Tato stranka by vapadalo mnohem lepe v prohlizeci, ktery podporuje webove standardy, nicmene prohlizet ji muzete v jakemkoliv prohlizeci, nebo zarizeni s pristupem na Internet.

DDR portal tě vítá na serveru českých hráčů Dance Dance Revolution

Czech DDR

Czech DDR je název pro občanské sdružení, které jsme postupem času založili tady u nás v České Republice. Jedná se o samostatné a dobrovolné sdružení zřízené podle zákona č. 83/1990 Sb. o sdružování občanů ve znění pozdějších předpisů a jeho hlavním účelem je sdružovat všechny, kteří mají rádi taneční hru jménem Dance Dance Revolution :o) Zatím nás není moc, ale rozrůstáme se! Czech DDR se považuje za otevřenou skupinu kam může vstoupit každý bez rozdílu věku, vzdělání, náboženského přesvědčení nebo povolání... každý, kdo si tuto taneční hru oblíbil.

Kdo stojí v čele, aneb na koho se obrátit

Jana Molnárová - Molík
Předseda sdružení
Mailová adresa zc.ynlov@kilom

Jaroslava Štefánková - S'Tsung
1. místopředseda
S'Tsung má na starosti především zahraniční spolupráci
Mailová adresa pj.oc.oohay@pjgnusts

Jan Smetana - Xsoft
2. místopředseda
Xsoft má na starosti především hospodářské věci
Mailová adresa zc.manzes@tfosx

ICO: 27016765
Bankovní spojení: 2308360001/2400
Datum založení: 31.11.2005

Kdo jsme, co podnikáme a kde nás najdete se dozvíte z těchto stránek, ale přeci jen malý návod:

Členové Czech DDR
Stanovy Czech DDR
Kalendář akcí
Czech DDR v médiích

Nejbližší valná hromada bude:

2. 12. 2006 (sobota) - Praha
7. 7. 2006 (patek) - Chotěbř - FF06
11. 2. 2006 (sobota) - Praha - Pragocon (Dejvice)

Tak a tady jsme my

Festival Fantazie 7. 7. 2005
Festival Fantazie 7. 7. 2005
Xmas sraz 29. 12. 2005
Xmas sraz 29. 12. 2005

Datum poslední modifikace definice 'czech_ddr':
01.11.2009 00:00
<< zpět na Czech DDR portal

DDR a ITG: FAQ a kody

Frequently Asked Questions, codes and unlock for DDR and ITG

`M######3q#"" QQ?
,#######MQ@ /BW ,W6g_________
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W#####g#@ __, J dm-qgg*W"9Q5"MM##M####B##@9@ag
d######QW" ,B&^ iE^~& @,P-9#a#@@p^BZ4M5P25"@JJ@g___
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"######M@WBC_pge*@BC , pB@"W j@ gg & [@8Nj@[?d,_gzQ
B#B@P"4""3_Agm-4*, jW, Q"_#gs #M@ (""J"___d W,@j &4#N"
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W#####BQM dB@BN49##B@ / BW" #@@ dB_J2g@M"""
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\##BQB _,gg*9#@#gN*
(Can't tell what it is? Try squinting!)

FAQ by Jeffrey Paine (UseMyExciter, DDRJeffP)

TBLC - Table of Contents

TBLC - Table of Contents
INTR - Introduction
NRML - Normal Unlocks
PNTX - Point Explanation
UNLC - About Unlock Levels
SNGS - Songs Needed For All Unlock Levels...
STSF - When Normal And Special Unlock Conditions Are Satisfied Simultaneously...
DNCR - Dancer Unlocks
HLST - Hidden Features List
THNK - Special Thanks

INTR - Introduction

This is copied from the official DDREX website, I just did the translation
online and made it readable (so you can understand "The intense ogre clearing
with ranking A cancellations hiding"). As far as I know, the information is
correct, but please e-mail me if you have any corrections.
My e-mail is:

d + d + r + j + e + f + f + p + @ + g + m + a + i + l + . + c + o + m

(without the spaces and plusses and stuff). I write it like this to cut down on
spam, even though my e-mail already has a very effective built-in spam blocker.
This FAQ is 100% Printer Friendly(C)(R)TM!

LEGAL STUFF: Blah blah, don't copy without my permission, blah blah. Actually,
if you just ask, I'll be happy to give you permission, as long as you give me
credit (either as Jeffrey Paine, UseMyExciter, or DDRJeffP).

VERSION 1.0 - First version as originally posted on GameFAQs forums.
LAST UPDATED: 12/26/2003. Merry Christmas everyone!

VERSION 1.01 - Changed all tabs to spaces, so now most everyone should be able
to read this FAQ. Also added some basic stuff I forgot to leave

VERSION 2.0 - Well, I found a website that had some information on it, and I
was wrong on some things. Those were fixed.
LAST UPDATED: 12/26/2003. Not a typo.

VERSION 3.0 - Updated some more stuff. This should be the last time I update,
unless something else comes up.
LAST UPDATED: 12/30/2003. This is probably the final version.

VERSION 3.01 - Changed Oni Mode to Challenge Mode, like it calls it in the

VERSION 3.51 - Fixed a typo, added some ASCII art, and made it more printer

VERSION 3.52 - Fixed a formatting error.

VERSION 3.53 - 3 years later, I made some minor edits. Yeah, boring, I know.
I didn't bother to fix all the lame crap I wrote back when I
was 13, though, so I kind of sound like a loser in this guide.

VERSION 3.54 - I screwed up the formatting. Should be fixed now.

NRML - Normal Unlocks

Normal unlocks are unlocked by clearing songs.
Every time you clear a certain predetermined amount of songs, you get a point.
When you get enough points for a normal unlock, another feature becomes

PNTX - Point Explanation

|Normal Game Mode|1 point for every song |
|Challenge Mode |1 point for every 4 songs|
|Nonstop Mode |1 point for every 4 songs|

Usually, a new feature becomes unlocked after 7 points have been accumulated.
However, for the first 7 normal unlocks, only 5 points are needed to unlock a
new feature.
Difficulty does not affect how many points you get.
Once you unlock a normal unlock, your point counter resets to 0.

UNLC - About Unlock Levels

Each normal unlock is assigned to a group called an "unlock level." (Unlock
levels range from Lv. 1 to Lv. 44.)
Usually, the hidden feature with the lowest unlock level will be unlocked next.
However, there are certain conditions where you can unlock a feature in a
higher unlock level that normal.

SNGS - Songs Needed For All Unlock Levels...

5 points x 7 songs + 7 points x (44-7) songs = 294 points required.
In other words, to clear all unlock levels in Game Mode, you have to clear 294
Since some unlock levels can be cleared out of order, you may not have to pass
this many songs.

STSF - When Normal And Special Unlock Conditions Are Satisfied Simultaneously...

The "special unlock condition" lets you clear multiple unlock levels
In other words...
1. Unlock Lv. 1 with the special unlock condition
2. Unlock Lv. 2 with the normal unlock condition
Since both conditions were satisfied, you unlock two features at the same time.

DNCR - Dancer Unlocks

Dancers are not unlocked with normal or special unlocks.
Dancers appear after unlocking "Dancer Options" (Lv. 1). When a Nonstop course
is cleared for the first time, two random dancers will be unlocked.
A breakdown of the dancers is below.

|Default Dancers |4 dancers |
|Normal hidden dancers |50 dancers (25 x 2)|
|Special hidden dancers|4 dancers |
| |58 dancers total |

Special hidden dancers are unlocked with the conditions below.

|1.|2MB |Play Max. (Period) on the 1P side |
|2.|U1 |Play Max. (Period) on the 2P side |
|3.|Emi (2) (4th) |Play as Emi (1) (4th) for 15 songs |
|4.|Emi (Unpublished)|After unlocking the 4 default dancers and the 50 normally|
| | |hidden dancers, clear Graduation ~Each Tomorrow~. |

HLST - Hidden Features List

[C] Challenge Courses [X] Extra Modes [N] Nonstop Courses

|Unlock Lv. |Hidden Feature |Special Unlock Condition |
|1 |Dancer Options [X] |Clear a Nonstop course (which one you |
| | | clear won't affect unlocks) |
|2 |More Deep (Ver. 2.1) |Fail Challenge Mode |
|3 |Remix [N] |Clear Standard |
|4 |TwinBee (Generation X) |Clear Hopstep |
|5 |Sorrow [C] | |
|6 |A Stupid Barber |Condition 1: Clear Funky Groove |
| | |Condition 2: Clear Lesson Mode |
|7 |Scorching Moon | |
|8 |From IIDX [C] |Clear a Challenge course |
|9 |Bad Routine | |
|10 |Road of Reverse [C] |Clear a song with the Reverse |
| | | modification on |
|11 |Forever Sunshine | |
|12 |Darkness [C] |Clear a song with the Dark |
| | | modification on |
|13 |Heaven Is A '57 Metallic | |
| | Gray (Gimmix) | |
|14 |Brand-New Songs -Nonstop- |Clear A Stupid Barber |
| | [N] | |
|15 |Brand-New Songs -Oni- [C] |Clear Brand-New Songs -Nonstop- |

[C] Challenge Courses [X] Extra Modes [N] Nonstop Courses

[C] Challenge Courses [X] Extra Modes [N] Nonstop Courses

|16 |I Need You | |
|17 |Naoki Premium [C] |Clear Naoki Neo-Standard |
| |Burnin' The Floor (Momo | |
| | Mix) | |
|18 |Try 2 Luv. U |Condition 1: Clear 20 songs in Game |
| | | Mode with a ranking of A or |
| | | higher (Excluding Beginner |
| | | difficulty and Edit Data) |
| | |Condition 2: Clear Lesson Mode |
|19 |Reveng And Taq [C] |Clear 5 Challenge courses |
|20 |Sakura | |
|21 |Sync (Extreme Version) | |
|22 |Rap 5 [C] |Clear Daikenkai on Challenge |
| | | difficulty with a ranking of A |
| | | or higher |
|23 |Keep On Liftin' |Clear all Nonstop courses |
| |Additional Dancers (Options| |
| | /Dancer Options) [X] | |
|24 |Last Message | |
|25 |From GF & DM [C] |Clear Mikeneko Rock on Heavy |
| | | difficulty with a ranking of A |
| | | or higher |
|26 |Across The Nightmare | |
|27 |The Least 100 Sec. | |
|28 |IIDX Boss [C] |Clear V (For Extreme) on Challenge |
| |Xenon | difficulty with a ranking of A |
| | | or higher |
|29 |Tomorrow Perfume |Clear any song with a ranking of AA or|
| | | higher |
|30 |Un Deux Trois |Clear 50 songs in Game Mode with a |
| | |ranking of A or higher (Excluding |
| | |Beginner difficulty and Edit Data) |
|31 |Angel's [C] |Clear 10 Challenge courses |
|32 |Road Of Slow [C] |Clear Bag on Heavy difficulty with a |
| | | ranking of A or higher |

[C] Challenge Courses [X] Extra Modes [N] Nonstop Courses

[C] Challenge Courses [X] Extra Modes [N] Nonstop Courses

|33 |Trip Machine Survivor |Clear Trip Machine on Heavy Difficulty|
| | | as your semi-final stage with a|
| | | ranking of A or higher |
|34 |Road Of Revolt [C] |Master Light, Standard, or Heavy |
| | | difficulty (clear all songs |
| | | except for hidden ones) |
|35 |Paranoia Survivor |Condition 1: Paranoia |
| | | Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) |
| | | Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix)|
| | | Paranoia Evolution |
| | | Paranoia Rebirth |
| | | |
| | | Clear one of these songs on |
| | | Heavy difficulty. |
| | |Condition 2: Clear Paranoia Brothers |
|36 |Road Of Truth [C] |Clear 20 Challenge courses |
|37 |Paranoia Survivor Max |Paranoia |
| | |Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) |
| | |Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) |
| | |Paranoia Evolution |
| | |Paranoia Rebirth |
| | | |
| | |Clear all of these songs on Heavy |
| | | difficulty with a ranking of |
| | | AA or higher |
|38 |Road Of Legend [C] |Clear Road Of Truth |
|39 |The Legend Of Max |Clear The Legend Of Max as your Extra |
| | | Stage |
|40 |Ultra 16 [C] |Clear Road Of Legend |
|41 |Dance Dance Revolution |Clear One More Extra Stage |
|42 |Credits [X] |Condition 1: Clear One More Extra |
| | | Stage |
| | |Condition 2: Clear all Nonstop courses|
| | |Condition 3: Clear Paranoia Brothers |
|43 |Endless Mode [X] |Clear 100 songs in Game Mode with a |
| | | ranking of A or higher |
| | | (Excluding Beginner difficulty |
| | | and Edit Data) |
|44 |Max. (Period) |Clear Max. (Period) as your Extra |
| |Max Quartet [N] | Stage |
| |Road of 2MB [C] | |

[C] Challenge Courses [X] Extra Modes [N] Nonstop Courses

THNK - Special Thanks

Special thanks to:

ExDancer: for reccomending I make this an FAQ.
Konami: for making such a great game and such an extensive secrets section. Who
needs an "official strategy guide" with depth like that?
Everyone on the GameFAQs boards: for being so kind and friendly.
Everyone on the DDRFreak boards: for also being so kind and friendly.
rmz: for actually translating this before me (sorry, I didn't know), and I
corrected this guide using his post on the DDRFreak forums.

And last but certainly not least...

CJayC: for making the biggest and best FAQ website EVER. (Max) Period.

Pokud hledáte další FAQ, zkuste se podívat na stránku Game FAQs.
Další informace ti poskytne Czech DDR, nebo Czech DDR forum.