, constantly getting
e-mailed on how to break Konami's copy protection, how to play the games
illegally, and so forth. Please, understand that most FAQ writers don't exist
to tell you how to solve your personal problems (Yes, trying to jack up your
PlayStation to play games and make toast is you own personal problem). We (at
least myself) are just here about the game. Not to cater to your piracy habits,
or your inabilities to find accessories. I've got my own problems to worry

Don't ASK me WHY I won't tell you either. I just won't. Period.

Understand? Good! I'm always open to a good e-mail! ^_^

You can e-mail me at BakaOrochi@hotmail.com
If you'd like to reuse this FAQ in ANYWAY, SHAPE OR FORM, YOU MUST contact me
FIRST! So please save yourself the legal trouble. I won't bite your head off
or anything =E
This FAQ can be located http://www.geocities.com/bakaorochi
The latest version is usually at www.gamefaqs.com since Geocities is flaky

Answers for the fun facts:

1. Naoki Maeda

2. 23 (This is VERY debatable)
Arcade: DDR 1st, DDR 2nd Mix, DDR 3rd Mix, DDR 4th Mix, Dancing Stage Euro Mix,
Dancing Stage Euro Mix 2000, Kiddie DDR (Don't know the exact name)
PSX: DDR 1st, 2nd ReMix, 2nd ReMix Append 1, 2nd ReMix Append 2, 3rd Mix,
Disney's Rave, Ohasta, Best Hits, Dancing Stage Euro Mix
Dancing Stage DDR series: Dreams Come True, True Kiss Destination
DC: 2nd Mix, Club Version
GB: GB 1, GB 2
N64: Disney's Rave
*I think I might be missing one*
(Look for 4th Mix and USA Mix for PSX in 3/2001!)

3. 7
PARANOiA KCET ~clean mix~
PARANOiA MAX ~dirty mix~
PARANOiA MAX ~dirty mix~ Club version
PARANOiA MAX ~dirty mix~ Club version Another
PARANOiA Rebirth
PARANOiA Evolution

4. Beatmania IIDX Substream

5. Three of them are from DDR 2nd ReMix Append Club Vol. 1
Graduistic Cyber
Ska a go go
Luv to Me
(from DDR 2nd ReMix Append Club Vol. 2)
Gentle Stress

6. 9
Brilliant 2U
Brilliant 2U Orchestra Groove
Dynamite Rave
Hysteria (As Naoki 190)
Can't Stop Falling in Love
Burnin' Up the Floor
Love Again Tonight
Higher (as "NM")

7. Village People: In The Navy, 3rd Mix uses the second verse

8. 10/10/00

9. Toshiba Emi

10. BPM or Beats per minute (I'm pretty sure)

11. Drop Out (So I'm told, at 260 BPM)

12. 4
Trip Machine
SP-Trip Machine Jungle Mix
Trip Machine ~luv mix~
Trip Machine Climax

13. Bemani is Konami of Japan's development team for their music games, which
include Beatmania, DDR, Guitar Freaks, Drummania, etc.

14. Olivia Newton-John

15. Dance Dance Revolution 3rd Mix

16. 48
This includes 1.5 Mix, USA, and Solo Bass Mix

17. So Many Men by Miqel Brown

18. 4
Third Mix (Japanese)
English version
English Disco version
AMD Mix/AM Mix

19. At least 9
Dr. Love
Beginning Of Life
Been So Long
PARANOiA Max ~dirty mix~
Keep On Movin'
Brilliant 2U
Gentle Stress
Genom Screams

20. At least 5
Put Your Faith in Me
SP-Trip Machine
Can't Stop Falling in Love
Dynamite Rave
End of the Century

Burnin' the Floor

K.O.G. is the nickname for Morita Kohji, one of the
operators/producers for Dancemania.

Sana (Sana en molete..., Shining Polaris, Miracle Moon, etc)

Eyes on Me Almighty Mix
(Conflict was with Square Japan, over baseball roster licenses)

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